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The Economic Club of New York 324th Meeting 81st Year ______________________________________ The Honorable Bill Bradley Senator, State of New Jersey and The Honorable Jack Kemp Congressman, State of New York ______________________________________ December 8, 1988 New York Hilton, New York City Questioners: Hank Greenberg President, American International Group Robert Van Buren Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Midlantic Corporation The Economic Club of New York - Bill Bradley and Jack Kemp – Dec. 8, 1988 Page 1 Introduction Chairman Rand V. Araskog Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 324th meeting of the Economic Club of New York in its 81st year. Just after this election, 1988, we’re very fortunate to have with us two of the leaders of their respective parties with us this evening. One from the state of New Jersey and one from the state of New York. I’m very proud to present our first speaker this evening, the Senior Senator from the state of New Jersey serving his second term. He graduated from Princeton. A scholar there, he was also an All-American basketball player and in 1964 received an Olympic Gold Medal. Following Princeton, he was Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, and subsequent to that was for ten years, as all of you know, a player on the New York Knicks basketball team during which time he wrote a book, Life on the Run. I think he’s still on the road but he wrote another book called, The Fair Tax, in 1984. We’re very pleased tonight to welcome the Honorable Bill Bradley. The Honorable Bill Bradley Senator, State of New Jersey Thank you very much, Rand, for the introduction, and trustees and officers of the Economic Club, members, and ladies and gentlemen, as the first order of business I would like to dedicate this evening to Dwayne Andreas whom some of you know and whom I disappointed a few years The Economic Club of New York - Bill Bradley and Jack Kemp – Dec.
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