Celebrating 100 Years of Marine Aviation Vol. 69, No. 37 www.cherrypoint.marines.mil September 15, 2011 President to award MOH to Dakota Meyer

CPL. SAMUEL A. NASSO MCAS CHERRY POINT Every Marine knows about the legends; the epic stories about their predecessors in Iwo Jima, Belleau Wood, Chapultepec, and many others. Even recent battles such as Fallujah in Iraq or Marjah in have been cited for their degree of intensity. The stories of Chesty Puller earning fi ve Navy Crosses or Dan Daly and Smedley Butler attaining two Medals of Honor are common yelps of motivation construed by Marines corps-wide. In the modern era, other than Cpl. Jason L. Dunham, who received the posthumously for his actions sacrifi cing himself to save his Marines in Husaybah, Iraq, LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI An MV-22 Osprey with Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 365 kicks up a dirt storm during a confined area landing at a in 2004, not many names have surfaced as a dirt landing zone in Belize Saturday. In combat theaters, it is necessary to land at unimproved landing zones like this modern war hero to Marines. Today will be one in order to take Marines and their supplies to wherever they are needed on the battlefield. Practicing in the jungles a historical day as President of Belize is valuable training for the pilots for later battlefield missions. is scheduled to praise Dakota Meyer with the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions displayed in Afghanistan in 2009. Sept. 8, 2009, a day that should be marked Ospreys demonstrate unique on all Marines’ calendars, Meyer in the Battle of Gangjal, fought in a six-hour fi refi ght in Kunar province, Afghanistan. He is credited for saving 13 U.S. troops and 23 Afghan aerial capabilities in Belize soldiers. President Obama approved Meyer’s award LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI First, the squadron fl ew themselves Capt. Ryan E. Benes, a pilot for VMM- This isn’t MCAS CHERRY POINT to Belize. VMM-365 needed the sup- 365. “We’ve done this multiple times BRITISH ARMY TRAINING SUP- port of only one other unit to success- where we’ve fl own from North Caroli- “about me. PORT UNIT, Belize — The MV-22 fully deploy, which was Marine Aerial na to Arizona or San Diego or Key West If anything Osprey is one of the newest machines in Refueler Transport Squadron 252, who with only the support of KC-130s refu- comes the American arsenal and is still in the provided mid-fl ight refuelling. Doing so elling us by air. We have the ability to do process of establishing its value. Marine demonstrated a unique ability that can humanitarian relief efforts as well. With out of it Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 365 self- carry the squadron anywhere and handle the self deploy aspect, we can launch for me, it’s deployed to the small Central American a variety of missions. from the United States and go anywhere for those country of Belize to take part in training “We could fl y non-stop from North they really need us.” guys. exercises this week demonstrating the Carolina all the way to the country of After arriving in Belize, VMM-365 ” Osprey’s enhanced utility over conven- Belize without stopping on the ground, – Dakota tional helicopters. allowing us to deploy ourselves,” said See BELIZE page A9 Meyer

on July 18, gaining the attention of the entire Marine Corps, as he is the only living Marine Hispanic American Heritage Month to receive this level of recognition for the GUNNERY SGT. HARSHEEN T. EADY origin groups. continue to be recognized by a grateful campaigns in Iraq or Afghanistan. MCAS CHERRY POINT EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ADVISOR However, while the relative nation. Although the spotlight has tracked Meyer In September 1968, Congress position of these groups has remained President Barack Obama said in since the words left the presidents mouth, he authorized President Lyndon B. unchanged since 2000, the next four his 2010 Presidential Proclamation remains humble and appreciative during the Johnson to proclaim National Hispanic subgroups—Salvadorans, honoring National Hispanic Heritage more than 20 interviews he’s endured with Hispanic Heritage Week which was Dominicans, Guatemalans, and Month, news outlets nationwide. to be observed during the week that Colombians — grew faster during the “As members of the armed forces, The citation of his Medal of Honor reads: included Sept. 15 and 16. In 1988, last decade. heroic Hispanic men and women have “During a six-hour fi refi ght, Corporal Meyer President Ronald Reagan expanded This growth and presence within also fought and died to defend the single handedly turned the tide of battle, saved the observance to become Hispanic our country is refl ective in the service liberties and security of the United 36 Marines and soldiers and recovered the American Heritage Month beginning to our nation’s Armed Forces. States in every war since the American bodies of his fallen brothers. Four separate on Sept. 15 and ending Oct. 15. Their service and sacrifi ce was and Revolution, many serving before times he fought the kilometer up into the heart Sept. 15 was chosen as the starting becoming American citizens. of a deadly U-shaped ambush. During the fi ght point of Hispanic American Heritage This month, we honor Hispanics he killed at least eight , personally Month because it is the anniversary of for enriching the fabric of America, evacuated 12 friendly wounded, and provided independence for fi ve Latin American even as we recognize and rededicate cover for another 24 Marines and soldiers countries — Costa Rica, El Salvador, ourselves to addressing the challenges to escape likely death at the hands of a Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. to equality and opportunity that many numerically superior and determined foe.” In addition, Mexico declared its Hispanics still face. His citation continued ... “Despite being independence on Sept. 16 and Chile In refl ecting on our Nation’s rich wounded, he made a fourth attack with three on Sept. 18. Hispanic heritage, let us take pride others to search for missing team members. As of April 1, 2010, the estimated in our unique and vibrant history, Nearly surrounded and under heavy fi re he Hispanic population of the United and recommit to a shared future of dismounted the vehicle and searched house States was 50.5 million, making freedom, prosperity, and opportunity to house to recover the bodies of his fallen people of Hispanic origin the nation’s for all.” team members. By his extraordinary heroism, largest ethnic or race minority. As we celebrate this month with our presence of mind amidst chaos and death and Hispanics constituted 16.3 percent Hispanic brothers and sisters let us be unselfi sh devotion to his comrades in the face of the nation’s total population. reminded of the many sacrifi ces that of great danger, Corporal Meyer refl ected great According to the 2010 U.S. Census, have been made by a proud and strong credit upon himself and upheld the highest Hispanics of Mexican, Puerto Rican, people. traditions of the Marine Corps and the United and Cuban descent remain the nation’s For we have fought side by side and three largest Hispanic country-of- in every clime and place. See MEYER page A9 Marines prepare for exercise Bold Alligator

PFC. PHILIP R. CLARK personnel, resupply and evacuate are a few our amphibious operations.” simulate their missions in. 2ND MARINE DIVISION of the missions that get sent to us,” said There are several challenges the Marines “Our bread and butter is amphibious MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP Col. Thomas R. McCarthy, 2nd MEB’s have had to face so far, especially since an operations,” said Master Sgt. Keith LEJEUNE, N.C. — Marines with Operation Offi cer. “We do these missions exercise this big hasn’t been performed Rhoades, the operations chief with 2nd various units participated in Atlantic to setup a standard operating procedure in ten years. One of these consists of MEB. Response, a week-long training exercise so when Bold Alligator comes along next relearning to operate programs and “The general public sees what we aboard Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing year we have procedures on what to do procedures for missions that occur, but are doing in Afghanistan and what we Field Bogue, N.C., Aug. 17-24. when something happens.” the challenges are easily handled now that did in Iraq, but sea to land assaults and Atlantic Response is a deployment Exercise Bold Alligator is a live, they are getting into the routine of what operations bring us back to our roots and exercise to develop 2nd Marine simulated deployment of Marines to react needs to get done. what Marines are all about.” Expeditionary Brigade’s ability to rapidly to a mission or crisis that has happened or “Our biggest challenge is getting back Exercise Atlantic Response is serving to respond to today’s emerging crises. will occur. It will be the fi rst operation of into that routine of being amphibious since prepare for exercise Bold Alligator 2012 The exercise is a highly valued training its kind that has happened in the past 10 it’s something we haven’t done in a long which will be in late January to early effort centered on technology simulations years. time. February 2012 and will be the largest – maximizing the training value while “We are getting our tools and procedures “There are a lot of Marines nowadays combined joint amphibious training minimizing the cost. Its main purpose is down now and getting used to the that have never even been on a ship exercise conducted on the eastern seaboard identify, rehearse and validate 2nd MEBs actions that need to take place so when before,” said McCarthy. in the past ten years. crisis response command and control Bold Alligator gets here we can deploy “But we are working hard with our naval Exercises Atlantic Response and Bold capability in an austere environment. the Marines and handle the mission counterparts to get Marines on ships and to Alligator both support the Commandant of “We’re given missions from the appropriately,” said McCarthy. “This is train them in procedures because training the Marine Corps’ intent to revitalize the simulation center at Camp Lejeune, then getting us back to our core, back to our like this is very critical.” Marine Corps’ amphibious warfare pro- once assigned, we have to act accordingly roots. Marines are amphibious, and the A part of the training involves imaginary fi ciency, which remains one of II Marine to the mission. Tactical recovery of purpose of this training is to get us back to borders and countries that Marines have to Expeditionary Force’s top priorities. A2 September 15, 2011 The Windsock Negligent discharge: a preventable occurence

SAFETY DIVISION If proper weapons handling procedures • October 2010: While a passenger in a wound due to another Marine’s accidental HEADQUARTERS MARINE CORPS are not followed a Marine potentially risks vehicle was coming back from a sports discharge. Alcohol was a contributing fac- The Marine Corps has recently experi- his or her own life and the safety of their lounge, a Marine was accidentally shot tor. enced a rise in negligent discharge mis- fellow Marines and family members. Dur- when the vehicle driver was looking • March 2010: A recruit and range coach haps resulting in both serious injuries and ing combat Marines must react quickly, through the glove box and inadvertently received shrapnel wounds when the re- loss of life. These mishaps often occur safely and be mentally prepared to engage pulled the trigger on a weapon stored cruit’s M16A2 service rifl e exploded due during weapons cleaning or during sub- targets. there. to a rare type of weapon malfunction. sequent functional tests of a weapon after To avoid becoming a statistic Marines • August 2010: A Marine was cleaning his • February 2010: A Marine sustained a cleaning. Complacency is also a primary must also utilize the same safe weap- .45 caliber pistol and received a self in- self infl icted gunshot wound to his left factor in many of these mishaps. ons-handling procedures at home that fl icted gunshot to his left hand. foot while conducting combat operations Marines must get “back to basics” and are taught on the range when handling or • August 2010: A Marine picked up his against enemy forces in Afghanistan. follow the simple rules of safe weapons cleaning weapons. friend’s handgun off the kitchen counter • August 2009: A Marine shot herself in handling. Marines at all levels should and did not check the condition of the the foot while conducting combat marks- never consider any weapons-related activ- NEGLIGENT DISCHARGES: weapon. He proceeded to place his left manship training with a rifl e. ity to be low risk. Safe weapons handling • October 2010: A Marine was injured hand in front of the barrel and the weapon For more information on safety visit procedures are critical at all times includ- from an accidental discharge while work- discharged one round into his left hand. http://www.marines.mil/unit/safety/Pages/ ing on the range, in combat and at home. ing on his shotgun. • May 2010: A Marine died from a gunshot did_you_know.aspx.

“Between the Steps Living”

LT. CMDR. ERIC MALMSTROM Claus. Again, he disappeared to give direc- MARINE WING SUPPORT GROUP 27 tions to someone who was lost. Each time A university professor was invited to speak he came back with a smile on his face. at a military base in December and there he “Where did you learn that?” the professor met an unforgettable Marine named Ray. asked. Ray had been sent to meet him at the air- “Learn what,” Ray said. port. After they had introduced themselves, “Where did you learn to live like that?” they headed toward the baggage claim. As “Oh,” Ray said, “during the war, I LANCE CPL. GLEN E. SANTY they walked down the concourse, Ray kept guess.” A graduation ceremony for the inaugural squadron intelligence course disappearing. Once he disappeared to help He then told the professor about his tour was held at the static AV-8B Harrier display at the Marine Corps Air Station an older woman whose suitcase had fallen of duty in Vietnam, how it was his job to Cherry Point front gate, Sept. 2. open. Once more he disappeared to lift two toddlers up to where they could see Santa See CHAPLAIN page A9 2nd MAW Marines graduate Celebrating 100 years of from intelligence course

Marine Corps aviation LANCE CPL. GLEN E. SANTY proper procedures. MCAS CHERRY POINT “I was proud of the students for After a month of intense classes how far they had come in understand- intelligence ing the big picture of aviation intel- students graduated from the inaugural ligence,” said Crum. AV-8B Harrier Squadron Intelligence During the course, Marines learned Course Sept. 2. about the six functions of Marine avi- The course was pioneered by Capt. ation, various aircraft systems, ord- Troy Klabo, 2nd MAW intelligence nance, and employment. The students operations offi cer and director of the also received AV-8B Harrier hands on class, to help bridge the gap between training and got an in-depth explana- 2nd MAW intelligence units and Ma- tion of the weapons systems for the rine Attack Squadrons. attack fi ghter jet. Klabo explained the course provides At the closure of the course the OFFICIAL USMC PHOTO The top half of all ’s transport aircraft in Korea, including a baseline of knowledge required by students were provided training cer- the Douglas R4D pictured, were painted white to combat the extreme tempera- intelligence personnel to best support tifi cates signed by Maj. Gen. Jon M. tures of summer during the Korean War in the 1950s. It was claimed that the aviation operations at the squadron Davis, commanding general of 2nd paint job lowered the inside temperature 15 to 20 degrees. level. The course was specifi cally for MAW. AV-8B Harrier squadrons. “I feel pride and honor for each stu- The courses will help in two ways, dent and for how far they have come,” explained 1st Lt. Thomas Crum, the said Klabo. “I look forward to the Erratum primary instructor of the squadron in- next iteration of the squadron intelli- telligence course. First, the students gence course. The staff did a great job In the Sept. 8 Windsock, Page A7, “Poker Nights” picture cutline stated “The quar- gain knowledge they will need to putting the course together, but we are terly tournament winner receives a $100 gift card to the MCX.” succeed while serving as intelligence a long way from perfect and have a Correction: The weekly tournament winner will gain a seat at the quarterly tourna- specialists for the squadron. Second, short time to make adjustments.” ment and the quarterly tournament winner will receive a prize valued at approxi- the students and aviators can benefi t The next course is scheduled for mately $100. from closer interaction and practicing February 2012.

CPL. TIMOTHY W. D OCKUM Job Title: MV-22 Osprey mechanic Unit: Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 365 Hometown: McMinnville, Tenn. The editorial content is edited, prepared and approved by the Public Affairs Office at Cherry Point. Correspondence Date Joined: July 17, 2006 should be addressed to: Commanding Officer, Public Af- fairs Office, (Attn: Individual concerned), PSC Box 8013, What’s your job? MCAS Cherry Point, N.C. 28533-0013. To provide com- I am a flight line mechanic for the Osprey ments or suggestions call 252-466-4241 or email: cherry. as well as an aerial observer. I also work [email protected]. Windsock is a registered on the power plants and drive trains. My trademark. To address any distribution problems please secondary MOS is crew chief. contact the distribution manager at Ellis Publishing at 252- 444-1999. This Department of Defense newspaper is an What’s your favorite aspect of authorized publication for members of the DoD. Contents of the Windsock are not necessarily the official views of your job? or endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of It’s those fun things like going to Defense, United States Marine Corps, Marine Corps Air different places and seeing different Station Cherry Point, or the Public Affairs Office, Cherry things. Whether its the Maya Mountains Point, N.C. The appearance of advertising in this publica- of Belize or Fleet Week, it’s just a blast. tion, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the U.S. Ma- What’s the most challenging rine Corps, or Ellis Publishing Co., of the products or ser- vices advertised. Everything advertised in this publication part? shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage Flying is probably the hardest part of without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, the job because you have to deal with age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation problems in the air. On the maintainer’s or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or pa- side, some of the maintenance we do is tron. The Windsock is published by Ellis Publishing Co., a pretty hard. private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense or the U.S. Marine Corps under exclusive written contract with Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, N.C. How does your job support the The editorial content of this publication is the responsibility mission of 2nd MAW and MCAS of the PAO. Cherry Point? Without mechanics, Ospreys won’t fly COMMANDING OFFICER and without crew chiefs they can’t fly. MCAS CHERRY POINT COL. PHILIP J. ZIMMERMAN You have to have someone in the back and someone on the ground fixing and PUBLIC AFFAIRS DIRECTOR EDITORS maintaining them to keep them flying so MAJ. WILL KLUMPP CPL. SANTIAGO G. COLON JR. CPL. TYLER J. BOLKEN they can continue to support 2nd MAW. PUBLIC AFFAIRS CHIEF STACEY R. SWANN MASTER SGT. MARK E. BRADLEY STAFF WRITERS Highlight Your Superstar PRESS OFFICER CPL. SAMUEL A. NASSO 2ND LT. HECTOR R. ALEJANDRO LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI Have a Marine, Sailor or civilian LANCE CPL. GLEN E. SANTY you would like to highlight? Let the PRESS CHIEF PFC. CORY D. POLOM SGT. LISA R. STRICKLAND CPL. RASHAUN X. JAMES Windsock know. Email us at cherry. [email protected] or call 466-3542.

LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI The Windsock September 15, 2011 A3

LANCE CPL. ROBERT R. CARRASCO The CH-53D, one of the oldest aircraft in the Marine Corps, recently added a new trick to its arsenal in support of operations in Afghanistan, Aug. 17. The aircraft, from Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 463, conducted rapid ground refueling of AH-1W Super Cobras, allowing the smaller attack helicopters to fly farther and longer on combat operations. Sea Stallions’ fi rst forward refueling mission takes fi ght farther south

CPL. BRIAN ADAM JONES fi cer in charge of the forward arming and refueling point. tenance chief and aerial observer with HMH-463, and a 2ND MAW (FWD) The Super Cobras came to the ground in a cloud of native of Sullivan, Mo. PATROL BASE WOLFPACK, Afghanistan — From dust. Marines affi xed the hose, giving the helicopters fuel “This aircraft has performed amazingly in every con- this remote desert outpost just miles from the Pakistani from the Sea Stallion’s own tanks. fl ict since Vietnam, and Afghanistan is no exception,” border, two Marine Corps attack helicopters were heard As heavy lift helicopters, Sea Stallions fi ll a variety Crimmins said. before they were seen. of missions for the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward). Jones explained the many advantages of the refueling “Four miles out,” shouted Capt. Orion Jones over the The Marines of HMH-463 seemed to relish the chance to system. growing percussion of their blades. Jones’ Marines emp- add rapid ground refueling to an already formidable list of “It’s all about projecting fi repower,” Jones said. “We’re tied out of their waiting heavy-lift helicopter, running with capabilities that include heavy-lifting, aerial resupply, and putting [the attack helicopters] in a position to better con- a fuel hose in tow toward a nearby landing pad. troop movement. duct deep airstrikes and deep air support. Additionally, by The AH-1W Super Cobras were soon seen on the hori- “It’s a pretty simple system and it’s something we train not having to set up a permanent refueling point, we don’t zon speeding toward the outpost. to do,” said Sgt. Benjamin R. Schlicht, crew chief with have to drive trucks and risk roadside bombs, and we can Marines with Heavy Helicopter Squadron 463 conduct- HMH-463 and native of La Crescent, Minn. “Essentially, get down here quickly.” ed rapid ground refueling of the smaller attack helicopters we use the same mechanism we use to dump fuel, but now In just a few minutes, the attack helicopters were back from a CH-53D Sea Stallion Aug. 17. we divert it into the hose for refueling. We can carry an in the sky. Though a hallmark of Marine Corps aviation since the awful lot of fuel.” “At the end of the day, what we want to do is extend the 1960s, this marked the fi rst time the CH-53D had been Patrol Base Wolfpack marked the southernmost point reach of the Marine Air-Ground Task Force and help the used to rapidly refuel helicopters in a combat environ- in Afghanistan the CH-53 D Sea Stallions had ever trav- people here build a safe country,” Jones said. ment, said Jones, a Sea Stallion pilot who served as the of- eled, according to Staff Sgt. James H. Crimmins, a main- A4 September 15, 2011 The Windsock

CPL. JUSTIN M. BOLING Cpl. Zachary Keating, a Marine Tiltrotor Squadron 162 mechanic, was recently meritoriously promoted for the high caliber of work he provides in repairing the MV-22 Osprey. Keating of Idaho Falls, Idaho., worked in numerous types of construction trades before finally enlisting in the Marine Corps. Keating is currently deployed in Afghanistan, where his mechanical skill helps the Osprey aid coalition efforts against insurgents. Marine’s affi nity for aircraft maintenance leads to meritorious promotion

BY CPL. JUSTIN BOLING The MV-22B Osprey is capable of taking turned around and back out to transport our fruits of his and other mechanic’s labor fi rst 2ND MAW (FWD) off vertically, like a helicopter, then tilting ground forces.” hand when he sometimes rides in the same CAMP BASTION, Afghanistan — Some its large rotors forward for fl ight. Marines The safety of troops and aircrew depends Ospreys that they work on. people strive their entire lives to fi nd their use the Osprey in Afghanistan to move on the skilled hands of Keating and every “I love to get to fl y on the Osprey, I true calling. For Cpl. Zachary Keating his about the region faster than traditional he- turn of his wrench or repair that he makes. haven’t had the chance on this deployment lies with metal wings powered by jet en- licopters, while retaining the ability to land “I know that my job directly affects the yet,” said Keating. “It is really cool to see gines and rotors. at small landing zones where fi xed-wing Marines and allied forces on the ground,” the end result of all the hard work that ev- “I cannot ever imagine getting out of this aircraft cannot. Keating said. “I love my job. It is awesome eryone puts into getting these aircraft in the fi eld,” said Keating, a fl ight line mechanic The MV-22B Osprey would not be able to get to work with these aircraft every air and into the fi ght.” for MV-22B Ospreys with Marine Medium to move coalition forces through the moun- day.” Keating‘s professional role in his work Tiltrotor Squadron 162. “I think that even tains and deserts of Afghanistan without the The drive that Keating uses in his work section will be adjusted in accordance with after I retire or decide to leave the Marine work of Marine fl ight line mechanics, like carries over into his training in basic mili- his newly acquired rank. The promotion to Corps I want to work on aircraft as a civil- Keating, who was meritoriously promoted tary skills, such as his efforts to meet the a Marine noncommissioned offi cer comes ian.” to corporal at Camp Bastion, Afghanistan, high physical fi tness standards set by the with the increased responsibility of leading Before enlisting in the Marine Corps in Sept. 2, for his work and service. Marine Corps. and teaching subordinates. 2008, Keating spent his days working nu- “I have been working with Cpl. Keating “His drive for self improvement goes far “I want him to continue what he has merous construction jobs in his hometown for 10 months since I arrived at the squad- beyond his mechanical know-how. He is been doing and begin using the leadership of North Bend, Oregon. ron and his personality defi nitely helps us also constantly improving on physical fi t- traits and skills he has learned,” said Loizzi. These days he can typically be found el- to complete that mission,” said Gunnery ness,” Loizzi said. “He always sets the ex- “This will allow him to be a great mentor bow deep in the mechanical innards of an Sgt. John Loizzi, the Osprey squadron’s ample far beyond just turning wrenches on to his juniors as both a mechanic and a well Osprey on the dusty fl ight line of Camp fl ight line division chief. “With our mission an aircraft.” rounded Marine.” Bastion, Afghanistan. we need that maturity to get these aircraft One of Keating’s rewards is seeing the Precision repairs bumper to bumper FREE and everywhere in Women's Expo For fi rstTote 1,000 Bag people between. 202011011 attending the Expo Only you can authorize repairs on your vehicle. Be certain that the insurance company will cover the SHOPPING Great Prizes! cost of repairing all accident Register to win one damages before you sign anything. EXPERIENCES or more of hundreds of Quality Body Shop & SPECIAL door prize 1305 East Main Street • Havelock, NC 28532 I AM away bys to local be giv CERTIFIED CERTIFIED 252-447-3066 or 252-447-2086 OFFERS merchants. en SEPTEMBER 17, 2011 Tie One On For Cancer READY FOR A NEW HOME Tie Sale OR TO REFINANCE YOUR Choose f 9AM - 4PM quality tiesrom collected hundr EXISTING HOME? Kincaid Family Den eds of RIVERFRONT CONVENTION CENTER NEW BERN, NC Proceeds to benefi by ¨ tist Cance t Americry. r Soc iety an Admission Only $3 Educational MetLife Home Loans $1 OFF coupon when you Sessions a Division of MetLife Bank, N.A. Attend a vari designed to be informative, enc ety of sessions • MetLife Home Loans interactive & brie Offers VA, FHA, minutes to learn 100% USDA ShowsShows extra c f. Take a few hances fo a lot AND earn Loans r doo on Facebook! r prizes! • First Time Homebuyer Benefi ting the Event Loans Mark T-Shirt • Conventional Grea American t new design for this and Lola year’s Expo t-shirt. Reverse Mortgages Cancer Society Only $10 each. While supplies last. Teresa sponsored by 252-672-8819 2117 S. Glenburnie Rd., Suite 14 New Bern, NC A Production of Freedom ENC Communications The Windsock September 15, 2011 A5

A memorable promotion

CPL. RASHAUN X. JAMES Jordan Lane, the son of Maj. Leron Lane, pins the rank of major on his father’s collar during a promotion ceremony and luncheon held at Millers Landing on Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, N.C., Sept. 4. Jordan, his younger brother Jacob, and Lane’s wife Wendy, took part in pinning on Lane’s new rank. Havelock native Marine returns home for ceremony, to recognize life influences

CPL. RASHAUN X. JAMES but it also led to him receiving a basketball got to say goodbye to my friend, I prom- Corps so much that the Marine Corps has MCAS CHERRY POINT scholarship to Barton College in Wilson, ised his memory and myself that I would given me everything I have,” said Lane. For one Marine who spent 31 years in N.C. live my life in a way that would take ad- “It took my father from a slick collared the Havelock, N.C. area, his life seems to “When I think back on my childhood vantage of my time and his sacrifi ce. In private from rural Alabama and molded have come full circle. After fi nding out with Leron, memories of basketball are some way, me obtaining this shows that I him into a future master gunnery sergeant. that he would be promoted to the fi rst fi eld always at the forefront,” said Schmidt. “I kept my promise and says the goodbye I It took him and my mom out of Alabama grade offi cer rank of major, Maj. Leron think those experiences taught us about never had the chance to say.” and gave us a chance at a different type Lane knew that the only place appropri- the highs and lows of life.” As Lane stood at the front of the room, of life.” ate for this honor was his childhood home, “I joked that, in a way, I owe everything tearfully at times, thanking person after Lane said that his father never pushed Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, to Karl and the fall he took on that ice,” person, one thing rang clearly time and him in any particular direction, but as ear- N.C. said Lane. “Basketball allowed me to go to again. An entire town had a hand in mold- ly as age fi ve or six he had decided that he “Every aspect of my life has been infl u- school and get an education thus becom- ing him. wanted to follow his father’s example. enced by this base,” said Lane, who is cur- ing a Marine Corps offi cer.” However, much of Lane’s character and “Although I thought I was destined rently serving as the 2nd Marine Logistics Now, years later, Lane has come full cir- love for the Corps rests with the people for athletic greatness, I always had three Group communications offi cer at Marine cle. In the ceremony recognizing his pro- who raised him. dreams in life,” said Lane. “I wanted to Corps Base Camp Lejeune, N.C. “I love it play basketball on a high level, which I here. This is my town and my base.” achieved in college. I wanted to be a good In a ceremony Sept. 4 at Miller’s Land- dad and now that I have two sons, I work ing, Lane invited scores of individuals, still so hard to set a good example for them. in the Havelock area, who have infl uenced The fi nal was to be a Marine. My dad, as him over the years. His family, fellow Ma- well as the other great Marines I grew up rines, pastor, teachers, sports coaches, and watching, were my inspiration. I was not childhood friends were all in attendance. sure what it was that they had, but I was One close friend in particular, who Lane sure I wanted it.” can now call a professional peer, was I truly believe that Marines are modern- among the host of attendees at the cer- day superheroes and I am happy just to be emony. Maj. Karl Schmidt, the aviation associated with them,” said Lane. “I tell training unit program manager at the KC- everyone that regardless of the situation, 130J Aviation Training Unit on Cherry as long there is one Marine left, freedom Point, has known Lane since they were in still has a chance.” elementary school. Lane looks to his family as another Schmidt recounted how the two Ma- source of inspiration. His wife and two rines’ fathers, both former Marines, never sons were there to pin on his new rank. strayed too far away from the Havelock CPL. RASHAUN X. JAMES “My wife has held on to me through all area. In Lane’s case, his father, a retired Maj. Karl Schmidt, right, leads newly promoted Maj. Leron Lane in the Oath of the hard times over the years,” said Lane. Offi ce during Lane’s promotion ceremony Sept. 4. master gunnery sergeant and former EA- “Anyone else would have left a long time 6A Intruder mechanic, never changed ago, but she’s held on to me and I’m going duty stations. Schmidt’s father, a retired motion to major, Lane’s words were full of His mother, Florence Lane, recently to hold on to her. Having my family has colonel, assumed a number of billets, but admiration and reverence for the room full marked her 30th year working at the air given me something to fi ght for.” served two tours at Cherry Point and other of people who have infl uenced his life. station’s First Citizens Bank. Lane spoke At the end of the ceremony, Lane’s sup- tours at nearby installations including Ma- Lane, a man of intimidating stature, about the inspiration she has been for him port system was apparent. Dozens of peo- rine Corps Base Camp Lejeune. warmly and eloquently expressed his ap- all his life. ple formed a line and gave hug after hug to “Leron is like the brother I never had,” preciation for those present. He remarked “I often shake my head at the thought the newly minted major. said Schmidt. “He’s just a fun guy to be on his choice for the uniform of the day, of the emotional sacrifi ce that my mother Smiles beamed and laughter rang around. He is all heart and wears his heart bringing to mind a phrase used by Schmidt has made for our Corps,” said Lane. “She through the reception area. As the African on his sleeve. I have always been very to describe his constant concern for oth- fond of him.” ers. Along with the common ground they “That’s Leron,” said Schmidt. “He shared being the sons of Marines, both doesn’t take these things lightly. In his Lane and Schmidt said their mutual enjoy- moment of being promoted it’s very much ment of sports was a large factor that so- like him to recognize someone else.” lidifi ed their relationship early on. “Everyone knows that you don’t come “Karl has been my friend and a role to the offi cer’s club in utilities,” said Lane. model for as long as I can remember,” said “But, I thought this was an appropriate Lane. “He always seemed to lead the way. uniform. We have men and women down- I joke about him being born on Dec. 5 and range protecting our freedom. The least myself on Dec. 24 and how that set the we can do is honor them by wearing the natural order for me to follow him.” warrior’s uniform as they do.” Lane, who said his life has always been The ceremony culminated with Schmidt shaped by basketball, recalled his intro- leading Lane in the Oath of Offi ce and duction to organized athletics and the role Lane’s promotion to major. Schmidt played in that. “This promotion is well deserved,” said “When we were about fi ve years old Schmidt. “The old adage is that you receive Karl was a player in the Havelock City awards for the things you’ve done and pro- League,” said Lane. “One day he slipped motions for your potential. It’s good to see on some ice and broke his arm and could that he is succeeding in the Marine Corps CPL. RASHAUN X. JAMES no longer play.” and it’s even better to have him in the fi eld Maj. Karl Schmidt (left) and Maj. Leron Lane grew up in the Havelock area and have Lane said that up to that point he had grade ranks.” been friends since elementary school. only shot hoops in his backyard and had The ceremony highlighted Lane only never played organized basketball before. briefl y. The majority of the time, Lane Little did he know, Schmidt’s simple mis- spoke of the deeds and sacrifi ces of others. watched my dad come and go into harm’s proverb says, “it takes a village to raise a step would change his life forever. Adjacent to where he spoke sat a make- way from the Vietnam War to everything child.” Lane’s extended Havelock family “Karl’s coach happened to be passing shift memorial to several service members else spanning his 24-year career and now celebrated the fruits of their labor, a man my house and saw that I, like Karl, was who died during his time in Iraq. In addi- she has to watch her son go to war as who has grown up to be all they hoped. pretty tall for my age,” said Lane. “He tion, Lane pledged that his fi rst set of gold well.” “All of you have always been there for asked if I wanted to play basketball. I told oak leaf clusters would go to the wife of During that time, Lane watched his me,” said Lane to those in attendance. him that I had never thought of it.” a captain he had known in Iraq who was mother feed and clothe Marine families, “Everyone in this room has given some- Lane went out for the team and as he killed in the line of duty and therefore nev- store the vehicles of deployed Marines thing to my life and helped me to become said, “the rest is history.” Not only did the er reached the rank of major. in her yard, and be there for him and his who I am. incident propel Lane to basketball stardom “I’ll be sure to set out an empty chair for sister as they grew up with a father who “When you surround yourself with good later in high school, where he received a him,” said Lane. “I will take off my fi rst could not always be there. people, as I have, you’re afraid to disap- Nike All-American honorable mention, set of ranks and send them to her. I never “I tell people who ask me why I love the point them.” A6 September 15, 2011 The Windsock

Home from Afghanistan More than 180 MACG-28 Marines, Sailors return to Cherry Point

CPL. RASHAUN X. JAMES Leathernecks from Marine Air Control Group 28 return to Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, N.C., from a seven-month deployment to Afghanistan, Friday. There are five squadrons and one battalion that make up MACG-28. Of those units, five redeployed to Cherry Point. Marine Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Squadron 2 is still serving its tour in Afghanistan.

CPL. RASHAUN X. JAMES Marine Air Control Group 28 Marines gather their baggage and wait to reunite with their families after landing at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, N.C., Friday. MACG- 28 provided air traffic control, fires integration, air control, airspace coordination, immediate air support, and other services to 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward) during the group’s seven-month tour in Afghanistan.

CPL. RASHAUN X. JAMES Holding her daughter Jacquelyne Walter anxiously waits alongside other family members for the Marine Air Control Group 28 Marines to step off the bus upon their return to Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, N.C., Friday. Walter said she was exhausted from spending so much time away from her husband, Cpl. Dustin Walter, but that all went away once he got home. While in Afghanistan Dustin served as an air control electronics operator with Marine Air Control Squadron 2. Jacquelyne said she and her husband communicated four times a week via email, CPL. RASHAUN X. JAMES keeping the lines of communication strong throughout his tour. Cpl. Jordan Roe embraces his girlfriend, Monique, after returning to Marine More than 180 Marines from MACG-28 returned from deployment Friday where they Corps Air Station Cherry Point, N.C., following a seven-month deployment to were providing, operating and maintaining the Marine air command and control system Afghanistan, Friday. Roe is an air control electronics operator with Marine Air for 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward) in Afghanistan. Control Squadron 2.

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LANCE CPL. GLEN E. SANTY Participants of the Commander’s Cup golf tournament practice their putts at the Sound of Freedom golf course Saturday. The teams were electronically chosen at random to make the competition competitive and fair.

LANCE CPL. GLEN E. SANTY has made it to all 23 tournaments, a good partnership with the air sta- MCAS CHERRY POINT “I don’t remember ever missing a tion,” said Lt. Col. Trey Meadows, The extensive amount of cars year. I’ve volunteered my services commanding offi cer of Marine fi lled the parking lots of Miller’s here for the past 15 years helping Heavy Helicopter Squadron 366. Landing and the Sound of Free- to keep up the golf course, and I “It’s fun being out here, it beats dom golf course. The recognizable appreciate all of the participants working,” said Meadows jokingly. beeps that came from hand-held that are out here today,” added The tournament was divided devices of car alarms combined Bisesi, who served in the Marine into teams of four. Each team had with the clanking of oversized golf Corps at the end of World War II, an A, B, C and D level player. The bags made the area sound like the during the Korean War and twice teams were chosen at random, and heart of a Las Vegas casino. The in the Vietnam War. for the fi rst time electronically, to long line of neon polo T-shirts The event hosted participants make the competition fair. On each LANCE CPL. GLEN E. SANTY snaked its way through the grass from throughout the country, some hole the two best scores were cho- Col. Phillip Zimmerman, MCAS Cherry Point commanding and into the parking lot marking of whom, like Bisesi, have played sen and put on the score cards. officer, tees-off during the Commander’s Cup golf tournament the beginning of the 23rd annual in all 23 tournaments. “Playing in a one-day tourna- at the Sound of Freedom golf course Saturday. Commander’s Cup amateur golf Cherry Point had fi ve to seven ment is hard enough,” said Zim- Lt. Col. Trey Meadows, tournament. players that have been here every merman. “Playing in a two-day commanding officer of Roughly 170 contestants partici- year of the tournament, explained tournament on a team with four Marine Heavy Helicopter pated in the tournament Friday and Mike Largent, the Marine Corps people you’ve never met before Squadron 366, tees-off Saturday at the Sound of Freedom Community Services Cherry Point makes it a little more challeng- on the 11th hole of the golf course. The event was hosted chief executive offi cer. ing.” Commander’s Cup golf by the Marine Corps Air Station There were golfers from mul- Tiger Woods said “I get to play tournament at the Sound Cherry Point commanding offi cer, tiple states, such as Georgia, Ari- golf for a living. What more can of Freedom golf course Col. Phillip Zimmerman. zona and South Carolina. Also you ask for? Getting paid for do- Saturday. Meadows said “I love this tournament,” said many of the players were either ing what you love.” the event brings the military members and Zimmerman. “It’s an opportunity retired or active duty from the Air Though the participants do not the community together. to bring active duty and retired ser- Force, Navy, Marine Corps and play golf for a living they do share The two-day tournament vice members together along with Army, many whom brought their the same affection for their jobs, was held for active members from the community.” golf bags sporting their various and this event gave them a semi- duty and retired service “I think this event is outstand- military branches. competitive way to mingle and members along with ing,” said retired Sgt. Maj. Jim “This event brings the commu- unwind. participants from across Bisesi, one of the few members who nity and military together to form the country.

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OPENING FRIDAY! SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES AVAILABLE UP TO $1,000 Sept 16 • 8:00am September 23, 2011 in Retail Annex, between the Naval Cherry Point Sound of Freedom Golf Course Two-Person Trilogy Tournament Health Clinic & the Main Exchange $65 Per Person Call the Havelock Chamber at 447-1101 Hours of Operation or go online to www.havelockchamber.org. Monday - Saturday: 8am-8pm Sunday: 8am-9pm A8 September 15, 2011 The Windsock Father promotes son in Afghanistan

BY CPL. JUSTIN BOLING and son geographically closer. With 2ND MAW (FWD) James working at Marine Corps Air CAMP LEATHERNECK, Af- Station Beaufort, S.C and Nathan ghanistan — Each fall, parents being stationed at Marine Corps watch with pride as their sons and Air Station Cherry Point, N.C., the daughters attend their fi rst day of two did not regularly spend time to- school, or take on new responsibili- gether. ties as they head to college. Although separated, Nathan said This fall in Afghanistan, one father he can always rely on his father to was able to watch his son assume a be a trusted source of help when new level of responsibility as a U.S. needed. Marine when he became one of the “My dad has always been there to Corps’ noncommissioned offi cers. give me advice to set me on the right When Cpl. Nathan Hunter, an em- path,” Nathan said. “My father’s ex- barkation clerk with 2nd Marine Air- perience has helped me a great deal craft Wing (Forward), was promoted both personally and professionally.” to his current rank in Afghanistan, on Nathan’s promotion also ironically Sept. 1, fate allowed his father and falls right in line with a similar mile- mentor, Master Gunnery Sgt. James stone in his father’s career. Hunter, to be present and pin new “Twenty-seven years ago next corporal chevrons on his son. month, I pinned on corporal while “I always wanted to follow in my deployed in the western Pacifi c,” father and older brother’s footsteps James said. “So it is really fi tting to and be a Marine,” said Nathan, who have my son pick up at this point in calls New Bern, N.C., home. “It both of our lives. meant a lot to have my father present “When I look at him I see a re- when I was promoted.” fl ection of my youth and the won- According to the master gunnery derment of beginning a new path in sergeant, he always knew that his life,” James added with a smile. sons would grow up to be Marines. For Nathan becoming a Marine Even when they were very young Corps noncommissioned offi cer Nathan and Mitchell would run and means a new role in the Marine physically train with their father. Corps. Nathan has been deployed to “Although I am still technically the Camp Leatherneck for the past seven junior Marine in my work section the months in support of the air combat rank still means higher expectation element for the NATO International from my leadership as well as many Security Assistance Force in south- new responsibilities,” Nathan said. western Afghanistan. In July, James As Marines are promoted, they deployed to serve with Marine Avia- bring with them new ideas while still tion Logistics Squadron 40 as head enforcing long-held high standards. of the squadron’s maintenance de- These new ideas and leaders are what partment. allow the Corps to maintain its status “I think having a family member as America’s force in readiness. present makes a deployment a little “I have been in for 29 years and bit easier,” said James, originally I have watched the Marines Corps from West Palm Beach, Fla. “Any- change,” James said. “The Marines time that I miss my family I can al- of today are very smart and techni- ways call or email him and we try to cally savvy as well as being quick. CPL. JUSTIN M. BOLING eat meals together and enjoy each “My son is a member of this new Master Gunnery Sgt. James Hunter, the Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 40 maintenance other’s company.” generation of Marines with a very chief, stands with his newly promoted son, Cpl. Nathan Hunter, a 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Though away from their homes, bright future ahead of him.” (Forward) embarkation clerk at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan, Sept. 1. While Nathan has the deployment brought the father been deployed for about seven months, his father only arrived about a month ago. Aye Aye son ... Marine outranks soldier ‘dad’ in Afghanistan

BY CPL. SAMANTHA H. ARRINGTON 2ND MAW (FWD) CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan — Matthew R. Johnson spent his formative years following in his stepfa- ther’s footsteps. But today as both Johnson and his stepfather serve in Afghanistan, the roles have been somewhat reversed. Johnson was deployed to Camp Leatherneck, Afghani- stan, as a multiple channel radio operator with Marine Wing Communications Squadron 28. The man Johnson considers his father fi gure Monty F. Beaune is also deployed to Afghanistan, as a forward ob- server with the U.S. Army’s 89th Cavalry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division. But Johnson, a sergeant in the Marine Corps, outranks Beaune, a specialist in the Army, by one pay grade. “I joined the Marine Corps when I was 17, almost six years ago now. [My stepfather] decided to join the Army a couple years ago because the economy was really bad,” said Johnson, a native of Grandville, Mich. “It’s funny that I outrank my dad. I joke with him about it as much as I can.” Johnson returned home to Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, N.C., at the end of August following a 7- month deployment. His stepfather is slated to return to the U.S. in the near future.

“It is funny that my son outranks his dad,” said Erin COURTESY OF SGT. MATTHEW JOHNSON COURTESY OF SGT. MATTHEW JOHNSON DeMaagd, Johnson’s mother. “His dad is a little competi- Sgt. Matthew R. Johnson, right, a multiple channel radio operator with Marine Wing Communications Squadron tive so it will make for interesting family gatherings. I 28, was deployed to Afghanistan at the same time with the man he considers his father figure, Army Spc. Monty know Monty is very proud of Matt, and Matt’s proud of F. Beaune, a forward observer with the U.S. Army’s 89th Cavalry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division. Johnson his dad too.” outranks Beaune by one pay grade.

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The pilots practiced confi ned area landings at landing zones in the Belizean would be my last, so I learned to get everything I could out of the moment between jungle and Maya Mountains. This can be diffi cult because the pilots have to avoid obsta- when I picked up my foot and when I put it down again. Every step I took was a cles like trees in the jungle. In the mountains, they cannot afford to overshoot a landing whole new world, and I guess I’ve been that way ever since.” zone because of the steep hills surrounding the area. How many of us rush through life missing the “small stuff,” “the in-between stuff” According to Capt. Pete D. Benning, the offi cer in charge of the VMM-365 fl ight line that often adds up, when you think about it, to the “big stuff” of life? I know I do. I Marines, this ability is used often when on non-training deployments. have to remind myself to slow down and appreciate the minutes more than the hours. “Overseas in a combat zone, we do confi ned area landings any time we go out to a It’s important for us to take notice and appreciate our lives even if we live them at a forward operating base to take Marines to or from the fi eld or wherever we take their fast pace. You can savor “the in-between stuff” even at work, even when the hectic bullets, beans and band aids,” said Benning. “A confi ned area landing is pretty much any schedule seems overwhelming. How can we do that? Like a good detective, look for landing environment away from a runway or a prepared surface.” those experiences, those people, those relationships, those one-of-a-kind moments The pilots also practiced low altitude tactics; evasion techniques to avoid enemy fi re. that never repeat themselves and then enjoy it. Appreciate and recognize it for what Because the Osprey is faster, more maneuverable and can fl y higher, it can demonstrate it is ... “The big stuff of life” that goes by so quickly that we miss it if we’re not itself as being a more survivable platform in hostile environments. The need for a more looking for it! survivable helicopter-type platform was recently highlighted on Aug. 6 when 38 troops Living life between the steps is much like our relationship with God. If you stop onboard a CH-47 Chinook helicopter were killed when it was shot down by enemy fi re. and think about it, a relationship with God is built between the steps by slowing According to Benes, the Osprey was built to replace the CH-46 “Frog,” a helicopter down the pace, pausing, and waiting upon the Lord. When I slow down my pace, I similar to the Army’s Chinook. Helicopters typically fl y at 500 feet, while the Osprey can automatically create a space for God to work in my life. In that space, God places fl y at 10,000 feet to transport troops. Also, the Osprey can fl y at about 280 knots, twice as people in my life who I can impact for the better and they in turn make my life fast as a normal helicopter, which makes it harder to hit at low altitudes. richer and healthier as a result. However, this experience rarely happens when I rush Besides making it harder to hit, speed can also have a great impact on accomplishing through life. It happens when I stop for even a brief moment and allow God to reveal time-sensitive missions. “the in-between stuff” that is there waiting for me to discover. “The sooner you can get an asset to the battlefi eld, the better outcome it will have,” I can sense God’s presence with me as I walk through life but it’s in those pauses, Benes said. “If we get time sensitive information that there is a target that has to be pros- in those in-between moments where I meet God in a much deeper relationship and ecuted by Marines on the ground, we have the ability to get the Marines there twice as friendship. The in-between gives me the opportunity to savor and enjoy my time with fast. If somebody needs to get extracted or if there’s a casualty evacuation, we can get God. I invite you to experience more of your life in-between the steps. Because when there twice as fast and get them to a hospital that much faster as well. That’s a pretty big you stop and think about it, the best part of living is living life in the details. deal.” May God abundantly bless you! While VMM-365 hasn’t practiced any such mission so far in Belize, they have demon- strated the Osprey’s speed by fl ying around most of the country of 22,966 square miles MEYER from page A1 in about two hours. States Naval Service.” After the 10-day exercise is complete, the Osprey will have again proved itself an able Meyer is the fi rst living Marine to receive the award for valor since now-retired platform. Maj. Gen. James L. Day, who received the medal Jan. 20, 1998 for his actions as a corporal on Okinawa from May 14-17, 1945. Only two living recipients, both soldiers, have received the award for actions in Iraq and Afghanistan: Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta and Sgt. 1st Class Leroy A. Petry. Dunham is the only other Marine to receive the medal for current confl icts. Meyer’s name will resonate in boot camp squad bays, like other legendary Marines, in ditties recruits are told to repeat by drill instructors. Marines like Meyer keep the torch going, adding a story of yet another heroic Marine to our Marine Corps history. Dakota Meyer is 23 years old and was born in Columbia, Kentucky. He joined the Marine Corps in 2006. Meyer left active duty June 2010. During his service his billets included infantryman, sniper, and combat lifesaver. He deployed to Iraq in 2007 and Afghanistan in 2009. Meyer is a highly decorated Marine combat veteran. His personal awards include a Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with Combat V device for valor, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, and a Combat Action Ribbon. His other awards and decorations include a Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal with two bronze campaign stars, with one bronze campaign star, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Sea Service Deployment Ribbon, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Medal ISAF Afghanistan, and a Rifl e Expert Badge (3rd Award) and Pistol Discover the state you’re in. Exp Expert Badge (2nd Award). 1-800-VISIT NC WWW.VISITNC.COM.

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CPL. JUSTIN BOLING and Kandahar Airfi eld, with Afghan and 2ND MAW (FWD) U.S. fl ags. CAMP BASTION, Afghanistan — Marine In 2009 the Marines of MALS-40 re- Aviation Logistics Squadron 40 offi cially ceived the Marine Aviation Logistics changed its squadron nickname to “Smokin’ Squadron of the Year award. The Aces” from the “Thoroughbreds” at Camp squadron also received the Phoenix Bastion, Afghanistan, Sept. 3. Award for their excellence in pro- The change in name is actually a return to viding intermediate-level mainte- an older moniker for the squadron. MALS- nance and aviation ordnance to the 40 wore the name Smokin’ Aces during their fl ying squadrons supporting coali- last yearlong commitment to Afghan opera- tion efforts in Afghanistan. tions in 2009. Most Marine Corps aviation “We really wanted to change our name squadrons and groups have offi cial names back to Smokin’ Aces to recognize the and logos, featured on items ranging from accomplishments of the Marines who unit signs to patches. served in the squadron in 2009,” said “The choice to go back to being the Blauw. “By sharing the name of Smokin’ Smokin’ Aces probably means a lot to those Aces it makes us strive to be as good or Marines who came out here when the facil- better than they were and they set the bar ity was nothing but a dirt lot,” said Lt. Col. pretty high.” Russell Blauw, the Marine Aviation Logis- Though the name Smokin’ Aces harkens tics Squadron 40 commanding offi cer. “They back to the squadron’s last deployment stood this place up, and when they did they to Afghanistan, the unit’s history can be wore Smokin’ Aces patches on their chests. traced back as far as the Vietnam War, when Many of those Marines went home and they it was known as Headquarters and Mainte- wanted to come back and serve in the squad- nance Squadron 40. ron they helped establish here.” “I think that it is important for Marines Blauw explained the nickname Smokin’ to look to the past to help them move on in CPL. JUSTIN BOLING Aces symbolizes that Marines from all major their futures,” said Sgt. Maj. Thomas Rup- air combat elements, or “ACEs,” are repre- pert, the MALS-40 sergeant major. “I feel sented in the squadron. that the Marines are proud to be a part of this Cpl. Christopher Sagarino, a Marine Avia- unit and what we do every day to support tion Logistics Squadron 40 airframes main- aircraft.” tenance technician, deployed with the squad- ron in 2009. He has returned to Afghanistan with the squadron in 2011, and assisted the command in constructing a metal sign bear- ing its new name. (Top) The command of Marine Aviation “I remember seeing the new design and Logistics Squadron 40 sings a song thinking about how cool it looks, and how about the change of the squadron’s glad it made me to know we were going to name back to the Smokin’ Aces at Camp be the Aces again,” said Sagarino, a native of Bastion, Afghanistan, Sept. 3. The song made reference to the squadron’s old Farmingdale, N.Y. name, the Thoroughbreds, to the tune Through the design process for the new of “A Horse with No Name.” The song logo, Marines who designed the previous was only a small part of the celebration one were consulted to ensure it was histori- which included food, music and cally accurate. sporting events for Marines to enjoy. “With the change in design we wanted to make sure that the new patch looked more (Right) Sgt. Maj. Thomas Ruppert, the like a squadron patch than a detachment Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 40 patch,” Blauw said. “In the designing phase sergeant major, stands with original MALS-40 Smokin’ Aces Marines. These we also made sure that those that had origi- Marines were part of the squadron’s set- nally came up with the squadron’s old design up at Camp Bastion in 2009 and many approved of the changes we made.” volunteered to come back. According The new design features the names of all to Ruppert, of Chicago, many of these three installations the squadron supports in Marines were happy to be called the Afghanistan, Camp Dwyer, Camp Bastion Smokin’ Aces again. CPL. JUSTIN BOLING New commander takes helm of forward deployed Marine Air Control Group 28


CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan — The deployed Marines and sailors of Ma- rine Air Control Group 28 welcomed a new commanding offi cer and sergeant major in a ceremony at Camp Leatherneck, Afghani- stan, Aug. 31. To support the group’s yearlong commit- ment to operations in Afghanistan, its Ma- rines and Sailors deployed in two rotations of about seven months each. “I want to congratulate the fi rst half of Marines on the outstanding job they did out here,” said Lt. Col. Thomas Bajus, the out- going commanding offi cer of MACG-28. “I know that this next group of Marines will take it to the next level.” Bajus relinquished command of the de- ployed Marines to Lt. Col. John R. Siary in the ceremony at the group’s headquarters compound. “I am very excited to be out here and to get the job done,” said Siary, a native of Albany, N.Y. “The fi rst rotation of Marines did excellent [work] out here and now we are going to build upon that and keep up the good work.” The Marines of MACG-28 are deployed out of East Coast Marine Corps air stations, including Cherry Point and New River in North Carolina, and Beaufort, S.C. The group provides airspace coordination, air traffi c control, radar surveillance, com- munications and other command and con- trol support for 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward), the aviation combat element for NATO’s International Security Assistance Force in southwestern Afghanistan. “I feel good about being deployed out here,” said Cpl. Steven R. Hall, a supply clerk with MACG-28, and a native of Hous- CPL. SAMANTHA H. ARRINGTON ton. “I’m glad I have the chance to be out Lt. Col. Thomas Bajus, the outgoing commanding officer of Marine Air Control Group 28, passes the group’s guidon here and to feel like I’m doing something to Lt. Col. John R. Siary, the incoming commanding officer of MACG-28, during the group’s changeover at the for the better.” halfway point of its yearlong deployment to Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan, Aug. 31. The Windsock September 15, 2011 A11 Huey crew chiefs receive awards for efforts in Afghan skies

CPL. SAMANTHA H. ARRINGTON 2ND MAW (FWD) CAMP BASTION, Afghanistan — Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 267 award- ed 18 Marines with combat aircrew wings at Camp Bastion, Afghanistan, Aug. 26. The combat wings signify service in a combat environment, compared to the basic wings all aircrew receive when their initial training is complete. The crew chiefs of HMLA-267 who received their combat air- crew wings have each fl own more than 170 combat mission hours with 2nd Marine Air- craft Wing (Forward). “It feels good to get the wings. Every crew chief dreams of this,” said Sgt. Katherine T. Llinas, a UH-1Y Huey crew chief with HMLA-267, and a native of Gainesville, Fla. “It means I’ve done my job, which is combat support.” CPL. SAMANTHA H. ARRINGTON CPL. SAMANTHA H. ARRINGTON Crew chiefs are enlisted Marines who fl y in the cabin of the aircraft. On the UH- 1Y Huey, crew chiefs operate some of the aircraft’s weapons, provide the pilots with 360-degree situational awareness and offer hands-on support when the helicopter is moving troops, equipment or supplies. The crew chiefs awarded ranged from pri- vate fi rst class to staff sergeant. “It took me seven years to get this,” said Staff Sgt. Vincent P. Clarkson, a UH-1Y Huey crew chief instructor with HMLA- 267, and a native of Paradise, Calif. “I put in a lot of hard work and effort.” HMLA-267, deployed out of Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Calif., has been deployed to Camp Bastion for about three months. The light attack helicopter squadron consists of UH-1Y Hueys and AH-1W Super Cobras. The utility and at- tack helicopters provide close-air support and transport for Marines and their coalition partners in southwestern Afghanistan. “I defi nitely feel like we all earned them,” said Cpl. Forest H. Pike, a UH-1Y Huey crew chief with HMLA-267, and a native of CPL. SAMANTHA H. ARRINGTON Cedar City, Utah. “They all deserve it and Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 267 awarded 18 Marines with combat aircrew wings at Camp Bastion, Afghanistan, they’ve all done more than necessary to earn Aug. 26. “It feels good to get the wings. Every crew chief dreams of this,” said Sgt. Katherine T. Llinas, a UH-1Y Huey crew these wings.” chief with HMLA-267, and a native of Gainesville, Fla. “It means I’ve done my job, which is combat support.”

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Never forget

CPL. RASHAUN X. JAMES Marines, Sailors and civilians paid tribute to the victims of Sept. 11 during a morning colors ceremony in front of the headquarters building at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, N.C., Friday. The memorial began with the raising of the colors and an invocation by 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Chaplain Cmdr. James Goodbow. Gunnery Sgt. Donald J. Wilmot, a survivor of the attack on the Pentagon, spoke about his experience following the memorial. Cherry Point memorializes 9/11 during morning colors

CPL. RASHAUN X. JAMES cused on work. It seemed I was always away from MCAS CHERRY POINT my family. For eight years, my family and I never Marines, Sailors and civilians paid tribute to the took a vacation or had a weekend getaway.” victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks during a morn- Wilmot described heading into work that day as ing colors ceremony, in front of the headquarters a clear, sunny, ordinary day. To him it was just an- building at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, other day at the Pentagon working as the noncom- N.C., Friday. missioned offi cer in charge of the plans policies and The memorial began with the raising of the col- operations offi ce. ors and an invocation by 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Wilmot spoke about what he saw as he walked Chaplain Cmdr. James Goodbow, followed by words through the smoke-fi lled corridors trying to evacu- from the commanding offi cer of Cherry Point, Col. ate the building with the rest of the Pentagon per- Phillip Zimmerman. sonnel. What has stayed with him to this day is how “Today is a day to remember those we lost and close he came to being in the section of the Penta- pay tribute to a generation that has taken up the gon greatest affected by the attack. CPL. RASHAUN X. JAMES burden of guaranteeing our nation’s security,” said “We were supposed to move from our offi ce to the Zimmerman. newly renovated E-ring where the plane struck the Gunnery Sgt. Donald J. Wilmot, a survivor of the Sept. 11 attack on the Pentagon, shares his experience during The attendees also had the honor of listening to Pentagon,” said Wilmot. “Our move was delayed by a memorial honoring the victims of 9/11 at the station the personal refl ections of a Marine who worked at a few weeks because there were not enough com- headquarters building, Sept. 9. the Pentagon in Arlington County, Va., during the puter drops and telephone lines installed. As I re- attacks. fl ect on what happened, I think about something Sgt. Mark A. Matice plays As Gunnery Sgt. Donald J. Wilmot took the podi- as seemingly insignifi cant as not enough computer “Amazing Grace” on um, the solemn expression on his face foreshadowed drops and telephone lines saved me that day. I was bagpipes during a morning the graveness of the words that followed. Wilmot, one of the lucky ones.” colors memorial in front who was a sergeant at the time of the attacks, called What Wilmot took away from that infamous day of the headquarters building at Marine Corps upon his memories to paint a fi rsthand picture of was not only the memory of the brothers-in-arms he Air Station Cherry Point, the horror he and so many others witnessed on that lost, but something else that permeates just as much. N.C., Sept. 9. day. Wilmot explained that his close-call that day made Wilmot is the administrative chief for Marine Air him reconsider what was truly important in life. Control Squadron 2. “No matter how busy life gets always make time “I am both deeply honored and humbled to share for the little things,” said Wilmot. “They are what my story with you all today,” said Wilmot. “Before truly matters and they are not guaranteed to be there that day my priorities were different. I primarily fo- tomorrow.” CPL. RASHAUN X. JAMES Havelock unveils piece of World Trade Center, remembers the fallen

PFC. CORY D. POLOM global war on terror. who attended the memorial will take MCAS CHERRY POINT “The Marine Corps fi ghts hard to away the feeling of hope and patrio- In 2001, after the attacks of 9/11, end the war on terror,” said Master Sgt. tism. former President George W. Bush ad- Jonathan A. Oakley, the assistant avion- The artifact from the World Trade dressed the horrors the nation had just ics chief for Marine Aviation Logistics Center was placed at the center of the witnessed by saying “Thousands of Squadron 26. “The city of Havelock 9/11 Memorial that the city of Have- lives were suddenly ended by evil, de- is a big supporter of Cherry Point and lock plans to have fi nished by Sept. 11, spicable acts of terror.” the Marines and Sailors aboard the air 2012. The city of Havelock, N.C., reminded station. This memorial means just as “This memorial will be a great way Marines, Sailors and families living in much to this town as the air station.” to show tribute to those people who the area about the 2,500 men, women The memorial began with remarks lost their lives in the past decade,” said and children the U.S. lost in the devas- from the police chief, mayor, fi re chief Oakley. “I feel the Marines, Sailors tating attack of the World Trade Center and the executive offi cer of Cherry and all who see this memorial will now on Sept. 11, 2001, by unveiling a 9/11 Point, Lt. Col. Eric S. Weissberger. memorial located next to the Havelock After remarks were made about the Fire Department Sunday. importance of remembering 9/11, the The memorial is a steel beam from memorial was revealed and a Marine the World Trade Center that was put Corps rifl e team fi red a 21-gun salute on display and can be seen from U.S. followed by the playing of “Taps.” Route 70. During the memorial speakers gave

Over 1,000 World Trade Center ar- facts of the fateful days, such as the PFC. CORY D. POLOM PFC. CORY D. POLOM tifacts were sent all over the U.S. and oldest and youngest people to lose A Havelock resident touches a Havelock residents touch a steel beam from other nations around the world. their lives during the attacks and about steel beam from the World Trade the World Trade Center after it was unveiled “This memorial gives us an oppor- the fi nal survivors found on 9/11. Center after it was unveiled during during a 9/11 memorial at the Havelock tunity to not only remember 9/11 but Both the youngest and oldest were a 9/11 memorial Sunday. Fire Department, Sunday. More than 100 all the events and losses the United on hijacked fl ights. The youngest was people attended the memorial and saw the States has suffered since that horrible a 2-year-old child and the oldest was have no reason to forget. This memo- World Trade Center artifact revealed at its day,” said Jimmy A. Sanders, mayor 82 years old. rial will ensure that you and I always new home. “This memorial gives us an opportunity to not only remember 9/11 but of Havelock. “The military members The fi nal two survivors found in the remember and never forget.” all the events and losses the United States have sacrifi ced a lot to protect this na- rubble of the 9/11 attacks were two Since the events of 9/11, more than has suffered since that horrible day,” said tion and fi ght the war on terrorism.” fi refi ghters who were pulled out by two 5.2 million service members have Jimmy A. Sanders, mayor of Havelock. Since November 2001 Marines from Marines. served. 2.3 million are still in today and Cherry Point have been supporting the Sanders said he hopes the people the same number has been deployed. B2 September 15, 2011 The Windsock From the clinic: Naval Health Clinic Cherry Point is using Relay- istration Department (Medical Records) for a request your message, that person’s name as well as the provid- Health, our online patient service. RelayHealth is a se- form. er’s name will appear in the sender fi eld of the message cure web-based service through which Medical Home 2. Go to http://www.relayhealth.com, click on “Regis- you receive. All RelayHealth messages provide an audit Port patients (family members and retirees) and the ter” at the top right corner, and register as a patient. trail, enabling you and your provider to view the entire clinic’s providers and staff can communicate. This ser- If you do not know the name of your Primary Care message history. vice provides an interactive website where patients can Manager (PCM), leave the space blank and clinic staff You can use this service for your dependent family initiate an email to the clinic, schedule appointments, will link the information. Please look for a response in members under the age of 18. If you wish to add some- check lab results and request medication renewals. 1-2 business days and don’t forget to check your junk one over the age of 18 to your account, an Authorization Patients may also use this service to securely store mail folder. of Disclosure must be fi led in the Patient Administra- and manage their personal health record information When a RelayHealth message is delivered to your tion Department fi rst. It’s similar to setting up your pri- including problems, allergies, immunizations, hospi- personal inbox, the service immediately sends an e-mail mary account. From the RelayHealth home page, select talizations, labs and other test results, and their family to your preferred email address (the e-mail address you “Add a Family Member” and register. The service will health history. provided when registering) notifying you of a waiting send a message to the Clinic requesting that your family To set up secure communications with your provider, message and providing a convenient link to this service. member’s account be linked to your account. you must be a registered user. There are two ways to When your provider replies to your message, his or her The staff at the Naval Health Clinic looks forward to register: name will appear in the “sender” fi eld of the message. assisting you with this new service. 1. Ask your Medical Home Port staff or Patient Admin- Should a member of your provider’s staff respond to Cherry Point softball players join All-Marine Team for 2011 Armed Forces Championships

PFC. CORY D. POLOM compete on the All-Marine Women’s Soft- MCAS CHERRY POINT ball Team part of the 2011 Women’s Armed After weeks of intense competition, eight Forces Championship, which is being held Marines and Sailors from Cherry Point concurrently with the men’s championship. were selected for the 2011 All-Marine men “A strong love for the game drives me and women’s softball teams. to be the best,” said Lance Cpl. Lauren C. The two male competitors from Cherry Simms, who received her fi rst All-Marine Point will be representing their home in- Team selection as the catcher for the wom-

PFC. CORY D. POLOM stallation on the All-Marine Men’s Soft- en’s team. (Above) Eight Cherry Point ball Team, which will compete in the 2011 “I love to play softball and being able Marines and Sailors were Men’s Armed Forces Softball Champion- to play for this organization is an amazing selected to compete with the ship in Pensacola, Fla., Sept. 17-24. feeling.” men and women’s All-Marine Petty Offi cer 3rd Class Bobby C. Brown Both Capt. Dawn M. Reconnu, a four- softball teams against the other and Chief Warrant Offi cer 3 Jonathan R. time All-Marine select and Chief Warrant branches of the U.S. military Cape are making their All-Marine debut af- Offi cer 3 Tina M. Burt, a third-year All- during the 2011 Armed Forces Softball Championships in ter attending the camp twice. Marine select, agreed their biggest hurdle Pensacola, Fla., Sept. 17-24. “It is an honor, especially being in the to compete this season is staying healthy. (Right) Seaman Jamie A. Navy,” said Brown, the right-center fi elder “I am in my thirties competing against McCormick takes a swing at for the men’s team. “In the Navy it is my women in their young twenties,” said Burt. a pitch during a coed practice job, as a corpsman, to take care of Marines. “Being a Marine has helped me stay physi- at the station softball complex Being able to compete and play alongside cally and mentally fi t to compete at such a Friday. them is amazing.” high level.” Cape, the fi rst baseman for the men’s The other three women joining Reconnu, team said playing for the All-Marine team Burt, and Simms from Cherry Point are fulfi lls his desire to compete at the highest Cpl. Jacquelyn M. Kanan, Cpl. Chantele level attainable and benefi ts him, as a Ma- M. Villalobos and Seaman Jamie A. Mc- rine, by nurturing his competitive nature. Cormick. The other six Cherry Point members will PFC. CORY D. POLOM

These fi lms are now playing at local theaters

REINHILD MOLDENHAUER HUNEYCUTT tempt. MCB CAMP LEJEUNE PUBLIC AFFAIRS Sam Worthington (“Avatar,” “Clash of the Titans”) plays the young “FINAL DESTINATION 5” (R) David; and Marton Csokas (“Alice in Wonderland”) is the young “Final Destination 5” is a supernatural horror thriller and the fi fth installment in the Stephan, the leader of the team. “Final Destination” series. Romi Aboulafi a (“Breaking and Entering”) appears as Sarah Gold, With the premise “no matter where you run, no matter where you hide, you can’t daughter of Rachel and Stephan, who has just written a book about cheat death,” in this fi lm Death is just as omnipresent as ever, fi rst revealing its men- her parents’ heroic careers. acing reality to a group of coworkers headed for a corporate retreat. John Madden (“Proof,” “Shakespeare in Love,” “Captain Corellis Nicholas D’Agosto (“Fired Up!”) stars as Sam Lawton, who during the bus ride, Mandolin”) directed this intelligent political thriller from a smartly written screen- has a premonition in which he and most of his friends, as well as numerous others, play by Matthew Vaughn, Jane Goldman and Peter Straughan. die in a horrifi c bridge collapse. Madden also selected a superb cast for this edgy remake of the 2007 Israeli fi lm of When his vision ends, events begin to mirror what saw, and he frantically ushers as the same name by Assaf Bernstein. many of his colleagues, including his friend Peter, played by Miles Fisher (“Super- “The Debt” is a dark and gritty, suspenseful and intriguing espionage thriller that hero Movie”) and his girlfriend Molly, played by Emma Bell (“Frozen”), away from crosses two different time periods with startling action and surprising revelations. the disaster before Death can claim them. But these unsuspecting souls were never supposed to survive and, in a terrifying “OUR IDIOT BROTHER” (R) race against time, the ill-fated group tries to discover a way to escape Death’s sinister “Our Idiot Brother” is a tenderhearted comedy about the black sheep in the fam- agenda. ily. The ensemble cast includes Courtney B. Vance (“The Fight”) as Agent Jim Block; Every family has one sibling who is always just a little bit behind the curve when David Koechner (“Anchorman”) as Dennis; P.J. Byrne (“Dinner for Schmucks”) as it comes to getting his life together. Isaac; Tony Todd as Bludworth; Ellen Wroe as Candice Hooper; and Jacqueline Ma- Paul Rudd (“Dinner for Schmucks,” “Anchorman,” “Role Models”) stars as Ned, cInnes as Olivia Castle. an easy going guy and idealist, who is an organic hippie farmer with a penchant for Steven Quale is making his feature fi lm directorial debut with a screenplay written honesty and unwavering faith in the essential goodness of mankind. by Eric Heisserer (“A Nightmare at Elm Street”), based on characters created by Jef- When a uniformed cop talks Ned into slipping him a baggie of weed, poor Ned gets frey Reddick (“Final Destination” series). arrested, thereby losing his job and his new age girlfriend. The fi lm, which is darker and more suspenseful than the previous tales, was shot on After his girlfriend dumps him, boots him off the farm and claims ownership of location in Vancouver in 3D, and the third dimension in this case really works with his beloved dog, Ned winds up couch surfi ng at the homes of his three uptight and the scare effects. neurotic New York City sisters, who can’t help but come to the rescue of their moron “Final Destination 5” is mindless horror and strictly for the fans of this franchise. brother. Elizabeth Banks (“The Next Three Days”) is the single Miranda, a career driven “THE DEBT” (R) cutthroat journalist; Zooey Deschanel (“500 Days of Summer”) is Natalie, a kookie, “The Debt” is a political drama and spy thriller played out in two separate de- wannabe standup comedian; and Emily Mortimer (“Shutter Island”) is Liz, the micro- cades. managing mom whose marriage is in trouble. The story begins in 1997 as news surfaces that the mission taken at great risk and All three now have to learn to put up with the clueless Ned, after his life falls considerable personal cost by a team of three former Israeli agents in 1965 apart. did not achieve the desired result. As Miranda, Natalie and Liz each take turns housing Ned, their brother’s unfailing (“The Queen,” “Red,” “State of Play”) stars as Rachel Singer, a re- commitment to honesty creates more than a few messes in their daily routines. tired Mossad secret agent whose post World War II exploits come back to haunt her. But as each of their lives begins to unravel, Ned’s family comes to realize that may- Tom Wilkinson (“Duplicity,” “The Green Hornet”) stars as Stephan Gold, Rachel’s be, in believing and trusting the people around him, Ned isn’t such an idiot after all. ex-husband and co-agent. Steve Coogan (“The Other Guys”) plays Dylan, Liz’s obnoxious and politically Ciaran Hinds (the Harry Potter series) co-stars as David Peretz, their former col- correct husband. league, also a former Mossad agent. Rashida Jones (“Cop Out”) plays Cindy, Natalie’s girlfriend; and Shirley Knight Now, 35 years later, the three retired agents, who are hailed as heroes and famous (“Mall Cop”) can be seen as Ilene, the siblings’ mother, who treats Ned as a child. for the 1965 death of a Nazi war criminal, learn the news that a local paper in a Also appearing is Kathryn Hahn (“How Do You Know”) as Janet, Ned’s former small town in the Ukraine published an article about Dieter Vogel, played by Jesper hippie girlfriend; TJ Miller (“Get Him to the Greek”) as Billy, Janet’s new guy; Hugh Christensen (“The Young Victoria”), the Nazi war criminal who was known as “The Dancy (“Confession of a Shopaholic”) as Christian, an artist; and Adam Scott (“Leap Surgeon of Birkenau,” is believed to be still alive and willing to attest to his crimes. Year”) as Jeremy. The former secret agents realize that the real story would come to light and dis- Director Jesse Peretz (“The Ex,” “First Love,” “Last Rites”), who also co-wrote credit their reputation. So the three decide to complete the earlier mission by fi ndin and co-produced, explores the complicated and loving bonds among grown siblings and killing Vogel. and has ensembled a superb cast. Rachel Singer is now a beloved Israeli writer who became famous with her book Rudd’s well acted hippie slacker is no idiot, just a little slow, and steals the show about the capture of Vogel. She is now picked for the task of fi nding Vogel and, with this laid-back character. should he still be alive, to tie up loose ends and kill him. “Our Idiot Brother” is a hilariously funny and heartfelt comedy with lots of screw- (“The Help”) plays the young Rachel, working undercover in ball humor that lays bare the complexities of adult sibling relationships. 1960s East Berlin, who apparently shot the Nazi war criminal during an escape at- The Windsock September 15, 2011 B3

Announcements ►Indicates new announcement Those looking to participate in the car and bike show should contact David Carrico at 466-3685 or by email at Marine and Family Programs ►Operation Ball Gown [email protected]. Those who want to participate Marine Corps Family Team Building will host two free in volleyball or tug of war, contact Semper Fit at 466- Marine, Family Programs Office Numbers events at Miller’s Landing Sept. 23-24, where gowns will 4272. The Family Member Employment Program, be given away for the upcoming Marine Corps Ball. For more information about CFC or the kickoff, contact Transition Assistance Management Program, On Sept. 23, from 6-8 p.m., a fashion show and com- Bobbie Whitbeck at 466-4237. Relocation Assistance Program and accredited edy etiquette skit will be held. Gowns will be selected on financial counselors can be reached at 466-4201. Sept. 24 on a first-come-first-serve basis, depending on Volunteer Opportunity • Child Development Resource and Referral – 466- the time participants requested a ticket for the event. The North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores is 3595. This event is for active duty spouses of service mem- seeking volunteers to help deliver its conservation mes- • Exceptional Family Member Program – 466- bers stationed aboard Cherry Point. sage. 7547. To register, stop by Marine Corps Family Team Build- Anyone interested in joining the volunteer crew is in- • Family Advocacy Program – 466-3264. ing or call 466-4637 for more information. vited to a drop-in volunteer open house, from 9-11 a.m. • Library – 466-3552. on Saturday. • LifeLong Learning – 466-3500. ►Socially Smart Aquarium staff members and current volunteers will be • Military Family Life Consultant – 876-8016. An etiquette do’s and don’ts class will be held Sept. 29, on hand to talk about the positions available and the bene- • New Parent Support Program – 466-3651. from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Marine Corps Family Team fits of volunteering, and to provide tours of the Aquarium • Retired Activities – 466-5548. Building. from a volunteer’s perspective. • Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program The class will cover a wide array of topics ranging from – 466-5490. common courtesies, etiquette in specific social situations New Bern Wine Fest • Substance Abuse Counseling – 466-7568. and how to avoid social blunders. New Bern will host its 3rd Annual Wine Festival at the • 24/7 Victim Advocate for Confidential Services For more information or to register, call 466-4637. New Bern Hilton Ball Room, from 2-6 p.m. on Saturday. relating to Sexual Assault or Domestic Violence Distributors will provide local, national and interna- – 665-4713. ►TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery Program tional wines. These will be paired with a mix of imported Copayments for some medications provided through and domestic cheeses and fresh fruit. Budget for Baby Tricare Pharmacy Home Delivery are being reduced to Tickets can be purchased online or locally at Mitchell The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society offers zero. As of Oct. 1, Home Delivery beneficiaries may fill Hardware, Aamco, River Bend Country Club, or Audiol- Budget for Baby classes. generic prescriptions at no cost to themselves. Generic ogy of New Bern. To register call 466-2031. formulary drugs purchased through Home Delivery cur- For more information call Eileen Bress at 252-665- rently cost $3 for a 90-day supply, but as of Oct. 1 the 4091. Breastfeeding Class copayment will be zero. The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society offers The following changes to the Tricare pharmacy copay- Families Overcoming Under Stress free breastfeeding classes to expectant mothers. ments are scheduled to go into effect Oct. 1: Recognizing the importance of building on family The purpose of the class is to help prepare the • Generic formulary drugs purchased at retail pharmacies strengths in the face of challenges such as deployments, mother to be ready and confi dent to breastfeed will go from $3 to $5. the Bureau of Navy Medicine and Surgery is in its fourth once the baby arrives. • Brand name formulary drugs from retail pharmacies year of contracting with University of California Los To register call 466-2031. will go from $9 to $12. Angeles to provide Familes Overcoming Under Stress at • Non-formulary medications will go from $22 to $25 in Marine Corps and Navy stations. Veterans’ Assistance both retail and Home Delivery. Family Resiliency Trainers work on an individual fam- A representative from the Veterans Affairs Office ily basis with families with children 3 - 18 years old to visits Cherry Point each Thursday in building 4335. Combined Federal Campaign Kickoff enhance those skills that make strong families: emotional Call 466-4201 for assistance. The air station will host the Combined Federal regulation, communication, problem solving and goal Campaign 50th Anniversary Kickoff Block Party Friday. setting skills. Events will include motorcycle and automobile displays Couples Resiliency Training is also available. at the parking lot across from Cunningham’s. There will For more information, contact Mary Herscher, family also be tug of war competitions, beach volleyball and a resiliency trainer, at 466-7137, mherscher@focusproject battle of the bands at Cunningham’s. or visit http://www.focusproject.org. Monthly and Weekly Events OFF Limits MCAS CHERRY POINT AREA Courage to Change Al-Anon Family Group Meeting Carteret County Domestic Violence 98 CENT ONLY STORE Cherry Point and Havelock Cour- There are Alcoholics Anonymous Program. (BIG DADDY) WESLEY’S GROCERY age to Change is a support group for family group meetings Tuesdays at 8 The group meetings are held every COASTAL SMOKE SHOP friends and families of people who p.m. for family members and friends Wednesday at 6 p.m. EXPRESSIONS suffer from alcoholism. of individuals who may have alcohol For more information, call FRIDAY’S NIGHT CLUB (AKA CLUB INSOMNIA, CLUB 728-3788. Meetings are held at St. Paul’s problems. CLASSICS, INFINITY LOUNGE) Lutheran Church in Havelock, The meetings are held at Havelock H&D EXPRESS AKA CITGO Tuesdays at 8 p.m. First Baptist Church. Marine Corps League Meetings NADINE’S FOOD MART For more information, call For more information, call The Cherry Point Detachment SUPER EXPRESSWAY 241-6155 or 670-6236. 447-8063 or 447-2109. of the Marine Corps League meets TOBACCO SHOP (NEWPORT AND NEW BERN) the third Tuesday of each month at TOBACCO SHOP & GIFTS AA Beginners Meeting Together For Life Miller’s Landing at 7 p.m. TOBACCO TOWN There are two weekly Alcoholics The “Together for Life” one-day For more information, call TWIN RIVERS (NOT THE MALL) Anonymous meetings aboard the premarital seminar is held for active 515-1175. WHITE SANDS CONVENIENCE STORE air station. The meetings are held duty personnel age 26 and under, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8 p.m. within 90 days of marriage. Disabled Veterans The meetings take place in Room Please call the chapel at 466-4000 Chapter 26 of the Disabled MCB CAMP LEJEUNE AREA 208 of Building 229, in the same for more information. American Veterans meets on the third BELFAST QUICK MART building as the tax center, next to the Tuesday of each month at the Senior BELL AUTO SALVAGE II Cherry Tree House. Domestic Violence Victims Center in Havelock at 7 p.m. BOTTA BOOMS For more information, call A support group for victims of do- For information, contact Doug CARLAND 447-8063 or 447-2109. mestic violence is provided by the Matthers at 447-2761. CENTENNIAL ENTERPRISES, INC. CJ’S QUICK MART COASTAL SMOKE SHOP DASH-IN Hotlines DISCOUNT TOBACCO D’S DRIVE THRU D’S QUICK MART 2nd MAW Command Inspector General Sexual Assault DOLL HOUSE 466-5038 This procedure is not to replace calling 911 if you EASY MONEY CATALOG SALES are in immediate danger. Immediately call 665- EXPRESS WAY Station Inspector 4713, which is monitored 24/7. The person an- FANTASIES 466-3449 swering the call will help you decide the next steps HIP HOP AND HOOKAHS to take. You may remain anonymous. ILLUSIONS Fraud, Waste and Abuse JACKSONVILLE SPEEDWAY AUTO PARTS If you know of or suspect any fraud, waste or Severe Weather and Force Protection JOSHUA EXPERIENCE/ CLUB ACCESS abuse aboard MCAS Cherry Point, call 466- Information KINGS DRIVE THRU 2016. Cherry Point personnel call 466-3093. KWIK STOP MART This line’s automated answering service is FRC East personnel call 464-8333. LAIRDS AUTO & TRUCK CENTER available 24/7. DDCN personnel call 466-4083. MILITARY CIRCUIT OF JACKSONVILLE MOE’S MART NASH MARKET ONE STOP SHOP PAR TECH PLAYHOUSE PLEASURE PALACE PRIVATE PLEASURES (AKA CARRIAGE HOUSE) RACEWAY AUTO PARTS REFLECTION PHOTO REID’S MART SMOKERS POST Surveillance SOUTHERN COMFORT SPEED MART Be aware of anyone recording or monitoring STUDENT ASSISTANCE COMPANY activities, taking notes, using cameras, cell phones, TALK OF THE TOWN II TENDER TOUCH (AKA BABY DOLLS) maps, binoculars, etc., near the air station. TOBACCO ALLEY TOBACCO AND MORE TOBACCO CLUB TOBACCO FOR LESS TOBACCO HOUSE CIGARETTE CENTER TOBACCO LEAF TY’S R&R VERONA QUICK STOP VETERANS AFFAIRS SERVICES B6 September 15, 2011 TheWindsock

Appliance Repair Hauling Tree Service General Bobcat Services TYTEN APPLIANCE We repair any LOT CLEARING, FILL DIRT, tree LEWIS TREE SERVICE Removals, and all appliances & stand by our removal, bush hogging, stump trimming, stump grinding. 30 Experienced, Safe & Affordable work, on call 24/7 (252)474-1987 grinding, debris sites, dump trucks POLICE OFFICER years climbing experience. Bucket Trent Woods, Population 4165. 24 Hour/7 Day Emergencies for hire and landscaping. FREE es- truck, chipper and stump grinder. Accepting resumes for the Automotive timates! Call (252) 723-3537 I BUY JUNK CARS! I pay $160- Insured. For estimates call (252) position of Police Officer. 670-1125 or email: mrrickylewis Performs general law $600. 100% guaranteed. Call enforcement duties including TREE SERVICE 910-385-8585 (7 days per week) Hauling @gmail.com - Serving New Bern & answering calls for service, TOPSOIL, SAND, rock, backhoe, surrounding counties. THANK investigating traffic accidents • Licensed & Insured Builder grading, ditching, clearing, cul- YOU and other police related duties. • 15 Years Experience Professional Remodeling & Re- verts, debris removal, demolition, drainage, landscaping, Reid Avery NC BLET and valid NC driver’s • Trimming/Topping/Tree Removal pairs. “We stay within budget”. Re- license required. Experience liable, reasonable, quality work (252) 638-2801 preferred. Must be able to meet • Sidewalks • Slabs • Driveways guaranteed! Kitchens, baths, sun- minimum requirements for rooms, rails, flooring, tile, tile re- Criminal Justice Officers as • Patios • Demolition Home Improvement newal expert, painting. ROOFING: defined by the Criminal Justice Education and Training metal, rubber, repairs and coat- Standards Commission. Juan Luevano ings. Floor, foundation and struc- Salary $30,693 + DOQ. tural specialist! Licensed. Member of BBB. P&R (252)633-6675 PLEASE SUBMIT Cell 386-801-2715 RESUMES TO: Compost/Topsoil ATLANTIC HOME IMPROVEMENT Personnel Officer CERTIFIED CLASS A Compost Storm and Insurance Work gladly Town of Trent Woods $20/ton, mulch and topsoil, $25/ accepted. Craven and surrounding. 912 Country Club Drive City of Havelock~ ton. Will deliver. No order too Room additions, garages, decks, . Trent Woods, NC 28562 Great Employment Opportunity large or too small. (252)633-5334 vinyl siding and windows, painting RESUMES ACCEPTED UNTIL and roofing. All types of remodel- POSITION IS FILLED. EOE FF/Medics preferred but will consider FF/EMT-I Concrete ing. (252)571-8429 ARE YOU A (EMT-I must obtain EMT-P within 2 years). Positions DISCOUNT PRICES Driveways, pa- perform firefighting, rescue and emergency treatment tios sidewalks No one can beat my MILITARY SPOUSE? to the citizens of eastern Craven County. price Daugherty’s (910)389-8575 Home Improvement INTERESTED IN DENTISTRY? General Home Maintenance & Repairs. You could become a DENTAL Qualifications: Any combination of education & experience equivalent to graduation from high school; Approved OEMS Excavating Joist/Seal Repairs, room additions, ASSISTANT in 10 WEEKS for certification as an ALS provider. Must also have PALS, ACLS, BROOKS EXCAVATING Tree, vinyl windows, interior/exterior, FREE! Classes start Oct. 15th and ITLS or BTLS. Firefighter I/II. Paramedic, stump & debris removal. Free “You name it we can do it!” Refer- Interest free options also available driver/operator, and aerial certification preferred. Must estimates! (910)300-0076 ences, (252)229-9542 for NON-MILITARY. successfully pass a pre-employment drug screen. 1-877-432-3555 or SHIPPING AND Announcement can be found at www.havelocknc.us Flooring www.NCDENTALU.com RECEIVING CLERK Salary: FF/Paramedic $38,709; FF/EMTI $31,846 (does not HARDWOOD FLOORS Sanding, re- Home Improvement include scheduled OT). Excellent benefit package. finishing, staining, repairs & in- Painting, Carpentry, Garages, Ad- Apply online or send city application to ditions.... Reasonable rates and Must have at least 5 stall. Old floors made new! Call years experience, Human Resources, City of Havelock, (252)634-7000 for estimates quality work! (252) 671-6606. FREE TUITION knowledge of logistics, PO Box 368, Havelock, NC 28532. Handyman Landscaping TAX SCHOOL including printing labels Closing date: Open Until Filled . EOE A QUICK SERVICE Can remodel, RANDY’S BED MAINTENANCE & Earn extra income after taking & using tracking repair or install anything. Paint- LANDSCAPING Summer is here. course. Flexible schedules! numbers. Must have ing, Flooring, Tile, Roofing, etc. Planting, mulch, pruning, weeding, Course starts soon!! 30 years experience. Licensed. sodding, and pine straw. Call LIBERTY TAX SERVICE steady work history, and Quality Work guaranteed. Mem- 910-743-2951 or 252-474-4491 JACKSONVILLE: (910)353-3880 pass all screenings. ber of BBB. Credit cards accepted. HAVELOCK: (252)447-7878 (252)633-6675 NEW BERN: (252)636-2984 Lawn Care Email resume to: *SMALL FEE FOR BOOKS* Handyman FALL CLEANUP! Raking yards, jessica@ pressure washing, mulching A-1 HANDYMAN SERVICE No job holdentemp.com too small. Reasonable rates! flower beds, removing small trees, (252)229-7016 landscaping. Campbell’s Lawn or call for appointment! Care (252)342-1984 (252)636-3111 Hauling General CLEAN UP, TOP SOIL, sand, rock. Sharpening Heavy bushhogging & lot clearing CUSTOMER SERVICE/ Free estimates. (252)670-5311 DATA ENTRY General FREE TUITION TAX SCHOOL Hauling GARDEN TOOLS, SCISSORS, Female Live-in Companion FILL DIRT, SAND, any size rock. Earn extra income after taking KNIVES, Carbide blades and more. course. Flexible schedules! needed to Free estimates. Amerson Spreader 252-626-2908 or 252-626-7942 provide personal assistance Co. LLC (252)670-1878. Course starts soon!! and light housekeeping for LIBERTY TAX SERVICE pleasant elderly woman in New Home Improvement Structural repairs JACKSONVILLE: (910)353-3880 Bern. Criminal background CANNON VINYL PAINT & Remod- WE REPAIR JOISTS, seals, gird- HAVELOCK: (252)447-7878 check and references required. eling. 25 years experience. Call ers, water/termite damage. All NEW BERN: (252)636-2984 Call (843) 362-1112 Joel (252)634-8078 for estimate. home repairs! (252)756-2915 *SMALL FEE FOR BOOKS* and leave message . TheWindsock September 15, 2011 B7

General General General PROCESS SERVER Serving legal documents. Experience required. WE NEED Email resume: absoluteprocess@ Now Hiring Assembly •PRODUCTION comcast.net Production Associates! WORKERS General These are full-time •CERTIFIED FORKLIFT opportunities from $8.50/hr., plus generous OPERATORS WEEKEND HELP production bonuses, which •ADMIN/CLERICAL WITH HORSES/DOGS can significantly increase Part-time help sought feeding, your wages! We currently watering, and cleaning. Back- have both 1st and 2nd Shift Must pass all ground check & previous horse positions. Job duties handling experience required. include manual assembly of screening, have reliable smaller consumer products, Email resume & experience: which require standing on transportation and [email protected] your feet for the entire shift. steady work history. or call 252-671-1632 We also offer health Call for appointment! benefits, vacation pay, and General more. Must be reliable and (252)636-3111 able to work in New Bern, near Hwy. 70 and Clarks Rd. HOUSEKEEPERS To apply NOW Hiring housekeepers. Earn excellent wages, paid visit our website at GENERAL weekly, paid training. Mas- www.insourceperforms.co terCorp - the leader in the re- sort housekeeping industry. m FURNITURE Work Sat. & Sun. We e-verify and click “Career employment eligibility. EOE LIQUIDATORS OF Call 252-288-8547 Center”. Click on “View HAVELOCK Mon.-Thur. 9am-5pm or All Open Positions” to Experienced Full time & Part email your resumes to find these openings time person for our finance of- julia.torres@ fice. Full Time Sales Person, a mastercorpinc.com (#10-54) and apply. Part Time Furniture Mover & Then, come to the Assembler needed. Call 252-447-1191 for an Insource application appointment. Buying Or acceptance at the Hampton Inn, 200 Hotel Dr., New Bern Please come on General Selling with Thursday, September Groundskeeper Classifieds 15th, from 8am to 2pm. needed at Carteret If you don’t have access Community College. to a computer, you can FOR APPLICATION PACKAGE AND JOB DESCRIPTION, Is A Breeze use our computers when PRINT FROM WEB SITE AT: attending the www.carteret.edu Looking for a unique application acceptance OR PICK UP AT THE COLLEGE. item or some session at the Hampton DEADLINE FOR APPLYING IS Inn. Recruiting Line SEPTEMBER 23, 2011 quick cash? 888-881-7878 EOE The classifieds are

General your one-stop CLEAN YOUR source for HOUSEKEEPER buying or selling ROOM McCarthy Court, an anything from and sell your independent senior living community, is looking for a hot plates to heaters. unwanted items full-time housekeeper to join our team. Responsible for COOL. CHEAP. STUFF cleaning resident apartments and common areas. Windsock ENC Experience a plus. Classifi eds Please apply in person: 1-888-328-4802444-1999 1321 McCarthy Blvd 888-328-4802

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* * *Here Are A Few Examples of Our In-Stock Inventory* * * YEAR/MAKE/MODEL SALE PRICE 2005 Hyundai Tiburon ...... $6,795 Red Extra Clean. 2004 Toyota Tundra Limited ...... $8,995 4x4, Ext Cab, MANAGER’S SPECIAL! 2002 Volvo V70 Wagon ...... $5,995 Loaded, Extra Clean. 2001 Subaru Forester ...... $5,495 Extra Clean. 2002 Honda Accord SE ...... $7,495 Red Exterior, Extra Clean, Fully Equipped. 1994 Ford Mustang GT ...... $3,995 Real Eye Catcher! Extra Clean. Sales Dept. Hours: 9 am - 7 pm 901 East Main Street Havelock, NC 28532 252-652-7494 TheWindsock September 15, 2011 B9 Meet Your Neighborhood Real Estate Experts! Call these local real estate agents or visit their offi ces anytime to see the best area homes. Listing & Short WHEN WAS THE LAST STEVE TYSON Sale Specialist TIME A GREAT HOME Realtor, CDPE, E-PRO DROPPED OUT OF THE Your Real Estate Authority Darlene Boyd SKY FOR BUYERS? 252-514-9157 The Best In Town For Licensed Broker #56806 DARLENE BOYD Your Property Turnaround! Realtors help buyers THE TYSON GROUP REALTOR®/Broker, ABR®,GRI®,SFR fi nd their dream [email protected] • www.ncmove.com 617-7315 home, and there’s no toll free 1-888-675-9595 • fax 1-888-603-3215 [email protected] better place to start www.NewBern-NC.info 1915 Trent Blvd., New Bern, NC 28560 than right here..... EACH OFFICE IS INDEPENDENTLY Each offi ce independently owned and operated Our Favorite Compliment is the Referral of Your Friends and Family OWNED AND OPERATED Angela Jovanovich, Broker am 252-474-5627 PBAUMGARDNER Whether Buying or Selling, I Put YOU First! [email protected] A Realtor Friends www.callnewbernhome.com Recommend! Due to Hurricane Irene we’ve www.new-bern-nc.com moved to 206 Craven Street Realtors, introduce yourself to potential home 2305 Grace Ave., New Bern, NC while we rebuild. buyers!! Run Your Business Card in the Different Place...Same Top Each office independently 252 638-4242 Notch Service! owned and operated REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY Each offi ce is independently owned and operated EACH OFFICE IS INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED

General Medical/Health Sales Trades WE HAVE CLOSED OUR wallpaper HOME IN NEUSE HARBOUR 3 department! Over 5000 rolls of bedrom, 2 bath, huge closets, HOME DELIVERY NURSE NEEDED SALESPERSON Immediate Openings wallpaper and borders FREE - just cabinets, new microwave, Diabetes & Endocrinology come in, no limit! Plaza Super- Whirlpool, carpet & tile, fireplace, Consultants needs to NEEDED • OUTSIDE PARTS store, 1317 Main St. Havelock NC porches. (252)637-3868 MANAGER add a nurse to our team. 2 years minimum experience, SALESPERSON CHECK EMPLOYMENT knowledge of vehicle sales • DIESEL TRUCK & HOME NEAR CHERRY POINT 107 OPPORTUNITIES AT: helpful, must be computer lit- Pirates Lane, many updates, 3 The Sun Journal www.BeachDoctor.com is now accepting erate, neat in appearance, BOBCAT TECHNICIANS AFFORDABLE BARNS! 12X16 bedroom, 2 bath, pool, 2 decks, and have good work ethics. gas fireplace, $125,000. applications for a full time $1,895; 12x20 $2,395; 16x16 5 day work week. Valid NCDL. NEW LOCATION: $2,795. Other sizes available. Built (252)342-5615 position in the circulation No phone calls please. White’s International Trucks on your lot. Call (252)531-0664 or department. We will train Apply in person at: 800-218-BARN, Ayden BELOW TAX VALUE! Craven County Motorsports 4773 East US 70 the right individual. Suc- Office 8 rooms, 2 baths, screened 3317 Hwy 70 East, New Bern, NC cessful candidate must STEEL BUILDINGS Selling Repo’s, back porch, fenced back yard, New Bern, NC possess excellent commu- We Offer: cancelled orders. Save Thousands. wraparound front porch, Contact 20x30, 30x42, others. Strongest mature trees. Needs TLC. nication skills and pleasant Bill Jones or Scott Hess Top Pay Scale, Retirement demeanor. Must have a buildings available. Save more $ Very well built in 1919. Can be Program, Health & Life with display program. Free shipp- converted into 2 apartments. valid NC drivers license, OUTSIDE SALES/ Sales Insurance, Paid Sick & ing. Call today 866-352-0469 Located in southern Pitt insurance, and dependable OFFICE ASSISTANT TERMINIX Vacation Time, Paid County. $38,000 or best transportation. Duties will Sales/Technician Holidays, Factory Training. offer. include overseeing distribu- Position open with a Email inquiries to: tion of newspapers through 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Trent small company in New Available in the Jacksonville, Come and Join Our Team [email protected] Independent contractors, Rd, Glenburnie Rd, Tyson Mgmt Bern. Must have strong NC area. We are looking for 252-514-0188 early morning newspaper computer skills, career minded individuals Visit our web site at www.whitestractor.com route distribution, subscrip- customer service skills, with both technician and 2 & 3 BEDROOM homes for rent! tion sales and promotional for a application $50 PER MONTH! 8’x20’, 160 own reliable sales experience. We offer: sq.ft., We deliver to your site. $550-$625/month + deposit. Ref- events. Now is your transporation and strong Company Car with Gas or mail resumes to: On-Site Storage (910) 389-3659 erences required. (252)633-4918 chance to build a career, background in sales. Card, Paid Training, 401K White’s secure your future and and Major Medical Insur- International Trucks 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH DUPLEX in ance. This job is production SUMMER CLEARANCE! ONLY a New Bern. $465 per month. HUD become a valuable part Call for appointment! PO Box 3817 few sizes left, HUGE savings on base with first year earnings ok. (252)224-0872 or 259-1467 of a well-established com- Wilson, NC 27895 our heavy duty steel buildings. (252)636-3111 of $45-$50K possible. Attention: Edwin Ellis Toughest steel buildings on the 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH 1704 High pany. Full benefits Please email resume to: package included. Wilson Location planet. Call NOW (800)941-1140 Street. No inside pets. $850 per [email protected] or month. Call (252) 633-6630 call: 910-824-1504 Office If you have high energy, Trades 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH BRICK a great attitude and 20-50 ACRE PARCELS, Highway RANCH 1400sq.ft. 2402 N. Hills a desire to succeed, Full-time Front Desk MAINTENANCE 55 Ten minutes East of New Bern. Dr. (behind old Employment Secu- Trades please mail Receptionist $3000 to $5000 per acre, Call rity Commission), New Bern. No PERSON (919) 478-9343 smoking. No pets. $825/month. your resume to: Needed for busy medical needed for apartment com- (252)259-6571 or 635-5296 Sun Journal practice in New Bern. Experience preferred. munity in Vanceboro. This 3200 Wellons Blvd. Craven Co. Land 4 YEAR OLD, 3 bedroom, 2 bath Excellent salary and will be a part time position. New Bern, NC 28562 benefits. house with fenced yard, washer/ HVAC TECHNICIANS Qualified candidate must AUCTIONS Attn. Sheila Meadows dryer included, lawn care equip- Submit resume to: & DUCT INSTALLERS have their own tools, valid OnLine Only Auctions ment provided, near MCAS, availa- or email resume to Bidding Sept. 15th-Sept. 27th [email protected] driver’s license and vehicle. 9.8 Acre on US 17 & Hwy. 43 ble immediately, small pet ok, smeadows@ $925/month (military discount) or fax to: 252-752-0449. Must have reliable Must be motivated, organ- Vanceboro 486’ Hwy Frontage freedomenc.com Water & Sewer on property. Call (252) 514-6687 No phone calls please. transportation, steady ized and results oriented. ALSO-3 Residential Lots work history, NCDL, Our company offers com- Off Cool Springs Rd., Ernul 4 BR Septic Permits & Water 1508 FAIRFAX LANE (CULDESAC) and pass all screening. petitive salary and benefits. Guaranteed Owner Financing 2 bedroom, 2 bath duplex with EPA Certification a plus. Must pass criminal check Register & Bid ONLINE at: garage. All major appliances, www.HouseAuctionCompany.com washer and dryer. Application fee Office and drug screening. House Auction Co., Inc. Call for appointment! required. Pets okay with applicable Human Services Please fax cover letter and fees. Available 9/25. $725/month. Mount Olive College at 252-729-1162 NCAL#7889 (252)636-3111 resume to Attn: Ad# 2 at (252)229-0076 Easter Seals UCP New Bern has an or apply at Join our New Bern team immediate opening for an 1-888-985-4447 or email 1916 S. Glenburnie [email protected]. EOE 4006 HWY. 70 E 3/2, 2 car garage, as an Suite 2, New Bern central heat/air, Lease & deposit, INTENSIVE IN-HOME ACADEMIC ADVISOR no pets. $850 (252)637-5549 TEAM LEADER Trades 3/2 HISTORIC SPACIOUS Nice Must be licensed or The successful candidate At JL Kirkman’s Antique Mall will advise adult learners kitchen, fenced yard, lease & de- provisionally licensed GROUNDSMAN we’re always “busy” picking up es- posit, $1075. 252-635-7052 professional (LCSW, LMFT, and evaluate transcripts in tates. At Kirkman’s we don’t let the WATERVIEW LOTS STARTING degree completion grass grow under our feet! We’re at $86,000! Hubert, ICW, deep LPC) with one year NEEDED AFFORDABLE 1-3 BR apts, mobile busy, busy, busy! Our building is water boatslips! programs at Mount Olive homes and houses, some fur- documented experience for tree company. full of wonderful stuff! Are you Jody @ Choice 910 265-0771 College’s New Bern SamNJodyHomes.com nished and w/utilities from $400 - working with children with looking for an item? Check with us location. $1000. www.havelockrents.com emotional challenges. Must have the ability to first! “A short trip across the Qualifications include: or 252-447-6170 bridge to Bridgeton” 9-6 M-F, 10-6 A minimum of a Bachelor’s lift 50lbs., have valid Send resume via fax drivers license and pass Sat. 252-634-2745 degree. Must possess DISTRIBUTOR NEEDED (252)636-3732 or email: a drug screening. excellent PC skills and For local expansion of Five Hour anthony.gibson@ HAVELOCK 3/1. Living, dining, have the ability to handle Energy into high volume accounts. Apply in person at kitchen, laundry room, 1 car gar- nc.eastersealsucp.com administrative detail and GIANT FLEA MARKET We’re still Six figure income potential 1st age with workshop, fenced yard. policy compliance as well A-1 Tree Inc. Open! 21700 Hwy. 55, Oriental. year! You must have $19,900 $855 per month. No pets. 1 year 3301 Old Cherry Point Rd Look for “Pickers” on building. to invest now. as patience, flexibility, lease/deposit. (252)223-4901 teamwork, and follow- New Bern Open Thurs.-Sun. (252)249-0725 Call (800)854-2382 through, and must possess Previous applicants HOMES & APARTMENTS a strong customer service need not apply MOVING SALE Many items, low Established Vending Route New Bern and Havelock Medical orientation. Prior prices. Saturday 9/17/11 From $595/month. No phone calls accepted. 10 year old very profitable route. 7am-until. 305 Lee Drive NeuseRentals.com 252-635-6800 knowledge of curriculum Will sell all or part. Riverpoint Crest Havelock. and transcripts a plus. Trades Call (910)278-9442 Mount Olive College offers NEWER 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH in an excellent benefits Immediate Opportunities New Bern. Garage, yard, laundry LPN/RN room, all appliances. Pets upon package. Available!! MARINE CORPS COMMUNITY 11-7 “DOG SCHOOL” SERVICES, NEW RIVER IS SEEK- approval. Available November 1st! $925! (252)636-5055 or HVAC INSTALLERS Basic/Advanced training ING PARTIES interested in open- CNA Send cover letter, 639-1174 & HELPERS for all breeds! wellerkennels.com ing food establishments aboard 3-11 and 11-7 resume, and list of three New Bern, NC (252)636-5225 the Air Station. If you are inter- professional references Some experience preferred ested and would like to receive a STRICTLY RENTALS : 2 bed to: [email protected] but not required. request for Proposal (RFP) please rentals $550-$750 3/4 bed houses APPLY AT: call (910)449-5613 $750 & up. Call (252)447-0222 Call: 252-637-4730 or C/A Heating & A/C drop in to see us at: 1710 Old Airport Rd., MOBILE HOME HEAT AND COOL 2600 Old Cherry Point New Bern UNITS 24,000 BTU package sys- tem. $1499 Discount City Have- TYLER PLACE LUXURY APARTMENTS Rd., New Bern lock 252-447-1880 • High efficiency heat pumps Lost Something? • Water, sewer, trash pickup included • Large, open floor plans Sales Find it in the Classifieds! Or if you don’t Call or come by today for more information We honor years SPECIAL BUY! 3-ton, 36,000 BTU, Email for Application: [email protected] ***HIRING NOW*** find it in the “Lost & Found” section, you of experience and offer FT Days or PT Evenings can place your own ad there and let the 13 Seer Heatpump, split or AFFORDABLE • ASK FOR SPECIALS an excellent benefit finder... find you! The Classifieds are your package system, $1,996. Discount No $Money...No Problem...Move in Today w/approved credit* FUNDRAISING/TELESALES City Havelock 252-447-1880 package, competitive ON BEHALF OF best connection to meet up with buyers, Call for Details SHRINER’S ORGANIZATION sellers, prospective employers or $545 2 Bedrooms • $585 3 Bedrooms wage scale, shift and Must have a sense of employees. Call today to place your Office Hours: Monday-Wednesday 9-5 & Thursday 9-2 humor and a loud voice! 447-5160 weekend differential. Classified Ad. Located off Lake Road in Havelock FT up to$25 per hour. TACKLE BOXES 1 large and 1 *Limited time only. Some restrictions apply PT up to $12 per hour. 1-888-328-4802 small. Lures, leads, hooks, lots of We now accept credit cards AA/EOE 252-639-9937 Windsock stuff. Make offer. (252) 637-3868 B10 September 15, 2011 TheWindsock

CLEAN FURNISHED NO SMOKING OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT ON MOBILE HOMES for rent in New- near Tryon Palace. for single. $100 HWY 70E NEAR TABERNA port area. Starting at $325. Please CHRYSLER 2002 TOWN & COUN- TRY VAN Dependable family car! week & up 252-249-2200 1,246sq.ft. + 585sq.ft. garage/ call for availability. 252-223-6002 CAR INSURANCE storage area, lighted parking lot, 170550 miles. Good/fair condition. BEST PRICES IN TOWN! $800/mo. 252-244-2464 after Auto, cruise, A/C. $3,200! (252) HAVELOCK NC Great location, GRADY & GRADY 5pm NICE 14x80 2/2 on 1 acre $495 626-5058 move in, everything furnished, no 3330 Neuse Blvd. New Bern deposits, extended stay less than per month. 7 miles to New Bern. (252)638-5433 $24 day, next to Food Lion. Host- No pets. Call (252)249-3999 Non-Owner Insurance ess House Motel 252-447-3689 BEST RATES FOR DWI FORD 1999 TAURUS Duratec, AA HOME REPLACEMENT PRO- black, gray interior, was $4,995, sale $3,500. Plaza Auto Supermar- 220 Apartments for Rent GRAMS available for Storm Vic- tims. $0 deposit. Furnished 2-5 ket Havelock 252-447-0314 1 BEDROOM Furnished Apart- bedroom homes. Call for relief to- ments Waterfront setting, weekly, day! (252) 355-8811 monthly 910-578-5777 FORD 2001 WINDSTAR SE, tan, BRAND NEW DOUBLEWIDE! 3 leather interior, 3rd row seating, DOWNTOWN 1 BEDROOM 1 bath, bedroom, 2 bath. $29,990. Stock # $3,475 Plaza Auto Supermarket kitchen, living room, laundry 1236. Call Down East Homes CHRYSLER 2001 PT CRUISER Havelock 252-447-0314 room, all appliances! $475/month. Kinston (252)527-2750 Red, sporty, clean, was $4,985, Call (252)671-4564 FORD 2002 EXPLORER XL V6, sale $3,800. Plaza Auto MAZDA 2002 MPV LX 3rd row CHEAP REPOS! SINGLE AND white, sporty, 2WD, was $5,987, Supermarket Havelock 2/2.5 TOWNHOUSE RIVERBEND loaded, clean, Sporty. Was $6995 DODGE 2001 DAKOTA Quad Cab DOUBLEWIDE mobile homes for sale $4,700. Plaza Auto Supermar- 252-447-0314 Recently updated, 1 year lease, no Blowout $4900 Plaza Auto Super- for sale, 4WD, runs great and in sale! 2 and 3 bedrooms. Call ket Havelock 252-447-0314 pets, $825/dep., $825/mo. Call market Havelock 252 447-0314 good condition. Maroon with (919) 522-6463 (336)287-2113 or (252)636-1964 matching cab. Kelly Bluebook $6400 Asking $5,800. Call ALL THE BEST DEALS Apartments, CLEAN WINDZONE II/III SIN- 303-883-5254. Townhouses, Duplexes, Mobile GLEWIDE & PARK MODEL HOMES home lots or mini storages. Sec- FOR SALE! (919)778-1818 tion 8 accepted. (252) 637-5600 HARLEY DAVIDSON 2009 Rocker Management Services HURRICANE RELIEF! We will C. 4426 miles, garage kept, radiant work with your Insurance Co., DODGE 2008 MAGNUM SXT Beau- blue pearl with silver flames, 240 NEWPORT, NC Quiet, clean, 1 FEMA and SBA to replace your JEEP 2000 CHEROKEE 4L, Auto, tiful gold color, was $9,995, PONTIAC 1999 FIREBIRD Black, rear tire, Vance and hines pipes, bedroom apartments. Completely Storm Damage Mobile or Modular Cold air, Runs great, was $5985 wholesale $7,880. Plaza Auto Su- loaded, t-top, sporty, was $5,795, excellent condition, $15,700 furnished including housekeeping. Home quick! Royal Homes Sacrifice! $4700 Plaza Auto Super- permarket Havelock sale $4,400. Plaza Auto Supermar- 252-876-1949 No deposits. No waiting. Pay by 800-201-1331 market Havelock 252-447-0314 252-447-0314 ket Havelock 252-447-0314 the day, week or month. Hostess House 252-223-6020 SUZUKI 2003 VOLUSIA 40th Anni- NEW 2012 16’ wide 3 bedroom, 2 versary Pearl White. Excellent me- bath. Only $27,990, delivered & chanical condition, 12k miles. New set. Call Down East Homes (252) tires, Leather-like lockable saddle- 527-2750 2,400 SQ. FT. RETAIL OR OFFICE bags. Windshield & lightbar kit in- SPACE for lease. Riverwood Plaza, stalled. $3,300 252-259-8188 MLK Blvd., 17S. $1570/month. NEW 3 BEDROOM (252)636-7681 or (252)672-7639 DOUBLEWIDE! Taking custom orders! 2500 TRENT ROAD Trent Road Only $35,995!! PONTIAC 2002 AZTEK Gas saver, Plaza, 1,200sq.ft., ideal retail CALL (252)523-3680 (Agent) clean, was $5,995, blowout space, $800/month. Chuck Tyson $3,800. Plaza Auto Supermarket (252)670-5230 Havelock 252-447-0314

4,000 SQ.FT., WAREHOUSE on Hwy 70 East, includes electric, $750/month. Call (252)671-7770 BUICK 1968 SKYLARK Convertible Classic, 350, auto, A/C, new top, BAYBORO - 2 RETAIL/OFFICES REDUCED! NEW 3/2 BATH HOME tires, tune-up, great driver FOR RENT Immediate occupancy! between Kinston & New Bern. Nice $$8,500. Local 631-375-1226 You’ll find some great 400 sq.ft. or 1,600 sq.ft., 1 block country lot. Call (252)756-4200 from courthouse, plenty of park- ing, Handicap accessible, 200’ of ones in the classifieds. Hwy. frontage, large wrap-around THE EXCLUSIVE EDGE! deck. For more info, call Glenda 16x76, 3 bedroom, 2 bath with at Sail Loft Realty (252)249-7368 upgrades. Less than $280/month! To place an ad call 1-888-328-4802 (252)523-3900 (agent) COMMERCIAL RENTALS! All sizes and price ranges! Tyson Manage- ment (252)514-0188 2 & 3 BEDROOMS Singlewides. BUICK 1992 ROADMASTER Local OFFICE SPACE for rent. 1400 Sq Sandy Ridge MHP Bridgeton. No owner, loaded, 76K, was $3,995, ft, downtown New Bern, Ample pets allowed. Rental lots available. sale $2,700. Plaza Auto Supermar- off-street parking. (252) 633-2470 (252)637-9321 or 474-5058 ket Havelock 252-447-0314