Uncultured Organism Entransia Fimbriata Closterium Zygnemophyceae Sabiaceae Haloragaceae Neurada Procumbens Zelkova Serrata Fagu

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Uncultured Organism Entransia Fimbriata Closterium Zygnemophyceae Sabiaceae Haloragaceae Neurada Procumbens Zelkova Serrata Fagu Legend: nt.Sediment nt.Benthos nt.Pelagial nt.Reed nt.Plankton nt.Biofilm nt.Littoral nt.AboveSed Gregarinasina Ascogregarina environmental sample Ascogregarina taiwanensis Cyclotrichium cyclokaryon Phialina salinarum Haptorida Paraspathidium apofuscum Semispathidium sp. VBOEF-2011 Tracheliidae Dileptus Pseudomonilicaryon sp. PPV-2011 Tetrahymenina Tetrahymena thermophila Dexiostoma campyla Frontonia sp. SNK-2011 Paramecium bursaria Peniculida Paramecium Paramecium calkinsi Paramecium chlorelligerum Paramecium polycaryum Vorticellidae Oligohymenophorea Carchesium polypinum Vorticella sp. 4 JG-2011 Cinetochilum margaritaceum Intramacronucleata Cardiostomatella vermiformis Philasterida Philasteridae Parauronema longum Scuticociliatia Species Philasterides armatalis Uronemella parafilificum Ciliophora Pleuronema Pleuronema coronatum Pleuronema marinum Acineta flava Prorodontida Coleps hirtus Alveolata Plagiocampa sp. PHB09022602 Codonellopsis gaussi Tintinnida Cymatocylis calyciformis Tintinnidium sp. 2 LS-2012 Stylonychinae Stylonychia Spirotrichea Tetmemena pustulata Stichotrichia Paraurostyla Anteholosticha monilata Urostylida Urostylidae Paruroleptus lepisma Urostyla grandis Blepharisma japonicum Spirostomum Spirostomum ambiguum Heterotrichida Spirostomum teres Postciliodesmatophora Stentor amethystinus Stentor Stentor coeruleus Stentor muelleri Loxodes striatus Gymnodiniaceae Gymnodinium acidotum Gymnodiniales Gyrodinium Tovellia coronata Heterocapsaceae Peridiniopsis polonicum DinophyceaePeridinialesPeridiniaceae Peridinium palatinum Scrippsiella Pfiesteriaceae Biecheleria cincta Suessiales Suessiaceae Pelagodinium beii Polarella glacialis Micronuclearia podoventralis Pterocystis tropica Cryptomonas curvata Cryptophyta uncultured marine cryptophyte Cryptophyta gen. sp. Concarneau_14 uncultured eukaryote Kinetoplastida Bodo Ichthyobodo necator Pavlova gyrans Haptophyceae Prymnesiales Chrysochromulina leadbeateri Haptolina Monosiga ovata Chytridium sp. JEL341 Chytridiales Chytriomycetaceae Chytriomyces Entophlyctis sp. JEL174 ChytridiomycetesCladochytriales Cladochytrium Allochytridium luteum Chytridiomycota uncultured Maunachytrium Arkaya Rhizophydium sp. 'paterale' Chytridiomycota sp. LLMB1_2 PML-2011r unclassified Chytridiomycota Chytridiomycota sp. LLMB5_1 PML-2011q Chytridiomycota sp. Mori B3 Amoeboaphelidium protococcarum environmental samples <ascomycota> uncultured Ascomycota uncultured Phialemonium uncultured Lemonniera uncultured Pezizomycotina Tubeufiaceae Capnodiales Mycosphaerellaceae Dothideomycetes Dothideomycetidae Catenulostroma Aureobasidium Leptosphaeria maculans Chaetothyriales Herpotrichiellaceae Eurotiomycetes unclassified Chaetothyriales Penicillium Scoliciosporum umbrinum Ascomycota leotiomyceta Leotiomycetes uncultured Helotiales Pezizomycotina unclassified Leotiomycetes saccharomyceta Reticulascaceae Fungi Hypocreomycetidae Neonectria Halosphaeriaceae sordariomyceta Carpoligna pleurothecii Sordariomycetes Dikarya Pseudohalonectria Sordariomycetidae Raffaelea uncultured Sordariales Annulatascus nilensis unclassified Sordariomycetes Pezizaceae Pezizales Coprotus ochraceus Psilopezia cf. nummularialis TL-11785 Saccharomycetales Agaricomycetes incertae sedis Bjerkandera adusta environmental samples <Sebacinaceae> Agaricomycetes Cortinariaceae Agaricomycotina Agaricales Inocybe Lycoperdaceae Basidiomycota mitosporic Tremellales Cryptococcus <Tremellales> Dioszegia uncultured Basidiomycota Opisthokonta Agaricostilbomycetes incertae sedis Pucciniomycotina Erythrobasidiaceae Pucciniales environmental samples <Fungi> uncultured ectomycorrhizal fungus uncultured fungus uncultured soil fungus Glomeromycetes uncultured Archaeospora uncultured Glomus unclassified Fungi fungal endophyte fungal sp. ARIZ AZ1057 Macrostomida Macrostomum Rhabditophora Microstomum lineare Mesostoma lingua Nematoda Krefftascaris Mononchus truncatus Bosminidae Anomopoda Chydorus sphaericus Cladocera Daphnia Diaphanosoma sp. DJT-2002 Leptodora kindtii Calanoida Centropagidae Crustacea Labidocera Ecdysozoa Pancrustacea Cyclops Eukaryota Panarthropoda Neocopepoda Macrocyclops distinctus Cyclopidae root Megacyclops viridis Mesocyclops leuckarti Thermocyclops oithonoides Bilateria Podocopida Candona candida Romecytheridea ampla Eumetazoa Protostomia Pterygota Orthocladiinae Caenidae Hypsibiidae Hirudinea Clitellata Haplotaxida Plutellus environmental sample Nais alpina Neocheilostomatina Steginoporella magnifica Chaperiopsis rubida Chaetonotidae Lophotrochozoa Dreissena blanci Mollusca Gastropoda Potamopyrgus antipodarum Panpulmonata Flosculariacea Conochilus unicornis Sinantherina socialis Monogononta Asplanchnopus dahlgreni Ploimida Brachionus calyciflorus Ploesoma truncatus Scleractinia Cnidaria Hydrozoa Limnocnida tanganyicae Aglantha digitale Creolimax fragrantissima Bodomorpha sp. HFCC 92 Plasmodiophora brassicae Cercozoa Silicofilosea Ebria tripartita unclassified Cercozoa Batrachospermales Achnanthidium minutissimum Achnanthales Cocconeis Cocconeis pediculus Cocconeis placentula Cylindrotheca Nitzschia amphibia BacillariaceaeNitzschia Nitzschia fonticola Nitzschia palea Pseudo-nitzschia Cymbella affinis Cymbella Cymbella lanceolata Cymbellaceae Cymbella proxima Cymbellales Encyonema Encyonema caespitosum Encyonema minutum Bacillariophycidae Gomphonema cf. angustatum Gomphonema Gomphonema micropus Gomphonema parvulum Bacillariophyta Entomoneis sp. Navicula Sellaphora capitata Naviculales Craticula Craticula cuspidata Stauroneidaceae Craticula molestiformis Stauroneis anceps Surirellaceae Campylodiscus thuretii Surirella sp. CCAP 1071/2 Amphora coffeaeformis Amphora Amphora libyca Amphora pediculus Aulacoseira granulata Coscinodiscophyceae Thalassiosirales Stephanodiscus Thalassiosiraceae Asterionella formosa Stramenopiles Fragilariaceae Diatoma moniliforme Fragilaria Pseudostaurosira brevistriata Nerada mexicana Chromulina sp. SAG 17.97 Chromulinaceae Ochromonas danica Chromulinales Chrysophyceae Spumella Spumella sociabilis Spumella sp. HFCC100 Chrysolepidomonas dendrolepidota Paraphysomonas imperforata Hydrurus foetidus Developayella elegans Apedinella radians Nannochloropsis Hyphochytrium catenoides Haliphthoros Leptomitales Oomycetes Phytophthora Pythium Aphanomyces Ankylochrysis lutea Ectocarpales Phaeophyceae Laminariales PX clade Tilopteris mertensii Asterocladon rhodochortonoides Tribonema aequale Mallomonas acaroides Mallomonas akrokomos Mallomonas Mallomonadaceae Mallomonas asmundae Mallomonas caudata Mallomonas tonsurata Synura spinosa Telonema subtile Aphanochaete Chlamydomonas Chlamydomonas monadina Chlamydomonas noctigama Chlamydomonadales Chlorococcaceae Chlorococcum oleofaciens Fasciculochloris sp. CCCryo257-06 Chlorogonium euchlorum Chlorophyceae Volvox carteri Mychonastes Oedogonium cardiacum Hydrodictyaceae Sphaeropleales Acutodesmus obliquus Tetraedron Hormotilopsis tetravacuolaris Mamiellales Crustomastix stigmatica Chlorophyta Dolichomastix tenuilepis Nephroselmis pyriformis Prasinophyceae Scherffelia dubia Monomastix sp. M0722 Chlorellaceae Chlorella variabilis Chlorellales Micractinium reisseri Trebouxiophyceae Viridiplantae Eremosphaera viridis Microthamniales Stichococcus bacillaris Trebouxia Acrosiphoniales Desmochloris halophila Cladophoraceae Aegagropila linnaei Ulvophyceae Cladophora Ulotrichales Ulothrix zonata Pseudendocloniopsis botryoides Ulva fasciata Coleochaete scutata Symphysodontella cylindracea Acromastigum adaptatum Pinus Streptophytina Fagales Alnus glutinosa Embryophyta fabids Streptophyta rosids Fagus grandifolia Spermatophyta Pentapetalae eudicotyledons Zelkova serrata Neurada procumbens Haloragaceae Sabiaceae Zygnemophyceae Closterium Entransia fimbriata uncultured organism.
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