by Nancyby Harris

illustrated by Amit Tayal and Sara Foresti and Sara Tayal Amit by illustrated

Sally Sally

Snowboarder Advance

Harris Engage Literacy Sally Snowboarder Sally Snowboarder

GRL Q Fiction

Word count: 3,129

Curriculum links: family, sports and recreation

Text type: realistic fiction

Academic vocabulary: announcement, balance, competition, control, convincing,Only curious, experience, increasing, practiced, progress, slalom, tradition

Program link: Sally Snowboarder E-Book

Review For Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Family Traditions ...... 4

Chapter 2 Slalom with Erik ...... 10

Chapter 3 Cross-Country Skiing with Anna . . . 16 Chapter 4 Only A Happy Surprise ...... 22

Chapter 5 Downhill Skiing ...... 28

Chapter 6 Team or Team . . . . . 34 Chapter 7 Review Snowboard Team and Ski Team . . . . 40 For Chapter 1 Family Traditions The Gils had a long history of family traditions, and many were connected to skiing . For example, one of the family’s most cherished traditions was the first ski of the New Year . Every New Year’s Day, the family went for an early morning ski down the slopes . One year it was extra special . It was the first year the youngest Gil, three-year-oldOnly Sally, was old enough to join them . All six members of the family walked quietly past the family’s to the nearest . They got on, three at a time, and rode up to the top . The three oldest children, Erik, Martin, and Anna, hopped off the chair and lined up . Then Dad, Mom, and Sally joined them . Sally was dressedReview in her favorite color, purple . The family stood at the top of the slope and looked down at the small mountain town . Dad calledFor out, “One . Two . Three ”. Then all six skied down the slope as they shouted, “Happy New Year!”

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6 Another family tradition was taking ski lessons when you turned three . On Sally’s first day of class, Dad dropped her off and watched as she quickly ran over to join her friend Edie . Their ski instructor, Ernest, got the small group of three-year-olds ready, and off they went . When they returned, Dad was waiting for Sally . “How did it go?” asked Dad . “I had fun . But one ski kept falling off! I fell, but it didn’t hurt,” Sally blurted out . “With more practice, you’ll get better, sweetheart,” Dad said smiling . “RememberOnly you’re a Gil . All Gils love to ski!”

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Over the next few years, Sally and Edie continued to take ski lessons together . They both were fearlessReview on the ski slopes . The faster they skied, the happier they were . Ernest often had to warn the girls to make sure Fortheir equipment was on correctly . By the time Sally was eleven, she had already lost seven ski poles and broke six of her . In addition, Sally fell often . Luckily, even after multiple tumbles, she had only had one slightly sprained ankle and a bruised elbow .

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All of this did not stop Sally from wanting to continue yet another family tradition—the high school ski teamReview . “You’re old enough to decide what type of ski racing you want to compete in,” Dad said excitedlyFor . “You have three years to get ready for the high school team ”. Each member of the Gil family had been on the ski team . Their names and records hung on the gym wall .