Nature is a puzzle - 3

This is a pink curled-leaved rockrose ( crispus), ”roselha” in Portuguese, an indige- nous from mainland, meaning it exists naturally there. It is a bush of the Cistacea family, that includes the common gum cistus and other rockros- es. The leaves have a wavy margin, so the name crispus (curled), and it has hairs to pre- vent water loss, an adaptation to the Mediterranean climate (dry and hot in summer). It is found in mixed pine forests (with pines and other tree species), scrublands and open areas on cork oak woods, sometimes on roadsides, in hot areas. April and May are the best months to see this flower and its pollinators insects in Portugal. In the world you can find this species in Portugal, , Algeria, France, Morocco, Sardinia and Turkey. Did you know this rockrose and the white-leaved rockrose () are the only cis- tus with pink flowers? All the others have white flowers. Know more on this species and challenge your friends, colleagues and teachers to study it. Search for information on the internet and on your photo collection to find out if this species exists where you live. Help this species giving colour and life to the countryside, protect the , avoid step- ping on them and always prevent fires!

Do the puzzle HERE (puzzle photo by Ana Paula Martins)

Text: Ana Paula Martins & Cristina Girão Vieira Photo & design: Cristina Girão Vieira #ICNF #Roselha #Cistus crispus #riaformosa #sudoestealentejano #costavicentina #sapaldecastromarim #anaturezaéumpuzzle