October 2019 70p


Parish Church of St. Mary, The Blessed Virgin, Eastham Village 9.15a.m. 6.30p.m. 1st Sunday Holy Communion Evening Service 2nd Sunday Holy Communion Praise Worship 3rd Sunday Holy Communion Healing Communion (Healing Communion is on the second Sunday this month) 4th Sunday Holy Communion (See Website Diary) 4th Sunday 11.00 a.m. J4U 5th Sunday Holy Communion Evening Service

Chapel of St. Peter, Brookhurst Close 10. 30a.m. 1st Sunday Worship for ALL Holy Communion 2nd Sunday Worship for ALL Morning Worship 3rd Sunday Worship for ALL Holy Communion 4th Sunday Worship for ALL Holy Communion 5th Sunday Worship for ALL Morning Worship Wednesdays in term time JAM 3.45 - 5.00 pm

Eastham Community Church Centre, 107 Eastham Rake 11. 00am 1st Sunday Family Worship 2nd Sunday Family Communion 3rd Sunday Family Worship 4th Sunday Cafe Church 5th Sunday Family Worship Tuesdays in term time Little Gems 9.30- 11am

WEEKDAY SERVICE - Parish Church, Every Wednesday, Holy Communion 10.15am

Weddings and Baptisms to be arranged with the Clergy

Visitation of the Sick If informed, the Clergy are available to visit to bring spiritual help.

The acceptance of advertisements in this magazine DOES NOT imply endorsement

October Letter Dear all, It doesn't seem that long since we were writing about spring but here we are at the beginning of autumn and, although we say goodbye to summer flowers and greenery, we welcome the colours, smells and textures that we are blessed with at this time of year. It is a wonderful time too, to reflect on some of the many things that have been achieved by our church over the last few months. Holiday Club and Munch Club. CAMEO and Meet and Eat have all met through the summer months. Now in October (which is one of my soft months) I find great comfort in the seasons changing, of God’s faithfulness and unconditional love for us and of the beauty of our church’s year.. Comforting? Well, amidst the confusion, manipulation, arrogance and sheer contempt of our parliamentary system, it is wonderful to hold fast to that which will never change! Jesus, God’s Son, our Lord, is there with us in all we think and say and do, if we only allow him to be! If you have little ones, please do think of sending them to our Light and Bright party which is our alternative Halloween on 31st of October. Bring back bob apples, duck apples, hot dogs, fun, laughter, cakes and not a trick or treater, devil, witch or demon in sight! As the nights draw in, stay safe and warm and cosy…

Love Beth



Pet Service 27th October 11 am

Bring your pets to Church for our annual Pets Service at the J4U service. There will be a special treat for the most unusual pet (but please NO mice, rats or snakes).


October 31st All Hallows Eve – or Holy Evening Modern Halloween celebrations have their roots with the Celtic peoples of pre-Christian times. In those long-ago days, on the last night of October, the Celts celebrated the Festival of Samhain, or ‘Summer’s End’. The priests, or Druids, performed ceremonies to thank and honour the sun. For there was a very dark side to all this: Samhain also signalled the onset of winter, a time when it was feared that unfriendly ghosts, nature-spirits, and witches roamed the earth, creating mischief. So the Druid priests lit great bonfires and performed magic rites to ward off or appease these dark supernatural powers. Then the Romans arrived, and brought their Harvest Festival which honoured the Goddess Pomona with gifts of apples and nuts. The two festivals slowly merged. When Christianity arrived still later, it began to replace the Roman and Druid religions. 1st November - All Saints’ Day - was dedicated to all Christian Martyrs and Saints who had died. It was called ‘All Hallows’ Day’. The evening before became an evening of prayer and preparation and was called ‘All Hallows’ Eve’, The Holy Evening, later shortened to ‘Halloween’. For many centuries, however, fear of the supernatural remained strong. During the Mid- dle Ages, animal costumes and frightening masks were worn to ward off the evil spirits of darkness on Halloween. Magic words and charms were used to keep away bad luck, and everybody believed that witches rode about on broomsticks. Fortune telling was popular, and predicting the future by the use of nuts and apples was so popular that Halloween is still sometimes known as Nutcrack Night or Snap-Apple Night. Today, Christians have learned to turn to prayer instead of charms to overcome the pow- ers of darkness. And the deeper, true meaning of All Hallows’ Eve, should not be for- gotten. As Christians, we all draw closer to Christ when we remember and give thanks for our loved ones and for others who have gone before us through the gates of death. How should Christians respond to Halloween? Is it simply a fun festival for the children or does it have a dark side that we should avoid? Firstly, Christians should not respond to Halloween with superstition. The Bible reminds us that evil is a real force at work in our world, as ‘the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour’ (1 Peter 5:8). We shouldn’t underestimate his ability to blind the minds of unbelievers to the reality of spiritual warfare. (2 Corinthians 4:4). Secondly, we can respond with confidence. While people are often fearful of witches, ghosts, and evil spirits, we mustn’t forget that God is in control, not Satan. Jesus has se- cured the victory over sin and evil on the cross: ‘having disarmed the powers and authori- ties, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.’ (Colossians 2:15). Finally, we can also offer hope. ‘Christ died and returned to life so that He might be the Lord of both the dead and the living.’ (Romans 14:9). Halloween is an opportunity to share the hope of the gospel. For example, if we offer sweets to children calling to trick and treat, we might include information about the Christian faith or church. C S Lewis provides a helpful balance for us: ‘There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall into about devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.’ (The Screwtape Letters). 3

Monastic Days at St. Mary’s

A monthly opportunity to spend quiet time in our Ancient Jewel

Lauds 9.00 am: First prayers of the day Terse 10.30 am: Celebrating the start of the day’s work Quiet Reflection 11am—12 noon An hour of Prayer and Meditation None 2.15 pm: Afternoon prayers Vespers 4.00 pm: Evening prayers Compline 5.30pm: Night prayers sung by the choir

Everyone Welcome Monastic Day this month 19th October Baptisms

"I Turn to Christ"

3rd August Jacob Thomas Bevan 25th August Zayd Shukry Howells Harper Lily McNeill Una Jean Sanders


"and live together in holy love to your lives' end"

24th August James Anthony Murphy and Helen Frances Lamey

Faithful Departed

"I am the resurrection and the life"

30th August Pamela Scott


In Memory of Pam Scott Our memories go back over 40 years when our girls were in her brownie pack. We were very pleased for them to be in her pack as it was run so well. She was not over the top but it was efficiently run and with no messing. They were always on parade at the parade service when other organisations were missing! Pam always seemed to be on a mission she never walked but rather scurried about, preoccupied by thought and intent. She was very single minded and once her mind was made up it was not going to be changed Her help at any activity she was involved with was solid and steadfast be it working in the churchyard, a pantomime or a water festival. Pam would be there, often with brownies, all stuck in. In latter years she became more involved with anything “green” notably the plant sale when Syd and Pam had seedlings growing all around their house with every windowsill full. Many will remember her knitted Father Christmas’s and Easter eggs. In short, she was a Dynamo always on the go. And on top of this she managed Syd during illness and treatment, in the early stages pushing him round in his wheelchair What a woman ! Ray and Valmai Bonnard We would like to thank everyone for the messages and memories of Pam. So many people have offered their support and as a family we do appreciate it. In particular though, we would like to thank Beth for all her support, the Choir, Organist and Bellringers. Also Chris for all the beautiful flowers and all of you who provided food for the wake and helped in any way.

Syd Scott & Family

Confirmation A new date has been set for our Confirmation service: 12th January 2020 If you are considering being confirmed please get in touch with Beth



Feast of the Tabernacles On 13-20th October this year many people JAM around the world will be celebrating the Praise & Jewish festival of Tabernacles, or Sukkot. They will celebrate the Harvest, and also (Jesus and Me) remember God bringing the Israelites out of Egypt and through 40 years in the de- for school children aged 4 -11 sert. The biblical book of Deuteronomy con- tains a description of what Tabernacles should have been like back then. “Celebrate… for seven days. Be joyful… you, your sons and daughters, your male Wednesdays in term time and female servants, and the Levites, the 3.45 - 5.00 p.m. foreigners, the fatherless and the widows who live in your towns.” These festivals were not just a celebration, but also an expression of gratitude to God: “celebrate the festival to the Lord your story, song, craft, fun & tea God...For the Lord your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be com- at St. Peter’s Chapel, plete.” Tabernacles was a proper holiday, with two whole days off normal work and Brookhurst Close, Bromborough seven days of feasting. Farming looks very different today. Very Just come few of us have had to sweat long hours over crops, so we’re not as ready for (or We need more helpers. deserving of) a rest and a party as our an- cestors were at this time of year. That Please consider whether you might be even more the case in future, as could spare the time the agri-tech revolution unfolds. For ex- ample, small autonomous tractors are al- ready becoming available that do less damage to the soil and make better use of steep or oddly shaped fields.

St. Peter's News It has been three years since St. Peter's has been refurbished – where does the time go? During this time the carpet has had its fair share of spillages on it and the stains were really beginning to show. Our thanks to Dot and Mike Taylor for hiring the carpet cleaner from Asda and doing a wonderful job of shampooing the carpet. The carpet looks like new again. We continue to enjoy our Sunday lunches (see page 28) at the Argyle on alternate months and enjoyed the buffet lunch with the rest of the parish at Bromborough Golf Club in the summer. 7

October 2019 Diary Tuesday, 1st October 7.30 p.m. Ecumenical Forum at Bromborough Methodist Church. Thursday, 3rd October 7.30 p.m. Oasis at the Church Centre. Friday, 4th October 11 a.m. – 12 noon Welcome at the Church Centre. Every Friday. Saturday, 5th October Men’s Breakfast at Thornton Hall. Speaker: Graham Kendrick – World famous hymn writer. Monday, 7th October 10 a.m. – 12 noon Coffee & Cake at the Net every Monday & Friday. Thursday, 10th October 7.30 p.m. Oasis at the Church Centre. Friday, 11th October 12 noon Meet & Eat at the Church Centre. Saturday, 12thOctober 4.15 p.m. Readers’ Service at Chester Cathedral. Monday, 14th October 7.00 p.m. Men’s Group (see page 15 for details) Thursday, 17th October 2.30 p.m. Tai Chi at the Church Centre. (p 14) (3rd Thursday this month) 7.30 p.m. Oasis at the Church Centre. Saturday, 19th October 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Monastic Day at the Parish Church. 11.00 a.m. Wedding at the Parish Church. Sunday, 20th October 6.30 p.m. Healing Eucharist at the Parish Church. Thursday, 24th October 7.30 p.m. Oasis at the Church Centre. Friday, 25th October 12 noon Meet & Eat at the Church Centre. 4.00 p.m. Wedding at the Parish Church. Saturday 26th October 9.30 a.m.–12.30 p.m. Big Breakfast, St Peter’s (p 18) Sunday, 27th October 11.00 a.m. Pet Service and J4U at the Parish Church. 4.30 p.m. United Worship at St David’s. 6.30 p.m. Memorial Service at the Parish Church. Monday, 28th October 11.00 a.m. Munch Club at the Church Centre. Thursday, 31st October 11.00 a.m. Munch Club at the Church Centre.


Gathering Places Meet & Eat 2nd & 4th Fridays in the month at 12 noon at the Church Centre. Places of Welcome Mondays 10 a.m. – 12 noon at the Net, 73 Clifton Avenue. Fridays 11.00 a.m. – 12 noon at the Church Centre. Future Events Saturday 9th November “Lest we Forget” at the Parish Church (p 13) Sunday 10th November 10.00 a.m. Remembrance Service at the Parish Church. Sunday 24th November 11.00 a.m. J4U Toy Service at the Parish Church 6.30 p.m. United Worship, Bromborough Methodist. Friday 6th December Lighting of the Christmas Tree and Craft Fair. Sunday 15th December 4.00 p.m. Christingle Service at the Parish Church. Sunday 22nd December 10.30 a.m. Carol Service at St Peter’s. 6.30 p.m. Nine Lessons and Carols at the Parish Church. Tuesday 24th December 4.00 p.m. Crib Service at the Parish Church. 11.00 p.m. Midnight Mass at the Parish Church. Wednesday 25th December 10.00 a.m. Christmas Family Communion at the Parish Church. 10.30 a.m. Christmas Family Communion at St Peter’s.

Memorial Service Date 6.30pm at the St Mary’s Parish Church

27th October 2019

Please see Diane Casewell if you would like your loved one's name written in our Memorial Book, which is kept in the Parish Church. 923 4113

EVENSONG This traditional service with our wonderful choir on the first Sunday of the month is held at 6.30pm in St Marys. It has had a face lift with more input and reflections from the choir and without a ser- mon...going back to its roots. Come and let the busyness of the day wash over you!


Ladies Night Out Bromborough Golf Club

I have booked Bromborough Golf club for Thursday 21th November 7pm for 7.30. There is a lift for those of us who will need one. Booking forms and menus will be at the back of the three places of worship. Please let me know if you have any special dietry requirements. 2 courses £16.75 3 courses £20.75 per Head + £1 tip optional as in previ- ous years. STARTERS Creamed Vegetable Soup with bread roll Pate & Toasted Brioche with Onion Marmalade Fan of Melon with fruit coulis MAIN MEAL Honey Roast Ham with roast potatoes & Seasonal vegetables Luxury Fish Pie Salmon, Prawns,Haddock & Cod in white wine sauce topped with creamed potatoes and served with peas Roast Turkey and trimmings with roast potatoes and seasonal vegetables Vegetarian Option – Mushroom Stroganoff with Rice DESSERTS Fresh Fruit Salad Profiteroles with Butterscotch Sauce Eaton Mess Cheese and Biscuits Followed by coffee and mints Please return the booking form with your choices and the money to me by 8th November at the latest. Valmai 327 4609

Real Chocolate Company Advent Calendars

I am going to order The Real Advent Calendars again. These calendars also include a Christmas story activity book and the chocolate is made from Fair Trade Choco- late. I have to order them before 1st November in multiples of 18. They cost £3.99 each. Please fill in the order form at the back of your place of worship. I would ap- preciate it if you could let me have the money at the same time.



get LOCAL INFORMATION Every Monday 10-12 at the NET@73 Clifton Ave, Eastham CH62 9EQ and Open Every Friday 11-12 at the Church Centre, Eastham Rake, Eastham CH62 9AW


Music in and Around Eastham

Tuesday 8th October 2019 7 pm Concert of Russian Sacred Music Church of St Peter, Paul and Philomena, 7 Atherton Street, CH45 9LT Tickets at £10 from: Ronnie: [email protected] phone 07821054044 or Atie: [email protected] phone 07738370827

Ellesmere Port Music Society The Messiah Saturday 7th December Ellesmere Port Civic Hall



Do you have equipment you no longer need? Every year hospitals etc. issue equipment Tai Chi in 2019 which is not returned when it is no longer required. This equipment can be collected, Suitable for all ages and the aim is for it to cleaned and re-issued for use by someone be a gentle exercise class. Therefore, else. beginners, the 'not so fit' and the 'not so If you have equipment such as confident', should feel welcome to give it a try. It’s free so come and chill out. • Walking aids

• Bath lifts Held at Church Centre Eastham Rake on October 17th from 2.30-3.30pm (but • Crutches normally first Thursday in the month). • Toilet aids

• Commodes

• Seating

You can either return the equipment to Unit 16-18, Thursday Court, Thursby Road, Brom- borough CH62 3PW

Or arrange collection by either emailing Wir- [email protected] with your contact number or phone 203 0404 to talk to a member of the customer care team.

Office opening hours 08.30—1700 Monday to Friday Volunteers needed For graveyard management Please contact Pete Roach (644 8180) or Chris Gardner (327 3767)


News from St David’s We are starting The Singing Café on September 27th at 10.45am in our church hall. We will be holding the café every two weeks for now. This group already meets at a few churches in Wirral, and was initially for people who were feeling lonely or isolated in their community. But everyone is welcome. The singers and musicians lead the people who have come along in hits from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s whilst enjoying cake and coffee (or tea).

14th October: We are visiting the new training centre at Ledsham, Westlake C.l.C., as guests of the leader David Heycocks. This is a brand new charity, supported by many celebrities, on a large area of unspoiled country, opposite the Mercury hotel. We meet at the centre in Ledsham at 7pm. Please let David Colenso know if you plan to attend. Ladies are welcome 5th October: Men’s Breakfast at Thornton Hall Speaker Graham Kendrick World fa- mous hymn writer

Children’s Society Boxes Please bring you collecting boxes for opening. If you taken them to your normal place of worship, they will be collected, opened and returned to you to start again. Thank you, Joan Hignett

2nd & 4th Fridays in the month Lunch served from 12 noon till 1.30pm Church Hall Eastham Rake 327 3317 for details


What is a Parable?

Whereever Jesus went crowds of people would follow him, some to be healed but many had heard that he was a great preacher and even perhaps a prophet who spoke about God in a way that they could understand. Many of the people lived simple lives. They were farmers, shepherds, housewives and fishermen so Jesus told them stories about everyday things which they could understand but which also had hidden messages which showed them how much God loved them or how to live their lives as God wanted them to. These stories are called Parables. Below are some pictures showing scenes from the Parables. Can you guess which they are? Fill in the missing letters to find the an- swers. Did you get them right? Fill in the missing letters to check your answers. (Hint on page 24)

T-- -o-- ---n --- --o- ---p---d


--- -r---g-- --n

--- -o-- --m---t--

--- -o--r


Boys and Girls

Looking for something fun and exciting to do and make new friends Come and join the

12th Scout Group, Ferry Road

Beavers: Monday - 6.15pm to 7.30pm (5½ - 8yrs) Cubs: Tuesday - 6.45pm to 8.15pm (8 - 10yrs) Scouts: Thursday - 6.45pm to 8.45p (10 - 14 yrs)

If interested please contact Gill Dillon on 327 4487 Mobile 0785 0468445


Beavers aged 5½ - 8 years 07889431085

Cubs 8-10 years 07921197769

Scouts 10-14 years 07832355094


OCTOBER PRAYER DIARY 2019 Father, God. You do not promise to keep us from difficulties, But You do promise us that You will bring us through. On that we can rely. And that is enough 1st Thank you, Lord, for all that You do for us, seen and unseen 2nd Pray for Beth’s ministry, Lord uphold and sustain Beth, so that with Your love and guidance, we can grow in love and faith as a church. 3rd Pray for Mark as our priest: Holy Spirit, encourage Mark in all that he does and thank you Lord for all the talents that Mark and his family bring to the church. 4th Praise and thanks for Maureen, enjoying a peaceful retirement. Lord surround Maureen and her family with your love and peace. 5t Pray for all those who work in any capacity for our three churches, Parish work- ers, Readers, etc also for those who do any maintainance work in the three churches. 6th Praise and thanks for C.A.M.E.O (come and meet each other). For all our friends who enjoy the company, tea & cakes and especially the love. 7th Praise and thanks for the Pastoral Team, for all that they do in the Community: Holy Spirit be with them, equip them and enable them. 8th Praise and thanks for Little Gems, Carers and Toddlers group, Lord watch over the little ones and their families. 9th Praise and thanks for the Places of Welcome initiative, Holy Spirit help us to grow the existing love in your church to be a more grace filled love, so that we can truly be the people you need us to be to help others. 10th Pray for the Parish Nursing: Holy Spirit enable Andy and all those who are help- ing him in this worthwhile project. Praise and thanks for the Graveyard Team, Lord as these lovely people help to keep your beautiful creation “Beautiful”: Chris, Peter,Arlene, Alan. Others needed. 11th Pray for the Churches Together in Bromborough and Eastham (C.T.B.E.), enable and encourage your people to be loving and caring as they work together. Praise and thanks for the United Service at St David’s Church (Café Jam) Lord as we come together to worship You 12th Praise and thanks, for all the schools in Eastham: Millfields, Heygarth, South Wirral, thank you Lord for all the schools, teachers, children and families. 13th Pray for Helena as she ministers to the staff and students at Sheffield Hallam University. 14th Pray for all who attend the Munch club, for the children and their families, Holy Spirit be with the children and their families. Praise and thanks for the Pet Ser- vice, for the Fun and fellowship with our special pets. Also for the J4U Service, Pray for all who attend and the community of Eastham. 15th Praise and thanks for the Net@73: come and see us for a cuppa and a chat. Monday and Friday. Also for Craft and Knit and Knatter. 16th Praise and thanks for the Monastic Day each month: Lord, as we search for You in the silence; lead us gently and lovingly in our searching. Praise and thanks for the Men’s Group. 20 .

17th Pray for Eastham Food Bank, and for all of those who come to us for help, Lord show us how to be humble, not proud, to help these people. Also pray for Meet and Eat, Lord watch over all those who come to Meet and Eat and for those who help to organise and help with cooking etc. Thank You Lord for the love and laughter 18th Pray for the Places of Welcome in our area, Clifton Avenue and Church Centre, a place of safety. Holy Spirit, Enable and Strengthen. Lord let us be a beacon for You and your kingdom principles. Praise and thanks for the Memorial Service, Lord as we remember all our loved ones. 19th Pray for the Circle of Prayer, as they pray for the sick, Lord encourage Barbara, Simone, Lynne, Sue and others. Holy Spirit fill us with the spirit of love, so that we can pray and give out that special love, only through You can we give to all who need it. Praise and Thanks for all those preparing for Confirmation. Holy Spirit be with them all, surround them, envelop them with love, peace and joy. 20th Pray for all those who are in hospital, or the hospice, Lord God watch over your loved ones, may they feel your loving embrace enfolding them. Also for people having therapy or tests at this time. 21st Pray for all those on the PCC: Lord be with them, in all that they do for our beau- tiful church. 22nd Praise and thanks for the Parish Workers and the Church Wardens Marilyn, Sue, and the Parish Manager, George - for their diligence. Also for the Servers etc and cleaners who help with the smooth running of the church. Lord be with them and encourage. 23rd Praise and thanks for the Wednesday Communion and also for the Home Com- munion for the sick. Lord help them to see you in everyone they meet, and that they are truly loved and cherished. Pray for the housebound and physically and mentally disabled. Lord embrace in your loving arms. 24th Praise and thanks for the three places of worship, for all those who attend the services and their families and also the communities of Eastham. Lord be with us as we all reach out together in your name. 25th Praise and thanks for the Ukulele Group, also for our choir and the Men’s Choir. For Malcolm, our organist. Lord help us to appreciate them all. Also for the Flat Pack Music for all the Joy they bring to those that attend the concert evenings, for fun and fellowship. 26th Pray for the Children’s Society boxes, for Joan who administers them and those who contribute. 27th Praise and thanks for the Youth groups, Jam, and for all those who help in any capacity. Patience and love. 28th Praise and thanks for all those having a Wedding in the parish: Holy Spirit be with them and their families. 29th Pray for Beth, in all that Beth does for people in the parish, and all the Parishes and duties Beth has to fulfil. Lord strength, love, peace 30th Praise and thanks for Oasis as we study and discuss together, inspired by God’s Spirit and sustained by His Word. We also pray, laugh and have coffee (or tea and biscuits). Holy Spirit be with us 31st Praise and thanks for those having a Welcome, Thanksgiving and Baptism. Lord be with Jane and Nickie as they arrange and attend. Praise and thanks for Light and Bright, for the light, love and laughter. Lord watch over all our children and their families. Being strengthened with all power so that you may have great endurance and patience. Thank you Father for all your love. Amen 21





The Christian Bookshop 14 Grange Road West Wirral CH41 4DA

St Mary’s Church Guides A small group of dedicated people open our beautiful church for visitors from late May to the Heritage Weekend in September on Wednesday and Thursday after- noon between 2-4pm. To enable us to keep doing this we urgently need more people to join us, even if you can only spare a couple of afternoons a month it would help us. We have plen- ty of notes for guidance. It is a wonderful opportunity to spend a couple of hours in a peaceful and beautiful place with the added bonus of the chance to meet new peo- ple, new friends and even visitors from all over the world. If you are interested please contact me on 327 5933. Thank you Sid Scott.

New Lunch group volunteers needed at the Delamere Centre

Sadly, the current group of volunteers who run the luncheon club at the centre are stop- ping on the 8th of July 2019. The club has been run by this group for the past 9 years and they have done an amazing job building a really successful luncheon club. They will be missed greatly by all the diners! The luncheon club normally runs every second Mon- day, with the Light Bites lunch taking place the alternative week (run by another group of volunteers). If possible, we would love to recruit a new team of volunteers to take over the luncheon club from September 2019. We will of course need someone who enjoys cooking, servers, someone to do the shopping and someone who likes doing the dishes. We will pay for new recruits to do a Level 2 in Food Safety and Hygiene for Cater- ing and support them where necessary. If you are interested please ring Diana on 0151 327 8767


Eastham LodgeLodge Golf Golf Club Club St Mary’s Situated in a picturesque area of the Ukulele Group Wirral, overlooking the , we provide a fine test of golf that won't leave you fatigued or your legs weary. Rated as Outstanding and in the Top 100 The group meets every Monday evening in the UK, we have a mature parkland at 8pm at Church Centre for a time of fun course with plenty of natural hazards with ukuleles! that will excite you, frustrate you and, if you keep your concentration, ultimately No talent is required, you don’t even need reward you. Our greens in particular are an instrument, just a sense of fun and well guarded so your iron play will be expectation. tested to the full.

Give David a ring to chat about it 327 3546 Eastham Lodge Golf Club can provide a wide range of catering and private function options and facilities.

For further details or to make a booking please visit the club or call 0151 327 3003 Alternatively, please email [email protected] for further information and/or reservations.

St Peter’s Chapel Brookhurst Close Bromborough, CH63 0LF

An ideal venue for children’s parties, family gatherings, and other PP3 battery recycling meetings If you are recycling PP3 batteries please

be aware that because the terminals are For more information ring Sandra Wellings on 07889 431085 very close together they can end up becoming connected in a recycling box leading to a fire. Please cover the termi- nals to prevent this


CAMEO (Come and Meet Each Other)

Reaching out to the Community of Eastham This is for the people of Eastham, particularly the senior citizens. We meet weekly on a Tuesday at 2.00 p.m. at the Church Centre, Eastham Rake Do come along on Tuesdays for a cuppa and cake and entertainment. If you have difficulty getting to the Church Centre please ring Jean on 327-3317. For more information ring Jean 327-3317.

Wednesday Holy Communions 10.15 a.m. at the Parish Church These are a 45 minute service followed by tea, coffee, biscuits and fellowship. All are very welcome.

Little Gems

Carers and Toddlers Stay and Play Tuesdays 9.30 to 11am St Mary’s Church Centre , Eastham Rake Term time only 26

EASTHAM SAINTS—Gone but not forgotten

Anne Wynne

correctness). Anne also acted as a Church Guide for sever- al years and was a faithful member of the prayer circle.


Arts and Crafts Hire of Church Centre Group St Mary’s Church Centre, Every Wednesday Eastham Rake 2.00-4.00 p.m. with a beautiful new kitchen, at the Church Centre is available for hire. It’s ideal for birthdays and special events Further details from Phone Jean for further details Edna Ingham 334-3959 327 3317

St. Peter’s Sunday Lunches The idea for these came about as there are quite a few people living alone at St Pe- ter’s and, talking, realised most did not make Sunday lunch. We thought it would be a good idea, every so often, to go for Sunday lunch after our service. To date, we have had three Sunday lunches going alternate months to the Argyle. We manage to push tables together so we can sit at one long table and there is much chat and laughter. Anyone is welcome to join us and you do not have to live alone to come! Margaret Goodier

Mini Millfields offers part time funded places for 2 and 3 year olds in the morning Monday to Friday, during term time only Sessions run from 9.00am to 12.00pm Learn, laugh and play at Please contact our school office Mini Millfields for more information;

Mini Millfields Millfields C.E. Primary School Willington Avenue, Eastham CH62 9EB Tel: 0151 327 1722

Email school: [email protected] 28

Daisychain Childcare, Eastham

Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Counselling and support tailored Before and after school to suit your unique needs in comfortable professional full and part time places available. surroundings All enquiries welcome. 07486 922470 Please contact Steph 0151-327-4086 07446 940607

Eastham DELAMERE CENTRE Delamere Avenue, CH62 9ED Tuesdays 9:30am 11.30am 5:30pm 7:30pm For more details contact Sharon

Just B Dudley’s Chemist Beauty & Nails by design

1149 New Chester Road, Facials, make-up, Eye brow tints, manicures, acrylics, pedicures Eastham shellac, nail art, dip system

Telephone 0151-327-1586 07590459353 [email protected] Amanda B

The acceptance of advertisements in this magazine DOES NOT imply endorsement 29

Mobile Podiatry Smith’s Decorating Services Chiropody Treatment



Telephone: 0151-608-0115 RELIABLE AND TRUSTWORTHY Or 07846 058948

(0151) 643 1178

Braecroft Landscapes 078 924 22799 All kinds of tree work and hedges expertly cut and felled, also [email protected] fencing, flagging, block paving and much more. Logs for sale. Fully qualified and insured. [email protected] ASTRA PROPERTY CARE LTD Tel. Robert on Building & Preservation Specialists 07962 012331 0151-328-1277 Trading Standards Multiple winners for Customer Service

Extensions, Loft Conversions, Kitchens, Sandra Bathrooms, Renovations, Alterations, Mobile Hairdresser Damp and Timber Specialists Ladies hairdresser with over 30 years Insurance Backed Guarantees experience. Fully qualified in all aspects of hair- Tel 0151 327 4871 Mobile 07876 696337 dressing. Email [email protected] Specialising in senior citizens. Competitive rates. Reliable and friendly service. The acceptance of advertisements in Covering Eastham, Bromborough & Bebington. this magazine DOES NOT imply endorsement Telephone: 0151 328 1204 Mobile 07850 269 069


Come & Join Rooters Folk Band £ £ £ WANTED for CASH £ £ £ On Thursdays at Eastham Rake Furniture, Tools, DIY, Old Toys or 1 to 1 tuition for piano, clarinet, flute or sax. Designer Shoes/Trainers, Mobiles, Game Consoles, Vintage Items, Also group keyboard lesson HiFi, Clocks, Watches, Radios, available in our keyboard suite TV’s, All Working or Not

Contact Lesley-Ann on To Recycle Please Call Terry 0151-512-5007 / 0790405882 0151 200 9933 - 0788 782 8787

Painter & Decorators Hair Flair Ken Wharton Painting, 43 Eastham Village Road, Decorating & Artexing Eastham Telephone 0151-334-2831 Telephone 0151-327-1610

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Parish Magazine

Please note that the cut off date for articles for the magazine is always the 15th of the month.

Always happy to receive articles but there are editorial constraints. Please email to [email protected] or give to Sue Abraham or Philip Mayles(450 words max please)



Meeting in the Parish Church Choir: Practice on Fridays 7.30p.m. 334-1162 Bellringers: Thursday Night 7.30p.m. - 8.30p.m. 07970 528956

Meeting in the Community Church, Eastham Rake Brownies: Mondays 6.15pm. - 7.30 p.m. 513-3601 Men's Group: 2nd Monday 8.00 p.m. 327-3546 CAMEO: Tuesdays 2.00 - 3.30 p.m. 327-3317 Brownies: Wednesday 6.15 - 7.45p.m. 07835-298757 Rainbows: Mondays 6.00 - 7.00 p.m. 07557-094190

Meeting in the Scout HQ. Ferry Road Beavers: Monday 6.15 - 7.30 p.m. 327-4487 Cub Scouts: Tuesday 6.45-8.15 p.m. Nick 07778 042347 Scouts: Thursday 6.45 - 8.45 p.m. Gill 0785 0468445

Meeting in St. Peter's Hall, Brookhurst Close Brookhurst Discussion Group: Alt. Thursdays, 10.30a.m.- 12.00noon (Held at various houses). (334-1207) Rainbows: Monday 6.15 - 7.15p.m. 07796 553792 Brownies: Wednesday 6.00 - 7.30p.m. 327-1655 Guides: Wednesday 7.30 - 9.00p.m. 07796 553792 Cub Scouts: Thursday 6.45 - 8.30p.m. 07921 197769 Beavers: Tuesday 6.00pm. - 7.00p.m. 07889 431085 Scouts: Monday 7.30-9.00 pm. Alan Palin 513 3538 Trefoil: 3rd Monday 8.00- 10.00p.m. 200-7741 Praise & Play: Wednesdays 2.00- 2.45p.m. 327-2182 Jam: Wednesdays 3.45 - 5.00 p.m. 327-2182

Meeting in the Sea Scout HQ. Eastham Rake Beavers: Tuesday 6.15- 7.30p.m. 327-5787 Cubs: Monday 6.30 - 8.00p.m. 327-5787 Scouts: Thursday 7.00 - 9.00 p.m. 327-5787

Meeting in the HQ, Eastham Rake, next to the Community Church, 1123 Hooton Park Sqd Air Training Corps Tuesday and Thursday 7.30- 9.00 p.m. 328-1123


Eastham’s Victorian Pleasure Gardens

A blue plaque has been- installed at the entrance to the Victorian Pleasure Gardens. The picture shows David Allan and Stephen Scarborough with a piece of Blondin’s rope. David Allan explained: “It was 136 years ago that the great French tightrope walker Jean Chavalier Blondin attracted 102,000 spectators in just 19 days, easily the biggest crowds ever seen at the then holiday destination of Eastham. International acclaim had followed his staggering feat when in 1859 he crossed the Niagara Falls on a ¼ mile long high wire perched precar- iously 200 feet above the foaming water, an event which griped the entire world. And now this stunning, death-defying performer was demonstrating his extraordinary skills just a few yards from where we are standing. Now I would like to invite you to use your imagination. It is a sunny June day in 1883. This area is thronged with a dense crush of people. The Eastham Ferry Hotel and The Pier Bar are doing a roaring trade. People are dressed in their finest; the stalls just up Ferry Lane there can’t keep up with the demand. Out in the river ten paddle steamers are queuing up to disembark their excited passengers. There is noise and colour every- where coupled with an air of both tension and eager anticipation. For once the lions and wolves and polar bears in the Eastham zoo are receiving scant attention. Everyone has just one thing on their mind – Blondin! The great tree trunks supporting the high wire well above the Eastham tree line are dra- matically visible, and somewhere in the crowd a small boy, John Hughes, is wishing he hadn’t volunteered to be pushed across the alarmingly high wire in a wheel barrow ! (Eileen & Vernon Hands) The crowd fall silent as the hour for the performance approaches and then he appears dressed in white tights and a richly adorned tunic and he is greeted with thunderous ap- plause. He climbs the ladder to the platform at the top of the pole and waves to the crowds. Then his fantastic performance begins. He crosses and re-crosses the wire, then he does it again, blindfold; he balances on a chair which itself is balanced on one leg in the middle; he carries a stove to the centre of the wire and nonchalantly cooks an ome- lette, flipping it into the air to turn it; next he carries someone over the rope on his back and finally it’s young John Hughes’ turn and he climbs into a wheelbarrow and is then pushed across the rope. What a performance ! What a man !” 33

WHO'S WHO Vicar: The Revd Beth Glover [email protected] The Vicarage, 29 Ferry Road, Eastham 327-2182 Curate: The Revd Mark Turner Lay Ministers: David Colenso (Emeritus) 327-3546 Ray Bonnard 327-4609, Anne York 334-1996, Andrew Bradley-Gibbons 328-0685 Pastoral Workers: Simone Llewellyn 327-8631, Dot Christiansen 327-5322 Parish Worker: Roy Munro 327-4721 Churchwardens: Sue Abraham 334-9216, Marilyn Gardner 327-1732 Parish Manager: George Wynne 327-3737 Church Treasurer: Irene Jones 327-6741 Church Organist: Malcolm Perry 334-1807 Choirmaster: Gerry Warr 334-1162 Sacristan: Russ Boyes 573-3259 PCC Secretary: Sue Abraham 334-9216 Baptisms: Jane (0151 327 2420) or Nickie (0151 200 0636) ‐ evenings Electoral Roll: Gordon Glover 327-2182 Flowers: Mrs. Chris Gardner 327-3767 Church Bookings: Church Centre, Jean Cullen 327-3317 St. Peter's, Sandra Wellings 07889 431085 Bellringers: Dave Hocker 07970528956 Disability Officer: Barbara Chambers 334-9329 Planned Giving Gift Aid : Diane Casewell 923-4113 Missionary Secretary: Anne York 334‐1996 Requests for Prayers: Lynn Matthews 327-1548, Simone Llewellyn 327-8631 Parish Safeguarding Coordinator: Emma Davies 07835 504676 Parish Magazine Editor: Philip Mayles 327-7196 [email protected] Magazine Treasurer-Adverts-Distribution: Sue Pridding 327-5277 Magazine Postal Requests: Joan Hignett 327-1309

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