Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 04-14-1903 Hughes & Mccreight
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-14-1903 Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 04-14-1903 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 04-14-1903." (1903). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 16 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 14, 1903 NUMBER 429 and work of Booker T. Washington, nominated as the cadet, and those at the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial THE SHAMROCK standing next In order will be named, EIGHTH ANNUAL Institute. It Is expected that this will respectively, as first, second, third and WILL SECURE be one of the most notable meetings fourth alternates. The successful can- that have been held in New York In didates will have to be present at An CONVENTION the interest of tne uplifting of the Weak Spct Found in Challen napolis, Md., on June 16, 1903, to stand INDICTMENTS southern negro through industrial an examination there. training. Booker i'. Washington will ger's Rigging. The local examination will be held make the principal address. Mr. Cleve- at the University of New Mexico at Of National land will be presented to the meeting Albuquerque, N. M., at 2 o'clock p. m., Inves- Association of by Mayor Low, and other speakers on Tuesday, May 0, 1903, and will con Missouri Authorities will be Edgar Gardner Murphy, of THE WELLS FARGO OFFICIALS tinue as long as may be necessary. Manufacturers. Montgomery, Ala., Dr. Lyman Abbott The examination will be conducted by tigating Legislature. and William H. Baldwin, Jr. Professor Tight, of the University of New Mexico, as chairman of the board, Political Row In Denver. New York Police Find a Man's Body and by Professor Ytillson, of the Mili- YOUNG VANDERBILT GETS MARRIED Denver, April 14. Memliers of the ANOTHER LEVEE: In a Barrel. tary Institute, and Professor Keyes, BREAK IN MISSISSIPPI fire and police board, who were sum- of appear governor the School of Mines, under rules moned to betore tne regulations to previously pro- morning and be Grover Cleveland this to show cause why they mulgated by them. ExPresldent Presides at Ignored MEN KILLED II TUNNEL EXPLOSION Rock Island's Proposed Purchase of tho should not be removed, the Candidates to be eligible must be In a Booker Washington Meeting. citation. However, perfect physical health, bona appeared actual Frisco Road Abandoned. Thomas before Governor fide residents of the Territory of New Pealtody and his advisors and made Weymouth, England, April 14 X A to X Mexico, and must be between the ages New Orleans. La., April 14. Men re- is well known and well .iked In the argument against the governor's tak race of sixteen miles leeward 14. Weymouth cf 15 and 20 years. St. Louis, Mo., April Investiga- Crescent Athletic club tonight. The presenting the leading manufacturing most fashionable set of New York ing any action. Assistant Attorney from off and to beat X tion charges boodling - Printed copies of the regulations of of in the state articles call for twenty rounds at 128 institutions of the Unued istates, to society. - She is shapely, General Hersey followed on back, was laid out for the Sham- tall, and In Thomas can be on application to Delegate legislature In connection with baking pounds. The two are among cle-r-ere- the number of nearly 1,000, gathered being rocks today, but shortly after had the addition to an excellent golfer, the other side, and other arguments Rodey Albuquerque, N. M. powder legislation was resumed today fighters in featherweight In Tulane Hall today, when the eighth leaving their moorings a weak at the tennis player and swimmer, Is a high- were made by attorneys. The gov Territorial papers please copy. by the St. Louis and Cole county grand division and are expected to put up an annual convention of the National As- ly accomplished horsewoman. Her ernor reserved his decision. spot developed in the cup chal- - lenger's gear. When Juries. Circuit Attorney Folk has sum interesting contest. sociation of Manufacturers of was a the boats Wells-Farg- the father member of the old Long o Offices. moned number of ex- got wind came In a witnesses for United States was formally opened. Island family of Neilson. He died nine BRIBERY CHARGED. outside the hard gener- BREAK IN LEVEE. gusts yachts to San Francisco, April 14. The amination in St. Louis today, but as The gathering was called to order by years ago. and the seemed Wells-Farg- Her mother was Miss Belle al offices of the o & Co. ex- some of these are wanted In Jefferson Geb-har- Denver Parties Charged with Bribing have all they could stagger under Costly Work of a Little Crayfish on Vice President Porch. Governor Heard Gebhardt, a sister of "Freddie" press, which have been maintained In City, they may not appear. Some of Mayor Capdevieiie Jury in a Murder Trial. and required an occasional luff River Bank. and welcomed the and a daughter of an old New San Francisco ever since established these are to be or been ex- Golden, April 14. H. H. Tamen, up to ease them. The strain found named have New Orleans. April 14. Water i visitors, and President David M. Parry York merchant of Swiss extraction. over a century ago, are re- by Cole county Police Magistrate Thomas, Robert a weak spot in Shamrock Ill's half to be amined the grand Jury pouring through a crayfish hole 18 to of Indianapolis responded. Following Reginald C. Vanderbilt Is the youngest moved to New York next month. It at Jefferson City. Circuit Attorney ap- Schrader and Dan Sadler will now peak halyard gear. A man was 20 Inches in diameter near the base of the president's address came the son of the late Cornelius Vanderbilt. is announced offices of presi- Folk Attorney Crow have to stand trial before a Jury In sent aloft and on his report the that the and General are Waterloo levee, on the east bank ot pointment of committees, and then He has Just reached his majority. dent, vice president and general man- In frequent communication over the re- this term of court on charges againBt yacht fetched into sheltered wa-- the river, about seventy miles above President Parry read his annual When his father died Reginald fell ager will be established In New York long telephone, advising them of attempting to bribe the Ander ter and anchored. distance each the city, and fear is expressed that be- port. In the course of his remarks heir to $5,000,000 without conditions. and possibly some of the lesser depart- as progress made by son Jury. This was the effect of Judge Si The wind subsequently soften- - other to the their fore a runaround can be Duilt he referred at length to the defeat of Then there was a trust fund of $5,iu0,-00- 0 ment headquarters. investigations. the De France's decision this morning in ed and the boats were sent off. respective It is said weakened levee will give away. Five the eight hour bill before congress divided among the four children, that enough evidence has been secured great upon neces- deciding motions to quash. Two Shamrock I led by a length, but hundred men are at the scene and four and laid stress the share and share alike. The rest of his MYSTERIOUS MURDER. by the grand Jury at the state capital sity of the manufacturers sticking wealth he inherited from his grand- years ago Attorney W. W. Anderson the new boat in a few minutes rows of cribbing has been started. The attempted to kill H. H. Tamen and closed the gap and ran ahead. to secure at least one indictment, an- break at this point would be disas- close together In order to withstand father's estate. The Vanderbilt mil- Body of a Man Found by Police In nouncement of which may be organized H. G. Bonflls, of the Denver Post, and Times at the finish were: Sham- - S made trous, putting the Mississippi Valey the unjust demands of labor lions are well invested and his income Barrel. soon. 'bodies. The reports of the secretary, h not less than $400,000 a year. seriously wounded both with a re- V rock III, 3:33:39; Shamrock I, New York, April 14. A murder was road out of condition, flooding hun volver. At first the Jury dis- 3:39:42. X dreds of acres of cotton land and treasurer and various committees fol- Further, In the event of the death of the trial discovered early today according to McClelland vs. Ryan. truck agreed and the second, when al- farms in new rlve-- r section and lowed. The total membership, as his elder brother, Alfred Vanderbilt, the the police, by the finding of the body Toronto, Ont., April 14. Jack Mc- the leged bribery is to have occurred, submerging of val- shown Is more than 1,600, scattered Reginald would come in for a large said of a man, apparently an Italian, In a Clelland, of Pittsburg, and Billy Ryan, thousands of acres among Pennsyl- acquitted defendant. uable sugar lands dis- nearly forty states. share of the bulk of the Vanderbilt the PREPARES REPORTS.