ODONTOCETES: the TOOTHED WHALES the 72 Species of Toothed Whales Are Listed Below by the Categories of Threat of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Speciestm

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ODONTOCETES: the TOOTHED WHALES the 72 Species of Toothed Whales Are Listed Below by the Categories of Threat of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Speciestm ODONTOCETES: THE TOOTHED WHALES The 72 species of toothed whales are listed below by the categories of threat of the IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM Lipotes vexillifer Phocoena sinus Cephalorhynchus hectori Platanista gangetica Neophocaena phocaenoides Orcaella brevirostris Physeter macrocephalus Baiji (CR/EX) Vaquita (CR) Hector‘s dolphin (EN) South Asian river dolphin (EN) Finless porpoise (VU) Irrawaddy dolphin (VU) Sperm whale (VU) Ayeyarwady, Mahakam and Mekong River, New Zealand North Island subspecies C. h. maui (CR) Yangtse subspecies N. p. asiaeorientalis (EN) Malampaya Sound and Songkhla Lake subpopulations (CR) Pontoporia blainvillei Sousa teuszii Cephalorhynchus eutropia Delphinapterus leucas Monodon monoceros Orcaella heinsohni Sousa chinensis Franciscana (VU) Atlantic humpback dolphin (VU) Chilean dolphin (NT) Beluga whale (NT) Narwhal (NT) Australian snubfi n dolphin (NT) Indo-Pacifi c humpback dolphin (NT) Cook Inlet subpopulation (CR) Eastern Taiwan Strait subpopulation (CR) Delphinus delphis Grampus griseus Hyperoodon planifrons Lagenodelphis hosei Lagenorhynchus acutus Lagenorhynchus albirostris Lagenorhynchus cruciger Short-beaked common dolphin (LC) Risso‘s dolphin (LC) Southern bottlenose whale (LC) Fraser‘s dolphin (LC) Atlantic white-sided dolphin (LC) White-beaked dolphin (LC) Hourglass dolphin (LC) Black Sea subspecies D. d. ponticus (VU) Mediterranean subpopulation (EN) Lagenorhynchus obliquidens Lissodelphis borealis Peponocephala electra Phocoenoides dalli Phocoena phocoena Stenella attenuata Stenella coeruleoalba Pacifi c white-sided dolphin (LC) Northern right-whale dolphin (LC) Melon-headed whale (LC) Dall‘s porpoise (LC) Harbour porpoise (LC) Pantropical spotted dolphin (LC) Striped dolphin (LC) Black Sea subspecies P. p. relicta (EN) Baltic Sea subpopulation (CR) Steno bredanensis Tursiops truncatus Ziphius cavirostris Berardius arnuxii Berardius bairdii Cephalorhynchus commersonii Cephalorhynchus heavisidii Rough-toothed dolphin (LC) Common bottlenose dolphin (LC) Cuvier‘s beaked whale (LC) Arnoux´s beaked whale (DD) Baird‘s beaked whale (DD) Commerson‘s dolphin (DD) Heaviside‘s dolphin (DD) Black Sea subspecies T. t. ponticus (EN) Delphinus capensis Feresa attenuata Globicephala macrorhynchus Globicephala melas Hyperoodon ampullatus Indopacetus pacifi cus Inia geoffrensis Long-beaked common dolphin (DD) Pygmy killer whale (DD) Short-fi nned pilot whale (DD) Long-fi nned pilot whale (DD) Northern bottlenose whale (DD) Longman‘s beaked whale (DD) Amazon river dolphin (DD) Kogia breviceps Kogia sima Lagenorhynchus australis Lagenorhynchus obscurus Lissodelphis peronii Mesoplodon bidens Mesoplodon bowdoini Pygmy sperm whale (DD) Dwarf sperm whale (DD) Peale‘s dolphin (DD) Dusky dolphin (DD) Southern right-whale dolphin (DD) Sowerby‘s beaked whale (DD) Andrews‘ beaked whale (DD) Mesoplodon carlhubbsi Mesoplodon densirostris Mesoplodon europaeus Mesoplodon ginkgodens Mesoplodon grayi Mesoplodon hectori Mesoplodon layardii Hubbs‘ beaked whale (DD) Blainville‘s beaked whale (DD) Gervais‘ beaked whale (DD) Ginkgo-toothed beaked whale (DD) Gray‘s beaked whale (DD) Hector‘s beaked whale (DD) Strap-toothed beaked whale (DD) Mesoplodon mirus Mesoplodon perrini Mesoplodon peruvianus Mesoplodon stejnegeri Mesoplodon traversii Orcinus orca Phocoena dioptrica True‘s beaked whale (DD) Perrin‘s beaked whale (DD) Peruvian beaked whale (DD) Stejneger‘s beaked whale (DD) Spade-toothed beaked whale (DD) Killer whale (DD) Spectacled porpoise (DD) Phocoena spinipinnis Pseudorca crassidens Sotalia fl uviatilis Sotalia guianensis Stenella clymene Stenella frontalis Stenella longirostris Burmeister‘s porpoise (DD) False killer whale (DD) Tucuxi (DD) Guiana dolphin (DD) Clymene dolphin (DD) Atlantic spotted dolphin (DD) Spinner dolphin (DD) Eastern Pacifi c subspecies S. l. orientalis (VU) Tasmacetus shepherdi Tursiops aduncus Red List Category: Toothed whales They emit focussed echolocation signals through a In 2006, a dedicated expedition failed to detect any Shepherd‘s beaked whale (DD) Indo-Pacifi c bottlenose dolphin (DD) specialised organ above their upper jaw, called the live specimens of the Baiji in the Yangtze river sys- The toothed whales form an extraordinary group of melon, and receive echoes from objects through the tem and the species is now believed to be extinct. Possibly Extinct Near Threatened (NT) marine mammals, ranging in size over several orders lower jaw and inner ear. Their large brains refl ect their Current estimates for the Vaquita population in the of magnitude from the smallest harbour porpoises in capability of processing complex acoustic informati- Northern Gulf of California are less than 150 animals Critically Endangered (CR) Least Concern (LC) the Black Sea (1.3 m long and 45 kg) to the cosmo- on, to navigate and to detect fi sh, shrimp and squid and extinction may occur within the next few years. politan sperm whale (18 m long, 57,000 kg). even in completely dark or turbid waters. This poster shows for the fi rst time all the toothed As opposed to baleen whales, the toothed whales Toothed whales are threatened by a multitude of whales sorted according to the threat level they Endangered (EN) Data Defi cient (DD) have jaws with teeth and only a single blowhole. They human activities. Many populations were hunted to are faced with. It may be surprising to note that our occur in a wide range of marine and freshwater habi- near extinction, and others continue to be hunted lo- knowledge on the majority of toothed whales (57%) Vulnerable (VU) (based on the 2008 Cetacean Update of the IUCN) tats, from the Arctic to the tropics and some species cally at unsustainable levels even today. Habitat de- even today is too limited to decide whether a species live in large river systems such as the Amazon, Gan- gradation, including pollution by an ever increasing is threatened or not. ges, Indus and Yangtze. cocktail of persistent pollutants and noise from mili- The full species reports can be found at www.cms. They rely on air to breathe and some, such as the tary and industrial activities as well as shipping, is of int. The Convention on the Conservation of Migra- sperm whale, can hold their breath for over one hour increasing concern. tory Species of Wild Animals (also known as CMS and dive several thousand metres deep to fi nd and The most serious threat to the toothed whales to- or Bonn Convention) is an international treaty which capture prey. All the members of this group are very day, however, is ongoing and unsustainable mortali- aims to conserve terrestrial, marine and avian migra- vocal, using sound to identify themselves, to com- ty in fi shing operations. They become entangled and tory species throughout their range. The United Na- municate and to echolocate. caught in gillnets, traps, trawls and other gear and tions Environment Programme (UNEP) provides the subsequently drown. Some populations also suffer Secretariat of the Convention. from prey depletion due to overfi shing. Full species reports: www.cms.int www.cms.int www.ascobans.org www.accobams.org www.wwf.org www.loroparque-fundacion.org www.iucnredlist.org www.cbd.int Idea & design: Boris Culik www.fh3.de Cetacean drawings: Mauricio Würtz www.artescienza.org SpeciesSpecies distributiondistribution maps:maps: www.iucnredlist.orgwww.iucnredlist.org.
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