
Potluck are designed to expose you to quick, easy meals, get you in the , experience new , and taste favorite recipes made by fellow participants. Potlucks are also a time for you to share recipe ideas, nourish one another, and demonstrate your awareness of the Nutrition Spectrum-Reversal Program.

1. Potluck meals will be held at the (insert location of program meals) on the following dates: (insert list of potluck dates for this cohort)

2. The Potluck Sign-up Sheet will be available approximately one to two weeks before each scheduled potluck meal to avoid duplicate foods and ensure that all groups are represented. . Choices will include: entrées with beans or soy, fruit dishes, whole-grain dishes, vegetable dishes (i.e.: salad, roasted or steamed vegetables), appetizers/soups, , or other items that you can think of to bring. . Bring enough to serve at least six to eight people. . Recipes/dishes do not have to be time consuming or elaborate. If you need ideas, please ask the Program staff.

3. Bring the recipe for your on the day of the potluck. . Give the recipe to (insert dietitian’s name) to photocopy and share with the group. . If you have a recipe or dish you would like to make, but are uncertain if it fits the guidelines or need assistance modifying it to fit the guidelines, bring it in prior to the potluck and have the dietitian help you.

4. Potluck dishes will be set up/preparation (insert place of meal and time of set up). . Food must be prepared and/or cooked at home. A stove, microwave and refrigerator (or customize to what is available at your site) are available for reheating or storing your food. Bring your food in an appropriate container for reheating (i.e. microwave safe, crock pot, etc.). There will be a few minutes before the meal for some quick/minor preparations. . Prior to the start of the program session, please bring all food with any instructions for heating, storing, preparing or serving the dish (insert designated area). (Insert dietitian’s or another Ornish staff member’s name) will heat your food or do any last minute preparations while you participate in the other session components. . Insulated portable cookware is ideal for transporting and keeping hot foods hot and cold foods cold, especially if space is limited.

5. You should bring a serving dish, serving utensils, and any other equipment you may need for your dish. . Put your name on any dishes and utensils you are bringing.

6. Please assist in clean up. . Participants are responsible for packing up take home containers, as well as washing their own dishes and/or utensils.

* Paper products and beverages will be provided (or customize to what is available at your site).