
Informatics in Primary Care 2011;19:33–7 # 2011 PHCSG, British Computer Society

Refereed paper Complex adaptive (CAS): an overview of key elements, characteristics and application to management theory

Beverley Ellis MA PhD FHEA MBCS CITP Subject Lead/Principal Lecturer in Health Informatics, School of Health, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK Stuart Ian Herbert BA(Hons) FBCS CITP Director and Independent Health Informatician, SI Herbert & Associates Ltd


Objective To identify key elements and character- tractual requirements. Informatics was acknow- istics of complex adaptive systems (CAS) relevant ledged as a mechanism to link electronic health to implementing clinical governance, drawing on record outputs, quality improvement and resources. lessons from quality improvement programmes in informatics was identified as a devel- and the use of informatics in primary care. opment priority in order to embed clinical govern- Method The research strategy includes a literature ance principles in practice. review to develop theoretical models of clinical Conclusions Complex adaptive theory governance of quality improvement in primary care usefully describes evolutionary change processes, organisations (PCOs) and a survey of PCOs. providing insight into how the origins of quality Results Complex theories are a assurance were predicated on rational valuable tool to help make sense of natural and linearity. New forms of governance do not phenomena, which include human responses to neutralise previous models, but add further dimen- problem solving within the sampled PCOs. The sions to them. Clinical governance models have research commenced with a survey; 76% (n16) of moved from deterministic and ‘objective’ factors respondents preferred to support the implemen- to incorporate cultural aspects with about tation of clinical governance initiatives guided by quality enabled by informatics. The socio-technical outputs from general practice electronic health lessons highlighted should inform healthcare man- records. There was considerable variation in the agement. way in which consultation data was captured, recorded and organised. Incentivised Keywords: clinical governance, complex adaptive sharing led to consensus on coding policies and systems, informatics, primary care, quality assur- models of data recording ahead of national con- ance, socio-technical


There are various governance models that guide current Complex adaptive systems (CAS) is a framework quality improvement programmes used by health that assists thinking about the of quality im- services.1,2 This paper summarises a review of com- provement programmes in primary care organisations plex adaptive system explanations of problems in (PCOs). The review includes practical frameworks, networked organisations. It draws on examples from designed to ensure delivery of health service quality primary care informatics, which include workarounds improvements enabled by developments in primary and use of financial incentives to overcome obstacles. care informatics. The findings should improve our 34 B Ellis and SI Herbert understanding of management approaches and the between layers of systems (control loops and feed- control of new organisational forms. back); principles that guide a variety of systems to achieve their purpose by ‘the return of information to form a closed loop’.3 Method The ideas of feedback, non-linear causation and self-regulation mark the move towards a collaborative, network-based understanding of governance. We carried out a literature review and developed a In 1984, the Santa Fe Institute in New Mexico theoretical framework that facilitates interpretation of studied the behaviour of CAS. A state between stable the case studies upon which this series of papers is and unstable behaviour was discovered, attributable based.2 Approaches that suit CAS are identified and to interactions between agents and elements within examined. thinking introduces new and a system. Activity was simulated using simple rules different metaphors and provides a language for under- applied by each of a network of moving digital agents 4–6 standing the nature of responses to quality improve- (boids). The idea of ‘simple rules’ has subsequently ment programmes in PCOs. The review discusses been applied by organisational theorists as a way of concepts dealing with relations, interdependencies, interpreting the complex behaviour found in organ- governance and managerial responses to quality im- isational communities.7–13 provement programmes in PCOs. Key elements, features and management principles that characterise CAS are summarised in Table 1. Complex interactions and interdependencies emerge within CAS which cannot be understood or predicted Results simply by studying individual elements of the system; novel system behaviour emerges. Humans possess the Complex adaptive systems capacity to reflect, which may result in alternative paths of action to those prescribed within simple rules. ideas are associated with The interacting component units within CAS result in developments in second-order thinking. The second- a system-wide governance, because influence is exer- order view of systems describes recursive interactions cised both by the system on the units and by the units

Table 1 CAS elements and management principles

Core CAS elements Features Management principles

Multiple agents with Informal, collaborative networks of Respect democratic principles that schemata individuals that partner and lead to mutual adjustment; jointly contribute to solution making steer courses of action Connectivity and interdependence between agents Degrees of connectivity Self-organising networks Holistic patterns formed through Adjust the fitness landscape: offer human interactions incentives, and longer term rewards Causation by setting priorities. Apply simple Feedback design principles because they turn into rules; ensure that lines of communication flow across network, so authority and legitimacy become vested in the process as a whole, not on the perspective of one Coevolution Innovative pathways of governance Appreciate and monitor the emerge – a variety of what is known implications of feedback, non-linear as ‘emergent behaviour’ in CAS and mutual causation System Networks represent additions to Respect individuals and their hierarchies organisations that exist in an – avoid major change CAS: an overview of key elements, characteristics and application to management theory 35 on the system – termed ‘mutual causation’. Quality European Foundation of Quality assurance is introduced next, a formal framework Management Excellence Model within which quality health care is currently delivered within PCOs. The government explicitly commended the EFQM Excellence Model as a management framework for clinical governance,19–22 as a model that provides: Quality assurance an enhanced focus on aspects of excellence that are becoming increasingly important such as the manage- Quality assurance is associated with the application of ment of partnerships and knowledge ... explicit focus on scientific methods to management and 20th century the value to users of the ‘plan, do, check, act’ cycle; a need industrial production. Its aim is to increase the pro- to relate everything that is done, and the measurements portion of products without faults. Quality improve- taken, to what policy and strategy is seeking to achieve. ment in health care is sometimes bedevilled by the (www.efqm.org) difficulty of defining universal measures of a ‘best’ (or The EFQM Excellence Model reflects a logic known as sometimes even ‘good’) outcome for patients, bearing RADAR which consists of the elements: results, ap- in mind the very variable case mix receiving health proach, deployment, assessment and review. Advo- care and the considerable uncertainty about cause and cates of the EFQM Excellence Model suggest it has effect in some individual (and occasionally general) an inherent capacity to reflect the processes of quality cases. This makes it particularly suited to a CAS service provision. The EFQM Excellence Model posits approach, and both outcome-oriented and process- that five sub-criteria need to be addressed: oriented measures need to be considered to effectively evaluate performance from a user/service satisfaction 1 processes are systematically designed and managed perspective. There is a consensus that the key charac- 2 processes are improved as needed, using inno- teristics of a healthcare quality assurance framework14 vation in order to fully satisfy, and generate increas- include: ing value, for customers and other stakeholders 3 products and services are designed and developed . Leadership Senior management should actively based on customer needs and expectations participate in quality assurance programmes, as 4 products and services are produced, delivered and partners rather than pharaohs. serviced . Organisational characteristics The organisation 5 customer relationships are managed and enhanced. should provide moral and material support. . Characteristics of the health professionals They The model is based on nine criteria. Five of these are should be willing to take part in the programme and ‘enablers’ and four are ‘results’. The ‘enabler’ criteria be responsive to findings. cover what an organisation does. The ‘results’ criteria . Technical quality of monitoring system Efficient cover what an organisation achieves. ‘Results’ are data collection processes are necessary in order to caused by ‘enablers’ and feedback from ‘results’ helps minimise the costs of quality measurement.15 to improve ‘enablers’. The EFQM Excellence Model is a non-prescriptive framework that recognises there Performance is measured before the use of change are many approaches to achieving sustainable excel- strategies and is repeated at intervals, termed the lence in all aspects of performance. The model is based quality improvement cycle. The quality improvement on the premise that excellent results with respect to cycle requires monitoring systems to review aspects performance, customers, people and society are achieved of performance on a continuing basis. It presents in through partnerships, resources and processes. In 15 various forms that include‘plan–do–study–act’ and essence, the model subscribes to Deming’s philosophy 16 ‘plan–do–check–act’ cycles. Developments in infor- of continuous plan–do–study–act, and to his notion matics and improved availability of performance data of production as a cooperative task undertaken by a has led to transparency of outputs and public disclos- network of semi-autonomous individuals who sub- 17,18 ure of the performance of healthcare providers. scribe to the common goal of producing high-quality The following section reviews the formulation of the outputs.23 Processes are driven by self-assessment, quality improvement cycle proposed as part of the achieving objectives and controlling risks. The EFQM a European Foundation of Quality Management (EFQM) describe self-assessment as a comprehensive, system- Excellence Model. atic and regular review of an organisation’s activities and results, these referenced against an objective stan- dard of business excellence. NHS organisations use outputs from self-assessment as part of their business a EFQM is the trademark of The European Foundation of planning processes, applying the model as a basis for Quality Management, Brussels, Belgium operational and project review. 36 B Ellis and SI Herbert

Primary care informatics Benchmarked results (in terms of quality assurance mechanisms) encourage a levelling of performance by The publication of high-profile cases of unacceptable reducing variation of practice supported via peer review. levels of performance, typified by the reports of the 24 Cowley et al (2003) report that: ‘The advent of the NSF Shipman Inquiry, perturbed GPs’ professionalism. for Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) in 1999, a com- Case study findings, including those from a small- prehensive public health programme, with its mile- scale survey, with questionnaires circulated across a stones and targets, acted in some part as a balancing PCO sample (42% response rate – 57% GPs, 33% process, made practices stop and think ‘‘How can we primary healthcare team nurse members, 10% man- do this as well as everything else?’’.’19 To enable this to agers), suggest that the need to develop information be delivered in the complex environment of primary systems and provide evidence of conformance with care, the Health Informatics Programme for CHD acceptable standards was seen as irrefutable. Overall, (HIP for CHD), funded by the Department of Health the results provide valuable insight into the develop- (DoH), began in 2000 and ran until 2003. It developed ment of key themes (see Figure 1). An emphasis on a practical tools and quality methods that clinicians positive approach, and the sharing of information, used both interactively in the consultation and for were widely considered a vital part of the change continuous , together with methodologies process: that enabled general practices to become ‘learning . self-assessment and sharing of associated outputs organisations’. through feedback was perceived as a valuable method to local governance of quality improvement . measures of quality/effectiveness of practice became increasingly transparent, visible and incentivised. Discussion For example, there was clear linkage to key organisational performance indicators, e.g. the National Service Framework (NSF) for Coronary This study shows how emergent behaviours can co- Heart Disease. alesce and form informal structures, which may then be readily formalised. Key activities developed in The findings provide useful insight into the attitudes, response to the introduction of clinical governance perceptions and opinions of those involved in include: implementing clinical governance within the PCO sample: . standardised coding . improved data collection techniques ‘We’ll have a phase of them getting their data straight, for . development of indicators for the purpose of com- 12 months or so, but in the future we can be pretty confident that the information we have is an accurate parison and feedback . reflection of quality.’ (PCO Clinical Governance Manager) monitoring

Figure 1 Support needs of practices (based on GP, primary healthcare nurse, care team and manager responses) CAS: an overview of key elements, characteristics and application to management theory 37

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