Automation and inequality The changing world of work in the global South Andrew Norton Issue Paper Green economy Keywords: August 2017 Technology, social policy, gender About the author Andrew Norton is director of the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED),
[email protected] (@andynortondev) Acknowledgements This paper covers a broad territory and many conversations over many months fed into it. I am grateful to the following colleagues for ideas, comments on drafts and conversations that have influenced the paper. From outside IIED: Simon Maxwell, Alice Evans (University of Cambridge), Mark Graham (Oxford University), Becky Faith (IDS Sussex), Kathy Peach (Bond), Joy Green (Forum for the Future), Stefan Raubenheimer (South South North), Arjan de Haan (IDRC), Rebeca Grynspan (SEGIB). From within IIED: Alejandro Guarin, Tom Bigg, Clare Shakya, Sam Greene, Paul Steele, Lorenzo Cotula, Sam Barrett. Much of the content of the paper was stimulated by a panel on the future of work in developing countries at the 2017 conference of Bond (UK) that included (in addition to Joy, Kathy and Becky) Elizabeth Stuart of ODI, and a webinar organised by Bond and Forum for the Future in June 2017. Responsibility for final content and errors is of course entirely mine. Produced by IIED The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) promotes sustainable development, linking local priorities to global challenges. We support some of the world’s most vulnerable people to strengthen their voice in decision making. Published by IIED, August 2017 Norton, A (2017) Automation and inequality. The changing world of work in the global South. Issue Paper.