Published at: Friday15th July 2011 First Floor, Town Council Offices, Issue 519 Civic Hall Square, Shildon, RIER DL4 1AH. N C Telephone/Fax: 01388 775896 Shildon W Duty journalist: 0790 999 2731 ric t O & D i s t T At the heart of our wonderful community email:
[email protected] Lessons in community safety Redworth House’s future uncertain Landlords have finally to help with the transition pulled the plug on care to new owners or operators home giant Southern Cross, and maintain continuity of with Redworth House on care. Byerley Road being just one Chief executive of the of the homes affected by Darlington-based company, the situation. Jamie Buchan said, “My Landlords of 250 of the 752 objective is to continue homes have agreed to take to provide excellent care back the centres to run to every resident and to themselves, however it is as manage the programme of yet unclear as to whether transition professionally.” Redworth House is among Daniel Smith, Chairman this number. The remaining of the Southern Cross 502 homes are caught up in Landlords’ Committee negotiations with owners tried to reassure residents which could take months. and their families that the The company’s financial quality of care provided by crisis came to light earlier the new landlords would Year six teacher Samantha Overfield with pupils Euan Mack, Connor Jones, Jessica this year when they were remain high. Gibson, Lauren Heighington, Hope Gibson and Kate Dunn with PCSO Claire Kerr. faced with rising rent He stated, “Unless you are costs and lower fees.