TEN Part of Laos Operation Seen Ended in Two Weeks
FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 19^1 PAGE TWENTY JlanrljMtpr lEwmttg l|fralii Average DaUy Net Press Roll The Weather F o r 11m Week Ended Continued cloudy tonight with done with several-year-old Biueiift ten chance of occaalonsd driisle; Rlchanl Alien Larson, son erf \ seedling transplants from a iianrhpatpr lEumitm BpraU) Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larson of low about 86. Sunday variable About Town 39 Andor Rd., has been .elected nursery. They have a head cloudineas; high near 60. start on the faster growing S u m n W d M iS L 16,080 'A' * Peter Schutthels, son o< Mr. ^ senior member of the Student natural seedlings of hardwoods. Manchester— A City 6f ViUage Charm and Mrs. Walter Schultheis of senate at Bryant ColleKe, Perfermances on 91 Robert Rd., a Junior at Ver- providence. R.I. That saves some weeding. The (Olaaaifled Advertlaliix on Page U ) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS mont Academy, recently spent ____ Shakers plowed and leveled a THURSDAY & FRIDAY, VOL. LXXXX, NO. 138 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 13. 1971 a week in Jersey a ty , N.J. for Lesley M. AOles Jr., son large tract ready for a seed a work study experience as part ^ jjr. and Mrs. Wesley L. year, collected the cones when M ARCH 18 & 19, 1971 of an Urban Studies progrram jm es of 429 ^ring: St., serving ripe. The seeds were sown by organized JolnUy by the acade- jhe first Marine Division In putting the dry cones in bar a t 8:00 p.m. my and Dartmouth College.
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