Bharatiya Temple of Northwest Indiana Tulsi Vivah Utsav
Bharatiya Temple of Northwest Indiana Invites you for Tulsi Vivah Utsav Vivah of Lord Vishnu with Devi Tulsi Location: Bharatiya Temple of NWI 8605 Merrillville Road,Merrillville,In 46410 Sunday , November 2nd , 2014 Gruhshanti Pooja – 10:30am Shobha Yatra of Lord Vishnu – 11.30PM Kanya Agaman and Vivah Pooja noon Followed by Aarti & Lunch Prasad RSVP by October 29th Sponsors Yajman Couple For Devi Tulsi : $251 Kanyadan : $21 Yajman couple for Lord Vishnu :$251 Annadan :$51/$101 Yajaman for Kanya ( Devi Tulsi) Agaman : $101 For RSVP please call : Kalpana Bhatt 219-227-5937 Suchita Shah 219-614-1106 Panna Barai 219-614-7820 Sonal Shah 219-201-2670 Shaku Sarma 219-663 -3987 Kalyani Desai 219-613-7732 Please read the legend of Tulsi Vivah on next page TULSI VIVAH LEGEND Tulsi Vivah is considered the beginning of the wedding season in India in the month of Kartik, which occurs in October/November every year. Tulsi Vivah is conducted on the day after Kartik Ekadashi (the eleventh bright day of the new moon, Amavasya). According to Hindu mythology, Devi Tulsi is ceremonially married to Lord Vishnu on this day. The festival continues for five days and concludes on the full moon day of Purnima.. The festival is based on the legend of the marriage (or Vivah) of the holy Tulsi plant with Lord Vishnu. The Tulsi plant is considered holy by many Hindus and traditional Hindu homes used to have Tulsi plant growing in the courtyard. Offerings were made to the Tulsi plant every morning and evening during the daily prayers.
MR. JUGATRAM DAVE Recipient of Jamnalal Bajaj Award for Constructive Work-1978 Born: 1895 Jugatram Dave was born on 1st September, 1895 at Laktar (Kathiawar). He studied upto Matric at Bombay and worked in a Gujarati monthly Vismi Sadi for some time. As the Bombay climate did not suit him, Swami Anand sent him to Baroda in 1915, where he worked as a teacher in a village school under the guidance of Acharya Kakasaheb Kalelkar for a couple of years. In 1917 he went to Ahmedabad to join the Kochrab Ashram and later shifted to the Sabarmati Ashram. He became an ideal ashramite, earning the confidence of Gandhiji and Kasturba. He worked first as a teacher in the national school established by Gandhiji and later joined the Navjivan Press. Jugatrambhai was deeply impressed by Gandhiji’s Constructive Programme and wished to take it up in right earnest on his own. This he could do only in 1924, when he went to stay at the Swaraj Ashram, Bardoli. He took an active part in flood relief operations in 1927 when many parts of Gujarat were devastated by floods and later in the Bardoli Satyagraha in 1928 under the leadership of Sardar Vallabbhai Patel. Soon afterwards he set up an ashram at Vedchhi, in the Raniparaj area inhabited mostly by Adivasis, as he felt that constructive work was most needed in uplifting the people of this socially and economically backward area. Jugatrambhai was, however, not able to give his undivided attention to organize and develop the Ashram activities on a wide and systematic scale till many years later.
Selfsame Spaces: Gandhi, Architecture and Allusions in Twentieth Century India. A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA BY Venugopal Maddipati IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Catherine Asher, Adviser May, 2011 @ Venugopal Maddipati 2011 i Acknowledgements I would like to thank the following institutions and people for supporting my work. I am grateful to the American Institute of Indian Studies in Delhi, The Center of Science for Villages in Wardha and Kumarappapuram, The Indira Gandhi Institute of Developmental Research in Mumbai, The Gandhi Memorial Library in Delhi, The Center for Developmental Studies in Trivandrum, The Kutch Nav Nirman Abhiyaan and the University of Minnesota. I would like to thank the following individuals: Bindia Thapar, Purnima Mehta, Bindu Rajasenan, Soman Nair, Tilak Baker, Laurie Baker, Varsha Kaley, Vibha Gupta, Sameer Kuruve, David Faust, Donal Johnson, Eleanor Zelliot, Jane Blocker, Ajay Skaria, Anna Clark, Sarah Sik, Lynsi Spaulding, Riyaz Latif, Radha Dalal, Aditi Chandra, Sugata Ray, Atreyee Gupta, Midori Green, Sinem Arcak, Sherry, Dick, Jodi, Paul Wilson, Madhav Raman, Dhruv Sud, my parents, my sister Sushama, my mentors and my beloved Gurus, Frederick Asher and Catherine Asher. i Dedication Dedicated to my Tatagaru, Surapaneni Venugopal Rao. Tatagaru, if you can read this: You brought me up and taught me how to go beyond myself. ii Abstract In this dissertation, I suggest that the Indian political leader Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi infused deep and enigmatic meanings into everyday physical objects, particularly buildings. Indeed, the manner in which Gandhi named the buildings in his famous Satyagraha Ashram in Ahmedabad in the early part of the twentieth century, makes it somewhat difficult to write, in isolation, about their physical appearance.
Hindu Websites sorted Category wise Sl. No. Broad catergory Website Address Description Reference Country 1 Archaelogy India's Cultural Link with Ancient Mexico html America 2 Archaelogy Harappa Civilisation India 3 Archaelogy Indus Valley Civilisation India ization 4 Archaelogy Kiradu Barmer Temples India 5 Archaelogy Mohenjo_Daro Civilisation India 6 Archaelogy Nalanda University India 7 Archaelogy Takshashila University Pakistan 8 Archaelogy Ganesha, ‘lingga yoni’ found at newly Indonesia lingga-yoni-found-at-newly.html discovered site 9 Archaelogy http://vedicarcheologicaldiscoveries.wordpress.c Ancient Idol of Lord Vishnu found Russia om/2012/05/27/ancient-idol-of-lord-vishnu- during excavation in an old village in found-during-excavation-in-an-old-village-in- Russia’s Volga Region russias-volga-region/ 10 Archaelogy http://vedicarcheologicaldiscoveries.wordpress.c Mahendraparvata, 1,200-Year-Old Cambodia om/2013/06/15/mahendraparvata-1200-year- Lost Medieval City In Cambodia, old-lost-medieval-city-in-cambodia-unearthed- Unearthed By Archaeologists 11 Archaelogy Takshashila University Pakistan Taxila 12 Archaelogy Vietnam
Ranganathar in Orgonite Relieving Our Relationship Problems REMOVING DOSHAS of SUKRAN
Reclining Pose Ranganathar in Orgonite Relieving our Relationship Problems REMOVING DOSHAS OF SUKRAN Lord Ranganathar is in Reclining - Ananta sayanam posture (yogic eternal sleep of yoga-nidra) as smiling Lord Vishnu. He is relaxing on the coil of the seven hooded Great Serpent bed of God Adisesha in an ocean of milk as per the “Puranas", the Vishnu Sahasranama. His consort is Goddess Lakshmi, doing pada seva to Him. He is enjoying the aroma emanating from the lotus held in His left hand, and His right hand is blessing Lord Siva. Lord Brahma is seen on a lotus, which emanates from the navel of Vishnu. Structuring the orgonite Base for Ranganathar: A rectangular shape beedam with a medium size of 25*21*2.9cm base is made for keeping the Gold Coated ashtadhatu idol of Ranganathar with Height 3 inches and weight 300 grams in the center permanently. Two kinds of orgonite are shown above. Though there are fifteen kinds of ingredients inside, some of them are mentioned here. Black Saligram inside orgonite: According to the Hindu tradition this stone is the shelter for a small insect known as "Vajra-Keeta" that has a diamond tooth which cuts through the Shaligram stone and stays inside it. Saligram is usually black in color with the symbol of Sudharsan chakra – the discus of Vishnu. The chakras can be seen both outside and inside. Black natural Shaligram heals us to come out of the black box of our past life fears and traumas and guides to surrender to Lord Vishnu in Ranganathar form.
Drive against Bribe using RTI Act The Drive against Bribe using the Right to Information Act , organized by Mahiti Adhikar Gujarat Pahel at the Satyagrah Kochrab Ashram as part of a nation-wide campaign, comes to an end tomorrow, on July 15, 2006. This statement gives a synopsis of what has transpired so far and what is planned for the future. The Campaign That the campaign has been an unqualified success is shown by the following quantitative indicators 1. Number of visitors at the campaign site, Kochrab Ashram over 1400 2. Number of phone calls received 1275 calls 3. Number of applications under RTI filed 1366 The quantitative indicators tell only a limited story. The real impact has been through creation of awareness about the RTI Act amongst people at large ; empowerment and creation of confidence in common citizens that they can ask for information, and ask questions, from government functionaries; transformation of some of the citizens into active propagators of the RTI Act and its uses; and creation of a core of volunteers knowledgeable about the provisions, uses, intricacies of the RTI Act . As many as 300 volunteers have actively worked at the RTI camp at Kochrab Ashram during this fortnight. These volunteers have actually understood the RTI Act quite comprehensively and have also gained valuable experience in drafting applications under the RTI Act for a variety of problems and issues. Since the volunteers came from different parts of the state, their fanning out across the state and continuing to work for effective implementation of the RTI Act is likely to go a long way in a common people of the state using the RTI Act to solve their day to day problems instead of having to pay bribes.
Vaisnava Goddess As Plant: Tulasi in Text and Context John Carbone
Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2008 Vaisnava Goddess as Plant: Tulasi in Text and Context John Carbone Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact [email protected] FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES VAISNAVA GODDESS AS PLANT: TULASI IN TEXT AND CONTEXT By JOHN CARBONE A Thesis submitted to the Department of Religion in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts Degree Awarded: Spring Semester, 2008 The members of the Committee approve the Thesis of John Carbone defended on April 7, 2008. Kathleen M. Erndl Professor Directing Thesis Bryan Cuevas Committee Member Adam Gaiser Committee Member The Office of Graduate Studies has verified and approved the above named committee members. ii For Irina and Joseph iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank Kathy Neall for her help in editing this manuscript. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures .................................................................................... vi Abstract .......................................................................................... vii Introduction……………………………………………………………………. 1 1. Tulasī as the Plant Form of Lakṣmī................................................... 9 Śrī and Lakṣmī in the Vedas .......................................................... 9 Purāṇic Śrī and Lakṣmī.................................................................. Yakṣa, Yakṣī, and Śrī’s Iconography ............................................
+91-9335159393 Shree Saligrams Shree Saligrams is considered the direct symbol of Lord Vishnu, They are found only in Mukti chhetra and Damodar Kunda (north- west of Nepal). According to the religious text of Devi Bhagwate (and other scriptures) to kill demon Jalandhar Lord ... About Us Shree Saligrams is considered the direct symbol of Lord Vishnu, They are found only in Mukti chhetra and Damodar Kunda (north-west of Nepal). According to the religious text of Devi Bhagwate (and other scriptures) to kill demon Jalandhar Lord Vishnu have to destroy Sati Brindha's sati dharma. When he did that Sati Brindha gave four seeming desecrations to Lord Vishnu to become stone, grass, tree, plant. To wash away this reaction Lord Vishnu took four avatars (incarnations). He became stone (Shree Saligram) grass (kush) tree (Pipal) and plant (Tulsi). Since this time the Saligrams are considered to be most auspicious to behold and to worship. The worshipper knows no fear and by Shree Saligram's mercy the worshipper is blessed to attain all desirable things; worldly comforts, good wife, good sons, good health and wealth etc. It is all by the blessings of Lord Mahavishnu that His pastimes are being served. It is an excellent service for devotees of Lord Narayana. Saligram , the only self incarnated god in Kali Yuga, found in northern parts of Nepal on the banks of Gandaki river. Our mission is to provide devotees best saligram as Saligram Strotram suggest. We are dealing in Saligram from many years and gain knowledge and experience to choose saligram and name them according to the ancient scripture.