2014 Tasman Rotoiti Nelson Lakes Report(PDF, 203
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EPA Report: Verified Source: Pestlink Operational Report for Possum, Ship rat Control in the Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes BfoB 08 Nov 2014 - 08 Dec 2014 8/05/2015 Department of Conservation Nelson Lakes Contents 1. Operation Summary ............................................................................................................. 2 2. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 TREATMENT AREA ....................................................................................................... 4 2.2 MANAGEMENT HISTORY ........................................................................................... 8 3 Outcomes and Targets ......................................................................................................... 8 3.1 CONSERVATION OUTCOMES ................................................................................... 8 3.2 TARGETS ........................................................................................................................ 8 3.2.1 Result Targets .......................................................................................................... 8 3.2.2 Outcome Targets ..................................................................................................... 9 4 Consultation, Consents & Notifications ............................................................................. 9 4.1 CONSULTATION .......................................................................................................... 9 4.2 CONSENTS .................................................................................................................. 10 4.3 NOTIFICATION .......................................................................................................... 10 5 Methods ................................................................................................................................ 11 5.1 TARGET SPECIES ........................................................................................................ 11 5.2 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS ................................................................................... 16 5.2.1 Effects on Non-Target Species ............................................................................. 16 5.2.2 Effects on Soil and Water Quality ........................................................................ 16 5.2.3 Effects on Ecosystems ........................................................................................... 17 5.2.4 Effects on Human Health ...................................................................................... 17 6 Monitoring Results and Outcomes ................................................................................... 18 6.1 RESULT MONITORING - TARGET SPECIES ........................................................... 18 6.2 RESULT MONITORING - ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS ...................................... 19 6.3 OUTCOME MONITORING ........................................................................................ 20 1. Operation Summary Operation Name Possum, Ship rat Control in Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes BfoB Operation Date 08 Nov 2014 - 08 Dec 2014 Office: Rotoiti / Nelson Lakes Region: Northern and Western South Island Pestlink Reference 1415STA02 Treatment Area Size (ha) Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes BfoB 9035.00 Conservation Unit Name(s) GA Id(s) Nelson Lakes National Park 2803471 Treatment Block Details Treatment Blocks Size (ha) Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes BfoB 842.00 170m Flight Lines Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes BfoB 8082.00 150m Flight Lines Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes BfoB 111.00 Hand lay Andersons/Way to Go Helicopters Contractor Name Treatment Dates Start Completion Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes BfoB 08 Nov 2014 03 Dec 2014 150m Flight Lines Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes BfoB 08 Nov 2014 03 Dec 2014 170m Flight Lines Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes BfoB 08 Nov 2014 08 Dec 2014 Hand lay Target Pest Details Target Treatment Blocks Control Method Name Pests Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes Possum, Pesticide Aerial Pesticide - Aerial in BfoB 150m Flight Ship rat Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes BfoB Lines 150m Flight Lines-(2) Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes Possum, Pesticide Aerial Pesticide - Aerial in BfoB 170m Flight Ship rat Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes BfoB Lines 170m Flight Lines-(1) Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes Possum, Pesticide Hand Pesticide - Hand Laying in Pestlink Ref: 1415STA02 Page 2 of 21 Date Printed: 11 May 2015 BfoB Hand lay Ship rat Laying Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes BfoB Hand lay-(1) Conservation Outcome(s) The Department of Conservation will undertake this operation to protect the health and integrity of native plant and animal species and forest communities within the area. The conservation objectives of the operation are: To benefit threatened native fauna species present, particularly those susceptible to rat and possum predation including, but not limited to kea, kaka, kakariki, great spotted kiwi and rock wren, Powelliphanta spp. and long tailed bats. Prevent the possible functional extinction of rat and stoat susceptible native fauna species as a result of beech mast induced predator irruptions. Enhance the effectiveness of the predator (rat and stoat) ground control programme (trapping) for the protection of kaka, kea and great spotted kiwi particularly at periods when predator populations increase following episodic beech mast events. Result Target(s) Treatment Area/Block What we got • To reduce rat Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes BfoB 0% tracking indices at 150m Flight Lines all surveyed sites within the aerial treatment area to less than 5% Footprint Tunnel Index (FTI). • To reduce rat Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes BfoB 13% tracking indices at 170m Flight Lines all surveyed sites within the aerial treatment area to less than 5% Footprint Tunnel Index (FTI). • To reduce rat Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes BfoB 20% tracking indices at Hand lay all surveyed sites within the aerial treatment area to less than 5% Footprint Tunnel Index (FTI). • To reduce Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes BfoB 4% possums within 150m Flight Lines the aerial treatment area to a Pestlink Ref: 1415STA02 Page 3 of 21 Date Printed: 11 May 2015 wax tag monitoring level of less than 15% (< 15% BMI) immediately following the operation Outcome Targets What we got The only known kea nest • To achieve increased survival and productivity within the treatment area of kea in Nelson Lakes National Park measured fledged 3 chicks (the first in the two breeding seasons after the operation. nesting attempt had failed due to rat predation of the eggs). • To achieve increased survival and productivity Treatment (hand lay) 10% of South Island Robin in Nelson Lakes National nesting success. Non- Park measured in the two breeding seasons treatment 66.7% nesting after the operation. success. 2. Introduction 2.1 TREATMENT AREA Non-target species Common Name Scientific Name Red deer Cervus elaphus scoticus Chamois Rupicapra rupicapra Hare Lepus europaeus occidentalis Common Wasp Vespula vulgaris Target benefit species Common Name Scientific Name Ninox novaeseelandiae Morepork, Ruru novaeseelandiae Kea Nestor notabilis South Island Kaka, bush Nestor meridionalis parrot, brown parrot, kawkaw meridionalis Great spotted kiwi, roa, roroa Apteryx haastii Long-tailed bat Chalinolobus tuberculatus Yellow-crowned Parakeet, Cyanoramphus auriceps Kakariki Bellbird Anthornis melanura melanura Tui Prosthemadera Pestlink Ref: 1415STA02 Page 4 of 21 Date Printed: 11 May 2015 novaeseelandiae novaeseelandiae South Island Rifleman, Acanthisitta chloris chloris Titipounamu South Island Robin, Toutouwai, kakaruai, Petroica australis australis kakariwai Tomtit Petroica macrocephala Rhipidura fuliginosa South Island Fantail fuliginosa Silvereye Zosterops lateralis Powelliphanta "alpine" subsp. Snail "Nelson Lakes" Red mistletoe, pikirangi, Peraxilla tetrapetala pirirangi, pikiraki, pirita Scarlet mistletoe Peraxilla colensoi Yellow mistletoe Alepis flavida Brown Creeper, Pipipi Mohoua novaeseelandiae Pitpat Pittosporum patulum Threatened species Common Name Scientific Name Pitpat Pittosporum patulum Yellow mistletoe Alepis flavida Scarlet mistletoe Peraxilla colensoi Kea Nestor notabilis South Island Kaka, bush Nestor meridionalis parrot, brown parrot, kawkaw meridionalis Great spotted kiwi, roa, roroa Apteryx haastii Red mistletoe, pikirangi, Peraxilla tetrapetala pirirangi, pikiraki, pirita Powelliphanta "alpine" subsp. Snail "Nelson Lakes" Rock Wren Xenicus gilviventris Geographical location The Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes BfoB is situated 1.2 km South of St Arnaud. TREATMENT BLOCK DETAILS: Treatment block Rotoiti/Nelson Lakes BfoB 170m Flight Lines The forest of the western St Arnaud Range and the Travers Valley is typical of the upland honeydew beech forests predominant in the region, transitional between the dry eastern Vegetation type mountain beech forests and the wetter mixed beech/podocarp forests found to the west. The components of the forested valley sides are mixed beech stands with very minor podocarp Pestlink Ref: 1415STA02 Page 5 of 21 Date Printed: 11 May 2015 elements. The drier lower slopes are dominated by red beech– Fuscospora fusca and silver beech-Lophozonia menziesii, and with increasing altitude silver beech and mountain beech– Fuscospora cliffortioides become more dominant, with pure stands of mountain beech dominating at the tree line. The Travers valley flats support a mosaic of seral manuka/kanuka- Kunzea ericoides forest and mixed beech, some displaying impeded drainage. Stands of forest trees are separated by braids of