How to Get Free Tickets for Notre Dame-Carnegie Game Harem

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How to Get Free Tickets for Notre Dame-Carnegie Game Harem IN THIS ISSUE à S CfT. Ferdinand Brown of Pittsburgh ordained with New Mare ami bf|nt class in history of Bureau of St. Viaeeat fMMl-"* Fathers. Paul Society to be fe Founded in 1844 by Rt. Rev. Michael O'Connor, Firit Bishop of Pitttburgh Dioc«m opened on 8 rada jr. THE PITTSBURG: " — A, H CATHOLIC 0CHTY-EIGHTH YEAR PITTSBURGH, FEBRUARY 12, 1931 Nli 7 New St. Vincent De Paul Building Radio Speaker m HELP IHM)IRE Beautiful New Edifice Taking Dr. Maynard Address At Shape for Assumption I Special Two Weeks' Services Clients of Mother of Perpetui Theater on Sunday Will Be At St. Francis Xavier's Parishioners to See of Interest to Them j Help at St. Philomena'» Start on Feb. 15 Express Gratitude Work is progressing rapidly on j the beautiful new Church of the As- ! The address to b p (¡riven by l>r. ; Arrangements «re completed for gumption, Bel lev UP. and the exteri- Theodore Maynard of Georgetown the two weeks' Capuchin Mission Sixty-five acknowledgements rf b< or will »»on ' completed, it is ex- j University at the Harris Theater, which will be conducted by the Rev. favors received through the later i peeted. The Rev. 1. .1. McGovern Diamond street, on Father Sigmund Cratz, O.M.Cap., cession of the Mother of PerpeMl t-I mtnr »nd it is largely due to ' Sunday; Febru- and the Rev. Father Regis Krah, [a pastor, ami ary 15, under the auspices of the ! [Help came to the Redemptoriat Fa- his untiring efforts and zeal Fourth Degree, Knights O.M.Cap., at the Church of St. long sen ire as pas-1 thers at St. Phalomena's Perpetaal throughout his bus for the allaying of Francis Xavier, California avenue, chu h that the relif •ions North Side. The Holy Mission will Help Shrme during the past week. tor of Assumption prejudice, will be of consii s is now arising e rail! open with a Solemn High Mase on beautiful new edifi terest to non-Catholics, as the Several returned thanks for haviag ructure. as Sunday, February 15, at eleven to replace the old s speaker prior to his being received secured employment through th* has progressed o'clock, during which special music The contractor h into the Catholic church occupied aid of this gvacious Lady; opetaMMH-i e outside of the will be rendered by the combined with his work on the pulpits in the churches of two nop extent that all Junior ami Senior choirs. The first were undergone successful]/; building to such an Catholic denominations. re and judge week will be for the women of the woman returned thanks for the the parishioners may A large group of Knights of Col- the final ap- parish and their friends and the sec- for themselves as tr I limbus officers will be seated on the tial restoration of her hearinf. ure. Leo A. ond week will be for the men. The pearanoe of the ¡-tru stage during the lecture and among The most consoling favor m i liajf • of the As- mission will close on March 1. IfeHuilen, a member . the invited guests who will lie pres- during the past week was thai) •ommittee and Dr. Theodore Maynard The program covering the Mission iumption Church c. ent are Very Rev. Joseph ,1. Calla- granted to a worried mother. Seaw tect of the new Services announced by the Rev. Pat- „ho i» also the arclut han. C.S.Sp.. President of Duquesne time ago her beet-loved boy IsA the following rick E. Maher, pastor, is as follows: . church, has written University; Rev. Paul K. Campbell, | home. No word regarding his Am- ' terior of the| Women'» Miaaion dtecription of the :nt • Superintendent of Parish Schools; | tination. Time passed and stiil no* m fit of all in the February 15 to February 22 building for th bi | Rev. Jerome D. Hannan, D.D.; Rev. i i word. Harraseed and distracted th* 1 Morning Service—Mission Masses j jariih. Brother I>. Edward, F.S.C., Princi- [good mother betook herself to the provide a par- —(week days) 5:45 add 8:00 o'clock. •The basement pal. Boys Catholic High School; | Shrine of Our Lady of PtrpatfBit ai: d 121 feet jrfl hall, 60 feet wide ; Hon. A. B. Reid, Hon. Frank P. I Evening Services—Rosary, Ser- { Help. She began the novena for th* . kitchen. The (Ctinedlost) long, with an adjacent I Patterson and Hon. John P. Kgan of j mon and Benediction at 7:45 o'clock. return of her boy. Four weeks of also located in the heating plant the Court of Common Pleas; Past newly-remodeled store and The parish societies also give Tuesday evening special Confer- The Rev. Dr. John K. Cartwright, the novena passed—when una** taaement. State Deputies John B. McDonough, | Bureau of the St Vincent de ! groceries, coal ind clothing and help ences: Married Women in church at assistant pastor of St. Patrick's pectedly a letter comes from the we enter Even George Jean Nathan Can "On the church level, j F. W. Rios, Jr., and Leo G. Griffith; Paul Society 2005 Fifth avenue, will in many other ways. Not the least 7:45 ami single women in church Church, Washington, D. C„ and Prodigal. Happy, the woman m* 1 ined main Find Good Points in Plan | M. J. Hoban, Master, and John J. of the Society members' work is in turned thanks immediately and cetf» ; 4 the front into a stone be formallv pened on Sunday, Feb- hall, 7:45. Professor of Church History in vsstibule. which will have a tile I Gorrell, navigator, Fourth Degree;! rendering spiritual assistance to Sunday, February 22, at 3 o'clock thraed to pray for the boy's return | To Censor Theater ruary 15, and a hearty welcome is the Sulpician Seminary at the {tor with stone borders. ThI hii s ves ¡J. V. Brogan, Joseph A. Hensler. Ed-! those in need of it; bringing them —Solemn closing of Mission fori home. The novena went on. WeA> ward I,ee Bladel, Louis F. S. Cook, 1 extended to all in the diocese to call peace and contentment of mind Catholic University of America, nesday, February 4, was to manf I titrate will have a wood timber ceil- (By George Jean Nathan in Yarviy women. and Edward P. Griffin, local Knights ; and inspect the new quarters. Cloth-1 through getting them back to the the last of the nine Wedneednttil jM. Adjacent to the vestibule and Fair for February)- Children's Miaaion who will be the speaker m the ¡of Columbus officers. Senator Frank! ing, shoes, furniture and household Church wherever they have strayed Thanks to the Mother of Pi iinlaat " Maratcd from it by a stone arch, It is all very well to oppose cen- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday j Catholic Hoar of radio broadcast- J. Harris will preside. A short mu items are given to the Society by' away. Help—on Tuesday, the dav before il the Baptistry, stone lined and sorship of honest effort in any di- -i mornings and afternoon« during the : i sical program will precede the lec- benefactors who share in the many Anyone having donations of ing, beginning Sunday, March 1. the close of the novena the hoy pole ' treated with a timber ceiling in a rection. 1 myself have devote! the week of February 15. jture. I.eo J. Aaron is general chair- indulgences gained through their clothing, shoes, etc., for the poor is Dr. Cartwright will deliver four in his appearance at home. I mafia* Banner harmonizing with the main best years of my life and enough ink- Thursday morning—Solemn clos-; man. contributions to the Society. Hun- requested to call the Society's truck addresses. The Catholic Hour is the thanks and the confidence of"th* '", Wtibule. to print the Congressional Record ing with General Communion at 8:00 dreds of article* are given away at Grant 1233, and the truck will good woman in the interceaaw#i.-l for the next century to such opposi- o'clock Mass. sponsored by the National Council The Main Vestibule monthly by the Society to the needy, call for the articles. Officials of the power of the Mother of Ferpeta* tion. But the fight requires a very I of Catholic Men and is broadcast "From the mam vestibule, three through the Store and Clothes | Society report that the demand for Men's M ianion Help! considerable skill, strategy and tech-1 doors lead to the inside, one at the NAMED NEW EDITOR Bureau, and many hundreds of fam he)el;p is very pressing at this time, February Z2 to March 1 over a network of the National nique and, at this point in the game.; Great Leaten Nee—a ecnter to the center aisle, and at ilies are also assisted through their annd urge all who can do so to con- Mom ing Service«—Mission Masses i Broadcasting Company. the Dramatists' Guild strikes me as : the sides, one each to the (iospel OF ROSARY MAGAZINE local parish societies. tribute as liberally as possible. (week days) 5:45 and 8:00 o'clock. Ash Wednesday the neat T nidi ; being FB<Uy deficient in those at-i Novena begins at St. Mary's, PiM*< « and Epistle aisles, respectively. : Evening Services—Rosary, Ser-1 Over the center doorway is found tibutes. With only two except ons, | R v w C. Newa S^rvlc*) mon ami Benediction at 7:45 o'clock. I burgh Shrine. A special course at if my memory of military strategy ( I-enten sermons on the Sorrows ef ' ptrven, the Cross, the symbol of New York.
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