THE CITY RECORD, From Workhouse. Blackwells Island—Death, on October 3, 1908, of Daniel Schweg- ler, aged 38 years. Friends notified. From Workhouse, Blackwells Island—Death, on October 7, 1908, of Mary Mc- OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Donough, aged 5o years. Friends tunknown. On file. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the From Workhouse Hospitals—Reports for September, 19o8. On file. From Branch Workhouse, Harts Island—Warden calls attention to low water BOARD OF CITY RECORD. pressure of Croton system on that island and urges that request be made to the GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAYOR. Water Department for a twelve-inch main to the island. Report of the Department FRANCIS K. PENDLETON, CORPORATION CouasEL. HERMAN A. METZ, COMPTROLL6a. Engineer, showing daily pressure from September 12 to 29, enclosed. Send copy of letter and report to Commissioner of Department of Water Supply, etc., with request to grant appeal for larger water main for Harts Island. PATRICK J. TRACY, SUPERVISOR. From City Cemetery, Harts Island—List of interments made in City Cemetery Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays. during week ending October 3, Igo8. On file. Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. From City Prison, Brooklyn—Report of tines received during week ending October 3. igo8: From City Magistrates' Cottrts, $4T. On file. SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents; From Engineers, Department of Correction—Transmitting copy of a letter sent bc' Official Canvass of Votes, to cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists. 5 cents each assembly district; them to the Comptroller in regard to pay of such Engineers at $4.5o per day, whic't Law Department and Finance Department supplements, Io cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of is claimed by them as dating from January 28, t,o8, instead of from June I, 19o8, Real Estate, 25 cents each section. as allowed by the Department. On file. Published at Room a, City Hall (north side), New York City. Entered as Secon4-class Matter. Post Office at New York City. Contract Awarded. Ordered, That the proposal of September 24, tgo8, of Cavanagh Bros. & Co., No. 48 Duane street, for- TABLE OF CONTENTS 5,00o feet iron pipe, at $o.ot69 ...... $8.4 5o 3,000 pounds brown and white twisted yarn, at $0.1745 ...... 523 50 Approved Papers— Manhattan, Borough of— 6,000 potntds Yeager carded peeler yarn, at $0.1845 ...... 1,107 oo For the \\'cck Eliding October 31, Proposals 415 IgnB It431 Vlunicinal Civil Service ('onmlission- Total...... $1,71 o0 A(IucdOct l'ommissioners— I'tthlic Notices ...... t 1454 I'tll)1ICAuction ...... I1441 Notice to Contractors...... t 14.56 Assess,,,., l.uard of— Official Borough Papers ...... t 1440 Bond, $86o. Surety, United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company. Public Notices ...... 11443 I UlTicial 1 )irectory...... I i 437 Bellevue and Allied I Iospitals— —be accepted, the same being the lowest hid, the sureti.''s having been approved by the OI Sic ial I'al,ers ...... 11442 1'rupusats ...... 11441 Parks, Department of- Comptroller, etc. l:uard alettings ...... 11440 Proposals ...... I1442 Bronx, I 11151 of— Proposals Accepted. I'ropnsaIs ...... r 144, 1'olicc UcI° t t mnrtet- Of G. R. Shepard Engineering and Construction Company, of No. 144 Water Owners \V•anted fur Lost I'rot)crt% 11444 I' iii iic Notices ...... 11441 street, tinder (late of October 6, t9u8. to make all necessary repairs to the "Allfree" Iirouklvn. Ilurough of— 1'rocccd4ngs of ()ctober 12 20. 21 and 22. Ipo8 ...... 11 I'rulwsals ...... ...... t1444 43.1 Engine No. 650, at the City Prison, Manhattan, as specified in letter of above date, Chnn¢c of (;rack 1)1111 ($,C Commission— Reports of Sanil irs ('ompany ( Boiler for $450. Lowest bid. Squad) for October 19, 20 and Public Notice ...... 11454 21, 1908 ...... ii 446 Of James Curran Manufacturing Company, No. 512 West Thirty-sixth street, ('hangts in Departinc tits, etc...... 11437 (orrection, I)et.atinlcnt o'.— Public Charities, ltrpartntcnt of- under date of October .3, tgo8. to furnish and erect on Rikers Island one smokestack, Rcport of 'Transactions, October 5 Proposals ...... I1442 18 inches diameter, 24 feet high, of No. I2 material. To be put in place of old stack, to l', 1908 ...... 11425 Public Ilcaring- which is to he taken down by said contractors. Stack to be rivetted, braced and stayed l)ocks and Ferries. Department of— By Committee on lrttilrlinps, Board and painted two (2) coats black before erection. Sale of 1)111 Material ...... 11455 of :Vdcruten...... 114.17 Also to furnish rear section for hailer, saute building, all as set forth in proposal, h:ducatiun. I)cpartmcnt of— Richmond, Borough of- I'ropusats ...... .... .. 11441 for $410. P 11 1' 10110 ...... 11442 11111€ and Apportioumcnt, It ii uf— Report of Purcau of I tail bug for Transportation for men and materials to he furnished by the Department of I'uLlie Notices ...... 1145 (1 the \Nook Ending October 24, Financt-, tlrpartlncnt of--- Correction. Lowest bid. IgoB 1I 417 .netion\ Sal e of Machinery, etc..... 11447 ...... Of A. Winternitz, No. 237 l':ist Scvr'nty-second street, to furnish all material and (Irporation Sale of Rcal Estate, etc. ii 448 Street (Meaning, 1)eparImcnt Of_' labor and to lire with No. t tire brick the fireplaces of three (3) old boilers at ('nrpuratiun Sales of IluillImgs, etc 11448 ashes, etc., for Filling, in Lands.... 11441 crest on City Ilunds and Stock.. 11450 Supreme Court, First Department— Branch Workhouse, Ifarts Island, in accordance with the specifications furnished to Notice of :Asscssnents fur Opening Acquiring Title to I.andls. etc...... t I455 bidders, for $655. Lowest bill. Streets and t'ai ks ...... .. (1449 Supreme ('nurt. Seer,inl 1)epartment- 7,1tice rf the Redemption of New .Asquiring Title to 1_mttls. etc...... t 1455 ROROUGII OF M.ANII:ITTAN. 1"01k ('itr Stock ...... 11490 Supremo ('ourt, Third Judicial District- N,,nr s to Property Owners...... 114.47 Ordered, That the following proposals of October 6. rpo8, of Acquiring 'title to Lands, etc...... 114.56 Notices In I-nxpavers ...... 11449 J. A. Puntstecl, Nit. 102 Chambers street, window glass, cotton hose, rubber hose, Sureties Required on Various Classes Water SuIPIv. Board (If— cuspidors, cotton waste, iron pipe, etc.. $114..48. of ('ontraets ...... 11450 Ihup(tsals ...... l ist Piro 1)elnartnx'nt— Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, ]lc- Hemphill Engineering Company. No. gr Alurrt\ street, hardware, belting, angle I'rapusals ...... 11441 partmrnt of._ valves, step ladder, etc., $43.33. 'I ransactiuns, Irvin June 8 to 13, RrPtnt It 'rransaetions for the \Yc,-k Sickels & Nutting Company, No. 35 Barclay street, knivt s and forks, paper bags, Ign3, Roth Dates Inclusive..... 11425 I'tiding, July II, moot(...... 11432 cartridges, hardttware, smoothing irons, double blocks, etc., $4M.q5. Edward G. Shepard, No. 107 Chambers street, marine packing, steam and electric fittings, powder, cartridge fuse..,, sheet packing, rubber sheets, stoves, etc., $357.03. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION. David Killoch Couipalt , No. 193 Greenwich street, arc lamp gloves, volt and annneter, cartridge fuses, key sockets, carbons, etc., $t 17.12. 1MMIa rut e 'Manufacturing and Supply Company, No. t57 Sottth street, white cotton REPORT OF TRANSACTIONS, OCTOBER 5 TO ir, i9o8. rags. iournal-hearing bar. rubber hose. life preservers, etc., $86.75. Crandall Packing Company. No, 136 Liherty street, Garlock flax packing, $7.50. Bruce & Cook, No. 190 Water street, stove pipe and elbows, roofing tin, etc., $81.39. Communications Received. John J. 'loran, No. roo William street, liquid dryer, $r.20. Prom the Board of Estimate and Apportionment—Assistant Secretary transmits Benoit Paint and 'Material Cotu pan v, chromic green, $)0.15. ccrtilied copy of resolution adopted October 2, 19e8, which reads as follows: Eureka Manufacturing Companv, No. 116 Walker street, Albany grease, aluminum "Resolved, That, pursuant to the provisions of section 47 of the (;rester New paint, sand paper, patty, etc., $27.65. York Charter, as amended, the Board of l'Stilltattt and Apportionment hcrch_v approves A. I.. Ilirsh, No. 68 Greenwich street, sawdust, Castile soap, beeswax, D, T. glass. of the isstic of Corporate Stock of The City of New York, to an amount not exceed- etc., $30.30. ing two million two hundred and tifty thousand dollars. to provide means for the ere~- Cavanagh Bros. Company. No. 48 Duane street, manila rope, elbows, $17.95. tion of an administration building, men's and women's cell butildings, mess hall, centntl D. H. Icllvaine, No. 8o 1 hird avenue, benzine, wire clothes line, hardware, atop heating plant, chops and a halh huildinq for the new Penitentiary on Bikers Island, wringers, agate drinking cups, etc., under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Correction, and when authority therefor Charles II.I1. Ileinsuhn, Eighteenth street and Avenue A, lumber, $159.70. shall have been obtained from the Board of Aldermen, the Comptroller is authorized —be accepted, same being the lowest bids. to issue Corporate Stock of The City of New York, in the manner provided by Appointed. section r6g of the Greater New York Charter, to an amount not exceeding, two million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($2,250,0(10), the proceeds whereof John A. Gaynor, lI. 1)., Resident Physician at Branch Workhouse, Rikers Island, to be applied to the purposes aforesaid. at $1,200 per annum, to date from October 6, i9o8. Certitied by Civil Service Commis- " A true copy of resolution adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment sion tinder (late of September 30, 1908. October 2, 11)08. Thomas A. Scat,lon, De,ekliand on Steamboats, at $480 per annum, to date from (Signed) "WILLIAM 'i. LAWRENCE, Assistant Secretary.' October 8, IgoS. Departmental examination. On file with General Bookkeeper and Auditor. Resigned. Charles Dale, Cook at Branch Workhouse, Harts Island, at $60o per atmsr, to Front the Comptroller—Receipt for security deposits a'c'smganying proposals for miscellaneous supplies, opened October 6, tto8. On file with General Bookkeeper take effect October 6, t9o8. and Auditor. Dismissed. From the Gmtptroller—Returning proposal of Cavanagh tiros. & Co. for Sup - Bolinder S. Higgins, Orderly, at $240 per annum, at Workhouse, Blackwells Island, plies for Alauufactvring Purposes, with approval of the sureties. Awards to be made to take effect October 6, 1908. for insubordination and disobedience of orders. and contracts drawn. From Department of Puhl c Charities—.Asking for a detail of then to level off Dropped from the Roll. grounds around new Nurses' Home, Metropolitan Hospital. Impossible at present David J. Downie, Deckhand on Steamboats, at $48o per annual, to take effect owing to the work (for Charities) now being (lone on Rant1,lls and I)thcr islands, October 7, 1908. From Department of Public Charities—Secretary states that new tithe table for JOHN V. COGGEY, Commissioner. Department steamboats is about to he printed, and asks if the Department I f Correction desires any chang(•s made. Referred to Deputy Commissioner. No charge desired. From the Grand Jury for September, ttoS, for Kings Cuunty—Report of the Grand Jury on the escape ''by fraud and artifice" front the City Prison, Brooklyn, FIRE DEPARTMENT. of one Samuel Manses, a prisoner. Magistrates' Courts should be required to ntak: report to Warden as to disposition of cases sent from prison to the Courts. On file. TRANSACTIONS FROM JUNE 8 TO JUNE 13, 1908, BOTH DATES INCLU- From ITeads of lust it at ions—k('purting that meats, fish, bread, milk, etc,, f,)t• SIVE. week ending October 3, tgo8, agreed with specifications of the contracts. On file. From Heads of Institntiuns—Reports, census, labor, hospital cases, punishment.,, New York, June 8, 1908. etc., for week ending October 3, 1908. On file. From City Prison, Manhattan—Report of tines received (hiring week ending Communications received were disposed of as follows October 3, ,(x18: From City Magistrates' Court, $3?. On file. Filed. Front District Prisons—Report of fines received daring week ending October ,?, 1908: From City Magistrates' Courts, $413. On Mile. From Corporation Counsel—Requesting samples of various lots of hose delivered Front Pei i tell tirvv, Blackwells Island—List of prisoners received at Penitentiary to this department by the Windsor Fire Appliance Cttninany tinder contracts dated during week ending October 3, tge8: Men, 41 ; women, 3. On tile. June to, 1904, August 15, 19o4 and November 29, 1904. Request complied with. From Penitentiary, Blackwells Island—Death, on October 6, 19o8, of Jacob Roth, From Police Department— aged 30 years. Friends and Coroner notified. , file. Relative to surface railroad cars stored at night on Lexington avenue, from From Workhouse, Blackwells Island—Fnes paid at Workhouse during week One Hundred and Seventeenth to One Hundred and Twenty-ninth street, and re- ending October 3, 1908, amounted to $97. On file. porting in relation thereto. I1426 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1908.

2. In matter of report of false alarm, station 721, of which said department was From Anonymous— notified on 2d inst. Copy to Chief of Department. r. Concerning the need of fire escapes on premises No. 356 West One Hundred From Department of Public Charities—In matter of proposed transfer of sten- and Forty-fifth street. To Tenement House Department. ographer Isaac B. Zinn to this department in same capacity. 2. Regarding conditions at paint shop No. 337 West Forty-fourth street, and From Department of Docks and Ferries— rubber tire factory at No. 341 West Forty-fourth street. Relative to transfer of John J. Carroll from the position of foreman of 3. Regarding dangerous conditions at store of Joseph Kolchin, corner Jersey laborers, at $i,2oo, to the same position, at like salary, in Department of Docks and avenue and Richmond terrace, New Brighton, borough of Richmond. To Inspector Ferries. Consent accorded and request returned to latter Department for submission of Combustibles. Commissioner of Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity was this day to Municipal Civil Service Commission. requested to consent to the transfer to this department as clerk of John A. Kavanagh, From Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity— employed in a similar capacity in the first mentioned department, with salary at the I. Relative to report of foreman of engine company 41 in the matter of need of rate of $1,050 per annum. laying water mains in Cromwell avenue and One Hundred and Fifty-first street. 2. Forwarding report of chief engineer in matter of communication of chief of department relative to maps furnished of the distribution mains and hydrants in the New York, June 9, igo8. boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx. Communications received were disposed of as follows: From Municipal Civil Service Commission—Certifying the name of fireman Timothy Donohoe for promotion to the position of engineer of steamer. Filed. From Deputy Commissioner, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens—Forwarding From Finance Department—Advising that the Comptroller's certificate has been reports from the Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances reporting re- indorsed upon the contracts of C. W. E. Burkhardt, dated May 23, 1908, for furnishing quirements of this department complied with at premises No. tog Bradford street, coal; George 13. Dickinson, dated May 25, 1908, for furnishing general supplies, and borough of Brooklyn, and not complied with at premises Ocean front and boardwalk, the Diamond Rubber Company, dated May 27, 1908, for furnishing rubber tires, and borough of Queens. Bureau for the Recovery of Penalties notified and inquiry slips that the same are now valid contracts. Certificates attached to contracts. returned. From Department of Docks and Ferries—In matter of communication from this From Fire Alarm Telegraph Bureau- department of April 8, 1908, relative to the placing of tire holes in the docks of new 1. Returning applications of the Manhattan Fire Alarm Company for permission piers and in the rebuilding of old ones. Copy forwarded Chief of Department. to connect the following premises with street boxes specified, and recommending that From Tenement house Dep:trtntcnt—Acknowledging receipt of report of foreman the same be granted ; premises No. 20 Bowery with street box 132, Nos. 99, ion and of engine company t6, concerning mattress factory at No. 235 East Twenty-fourth 103 Bowery with street box i69, No. 112 Bowery with street box 169 and No. 283 street, and of complaints of violations of the Tenement House Laws at pre nines No. Bowery with street box 241. Recommendation approved and said company notified. 20 West One Hundred and Eighteenth street and Nos. 1771 and 1773 First avenue. 2. Returning application of the National District Telegraph Company for fire From Municipal Civil Service Commission—Forwarding transfer blanks, parts I box number for the premises Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews, No. 121 West and 2, for use of this department. One Hundred and Fifth street, with recommendation that number 3-65 be assigned From Deputy Commissioner, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens- for the purpose. Recommendation approved and company notified. 1. death of horse No. io86. 3. Returning communication from the New York Telephone Company stating 2. Returning, with report, communication from Messrs. A. Moses, Sons & Co., that said company intends to remove on or before June 20, igo8, its roof fixture relative to the quality of sponges delivered by said concern at Brooklyn headquarters now located at No. 343 Eighth avenue, with report that this department is not on March t8, 1908. responsible for any of the wires attached to said fixture. Said company notified. From Fire Marshal, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens—Report of fires for week ending 6th inst. From Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances- From Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances—Reporting r,,quire- 1. Returning application .of Walter S. Timmis for a further extension of time ments of this department compiled with at premises No. 20 John street. Corporation to comply with order of this department requiring installation of certain fire appli- Counsel and Alfred L. White, No. 62 Cedar street, notified. ances in premises Nos. 84 to 90 Beekman street, with recommendation that an addi- From Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary hire Appliances and Bureau of Fire tional extension of thirty clays from the 8th inst. be, granted for such purpose. Marshal— Recommendation approved and '1Ir. Timmis notified. Returning, ticith report, communication from the Title Insurance Company, re- 2. Returning with report communication from the Jiffy Fire Hose Rack Company questing information as to violation, if any, affecting premises Nos. 36 to 4o Gramercy relative to change in fire department regulations as to hose for use in connection Park East, and Nos. 148 and 150 East Twenty-first street, No. 443 West Thirty-fifth with standpipe (fire line) equipment, and recommending that said concern be notified street, No. ter East Eighty-sixth street, No. 166 West `.Ninety-fifth street, No. 553 West of said report. Recommendation approved. Said company notified. One Hundred and TYwenty-first street. No. 165 \1Tcst One I hundred and Twenty-second From Clerk in charge of Repairs and Supplies—Returning, with report, comnntni- street, No. 6m West C'ne Hundred amid Thirtieth street, No. 19 West One Hundred and cations from the deputy comnii~sioner, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, and chici Thirtc-sixth street, Nos. 616 and 622 West One ITmtdred and 'thirty-seventh street, of battalion in charge of supplies in said boroughs, recommending that an additional Nos. (o4 rind 6o6 Fast Onc lf~tndred and ]6rty-first street, Nos. 66o-666 Morris ave- amount of $30,000 lie allotted for the purchase of general supplies for the boroughs ntte, No. 1474 1Inc avenue. Said compan,v notified. of Brooklyn and Queens. 2. Returui mg, with report, cnnmtunications from :1Tatthias Radin inquiring as to From Foreman, Engine Company t;—Reporting, that fireman first grade Michael violations, if auc, affecting premises Nos. 191 and 193 Chrystie street. 14fr. Radio J. Mahoney, engine company try, satisfactorily completed his term of probation as notified. acting engineer of steamer at 8 a. in., May 30, t9o8. Promotion as engineer of steamer .3. Returning, ,vith report, communication from Abraham T. Smolens inquiring ordered. as to violation;, if any, affecting premises No. 48 Willett street. Mr. Smolens From Foreman, Engine Company 41—Recontntending that additional fire hydrants notified. be located in company district. Approved. Copy to Department of Water Supply, From Storekeeper--Relative to organization of a bureau of supplies. Copy for- Gas and Electricity. w:trrlccd r(t his ilonor the AI:nvor. From Foreman, Engine Company 46—Recommending that additional fire hydrants From Forc~n'an, Engine Company 27—Reporting loss of coat badge No. i 13 by he located in company district. Approved. Copy forwarded to Department of Water fireman John J. Kellc of his cnntniand. Usual fine. Supply, Gas and Electricity. From Foreman, l{ngine Company 28 —Reporting loss of coat badge No. 1131 by From Foreman, Engine Company 71—Recoininending that new fire hydrants be fireman third grade James W. Tracy of his coin iii and. Usual fine imposed. located at various specified points in compam- district. Approved. Copy forwarded From Forcnuw, Engiuc Company 34—Reporting loss of book of rules and regtila- to Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. tions by fireman fourth grade William B. Dolan of his command. Usual fine im- From Foreman, Engine Company 139—Reporting that fireman first grade Francis posed. J. Sample, hook and ladder company 64, satisfactorily completed his probationary term From Forenian Engine Company 45—Reporting death of horse registered No. 902 as acting engineer of steamer at 8 a. nt., June t, 1908. Promotion as engineer of on 6th inst. steamer ordered. From Foreman Engine Company 57—Reporting loss of book of roles and regula- From Corona Improvement Association—Relative to matter of installation o? tions by fireman second grade Ifax levy of his command. Usual fine imposed. paid system in said section of the borough of Queens. Reply communicated. From Foreman, I•:nginc Company 58- From New York Board of Fire Unilerwwwriters—Acknowledging receipt of invi- 1. Reporting Ins; of tiro alarm Imox key 3692 by fireman first grade John P. tation to have expert present at of hose at repair shops on Loth inst. Varian of his cosnntand. Usual fine imposed. From George J. Goepfert—Relative to indebtedness to him on the part of fore- 2. Reporting relative to malicious false alarm for fire station 735 on 6th inst. man B. Z. Boyd. Reply communicated. Foreman Boyd notified. Police Department notified. From Ravitch Brothers—Forwarding for approval triplicate print, of framing From Foreman,. Engine Company 1o4—Reporting loss of coat badge 2912 by plan for engine house ii 2. Prints forwarded Superintendent of Buildings. fireman first grade Wilting J. Regan of leis command. Usual fine imposed. From Foreman, Eneine Comp:uty 130--Reporting loss of fire alarm box key 2164 Referre 1. by engineer of steamer Wiiiiam R s of his command. Usual fine imposed. From Department of Finance—Rclative to cancellation of voucher in favor of From Foreman, Emigimie C0ump'tns' i3t—Reporting loss of fire alarm box key 1590 W. F. Johnston for $l,$oo on the purchase of department site in F.astchester. To by fircninn first grade \Vidimrr1 P. Goebel of his comuumand. Usual tine imposed. Bookkeeper. Front Foreman, EnRun. Company 139—Rcpor,ting loss of coat badge 232I by fire- From Bureau of Highways—Relative to box belonging to this department at man first grade Bernard A. Brady of his ccnnn:end. Usual fine imposed. Mott and Bayard streets being low and in dangerous position. To Fire Alarm Tele- From Foreman, Engine Company 1,52—Reporting loss of coat badge 2824 by fire- graph Bureau. ntan first grade William E. Ru''crs of his command. Usual fine imposed. From Bureau of Licenses—Transmitting application of Tlhomas I'vlcCabe for From Foreman, Knginc Company 167--Reporting loss of coat badge 390 by common show license for premises No. 21 Jackson avenue, Long Island City. To engineer of steamer :14artin J. Boyne, detailed to his company from engine company Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. tt8. Usual fine imposed. From Bureau for Recovery of Penalties, LawDepartment—Requesting reinspec- From Foreman, I:ngiiic Company 167—Reporting loss of cap badge 366 by engineer fion of the following premises: No. 875 Columbus avenue and No. 223 East Eighty- of steamer Patrick J. Conno!ly (No. 2) of his command. Usual fine imposed. ninth street. Ti) Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. From Foreman, ] look and Ladder Company 7- From Foreman, Engine Company i3—Reporting cellar of premises No. moo Woos- t. Reporting theft of coat badge 3978 from coat of fireman fourth grade George ter street stacked with stationery and cases and not provided with perforated pipes. I1. McGuire durmg .ibsence of company from quarters at fire station 396 on February To Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. 23, 1908. Usual fine imposed. From Foreman, Engine Company 3t— 2. Reporting loss of fire alarm box key io8;T by fireman first grade George K. Burns of his conmta mid . Usual fine imunoscd. I. Reporting that at premises No. 20 flowery, No.. 46 Chatham square and No From Foreman, Ilook and Ladder Company 9—Reporting loss of coat badge 184 Park row, consisting of lodging houses, the interior alarm systems are not in 3184 by fireman fourth grade Janus t\. Qtt nn of his command. Usual fine imposed. proper working order. To Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. From Foreman, Ilook and Ladder Company 13—Reporting death of horse No. 2. Reporting certain violations of the building code at premises No. 184 Park 754, assigned to his cotnpan~, nn the 61h inst, row, Nos. ii and 12 Chatham square, Nos. 20 and 28 Bowery. To Superintendent 1 of Buildings. Front Foreman ] look and Lad I e r Company 24—Reporting loss of fire alarm box key 3472 by fireman second grade Robert Nelson of his command. Usual fine int- From Assistant Foreman, Ilook and Ladder Company 26—Reporting loss of coat posed. badge No. 3363 by fireman second grade Thomas Cullen. Usual fine imposed. From Foreman, }look and Ladder Company 32—Recommending placing of five From Fireman Francis Kiernan, l:ngine Conttriny 166 (Theatre Detail)—Report- new hydrants in company district. Recommendation approver. Department of Water ing no diagram of exits printed on programme at Morrison's Theatre, located at Ocean Supply, Gas and Electricity notified. avenue and Henry street, Rockaway, at performance on May 30, 1908. To Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary hire Appliances. From Foreman, I look and Iadder Company 35—Reporting loss of coat badge 3531 by fireman third grade \Villiani V. Rousseau of his comnntnd. Usual fine imposed. From Lamb Engine Company of New York—Requesting copy of order to install From Fireman first grade ]tarry J. 1•:ntrinker, Engine CI,mpany 144—Relative to perforated pipe in cellar and subccllar of premises \o. 93 Chambers street. To Bureau his indebtedness to Mrs. 13. Wolf for cigars in the sum of $3.15 and reporting that he of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliance.. has settled the claim. From Empire City Subway Company, Ltd.—Relative to subway on Sixth ave- From Fireman second grade John M. Shea, 1Took and Ladder Company 9--Re- inue, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, being torn out and replaced with porting that }re has settled his indebtedness in the suns of $2 for supplies furnished 4-inch duct conduits. To Fire Alarm Telegraph Bureau. him by one Frank 1\Tuller. From American Radiator Company—Relative to steam heat for dock houses. From Fireman first grade John J. Brtislcy, TTook .mild Ladder Company 22— To Superintendent of Buildings. Stating that lie will settle claint of $ for groceries purchased by him from From Special Fire Alarm Electrical Signal Company—Requesting designation of Charles Finkenstadt. Mr. Finkenstadt notified. box number for premises No. 49 Henry street, known as New Henry Hall. To Fire From Merchants' Association of New York --Relative to compulsory installation Alarm Telegraph Bureau. of automatic sprinklers in huildings. Reply communicated. From Louis S. Goebel—Requesting to be advised whether any money is due From Robert J. Wright & Son—Relative to newspapers in manure gathered at estate of Cecelia A. Purdy. To Secretary of Relief Fund. various fire houses. Chief of Department notified to cause discontinuance of practice. From M. 1. Hudson—Reporting obstructed fire escape at premises Nos. 58 to 66 From Staten Island Supply Company—Relative to indebtedness to said concern East Ninety-sixth street. To Tenement House Department. of engineer of steamer Peter J. Regan, engine company 37. Said engineer notified. From J. Brown—Reporting barrels of tar on sidewalk in front of premises of FPom Margaret Rivers—Relative to indebtedness to her in the sum of $5 bor- the Germania Roofing Company. To Inspector of Combustibles. rowed money on the part of stoker John J. Kehoe, engine company 66.


From Abraham Henry—Relative to indebtedness to him in the sum of $21.50 for companies foot of West Thirty fifth street and on bulkhead foot of East One Hundred services rendered fireman Arthur Finnegan, engine company 2o. Fireman Finnegan and Thirty-second street. notified to give matter attention. 2. Returning three proposals of Gasteiger & Schaefer, for furnishing forage for action on the proposed substitution of the National Surety Company as surety thereon Referred. in the place of Charles G. Steinmetz and Edward Miller. Substitution approved. From Police Department—Relative to application of Reilly Amusement Company 3. Returning proposal of Joseph Balabon for repairs to quarters of engine com- for concert license for Wonderland, Brighton Beach Boardwalk, borough of Brook- pany No. 62 for action on the proposed substitution of the National Surety Company lyn. To Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. as surety thereon in the place of W. D. Clarke and Max Glober. Substitution ap- From Bureau of Licenses—Relative to application for common show licenses, proved. premises Fifty-eighth street and Eighth avenue, and No. 272 West One Hundred and 4. Returning proposals of the William Horne Company for alterations to quarters Forty-fifth street, Manhattan, and No. 8oi Prospect avenue, The Bronx. To Bureau of engine company 124, 142 and 151, for action on the proposed substitution of the of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. National Surety Company as surety thereon in the place of C. C. Laughnlan and From Foreman, Engine Company t8—Reporting wooden tank resting on steel Charles Lawson. beams situated ill hallway between seventh floor and roof, and directly over main stair- From Municipal Civil Service Conmlission- way, premises Nos. 132 to 136 West Fourteenth street. To Bureau of Buildings. I. Approving of the transfer of Alfred D. Ryan, from the position of black- From Foreman, Hook and Ladder Company 8—Reporting water tank on top floor smitli's helper to that of stoker in this department. supported by wooden beams, premises No. 78 Iludson street, and that fire escapes are 2, Approving of the transfer of laborer Thomas Carroll, Department of Water required on front of building Nos. 90 to 94 Hudson street. To Bureau of Buildings. From Fireman first grade Frederick W. Dcissroth, Hook and Ladder Company 4— Supply, Gas and Electricity, to this department in the same capacity. From Deputy Commissioner, boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx and Richmond-.. Relative to meritorious act performed by him February 5, 1901, at premises No. 267 Submitting charges, testimony and findings in matter of trials of members of the West Fortieth street. To Chief of Department. From Caulker William J. Kearney, Superintendent of Buildings' Branch—Request- uniformed force, borough of Manhattan, held i\lay 29, 1908, as follows: Fireman first grade William P. Mulligan, Engine Company i6—For absence with- ing leave of absence with pay from the 15th to the 20th inst., inclusive, to attend reunion of veterans at Buffalo, New York. To Superintendent of Buildings. out leave and neglect of duty. Fined one day's pay oil each. Total fine, two days' From Glendale Fire Company 9, Glendale, borough of Queens—George P. Zorn, pay. Captain—Concerning allowance for maintcnancc alleged to he clue June I, 19o8, also Fireman first grade Patrick J. Harrington, Engine Company 17—For absence with- as to supplies needed by said company. To Deputy Commissioner, boroughs of Brook- out leave; fined ten days' pay. Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline; fined five days' pay. Total fine, fifteen days' pay and warned. lyn and Queens. - From Acker, Merrall & Condit Company—Relative to order requiring sprinkler Ununiformed Fireman Matthew J. Mc.Morrow, Engine Company 27—For absence equipment in sub-basement of premises Nos. 130 and 132 Chambers street. To Bu- without leave. Reprimanded. Fireman fourth grade Robert A. Fowler, Engine Company 28—For violation of reau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. From Charles A. Schicren Company--Rrlative to maintenance of benzine metal Special Order 27 of February 16, 1906. Complaint dismissed. polish in hull ding No. fib Cliff street. To Bureau of Combustibles. Engineer of Steamer 'William Noble, Engine Company No. 31—For absence with- out leave. Fined five days' pay. From Master Steam and Hot Water Fitters' Association—Requesting that heating and ventilating work be separated from other lines of con,truction in specifications Engineer of Steamer Ambrose O'Neill. Engine Company 31—For absence without for department work. To Superintendent of Buildings. leave; tined one day's pay. Being under the influence of liquor, drug or compound; From Fra nkenthaler & Sapiusky—Inquiring as to violations, if any, affecting fined ten days' pay. Total fine, eleven days' pay and warned. Fireman first grade William J. Horatian, Engine Company premises No. 6r2 East Fourteenth street. To Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary 37—For absence with- hire Appliances. out leave. Reprimanded. From Anonvnious- Fireman fourth grade henry F. Thiel, Engine Company 55—For neglect of ditty (two specifications). Fined one day's pay and reprimanded. 1. Complaining of lack of light in hallways, premises No. 431 West Thirty-fourth street and Nos. 244 and 246 East "l hirtN-fifth street, of obstructed fire escapes, premises Fireman first grade William Dugan, Houk and Ladder Company 7—For absence No. 633 l~irst avenue. and of clothes lines running to adjoining house from No. 217.1 without leave. Reprimanded. Fireman first grade James J. Calverly, Hook and Ladder Company 8—For neglect I:isil1th svcnttc. fo 'Tenement 1 Intoe Dcpart'ne il. of duty. Fined one day's pay. 2. ('unlpl fining of defect flue, premises No. 136 Suffolk street, and of Fireman second grade Michael J. Walsh, Hook and Ladder Company 8—For dis- dangerous conditions at Premises No. 83 Willett street. 'l'o Fire Marshal. obedience of orders. Reprimanded. Bills Audited. Foreman William Clark, Hook and Ladder Company 9—For violation of section BOIZOUGIIS OF MANHATTAN AND TILE BRONX. 64, Rules and Regulations of Igo,. Crnnnlaint dismissed. Fireman second grade August G. Faber, l look and Ladder Company 9—For reck- Schedule 278 of t 16— less driving. Complaint dismissed. Sites and buildings ...... $286 25 Fireman third grade William \Valsh, Hook and Ladder Company io—For reck- Schedule 184 of 1907— less driving. Complaint dismissed. Sites and buildings...... 5, 100 00 Fireman third grade John J. Kirk, Il'nok and Ladder Company Io—For absence Schedule 185 of 1907— without leave (three spe,ificatinns). Fined three clays' pay on the first and six days' Apparatus, supplies, etc...... 275 to pay on the third; second complaint ,lisnlis'ect Total fine, nine days' pay, and warned. Fireman first graclr John J. Sweeney, hook and Ladder Company 13—For absence BOROUGH OF TIIE BRONX. without leave. Fined one clay's pay, and twenty-four hours deducted from regular Schedule 186 of 1907- leaves of absence g ranted under section 300, Rules and Regulations, 1905. Recenue Bond Ptu:cl for purchase of fire hose ...... $2,625 00 Fireman t'lir-,1 grade Arthur Magnussen, Hook and Ladder Company 20—For ab- Schedule 92 of 1908- sence witliou'. leave. Reprimanded. Adutinistralion, apparatus and supplies ...... 84 o') Findings approved. B011tJt_Jt;1f OF RICHMOND. From Deputy Commissioner, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens— Schedule 93 of 19o8- I. report of operations in said boroughs for the quarter ending Administratiun, apparatus and supplies ...... $Io of ;1 lard: , I. i9o8 Compilation ordered. 2. Forwarding report from the Deputy Chief of Department in charge of said BOROUGH OF M.vNIIATTAN. boroughs, relative to the right of the Fire Commissioner to extend the paid system into Schedule 91 of 19o8- a portion of the Town of Newtown unless the entire town be included in such exten- Adnl iii istration, apparatus and supplies ...... $655 76 sion. Opiuion of Corporation Counsel requested. Front Chief of Department- ]?xpenditures Authorized. 1. Reporting niailicious false alarm from Station 882 on the 4th inst. Police De- BOROUGH OF JI-A\II:ATT,AN. partnicut notified. Varnish for use at Repair Shops ...... $56 50 C. Relative to circular of the National District Telegraph Company advertising its business. National District ,1'elegraph Company notified in regard thereto. John C. Jaeger was this day appointed an u tin ni form ned fireman, borough of blan- From Bureau of Combustibles—Report of operations for first quarter of i9o8. hattan, for a probationary period of c,lie month from 8 a. Ill., June lo, 19o8, with salary Compilation ordered. at the rate of 88t:o per an tin in. and asiication in the Crry Ria nsti in connection therewith were this day forwarded Compilation ordlcred. to the Corporation (' mnsel for endorsement thcrcii of his approval as to form. From Chief of Battalion in charge, Repair Shops— Pursuant to the provisions of section 720 of the Greater New York Charter, I. Report of operations for first quarter of IgaS. Compilation ordered. Deputy Fire Coniniissioncr Patrick A. Whitney was this day designated by the Cont- 2. Reporting 35,600 feet of fire hose rea lv for distribution in the boroughs of missioner as authorized to perform all the duties and exercise all the powers of Fire Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn and Ricl!ninilcl. Commissioner except the ttppointmcnt to or promotion, detail or dismissal of any From Board of Medical Officers—Report of operations for first quarter of Igo8, member of the, nihuniformed Ii rnied force, on Wednesday, June 10, 1908. boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx and Richmond. From Chief of Battalion in charge, lIcspital and Training Stables— New York, June to, 1908. I. of operations for first quart:r of 1908. Compilation ordered. 2. Reporting death of horses registered No g:12 and 1754. Opening of Prom x,srtls. Front Foreman, I ngirte Colnparny 40—Rep)rtiog loss of coat badge by Engineer of In the presence of the Cnni Ill issioner atub a representative of the Comptroller. Steamer \\'illiant 11. "I'havne, of his command. Usual fine imposed. Affidavit as to (life publication in the Crrr Rrcutzn inviting proposals was read and From Foreman, Engine Company lol—Reporting loss of cap badge No. 2218 by filed and approved forms of contract were submitted. Fireman third grade Edward C. Berry, of his command, while in discharge of duty. From Foreman, Engine Company 1o7—Reporting loss of coat badge No. 3004 by Proposals were reccis col as follows : first grade l"ircntan Joseph B. lulanniug, of his command. Usual fine imposed. BOROUGHS OF BROOKLYN AND QUEENS. From Foreman, Fngille Company i 18—Reporting loss of cap device No. 390 by For furnishing and delivering new rubber tires for apparatus in the borough of F.ngincer of Steamer \lartin J. Boyne, of his command. Usual fine imposed. Brooklyn and in the borough of Queens: From Foreman, Engine Company 119—Reporting loss of coat badge No. 2789 by I. I)ianloutl Robber Company, No. 1876 Broadway, 117anit alt an...... $7,390 8o Fireman second grade "I homas F. Heenan, of leis command. Usual fine imposed. --with security deposit of $184.77. Front Foreman, Engine Company 113—Reporting fire alarm box key No. 1213 lost by Fireman first grade George A. Coffer, of his command. Usual fine imposed. 2. Go

From Foreman, Hook and Ladder Company 56-Reporting loss of book of rules 2. Eureka Manufacturing Company, No. 116 Walker Street-Manhattan, $634.68; and regulations by Fireman first grade Matthew A. Murray, of his command. Usual The Bronx, $272.39; Richmond, $151.57. With security deposit of $25. tine imposed. 3. F. W. Devoe and C. T. Raynolds Company, No. ioi Fulton Street-Manhat- From Foreman, Hook and Ladder Company 59-Reporting loss of coat badge No. tan, $800.13; The -Bronx, $345.81; Richniond, $182.71. With security deposit of $35. 3191 by Fireman fourth grade Barnard P Mullin, of his command. Usual fine im- For furnishing lumber for the Superintendent of Buildings: posed. I. Edward S. Hoffman, No. 243 Franklin Street, Brooklyn-Manh :t'an, $2,32I.32; Frem Foreman, Hook and Ladder Company 68-Reporting loss of fire alarm box The Bronx, $1,159.64; Richmond, $812.79. With security deposit of $IIo. key No. 1886 by Fireman third grade Albert E. Grimes, of his command. U::ual fine 2. Arthur C. Jacobson & Sons, No. 87 Bridge Street, Brooklyn--Mauhattan, imposed. $2,552.45; The Bronx. $1,291.97; Richmond, $889.07. With security deposit of $150. From Fireman first grade Michael Uniack, Engine Company 21-Applying for re- 3. East River Mi.l and Lumber Company, Ninety-second Street and Fast River vocation of detail and assignment to full duty to engine company 21. Approved and -Manhattan, $2.579.85; The Bronx, $1,300.80; Richmond, $865.IO. With security de- ordered. posit pf $125. From American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals-Approving of 4. William P. Youngs & Bros., Thirty-fifth Street and East River- Manhattan, the destruction of horses Nos. 718 and 1223, no longer fit for the service. $2,748; The Bronx, $1,404.90; Richmond, $917. With security deposit of $125. For furnishing plumbing materials for the Superintendent of Buildings: Referred. T. The Smythe-Donegan Coml.any, No. 237 St. Marks Avenue, Brooklyn- From Tenement House Department-Relative to removal of rubbish from yard Manhattan, $3,419.21; The Bronx, $909.49; Richmond, $781.77. With security deposit of premises No. 183 Allen street. To Inspector of Combustibles. of $r2R. From Chief of Thirteenth Battalion-Reporting relative to detail of fireman at 2. F. N. DuBois & Co., No. 247 Ninth Avenue-Manhattan, $3,571.72; The blasting work, One Hundred and Forty-seventh street, east of Broadway. To In- Bronx, $887.91 ; Richmond, $797.02. With security deposit of $135. spector of Combustibles. 3. E. F. Keating & Co., No. 452 Water Street-Manhattan, $3,96o.24; The Bronx, From Bureau of Licenses-Forwarding application of Tony Parisi for common $1,012.43; Richmond, $894.53. With security deposit of $150 . show license, premises No. 258 Elizabeth street. To Bureau of Violations and Auxil- For furnishing nails, screws, hardware, etc., for the Superintendent of Buildings: iary Fire Appliances. I. Frederick Pearce Company, No. 18 Rose Street-Manhattan, $872.88; The From 1, orcnfan, Engine Company so-Relative to sidewalk grading in front of Bronx, $301.91; Richmond, $170.95. With security deposit of $40. company quarters. To Superintendent of Buildings. For furnishing various supplies for the Superintendent of Buildings: From foreman, Engine Company 13- I. Cavanagh Bros. & Co., No. 48 Duane Street-Manhattan, $77J.49; The Bronx, I. Pcgorting fireproof shutters in need of painting and repairs, rear of premises $180.20; Richniond, $98.r8. With security deposit of $27.50. No. r.}g Spring street. To Bureau of Buildings. Contracts were awarded as follows: 2. I~ rport ug cellar of premises No. 70 Grand street not equipped with perforated For furnishing paints, oils, etc., for the boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx and pipes. "I o Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. Richmond, to Thomas C. Dunham (Inc.), on total estimate of $r,008.6t. From Foreman, Engine Company so-Reporting that grates in boiler are broken in For furnishing lumber for the boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx and Rich- company quarters. To Superintendent of Buildings. mond, to Edward S. Hoffnian, on his total estimate of $4.293.75. From Foreman, Engine Company 2I--Reporting insufficient means of escape of For Furnishing Plumbing 141aterials-Borough of i tanhattan, to Smythe-.Done- tire, orentises N o. 3,;! Lexington av Cline. To Tenement House Department. gan Company, $3,419.21 ; The Bronx and Richmond, to Fredk. N. DuBois & Co., From Foreman, Engine Company 22-Reporting chimney fire on 7th inst., prem- $1,654.95. ises No. 1482 "Third avenue. lo Inspector of Combustibles. The proposals of the above named successful bidders were ordered transmitted to I' rom Forcman, Engine Company 25--Reporting defective flue, premises No. 71 the Comptroller for action on the sureties. Second avenue. To Fire Marshal. The proposal of Frederick Pearce Company for furnishing screws, nails, hardware, From Ioreman, Engine Company 4o-Reporling loss of horse seal No. 1909 while etc., and that of Cavanagh Bros. & Co., for furnishing various sulplies, were re- re;poufling to alarm of fire on the 8th inst. To Chief of Battalion in charge Hospital jecterl and filed, it being deemed for the best interests of the City so to do. and Training Stables. It was ordered that the unsuccessful bids be placed on file, and the security de- From 1 oreman, Engine Company 44-Reporting storage of loose lath, sawdust posits transmitted to the Comptroller. and boards in cellar of premises No. 233 East Eightieth street. To Inspector of Com- bustibles, Communications received were disposed of as follows: Frcm Assistant Foreman, Engine Company 54-Reporting chimney fire on 8th Filed. inst., premises No 3J7 West Fiftieth street. To Inspector of Combustibles. From Forenian. Engfne Company 58-Reporting defective flue, premises No. 84 Front the Corporation Counsel-Returning approved as to form proposed con- West One Ilucdred and Fifteenth street. To Fire iIarshal. tract to furnish general supplies for use in the boroughs of 'Manhattan, The Bronx From Foreman, Engine Company 72--Reporting chimney fire on 6th inst., premises and Richmond. No. 835 Broadway. To Inspector of Couil,nstibles. From Department of Finance- From Foreman, Engine Company 74-Reporting defective flue, premises, Nos. 187 Receipt for security deposits accompanying proposals opened on the loth and 189 West Seventy-ninth street. To hire .A[arshal. inst. for furnishing rubber tires for use in the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. From Foreman, Engine Company 8.3, and Chief of Fourteenth Battalion-Report- 2. Transmitting with al.proval of sureties indemnity bonds for the use and ing stopping of runaway horse on 2d inst. by Fireman first grade Peter H. Knauer, of keeping of explosicc•s as fn lows: James J. Duffy (_), Wm. J. Dempsey, Sinnatna- said company. To Unard on '4lerit. h oil ing Powder \lamtfaetnr iii g Company, Anthony Kelly, \l att lie w-Baird Contracting From Foreman, Hook and Ladder Company S--Reporting storage of rags in Company, W. P. Alurray, J. C. Rodgers, Jr., Patrick 1'. AIcDerinott, Trustees of St. premises No. 71 Varick street. To Inspector of Combustibles. Patrick's Cathedral. Bonds filed in Bureau of Coml,tt;tibles. From Foreman. Nook and Bidder Company 7-R,-portine chininey fire on 8th inst., From Tenement Ilnose Dcl,artnxclit-Acicno lodging receipt of complaint re- premises No. Third avenue. To Inspector of Conihnstibles. ceived at this office concerning conditions existing in basement of premises No. 83 From Foreman, Hook and Ladder Company 12-Reporting standpipe not carried Willett street. to roof, premises Nos. 139 and Ili \Vest Nineteenth street, and no stancipip fire ]ine, From Police Department-In further reference to report of theft comtnitted at premises Nos. 341 to 355 Sixth avenue. "Ib Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Firc quarters of engiuc c"mpany 3. Copy to Chief of Department. Appliances. From Drpnty Comutissiouer, borough., of Brooklyn and Queens-Requesting cer- From Special Fire Alarm Elcctricr•l Signal Cnmpanv-Requestinrt designation of tain intoruiati ,n in cI,nnecti ii with preparation of departmental estimate for year fire box number for United Bank Building, No. 2 Wall street. To Fire Alarm Tele- ro09. Reply communicated. graph IPttreau. From Chef of Dcpartmcnt- I,ront .Ajax-Gr:eh Rubher Company-Rcque,ting reinspection of their premises at r. Reporting malicious false alarm for fire stations 312, nn the 6th inst.; 794 on Fifty-seventh street and Broadway, in matter of application for permit. To Inspector the 7th inst. and 585 on the 8th inst. Police Department notified. of Cnmhostibles. 2. Forwarding list of hose which burst within the three-year limit at recent fires. IFrom Innis, Speiden & Co.-Requesting col,v of regulations and application blank Copy to Chief O,f Battalion in charge of Repair Shops. for acid aria alcohol permit, premises \O. 46 Cliff street. To Inspector of Combus- 3. Forwarding report of foreman of engine company 207, borough of Richmond, tibles. concerning need of repairs to hydrants in public district. Copy to Department of LArom Brentano's-Inqnirirg c01iccrniu8 a nnhlicatinn giving instructions in drill- Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. ing for tire dismissals. To Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. From Inspector of Combustihles-Requisition for to,000 application blanks and From Charles Heitter--Reporting cellar door locked. premises No. 3,;o East One 20.000 report blanks. Approved. Requisition made. Hundred and l"ifty-fourth street. To Tenement House Department. From Fire slarshal, boroughs of Nlanhattan, The Bronx and Richmond-For- From if. L. Merger--Complaining of obstructed lire escapes, p,.-eniisw Second ave- warding re(tnisition for [,000 copies of fire report forms. Approved and ordered. nue and Ninety-sixth street. To 'I'enentent house Department. From Fire Marshal, boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens-Reporting fining of Front Anonymous-- Isidor Friedman, of Ni. 1J52 Broadway, itr:,nklyu, for vi„latiott of section 40, chal.- r. Complaining of obstructed; fire escapes, premises No. fro AVest Fortieth street. ter 179, Laws of 1903. To i cnenlent House Department. From Fire Alarni Telegraph Bureau- 2. Complaining of lack of lhyht in N•tllways, premises No. 215 Thompson street I. Recommending that the Superintendent of Buildings of this department be and No. 1489 !-fifth avenue. To Tenement lLonse Department. nstructcfl to furnish for use of said bure;ut twenty-fnur doors for cable boxes. Rcc- 3. Confplainirg of dangerous roofl;tinn of fire escapes, premises No. 274 West o ill ill en that iiii approved and Superintendent of Buildings so notified. One Hundred and Seventeenth street. To 'L'cuemeot House Den:trtmcnt. 2. Recommending that application he made to the Emp re C ty Subway Company, 4. Compininin,t,r of insufficient means of egress, premises No. 785 Seventh avenue. I.imiterl, for duct space in general subway on north and south approach of new bridge To Tenement }House D,partment. across Pelham Bay, and for permission to connect fire alarm post southwest corner 5 Complaining of gasolene tanks oil One Iat1n1ared and Eighth street, just west Spring street and Broadway with general subway manhole on same corner. Recom- of Columbus avenue. To Inspector of Combustibles. uicndation al,proved and application made. 6. Complaining of sale of fireworks without permit. One Hundred and Sixty-ninth 3. Recommending that al,p'ication be made to the Department of Water Supply, street an.l Brook avenue. To Inspector of Coml,u,'ibies. Gas and Electricity for permission to place ornamental fire alarm lamp-posts south- 7. Concerning sale of fireworks in frame building, No. 1021 Prospect avenue. To west corner Broadway and Spring street. Recommendation approved and application Inspector of Combustibles. made. B:11s• Audited. From Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances- I. BOROUGHS OF BROOKLYN AND ot'EENS. retluiremcnts, of this department not complied with in premises No. Schedule 118 of tgefi-- 2175 Third a veil ue. Police Department notified. 2. Rccommending that the assistant corporation counsel, hureau for recovery A pparatus, supplies, etc ...... $543 56 of penaitic.s, be requested to discontinue legal proceedings and return papers to this BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. office in matter of order dated January 17, 1905, requiring the installation of fire ap- Schedule 5.3 of t9o8--- pliancc in premises Nos. 463 and 46.5 West Fifty-seventh street. Recommendation approved and Bureau for Re•covcry of Penalties notified. Administration-Apparatus and supphies ...... $2.749 ;o 3. Returning application of the Lamb Engine Company of New York for a copy BOROUGH OF OUEENS. of order issued to install perfnratcd I,ipe in cellar and subcellar of premises No. 92 Schedule 54 of r9o8- Chambers street with copy desired. Forwarded said concern. Administration-Apparatus and supplies...... $368 ;o From Chief of Battalion in Charge of Repair Shops-Report of hose received at said ships during the month of Vlay, 1908. Expenditures Authorize.!. From Superintendent of Buildings-Returning communication from the depart- BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. ment of docks and ferries relative to fire house proposed to be erected at northerly Glass porcelain insulators and knife switches for Fire Alarm Telegraph tying-tip platform at tho St. George Terminal o,f the Staten Island Ferry, with report Bureau ...... that the -iniendnicnts required by said department have been made. Front Foreman, Engine Company 14-Reporting that fireman first grade Frank Sima of engine company 16 will, on the Ist in-t.. have satisfactorily completed his New York, June II, 1908. l,robatir,nary terns of ninety days as acting engineer of steamer. Promotion to said position ordered. Opening of Proposals. From Foreman, hook and }.adder Company 26-Reporting recovery of lo.;t coat In the presence of the Commissioner and a representative of the Comptroller. badge 3363. belonging to fireman Thomas Cul!en. Fine remitted. Affidavit as to due publication in the CITY RF.rORD of advertisement inviting From Foreman, Hook and Ladder Company 27- proposals was read and filed, and apl.roved forms of contract were submitted. I. Recommending the beat:ng of additional fire hydrants at various points in Proposals were received as folows: the company district. Approved. Copy to Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. BOROUGHS OF MANHATTAN, THE BRONX AND RICHMOND. 2. Reporting loss of fire box key 1494 by fireman Edward R. Flanagan. Usual For furnishing paints, o~l5, etc., for Superintendent of Buildings: fine imposed. r. Thos. •C. Dunham (Inc.). No. 68 Murray Street-Manhattan, $6o4.82; The From Fireman first grade Michael J. Daffy, Engine Company 2-Reporting that Bronx, $262.91; Richmond, $140.88. With security deposit of $26. he has satisfied judgment obtained against h m by A. Segal. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 19C8. THE CITY RECOR-tu. 11429

From Stoker John J. Kehoe, Engine Company 66, hirebnat "Wil;iatn L. Strong" 2. Reconimcmtdiiig that the names of probationary firemen Daniel C. Cunning- —Relative to settlement of us indebtedness of $5 borrowed from Miss Margaret ham, William S. Roberts and Thomas Farrell be dropped from rolls at end of pro- Rivers. bationary terns for failure successfully to pass the school of instruction. Approved From New York Charter Revision Cnmm'.csiun—Reclnestint; certain information and ordered. concerning department contracts, ol,en market orders and estimated liabilities for the 3. Forwarding summer vacation schedule of civilian employees in this bureau. acquisition of sites for the use ut this department. Reply contunnticated. Approved. FromF.Illpire City Subway Company, I.iuritcd—Stating that manhole at south- Frunt Fire Alarm Telegraph Bureau—Forwarding specifications for general sup- east colorer Centre ail Grand streets has been torn out by the Cranford Contracting plies for said bureau during the remainder of the year i9o8. Approved. Forms of Company for the purpose of excavating for the bridge loop subway. jCopy to Fire contract and specifications forwarded Corporation Counsel for action. Alarm Telegraph BEureau, From Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances- ❑ Fr:•nt Covvperthwait & Sn s—Requesting the ddress of one AMichael Doody, said 1. Recommending that the attention of the District Attorney lie called to the to he an empuycc of this rlepari.rncnt. Reply c onmunicated. possible loss of life and property from theft of fire nozzles and couplings forming From John Williams & Co.—Requesting to be advised of company assignment of part of the equipment of certain buildings for fire protection, and stating that one fireman Edward R. Murray. Reply communicated. Dominick Deluca was recently held in $t,000 bail for an offense of this character Referred. committed at premises Nos. Ito and 122 West Eighteenth street. District Attorney notified. From Police Department—Requesting inspection in matter of application for con- 2. Returning, with report, communication from the Merchants' Association of cert license, premises, Thompsons walk, Brooklyn, known as Surf Avenue Opera New York relative to the continued theft of fire hose couplings and nozzles from 1-souse. To Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. various buildings throughout the city. Copy forwarded said association. Froth Buruea of Licenses—Requesting inspection in matter of application for From Forcman Hook and Ladder Company 26—Reporting recovery of coat badge common show license, premises, cast aide of Bedford avenue and Eastern parkway, No. 3363, lost by fireman second grade Thomas Cullen of his comtnand. Fine re- Brooklyn. To Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. nutted. front Tenement house 1)epartnment. Forwarding anonymous complaint of lack From Assistant Foreman Engine Company 52—Relative to insufficient water of light in hallways, premises No. 215 East Fiftieth street, the same not being a tenc- pressure in company district. Copy forwarded to Department of Water Supply, Gas ntent house—To Fire i lar-shal. and Electricity. From Deputy Contntissioner, boroughs of I,rooklyn and Queens—Forwarding ap- From Engilteer of Steamer Patrick J. Lynch, Engine Company 6o—Applying for plications of Henry Blontngardcn for moving picture show at No. 68 Tompkins permission to receive a gold medal voted him by Congress for meritorious act per- avenue, Bruoklvu. -I 'o Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. formed by him on the occasion of the destruction by fire on June I~, 1904, of the From Foretnart, Engine Company 29- steamboat "General Slocum," Granted. I. Reporting storage of combustible material, premises Nos. 63, 69 and 71 Bar- From New York Charter Revision Conunissiun- clay street. To Inspector of Cumbnstiblcs. I. InvitinInviting commissioner to attend inforalm meeting in connection with pro- 2. Reporting no perforated pipe in cellars of premises Nos. 61, 63, 69 and 71 visions of the Greater New York Charter affecting this department. Reply coin- Barclay street. To Bnre;iu of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. mttnicated. Front Fr,reman Engine Compan.l 4.5—Reportih g that excavation being made in 2. Acknowledging receipt of list of contracts, market orders, etc., requested by the premises cast of company quarters, places said quarters in unsafe condition. To its committee on city indchtechness on the t3th inst. Superintendent of Buildings. From North Side l;oard of Trarle—limiting the presence of the commissioner at From Foreman Ilook and Ladder Company 12—Reporting that standpipes, premises its room oil the 24th inst., at 9 p. in., at the presentation of Congressional medal to Nos. 79 to 89 Seventh avcuuc clu not extend to roof. l'o Bureau of Violations and 1.I gineer of steamer Patrick J. Lynch, engine eoutpany 60, for meritorious services on Auxiliary Fire Appli;inces. the occasion of the "General Slocum'' disaster en Jimmie 15, 1934. Reply contntunicated. From Foreman hook and Ladder Company 2o--Reporting need of a supply of Froin l toward R. Bayne, Attorney—Requesting voucher he forwarded Finance De- kerosene oil for use at company quarters. I o Clerk in charge of Repairs and partment ill settlement of judgment ohtained agrtitut the city in connection with the ac- Supplies. cfuirement of the engine of New Brighton engine company 4, upon the extension of Frutn 1'. V. Calder & Co.—Concerning inllaniniable material in lot between Nos. the paid of fire protection into that section of the borough of Richmond. Reply 404 unit 410 West One Ilmulrefl and Sixteenth street. In Inspector of Combustibles. cummuniccIed. Front John l)avis—Coniplaininq of alterations to premises of the John Stanley I rum Pacific Marine Review, Seattle, Washington—Requesting copies of con- Soap Works, No. 6q2 West Thirtieth street, in violation of the building code. To tracts and specifications for the three new steel screw-propelling fireboats for the use Bureau of l,uildings. of this department. Reply comtnttnicatcd. From Contincnta l Ridblie r AYorks—Remiesting an extension of time until June From Long Island Railroad Company—Forwarding executed copy of agreement .t, i(M, for completion of contract for furnishing this department with 3!i-inch hose. between the Lome Island Railroad Ctmpummiy and this department covering the con- To Clerk in charge of Repairs and Supplies. struction and maintenance of two 3-inch iron pipes across the property of said cont- From National District Telegraph Cumpany—Regllesting assignment of fire box pany at New York avenue, Jamaica, borough of Qucens. nttntbcrs for premises of A. \V. Gerstner, No. 634 Eighth avenue, and Gleason-Tie- From Empire State Surety Company—Inquiring as to completion of the follow- bout Glass ('ompany, No. 93 I ); Commercial street, itroukl~ u. To Fire Ala rin Tele- ing contracts for the faithful performance of which said company became obligated graph Bureau. on November 23 and \lay 24, 191)7, and February 20, February 21. and March 26, 1908, Fr( on "I itle Insu rance Compay n f o New Yrk—Inclirinmo u as to vi )lations, if an v, rc'pectivcly, James L. Gibney S. Bro., and Goodyear 'fire and Rubber Company, for affecting premises Nos. 31 arncl 33 Bast Twcrnt)'-seventh street, No, n7 West "l wcnty- furnishing rul,ber tires for repair shops, \Villiant Farrell & Son for furnishing 2,5c0 seventh street, No. 217 lust "l hirty-fifth street, Nos. 316 and 318 l Est "I hirty-fotn'th tons of anthracite coal for fireboats berthed on the North River, George F. Sinram, for street, No. 120 East I?ir;hty-seventh street, No. .303 West One Ifundred and "Third furnishing i,2oo tons of anthracite coal for fireboats berthed on the East River, Re- street, No. 2-15 West One 1lttndred ;intl "1\venly-first street, No. 2~I West One Ilun- public Rubber Company for furnishing Io.eoo feet of 3-inch six-ply rubber fire hose dred and 'I hirtv-third sheel, Nu. 1829 Third ;n-enue, No. 1,328 Prospect avenue, No. for high pressure system, borough of Brooklyn. Reply communicated. Kelly street, No. i6 \Varbttrtnrn terrace ail :fin. 1323 (lintn avenue. To Bureau of Violations and Auxiliar - Fire Appliances and Bureau of lire .Marshal. Referred. From Anonvmous- From Department of Finance— I. Complaining of obstructed Fire escapes, premises No. Sc) Columbia street. I. Forwarding claim of one Goldberg for damages to a wagon and for personal 2. Complaining of lack of light in hallway, premises No. 243 West Forty-first injuries by being thrown from wagon owing to collision with engine truck log, on street. i\ ay 27, t9o8. To Chief of 1)epartnicnt. 3. Relative to lack of access In yard, premises No. 148 West Seventeenth street. 2. Reporting that Comptroller's certificate has been endorsed upon the contract All to Tenement l louse 1)cpartmcnt. of the Gotta Percha and Rubber \Iannfactnring Company elated May 20, i9o8, for fur- 4. Coiiccrt;iut; clangerutts conditions in engine room of premises No. i9 East nishing general supplies for use in the borough of Brooklyn, and that the same is Our hundred 011 Fourteenth street. 7To Fire Marshal. now a valid contract. Certificate attached to contract. Deputy Commissioner bor- Bills Audited. oughs of Brooklyn and Queens and Clerk in Charge Repairs and Supplies notified. It()ROUGIIS oF BI.t)OK).YN AND ()UEE\S. Front Bureau of Licenses— Schedule j 1 of 1906— t. Submitting application of Victor Steiner for common shov,r license for Sites and buildings ...... $5,300 00 premises Avenue W and East Seventy-sixth street, Bergen Beach, Brooklyn. To Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary I'ire Appliances. The following appuintmcnts of ttnttniformed firemen for a pr()l)atiOIlaly period 2. Submitting applications of the :Atlantic Coast Amusement Company for coin- of one month, font 8 a. lot., in the t ith inst., with compensation at the rate of $(Soo nton show licenses, premises Ocean board walk, between henry street and Seaside avenue, Rockaway Beach, Boulevard, between Gaston and Meredith avenues, Arverne, per annum, were this day made, with assignments as follows: Ostrutd IIall on outer beach, foot of Grand View avenue, Far Rockaway, I11ott avenue, William Soper, cm;ine conij:tit} 26. 7; feet west of Long Island Railroad, Far Rockaway-. Tol Bureau of Violations and Joseph N. Kinstier, hook and holder company 13. Auxiliary Fire Appliances. Burr Akerlev, hunk and ladder company 25. From State Lunacy Commission, F. A. Wheeler Stewart—Request to resume Charles G. I rwn, engine c•ntnpan}- t t6. practice of supervision of fire drill on Wards Island. To Chief of Departnter.t. Edward C. l~raucnliergcr, engine company 1.30. Front Foreman Engine Company 4- Fireman first grade, 1~r;ink Sima, engine crnnpan.; 16, having satisfactorily cont- I. Reporting storage of two barrels of alcohol by Louis Speiden & Co. on pleted his prob-ttinnary terns of nincty days as an actin;; engineer of steamer, was second floor of premises No. 46 Cliff street, without permit. To Inspector of Com- thi's day ordered promoted to the position of engineer of steamer, with salary at the btt>tibles. rate of $t,(ioo per ;wntun, to take effect from 8 a. m., oil the 5th inst., and assigned to 2. Reporting certain s iolations of the building code at premises Nos. 78, 91 and engine cnmpunY 74. 93, and 92 and 94 Cliff street. To Bureau of 13uilc;ings. (Requisition was this day made upon the Municipal Civil Service Commission for root Foreman, Engine Company 17—Reporting chimnev tire at premises No. 122 an eligible list from which to select for ;tppnintmcnt one plumper for services in the Rivington street, on June to, Igo8. To Inspector of Combustibles. borough of Alanhattan, with salary it the rate of $4.7.5 Per diem. From Assistant Foreman Engine Company 36—Reporting defective chimney flue `I he said C-ummissiun was also requested to recertify the name of. Thomas K. premises Nos. 249 and 251 East One H Hundred and Twenty-sixth street. To fire Martin for appointnnent as iiretn;t. Marshal. Aciccrtiscnunt inviting proposals for furnishing supplies for Fire Alarm Tele- From Foreman Engine Company 53 -Reporting. defective chimney flue premises graph Ilureant was ihi, play frn'tvarded for publication in the Crry Rttcoxu. No. 13zfi Lexington avenue. To Fire Alarshal. Prunt Assistant Enreniao Engine Company 67—Reporting temporary one-story New York, Julie 12, 1908. frame building in course of erection, without permit, premises south side of One I undred and Seventy-eighth street, between Attdttbon and St. Nicholas avenues, by Communications received were disposed of as follows: the Washington heights Development and Construction Company. To Bureau of Filed. Buildings. From Department of Water Supply, (;;:s and 1•lectricitv—Rulumtive to placing of Front Foreman Emtgine Coutpany i27—Reporting relative to moving picture h,cbrants at pints requested in report of foroitan of engine cuntp,uty So. mnaehtimie operated at premises No. 1898 Fulton street. To Bureau of Violations and From Cite Clerk—Nutiticatinn of hcvu-ing un 8th inst., at I p. m., before the cntn- Auxiliary Fire Appliances. ntitt(•e on finance of the Board of Aldirosen of application in the matter of special Front Natiimal District Telegraph Company—Requesting designation of fire box revenue bond issue of $25~,.loo to purch;tse supplies for this department for the number for premises Nu. 244 West Forty-ninth street. To Fire Alarm Telegraph remainder of the em-rerit year. Bureau. Front I'vlice I)epartaneut—Relative to report of malicious false alarni, station From Vii. Iiorne Company—Application for payment of $2000 on contract for 882, comntnnicated from this office rnt the loth inst. repairs to quarters of engine companies 33, 42 and 44. To Superintendent of Buildings. 1'ront Tenement House I)ct,artntrnt--Relative to conference at this office on Front -hhonias F. NIcCarthy—Request for names of drivers of engine company I4, 8th inst., at 2 p. lot., mutt the subject of moving picture shows and their regulation. and hook and ladder company 2.1. lo Chief of Departnment. From Bureau of Buildings. Rruoklvn—Relative to conference at this office on From Samuel Ilerzick—Request for search for violations against premises No. 8th inst., at 2 p. ut., on the suhjeet of nwcing picture shows and their regulation. 1697 Park avenue. To Bureau. of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. From Deputy Commissioner, borott1sbig of Brooklyn and Queens- From William '.Morris—Requesting leave of absence for John F. McCormack, stableman, from June 13 to 20, 1908, to attend camp of Sixty-ninth Regiment at Peek- 1. eoloirmfoic;ttion from the department of finance relative to bills of the Queens County Water Company for furnishing water to fire houses in the skill. To Chief of Battalion in Charge Hospital and Training Stables. borough of Queens. Bills returned to said department. Bills Audited. 2. Forwarding report of the chief of hattalion in charge of hospital and training stables relative to necessity of obt;iinin,g an onto-truck for delivering supplies and BOROUGII OF RICHMOND. parts of apparatus to the various companies in the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. Schedule 161, of 1905— Reply communicated. Revenue Bond Ftutd for installing the paid fire department in Rock- Front Chief of Departntent- away peach, Arverne and Far Rockaway. borough of Queens, and t. hurwarding list of transfers in the uniformed force taking effect on the 1st, in the territory comprised within the borough of Richmond...... $,,848 24 qtk and 5th inst. Copy to blayur and \lunicipal Civil Service Coutmissiun. XF743o THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, IgoS.

The following named probationary firemen were this day appointed firemen of the From National District Telegraph Company—Requesting designation of box num- fourth grade, with salary each at the rate of $800 per annuni, to take effect from 8 ber for Luna Park, Surf avenue, Coney Isaiah. To Deputy Commissioner, boroughs a. In., on the 14th inst.: of Brooklyn and Qncens. Edward Dwyer, assigned to engine company 26. From William I1 I. Hamilton—Relative to reckless blasting oil property adjoining John Schwartz, assigned to engine company 26. his premises at No. 61 Last Fifty-fifth street. To Inspector of Combustibles. Matthew J. Mcllorrow, assigned to engine company 27. From Cranip & Co.—Requesting two copies of regulations governing the installa- George lleemsath, assigned to engine company 36. tion of standpipe. To Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances. William J. Barron, assigned to engine company 37. Front Muller Brothers—Relative to application for permit to sell fireworks at William J. Purcell, assigned to engine company 38. premises No. t7o6 Park avenue. To Inspector of Combustibles. Frank J. Roche, assigned to hook and ladder company 4. From John A. Eckert & Co.—Requesting approval of new standpipe equipment, Edward Brower, assigned to licok and ladder company 8. premises Nos. It6 and i18 West Fourteenth street. To Bureau of Violations and Hugh A. Tracy, assigned to hook and ]adder company 15. Auxiliary Fire Appliances. Henry F. Williams, assigned to hook and ladder company 17. Front M. Selig & Bro—Relative to violation affecting premises No. 6o Amsterdam Jelin H. Sicmann, assigned to hook and ladder company 28. aventic and requesting copy of order in case. To Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary 'fltomas C. Ward, assigned to engine company 206. Fire Appliances. Charles Richter, Jr., assigned to hook and ladder company 102. Froth Anonvmotts- Frederick B. Brosnan, assigned to engine company 107. i. Regt}esting that permit to sell fireworks be not issued to H. Bender, No. 461 Frank J. Brosnan, assigned to engine company io8. Multi avenue. To Inspector of Combustibles. Charles B. Gray, assigned to engine company Ito. 2. Rclat've to sale of fireworks, premises No. 471 Ninth avenue. To Inspector Walter S. Doolan, assigned to engine company 131. of Ccnnbustihles. Peter Murphy, assigned to engine company 131. 3. Relative to daigcrous conditions, premises No. 15 Sixth avenue and Nos. 307 Edward A. Maher, assigned to engine company i56. and 3eq East Fifty--fifth street. To Fire Marshal. Charles L. Moeller, assigned to hock and ladder company 56. 4. Cngh foreman of said compsi v) Cur scut and stipulation properly executed to Brooklyn. Reply coin nutiic ill ed. deduction of certain amoutit from Iris ecn:pco sat ion anti; judgment for $15 obtained by 6. y Relative to poles Oil Madison street, east and west of Franklin avenue, Brook- Morris Herman is satisfied. Stipulation and consent forwarcFod to. Finance Depart- lyn. Reply eomnienicated. ment. Front Department of Education—Relative to fire alarm boxes in various public From Building Code Revision Commission—Aclrnowlc dging receipt of communica- schools in Brooklyn. tion front local union No. 34, United P,rotlierhood of Carpenters and Joiners of Front Police I)cpartment—Rehabs- e to application of Edward Parker for a America, referred to this depnrtinent in error. concert license for Surf Avenue Opera 1Iotise, 'l'cinipkuns walk, borough of Brooklyn. from Staten Island Supply Company— Relative to claim against fireman L. Abbott Reply communicated. for goods sold and delivered. Reply coumutnicated and fireman notified. From Bureau of Licenses— I. In the matter of application of Victor Steiner for a co,mutmon show license Referred. for premises at Avcnne W and Fast Seventy-sixth street, Bergen Beach, Brooklyn, Front Board of Estimate and Apportionment—Relative to application of Central and of Daniel Douglas for a similar license for premises at Bedford avenue and Railroad of New Jersey for permission to construct, maintain and use bridge over and Eastern parkway, Brooklyn. Reply coturnnuticated. across West street, near Liberty street. 'To Chief of Departntcnt. 2. Reporting compliance with rlepart iii cnt re the salaries of diwpl)rounl thereof; tlinyeb•re, a, po,-;'hIoo in section 40 of the Greater New York so little]] (If the rc•snitttirrt ad(-ptcd by the Boom! of Estimate and :Apportionment at a Charter, the wine tu('k effect as if lie had approval it. meeting held \l arch 2o, 19o8, rea,rnutnnrl rag "tile establishment c,f * * grades of positions in thr Deportment of Parks, Boroughs of Brool;ly-n and Queens," as re- No. 6),. lates to the following positions: Reulyets, 'Pleat it is reemmiieiahi'!1 in the Cngnlihuissic,iler'of Water Supply. Gas and Per Incum- l.lcctficity-, that a l;mtp-pc, ut Lc erected, ,licit lamp placed thereon and lighted, at a Annum. bents. point ill from of No. (;o3 Grand cinch, in the Itr,rrnte;h of Ilrooklyn. Assistant P.nghicrr ...... $3,500 00 1 \Hourteel ht- the Itc!ai_d of .Alelermen, Oct ,-Ic r t -3, iga$. Property Clerk ...... 2,100 0o I Received from his Ilnnor the :1l;nyor, Octilhcr 27, 1938, without hi; approval or dis- apprma] thcreuf; thcrefure, a: pa'nt- idccl in secliiin 40 of the Greater New York Char- Adopted by the I3ostrd of .AIdernicn, Oct.tbcr 13, 1908. ter, the -ante t,c,k effect as if he had approval it. Approved by the AI:ty, r, Octnitcr 26, tgai. No. Cxj6. No. 0,46. Rszsolt•ccl, That if is recouulhiicnded to the C'omtni.siimer of Water Supply, Gas and Resolved. Th:!t, pursuant to the peter conferral upon it by the provisions of Eheetricit,v that a watering trough h_ Ii,crttrcl and maintained on the southwest corner section 419 f the Greater New York Charter, the Beard of Aldernicn, darting such c,f l;athn:tte avenue and One llttndred nod Eighty-lifih street, ill the Borough of The course to he in the public interest, hereby aulhn,-izes and ctnpowers the Coniniissioncr Erin,. of the l)epartiiicnt of Pnhlic Charities to execute a c~mtract or agreement ith James _Aimbued by the Bnarcl of .A1!Icrtrcn, Ortoher 13. 1908- Tregarthen, Soso & Co. for repairing the cl;!nia e to the steamer ""I'honmas S. Bren- Rrcc•iv-c~l frrm his Ilonor the Wt}nr. Octol,cr 27, tgo8. without his approval or dis- nan,'' catt.;ecl by collision with the steamship "\laravaf' on \lay 25, 1908, witltottt approv;tl there+,f; thcrefnre, as prtidccl in sectintt 40 of the Greater New York Char- public letting, and calling for :! total expenditure of hot more than fifteen htrtulred and ter, the canoe to-)k effect as if lie had spjiroveul it. sixty-nine dollars. :Adopted by the Board of .A1!lcrntcn. October 13, 1908• No. 6q7. .\pprnt-ccl by the \layor, Ocluhcr 26, tyo8. Res slued, That permissint! he ;ltd the cone is hrrchc giscn to George F. I'cenc. No. 687. of No. I 14 \Vest !"otirt-ehithu ,trot, to p;tntdc ftto fluVn with advertising signs through the streets and thot-c)utgfifares if the Ifarnttgh of .Manhattan, uncles- the supervisioli AN ORDINANCE. providing 1 an issue of Corporate Stock in the sum of thirty- of the Police 1)rp;trtrvtent. Sue]] pertni~siun to c!mtinue only for the period of thirty two thousan!1 two hundred cIralrn•s ($32,200), to provide means for the use of clay's frc,m the rcc•cipt hereof from his 1 i'cvv,r the itacnr, the Trat.ographical Bureau and for expense, connected with the preparation ,,\doptecl hy- the I front of :A1dcrn!'n, Octc~her 13 190$. of drainage and sewerage district plans, Borough o1 The Bronx. Received from his I Door the A1~!cnr. October 27, uoo8, without his approval or dis- Tie it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York as follows: aI)Priit;tl tlnrenf; t}uuef((l'c, as pi_mi,lci1 in seeti„n 40 of the Greater New York Char- Section I. The Board of .Aldermen ItcreIty approves of an el co ienrs in the fol- ter, ti i' ;title took ettect IS if he had apprlwil it. lowing resolution adopted by the Board of Estinta'e and Appnrtionmcnt October 2, 1y(i8, and authorizes the Comptroller to issue (orpoxuc Stock of The City of Nety No. 698. York tic the antc)vnt and for the purpose, therein specified: Resolved, That permission h~' and the same is herebv giv en to W. J. Casey, to Resolved, Thal, pursuant to the provision s of section 47 of the Greater New ilris-e an aclvertisin,g tvagnn lhrouph the street, ;!nil Ili,tmttghfares of the ]]nroughi of ' ork Charter, as wner(lcd, the l3o;trcl ,i Estimate and ,\ppor1ionnierrt hereby ap- ]iwohlyi_. under the supervisinn of the Pb,lice 1)cpartntcn+. Such permission to corn- proves of the issue of Corporate Stock of 'Ihe City of New York to an amount not t ill nc only for the p: rind of thirtti clays from the !-eccipt hereof front his honor the exceeding thirty-twit thousand two hilmdred d(1llais ($32,200) to provide means as 1l ayor. follows: A dopted ht- the hoard of _Aldei_mehts October t,3. 1908. Fr the use of the I-opographical Bureau, Borough of The Bronx, for Rrrcit-cul front his I room- the cl;!yuuc, Oember 27, 1908, ~viubDttt his approval or dis- the purpose of preparing and enotpIcuiot; maps of all territory with-in apprntal thereof; therefore, r!s l>cvithiii in cectirnt 40 of the (rcatcr Nets' York Char- said Borough for the balance if the y-car too$ and for January, 19o9. $21,600 oe id', the sonic took effect as if he had approved it. For expenses connected with the I reps rat ion of drainage and sewerage district plans for the balance of 19oS ...... io,600 oc No. (3(y). Resolved, TI!at the :1nteric;iii Real Estate Company, the owner of the property $322,200 (X uti1jlining the proposed ill]proehli(A, is beret,} tlltllorircd to pave, at its o n expense, the following nauncd streets in the Yorutugb of 'I he Bronx, or any of uteri, with sheet —an hundred dollars ($.32,200), the pro, Fox ( formerly Barrett„) street, between Westchester avenue and One Hundred accts whereof to he applied to the (,agpo,cs ;iforesaid. a•11(1 Sixty-third street. .Adopted by the Board of :AIdcrtttcn, ( )ct',1,cr I3, 1908. Simpson street, between Westchester avenue and One 1Iundred and Sixty- thir,l Appr„tcd by the Mayor, Oct her 26, tcn8. street. Faile street, between Westchester avenue and Bancroft (formerly- Guttenberg) No. 688. street. Resolved, That the fullowmg r:imccl potions lie ;.ttd they ;u-c hereby appointed The work to he done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Pres ill :nt City Surveyors: of the Borough of The Bronx. Charles (;reeoiiticl, of No. 97$ IcKalh ;Vtnue, in till' lloriingh (if ttroiiklvn. Adopted ]I\, the It and of :\lticrmcn, October 13, 1904. ('fill-leg Strobrtesers Jr., of No. loo l'utr;un avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn. Received from his I1anot- the MI:!yor October 27, igo8, witkinlut his appro°tI or Adopted by the Board of Alitermen, October 13, iqo8. disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Apprm, ed liv the Mayor, October 26, ige8. Charter, the same took effect as if lie had approved it. 11432 . THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1908.

No. 700. DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS Resolved, That permission be and the saute is hereby given to the \linsker Young Friends Benevolent Association to drive an advertising wagon through the AND ELECTRICITY. streets and thoroughfares of the Borough of \Manhattan, under the supervision of the Police Department. Such permission to continue nnl}• for the dm's of Novrnther In eonipli;ince with secton 15„6 „f ilte Greater New York Charter, the Department Ig, 20 and 21, 190%. of Water Supply, Gas and E ceLricity makes the following report of its transactions for Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 13, 1908. the week ending July I1, tyo8: Received from his Honor the Mayor October 27, 1908, without his approval or disapproval thereof; therefore, as provided in section 40 of the Greater New York Public \loucys Received and ])eposited. Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. BOROUGII OF MANIIATTAN. Rcccipts for water rent.s ...... $214,703 94 No. 701. Receipts for penalties on water relits ...... 3}t 41 Resolved, That permission be and the saute is hereby given to Patrick F. Receipts for permits to tap mains ...... 109 50 McGovern to erect and place a storm door on the Ninety-ninth street side of his Receipts for repairs, Bureau of Chief I mineer ...... i9 38 premises on the southwest corner of Columbus avenue and Ninety-ninth street, in Keceipis for meter setting...... 60 the Borough of Manhattan, provided the said storm door shall he erected so ..s to conform in all respects with the ordinance in such case made and provided, not $215,778 13 be used for advertising purposes: the work to be done at his own expense, under the direction of the President of the Borough. Such permission to continue only daring ItOROUGII OF TILE BRONX. the pleasure of the Board of Aldermen. Receipts for water rcuts ...... $41,783 71 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, October 13, 1905. Receipts for pcn:llt, c; on water reats ...... 171 10 Received from his Ilonor the Mayor October 27, 1908, without his approval sir Receipts for pernti;s to all mains ...... 11 50 disapproval thereof; therefore, as procitied in section .Io of the Greater New Yor!; Receipts for meter setting ...... ...... 57 8o Charter, the same took effect as if he had approved it. $42.2 No. 702. 54 I4 Resolved, That the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed ITOROUGII OF BROOKLYN. Commissioners of Deeds: Re ipts for water rents ...... $158,062 85 George P. Moffat, No. 66 Pine street, Manhattan. Receipts for penalties on is-titer rent...... 290 97 Henry G. Schoeck, Jr., No. 14 Sherman street, Evergreen avenue, Queens. Receipts for permits to t:Ip mains ...... 338 75 Theodore McCarthy, No. 137 West One Hundred and Twentieth street, 'Man- Receipts for ureter sc!tiun ...... 85 34 hattan. A. Lowne1es, No. 264 Fourth avenue, Manhattan. $l.8.777 91 Louis Silverstein, No. II East One Hundred and Fifteenth street. Manhattan. Richard Costello, Department of Ilealth, :AManhattan. R(lRC)lIGI[ Ut' (R."EF.NS. Thomas K. Trenchard, No. 50 Church street, \lauthattan. Peccipls for',i•:ttcr rents ...... $9,203 2) Samuel F. Fromm, No. 504 West One hundred and Thirty-ninth street, Rcccipts for >ei al'ics on water rent; ...... 30 89 Manhattan. Receipts for permi:s to tat) m1tin< ...... 101 25 Charles A. Schueller, No. 179 'Montague street, Brooklyn. E. B. Dunne, No. Iii West Twenty-eighth street, )Manhattan. $9,335 25 Richard J. O'Neill, No. 21 Park row, Dlanhattan. Anthony G. Ruckel, No. 398 Stanhope street, Brooklyn. ROROt1GT1 OF RT('llMONO. - Chas. Feldsten, No. 21 Avenue 1;, :\Manhattan. Rcccipts for water rents ...... $284 75 \Vm. Godnick, No. 8 \Vest One Ihundred and Nineteenth street. \Manhattan. James 1. Fagan, No. 871 East One hundred and Seventieth street, Bronx. \VI Irk I)n•tc ran Pubic;l)s. Elizabeth S. Collins, No. 477 Third street, Brooklyn. Henry C. Frey, No. 193 Shelton avenue, Jamaica, Queens. (;as La111p5 (Welslchi Street Iie'itinF* Company'-- Samuel Harris, No. 387 Amsterdam avenue, \lanhattan. N '',v m:l^tle larrtps Medhtcd. The Pliny .. . ...... t \Villiam Connell, West New Brighton, Richmond. 'land,' latttps t'cli,thterl, \Lttth•I'l;in ...... 12 Stephen \Vhitehorne, No. 55 West Twelfth street. Jlauhattan. \f n;lc l'tntp; r,•'it*lit rl. 'I hr l r, m'i ...... Patrick A. Slevin, No. t18 East 'Ninety-seventh street, i\lanhattan. \I:ttt'lc 1;Itnps (lisc,miptrer. M1pli.rtan ...... Joseph Lewis. No. 5o East Ninety-eighth street, )laph;ittan. 11 John P. Rippinger, No. 4o Ilart street, Brooklyn. \Mimloinmps (lisc)ntintIu(l, 'I he Bronx ...... 4 Chas. N. Pracht, No. 348a Vernon avenue, Brooklyn. Louis Lowenstein, No. 3~o Broadway, AManhattan. \r:phtll(t T.ntnps (\\dsba!eh Street i-rt,litievT Cumpaur)-- Julian •l. Ilertsbergh. No. 112 \lyrt:e auntie, Prooklyn. tl:tntic lamps rtisconiiutr cl, '['l-,c I;rr,11x ...... .; John Mitchell. No. 89 Henry street, Bror,klvn. E. J. Laura, No. 175 Schernterlo rn strut, 'hot,klcn. '•alrnrte I.;tr!tx,- Edward Samuels, No. 572 Court street, Brooklyn. \rw 1ott1'tt arc 1.peu: cere'yd ;unl 'i hvc' its Nets' Y„rk 1':llisrm C uUpauy, George Ny. 1hirphiV, No. 73 Jackson street, llrooklyn. II lIi.hl of I;rr Ill X ...... 7 Domenico Scala, No. 3o4 Union avenue. L'r'voklyii. I1 I he Joseph Kttshiele•witr., No. 112 1Ii1lrl1c•tott Street. l;rnoklcn. Nutt ;_t-vrMu Inmtstcu inc;Ir(lc"-clit lump, ipslalIc( ;IlII1 ligMctl tv N'ety Henry Joachim, No. 29 Grali mt avenue. IIrookIsu. Yurl< I.~:'i=oa Cohn):un-. fht' I; ,n:: ...... ...... [ Samttel l r1pzhlan, Nos. 283 and 285 Sn lit h Fourth a t reel , ho ti iii. New 15-1-vc,ttt are l.ltnp (,civil and 1trdted l,)• \Ve;tchcs'er Light Crtnip'my, Isidor Goodman. No. 53 1{ast One Ifundred and "I- vcc'.fth street, A1aitllalvaii. TheBronx ...... ...... T Andrew Zeiss. No. 233 'thirty-sixth street, Ilr,,oklyn. Nv•ty -too-arc 1:onp erci- IcQ anal lighted h)' Bronx G;i. anal Electric Company', Bernard Rotltherg, No, a5q \hiller :mcpue, Brooklyn. 'I lie Pnns ...... I Michael Rooney, No. 42 Perkeley place, 1Brod'yu. New iI toll aeu ipoau,' •scent Ih11tp iht.,ia1le'h and Iigluted by EeIux (;as and Joseph Sarfaty. No. 2564 Kroadwai', 31anhatt:ul. l'1c1'ti'iy (C 1)11111(13', the Rrnnx ...... 10 Irving I. Berg, No. 9 \Vest One I u:olre( mill Twelfth street, AManhattan. 400-tvatl arc, Alt:Fun±inttcrl by Bronx (;;I, and l'letric Conlpaisy, The :AMcCarthy, No. 21-1 State street, Brooklyn. Brr;lix ...... ., \Vm. G. Murphy, No. 214 State street, lirookhvn. Arthur Butler Graham, No. 346 Br(Ja(Iw:lv, :1lanhattarn. (:us Laillp-pasts and I;rae'l<,ls IGtr;lIlitht'I,tl Gas Cn1npaI1 )- Ilenrail Roth, No. 9 A\ est One Hundred :utd Sixth street, Alatthattan. Ncw lamp-posts ('re'terl. "I lie L'eons ...... 4 Joseph L. l rie(le, No. rn9 Nassau street, AManhattan. 2 Bernard G(,ldm:m, No. 3tg (;rand street, Alttnhattan. Lamp-p is rentr,c.rl. \l:n:hatt1In ...... 1 Samuel B. 1?etzk •, N. ;j2 Westchester ;tccpnc, Ilronx. I.:tmp-posts rcm4tv;•,l, 'I'ht Broux ...... , ...... t.0 B. Paskoty. No. 2g() Broadway, 'Manhattan. l.1111111-gosts reset. \la111•itt;1l) ...... 7 Samuel Furstenburg, N. 305 West I nrty-second steed, AIanhatt,ut. l.;unp-pr,=t; I') 'set t grarle~. Manhattan ...... 3 Adelaide B. \Vciscngrrcn, No. 122 Ris'ingivn gitreet. .\Mqnhatt.m. Lamp-pmts strai h', 11) 1, 1lanhattart ...... Frederick J. Collins, No. 4(f Seventh-seventh street, Ilruoklyn. B, ;ickcts trliticrl. \lank:titan ...... I John J. tl 'Ginnis, No. 344 Seventy-eighth street, 1;rr,uklvIl. G,,lviltttsr rite rl. \LAr1latt:ut ...... 2 Ephraim J. AVhitlock, No. 1230 I'ar”, avenue•, Nlanit;Ittan. CnitttnmW, rcl •aired, \l ('tl)tilt'tn ...... 3 Edgar A. Landauer, No. 13; West One I unclret ❑ nrl ftccnticth street, Ilan- Co'ulln:. ra'anptkt;'. \I,.+ill-ttt:in ...... 2 hattan. \r;l+,h,tit;nt ...... t Mortimer W. Summon, No. ao-) NT1uhiav1an avenue, )1:utltattan. Service' I'll's 1-c+1ttc•d, )dorris Soioio .n, No. 12 bast One Htn-


. Lewis McMahon, Eighteenth Precinct, assigned to Eighty-first Precinct pending POLICE DEPARTMENT assignment of a Sergeant, from 8 a. m., October r8, i9o8. George Ellis, Harbor Precinct, Station A, assigned to duty as Pilot on steamer October i9, igo8. "Patrol" during temporary detail of Sergeant James W. Hallock at Central Office, The following proceedings were this day directed by the Police- Commissioner: from 6 p. m., October r6, rgo8. Bids for furnishing all the labor and furnishing and erecting all the materials John M. Thompson, Ninth Precinct, assigned to command Night Court Squad necessary to install the lighting and electric fixtures in the new Headquarters Building during absence of Sergeant Charles Maas on vacation, from 12 noon, October rg, were this day opened and read from the following and referred to the Chief Clerk for sgo8. report: Patrolmen. Lord Electric Company, No. 213 West Fortieth street ...... $16,896 00 Louis J. Price, One Hundred and Fifty-third Precinct; Philip Hoerter, One Hun- Sterling Bronze Company, No. jog West Twenty-fifth street...... 17,500 00 dred and Sixty-fifth Precinct, and Joseph Phillips, One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Precinct, asigned to Eleventh Inspection District, duty in plain clothee, for ten days, On readingg and filingg reportp of the Chief Clerk, from 2 0. m., October 17, 1908. Ordered. That the contract for furnishing all the labor and furnishing and erecting Louis Nussbaum, Two Hundred and Seventy-ninth Precinct, assigned as Acting all the materials necessary to install the lighting and electric fixtures in the new Doorman in precinct during absence of Doorman Thomas C. Byrne on vacation, from building to be erected on the block bounded by Grand, Centre and Broome streets 12 noon. October t8, 1908 and Centre Market place, Borough of Manhattan, for headquarters for the Police Dennis F. Cash, Fourteenth Precinct; Harry F. Bresnan, Twelfth Precinct; George Department of The City of New York, in accordance with specifications therefor, L. Smith, One Hundred and Eighty-fourth Precinct ; Edward Brady, Twenty-eighth be and is hereby awarded to the Lord Electric Coml.any, No. 213 West Fortieth Precinct; Max Lowe, Ninth Precinct; Otto W. Reich, Tenth Precinct, and Frank J. street, for the sum and price of $16,896, they being the lowest bidders, and that the Lonergan, Thirty-sixth Precinct, assigned to Detective Bureau, Manhattan, for ten Police Commissioner execute such contract on the approval of sureties by the Comp- days, from 2 p. m., October 17, 1908. troller, Frank Ricket, Central Office Squad, assigned to Fourth Inspection District, from On reading and filing eligible list of the 'Municipal Civil Service Commission, 12 noon, October 17, 1908. dated October 5, i9o8, Michael Quinn, Sixty-third Precinct, assigned to Sixth District Court Squad, dur- Ordered, That John F. Struse, No. 139 Wierficld street. Brooklyn, whose name ing absence of Patrolman Lawrence Clinton on vacation, from 12.01 a. ni., October appears on such eligible list, be and is hereby employed as Deputy Clerk on proba- ~3 1908. tion in the .Police Department of The City of New York, with compensation at the rate of $1,000 per annum. The following extensions of temporary assignments are hereby ordered: On reading and filing eligible list of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, Patrolmen. dated October 5, 1908, Frank M. Gregory, Thirty-fifth Precinct, to Detective Bureau, Manhattan, for ten Ordered, That the following named persons, whose names appear on such eligible days, from 8 a. in., October 19, i9o8. list, be and are hereby employed as Deputy Clerks on l,rnbation in the Police Depart- Thomas J. Callanan, Fifth Precinct, to Sixth Inspection District, duty in plain meat of The City of New York, with compensation at the rate of $i,000 per annum: • clothes, for ten days, from 8 p. in., October 19, 1908. William H. Kirk, No. 420 East One Hundred and Seventy-third street, The Michael Fiaschetti, One Hundred and Forty-sixth Precinct, to Detective Bureau, Bronx. Brooklyn, for thirty days. from 8 a. m., October r8, 1908. Henry F. Meffert, No. 845 Knickerbocker avenue, The Bronx. Louis Davis and Philip J. Murphy, Seventh Precinct, to Detective Bureau, Man- Ordered, That Albert Mosely be and is hereby appointed temporarily as Cook on hatt in, for thirty cidys, from 8 a. m., October rg, 1908. the steam vessel "Patrol," with compensation at the rate of $5o per month, in the Andrew J. Riordan, Ninth Precinct, to Central Office Squad, ditty in Third Deputy place of Charles Gifford, absent on account of physical disability, and that the resig- Commissioner's office, for five days, from 12 110011, October 17, 1908. nation of Albert Mosely as Steward be and is hereby accepted. The following temporary assignment is hereby discontinued Granted. Patrolman. Application of Bridget Saidler. No. 6r Grove street, Manhattan, for asistance from Police Relief Fund, and awarded $240, to be paid in monthly instalments of $ro each. Charles P. Willielm, Thirty-first Precinct, to Detective Bureau, Manhattan, from Petition for pension of i\lary A. Gorntr,n widow of William J. Gorman, pen- 8 a. [ti., October 19, rgo8. sioner, and pension awarded in the sum of $120 ann:nn. The following meutbers of the Department are excused for eighteen hours, as Denied. indicated: Inspector. Petitions for ncusions of Annie E. Hamblen, widow of John I-(ambler, pensioner, and 'Mary A. Reilly, widow of Thomas P. Reilly, Patrolman, and petition for increase Dennis Sweeney, Twelfth Inspection District, from 2 p. nl. October 20, 1908. of pension of Esther J. Blangey, widow of Nelson Blangey. Captains. Masquerade Ball Permits Granted. John McCauley, Nineteenth Precinct, front 1.30 P. [n., October 2r, 1908, with per- mission es leave city. R. Kassing, Sulzer's Harlem River Park, 'Manhattan, October r7; fee, $25. James H. Post, Sixty-first Precinct, from ro a. in., October 20, [908, with pernns- '1'. F. 'White, Manhattan Casino, )lanhatlan, October 17; fee, $25. store to leave city. T. Lyons, Tammany hall, AIanliatl.ut, October 24: fee, $25. Robert E. Dooley, One hundred and Sixtieth Precinct, from 12 noon, October r8, J. J. McDermott, 11lurrav Hill L%.cetun, ilan1tattwn, October 24; fee, $25. 1908 J. R. Dolan, Beethoven Hall. 3lanhattan, O ctncrh 31; fee, $25. John Dulfer, One I lundred and Sixty-seventh Precinct, from 12 noon, October 21, F. L. Rerney, Central Park Dancing Academy• Manhattan, November 2; fee, $ro. 5908, with permission to leave city. A. Bernstein, New Star Casino, _,lanhattatt. Nn\rnibe1 r 4; fee, $25. Thomas J. Kelly, One hundred and Sixty-ninth Precinct, from 2 p. in., October E. Fabbrin, Jackson Casino, Tile Bronx. October 24; fee, $25, 21, t9o8, with permission to leave city. J. J. Velten, Grand Central }fall, Brooklyn. October r7; fee, $ro. W. J. Casey, Sangerbund Hall, Brooklyn, October 19; fee, $ro. The following leaves of absence are hereby grantcca with full pay: B. Knoblock, Stanch's Hall. Brooklyn. October 23; ice, $ro. J. Ryan, Palace Hall, Brooklyn, October 31; fee, $to. Captain. C. Weiden, Columbia Hall, Queens, October 3r; fee, $to. Henry Halpin, Two hundred and Eighty-first Precinct, for three days, from 12 C. Weiden, Colombia Hall, Queens, November 2; fee, $ro. noon, October 24, 1908, to be deducted from vacation. Special Order No. 261, issued this day, is hereby made part of the proceedings Lieutenant. of the Police Commissioner. r P. Loonant, Forty-third Precinct, for three days, from 12 noon, October Special Order No. 261. 7, 190908. The following niember of the Force is hereby relieved and dismissed front the Police Force and Service and placed on the roll of the Police Pension Fund, and is The following leaves of absence are hereby granted with half pay: awarded the following pension: Patrolmen. Emil A. J. Scheringer, Twenty-sixth Precinct, for one-half day, from 12 noon, [ o take effect 12.35 p. m., October 17, r9oS: October r8, i9o8 Captain. Charles Seidenberg, One Hundred and Sixtieth Precinct, for one-half day, from 12 Patrick Byrne, Twenty-fifth Precinct. on his own application, at $1,37!; per an- noon October 18, i9o8. num. Appointed November 18, 1868. Stephen Thornton, One Hundred and Sixtieth Precinct, for one-half day, from The following having keen enil,Inyed oil probation as Doornien are assigned to 12.01 a. ni., October 30, 1908. precincts indicated, to take effect October 17, 1<) `3: Gustave M. B1essnian, One hundred and Sixty-fifth Precinct. The following leave of absence is hereby granted without pay: Harry Ward, Twenty-sixth Precinct. - Patrolman. Henry J. Haggerty, Twenty-third Precinct, for one day, from 12.01 a. nt., Octo- The following transfers and ass:gmoe11ts are hereby ordered: ber 17, i9o8, with permission to leave city. To take effect 8 p. nt., October t9, rgo8: Lieutenant. The following members of the force having been tried on charges before a Deputy Thomas A. Ryan, from S:xty-tliird Precinct, to Bureau of Electrical Service, Man- Commissioner, the following fines are hereby imposed: hattan. Patrolmen. failed to obtain permission; To take effect 8 p. in., October 20 5908: George Elliott, Eighth Precinct, absent from post; failed to report absence; fined one day's pay. Patrolmen. Benjamin J. Tighe, Eighth Precinct, absent from patrol wagon stable; failed to Frank Lonergan, froth Thirty-sixth Precinct to One Hundred and Fourth Pre- answer Lieutenant; fined ten days' pay. cinet. John Krtil, Fifteenth Precinct, absent from post; fine(] one day's pay. Charles Henilej, from Twenty-first Precinct to One Hundred and Fourth Pre- William Speeder, Sixteenth Precinct, absent from post and relieving point; fined cinct. five days' pay. Lewis Owens, front Sixteenth Precinct to Eightieth Precinct. Walter S. McClary, Twenty-third Precinct, smoking in dormitory; fined one day's John J. Ryan, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth[ Precinct, transferred to Ninth In pay. spection District and assigned to duty in plain clothes. ay Michael Murphy, Thirty-sixth Precinct, absent without leave; fined one day's pay. William J. Doherty, One hundred and Fifty-seventh Precinct, transferred to Joseph A. Whitmore, Forty-third Precinct, absent from post; fined three day's pay. Ninth Inspection District and assigned to duty in plain clothes, Dennis R. Shiel, Forty-third Precinct, absent from post; fined one day's pay. Abraham Hirscitwitz, One llwndred and Fifty-eighth Precinct, transferred to Frank Grady, Sixty-third Precinct, absent from post; fined five days' pay. Ninth Inspection District and assigned to duty in plain clothes. Edward A. Finland, Sixty-sixth Precinct, failed to properly patrol; fined one day's Transferred from precinct indicated to Third Inspection District and assigned to pay. duty in plain clothes: William L. Falkenbury, Eighty-ninth Precinct, refused to obey order of Captain; Edward 1I. Walsh, Ninth Precinct. fined five days' pay. Robert J. Dixon, One Ift[ndred and Sixtieth Precinct. Andrew McGinley, Traffic Precinct C, failed to enforce traffic regulations; fined Emil Sutting, Fourteenth Precinct. one day's pay. Michael F. Travers, One hundred and Sixtieth Precinct. James McAleese, First Precinct. The following members of the Force having been tried on charges before a Dep- Frederick Martens, Twenty-ninth Precinct. uty Commissioner, are hereby reprimanded: Mounted Patrolman. The following temporary assignments are hereby ordered: Lieutenant. Thomas Keenan, Traffic Precinct C. John Carroll, Two Hundred and Seventy-fourth Precinct, assigned to command Patrolmen. precinct (luring absence of Captain Thomas F. Darcy on vacation, from 12 noon, Oc- William F. Egan, First Precinct. tober 1S. i9o8. Oscar W. H. Johnson, First Precinct. Sergeants. John Mallon, First Precinct. Anthony J. Miller, Two Hundred and Seventy-fourth Precinct, assigned as Acting Dominick Pisapia, Eighth Precinct. Lieutenant in 1,recinct, during temporary assignment of Lieutenant John Carroll in James E. Drexler (two charges), Thirteenth Precinct. command of precinct, from 12 noon, October t8, rgo8. Henry P. Rado, Fifteenth Precinct. Edward J. Hayes, One Hundred and Seventy-third Precinct, assigned to One Henry P. Lambert (two charges), Sixteenth Precinct. Hundred and Sixty-sixth Precinct during absence of Sergeant Patrick Hackett on va- James D. Cotter, Seventeenth Precinct. cation, from 12 noon, October 17, 1908. Samuel W. Noble, Twenty-second Precinct. O R D . SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1908. 1 1434 • THE CITY R E C

Alexander H. McManus, Twenty-second Precinct. Requisition No. 277, Department of Health, Borough Administration of Sanitation John D. Persico, Twenty-second Precinct. and Prevention of Contagious Disease, Queens Salaries—Sanitary Police, 1908, $6.90. Kenny, Twenty-fifth Precinct. Requisition No. 278, Department of Health, Borough Administration of Sanitation Patrick J. Richmond Salaries—Sanitary Police, igo8, John H. Feeley, Twenty-eighth Precinct. and Prevention of Contagious Disease, John T. Finneran, Twenty-eighth Precinct. $33.99• Robert R. H. Kuntze, Thirty-sixth Precinct. Ordered to be Paid. William Sheehan, Forty-third Precinct. From Contingent Fund to Arthur Woods, Fourth Deputy Commissioner, $30. Harry T. Leddy, Forty-third Precinct. Patrick Clynes, Sixty-third Precinct. Granted. Albert C. Mollers, Sixty-third Precinct. - Permission to Thomas Sheahan, Patrolman, Twenty-ninth Precinct, to accept John J. Murphy, Sixty-fifth Precinct, reward of $io from State Reformatory for Women, for arrest of escaped prisoner. William F. Rogers, Traffic Precinct A. Frederick Bruckner, Traffic Precinct A. Masquerade Ball Permits Granted. Thomas-F. Kehoe, Traffic Precinct A. W. H. Reilly, Palace Hall, Brooklyn, October 24; fee, $io. Arthur E. Johnson, Traffic Precinct B. W. Guhring, New Eckford Hall, Brooklyn, October 24; fee, $io. William A. Gavagan, First Precinct, W. Guhring, New Eckford Hall, Brooklyn, October 31; fee, $io. Thomas J. Fitzpatrick, First Precinct. G. Sivers, Astoria Scheutzen Park, Queens, October 24; fee, $io. William A. Krauss, First Precinct. F. C. Krcuscher, Kreuscher's Hall, Queens, October 24; fee, $to. John J. Mahoney, Twelfth Precinct. Michael J Egan, Fourteenth Precinct. On File, Send Copy. John Krtil, Fifteenth Precinct. Reports of Lieutenant in command of Boiler Squad, dated October 16 and 17, Francis P. Tomney, Sixteenth Precinct. 1908, relative to engineers' licenses granted. For publication in the CITY RECORD. John J. Caml;azzi, Twenty-first Precinct. Special Order No. 262, issued this day, is hereby made part of the proceedings of Florence McAuliffe, Twenty-second Precinct, the Police Commissioner. Thomas Wynn, Twenty-second Precinct. Special Order No. 263, relative to certain assignments of men, was this day pro- Edward A. Gilmore, Twenty-third Precinct, mulgated by the Police Commissioner. William M. Mahoney, Twenty-sixth Precinct. Joseph J. Craig, Twenty-eighth Precinct. Special Order No. 262. Thomas Dolan, Thirty-second Precinct. The following member of the Force is hereby relieved and dismissed from the John E. McAdam, Fortieth Precinct. Police Force and service and placed on the roll of the Police Pension Fund, and is Henry S r ne, Forty-third Precinct. awarded the following pension: Patrick Hehir, Forty-third Precinct. James P. Hogan, Sixty-third Precinct. To take effect 12 midnight, October 19, i9o8: Francis T. McNally, Sixty-fifth Precinct. Joseph Hellman, Seventy-fourth Precinct. Patrolman. John Moran, Traffic Precinct A. George F. Mahoney, Sixteenth Precinct, on Police Surgeons' certificate, at $44o Peter Maidhoff• Traffic Precinct A. per annum. Appointed February 29, 1896. john B Barry Traffic Precinct C. Joseph B. Shepard. Third District. The following transfers and assignments are hereby ordered: William Hardick, Harbor Precinct A. To take effect 8 p. m., October 21, 1908: The following members of the Force having been tried on charges before a Sergeant. Deputy Commissioner, the charges are hereby dismissed: Lewis McMahon, from Eighteenth Precinct to Eighty-first Precinct, Sergeant. Patrolmen. Henry Hellmers, Forty-third Precinct. To take effect 12.35 P. m., October 19, 1908: Patrolmen. Vance C. Lavender, front One Hundred and Seventy-first Precinct to One Hun- Patrick Kennedy, First Precinct. dred and Forty-ninth Precinct. Thomas J. Coyne, Sixteenth Precinct. To take effect 8 a. m., October 20, 1908: Charles L. Gowdey, Eighteenth Precinct. James Gibbons, One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Precinct, transferred to One Hun- Frank Kupec, Eighteenth Precinct. dred and Eighty-second Precinct and assigned as Probation Officer to Magistrate Patrick J. Cahill, Twenty-sixth Precinct. Henry J. Furlong. Frank M. Hodges, Sixty-eighth Precinct. To take effect 8 a, m., October 21, 1908: Dominick Pisapia, Eighth Precinct. John J. Gilligan, Ninth Precinct, transferred to Detective Bureau, Manhattan, and Albert Spitz, Seventeenth Precinct. assigned to ditty in Photograph Gallery. John J. Connolly, Eighteenth Precinct, To take effect 8 p. m., October 21, i9o8: Jeremiah M. Barber, Twenty-first Precinct. Hugh J. O'Donnell, from Twenty-fifth Precinct to Two Hundred and Eighty- Harry T. Leddy, Forty-third Precinct. first Precinct. Orville A. Warfield. One Hundred and Fourth Precinct. To take effect 8 a. m., October 24, 1908: The following Hostler having been tried on a charge before a Deputy Commis- Moses Bloom, from Ninth Precinct to Detective Bureau, Manhattan. sioner, the charge is hereby dismissed: Melvin, Palmer, Traffic Precinct C. The following temporary assignments are hereby ordered: Lieutenants. The following death is reported: Sergeant. John IticCormack, One Hundred and Seventy-third Precinct, assigned to One Hundred and Sixty-fifth Precinct during absence of Lieutenants at Trial Room, Thomas O'Neil, Seventy-fourth Precinct, at 8.45 p. m., October 17, 1908. Brooklyn, from 8 a. nl., October 2o, i9o8. Employed as Cleaner: Lewis M. Frank, Two Hundred and Eighty-fifth Precinct, assigned to Two Hun- John J. Phelan having been employed as Cleaner, is assigned to Sixteenth Pre- dred and Seventy-seventh Precinct during absence of Lieutenant John C. Schclpp at cinct, to take effect October.17, 1908. 'l rial Room, Brooklyn, from 8 a. m., October 20, 1908. The following Special Patrolmen are hereby appointed: To take effect October 17, 1908: Sergeants. Charles Spence, for Interborough Rapid Transit Company, Manhattan. Samuel A. Cook, One Hundred and Forty-seventh Precinct, assigned as Acting To take effect October 19, 1908: Lieutenant in precinct (luring absence of Lieutenant Edward McDonald at Trial Room, Morris Kosins, for the Public Bank of New York, Delancey and Orchard streets, Brooklyn, from 8 a. m., October 20, i9c8. Manhattan. William A. Black, One Hundred and Fifty-third Precinct, assigned to One Hun- THEO. A. BINGHAM, Police Commissioner dred and Sixty-fifth Precinct during absence of Sergeants at Trial Room, Brooklyn, from 8 a. m., October 20, 1908. Frederick C. Klinck, One Hundred and Sixty-ninth Precinct, assigned as Acting POLICE DEPARTMENT. Lieutenant in precinct during absence of Lieutenant William H. Nedwell on vacation, from 8 a. m., October 19, igo8. October 20, 1908. Patrolmen. The following proceedings were this day directed by the Police Commissioner: Anthony Wollack, Traffic Precinct C, and John J. Donigan, Sixteenth Precinct, Ordered, That requisition be and is hereby made upon the Municipal Civil Service assigned to Detective Bureau, Manhattan, for to days, from 8 p. m., October 19, igo8. Commission for an eligible list from which to enable the Police Commissioner to appoint ten (io) Lieutenants of Police, and that the following names be included in The following extensions of temporary assignments are hereby ordered such eligible list: Lieutenant. Fred W. Blohm. John McCarthy. William P. Judge, Seventeenth Precinct, to Detective Bureau, Manhattan, for Io George V. Kass. Henry Gardner. George B. Starkey. Robert F. Powers. days, from 8 a. m., October 24, i9o8. Michael A. Downs. Patrolmen. Ordered, That requisition be and is hereby made upon the Municipal Civil Service John P. Harron, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Precinct, to Ninth Inspection Dis- Commission for an eligible list from which to enable the Police Commissioner to trict, duty in plain clothes for io days, from 8 a. m., October 19, 1908. appoint thirty (30) Patrolmen, and that the following names be included in such John A. Horton, Thirty-sixth Precinct, and William P. S. Kelly, Thirty-first eligible list: Precinct, to Detective Bureau, Manhattan, for TO days, from 8 a. In., October 23, 1908. Joseph L. Hackett. Joseph A. Neary. William P. McDonald, One hundred and Fifty-fifth Precinct, to Detective Bu- Joseph A. McGuire. Chester Allison. reau, Brooklyn, for so days, from 8 a. in., October 24, i9o8. Francis J. Kear, Jr. Michael E. Skiffington. Charles Castagnino, One Hundred and Fiftieth Precinct, to Detective Bureau, James J. McLernan. William G. Stretton. Manhattan, for Io days, from 8 a. m., October 20, 1908. Eugene J. Sullivan. James B. Tomkins. John G. Stein, Thirty-fifth Precinct; Max Isaacson, Thirty-sixth Precinct; Joseph Charles Lewis. George L. Hamill. J. Ryan, Forty-third Precinct, and Louis I-Iyman, Forty-third Precinct, to Detective Benedict Maguire. Michael J. Murphy. Bureau, Manhattan, for so days, front 8 a. m., October 24, 19o8. Harry Roedel. Robert A. Smith. Edmund J. Opdyke. James M. Culley. The following temporary assignments are hereby discontinued: Michael M. Moriarty. Herman Neisel. Sergeant. Ordered, That requisition be and is hereby made upon the Municipal Civil Service John Hackett, Sixteenth Precinct, to Detective Bureau, Manhattan, from 8 p. m., Commission for an eligible list from which to enable the Police Commissioner to October 19, igo8. appoint one Deckhand, for duty on the steam vessel "Patrol," with compensation at the Patrolmen. rate of $72o per annum. Charles P. Vosburgh, Fortieth Precinct, to Central Office Squad, from 8 a. in., October 20, 1908. Referred to the Comptroller. William Fagan, Twenty-first Precinct, to Detective Bureau, Manhattan, from 8 Requisition No. 272, Police Fund, Salaries of Inspector, Surgeons and the uni- p. m., October Ig, i9o8. formed force, I908, $36,636.43. Requisition No. 273, Police Fund—To provide for appointment of 600 Patrolmen The following leaves of absence are hereby granted, with full pay: during 1908, $1,183.34. Patrolmen. Requisition No. 274, Department of Health, Borough Administration of Sanitation Michael H. O'Brien, Eighteenth Precinct, for three days, from I2.0I a. in., October and Prevention of Contagious Diseases, Manhattan Salaries—Sanitary Police, igo8, 18, Igog. $122.55. David J. Byrne, Harbor Precinct, Station A, for two days, from 12,01 a. in., Requisition No. 275, Department of Health, Borough Administration of Sanitation October ig, 1908. and Prevention of Contagious Disease, The Bronx Salaries—Sanitary Police, igo8, Nelson M. Hart, Sixteenth Precinct, for three days, from 12 noon, October 18, $23.68. igo8, with permission to leave City. Requisition No. 276, Department of Health, Borough Administration of Sanitation Joseph Fagan, One Hundred and Fifty-eighth Precinct, for three days, from 12.01 and Prevention of Contagious Disease, Brooklyn Salaries—Sanitary Police, igo8, $86.03. a. m., October Ig, igo8. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1908. THE C I T Y RECORD. 11435

The following leaves of absence are hereby granted with half pay: Edward J. Hammer, from Two Hundred and Eighty-first Precinct to Two Hun- Sergeant. dred and Seventy-sixth Precinct. Charles J. Schrass, One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Precinct, for one-half day, William Sammon, Twenty-fifth Precinct, transferred to Twenty-eighth Precinct from 12 noon, October 19, 1908. and assigned to bicycle duty. Bernard G. Kobler, Twenty-fifth Precinct, transferred to Twenty-eighth Precinct Patrolman. and assigned to bicycle duty. Oscar Jones, One Hundred and Fifty-third Precinct, for one-half day, from 52 William F. J. Pierce, Eighty-ninth Precinct, remanded from clerical duty and noon, October 18, I9o8, with permission to leave city. Driver of patrol wagon and assigned to mounted duty in precinct. Nicholas J. Macklin, Jr., Eightieth Precinct, transferred to Eighty-ninth Precinct The following leaves of absence are hereby granted without pay: and assigned to clerical duty and as Driver of patrol wagon. Patrolmen. Frederick Hanson, from One Hundred and Sixty-fourth Precinct to Traffic Pre- cinct C. William W. Drastal, Central Office Squad, for one day, from 12.01 a. m., October Emil G. Leidel, from Traffic Precinct B to Bureau of Electrical Service, Manhat- o. 1908. tan, duty in plain clothes. John C. Rutledge, Ninth Precinct, for two days, from 52 noon, October 20, Patrick Reilly, One Hundred and Sixtieth Precinct, transferred to Traffic Pre- r')t8. cinct D and assigned as Acting Doorman. Joseph Hellman, Seventy-fourth Precinct, for one day, from I2.o5 a. m., October 20, 1908. Doorman. The following amendment is hereby ordered: Edward J. Keating, from Traffic Precinct D to Two Hundred and Seventy-seventh Special Order 258, c. s., paragraph No. I, to read, Lieutenant George Fitzgerald, Precinct. Ninety-ninth Precinct, at $1,000 per annum. The following temporary assignments are hereby ordered: The following members of the Force having been tried on charges before a Deputy Lieutenant. Commissioner, the following fines are hereby imposed: Michael Nolan, Twenty-fifth Precinct, assigned to command precinct pending as- Patrolmen. signment of a Captain, from 12.35 p. m., October Iq, 1908. James Davis, Seventh Precinct, used vile and indecent language to citizen; fined ten days' pay. Sergeants. Patrick S. McCarthy, Seventy-ninth Precinct, absent from post and sitting in David J. Murphy, Traffic Precinct D, assigned to Central Office Squad, duty in dressing-room; fined fifteen days' pay. Third Deputy Commissioner's office for three days, from 8 a. m., October 21, 1908. Michael J. O'Grady, Forty-third Precinct, assigned as Acting Lieutenant in pre- The following members of the Force having been tried on charges before a cinct during absence of Lieutenant George Farr at court, Brooklyn, from g a. m., Oc- Deputy Commissioner, are hereby reprimanded: tober ig, 1908. Lieutenant. Jeremiah A. Crowley, One Hundred and Sixty-ninth Precinct, assigned as Acting Michael Breen, Twenty-sixth Precinct. Lieutenant in precinct during absence of Lieutenant Samuel Hammond at County Court, Kings, from 52 noon, October 20, 1908. Patrolmen. Thomas H. Barry, Fortieth Precinct, assigned to Forty-third Precinct during Dennis B. Lynch, Eighty-first Precinct. absence of Sergeants at Trial Room, from 9 a. m., October 22, 1908. James A. Considine, Thirteenth Precinct. Patrolmen. The following members of the Force having been tried on charges before a Deputy Albert Roth, One Hundred and Forty-third Precinct, assigned as Driver of patrol Commissioner, the charges are hereby dismissed: wagon in precinct during absence of Patrolman John M. Curley on vacation, from 12 Patrolmen. noon, October 22, 1908. William Stackpole, Twenty-second Precinct, assigned to Traffic Precinct A, from George F. Mahoney, Sixteenth Precinct. 8 a. m., October 21, 1908. Edward F. Judge, Twenty-sixth Precinct. Albert E. Stanley, Sixty-ninth Precinct, assigned as Driver of patrol wagon in pre- George J. Silva, Forty-third Precinct. cinct during absence of Patrolman John Buckley on sick leave, from 8 a. m., October The following death is reported: Ig, 19o8. Thomas Reilly, Twenty-ninth Precinct, assigned as Driver of patrol wagon in Patrolman. precinct during absence of Patrolman Peter Helmus on sick leave, from 8 a. m., Oc- John S. J. Shine, Sixteenth Precinct, at 8 p. m., October Ig, 1908. tober Ig, 1908. Employed as Cleaner: William J. Burns having been employed as Cleaner, is assigned to Seventh Pre- The following temporary assignment is hereby discontinued: cinct, from October 19, 19o8. Lieutenant. The following Special Patrolmen are hereby appointed: Frank J. Rohrig, Seventeenth Precinct, to Fifteenth Precinct, from 8 p. in., Oc- To take effect October 20, igo8: tober 21, 1908. George Taylor, for New York and Albany Transportation Company, Pier 53, The following member of the Department is excused for eighteen hours, as indi- North River, Manhattan. cated : To take effect October Ig, 1908: Surgeon. Irving IIouglitaling, for Bank of Manhattan, No. 40 Wall street, Manhattan. Marvin R. Palmer, Fourteenth Surgical District, from 12 noon, October 24, 19o8. 'I he resignations of the following Special Patrolmen are hereby accepted, and they are reappointed to take effect as of date indicated: The following leaves of absence are hereby granted with full pay: October 19, ice: Captain. Edward M. Clinton, for H. Marks and others, No. 208 \Vest One Hundred and Thirty-seventh street, Manhattan. Joseph C. Gehegan, Ninety-ninth Precinct, for eight days, from 12.01 a. tin., October Victor Carlson, for Northern Bank of New York, No. 215 West One Hundred 22, 1908, balance of vacation, with permission to leave city. and 'l'wenty-fifth street, Manhattan. Sergeant. William 1'. Lindsey, for Percy G. Williams, Alhambra Theatre, One Hundred and Twenty-sixth street and Seventh avenue, Manhattan. Philip W. Auer, Sixteenth Precinct, for three days, from 12 noon, October 19, William Riha, for the Bohemian Gymnastic Association Sokol of New York, 1908. No. 420 East Seventy-first street, Manhattan. Patrolmen. Louis A. Jordan, for A. T. De La Marc Printing and Publishing Company, No. Daniel D. Shine, Traffic Precinct C, for three days, from 12.05 a. m., October 2 Duane street, Manhattan. 20, I go8 - THEO. A. BINGIIAM, Police Commissioner. Patrick J. Ansbro, One Hundred and Forty-ninth Precinct, for three days, from 12 noon, October 20, igo8, with permission to leave city. POLICE DEPAR'I'MF_NT. The following applications for full pay are hereby granted: Patrolmen. October 21, 1908. John W. Sullivan, Tenth, Precinct, for nine days, from 5 p. m., September 2I, 1908. The following proceedings were this day directed by the Police Commissioner: Jacob M. Long, Forty-third Precinct, from August Ig, 1907, to July I, 1908, while Ordered, That requisition be and is hereby made upon the Municipal Civil Ser- under suspension. vice Commission for an eligible list from which to enable the Police Commissioner The following member of the Force having been tried on charges before a Deputy to appoint two (2) Captains of Police. Commissioner and found guilty as charged, sentence is suspended during good be- havior: Theatrical License Granted. Patrolman. Samuel Silvermann, Terrace Garden, No. 352 Richmond terrace, Richmond, Edward M. Cassidy, Twenty-sixth Precinct. from October 22, tyo8, to April 21, Igog; fee, $50. The resignations of the following Special Patrolmen are hereby accepted, and Concert Licenses Granted. they are reappointed to take effect as of date indicated: October 20, 1908: David E. Krauss Anmcement Company, The Olympic, No. 143 East Fourteenth Theodore Hamilton and William Parker, for New York Zoological Society, Bronx street, Manhattan, from November 2, 19o8, to February I, 5909; fee, $15o. No liquors. Park. August Schramm, Ilo1dl Edclwies, No. 325 Woodside avenue, Queens, from October 21, 19o8, to January 20, 1909; fee, $150. The resignation of the following Special Patrolman is hereby accepted: L. & G. Valensi, Variety 'Theatre, No. 112 Third avenue, Manhattan, from October James F. Fletcher, employed by Interborough Rapid Transit Company, No. 13 22, 19o8, to January 21, 1909; fee, $150. No liquors. Park row, Manhattan. THEO. A. BINGHAM, Police Commissioner. Masquerade Ball Permit Granted. J. Garvey, Hoffman's Hall, The Bronx, October 31; fee, $io. POLICE DEPARTMENT. On File, Send Copy. October 22, Ig08. Communication from Sterling Bronze Company, Nos. 107 to 113 West Twenty- fifth street, Manhattan, protesting against award of contract for furnishing electric The following proceedings were this day directed by the Police Commissioner: fixtures for new Headquarters Building to Lord Electric Company, on the ground that Disapproved. they did not comply with specifications as regards sending samples of the proposed fixtures. To Corporation Counsel for opinion and to be acknowledged. Applications of the following for appointment of Special Patrolmen: Dewey Special Order No. 264, issued this day, is hereby made part of the proceedings Music Wall, No. 126 East Fourteenth street, for Abraham Signal; McCorn & Weiss- of the Police Commissioner. man, No. 899 Eighth avenue, Manhattan, for Patrick Hougt; Abe Robnovitz, No. 1259 Pitkin avenue, Brooklyn, for Louis Cohen; Star Casino, Nos. ioi to Iis East Special Order No. 264. One Hundred and Seventh street, Manhattan, for Michael White, and H. Strasbourger The following transfers and assignments are hereby ordered: & Co., Third avenue and Eighty-sixth street, Manhattan, for Frank Kibby. 1'o take effect 8 p. in., October 22, 1908: Masquerade Ball Permits Granted. Lieutenant. J. Bayer, New York Turn Hall, Manhattan, October 24; fee, $25. John L. Pearse, from Twenty-second Precinct to Ninety-ninth Precinct. E. Machs, Sulzer's Harlem River Park, Manhattan, October 24; fee, $25. Mounted Patrolmen. W. G. Opry, Arlon Hall, Brooklyn, October 24; fee, $to. W. G. Opry, Arlon Hall, Brooklyn, October 31; fee, $io. James E. Green, from Two Ilundred and Seventy sixtki Precinct to Two Hundred and Eighty-fifth Precinct, with horse and equipments. On File, Send Copy. Lawrence McMahon, from Two hundred and Eighty-fifth Precinct to Two Hun- Reports of Lieutenant in confCnand of Boiler Squad, dated October 19, 20 and dred and Seventy-sixth Precinct, with horse and equipments. 21, 1908, relative to engineers' licenses granted. For publication in the CITY RECORD. Special Order No. 265, issued this day, is hereby made part of the proceedings of Patrolmen. the Police Commissioner. Frank M. Friclingsdorf. from One Hundred and Fifty-second Precinct to Two Sl;ecia1 Order No. 266, relative to assignments for Democratic mass meeting, Hundred and Seventy-fifth Precinct. was this day promulgated by the Police Commissioner. Frank M. Thayer, from Two Hundred and Seventy-fifth Precinct to One Hundred Special Order No. 267, relative to assignments for Republican County Committee and Fifty-second Precinct. mass meeting, was this day promulgated by the Police Commissioner. 1 1436 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1908.

Special Order No. 265. Peter Sefferien, No. 214 East Ninety-third street. Howard Wilson, Seventy-first street, Brooklyn. The following transfers are hereby ordered: John Laniparter, No. 203 Bushwick avenue, Brooklyn. To take effect 8 p. m., October 23, 1908: P. H. Freeman, Baltic street, Brooklyn. Matrons. John J. Jobert, No. 151 Third street, Brooklyn. Minnie Lynch, from Two Hundred and Seventy-fifth Precinct to One Hundred Anthony Benesch, foot of Bowne street, Brooklyn. and Fifty-fifth Precinct. Hans Nelson, No. 259 Bond street, Brooklyn. Delia Nally Bell, from One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Precinct to Fifteenth Pre- cinct. Third Class. Mary M. Biggins, from Fifteenth Precinct to Two Hundred and Seventy-fifth Alfred Byrne, No. 766 Broadway. Precinct. William G. Conway, foot of West Sixty-third street. Patrick Coughlin, One Hundred and Thirteenth street and Amsterdam avenue. The following temporary assignments are hereby ordered: Charles Ericsson, No. 1322 Broadway. Inspector. William J. Frazier, No. 531 Broadway. Patrick J. Harkins, Ninth Inspection District, assigned to command Tenth In- John Grace, No. 471 Park avenue. spection District. in addition to his own district, during absence of Inspector James Frederick Heins, No. 503 East Eighty-second street. E. Hussey for one-half day, from 12 noon, October 21, 1908. Bernard Hughes, No. 560 West 'L wcnty-third street. Charles E. Henderson, No. 40! West End avenue. Lieutenants. Arthur J. Johnson, No. 6o West Fourteenth street. Charles J. Fahey, Two Hundred and Eighty-first Precinct, assigned to command Charles Kemski, Twelfth avenue and Forty-ninth street. precinct daring absence of Captain Henry Halpin on vacation, from 12 noon, October Fred Litrenta, One Hundred and' Twenty-second street and Broadway. 24, 1908. George Moore, No. 416 West Twenty-sixth street. John H. Cook, Ninety-ninth Precinct, assigned to command precinct during ab- Patrick Mahon, No. 1929 Amsterdant avenue. sence of Captain Joseph C. Gehegan on vacation, from I2.01 a. m., October 22, 1908. Joseph !lloylet, One Hundred and Ninetieth street and Fort Washington avenue. James Mulhern, I'ier 41, North River. Sergeants. Thomas McCluskey, No. 412 East Thirty-first street. Charles I1. Bruns, One Hundred and Forty-fifth Precinct, assigned to Two Hun- Donald McKenzie, foot of East Fortieth street. dred and Seventy-ninth Precinct during absence of Sergeant Joseph C. Osborne on Max Neuman, No. 514 West Twenty-fourth street. vacation, from 8 a. n.., October 22, 19o8. Carl G. A. Osborne, No. 620 West Fifty-seventh street. Juhu C. Rutledge, Two Hundred and Eighty-first Precinct, assigned to Two Hun- Joseph Quinn, No. 32 East Thirty-third street. dred and Seventy-seventh Precinct clur;ng absence of Sergeant John J. Barnes on John O'Rourke, No. 33 Union square. sick le: ve, irom 3.10 1-% m., Octnher 2o, t9o8. Carl Poctke, No. 200 West One Hundred and Twenty-sixth street. Frank S. Hodige, Ninety-ninth Precinct, assigned as Acting Lieutenant in pre- Edward A. Ryan, No. 41 Park row. cinct during absence of Captain Joseph C. Gehegan on vacation, from i2.o1 a. m., Ellsworth Rosenberger, No. 52 Broadway. October 22, 19o8. William H. Schaeffer, foot of West One Hundred and Thirt6 cth street. Peter B. Byrnes, Traffic Precinct B, assigned as Acting Lientenat in precinct Edmund S. Stevens. No. 22.3 Eighth avenue. during absence of Lieutenant John B. Sexton at trial room, from 8 a. in., October 23, Gustave Thomas, No. log Fast Thirteenth street. 1908. Henry A. Durham, No. 69 Van Dyke street, Brook'.yn. Patrolman, Thomas Kennedy, Washington street, Brooklyn. Eu


Special. William I-I. Taylor, Janitor, from Pub- James S. Fenton, Public School 131, lic School 20, Richmond, to Public School 1fanhattan, $1,296. John Neil, Broad street, Stapleton, S. I. Charles Boyle, Public School 83, Queens, Respectfully, 30, Richmond, $j,o80. HENRY BREEN, Lieutenant in Command. The action of the Committee on Care of I ,080 Buildings in reinstating Joseph P. McNal- It was decided that the compensation ly in the position of Janitor in this De- (heretofore fixed for the position of Jani- POLICE DEPARTMENT. partment, from which position he reslgnea tor in the case of the undermentioned April I, 19o8, and in assigning him to the schools be considered as in effect from Sanitary Company (Boiler Squad), position of Janitor of Public School io6, he date indicated, in each case, Janitors October 21, 1908. ) Borough of Manhattan, with compensation having been assigned to said schools on To the Police Conmtissioner: at the rate of $1,488 per annual, to take those dates with a provision that the sal- effect November i, 1908, was approved and aries should be thereafter determined: Sir-In compliance with orders relative to engineers' certificates issued by me ratified. Public School 66, Manhattan, $3,288, under section 312 of chapter 410 of the Laws of 1882 as amended, the following report 'f lie action of the Committee on Care of September 14, 1908, will show the names of the persons to whom licenses were issued, class of license Buildings in assigning Thomas A. Harris, Public School 5, Brooklyn, $4,848, Sep- and location for the same, (luring the twenty-four hours ending 12 midnight, October Janitor of Public School 120, Borough of tember 8, 1908. 2I, 1908: Manhattan, to render janitorial service in Public School 154, Brooklyn, $3,012, Oc- First Class. connection with the evening school for tober I, 1908, Simon Kinsella, No. 15 East Eighteenth street. touch ward children conducted in said school Public School 155, Brooklyn, $3,840, Oc- Eugene Miller, No. 317 East Twenty-second street. building, and in fixing his compensation at tober I, 1908. Alfred G. Taylor, No. 164 Nineteenth street, Brooklyn. the rate of $3.50 per session, was approved Robert Graves, No. 923 Tbird avenue, Brooklyn. and ratified. DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND 'rue action of the Committee on Care of FERRIES, Second Class. Cnildings in assigning Cornelius Colven, October 29-Timothy Hayes, formerly Frederick Itocrrner, Broadway and horty-fifth street. Janitor of Public School 17, Borough of employed as a Dock Laborer, has been Eugene Oakley, No. 25 Broad street. Manhattan, on October 5, 1908, to the care dropped from the list of employees, lie not Allen Russell, No. 446 Broadway. of the portion of new Public School 17, having reported for duty since August 23, Louis Schussler, No. 170 Pirst avenue.. Borough of itIanhattan, which was occu- 1908, and it being reported that he is dead. Thomas Ward, No. 42 Fast Eleventh street. picd for school purposes ou said date, The Commissioner has appointed Denis James W, Sheehy, Fifty-fifth street, Brooklyn. with compensation at the rate of $2,964 ITickey, of No. 123 Waverly avenue, Bor- per annual, in discontinuing the compen- ough of The Bronx, to the position of Third Class sation paid to said Janitor for the care of Marine Stoker, with pay at the rate of James J. Braton, No. 358 Fifth avenue. old Public School 17, Borough of i-ian- $90 per month, while employed. Patrick Brady, Pier 51, North River. hattan, from and after October 4, 1908, Paul Dahhnann, No. 421 East Sixty-fourth street. and in allowing said Janitor the sum of DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. John J. Geibel, One Hundred and Fiftieth street and Mott avenue. $15 for cleaning old Public School 17, was Borough of The Bronx. Frank Goeller, No. It Broadway. approved and ratified. Albert F. Ilendrick, foot Chambers street. October 28-Tire title of Patrick J. The action of the Committee on Care of Keefee, West Two Hundred and hifty- Bernard W. Kelly, West New Brighton, Staten Island. Buildings in fixing the salaries of the fol- August Kruger, No. Madison avenue. ninth street, has been changed from Paver 353 lowing named Cleaners at the amounts set to Park Laborer, and his compensation George W. Molt, No. 138 Prince street. opposite their names, taking effect on the Julius Lieber, No. 94 Slott street. fixed at the rate of $3 per diem, to take dates indicated, was approved and rati- effect October 31, 1908. Paul Stern, No. It6 West Thirty-fourth street. fied: Death of Peter Munday, Two Hundred Ilamilton Stewart, Montrose avenue, Brooklyn. ;harry Siegel, Curtis High School, from John F. Corbett, No. 9 Richards street, Brooklyn. and Thirty-third street and Napier ave- $540 to $boo, October I, 1908. nue, Paver. Archibald Prehn, New Lots road, Brooklyn. Giovanni Chiodo, Public School 188, John '1'. , Joralemon street, Brooklyn. Manhattan, from $540 to $boo, November D1EP:IRTMENT OF FINANCE. Henry McLoughlin, No. 18 Dunham place, Brooklyn. T o 1908. John Acton, No. It8 John street, Brooklyn, Charles Stribeck, Morris I-high School, October 29-Lester S. Bowen, No. 43 Powers street, Brooklyn, appointed as Alexander McNeill, Carliek street, Brooklyn. front $540 to $600, November I, ipo8. William N. Kling, Front and Fourth streets, Brooklyn. Office Boy, salary $300 per annum, in the Theodore Balke, Morris Higlt School, General Adrttinistration Division, taking Frederick Freeman, No. 23 South street, Brooklyn. from $540 to $600, November I, 1908. William Lynch, No. 189 Montague street, Brooklyn. effect October 26, igo8. Guiseppe Della Corte, Morris high George M. Price, No. 7o Hooper street, Special. School, from $540 to $600, November i, Brooklyn, Clerk, salary $750 per annum, Charles E. Doyle, No. 78 Morton street. 1908. transferred front the Department of John W. Manning, No. 160 Carlton avenue, Brooklyn. Mary Simpson, 'Morris High School, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, to the Daniel J. Murray, No. 533 flicks street, Brooklyn. front $420 to $480, November I, 1908. Bureau of Assessments and Arrears, Respectfully, Orlando Vingenzo, Manual 'training Brooklyn office of this Department, taking II [N R`x- BREEN, Lieutenant in Command. IIigh School, from $480 to $540, November effect October to, 1908. ' 1, 1908. Nicholas MuIhall, Examiner in the Margaret IIealy, Manual Training High Bookkeeping and Awards Division, re- BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. School, from $420 to $480, November i, signed October L4, 1908. 1908. Harry J. Walsh, Auditor of Accounts in James J. Jones, Public School 81, BUREAU OF BUILDINGS. the Law and Adjustment Division, re- Queens, from $540 to $600, November I, signed October I,, 1908. 1908. liclen F. McDevitt, 'No. 532 Flatbush I herewith submit a report of the operations of the Bureau of Buildings, Borough George A. Slulhin, Curtis I-Tigh School, of Richmond, for the week ending October 24, 1908: avenue, Brooklyn, appointed as Stenog- front. $540 to $60o, November I, igo8. rapher and Typewriter (temporary), in the Plans lied for new buildings (estimated cost, $44,oco) ...... 8 The action of 11>e Committee on Care of Plans filed for alterations (estimated cost, $6,6 General Administration Division, with sal- 75) ...... • ...... 13 lhkti!dings in fixing the salary of the Jani- ary at the rate of $too per month, taking Plans filed for plumbing (estimated cost, $1,975) ...... 4 tor of Public School 8r, Borough of effect October 9, ig08. Violation of law reported ...... I Queens, for the care of the ]eased annex Violation notice issued ...... I to said school located at Cypress avenue Constructioninspections made ...... 301 and 1limrod street, Borough of Queens, PUBLIC HEARING. Ironand steel inspections made ...... it at the rate of $30 per month, for the Plumbing and drainage inspections made ...... 64 period from October to April, inclusive, Public hearing of the Committee on Modifications of the law allowed as regards concrete footings under foundations. 4 his salary from May to September, in- Buildings of the Board of Aldermen will elusive, to be the same as lie is now re- lie held in the Aldermanic Chamber, City JAMES MOORE, Acting Superintendent. ceiving, viz., $I5 per month, was approved Tfall, Borough of Manhattan, on Friday, James Nolan, Chief Clerk. and ratified. November 6, 1908, at 2 o'clock p. m., on The action of the Committee on Care of the following matter Buildings in assigning Michael Sinnott, CHANGES IN DEPARTMENTS, ETC. Arthur G. Mullin, Janitor-Engineer, An aniendntent to the Building Code Public School 5, Queens, $i,o8o, October Janitor of Public School 6, Borough of limiting height of buildings. BOARD OF EDUCATION. 21, 1908, Queens, to the care of the Astoria Ath- All persons interested in the above October 29-At a meeting of the Board izabethEl Knoll, Cleaner, Morris IIigh letic Field!, at a rate of compensation of matter are respectfully invited to attend. of Education held on the 28th inst., action School, $360, October 16, 19o8. $100 per nionth, taking effect October 16, P. J. SCUT.LY. City Clerk, and relative to appointments, transfers, etc., David J. Downie, Cleaner, Public School 19(8, and in relieving from the care of Clerk of the Board of Aldermen. was taken as follows: i88, Manhattan, $480, October 16, i9o8. said field, on the same date, Patrick The action of the Committee on Build- The action of the Committee on Care of O'Rourke, who was transferred from Pub- ings in accepting the resignation of George Buildings in assigning the following named lic School 6 to Public School 20, Queens, M. Forrest, Draughtsman, to take effect Janitors to the care of public schools, tem- was approved and ratified. November I, 19o8, was approved. porarily, they to receive the salary of the '('lie action of the Committee on Care of The action of the Committee on Special position, less the rent allowance in each Iluilding. in fixing the salary of Daniel Schools in assigning Edward Johnson to instance, was approved and ratified: Cnpiauie, Janitor, for the care of Public the position of Gardener-Driver at the New Thomas Owens, Public School 126, Alan- School 16, Borough of Queens (old and York Parental School, at a salary of $50 hattan, October 16, 1908. new buildings), at the rate of $3,408 per per month, without maintenance, taking James Carroll, Public School 131, Man- annum, front and after September i, i9o8, effect September I, 19o8, was approved and hattan, October i6, 1908. Otis approved and ratified. ratified. Michael Kelly, Washington Irving High The action of the President in suspend- The action of the Committee on Special School, annex, Grand street, October 16, ing from (lilt',', without pay, on October Schools in accepting the resignation of 1908. 26, 1908, John Dietz, Janitor of Public Bert Jonkhecr as Cleaner in the Man- Thomas J. McGuirk, Public School 6o, School 25, Borough of Brooklyn, pending hattan Truant School, and ill assigning Brooklyn, October 16, 19o8. the trial of charges to be preferred against hint to the duties of Caretaker in said Cornelius Foley, Public School 5, him, w'as approved and ratified. school, at a salary of $30 per month, with Queens, October t6, 1908. The action of the Committee on Care of maintenance, taking effect October 1, 1908, Michael Sinnott, Public School 83, Boi1dia_gs in terminating on October 17, was approved and ratified. Queens, October 16, i9o8. igo`t, the suspension of Edward A. Van The action of the Committee on Care of John J. Moran, Public School 112, Man- GIrden, Janitor of Public School 22, Bor- Buildings in appointing the following hattan, October 20, 1908. ough of The Bronx, who was suspended OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. nanied persons to tile positions and in the Frederick Boller, Public School 12, from duty without pay by the. President schools indicated, at the rates of compen- Oucens, October 20, 1908. on Octeber to, 19oS, pending the trial of charges, and in restoring him to duty on TATEMENT OF THE HOURS DURING sation specified, taking effect on the dates 'I'hc action of the Committee on Care of S which the Public Offices in the City are open mentioned in each instance, was approved Buildings in transferring the following October 17, 1908, it appearing that the for business and at which the Courts regularly open and ratified: named persons to the schools indicated, to charges could not be substantiated, was ap- and adjourn as well as the places where such ounces proved and ratified. are kept and such Courts are held, together with the Orville R. Todd, Janitor-Engineer, Pub- take effect November i, 1908, was ap- heads of Departments and Courts. lic School 48, Manhattan, $1,680, October proved and ratified: The action of the Committee on Care of 21, 1908. Michael Kelly, Janitor, with knowledge Buildings in fixing the salary of the posi- Stephen Morrissey, Janitor-Engineer, of steam heating, from Public School io6, tion of Janitor of Public School 89 (new), CITY OFFICES. Public School 113, Manhattan, $1,104, No- Man,iattan, to Public School 6o, Brook- Borough of Queens, at the rate of $200 per vember 1, 1908. lyn, $1,644. month, from and after September 3, 1908, MAYOR'S OFFICE. Harry Roger, Janitor-Engineer, Public No. 5 City hall, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays,q Thp mas P. Lichold, Janitor-Engineer, was approved and ratified. a. iii. to12m. School 126, Manhattan, $1,368, November from Public School Io9, Brooklyn, to Pub- The following named persons were ap- 'telephone, 8020 Cortlandt. I, 1908. lic School 87, Brooklyn, $2,244. pointed as janitors, with a knowledge of GEORGE. B. McCLELLAN, Mayor, Bernard J. Schneider, Janitor-Engineer, James F. Collins, Janitor-Engineer, Pub- Frank M. O'Brien, Secretary. steam heating, in the schools indicated, William A. Willis, Executive Secretary. Washington Irving High School, annex, lic School 30, Richmond, to Public School with the rate of compensation specified, to James A. Rierdon, Chief Clerk and Bond and Grand street, $1,380, October 21, 1908. 20, Richmond, $2,856. take effect November 2, 1908: V\ arrant Clerk. 11438 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 19o8.

BUREAU OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Warren A. Conover, Charles Buek, Lewis ITard- Freifeld, George J. Gillespie, John Greene, Lewis BUREAU OF THE CITY CHAMnERLAIN. log, Charles G. Smith, Edward F. Croker, Henry R. llaase, Robert L, Harrison, Louis Haupt, M. L).; Room 7, City Hall, 9 a. m, to 4 P. m, ; Saturdays, Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, 9 a. m, to 12 m. Marshall and George A. Just, Chairman. Thomas J. Higgins, Arthur Hollick, Charles H. Rooms 63 to 67. Telephone, 8o2o Cortlandt. Edward V. Barton, Clerk. Ingalls, Nathan S. Jonas. Hugo Kanzler, Max lames J. Martin, City Chamberlain. Patrick Derry, Chief of Bureau. Board sleeting every Tuesday at 2 p. M. Katzenbert,r, John C. Kelley, Alrick H. Alan, I enry J. Walsh, Deputy Chamberlain. Clement March, Mitchell May Dennis J. 1LicDon- Telephone, 4270 Worth. BUREAU OF LICENSES. aid, M. 1); Thomas J O'l)i,nuuhne, frank 11. Part- qa. m. to q p, m. ; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 12 m. BOARD OF PAROLE OF THE NEW ridge, George W. Schaedle, lleury II, Sherman Arthur S. Somers, Abraham Stern, M. Sannlei Telephone, Soto Cortlandt. YORK CITY BE.FORIMIATORY OF DEPARTMENT' OF HEALTH. John P. Corrigan, Chief of Bureau. MISDEMEANANTS. Stern, Cornelius J. Sullivan, Michael J. Sullivan, Principal Office, Room r, City Hall. Gaetano Bernard Su}-dam, IZu ,ert B. 'Thomas, John it. Southwest corner of Fifty-fifth street and Sixth Office, No. 148 East Twentieth street. Thomps(,n, George A. Vanrlenhoff 1'rank 1). AVil- aven(me, Borough of Afanhattan, 9 a. m. to 4 D'Anlato, Deputy Chief, Boroughs of Manhattan John V. Coggey, Commissioner of Correction, p m. and The Bronx. sey, George \V. Wingate, Egerton L. Winthrop, Jr., Burial I'ernnt and Contagious Disease Offices at- President. members of the Board. cva)s open. Branch Office Room 12, Borough Hall, Brooklyn. Wm. F. \Vyatt, Judge, Special Sessions, First James J. Kinsella, Deputy Chief, Borough of Brook- Egertun L. Winthrop, Jr., President. 1 elephone, 4900 Cohmlbus, Division. Jolm Greene, Vice-President. Thomas Darlington, Ill. D., Commissioner of Iyn. Robert J.. Wilkin, Judge, Special Sessions, Sec- Branch Office, Richmond Borough Ilall, Room 23 A. Emerson 1'alner, Secretary. Health and ]'resident. ond Division. Fred Ii. Johnson, Assistant Secretary. Alvah 11. Doty, M. I).; Theodore A. Bingham, New Brighton, S. I. William R. Woelfle, Financial James J. Walsh City Magistrate, First Division. Clerk, Borough of Richmond. C. B. J. Snyder, Superintendent of School Build- Commissioners. Edward J. Dooley, City Magistrate, Second Divi- logs. Eugene W. Scheffer, Secretary. Branch Office Hackett Building, Long Island sion. City, Borough of' Queens. I'atricicones, Superintendent of School Supplies. Herman 81.I;iggs, 51 O.,General Medical Officer. Samuel B. Hamburger John C. Heintz, Dominick i I K. M. Cook, Auditor. \inTe s M cC. Dliller Chief Clerk. Di Dario, James F. lioyfe. 'Thomas A. Dillon, Chief Cleric. V'alter Beusel. Al. I)., Sanitary Superintendent. Thomas R. Minnick, Secretary. Henry 111. Leipzig'er, Supervisor of Lectures. \1'illiam 11. Gtiilfoy, bl. 1)., 1Zegistlar of Records. AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS. Claude G. Leland, Superintendent of Libraries. Room 207, No. 280 Broadway, 5th floor, 9 a. m. to Borough of Manhattan. BOARD 'OF REVISION OF ASSESS- BOARD OF SUPERINTENDENTS. 4 P• m. Alonzo Blauvelt, Al. I)., Assistant Sanitary S11- Telephone, 2942 Worth. MENT'S. William H. Maxwell City Superintendent of perinteudent; George A. Roberts, Assistant Chief The Mayor, the Comptroller. ex-officio, Commis- Herman A. Metz, Com ptroller. Schools, and Andrew A\1. Edson, John H. Haaren, I Clerk. sioners John F. Cowan (]'resident), William H. Ten Francis K. Pendleton, Corporation Counsel. Clarence E. 1lleleuey, Thomas S. O'Brien, I(dward Charles J. Burke, M. D., Assistant Registrar of Eyck, John J. Ryan and John P. \Vindolph; IIarry Lawson Purdy, President of the Department of 13. Shallow, Edward L. Stevens, Gustave Strauben- Records. \\. \Valker, Secretary; Walter 11. Sears, Chief En- 'faxes and Assessments. miiller, joint H. Walsh, Associate City Superin- gineer. Henry J. Storrs, Chief Clerk, Finance Depart- tendents. Borough of The Bronx, No. 3731 Third avenue. ment NO 280 Broadway. DISTJuiC"r SUPERINTIiNDENTS. Alonzo Blauvelt, M. I)., Acting Assistant Sani- Te)'ephone, 1200 Worth. tary Suk/erintendent; Ambrose Lee, Jr., Assistant ARMORY BOARD. Darwin L. Bardwell, William A. Camphell. John Chief Clerk; Arthur J. (J'Leary, M. D., Assistant Mayor George I3. McClellan, the President of Chickerin • John AV. Davis, John Dwyer, James Registrar of Records. the Board of Aldermen, Patrick F. McGowan, BOARD OF WATER SUPPLY. ~1. Edsall, ilatthew J. Llgas, Edward 1). Farrell, Cornelius I). Franklin, John Griffin, M. D.; Juhn L. Brigadier-General George Moore Smith, Brigadier- Office, No. 299 Broadway. Borough of Brooklyn, Nos. 38 and 40 Clinton street. General John G. Eddy, the President of the I)epart- N. IImrt, henry \V. Jameson, Juumes, Charles John A. Bensel, Charles N. Chadwick, Charles A. W. Lyon Junes T. AIcCahe, A'illiaul J. O'Shea, Traverse R. Maxfield, 81. I)., Assistant Sanitary ment of faxes and Assessments, Lawson Purdy. Shaw, Coinnlissioners. Superinten(lent; Alfred T. lMetcalfe, Assistant Chief Ilarrie Davis, Secretary Room 6, Basement, Hall Julia Iticfnuan, :1ltied T. Schautlier, Albert Spiels, Thomas Bassett, Secretary. Edgar Dubs Shinier, Seth T. Stewart, Edward W. Clerk; S. J. Byrne, Al. D., Assistant Registrar of of Records, Chambers and Centre streets. J. Waldo Smith, Chief Engineer. Records. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. Stitt, (:race C. Strachan,oseph S. Ta}'lor, Joseph 1L \Wade, Evangeline E. Whitney. to 12 M. Borough of Queens, Nos. 372 and 374 Fulton street, Telephone, 3900 Worth. COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. HOAR]) OF I:X ASIIN I: I)S. Jamaica. Rooms 114 and 115 Stewart Building, No. 280 William 11. Maxwell, City Superintendent of Alonzo Blauvelt, Al. I)., Acting Assistant Sani- Broadway, 9 B. m. 1041). m. Schools, and James C. Byrnes, Walter I.. Hervey, tary Superintendent; George R. C cowl y, Assistant ART COMMISSION. Telephone, 4315 Worth. Jerome A. O'Connell, George J. Smith, Examiners. Chief Clerk; Robert Campbell, M. D., Assistant City Hall, Room 21. John Purroy 1\Iitchel, Ernest Y. Gallaher, Conl- Registrar of Records. Telephone call, 1197 Cortlandt. missioners. Robert W. de Forest, Trustee Metropolitan Borough of Richmond, Ni,',. 54 and (, Water street, Museum of Art, President: Frank 1). Millet, Painter, CHANGE OF GRADE DAMAGE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Stapleton, Staten lsluid, Vice-President; iIooard Mansfield, Secretary; A. COMMISSION. Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, John T. Slnrague. M. 1)., Assistant Sanitary Super- Augustus Iiealy,President of the Brooklyn Institute intendcnt; Charles T1t'ENTY-THIRD AND TWENT', -FOU1,111 wA1isS. 9 a. M. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 it. PI. to 12 nl. F. Hover, Assistant Chief Clerk' of Arts and Sciences; George 13. McClellan. Mayor '1'elcphun0, 1200 AFurth. J. AV'alter Wood,' M. I)., Assistant Registrar o? of the City of New York; John Bigelow, President Office of the Cmnmi,ssion, Room 138, No. 2 I lennvl A. Metz, Comptroller. Records. of New York Public Library; John J. Boyle, Sculptor; Broadway (Stewart Building), Borough of Manhat- Jolm II. McCooey and N.'1'aylor Phillips, Deputy Arnold W. Brunner, Architect; John B. Pine, tan, New York City. CuuI lit ro1lers. Charles Howland Russell. Commissioners-William E. Stillings, George C. I lubert L. Smith, Assistant Deputy Comptroller DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. John Quincy Adams, Assistant Secretary. Norton, Lewis A. Abrams. Tani Loeser, Secretary to Comptroller. I leery Smith, Commissioner of ('arks for the Iior- I.amont McLoughlin, Clerk. ou;;his of Manhattan and Richmond, and ]'resident Regular advertised meetings on Monday, AVednes- STAIN DIVISION. ]'ark Board. day and Friday of each week at 2 o'clock p. in. 11.3. Storrs, Chief Clerk, Room II. William J. Frtnsiuli, Secretary. BELLEVUE AND ALLIED HOSPITALS. Of(ices, ArsenalCentral Park. n0(li(KEI:I'IN(, ANT) AWARDS I)ll1:il(,N. Office, Bellevue Hospital, Twenty-sixth street and CITY CLERIC AND CLERIC OF THE 'Teleph,,ne, 201 za.Pla First avenue. Frulk \V. Smith, Chief Accountant and L'o„k- Michael . Keuneil)' C0snsissiunrr of Parks for Telephone 4400 Madison Square. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. heel-en, ltuom 8. the Bonin^Its of 1iroul.-iyn and Queens. Board of 1'rustees-Dr. John W. Brannan ('resi- City hall. Rooms II, 12; to a. in, to 4 p. nl,; Sat- Offices, 7.itchfield mansion, Prospect Park, Brook- dent; James K. Paulding, Secretary; Arden Ni. Rob- urdays, ma. M. to 1> Ill. SIOCK ANU BOND UIPISION. 1yn. bins, Samuel Sachs Leopold Stern, John J. Barry-, 'I'elephuue• 7560 Curtlandt. Junes J. Sullivan, Chief Stock and Bond Clerk, Telephone, 2300 South. John G. O'Keeffe, Ifobert \V. Ilebberd ex-officio. Y. J. Scully, City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Ruotu 85. 3 neph 1. Ileac, Coinmu1issiuuer of I'arks for the General Medical Superintendent, S. 't. Armstrong, Aldermen. P.unwgh of The f;i"nnx. M. D. I)hlite, Zbli,wski AIan.sion, Claremont Park. Joseph F. Prendergast, First Deputy City Clerk LOil)EAU OF AUI , John T. Oakley, Chief Clerk of the hoard of I7--AlAIN DIVISION. Opine bow's, q a. nl. to 4 p. ii.; Saturdays, 12 m. Aldermen. 1'. H. Quinn, Chief Auditor of Accounts, houm 27. lciepfinor, 2640'Llernunt. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. )useph V. Sculley Clerk, Borough of Brooklyn. Thomas J. McCabe, Deputy City Clerk, Borough LAW AND AIIJUSTM ear DIVISION. No. II City Hall, ro a. nl. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, of The Bronx. Jeremiah '1'. 111ahoney, Auditor of Accounts, DEPAI1TUENT OF PUJIILIC CHARRI'I'IES. ro a. m. to 12 m. William It. Zimmerman, Deputy City Clerk, lior- It mum 185. I'I1I NCI iAL nhiic E. Telephone, 7.60 Cnrtlandt. ongh of Queens. Tout of 1':,ut 'l';'rniy-sixth street, 9 a.m. to 4 p, m. Patrick F. McGowan. President. Jose`>h F. O'Grady, Deputy City Clerk, Borough BUREAU OF SiUNI('11'AL 1NVES'rlGAY1UN ANI) Saturdays, 12 nt. P. J. Scully, City Clerk. of Iticlmlond. STA rls'rICS. 'frlophnne.33--1 iladi'n,, Sgn:vc. Charles S. Hervey, Supervising Statistician and Icl;eit W. IIebherd, ComnIissiur,er. lti,V:urd C. Baker, First I leputy Commissioner. CITY RECORD OFFICE. Examiner, Roonl ISo. BOARD OF ASSESSORS. June, J. :\lcluerncy, Second Deputy Cnnunis- CiIARITA it li INSTITUTIONS DIVISION. siuner fur Ikuuklyu and I)ueeus, Nus. 327 to 331 Office, No. 320 Broadway, 9 a. m, to 4 p. m.; Satur- (BUREAU Oil 1'RIN'iiNG, S'IATIONEi(Y AND days, 12 m. 13LANK Jioi)KS. Daniel C. ]'otter, Chief Examiner of Accounts of Schermerhorn street, llruuklyn. '1'clephone, 2977 Llstitutions, Room 38. iilalll. Antonio Zucca. Supervisor's Office, ]'ark Row Building, No. 21 . McKee Borden, Secret,(ry. Paul \Veimann. Park It ow. Entrance, loom 807, 9 a. nL to 4 P. nl.; 'hues and Specifi atious Contracts, Proposals and James H. Kennedy. Saturdays, 9 a. Jn. to 12 iii. (II' Itch OF 'r1n[ Cur',' I'AVMASrIuR. l ',tinlates fur \V„rh ,old Alaleiials fur Building, Re- ]William H. Jasper, Secretary. Telephone, 1505 and 1506 Cortlandt. Supply No, 83 Chaulbe's street and Ni,. 65 Iteade street. pairs and Supplies, hills and Accuuuts, 9 a. nl. to 4 Telephone, 29, 3o and 31 Worth. Room, No.2, City hall. John 11. Timmerman, City'1'aytnaster. p. In.; S itur(Ia5'S, 12 nl. Patrick J. Tracy, Supervisor; henry Hc:11illen, Iimeau of Ue•peurlent Adults, foot of East Tweuty- Deputy Supervisor; C. A]cKcmie, Secretary. EN(;INEI:ItING DIVI';ION. sixth street. Office hours, 8.30 a. Ill. to 4 p. m. BOARD OF ELECTIONS. Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, 'title Children's Moreau, Ni,. 66 'Third avenue. Headquarters, General Office, No. 107 West Forty- COMMISSIONER OF LICENSES. Chandler Withing;on, Chief Engineer, 1Zoom 55. 011icc hours, 8.30 a. m. to 4 Q. M. first Street. Jeremiah Connell y, Superintendent for IRichmond Office No. 277 Broadway. Burunkh, Buruuch I fall, St. (;eurge, Staten Island. Commissioners - John T. Dooling (President), John 1 Bogart, Commissioner. DIVISION OF REAL KSTATE. Charles B. Page (Secretary'), Rudolph C. Fuller, Telephuue, loon TumUpkinsville. James Kane. awes I'. Archibald, Imputy Commissioner. Thomas F. Byrnes, Mortimer J. Brown, Apprais- John J Caldwell, Secretary. el:s of (Zeal Estate, IZuuln 157. A. C. Allen, Chief Clerk. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. ui.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. D[a•.tII'I'Mt:\T OF STREET CLEANING. to 12 Gm. BOROUGH OFFICES, BUREAU FOR THE COLLECTION OF TAXES. Nos. 13 to 21 ('ark row, q a. iii. to 4 p. 101. Telephone, 2828 S,Vorth. Telephone, 3863 Cortlandt. Manhattan. Borough of Manhattan-Stewart Building, ]Zoom Foster Cruv.ell Cununi,siuner. No. 112 \Vest Forty-second street. O. \Villiam II. 1':dw:uds, Deputy Commissioner, William C. Baxter, Chief Clerk. COMMISSIONERS OF SINKING FUND. David E. Austen, Receiver of Taxes. Borough of iianh;dtan. George B. McClellan, Mayor, Chairman: Merman Juhu I McDonough and William IL Loughran, Utve,, J. Murphy, Deputy Commissioner, Borough The Bronx. A. Metz, Comptroller: James J. Martin, Chalober- Deputy Receivers of ']'axes. of Brooklyn. II, ruu;;h of the Bronx-Municipal L'uilding, Third One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street anc Mott lain: Patrick 1'. Hc(u s in, President of the Board J erulne F. I(eilly, Deputy Commissioner, Borough of Aldermen, and Timoth y 1'. Sullivan, Chairman and Tremont avenues. of The lfronx. avenue (Solingen Building). John B. Underhill and Stephen A. Nugent, Dep- Cornelius A. Bunner, Chief Clerk. Finance Committee, Board of Aldermen, Members. John J. O'Brien, Chief Clerk. N. Taylor Phillips, Deputy Comptroller, Secretary; ut y iteceivera of ']'axes. Brooklyn. Office of Secretary, Room 12, Stewart Building. l;urough of Brooklyn-Municipal Building, Rooms Telephone, 1200 Worth. 2-8. DEPARTMENT O1, No. 42 Court street (Temple Bar Building). James B. Houck and William Gallagher, Deputy • TAXES AND George Russell, Chief Clerk. Receivers of 'faxes. AUSl'oS31P:A']'S. Hall of Records, corner of Chambers and Centre Queens. DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES. Borough of Queens-Hackett Building, Jackson Nos. 13"21 ]'ark ]tow. avenue and Filthi street, Long Island City. streets, Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. uL; Saturdays, Nu. 46 Jackson avenue, Long Island City. Iitorge II. Creed and Mason O. Smedley, Deputy 9 a. nl. to 12 u1. Carl Voegel, Chief Clerk, James \1'. Steveusun, Commissioner. Commissioners-Eacus(,s 1'urrly, ('resident; Frank ohs If. Little, Deputy Commissioner. Reoeiversof Taxes. Uniuuogh of Itichmond-Borough hall, St. George, Ilaymuloud, James II. 'fully, Charles I'utzel, Hugh Richmond. Edgar E. Schiff. secretary. IIastiugs, Charles J. McCormack, John J. 1Ialleras. Olhcehours,y Ii. 0).to4p.m. New Brighton. Borough Hall, New Brighton, S. 1. Saturdays, 9 a. ni. to 12 m. John De Morgan and F, Wilsey Owen, Deputy Charles M. Schwalbe, Chief Clerk, Receiveis of Taxes. Telephone, (w8o Cortlandt I)EPAR'I`MENT OI' WA'I'ItR SUPPLY, All offices open from 9 a. m. to e p. m.; Saturdays. (,1S AND Jsl.LIC'TR1CJ'PY, 9a.m.to12M. BUl(IiAU FOR 'r11E COELKG']TUN 01' ASSESSMI N'rS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION. AN II ARItEAIts. Nos. 13 to 21 ('ark row, 9 it. nl. 10 4 p. 11 Borough of Manhattan-Stewart Building, Room I'ele Ihnne;, Manhattan, 1520 Curt,andt; Brook- BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPOR- CENTRAL OFFICE. lyn, 3710 Alaiii: Oueens. 439 (;reeupuiut; l;ichuluusd, 1. 94 Tnnl I,ki,isvihle; l3m'uunx, 1,2 7lemunt. TIONMENT. No. 148 East 'twentieth street. Office hours from Daniel Moynahan, Collector of Assessments and 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.: Saturdays, 9 a. no to 12 M. ,fin 11. U'Ih"iel, Comm,nii,sioner. The Mayor, Chairman; the Comptroller, ('resident A rreaus. I. I". h.nughman, Deputy C.ormissloner. of the Board of Aldermen, ]'resident of the Hnniu''fi Telephone, 1047 Gramercy. Kich:u'd G. AWeldon, Deputy Collector of Assess- )` John V. Coggey, Commissioner. utul P. Garvey', Secretary to I )epaltment. of Manhattan, President of the Borough of I;ns'k- ments and Arrears. Ni. de Varuna, Chief Eny ineer. yn, President of the Borough of The Bronx, Presi- I;eorge \V. Meyer, Deputy Commissioner. Iii rough of The Bronx-Municipal Building, John B. Fitzgerald, Secretary. Ru,,mhiS 1-3. George W. Birdsall, Consulting Hydraulic En- dent of the Borough of Queens, President of the giulcer. Borough of Richmond. James J. Donovan, Jr., Deputy Collector of As- sessments and Arrears. (;eor'e F. Sever, Consultin • Electrical I?ngineer. DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND Charles F. Lacombe, Chiefl?ngiueer of fight and OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. Borough of Iirooklyn-Mechanics' Bank Building, Power. No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. 'Telephone, 2280 h"ERRIES. corner Court and Montague streets. M i, hael C. Padden, Water Hegister, Manhattan. Worth. Pier "A," N. R.Battery place. Thomas J. Drennan, Deputy Collector of Assess- ments and Arrears. %Villiam A. IIawlcy, Secretary to (_ommissioner. Joseph Haag, Secretary; William M. Lawrence, telephone, 300 )'lector. \Vihiauuu C. Cozier, Diluikv t;,uu,lluis'uiumuer, Bur- Assistant Secretary. Charles V. Adee, Clerk to AIlen N. Spooner, Conunissioner. Borough of (,)ueens-Hackett hum ilcling, Jackson it 11 of I;ruukl'n, Municipal )luilding, Itrooklyn. Board. Denis A. J udge, Deputy Commissioner. avenue and Viftli street, Long Island City. ,'lhn \V. McKay, Acting Clliel l':ngiueer, liruok- Joseph \V1 Savage, Secretary. Patrick E. Leahy, Deputy Collector of Assess- lyn. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER. Office hours, 9 a. In. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 12 m ments and Arrears. \Villianl R. 151cGuire, \Vat''r Register, Brooklyn. Nelson P. Lewis, Chief Engineer, No. 277 Broad- Borough of It icho1ond-St. George, New Brighton. Michael Hecht, lh-ptlty Cominitisiuner, Borough way Room 1408. Telephone, 2281 Worth. George Brand, Deputy Collector of Assessments (if The Bronx, Crotuna lark Lloi1dio ,', One I hundred Arthur S. Tuttle, Engineer in charge Division of DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. and Arrears. and Sevent y-seventh ,tie•rt and 'I 'hi ird avenue. Public Improvements, Nu. 277 Broadway, Room BOARD OF EDUCATION. 'fhomas ii. I.y nch, \1 :(ter Register, The Bronx. 2408. Telephone, 2281 Worth. BUREAU FOR THE COLLECTION OF CITY REVENUE Ch;uies C. Wissel, Del i t y Ci,muuuiuissiomuer Ilor- Harry P. Nichols, Engineer in charge Division of ('ark avenue and Fifty-ninth street Borough of AND OF MARKETS. oul;h of Queens, Ilackett Building, long island Franchises, No. 277 Broadway, Room 8m. Tele- Manhattan, 9 a. M. to 5 p. m. (in the month of Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, City. phone, 2282 Worth. August, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.); Saturdays, 9 a. nl. to Room 141. John It- Bowe, Ileputy Commissioner, Borough of 12 m, John M. Gray Collector of City Revenue and Rkhowud, Municipal Building, St. George. Telephone 558o Plaza. Superintendent oft Markets. Richard ñ. Aldcroftt, Jr.; Nicholas J Barrett, BOARD OF EXAMINERS. John 1'. Hobbs, Deputy Superintendent of Mar- Charles F.. Bruce, M. I7.; Joseph E. Cos, tg rove, kets. Rooms 6027 and 6028 Metropolitan Building, Ni,. Frederic R. Coudert Francis W. Crowninshield David O'Brien, I)eputy Collector of City Revenue. EXAMINING BOARD OF PLUMBERS. r Madison avenue, Borough of Manhattan, 9 a. In. Francis P. Cunnion, 'Thomas M. De Laney, Samuei Bartholomew F. Donohue, ]'resident; John J. BUREAU FOR TIIE EXAMINATION OF CLAIMS. to p. m.; Saturdays, 95.01. to 12 m. B. Donnell Horace E. Dresser A. Leo Everett, Moore, Secretary; Juhn min, i reusure; ex- Telephone, 584o Gramercy. Alexander Ferris, Joseph Nicola hrancolini, George Frank J. Prial, Chief Examiner. Room 181. officio, Horace Loomis and'Matthew F. ilealy. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3f, )9CS. THE CITY RECORD. 11439

Rooms Nos. r4, r5 and 16 Aldrich Building, Nos. Stated public meetings of the Comntission, Tues- Frederick I'. Simpson, Assistant Commissioner. f COUNTY CLERK. 149 and 15, Clmrch street. days and Fridays at 11„o a. m. in the Public Itear- Frederick O'Byrne, Secretary, IJamaica, Fourth Ward, Borough of Queens, City Office open during business hours every day in the tog Roont of the Conuuission, third floor of the Telephone, 241 1Vorth. of New York. year (except legal holidays). Examinations are held Tribune Buiiding. unless otherwise ordered. Office open, April I to October r, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.; on Monday, \%ednesday and Friday after is p. m. Cunimissirners-1L'illialu R. R'illcox, Chairman; I October I to April 1,9 a, m. to 5 p. m,; Saturdays William AlcCarr„11, Edward Al. Bassett, Milo R. ('O'IUISSIONER OF RECORDS. H, throughout the year until 12 noon. Maltbie, Julio Eustis. Counsel, George S. Cole- Office, Hall of Records, J oh» Niederstein, County Clerk, FIRE DEPARTMENT. man, Secretary, Travis 1I. Whitney. William S. Andrews, Cnmmiesinner. Henry J. 1Kaiter, be Deputy Cotinty Telephone, 4150 Beckluan. 3n>es (I. Farrell, Superintendent.Superintendent. Office hours for all, except where otherwise noted, J• Frank C. Klin•~enUeck, Secretary. James J. Plemin". Jr. Secretary. Telephone, 151)amaica. from 9 a. ni. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays 12 m, Telephone, 3900 VurtIl TI,NEMENT HOUSE l)1i'AlLPMENT. HEADQUARTERS. Manhattan Office, No, 44 East Ttsenty-third street. Nos. 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Man- Telephone, C331 Gramercy. COUNTY CLERK. COUNTY COURT. hattan. I Edmond 1. futter, Comm issioer.n Nos, 5, 8, q to and it New County Court-house Temporary CountyCourt-house,Long Island City. Tele )hone, 2230 Plaza, Manhattan; 2356 Main, L'rooklyli Office (Boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens Office hours from q a. m. to qp . m. Brooklyn. Cutrnty Court opens at ro a. in. Trial Ternls begin and Itichmur,a), temple Bar Building, Ito. 44 Peter i, I)oul Ill g, Cnnnty Clerk. first Munday of each month, except July, August Nicholas J. Hayes, Commissioner. Court street. Olin I Curry, I)eptrty, P. A. Whitney, Deputy Commissioner. and Septeurl)er. Special 'Penns each Saturday, ex- Telephone 3825 :slain. oseph J. Glennen, Secretary, ceIp~t durin • August and first Saturday of September. Charles C. \Vise. Deputy Commissioner, Boroughs ohn McKeown, Second Deputy Commissioner. Telephone, 870 Cortlandt. of Brooklyn and Queens. cuunty Midge's office always open at No. 336 Ful- roux Office, Nos. 2804, 2806 and 28o8 Third Ave - ton street. T amaica, N. V. William A. Larney. Secretary; Mark Levy, Secre- ue. tary to the Commissioner; George F. Dobson, Jr., DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Burt J. lion ,Frey, County Judge. Telephone, 967 Melrose. Telephone, 2 6 Jamaica. Secretary to the Deputy Commissioner, Boroughs \l;ilh;un I3. Calvert, Superintendent. Iiu lid bog for Criminal Courts, Franklot and Centre of Brooklyn and Queens. streets, Edward 1•F. Croker, Chief of Department. Office hours from q a m tel 5 p ni . Saturdays Thomas Lally, l)eput y Chief of Department in BOROUGH OFFICES. 9 a. in. to 12 11. , , DISTRICT ATTORNEY. charge, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. Wm.'I'ravers Jerome, I)istrict Attorney. Office, Queens County Court-house, Long Island Joseph L. Burked Inspector of Combustibles, Nos. IIDMO1eGI1 OF TllI! BRONC. ,lohn A. IIenneherry, Chief Clerk. City, 9 a, m. to 5 p: M. 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Manhattan. Telephone, 2304 Franklin. Ira (5. I)arrin, Iiistrict Attorney. telephone, 640 Plaza. Office of the ]'resident, corner Third avenue and Telephone, 39 Greeupoint. Franz S. \1'olf, Inspector of Combustibles, Bor- One hundred and Seventy seventh street; 9 a. m. to oughs of Brooklyn and Queens, Nos, 31,5 and 367 Jay 4 p. Ill.; Saturdays, o a. m. to 12 m. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. street, Brooklyn. Telephone, 3520 Main, Louis F. llaffen, President. No. 119 Nassau street, q a. m, to 4 p. m. i'L'IILIC ADMINISTRATOR. Peter Seery, Fire Marshal, Boroughs of Manhat- Ibury A. Gutubleton, Secretary. Williatn M. [foes Public Administrator. tan, The Bronx and Richmond. oho 1 'II Uu;V. Commissioner of Pohlic AYorks. Telephone, 6376 Cortlandt, No. I7 Cook avenue Elmhurst. William L. Beers, hire Marshal, Boroughs of John A. Ilawkins, Assistant Commissioner of John T. Robinson, 1I"ublic Administrator, County Brooklyn and Queens. Public Works. of Queens. Andrew I'. DCutin, Chief Inspector in Fire Alarm Josiah A, Briggs, Chief Engineer. REGISTER. Telephone, 335 Newtown. Teleg raph P.ureau. ;rederick (h'eiffenherg, Principal Assistant Topo- ]fall of Records. Office hours from 9 a, m. to 4 Will ant 'G Reggio, Chief of Battalion in charge grtt)hical Engineer. P , tn.; Saturdays 9 a. Ill. to 12 M. [hiring file months Bureau of Violatiins and Auxiliary lire Appliances, Charles II . Cirtham, Engineer of Severs. of July and August the hours are from 9 a. tn. to 2 SHERIFF. Boroughs of Manhattan, The Itronx and Richmond, Thomas Ii. O'Neil Superintendent of Sewers. II. ni County Court-house, Long Island City, 9 a,m. to Nos. 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Alanhat- Samuel C.'Chompson,Engineerof II hi ways. ]rank Gass, Register. 4 I>• 1» ; Saturdays, q a. m. to 12 m. tan. Brooklyn and Queens, Nos. 365 and 367 Jay Patrick J. Reville, Superintendent of Iluildin's. William II. Sinnott, Deputy Register. llerbert S. Ilarvey, Sheriff. street, Brooklyn. John A. flas„it, Assistant Superintendent Iof 'Telephone, 3900 Worth. John Al. Phillips, Under Sheriff. Central office open at all hours, IPtildirgs. 1 elephone 43 Greenpoint (office). L'e'er J. Stumpf, Superintenclent of 11 ighwa ys. SIIERI'FF. Henry O. ?Schleth, 1\arden, Queens County Jail. Allert II. I.iebenan, Superintendent of Public 'Telephone, 372 (ireenpoint. Buildings and Offices, No. 299 Broadway, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 LAW DkIPARTbMENT. 'Telephone, 66 Tre.mont. a. m. 10 12 111. 'i'homas I. Foley, Sheriff. OFFICE OF CORPORATION COUNSEL. SURROGATE. IIOIiOUGH OF BROOKLYN. John F. Gilchrist under Sheriff Hall of Records, Chambers and Centre streets, J'elephone, 4984 AForth. I)aniel Noble, Surrogate, 6th, 7th and 8th floors, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, President's Oftire, Nos. 15 and 16 Borough I lall, 9 Office at Jamaica. 9a. ni. to12in. a. Ill. to 4 p. m.; Sattlydays, 9a. Ill, to 12 m. Except on Sunday's, holidays and half holidays, Telephone, 3900 Worth. Bird S. Cuter. President. SURROGATES. the office is open between ]larch 31 and July I, from Francis K. Pendleton, Corporation Counsel. Charles Frederick Adams, -.ecreta.ry. hall of Records. Court open from q a. n1, to 4 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.; on Saturdays, from 8 a. m, to 12 Assistants—Theodore Couroly, George 1.. Ster- ,John A. Ileffernan, Private Secretary. p. m., except Saturday when it closes 'tt 12 m. m.; between July r and September t, from 9 a. m. to ling, Charles 1). Olendorf, William P. tlurr, It. Percy 1'huntas R. Farrell, Coomlissiuner of Public I luring the months of July and August the hours are Works. 4 p• Ilt•- on Saturdays, from 9 a. m. to 12 M. Chittenden I)avid Runusey William Beer; Crown.] from 9 a m. to 2 p, M. The calendar is called on Tuesday of each week at J ohn L. O'htrien, Terence Parley, Cornelius F. Col- tmes At. 1'ow+er, Secretary to Commissioner. Abner C. Thomas and Charles II. Beckett, Surro- to a. m., except during the month of August, when lins, John F. O'Brien, Edward S. Malone Edwin J )avid F. 11oore, Superintendent of Buildings. gates; William V. Leary, Chief Clerk. no court is held, and the court sits every day there- Freedman Louis II. II alibi, Frank l. Pierce, James Dunne, Superintendent of the Bureau of after until all contested cases have been disposed of. Stephen O'Brien, Charles A. O'Neil, Richard I1. Sewers. Telephone. 397 Jamaica. Mitchell, John Widdecombe, Edward J. McGold- Joseph Al. I.awrence, Superintendent of the rick, Curtis A. Peters, Thomas F Byrne, Arthur Bweau of Public Buildings and Offices. KINGS COUNTY. Sweeny, Joel J. Squicr Ilru'ford P. Walker, George P. Nicholson, George I1. Folsell William I1, I~in•, COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. RICHMOND COUNTY. Alfred W. L'ooraent Josiah A. tover, Thomas V ROROUGII OF MANHATTAN. Noonan, J Gabriel Britt, Royal E.T. Riggs, 011ice' of the ]'resident, Nos. 14, 15 and r6 City County Court -house. ChCharles McIntyre,Solon Solo Herrick, Francis J. liyrne, I all, 9a, m, to 4 p. In.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. JJacob Brenner, C i 1111111issioner. ('(FWIISSIONER OF JURORS. Jacob A. Livingston, Deputy Commissioner. Tames P. O'Connor, William 11. Jackson, Edward uhn 1'. Ahearn. President. Village I f all, Stapleton. 1VMax 'sun son, ElliotN r SS. 1Bene enedlcdict ,, Clarence L. Barber, Ibernard DowninC, Secretary. Albert It. Waldron, Secretary. Office hours from 9 a, nt. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, Charles J. Kullman, Commissioner. Isaac Phillips, Edward A. McShane, Eugene Pay. J uhn Cl0uT;Fen, 2umn>issiouer of Public Works. John J. 11cCaughey, Assistant Conlntissioner. Secretary to the Corporation Counsel—Edmund janies J. Hagan, Assistant Commissioner of l'ub- from 9 a. nt. to 12 m. Of lice hours during July and August, 9 a. M. to 2 Office open from 9 a. m. until 4 p. m.; Saturdays, Kirby. lic \1',;rks. front9a. Ill. to12III. Chief Clerk—Andrew T. Campbell. Edward S. Murph y. Superintendent of Buildings, p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 M. Telephone, main. 'Telephone, 81 Tompkinsville. George F. Scannell, St erinlenduut if 1ligliways. 1454 IIRDOKLYN 01-I-ICE. Frank J. Gnudwin, Superintendent of Setters. Borough flail, 2d floor, 9 a. m. to 4 p. no Satur- John R. A'oorlbs, Suprrint.ndent of Buildings da.y's, 9 a. ni. to 12 ill. and Offices. TeT cub Imo, b72, Curtla,)dt. ('OM)iISSIONER OF RECORDS. COUNTY CLERK. 1'clephone, 2948 Alain. I f all of Records. County Office Building, It ichniond, S. I., q a. iii. to James 1). l ell, Assistant in charge. 011mce hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., excepting months 4p.m. IIOROUGII OF QIIH:ENS. of July and August. then 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., Satur- C. L. Bostwick, County Clerk. BUREAU OF STREET OPENINGS. President's Office, Boron);] hall, Jackson avenue days q B., m. to 12 n]. County Court-house, Richmond, S. I., 9 a. m. to 4 No. qo West Broadway, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Satur- and Fifth street, Lon- Island City; 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. Lewis 41. Swasev_ , Commissioner. p. m. day's, 9 a. m. to 12 III, S;tturdays, 9 a. m, to 12 m. I). li. Ralston, l leputy Commissioner. Telephone, 28 New Dorp. Telephone. St90 Cortlaudt. Lawrence (:reser President. Telephone, r I14 11 ain. John 1'. ])unit, Assistant in charge. Jultn M. Cragen, ~ecretary. Thomas 1). 111os'ccop, Superintendent. Alfred Denton, Commissioner of Public AYorks, William J. Beattie, Assistant Superintendent. COUNTY JUDGE AND SURROGATE. BUREAU FOR THE RECOVERY OIL PENAI.TII:S. Ilarry Sutphin, Assistant Commissioner of Pub- Telephone, 1082 Main. lic 11 urks. Terris of Court, Niehmi)od County, 1998. No. nq Nassau street, 9 a. 1n. to 4 p. m.; Satur- Janes P. ]licks, Superintendent of highways. COUNTY CLERK. County Courts—Stephen 1). Stephens, County da}•s,9n.m.to12III. Carl Berger, Superintendent of Buildings. Judge. 1'elephune, 4526 Cortlandt. thin J Hallerau, Superintendent of Sewers. hall of Records, Urouklyn. Office hours, 9 a. m. First Monday of June, Grand and Trial Jury. Ilerm;un Stiefcl, Assistant in charge. ~anies E. Clonin, Superintendent of Street Clean- to 4 p. n>.; dtuiug mouths of Julyand August, 9 a. m. Second Monday of November, Grand and Trial in .. to 2 p. m.;, Satm'days, q a. m. to 12 m. Jury. BUREAU I Olt Tills COI.I.¢CTION Oil ARItRARS OF Edward F. Kelly, Superintendent of Public I3uild- I`r:u;k Fillers, County Clerk. Fourth Wednesday of January, without a Jury. PE?RSONAL TAXES. ings and Offices. Robert A. Sharkey, lhputy County Clerk. Fourth \1 'ednesday of 'ebruary, without a Jury. No. 280 Broadway, 5th floor. Office hours for pub- Telephone, rcooGreenpoint. )()fill Cooper, ,Asistlllt I)eputy County Clerk. T cloth Wednesday of March, without a J ury. lic, q a. In. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 1201. 1 elephone call, 4930 Hain. Fourth Wednesday of April, without a Jury. Telephone, 45851Vorth. Fourth \1'ednesday of July, without a Jury. Geo. O'Reilly', Assistant in charge. BOROUGH OF RICIIIIIOND. COUNTY COURT. Fourth Wednesday of September, without a Jury. President's Office, New Bri; ]ton, Staten Island. Fourth Wednesday of October, without a Jury. TENI..MIENT HOUSE iURKAU AND BUREAU 01-' George Crumtvell, Resident. County Court -house, Brooklyn, Rooms In. 17. 18, Surrogate's Court—Stephen D. Stephens, Surro- BUILDINGS. Mayl)ury Piemiog, SscIet.ry. 22 and 23. Court opens at ro IL. II daily- and sits gate. Louis Lincoln 'll'ibus, Cousultin Engineer and until business is completed. I'art I., Rr'nm Nu. 23; 1himidays,at the Borough Ilail, St.George, at 10.30 No. 44 East Twenty third street, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Part II., Rouen Nu. to. Court-house. Clerk's (ffice, o'clock a. tn. Saturdays, 9 a. nt. to 12 m. Actin,[; Cb,nimissioner of Public AVorhs. J ohn S,.:d „u • Superintendentu of Buildings. Ruums 17, t8 and 22, open daily from 9 a. nt. to 4 'Tuesdays, at the Borough Hall, St. George, at 10.30 'Celephone, ig6r C ;imercy, , nt.; Saturdays, 12 m. o'clock a. tn. Jubu V. (. 'Brien, Assistant in charge. )l. F. L'uel. Superintendent of iii'ht+ays, P john 1'. Fetherston, Su lien inteIITent of Street tiurman S. I )ike and Lewis L. Fawcett, County Wednesdays, at the Surrogate's Office, Richmond C lc«n i ug. Judges. at 10.30 o'clock a. in. h:rilest lf. Seehusen, Superintendent of Sewers. Charles S. I)evoy, Chief Clerk. !I ETROPOLITAN SEWERAGE CO3IMIS- John Timlin, Jr., Superintendent of Public build- Telephone, 4154 and 4155 Main, SION. ings and Offices.' DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Office, No. r7 l;attery place. George II. Soper, George W. Tuttle, principal Assistant Engineer, DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Boron"h Hall, St. George, S. I. I'll. I)., President; James II. Fuertes Secretary; II, linreau of 1•:nf;ine=erinl;-1'u),n o'rphlcri. Samuel 11. Evins, de It, Parsons, Charles St;,ysmith, Linsly R.1Vill- 'Theodor S.I SIIIll, Prinvhp.tb :ls'sistaut Engineer, Office. County Court-house, Borough of Brooklyn. Telephone, 50 Tompkinsville. iams, Ill. 1). Bureau of 1?n„inccring—Cunstructiun. Ifours. 9 a, _n>. to 5 p. m. 'Telephone, 1694 Rector Offices—Borough Ilall, New Brighton, N. Y., 9 ,)lo I. Clarke. II'l-tent ,\ttnrney. Cclephune nun;Ucr, 295; (,;—Main. a. m. to 4 p. nt. S;ItIIl;hlys, 9 a. m. to 12 m. SHE It1FF. 'Telephone, i000 Tompkinsville. MUNICIPAL (1VIL SERVICE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. Cotmt }' Court-house, Richmond, S. I. COMMISSION. Of ice twurs, 9 a. m. to 4 p, III. CORONERS. No, 44 Court street (Temple Bar), Brooklyn, 9 Joseph J. Barth, No. 299 Broadway, 9 a. m. to 4J1. m. a. nt. to 5 p- w, Frank L. Polk, R. Ross Appleton. Ardour J. Borough of The Bronx—Corner of Third avenue .fu(1 '1'renlunt avenue. Telephone, 1250 Tremont Charles 1'.. 'Peale, Public Administrator. O'Keelfe, Telephone, 2840 Maiu. Frank A. Spencer, Secretary and 1402 '1I c•m„nt. John F. Skelly, Assistant Secretary. Robert IF. 7,1iI)unald, A . F. Scltwannecke, THE COURTS. Labor Bureau, William '1'..\n'tiu Chief Clerk. REGISTER. Nos. 5.1 (to Lafayette street. Ittn'uogl of flrll, tlyn--Office, Rooms I and (tall of Records. Oflire hours, 9 a. ni. to 4 p. ni., APPELLATE. DIVISION OF THE 1'eTepPl0ns, 2140 W\ urth. Municipal Building. kiephlloe, 4004 M;tin and esreytiug month. of J 111 and AM;oet ; then from 9 400c Jlain. a. m. to 2 1.'. m., Irovide•ci 1. in by statute. SUPREME COURT. Ileery' J. llrert'er, M. 1).. John F. Kennedy. \\ illi:urt A. I'r, od('o;, t, Kegleter. I-1RST JUDICIAL DEI'ARTMFN'. Joseph 11lc(;uilluc'ss, Chief Clerk. Frederick 11. 1•:. HbsteiIi, Ileputy Register. Court-house, Madison avenue, corner Twenty-fifth Mi'NIl'1PA1, ENi'IOSlVES (;OMMMSSION. Open all hours of the clay and night. '1'eleph,)ne. 2830 Hain street. Court opens at I p. m. Nos. 157 and 151) Fast Sixty-seventh street, I teach- Bnruu,gh IIf M:ulhuttan--ORice, Criminal Courts Edward Patterson, ]'residing Justice; Geor Building, Centre and \1'hite ;.treets. Open at all ge I.. quartile file I)ct,arlluent. Sill RII"F. Ingraham, Chester Ii. McLaughlin, Frank C. l'aMvk A. A1hilu,•y, I)eputy I ire Commissioner times of Chic day,Old nif;ht. Laughlin, John Proctor Clarke, James W. Houghton, and (']airman: A1'illiam Munt~;i,n my, John Sherry, Coroners: JIIlic.e hatP11'ter, Peter I', Acritelli, County Court-huttse, Iirooklyn, N. Francis M. Scott, Justices; Alfred Wagstaff, Clerk; C. Andrade, Ir., Abram A. lireieuiatu. Ceur;;e I”, Shrady. Jr., ]'suer Dooley. l a. In. to .` p. m.: Saturdays, 12 III. \Villiam I.amb, I)eputy Clerk. Franz S. Wolf, Secretary, No. 157 Sixty-East ulius Iiarhurger, ]'resident lboard of Coroners. Alfred T. II Alley, Sheriff. Clerk's OBice opens at 9 a. m. s'e•ventli street. )acub E. Bausch, Chiel Clerk. I.e vis Al. Swasry, Under Sheriff. 1'elephUUe, 3840 Madisun Square. Stated ni let ig,n Fri day of each week, at 3 p. m. J eli' Hones. host, 5057, 5o58 Franklin. 'I'eloplwnc, 68.15, 6846, 6847. Main. TuIcIiCo11c, 640 Pl:ta.a. Itm ough of Queens--II ce, Borough flail, Fulton street, J:unaica, L. I, Samuel I). Nutt Alfred S. Ambler. SURROGATE. SUPREME COURT—FIRST DEPART- POLICE DEPARTMENT. At art in 41 ugc'r, Jr., C hies C echo Ilall of Records, Brooklyn, N. 1'. MENT. IIerbert T. KetdI:un, F,urro ate. ('1•:N "I RAE. Of 1'ICF:. Office hours front q a. ni . to to p. tn. County Court-house, Chambers street. Court open No, Son Mull erry strait, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Borough u( IIic'hutund— No. -04 Second street, h:duard J. Beruen, Chief Clerk and Clerk of the from lo.i5 a. in. to 4 p, m. '1'olc•phune•, 3 i Spring. New Brighton. (Ipeu for the transaction of busi- Surrogate's Cuurl. Special Terra, Part 1. (motiotls), Room No. 16, 7'leml;t A. Ifinpiaui, Cohimistiiuner, ness all hours of the day and night. Court opens at to a. m. Office hours, q a. m. to 4 p. m.: Saturday's, 9 a. nt. to 12 m. Special Term, Part 11. (ex-parte business), Room William P. (taker, First I'cputy Cumntisiuner. Matthew J. Cahill. No. 13. Frederick 11. laugher, Second Deputy Commis- Telephone, 7 Tumplcinsville. T elephone, 3954 Main. Special Term. Part III., Room No. rq. sioner. Special 'l'erm, Part IV. Roon) NO 20. Inert II arson. 'Third I )spot y Commissioner. Special'ferm, ]'art V., itoom No.6, I);uiicl (i. SLtttery, Set- ret;u'y'to Commissioner. COUNTY OFFICES. QUEENS COUNTY. Special 'I erm, Part \'I. (Elevated Railroad cases), William H. Kipp, Chief Clink. Room No. 31, CfUl911551(1XER OF JURORS. Trial Ternt, Part II., N 0011 No. 3q. NEW YORK COUNTY. Trial Term, Part III., Room No. 22. TI llI,I(; Sl91(VI('E ('O3IMI)iSION. Office hours, 9 a. ni. to 4 p. Ill.; July and August, 9 COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. 'h'nial'herm, fart I\'., Room No. 21. The Public Service Commission for the First I)is- a.tu. to 2 p. in.; Saturdays 9 a. m. to 12 m. Queens 'Trial Term, fart V'., It l oll No. 24. trict, Tribune Building, No. 154 Nassau street,' It 0001 127, Stewart Building, Cllamhers street and County Cnw't-house, Long Island City. 'trial Term, Part \'I., Rooni No. r8. ➢hohattall. Ilruadway, 1 a. m. to 4 p. III. ) uhn 1'. I>albert, Commissioner of Jurors. Trial Term, ]'art VII., Room No.—. Oflice hours, 8 a. m. to It p. m., every day in the Thomas Allison, Commissioner. Rudman Richardson, Assistant Commissioner. 'Trial Term, Part \'ll j ' Room No. 23. year, including holidays and Sundays. Matthew F. Neville, Assistant Commissioner. Telephone, 455 Greenpoint. Trial Terns, Part IX., Room No. 35. 1T440 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1908.

Trial Term, Part X., Room No. 26. Second Division. by the centre line of Fifth avenue to the northerly Sixth District-The Sixth District embraces the Trial Term, Part XI., Room No. 27 terminus thereof, and north of the northerly ter- Borough of Brooklyn. Ninth and Twenty-ninth Wards and that portion of Trial Term, Part XII., Room No.-. minus of Fifth avenue, following in a northerly the Twenty-second Ward north of the centre line of Trial Term, Part XIII., and Special Term, Part City Magistrates-Edward J. Dooley, James G. direction the course of the Harlem river, on a line Prospect avenue; also that portion of the Eleventh VII., Room No. 36. Tighe, John Naumer E. G. I-Iigginbotham, Frank conterminous with the easterly boundary of said bor- and the Twentieth Wards beginning at the intersec- Trial Term, Part XIV„ Room No. 28. E. O'Reilly, Henry I. Furlong, Alfred E. Steers, ough, on the north and west by the northerly and tion of the centre lines of Bridge and Fulton streets; Trial Term, Part XV. Room No. 37. A. V. B. Voorhees, Jr., Alexander H. Geismar, John westerly boundaries of said borough. thence along the centre line of Fulton street to Flat- Trial Term, Part XVI., Room No.-. F. Hylan. Phillip J. Sinnott, David L. Weil; John R. Davies, bush avenue; thence along the centre line of Flat- Trial Term, Part XVIL, Room No. 20. President of the Board, Edward J. Dooley, No. 318 Justices, bush avenue to Atlantic avenue; thence along the Trial Term. Part XVIII., Room No. 29. Adanis street. Human B. Wilson, Clerk; Robert Andrews, centre line of Atlantic avenue to Washington avenue; Appellate Term, Room No. 29. Secretary to the Board, Charles J. Flanigan, Deputy Clerk. thence along the centre line of Washington avenue Naturalization Bureau, Room No. 38, third floor. Myrtle and Vanderbilt avenues. Location of Court-No. 7o Manhattan street. to Park avenue; thence along the centre line of Park Assignment Bureau, room on mezzanine floor, Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holi- avenue to Waverly avenue ; thence along the centre northeast. C ousts. days excepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 p. nr. line of Waverly avenue to Myrtle avenue; thence Clerks in attendance from io a. m, to 4 p. m, First District-No. 318 Adams street. along the centre line of Myrtle avenue to Hudson Cletl:'s Office, Special Term, Part I. (motions), Second District-Court and Butler streets. Eighth District-The Eighth District embraces avenue; thence along the centre line of Hudson ave- Roots No, r5. Third District-Myrtle and Vanderbilt avenues. the territory bounded on the south by the centre nue to Johnson street ; thence along the centre line Clerk's Office, Special Term, Part II. (ex-parte Fourth District-No. 6 Lee avenue. line of One I lundred and Tenth street, on the west b of Johnson street to Bridge street, and thence along business),ound floor, southeast corner. Fifth District-No. 249 Manhattan avenue. the centre line of Fifth avenue, on the north and the centre line of Bridge street to the point of begin- Clerk's Office, Special Term, Calendar, ground Sixth District-No. 495 Gates avenue. east by the northerly and easterly boundaries of ning. floor, south. Seventh District-No. 3r Snider avenue (Flatbush). said borough, including Randall's Island and the Lucien S. Bayliss and George Fielder, Justices, Clerk's Office, Trial Term, Calendar, room north- Eighth District-West Eighth street (Coney Is- whole of Ward's Island. Charles P. Bible Clerk, east corner, second floor, east. land). Joseph 1'. Fallon, Leopold Prince, Justices. Court-]louse, i4. 6tr Fulton street. Clerk's Office, Appellate Term, room southwest Ninth District-Fifth avenue and Twenty-third ilham J. Kennedy, Clerk; Patrick J. Ryan, corner, third floor. street. Deputy Clerk. Seventh District-The Seventh District embraces Trial Term, Part I. (criminal business). Tenth District-No. 133 New Jersey avenue. Location of Court-Sylvan place and One Hun- the Twenty-sixth, 'Twenty-eighth and Thirty-second Criminal Court-house, Centre street. dred and Twenty-first street, near Third avenue. Wards. Justices-Charles H. Truax, Charles F. MacLean, Borough of Queens. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holi- Alexander S. Rosertbal and Edward A. Richards, Henry I3ischoff, Jr., Leonard A. Giegerich, P. Henry City Magistrates-Matthew J. Smith, Joseph days excepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Justices. Samuel F. Brothers, Clerk. Dugro, Henry A. Gildersleeve, James Fitzgerald, Fitch, Maurice E. Connolly, Eugene C. Gilroy. Telephone, 3950 lIarlem. Court-house, corner Pennsylvania avenue and Ful- James A. O'Gorman, James A. Blanchard, Edward ton street (No. 31 Pennsylvania avenue). S. Clinch Samuel Greenbaum, Edward E. McCall, Courts. Ninth District-The Ninth District embraces the Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. ; Satur- Edward )i. Amend, Vernon Al. Davis, Victor J. First District-St. Mary's Lyceum, Long Island territory bounded on the south by the centre line days, 9 a. m. to 12 in. Trial days, Tuesdays, Wed- Dowling,oseph Newburger John W. Goff Samuel City. of Fourteenth street and by the centre line of Fifty- nesdays Thursdays and Fridays. Seabury, H Warley Platzei Peter A. I'endrick, Second District-Town Hall, Ilushing, L. I. ninth street from the centre line of Seventh avenue ,Jnry clays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. John Lord, Charles \V. Dayton, ]ohn. Brady, Third District-Central avenue, Far Rockaway, to the centre line of Central Park \Vest, oil the east Telephone, 904 East New York. Mitchell L. Erlanger, Charles L. Guy, James W. L. 1. by the centre line of Lexington avenue and by the Gerard. centre line of Irving place, including its projection Borough of queens. Peter T. Dooling, Clerk, Supreme Court. Borough of Richmond, through Gramercy Park, and by the centre line of Telephone, 4580 Cortlandt. City Magistrates-Joseph B. Handy, Nathaniel Fifth avenue from the centre line of Ninety-sixth First District-First \V'ard (all of Long Island City Marsh. street to the centre line of One I undred and Tenth formerly composing five wards). Cnurt-room, St. Courts. street, on the north by the centre line of Ninety- Mary's Lyceum, Nos. sm5 and 117 Fifth street, Long First District-Lafayette place, New Brighton, sixth street from the centre line of Lexington avenue Island City. SUPREME COURT-SECOND DEPART- Staten Island. to the centre line of Fifth avenue and by One Hun- Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. each MENT. Second District-Village Hall, Stapleton, Staten dred and Tenth street from Fifth avenue to Central day, excepting Saturdays, closing at 12 m. Trial Island, Park \West, on time nest by the centre line of Seventh days, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. All Kings County Court-house, Borough of Brooklyn, avenue and Central Park West. other business transacted on Tuesdays and Thurs- N.Y. Edgar J. 1-auer, Frederick De Witt Wells, Frank days. Court open daily from ro o'clock a. m. to5 o'clock MUNICIPAL COURTS. I). Sturges, William C. Wilson, Justices. Thomas C. Kadien, Justice. I hmomas F. Kennedy, p, m. Seven jury trial parts. Special Term for Borough of Manhattan. William J. Chamberlain, Clerk; Charles Healy, Clerk. Trials. Special Ierm for Motions. Deputy Clerk. Telephone, 2376 Greenpoint. James F. McGee General Clerk. First District-The First District embraces the Location of Court-Southwest corner of Madison Telephone, 5460 Main. territory bounded on the south and west by the Second District-Second and Tltird Wards, which avenue and Fifty-ninth street. Clerk's Office open include the territory of the late 'Towns of Newtown southerly and westerly boundaries of the said daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from borough, on the north by the centre line of Four- 9a.m.to4p.m. and Flushing. Court-room in Court-house of the teenth street and the centre line of Fifth street from Telephone, 3873 Plaza. late To en of Newtown, corner of Ilroadway and CRIMINAL DIVISION-SUPREME the Bowery to Second avenue, on the east by the Court street, Elmhurst, New York. P. O. Address, COURT. centre lines of Fourth avenue from Fourteenth Boroug of The Elmlmrst, Queens County, New York. street to Fifth street, Second avenue, Chrystie street, h Bronx. William ]fast uin, Jr., justice. Luke I. Connor- Building for Criminal Courts, Centre, Elm, White Division street and Catharine street. First District-All that part of the Twenty-fourth ton, Clerk. William .epper, Assistant Clerk. and Franklin streets. \Vauhope Lynn, William F. Moore, John Hoyer, Ward which was lately annexed to the City and James II. Snediker, Stenographer. Court opens at 10.30 a. m. Justices. County of New I'ark by chapter 934 of the Laws of Trial days, Tuesdays and Thursdays; Fadays Peter J. Dooling, Clerk; Edward R. Carroll, Thomas O'Connell, Clerk; Francis Mangin, t8g5, comprising all of the late 'Town of Westchester (for Jury Trials only). Special Deputy to the Clerk. Deputy Clerk. and part of the 'I owns of Eastchester and Pelh;m,, Clerks Office o pen front 9 . to 4 p. m. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. tn. to 4 p. m. Location of Court-Merchants' Association Build- including the Villages of Wakefield and Williams- Telephone, 87 Newtown. Telephone, 6064 Franklin. ing, Nos. 54-6o Lafayette street. Clerk's Office open bridge. Court-room, Town I tall, Main street, West- daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from chester Village. Court open daily (Sundays and Third District-Fourth and Fifth Wards, com- 9a. M. to 4 2. In, legal holidays excepted4, from q a. m. to 4 p. m, prising the territory of the former 'f'owns and Vil- An additional Part of Court is now held in Tenth 'l rial of causes, Tuesday and Friday of each week. lages of Jamaica, Far Rockaway and Rockaway COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. street and Sixth avenue. Peter A. Shell, Justice. Beach. Held in the Building for Criminal Courts, Centre, Telephone, 6030 Franklin. Stephen Collins, Clerk. armies F. McLaughlin, Justice. George W. Damon, Elm, \1 kite and Franklin streets. Office horns from 9 a. in. to 4 p. m; Saturdays Cleric. Court opens at 10.30 a. in. Second District-The Second District embraces closing at 12 nt. Court-house, Town Hall, Jamaica. Thomas C. 1'. Crain, Otto A. Rosalsky, Warren the territory bounded on the south by the centre line 'Telephone, 457 Westchester. '1' ele h,oe, n 189 Jaaica.m V. Foster, Thomas C. O'Sullivan. Edward Swann, of Fifth street from the Bowery to Second avenue Clerk's Office open from a. m. to 4 m. and on the south and east by the southerly and Second District-Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth P. Joseph F. Mulqueen, James T. Malone,)udges of \Cards, except the territory described in chapter 934 Court held on Mondays, Wednesday's and Fridays the Court of General Sessions. Edward Is. Carroll, easterly boundaries of the said borough, on the at9a.m. north by the centre line of East Fourteenth street, of the laws of i8g5. Court-room. southeast corner Clerk. 'Telephone, i2oi Franklin. of Washington avenue and One hundred and Sixty- Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. on the west by the centre lines of Fourth avenue Borough of Richmond. from Fourteenth street to Fifth street, Second second street. Office hours, from 9 a. ni. to 4 p. nt. During July and August Clerk's Office will close Court opens at 9 a. m. at 2 p. m., and on Saturdays at 12 m. avenue, Chrystie street, Division street and First District-First and Third Wards (Towns of Catharine street. ohn Al. Tierney, Justice. Thomas A. Maher, Castleton and Northfield). Court-room, former Vil- George F. Roesch, Benjamin Hc,ffman, Leon C erk. la;,e I f all, Lafayette avenue and Second street, New CITY COURT OF THE CITY OF NEW Sondes, Thomas I'. Dinnean, Justices. 'Telephone, 3043 Melrose. llri''lmtoti. James J. Devlin, Clerk; Michael H. I-ooney, 'I9,omas C. Brown, Justice. Anning S. I'rall, YORK. Deputy Clerk. Borough of Brooklyn. Clerk. Location of Court-Nos, 264 and 266 Madison No. 32 Chambers street. Brownstone Building, City First District-Comp rising First, Second, Third Clerk's Office open from 8.45 a. m. to 4 p. m. Hall Park, from to a nr. to 4 p u,. street. Clerk's Office open daily Sundays and legal 'Telephone, 503 Tompkinsville. holidays excepted) front 9 a. in. to 4 p. in. P 'mm rth, Fifth. Sixth, 1enthand'I'velfth Wards and Part I. that portion of the Eleventh Ward beginning at thin Part 11. 'telephone, 2596 Orchard. intersection of the centre hues of Hudson and Second I )istrict-Second, Fourth and Fifth Wards ('Towns of Middletown, Southfield and Westfield). Part III. 'Third District-The'1'hird District embraces the Myrtle avenues, thence along the centre line of Part IV. Myrtle avenue to North Portland avenue, thence Court-room, former Edgewater Village ]fall, Staple- territory bounded on the south by the centre line ton. Part V. of Fourteenth street, on the east by the centre line along the centre line of North Portland avenue to Part VI. of Seventh avenue from Fourteenth street to Fifty- I lusliing avenue, thence along the centre line of I eorge \V. Stake, Justice. Peter Tiernan, Clerk. Part Vii. ninth street and by the centre line of Central I';uk Flushing; avenue to Navy street, thence along the Clerk's Office open from 9 a. in. to q'. rn. Part VIII. West from Fifty-ninth street to Sixty-lift] street, centre line of Navy street to Johnson street, thence Court opens at q a. m. Calendar called at ro a. m. Special Term Chambers will be held from to a. m. on the north by the centre line of Sixty-fifth street along the centro line of Johnson street to IIndnuu Court continued until close of business. Trial days, avenue, and thence along the centre line of I ludsnn Mondays, \Wednesdays and Fridays. and the centre line of l ifty-ninth street from Seventh Telephone, 313 'Tompkinsville. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. to L:i ghth avenue. on the west by the westerly bound- avenue to the point of beginning, of the l mnungh of Edward F. OI)wyer. Chief Justice; Lewis J. ary of the said ],rough. Brooklyn. Court-house, northwest corner State and Conlan, Francis B. I)elehanty, Joseph I. Green, 1 homas E Murray, James W. McLaughlin, Court streets. Alexander Finelite, Thomas F. Donnelly, John V. Justices. John J. \Walsh, Justice. Edward Moran, Clerk, McAvoy, Peter Schmuck, Justices. Thomas F. h]ichael Skelly, Clerk; Henry Merzbach, Deputy Clerks Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. OFFICIAL BOROUGH PAPERS. Smith, Clerk. Clerk. Telephone, 6142 Cortlandt. Second District-Seventh Ward and that portion Location of Court-Nn. 314 West Fifty-fourth BOROUGH OF TIIE BRONX, street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal (if the Twenty-first and'1'wenty-third Wards west of holidays excepted) from 9 a. rn. to 4 p. nt. the centre line. of Stuyvesant avenue and the centre ,, The Bronx Star," " North Side News," COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. Telephone number, 5450 Columbus. line of ScLencctady avenue, also that portion of the " Bronx Independent.' Twentieth Ward beginnin g at the intersection of the Building for Criminal Courts, Centre street be- Fourth District-The Fourth District embraces centre lines of North Portland and Al yrtle avenues, BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. tween Franklin and White streets, Boroughvf Alan- the territory bounded on the sotdh by the centre thence along the centre line of Myrtle avenue to hattan. " Staten Island World," " Richmond County line of Halt Fourteenth street, on the west by the Waverly avenue, thence along the centre line of Herald." Court opens at to a. in. centre line of Lexington avenue and by the centre \Paver]y avenue to Park avenue, thence along the Justices-First Division-William E. Wyatt Wil- line of Irving place, including its projection through centre line of Park avenue to Washington avenue, BOROUGIH OF QUEENS. lard IL Olmsted, Joseph M. Deuel. Lorenz feller, Gramercy Park, on the north by the centre Iine of thence along the centre line of \V'ashingtmt avenue The " Daily Dispatch " (First, Second, Third, John B. Mayo, Franklin Chase Hoyt. Charles W. Fifty-ninth street, on the east by the easterly line of to Flushing avenue, thence along the centre line of lnurth and Fifth Wards), "Long Island Star" Culkin, Clerk; William Al. Fuller, Deputy Clerk. said borough; excluding, however, any portion of Flush iug avenue to North Portland avenue, and ( First and Second Wards), " Flushing Evening Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4J). m. Blackwell's Island. thence along the centre line of North flatland Journal " (Third Ward), " Long Island Farmer Telephone, 2092 Franklin, Clerk's office. Michael F. Blake, William J. lloyhan, Justices. avenue to the point of beginning. (Fourth Ward), " Rockaway News " (Fifth Telephone, 6oi Franklin, Justices' chambers. Abram Bernard, Clerk; James Foley, Deputy Court-roam NO 495 Gates avenue. Ward). Clerk. Gerard B. k'an Wart and Edward C. Dowling, Second Division-Trial Days-No. 171 Atlantic Location of Court-Part I., No. 407 Second ave- Justices. Franklin It. Van Wart, Clerk. BOROUGII OF BROOKLYN. avenue, Brooklyn, Mondays Wednesdays and Fri- Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. M. days at to o'clock; Town flail. Jamaica, Borough of nue northwest corner of Second avenue and Twen- "Brooklyn Eagle," "Brooklyn Times," "Brook. Queens, Tuesday at to o'clock; Town Hall, New ty-gird street. Part II., No t'r East Fifty-seventh Third District-Embraces the Thirteenth Four- lyn Citizen," "Brooklyn Standard-Union, "Brook- Brighton, Borough of Richmond, Thursday at to street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal teenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eigh- lyner Freie Presse." o'clock. holidays excepted) from 9 a. in. to 4 P. m., Telephone, 4570 Gramercy. teenth and Nineteenth \Yards, and that portion of BOROUGH OF MANIIATTAN. Justices-Howard J. Forker, John Fleming, Mor- the 'T went y-seve th Ward lying northwest of the gan M. L. Ryan, Robert J. \\'ilkin, George J: Fifth District-The Fifth District embraces the centre line of Starr street between the boundary line "Real Estate Record and Guide" (IIarlem Dis- O'Keefe. Joseph L. Kerrigan, Clerk; John J territory bounded on the south by the centre line of Queens County and the centre line of Central trict), "Manhattan and Bronx Advocate" (Wash- Dorman, Deputy Clerk. of Sixty- fifth street, on the east by the centre line avenue, and northwest of the centre line of Supslam ington Heights, Morningside heights and Harlem Clerk's Office, No. 171 Atlantic avenue, Borough of of Central Park \Vest, on the north by the centre street between the. centre lines of Central and Ilush- I)istricts). Brooklyn, open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. line of One Iltu,dred and Tenth street, on the west wick avenues, and northwest of the centre line of Designated by Board of City Record June r9, by the westerly boundary of said borough. Willoughby aveune between the centre lines of Bush- 5906. Amended June 20, t906; September 30 Alfred 1'. \i. Seaman, \Villiam Young, Frederick wick avenue and Broadway. Court-house, Nos. 6 1907; February 24, .9e8; March 5 and r6, and CHILDREN'S COURT. Spiegelberg, justices. and 8 avenue, Brooklyn. Anaust A. ror.R. James V. Gilloon, Clerk; John II. Servis, Deputy Philip 1). Meay)her and William J. Bugenshutz, First Division-No. 66 Third avenue, Manhattan Justices. John Vs. Carpenter, Clerk. Edmund C. Lee, Clerk. Clerk. Location of Court-Iiroadway and Ninety-sixth Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Telephone, 5353 Stuyvesant. Curt opens at 9 a.m. BOARD MEETINGS. Second Division-No. 102 Court street, Brooklyn, street. Clerk's Office open daily(Sundays and legal William F. Delaney, Clerk, holidays excepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. Telephone, 4006 If iverside. Fourth District-Embraces the'I'wenty-fourth and Telephone, 627 Main. Twenty-fifth Wards, that f,ortion of the Twenty-first The Board of Estimate and Apportionment Sixth District-The Sixth District embraces the and'Twentythird Wards lying east of the centre line meets in the Old Council Chamber (Room 16), territory bounded on the south by the centre line of of Stuyves: lit aventie and east of the centre line of City hall, every Friday, at ro.3o o'clock a. m. CITY MAGISTRATES' COURT. Fifty-ninth street and by the centre line of Ninety- Schenectady avenue, and that portion of the'1'wenty- JOSEI'II f1AAG, sixth street from Lexington avenue to Fifth avenue, seventl, \yard lying southeast of the centre line of Secretary. First Division. on the west by the centre line of Lexington avenue Starr street between the boundary line of Queens from Fifty-ninth street to Ninety-sixth street and and the centre line of Central avenue, and southeast Court opens from 9 a. m. tog p. tn. The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund meet City Magistrates-Robert C. Cornell, Leroy B. the centre line-of Fifth avenue from Ninety-sixth of the centre line of Suydam street between the street to One hundred and Tenth street, on the centre lines of Central and Ilushwick avenues, and in the Old Council Chamber (Room 16), City Crane, Peter T. Barlow Matthew P. Breen, Joseph hall, at call of the Mayor. F. Moss, James J Walsh, Henry Steinert, Daniel north by the centre line of One I1 undred and 'Tenth southeast of the centre line of Willoughby avenue street, on the east by the easterly boundary of said between the centre lines of Bushwick avenue and N. TAYLOR PHILLIPS, E. Finn, Frederick B. House, Charles N. Harris, Deputy Comptroller, Secretary. Frederic Kernochan, Arthur C. Butts, Otto H. borough, including, however, all of Blackwell's Broadway. Droege, Joseph F. Corrigan, Moses Herrman. Island and excluding any portion of Ward's Island, Court-room, No. 14 Howard avenue. Philip Il. Bloch, Secretary, One Hundred and Herman Joseph, Jacob Starks, justices. 'Thomas IL Williams, Justice. G. J. Wiederhold, Edward A. McQuade, Clerk; Thomas M. Cam Clerk. Milton I. Williams, Assistant Clerk. The Board of Revision of Assessments meets Twenty-first street and Sylvan place. in the Old Council Chamber (Room r6), City First District-Criminal Court Building. bell, Deputy Clerk; John J. Dietz, Frederick Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Stroh, Assistant Clerks. ]fall, every Thursday at xi a. m., upon notice of Second District-Jefferson Market. the Chief Clerk. Third District-No. 69 Essex street. Location of Court-Northwest corner of Third Fifth District,-Contains the Eighth. Thirtieth avenue and Eighty-third street. Clerk's Office open and Thirty-first Wards, and so much of the Twenty- HENRY J. STORRS, Fourth District-No. t5r East Fifty-seventh street. Chief Clerk. Fifth District-One Hundred and Twenty-first daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 second Ward as lies south of Prospect avenue. Court- street, southeastern corner of Sylvan place. a. m. to4pin. house, northwest corner of Fifty-third street and Sixth District-One Hundred and Sixty-first street Telephone, 4343 79-St. Third avenue. The Board of City Record meets in the Old Cornelius Furgueson, Justice. Jeremiah J. O'Leary, Council Chamber (Room r6). City Hall, at call and Brook avenue. Seventh District-The Seventh District embraces Clerk. Seventh District-No. 314 West Nifty-fourth street. the territory bounded on the south by the centre of the Mayor. Eighth District-Main street, Westchester. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 P. m. PATRICK J. TRACY, line of One Hundred and Tenth street, on the east Telephone, 407 Bay Ridge. Supervisor, Secretary.


BELLEVUE AND ALLIED PIER AT THE FOOT OF EAST TWENTY. TERMS OF SALE. No. 2. FOR PAVING WITH ASPHALT FOURTH STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHAT- First—Purchase money must be paid in cash IAVEAIlINT ON A CONCRETE FOUNDA- HOSPITALS. TAN. at the time of sale. ION 1'lIF. ROADWAYS ANI7 SIDEWALKS The time allowed to complete the whole work UP 'I'IIK IIRID(;KS O\'Ent 'Till•; Ni:\V YORK, CFLLE•VUE AND ALLIED HOSPITALS DEPARTMENT will be 315 working days, as provided in the Second—'Ihe horses, wagons, sleighs and other NEW JI.\\'1•:N AND 11:\R'1'PUR) RAILROAD articles must be removed not later than the day OF NEW YORK CITY, TWENTY-SIXTH STREET AND contract. following the sale. (I1:\Rl:IM RI\'Ent BR:\N(.'11) AT LONG- FIRST AVENUE, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE The amount of security required is One Thou- (((ii hi 1\'tINUE, 'lll'FANY STREET, CITY OF NEW YORK. sand Dollars. 'Third-The Aqueduct Commissioners reserve IILNiS 1'(JINT IRO.1D, FAILE STREET, On Nos. 2, 3 and 4, the bids will be compared the right to exclude from the sale such horses, BRA':ANT 5'ftl•:F.'f, AV1•:STCHI•:STER AVE. I--ALEI) BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE wagons, sleighs or other articles as may be desig- I received by the President of the Board and the contract will be awarded in a lump sum natcd by the Engineer, NLTt. 'fkn-:1IUN'T \VENUE, WEST FARMS to the lowest bidder on each contract. FtIAII, (VbrIi: ti'J..\INS RO.\D, UNTONPORT of Trustees at the above office until 3 o'clock 1'ourtII—Failure to Pay II. m. On On No. r the bidders must state the price chase mone the amount of pur- RU.\I), \\'II LI.- hhISI:kIDGE ROAD AND of each item, by which the bids will be tested. y at the time of sale or failure to 1::\YCIII•:til'Elt AVENUE. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1008. Blank forms, plans and specifications may be remove any article within the time specified will The Eugineer's estimate of the work is as FOR ALL LABOR AND MATERIAL RE- forfeit the money paid at the time of sale and obtained or seen at the office of the Superin- also the wnersi fnllmrs: OI'IRl•:Il FOR FURNISHING AND SETTING tendent, at Estimating Room, ninth floor, Hall the said o 11,810 srluare yards of completed asphalt pave. \VROIJGII'C IRON FENCE, GRANITE FENCE of the Board of Education, Park avenue and cle~s t will the resold byaCit itther ty for merit in the roadways, including POSTS AND COPINGS, SIDEWALK CURBS, Fifty-ninth street, Borough of Manhattan. the benefit of the City. bin,ler course, and keeping the pave- SIDEWALK PAVING AND OTHER WORK By order of the Aqueduct Commissioners of C. B, T. SNYDER, The City of New York, nlcut iii repair for five years from date IN CONNECTION TIIERI WITH IN FRONT Superintendent of School Buildings. of acceptance. OF PAVILION A AND TIIE PATHOLOGICAL Dated October 22, 1908. JOHN F. COWAN, 5,501) square yards of completed asphalt pave- DEPARTMENT AND MALE DORMITORY 02r ,n2 President. nlent nn the s.dewalks, and keeping BUII.1SINGS OF TILE NEW IiELLEVUE HOS- HARRY W. WALKER, the same in repair for five years from 1'ITAL. SITIJA'1'YD ON FIRST AVENUE gir See General Instructionts to Bid- Secretary, date of acceptance. ders on the last page, last column, of AN) BOUNDEI) BY TWENTY-SIXTI1 AND 027,116 The time allowed for the completion of the i WI•:N'l V-NINTH STREETS, BOROUGH OF the "City Record." work will be 6u con-ceutive working days. M\Nlh.Vl1'.\N, CITY OF NEW YORK. I ill amp-ntnt of security required will be Eight The security required will be Seven Thousand DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CORNER OP PARK BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. TLn an,l Dr Ilats. Dollars ($7,00o). AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, BOROUGH OF ?IANIIATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK, Nu 3. FOR 1'.\\'ING WITH ASPHALT The Idle allwvid for doing and completing the 1'.AV'I((hl,N'(' ON -A CONCRETE FOUNDA- ucw work, repairs and alterations will not be EAI,ED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE OFFICE OF TimE PRESIDENT of TILE Tlnc lhRliNx, Alu n T, °ROVr.H NA '1I(1N 'I"III•: IC(>.AUVA-.AV'ti -ANIY SII>G1\:ALKS noire than Seventy (70) consecutive calendar days S received by the Superintendent of School srcay. BUILDIN G, (11" TIT:•: 111RIDGE. OVER TIIE NEW YORK, fluor the ,late of executingthe contract. Supplies at the above office of the Department of :'ARK, (Iii- cu S. IIUNDRED AND 51151- Ii Y-SIRE NTH `:I-\\" ]L\\ 1•:N :\ND Il.\RlhcIItll RAILROAD The bids will be compared and the contract Education until IS a. m, on 1 IIFI.T AND TUisD AVEN11 r. I1.A121.1':1 111(1 1.11, I;It.ANl hi) at EAST ONE awardrrl at a Iump or aggregate sum to the low- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1908, IIt'XIIIcI:U AND I1t 11i(-NIS'I-[I S'IIttET et bolderbilder as soon thereafter as practicable, ac- ]IGREITY (iIV'E NOTICIE 1'lfA'1' PE'CI- FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING I tions hare been l'reseutrd to the, and are I I'.!;I;11h l .\\'I-:\t 'I:. 1.:\I .\11::C1'E AVENUE cnrdiug to law. on file in Inv office for inspectiron, for I;.ARltl`.'ITO S'I- RRLl•:'l', I-ON(il'IILLOW AVE- SI'I•.CIAL AND GENERAL SUPPLIES, AS \o. Flank forms may be obtained at the office of 140.\cyniring title to the lands necessary NT'l-: AND LI'U1.0VV .A\'I':NUL. the Contract (lvik, No. 419 East Twenty-sixth FOLLOWS: DOMESTIC SCIENCE, DRAW- ING, JANITORS', KINDERGARTEN, MIMEO- Ii 'r Leland avenue, front Ludlow avuuue to 'I' le Elcgincce's estimate of the work is as street, P,;,ruugh of Manhattan, where bids and ('talons Point road. fdl -n•: s: lie isits are al ,o hill leers ii. GRAPH, MISCELLANEOUS, NEOSTYLE, NURSES. PHYSICAL TRAINING, R'ECORI)S, Nil. 144. Acquiring title to the lands necessary 6,15o s(I,iare yar,ls of completed asphalt pave- OIIN W. BRANNAN, for Seward avenue, from Clasen, l'uint roar! to tncnt iii the ruadtrav"s, including SCIENCE, SEWING, STATIONERY, TYPE- \( hole I 'ha ills roar). ['resident of the It„ad of Trustees, (VRITING AND WORKSHOP SUPPLIES, Iin;lcr course, and keeping the pave- Bellevue and Allied Hospitals. FOR '1'IIE DAY AND EVENING IIIGII N'>. 1 45. Acquiring title to Theriot avenue, nlent in repair fur five )cars from date Date,) OctoLer 211, 19o8. SCHOOLS AND DAY AND EVENING ELK: frum (aeason avcnuc to ClasunS Point road, of aced tance. 021,02 The petitions for the above will Ile snhmitted 4,050 =; Ill arc 3ards of completed asphalt pave' (IENTARY SCHOOLS OF TIIE CITY OF 118 file to the :F" See General InstruetiouM to Did- NEW YORK. "Local Pa:l -11 having jcrrisdictiun in'lit un the sidewalks, and keeping ciery on the last pats, laant column, of The time for the delivery of the articles, ma- ihcreuf on !'uveulhcr Jo, lq"R, at 4 P. tn., at the same in repair for ficc years from the '•( Ily Itecord-" terials and supplies and the performance of the the ufTicc of the Trcciuheut of the i,oceittralr of date of accel,tance. contract is by or before December 31, 1 009. 'I'Le Rronx. ]lunicilual h;iiildiag, ('rotnua tank, The tinge allowed for the completion of the ( Jnc hundred omit >crcnly-scvcnth slrcct alibi v:i,rk \rill 4u consecutive working days. IiI LLEVt'E AND ALLIED HOSPITALS DEPARTMENT The amount of security required is fifty per -Third avrnne. be cent, (5o%) of the amount of the bid or esti- The anluent of security required will be Five OF N csv YORK City, TWENTY-SIXTH STREET AND Dated October gn, tr,nS. 'I'h;,u=and D''Ilars. I'IRSr AVENUE, BoROUGll OF MANHATTAN, THE mate. ('TTy OF XLW YORK The bidder will state the price of each item or L(Jl'lS F. 11:APL'Ey, N 1 4• TOR CONSTRUCTING SEWERS AND classes of items herein contained or hereto all- I'rcei,lcnl of the Lhncc2n;;1t of The ltcnnx, M't'UtlfIN.ANC'IIS IN Ii.\ST ONI' IIC?N- E\T.I:1) BIDS 011 ES'T'IMATES WILL BE -~-- UItICU AN!) i,IGII'I'1'-S}':A11':8'£[1 STREET, I receive,! by the I'rusident ofthe Board nexcrl, by which the bids will be tested. Award 03r,n1,cj,,_ will be made to the lowest bidder on each item ( III (VFEN AV"I{Ii5T1:17 :AA'1•,NUE AND 1'AIRK of 'Trustees at the above office until 3 o'clock hl-I-ir1 nF )Ile fill;StnraT or Thu BOROUGGHH OF 'I \CI': A\I'vi, (NI) IN I'.(1(IC AV'I?'cUE tl. III., till or classes of items whose sample is equal to the ' \V hoard sample suhmittvd for inspection or referred bin. Illtrl'ix, MONfc11•:\L BUILDING, C1ROTONA 1\- EST, thl-.I'\\ f:l•:N 1:.\S'l' ()N1•. HUNDRED I'lll K. (iNi; TIUNDRED MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1908. AND SEVENTY-CBOT "r1I (N I> I II ii I't'-'I'IIIRI) sTRLl11I' (NI) EAST to by catalogue number. SiI:CPr AND Tiller) AVENUE, FOR FURNISHINGS, ETC., FOR TRAIN- Delivery will be required to be made at the ONE, Tll'NI>RI'_D AND I•:IGHTY-NINTH ING SC II,)O1. PUR WOMEN NURSES, time and in the manner and in such quantities 111:ltl?RY GIVE NOTICE: TII .lT 1[.are Fl Rl:E'r (\YI:L(II sThI:1:'r). L, T:t.1JI\OI? IIOSI'ITAI., NEW YORK. as may he directed. I (inns have br•t•n The Eligincee's estimaiC of the work is as fol- un file in my office 'I-Itc s,ircty ci aired will he not less than fifty I;lank forms and further information may be for inspectlioll for alld are Imes tie cent. (g„'. ) of the amount of the bid. "brained at the office of the Superintendent of No. 141. .Acgniring title to the ]auels necessary 352 linear feet of pipe sewer, i5-inch. !Ire time for the delivery of the supplies and Sebnnl Supplies, Board of Education, corner of for Cuttaec (dace, bclw,rn ( :'ark Vi;uuth 1,462 linear feet of pipe sewer, to-inch. the f-l:l perf,n;nance of the contract is within ['ark avenue and Fiftv-ninth street. ;Ira,i One Ilun,lrcd and tic-i- cu1i:th strict. 134 spurs for house amnections, over and -1 4ay, trcnl the ,late of this signing of the con- PATRICK JONES, Ni,, 141. Regranatihg ale' grading, setting cttrb- xpove the cost per linear foot of sewer. Superintendent of School Supplies. .ctoncs al IIngiclug =Idcv ,Il:n a sl,acc four foot Is manholes, complete. tcidc, laying crussuolks, building ai,lonacti,..s and I receiving ha=in, complete. [lie bid; will lie read from the total, and will Dated October 20, i o8. - "' ellrarapdrvh a,nl award,.d to the lowest bidder 020,3! resting fences tche•re necessary in Cottage t4ace, So cubic yards of rock to be excavated and t,o- the line or class, as specified, as soon there (ctwvc-rI Crotoria lira-] South and Onc ITnn rcni-,ved. - for See General In!ttrnetionri to Bid- and Sneliticth Shred. ,.hmcd ittc-r as practicable, according to law, 5 cubic cads of Class "B" concrete, in ders on the lust page, last column, of plan, additional to that shown on the nP:mk forms may be obtained at the office of the "City Record." 7'he pcliticnts f,.r thv ahuve will be suhnlittell the C'lract Clerk, Ni. 419 East Twenty-sixth I;v me to the Lac:ll Gard having ,luri,:dicti,cn ;I:ul. Tract, Ilorough of \lauihaprm, where the bids thcrcnf on A ill nter r,, Ii) n8, ,It q p, Ill, at _o,uoufe( l (it. s1.), of timber for foundations will deposits are al-n di-livened. the office of the J'rciduut of the hA'olmLhl of frtrnisherl and laid, and sheeting fur- f01!N W. !IRANNAN, FIRE DEPARTMENT. hc ]Irons. Anommfeiro1 Iuililing, ttctilna Park. uishcd and left in place. 1'r, c,1 lit, Board of Trustees, fnn1 halcdre-,l an'l hsctenlyscventh Street and to linear feet of 1 c-inch drain pipe, fur- 'Third avenue, Ilishcd and laid. I1c11cvue and Allied hospitals. HEADQUARTERS OF TILE FIRE DEPARTMENT OP Dated October :. , 1918. Dated October )o, moot• The time allotv 1111 for the completion of the TILE CITY OF NEW YORK, Nos, I57 AND 159 EAST LOUIS F. If-API,I?N, vcork will he m 4 working days. o21,n2 SIXTY-SEVENTH STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, Clue ammtnt of security required will be Four -r arc• Ca•erlln 11 hin Prsirlent of the Uc,rucogh of i tie P,rcins. KtroctfoNn to Bid- 'I'lHE CITY OF NEW YORK. 'till u saml 1)u'liar's. Jvr.4 r,n the Inst pat', )net column, of 0.3 1,11_,9,12 4h'. '~( its' Itc•r•ord." -- 1,ALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL Bf? No. q. FOR CONSTRU('h INC SEWERS AND OFF>(E OF TIlE PRESIDENT OF Tlrl? BOROOGr1 or \I't'l}:I!-N.\\CI{S IN II \ST ONE HUN- S received by the Fire Commissioner at the '1',II•: l:lira\)t, above olhice until Io.3a o'clock a. in. on \I CNIClI'1L Iir;rl. I)EN(-, ('ROTONA >RFI> \\h tin•:\1(X11'7'llfla) STREET, BE- I'.\I;K. Ovl: Ifcsuken AND SxVJcTY-sa'SENTlt I'\\'I.I"N II1I. .\VIE:NI'E .(Nl) FRY:\tiT AVE. I- DEPARTMENT OF STREET MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1908. kl:l'T A\D ']~[Ilktl ;'\yl:\L'I:. NI .I{, .(NI) IN I)R1'.\N'l' :\\'i{NTJE, BE- 111{Ithi1l\' CLEANING. Borough of Queens. (11( 11 XO'TI('II TIC(-:' 1'tI'1'I- C\\'I?f?\ 1•:.\S1' ONE InUNh1REI AND SEV- I ti„ns have h,-cu iii 51111111 t , etc, and arc I:\I1'-'iiI1111) 8'1'1:1{1 L' "\ND TIIE SUMMIT FOR FURNISHING ALL TIIE LABOR AN1) m file in my olTicc f:n- ill-Pcebvh, if ASIllS, ETC., FOR FILLING IN LANDS. \l.AiERIALS RI•:OUIRED FOR TIIll EREC- N... 138. ('on=[meting a 4urrd rail wh re llIcCs- ire ]mriraeer's estimate of the work is as fol- 'IION AND COIIl'LETION OF A NEW ERSONS IIA\'ING LANDS OR PLACES IIrc ,Ii tllc we'l sill, • of 1'acl1 arenuc. ffft,- (-o) Ilws: BUILDING FOIL IINC:lNE C(CtIP:ANY 163 f,•e•t north of East IInc ll1tndci-Q rn-I llighty- O;8 hi,t -ar feet of pipe sewer, yo-inch. P in the vicinity - New York Bay to fill AND HOOK AND LADDER CU\ll'ANY 67, in can procure materal for that purpose—ashes, 'cr„nd street. 261, liar ar feet of pipe sewer, IS-inch, TO BIE LOCATED ON TLIE SOUTH SID11 OF Nn. 139. ('nnslrurtine a rn«r 5 linear feet of pipe sewer, is-inch, street sweepings, etc., collected by the Depart- FLUSHING AVENUE, i i-TS ,l rail ran the ment of Si reel Cleaning—free of charge by ap- 1I' OF 't\V'1•:1.Y1'lt ulllnli,cst corner of Boat Ofie Ilundred an,! 455 linear feet ifO fpipe sewer, 12-inch. :\VENUE LONG ISLAND CITY, B1OlrOUGh! l•;iytut5-tl:ird StIelt and Park ateotte. 1)7 Spurs for house connections, over and plyiu7 to the Commissioner of Street Cleaning, OF QUEENS. Nos. 13 In 21 Park row, Bornngb of 'Manhattan. Nn. I.rfi. Acquiring title to the I:lnrls Peces-ar: ahncc the cast per linear foot of sewer. The time for the completion of the work and far t1ic',Istinl road. hctwccn Stitic- manti.Ihis. complete. FOSTER CRO\YELL, full performance of the contract is z8i days. teim Duyvil pate - Commissioner of Street Cleaning. uar an,l Miushu,lu avonuc. 5 receiving basins, complete, The amount of security required will he '1'hirty- TI,v psliti-ms f-n- th,• above will be stthraritIal I.glu cubic yards of rock to he excavated and two Thousand Dollars. by mr In till' I_Ilcull P.nar,l having jttri-clfctir,n rcm„vcrl. :lids will be compared and the contract awarded thcreuf In NmImle•r 12, tgi8, at I p. iii ., at 1IP. 5 cubic yards of Class "B" concrete, in DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. at a lump or aggregate sum. Iii I'-.' „f the l'resi,lonl of the P oItvh ' of TIT; place, additional to that shown on the Itlauk forms and further information may be Rrnns, Ji ttninihinI Ilraildrog, (b'n.rana Palk (ln- plan. obtaiucd and the plans and drawings may be seen •'u feet (lt. If.) of t,nfbcr for foundations DEi•sRTAn±iT of EDUCATION, CORNER OF PARK Ilrndred and Sere-~Iy-e\mth stre:t a!',I Iiui-1 I., at the office of the Fire Department, Nos. 157 :II cn u,•. furnicl,l I and laiel, and sheeting fur- '\\'1:,I I: AND I'lV'T11 .N1`I'I'lr STREET, BOROUGH OF and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Manhattan. uishcd and left in Place. MA'.Ir1 As, (:try of NEav Yot2K. Ittte,l Oet.,b: r 3o. rgnS, NICIIOL.AS J. HAYES, LUI'15 P. 11.VT11 l-1N. Ia linear feet of t2-inch drain pipe, fur- EALEI) BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE Fire Commissiottcr I'rc-ident of the Borough of 'Che Bronx. ui,hcrl and laid. The time allowed for the completion of the S received by the Stplerintendent of School Dated October 21, 19oS. 031 ra2.9.h2 Buildings at the above office of the Department \c:,rk \v ill he ton sv lekine days, ozl,n2 of Education until 3.30 o'clock p. m. on OFFICE OF Tiir PRESIDENT OF THE 7l0R000H OF 'I'hc annInnt of sectnity required vsill be Five Ml' See General Instruetioms to llld- 'I- II E IIRONX, \MUNICI r.-1L Bl'mI.oiNG, 'I'L-qlIsurl I>nllars. )10VDAY, N0VYH1hHIt 2, 1908. derd on the last Image, lust column, of ('ROTONA I'\k rc. U\I: TIr Nosu'n AND SEVEVTY-5EVIINTII X11. 6. FOR CONSTRUCTING A SEWER Iluruillil Ii of 'floe Bronx. the "City Record)' 5ilF1'T AN", £iiiiui, :(\'EVi'E, No. I. FOIL 1'l'EMI I, INSTALLING RE (NIT Al'l'UR'PIN.\\CI•:S IN F.\IT.E STREET. fir:hr:1;Y i;1\ - I< Nlrrrt F, '111(1 A Pr1'1- FC\ AVhTNUE AND 1,Al'AY- INh-rtluFIT CuNt Rh:l'IS PRISM 1'qVEIv1EN11' ItlI'\\1111(?' `1;;I I fi In 1:1 b, , n lnr-r,11, ul ICI mc, and is un ICCI'1? ;\\1lis1'I-1. I.IGtli S; 1TI•:1i1 2, REARRANGING CEILING AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS. tin, itl ntc 011 SASH (It AIJUI'I'O1t1U7.1; I'1'EM 3, EREC't'- i:-c f ,l' i n:•. Oct i,,il, fur : 'fire E,;ginecr's estimate of the work is as N:,. i,lo. F-n e ,h..etiu.Z a sa"wcr an,! atlpur. follows: ING IRON RAILINGS AND GATES AT PUB- PUBLIC AUCTION. tonano,: it' bI-lecwatr-r read, L•ctwecrt Seneca as LIC SCIIOOI- 3y ONE HUNDRED AND -c- 3.12 linear feet of pine sewer, 15-inch. n u,• :old (,furis-o as-cnnr. ;36 linclr feet of Pipe sewer, is-inch. PORT:'-III-'lfl ANN) ONE IIUNDId.D AND 1111 AQUEDUCT C(CiIMISSIONERS OF 1 OK'l1 Y-ShX1I'li S1Itl i-:rti, I•:AS'C OF WIL- The prtiUralI full the ale.v'I• ,I-i hi be 1eubrltnc;l by 8.f spurs for house connections, over and T The City of New York will sell, under ill to for T iurIl lb-ti' rl ;, f If -;rri aria. 'i sienty- above the clot per linear foot of sewer. LIS AVENUE, IOROUGnI OF THE BRONX. the direction of Charles A. Beiriani, auctioneer, The time allowed to complete the whole work Scr•lnd I)istricf. nn N11nrtittl 12. lnoR. at a 1). In.. 7 manholes. celllnqleic. at public auction, in front of the City's stables, on ' thr utTcu' ,-f tilt• I'm', 1,1,1 of the Ruro ugly f I rert•1\'lllL basil,, complete. will be 40 working days, as provided in the con- II l:nmr. MIhIlie-illal 1io1 dira.g, ('n ltrada Park. tract. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 19118, too cubic earls of rock, to be excavated and I),Ir 1mnynrI-d and Swett', The amount of security required is as fol- as follows: :-scv- shut strict an,i removed. lows: Thlnl acrnur. 5 cubic yards of Class "B" concrete, in At Jerome Pork Reservoir, 7/ee Bron.r. Malvin Nrw' 1'„r'. Del„hrr ;n Item I, Twelve Hundred Dollars ($I,2eo). Place, additional to that shown on the At the stables of the Jerome Talk Reservoir I.OI lS P 11 \I'I'I?\ plan. Item 2, One Hundred Dollars ($loo). l'rr'icicmct of tl,e Tic rrnph if 'I'lle Bronx. Item 3, Three hundred Dollars ($300), Division, Jerome Talk, at 9 a. DI., lNovuolher 6, I,nnn feet (R. (T-) of timber for foundations, A separate proposal must be submitted for each 1908: (131,n3,i), I2 fi,rni,bed and laid. and sheeting, fur- item and award will he made thereon. One horse, ni.hcd and left in (dace, Nu, 2. IIIR AI)DITIONS '1'O BUILDING Several wagons or vehicles, Umpire (u+ l l'r I'RFSrii-:AT nF rnr•. PORnnaR OF to linear feet of r 2-inch drain pipe, fur- ANI> Al.'h'h:IC \'[IONS 'I'O 11111E SI'1'1( OF Sleigh, 'I'In: ILUns1, 111,x, cmroT BVILMNa. CROTnNA nishrrT and laid. VIhI!ltlS IIIGI[ SCHOOL, ON ONE IION- 1larttcss, PnI ll. Och TII ,l,.uen ANO SKVENTV-scveNTlr The time allowed for the completion of the I>ItICD AN It STXTVSIV'I'II STREET, BE- Aurl other articles connected with said stable, I_'l ItrrT AND 'I'ii ntD I rack will he oo wnrkinit days. 'I'VV1 t•:l•:N BOSTON ROAD AND JACKSON all more or less worn. The anl1rivit of security required will be Six- AVGNUE, AND EXTI?LADING BACK 'CO E.\T.FD P11)5 OR FSTT\T (TES WT1 T, BE teen ITnnrin•il Dollars. III)'ilK STilEE' , ISOROUGII OF THE At Iiatonah, Westchester County, N. Y. S re;-, iscd by till' Pr• sidr•tt of the Bornngh N.,. - FOR CONSTRUCTING A SE\VER BRONX. At the stables of the Croton Itiver and Katorsalr of The Bronx at the above nt7iic until it o'clock \ND \1'I'I'hTIC\:\\('FO TN NFTSON .'(VF.- 1'l le time allowed to complete the whole work Divisions, Katonah, N. Y., at about 1 II. In.: a. iii. ,ln Sl'F_ Tll 111 E I I?C I:OOCOBET. AV.EXUE AND will be 30 working days, as provided in the Seven horses, two teams and three single. MONDAY, NOVEMBER [t, 1908. ElI \'11fiEk1H'D T..\N1:. contract. Seven wagons or vehicles, The Nmiziraeec's astimatc of the work is as The amount of security required is Twelve Ilarucss for same, three double, four single. N, , pall 1Ir*1INNIOI1b''G T (Fold '(NI) fi,lloie' • Handled Dollars. (One sleigh, NT \ I F.121 \1 ti llbli1'T14Ft> Fr1R 'I'll Ii FItEC- 1,121) linear feet of nine sewer. is-inch. Ito ro ugh of Manhattan. 'Together with miscellaneous articles, all more 'I'rON \ N D ( 0% 1 I'1.1• '1'Tnv O1i ST It 11T. 1,. 482 linear feet of nine sewer. Icinch. or less worn. ill tll.f)IN(; AA':A(,1)V 11(1110 12 ,AN1) TI'NNF.T- 215 shills for hnnce connections, over and No. 3. FOR INSTALLING HEATING Al) pr>It 't- I I I' 11SF Oh' 'Fick Ttl'h' F \Tr OF IP(;I(- above the cost Per linear foot of sewer. VENTILATING AJ'I'AR:A'COS IN NI•:W PU1t- At the New Croton Damn Division, z'; Miles \V \1- ti OF 'rrl l 11 )Iol'Cmm OF '1'11F BRONX 17 mnnhnles, coml,l eta. LIC SCIIOOL 114. ON JAMES, OAK AND from Croton-on-lludson, Westchester County. TO 1!I.: hm)FCI Fl) ON I'T (II' (>R L \ND SI'1- I ree iv iii e baumh, cnnlplcte. O1.IVI•:It STREETS, BOROUGII OF MAN- N. Y. TIVIrl-I1) Ov 'Prat.: Nr)it'1'lf 511111 (II 1:-',Si' 1,000 cubic cards of rock, to lie excavated and IIA'1'TAN. At the stables. New Croton Dam Division, New ()V1? I11,\TIII,Ft) \Vi) I MUTYFIR'S'C reulnvcd. The time allowed to complete the whole work Croton Danl, Westchester County, N. Y., at 3.30 S1'RI?II'r 1)t)1'Nb)El) 1))' WFBo'PFR AVE- , cubic yank of Class "B" concrete, in will be 8o working days, as provided in the Ii. m.: vr'F \Nil P11>1C '(l'F.NI'I•:, 1\' TITE 1111R- place, additional to that shown on the contract, Two horses, team, nr'(rIT OF TIIE BRONX, CITY OF NEW nlan. The amount of security required is Thirty Five wagons, ('(111 K. i,ono feet (13. V.) of timber for fnnnrintinns, Thousand Dollars. Two sleighs, The Itme alluw•e,l for the completion of, the fuchfkticcl and laid, and sheeting, fur- No 4. FOR ERECTING DECK TIOUSES, Ilarness, two double sets, one single, II II-1 will he I 5 nislied an,l left in Place. l'Al('I'1'I'lUNS. I:'CC., ON TRAINING SIIII' 'Together with miscellaneous articles, all more Tho amount of security required will be Twen- 25 lim•nr feet sf t'-fncIi drain Pine, fur- " NEWPOiRT," AND ALSO ON RECREA'T'ION or less worst, ty Thmmcnd Dollars. nished and laid, 11442 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1Q08.

The time allowed for the completion of the DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES, FOOT OF The amount of the security required is Four The time for the completion of the contract work will be ]7s working days. EAST Tw'ENTY-sixaH STREET, NEW YORK. Thousand Dollars ($4,000), is within sixty (6o) consecutive working days. The amount of security required will be Forty- The contracts must be bid for separately. The amount of security required is Three five Hundred Dollars. The bids will be compared and the contract Thousand Dollars ($3,000). No. 8. FOR CONSTRUCTING A SEWER TO CONTRACTORS. awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. The bids will be compared and the coufract AND APPURTENANCES IN E M M E T Plans may be seen and blank forms may be awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. STREET, FROM PELHAM AVENUE TO A I'ROI'OS.\I.S FOR BIDS OR ESTIMATES. obtained at the office of the Department of Blank forms may he obtained at the office of POINT loo FEET NORTHERLY THERE- Parks, Borough of Manhattan, Arsenal, Central the Department of Parks, Litchfield Mansion, FROM. I'ark. I'Iospect Park, Brooklyn. The Engineer's estimate of the work is as E.\LED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE IIENRY SMITII, follows: S received by the Department of Public President; HENRY SMITH, 158 linear feet of pipe sewer, 12-inch. Charities at the above office until 2.30 o'clock TOSEP11 I. BERRY, President; 20 spurs for house connections, over and p. m. on hfICHAEL J. KENNEDY, JOSEPII I. BERRY above the cost per linear foot of sewer. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1808, Commissioners of Parks. MICHAEL J. KENNEDY, 2 manholes, complete. Dated October 3*, IgoS. Commissioners of Parks. FOR PROVIDING ALL LABOR AND MA- 030,n12 15 cubic yards of rock, to be excavated and TP.ItT:AT,S, INCLUDING CHAMBERS, CARS, Dated October 16, 1908. removed. FOR'tM \LDEITYDE RETORTS. TRANSFER ittT See General Instructions to Hid- o2o,n5 5 cubic yards of Class "B" concrete, in TABLE. TRACKS, SLEEPERS, TEES, ders on the last page, last column, of PiY See General Instructions to Bid- place, additional to that shown on the VALVES. PIPING AND \LL OTHER WORK the "City Record.' ders on the last page, last column, os plan. NE('ESS\RY TO THE INSTALLATION OF the "City Record." 2,000 feet (B. M.) of timber for foundations, A CO\1BINED STEAM AND FORMALDE- OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, ARSENAL furnished and laid, and sheeting, fur- HYDE DISINFECTING SYS'fE:•1 (EXCEPT nished and left in place. BUILDING, FIFTH AVENUE AND SIXTY-FOURTH OFFICE OP TILE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, ARSIINAL THE SI -PPLYING ANT), INSTALLATION OF STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF Io linear feet of iz-inch drain pipe, fur- A \':\(.'i'L'M 1'U\II') FOR TITE NEW MU- BUILDING, FIFTH AVENUE AND SIXTY-FOURTH nished and laid. NEW YORK. STREET, BOROUGH OF IMMANIIATTAN, THE CITY OF NI('Il':\T. LODGING TIOUSE SITUATED NEW YORK. The time allowed for the completion of the A1'l'RiOXIMATET,Y FOUR TTUNDRED FEET EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE work will be 25 working days. EAST OF FIRST AVENUE AND ON THE received by the Park Board at the above EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE The amount of security required will be Five SOirt•IIERI"Y SIDE OF TWENTY-FIFTII office of the Department of Parks until .3 o'clock 0 received by the I'ark Board at the above Hundred Dollars. S'T'REET, 11OROUGII OF IIANIIATTAN, THE I). m. on office of the Department of Parks until 3 o'clock No. 9. FOR CONSTRUCTING A SEWER CITY OF NEW YORK. p. m. on AND APPURTENANCES IN VALENTINE The time allowed for doing and competing the THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1908. AVENUE. BETWEEN EAST ONE HUNDRED entire work and the full performance of the con- Borough of Manhattan. ' THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1908. AND NINETY-FOURTH STREET AND EAST tract is forty (40) consecutive working days. Borough of Queens. ONE TIUNDRED AND NINETY-SIXTH The surety required will be Ten Thousand FOR PAVING WITH ASPHALT TILES STREET. Dollars ($lo,000). TILE ENDS OF THE PARKS IN BROAD. FOR FURNISIIING ANI) DELIVERING The Engineer's estimate of the work is as fol- The lYdder will state one aggregate price for WAY, BETWEEN NINETY-FIFTIT AND ONE 2.000 CUBIC YARDS OF TOPSOIL OR GAR- lows: the whole work described and specified, as the HUNDRED AND TENTH STREETS. IN 'I'llF DI:N MOULD TO KINGS PARK, JAMAICA. 188 linear feet of pipe sewer, i8-inch. contract is entire and for a complete job. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, TIIE CI'1'Y The time for the completion of the contract 685 linear feet of pipe sewer, 15-inch. Blank forms and further informat'nn may he OF NEW YORK. is within thirty (30) consecutive working days. 40 linear feet of pipe sewer, r2-inch. obtained at the office of Raymond F. Almirall, The time allowed for the completion of the The amount of security required is One Thou- 125 spurs for house connections, over and Architect, No. 51 Chambers street, Borough of whole work will be thirty (3o) consecutive work- sand Dollars ($1,000). above the cost per linear foot of sewer. Manhattan, The City of New York, where plans ing days. The bids will be compared and the contract 9 manholes, complete. and specification, may be seen. The amount of the security required is Thir- awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. 3 receiving basins, complete. ROBERT W. IIEBBERD. teen Hundred Dollars ($r,3oo). L'lank forms may be obtained at the office of 25 cubic yards of rock, to be excavated and Commissioner. The contracts must be bid for separately. the Department of Parks, Litchfield Mansion, removed. Dated October 30, 1908, The bids will be compared and the contract Prospect Park, Brooklyn. 5 cubic yards of Class "B" concrete, in o3o,nr2 awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. place, additional to that shown on the Plans may be seen and blank forms may be HENRY SMITH, tuT See General Instructions to Bid- President; plea. obtained at the office of the Department of for foundations, tiers on the last page, last column, of JOSEPIT I. BERRY 5,000 feet the "City Record." Parks, Borough of Manhattan, Arsenal, Central MICHAEL J. KENNEDY, furlished )and laid,dfur- nd sheeting Park. nished and left in place. HENRY SMITH, Commissioners of Parks. 25 linear feet of 12-inch drain pipe, fur- DEPARTMENT or PURLIC CHARITIES, FOOT OF President; Dated October 17, 1908. nished and laid. EAST 'I'wE\TY-SIXTH STREET, NEW YORK. TOSEPIT 1. BERRY, o2o,n5 The time allowed for the completion of the MICHAEL T. KENNEDY, g-;;-' Sec Ge,,-rnI Instructions to Bid- work will be 75 working days. TO CONTRACTORS. Commissioners of Parks. ders on the last i'as'e, last column, of The amount of security required will be Two Dated October 29, 19o8. the "City Record." Thousand One Hundred Dollars. PROPOSALS FOR BIDS OR ESTIMATES. o29,nr2 No. lo. FOR CONSTRUCTING A SEWER iNr See General Instructions to Bid- AND APPURTENANCES IN BAINBRIDGE E.\LED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILT. BE ders on the lust i,age, last column, of AVENUE, BETWEEN MOSHOLU PARKWAY . received by the Department of Public the "City Record." OFFICIAL PAPERS. NORTH AND \VOODLAWN ROAD. Charities at the above office until 2.30 o'clock The Engineer's estimate of the work is as fol- D. nt. on lows: OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, ARSENAL Morning—"The Sun," "The New York Times." 230 linear feet of pipe sewer, r5-inch. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1908. BUILDING, FIFTH AVENUE AND SIXTY-FOURTH Evening—"The Globe," "The Evening Mail." IGS linear feet of pipe sewer, 12-inch. FOR FURNISIING ALL 'I'llE LABOR AND STREET. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF 43 spurs for house connections, over and ]l.ATI•:1g.Al.s REO(JIR'EI) FOR RL'MOVING New YORK, Weekly—"Delnocracy," "Tammany Times." above the cost per linear foot of sewer. 1IUSI'I-I'AL PAVILIONS LO- 3 manholes, complete. '1'1I1 It >1 EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILT, B1: German—"Stoat s-Zeitun g." ('.-A'VET) ON 'II IE GROUNDS OF IIELLEVUE received by the Park Board at the above z receiving basins, complete. hlOSI'I'l'.AT, AND EREC'l'1Nfi SAME A'I' S 675 cubic yards of rock, to be excavated and office of the Department of Parks until 3 o'clock Designated by the Board of City Record, Janu. Tltl; \TETROPOLITAN HOSPITAL; ALSO I. m. on ary 22, 1o6. Amended March I, tgo6, Qovem- removed. loll -\I:fERING '1-11K POSITION OF SIX 5 cubic yards of Class "B" concrete, in ber 20, 1906; February zo, 1907, and March 5, I1Osh'IT.\I, I'AVIT.IONS NOW AT THE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1908. 1908. place, additional to that shown on the \lETiOI'0IlYs\N IIOSI'ITAL. Borough of Manhattan, plan. The time allowed for the completion of the i,000 feet (B. M.) of timber for foundations, FOR ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS RE- furnished and laid, and sheeting fur- Work and fu'l performance of the contract is thirty (30) cunrccutive working days. QUIREI) FOR FURNISHING AND SETTING BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. nished and left in place. "The surety required will be Two Thousand A(UDl'1'ORICJM CHAIRS IN '1'1IE LIECTURI' 25 linear feet of 12-inch drain pipe, fur- Iksllars ($2,000). IIALL OF 'ITIE NEW ADDITION (1F:) OP nished and laid. Time bidder will state one aggregate price for 1'111: METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF Alt'I', OFFICE OF TIIE PRESIDENT OF TILE liOROUGII OF The time allowed for the completion of the the whole work describes) and specified, as the l.i)CA'IED IN CENTRAL PARK, ON 'l1Il•s R1chM0xo, nURoLCR HALL, ST. (;EORGE, NEW work will be So working days. contract is entire for a complete job. \Vh:ST SIDE Of FIFTH AVENUE, OI'1'O- BRIGHTON, NEW YORK CITY. The amount of security required will be Two I;lank forms and further infornlaiirm may be SITE EIGHTY-TITIRD STREET, I1OROu(;li Thousand Dollars. 5.. EALEI) BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILT, BE obtained at the office of the Arclti'ect of the Oil MANHATTAN. received by the President of the Borough No. rr. FOR PAVING WITH ASPHALT Itspartmeut. foot of East 'l'wenty-sixth street, The time allowed to complete the whole work BLOCKS ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION of Richmond at the abuse office until 12 o'clock The Cite of New York, where plans and specifi- will be sixty (Go) consecutive working days. nL nn TIIE ROADWAY OF ONE HUNDRED AND cations may be seen. The amount of security required is Two Thou- SIXTY-FIFTH STREET, BETWEEN WEB- ROBERT W. IIEBBERD, sand Dollars ($2,000). TUESDAY, NOVEMBER l(I, 11)1)8. STER AVENUE AND MORRIS AVENUE Cunnni ssioner. The contracts must be bid for separately. Borough of Richiniad. ANI) THE ROADWAY OF CLAY AVENUE, Datc,l Oct,ber 3o, 19o8. The bids will be compared and the contract BETWEEN ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY- O30, 12 awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. N. 6. FOR FUIINISIIING ALL TIII( FOURTH STREET AND ONE HUNDRED ... See General Instructions to Bid- Plans may be seen and blank forms may be LABOR AND 1IAfEItlAI.S REOUIRI?I) FOR AND SIXTY-FIFTH STREET. AND RESET- obtained at the office of the Department of ( 0N'-1 toCC'I'ING A TEAl l'OltAItY COM- TING CURB WHERE NECESSARY. tiers on the last paste, last column, of the "CiiY Record." ('arks, Borough of Manhattan. Arsenal, Central ilINl•:I> SEWER IN ERAS'I'INA PLACE, I'RUA1 The Engineer's estimate of the work is as fol- Park. CEN dirt, AVENUE TO A POINT ABOUT lows: HENRY SMITH, 160 F1(E'I' NOA'1'l1 OI' 'I'Ill{ STATEN IS! .-\ND 5,420 square yards of completed asphalt block DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES, FOOT OF President; 1(AYll) 'Tlt.\NS1'I' R:\ILROAD, T(11;1-1TllER pavement, and keeping the same in re- EAST TWENTY-SIXTH STREET, NEW YORK. JOSEPH I. BERRY. \1'1'1'11 :)L1, 1VORK INCID)EN1'pL'l'I1h:Rl•;'1'O. pair for five years from date of ac- MICHAEL J. KENNEDY. '1 be 1:ugiuecr's estimate of the quantity and ceptance. TO CONTRACTORS. Commissioners of Parks. quality of the umlerial, and the nature and ex- 883 cubic yards of concrete, including mor- Dated October 29, 1908. tent, as near as possible, of the work required, is tar bed. PROPOSALS FOR BIDS OR ESTIMATES. 029,012 as follows: 3,125 linear feet of old curbstone, rejointed, 252 linear feet of salt-glazed vitrified pipe recut on top and reset in concrete. EALE1) BIDS OR ES'T'IMATES WILT, BE ItT See General Instructions to Bid- ders on the last page, last column, of sewer of twelve (12) inches interior The time allowed for the completion of the received by the Department of Public diameter, all complete, as per section work will be 5o consecutive working days. Charities at the above office until 2.30 o'clock the "City Record." p. m. on on plan of the work. The amount of security required will be Six 575 linear feet of salt-glazed vitrified pipe Thouspad Dollars. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1908. OFFICE OF TILE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, ARSENAL sewer of tell (lo) inches interior diam- Blank forms can be obtained upon application BUILDING, FIFTH AVENUE AND SIXTY-FOURTH cter, all complete, as per section on therefor, and the plans and specifications may he FOR FURNISIJING AI.L THE LABOR AND MATERIALS RI•:OIJIRED FOR TI-IE SIRRET, IJOROUGIH OF MANHATTAN, '1'IIE CITY OF plan of the work. seen and other information obtained at said New YORK, 4 manholes, complete, as per section on plan office. ERECTION AND ENTIRE COMPLETION of the work, LOUIS F. HAFFEN, OF IRON BALCONIES ON TILE NORTH EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE hIOShtmlTAE, WARD Lt, WARD AND 1.000 feet (it. 91.) of foundation timber and President. 14, S received by the Park Board at the above planking, in place and secured. 027.n9 DORMITORY NO. 2, AT THE NEW YORK office of the Department of Parks until 3 o'clock I cubic yard of cancrcle, in place. - CITY CIIILDREN'S 11OS1'1l'ALS AND D. m. on 1^I' See General Instructions to Bid SCIIOOLS, RANDALLS ISLAND. I cubic yard of brick masonry. derN on the last page, last column, of The time allowed for the completion of the THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1908. S cubic yards of additional excavation. the "City Record." 5 cubic yards of additional filling. work and full performance of the contract is Borough of Manhattan, seventy-five (75) calendar days. 2,00(1 feet (B. Af.) of sheeting, retained. The surety required will be Eight Thousand FOR PAVING WITH ASTI-IALT PILES 2 reinforced concrete receiving basins with DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC Dollars ($8,000). - Till's ENDS OIC 1'111? PARKS IN BROAI)- one and unc-quarter (1 /) inch gal- CHARITIES. The bidder will state one aggregate price for \VAY, BETWEEN EIGII'1'lE"1'II AND NINE- vavized wrought iron bars, all com- the whole work describer) and specified, as the '1'Y-FIFTH STREETS, IN TILE BOROUGH plete, as shown on Plans on file in the contract is entire for a complete job. OF MANHATTAN, TIME CITY OF NEW office of the Commissioner of Public 1 )LPAeTM car nr FLoc1 CHARITIES, FOOT of Blank forms and further information may he YORK. \0'orks, and cnunected with the sewer. EAST TiVENTY-SIXTil STREET, New YORK. obtained at the office of the Architect of the De- The time allowed for the completion of the 30 linear feet of s-incli by IG-inch curb, fur- nartment. font of East Twenty-sixth street, The whole work will he thirty (30) consecutive work- nished and set in cuncrcte. TO CONTR.ACTORS City of New York, where plans and specifications ing (lays. 'I'he time for the completion of the work and may be seen. The amount of the security required is Twelve the full performance of the contract is thirty 1'Rl)l'O5.\Ls FOR 11105 OR I•:STIM.\TES. ROBERT W. ITEBBERD, Hundred Dollars ($1,200). (311) days. Commissioner. 'I'hc contracts must be bid for separately. The am sum nt of security required is Eleven 1iinilc,l Dollars ($I.Irm)_ 1?.\I.I:U T:IDS OR ESTI\I.\"fES WILT. BE Dated October 22, 1908. 'iiue bids will be compared and the contract received by the Ileluartu1ent of Public 022,02 awarded at a lump or aggregate sown. Nn. 7. FOR Pl"1tNIST1IN(l ALL Tills S i.AltOlt 4N1) 'SI.ATh-:IIALS 1ZFOUl1Z1:l) FOIL Chariti, s at the above office until 2.30 o'clock d^t See General Instructions to Bid- Plans may he seen and blank forms may be I,. iii. Oil ders on the lust page, last column, of obtained at the office of the Department of ('ONS"I'Rl"(1'l:VG A ' ENI110t.AltY SAN [- the "City Record." T'arks, Borough of Manhattan, Arsenal, Central 'I'ARY S!;\4'ER IN LOCK\l.\N A\'I{NIIE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1908, I'ark. FROM A I'()lN'l' AllOhiC ago 1111(1' S011'1'iI FOR FI;IlNISIIING ALL'I[E L.11lOR AND HENRY SMTIII, Oh RI('llA1ONU 'l'I{ititA(h( SOU'I'111?RI.Y M:ATERI.AI,S REO('lltEl) 1:OIt REPAIRING President; FOR A1O11'I' 2,15 i l-il'. AND IN ('iih''IIRY AND I'.AIN-fING (I?R1-.AIS I;UILI)INGS CON- DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. JOSEPH I. BERRY. I"ANE. FiOM TIIP EXISTING Si(WEiI IN NECTE'D Wl'I'll TILE NEW YORK CITY MICHAEL 1. KENNEDY, isiAi1h'sNNE S'l'Iti(I('l' 'Ii) A I'OIN'I' NEAR !':\L'i1(1(5 kiJN, '10(JET'1N.:R WITII ALL IIOMI•: FOR 'filE VGET) 'SNI) INFIRM, OFFICE OF TILE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, ARSENAL Commissioners of Parks. lhlACKWECCB ISL.\NI), 'JIVE. CITY OF Dated October 29, 19o8. \Y(lRI' TN('IDEN"1'Al, 'I1L:ltI:'1O. BUILDING. FIFTIi AVENUE AND SIXTY-FOURTH "lhi, 1•:ngincer's estimole sf the quantity and NEW YORK. STREET, BORov(;H OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF 029,0 12 The time allowed for the completion of the Now YORK. 8"7Y See General Instructions to Bld- quality of the material, ;uid Ihe nature and ex- work and full performance of the contract is ders on the last page, lust colurnn, of teut, as near as pus,ihle, of the wnrk required, is sixty (6o) consecutive working days. EvLE1) ll'hl 'Ill t(ti'Itv9:v'LI(S WILT, Rite the "City Record." as follows: The security required will be Two Thousand received by the Park Board at the above 245 linear feet of stilt-glazed vitrified pipe S sewer of eight (8) inches i uteri. it- diam- Dollars ($2,000). office of the, I epartntent of Parks until 3 o'clock OFFICE OF TILE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, ARSENAL The bidder will state one aggregate price for I'. m, on eter, all complete, as per section oil BUILDING, FIFTH AVENUE AND SIXTY-FOURTH plan of the wnrk• the whole work described and specified, as the STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, TILE CITY OP THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1008. 475 linear feet of s:dl-glazed vitrified nine contract is entire for a complete job. NEW YORK. Blank forms and further information may be Borough of Manhattan, sewer of six (G) inches interior diant- EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILT, BE eter, all complete, as per section on obtained at the office of the Architect of the I)e - FOR EXCAVATING ANT) DISPOSING OF partnlent, foot of East Twenty-sixth street. The- 1; received by the Park Board at the above plan of the work. F'S R'CII OR OT1HER hiATEii1IAf.S AND office of the Department of Parks until 3 o'clock I manhole, comtdete, as tier section on plan City of New York, where plans and specification, FUItNISIIING IN PLACE THEREOF GOOI) may be seen. p. m. on of the work. (;VtUbV MOLD IN 'fifE PARKS ON I flush tank with No. 5 \'an Vranken ROBERT W. Ill: ISBERII, RRt)A )WAY, )th"TWEEN SEVENTY-THIRD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1008. Commissioner. syphon, set complete, as per section \N I> 1•iif;I1''Y-SIXTH STREETS, IN TIIE Borough of Brooklyn. on plan of the work. Dated October 3o, 19o8. IO1tf)I1GII OF MANHATTAN. THE CITY 031,n gnu feet (I4. M.) of fnundatiun timber and 1 .3 OF NEW YORK. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING planking, in place andsecured. tfr' See (Teneral Instructions to Bid- The time allowed for the completion of the HUDSON RIVER ROAD GRAVEL ON 2 cubic yards of concrete, in place. ders on the last page, last column, of whole work will he forty consecutive working OCEAN PARKWAY, BOROUGH OF BROOK- I cubic yard of brick masonry. the "City Record." days. LYN. 5 cubic yards of additiona! excavation. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 19o8. THE CITY RECORD. 11443

5 cubic yards of additional filling. 50 linear feet of salt-glazed vitrified pipe List 225, No. 2. Sewer in Twelfth avenue. sides of Nineteenth street, between Eighth avenue 2,000 feet (B. Al.) of sheeting, retained. sewer of fifteen (t5) inches interior from One Hundred and Thirty-third to One Hun- and Prospect Park West, and on the north side 6 linear feet of additional six (6) inch diameter, all complete. as per section dred and Thirty-fifth street. of Eighteenth street, between Prospect Park West vitrified pipe, furnished and laid. on plan of the work. List 236, No. 3, Paving with asphalt blocks, and Eleventh avenue. t lamp hole frame and cover, furnished 400 linear feet of salt-glazed vitrified pipe curbing and recurbing West One Iundred and List 16, No. 6. Laying cement sidewalks on and set. sewer of eight (8) inches interior Eighty-eighth street, from Amsterdam avenue to north side of Forty-fifth street, between Fifth The time for the completion of the work and diameter, all complete, as per section St. Nicholas avenue. and Sixth avenues; north side of Seventy-second the full performance of the contract is thirty on plan of the work. street, between 'Third and Fourth avenues; north (30) days. 4 reinforced concrete receiving basins, Borough of The Bronx. side of Seventy-ninth street, between Shore road The amount of security required is Four Hun- with one and one-quarter (i'%) inch List 9683, No, 4. Sewer in Boston road be- and Third avenue. dred and Fifty I)ollars ($45o). galvanized wrought iron bars, all com- tween Southern boulevard and East One hun- List zt, No. 7- Grading a lot on the north side The contracts must be bid for separately, and plete, as shown on plans on file in the dred and Seventy-seventh street. of Windsor place, between Eighth avenue and the bids will be compared and the contract office of the Commissioner of Public List 9688, No. 5. Server in West Two Hun- Prospect Park West, known as Lot No, 47 in awarded at a lump or aggregate stun for each Works, and connected with the sewer. dred and Sixty-first street, between Broadway Block tioq. contract. 7 brick manholes, complete, as per section and Riverdale avenue. List 45, No. 8. Sewer in Rogers avenue, east Bidders are requested to make their bids or on plan of the work. Borough of queens. side, between Linden avenue and Martense estimates upon the blank form prepared by the 2 manholes on flat roof sewer, complete, street. i'resident, a copy of which, with the proper en- as per section on plan of the work. List 92, No. 6. Temporary sewer in Chestnut . List 47, No. 9. Sewer in Sixty-second street, velope in which to enclose the bid, together with 9,300 linear feet of piles, furnished, driven and street, from a point i5o feet west of Parsons between Third and Fifth avenues, with outlet a copy of the contract, including the specifica- cut. avenue to Whitestone avenue, and in White- sewer in Third avenue, from Sixty-second to tions, in the form approved by the Corporation 15,000 feet (B. M.) of yellow pine foundation stone avenue, from Chestnut street to State Sixty-third street. Counsel, can he obtained upon application there. timber and planking, in place and street, Third Ward. List 54, No. io, Sewer in Warehouse avenue, for at the office of the said President. The secured. List 94, No. 7. Catch basins on the northeast between Surf and Neptune avenues, with outlet plans and drawings may be seen and other in- 38,000 feet (B. M.) of spruce planking, in place and northwest corners of Graham avenue and sewer itn Neptune avenue, between Warehouse forntation obtained at the office of the Commis- and secured. Sixth avenue, First Ward. avenue and Twenty-first street. sionvr of Poblie Works of the Borough of Rich- Jo cubic yards of concrete, in place. List 95, No. 8. Catch basin on the southeast List 63, No. I I. Sewer in Twentieth street, mond, Borough hall, New Ilrighton, Borough of 2 cubic yards of brick masonry. corner of Union avenue and Shelton avenue, between Terrace place and Vanderbilt street, and Richmond. io cubic yards of rip-rap, in place. Fourth Ward. outlet sewer in Vanderbilt street, north side, be- GEORGE CROMWELL, 30 cubic yards of additional excavation. List io6, No. 9. Receiving basin on the west tween Twentieth street and East Fifth street. President, 30 cubic yards of additional filling. side of Academy street, opposite South Washing- '.. List 48, No. 52. Sewer in Benson avenue, be- The City of New York, Octolxr 21, 1908. 10,000 feet (]3. M.) of sheeting, retained. ton place, First Ward. tween Bay Eleventh and Bay Thirteenth streets. oz8,nto 300 square feet of additional reinforcing The limits within which it is proposed to lay List 104, No. r3. Sewers in Sixty-fifth street, f° See General lllMIructfous to Bid metal, equal and similar to Nos. 4 and the said assessments include all the several houses both sides, between Fifth and Eighth avenues. - and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces and par- ilers oil the Inst page, Inrt colurnn, of io expanded metal, furnished and List 135, No. 14. Sewer in Church avenue, the "City Record." placed. cels of laud situated on— No. I. Both sides of Scammel street, between from East Eleventh to East Fifteenth street, and 300 pounds of additional reinforcing metal in Caton avenue, from Parade place to East equal and similar to corrugated steel Water and Cherry streets. OFFICE OP TIIE PRESIDENT No. 2. Both sides of Twelfth avenue, from Seventeenth street; also basins at the northeast, OF TILE BosOilGIr OF rods, furnished and placed. northwest and southeast corners of Church ave- RICHMOND, BOROUGH HAt.L, ST. GEORGE, New go linear fee, of 5-inch by 16-incb curb- One IIundred and 'Thirty-third street to the BRIGHTON, NEW YORK CITY. stones, furnished and set in concrete. northerly house line of One Hundred and Thirty- nue and East Sixteenth and East Seventeenth 25 linear feet of house sewers (not inter- fourth street; both skies of One Hundred and streets, and basin at the northeast corner of EALED TBIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE cepted), extended and connected. Thirty-fourth street, from Broadway to a point Ocean avenue and Church avenue, and basin at S recrived by the ['resident of the Borough of 20 square feet of four (4) inch bluestone about 675 feet westerly, and the south side of northeast corner of East Eighteenth street and Richmond. at the above office until l2 o'clock on flagstones, furnished and placed. One hrfndred and Thirty-third street, from Albemarle road. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1-)08. Twelfth as-critic to Broadway. The limits within which it is proposed to lay 2 wooden screen doors, as shown on the the said assessments include all the several houses Borough of Idcblu(1euii. plan of the work. Nn. 3. Both sides of One Hundred and Eighty- Structure for support of the railroad eighth street, from Amsterdam avenue to St. and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces and par- No. a. FOR FURNISHING ALL TILE tracks, complete, as shown on the plan Nicholas avenue, and to the extent of half the cels of land situated on— LAL'OR AN I) MA'l'I?RIAT.S REQUIRED FOR of the work. block at the intersectin¢ streets and avenues. No. I. Both sides of Seventy-fifth street, from REGULATING AND REPAVING WITTI Time for the completion of the work and the No. 4. Iiotlt sides of Boston road, from South- Shore road to First avenue; the northeast corner V'ITRIhIED BRICK I'.\Vl-AIliNh OV A CON- full performance of the contract is one hundred ern boulevard to One Hundred and Seventy- of Seventy-fifth street and First avenue and both CRETE FOUNDA'T'ION 'f11E GUTTERS OF (Ion) days. seventh street; southeast side of Bryant avenue, sides of Seventy-fifth street, from Fifth to Sev- HARRISON AVENUE, FROM RICIIifOND The amount of security required is Seventeen between One Hundred and Seventy-sixth and enth avenue, and to the extent of one-half the AVENUE TO NICf1OLAS AVI?NUE: IIOUS- Thurtsand Dollars ($17,000). Boston road; both sides of Vy=e avenue, between block at the intersecting and terminating streets MAN AVENUE, FROM RICII\[OND TER- The contracts must be bid for separately, and One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street and and avenues. RACE TO A POINT AP,O('1' TOUR TIUN- the bids will be compared and the contract One Noodled and Srventy.fntt rtli street; both No. z. Both sides of [Nimrod street, from I)RED AND FORTY (aaa) IT[tY SOUTH OF awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for each sides of Hot, avenue, between One I uvndlred and Bushwick to Knickerbocker avenue, and both CEDAR STREET; SIIIONSON AVENUE. contract. Seventy-fourth street and Bnstnn road, sides of Myrtle avenue, from Stanhope street PROTI RT(;TT?.loNI) '1'1{RR.ACli 'f() ,A l'OIN'I' Bidders are requested to make their bids or No. 5. Both sides of Two hundred and Sixty- to Nimrod street. ABOUT 'I'IIRI{E IIU\l)RhIy ANT) SIXTY-SIX estimates upon the blank form prepared by the first street, between Broadway and Independence No. i. East side of Little street, between FEET SOUTH OF Tlll: STA'T'EN ISLAND President, a copy of which, with the proper avenue; both sides of Spencer street, between Evans and United States streets, Block 24, Lots lt:N'IIy TRANSIT lt'sIF.ltO:\l1 CROSSING; envelope in which to inclose the bid, together Two hundred and Sixtieth street and the north- Nos. 15, t6 and r7; south side of Richardson AND PENNSVI-VANIA AVI{NUT:. PROM with a copy of the contract, including the speci- erly boundary line of The City of New York; street, between Manhattan and Graham avenues, NEW YOIlE AVENUE TO I:.AY S"IREICT, TO- fications, in the form approved by the Corpora- both sides of Huxley avenue, between Two Hun- Block 2734, Lot No. t8; east side of Palmetto GhI'IIh:R WITH :1LL WORK INCIDENTAL tion Counsel, can he obtained upon application dred and Sixtieth street and Two Hundred and street, between hamburg and Knickerbocker ave- THERETO. therefor at the office of the said President. Sixty-second street; west side of Broadway, be- nues, Block 3352, Lot No. 13; west side of Ja- The Engineer's estimate of the quantity and The plans and drawings may be seen and other tween Two Hundred and Sixty-first street and Inaica avenue, between Barbey and Warwick quality of the material, and the nature and ex- information obtained at the office of the Com- Two Hundred and Sixty-second street; both sides streets, Block 3398, Lot No. 41; south side of tent, as near as possible, of the work required, is missioner of Public Works of the Borough of of Fieldston road, between Two Hundred and Flushing avenue, between Bushwick avenue and as follows: Richmond, Borough Hall, New Brighton, Borough Sixtieth street and the northerly boundary line Bremen street, Block ii.ig, Lot No. 8; south 4,110 square yards of vitrified brick pavement, of Richmond. of The City of New York; bath sides of Tyn- side of Sutter avenue, between Van Sicklen ave- including sand bed and laid with pav- The City of New York. October 2r. Igo&, dall avenue, 1-ichig avenue, between Two llun- nue and Ilendrix street, Block 4042, Lots Nos. ing cement joints, with one (r) year GEORGE CROMWELL, dred and Sixty-first street and the northerly t4, 15, r6 and r7; north side of St. Marks ave- maintenance. President. boundary line of The City of New York; both nue, between Rockaway and Hopkinson avenues, 990 cubic yards of concrete. 022,n to sides of Riverdale avenue, berth sides of Avenue Block 1454, Lot No. _.54; east side of Greene ave- I cubic yard of brick masonry. von Humboldt, bctwcon Two Iumiired and Sixty- nue, between St. Nicholas avenue and City line, 1,030 linear feet of new sixteen (r6) inch blue- R^' See General Instructions to Hid- first street and northerly boundary line of The Block 3303, Lot No. 9; south side of Pilling stone curbstone. furnished and set. der rt on the last page, last column, of City of New York; both sides of Nctheylaud ave- street, between Bushwick and Evergreen avenues, 8,380 linear feet of old blucstonc curbstone, rc- the "City Record." nue, between Two Hundred and Sixty-first street Block 3457, Lots Nos. 29 and 35. jointed and reset. and about 400 feet southerly therefrom. 30 square feet of old flagstone, recut and No. 4. North side of Ninth street, from Fifth No. 6. Both sides of Chestnut street, be- avenue to Prospect Park West; south side of reset. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OP THE BOROUGH OF tween Parsons avenue and \Vhitestone avenue; 3 square feet of new bluestone dripstone, RICHMOND, BOROUGH HALL, ST. GEORGE, NEW Ninth street, from Prospect Park West to a both sides of Wltitestone avenue, between Chest- point about .348 feet east of Fifth avenue; both furnished and set. BRIGHTON, NEW YORK CITY. nut and State streets. 6,600 square feet of old sidewalk, relaid. sides of Eighth avenue, from Eighth to Tenth WILL BE No. 7. Both sides of Sixth avenue and west street; both sides of Seventh avenue, from Ninth to square feet of new flagstone, furnished Cs EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES side of Seventh avenue, between Graham avenue and laid. received by the President of the Borough to Penth street; both sides of Sixth avenue, from o'clock and Broadway; north side of Graham avenue, The time for the completion of the work and of Richmond at the above office until 12 between Fifth and Sixth avenues. Ninth to Tenth street; northwesterly side of Pros- the full performance of the contract is sixty (6o) In., on pect Park. West, from Eighth to Ninth street. No. 8. East side of Union avenue, from Shel- No, 5. East side of Washington avenue, from days. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1908. ton avenue to a point about 708 feet southerly; The amount of security required is Seven Thou- Classon avenue to a point about to feet south Borough of Richmond. south side of Shelton avenue, between Union sand Dollars ($7,000). and ITardenhrook avenue. of Montgomery street; north side of Windsor place, commencing about 12,3 feet east of Tenth No. -. FOR FURNISTIING ALL TILE FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND No. q. North side of Academy street, from avenue and extending easterly about Ito feet; LABOR AND TMA'1'Elf:ALS TIE tI]IRED FOR MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCT. Payntar avenue to Wilbur avenue, and southwest REGULATING AND RI'.I':AVIN(; AVI'1'll IRON ING A REINFORCED CONCRETE RETAIN. side of Payntar avenue, from Academy street to north side of Fifth street, from Fourth avenue SLAG I:L()(' PAYEi11t N'i' ON :\ CONCRETE Itadde street. to a point about q5 feet west of Fifth avenue; ING WALL ON S'TUYVESANT PLACE, AND cast side of Eighth avenue, extending about loo FOUNDATION TIFF RO.\1)\V:\1'S of \V,\ffl1 OTHER WOItK IN CONNECTION WITI-f All persons whose interests are affected by the feet south of teenthNine street; south side of STIIEF:-F, I ROM A 1'OIN'I' ABOUT EIGIT"fY- 'l'HE ST. GEORGE FERRY APPROACH. above named proposed assessments, and who are Nineteenth street, Block 888, Lots Nos. 7, SIX (86) FEET SOU"I'll OI, RI('II\IONI) -1'I,:R- The Engineer's estimate of the quantity and opposed to the same, or either of them, are re- RACE TO TIIE SOUTH SIDE OF \VOOD- 19, 25, 34 and 39; north side of Nineteenth quality of the material, and the nature and ex• quested to present their objections, in writing, to strcct, Block 882 Lots Nos. 17, 28, 4e, RUFF LANE; WOODRUPI-' T.ANI'. FRONT tent, as near as possible, of the work required, is the Seeretar' of the Board of Assessors, No. 320 and So; north side of Eighteenth street, be- WATER STREET TO BARKER S'I'RFET as follows: Broadway, New York, on or before December I, tween Prospect Park West and Tenth avenue, AND MARKER S'1 HFIC', FRO\I \YO0l)11UFI- 6,300 cubic yards of concrete in place, includ- rgo8, at t r a. m., at which time and place the LANE TO '['TIE NOR'1'11 SIDYl' OF 'FRTNITV ing forms, said objections will he heard and testimony re- l flock 887, Lots Nos. 49. 51, 54, .5.5, 57, 58, 59, ceived to reference thereto. 64, 68 and 71; north side of Eighteenth street, PLACE, TOCE'PITEI 1VITII ALL WORK IN- loo cubic yards of extra concrete, for foun- between Tenth and Eleventh avenues, Block 878, CII)ENTAL TIIh:RE.TO. dation (1-3-6). 'fire Engineer's estimate of the quantity and ANTONIO ZUCCA, Lots Nos. 40, 51, 52, 53, 54, S5, 56, 68, 6g, 70, 6o8,000 pounds of steel rods in place. 71, 72 and 73. quality of the material and the nature and extent, 27,000 pounds of steel (structural) in place. I'AUL WEIJMANN, as near as possible, of the work required, is as JAMES IT. KENNEDY, No. 6. North side of Forty-fifth street, be- 14,200 cubic yards of excavation. Board of Assessors. 'ween Fifth and Sixth avenues, Block 73g, Lot follows: 250 cubic yards of broken stone for founda- No. 58; north side of Seventy-second street, t,66o square yards of iron slag block pavement, tion. WILLIAM H. JASPER, Secretary, between Third and Fourth avenues, Block 589r, including sand bed, and laid with pav- 640 linear feet of granite coping on parapet Lots Nos, I, 58, 64, ing cement joints, with one (r) year wall. No. 320 Broadway. 65, 66, 67, 68, 7q and 95; maintenance. north side of Seventy-ninth street, from Share 1,360 square feet of granite facing. City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, road to Third avenue. ego cubic yards of concrete. 4 granite pedestals, Type A. October 29, igoS. 1,465 linear feet of new sixteen (16) inch blue- No. 7. North side of Windsor place, between I granite pedestal, Type B. o29,nio Eighth avenue and Prospect Park West, Block stone curbstone, furnished and set. I granite pedestal, Type C. 1.200 square feet of old sideivalk, rtlaid. -inch) vitri- i 109, Lot No. 47. I,o76 linear feet of eight-inch (8 UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO No, 8. East side of Rogers avenue, from The time for the completion of the work and fied drain pipe, in place. the owner or owners of all houses and the full performance of the contract is thirty P Martense street to Lenox road; both sides of 324 linear feet of iron fence. lots, improved or unimproved lands affected Rogers avenue, from Lenox road to Robinson (3 0) days. The time for the completion of the work, and thereby, that the (,hotting proposed assessments 'I- he amount of scenic- y' rcv1ireI is'I'lirce ,rhot, street; both sides of Clarkson avenue, Lenox the full performance of the contract is three have been completed and are lodged in the office road and Linden street, from Rogers avenue to sated I )nllar, ($,l,inn). hundred (300) days. The amount of security of the Board of Assessors for examination by all ($6o,000). Nostrand avenue. Ni. 4. I-OR f1 RNISIII:N(;.AT.I.'f1TELABOR required is Sixty Thousand Dollars persons interested, viz.: No. q. Both sides of Sixty-second street, from AND TI.Vrl-:l:l.A1.; Rh0i1TAEl1 l Olt' Rr:Gll- Tire contracts must be bid for separately, and Borough of Brooklyn. Third to Fifth avenue; both sides of Third ave- I..ATIN(; .N I) I(lil'APING_ WI'I'II WOOL) the bids will be compared and the contract nue, from Sixty-second to Sixty-third street. C LOCK I':AVEA11-T:N ON A CONCRETE awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for each List 5832, No. I. Regulating and curbing of No. io. Motto sides of Warehouse avenue, l t)ITNU.A'I ION 'I'll1; ROADWAY Dl IlEltER- contract. Bay R'dge parkway, from Fifth to Seventh ave- from Surf avenue to Canal avenue; south side of 'I'O1N AVl•:Nl1E, 1'R()AI I'OST AV'ENUP: TO Bidders are requested to make their bids. or nue; laying brick gutters from Shore road to Canal avenue, from Twenty-third street to a ELIZ.\L'E'I'll S['Rl-;l'l. '1OGETIIER \VI'I'll estimates upon the blank form prepared by the iiest avenue, and from Fifth to Seventh avenue, point about tlq feet east of Warehouse a.enue; ALT. AV'ORK. INCIDENTAL. THERETO. President, a copy of which, with the proper and laying cement sidewalks bctweeu Shore road both sides of Neptune avenue, from Twenty- The I°-iigiuict''s cStimate of the quantity and envelope in which to enclose the bid, together and Seventh avenue. fourth street to a point about trq feet cast of quality of the material, and the nature and ex- with a copy of the contract, including the speci- List 4, No. 2. Reconstructing a sewer in Him- 'I\venty-first street; both sides of Twenty-first tent, as near as possible, of the work required is fications, in the form approved by the Corpora- roil street, between Evergreen avenue and Knick- street, from Neptune avenue extending about 375 as follows: tion Counsel, can be obtained upon application erbockcr avenue. feet southerly from said avenue; both sides of 6,200 square yards of wood block pavement. therefor at the office of the said President. The List r_, No. 3. laying cement sidewalks on 'Twenty-third street. from Mermaid avenue to goo cubic yards of concrete, including mortar plans and drawings may be seen and other in. southeast . ide of Little street, between Evans Canal avenue; north side of Mermaid avenue, bed. formation obtained at the office of the Commis- and United States streets; south side of Rich- from Twenty-third street to a point about erg 2,700 linear feet of new sixteen (t6) inch sioner of Public Works of the Borough of Rich- ardson street, between Manhattan and Graham ave- feet east of Warehouse avenue; south side of b!ucstonc curbstone, furnished and set. mind, Borough Hall, New Brighton, Borough of nues; southeast side of Palmetto street, between Mermaid avenue, extending easterly and westerly qoo Square feet of old nidewalit, relaid. Richmond. Hamurg and Knickerbocker avenues; northwest from Warehouse avenue about IIq feet. '1'Ihe time for the completion of the work and GEORGE CROMWELL, side of Jamaica avouue, between Barbey and No, i t. Both sides of Twentieth street, from the full pi-rforniance of (lie contract is seventy- President. Warwick streets; south side of Flushing avenue, Terrace place to Vanderbilt street; north side of five ( 7.5 ) days. The City of New York, October 7, 1908. between llusbwrirk avenue and Bremen street; \'anderhilt street, from Twentieth street to a The ammmlit of =entu-ity required is Eleven o13,nto south side of Sutter avenue, between Van Sicklen point about 270 feet east of Nineteenth street; 'I'i:nusand D,dlars ($i i. into) - avenue and Hendrix street; north side of St. also, blocks bounded by Terrace place and Van- Nt. 5. FOR IT71:NlSIlING AT.1. TILE LABOR See General Instruction, to Bid- Marks avenue, between Hopkinson and Rockaway dcrbilt street and Gravesend avenue and Twen- AND MA'T'T?RI:ALS It[:I)UTRP.D FOIL CON- ders on the last [sage, last column, of avenues; southeast side of Greene avenue, between tieth street; south side of Terrace place, from tiI'ItCC'1'ING A SP:I'.AR:ATE? STORM WA'l'EIR the "City Record." St. Nicholas avenue and the Borough of Queens; Nineteenth to Twentieth street; north side of Oli1'I:V.I. SEWER FROM 'f- IW ISULKITEAD southe'sst side of Pilling street, between Bushwick Seeley street, from Nineteenth to Twentieth AT TIIE I-OO"f Of ('ANAT. S-TREET WEST- and Evergreen avenues; southwest side of Ever- street; south side of Seeley street, from Eight- ERI.Y "PllROUGll CANAL STREET TO TILE green avenue, between l'illinlr street and New centh to Twentieth street; both sides of Nine- tvl':ST Slur. Or ls:\Y STRI-:ET, ET(.. AI.I. BOARD OF ASSESSORS. York and Manhattan Beach Railroad. teenth street, from Seeley street to Vanderbilt BEING, WITHIN SICWICRA(;R l)IsTRFC- N(1. List t3, No. 4, Sewer basins in Ninth street, street. A. IN '1'IIE SECOND W,ARlr, TOGETHER at northwest and southwest corners of Sixth No. 12. Both sides of Benson avenue, from WI'I'll ALL WORK INCIDENTAL Th[ERi- UBLIC NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN TO avenue, Seventh avenue and Eighth avenue; both Bay Eleventh to Bay Thirteenth street; both TO. P the owner or owners of all houses and lots, sides midway between Fifth and Sixth avenues, skies of Bay Eleventh street, from Bath avenue The Engineer's estimate of the quantity and improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, Sixth anti Seventh and Seventh and Eighth ave- to Benson avenue; northerly side of Bath ave- quality of the material, and the nature and x- that the following proposed assessments have been nues. ttue• from Bay Tenth to Bay Eleventh street. tent, as near as possible, of the work required is anneptrecl and are lodged in the office of the List 14, No. 5. Laying cement sidewalks on No. 13. Both sides of Sixty-fifth street, ex- as follows: Board of Assessors for examination by all persons Washington avenue, cast side, between Classon tettding about loo feet northerly and southerly 617 linear feet of reinforced concrete sewer interested, viz.: avenue and Washington place; north side of therefrom, and from Fifth to Eighth avenue. of flat roof twin section, and 3-foot Windsor place, between Tenth and Eleventh ave- No. 14. Both sides of Church avenue, from circular sanitary sewer, designated Borough of Manhattan. nues; north side of Fifth street, between Fourth East Eleventh to East Fifteenth street; east side "('lass A." all complete as per sec- list 224, No. I. Sewer in Scammel street, be- and Fifth avenues; east side of Eighth avenue, of East Eleventh street, from Church avenue to tion on plan of the work, twcen Cherry and Water streets. between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets; both Caton avenue; south side of Caton avenue, from 11 1444 THE CITY RECORD.. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1908.

East Eleventh to East Twelfth street; both sides street (avenue) to Fulton street; both sides of 1,830 linear feet old curbstone, redressed, re- 499 square yards asphalt pavement, including of East Thirteenth street, from Caton avenue to Becker avenue, from First street (avenue) to jointed and reset in concrete. binder course, within railroad • area Church avenue; both sides of East Fourteenth White Plains road; both sides of Demilt avenue, 43 noiseless covers and heads, complete, for (no maintenance). street, commencing about 147 feet south of Caton from Marion street to \Vhite Plains road; both sewer manholes. to square yards old stone pavement, to be avenue and extending southerly to Church ave- sides of Huguenot street, from Robertson place The time allowed for the completion of the work relaid in approaches, etc. nue; both sides of Last Sixteenth and East Sev- to White Plains road; both sides of Pell place, and the full performance of the contract is forty 270 cubic yards concrete for Piveoient founda- enteenth street, from Caton to Church avenue; from Demilt avenue to Huguenot street; both (40) working days. tion, outside railroad aria. south side of Caton avenue, from East Sixteenth sides of Robertson place, from Demilt avenue to The amount of security required is Thirteen 70 cubic yards concrete for paveeteut fouimcla- to East Eighteenth street; north side of Caton lingucuot street. 'Thousand Dollars ($13,000). tiun, within railroad area. avenue, extending about 77 feet east of Parade No. 2. Both sides of Academy street, from No. 2. FOR REGUI.:\'1'ING AND REPAV- 1,674 linear feet new ctnbstoue, furnished and place; north side of Church avenue, from East Grand avenue to Broadway, and to the extent of ING WIT[I ASPIIAL'1' ON A CONCRETE set in concrete. Fifteenth to East Eighteenth street; south side of one-half the block at the intersecting and ternti- FOUNDATION THE ROADWAY OF CLAS- 420 linear feet old curbstone, redressed, rc- Church avenue, from East Sixteenth to East Sev- uating streets and avenues. SON AVENUE, FROM FULTON S'TREE'T TO jointed and reset in cc' ucrete. enteenth street; east side of Ocean avenue, from No. S. Both sides of First avenue, from Web- BERGEN S'T'REET, TOGETHER WI'T'H ALL The time allowed for the comtdeti'o of the Church avenue to Caton avenue; cast side of East ster avenue to Pavntar avenue, and to the ex- WI Rk INCIDENTAL 'r11ERETO. work and the full performance of the contract Eighteenth street, from Church avenue to Albe- tent of one-half the block at the intersecting Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as fol- is thirty (30) working days. marle road; and north side of Albemarle road, and terminating avenues. lows: The amount of security required is 'rIco Thuu- from East Eighteenth street to East Nineteenth No. 4. Both sides of Freeman avenue, from 5,250 square yards asphalt pavement, including sand Dollars ($2,000). street. Academy street to the Crescent, and to the ex- binder course. No, eo. FOIR REUUL.11- ING, I'AVIN(; AND All persons whose interests are affected by the tent of one-half the block at the intersecting zo square yards old stone pavement, to be REPAVING W1'171 (;It:\NITE•: ON A CON- above named proposed assessments, and who are and terminating streets and avenues. rclaid in approaches, etc. Clt@TG FOUNDATION 'uliE IZ0-A1)WAY U. opposed to the same, or either of them, are re- No. 5• Both sides of First avenue (Lockwood 730 cubic yards concrete. GR.ANJ) s'tltEi('r, AS E.\''LNULII, I:il(j quested to present their objections, in writing, to street), from Washington avenue to Webster 2,380 linear feet new curbstone, including con- UUt)J'ER STREET TO I1R11)i;T•; I'I..A7:A, 'to- the Secretary of the Board of Assessors, No. 32o avenue, and to the extent of one-half the block crete foundation. t;I.'Th-ILR WI"1'Il ALL WORK I\(ll)i\'1'.\I. Broadway, New York, on or before November 24, at the intersecting and terminating avenues. 190 linear feet old curbstone, to be reset, in- lTlE Rh. '1'0. 1908, at i t a. nt., at which time and place the No. 6. Both sides of Jamaica avenue, from cludiug concrete foundation. Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as fol said objections will he heard and testimony re- Steinway avenue to Newtown avenue, and to the I2 noiseless covers and heads, complete, for lows: ceived in reference thereto. extent of one-half the block at the intersecting sewer manholes. 12,050 square yards of granite pavement, with and terminating streets and avenues. The time allowed for the contpleti2n of the tar and gravel joints. laid outside rail- ANTONIO ZUCCA, No. 7. Both sides of Pomeroy street, from PAU1, AVEUtIANN, work and the full performance of the contract is road area (one year5 maintenance). Grand avenue to Potter avenue, and to the ex- forty (4o) working days. 85 square yards granite Itaventcut, with tar JAMES H. KENNEDY, tent of one-half the block at the intersecting and Board of Assessors. The amount of security required is Five Thou- and gravel joints, laid within railroad terminating avenues. sand Dollars ($5,000)• area (no rv.1iuteoailcr). WILLIAM 11. JASPER, No. 8. Both sides of Potter avenue, from No. 3. FOR RE(;ULATING, GRADING, 20 square yards old stone paveotcnt, to be Secretary, Ninth to Tenth avenue, and to the extent of CURBING -\NU LAPIN(; SIDEW:ALKS ON relaid in a;proachcs, etc. No. 320 Broadway. one-half the block at the intersecting and ter- ! \ST EIGIITII STREET, FROM CIIURCII 2,050 cubic yards concrete, for pavement founda- City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, minating avenues. .AVl•;NUE TO MONTGOMERY S'T'REET, 'l'O- tiou, laid outside rail r,ad area. October 23, igoS. No. g. Both sides of Sixth avenue (Bartow I E t 111•:It \\'I'r1I ALL 1VORK INCIDENTAI, 15 cubic yawls concrete, for pavement fouuda- 023,n4 street), from Graham avenue to Broadway, and Tli I; It I•;TO. tion, laid within railroad area. to the extent of one-half the block at the inter- Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as fol- too linear feet new curbstone, furnished and secting and terminating streets and avenues. lows: set in concrete. UI3LIC NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN TO No. to. Both sides of Seventh avenue, 410 cubic yards of earth excavation. 700 linear feet old curbstone. redressed, re- Y the owucr Or Owners of all houses and lots, from Jackson avenue to Washington avenue, and to cubic yawls of earth filing (not to he jointed and reset in concrete, including improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, to the extent of one-half the block at the inter- bid for). 675 linear feet healing stones. that the following proposed assessments have secting and terminating streets and avenues. goo linear feet of concrete curb. 2,460 square feet new granite bridgestoncs, laid been completed and are lodged in the office of No. II. Both sides of Sixteenth avenue, from 4,250 Square feet of cement sidewalk. outside railroad area. the Board of Assessors for examination by all Wilson to Flushing avenue, and to the extent The time allowed for the contpleti.,n of the 20 square feet old briut;cstoucs. rejoiuted persons interested, viz.: of one-half the block at the intersecting and work and the full perform ance of het contract is and relaid. terminating streets and avenues. tentym (2o) working days. I sewer basin, coml,lcte. Borough. of The Bronx. No. I2, Both sides of St. Nicholas avenue, The amount u if security required is Five IIun- The time allowed for the completion of the from Gates avenue to Myrtle avenue, and to the tired Dollars ($Soo). work and the full Performance of the contract List 9314, No. r. Constructing temporary extent of one-half the block at the intersecting Ni,. a- FOR REGULATING, GRADING, is seven (70) working days. sewers in Bronx terrace, between Ni,th and Four- and terminating streets and avenues. ('UkItING AND LAYING SIDE\V:\LKS ON teenth streets; First street (avenue), between '1'hc amount of security required is 1 iftcrn No. 13. Both sides of Webster avenue, from L.A5'I' lNi;TlTi1 STREET, FROM MONTGObf- Thousand Dollars ($I5,onn). Fourteenth street and Becker avenue; Marion Vernon avenue to the East River, and to tht IC1tY S'f RI I I T O ]ONSOH N STRI•;I I' TO- No. II, 1011 ItlGlI.:\'1'1\G \ N1) RICI'.\V- street, between Twentieth street and Demilt ave- extent of one-half the block at the intersecting IJ'I'liLR WITII ALL WORK INCII)ENTAL nue; Catherine street, between the summit north and terminating streets and avenues. INI; AvrrH ( AN[tl ON .A Ct1N(:)tr.'r1C TIILiE'l'O, lut!NI):\TION '1'111•; Ittl.\Till:\1" UP Kt-.\I' of Kossuth avenue and Demilt avenue; Fulton No. 14. Both sides of Bradford avenue, from l:u inccr's estimate of the quantities is as fol- street, between the summit north of \Vestchcstcr St'RT:E"I2. [eltO\I KliV"I' _AV'l:SUIi 'fU \1SIll I: l.atcrence street to Jaggar street. and to the luo's: avenue and Demilt avenue; l'eIl place, between extent of one-half the block at the intersecting AVENUE, TOGh:'llll'.I1 Wlflt ALI. AVURl 90 cuhic yards of earth excavation. IN(II1ENTIV, '1lII:RI•:1'1). Demilt avenue and lluguenot street; Huguenot and terminating streets. 41) cubic yards of earth filling (not to be street, between White Plains road and Robertson No. 15. Both sides of Eighth avenue, from h:ngineer's estimate of the quantities is as ful- bid for). lows: place; Robertson place, between Demilt avenue Flushing avenue to Vandeventer avenue. 490 linear feet of concrete curb. and Huguenot street; Demilt avenue, between No. 16. Both sides of Fifteenth street, from 1,780 square yards granite pavement, with tar 2.zlo sgtutre feet of eelttcnt sidewalk. and gravel joints. White Plains road and Marion street; Becker Seventh avenue to the crown about 225 feet The time allowed for the completion of the avenue, between White Plains road and First north of Seventh avenue. 20 square yards old stone l,at-cment, to be I ork and the full performance of the contract is relaid in ill 'I etc. street (avenue); Westchester avenue, between No. t7. Both sides of Fourteenth avenue, front fifteen (15) myu clam ng days. Fulton street and hirst street (avenue); Kos- Broadway to Newtown road, and cast side of 300 cubic yards concrete, for pmenient fuunda- The amount of Security required is Two IIun- tiou. suth avenue, between Catherine street and First Newtown road, from Thirteenth to Fourteenth dred and Fifty I)ollnrs ($250). street (avenue); Elizabeth street, between Cather- avenue. No. s- FOR REGULATING, GRADING, 930 lim•mr feet new enrbst,ure, furnished and ine street and Marion street; Twoentiett street, be- No. 18. Both sides of Third avenue (Lathrop (I RIIING AN1) 1.;\\'ING SIDEWALKS ON set in concrete. tween Catherine street and First street (avenue); street), from Jamaica avenue to a point about I';: \5'I' TWJ-,\TY-'I'IITRD) S-jREI-:T. FROM 20 linear feet old curbstone, redressed, rc- Nineteenth street, between Second street and z8o feet north of Broadway. jointed timid reset in concrete. \VENTJI- F TO AVENIJE G, TOGE'rlIER 200 Square- feet new granite bri, lge stones. First street (avenue); Matilda street, from summit No. t9. Both sides of Borden avenue, from \11171 ALL WORK WCII)LN l'AL T11LR1•:- The time alluwed for the complction of the north of Jsostoth avenue to Dcntilt avenue. East avenue to Dutch Kills Creek. 'r( I. All persons whose interests are affected by the wort: an,l the full ttcrformance of the contract Borough of Qneene. Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as fol- is thirty (3n) working days. above-named proposed assessments, and who are lows: List 9949, No. 2. Regulating, grading, curbing opposed to the same, or either of theta, are re- The amount of security required is 1'wenty- 40 cubic yards of earth excavation. five hundred Dollar,; ($2,5oo). and flagging Academy street, trout Brand avenue gttested to present their objections, in writing, to fb'm.t liucar fcct of c, ncrcIe curb. to Broadway, First Ward. the Secretary of the Board of Assessors. Ni, 1,20u square feel of cement sdewalk. No. t2. FOR RL(;111..\'PING AND RI:I'AV- List 9971, No. 3. Regulating, grading, curbing, 320 Broadway, New York, on or before Novetn- 'l lie time a1Elw.-,I for the cnmpletMa of the INt; \5-I -I-II -151'11:AL'1' ON ,A CONCRI•."IE flagging and laying crosswalks on Fist avenue, ber 24, 1908, at it a. tn., at which time and work and the full performance of the contract is FOUNDATION '1"111•; RO.AU1V'.AY OP 1.IN- from Webster avenue to 1'ayutar avenue, First place the said objections will be heard and testi- fifteen (151 working days. t't)l is 1'1.:\('L, 11N 1.11 V1tt)i)1il.\'N 551'.NU1-1 Ward. mony received in reference thereto. The nmunnt of scent-ily required is Two IIun- 'It) T1I)Y AVI?NUI:, "lix;l:Tlllil? 5511 II .51.1. List 9972, No. 4. Regulating, grading, curbing, Iircd and Fifty Jlul tars ($250). \1'ORI' INCIIILN1 \L 'I'lllatl•:'lo. flagging and laying crosswalks in Frecutau ave- ANTONIO ZUCCA, PAUL WEIMANN• Nu. 6. FOR REGULATING, (;R,\])[NG, l-:ugincer's estimate of the quouiiiie.s is as 1,1. nuc, from Academy street to the Crescent, First ('111tItI\(; AND LA'i'INt-i SII)1-;WALKS ON lows: \\' ard. JAMES II. KENNEDY, Board of Assessors. -:AA,I TWENTY-\j1\'111 S'1'RLE'1', 1'RO\1 4,995 square yards asphalt pavement, including List 9973, No. g. Regulating, grading, Curbing 1•OSiLIt AVENUE '10 AVENUE F, TO binder course, natcicle railroad area and recurbing, flagging and laying cn, _, walks on WILLIAM H. JASPER, (five years' main tenaumie). Secretary, I;ICCII1•;I8 W11J1 VI.1, WORK 1.ACII LNTAl, First avenue (l.uckwoud street), fr.,ut \b'asbing- 1'IhLIt1:TO. I 5 square yards ultl stone Pavement, to tic ton avenue to Webster as cone, J-itst Ward. No. 320 Broadway. lsngineei's estimate of the quantities is as fol- relaid in a1,Iproach CS, etc. List 9974, No. 6. Paving with sheet asi,1alt City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, luw•s: 69,) cubic yards concrete for pavement founda- Jamaica avenue, from Steinway avenue to New- 1,630 linear feet of new curbstone, furnished tion, outside railroad area. town avenue, First Ward. October 22, tgo8. 022,n2 and set in concrete. 2,010 Iinear feet new curbstone, furnished and List gg79, No. 7• Regulating, grading, curbing, to linear feet of o,d curbstone, redressed, sot in concrete. flagging 1wnteroy street, from Grand to Putter rejoined and reset in concrete. 1,7.55 linear feet old curbst,me, redressed, cc- avenue, First Ward. loo cubic yards of earth excavation. jointed and reset in concrete. List 9980, No. 8. Regulating, grading, curbing, POLICE DEPARTMENT 4,1 30 cubic arts of earth filling (to be fur- 21 noiseless covers and heads, complete, for recurbing and flagging l'utter avenue, trout .siuth sewer manholes. avenue to Tenth avenue, J nished). - irst \bard. go cubic yards of concrete (not to be bid 'rhe time allowed for the eomplcti,,n of the List 9983, 1\0. 9. tRegulating, grading, curbing, POLICE DEPARTMENT—CITY op NEW YORK. for). work and the full performance et the contract flagging and laying crosswalks to Sixth avenue 7,880 square feet of cement sidewalk. is thirty (30) working days. (Bartow street), from Broadway to Graham ave- WNERS WANTED BY TILE PROPERTY The amount of security regnire,l is Forty-five nue, First Ward. '1"lie tiutt: alluw'ed for the completion of the O Clerk of the Police Department of The work and the full performance of the contract is ]Itmdred Dollars ($4,500 ). List 9964, O. lo. Regulating, grading, curb- City of New York, No. 3011 Mulberry street, sixty (6u) working days. Nu. t3. P()I8 l l-6tJ' ..\77Nt; AND RE- ing, flagging and laying crosswalks in Seventh Room No. 9, for the following property, now in '1 he amount ut s.eurity required is Twelve 1':5\ INI; W, 11.11 \Sl'l1A1.1, U\ \ CON- avenue, from Jackson avenue to Washington ave- his custody, without claimants: Boats, rope, iron, hundred and Eighty Dollars ($i,z8o). 0I8I•:TI•: F(jl1NUA'l'ItlV 7- Ill: Ru,AIW.A1' OF nue, First Ward. lead, male and female clothing, hoots, shoes, No. 7. FOR REGULATING AND RLl'AV \I.\Itt V :\\leNUI•:, I-1,1).tt .\lIUUI.I:'fOY List 9985, No. it. Regulating, grading, curb- wine, blankets, diamonds, canned goods, liquors. 5rltl-:IC'I' 'It) 1;1.U5111.AC :\\'l-NtlI-:, 1'O- ing, recurbing, flagging and laying crosswalks oil etc.; also small amount of money taken from ING V1111 ASPLIALt UN A CONCRL1- l: PUUND.2lTOH '1'11l' ROADWAY OF Fi.EI•;'1' Elhll•:It WITH ALL WORK IAl litl•:NTAI, Sixteenth avenue, trout Wilson avenue to Fluslt- prisoners and found by Patrolmen of this De- 'II I1:RI-:rf). Ing avenue, First Ward. partntcnt. STREET, J-ROM DIcKALl3 AYES UE'1'O 11UD- List 9988, No. ',ON AVENUE, TOG1('11lE1t \t/I1-11 151.1. Eugiucct's etioi.,ie of the quantities i; as fol- Ia. Regulating, grading and THEODORE A. BINGHAM, curbing St. Nicholas avenue, front Gates avenue PiOltK INCIDENTAL THHERETO. lows: to Myrtle avenue, Second Ward. Police Commissioner, Engineer's cstintate of the quantities is as fol- 1,840 squvtrt, yards of asphalt pavtmcnt, in- ciudi,tg hiudct' cuursc, Outside railroad List 9993, No. t3. Regulating, grading, curb- lows: gin 2,140 square yards asphalt pavement, including area (five years' maiotcntimlce). and paving with asphalt on concrete founda- 430 xluart yard; of asphalt. T)avumlcnt, i i- tion Webster avenue, iron Vernon avenue to POLleR DEPARTMENT — CITY OP NEW YORK, binder course. East River, First Ward. lSOROUCH OP BROOKLYN. 50 square yards old stone pavement, to lie cludii'g binder euurse, within r:ti,rna I List relaid in approaches, etc, a' vu (no mai III n.nee). 65, No. t4, Flagging both sides of Brad- 70 square yards of Old :;Inns paecmcut. to ford avenue, from Jaggar avenue to Lawrence WNERS WANTED BY THE PROPERTY 310 cubic yards concrete. street, at Flushing, Third Ward. Clerk of the Police Department of The 1,280 linear feet new curbstone, including earl- be re a'I in apl,r„a.aic;, etc. CityO of New York—Office, No. State street, z6o cuhic y:,rms of n.ncreie for n.smteut List 81, No. t5, Constructing a sewer in 209 Crete foundation. Eighth avenue, from Ilushing avenue to Vander. Borough of Brooklyn—for the following property, 230 linear feet old curbstone, including cou- foundation, Du,side railn,ad ru'ea. venter avenue, First Ward. now in his custnrly, without claimants: Moats, crete foundation. 6o cubic yards of c',ocri_to fir p:I, anent List 8z, No. 16. Constructing a temporary rope, iron, heath, male and female clothing, boots, 5 noiseless covers and ]reads, complete, for fullndali,n, within iai.r,ad area. sewer in Fifteenth street, from Seventh avenue shot's, wine, blankets, diamonds, canned goods, sewer manholes. 1, 90 linear fct•t of tic (S curl,sloue, furnished) liquors, etc.; also small amount of money taken to crown 225 feet north of Seventh avenue, Third The time allowed for the completion of the and r:ct in c,,iierctc. Ward. from prisoners and found by Patrolmen of this 175 linear feet of old carh,tmtu, redressed, Department. work and the full performance of the contract List 84, No. 17. Constructing a sewer in is thirty (3o) working days. rejoined a!nd reset in c ,ncrcte. Fourteenth avenue, from Broadway to Newtown The time allowed for the compleiiuu of the TIIEODORE A. BINGHAM, ']'he amount s,f security required is Two Thou- work and the fall perf,an.ucc ,41 the c,,ntravt road, First Ward. Police Commissioner, sand Dollars ($2,000). List 88, No. IS. Constructing a sewer in is thirty (3n) working days. No. 8. FOR RLGULA'1'IN(;, (;R:AIIING. The amount of aecui ity rcquircd is Two '1'hun- Third avenue (Lathrop street), from Jamaica CURBING AND LAYING SIDEWALKS ON avenue to a point about 280 feet north of Broad- ,and Dollars ($2,1101,). way, First Ward. -tBtlY-Sl'VEN'ri[ STREET, 1'I807i1 SI•:V- N. 14. FOR RlB;l11.A1'INI; ANN) RL- BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN :X'lI1 AVENUE TO EIGHT-J1 AVENUE, TO,- 1':\\'INI; \V1'I'II \.\I'll,\I:r ON 1 CU\'- List 147, No. ig. Constructing a sewer in ( l- l lI IClt WiTit ALL WORK INCIDENTAL Borden avenue, from East avenue to Dutch Kills 1' l l l' 1,i I': f 0. t'Itl•"flC POt1NU:\TIO.\; -I Ill-: ROAIIW.\1' Of Creek, First Ward. I 1Fill2 E OF THE PRESIDENT OF TILE BOROUGH OF t'Ri)St'i•:('I' I'I.:\I'h:, 1-111)5I ('.\iil,Il)N AS Id- 1•:ngineer's estimate of the quantities is as fol- Ni!'; The limits within which it is proposed to lay BROOKLYN, ROOM 2, BOROUGH IIALL, BOROUGH OF 'I'(1 GNltl•:Itltll.l, :\\'1•:.\L'1?, luws: I{hT1t1:l1 WITH ALL WORK IN( IDE'N"1':U. the said assessments include all the several houses ISROOKLYN, THE CITY OP NEW YORK. and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces and par- 1,480 linear feet new curbstone, furnished and 'II II•:Rl-_I'N). cels of land situated on— set in concrete. tEogiff-P' esliutate ,If the quantities is as fol EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE 20 linear feet old curbstone, redressed, re- No. T. Both sides of First street (avenue), received by the Pm-sid,-nt of the Borough lows: S jointed and reset in cottcrete- from Fourteenth street to Becker avenue; both (I Brush lye at the above office until ii o'clock 6, r 20 ,hlur yards of asphalt pavement, in- sides of Marion street, from 'Twentieth street to a. m. un g6u cubic yards earth excavation. cduding binder course. Demilt avenue; both sides of Catherine street, 4o cubic yards earth filling (not to lie bid 3o square yams of ol, I stunt pavement, Si' for). from a point about 575 feet south of West- WED'.%ESDAY, NOVEWRE- tt 11, 1908. he rgaid in approaches, etc. chester avenue to Demilt avenue; both sides of 8o cubic yards concrete (not to be bid for). Sc:, cuhie y:u-,Is imf ronorcle. Matilda street, from a point about 615 feet south Borouxh of Ilroolclyn. 7,330 square feet cement sidewalk. 2,4i ii linear feet of now curhst„no, fninishal of Westchester avenue to Demilt avenue; both The time allowed for the completion of the and Sit in eoncmle. sides of Fulton street, from a point about 370 No. r. FOR REt;(;I.A'JJNG 1NIr REPAV- work and the full performance of the contract INI; WJ'lI ASPll.\i.'i ON A CONCRETE 8-;0 linear feet of old curbJuue, to lie re- feet south of Becker avenue to I)emiIt avenue; is thirty (.3o) working days. dresred, rejoinlcd and rest in coui. both sides of Fifteenth street, extending about FOUNDATION 'fill? ROADWAY O1 ARLING- The amount of security required is Nine hull- errlr. 'ION 4V1?NUE, I ll(OM JAMAICA AVENUE 200 feet cast of First street (avenue); both dred Dollars ($goo). t I vuisclesu; covers TO F(JLTON STREET, TOGETHER WITH and bead,, complete, sides of Nineteenth street, extending about 270 for sewer manholes. ALL WORK INCIDLN'J'AL '[IiEIIEI'O. No. 9. FOR IREGTJLA'J'ING AND Rl-,fa.v- feet east of First street (avenue); both sides ING WITH ASPHALT ON A CONChil'i( 'Ilse tithe allowed for the cmp1Mi:.ry of the of Twentieth street, from First street (avenue) Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as fol- FOUNDA'T'ION TllE ROADWAY OF FRANK- work and the full perfurmancc of the contract to a point about too feet west of Second avenue; lows: LIN AVENUE, FROM JEFFERSON AVENIIF, is forty (4o) wniking days. both sides of Elizabeth street, from First street 14,850 square yards asphalt pavement, including TU A2J2 LAN'l'IC AVENUE.'J'OGE'PfIER WITl[ The amount of stcerity required is Five Thott- (avenue) to Catherine street; both sides of Two binder course. ALL WORK INCIDI NTAI, TIIERE'1TO. vanrl Dollars ($S.nuu). Hundred and Thirty-eighth street, from First 130 square yards old stone pavement, to be Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as fol- Ni. I 5. F()R RI:(;l1 f.AT'TNl; AND RE- street (avenue) to a point about 175 feet east relaid in approaches, etc. lows: PAVING Wi'I'II A,I'lIAIT ON A CON. of Marion street; both sides of Kossuth avenue, 2,075 cubic yards concrete, 1,920 square yards asphalt pavement, including CKIi'l'l( FOUNDATION -Fl ii-: ROAI)1VAY 01e from First street (avenue) to Catherine street; 5,5ro linear feet new curbstone, furnished and binder course,outside railroad area 5'l'. I'1(LIX SPiIEE-i-. Plt(IM LAFAyt.:ir1-- both sides of Westchester avenue, from First set in concrete. (five years' maintenance), AVENUE TO HANSON PLACE, TOt;6:'l'iiER SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1908. THE CITY RECORD. 11445

WII'lI ALL \YORK INCIDENTAL 'IIIERE- Time for the completion of the work and the No. 3. FOR REGULATING AND REPAVING 2,600 square yards of old stone blocks, to be T.0 full performance of the contract is thirty (30) WITH ASPHALT BLOCK PAVEMENT ON A purchased and removed by contractor. Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as fol- working days. CONCRETE FOUNDATION THE ROADWAY Time allowed for doing and completing the lows: The amount of security required is Twelve JF AMSTERDAM AVENUE, FROM THE above work will be forty (40) days. 1,54.0 squareyards of asphalt pavement, in- Hundred Dollars ($1,200). NORTH SIDE OF NINETIETH STREET TO Amount of security required will be Two Thou- elucling binder course. No. 5. FOR REGULATING, GRADING, NINETY-THIRD STREET; FROM NINETY- sand Five Hundred Dollars, ' to square yards of old stone pavement, to CURBING AND LAYING SIDEWALKS OIN UUK'1ll'1O NINETY-SIXTH STREET; FROM No. 9. 1OR REGULATING AND RL:PAV- be relaid in approaches, etc. IAILK PLACE, FROM 11UF1?ALO AVENUE •)NE, IIUNDRED AND SIXTH STREET TO ING WI'fll WOOD BI.UCK 1'.AVEV1EV•'f ON 2 I 5 cubic yards of concrete. TO RALPH AVENUE, TO(;I rili?R WITH I'HE NOR'1'If SIDE (31 nntc HUNDRED A CONCRETE FOUNDATION TIIE INTER- 670 linear feetof new curbstone, furnished ALL WORK INCIDENTAL THERETO. AND SEVENTEENTH STREET. SEC'1'ION UP CIIURCH STREET A\D DUANE and set itt concrete. Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as fol- The Engineer's estimate of amount of work STREET'. 220 linear feet of old curbstone, redressed, lows: to be done is: The Engineer's estimate of amount of work to rejoiuted and reset in concrete. 1,570 linear feet of new curbstone, furnished 22,8o0 square yards of asphalt block pavement, be done is: 5 noiseless covers and heads, complete, and set in concrete. except the railroad area. 8o square yards of wood black pavement, for sewer manholes. 40 linear feet of old curbstone, redressed, z,o6o square yards of asphalt block pavement except the railroad area. The time allowed for the completion of the rejointed and reset in concrete. in the railroad area (no guarantee). 75 square yards of wood bock pavement, in work and the foil performance of the contract 2,250 cubic yards of Berth excavation. 4,550 cubic yards of Portland cement con- the rai.ruad area (no guarantee). is thirty (30) working days. go cubic yards of concrete (not to be bid crete, including mortar bed. 26 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete, The amount of security required is Fifteen for). 7,675 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, including mortar bid. IIundred 1J llars ($1,500). 7,770 square fee of cement sidewalk. furnished and set. I noiseless head and cover, complete, for No. 16. FUR REGULATING AND REPAV- Time for the completion of the work and the 410 linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, sewer manhole. ING VWITII ASL'lIAL'1' ON A CONCRETE full performance of the contract is thirty (30) redressed, rejointed and reset. 155 square yards old stone blocks, to be pur- I UUNL.A'1'I(IN Tll F 1t )ADVVAY OF UNDER- working days. 41 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for chased and removed by contractor. lIILL \VLNU]-. FROM ST. MARKS AVJC- The amount of security required is Fourteen sewer manholes, furnished and set. Time allowed for doing and cumpicting the NUE TU S'I'1:Kl.ING PLACE, TOGETHER IIundred Dollars ($1,400). 27 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for above work will be five (5) working days. v1-l-11 AI.L \YUR'li INCIDENTAL T1fERE- No. 6. FOR REGULATING, GRADING, water manholes, furnished and set. Amount of security required will be One lIun.- TO. CURBING AND LAYING SIDEWALKS ON 24,400 square yards of old stone blocks, to be drrd Dollars. Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as RICHMOND STREET FROM FULTON taken by contractors to Corporation No, lo. FOR R1:(UL,Vl'fVG AND REIAV- follows: STREET TO DINSMCRE PLACE, TOGE- Yard. ING WTTTHH 1'OUD BLOCK PAVEMENT ON 4,180 square yards asphalt pavement, including TITER WITH ALL WORK INCIDENTAL Time allowed for doing and completing the A (:ONCItL--: F(WND:A'I'IVN UN TJIE hinder course. TIIERETO. above work will be one hundred (too) days. ROAI)\VAY OF WEST T111RD SI'RI'E'f, 40 square yards old stone pavement, to be Engineers' estimate of the quantities is as fol- The amount of security required will be IFRUAI 'iIIE WEST SI1)h: UI' 111,110ER relaid in approaches, etc. lows: Twenty Thousand Dollars. STRLET '1'U '1'IIE EAST SIDE OF \\'EST 58o cubic yards concrete 700 cubic yards of earth excavation. No, 4. FOR REGULATING AND REPAV- L'ROADWAY. 1,640 linear feet new curbstone, furnished and 40 cubic yards of earth filling (not to be ING 1VITH ASPHALT' BLOCK PAVEMENT The Engineer's estimate of amount of work t, set in eoncrete. bid for). ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION THE 4e done is: ISO linear fret old curbstone, redressed, re- 710 linear feet of concrete curb. ROADWAY OF ONE HUNDRED AND SIX- 2,0ao square yards wood block pavement. j iii nlcd and reset in concrete. 3,360 square feet of cement sidewalk. TIETIT STREET, FROM THE EAST SIDE 375 cubic yards Portland cement concrete, 15 nots, less covers and heads, complete, for Time for the completion of the work and the OF A3ISTERDA'.11 AVENUE TO THE WEST including mortar lied. scwcr manholes. full performance of the contract is twenty-five SIDE OF EDGECOMBE AVENUE. SSo linear feet new Klucstone curbstone, fur- The time allowed for the completion of the (2 working days. The Engineer's estimate of amount of work to nished and set. work and the full performance of the contract The amount of security required is Five 1Iun- be done is: Io5 linear feet ol,l bluestune curbstone, re- is thirty (3u) working clays. dred Dollars ($soo). 1,684 square yards of asphalt block pavement. dressed, rejointed and reset. The amount of security required is Thirty-five No. 7. FOR REGULATING, GRADING. 266 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete, 8 noiseless heads and en, et s for sewer man- hundred Di1,ais ($3,5uo). CURBING AND LAYING SIDEWAT.I


26o square yards of asphalt pavement, includ- 4 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for 30 linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, OF NINTH AVENUE, FROM NORTH SIDE ing binder course in the railway area water manholes, furnished and set. redressed, rejointed and reset. OF THIRTY-FOURTII STREET TO THE (no guarantee). The time allowed for doing and completing 95 square feet of new granite bridgestone, SOUTH SIDE OF FIFTY-NINTH STREET. 2,550 cubic yards Portland cement concrete. the above work will be thirty (30) days furnished and laid. Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be 8,000 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, The amount of security required will be Three The time allowed for doing and completing the done: furnished and set. Thousand Five Hundred Dollars. above work will be twenty (20) working days. 29,800 square yards of granite block pavement, 200 linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, re- No. 22. FOR REGULATING AND REPAV- The amount of security required will be with paving cement joints, except in dressed, rejointed and reset. ING WITH SHEET ASPHALT PAVEMENT One Thousand Dollars, the railway area. 46 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION THE No. 28. REGULATING AND REPAVING 3,250 square yards of granite block pavement, sewer manholes, furnished and set. ROADWAY OF FIFTY-SEVENTH STREET, \\'ITll GRANITE BLOCK PAVEMENT ON A with paving cement joints, in the rail- 85 noiseless beads and covers, complete, for FROM THE WEST SIDE OF PARK AVE- CONCRETE FOUNDATION THE ROADWAY way area (no guarantee). water manholes, furnished and set, NUE TO THE EAST SIDE OF FIFTH AVE- OF SPRUCE STREET, FROM THE EAST 32,200 square yards of old stone blocks, to be The time allowed for doing and completing the NUE. SIDE OF NASSAU STREET TO WEST SIDE purchased by contractor and removed above work will be one hundred (roo) days. The Engineer's estimate of the amount of work OF GOLD STREET. by him, The amount of security required will be Ten to be done is: Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be 6,200 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. Thousand Dollars. 3,970 square yards of asphalt pavement, in- done: tt,000 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, No. t6. FOR REGULATING AND REPAVING cluding binder course. 1,870 square yards df granite block pavement, furnished and set. WITH SHEET ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON A 495 cubic yards of Portland cement con- with paving cement joints. 700 linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, re• CONCRETE FOUNDATION THE ROADWAY crete. t,87o square yards of old stone blocks, to be dressed, rejointed and reset OF WILLIAM STREET, FROM BEAVER 250 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, purchased by contractor and removed 6,600 square feet of new granite bridgestone, STREET TO PINE STREET. furnished and set. by him, furnished and laid. The Engineer's estimate of the amount of 75 linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, 350 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. ioo square feet of old bridgestone, redressed, work to be done is: redressed, rejointed and reset. 8t5 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, rejointed and relaid. t,57o square yards of asphalt pavement, includ. 8 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for furnished and set. The time allowed for doing and completing the ing binder course. sewer manholes, furnished and set. 55 linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, re- above work will be two hundred (zoo) wwking 15o cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. ix noiseless heads and covers, complete, for dressed, rejointed and reset. days. 190 linear feet new bluestone curbstone, fur- water manholes, furnished and set. 2to square feet of new granite bridgestone, The amount of security required will be Thirty nished and set, The time allowed for doing and completing furnished and laid. Thousand Dollars. to linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, the above work will be thirty (30) working days. 50 square feet of old bridgestone, redressed, redressed, rejointed and reset. rejointed and relaid. No. 3. REGULATING AND REPAVING The amount of security required will be Three WITH GRANITE BLOCK PAVEMENT ON A 2 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for Thousand Dollars. The time allowed for doing and completing the above work will be thirty (30) working days. CONCRICTh FOUNDATION THE ROADWAY sewer manholes, furnished and set. No. z3. FOR REGULATING AND REPAV- OF SHERIFF S'FREE'r FROM NORTII SIDI? 4 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for ING WITH SHEET ASPHALT PAVEMENT The amount of security required will be Two Thousand Dollars. OF ;q1) STREET TO THE SOUTH SIDE water manholes, furnished and set. ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION TIIE OF BRO0ME S'REE'l'. The time allowed for doing and completing ROADWAY OF STANTON STREET, FROM No. 29. REGULATING AND REPAVING the above work will be twenty (20) working days. Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be THE WEST SIDE OF CLINTON STREET WI'1'II GRANI'T'E BLOCK PAVEMENT ON A done: The amount of security required will be One TO THE EAST SIDE OF THE BOWERY. CONCRE'1'E FOUNDATION TILE ROADWAY I OF 'f\V1:LI7'M 5'I'ItIili'1', FROM WEST SIDE quo square yards of granite block pavement, Thousand Dollars. The Engineer's estimate of the amount of work with paving cement joints. No. ~r 7 FOR REGULATING AND REPAV- to be done is: OF W.\SIIING-I.ON Sl'IREET TO EAST SIDE I 000 square ING OF WEST STREET', yards of old stone blocks, to be WITH SHEET ASPHALT PAVEMENT 3,773 square yards of sheet asphalt pavement, purchased by ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION THE Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be contractor and removed including binder course (except rail- done: by him ROADWAY OF MADISON STREET, FROM way area). t8o cubic yards of Portland cement concrete, Till, SOUTH SIDE OF GRAND STREET TO i,28o squareq yardsy of 1,876 square yards asphalt pavement, includ- grande block pavement, 580 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, THE EAST SIDE OF NEW BOWERY, EX- ing binder course, in the railway area. with paving cement joints. I t,270 square furnished and set. CEPT BETWEEN RUTGERS STREET AND (No guarantee.) yards of old stone blocks, to be I linear feet of old bluestnne curbstone, re- PIKE STREET. 1,042 cubic yards of Portland cement con- purchased by contractor and removed I dressed, rejointed and reset. The Engineer's estimate of the amount of work by him. crete. I io square feet of new granite bridgestone, to be done is: 4,120 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, 255 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. I furnished and laid. 7,450 square yards of asphalt pavement, includ• 700 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, ing binder course, except railway area. furnished and set. The time allowed for doing and completing the zoo linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, furnished and set. I above work will be twenty (zo) working days. [0,370 square yards of asphalt pavement, includ- redressed, rejointed and reset. 70 linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, re- I The ammmt of security required will be One ing binder course, in the railway area IS noiseless heads and covers, complete, for dressed, rejointed and reset. Thousand Dollars, (no guarantee). 120 square feet of new granite bridgestone, 3.450 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. sewer manholes, furnished and set. 4 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for furnished and laid. I No. 36. REGULATING AND REPAVING 9,270 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, water manholes, furnished and set. to square feet of old Bridgestone, redressed, \\'I'1'll GRANITE (BLOCK PAVEMENT ON A furnished and set. rejrrintcd and reset CONCRI?'I'I. FOUNDATIONION THE ROADWAY 305 linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, re- 5,649 square yards of old stone blocks, to be RIDGE purchased and removed by contractor. The time allowed fur doing and completing the I OF STRI:h:'1', FROM NOIUl'lt SID(,' dressed, rejointed and reset. The time allowed for doing and completing above work "ill be thirty (30) working days. OF DIVISION S'fRI:ET -1'O SOUTH SIDE OF 55 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for the above work will be fifty (go) working days. T1w amoinrt of security required will be One I BROOMS' STREET. sewer manholes, furnished and set. 7'heensand Dollars. Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be The amount of security required will be Five No. 30, I t6 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for Thousand Dollars, REGULATING AND REPAVING done: water manholes, furnished and set. No. 24. REGULATING AND REPAVING WITH GRANITE BLOCK PAVEtIENT ON A I o square yards of granite block pavement, 56,760 old stone blocks, to be purchased and re- CONCRETE FOUNDATION 'I'11E ROADWAY I with paving cement joints, except in moved by contractors. WIT1f SHEET ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON A OF ATTORNEY CONCRETE FOUNDATION THE ROADWAY STREET, FROM TIIE I the railway area. The time allowed for doing and completing the NORTH SIDE OF GRAND STREET TO T11E I 490 square yards of granite block pavement, above work will be one hundred (ioo) days, OF HOWARD SrREE'1', FROM WEST SIDE OF LAFAYETTE STREET TO EAST SIDE SOUTII SIDE OF BROOME STREET, I with paving cement joints, in the rail- The amount of security required will be Fif- OF BROADWAY. Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be I way area. (No guarantee.) teen Thousand Dollars, done: x,260 square Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be yards of old stone blocks, to he No. iS. FOR REGULATING AND REPAV- done: 86o square yards of granite block pavement, purchased by contractor and removed ING WITH SHEET ASPHALT PAVEMENT with paving cement joints. by him. ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION THE Boo square yards of asphalt pavement, includ- ing binder course, except the railway 86o square yards of old stone blocks, to be 270 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. ROADWAY OF PINE STREET, FROM THE mrchased by contractor and removed 940 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, WEST SIDE OF NASSAU STREET TO area. Soo square yards of asphalt pavement, includ- ~y him. furnished and set. BROADWAY; NASSAU STREET, FROM 40 linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, re- ing binder course, in the railway area. 175 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. PINE STREET TO LIBERTY STREET, AND 570 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, dressed, rejointed and reset, CEDAR ST.1EET, FROM t5o FEET EAST OF (No guarantee.) 210 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. furnished and set. i90 square feet of new granite bridgestone, WILLIAM STREET TO NASSAU STREET. 6o linear Soo linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, feet of old bluestone curbstone, furnished and laid. The Engineer's estimate of the amount of work redressed, rejointed and The time allowed for cluing and completing the to be done is: furnished and set. reset. toy square feet of new granite above work will lie thirty (30) working days. 2,700 square yards of asphalt pavement, includ- 50 linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, re- bridgestone, dressed, rejointed and reset. furnished and laid. The amount of security required will be One ing binder course. Time allowed for doing and completing Thousand Dollars. 420 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. 6 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for the sewer manholes, furnished and set. above work will be twenty (zo) working days. No. 37. REGUT.ATING AND RF.I'AVING 210 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, The amount of security required will be furnished and set. 2 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for- One WITH GRANI'LE BLOCK P.\VFNIFlf "f ON A water manholes, furnished and set. Thousand Dollars, ONCRI?'fl. F0UNoA'I'IUN 'I'll l: RO.\DWAY 50 linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, No, 31. REGULATING redressed, rejointed and reset. 1,250 square yards of old stone blocks to be AND RICI'AVING OF FR.ANIiLIN S'rut:ET, IROV( WEST SIDE purchased and removed by contractor. WI'TTI GRANITE BLOCK PAVI:M1:NT ON A OF BROADWAY TO THE EAST SIDE OF t3 noiseless ]leads and covers, complete, CONCRETE FOUNDATION '1 for sewer manholes, furnished and set. The time allowed for doing and completing the .111 ROADWAY WEST BROAIYWAY. OF WILLETT STREET, FROM 13 noiseless heads and covers, complete, above work will be thirty (30) working days. NORTH Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be The amount of security required will be One SIDE OF GRAND STREET TO THE SOUTH done: for water manholes, furnished and set. SIDE OF BROOME STREET, pavement, The time allowed for doing and completing the Thousand Dollars. 2,500 square yards of granite block above work will be thirty (30) days. No. 25. REGULATING AND REPAVING Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be with paving cement joints, except in WITH SHEET ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON 1 done: the railway area. The amount of security required will be Two 86o squareq Thousand Dollars. CONCRE'1- E FOUNDATION 'I'IIE ROADW:\Y yards of granite block pavement, 42 square yards of granite block pavement, with paving cement joints, rail- No. i9. FOR REGULATING AND REPAY- OF HOUSTON STREET, WEST SIIYI- OF with paving cement joints,. in the MACDOUGAL STREET TO BE1)FORI) 86o square yards of old stone blocks, to be way area. (No guarantee.) ING WITH SHEET' ASPHALT PAVEMENT blocks, to he ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION TILE STREET'. purchased by contractor and removed 2,480 square yards of old stone by him. and removed ROADWAY OF HOUSTON STREET, FROM Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be purchased by contractor THE WEST SIDE OF THE BOWERY TO done: 145 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete, by hf,n. 600 linear feet of 455 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. THE WEST SIDE OF CROSBY STREET, z,t8o square yards of asphalt pavement, includ- new bluestone curbstone, ing binder course, except railroad area. furnished and set. 8r5 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, The Engineer's estimate of the amount of 30 linear feet of old work to be done is: 320 square yards of asphalt pavement, includ- bluestone curbstone, furnished and set. ing binder course, in railroad area. redressed, rejointed and reset. 20 linear feet of old blueslone curbstone, re- 2,000 square yards of asphalt pavement, in- too square reset. cluding binder course, except railway (No guarantee.) feet of new granite bridgestone, dressed, rejointed and 460 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. furnished and laid. 450 square feet of new granite bridgestone, area. Time allowed 925 square yards of asphalt pavement, in 770 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, for doing and completing the furnished and laid. eluding binder course in railway area furnished and set. above work will be twenty (20) working days. The time allowed for doing and completing the (no guarantee). so linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, re- The amount of security required will be One above work will he forty (4n) working (lays. 550 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. dressed, rejointed and reset. Thousand Dollars. The amount of security required will be Twcn- 1,325 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, z noiseless heads and covers, complete, for Nu. 32. REGULATING AND REPAVING ty-five hundred Dollars. furnished and set. sewer manholes, furnished and set. WITH GRANITE BLOCK PAVEMENT ON A No, 38, FOR REGULATING AND PAVING 75 linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, 2 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for CON('RE't'1: FOUNDATION TILE ROADWAY WITH IILOCK PAVEMENT ON OF AS1'IIAT.T redressed, rejointed and reset. water manholes, furnished and set. WnA'I'I:R SIR)-:Et, FROM NORTII SIDE (N('Il'iI: tolJNl)AllON Tl1E ItOAI)WAY OF RU'1'GPJtS STliFt:- 9 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for 2,430 square yards of old stone blocks, to be i- TO NORTII SIDE OI ONE IIUNDREII AN I) '1,IIIRTY.NINTH sewer manholes, furnished and set. purchased and removed by contractor. OF MONTGOMERY S'1'REE'1'. S'I'R1:1<'t', FROM BROADWAY 'J'O RIVER- t5 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for The time allowed for doing and completing the Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be SIDE IYR7UF., water manholes, furnished and set. above work will he thirty (3o) working days. dour. Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be 3,385 square yards 2,925 square yards of old stone blocks, to be The amount of security required will be Two of granite block pavement, done: purchased and removed by contractor. Thousand Dollars, with paving cement joints. t,97o square yards of asphalt block pavement. 3,385 square yards of old stone blocks to be The time allowed for doing and completing No. z6. REGULATING AND REPAVING 305 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete, the above work will be fifty (50) working days. carried to Corporation Yard by con- including mortar bed. WITH SANET ASPHALT I'AVEMEN'f ON tractor. The amount of security required will be A CONCRETE FOUNDATION 'I'lIE ROAD- Sno linear feet of new Bluestone curbstone, Twenty-five Hundred Dollars. 68o cubic yards of Portland cement concrete, furnished and set. WAY OF CHERRY STREET, FROM TIlE 2,220 linear feet No. 20. FOR REGULATING AND REPAV- WEST SIDE OF CATHARILAP 5rR1.SY TO of new bluestone curbstone, 680 linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, re- ING WITH SHEET ASPHALT PAVEMENT furnished and set. reset. THE WEST SIDE OF JACKSON STREET, linear fee dressed, rcjoioied and ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION THE I 5 t re old bluestone curbstone, re- 5 covers and heads, complete, for EXCEPT WHERE NOW PAVED W1Tc1 , noiseless ROADWAY OF THIRTY-SECOND STREET, ASPHALT. dressed rejointed and reset. manholes, furnished and set 200 square feet of new sewer FROM THE WEST SIDE OF MADISON Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be granite bridgestone, ( nut to be bid for). AVENUE TO TIIE EAST SIDE OF FIFTH done: furnished and laid. 2 noiseless covers timidtimid heads, complete, for AVENUE. 13,050 square yards of asphalt pavement, iii- The time allowed for doing and completing the water nanLnIcs. furnished and set above work will lie forty (4o) The Engineer's estimate of the amount of eluding binder course. working days. (n(t to he bid for). work to be done is: .550 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. The amount of security required will be Five 2 Thousand Dollars, The time allowed for doing and completing the 1,530 square yards of asphalt pavement, in. 6,950 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, above work is thirty (3o) days. eluding binder course. furnished and set. No. 33. REGULATING AND REPAVING Thee amount of securit y required will be One 295 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. 270 linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, WITII (.RANl'lE 13LOCK PAVEMENT ON A 'Thousand Five Hundred I)u1Iars, 65o linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, redressed, rejointed and reset. CONCRETE FO(JNI)ATION THE ROADWAY No. g9. FOR REGULA'1'TNG AND PAVING furnished and set. OF NIN'1- lF AVENUE, I ROM NOK"l-Ii SIDE 36 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for WI'I II A2I'1fALT 131,OCK I'AVEMEN'f ON tto linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, sewer manholes, furnished and set. OF TWEE TH S' -FIR ' TO 'FILE SOUTft redressed, rejointed and reset. (ONCRE.TE FOUNDATION ']'HE ROADWAY 6 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for SIDE OF THIB'TY-FIRST STREET. AN I) FORTIETEI 3 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be OF ONE I ION 1)REI) water manholes, furnished and set. FROM BROADWAY TO RIVER- sewer manholes, furnished and set, 72,800 square yards of old stone blocks, to he donc : S'I'REE'f, z noiseless heads and covers, complete, for 22,700 square yards of granite block pavement, SIDE DRIVE. purchased and removed by contractor. Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be water manholes, furnished and set. The time allowed for doing and completing the with paving cement joints, except in The time allowed for doing and completing the railway done: above work will be one hundred (too) working area. block pavement. the above work will be twenty (2o) working days. 2,600 square yards of granite block pavement, i,890 square yards of asphalt days. 395 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete, The amount of security required will be with paving cement joints, in the rail- including mortar bed. The amount of security required will be Twelve Thousand Dollars. way area (no guarantee. 400 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, Fifteen Hundred Dollars. No. 27. REGULATING AND REPAVING 23,600 square yards of old stone blocks, to be No. 21. FOR REGULATING AND REPAY. purchased by contractor and removed furnished and set. WITH GRANITE BLOCK PAVEMENT ON 1,200 linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, re' ING WITH SHEET ASPHALT PAVEMENT A CONCRETE FOUNDATION TILE ROAD- by him. ON A CONCRETE FOUNDATION THE 4,650 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete. dressed, reiointed and reset. WAY OF PITT STREET, FROM TILE 6 noiseless heads and covers, complete, for ROADWAY OF SIXTIETH STREET, FROM NORTH SIDE OF GRAND STREET TO TTIE 8,000 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, THE WEST SIDE OF LEXINGTON AVE- furnished and set. sewer manholes, furnished and set SOUTH SIDE OF BROOME STREET. (not to be bid for). NUE TO THE EAST SIDE OF FIFTH AVE- Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be 700 linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, re- dressed, i noiseless coser and head complete, for NUE. done: rejointed and reset. and set The Engineer's estimate of the amount of 5,550 square feet of new granite bridgestone, water manhole furnished 565 square yards of granite block pavement, (not to be bid bor). work to be done is: with paving cement joints, except in furnished and laid. 4,360 square yards of asphalt pavement. In- roe square feet of old bridgestone, redressed, The time allowed for doing and completing the the railway area. above work is thirty (30) days. eluding binder course. 320 square yards of granite block pavement, rejointed and relaid, 685 cubic yards of Portland cement con. The time allowed for doing and completing the The amount of security required will be Two with paving cement joints, in the Thousand Dollars. crete. railway area (no guarantee). above work will he one hundred and fifty (tso) 1,400 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, 86o square yards of old stone blocks, to be wn.kinv day. No. 40. FOR REGULATING AND PAVING furnished and set. purchased by contractor and removed The amount of security required will be Fif. WITH ASPHAI.'l' BT.00K PAVEMENT ON 6o linear feet of old bluestone curbstone. M him teen Thousand Dollars. CONCRETE FOTINDATION TIIE ROADWAY redressed. rejointed and reset. rso .ubic yards of Portland cement concrete. No. 3n. REGULATING AND REPAVING OF ONE IIUNDREI) AND FORTY-FIRST sS noiseless heads and covers, complete, for 600 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, WITH GRANITE BLOCK PAVEMENT ON A STREET, FROM LENOX AVENUE EAST' sewer manholes, furnished and set. furnished and set. CONCRETE FOUNDATION THE ROADWAY WART) TO FIFTH AVENUE,

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1908. THE CITY RECORD. ;1447 Engineer's estimate of amount of work to be done: The above assessment is payable Inc the Col- Steam pipe jacketing. 8 inches by tz inches; one shaft, i t5-t6 inches lector of :Vsessments and Arrears at the Rureau Pipe guard rail around main engine and beat- 3,170 square yards of asphalt block pavement. for the Collection of Assessments and .\rrears of I:y 16 feet; two collars, one flange coupling, four 620 cubic yards of Portland cement concrete, ing engine, hangers, 18 inches; one pulley, 12 inches by 7 Taxes and Assessments and if Water Rents, Two receiving or blow-off tanks, 14 inches di- including mortar bed. Roam 11, No, 28o II roadway, Ihi rough of Mau- inches; one pulley, 24 inches by 4 inches; one atioeter by 5 feet. pulley, 36 inches by 16 inches; one pulley, 20 1,750 linear feet of new bluestone curbstone, hattan, hetwcen the hours of 9 a, in. and 2 p. 'm., furnished and set. One vertical (New York Safety Steam Power Inches by to inches; two wood pulleys t6 inches and on Saturdays front o a. m. to ca m., and all Cuntl'anv) stationary engine, 7-inch by q-inch 16o linear feet of old bluestone curbstone, re- payments made thereon on or before December 28, by 6 inches; ong Sturtevant pressure blower No. dressed, rej cylinder (uo base). ' 00,with countershaft; four iron body mixers, ointed and reset. I i,8, will be exempt from interest, as above pro- I 'ipe guard rail, to noiseless heads and covers, complete, for vidcd, and after that dale will lie subject to a z8 inches by z6 inches (including mixer spindle sewer manholes, furni;lied and set One pulsometer pump. No. 6. and 'spur gear) ; two vertical shaft bearings charge of interest at the rate of seven per centttm One saint calender machine (rolls t6 inches (not to be bid for). ter annum from the date when above assessment (with one set of above are two clutches and I noiseless cover and head, complete, for by 48 incites), including piping, operating levers), two iron body mixers; 41.1 became a licit to the date of payment. One "[[ebbs' rotary cutter, No. 3, 6o inches. water manhole furnished and set IIER\l:\N A. METZ, inches by 2z inches (including mixer spindle (not to be bid for). One "Roomer & Iiuschert” press, including and be gears); shaft, 3 7-16 inches by 4 feet; Comptroller. platforms and turntable. shaft, 2 t5-t6 inches b The time allowed for doing and completing the City of New York, Department of Finance, y 20 feet; one collar, above work is fifty (so) days, Hoisting rig, hung to roof joists and girder, 3 7-t6 inches; one collar, 3 7-16 inches; one Comptroller's Office, Octuher 29, 1901, belt driven an•I rope through trap door to first The amount of security required will be Three o3r,rtt4 collar, s 15-16 inches; one coupling, 3 7-16 inches Thousand Dollars. story. to 2 i5-r6 inches; one coupling, z t5-16 inches; ()cte 6u- inch disc fan. No. 4i. FOR REGULATING AND PAV. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS, one hanger, 3 7-t6 inches by 12 inches; one Six srr-inoli disc fans. hanger, 2 15-16 inches by 15-IG inch - by i5 lNG WITI-1 ASPI-IALT BLOCK PAVEMENT Shafts for driving these fans. ON CONCRETE FOUNDATION T11E ROAD- N PURSUANCE OF SEC'T'ION tots OF inches; three double hangers, horizontal and Ilan!., inch tubes. Conry wall bearing; four hangs-rs, 18-inch; two cou- machinery, or portion, as •ball then he left, to- Id< tr with ill usual casings arnl fitting<. plings; one rigid pillow block; one split pulley, getltcr with all muucys paid by said purchaser on Nln, l('E TO PRUI'I•:IF rV OWNERS. (Roder made in 19os and put in Lcrc sccnn,l apt-inch lit- I e-inch; nice split pulley, 24-inch by account thereof at lice time of the sale, and the hand.) rtt-inch: line split pulley, 28-Snell by 8-inch; one bidder's assent to the above conditions being un- .Asbestos la-. kcl iug if bu Ice. ,1Iit Pulley- 72-inch by 18-inch; one jacl. shaft, N l'I'R,L'Atit"t-; OI' Sl:(1'ION lots Ill' derstoud to he implied by the act of bidding. and She,-I iron slack with c,mm,1nu I In and hni„1, ' s-16 inch by 3-font: twit collars; two hangers, The City of New York 'Will, without notice to the I Ilic Greater Nose Yuck Charter, the Cump- 35 ili'lie, diameter by 3u feet. it-inch: one pair miter gears, 24-inch by 6-inch tr.,llr-r of 'I'hc (ity of New York hereby gives purchaser, cause the same to be removed, and the I';usnu Vlanufaci truce ('ump:ni - danr,rcr and Ins- :ti-inch; one bevel pinion: one bevel gear 1,ublic nutice to all perso its, otv ncrs rf ltru p< rty, costs and expense thereof charged against the se- h'uwcr ..kIdat,e. Ilo,1 blast Snivel n, at special Ih„ltc and lag screws); one "Watertown" doable curity above mentioned. t l7or[ril by the felloworg ;tscs'itItt rf it L( )(':\ I. 'I de valve stationary engine, t6-inch by z8-inch; valve., condo-nrc•r bridge wall gtatc=, piping. The work of removal must be carried on in l)ll , lO)VE\l1•,N"I"S ill IIi c BORI)C(;ll OF ih.\N- (Inc ".A,1Iarvr" feral via sr Iur:Urr, i6 inches main driving 'idles on engine shaft, 72-inch by I1.\ -1 I'.\N iti-inch; one "Telly-lierryman' feed water heater, every respect in a thorough and workmanlike by 41 inrbr-s I5-inch ,-xl attst Pip, I. ic c_cnh un manner, and must be completed within thirty days NIN'T'H Vs \Ttlt, SECTION iI1 n brackets. inch csh:n ,t pipe; One "horning" No. 6 in' front the day of sale, and the successful bidder l'.Aln\1lNh: 5"T1ll'.h,l - III ST()RIN(; .\5- (Inc' bni'or fled pump, 3 inch •, be ,3 inc!:es, it-clor 11 1 4-inch size); two horizontal tubular will provide and furnish all materials of labor 1'll.\1;1' I'.\\'1•:\TIC.'.', , ii file s-iothwest currier ohiven front One shat. Irani boiler,, each 54-inch by t6-fuot, with thirty' and machinery necessary thereto, and will place If Bedford and ('arntinc viciuiv .Area if assess- One but-water I,untn, _.: inches Uy 8 ineb,o, t„ur flues 4 iuchcs in diameter, plain grates, fill t uper and sutlicient guards and fences and ment: isnuthteest curl e•r of Re,Ifurd and ('armine ih ivrn front ncu- shaft. frnuls allot usual furnishings; one of these is warning signs by day and night for the prevention streets, known as Li4 Nu. 76, in Block S28. ( )n1- Nu. to N. . \ut. \Ic l rupn'itan iu)cct )r, I'j - practically new and the other one is about eigh- of accidents, and trill indemnify and save harni- This a>'essmcnt seas terlitr.1 to the (C all, ctor of inclt pipe. trcn gears old and piescure reduced to 70 pounds less The City of New York, its officers, agents :\scc=smcnts and .Arrears, under till- pruviviuus of 1 )n, "L:unbcrt'' s-inrch water mete:-. (tun pounds alluwrd on new boiler when used and servants, and each of them, against any and suqiuit ant of the 4;ieati-r New York Charter. (Inc "hall I':ug. (1,mpanv" .Alit. cu -nub r, ntry alone); piping, steam and water, connecting all suits and actions, clautts and demands of every --that the same was entered an IIctober 29, crank horizontal cng;ne, t: inches b; is inches hnilcrs t„ engine, injector, etc.; 4-inch steam name and description brought against it, them, or irlu8, in lie Record of 'Titles of .\sscs=mcnts, (t8 \.cars ..lrl). with base. fnmt boilers to engine; 4-inch pipe by 6-foot: any of them, and against amt from all damage kept in the Ilurcau for file ('rtllcrliuu of .\s,czs- Two 5i'mrifc5'Hl punts;. .-Stet by 3'-inc'r one cast Scut ftange, 4-inch by to-inch, one 4-inch and costs to which it, they, or any of them, be mcnts and .\tech, of 'faxes and Assessments anal liiw•s_ in c„nncctinn with paper u:neHitw_ elbow; 4-inch pipe by 15-foot. one 4-iucIt elbow; put by reason of injury to the Person or property if Walt hints, and unless the amunnt assessed OIle 6-inch stuff puma iu rmnudion it-ith beat- a-inch Pipe by 5-fault One flange union, 4-inch; of another, resulting from negligence or careless. fir lrnmit nn any person or pripnIy shall I, , ing entlinc curd p;tlu.r machines; including busts Iwo pities i-inch pipe by i-font each; two 3-inch ness in the performance of the work, or in guard- i'l-thc valves; two' pipes. 3-inch by 4-foot, 3-inch pail within sixty days after the date of said and piping fu -mac. ing the same, or from any improper or defective entry of tile assessment interest will be e,.SniieBd Twa rutari bui6•rs, o fezt di;unetr-r by t8 fc:t by 8-font; twit 3-inch reducing elbows: two pipes, materials or machines', implements or appliances .t-inch by 3-foot 6-incli: One 4-inch T; one pipe, III,Iuiti as provided in section ioig of said Greater unr. used in the removal of =aid buildings. Eta Ynrk I'harter. line hnt-watcr tank I fee'- dram her by 24 feet 4-inch by z-foot; jacketing, 4 inch pipe by 4o-foot; The Comptroller of 'Chi City of New York re- tiairl s,-ctiou prirvides, in part, that ,If any lung -over rn'art' b riles. t inch uipc by to-font; four 4-inch elbows; one serves the right out the day of sale to withdraw etch assessment shall remain uiiliiiid for the One l'i.klc 3-r„'I bca'cog engine- (1hiIyik'). e-inch -I'; main exhaust pipe, 5-inch pipe by 74- from sale any of the buildings, parts of huildinga period of sixty days after the date of entry .\g,I0nuu. with above. font; one flange anion; two nipples, 5.mch by and machinery inclmled therein, or to reject any thereof in the said Record iii 'Pities of Assess- 1 )m• .'-cylinder paver machin•' I snake pallet, 6-fuut; six 5-inch elbows: 2-Such water nape from and all hills; and it is further tnents it shall be the duty of the officer atith r- 71 inches will.), including Ili lik, it screen, niclrr to injector, 2150 feet; valves and fittings: Resolved, That, while the said sale is held tinder ized to collect and receive the amount of such ill,rwel In tie, l'tr. riving, injector to boiler. and connections to heater; the . npervision of the Commissioners of the Sink- asvessnu•nt to charge, collect and receive interest One 'mall dvnamn aid wiring for liglrt. shaft, t t5 16 inches by 14 feet; two collate, ing Fund, the Comptroller is authorized to cause thereon at the rate of seven per centunl per 'I'rnhl,-c track over paler mcc'Iciuc, including three hangers. c inches; two wood pulleys, 20 the sale to he advertised and to direct the sale nnnntn, to be calculated to the date of payment ,tit• traveler. inches by 12 inches: one wood pulley. to inches thereof as financial officer of the City. from the date when such a's<•ssment became a Stu:,f in y- halcr-us,n crAuplings and pci- es. Ins- I2 inches one Douglass No, z rotary barrel lit-n, as provided by section 1 fo of this y ct" I('ubbr-r betting. pump (cast iron bed plate, pulleys. 7 inches by 1L A. METZ, Scrlinu ISo of this act provides ' rather halting inches), one shaft, t t5-t6 inches by q Comptroller. ;isci-~'tnc-ut shall becunie a lien upon the real Piping, boiler to engine, f-t machines, pnmpti, fret: two collars, two hangers. t4 inches; one City of New York, Department of Finance, estate affected thereby ten days after its entry in ~•te., includinit exhaust pine from engine. ('ran” wend pulley, 14 inches by it inches; one wood Comptroller's Office, October 30, 1908. the said record." * * * I op safety valve, nne steam trap, latltey', 16 inches by 6 inches; one wood pulley, 031,0 t6


NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. second street to Cropsey avenue; both sides of 1648, on north side of East Ninety-eighth street, completing any of the work required under the Bay Nineteenth and Bay Twentieth streets, 2z5 feet west of Second avenue. cuutract, but unfinished at the expiration of the N PURSUANCE OF SECTION tors OF THE from Eighty-sixth street to Cropsey avenue; both 1::A5'1' ONE 11UNI)RI`II AN!) NIN'r1I contract period. I Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller sides of Nineteenth avenue, from Sixty-fourth S 1'RI:F:1'-121x'.AIR1NG Sht)EbVAI.hc, at Nos. All lire- material of the buildings, shells, walks, of The City of New York hereby gives public street to Cropscy avenue; both sides of Bay to and Lt. Area of assessment: Lots Nos. it structures and cellars, of whatsoever nature, notice to all persons, owners of Property, affected Twenty-second and Bay 'Twenty-third streets, and t 2, Block 1615, ill north side of East One with their exterior and interior fixtures, appur- by the fullouing assessments for LOCAL IM- from Eighty-sixth street to Crupsey avenue; both Ilundrsd and Ninth street, t_5 feet west of tcuauces and foundations of all kinds, except the 1'RO\'L\1LNTS in the BOROUGH OF BROOK- sides of Twentieth avenue, from Sixty-fifth street \lath=ou avenue. sidewalk and curb in front of said buildings, LYN: to Bath avenue; both sides of Bay 'twenty-fifth ON 1•; IIUNDRED ANI) FORTY-'l'IIIR1) extending within the described area and down to EIGTITTI \VARll, SECTION 3. and Bay 'Twenty-sixth streets, from Eighty-sixth S'TRI?l;T, north side—RI•a':\IRIN(; SI1>I;- the level of the cellar bottout, shall be torn down FORTI ETII STREET—GRADING LOTS, street to ]lath avenue; both sides of Twenty-lirst \V:1LK, commencing 113 feet cast of Lenox avc- and removed from the premises. None of the .moth si le, between Fourth and Fifth avenues. avenue, from Sixty-sixth street to Bath avenue; nuc. .\rea of assessment: Lots Nos. 6 and 7, dirt, debris or waste resulting from demolition .Arca of a:,esstnent: Lots Nos. 17 and 22 of northwesterly side of Twenty-first avenue, ex- Block 1741, on the north side of One liundrerl shall be allowed to rcutaiu on the premises, Mock ; tq, located on the south side of Fortieth lending southerly from Bath avenue about 286 and Tnrrty.third street, abotut g6 feet east of except old mortar or plaster only, which may be street, betwcen Fourth and Fifth avenues. feet; both sides of Twenty-second avenue, from Lenox avenue. left, but not higher at any point than two feet Sixty-fifth to Eighty-second street; both sides below the curb opposite that point; also the NINTH \\.\R1), SECTION q. of Sixty-third street, from Seventeenth avenue '1'1V'EI.l1 I'II R':ARI), SECTION 7. foundation walls of all classes shall be taken UNI)LR1IIl.L A\1?NUE—GR:\L>ING A LOT to Eighteenth avenue; both sides of Sixty-fourth ONE IIUN!REI) AND ']'IhITt'I'V-FIRST' down only to a plane whose elevation shall be on the ca=t side, between SSterling place and St. street, from Twelfth avenue to Thirteenth ave- STREI•:r AND O1.1) PRU:\n\V:\Y, at the the level of the curb in front of the building. lc•Lns ldace. Area of assessment: Lot No. 2, nue; both sides of Sixty-fourth street, from a northeast cnrncr—R I? l'_\I R I NI 5! 1)EWA I.R. The purchaser at the sale shall also ccitltdraw L'L"ck r 7,1, uu tilt, ca_t side of Underhill avenue, point Ito feet west of Seventeenth avenue to a Area of assessment: Lots Nos. 16 and 17, ]]Inck and remove all abandoned water taps and old bet accn Stci!ing Itlace and St. Johns place. point 239feet east of Eighteenth avenue; both io86, being northeast c„rnrr of One IIundresl service stains, and i❑ place thereof cause to be •r\V"l•: ..v-sl:CuNl) \V.-AR1), SECTION q. sides of Sixty-lifth street, from Twelfth aveutlue and Thirty-fit'st street and Old Itru;isltrsu', and inserted a bras plug iu the main water pi to itt to Thirteenth avenue and from Sixteenth to lot adjoining nn Old I:rnadway. Ibe street, in c,sut iliancc with the roles and rcg- UI;d1Ill S'I'RI•:h:T—GR.\UI\G LOTS on the Nineteenth avenue; troth sides of Sixty-sixth ulatious of the Lcparintent of Water Supply, north -ide, bctnucn Eighth avenue. and Prospect street, from Twelfth to Thirteenth avenue, and 7'\\'F1.17'fl \Y:\R I), SECTION S. Gas and Elcciricity, and furnish the Department Park \V'e,t, Lot .\o, to of Block to8y. Area front Fifteenth to Twenty-second avenue; both 1>Y('K\I:\N `'I'RI•:I{'r AND 1'IZFSCO•I'T of I-'iuiauee with a certificate front the Depart- of as shunt: Aurtlnccst corner of Eighth street Sides of Sixty-sevcuth street, from Twelfth to .\\'I•:Nt'IC---Rl-:1'.\II:IN(; sttth•;bN.\I-K, at the ms-nit of Water Supply, Gas attd Electricity that and 1'rl-slluct 1':uk \Ve>t, lot \u. 30, Block io89. Thirteenth avenue, and from Eighteenth to ii-usfosn t curucr. Alta of a,scssmcut: Lot Nu. this has been prrfurmcc!. •1'1111.TIET1I \NL TIIIR-rY-FIRST \V.\RlS, 'f'u•eoiy-second avenue; both sides of Sixty- 50- Block =.-17, living nurthtccst confer of ])yck- The purchaser at the sale shall also remove all SLCIIONS 17, i8:\\ll t9. eightlt street,from Eleventh to Twelfth avenue, man st rcct and I'rtscuitI as' it it,-, hue-'e scttcr cunneel ions to the stain sewer in P.\TII .\Yi:NUIE—Ali\VERB, between Bay and from Fifteenth to Twenty-second avenue; —tlt:tt the same were confirmed by the hoard of the sheet, and the opening of the tnain sewer both sides of Ovington avenue, from TwelfthTrod ' i t ~ - • Put:rtcenth avenu e.• Il a \sr coon s on October -7. t,p•7;, and entered Octo- in street shall be pruttc-rhy closed in compliance Si ~tt e tut l ) aand y avenue to Eighteenth avenue; both sides of Tucuty-scccuth ,,trot I1svcv ty-first avenue), and hrr 27, t9o8, Iii the R,surd of Titles of ,\csess- faith tl:e dircctiuus of the hhurca'a of Sewers, Bay Ridge avenue, from Eleventh to Twenty- ntrnls kept in the I;unau for the Collection of Itnruuglt of VItuthatlail, and furnish the l)eprn't- ill ll.\1 ~'I\I'll SIR] A', between Cads ave- secund avenue; built sides of Seventieth, Seventy- nuc and a IprolpuSal atrcct through the northern .\ss,-ssrnews and \meats of 'fa,Xs and :\ssess- nteut of Finance wish a certificate front the first, Seventy-second, Seventy-third, Seventy- mcnts and of \V'aln' Rents, and unless the Ituicau of Sewers that the work has been prup- section 01 1)rkcr Peach 1'ark; also in 1l,'Y fourth, Seveulty-fiftlu, Seventy-sixth and Seventy- I'V' 1.\ 11-Sl V- ICV'I'II is1'R1;f•:'1' (Twenty-first anuioaust asscsy,d lot- '"'is-fit aft any Person cr rrly perflumcd. seventh streets, from Eleventh avenue to Twenty- property shall be 1-airl within sixty days after (h;- •hue permit for all opening in the street to be avenue), bettccen Benson avenue and Bath ave- second avenue; both sides of Seventy-seventh tiue, :toll in a proposed street through the north- tat, of said entry of itIe assessments, interest will obtained be and at the expeusc of the pul lta er street, from Fort Hamilton avenue to 'tenth be c,sll,-ctrd their-suet, ti', Itruvi'led in section tot9 of the ilciIsbn;s urn I ertion of I)y-k,:r ];each lark, between lot, r- avenue; both sides of Seventy-eighths street, tcenth and Eleccatlt avenues, and between of s:cd I r,-:ttcr Ncw York Charter. Failure to rcunnc 555u huiLlinu,;, aill,nrtenanr•cs front Fort Hamilton avenue to Twenty-second Sail >cclirat Itnn•irlc•', in part, Ihnt ''If any sty :toy ]'art thelc,sf within sixty days front the Ple,cmth and Seventh avenues, and in NINETY- avenue both t sides of Seventy-ninth street, from SEt~UNI) -''1, RGLT, bctsvecu Seventh avenue and such ;c.•csstn, nt sit hl remain unttaid for the day of tile sale will tvat}: fnu'fvilmu-c of ,ovum Fort Hamilton avenue to Twetoy-second avenue; perm I of sixty r'.:,v.a after lllr ,late of cnlry ,hip of such brriihslinsg, appartcuanccs or portion New \,rk ]lay; also in E11l1f'i-PUVRI'll both sides of Eightieth street, from Seventh STRkL1, I,ct',tccn Tss cut icth and 'Twenty-first thin t-cnf in the said R -cord of 'Pith's of :Asncs - as shall then he Irft s.triuuihi,ug, tiigeihun with all avenue to Twenty-second avenue; both sides of atcmcs, tutcl llL!'1.1•r in T\\• ENTY-FIRST ntcnts, it shall be the duty of the officer aulb~u'- I Icvs paid by said Ire rchasrr on accountthe'e- Eighty-first street, from a point about 140 feet izrd to collect and iccc';vc the antuoutt of such uf at the time of the Sale, and the hidrAce'.e V- 1':A'UL, ;nom Li hty'-fotuth street to Benson west of Seventh avenue to 'twenty-second avenue; a\ ell tic. .Arca of a_sessntent: Both sides of assessment to clitui'gc, collect and receive interest assent to the abs,v'c conditions bring tntderst...A truths sides of Eighty-second street, front Seventh tt;er-0a at the rate of sewn I,s- r cent unt live to Ire iutplicd by the act of hislding, and 'Phis' Ninety-second street. from New York Bay to avenue to Seventeenth avenue, and from Eigh- Seventh arcnue; both sides of Ninety-second annum. 7u he calatl:ttcit to tho deck of yiyntcnt City of New Yiurhc will, withunt I otiee to the teettth avenue to •Twenty-second avenue; both ;runt tilt- date tch,•n such as's;anu'm hecane is porsIass.r, (rtu.'e the Same to be mmnved, ar1rl street and Bath avenue, from Seventh avenue sides of Eighty-third street, from Seventh avenue to Foi tscitht avenue[ both sides of Bath avc- lien, as it's -ridcd ht- scc'ui,1i Is,) of tkti, act." the costs and cxprnsc thcrcuf chargo,I against to Seventeenth avenue, and from Eighteenth Srcti,,n t. r> of ibis act pn,ciilcs nuc, [ruin Pourtecnth as curie to Twenty-first ` ` ` "\n file srcnrity chow ntcnfiomrd. avenue to Twenty-first avenue; both sides of assessment 'hall bse'cnuiuc• a lion 11linh the cc-al 'I'be work of niuins'al must be earris-d on in avc tile ; tenth sides of Elelily-ninth street, from 1•:ighty-fourth street, from Seventh avenue to the Ncte York Bay to First avenue; both sides (-slate affech it them by ten r lays after' its entry cvcry nsl,ert in •t thnn,n4th and ter,rkinrinlikr Seventeenth avenue; both sides of Main street, in the sstid record.'' nianius-n', and nntst he com~sl-ti'si neithirt sixty day; of1•:iuhty ninth street, frostsSecond avenue to from Seventeenth avenue to Eighteenth avenue; Third ac rinse ; b,rth sides of Ninetieth street, 'Pile abuvc a;.es.mcnls are payable to Ilse Col- from Ihr slay of ;-ale, and the sio,'ssf:rl bi,lslcr both sides of Eighty-fottrtIi street, from Eigh- Icclr,r c.f :A,sc->mtrnts an,l ,Amoat,. at the B.uur'an will pruti lc and fund-11 till materials of Bah sr from Sccnnd avenue to 'third avenue, and front tcenth avenue to •Twenty-first avenue; both sides 'l- ird Cyril sir cast to Forest glace; both sides of for the (enrctioo of .-As'-c'ssmc'iits and Arroar-i and machincry mow=sary bIni'sm, and trill place. of Eighty-fifth street, front Seventh avenue to of Taxes and .-As;es•mcits and of \Voter Rents, ti's1u-r on,l 8ulCicirnt gnarls .'us-I fcnccs an,l Niticty-lir.t street, from Narrows avenue to First Twenty first avenue; both sides of Eighty-sixth as- cone; frosts Second acenuc to Third avenue, R doom ff. No. _Sit hirna,1sr;sv, ilisromh of \I:ut- •.xarning signs by day and niuht for the prc- street, from Seventh avenue to Twenty-first ave- haltan, tsct ico' ti the hotirs it n a, us. and z m., t'c-ration of arci,lents, mtrl wi'1 icsl-ntnifv tinsel and front Third avenue to Forest place; both It Ste ; but Ii sides of Benson avenue, from Seventh P. and nn Sahn'staw fr„m o Si, m. to ti nil ., and all =arc harfntess 'the City' of Nc w Vi,rk, its offic'mn, of (:iccr strict, from Narrows ass sue to avenue to '1\vcnty-first avenue; both sides of :'.larine avenue: hoth sides of Ninety-third, pnfmc'nts marl;' th,-1-'111 ou tin' before Itcc_cmhcr sit,',-ats anal servants, and coil, of this-its , swainnbicct to Sr st-cemth anal V';mete-ninth streets, front Bay Ridge avenue, from Fourteenth avenue to Ilay Tw'cnly- m:utsls of every mote rut'] sh•srri;~lI,, , trmso+:Lt chru-gc of into-rent at the talc (if sctcn Ice onions .u:ainst it, then) nit' any of them. "n "I ;u'ainst and I,arktca}' to tic Shore read, and \larine avcmcs third street. pc-r annum tritnt tbo elate- when ah is I, t:l sides if Scco:td arcnuc, from ]lay Ridge —that the saute were confirmed by the Board of assess fu umt all rl«mitage rtnrl onsl, In which it, they or uu•nts became liens to Ili , date of Nsi'mn,nt_ any of them be tt by tenon of irninty to the I~ark-,tay to AlOSInc avcu•ac: Initli sides of Ninety- .Asscssors on October 27. 19u8, and entered (>c- thirst street, fruit 11 trier i dine to Fourth acc- tohcr 27, tgu8, in the Record of 'Titles of i\s. I„-t'-„n ur prop;-rtv of anirthcr, nistl!i,v from n0gt;gnies oil crn- nnc.; h~ th Sides of Ninety-fuurlh street and •-srntusts, kept in the litre-as, for the Collection Cnuspitndp r. rl,'''n,-s; in file prrf sco t suite of \incty-fifth street, from 'Firine avenue to Fort „f -\ssesstnents and Arrears of 'Taxes and :\ssc-s- ('in' of N,-,, Ynrk, D,-l8sfmctit of Finance, i1LC tcnrk, or in tesu;u- dote the saint, m' front Ilamllteit at rinse:hoth Sides (if Ninety-sixth ntcnls and of 'ait,r Rents, and fnthcns the Cumliilsupsu''8 1!Gice, ( )ct,'hso _„ 19,8. any intbti'm,u-r or rlc f•-ctit-r materials ,n- mathincrv. ;nil-h m, its or a1gi!i:u:rs's ttsc sieI,o fro m \Brine avenue to Fourth avenue; amuwtt assessed for benefit run ally person ur ,l in tl•e trnntrya1 b•nli -idr? of Nincly-srcimtli 0ltcct, front ATarinc nF lueety shill be tail willriut sixty days after this- if >:tiil hmid;nss, asrnne to Fort IIantllIan avilliles ])-Lt, sides of slate r,f said entry of the assc88mtc,sts, interest (IihflIt)ht.\'htti\ S \1.I? (11- 1?T.AI. laIA"1'li forty wstls anti fcnvv=, celou, c8isrov against ll:u-inc sicenf1e, or Ninety-eiehtlt street, from tci;l he enllecled thereon, as provided by sect;-ol \N11 \t'tT'R'h'l?N:\NOES '1'IIF..RI?TO :uAitrint l)emttertv not soli], shall lint be taken Third avenue to Fort IlanliltIt avenue; both iii) of the (;reattr New York Charter. L'L'ON ('I'I'V- RE.AT. GST_A'I'li, sht•,rn. :\II fnrrincs, I, laslcr, chimneys, proicl't- -ides of Ninety-ninth and One 1lunrlredth streets, Said section pr,svi,b_s, in Dart, ' 11 any such ing h, irk. otr-., nn tltr far,'s of snrh party walls, fnmt 'third as cor ns to Fort Ilamilton avenue:. a"scssnteut slall remain unpaid for the period (it 1' 'I'IIF RFi)I'P.5'h' OP '1'lIF COMMTS. are to he IA"ll down and ter,:ow-1, The wall. laallt sides c,f U.nyse Street, front Fourth avenue sixty days aflrr the date of entry thereof in this- A si„n,-r of 1'ark, for the Ibm'ni`fi r,f 'rhv ,fall he inane memaos'noy rrl f-snl, iii r line, bratn- to F, irt lls,uait ii avenue; b-tth sides of Narrow ii id Record of Titles of Assessments, it Shall h - ka nx, Toddle nntie_r is hr-rrby gic,•n Lhal the h-ilos, etc., hris'ks'ul up. anal Ihr %,all naiotu'rl an,l et to Oliver street; Stra:I1C, front Roil .ti-ninth sir, the ditty of the ohlieer authorized to c-'llcct a n d ('nmph'•,llc r of 'I'h,- ('its of N c tv A ,ark will offer m:nlc ill esuhiurhs- %rind and rain and present it hilt sides of 1ii_t Ridge Larky, from Oliver receive the amount of such assessment, to charge, fir salt- at puhli•-. aucti•*n tb,-• hutuiliinugs now Aeon r xtvrinr. 'I-De mints of atl,acrm h,r,i!diunc sleet to .ecr,ml avcuue; both lidos of Shore collect and receive inurest tltercou :'t the rate of .banding „n ;n „rr rtv ,in5ooh tin' 'I'Itc ('i:t' of New sb:tll Uc prnpr-rlv flashed and !ttriolcd and oasis' entte to I north avenue; I-, .51, from ti-c--,iii! at- seven per centuni per annuut, to be calculated Yr.rk, asp iI .I hi,- it fin' Paris lntrp ,,,..- in the watcrti•'ht where Iii,')' Isass' hccn ditiltrt-hrrl by both sides of Marine ar.•nne, from Ninety-second to the date of payment, from the date wlicn Iloroiig'Ii of 'Pile- Ilrans. flit nlrt rntinns nI this' ccullt'arus-r. strict to Tbinl :scone; both sides of Second ave- .such assessment brecame a lien, as tsnoy,kd by '['Lo ('nmplr-dlrr of The Cily of Now Y''rk titte. from Violets-ninth stye, t to Marine avenue; section 159 of tl•.is act." lle:nts all these• old boadings, parts of Luild- rrsni'euc the ri,rht nn Ihr rley of sale to tt~';ilo ,liratc hoth sides of '1'hirrl as"cnhc. from Eighty-ninth Section 159 of this act provides " '• Ines. c-t(., silnntcil in 1'i'Ahnnuu ]lay ['rink and frsmt sil sits- of he h'tiluli•ips,ct iris of 1•t'llng; street to titer re rites 1; both sides of Fnorth ave- assessment shall become a lion upon the real kt:, tctt Si, the "I)itntars It-.,;ic: 'its-u','' pattly dcmol- atl o,-,chinory i holed thecoin, or Cr tcjcct any nuc•, frr.ii Ninetv-iiiinil street to Shore road; estate affected thr•rehy ten days after its entry ;,6rrl• and a I.riinn of tile- ,IJ stah'e formerly n,•1 r:!1 hits' an,l it is fnrthct' Ninetieth b.~tlt si~lc-, of l ifih avenue. from in the said record." " * usrsl in conlit,—G ,11 thoc'n-ifh s an, l which art more 11 s-.. 'Thal, v.11ib• Cllr -pill c le is hr1J street to Nir.cty-fifth street; It-nth sidles of Colston The ahuve assessments are payable to the Col- ['nutica!ailv discribcd ill a biter of request now muslin' Ihr• 'nns•M'i-irnn of ilt,- C,mtnt{s,ir:ncra of aecooe, cnmm:•n: ing at a point abort 305 feet sonlh lector of As'cs'ntcnts and Arrears at the Bu- usn bit,' in tho office of the Cr,1m,,r of ('its Ihr Sinking 1.tmel, lilt C'snn;rtnti'sr is anthnr- ref llitsttv Sivilt strcct to Ninety-fourth street; rean for the Collection of ,4 cc- ssments and Ar- Itrvr-nut,, I1,ylartntont of Brossmc, It-sun 141, No i~,-ul to ca•.ro the sale to he a•ltcrti=rrl and to atoll' iii accnuc, commencinv _8 oast side of Pert U rcars of Taxes and Assr suits tts and of Water :I,, IGnnngL of notaaan8 iii rrct the sale then'£ as fin:m:'ial ill ir•rr of the ahnut too feet n•atlt of S,venty-sixth street and Rents, in the Mechanics ]tack T:ni'diue, Count l'rr-,oss,it tr, the above requcn-t, by direction of ('it v. extending sot-thirty to Ssvritty-eighth street: stir! Montague streets, Borough of Brooklyn, tho ('ntnpl rs sllcr, the sale of the abnv,• ntesoibred IL A. 3Tf•:'!'7.. Lail tenth isidcs of Iot ncrmilton avenue, from tic-eon thusthe hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. nt., atol ,lines and amp:trtcnaners thereto trill be nta,lc•, Crmtpl ''sl Icr. I':;,lIty--ixth street to N.arrmt's avenue, including on Saturdays from o a. m. to 12 m., art,] all an iotilh,: autti.,n under the supervision of the ('its' if New Y,nk. T)rt,arinr•nt of hinancr. rmottorle and rtstcrly half of port Itamilton; payments matte thereon nn or before 1)ratuber Collc°t er of ( 'ii y Rccenur, nn ('nnt;,trnller's Office, Octob,r 2i,, tnot. ti-ti si~l- of 1?itrlity-flrt, Eighty-second, 1•:ightl- 26, nnot, will be exempt from interest, as :shove TIIUI!SUAY, lOVIilMDflI1 12, 1:1(IR, 11irhty-fifth and Eigh ty- tt'iril,,s irth, provided, and after that date will he suhject ue to at 3 p. m., ulnsn tic. Pr, tni~r=. upon the usual 'iSait strrcts, front F.nt ITamilton aven to a citar)-e of interest at the rate- of seven per Iiighty-eighth terms and rund but ii,n:; a- set forth in the adzorli=e- ('(IRf (iK,bTf()N” S1r.F. (11, Ill IIF IlINGS AND SottutlI at con': both sides of centunt pc•r annum from the elate when ouch St rect, front I ,-l-tntt avenue to Seventh avenue; ments of the sale of other old nututt'u sit of The Al'l'1T I'l-,'\N('I:S 1ll1-:Ifl!"ff1 ON (ITY astv=8mcros became liens to the date of pay C ity of Ni•.s York in the Crry Rr:weir, h~1ll: side of Ninetieth street, from Fifth avenue nient. R I':.\ 1, I•:5'I'.\•1'R. In 5••.-rnth sit-roots- : both sides if One Hundred IT. A. hIh-Yrz, HERMAN A. METZ. and First, O:tr Ituiired and Second and (Inc C runt ptro'let-. 1 •this RI{(!UT•:S'I' O1, i'l!t PRESTI)1EN'I' ITin'tvcc1 find Third streets. from Itattcry avenue Comptroller. City of New York, 1)epaitnient of Finance, of the Rt'aml of T,,h,irati, n, I,ub,1 ' mmlite is to `;erg nth as-s-title: both sides of Part hill place, City of New York. Department of Finance, C. -mptrull r-is Office, October 26, t9a R. hcrobvA giv,-n that the C,nm1isniuncrs t-I the Sink- front I)at lvren place to It aft cry oven SIC; both Comptroller's Office, October 27, tgn8. o28,nt2 intt I- tub. by virltt, of the unmet, vested in them sirlcc of Cropsey avenue, from Dahl glen place 029,1112 by law, will nlfi'r for call (it public auction file to Sts '-nlil averartc; tenth sides of one ITundred C(lhtl'()ItA'rlt)N SALE Ol 11Ulf,f)INGS ANU Luild;nps, p:n'I; of bnildint;s, stns, nnv✓ mantling and Fifth vtrcet. front Battery avenue to NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS, :\1'I'l'R'I'1•:N,\N('1?5' nu pent-rrty rnvnis-rl by The ('itv of New York, One IT,tr,dt 5,1 TIll{I.,ve avenue, Wantagh, 2Vz-story frante dwelling, Under the provisions of section g16 of the MONDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1908, about 29.5 by 40.5, with porch and brick founda- described buildings and appurtenances thereto Charter, as amended by chapter 447, Laws of tion; frame barn, 16 feet by 18,g; chicken house, will be held, under the direction of the Comp- 1908, it is provided, "If any tax shall remain un- at t a. -it., on the pre nii;es, upon the follow- troller, on Paid on the first day of November it shall be ing 6 feet by S,2, and frame outhouse, 4 feet by 4.5.I On Parcel No. t3, Plate S163, property for- li'ItID.1Y, NOVEMBER Ii, 1908. the duty of the Receiver of Taxes to charge, re- ceive and collect upon such tax interest upon the TERArs AND CONDITIONS. merly owned by M. Huhnken; frame outhouse, at 11 a. m., on the prcDllses, upon the following 5 feet by 5 feet, in southeast corner of lot. amount thereof at the rate of seven per centum The buildings and appurtenances thereto will On Parcel No, t6, Plate 5163, property for- TERMS AND CONDITIONS. ter annum to be calculated from mire day on be solid to the highest bidder, who must pay merly owned by J. Box; frame wood house, 7 The buildings and appurtenances thereto will which the taxes become due and payable (Octo- immediately cash or a certified check drawn to feet by 8 feet, in northeast corner of lot tier c), as provided in section 914,' the order of the Comptroller of The City of be sold to time highest bidder, who must pay On Parcel No i9, Plate St63, property for- inonediatcly cash or a certified check drawn to When checks are mailed to the Receiver of New York. and must also at the time of sale merly owned by Young Brothers. 35 feet south Taxes they must he accompanied by addressed give a certified check or cash in half the amount the order of the Cumptruller of The City of of Seaford avenue, about 230 feet east of Beach New \'omk, and must also at tire time of sale envelopes with postage prepaid in order to insure of the purchase price as security for the faith- street, Wantagh; 2%-story frame dwelling, brick give a cCrtilkd check or cash in half the amount return of recciutr•d hills by mail. ful performance of the terms and conditions of foundation, 24.4 by 25.4; frame woodshed, 6.l Checks dated October 5 should be mailed to the sale. Where the amount of the purchase of the purcliase price as security for the faitit- by 8,5; frame outhouse, 4 feet by 4.5, all of ful performance of time terms and conditions of the Receiver as soon as possible after bills have Trice does not equal or exceed the soil of Fifty which buildings are more particularly described been received by the taxpayer. Dollars, the sutn of Fifty Dollars shall be time the sale:- A\here the amount of the purchase on a map on file in the office of the Collector ipriee does not cyuual or exceed the sum of 1i50, PR:1W CTIECKS ONLY TO TIIE ORDER amount of the security to he deposited. This of City Revenue, Department of Finance. Room Oh' TIIII RECEIVER OF TAXES, security may at any time after the expiration the stint of $So sin au be the amount of the se- t4r, No. 280 Broadway, borough of Manhattan. cwity to lie deposited, This security may at DAVIT) E. AUSTEN, of the contract period he applied by the City Pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Com- to the cost of competing any of the work rc- any time after the expiration of the contract Receiver of Taxes. missioners of the Sinking Fund at a meeting hclrl I•criud lie algmicd by the City to the cost of luired under the contract, but unfinished at the October 2r, 1908, the sale of the above describer) 628,031 expiration of the contract period, completing any of the work tcTloiie1l under buildings and appurtenances thereto will be held the contract, but unfinished at time expiration of '1- he purchaser shall not lease, occupy, cause by the direction of the Comptroller, out or permit the building or buildings, etc., pur- the contract period. INTEREST ON CITY BONDS AND STOCK. chased by him to be used or occupied for any WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 190S, .\II the material of the buildings, sheds, walks, purpose other than that of their speedy removal, structures and cellars of whatsoever nature, with nor shall he collect any rental or other revenue at r2 m., on the premises, upon the following their exterior and interior fissures, aupurte- nances and foundations of all kinds, cutout the IIE INERESTINTEREST DUE ON NOVEMBER I, for the use of either the land or the buildings, TcRUS AND CONDrrtoNS. etc., situated thereon. The breach of either or sidewalk and club in front of said imnumldings, T Igmh, on the Registered Bonds and Stock The buildings and appurtenances thereto will extending ssithin the described area and down 'f Time (:ity of New York will be paid on that any of therc conditions shall forthwith void the day sale and cause immediate forfeiture of lime lair- be all to the highest bidder, wbn mast pay to the lewd of the cellar bottom, shall be tort by tint' Comptroller, at his office in the Stew- chase money and the security iicpiiti'd for time immcrliately cash or a certified check drawn to inn wn and neutuved from the memmmises, None art Iluilding, corner of Broadway and Chambers faithful performance of the conditions of the the order of the Comptroller of The City of of tl,c dirt, debris or waste' rewinding from denio- street (Room 85). sale. The 1-lacing therein or permitting the oc- New fork, and must also at the time o sale iilinu shall be allowed to remain mu the premises, The Transfer Books thereof will be closed cupancy of any such building by any tenant give a certifcd check or cash in half the amount cxceld old mortar or plaster only, which may be front Scptcmbcr 3o to November t, 1908, free, for rent or otherwise, excepting the neces- of the purchase thrice as security for the faititful left, but not Inigher at any point than two feet 'limit interest due on Novemher t, 1908, on the sary watchmen or the workmen engaged in the performance of the trams and condili,ms of the LcL ne the curb of,posite that point; also the Coupon bonds and Stock of the present and t•ele- Where the amount of the pun Fare price foundation walls of all classes shall be taken fnrnvr City of New York will be paid on that actual drm~.,litinn tbcreof, shall of itself be a d, breach of the above conditions of sale. ,c•s not equal or en coed the sum of hifty IDol- down only to it plane whose elevation shall be , lay by the Guaranty Trust Company, Nos. 28 lars, the sum of Fifty imllars shall iii the IInn level of the curb in front of the btmilmh 1g. and 3o Nassau street. All the material of the buildings, sherds, walks, amount of the security to be dciusitvd. This 'lire tmumrelmasmn at the sale shall also %%mtbdraw The interest due on November to i o8, on structures and cellars of whatsoever nature, with S.,mtirity n:ay at any title after tine e-npirarimi i'ueunn Bonds of other corporations now included their exterior and interior fixtures, aupurte- and remove ail aband,tnemi sn«ic'r lat,s and olrI of the contract period be aigdkmi by the City service plains, amt in lumen tbcrcof cansc to Inc in The City mmf New York will he paid on that nanees and fovrdations of all kind;, except the to the co~ct of completing any of the work rc- iuseni,•d a brass plu; in the main sealer (ripe in day at the office of the Comptroller, sidewalk and curb in front of said buildings, 4nircd under the contract, but umniium-lucd at the street, in compliance with the rules and ri-aim- extending the miescrmiirml area and down the cXITtmrm0n of the contract tc'riod. HERMAN A. METZ, to the level of the cellar bottom, shall be torn immiimmnu-, of the l)ehsrcrnent of Water Sui'mmly, has Coniptroller. The purchaser shall nut ]c'ase, ocOmmimy, cause and P;hncdTle ity, and furnish the I)cl artment of down and removed from the vrernis.-s. None or hermit the building or hnil,lings, tic., Iaur- City of New York, Department of Finance, of the dirt, debris or waste resulting from micro o- hinanrc with a ccrOfc',ite from tilt I)ct'artment Comptroller's Office, September to, 1908. chased by him to Inc used or occupied for any 1 of Wafer Smithy, Cas and EActnicily that this lition shall be allowed to remain on the orcmisc , purpose other than that of their speedy rc- at r,ni except old mortar or plaster only, which may has beat I~crformcd, moval, nor shall he collect any rcnt;d or other 'flee purchu


of Consolidation with other street surface rail- matters he believes it to he true, and Ile is approach in said Borough to and across the East abutting property owners may be given an oppor- road corporations in the office of the Secretary of antbmzed by the ltnard of llircctlns to make this Ricer by bridge, and thence along a viaduct or tunity to appear and be heard; now therefore be State on or about the 12th day of November, ❑yplicatiun on behalf of said Company. hilt ,roach to Sands street, in the Borough of it 1895. EI>\VI>. MERR'ITT. I I'll ,klyn; the second known its the Blackwells Resolved, That Friday, November r3, 1908, at Second—Since the date of its consolidation it .dIru1cd to before me this 17th day of Sep- Island I;ridge, which cxtcuds from Fifty`nintll 10.30 a. In,, and Room t6 in the City hall, has been the owner and lessee of a large number I nb.or, r9o7. sticct and Second avenue, ill the Borough of Borough of Manhattan, he set as the time and of street stir face railroads in the ito rough of (•rtes. R. G.\ t•, Jlanbattan, along a viaduct approach in said Bor- place for the public hearing an the aforesaid 11']anhattan, City of New York, including, among Nntary I'ub ic, rings C unty', N. Y. uugh to and across the East River and Black- petition, when citizens shall he entitled to appear others, the electric railroad nit Ilroathcay, from Porn approved; '.tclln Is1a,111 by bridge, and thence along a viaduct and he heard; and be it further South Ferry to Forty-lift It street, alld :d so the G. 0. \ I:I,\I.\;: 5, c approach ill the Borough of Queens to Jack' Resolved, That tie Secretary of this Board be electric railroad on Canal street, running front General ( ,u,,ccl. 51111 avcnuc, Long Island City. Each of said and lie hereby is directed to cause these resolu- the corner of Broadway and Canal street to '\till at a meeting ill October 16, 19o8, the bridges i, to b, constructed for the Operation of tions to be published in the CCTV RECORD for at Centre street, and along Centre street and Park ft,IltmIng re'ulutioi were adulrtcd: sit Let surface cars, by an uudergrolmd current ]cast tell (to) days prior to (lie date of the pub- row to the Post Office. \Vhcrcas, '1'Ile foregoing pctitiun front the of electricity, with appropriate terminals. lic hearing. Third—Your petitioner is also the lessee of the ltr ,oklyii City Railroad Company, dated Sep- '1'l,ird—Tilat your petitioner, Cur the con- Dated New York, September IS, t9c8. lileecker Street and Fulton Fc•rry Railroad Conn- I Iller q, 1907, was • prescnIc:] to the Board of Ver.ience of public travel, proposes to extend its parry, which company owns a fE.utclliEe oil Canal I•-.ti,nate and .\pportirnhsut at a meeting held railroad to and upon each of said hridges and JOSEPII IIAAG, street, front Broadway to the Mowery, upon Sc l,teu111er 20, IJ07; till, approaches thereto by the construction and Secretary. which, as your petitioner is i,,fiiriiiiil and he- Rc.,olvcd, ']'hat iu pursuance of law this Board operatnu of separate hraucllcs or extensions, by o3o,nt3 licvcs, the said Iilcecker Street and l ultun Ferry sits I'riday. the • I 3tIt day of November, igo8, -tn tunlrrground current of ateerlicily, upon the Railroad Company operated a street surface rail- at 10.30 o'clock in t e forcno it and ]Zoom i6 fI.11owing-descrihed rutlles: road for more than twenty years. in the City Ifall, Borough of Manhattan, as the (;1) lh.'ginning at the dl ,nblc-track road on the 17ottrth—Your petitioner proposes to construct time and place w}lvn and where sock petiti -aoi Rntt' c•re, at or near ('an;tl street,. in the Borough 1\T OTICE IS THEREBY GIVEN THAT THE a double electric track on Canal street, from shall he first conshlerrd, and a public hearing If Manhattan, IIwl:eIl by the petitioucr and cun- 1 N Board of Estimate and Apporliurlment of Centre street to the Bowery, and to (gicrate Such b_- had thereon, at which citizt'ns sha 1 be entitled nrcting therewith; rlrtnuug thence easterly w•itil The City of New York, deeming it for the track in connection with the tracks on the plan- tl, appear and be 11,an' anal he it further 1l1'ulIll' tracks in, 11111111 or along the westerly ap- public interest so to do, proposes to change the Italian Bridge, so as to fatal a continuous line Resolved. That thl Sterct:u'y i' directed to I'rlach bl said hridge in the R,Irutlgh of \lanhat- ulap or plan of The City of New York so as to or route from the Brooklyn plaza us Cl the AI an- caucc such pc:ili,n and these rI'solutions to be tail ; thence upl,n, over, Roll's and aLntg said change the gradesand adjust the block dimen- hattan Bridge tuul its aoormcl1cs and across Ptlb1 Shed for at least fnm-tccn (pal days in two \laohallae lbl- itqc, :Ind tits 11CC in, ulam and sinns in the territory bounded by Broadway, Canal street, connecting with stair pctitiuncr's claily ucirspaVcrs In The ('.itv ,of >:ew York, to alOnc the r'terly Oil 1niicu to Said bridge Ill West One Ilundred and Seventy-scveuth street, lines nn C,•utre street, Iii .di ay, \\ r est Broad- be Lieeigoatrd by (ilt- \layor, an, l for at Icn't ten tilt' IS„ruo gh of Cru.,klyn to till' 1l•nninal plaza, kivoyide drive and \Vest One hundred and way and 1111,15011 street ( In) days in the (II V ReCueo immediately prior at Or near S'lnd& 'trcct, ill said lhyrrntgi. The 1•aghty-first street, Borough of 1lanhattan, and Fifth—Your petitioner propnaes to operate said to such date of public hearing, The expense of told ltngtV tilt' rccl,f is sixty-five hlindEetr fevt. that a meeting of said Board will he held in route by the underground 'y=1em of electricity, .vetch publication to be borne by the petitioner. Ill) i:cgmtiilg at the dulbtc-track raa,l on ,be OId Council Chamber, City Ball, Borough siulilar in all respects to that in use on the JOSEPH II:AAG, Third avenue -It the intersection of Fifty-eighth of Manhattan, City of New York, on November other lines of your petitioner's road. Secretary. ctrl Cr, ItlIrlIuglI of Manhattan, owned by tile 6, 19o8. at io.30 o'clock a. in., at which such Sixth— For the purpose of ucting and Nety York, Octubcr 16, ln'18. I,ctili„err. anlI ennnc-I1ing therewith; running proposed change will be considered by said cxtensiun 'tu its road thence eastcrlp vrilh a single track in, upon a1111 Iinarrl; all of which is more particularly set Operating the branch or (131,1113 over the Manhattan Bridge, yl,ur petitioner dc- ;dung Fifty-eighth sirl ct t„ Scccand avenue; forth and described in the following resolutions sires to nblaiu front your I ullnlable litiald. and ii ('1111: a n'thelly in, np1nl ;11111 along Sca,nd ave- adopted by the Board on September 25, r9o8, ncc I , a point of cminectmll will] the tracks on notice of the adoption of which is hereby given, hcreby ap;,lics fur, its cnnl l,'m N III{I(il1Ts l:.\Il.R().\lt aucv with the ilr;,ti.illil'l of the Greater Nely YorI: UTICE 16 HEREBY GI\'EN THAT '1'111•: And the fu11ldtiug resolutions score thereupon ('1t\II'.ANY, t'h:u'Icr il'uil If tilt• R;1ilr1101I 1.a15' of the State of adnpletl: By 1'. 1V'. AV'i't—ii, i'rtsticnt. NN Board of Estimate andApportionment of I•'.t' Ynrk- teh City of Nc',v lurk, dcemiug it for the pub- \\'hcrcas, The fltrcguing petition from the -lit- S:;dr of New Ylnir. I i lilac If Dint;:, ituruugh Itatc,l Ali' '(I,ac, Tilly :.R, itlo3. 1101111 Oct.lh I lie lutocst Si) to du, prupudes to ebange the map elIp0tilSu street ]tailo:cy ('I paIly, I f Enl1tk11- , (11111/ Ne,v A-1,rk, s.. 19118, l(l'(tit'llll•t to till' lit,al'll If 1'.tilIIIIat' 'I'll i' 'II 1I It I I .\\'I•:\ ('t': R.\1l,I ).\I) ur hlau of 'file City of New York so as to lay 211, was 1•-S1';ii W. \\Illtl-i I1, rlUg (Ill \' 'w'or II,d'-poses. out a public place, bounded by New Ctrecut and .Apportiumrtcnt at a meeting held October a,, Ind Says Ii:at ill' I, I'll ,ldent „f the Itrouklyry BY F. \\-. 11'r;rrrzlocl', Receiver. "t•ruuc, I'urty-ninth street and Twelfth avenue, 19118; Ile•if;tmts Raiha1I (',:mblitiy, t%hiich i, 't d,imc-tic Borough of Brooklyn, and that a meeting of Resolved, '1-hat in lil1Esiallee of law tllis ]tnar,l nlrpnrati, :n of the St-Ill- of X:tv fork; that the (•its- ileul t',tilnw if Nt-w York, s d:ty of Nmember. Iqn, said Board still be held in the Old Council sets Fridat, the I,;tb fails stab. ,l In th,.' (Ill a;ll,licnti' all true of Frcdc -ilk \\'. \\'hitl i'It;o, bI'iug filly siv ire, say'. I fin I11.311 u`cluck in the fm,imoll. an,l hll„In III In _ tither, City flail, Borough of 3lanhattan, City at hi: 111111 III -vA,1114I•, cxrt'jlt ac I., tii:it ors tbrrein I c is tiia REed1 er of the raim,0d ((CIIpertics Will of New Yurk, OIL November 6, 1908, at ma,3o ill, ('it' hall, 1:u111iihb of \Iruthslla.n. a, rho ',:I111I un illfllt111:01uu and bclicf. ;11111 as to tltu;c „~culi-o= , f tilt 'I'!,ir'1 Accnuc I,'a::road Company, It'hrn and n•hcrc Melt pctililnl '11:111 o'clock a. rn., at w•llich such proposed change time 01111 place' m:Jtr I he brIiocc+ it to ill' trltc, 111111 lie is the p, liliulIcr hl rein. burin); been Spr III' intr shell will be considered by said Board; all of which III' Best ennsi1I 'Ill l, and it Pah'ic I fiop b,• h:ul StiIl, iiz,I by the L'-aril of 1tii-oerllEs to slake II n. unh'r ref the l -Ilit,d St:ncs Cilellit (curt; that ctiIhbll t„ is m.,re particularly set torth and described in thee Ill n. at which citizens shiltl be Ihi, illIhclu„n 1,11 hchalf of solid c, Im rtnt-. he 11', r, OIl the f„rcv„ilIg I,clitio n and kuowti th,- the following resul lit iuns adopted by the Board q,,oa 01111d be bear: and h,• it flt'll:el' 1:.• \t' \JIN'1' :1:. ciIutl•nts titertuf, CIII 111:1 the s:mle is true to hi= on September 25, 19,18, notice of the adoption RIs hell, That the Secretary i, ninehvll I., j,cll'n to hcfuic me this Silt tlav of Scptvinber, I:llily' g ,, I'S c1'ut ;IS to ti ,,.e ntdt'rs which ate• b• of which is hereby given, viz,: cou,1 .noh petition (lilt tilde res„lufi,yns to I1rv7. thmceio 5(a11d lm irvf„rniation ;old belief, and that Revolved, That the Board ut Estimate and Ap- la i ll to:'- IvIlIbghcTl flle at ir fnnrlecn 11-1) dart I1. fF. lar!I'nnlrr, le.. as to such Matters be verily I1c1:cves it to b: purtiunulcilt of The City of" New York, in pur- t III Xt'w York, to be daily' urtrsl,l,l,l,rs in 'tile , f y , nary l', liinga County, N. Y. t rut. tlanCe of the Irot(SillilS of section 442 of the desigerro-d by tile 'iltlt'ti, ;ln,l fur : t 11'15l it-'] I I.,I Phut appn"ccd: PRl{ill:RI('fi W. \ChA"irRt l7f;t:. Greater New York Charter as amended, deeming day, in tilt- ('us' IIn,rti¢u, nllinc,ti;titly prirr- I„ (;. (1, \'r:na1(x s. Swuri to before the this 3d day of August, it for the public interest so to do, proposes to such date of public ic:u- i'.t.,, t il l• , x- pmsc of '.ucb Gmcxc1 (utin-cl. 1rl08. change the neap or plan of The City of New ptlblicatiun to he burnt- b) (lit' lIll ilillner. .A1111 at anit-rtiug 111111 l)ctAhcr 16, 1908, the ,l.s0 VS G. Flh.5', Vork by laying out a public place, bounded by Notary Public, New fork ('„nut.:, J(liI•:1'll I1.A.AG, ildlis„iup rc'.IIlutilInt svlre altuptl'd: Ncw• Utrecht avenue, Forty-ttintli street and Seerct;n-y-. VV lcreas. 'Ihe f,lreg.,inl; Ill-Uti.m lit the Ttvclfth asenuc, in the Borough of Itrooklyn, 19118. -AEnd at a mectilrg hell) Oct her it, 1,),8, the New Yurk, Och,bcr .13, Ceulklcii heights (hair ,ad Gnnllanc, (late,I Sep- feVE-wing n',,,ltti.m; were adulltcd: City of New York, more particularly described °.;r,1113 11ul1r1 9, Iqo„ (la, presented to the Ik„ard of \V-M'eta'l, 'I'Ite furc•g, :iug petition from the Thiel as follows: I•.-timate and .\Ill 1-tiuunlent at a ntccling hell ,\\ 111111' ilhbIlad (lIvloRntr, dated July 28, 1908, :\ public place is to be laid out, comprising the — — `h-ntculber 2u, 1907; vta-. nn' '.cntl'll to the Board I,f Ist mate and Ap- triangular area bounded by New Utrecht avenue, Rc~t•Iccd, Thal ill purstmrrcc of law this Board p~n'ti„nolcut at a mectiug held Septcnibcr 18, Forty- ninth street and Twelfth avenue. t'I:I.IC NOTIl E IS 1IER1•:ItY (;I\'1 N sets l rukty. the 13th day of N:ntmhlr, 1908, I ills; Resolved, That this Board consider the pro- posed change at a meeting of the board, to be P that it a mccting of the It lard of ]•0tinlatc tit 111.311 „'l,h,ck hi tic Illrcm, m, atilt Roust t(. Ri'a,lcrd, That in liar-dance of late this Bead and .\pour ptinlllll'llt, holll 1e;,tcMllcr 211, 195(7, the 111 Iiil' ( Its 111,11, hnroll(l1 of 'il;tllllatt:tli, as the ,t't s I-villa,, the I,ith day of Nusthiber, 19o8, at 1,1111 in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, following petit Ill was icecii't'tl: tint' and place when :tend where. such pmhliilli City of New York, on the fth day of November, 1rell,ck in the foi'ei 11,l,u. and k11ot11 16 iu rpo8, at 15.30 o'clock a. in. 'hall by first c/msidl'rcd, amt a public heard q the ('it\' Mall, 11 rough lIt \Ianhatt:ul, as the September 9, 1907. Recolvecl, 'That the Secretary of this Board h c• t lad tthere, c tit tr ai n eiiiic' ', is , > br t'u inled liole rind place when and whcro such pctitiau Board rf Estimate and Apportionment of The cause these resultuions and a notice to all persons to app(ar and lrc Maul; an,l be iti t further shall be lint considot'cd, and a public hearing of New York: affected thereby that the proposed change will be C. Ci'sllti-yd, 'II ill till' S,rmtary is directcti to ill' liad thcrenn, at which citizens shall be entitled considered at a meeting of the Board, to he (;l=.v1l-Itnlra--'fhc Brooklyn City Railroad Conn- canst. snch petition anll thu-,- resolutions to be t„ alip,.ar anal he beard; and be it further Pail,,, it stn•ct surface railroad roEpllrStillu, duly tltitlhEA(I for at least fOult,ll ( I. t) Ill) Ill two Rtst , held at the aforesaid time and place, to be pub- trrIi, That the S(crotary is direetcd to Iidhcd in the Crty RiECOR0 and the corporation Irganized and cxisiing under the laths of the (Jail, lll- wlIatl('rs in 'I 'ht' l'ity If \rtv Yllrk, to came such tl:titi'in and tiles, rc;ulntinns to be Struo of New 1'c,rk, lllvillll9 and (lperat,ng it he Ill'lg1lal'.l by- tbo Al;nnr, and f Ir It lea,t h•n newspapers for ten days continuously, Sundays In;blishcd fur at teat fo u1t•cn (14) drtcs in thou and legal holidays excepted, prior to the 6th duubIc-track street snrfact' electric railnmd in (In) d0 ,s in the t'Iry Rrcnl

, held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, published in the CITY RECORD and the corpora- Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board OTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN THAT AT City of New York, on the 6th day of November, tion newspapers for ten days continuously, Sun- cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- N the meeting of the Board of Estimate and 1908, at ro.3o o'clock a. m. days and legal holidays excepted, prior to the sons affected thereby that the proposed change Apportionment, held on October 9, tpu8, the fol- Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board 6th day of November, 19o8. will be considered at a meeting of the Board, to lowing resolutions were adopted: cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- Dated October 23, 1908OSEPH HAAG, be held at the aforesaid time and place, to be Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor- sons affected thereby that the proposed change published in the CITY RECORD for tell days con- tionment of The City of New York is consider- will be considered at a meeting of the Board, to Secretary, tinuously, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, ing the advisability of instituting proceedings be held at the aforesaid time and place, to be pub- No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. prior to the 6th day of November, Igo8. to acquire title to the lands and premises re- lisbed in the CITY Recoan and the corporation Telephone, 228. Worth. Dated October 23, tgo8. quired for the opening and extending of Linden newspapers for ten days continuously, Sundays 023,04 JOSEPH ITAAG, avenue, from East Fifty-seventh street to East and legal holidays excepted, prior to the 6th day Secretary. Ninety-eighth street, in the Borough of Brook- of November, 1908. No. 277 Broadway, Room 14o6. lyn, City of New York; and Dated October 23, ionS. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Telephone, 2280 Worth. Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor- JOSEPH HAAG, hoard of Estimate and Apportionment of o23,n4 tionment is authorized and required at the time Secretary. TireN City of New York, deeming it for the pub- of the adoption of the resolution directing the No. 277 Broadway, Room x406. lic interest so to do, proposes to change the map institution of proceethmgs to acquire title to the Telephone, zz8o Worth. or plan of The City of New York, so as to OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TIIE lands required for the foregoing improvement to 023,04 lay out a public park, bounded by Seventy-tourth N Board of Estimate and Apporlmuoment ut fix and determine upon an area or areas of street, Sixteenth avenue and New Utrecht ave- ine City of New York, dccutiimg it for the pub- assessment for benefit for said proceeding. nue, Borough of Brooklyn, and that a meeting lic interest so to do, proposes to change the tuap Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Apporhiommment, in Porsumuuee of the provisions of Board of Estimate and Apportionment of of said Board will be held in the Old Council or plan of 'file City of New York, so as to N Chamber, City hall, Borough of Manhattan, City widcu East One hundred and Seventy--fourth section 980 of the Greater New York Charter, The City of New York, deeming it for the public 'trect, between West Farms road and the Bruux hereby gives notice that the following is the interest so to do, proposes to change the map of New York, on November 6, 1908, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., at which such proposed change will River; lay out a bridge across the Bronx River, proposed area of assessment for benefit in this or plan of The City of New York so as to lay be considered by said Board; all of which is more Oil the line of East Une hundred and Scveuty- proceeding: out a public place bounded by New Utrecht particularly set forth and described in the follow- fottrth street, and extend the street from Bronx L'oundcd on the west by a line midway be- avenue, Forty-sixth street and Eleventh avenue. River to hironx River avenue, and adjust the tween East Fifty-fifth street and East Fifty sixth Borough of Brooklyn, and that a meeting of ing resolutions adopted by the Board on Septcm- her 25, 1908, notice of the adoption of which is grades of the same, Borough of The Ilronx, and street; on the north by a line always midway said Board will be held in the Old Council that a meeting of said Board will be bold in the between Lenox road and Linden avenue, and Chamber, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City hereby given, viz.: Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap- fold Council Charubcr, City Hall, ilutvugh of by the prolongation thereof; on the cast by a of New York, on November 6, ionS, at 10-30 portionment of The City of New York, in pur- ;Manhattan, City of New 'lock, on Nuvcnibur 6, line distant too feet easterly from and parallel o'clock a. m., at which such proposed change suance of the provisions of section 442, of the 19118, at to.3o o'clock a. In., at which such pro- with the easterly Ii le of East Nicety-eighth will be considered by said Guard; all of which Greater New York Charter, as antended, deeming joaed change will be considered by said hoard; street, the said distance being measured at right is more particularly set fo°th and described in It tar the public interest so to do, proposes to all of which is more particularly set forth and angles to East Ninety-eighth street, and on the the following resolutions adopted by the Board change the map or plan of The City of New York, lescribcd in the following resulutions adopted by south by a line always midway between Linden on September 25, 1908, notice of the adoption by laying out a public park, bounded by Seventy- the Board au September n, I9uf, notice at the avenue and Church avenue, and by the prolonga- of which is acreby given, viz.: fourth street, Sixteenth avenue and New Utrecht adoption of which is hereby given, viz.: tion thereof. Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and avenue, iu the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New Resolved, -1 lint the Board of Estimate and Ap- Resolved, That this Board consider the pro- Apportionment of The City of New York, in York, more particularly described as follows: iortionntent of The City of New York, iu pur- posed area of assessment at a meeting of the pursuance of the provisions of section 442, of the A public park is to be laid out, comprising the ivance of the provisions of section 442, of the Board to be held in The City of New York, Greater New York Charter, as amended, deem- triangular area bounded by New Utrecht avenue, Greater New York Charter, as mncndeml, deeming Borough of \'lanbattan, in the City hall, on the ing it for the public interest so to do, proposes Scvcuty-fourth street and Sixteenth avcnac. it tar the pubiic iuwrent so to do, prupo,cs to 6th day of November, 19o8, at 10.30 a. m., and to change the map or plan of The City of New Resolved, That this Board consider the pro- :uauge the ntap or plan of 7 be City of New York, that at the same lime and place a public hearing York by laying out a public place bnwtded by ; cd cbaage at a meeting of the hoard, to be ay widening East One hlundred and Sevcuty- thereon will then and there be had. New Utrecht avenue, Forty-sixth street and held iii the City Hall, Borough of \Manhattan, iourth street, between West Farms road and the Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board Eleventh avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, Bronx River; laying out a bridge across the liromix cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- City of New York, more particularly described City of New York, on the 6th day of November, 19118, at 10.30 o'clock a. rn. River, Oil the line of East Chime llttudred and sons affected thereby to be published in the as follows: A public place is to be laid out, Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board sevcuty-fourth street, and extending the street CITY Recoap and the corporation newspapers comprising the triargular area hounded by New cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- from Bronx River to llronx River avenue, and for ten days prior to the 6th day of November, Utrecht avenue, Forty-sixth street and Eleventh sons affected thereby that the proposed change idjusting the grades of the same, ill the Borough 1908. avenue. will be considered at a meeting of the Board, to of The Bronx, City of New Vork, more par- Dated October 23, 1908. Resolved, That this Board consider the pro- be held at the aforesaid time and place, to be ticularly shown upon a map or plan prepared by JOSEPH 1IAAG, posed rha .ge at a meeting of the Board, to be published in the CITY Recoao and the corpora- the President of the Borough of "1he Bronx, and Secretary, held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, tion newspapers for ten days continuously, Surr fearing date of August 26, t9o8. No. 277 Broadway, Room 14u6. City of New York, on the 6th day of November, .lays and legal holidays excepted, prior to the Resolved, That this Board consider the pro- Telephone, 2280 Worth. 19o8, at 10.30 o'clock a. nt. 61h day of November, tgo8. posed change at a meeting of the Board, to be 023,n4 Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board Dated October 23, 1908. held in the City Hall, Borough of Alauhattan, cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- JOSEPH IIAAG, City of New York, on the 6th day of November, sons affected thereby that the proposed change Secretary, 19o8, at 10.31) o'clock a. Il. OTICE IS I EREBY GIVEN THAT AT will be considered at a meeting of the Board, to No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board be held at the aforesaid time and place, to be N the meeting of the Board of Estimate Telephone, 2z8o Worth. Cause these resolutions and a notice to all p, r- and Apportionment, held on September as, 19u8, published in the CITY RECORD and the corpora- 023,04 Soils affected thereby that the pruposcd change tion newspapers for ten days continuously, Sun- the following rcsuimitio,ms were adopted: will be considered at a meeting of the L'o;ud, to Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor- days and legal holidays excepted, prior to the be held at time aforesaid time and place, to be 6th day of November, 19o8. tionment of The City of New York is consider- OTICE IS 11EREBY GIVEN THAT TILE Dublishcd in the Ciri Rtocoro for ten days con- ing the advisability of instituting proceedings to Dated October z3, 1908. Board of Estimate and Appoitiwnncnt of Linuously, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, JOSEPIT IIAAG. N acquire title to sewer eascmimeills in a parcel of Time City of New York, deeming it fur the polo prior to the 6th day of November, 19118. land extruding from haven avenue to Riverside Secretary. him: jutcrest so to do. proposes to change the map Dated October 23, 1908. No, 277 Broadway, Room 1406. (]rive, and located just south of West One llun- or plan of The City of New York, so as to JOSEL'll IL\AG, Telephone, 2280 Worth. change the liucs of Van Buren street, between dred and Sixty-ninth street, as shown on maim 023,n4 \lorris lark avenue and the New York, New Secretary, or plan adopted by the Board of Estimate and No. 277 Broadway, Room t4u6. Apportionnte ut September 25, 19u8, in the Bor- llavett and Hartford Railroad, Borough of The Telephone, 2280 Worth. Bronx, and that a mectiug of said 1Luard will be ough of Manhattan, City of New Turk; and OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TILE held in the Old Council Clamber, City hall, Bor- 023,114 Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor- Board of Estimate and Apportionment of ough. of :Manhattan, City of New York, on N\u- tionincnt is authorized and required at the time N of the adoption of the resolution directing the The City of New York, deeming it for the public vember 6, rgo8, at 10.30 o'clock a. in., at which interest 50 to do, proposes to change the map such proposed change will be considered by said OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Tl1AT At institution of proceedings to acquire title to the or plan of The City of New York so as to lay Board; all of which is store particularly set forth N a utcetiug of the Board of Estimate and easements required for the foregoing improve- out a public park bounded by Seventeenth avenue, and described in the following resolutions adopted Apportionment, held oil October 9, lyu8, the ful- ment to fix and determine upon an area irmireas New Utrecht avenue and Seventy-eighth street. by the hoard on September z5, 191)8, notice of lowiug resolutions were adopted: of assessment fur bcncfit for said proceeding. Borough of Brooklyn, and that a meeting of the adoption of which is hereby given, viz.: \-\'hcreas, "Elie Board of Estimate and Appor- Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and said Board will be held in the Old Council Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap- tiollineut of The City of New York is con- Apportionment, in pursuance of the provisions of Chamber, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City portionmcut of The City of New York; in pur- si,leriug the advisability of instiEuLimmq prucecd- the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives of New York, on November 6, i9c8, at 10.30 suance of the provisions of section 442, of the iugs to aerluire title to time lauds and premises notice that the following is the proposed area o'clock a. m., at' which such proposed change (it-eater New York Charter, as amended, dccmiug rcquircd for the opening and extending of I'itkin of assessment for bcneht in this pr,,c erdin;. will be considered by said Board; all of which it for the public interest so to do, proposes to avenue, fruut I'.a-.t New Yurk avenue to Stune Beginning at a point on a line distant too feet is lure particularly set forth and described in change the ntav or plan of The City of New York, avenue, in the L'uruugit of Brooklyn, City of westerly from and parallel with the westerly the following resolutions adopted by the Board by coan;;ing the Iines of Van I:uren street, be- New York; and line of haven avenue, the said distance L•cang on September 25, 1908, notice of the adoption tween Morris Park avenue and the New Yurk, Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apper- measured at right angles to the line of haven of which is hereby given, viz.: New haven and Il art form] Rmohuael, by reducing tiomncut is authorized and required, at the tittle avenue, where it is inlcrsccted by the prolunga- Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and the street width, in the Borough of 'The Bronx, of the adoption of the resolution dirccling the tiutt of the southerly line of West One hundred Apportionment of The City of New York, in City of New York, more particularly dcor embed institution of proceedings to acquire title to the and Se-ye uty-second street, and running thence pursuance of the provisions of section 442. of the as follows: The width of Van Buren street, be- lands required for the foregoing improvement, to easiwardly along the southerly line of West One Greater New York Charter, as attended, deem- (wren Morris lark avenue and the New York, fix andfor determine upon an area or areas of assess- Ilumtred and Seventy-second street, and the pro- ing it for the public interest so to do, propnscs New Ilaven and Hartford Railroad, is to be cc- incnt beuctmt for said PEoecediug. longalion thereof, to the intersection with a to change the map or plan of The City of New duced from 6o feet, as heretofore laid out, to .Su Resolved, That the ltuarrl of Estimate and Ap- line distant too feet easterly from and parallel York by laying out a public park bounded by feet, by taking 5 feet from each side; or, as more pmmrtlmmmmmemmt, in pursuance of time provisions of with the easterly line of Iliven avenue, the said Seventeenth avenue, New Utrecht avenue awl particularly shown on an section 98u of 'lime- Greater New York Charter, distance being measured at right angles to the Seventy-eighth street in the Borough of Itrook- itcieby gives notice that the following is the line of Ilaven avenue; thence southwartlly along lyn, City of New 1b'ork, more particularly de- Alternative Plan. proposed area of assessment for benefit in this the said line parallel with Ila'cn avenue to the scribed as follows: A public park is to le laid l:y changing the linos of \'an Buren street, proceeding: intersection with a line midway betwten West out, comprising the triangular area bounded by between Van Nest avenue and the New York, Beginning at a point on a line midway between One Ilummimreri and Seventy-first street and West New Utrecht avenue, Seventy-eighth strert and New haven and Hartford Railroad, by redtuing Tapscutt street amt Howard avcnuc, where it is One hundred and Seventy-second street; thence Seventeenth avenue. the street width. intersected by the prolongation of a line midway eastwardly along the said line midway between Resolved, That this Board consider the pro- The width of Van Buren street, between Van between 1'itkin avenue and Sutter avenue, as West One hundred and Seventy-first street and posed change at a meeting of the Board, to lx- Nest avenue and the New York, New haven and those streets are laid out easterly from Howard West One hundred and Seventy-second street to held in the City hall, Borough of Manhattan, Hartford Railroad, is to be reduced from 6o feet, avenue, and running thence nurthwardly along the intersection with a line at right angles to City of New York, on the 6th day of November, as heretofore laid out, to so feet, by taking 5 Ilme- said line midway between '1'apccutI street and West One M11oclred and Seventy-first street, and 1908, at 10.30 o'clock a. m. feet from each side. Howard avetnie, and the prolongation thereof, passing through a point on its centre line dis- Resolved, That the Secretary of this hoard Resolved, That this L'oard consider the pro- to the intersection with a line di,taut too feet tant 2o3.o7 feet westerly from the intersection cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- nosed change at a meeting of the Board, to be northwesterly from and parallel with the north- with the westerly line of Fort Washington ave- sons affected thereby that the proposed change held in the City Ilall, Borough of Manhattan, westerly line of East New York avenue, the said nue; thence southwardly along the said line at will be considered at a meeting of the Board, to City of New York, on the 6th day of November, distance hciug measurer) at right angles to the right angles to West One Hundred and Scvr nty- be held at the aforesaid time and place, to be 19o8, at ro.3o o'clock a. m. line of East New York avenue; thence north- first street to the intersection with a line midway published in the CITY RecoRD and time corpora- Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board eastwardy along the said line on'-allct with East between West One hundred and Seventirtlt tion newspapers for ten days continuously, Sun- cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- New York avenue to the intersection with a line street and West One hundred and Seveuty-first days and legal holidays excepted, prior to the sons affected thereby that the proposed change midway between St. Johns place amid Degraw street; thence eastwardly along the said line mill- 6th day of November, 1908. will be considered at a meeting of the Board, to street; thence eastwardly along the said line mid- way between West One Ilnnr1red and Seventieth Dated October 23, 1908. be held at the aforesaid time and place, to be way between Si. Johns place and Degraw street, street and West One Hundred and Seventy-first JOSEPH HAAG, published in the CITY Recoau for ten days con- and the prolongation thereof, to the intersection street to the intersection with the westerly lint, Secretary, ttnuously, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, with a line bisecting the angle formed by the in- of Fort Washington avenue; thence amrthwardly No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. prior to the 6th day of November, i9o8. tersection of the southeasterly line of East New along the westerly line of Fort Washington ave- Telephone, 2280 Worth. Dated October 23, Igo8, York avenue and the northerly line of I'itkim nue to a poi ut distant too feet southerly from o23,n4 JOSEPH IIAAG, avenue; thence northcastwardly along the said bi- the southerly line of IIaven avenue, the said Secretary, secting line to the intersection with a line mid- distance being measured at right angles to the No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. way between Chester street and Rockaway ave- line of Ilaven avenne; thence westwardly and Telephone, 2280 Worth. nue; thence somtlbwardly along the said line mid- nurthwardly along a line always distant too feet OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE way between Chester street and Rockaway ave- Board of Estimate and Apportionment of 023,n4 southerly and westerly from the sr,nthorly and N nue to the intersection with the prolongation westerly lines of Haven aveune to the point or The City of New York, deeming it for the public of a line midway between Glenniore avenue and interest so to do, proposes to change the map place of beginning. l'itkin avenue; thence eastwardly along the said Resolved, That this Board consider the pro- or plan of The City of New York so as to lay Ol'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TIIE line midway between Glesmore avenue and I'd- out a public place bounded by New Utrecht Board of Estimate and Apportionment of posed area of assessment at a meeting of the N kin avenue, anri the prolun tam ion thereof, to the Board to he held in The City of New York, avenue, f orty-second street and Tenth avenue, the City of New York, deeming it for the pub- iutersrction with a line midway between Stolle. Borough of Brooklyn, and that a meeting of lie interest so to do, proposes to change the map Borough of Manhattan, in the City hall, on the avenue and Christopher avenue-; thence south- 6th clay of November, tou8, at 10,30 a. /m., and said Board will be held in the Old Council or plan of The City of New York, so as to wardly along the said line midway between Stone Chamber, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City reduce the width of Melville street, between Mor- that at the same time and place a public hearing avenue and Christopher avenue to the intersec- thereon will then and there he Iharl. of New York, on November 6, 1908, at 10.30 ris \'ark avenue and the New York. New haven tion with a line midway between I'itkin avenue o'clock a. m., at winchsuch proposed change amid Hartford Railroad, Borough of The Bronx, and Belmont avenue; thence westwardly along Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board will be considered by said Board: all of which and that a meeting of said Board will be held in the said line midway between I'iikin avrnuc cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- is more particularly set forth and descriherl in the Old Council Chamber, City ]fall, Borough of and Belmont avenue and the Prulm,t1gaiiom thcrc- snns affected thereby to be published in the the following resolutions adopted by the Board Slanhattan, City of New York, on November 6, of to the intersection with a line midway be- CITY lucciso for ten days prior to the 6th day on September z5, 1908, notice of the adoption 1908, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., at which such pro- tween (:hestcr street and Rockaway avenue; of Novetnhrr, 1908. of which is hereby given, viz.: nosed change will be considered by said Board: thence somrtltwardly along the said line midway Dated October 23, 1908. Resolved, That the Board of Estimate awl all of which is more particularly set forth and between Chester street and Rockaway avenue to JOSEPII hTAAG, Apportionment of The City of New York, in described in the following resolutions adopted by the intersection with a line midway between I'it- Secretary, pursuance of the provisions of section 442, of the the Board on September z5, 1908, notice of the kin avenue and Sutter avenue; thence westwardly Nn. 277 Broadway, Room t4c6. Greater New York Charter, as amended, deem- adoption of which is hereby given, viz.: along the said line midway between fsikin ave- Telephone, za8o Worth. ing it for the public interest so to do, proposes Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap- nue artd Sutter avenue to the point or place 023,n4 to change the map or plan of The City of New portionment of The City of New York, in pur- of beginning. York by laying out a public place bounded by suance of the provisions of section 442, of the Resolved, '\'hat this Board consider the pro- New Utrecht avenue, Forty-second street and Greater New York Charter, as amended, deeming posed area of assessment at a meeting of file Tenth avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City it fur the public interest so to do, proposes to Board to be held in The City of New Yuck, OTICE IS IlB:t;P"I]Y GfVEN 'f11AT Ni' of New York,more particularly described as change the map or plan of The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan. in the City Hall, on N the meeting of lhc• ii.mmmr,l of lsstiniate and follows: A public place is to he laid nut, com- by reducing the width of Melville street, between the 6th day of November, 1908, at a. m., '\ppurliontncnt hold on Sept,-usher z5, tgo8, the prising the triangular area bounded by New Morris I'ark avenue and the New York, New and that at the sane time and place a public fgilnwing resmgylutinns were adupted: Utrecht avenue, Forty-second street and Tenth Haven and Hartford ltailroad. in the I7orough of hearing thereon will then and there be had Whe—as, The Itn;ud f Estimate and Appor- avenue. The Bronx, City of New York, more particularly Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board toumcnti if The (sty of Newt' York is empsiserumg Resolved, That this Board consider the pro- described as follows: The width of Melville cause these resolutions and a notice to all uer- time advi:,abilily of instituting proceedings to acquire posed change at a meeting of the Board, to he street, between Morris lark avenue and the New %ons affected thereby to be. publisher) in time C mTv title to the navmls and lmrcmi„cs required for the (mpeiling and extending of Avenue X, between held in the City hall, Borough of Manhattan, York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, is to Re-.CQRn and the corporation new•Snapr'rs for ten be reduced from 6o feet, as heretofore laid out, days prior to the 6th day of November, 1908. f1eeaut pmurkw:ry and the ensherlv line of East City of New York, on the 6th day of November, Fifteenth street, and Avcnne Y, betw-!en Graves' 19o8, at io.3o o'clock a. m. to to feet, by taking 5 feet from each side, Dated October 23, tgn8. Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board Resolved, That this Board consider the pro- JOSE] iI IIAAG, ervI Basin and Ocean avenue, in the Borough posed change at a meeting of the Board, to be Sec-etary, of Bruuklym, City of New York: and cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- Whereas, The a1nard of Est inmate and Appor- sons affected thereby that the proposed change held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. City of New York, on the 6th day of November, Ii Ill ntcnt is authorized and rc-quired at the lime will be considered at a meeting of the Board, to Telephone, 2280 Worth. of the adoption of the resolution directing the be held at the aforesaid time and place, to be 19o8, at 1o.3o o'clock a. m. 023,04 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1908. THE CITY RECORD. 114 3 institution of proceedings to acquire title to the section 980 of the Greater New York Charter, cepted by said company by an instrument in 2. By striking out in section 2, paragraph lands required for the foregoing improvement hereby gives notice that the following is the pro- writing, duly filed with the Comptroller of The 15, the following words, "except the overhead to fix and determine upon an area or areas of posed area of assessment for benefit in this City of New York on August 13, 19u4; and trolley system." assessment for benefit for said proceeding. proceeding: Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor- 3. By striking out the whole of section 2, Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap- Beginning at the intersection of the centre tionntent, by resolution adopted July 14, 1905, paragraph 16, and substituting therefor the fol- porilonment, in pursuance of the provisions of line of West Faruts road with the prolongation and approved by the Mayor July , 1905, Con- lowing: "In any conduits laid by the company, section 980 of the Greater New York Charter, of a line midway between Garfield street and sented to certain modifications or alterations in or on any poles erected by the company for the hereby gives notice that the following is the pro- Taylor street, and running thence northwest- the aforesaid routes; and transmission of power for its own use, provision posed area of assessment for benefit in this pro- wardly along the said line midway between '1'ay- ceeding: Whereas, The said company has petitioned the shall be made to carry three cables for the use lor street and Garfield street, and along the uro- Board of Estimate and Apportionutent, under date of the police, fire and ambulance service of the Beginning at a point on a line midway between Iwtgatiun of the said line to the intersection of June 18, 7908, for the consent of The City of City without charges therefor." Avenue X and Avenue W, distant too feet with a line distant too feet northwesterly from New York to certain modifications and alterations 4- By striking out in section I, paragraph 3 westerly from the westerly line of Ocean park- and parallel with the northwesterly line of Mor- in said routes, and to certain modifications and the words, "one thousand (1,000) feet," aria way, the said distance being measured at right ris Park avenue, the said distance being meas- alterations in the terns and conditions of the substituting therefor the words, "two thousand angles to the line of Ocean parkway, and running ured at right angles to the line of Morris ]'ark aforesaid ordinance, as is fully set forth in said five hundred (2,5oo) feet," thence eastwardly along the said line midway be- avenue; thence northeastwardly and always Par- petitions; and tween Avenue W and Avenue X to the westerly 5. By the addition of a clause permitting allel with and distant too feet from the nortlt- Whereas, Section 92 of the Railroad Law, and the construction and maintenance of connections property line of the Brooklyn Union Elevated westerly line of Morris Park avenue to the in- Railroad Company; thence southwardly along the sections 72, 73 and 74 of the Greater New York with: tcrscction with the prolongation of a line dis- Charter, as amended by chapters 629 and 630 of (a) The present subway-elevated system at lands of the said Brooklyn Union Elevated ltail- tant Ito feet northeasterly from and parallel road Company to , the intersection with a line the Laws of 1905, provide for the manner and or near the present station thereof, at West with the northeasterly line of Fillmore street, procedure of making such grants; and farms road. midway between Avenue X and Avenue Y; thence the said distance being measured at right angles eastwardly along the said line midway between \Vhereas, In pursuance of such laws, this (b) The projected Southern boulevard and to the line of Fillmore street; thence southeast- Board adopted a resolution on June 26, tgo8, Westchester avenue subway route at Westches- Avenue X and Avenue Y to a point distant Ioo tsardly along the said line distant rto feet north- feet easterly from the easterly line of Ocean fixing the date for a public hearing thereon as ter avenue, at or near Home street. easterly from the northeasterly line of Pilltnore September t8, 1908, at which citizens were en- 6. By striking out in section 5, paragraph t, avenue; thence southsvardly and parallel with street, and along the prolongation of the said Ocean avenue to the intersection with the pro- titled to appear and be heard, and publication the words, "the intersection of the Southern line to the intersection with a line midway be- was had for at least two (2) days in the " New boulevard and Westchester avenue," and sub- longation of a line midway between Avenue ) t%ven Mead street and Van Nest avenue; thence and Avenue Z; thence westwardly along the say. York Tribune " and the " North Side News," stituting therefor the words, "One Hundred and scothwestwardly along the said line midway be- newspapers designated by the Mayor, and in the Seventy-fourth street." line midway between Avenue Y and Avenue Z. tween Mead street and Van Nest avenue to the and the prolongation thereof, to a point distant CITY kou:coxo for ten (to) days immediately prior 7. That the time named in said section 5, intersection with a line distant too feet nortlt- to the date of hearing, and such public hearing paragraph I, for the completion of a four-track ono feet westerly from the easterly bulkhead easterly from and parallel with the northeasterly line of Gravesend Basin; thence northwardly and was on that date continued to Septetnher 25. railroad upon the main line, from the northerly line of Ca7ficld street, the said distance being 1908, and was concluded on said day; and line of the City as far south as One hundred parallel with tile said bulkhead line to the inter- measured at right angles to the line of Garfield section with the prolongation of a line midway Whereas, 'hue said Board has made inuluiry and Seventy-fourth street, be extended to Au- street; thence southeastwardly along a line par- as to the proposed modifications miii amendments gust 2, toll. between Avenue X and Avenue Y; thence east- allel with the northeasterly line of Garfield street wardly along the said line midway between of said ordinance and has adopted a resolution 8, By striking out the whole of section 5, and along the prolongation of the said line to that the saicl modifications and amendments are paragraph 4, and substituting therefor the fol- Avenue X and Avenue Y to a Point distant too the intersection with the centre line of West feet westerly from the westerly line of Ocean desirable and in the public interest and that the lowing: parkway, the said distance being measured at Farms road; thence soumttweslwardly along the causes .stated by said Westchester Company why Any portion of the route covered by this right angles to the line of Ocean parkway; thence centre line of West Farnts road to the Point or the conditions contained in sail ordinance in re- grant which shall not be completed and in full northwardly and parallel with Ocean parkway place of beginning, gard to the completion of said road cannot be operation prior to the 2d day of August, 1913, to the point or place of begiitnliig. Resolved, That this Board consider the pro- performed prior to the time therein stipulated shall be deemed to have been abandoned and Resolved, That this hoard consider the pro- posed area of asscssnteut at a meeting of the are in its opinion, for causes over which the all rights hereby granted in and to such por- posed area of assessment at a meeting of the Bnyrd to be held in The City of New York, grantee had no control and is in no wise re- tions of said railway shall cease and determine, Board, to lie he'd in The City of New York, IJorough of Uaohattao, in the City ITat1, on the spunsible; now therefore it is except that south of One Hundred and Seventy- 6th day of November, tuo8, at ro.3o a. m., and Borough of 1(1anhattan, in the City Itall, on Resolved, That the following form of resolu- fourth street, if the railway company shall have the 6th day of November, igo8, at 10.3o a. m., that at the saute time and place a public hear- constructed less than four tracks within said tug tber-u n will then and there be had. tion for the consent or right applied for by the and that at the same time and place a public New York, Westchester and Boston Railway period, it shall only be deemed to have aban- hearing thereon will then and there be had. Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board doned its right to construct any additional tracks cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- Company, containing the form of proposed con- Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board tract for the grant of such right, be hereby in- south of One Hundred and Seventy-fourth street. cause these resolutions and a noticeto all per- wins affected thereby to lie published in the And in the event that the said railway company CITY Rccnan for ten days prior to the 6th day Irodueed and entered in the tuirtutes of this sons affected thcrity to be published in the Cccv Uoarrl, as follows, to wit: shall not, prior to the ad day of August, 1913, RECORD and the corporation newspapers for ten of November, 1908. construct its main line south of One Hundred Dated October 2,1, igo8. Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap- days prior to the 6th day of November, igo8. portionment hereby consents to certain changes, and Seventy-fourth street and to the Harlem Dated October 23, 100-1. JOSY.1'II IIA1G, River, the Board of Estimate and Apportiontnent, JOSEPH ITAAG, alterations and amendments in the route of the Secretary, New York, Westchester and Boston Railway or its successors in office, may fix and finally de- Secretary, No, 277 Broadway, Room 1406. termine such additional compensation as shall Nn, 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Company, as granted by an ordinance of the Telephone, 2280 Worth. J;nard of Aldermen, approved by the Dfayor be imposed upon said railway company because Telephone, 2280 Worth. 02304 of such failure." 023,04 August z, 1904, and the right to cross certain -and streets, avenues, bighways and public places, and to construct, maintain and operate a railroad in, Whereas, On the 18th day of September, t9o8, OTICE IS 1IEIREBY GIVEN TTIAT AT upon and across the streets, avenues, highways the Board held a public hearing upon the pro- OTICE IS IIEREI3Y GIVEN THAT AT N the meeting of the Board of Estimate and and public places on such amended route of said posed modifications, at which citizens were en- N the meeting of the board of Estimate and A pportiuument held on September z5, tiu8, the railroad, and that the said Board also consents titled to appear and he heard, such hearing being Apportionment held on September z5, igo8, the fulluwing resolutions were adopted: to certain maditications in the terms and eon- held after due publication; and following resolutions were adopted: Whereas, 'file board of l stiuutte and APPor- ditiuuuus of the said ordinance; such changed, al- Whereas, Said public hearing was continued Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Atwor- lionutent of 'flue Lily of New Yprk is consider- to the a th day of September, 1908, and was tered or amended route, and such modified terms concluded on said day; and tionment of The City of New York is consider- ing the advisability of instituting t,roceedings and conditions being fully set forth and de- to acquire title to the lands and premises re- Whereas, The said Board has made inquiry ing the advisability of instituting proceedings to scrihed in the following form of proposed con- acquire title to the lands and premisen required quired fur the opening and extending of the tract for the granting thereof, embodying such as to the proposed modifications and amendments for the opening and extending of East One Ilun- new diagonal street extending from Jackson avc- terms and conditions as mndify or alter said of said ordinance and has adople-i a resolution dred and Seventy-fourth street, between \Vest nne to the northwesterly boundary of the Sttn- ordinance of the Board of Aldermen, which said that the said modifications and am;ndments are Earns road and Bronx River avenue, in the nyside yard, and from the southeasterly bouud- ordinance otherwise remains unchanged as to dtsirable and in the public interest, and that the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York; and ary of the Suunyside yard to yTbootsnt avenue, all the other terms and conditions expressed causes stated by said Westchester Cmuncny why Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor- in the Borough of Queens, City of New York; the conditicros contained in said ordinance in and therein, and that the Mayor of The City of tionment is authorized and required at the time New York he and he hereby is authorized to regard to the comtile(ion of said road cannot be of the adoption of the resolution directing the \1'hereas, The Board of Estimate and Apuor- r;crfornterl prior to the time therein stipulated, execute and deliver such contract in the name are, in its opiuiun, for causes over which the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the tiunnient is authorized and required at the tunic and on behalf of The City of New York, as ]ands required for the foregoing improvement of the adoption of the resolution directing the follows, to wit: grantee had no control and is in no wise re- to fix and determine upon an area or areas of institution of proecediugs to acquire title to the sponsihle; and assessmcut for bcnclit for said cruceediug. lands rcyuired for the fureguing improvement to Proposed Form of Contract for Whereas, On the day of Igo fix and determine upon an area or areas of as- Alteration of Resolved, That the Board of I•:stimatc and Ap- Route and Modification of Ordinance. the Board, as the local authority of The City piirtiunlnciit, in pursuance of the provisions of scssmettt for beue(it for said proceeding. of New York, adopted a resolution granting to section q8o of the Grioter New Yurk Charter, Resolved, That the board of ]•stlmatc and Ap- This contract, trade the day of the Westchester Company the right to make such hereby gives notice that the following is the pro- portionu,cut, in piumuiumiucc of the Provisions of too , by and between The City of New York changes, alterations and amendments to the route poscd area of assessment for benefit in this pro- section qho of the Greater New York Charter, (hereinafter called the City), party of the of said railroad, and the right to cross certain cceding: Lerchy gives notice that the following is the pro- first part, by the .\layor of said City, acting for streets, avenues, highways and public places, and beginning at a point on a line midway he- posed 'urea of assessment for benefit in this and in the name of said City, tinder and in to construct, maintain and operate a railroad in, tween last One hundred and Seventy-third prucceding: pursuance of the authority of the Board of upon and across the streets, avenues, highways street and East One Iltutdred and Seventy-sec- L'cginnmg at a point on a line midway be- 1Sstiniate and Apportionment of said City (here- and public places on such amended route of said ond street where it is intersected by a line mid- tween Prospect street and Radde street where it ivatter called the Board), and the New York, railroad, and gave its consent to the other modi- way between Longfellow avenue and Boone ave- is intersected by the prolongation of a line mid- Westchester and Boston Railway Company, a fications in the ordinance approved by the Mayor nue, and running thence northwardly along the way between Orchard street and Queens street, domestic railroad corporation (hereinafter called August 2, 19o4, as amended by ordinance ap- said line midway between Longfclluw avenue and running thence northeastwardly along the the Westchester Company), party of the second proved by the Mayor July 2t, t9o5, and author- and Iii one avenue, as these streets are laid out said line midway between 1'ru:spect street and part, witncsseth: ized the Mayor to execute and deliver a contract south of East One hundred and Seventy-fourth Radde street to a point distant too feet south- ]Whereas, The City of New York, by ordinance granting such 'rights in the name and on behalf street, to the southerly line of East One Ilon- westerly from the sutttliwcsterly line of Wilbur approved by the Mayor on August 2, 1904, of the City, which resolution was approved by dred and Seventy-sixth street; thence north- asenuc; tbcuce sutttheastwardly and parallel with granted to the New York, Westchester and Bos- the Mayor on the day of tgo w:u- dly at right angles to the line of East One Wilbur avenue as laid out between Prospect ton Railtcay Company the right to cross certain Now, therefore, in consideration of the Iltmtlred and Seventy-sixth strict to a point dis- Street and Academy street, and along the pro- streets and highways, and the privilege to con- premises and of the mutual covenants herein tant tun fret northerly from its northerly line; longatimt of the said line to time intersection struct and operate a four-track railroad upon contained, the parties do hereby covenant and 1Lcnce castwardly amt parallel with Ea=t One with a line distant boo feet northeasterly from certain routes particularly set forth in section I agree as follows: hundred and Seventy-fourth street and the pro- and parallel with the northeasterly side of the of said ordinance, and as shown on certain maps Section I. The City hereby grants to the longatiun thereof to the intersection withthe proposed new street, the said distance being and profiles therein referred to and filed in the Westchester Company, subject to the conditions prolongaiii-n of a line midway between Morrison measured at right angles to the line of the pro- otlice of the County Clerk of the City and and provisions hereinafter set forth, the right avenue and Tlarrod avenue, as these streets are posed new street; thence soutlteastwardly along County of New York on the 23d day of June, to make such changes, alterations and amend- laid nul south of Watson avenue; thence south- the said line parallel with the proposed new 1904, or any lawful amendment thereof con- ments to the route of said railroad, and the wardly along the said prolongation of a line ntid- street, and the prolongation of the said line to sc•irted to by the Board of Estimate and Ap- right to cross certain streets, avenues, highways way between Morrison avenue and Harrod atc- the intersection with a line midway between 1-itiuument; and and public places, and to construct, maintain nue to the intersection with the prolongation Moore street and Rawson street: thence south- Whereas, The Board (lid, on July 14, 1905, and operate a railroad in, upon and across the of a line midway between Raudolplt avenue and Si ardly along the said line midway between adopt a resolution, which was approved by the streets, avenues, highways and public places on Beacon avenue, as these streets are laid out l,c- VIinure street and Rawson street to the inter- Mayor nn duly 21, r'05, consenting to a change such amended route of said railroad, which twccn Noble avenue and Rosedale avenue; section with a line midway between Thomson in the route of the Westchester Company; and amended route is shown upon the ntan hereto- thence westwardly along the said prolongation avenue and Nott avenue; thence westwardly \\hercas, In and by said ordinance and reso- fore referred to, and is more particularly de- of a line midway between ltandoll'h avenue and along the said line midway between Thomson lutinu as amended, the consent of the City was scribed as follows: Beacon avenue to the intersection with the pro- avenue and Nott avenue to the intersection with gun Ind to the Westchester Company for the lun gal ion of a line lnidweay between East One a line midway between Mount street and hian- cunstructin, maintenance and operation of the Main Line. Ifundred and Seventy-third street and East One ley street; thence north vardly along the said line said railroad across certain enumerated streets, avenue; or highways, either above or below the Beginning at a point on the Harlem River, near Hundred and Seventy-second street; thence west- midway between Mount street and Manley the point where Lincoln avenue intersects the wardly thing the said line midway between East street to the intersection with a line distant bon grade thereof, within said City, upon certain conditions therein fully set forth; and north bank of the Harlem River in the Borough One hundred and Seventy-third street and East feet southwesterly from and parallel with the of The Bronx, and crossing Lincoln avenue, be- One llundred and Seventy-second street and the southwesterly line of the proposed new street, Whereas, On the seventeenth day of Tune, tweon the Itarleni River and One Hundred' and prolongatiuu thereof to the point or place of be- the said distance being measured at right angles rgo8, the Board of Directors of said Westehes- Thirty-second street; thence running easterly sub. ginning. tel the line of the proposed new street; thence (en Cmnpany, at a meeting of said Board duly northwestu- stantially parallel to One hundred and Thirty- Resolved, That this Board consider the pro- ardly along the said line parallel with held on said [late, and by a vote of two-thirds second street, between One hundred and Tltirty- posed area of assessment at a meeting of the the proposed new street to the intersection with of all the directors of said company, passed a a line midway between Orchard street and seconrl street and the IIarlem River: thence cross- Board to be field in 7'l.•c City of Now Ycnc, resolution altering and amending the route of ing (1ne Iltmdred and Thirty-second street at or Ii irongb of Manhattan, in the City Hall, on toe- Queens street; thence northwardly along the the said company as amended by said consent of said line midway between Orchard street and near its intersection with Willow avenue; thence 6th day of Nuvcnibrr, tgn8, at io.3o a. m., and x905, and changing the southern terminal there- crossing One IInndrcc1 and Thirty-third street, that at the same time and Place a Public hear- Queens street and the prolongation of the said af from a point on the Harlem River between line to the point or place of beginning. One Hundred and Thirty-fottr(]t street. One Htm- big thereon will then and there be hall. Third avenue and Lincoln avenue to a point on dred and Thirty-fifth street, One Hundred and Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board 1(esolvcd, That this Board consider the pro- the Ilar9em River near the point where Lincoln nrscd area of assessment at a meeting of the 'thirty-sixth street, One hundred and Thirty- cause these resolutions and a notice to all ner- avenue intersects the north bank of the Ilar- sesenth street and One I-Iundred and Thirty- smts affected thereby to be published in the CITY Board to be held in The City of New York, lem River, and which alterations and amend ecehth street, between Willow avenue and the Ituruugh of ]Manhattan, in the City II all, on the Riccoan for ten days prior to the 6th day of ments. and change of terminal are shown upon a ITarlem River and Port Chester Railroad; thence Nuvemhcr. tgn8. 6111 clay of November, tquR, at to.3o a. nt., and certain map, dated ,June 17, t9o8, entitled: that at the saute time and place a public hear- northerly parallel to the Harlem River and Port Dated October 23, rgoR. 'Survey, Map and Profile of the New York, ('b-ter Railroad and crossing One Hundred and JOSEPII IIAAG, ing then on will then and there be had. Westchester and Roston Railway Company for Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board Tbirty-ninth street, One Hundred and Fortieth Secretary, New York County, New York, Section r, Sec- street and One hundred and Fm-ty-first street, No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- tion 2 and Section 3," between Southern boulevard and the Harlem Telephone, 2280 Worth, sons affected thereby to be published in the -and signed by the Chief Engineer, President, CITY Ru- River and fort Chester Railroad; thence north. o23,n4 cumin for ten days prior to the 6th day Secretary and ten dircztors; which map was filed erly parallel to the Harlem River and Port Ches- of Novc-mber, tgo8. in the office of the County Clerk of New York DatcI October 23, TOn8. ter Railroad to Westchester avenue, and crossing County on June 17, igo8; and One Hundred and Fnrty-ninth street, Leggett O'L'ICE IS III-t RI' by GIVEN '1'IIAT AT JOSEt'II ITAAG, Whereas, The said Westchester Company has the meeting of the Ihoard of Estimate and street, One hundred and Fifty-sixth street, Long. N Secretary, apt -lied to the Board, as the local authority of v.00d avenue, Lafavette avenue, Tiffany street, Apmtrtionmont held on September 25, i9u8, the Nn, 277 Broadway, Room 1406, The City of New York, by a verified petition, following resolutions were adopted: Barrctto street, Htmts Point road, Faile street, Telephone, 2280 Worth. dated June 17, igo8, for the consent of such Bryant street, T.ongfellow street, proposed Lud- Whereas, The Board of tfstittvue and Appor- 023114 Iocal authority for such change, alterations and tionincut of The City of New York is cousidcr- low avenue and Whittier street, between Whitlock an:endnrents to the route of said railroad, and for avenue and the Harlem River and Port Chester ing the advisability of instituting proceedings the right to construct, maintain and operate a to acquire title to the lands and premises re- PUBLIC NOTICE. Railroad; thence crossing Westchester avenue at railroad in, upon and across the streets, ave- or near its intersection with Edgewater road; uuired for the opening and extending of Gar- mtes, highways and public places on said amend- field street, from West Farms road to hi urns UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN then running northerly substantially Parallel to that at the meeting of the hoard of Esti- ed route, and for the modification of the said the Harlem River and Port Chester Railroad to i'ark avenue, and Pilhnore street, from Van P ordinance and resolution in accordance there- One Hundred and Seventy-fourth street, and Nest avenue to Alurns Park avenue, in the lior- mate and Apportionment held this day the follow- with; and ough of The Bronx, City of New York; and lug proceedings were had: crossing One ITundred and Seventy-second street, Whereas, The said Westchester Company has between the Bronx River and the Harlem River Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor- WkIercas, The City of New York, by an ordi- applied to the Board, as the local authority of tionntent is authorized and required at the time nance adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 26, and Port Chester Railroad; thence crossing tone The City of New York, by a second verified pe- Hundred and Seventy-fourth street and Van Nest of the adoption of the resolution directing the 1904, and approved by the Mayor August 2, tition, dated June 17, 1908, for the consent of institution of proceedings to acquire title to the 1904, granted to the New York, Westchester and avenue, between Devoe avenue and the Harlem such local authority to certain other ntodifica- River and Port Chester Railroad; thence running lands required for the foregoing improvement to Roston Railway Company the right to construct, tions in the ordinance approved by the Mayor fix and determine upon an area or areas of as- maintain and operate a four-track railroad upon northerly substantially parallel to Devoe avenue August 2, t904, as amended by the ordinance and crossing One Hundred and Seventy-seventh sessment for benefit for said proceeding. Certain routes, particularly set forth in section I approved by the Mayor July at, 1905, to wit: of said ordinance, and which ordinance, includ- street, Wyatt street and Walker avenue (West Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap- I. BT striking out in section r the following portionment, in pursuance of the provisions of ing all the terms and conditions thereof, was ac- Farms road), between Devoe avenue and Berrian words, 'except the overhead trolley system." street; thence crossing One Hundred and Sev


enty-ninth street and Lebanon street, between Westchester avenue and Home street. all as Manhattan, City of New York, on November r3, Devoe avenue and Berrian street; thence crossing MUNICIPAL- Civil. SERVICE COMntlssION, No. zgg shown on a map entitled: [9o8, at io.3o o'clock a. nt., hold a public hear- BROADWAY, NEw YoRK:, October 31, tgo8. One Hundred and Eightieth street and Berrian 'Survey Map and Profile of the New York, ing thereon, at which citizens shall be entitled street, at or near their intersection; thence cross- W cstche-tcr and Boston Railway Company, for UISLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to appear and be heard. that applications will ing Adams street, between Diorris Park avenue New York Cunnty, New York, Section I, Sec- JOSEPH HAAG, 'bc received from and the easterly line of Bronx Park; thence cross- tion 2 and Section g," Secretary. DtN ta ppli ,\OVHill be e i4, Ii from 12 ing Berrian street, between Morris Park avenue -adopted by the Board of Directors of said corn- Dated New York, October s, 1908. M. S:.'1'l'NU.tI', D19Cd•,N1II,t :., 11)(18, and Bronx Park; thence to and crossing Union- pany on the 17111 (lay of June, 1908, and signed o[g.ni3 for the i usition port road, between Miama street and Birchall ave- by Allen Wardell, president; Mace Moulton, chief of l'.\•fROL\1.1N, I I)LICE nue; thence crossing Oakley street, between engineer, and Ralph Polk Buell, secretary, under 111•:1':\R'E' lLNT, Miama street and Sagamore street; thence cross- (NO :\l.ICAj' TION Rb:C'I;t\*k•i) II '1'1I1; the seal of the corporation, which map and profile . CO\I\IISSION, ing White Plains road, at or near the intersection were filed in the office of the County Clerk of BOARD OF WATER SUPPLY BY 11\I1, Ult UI'III:R\Vltil•:, of Sagamore street; thence crossing Brown ave- ,1I-•I I?RNi. ON 1tEC1•.\Ilil{It 5 1V11,1, 1;1; the County of New York on the said 17th (lay .\('l'I•:1''1'h.11.) nue and Sagamore street, at or near their inter- of June, 19o8, or any lawful amendment thereof section; thence crossing Bunt avenue and Bear TO CONTRACTORS. The subjects and ~cci,gltts are as follows: which may be consented to by the Board of Esti. 1'hv~ical elecclulmnnt and Swamp road at or near their intersection; thence mate and Apportionment, or its successors in strength...... So crossing Bronx and Pelham parkway and Will- authority. 1lcutal test ...... Su iarnsbridge road at or near their intersection; 4. Section 2, clause fifteenth, of the said ordi- QEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS WILL BE thence crossing Saw Mill lane, between Williams- l'he subjects and weights of the mental test nance is hereby amended by striking out there- received by the Board of Water Supply, in arc as 1(110158: bridge road and Eastehester road; thence crossing trout the words. "Except the overhead trolley the office of the Board, No. 299 Broadway, New NI,tnury test ...... Eastchester road near its intersection with Syra- system." York, Room gto, ninth floor, until t t a. m, on 2 case avenue; thence crossing Birch street at or (;ut erntne,it , , , , , , , , , , • • , • , , • , , , , , , - • • • , 5 5. Section 2, clause sixteenth, of the said ordi• Localitic, near its intersection with Syracuse avenue; thence nance shall be stricken out and the following sub- TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1905...... Street, street, Oak street and yracuse stint .\rillimetic 2 street, bethbetweenenc lcrKingstonossing avenue and Syracuse FOR MAKING BORINGS ALONG ONE OR in anyally conduits laid by the company, or on Seventy avenue; thencethence crossing Chestnut street and any poles erected by the company for the trans- LINES SOUTH OF HILL VIEW per d Ill. ttili he rcyuirc,l (Ill the Fingston avenue at or near thei- intersection; RI,:.,L:RVOIR. LYING \I.\INLY IN TllE 1108- tat ex;uufnatiou. mission of power for its own use, provision shall Sevrnty thence crossing Ash street, betwec., Kingston ave- be r,tade to carry three cables for the use of the O(Kills OF 111 F. I BltONX, NIANi1AITAN pr rust. will be rc,luired on strength. _\NU BItC)ORLt'N, 1NCLUll1NG Scvcnty prr cent. nue and Cornell avenue; thence crossing Boston police, fire and ambulance service of the Cit y LINES will be re: uircd un t' hyical road at or near its intersection with Schieffelin; tvithout charges therefor." y ('RUSSING T1IE 11ARLEIN1 RIVER, 1'ROB- devcluinnc•nt. ABLY lib:l'\VhEN .\PPlicati,,tis lIlt lane; thence. crossing Fifth avenue or llyre ave- 6. Section ;, paragraph I, of the said ordi• SEVENTH AVENUE will he received from persons 'NI) W:\SIIING'ION I; RI Lx; E, ANU TiiE tchu arc 1, s, than iwcnty-throe (. ) years of ;t e title, between Boston road and Kingsbridge road; trance is hereby amended to read as follows: ❑ g' thence continuing to a point in the northerly line 'sai EAST RIVER, Af['Rf)NI\IAlT?LY BETWEEN " h1ecmLcr 5, Y,1w8, or IV 10 are more than d railroad compatty shall continence actual -lo) of The City of New York, between Fifth avenue construction within one year from the date of the 11113 \V'I1-1-1AMSIURG AND BROOKLYN thirty ( years of aCe. and the road to White Plains (Columbus avenue). signing of this ordinance by the Mayor, and shall liR1l1GES. N ituI iilZl•d citizens 11181 attach [heir nat- contpletc a four-track An approximate statcruent of the quantities of tt+';,lizatiIll I,;y,c rs h, ;tl,t,lic;ttiutt. railroad upon the main APUlicaIIts will 13rancht Line. line, from the northerly line of the City as far Mlle various classes of work and further infurma- - he eKlrIielI later I'f the dates of south as East tiara are given in the Information for Bidders, II physical an,l tncnlal cxaminatious, Beginning at a point on the main line near the One i-Ill and Seventy-y` fourth junction of Walker avenue (West Farms road) street, by tl;e zd day of August, tctu, uthcrwisc funning Part of the Contract. I . A. tiI'I: ('ER, this grout shall cease and deterruine.'' \t the above place and time the bids will be frtioretary. and Devoe avenue; thence running southerly, publicly crossing \Vpatt street and Tremont avenue, be- 7• Section 5, Paragraph 4, of the said ordi• opened and read. The award of the T''it'd5 Kuecn Devoe avenue and Bert"An street; tiLenec trance shall be stricken out and the following cuntract, if awordcd, will be made by the Board crossing Van Nest avenue and the New York, substituted therefor: of Waler Supply as soon thereafter as practicable. Any portion Two or more bonds, the aggregate amount of \Iantctrnn CIVIL SrRVtcE ContstisstoN, No. 299 New haven and Hartford Railroad, between One of the route covered by this llROonlY\Y, Hundred and Seventy-fourth street and Tremont grant Lvhich shall not be completed and in full '^hick shall be Fifty 'I'ltousaud llohlurs ($So,noo), NEW Yose, October rg, 1908. avenue; thence running between CraiRhiht and operation prior to the second day of August, 1(111 be lel1Lured for the faithful prrf,Irmallec of p UBLAC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Chanute avenues and crossing Bronx River ave- 1 9t3, sitall be deemed to have been abandoned [lie contract. Each bond must be sigucd by the that applications will be received from West- and all rights hereby granted in and to contractor and the sureties The name and acl- nue, Beacon avenue, Randolph avenue, such per- )MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, UNTIL 4 I'. M. chester avenue. Watson avenue, Ludlow avenue, tions of said railway shall cease and determine, dress of each surety otiered mast be stale,) in the Story avenue and Lafayette avenue; thence cross- except that south+ of One Iiundred and Seventy- it or isnpusal, together with the amount in MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1908, ing Craighili avenue and Morrison avenue, be- fourth street, if the railwayY comp an Y shall have which each surety will qualify, The sureties and for the position of ttveen Lafayette avenue and Seward avenue; constructed less than four tracks within said the atn(te+t in Which cach will qualify must be period, it shall satisfactur to the Ituard. CIIEtMIST. thence n e s+nd Seward avenue, thencen Tossing P onlyo c deemed to have ,ban• No son avenue and Narrod avenue; thence crossing dulled its right to construct any additional bill .v ill he received and depositedf unless (NO APPLICATION RECEIVED BY THE Harrod avenue. Metcalf avenue and ntc•Icy aye- tracks south of One Hundred and Seventy-fourth accompanied by a certified check upon a National COMM 1S5llN, 11Y MAIL UR 0'1'1IERWlsE. nue, between Seward avenue and Randall aye- street. And in the event that the said railway or St cue bank, drawn to the order of the Al •I' KR .; I'. M. ON NOVEMBER 2 WILL BE ones thence crossing Randall avenue at or near on Ill pany 51151 not, prior to the zd day of f ^'+'ptroller of The City of New York, to the A('C'El''IEl.).) its intersection with ('roes avenue; thence cross- \ugu>t, 1913, construct its main line south of our"nut of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000). "1'he examination will be held on Monday, No- ing Noble avenue, Rosedale avenue and Com- One Ilunrlred and Seventy-fourth street andl to Came allowed fur the completion of the work vember 23, 1908, at io a, tit, monwcaltlt avenue, between Randall avenue and the Iiarlcot River, the Board of Estimate and 's t+'+t'1 ik'ccmber 3r, I9ao. The subjects and weights of the examination Lacombe avenue; thence crossing Lacombe ave- 'apportionment, or its successors in office, n,ay Pamphlets enntaiuing information for bidders, are as follows: true, between Commonwealth avenue and St. fix and finally determine such additi,mal cum_ forms of proposal, contract and bond, approved Technical ...... 6 Lawrence avenue; thence crossing St. Lawrence pensatiou as shall he imposed upon said railway I by the Corp„ratil,n Counsel, and specifications Lx 1 el icucc. asenue, Beach avenue and Taylor avenue, be- company because of such failure." all amlract dr:ncings, can he obtained at the 4 tween Iacomhe avenue and Patterson avenue; Second-The Westchester Company hereby c+llIce of the ii: and of \1•ater Supply, Runnt 1 51 5, The percentageg rcq aired is 75 on the technical thence crossingg Patterson avenue at or near its agrees to assume all liabilit Y to an Y Person or at the above address, awnF a,I Pmatron in {person paper andp 70 on all. intersection with 'Thieriot avenue; thence cross- company by reason (If the cxeculi„n of this colt• J or by nisi l, by depositing the stun of '1'en Dollars tract by to currency, Candidates must have a knowledge gained by ing Leland avenue, between Patterson avenue the City, and it is a condition of this ( $l o ) or check drawn to the order actual ex terience of gnecral y crossing O'Brien contract that the City shall the livard of Water Supply, for each 1 and and O'Brien avenue; thence assume no liabilit Y "f yuantitativc analysis. Some of thea questions in avenue and Gildersleeve avenue, betw•cen Lelana whatsoever, either to persons or companies, on Paunplt let . 'this deposit will be refunded upon the technical paper will (Ire return of call for a knowledge of avenue and Underhill avenue; thence crossing account of the saute, and the Westchester Cnnr tlic pamphlets in acceptable coudi• calcnl Ill ions of analytical chemistry. Underhill avernte and Cornell avenue at or near pony hereby agrees to repay to the City any tI'1't within thirty clays from the (late on which Some credit will bids are to be op('ned, be given on the technical their intersection; thence crossing Balton avenue, lamage which the City may be compelled to pay p,yper for ability to cuusttlt reference books in White Plains road. Newman avenue and Ste- by reason of this contract. JUiIN A. P,ENSEL, Sec. ,3. French and Gelmart. phens avenue, between Cornell avenue and The Westchester Company covenants President; '1']icre are two vacancies in the Department of Bronx River avenue: thence Clasons and agrees to aban,lon and relinquish and does ('I I.\REFS N. CTIAI)WICK, health. Point road, between Stephens avenue Still Pugs- hereby abandon and rcliuquisli to the Cit all (Il-AIfI.1'-S A. SIIAW, Salary,Clary, $r,zoo rf its rights per annum. lev avcnur, thence crossing Cornell avenue and and frauchi~cs to cunsLVCt, main- (~"mnti^si"iicrs nC the li'nrd of \4'atcr Supply. ;lie;Le(m age, 21 years. Yngsley avenue at or near their intersection; lain and operate a railroad in, (Jilin or across J \\'SI-u" 551 IT It, t'hicf Engineer. the streets 1'u"~+.ts II.5ssetr, F. A. SPENCER, thence crossing llussun avenue, between Gilder- ,n the tortious of the r„ute de1cribed Secretary. Secretary. sleeve avenue Cnrl Cornell avenue: thence north- iu the said ordinance approved by the \layor n24,n+7 avenue August z rqo.{, oI9,n23 erly between Musson avenue and Bet t• as amended by the ordi uauce ;( so ,• I;. it•rnl Invleu (•Uous to Hid- and crossing Gildersleeve avenue and O'Brien ai,pn,vcd by the %Iay,-r July 21, t)u5, and which riorM on like• pa ict•, last ciom(o n, of --- avenue: thence crossing Compton avenue and arc nut covered by the ileveriiitiu( of tl,e new the '•y Ri•eurd.•• Pugsley Creek; thence crossing 1 Ill- rclt a,-• •-e. ana amerdrel route as herein described, and itIUNtCtPAL CIVIL Scavtcx. Cost MISSION, No. 299 between Trask avenue and Screvin avenue; which are not shown on the map of the amend- I ------ - -. ------ --- B MU IC IP L CI LSE October M t gO N. thence crncsing Screein avenue. between Lacombe ed rh ute (toll ed June t7, Igo8, entitled " Sur. UITLIC reap NO'+'ICh. IS HEREBY GIVEN avenue and Barrett avenue; thence crossing La- t't y and profile of the New York, 14'cst- CUAN(iI OF inthat prumutior exatniaatiuos for all pusi• combe (l11nstc•a11 near Chester and Ii ',tun GRADE DAMAGE f avenue and avenue at nr R'ilway Company for New tinnc fart 11. (the Clerical Service) and fart their intersection; thence cross ng Terry avenue, York County, New Fork, Secii'm t. Srctiun 2 COMMISSION. VII. (the Civil Howe avenue, Castle avenue. Turner ave' Engineer Service) will be held Hill and Section 3," whiclt ntap was filed in the office in the month of November, upon dates to be true, Effingham avenue an,l llascm,yer avenue, ''f the County Clerk of New York County on atuI-unecrl June TWENTY-THIRD later. between Lacornbe avenue and Randal avenue; 17, [11,18. AND TWENTY-FOUR'111 Exautivatiuus for positions in Part II. will be thence cro,sing Allaire avenue and i'arringtnit Sec. q. The Westchester Company promises, \\ARi )S• open to persons avenue, between Randall avenue a Ill Zerega covenants and who have served continuously agrees, un its part and behalf, to in the next lower grade for a period of three avenue; thence cro,sinq Zerega avenue near It- alnform to and abide by all the terms, condi- URSUANT Ti) 'I'IIE PROVISIONS OF years prior to October t, i9u8, with the exception intersection with Randall avenue: thence east tiutis and relluircmcnts in this' contract fixed P of Grade 2, for admission erly, crossing Westchester Creek. Ferri- avenue and a,ntaincd. chapter 537 of the Laws of t8g.t and the to which onlyy two :Acts anteudat,ry thereof and supplemental thereto, Y''ars service is reyuire•d. and Baxter Cseck: thence crossing Mo rris lane In witness whereof, the party of the first part, 1 I'c 1"'8111°us in fart II. are graded as follows: near its intersection with Fort Schuyler road: by its slayor, thereunto drily notice is hereby given that meetings of the Con- authorized by the 55 111(1'S d under '°tde r, ioo annually, thence cresing Fort Sciucler road art,l Old IInard of Estimate and Appnrtionn:ent of ai(b,(lint,- said Acts will be ill 'I said at the utlice of the Commission, Roum t,;8, site 2, i,00 annually. Ferry road t c near their intcraecti„n: thence to b has eunto the a,, e of sail City •g„ No. between Fart to Broadway (Stewart Building), Borough of 3, t,zou annually. Schuyler road and East River to be h part. o affixed, and the party of the (;rack 4, $1,800 annually. a point near the United srcunrl ylanl,attan, New York City, on 6londa States Government part, by its officers, thereunto duly VV'eduesdays ('ralr 5. $a,4nu annually. or over. Reservation. All of the above-mention:-.1 streets authorized, has caused and Fridays of each week, at y2 its corporate narne to he ,o'clock p. m., until further Examinations for positions in Part VII. will crossed by said branch line•, except Wyatt ave- hereunto signed and its cur I)orate seal to be notice. nue, Tremont avenue (East Dated New York City, October 12. tgo7. be open to persons who have served continuously One Hundred and hoc(nto affixed the day and year first above in the next lower grade, in the same Bureau or Seventy-seventh street), We'tchest, r avenue, written. 4yli,lt,\bl E. STILLINGS, I;F office, for a period of six months prior to Octo- Clasons Point road. Ferric avenue, Morris lane. TILE CTTY OF NEW YORK, L L(i1, C . NO'YI)K,LO,V El her t, 19o8. Old Ferry road and Fort Schuyler road, are pro- By ...... Mayor. LEWIS.)Rt first grade Clerks to be eligible to compete for posed streets, as shown on the City layout of [CORPORATE SEAL.] Commissioners. streets. LAMONT McLouciLTN, p1(poliue must be eighteen years of age. Attest: Second grade Cleric, and others, to be eligible Sec. 2. The grant of this privilege is subject . • ...... City Clerk. Clerk- to the following conditions: to compete for promotion to the third grade, must NEW YORK, WESTCHESTFR '------' be twenty-one years of age. First-All tl,e terms, provisions and conditions AND BOSTON RAILWAY hor all other positions applicants must be contained in the said ordinance approved by the COMPANY, MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE twenty-one. Mayor August z, 11)04, and the said resolution of By ...... President. Promotion lists now in existence will continue the hoard approved by the Mayor July 2t, t9o5, [sEAL.1 COMMISSION• in shall remain unchanged force for a period of one year from the date and shall apply to the Attest: - of promulgation and thereafter until such time routes herein authorized with the same force and Secretary. as new lists shall be announced. effect as when they applied to the routes described • • .. "' • ' • .. •' \lrsrclr. 1, ('tctr. Sciec,cc ('r, ttMtsstuv, No. 29)9 Resolved, That the results of the inquiry made I;a,,.holly, NEw Y~,«n, Applications mar be procured at once at the in said contract, and as though the routes herein Oember 3i, 1yu8, application desk (ltuom t t rg), Still may be filed authorized had been snecihcall described in said by this Board as to the money value of the pro- --- y posed ordinance, and the adequacy of the cum- between October t and October 31, tgo8, at 12 contract, except follows'-a: ii ENDFI) NOTICE. noon• I. Section ensation Prn(] co it he paid a. and of t ofki the said ordinance is hereby t _. 'Transcripts of the efficiency records of amended by striking out therefrom the words, the terms and conditions, are as specified and fully set forth in the said ordinance 4 roved p l'I;Lf(' Nn'I'I('I•; IS 111:kl•:Itl' 611'1':N dates, as they appear upon the records of the "Except the overhead trolley system." all Departments z. The description by the Mayor August 2, 190.3, as amended by 1 "':it the time f„r leteking api,li:ui„us fur m which they are employed, shoull of the routeto u hereby appear on page 3 of the apli eations, duly signed amended and described above shall ho substitntetl the foregoing form of proposed contract for the tln; t,,, itinn "f il consent of such modifications ('lll•.'(lit'1' by the persons designatea by the appointing for description of the rou te as contained in and alterations. officers the ordinanceordinance Resolved, That these )reambles and resolu- Ins. 1 ', a exi' nir•(1 Iu for that purpose. approved by the Mayor August z, Promotion examinations for positions other than t9oq, and as contained in the resolution of the trues, includin said resolutinn for the consent %VI;I) I I).\ Y, U1:('I't JII'tIt `:, 1111111 A'1• if q•lte Cityclu of New e i o the modifications ' thnsc in Parts II. and VII. will be held only at Board approved by the Mayor July 2r. ton5• t 1'. At. hr re, nest of heads of Departments. 3. Section I. paragraph third, general, of the a'u] alterations as applied for by the New York, t said ordinance is hereby Westchester and Boston Railway Company, and \1 1 1 1(A I'IOV RI•:('I{11'1•;11 I;}' 'Fill.; No urthcr notice of these examinations will be amended by striking out (ttN(I til therefrom the words, 'One thousand (t.000) said form of proposed contract for the grant of \ 'l l l;l' .1LVL. OR O'I'II BY 'Fill., g1No feet," and sub=tituting therefor the words, "Two said franchise or riglrt containing said results \1`'1'11: i I'. \I. (IN 1)1-'('i'\llti;it z WILL Candidates for promotion in the several grades .'.('( thousand five hundred (2,500) feet." The said inquiry, after the same 81,.11 be entered 1'1} l','•1'EP.) in fart II. (the Clerical Service)) will be exam- Westchester Company is hereby permitted to make 'n the minutes of this Board, shall he published I I ' ' x11'il"'al"n' oWill ill' h r'd „n \1'edne•sday, iood in the following subjects: the following two connections under this section: for at least twenty (zo) days immediately prior lH OliY 23• 'a"x, at to a. ill, GRADE II, to November t3, tgo8, in the CITY RECORD, and 'I he S1111jeCk au'l weiglus of th., examination Connection With the Present Subway-Elevated at least twice during the ten arc• a. follows: Group i-Clerks. days immediately Lc ttcrwriting. Route at West Farms Road. prior to November t3, 1908, in two daily news- c 1 ,+ .,1 ...... 6 Beginning at a point on the main line of the papers to be designated by the Mayor therefor, l xi"'r it "ce ...... • 4 Ariuhil1,tic. an'] published in The City of New York, at the Copying from plain copy. New York, Westchester and Poston Railway Corn- llo"'Iwriting. pany at or near Lebanon street; thence running expense of the New York, Westchester and Bos- ill,' percentage rrgnired is 75 (ill the t,chnicel southerly crossing DeVoe avenue and One Hun- ton Railway Company, together with the follow- 11;W1•r •111,1 7u un all. Group 3-Stenographers. dred and Seventy-ninth street at or near their in- It'g notice, to wit: Ca n didates trust hole a knowledge gained Iry tersection; thence crossing Bronx street at or near Notice is hereby given that the Board of actual experience in general chemistry and quan- T)ictati„n (shorthand). its intersection with Walker avenue; thence cross- Estimate and Apportionment, before authorizing ti tat ive analysis. lunte of the• liltrsd( is in the Copying frotn plain copy (machine). ing Walker avenue, between Timex street and any contract for the consent of the City to cer- tcohieal paper will call for a knowledge of cal- Letterwrizing. Boston road; thence crossing West Farms road. tarn modifications and alterations in the routes cu1Mioo8 of •mahtiral chemistry, GRADE III. between Boston road and Rodman place; thence of the New York, Westchester and Boston Stir credit will he given ill the technical to a connection with the Interhorough Rapid Railway Company, as granted by ordinance of I,aprr• for ability to a,nsult reference hooks in (+o'lidales of all groups in the Clerical Service Transit Railroad on Poston road, between Bryant the Board of Aldermen, approved by the Mayor Prt orb and (;(Clan. will lie examined in the following subjects: and Tremont avenues. August 2, [goo. and amended by resolution of The examination is ((hell to all citizens of the Duties of tushvn. the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, ap• I II tech States, an,l the rule requiring that two of Duties of Department. Connection With the Projected Southern Route- proved by the Mayor July 21, 190s, and for the vouchers for candidates residing outside of l)tnies of co-operating Departments. card and Westchester Avenue Subway Route. the consent of the City to certain modifications The City (If Nei' York mu,t be n•siden's 1,1 'fhe ('a'ululates will be also examined according to Beginning at a point on the main line of the in the terms and conditions of the said ordi- ('itv of New York i; waived for this ,•xamination. the following group subdivision: nance, such modifications and alterations being New York, Westchester and Boston Railway Coin- ']'here are two vacancies in the ])epartment of Group i-Clerks. panp, between Westchester avenue and One Hun- folly set forth and described in the foregoing Ile:,lti form of proposed contract for the grant of such Lclterwriting, dyed and Seventyfourrh street, and running S;tlary, $t,zon per annum, Arttlttttcttc' southerly and crossing One Hundred and Seventy franchise or right, and before adopting any tlinimum age, 21 years. second street and Edgewater road; thence to a resolution authorizing any such contract, will, at P. A. SPEN('ER, Group 2-Accountants. connection with the proposed BroadwayLexing- a meeting of said Board, to be held in the Old Secretary. Practical test in bookkeeping or accounting. ton avenue subway at or near the intersection of Council Chamber. in the City Hall, Borough of o3r,d2 Details of office management. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1908. 1 i E CITY RECORD. i145 5

Group 3—Stenographers. Lot No. to-8-inch by R-inch, to-inch by lo- main for and during the space of ten days, as dyed and Fortieth street and the southwesterly Dictation (shorthand). inch, ma-inch by 12-inch, 4-inch by t4-iuch yellow rtyuired by law. ; side of Lowell street, or East One Hundred and Copying from plain copy (machine). pine timber, dimensions about IS by 22 feet by Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, Octo- about 3 feet deep. Forty-tirst street, as laid down on the final maps Letterwriting. ber 26, 1908. of the Borough of The Bronx, and the prolon- Lot No. it—About 43 yellow pine pile butts, WILBUR LARREMORE, gation thereof; Group 4—Statisticians. 12 to 27 feet long. ST:\NI.EY W. DEXTER, On the southeast by a line Practical tests in statistics and tabulation. Lot No. t2—ma-inch by 12-inch and 4-inch by too feet southeast JAMES A. ALLi•:N, of the southeasterly side of Morris avenue and GRADE IV. to-inch yellow pine timber, dimensions about 27 Commissioners of Is!iniate. parallel therewith; by 35 feet, t course, ma by 12 inches; 3 courses, Josia-im M. Scitcvcte, On Candidates of all groups in the Clerical Service 4 by to inches. the southwest by a line midway between will be examined in the following subjects: Clerk. the southwesterly side of East One Ilundred and Lot No, t3-8-inch by to-helm and tz-inch o29,nlo Fortieth street and the northeasterly side Duties of position. by Iz-inch yellow pine timber, dimensions about of Duties of Department. East One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street, be- 18 linear feet of 8-inch by lo-inch, about 410 tween the tracks of the New York and Harlem Elementary government of New York City. linear feet of 12-inch by ma-inch. Elementary government of New York State. FIRST DEPARTMENT. Railroad and Rider avenue, and by a line mid- Lot No t4—t2-inch by tz-inch yellow pine turn- way Candidates will be also examined according to ber, about 28o linear feet. between the southwesterly side of East One the following group subdivision: Hundred and Fortieth street and the northeast- Lot No. 15-9 yellow pine pile butts, zo to 30 [n the matter of the application of The City of erly side of East One Ifundred and Thirty. Group i—Clerks. feet long, New York relative to acquiring title wherever ninth street, between Letterwriting Rider avenue and Morris Lot No. t6-4-inch by ro-inchellow pine, 8 the same has not been heretofore acquired for avenue, and the prolongation thereof; and Methods of discipline and business system. courses deep, size 22 feet by 2g feet. the same purpux iu fee to the lands and On the northwest by the tracks of the New Lot No. 17-4-inch by Io-inch yellow pine, 5 prculises Group 2—Accountants. requited for the opening and ex- York and Harlem Railroad. courses deep, size 24 feet by 25 feet. tending of LANE :\\- I{\UE, between West- Fourth—That the abstracts of said estimate of Practical tests in bookkeeping or accounting. Lot No. 18—t2-inch by 12-inch second-hand Details of business system. chcster avenue and the West l arms road, with damage and of said assessment for benefit, together yellow pine; 15 Pieces, t5 to 31) feet long. The 1'UIlLlC L'L.\CE bounded by lane avenue, with the damage and benefit maps, and also all Lot No. m9—ma-inch by ma-inch yellow pine. Group 3—Stenographers. W1'cst harms road and Westchester avenue, the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other docu- dimensions z8 by 28, 2 feet 6 inches deep; and of \VI•:S1'CIIES'1'I(I1 AVENUE, between ments used by the Dictation (shorthand). length, to to zR feet. Commissioners of Estimate Letterwriting. Main street or West Farms road and the and by the Commissioner of As'essment in mak- Lot No. zo—files, 21 by 30, 3 feet deep, hastcrn Boulevard, at I'clham flay lark, in Group 4—Statisticians. Ing the same, have been deposited in the Bureau 5 to 30 feet long. files, t8 by 24, 3 feet deep, the 'fw•emly- fourth Ward, Borough of The of Street Openings in the Law Department of Practical tests in statistics and tabulation. 5 to 24 feet long. The two rafts tied together Itruns, City of New York. The City of New York, Nos. go and 92 West Statistical reports. with 300 linear feet of 5-inch rope. -- liroadway, in the Borough of Manhattan, in said Lot No. 2r-4 by to Yellow pine, am by 25 GRADE V. City there to remain until the 2zd day of No- by I foot 6 inches deep, ro to zg feet long. N O1'[CI", IS IfEItEBY GIVE THAT THE venufwr, tgo8. Candidates for all groups in the Clerical Serv- Lot No, zz—Haft of second-hand yellow pine partial bill of costs, charges and expenses Fifth—That, provided there be no objections ice will be examined in the following subjects: piles, 30 piles, 5 to 40 feet long, and to piles, incurred by mason of the proceedings in the filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as Duties of position. about 30 feet long. above euttillsrl matter will be presented for tax- to awards and as to assessments for benefit here• Duties of Department. ati„n to one „f the Justices of the Supreme in will be presented for confirmation to the Elementary government of New York City. At the Departhnent Yard, Foot of East Ttoenty- C,nu-t of the State 4f New York, I'irst Dcpart- Supreme Court of the State of New York, First fourth Elementary government of New York State. Street, Borough of Manhattan. mcut, at a Special Toni thereof, fart I., to be Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part held Drafting reports. Lot No. 23-150 linear feet I y-inch wire at the Cuunty Court-hon;c in time L'urough III., to be held in the County Court Hottse in Candidates will be also examined according to cable. of '5fauhattan, in The City of New York, on the the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New the following group subdivisions: Lot No. 24-2,500 pounds structural shapes 11th clay of November, 1908, at 10.30 O'clock in York, ou the 7th day of January, 1909, at the fnrmv'l.0 of that day, or as soon thereafter as Group i—Clerks. and 3-inch wrought iron pipe and miscellaneous opening of the Court on that day. iron. c'limnsvl cat l,c heard thereon, and that the said Sixth—In case, however, objections are filed Details of office management. Lot No. 25—to old diver's dresses and t3 bill of costs, charges and expenses has been dc- to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and assess- General commercial usage and methods. pairs of old diver's mitts. pnsilnI in the office of the Clerk of the County ntent, or to either of therm, the motion to con. oaf New Yoflc, thcrc remain for during Group 2—Accountants. Lot No. 26—About i o pounds of old rope. to and firm the reports as to awards and, as to assess- the '-face Ii ten clays, as required by law. ments shall stand adjourned Practical tests in bookkeeping and accounting. to the date to be TERMS OP SALE. Dated Him ngh of .Manhattan, New York, On- hereafter specified in the notice provided in such Details of business system. timer z8, 1908. cases to be given in relation General commercial usage and methods. The sale will commence at 10.30 o'clock a. m. to filing the final FLOYD M. T.ORI), reports, pttrsttaut to sections 981 and 984 of the on Wednesday, November 4, 1908, at the Walla- 1(111N \I:\CKIN, Group 3—Stenographers. bout Basin, Brooklyn, and will he continued at J. Greater New York Charter, as amended by chap- Dictation (shorthand). I'l)WARD D. DO\VLI\G, ter 658 of the Laws of igo6. the Department Yard at the foot of East Twenty- Commissioners of Estimate. Letterwriting. fourtlt street, East River, 11orough of lan- Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, Oc- 1 um 1'. Dcsc tuber 19, Group 4—Statisticians. hattan. tgo8. Clerk. MAURICE S. COHEN, I'ractical tests in statistics and tabulation. Each of the above lots will be sold separately and for a sum in gross. 028,119 Chairman; Statist eat reports with deductions therefrom. The estimated quantity stated to be in the MARTIN C. DYER, Where lctterwriting or report is given as a GEORGE A. DEVINE, subject, it will be on matters connected with the several lots is believed to be correct, but the FIRST DEPARTMENT. Commissioner of Ducks will not make any allow- Commissioners of Estimate. Department. Where arithmetic is a subject, the GEORGE A. DEVINE, examination will consist of practical problems ance from the Purchase money for short (leliv- cries on any lot, and bidders must judge for In the matter of the application of The City of Commissioner of Assessment. which do not require a knowledge of unusual, in- JOnN P. DuNN, volved or technical mathematical formulas for themselves as to the correctness of the estimate Ness' York, acting by and through the Ci+m- of quantity when making their bids. utissioncr of Docks, relative to acquiring right Clerk. their solution, except where such special knowl- 022,011 is required by the position. If the purchaser or purchasers fails or fail and title to and possession of certain uplandds, F. A. SPENCER, to effect removal of the material within tvii dav•. lands, wharf properly, terms, easements, emoltt- Secretary. froth the date of sale, Inc or they shall forfeit nnents and pritileges necessary to he taken for FIRST DEPARTMENT. the iu:nrnvetucnt of the Crater fron 01,31 his or their purchase money or moneys and the t of The ownership of the material. C'it3' of Nu iv York un the North River, be- In the matter of the application of The City of Terris of sale to be cash, to be paid at the tttc,t: WEST 'r\ l-.N'I'Ii'YlI AND WEST time of sale. 'I'\vl-;STY-sl•:CON1) STREETS, pursuant to New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the saute has not been heretofore acquired, to MUNiCrPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, No. 299 An order will he given for the material pur- the plan heretofore adopted by the Iloard of BROADWAY, CITY OF Now YORK. chased. U,mek,, and approved by the Conunissioncrs of the lands, tenements and hereditaments re- quired for the extending of ITIGH BRIDGE UBLIC NOTICE WILL BE GIVEN OF Dated The City of New York, October 2t, the Sinking Fund. 2908. 1'.\RK, as shown on a map filed in the office P all competitive examinations two weeks in of the Register of the County of New York, advance of the date upon which the receipt of ALLEN N. SPOONFR, O 1'ICE IS TIERI?BY CIVEN TII-1't' A I)ccember 2r, 3903, in accordance with the plan applications for any scheduled examination will Commissioner of flicks. s0;.;dcn1cntal bill of costs, charges and ex- adopted by the Board of Estimate and Appor- close. Applications will be received fur only N 023,11 .1 penscs incurred by reason of tile proceedings in tionn;cut December it, tgo3, and approved by such examinations as are scheduled. No applica- the :tbovu-entitled matter will be Presented fur the imfay„r on December [8, 1903, in the tion will be accepted at the office of the (uut- t.,xation to one of the Justices of the 5uorentc 'llvulfat Ward, Borough of 1pami}iatian, City of ntission, by mail or otherwise, after the closing Court of the State of New Turk, First liepart- New York. hour for the receipt of same set forth in the SUPREME COURT--FIRST DEPART- ment, ut a Stnecial Term theriof, Part I., to h advertisement. MENT. held at the County Court house, in die Irc00sk E, TIII? UNDERSIGNED COMMIS- When an examination is advertised, a person of ilbctmnshao, in The City of New York, on to, desiring to compete in the same may obtain an W siouers of Estimate and Assessment in 1.1Ztu Df_' \ZlI\lEN'1' yth clay of V'ovcothcr, tgo8, at )o.3n o'clock in the above-untitfrd matter, hereby give notice to application blank ii pun request made in writing forenoon of that dav, or as soon thereafter a, ar by personal application at the office of the all persons interested in this proceeding, and to G,tutscl can be luCard thereon; and that the said the owner or Owners, occupant or occupants of 'Cotumis+tuu. Room t 1119. Iii the n: Urr of thr npp:ic;dinat of The City of hill of cmmsts, charges and es;,cnses has been de- All notices of examinations will be posted in all Louses and lots and improved and unimproved Nt-iv b„tic, rilaiivc to ;meu0itimg talc wncr- pnsi;cnl to the office of the Clerk of the County hauls affected thereby, and to all others whom the office of the Cozmmission, and advertised in ctrr the -an:c has not been heretofore ac- of Nety Yurk, there to remain for and during the CITY Rococo for two weeks in advance of the it may con ecru, to wit: quircd for the sum_- Purpose in fee to the the space of ten days, as required by the t-rco- First—That we have completed our last par- date upon which the receipt of applications will lands. Icnt-mcros until herc,litantr nts required vi;ioi;s of soctiun 999 of the Greater New York close fur any stated position. tial and separate estimate of dainage and that all for the iqmenning and cxtcwling of 1V i•,Si Charter as amended, persons interested in this proceeding, or in any Public notice will also be given by advertise- ONE iIUNhtIt1:hu :ANL) 1•111'll•:'fl( :- l- Datcd BurouOh of Manhattan, City of New ment in most of time City papers. ttl 1:1' of the lands, tenements and hereditaments and (alt h.nt;;h not yrt named by pruper authurity ), York, October >u, tgit. premises affected thereby, and having objections Wherever an examination is of a technical Isom 1; nun •say to Ritcrsi,I- drive, in thr \VILI;I'R T.:\RREMORE, character, due notice is given by advertisement thereto, do present their said objections in writ- 'fit, lftlt \Vaud, Borough of \I,uthattan, City 11ICfl.A1-:L hi. STANTON, ing, duly verified, to us at our office, Nos. go in the technical journals appertaining to the par- of New Yorlc. NATHAN FERNiL'm('.IIER, ticular profession for which the examination is and gz West Broadway, in the Borough of Man- called. Collunissioners. hattan, in The City of New York, on or before JUsl:m'H M. SCHENCK. the 4th clay of November, I9o8, and that we, the Such notices will be sent to the daily papers 011C1•; IS IIEItEllY GIv'I•- N THAT 'Wilk= Clerk. as matters of news. The scope of the examina- bill of c., said Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting, N sts, chmIgcs and txpcuscs in- m.l.n4 tiou will he stated, but for more general informa- i irn,l by rrconnv of the prucccdiiyts in tttc _— -. and for that purpose will be in attendance at ab„ our said office on the 5thL day of November, tiun application should be made at the office of cc-cutitIcd matter frill III prs-sc rtenl for titx FIRST DEPARTMENT, the Commission. tiun t', mimic of the Justices of the Supreme Court tgob, at I o'clock p. nt. Specimen questions of previous examinations ,if the Slane ut N,-w fork, First Department, Srcond—That the abstract of our said last par- stay be obtained at Room tto8. at a Special 'firm thereof, Part 1., to Inc held at In the matter of the application of The City of tial and separate estimate of damage, together Unless otherwise specifically stated, the mini the County Cunrt llouse, in Ute h'uuoogh of New fork, relative to acquiring title, wher- with our damage maps, and also all the affi- ever the same has not been heretofore ac- mural age requirement for all Positions is 21. \Ianlunteut, in The (it)' of New York, on the davits, estimates, proofs and other documents FRANK L. I'OLK, math day of Nu",- rm bcr, tgiS, at to.3n o'clock gttired for the saute purpose iu fee, to the used by us in making the same, have been de- ['resident; in limit morn 1 of that day, or as soon ticmeafur lands, tenements and Iteredit atnents required positcd in the Bureau of Street Openings in the R. ROSS AL'l'I.l lUN, is ( uttusel can bx h,-ard till-t'cOm; and that this fur the opening and extruding of EAST ON it Lair Department of The City of New York, Nos. ARTHUR J. O'KI:EFFE, paid l~ill of costs, chnrgcs and ext,ensts has hi-cu HUNDRED AND YOR'1'1l•'h'II 5t'RL:E1', 90 and 92 West liroadway, in the Borough of Commissioners- Im - tim ,sied iu the olficc „f the Clerk of tit, front Park avenue to Morris avenue, in the Manhattan, in said City, there to remain until the FRANK A. SPENCER, ('aunty of Ncw 1 irk, tlxcre t, rcntaiu for and 'Twenty-third Ward, Borough of The Bronx, 5tlt day of November, rgu8, Secretary. 'luring the Space of ton days, as rc,tuired b, City of New Yurk. 'Third—That, provided there be no objections law•. filed to said abstract, our final last Partial and I)atcd Ii rntugh of 9lanhatlan, New York, Oe- (JUICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALI. separate report herein will be presented for con- DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND luhcr ?o. Igut. N persons interested in the above entitled ii rwatloll to the hupreme Court of the State of It, IIO\I \S S. SCt)TT, proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occu. Nety York, First Department, at a Special Term FERRIES. (A,:(I W. ffiIRIFN pant or occupants of all houses and lots and b'ereof, Part IIT., to be held in the County Jt)IlV W. JttNI-_S, improved and unimproved lands ahIectetl there- Court Ilouse, in the Borough of Manhattan, in S.A1.I: (i O1.1t MATERIAL. ('omtnissi,in, t of Estimate. by, and to all otbcrs whom it may concern, to 'I he City of New York, on the 16th day of '1'IIOU.\S S. SCO I, wit: November, Igo8, at the opening of the court on E0domissiumer of Assessment. i'irst—That the undersigned, Commissioners of that day. OSEI'll I'. D.vY, AUCTIONEER, WILL JiIlx 1'. DINS, P.stimate, have completed their estimate of dant- sont-th—In case, however, objections are filed J sell on behalf of the Deparinient of Docks Clerk age, and that all persons interested in this pro- to said last partial and separate abstract of esti- and Ferries on o3o,tu t ceediug, or in any of the lands, tenements and mate of damage, the notice of motion to confirm 7VI5UNESDAY, NOVEIUHER 4, ]DON, bereli1amcnts and promises affected them-by, hav- our final last partial and separate report herein ----- ------1119 any objection thereto, do file enmuiiclncing at to.3„ o'clock a. nt., at the south their said will stand adjourned to the date to be hereafter objections, iu writing, duly verified, with od of the Wall:tl+ lilt Iin;itt. llur0ogh of Bris k- FI1nST 1)EP.\RIMI NT. them specified, and of which notice will be given to at their Ellice, Nils. go and qa \Vest Itroachvay, all those who have theretofore appeared in this lyn, and continuing at the Department Yard at -- I in the Borough of 14lanhattan, the foot of East '1lventy-fourth street, East in The City of i'n,cceding, as well as by publication in the CITY Iu the matter of the application of The City of \ew York, on or helm the tzth day of Nuvent- R«ci'ao. pursuant to sections 981 and 984 of the River, Borough of Manhattan, the following lots her, tgo8,. and that the said Commissioners will of old material: Nety York, acting by and through tile Commi- Greater New York Clu'r;er, as amended by chap- si„ncr of I),,cks, relative to acyuiriug right and hear parties so objecting, and tor that pttrpo=c tcr bit of the Laws of pob. At the 6Nal1about Basin, Brooklyn. title t.i and p~,sty od i ❑ of cer:aiu upinmis and will be in attendance at their said uhice on the Dated, Borough of I1lanhattan, New York, lan,l<, wharf prupert~, wharfage rights, terms, 1 7th day of November, t 9 oR, at a o'clock a. tm. 0aubr-r 14, 1908. Lot No. i-4-inch by to-inch yellow pine tint- Sccund—That the umiticrslgnel, ber, dimensions about 30 feet by 30 feet, about utscnue0Is, e•tlm01ilneu[s and privileges neccs. Coansl,0n0 WM. E. STILLINGS, .salY to he taken fur the ituprots ment of the of .estimate'5ssessment, has completed his of Chairman; 9 courses deep. benefit, and that all persons interested Lot No. 2-4-inch by to-inch and 5-inch by 1em1•rtrOcl ,f The (ity of tNew York min the in this JAMES J. McCORMICK, NitRTlf RIVEIR, Lehicc-tm West Figkteeutb procecdin g, or in any of the lands, tenements SIDNEY J. COWEN, to-inch yellow pine timber, dimensions about 20 and kereutm0imenls feet by 35 feet, about 3 feet 8 inches deep. and \West Twenty-third st reel s, and the easterly anti premises affected thereby'• Commissioners. having any objection thereto, do file their said Lot No, 3-4-ine1t by to-inch yellow pine tim- rile ,if the ntargival street, cch;n-f or place, tdipird by objucii0uso in writing, duly verified, with hint bcr, about ca pieces 25 to 3o feet long; 6-inch the 1;oard of l),, cks and ;ttir~»-ed -- ii . the C„muiiissiimccrs of the Slinking Fund, at his office, Nos. go and 92 \Vest Broadway, -- by I2-inch yellow pine timber, one course, to to in the Borough of 141amltaltan, in The ('ity of ma feet long. :old pursuant t,r the plan heretofore adopted by (Lr Board of Ducks and approved by the New fork, on or before the tzth day of Navent SUPREME COURT-SECOND DE- Lot No. 4-3-inch by to-inch yellow pine him. ber, 1gn8, and that the said Commissioner will ber, dimensions about zo feet by 2t feet, about Cutmummuis.oiovcrs of the Sinking Fund. PARTMENT. hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose 7 courses deep. will be in attendance at his said office on the Lot No 5-4-inch by ro-inch yellow pine tiny OTICI~ IS HGREBY GIVEN '!'THAT \ 17th day of November, rgn8, at 1a o'clock noon. Sl-('OND Dml'.hprm1{N7-. her, dimensions about 22 feet by 24 feet, t2 N supplcnemmi;ml bill of cults, charges and Third—That the Coi missimtier of Assessment courses deep. cspcnses incurred by rea:,on of the proceedings has assessed any or all stuck lands, tenrnments Lot No. 6-4-inch by to-inch yellow pine tint- in the above entitled matter will be presented and hereditaments and premises as are within In the nta1tc•r of the application of The City of her, dimensions about 30 feet by 35 feet, 16 fur tauuiuu t., cue of the Iusticc-s of the 5u- the area of assessment fixed. and lirescrib,-d as Now York, t,-fa1ws. to acquiring title in fee to courses deep. him Court of the Stale of New York, First the area of assessment for benefit by the Board RI{\ISFN STREET, from the westerly ter. Lot No. 7-4-inch by to-melt and 4-inch by tz- I ic-partmitem, at a Special Ternt thereof, Part I., of Estimate and Apportionment on the 5th day [)units of the street as now in use and im- inch yellow pine timber, dimensions about 20 by Iii be hchl at the County Court house, in the - of April, 1907, and that the said area of assess- 1-rinsed to Furm;tn street. in the First Ward, in 35 feet by t foot 6 inches deep. Itorottgh of danhattan, in 'l'he City of New merit includes all those lands, tenements and till- 1btniugh of Itrmtokl)tm, 'rime City of New Lot Nu. 8—z-inch by to-inch and 4-inch by to- York, min the ttth clay of November, tgo8, at hereditaments and premises situate and being in York. inch yellow pine hither, dimensions about _6 to.3o u'cluck in furetrouu of that day, or as the Borough of The Bronx, in The City of Now feet by 27 feet by about 2 feet 6 inches deep. soon thereafter as Counsel cart be heard thereon, j York, which, taken together, are bounded and OTII'E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Lot No. 9-4-inch by to-inch yellow tine tim- anti that the said bill of costs; charges and ex- described as follows, viz.: ber, dimensions about 3o feet by 37 feet by 7 N Charles 11. l'n.clhy, Julian 1). Fairchild and pcnses has been deposited in the office of the I Bounded on the northeast by a line midway Leroy W. Russ were appointed by an order of courses deep. Clerk of the County of New York, there to re- between the northeasterly side of East One IIun- the Supreme Court, niade and entered the 14th 11456 THE CIT Y RECORD. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1908. day of October, Igo8, Commissioners of Estimate, York, No. 166 Montague street, in the Borough E, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMIS- be given to all those who have theretofore ap- and Julian 1). Fairchild, Commissioner of Assess- of Brooklyn, in said City, there to remain until W sioners of Estimate and Assessment in peared in this proceeding, as well as by publics. ment, m the above entitled proceeding. the 27th day of November, 19o8. the above-enti::ed matter, hereby give notice to tion in the CITY RECORD and in the corporation Notice is also given. that the above named Third-That the limits of our assessment for all persons interested in this proceeding. and newspapers, pursuant to sections gsI and Commissioners will attend at a Special Term for benefit include all those lands, tenements and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants 984 of the Greater New York Charter, as the hearing of motions, apuointed to be held at hereditaments and premises situate, lying and of all houses and lots and improved and unim- amended by chapter 658 of the Laws of 0906. the Kings County Court House, in the Borough being in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City proved lands affected thereby, and to all others Dated Borough of Brooklyn, New York, of Brooklyn, The City of New York, on the 16th of New York, which, taken together, are bounded whom it may concern, to wit: September 3o, 19o8. clay of November, tgo8, on the opening of the and described as follows, viz.: First-That we have completed our amended GEORGE B. BOYD, Beginning at a point formed by the intersection and supplemental estimate and assessment, and Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as Chairman; counsel can be heard; and at said time and of the westerly line of West street and the that all persons interested in this pt'oceeding, or MICHAEL H. QUINLAN, place, or at such other time and place as the centre line of the blocks between Forty-fourth in any of the lands, tenements and heredita- R. S. CORTELYOU, street and Forty-third street, and running thence ments and premises affected thereby, and hay. Court may direct, the said Commissioners may Commissioners, be examined under oath as to their qualifications northwesterly along said centre line to its inter- ing objections thereto, do present their said ob- JAMEa F. QUIGLEY, to act, and are subject to challenge by any party section with the easterly line of New Utrecht jections in writing, duly verified, to us at our Clerk. avenue; thence northerly along said easterly office, No, t66 Montague street, in the Borough or person interested in this proceeding, as pro- 015,-Jr vided by section 073 of title 4 of chapter 17 of line of New Utrecht avenue to its inter- of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on or the Charter of The City of New York. section with the centre line of the blocks before the tith day of November, 1908, and Dated New York, Borough of Brooklyn, Octo- between Forty-third and Forty-second streets; that we, the said Commissioners, will hear par- thence southeasterly along said last men- ties so objecting, and for that purpose will be ber 31, 1908. SUPREME COURT-THIRD JUDI- FR \NCIS K. FfM7TET0N, tioned centre line to its intersection with the in attendance at our said office on the tzth day Corporation Counsel. westerly line of West street; thence southerly of November, 1908, at 2 o'clock p. m, CIAL DISTRICT. 031,012 along said westerly line of West street to the Second-That the abstracts of our said amend- point or place of beginning as such area is shown ed and supplemental estimate and assessment, to- SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. on our benefit maps deposited aforesaid. gether with our damage and benefit maps, and THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Fourth-That, provided there be no objections also all the affidavits, estimates. proofs and other In the matter of the petition of Thomas F. Gil- filed to either of said abstracts, our final report documents used by us in making the same, have herein will be presented for confirmation to the been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings. ULSTER COUNTY. roy, Commissioner of Public Works of The Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second City of New York, tinder and in pursuance in the Law Department of The City of New Department, at a Special Term thereof for the York, No. 166 I\'fontague street, in the Borough Asholean Reservoir, Section No. 2, Town of of chapter 400 of the Laws of 1883. and the hearing of notions, to be held in the County Olive, Ulster County. laws amendatory thereof, on behalf of the of Brooklyn, in said City, there to remain until Court House, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in the 23d day of November, rgo8. \favor, Aldermen and Commonalty of The The City of New York, on the 28th day of De- City of New York. for the appointment of Third-'That the limits of our assessment for In the matter of the application and petition of ccmber, 19o8, at the opening of the Court on that hcaefit include all those lands, tenements and Commissioners of Appraisal under said acts. day. hereditaments and premises situate, lying and J. Edward Simmons. Charles N. Chadwick Fifth-In case, however, objections are filed to being in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City and Charles A. Shaw, constituting time Board either of said abstracts of estimate and assess- of Water Supply of The City of New York, CORNELL DAM-EIGIITII SUPPLOMENTAL PROCEED- of New York, which, taken together, are bounded to acquire real estate for and on behalf of ING. ment, the notice of notion to confirm our final and described as follows, viz,: report herein will stand adjourned to the date L'egiuning at a point on the easterly side of The City of New York, under chapter 724 of to be hereafter specified, and of which notice the Laws of 1go5, and the acts amendatory Notice of Filing and of Motion to Confirm the Flatbush avenue where the same is intersected thereof, in the Town of Olive, Ulster County, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Separate Re- will be given to all those who have theretofore by a line drawn parallel tvith Avenue 1) and dis- appeared in this proceeding, as well as by pub- New York, for the purpose of providing an forts. tant 135 feet easterly therefrom, said distance lication in the Crry RECORD and in the corpora- being taken at right angles to Avenue D; run- additional supply of pure and wholesome water lion newspapers, pursuant to sections 981 and ning thence easterly and parallel with Avenue D for the use of The City of New York. UBI.IC NOTICE IS ITEREBY GIVEN 984 of the Greater New York Charter, as amend- that the sixteciitlt and seventeenth separate to the westerly side of Rogers avenue; running P ed by chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906. thence southerly and along the westerly side of UBLIC NOTICE IS IIEREIIY GIVEN reports of Daniel O'Connell, \Villiam Murray P that the order of confirmation of the first and Edmund G. Sutherland, Commissioners of Dated Borough of Brooklyn, New York, Octo- Rogers avenue to a point distant 735 feet sottth- separate retort of Alan;un Page Smith, Regi- Appraisal in the above-entitled mater, were filed ber 20, rgol. erhy of the southerly line of Avenue D; run- naid W. Rives and Isaiah Fuller, who were ap- in the office of the Clerk ofthe County of ROSWELL H. CARPENTER, ning thence westerly and narallet with Avenue pointed Covtmissiouers of Appraisal ;u the Westchester, at White Plains, in sash County, Chairman; 1) to the easterly side of Flatbush avenue; run- above-entitled matter, by an order of this Court on September =9, 1908, and October 6, 19o8, re- EDMUND BROWN, ning thence northwesterly along the easterly made at a Special Term thereof, held at the GEORGE B. BOYI). side of Flatbush avenue to the point or place spectively. of beginning. Court house, in the City of Kingston, ulster Notice is further given that the sixteenth sep- Commissioners, County, New York, April 20, 1907, was filed arate report include, and affects the parcels of JAMES F. QUIGLEY, Fourth--That, provided there be no objections in the office of the Clerk of the County of Ul- land designated as Parcels Nos. 373, 38;, 386. Clerk, filed to either of said abstracts, our final report ster, at Kingston, N. Y., on the 29th day of and that the seventeenth 027,1113 herein will be presented for confirmation to the q!o, 422, 422'-_ and 435, Sunrernc Court of the State of New York, Sec- September, 1 o8, and affects parcels numbers separate report includes and affects the parcel seventy (7u), seventy-six (76), seventy-seven of land designated as Parcel No. tu5, in said ond Department, at a Special Term thereof for (77), hfty-four (5q), fifty-nine (H9), forty-five SECOND DEPARTMENT. the hearing of motions, to be held in the County proceeding. Court Ilouse, in the Borough of L'rooklyn, in (45), seventy-five (75), fifty-five (g5), fifty-seven Notice is further given that an application will (57),sixty-seven (67), sixty-eight (68), sev- be made at a Special Term of the Suircmc Court The City of New York on the zrst day of De- euty-eight (78), forty-seven (q7), forty-nine (q9), of the State of New York, to b held in and for In the matter of the application of The City of cember, Igo8, at the opening of the Court on that day. seventy-nine(79), sixty-three (6g), forty-three the Nintlt Ti'dicd al T7istrict. at t''c chambers of New York relative to acquiring title, wherever (43), sixty-nine (69) and fifty (So), shown on Mr. Ti' tice Martin T. Keogh, in the City of New the same has not been heretofore acquired, Fifth-In case, however, objections are filed the ntap in this proceeding. he, \Vi_stchrcter County, Nen' York. on to the lands, tenements and hereditaments to either of saidabstracts of estimate and as- Roch,- sessment, the notice of motion to confirm our I)ateci, New York, October g, Igo8, the 28th day of November, tgo8, at to o'clock required for the opcuiug and extending of FRANCIS KEY 1'ENDLETON, STERLING STREET, from Washington ave- final report herein will stand adjourned to the in the forenoon of that day, or as soon there date to he hereafter snecihcd, and of which no- Corporation Counsel. after as counsel can be hear'l, for orders con- nue to Ilrooklyn avenue, in the Twenty-ninth Ifall of Records, New York City. firnting said reports, and for such other and fur- \Yard, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New tice will be given to all those who have thereto- fore appcarcd in this precceding, as well as by ot7,n7 ther relief as may be just, York. Dated New York, October 30. Tnnq. publication in the CITY Recoan, and in the coT- poration newspapers, pursuant to sections q8t FR-\NCIS K. PENDLL'TON, WE, THE UNDERSIGNED COAfi\IIS- Corporation Counsel. and 084 of the Greater New York Charter, as PIIOPOSALS FOR BIDS AND ItEST1MATES ~l sinners of Estimate and Assessment in amended by chapter 658 of the laws of tgo6. Hall of Records, corner of Centre and Cham- theW above-entitled matter, hereby give notice to FOR THU CITY-ON AUW YORK. hers streets, Borough of Manha.tan, New York Dated, Itorou^h of Brooklyn, New York, Oc- all persons interested in this proceeding, and tober 20, 1908, City. to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants 031,07,14.2x.28 of all houses and lots and improved and unini- JOIIN R. FARRAR, NOTICE TO (;O1TRAf%TORS, Chairman: proved lauds affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit: ARTTTITR I11 CI<\VT'I'IT, SECOND DEPARTMENT JOSEPH A. GUIDER, GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. First-That we have completed our estimate Commissioners, and assessment, and that all persons interested JAntes F. QUIGLEY, In the matter of the application of The City of in this proceeding. or in any of time, tene- New York, relative to scghiring title avierevor ments and Itcreditantents and premses affected Clerk. The person or persons making a bid or estimate the same has not been heretofore acquired, for thereby, and having objections thereto, do pre- 021,11 10 for any sereices, work, materials or supplies for the same purpose, to the lands, t(ncmcnis and sent their said objections in writing, duly veri- 'file City of New York. or for any of its depart- nteuts, bureaus or offices, shall furnish the same hereditanients required for an easement f tied, to us at our office, No. x66 Montague street, SECOND DEPARTMENT. sewer purposes in LYMAN AVENUE (although in the Borough of ltruoklyn, in The City of New in a scaled envelope, indorsed with the title of the supplies, materials, work or services for which not yet named by proper authority), between York, o n or before 1 2th clay Nuof v cutbcr Tompkins avenue and Summer street, in the t9o8, and that we, the said Commissioners, will In the matter of the application of The City of the bid or estimate is made, with his or their Fourth Ward, Borough of Richutond, City of hear parties so objecting, and for that purl>ose New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever name or names and the date of presentation to New York. will be in attendance at our said office on the time s nto has bu!I heretofore acquired, ' to - the President or hoard or to the head of the 16th day of November, 1908, at 2 o'clock p. m. the lands, tenements and hereditaments re- I>•epartmeut at his or its office, on or before the quired for the opening and extruding of date and hour named in the advertisement for OTICE IS ITEREBY GIVEN TILvT THE Second-That the abstracts of our said esti- mate and assessment, together with our damage SIXTY-FOURI'l1 STREET, from Sixth ave- tliV saute, at which time and place the estimates N bill of costs, charges and expenses in- and benefit neaps, and also all the affidavits, es- nue to New Utrecht avenue, in the Thirtieth received will be publicly opened by the President ettrred by reason of the proceedings in the above timates, proofs and other documents used by Ward, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New or Board or head of said Department and read, cntitlerl matter, will be presented for taxation to us in making the same, have been deposited in York and the award of the contract made according one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the the bureau of Street Openipt's, in the Law De to law as soon thereafter as practicable. State of New York, Second Department, at a Each bid or estimate s11all contain the name Special Terns thereof, to be held for the hearing partment of The City of New York, No. 166 W E, TILE UNDERSIGNED COMMISS Montague street, in the Borough of Ilrooklyn, of Estimate and Assessment in and place of residence of the person making the of motions at the County Court house in the in said City, there to remain until the 23d day same, and names of all persons interested with borough of Brooklyn, in 'I'hc City of New York, the above entitled matter, hereby give notice to hint therein, and, if no other person be so inter- of November, ,gob. all persons interested in this proceeding, and to on the 13th clay of November, 1908, at to. 30 Third-That the limits of our assessment for ested, it shall distinctly state that fact; also, that o'clock in forenoon of that day, or as soon there- the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of it is made without any connection with any other after as counsel can be beard thereon; and that bereft include all those lands, tenements and all houses and lots and improved and unimproved hereditaments and premises situate, lying and lands aitected thereby, and to all others whom t~er::on making an estimate for the same purpose, the said hill of costs, charges and expenses has being in the Borough of Brooklyu, in The City and is in all respects fair and without collusion been deposited in the office of tile Clerk of the it may concert), to wit: or fraud. and that no member of the Board of County of Richmond, there to remain for and of New York, which, taken together, are bounded hirst-'that we have completed our estimate and described as follows, viz.: and assessment, and that all persons interested Aldermen, head of a department, chief of a hiring the space of ten days, as required by Beginning at a point on the easterly side of in this prucecdtug, or its any of the lands, tene bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other law. Wfashingion avenue where the same is inter- offirer of The City of New York is. shall be or meats and hereditaments and premises affected beco me interested, directly or indirectly, as con- Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, sected by the centre live of the block between thereby, and having objections thereto, do pre- October 29, tgo8. Sterling street and Aialbune street; running sent their said objections in writing, duly yen' tracting party, partner, stockholder. surety of JAMES B(iRKE. JR., thence easterly andalong the centre line of the lied, to us at our office, No. 166 Montague otberwtse in or in the performance of the con- 11ERN.ARI) AIUI.1.IN, block between Sterling street and Dlalbone street ,trect, in the Borough of Ilrooklyn, in The City tract, or in the supplies, work or business to W. C. ROWLAND, to the westerly side of Brooklyn avenue; run• of New York, on or before the 4th day of which it relates, or in any portion of time profits Commissioners of Estimate; ping thence southerly and along the westerly .November, 19o8, and that we, the said Commis- thereof. The hid or estimate must he verified by JAMES BURKE, JR., side of Brooklyn avenue to the centre line , sioners, will hear parties so objecting, and for the oath, in writing, of the party or parties mak- Commissioner of Assessment. t he block between Lefferts avenue and Stering that purpose will be in attendance at our said ing the estimate that the several matters stated JouN P. DUNN, street; running thence westerly and along tic herein are in all respects true. office oil the 6th day of November, tgo8, at 2 Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by Clerk. centre line of the blocks between Lefferts ave- o'clock p. m. 029,1110 nne and Sterling street to the easterly side of Second-That the abstracts of our said esti- the consent, in writing, of two householders or Washington avenue; running thence northerly mate and asscssnrent, together with our damage freeholders in The City of New York. or of a and northeasterly along the easterly side of and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estt- guaranty or surety company duly authorized by law to act as surety, and shall contain the matters SECOND DEPARTMENT. Washington avenue to the point or place of be- ntates, proofs and other documents used by us gut nifl. in staking the same, have been deposited in the set forth in the blank forms mentioned below. Fourtli-That, provided there be no objections llurcau of Street Openings, in the Law Depart- No bill or estimate will be considered unless. filed to either of said abstracts, our final report ment of The City of New York, No. 166 as a condition precedent to the reception or con- In the matter of the application of The City of sidcration of any proposal, it be accompanied by New York relative to acquiring title, wherever herein will be presented for confirmation 'o the Ivluntague street, in the Borough of Brookly n, in the same has not been heretofore acquired, to Sunrente Court of the State of New York, Sec- said ('by, there to remain until the 14th day of a certified check upon one of the State or Na- the lands, tenements and hereditaments required ond Department, at a Special Term thereof for Nuvcmbcr, 19o8. tional banks of The City of New York, drawn to for the opening and extending of FOIt'CY- the hearing of motions, to be held in the County 1'hiild--'That the limits of our assessment for the order of the Comptroller, or money to the THIRD STREET, from New Utrecht avenue Court Ifouse, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in benefit include all those lands, tenements and amount of five per centum of the amount of the The City of New York, on the 28th day of Dc- nand required, as provided in section 420 of the to West street, in the Twenty-ninth and Thir- lerctitanems and premises situate, lying and Greater New York Charter, tieth Wards, Borough of Brooklyn, City of cember, 1908, at the opening of the Court on being in file Borough of Brooklyn, in The City that day. The certified check or money should not be in- New York. of New York, which, taken together, are bounded close•d in the envelope containing the bid or esti- Fifth-In case, however, objections are filed and described as follows, viz.: to either of said abstracts of estimate and as- Beginning at a point on the westerly side of ntate, but should be either inclosed in a separate E, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMIS- envelope addressed to the head of the Depart. sessment, the notice of motion to confirm our New Utrecht avenue, where the same is inter- meat, President or Board, or submitted personally W sioners of Estimate and Assessment in final report herein will stand adjourned to the sected by the centre line of the block between the above entitled matter, hereby give notice to date to be hereafter specified, and of which no- Sixty-third street and Sixty-fourth street; run. opnn the presentation of the bid or estimate. all persons interested in this proceeding, and to nirng thence westerly parallel with Sixty-fourth For particulars as to the quantity and qualit y tice will he given to all those who have thereto- of the supplies, or the nature and extent of th the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of fore appeared in this proceeding, as well as by street to the southeasterly side of Sixth avenue; all houses and lots and improved and unimproved tu:blication in the CITY RECORD, and in the cor- running thence southwesterly along the south- work, reference must be made to the sttecifica- lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it tions, schedules, plans, etc., on file in the said poration newspapers, pursuant to sections q81 easterly side of Sixth avenue to the centre line office of the President, Board or Department. may concern, to wit: and 984 of the Greater New York Charter. as of the block between Sixty-fourth street and First-That we have completed our amended amended by chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906. Sixty-fifth street; running thence southeasterly No hid shall be accepted from or contract and supplemental estimate and assessment, and Dated, Borough of Brooklyn. New York, Oc- and along the centre line of the block between awarded to any person who is in arrears to The that all persons interested in this proceeding, or tober 21, 1908, Sixty-fourth street and Sixty-fifth street to the City of New York upon debt or contract, or who in any of the lands, tenements and hereditaments JOHN W. FOX, westerly side of New Utrecht avenue; running is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any and premises affected thereby, and having objec- GEORGE ECKSTEIN, thence nort:.erly along the westerly side of New nblieation to the City. tions thereto, do present their said objections in Commissioners. Utrecht avenue to the place of t,eginning. 'flte contract must be hid for separately. writing, duly verified,to us at our office, No. JAMES F. QUIGLEY, Fourth-That, provided there be no objections The right is reserved in each case to reject 166 Montague street, in the Borough of Brook- all bids or estimates if it is deemed to be for the Clerk. filed to either of said abstracts, our final' report interest of the City so to do. lyn in The City of New York, on or before the oz3,nio herein will he presented for confirmation to the r6tfi day of November, 19o8, and that we, the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Bidders will write out the amount of their bids said Commissioners, will hear parties so object- or estimates in addition to inserting the same in Second Department, at a Special Term thereof figures. ing, and for that purpose will be in attendance SECOND DEPARTMENT. for the hearing of motions, to be held in the at our said office on the i8th day of November, Bidders are requested to make their bids or County Court house, in the Borough of Brook- estimates upon the blank forms prepared and 19o8, at s o'clock p. m. In the matter of the application of The City of lyn, in The City of New York, on the 2,51 day Second-That the abstracts of our said amend- furnished by the City, a copy of which, with the New York relative to acquiring title, wherever of December, 1908, at the opening of the Court proper envelope in which to inclose the bid, to- ed and supplemental estimate and assessment, to- the same has not been heretofore acquired, on that day. gether with our damage and benefit maps, and Fifth-In case, however, objections are filed gether with a copy of the contract, including the to the lands, tenements and hereditaments specifications, In the approved by the Cor- also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other required for the opening and extending of to either of said abstracts of estimate and assess- documents used by us in making the same, have poration Counsel, can he obtained upon appliea- AVENUE D. from Flatbush avenue to Rogers ment, the notice of motion to confirm our final tinn therefor at the office of the Department for been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings avenue, in the Twenty-ninth Ward, Borough report herein will stand adjourned to the date to which the work Is to be done. Plans and draw. in the Law Department of The City of New of Brooklyn, City of New York. bee hereafter spePe cified, fled, and of which notice will ings of construction work may also be seen there. THE CITYREc0RD. r


There shall be published daily, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, under a contract to be made as hereinafter provided, a paper to be known as the CITY Rzcoitrs. And said CITY RECORD, and the newspapers now by law designated as corporation newspapers in the present City of Brooklyn, shall be the only papers to be Included within the term corporation newspapers, as the same is used anywhere in this act ; . . . . There shall be inserted in said CITY RxcoRD nothing aside from such official matters as are expressly authorized. . . . . All advertising required to be done for the City, except as in this act otherwise specially provided, and all notices required by law or ordinance to be published in corporation papers, shall be inserted at the public expense only in the CITY Racoan, and the publication therein shall be a sufficient compliance with any law or ordinance requiring publication of such matters or notices. . . . . The Comptroller shall cause a continuous series of the CITY RECORD to be bound as completed, quarterly, and to be deposited with his certificate thereon in the office of the Register of Deeds of the County of New York, in the County Clerk's office of said County, and in the office of the City Clerk, and copies of the contents of any of the same, certified by such Register, County Clerk or City Clerk, shall be received in judicial proceedings as prima facie evidence of the truth of the contents thereof.—§x526, Greater New York Charter.

OCTOBER, i 9o8,



GEORGE 8. meCiiHI,atLlA]Y, Mayor.

FRANCIS K. PEI'IbLkET0N, Corporation Counsel. . HsR]MA$ A. MSTZ, Comptroller.

PATRICIK J. TRACY, Supervisor.

M. B. BROWN CO., PRINTERS Nos. 49-57 Park Plaoe, NEW YORK. ~t "F

r' OCTOBER, 1908.


\LDERMEN, BOARD OF- .\LI)ERMEN, BOARD OF- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- Application made for issuance of Special Revenue Bonds, Issue Special Revenue Bonds, proceeds used by Department Southwest corner of Bathgate avenue and ]85th street. proceeds added to account of Salaries, Tenement of Public Charities, for purpose of meeting deficiencies, Borough of The Bronx, watering trough, 10871. House Department, 10282. [1053. Shinkman, A., permission to keep storm door, No. 310 Amendment, sections 458, 456, 458B, 1o583. Issue Special Revenue Bonds, for alterations to Aquarium, ('rand street, Borough of Manhattan ,tro58. Authorize to purchase, without public letting, automobile for Battery Park, rto55- Schroeder, John, permission to keep awning, No. 3745 3d official use, Borough of Queens, I 1o55. Issue Special Revenue Bonds, for repairs to Ludlow Street avenue, Borough of The Bronx, iio58. Board of Aldermen urges the Public Service Commission to Jail, 11o56. Temple Emanu-El, southwest corner of ,4th avenue and station at every crossing on t ith avenue two flagmen, Issue Special Revenue Bonds, for maintenance and trans- 49th street, Borough Park, Borough of Brooklyn, lantp- day and night, etc., 10282. purtatien of prisoners, 11366. _ posts, 10287. Bates numbering machine, draw warrants in favor of, 10283. Kendall, F. Edwin, permission to have man in costume Transcript of such of his accounts as have been closed or Bon Bon Company, permission to drive advertising hansom parade, Borough of Manhattan, 1o286, finally settled, io868. through streets, Borough of Manhattan, 1o286. Kern, William, No. 202 East 63d street, permission to drive United States 'Telephone Supply Company, warrants in favor Board of Aldermen, sympathy of, 10871. advertising wagon, Borough of Manhattan, 10583. of, 10283. Bloomingdale Brothers station a man with uniform and Keene, F. George, No. 114 West r4th street, permission United States Express Company, warrants in favor of, 10871. umbrella sign on corners, Borough of Manhattan, 10870 to parade with advertising signs, Ito,ough of Manhat- United Teamsters and Chauffeurs of America, permission Boyle, Win., permission to drive advertising automobile tan, 10872. to drive advertising wagon, Borough of The Bronx, through streets, tzo58. 11368. League of American Municipalities, warrant in favor oi, Communications from City, County and Borough officers, 10282. Walsh, James, permission to drive advertising wagon, Bur- ough of Manhattan, 10583. 10282, io866, 11050, 11363. Long Island Subway celebration, warrants in favor of, City Surveyor appointed, 10285, 10870, 10871. 10284. APPELLATE DIVISION, SUPREME COURT- Commissioners of Deeds appointed, 10285, 10871, 11057. Minutes of stated meeting, to28r, 10577, io865, 11057, 1136'. Chambers and hours, 10330. Consider application of Lieutenants of Police for increase of Messrs. Price & Rosenbaum, Nu. 1295 Broadway, Borough salary, 1o286. of Brooklyn, permission granted to build ornamental APPROVED PAPERS- Coutrie, H., No. 470 West 166th street, permission to drive outside showcase, 10286. American Real Estate Company, owner of property, author' advertising wagons through streets, Borough of Brook- \larki & Co., Limited, permission to keep storm door, Nos. iced to pave at its own expense streets, Borough of The lyn, '0287. 193 and 195, West street, Borough of Manhattan, '0286. Bronx, 11431. Commissioners of Accounts, directed to furnish the following Mayor, messages from, 10577, to865, 11049, 11361• Board of Aldermen, sympathy of, 11341. information at once, 10870. Motions, ordinances and resolutions, 10872. Barry. H. John. permission to erect temporary awning, No. Contract for rcp; irs to steamer "'Thomas S. Itrennan," Minsker Young Friends' Benevolent Association, permis- 1,63 Bedford avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, 10729. without public letting, 10584, sion to drive advertising wagon, Borough of Manhattan, Com m issioners of Deeds appointed, to385, 10730, 10915, Claremont Heights Congregation, 167th street and Teller 10873. 11185. avenue, Borough of The Bronx, 1u872. Markwitz Herman, permission to erect iron stairway, No. ('outrie, M. H., No, 470 West r66th street, permission to Complaint on West Side, Borough of )danhattan, against 102 West totst street, Borough of Manhattan, 11368- playing of children in streets, Ito58. drive two advertising wagons, Borough if Brooklyn. New York and New Jersey Telephone Companies, pay hills 10385. Corner of College avenue and Ohio place, Westerleigh, of, 10284. Borough of Richmond, are light, r 1058. City Surveyor appointed, 10731. Northwest corner of West 134th street and Lenox avenue, Curry, M'. Thomas, Association, permission to parade with Dr. William Biddle, permission to parade men with ad- Borough of Manhattan, watering trough, 10871. banner through streets. Borough of Manhattan, 11185. vertising signs through streets, Borough of Manhattan, Nantes confirmed and elected members of Young America Dalury Brothers, permission to keep storm door, Nos. 709 10287. Hose Company, Town of Flushing, Borough of Queens, and 711 Broadway, corner of Debevuise street, Bur- Dalury Brothers, permission to keep storm door, Nos, 709 10871. ough of Brooklyn, (0914. and 711 Broadway, corner of Debevoise street, Borough No. 603 Grand street, Borough of Brooklyn, lamp-posts, Electric lights placed at different points, Borough of 7-he of Brooklyn, 10a87. 10870. Itronx, 10729, 10914. Department of Public Charities, general administration Ninth Ward Originals, Incorporated, permission to drive Employees of City of New York, members of Fire Depart. supplies and contingencies, io58t. advertising wagon, Borough of Manhattan, t 1368. ❑rent, granted leave of absence, ttt85. Dahlbender, Anthony, permission to keep ornamental post, National Horse Show Association, permission to keep tern- Evangelical Lutheran Church of Incarnation, Borough of No. 603 Grand street, Borough of Brooklyn, 11368. porary runway outside walk, Madison Square Garden, Brooklyn, lamp-posts, t t t 85. Delecker, Charles, permission to erect storm door on Web- 11368. Execute a contract or agreement for repairing damage to ster avenue side of his premises, Borough of The Bronx, Office and office hours, 10328. steamer "Thomas S. Brennan," r 1431. 11368. Ordinance, issue of Corporate Stock, means for construe- Establishment of grades of positions in Depaijment of Parks, Electric lights placed at different locations, Borough of The lion of bridge over East River, Boroughs of 'Manhattan Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, r1431. Bronx, 10286, and Queens, 10283. Franken, Roman & Co., permission to place ornamental Employees of City of New York, members of Volunteer Fire Ordinance, issue of Corporate Stock, means for payment post, Nos. 258 to 266 6th avenue, Borough of Manhat- Department, granted leave of absence, etc, 10287. of bills of Title Guarantee and Trust Company, etc., tan, 10729. Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Incarnation, east side of site for municipal court building, 10283. Gas mains laid, lamp-posts erected, etc.. through streets, 4th avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, lamp-posts, 10583. Ordinance to amendCode of Ordinances of The City of Borough of The Bronx, 10729. Establishment of grades of position in Department of Parks, New York relatjve to naming of bridges over East "Gambler of the West" Company, permission to parade Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, 10870. River, 11025. during week of September 21, 1908, 10720. Equipments for Third District Municipal Court, Borough Ordinance, widen roadway of 79th street, between 7th ave Grace Presbyterian Church, Jefferson and Stuyvesant ave of Brooklyn, 11057, rue and Stillwell avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, 10872. rues, Borough of Brooklyn, lamp-posts, t i 185. General Orders, 10582, 10872, 1 1055. IIrdinance, issue of Corporate Stock, means for erection Hughes, James, permission to parade with advertising sign Grace Presbyterian Church, corner of Jefferson and Stuy- of new wing in Kings County Hospital, Borough of through streets, Borough of Manhattan, 10914. vesant avenues, Borough of Brooklyn, lamp-posts, 10583. Brooklyn, 11051. Barris, Joseph, No- io5 West 16th street, permission to Guthenger, F. Charles, permission to parade with ad- Ordinance, issue of Corporate Stock for extension of high- parade men with advertising sign, Borough of Man- vertising signs through streets, Borough of Manhattan, pressure water service for lire and other purposes. hattan, 11185. 11367. Borough of Manhattan, 11051. Iludson and Manhattan Railroad Company, permission to llughes, James, permission to parade with advertising signs Ordinance, issue of Corporate Stock to provide for City erect lamp-posts with illuminated signs, 11431. through streets, Borough of Manhattan,, jo286. share of construction, etc., of viaduct across Sunnyside Issue Special Revenue Bonds, proceeds to supply deficiency Hungarian Congregation Beth Ilamedrash llagadol, No. 242 yard, I1o52. in appropriation for salaries, etc., year 1go8, Borough 7th avenue, Borough of Manhattan, lamp-posts, 10287. Occupant of premises Nos. 218 and 220 2d street, Borough of Brooklyn, 11431. Harris, Joseph, No. zo6 West 16th street, permission to of Manhattan, permission to erect a storm door, 11058. Issue Special Revenue Bonds for purpose of enabling the parade with advertising signs, Borough of Manhattan, Ordinance, relative to contracts for plumbing work for City Register of Kings County to employ temporary Copyists, 10584. of New York, [1058. etc., 1r431. Iferschell street, south of Halsey place, Cebrie I'ark, corner Ordinance, issue of Corporate Stock, means for additional l'ertnedy, John, permission to drive advertising wagon of Gleason and Pugsley avenues, etc., Borough of The carving on Museum of Arts and Sciences, Borough of through streets, Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, Bronx, electric lights, (o584. Brooklyn, (1364. i0729. Hudson and Manhattan Railroad Company, permission to Ordinance, issue of Corporate Stock, means for construc- Kendall, F. Edwin, permission to have a man in costume erect lamp-posts, with illuminated signs, on Broadway, tion of, equipping playgrounds at Siegel. McKibben parade through streets, Borough of Richmond, 10914. 10871. and White streets. Borough of The Bronx, 11364. Keene, F. George, No. 114 West '4th street, permission to Ordinance, issue of Corporate Stock, means for construc- Issue Special Revenue Bonds, for improvement to 1)iscipliu- parade men with advertising signs, Borough of Man- tion of bridge at 1st avenue and Shore road, Borough ary Training School, Borough of 1srooklyn, 10282, hattan, 11431• of Brooklyn, 11364. Issue Special Revenue Bonds, to pay prevailing rate of League of American Municipalities, warrants in favor of, Petitions and communications, 10281, 10578, to865, 11.362. wages to Flaggers, Department of Water Supply, (:as 10730. President of the Borough of Brooklyn and various depart' and Electricity, 10282. 'slinark & Friedberg, permission to drive advertising wagon mental heads, take steps to abate nuisance, or cause, Issue Special Revenue Bonds, for maintenance and repairs through streets. Borough of Manhattan, 10729. removal of steel rails or tracks on Atlantic avenue, of streets, Borough of Brooklyn, 10283. \larkt & Co., Limited, permission to keep storm door. Nov. 11368. Issue Special Revenue Bonds, for repairs to sewers, Brook- 193 and 195 West street, Borough of Manhattan, 10914. Report of standing committees. 10282, (0870, 11053• lyn, 1o283. \lisker Young Friends' Benevolent Association. permission Reference in employment of persons upon public works, Issue Special Revenue Bonds, for account of supplies and to drive advertising wagon through streets. Borough 70286. contingencies, office of District Attorney, Queens of Manhattan, t 1432. Requested to place and maintain some kind of lights to County, 00283. New synagogue, No. 65 East 3d street, Borough of Man- property West 188th street, Borough of The Bronx, Issue Special Revenue Bonds, for equipping Court of Special hattan, lamp-posts, 10385. 10584. Sessions, Brooklyn, 10284. Northwest corner of Garden street and Southern boulevard, Sculley, Joseph V., Acting Deputy Clerk, Borough of Brook- Issue Special Revenue Bonds, for Building Code Commis- Borough of The Bronx, watering trough, 10729. lyn, draw warrants in favor of, 10284. sion, 10284. Northeast corner of 12th avenue and West 55th street, Sacks & Co., to erect storm door within stoop line, Borough Issue Corporate Stock, for erection of proposed new peni- Borough of Manhattan, watering trough, r0914. of Manhattan, 10286. tentiary on Rikers Island, 10580. Neshwiser Young Men's Benevolent Association, permis- Schlang, A., No. 8 Myrtle avenue, permission to drive siort to drive advertising wagon through streets, Bor- Issue Special Revenue Bonds, proceeds used for painting advertising wagon through streets, Borough of Brook- ough of Manhattan, to914- West Washington Market, Borough of Manhattan, lyn, 10286. No. 6o3 Grand street. Borough of Brooklyn, lamp-posts, 10583. Southeast corner of Renwick and Canal streets, Borough of 114S1. Increase wages of Assistant Tappers, Department of Water Manhattan, watering trough, 10286. Office and office hours, 10328. Supply, Gas and Electricity, 10584. Slutzker Young Men's Benevolent Association, permission Ordinance to amend Code of. Ordinances of The City of Issue Special Revenue Bonds, to enable Register of Kings to drive advertising wagon, Borough of Manhattan, New York relative to naming of bridges over the East County to employ Temporary Copyists, 10872. (0584, River, 10730, Issue Special Revenue Bonds, to increase pay of Hustlers, Southwest corner of 17th street and Avenue B, Borough Ordinance, issue of Corporate Stock for payment of bills Department of Street Cleaning, 10872. of Manhattan, watering trough, 10584• of Title Guarantee and Trust Company, etc., 10731. IV INDEX TO CITY RECORD-OCTOBER. VOL XXXVI.—PART X.

APPROVED PAPERS— BROOKLYN, BOROUGH OF— DISTRICT ATTORNEY, RICIIMONI) COUNTY— Ordinance, issue of Corporate Stock, means for use of Miscellaneous work, 10420, 1o61o. Office and office hours, 10330. Topographical Bureau, Borough of The Bronx, 11431. Office and office hours, 10329. Permission given to various political organizations and asso- Operations of Bureau of Buildings, 10420, Iu61o, 11243. DOCKS AND FERRIES, DE1'ARTME'NT OF— ciations to erect stands for political meetings, 10729. Permit Department, 10419. Auditor reported, 10288, 10373, 10458, 10813. Requested to, draw warrants, 10731. Proposals, regulating and repaving with iron slag pave- Rids received August io, i9u8, for repairs to asphalt Southeast corner of Vernon avenue and Hamilton street, ment roadway of 40th street, 10680. pavement rejected and ordered readvertised, 10287. Borough of Queens, watering trough, 10729. Proposals, regulating, grading and curbing Cornelia street. Communications received, actions taken, 10287, 10298, 10372, Simon, H., & Son, permission to drive advertising wagon 11227. 10457, 10814, 10894. through streets, Borough of Manhattan, 10729. Report of President, 10419, 10608, 11217, 11242, 11270. Cashier reported, 10288, 111373, 11(458. Southeast corner of Prospect avenue and Loth avenue, Chief Engineer reported, ru328, 10428, I0894. Borough of Brooklyn, watering trough, 10729. CIIAMBERLAIN- Charges of misconduct preferred, 10288. Southeast corner of 134th street and Brook avenue, Bor- (See Finance Department.) Department orders issued, 10287, 10.288, 10327, 10374, 10420, ough of The Bronx, watering trough, 10730. Office and office hours, 10328. 10813, 10894. Schlang, A., No. 8 Myrtle avenue, permission to drive Leave of absence granted, 10813. CHANGE OF GRADE DAMAGE COMMISSION- advertising wagon through streets, Borough of Brook- Office and office hours, (0328. lyn, 10730. Advertisenrents, 10332, 10382, 10429, 10463, 10511, 1o569, Proposals, furnishing and delivering cement, 10334, 10383, Slutzker Young Men's Benevolent Association, permission to io6o6, 10688, 10735, 10776, 10829, 10854, 10884, 10909, 10425, 10466. drive advertising wagon through streets, Borough of 10949, 10973, 10989, 11041, 11151, 11168, 11207, '1231. Permits revoked, 10894. Brooklyn, 10731. 11258, 11358, 11454. Reassignments, 10288. Saks & Co., permission to erect storm door, Broadway, be- Repaired and painted recreation structure on Pier (new) CHANGES IN DEPARTMENTS, ETC.— tween 33d and 34th streets, Borough of Manhattan, 43, North River, 10372. 10913. Advertisements, 10327, 10374, 10420, 10460, 10507, 10564, Repaired pier foot of 91st street, East River, 10372. 10597, 10685, 10732, 10772, 10819, 10875, 10801, Southwest corner of 17th street and Avenue B, Borough 10850, Recommending the issuance of orders, 10457. 10939, 10962, 10986, 11033, 11136, 11166, 11199, 11223, of Manhattan, watering trough, 11185. Report for the quarter ending June 30, 1908, 10745. 112 Southwest corner of Bathgate avenue and 185th street, Bor- 54, 11341, 11437• Sale of old material, 11354. ough of The Bronx, watering trough, 11431. Submitting list of persons eligible for appointment, 10420. CHARITIES, PUBLIC, DEPARTMENT OF— Temple Emanu-Eh, southwest corner of 14th avenue and Sealed bids or estimates received, 10420. 49th street, Borough Park, Borough of Brooklyn, lamp- Description of unknown men, 10321, 10772, logos. Statement showing revenue and disbursements, Department posts, 10731. Description of unknown woman, 10900. of f locks and Fer: ics for three months ending June 30. List of changes in the service of Department, 10321, 10771, United States Telephone Supply Company, warrants in favor 1908, 10745- of, 10731. 10899. Welch, F. Michael, permission to drive advertising wagon Office and office hours, 10329. EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF— through streets, Borough of Brooklyn, 10729. Proposals accepted, 1077!. Appropriations, Io5o6, 10560. West's Meat Market, permission to place and keep tem- Proposals, furnishing and delivering furniture, carpets, Appointing persons to positions to which they have been porary overhead slide, No. 4007 3d avenue, Borough of china, etc., for Janeway Hall, City Hospital, Blackwells nominated, to36.,. Brooklyn, 10729. Island, 10777, 10904. Assigning two additional Teachers to school for deaf, Public Walsh, James, permission to drive advertising wagon through Weekly reports, 10321, 10771, 10899. School 47, Borough of Manhattan, 10560. streets, t t 185. CITY CHAMBERLAIN— Contracts entered into, 10288, to8to, 10893. Contracts awarded, too, 10559. AQUEDUCT COMMISSION— Commissions from Court and Trust Funds, month of Sep- Increasing compensation of Inspectors, 1o56,. Advertisements, 11441. tember, rgo8, 10564. Minutes of Executive Committee, 10505. Office and office hours, 10328. Abstract of expenditures and liabilities, month of Septem- Minutes of stated meeting, 10559. ber, 1808, 11186. Statement of Mortgage Tax Bureau for the quarter ending Miscellaneous reports, topo6, to56I. Office and office hours, 10328. September 30, 1908, Io6g8. Office and office hours, 10328. ART COMMISSION— CITY CLERK— Proposals, furnishing and delivering gross tons of anthracite coal for entire borough, r0332. Approves designs for sculpture to be placed on Eastern Office and office hours, 10328. Proposals for furniture for addition to Public School 64, parkway facade of Brooklyn Institute of Arts and on Belmont avenue, Berriman and Atkins streets, Bor- Sciences, 10322. CITY COURT— ough of Brooklyn, 10567. Approves designs for sculpture to be placed on west eleva- Chambers and hours, 10330. Persons appointed to Inspectors, Local Superintendents and tion of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Operators, Io56o. 10322. CITY MAGISTRATES' COURT— Promoting Teachers, io56o. Aproves substitution of a drinking fountain, East 14th Chambers and hours, 10330. Proposals, furnishing and delivering supplies to Stuyvesant street, near 1st avenue, 10322. COMPTROLLER— Evening Trade School, Borough of Manhattan, 10825. Approves designs and location of a power house, laundry, Reports and resolutions, to5o6. etc., for Metropolitan Hospital, 10322. (See Finance Department.) Transferring Teachers, io56o. Approves designs and location of balconies and fire escapes Office and office hours, 10328. Transferring Principals, 10560. on children's hospital and schools, Randalls Island, CORONERS— 10322. Office and office hours, 10329. ELECTIONS, BOARD OF- Approves designs and location of building containing wait- of rcgistratiou and pulling places and b )uudaries of ing room on dock foot of East 53d street, 10322. CORPORATION COUNSEL— election districts, 104,36, tud76, 1,,612, 10700, Approves designs and location of bronze tablet on exterior (See Law Department.) 10393, 10748. wall, Public School 3, Borough of Manhattan, 10322. Office and office hours, 10329. Approves designs and location of a foot bridge over Park Oltice and office hours, I '328. avenue railroad cut at Park avenue and 174th street, CORRECTION, DEPARTMENT OF— Proposals for furnishing and delivering official and sample ballots for elccti„n purpose:,, 111467, 10515. ,o688, 10780. 10322. Appointed, 1327, 1o556, 10889, 11425. Approves designs and location of a fence to surround prop- Annual report of all district prisons for 1907, [0818. ESTIMATE AND AI'1'OR'TIONMENT, lto.\RD OF— erty of new Bellevue Hospital, 10322. Communications received, 10326, I„556, 10898, 11425. Approves designs for bridge connecting Wanamaker and Contracts awarded, 11425. Advertisements, 10334, 114 8. Stewart buildings, 10322. Dismissed, 10327, 10556, 11425. Approval of various resolutions by the Mayor, 10302. Approves, but as preliminary drawings, designs and loca- Dropped from the roll, 11425. Approves of transfer of Assistan. Engineer from Metro- tion of signs to be placed oil hall of Records, 10322. Number of prisoners remaining June 30, igo8, 1,249. politan Sewerage Commission, etc., 10307. Approves designs and location of bridge, junction of Mott Office and office hours, 10328. Approves of issue of Corporate Stock, nicaus for additional avenue and the tracks of Spuyten Duyvil and Port Proposals accepted, 10326, 10556, 10898, 11425. carving on pediment, Sluscuni of Arts and Sciences. Morris Branch of New York and Hudson River Rail- Proposals, furnishing and delivering hardware, paints, etc., Borough of Brooklyn, 10313. road, 10322. and miscellaneous articles, 10335. Application for issue of Corporate Stock for new Peni- Committees reported progress, 10322, Proposals, furnishing labor and materials for erection and tentiary, Rikers Island, tioi6. Minutes, 10321. completion of the improvement of City Prison, Borough Avenue A, northeast corner of East 73d street, Borough of Submission, 10321. of Brooklyn, 10576, 10909, 10949. Manhattan, receiving basins, t 11(79. Report of transactions, 10326, 10556, 10898. .academy street, bet wcell Washington avenue and Broadway. ASSESSORS, BOARD OF— Report of fines during week, 10326, io556, 10898, 11425. Queens, regulating and grading, i i 128. Advertisements, 10331, Io378, 10426, 10466, 10514, 10570, Report for year ending December 31, 1907, 10915. Approved papers, 11134. Io5oo, io688, 10736, 10776, 10824, 10857, io88t, 10904, Reinstated, I0327. Bids referred to Comptroller for consideration and report, 10944, 10966, 10990, 11038, 11144, 11169, 11207, 11231, Resigned, 10899, 11425. 10289. 11263. Report for the quarter ending September 3o, 1908, 11244. Brooklyn City Railroad, in matter of removal of tracks, Lists in Law Department awaiting opinion, 11002. Salaries increased. 10556. 10296. Lists in Board of Revision awaiting opinion, r1oo2. Summary of principal improvements during the year 1907, Brooklyn, Queens County and Suburban Railroad Company, Lists in Finance Department awaiting interest certificates, 10919. application, 10296. 11003. Bronx Traction Company, petition, 10297, 11009. Number of assessment lists in office of Board of Assessors COUNTY CLERK, KINGS COUNTY— Brooklyn Union Elevated Railroad, bridge over tracks, Lin- apportioned and advertised, 11004. Office and office hours, 10329. coln place, Borough of Brooklyn, 10298. Office and office hours, 10328. Bristol-Myers Company, application, 10300. Report for the quarter ending September 30, igo8, 11002. COUNTY CLERK, NEW YORK COUNTY— Broadway, both sides, between Isham street and Emerson Office and office hours, 10329. street, Itorough of Manhattan, sewer, 11077. BOARD MEETINGS— Bay Ridge avenue, between 5tb avenue and ,3th avenue, Advertisements, 10383, 10424, 10463, 10511, 10569, io600, COUNTY CLERK, QUEENS COUNTY-- Borough of Brooklyn, regulating and grading, ttog8. lo6gi, 10730, 10779, 10822, 10854, 10878, 10907, 10950, Office and office hours, too. Barry street, between Longwood avenue and Tiffany street, 10969, 10988, 11038, 11130, 1116g, 11202, 11226, 11269, Borough of The Bron•., regulating and grading, 11129. 11357, 11389, 11422, 11440. COUNTY CLERK, RICIIMOND COUNTY— Change of route, 10289. Change of motive power, 10290. BRIDGES, DEPARTMENT OF— Office and office hours, 10330. Cables instead of conduits for use of City, 10291. Auction sales, 10322, 10379, 10427, 10467, r0515, 10571, COUNTY COURT, KINGS COUNTY— Connections with subway route, 10291. 10604, 10693, 10741, 10781, 10828, to86o, 1o886, 10910. Chambers and hours, 10329. Conditions for proposed franchise, 10293. Bids received and contracts awarded, 10772, 10876, 11341. Coney Island and Brooklyn Railroad Company, application, Office and office hours, 10328. COUNTY COURT, QUEENS COUNTY— 10301. Proposals, furnishing and installing electrical equipment for Chambers and hours, (0331). Contracts and specifications, Department of Street Cleaning, overhead trolley system, Blackwells Island Bridge, Bor- 1.316. oughs of Manhattan and Queens, 10332, 10379, 10 427, COUNTY JUDGE AND SURROGATE, RICHMOND City Island avenue, Borough of The Bronx, changing grades, 10467, 10515. COUNTY— 1to61. Proposals, furnishing and delivering treated wood blocks Chambers and hours, 10330. Catskill Aqueduct, lands for, 11075. to bridge over Newtown Creek, 10693, 10781, 10828. Central avenue, between Moffatt street and Chauncey street, COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS— Borough of Brooklyn, sewer, t io86. BROOKLYN, BOROUGH OF— Chambers and hours, 10330. Cornelia street, between Knickerbocker avenue and borough Bureau of Public buildings and Offices, 10419, 10608, 11217, line, Borough of Brooklyn, sewer, 11087. 11242. CRIMINAL DIVISION, SUPREME COURT— Courtyard lines, Richmond street, from Fulton street to Bureau of Incumbrances and Permits, 10419, 10609, 11217. Chambers and hours, 10330. Dinsmore place, Borough of Brooklyn, Iiogg. Bureau of Sewers, 10419, 10609, 17217. Caton avenue, between Marlborough road and Parade place, Bureau of Highways, 70419, 10609, 11218, 11243. DISTRICT ATTORNEY, KINGS COUNTY— Borough of Brooklyn, paving, 11107. Classification and disposal, 10419, 10609, 11243. Office and office hours, 10329. Clay avenue, between Fast 164th street and East 165th Cashier's Department, 10419, Io6og, 11243. street, Borough of The Bronx, sewer, 11116. DISTRICT ATTORNEY, NEW YORK COUNTY--- Complaint Department, 10419, 10608, 11243. Crescent street, between Freeman and Webster avenues, Force employed on repairs to pavements, 10419, 10608, Office and office hours, 10.29. Borough of Queens, sewer, t 1125. 11243. Closing and discontinuing a number of basins in neighbor- DISTRICT ATTORNEY, QUEENS COUNTY— Force restoring openings, 10420. hood of Coney Island and Gravesend Bay, Borough of Laboring force employed during week, 10419, 10609, 11217. Office and office hours, 10330. Brooklyn, 11131, VOL. XXXVI.—PART X. INDEX TO CITY RECORD-OCTOBER. V

ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT, BOARD OF— ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT, BOARD OF-- FINANCE, DEPARTMENT (1F— Department of Street Cleaning, Borough of The Bronx, bids Quarterly reports received from Borough Presidents, tto6i. Corporation sale of real estate, e:c., 11416. or estimates, 10315. Requesting establishment of additional grades of positions Corporation sale of buildings, etc , 11456. Decatur street, between Knickerbocker avenue and borough in various deaprtments, 10307. interest on City Bonds and Stock, 10334, 90572, 50602, line, Borough of Brooklyn, paving, ttto9. Report concerning condition of Street Improvement Fund. 10738, 10826, 11210, 11418, Decatur avenue, between Fast r93d street and Kingsbridgc 10308. - Notice of assessments for opening streets and parka, togy4, road, Borough of The Bronx, sewer, i i i i 5. Requesting approval of award of contracts, one for final 15417. East River Terminal Railroad, application, 10289. disposition of ashes, etc., Borough of Manhattan, 10309. Notice of the redemption of New York City Stuck, 10334, Extension of time, 1oz91. Requesting issue of Corporate Stock for construction of 10572, 10602, 10738, 10826, 11210, 11418.. Extracts from minutes, 10497, 10977. three playgrounds, Borough of Brooklyn, 10312. Noticeto property owners, 10333, 10557, 10602, 10737, 10825, East 26th street, Borough of Brooklyn, acquiring title, iio62. Requesting acquisition of property on Broadway, Whitestone ttzo8, 55415. East 174th street, between West Farms road and Bronx avenue and State street, Borough of Queens, site fur Notice to taxpayers, io6o2, 10738, 50826, ttao8, 11417. River, Borough of The Bronx, acquiring title, 11072. school, 10320. Opening of proposals, 10326, 1o557, 10726, 5081g. East x6[st street, between Brook avenue and 3d avenue, Reported to Board of Assessors, tto6t. Office and office hours, 10328. Borough of The Bronx, acquiring title, 11073. Randall avenue, Havemeyer avenue, Seward avenue, etc., Official designation, 10726. Emerson street, between Vermilyea avenue and Cooper Borough of The Bronx, laying out and fixing grades Report of City Chamberlain, tu585, 11187. for street system, 11o62, street, in Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, sewers, Suits, orders of Court, judgments, etc., 10323, 10557, 10723. 11077. Rochester avenue, between St. Marks avenue and Eastern to8oy East 118th street, between 3d avenue and Lexington avenue, parkway, Borough of Brooklyn, paving, ttto6. Sureties required on various classes of contracts, 10334, Borough of Manhattan, reconstructing sewer, 11079. Synopsis of provisions of contract, 10294. 10572, to6o2, 50738, 10826, 11208, ,1408. Extension of East 142d street sewer, from present outlet Surface and subsurface imrpovements authorized in 1907 Summary statement of bonded indebtedness of Cty of New to Harlem River, Borough of Manhattan, 15079. and 1908, tro6r. York, 10722. East side of DeKoven court at westerly line of Brighton Seventy-eighth street, 17th avenue and New Utrecht ave- Beach Railroad, Borough of Brooklyn, receiving basins, nue, Borough of Brooklyn, laying out public place, FIRE DEPARTMENT— Ilo9z. It o6o. Appointed, ttt6o. East 29th street, between Foster avenue and Avenue A, St. Nicholas terrace, between West 128th street and West Auction sale, 11172. Borough of Brooklyn, regulating and grading, tto94. 130111 street, Borough of Manhattan, regulating, tto83. .Appointments to uniformed force during year 1907, 13298, East 4th street, between Avenue C and Cortelyou road, Sterling place, between Schenectady avenue and Utica ave Bills audited, 10855, 1o8,6, to818, 11427. Borough of Brooklyn, regulating, grading and paving, nue, Borough of Brooklyn, sewer, 11084. Bureau of Fire Marshal, 11162, 1r164, 11300. 11095, 11507. Southwest corner of 48th street and 2d avenue, Borough Bureau of Medical Officers, t t 165. Er,st 23d street, between Avenue F and Avenue G, Bor- of Brooklyn, receiving basin, 11o8g. Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances, 1 t 165. ough of Brooklyn, regulating and grading, 51096. Southwest corner of Harrison place and Porter avenue. Communications received, 1085,5, ,o8t8, 11425, tt430. East 8th street, between Montgomery street and Church Borough of Brooklyn, receiving basin, ttogo. Contracts awarded, to8t8. avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, regulating and grading, Southwest corner of Bay 13th and 86th streets, Borough Companies organized, Borough of Brooklyn, 11317. /tc96. of Brooklyn, receiving basin, 15092. Conditions of apparatus houses, 11317. East 19th street, between Voorhies avenue and Emmons Sheffield avenue, between Pitkin avenue and Blake avenue, Comparison between year 1906 and year 1907, tt331 . avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, regulating and grading, Borough of Brooklyn, regulating and grading, tto95. Discharged, dismissed or dropped from the rolls, into 11097. 11104. Description of fireboats in service, 11283. East 170th street, between Morris and Findlay avenues, Southwest corner of Irvine place and Garrison avenue, Expenditures authorized, to8t6, tt4,27. Borough of The Bronx, sewer, t t 112. Borough of The Bronx, reciving basin, 11119. Extension of paid system, Borough of Queens, t 1317. Franchise matters, 10289. St. Marys street, between Robbins avenue and Southcnt Findings approved, 10817. Fort George Street Railway Company, applicatin for ex boulevard, Borough of The Bronx, regulating and grad- Fire Alarms Telegraph Bureau, 11161. tension of time, 50299. ing, 11r22. Filed, 10815, 10817, 51430. Flatbush Gas Company, application, 10303. Seventeenth avenue, between Jackson avenue and Flashing Maintenance and extension of fire alarm system, including Financial matters, 10304, 50591. avenue, Borough of Queens, regulating, etc., 15130. apparatus for volunteer companies, ,u8t5. Fixing dates for hearings on request of Borough Presidents, Third Avenue Railroad Company, petition, 50298. Money received and turned over to Relief Fund for license.; Departments, Boards, Officers, etc., making applica- Transfers of appropriations made upon recommendation of and permits. t t t 6r. tion for appropriations for 1909, 10319. the Comptroller, r0304. Number of officers employed, etc., trt6o. Fixing salaries and establishments of new grades, 11014. Twelve resolutions of Board of Aldermen requesting issues Number and character of alarms and manner of receipts, Final maps of territory designated as Sections t, tz, 13, 14, of Special Revenue Bonds, 10305. I t ,6o. 15, t6, 28, 29, 30 and 31, Borough of Queens, ttu68. Title of men employed on work of triangulation of City Notable fires, gtt6o, ttt63, tt285. Fort Hamilton avenue, between 38th etreet and 39th street, changed from Heliotroper to Rodman, 50307. New apparatus required, t m317. Borough of The Bronx, sewer, 1 5087. Teller avenue, Borough of The Bronx, acquiring title, t to63. Office and office hours, 10328. Farragut road, between Flatbush avenue and East 26th Thirty-ninth street and 9th avenue and New Utrecht avenue. Opening of proposals, 10817, 11427. street, regulating and grading, tto94. Borough of Brooklyn, laying out, rto65. Operations under the laws regulating the storage of com- Fennimore street, between Rogers avenue and Nostrand Twelfth avenue, between 43d and 49th streets, etc., for bustibles and explosive materials, etc., t t 161, , t 164, avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, regulating and grading, ought of Brooklyn, sewers, 11084. 51299, tto99. loth avenue, between Winthrop avenue and Riker av,nue, Proposals, furnishing labor and materials required for adji- Foster avenue, between East 14th street and East 17th Borough of Queens, regulating, i i tz8. tions to building of volunteer hook and ladder com- street, Borough of llrooklyn, curbing and flagging, Temporary storm-water and sanitary sewers in Canal street, panies, 10824, 51421. Itto3. between Bay avenue and bulkhead, Borough of Rich Promoted, r r r6o. Grand avenue, Davidson avenue, etc., Borough of The tnond, 15131. Probationary Firemen appointed, 11430. Bronx, acquiring title, ito(i3. Union Railway Company, petition. 10297. Referred, 1o8r5, ro8m6, 10817, ro8t8, 10859, 15425, 15429. Garfield street, between West Farms road and Morris Park Utrecht avenue, Lath avenue and 46th street, Borough of Reinstated, tr16c. avenue, Borough of Tile Bronx, acquiring title, t 1072. Brooklyn, laying out, tto6s. Resigned, ttt6o. History of the company, 10292. Van Buren street, between Morris Park avenue and New Restored to duty, ttt6o. Haven avenue and West 169111 street, borough of 3lanh5t- York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad. reducing Revenue Bonds for installing paid fire department, Rockaway tan, acquiring title, Ito63. width from 6o feet to 5o feet, Borough of The Bronx, Beach, r5429. Hebberd avenue, Borough of Queens, acquiring title, tto64. x1067. Report for quarter and year ending December 35, 1907, Hinckley place, between Coney Island avenue and East ttth Vesting title, Borough of Richmond, tto75. 11275, . street, Borough of Brooklyn, sewer, t 1087. Vandeventer avenue, between loth avenue, Steinway avenue Report New York Fire Department Relief Fund for year Hinsdale street, between Sutter avenue and Riverdale ave- and old Bowery Bay road, Borough of Queens, rtgulat- 1007, 11308. nue, Borough of The Bronx, paving, Itiu6. ing and grading, 11129. Statistics of fires, 1116o. Issue of Special Revenue Bonds for purchase of equipment West t72d street, between Fort Washington avenue and Sites recommended fur companies, 51317. and tabulation of records of Bureau of Real Estate, Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, sewer, 11076. Transferred, 1rr6o. 10305. West 169th street, between Broadway and Washington Issue of Corporate Stock to replenish the fund for street nue, Borough of Manhattan, sewer, rto78. HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF— and park openings, 10305. West 167th street, between Amsterdam avenue and Audubo i Actions discontinued, 10366. Issue of Corporate Stock to provide means for payment of avenue, Borough of Manhattan, sewer, t 1078. Application for relief from orders denied, 10369. bills of Title Guarantee and Trust Company, etc., Bor- West 167th street, between Amsterdam avenue and Edge- Bills approved, 10365, 10386. ouglt of Brooklyn, 10307. combe road, Borough of Manhattan, Paving and curbing. Bureau of Records, 10370, 10389. Issue of Special Revenue ]fonds to meet deficiencies in sal- etc., 77080. Borough administration, 10365, 10386. ary and fuel accounts, College of The City of New West 541st street, between Lenox avenue and Fifth avenue. Criminal cases in Court of Special Sessions, 10365. York, year 1908, 10314. Borough of Manhattan, paving, no8t. Certificates in respect to vacation of premises, etc., 1o366. Issue of Special Revenue Bonds for repairs of rooms occu- West tooth street, between Broadway and Riverside drive, Delayed and imperfect certificates, 10370, 10389. pied by Appellate Division, Supreme Court, 5o315. Borough of Manhattan, paving. tto82. General Administration, 10365, 50386. Investigation of City's title in streets which it is proposed West corner of Utrecht avenue and 44th street, Borough of In relation to Health Department Pension Fund, 10372. to close, 11135• Brooklyn, receiving basin, 11o9o. Leave of absence granted, 10370. 10390. Minutes, 10289, 10875, 11009, mio6e. Woodlawn road, between Webster avenue and New York Minutes, 10365, 10386. Money transferred from appropriation made to Department and Harlem Railroad, Borough of The Bronx, sewer, Notice of Sanitary Code amendment, 10567, to857. of Education, year 5908, Borough of Manhattan, 50595. 11132. Office and office hours, 10329. Money transferred from appropriation entitled Board of Elec- Webster avenue, between tot avenue and 3d avenue, Bor- Orders issued by Board of Health, 10364. tions, election expenses, ro596. ough of Queens, sewers, t t 125. Ordered, 10367. Minerva place, Borough of The Bronx, acquiring title, 46th street, Borough of Brooklyn, acquiring title, 11062. Orders rescinded, causes removed, 10367, 10389. 11063. 6oth street, between 56th avenue and 17th avenue, Borough Orders extended, modified or rescinded, 10369. Melville street, between Morris Park avenue and lands of of Brooklyn, sewer, 11085. Permits granted, 10368, 10388. New York, New Maven and Hartford Railroad, Bor- 73d street, between 13th avenue and 14th avenue, Borough Permits for sale of milk granted, 10369, 1o388. ough of The Bronx, change in map, 11,,67. of Brooklyn, sewer, etn86. Permits denied, 10369, m0389. 1 r t lo. Mosholu parkway, etc., sewer, 75th street (both sides), from loth avenue to itth avenue. Permits revoked, 10369, 10389. Morris avenue, between Field place and Fordhaco road, Borough of Brooklyn, sewer, ttn8. Proposals, furnishing labor and material required on plumb- Borough of The Bronx, regulating and grading, t t t tn. 78th street, between 3d and 4th avenues, Borough of Brook. ing and heating system at Sanatorium», Otisville, Orange Necessity for the railway, 10292. ivn, paving, 1 r1 t o. County, N. Y., 11145. New York and North Shore Traction Contapny. franchise, Report quarter ending June 30, 1908, EXAMINERS, BOARD OF--- 10339. 50292. Record corrected certificates, 10376, 10389. Notice to taxpayers, 10334„ 10517, ,,boo. Appeals, to6tt, 10792. Reports and communicatiocs, 20370, 10391. New York Central and Hudson River Railroad foot bridge Minutes of meeting. 30.584, to6tt, 10792. Special reports and communications submitted to Board of at Park avenue and tooth street, Borough of Manhat- Office and office hours, 10328. Health for action, 10364. On motion, ro6tr, 10792. tan, 10296. Searches and transcripts of births, marriages and deaths. Norman avenue, between Guernsey street and Wythc avenue, Report for the quarter ending September 30, 1908, 10913. 10364. etc., Borough of Brooklyn, regulating, 11093. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT— Statement of disbursements of moneys in various Boroughs. Nicholas avenue, between Jamaica avenue and Atlantic 10364. avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, paving, iii Appointments by the Mayor, 10939. Sanitary Bureau, to366, 1o388. Office and office hours, 10328. Office and office hours, 10328. Work performed by Sanitary Bureau, 10339- Proposed route, 10292. Report, Bureau of Licenses, 10328, [0851, 11136, 11341. Written acknowledgment of complaints received, 10364. Proposed form of contract, 10294. Report, Bureau of Weights and Measures, quarter ending Weekly reports, 5o562, 10849, 51059, 11253. Plan for proposed tunnel for Bristol-Myers Company, 50300. September 30, 1908, 10983. Persons appeared and made statement relative to their re- Statement of licenses issued and fees received, July. August JURORS, COMMISSIONER OF, KINGS COUNTY— spective departments, 10875. and September, 1908, 10803. Office and office hours, 50329. Purchase property known as No. 187 Jay street, Borough of Brooklyn, for approach to Manhattan Bridge, 15014. FINANCE, DEPARTMENT OF— JURORS, COMMISSIONER OF, NEW YORK COUNTY— Purchase property west side of Main street, south of Broad Auction sale, 10571, 51208. way, Totteraville, Staten Island, 11014. Abstract of transactions, 10323, 10557. Office an,l office hours, 10329. Public improvement matters, tuo6r. Approval of sureties, t0325, 10557, 10724, 50809. JURORS, COMMISSIONER OF, QUEENS COUNTY— Proposed ordinance governing width and use of roadways Claims filed, 10323, 10557, 10723, to8o6. and sidewalks, 11132. Contracts registered, 10323, 50587, to8o7. Office and office hours, 10,330. VI INDEX TO CITY RECORD-OCTOBER. VOL. XXXVI.—PART X.

JURORS, COMMISSIONER OF, RICHMOND COUNTY— POLICE DEPARTMENT— I'LUMIiERS, EXAMINING BOARD OF— Office and office hours, 10,330. Concert license granted, 10415, 10473, Io843, ru84.7, 10961, Office and office hours, 10329. 11219. 11435. Report for quarter ending September 30, 7908, Iu848. LAW DEPARTMENT— Cumpl aints dismissed, ,0416, 1041 7, Io434, io845. Contracts, etc., drafted, examined and approved as to form, (:barges dismissed, 1,2_2, tr434. PUBLIC HEARINGS- to611, 10699, 10769, 10770, 10813, 10839. Death reported, t 1418, 10475, 1n961. Ily Committee on Laws and Legislation, hoard of Aldermen, Judgments, orders, decrees entered, ro6xr, 10698, Iol'69, I)ertlls, retirements, etc., 10590, 11184$, „_52. 10328, 10374, 10421, 10460, 10564, 10597, 10685, 10732, 10770, 10813, 10839. Disapproved, 1oq.73, 10843, 10874, 10950. 10772, 10819, 10851, 10876, 10901, 10940, 10963, Judgments entered in favor of the plaintiffs, etc., 7„61 t, Deaths of members during quarter, 11197. QUEENS BOROUGH OF— 10698, 10769, 10770, 10813, 10839, Denied, 10433, 11433. Office and office hours, 10329. Extension of temporary assignments ordered, 10415, 10417, Advertisements, 1o569. Opinions rendered, io6rr, io6gg, 10770, 10813, 10539. 10434, 10684, 10843, 10847, 11032. Bureau of Highways, 10731, 10812. Record of Court work, Io61o, 10699, 10769, 10770, 10813. Estimated value of property delivered from precincts t, Bureau of Sewers, 10732, 10812. 10839. claimants, 11195. Bureau of Topographical Surveys, 10732, 10812. Suits and special proceedings instituted, 10610, 10698, 10709. Fines imposed, 10416, 10844, 10846, 11221. Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices, 10732, 50812, 10776, 10812, 10838. Granted, 10415, 10416, 50433, 10684, 10844, 10873, 71031, Completing final maps for streets, Borough of Queens, 10522. Statement and return of moneys received by Bureau for 11219, 11433. Contracts for regulating, grading, etc., completed during Recovery of Penalties for September, 19o8, 10873. l-eave of absence granted, 10415, 10434, 104,75, 10844, Io,N47. 1907, 10523. 11032, Contracts awarded, 10848. MANHATTAN, BOROUGH OF— \lemhers of Department excused, 10434, 10475. 10589, 10843. Force employed in sweeping, carting, etc., 10526. Changes in working force, 10392, 11001. 10846, 13896, 10950, 11032. Office and office hours, 10329. Financial statement, 10794. lfeutbers tried on charge, found guilty and d'smissed from Public moneys received during year 1907, 10522, iu848. General office, 10898, Itooi. Police Force. 10590. Permits issued, 10522, 10731, ro811, 10848. Minutes of Local Board meetings, 10392, 10475. \Iasgttcrade ball permits granted, 10845, 10847, 111874, 10896, Report of new buildings, December 31, 1907, 10524, Memoranda of requisitions during first and second quarters. 10961, 11274, 11435. Report of President for year ending December 31, 1907, 19o8, on liabilities prior 1907, 10794. Office and office hours, 10329. 10521. Office and office hours, 10329. Owners wanted for lost property, 10383, Io425, 1:'466, , 0573, Report of the Commissioners of Public Works, 10731, to8tt, Obstructions removed, 10392, 10898, 11oot. io689, 71145, 11210, 11359. 10848. Public moneys received during week, 10392, 10898, 11001. Ordered, 10414, 10415, 10433, 10473, 10843. 10847, 10896, Requisitions drawn on Comptroller, 1073,, lo817, 11848. Permits issued, 10392, 10898, 11001. I1354. St: tement of work for the year Uecembrr 28, 1907, Proposals for repairs and alterations in rooms, also rur Ordered to he paid, 11434. 10522. extensions to electric and lighting equipment, etc., Hall Proceedings of Police Department. 10414, 10415, ,0433• Sewers completed during the year, 10523. of Records Building, New York, 10823, 10904 70473, 30589, 10684, 10959, 11436. 'Violations for the year, 10526. Proposals for regulating and repaving roadway of Rector Permission granted to leave the City, 10844. Work clone by Field Office, 10521. street, from Greenwich street to west side of Trinity Pension granted, 10873. RE('t)RI)S, ('.O\IMISSIONERS OF, KINGS COUNTY- place, 11036, 11172, 11381. Report of Sanitary Company (Boiler Squad), 10337, 10338, Report of Bureau of Buildings, 10281, 10577, 10898, II,65• 10475, 10590, 10684, 10699, 10848, 10962, 11058, 11198 Oflicc and office hours, 10329. 11361. 11251, 11274. RECORDS, COMMISSIONERS OF, NEW YORK COUNTY- Report of Commissioner of Public Works, 10392, to89;~. Reprimanded, 10416, 10417, 10846. boot, 11186. Referred to Comptroller, 10416, 10843, 10895, 10950, 11250. ()flice and office hours, 10329. Repairs to pavements, 10392. Referred to Municipal Civil Service Commission, 10416. RNG;IS'FER Ol KINGS COUN'I'1- Repairs to sewers, 10392. Runner license granted, 10416, 10844, ,ng6r, 11249. Report for quarter ending June 30, 1908, 10793. Reduction of fines. 11222. Office and office hours, 10329. Report of Superintendent of Highways, 10796. Report for quarter ending September 31), 7908, 11192. It1-:(;lsTER OF NEW YORK COUNTY— Report of Division of Roads, Bureau of Highways, io800. Reprimanded, 11434. Report of Superintendent of Buildings, 1o8o5. Special Patrolmen appointed, 10419, 10590, 11032. Office and office hours, 10329. Statement of laboring force, 10392, 11001. Schedule for quarter ending September 30, 1908, 11192. Rl;VISION OF ASSESS:dENTS, BOARD OF- Statement showing titles of special and trust account:, 10795. Transfers and assignments ordered. 10415, 10416, 1oir8, .\ssessment list confirmed, 10792, 10983, 1[341. Statement of contracts entered into and completed, 10795. 10 434, 10473, 10474. 10589, 10684, 1084,2, 1122). 433, 10 Anderson avenue, Borough of The Bronx, regulating, etc., Temporary assignments ordered, 10415, 11)433, T1549. 10843. 10792. MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION— 10847, 10874, 11031, 11220, 11433. ('hcrch avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, regulating and paving, Advertisements, 10744, so886, 10994, 11175, 11422. Temporary assignments discontinuorl, 10415, 103r8, 10431. 10983. Appeals denied, 11154. 10474, 10589. l)yker street, Borough of Manhattan, sewer, 10792. Eligible list for position of Telephone Operator (female). Theatrical license granted, 10843, Pletcher street, Borough of \-lanhattan, sewer, ,0792. 10726. To he carried on regular payrolls, 10843. Eligible list for position of Inspector of Foods (Meat and Table cause of arrest of persons during quarter, \11mtes, 10792, 10983, 11341. New street on the west side of the Hall of Records, Bor- Fish), 10874. 11192. ough of Manhattan, paving, , o983. Eligible list for position of Instrument Maker, Fire Depart- ment, 10875. PRTESIDENTS OF BOROUGHS— tllt`cc and office hours, 10329. t'n(lexliilI avenue, cast side, Borough of Brooklyn, grading Eligible list for position of Inspector of Foods (Fruit and Office and office hours, 10329. lots, 11841. Vegetables), 10953. Westchester avenue, Borough of The Bronx, regulating, etc., Emergency appointments approved, ,0954, 11115, 11158. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. KINGS COi'NTY- Letters presented, 11157, 11158. 10792, Office and office hours, 111329. 7111 avenue (Rlackwells street), Borough of Queens, regulat- Minutes, 10954, 11153. ing, etc., 11341. Office and office. hours, 10328. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, NEW YORK COUNTY- 8th street, north side, Borough of Brooklyn, grading lots, On motion, 10950, 11755, 11156. Otfice and office hours, 10329. I1341, Public hearing, 51153. Report for quarter ending September 30, 1908, [0610. Reports and communications, 11155, 11156. , 3t11 avenue, Borough of Queens, regulating, etc., , 1341. Reinstatements approved, 10754, 11153. Statement and return of moneys received for the month of 16th avenue, Borough of Queens, paving, 1I34r, September, 1908, 10527. 40th street, south side, Borough of Brooklyn, grc:ding lots, Reassignments approved, 10954, 11153• 11341. Requests for restoration to eligible lists, 11159. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, QUEENS COUNTY— Report for quarter ending September 3o, 1908, 11399. RI('IIMOND, BOROUGH OF- Statement of examinations held during July, August and Office and office hours, 10330. .\ppointments and removals, 30459, 10564, 10633, 10721. September, 11 399. Contracts entered into, 1o721, Transfers approved, 10954, 11154. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION— \lin(ltes of Local Board meetings, 10985. (;as meters, testing, September, 19o8, 1(1697. t)ffice and office hours, 10985. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS— hearing orders, 1o5o2, 10504, 10697, 10834. Public money received during the week, 10459, 10563, 10633, Proposals for bids and estimates for City of New York, Hudson and Manhattan Railroad Company, Ninth street 1 0721. r0336, 10384, 10432, 10472, 10520, 10576, 1o6o8, 111696. station, rental, iu5oe. Permits issued, 10459, 10563, 10633. 10784, 10832, 10864 [0888, 10912, 10952, 10976, 11000, I enry Hudson Memorial Bridge, application for approval Proposals for furnishing broken stone for roads in First 11048, 11152, 11184, 11216, 11240, 11272, [1360, 11456 of sites, to890. Money collected as fees during the month of September. Ward, Borough of Richmond, 10990, t 1260. Proposals for furnishing all labor and materials required for OFFICIAL BOROUGH PAPERS— '0697. constructing a temporary sewer in Erastina place, 1144,2. Notice of deposit, 10504, 10697. Advertisements, 10331, 70377, 10424, 10463, 10511, 10567. Report of the Commissioner of Public Works, 10459, 50563. Office anti office hours, 10 9. ro600, to688, 10735, 10775, 10822, 10854. 70881, 10904. 32 Report of the Bureau of Buildings, 10507, 1,00l, 11136, Proceedings of Public Service Cummirsiuu. 11151(2, , 10944, 10966, 10989, 11036, 11139, 11171, 11205, 11230. 0504, 11254, 1)437. 10697, 10833, 10889, 15)959, 11241, 11337. 11262, 11344, 51440. Statement of laboring force employed, 10 2o6 Payrolls approved, too. 459, 10564, 33, t072I. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY— Provisional appointments, io698. Work done, 10459, 10563, 10633, 10721. Statement of the hours which public offices are open and Resignations, 10698, 10892. where located, 10328, 10374, 10421, 10460, 10508, 10564, Sub-committee, Pneumatic Tube Commission, referred to SHERIFF, KINGS COUNTY-- Counsel and Chief Engineer, 11(502. 10597, io685, 10732, 50772, 10819, 10851, 10875, 10901, Office and office hours, 10329. 70940, 10963, 10986, 11033, 11136, 11166, 11199, 11223. Schedule of modifications, 10698. Tariff order, 15502, 10697, 71256, 11341. 11437. SHERIFF, NEW YORK COUNTY-- Temporary appointments, 10892. OFFICIAL PAPERS— Accidents, August, lgo8, 10697. Office and office hours, 10329. Newspapers in which certain advertisements may be inserted, Appointments, 10698, 10892. SHERIFF, QUEENS COUNTY-. Appointment of arbitrator, 10889. 10331, 10379, 10427, 10463, 10520, 10576, 1o6o8, 10688, (iflice and office hours, 1033". 10740, 10780, 10822, 10854, 10887, 10909, 10949, 10967, Brooklyn Union Elevated Railroad, comfort shelter at Ave- 10996, 11044, 11149, 11182. 11202, 11237, 11258, 11345. nue I, station, 10892. SIIERIFF, RICHMOND COUNTY— 01440. Calendar of hearings, 10281, 11)337, 10433, 1 0473, 10521, Office and office hours, 10330. 11001, 11153, 11185, 11217, 11241, 51273. PARKS, DEPARTMENT OF-- Contract No, 2, Brooklyn Bridge station, report of Cotn- SINKING FUND, COMMISSIONERS OF— Auction sale, 10823, 10855. mittee, 10503. Application for release or quit-claim, part of old Clarkson Bids or proposals received, io8tr. Contract No. 2, claims for damages, 1n5o5. street, Borough of Brooklyn, 10545. Estimate box opened. io8io, 10841, 11218. Contract No. 2, Brooklyn loop lines, gas mains in pipe gal- Comptroller presented statement, [15555. Meteorological Observatory, Abstract of Registers, 1 0457, leries, to6g7. Gowanus road, Borough of Brooklyn, petition for release or 10791, 15159. Contract No. 2, Brooklyn loop lines, Purchase of real estate, rluit-claim, 10549. Minutes of stated meeting, 10841, 11218. 10889. 0 Hebrew Orphan Asylum Building, Amsterdam avenue, re- Office and office hours, 10328. Contract No. 2, City control of sewers, 10890, newal of lease, 10529. Proposals for furnishing crude oil mixtures for parks, Bor- Contracts No. i and No. 2, Pneumatic mail tubes in subway, .Minutes, 10529. ough of The Bronx, 10823. 10891. Office and office hours, 10328. Proposals for furnishing Texas road oil (No. r, 1908) for Coney Island and Brooklyn Railroad Company, service on Premises No. 4,17 East 85th street, Borough of Manhattan, parks, Borough of The Bronx, 10855. Brooklyn Bridge, io89r, renewal of lease, 10529. Proposals for furnishing Hudson River road gravel oil Degnon Contracting Company, notice of appeal, 10502. Premises Nos. 418 to 424 East 68th street, Borough of Man- Ocean parkway, Borough of Brooklyn, 11226. Discontinuance order, 10502, hattan, renewal of lease, 10529. Extension orders, 10502, 10697, 10892. Premises corner of 18th avenue and 67th street, Borough POLICE DEPARTMENT— Electric subway for freight, submission of plan, 1 0504. of Brooklyn, renewal of lease, 10529. Application for full pay granted, 10415, 10844, 10874, 10897 Eleventh avenue tracks, flagman, 10697. Premises No. 70 New Chambers street, Borough of Man- Amendment ordered, 10416. Electric meters, testing, September, 1908, 10697. hattan, rene-wal of lease, 10530. Accepted, ;0844, 10895. Establish certain through routes and joint fares at points of Plots of ground consisting of Lots Nos. 56, 57, 58, and 59 Approved, 10873. intersection at 59th street to 3d avenue and Broadway, in Block 1996, Borough of Manhattan, renewal of lease, Advancement to grades ordered, 10897, 10960. 10959. 10530. Auction sale of police property condemned, t r 195. Foir George Railway Company, extending time for construc- Premises No. 17 Leonard street, Borough of Manhattan. Bids, to8gs. tion, 5o5o5. renewal of lease, 5o53t. 0


SINKING FUND, COMMISSIONERS OF— SUPREME COURT, PROCEEDINGS IN, TO ACQUIRE TILE BRONX, BOROUGH OF— Premises corner of New Dorp lane and 8th street, New LAND FOR PUBLIC USE— Financial statement of contracts in force during the quar- Dorp, Borough of Richmond, renewal of lease, 10531• East 14oth street, from Park avenue to Morris avenue, ter, 1o646. - Premises No. rgx Broadway, Bc•ough of Brooklyn, renewal Borough of The Bronx, opening and extending, 1115[. General remarks, ro6;'S. of lease, 10531. Hunter avenue (not yet named), from Nott avenue to Laboring force employed, 50458, r ro 43, r r 135. Premises No. i East 27th street, Borough of Manhattan, Wilber avenue, Borough of Queens, opening and extend- List of contracts executed during quarter, 10636. renewal of lease, 1o531. ing, 10336. Money received for permits, 50458, 11033, 11135. Premises No. 3z Vernon avenue, Long Island City, Borough liegeman avenue, between East 98th street and New Jersey Minutes of Local Board meetings, 10950. of Queens, lease, 10531. avenue, Borough of Brook'yn, opening and extending, Map filed in office of Register of City and County of New Premises Nos. 1034 and 1036 East 134th street, Borough of 10430. York, copied for office use, 1o644. The Bronx, renewal of lease, 10532. High Bridge Park, Borough of Manhattan, extending, to887, Office and office hours, 10329. Premises corner of Broadway and Berry street, Borough of 10976. Office work, Borough of The Bronx, west of the Bronx Brooklyn, renewal of lease, 10533. Linwood street, from New Lots road to Vandalia avenue, River, 10642. Premises No. 683 Leonard street, Borough of Brooklyn, Borough of Brooklyn, 104,31. Permits issued, 10458, 11033, 11535. lease, 10533. Lane avenue, between Westchester avenue and West Farms Proposals for furnishing labor and material for the erection Premises No. z8o8 3d avenue, Borough of The Bronx, re- road, Borough of The Bronx, opening and extending, and completion of stable building, for use of the Bureau newal of lease, 1 0534. 11358. of Highways, 10465. Premises Nos. 2804 to 2808 3d avenue, Borough of The Lyman avenue (not yet named), between Tompkins avenue Proposals for furnishing coal to Bureau of Public Buildings, Bronx, renewal of lease, 50534. and Sumner street, Borough of Richmond, application, etc., iog66, 50988, 11046, 11150. Premises No. 398 1st avenue, Borough of Manhattan, re- 11456. Payment on acceptance, final and retained amounts, 10647. newal of lease, 10534. Malbone street, Borough of Brooklyn, opening and extend- Report of the Bureau of Buildings, 10435, 10874, 10986. Property proposed to be conveyed from The City of New ing, 70430. Report of the President, 50458. t 1033. York to Staten Island Rapid Transit Railroad Company, North River, between West 18th and West 23d streets, appli- Report for the quarter ending December 31, 1907, with 50539, cation, 10335. summary for the year, 10634. Park Row Realty Company, roosts in Park Row Building, North Henry street, from centre line of Wyckoff Creek to Regulating and grading, flagging, setting curbstones, etc., Nos. r3 to 21, Park row, use City Department, 10556. Greene street, Borough of Brooklyn, opening and ex- 50634, Relative to renewal of lease of rooms (Corn Exchange Batik tending, 10430, 10470. Recapitulation, 5o635. Building), Jay street, Borough of Richmond, renewal of North River, between West 20th and West z-d streets, appli- Report of the General Bookkeeper, 10635, lease, 10534. cation, 11270. Report of the Chief Clerk, 10636. Relative to a 5o-acre plot of ground at New Brighton, Bor- Otsego street, from Dwight street to Beard street, Borough Report of the Chief Engineer, 10640. ough of Richmond, 10534• of Brooklyn, opening and extending, 10830. Report of operations of the Bureau of Highways. Borough Relative to bill for services, alterations, etc., Fourteenth Park street, between Garden and Beaver streets, Borough of of The Bronx, during the quarter, 10646. Regiment, Borough of Brooklyn, 10544. Brooklyn, opening and extending, 10430. Sewers and receiving basins, 10634. Relative to sale of buildings upon property acquired for Reinsert street, from westerly terminus of the s:rect as now Supplies and repairs, various offices and buildings, during public uses, 10551. in use and improved by Furman street, Borough of the quarter, 1o678. Refunding of Croton water rents overpaid in error, 10554. Brooklyn, application, tt451. Tabulation showing average prices of bids during the year Refunding of amounts overpaid on permits to build street Southerly side of State street and westerly side of Roanoke 1903, 1904, 1906 and 1907, on various contracts, 1o664. avenue, Borough of Queens, site for school, 70336. - vaults, x 0555. \1'.\TER SUPPLY, BOARD OF- Statement relative to fines payable to New York Society for Shepherd. between Atlantic avenue and New Tots road, the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, etc., 10552. Borough of Brooklyn, opening and extending, 10430. Appointntents, action taken, August 5, 1908, 1o7a6. Suedikcr avenue, between Dumont avenue and bulkhead lin° Amendment of classification, 70787. SPECIAL SESSIONS— of Fresh Creek, Borough of Brooklyn, opening and Accounts, 50787. Agreements, '0787, 11252, Chambers and hours, 10330. extending, 10430. Sullivan street, from Washington avenue to Nostrand ave- Abstract of es;inmted liabilities incurred and ex; cnditurc- STREET CLEANING, DEPARTMENT OF-- nue, Borough of Brooklyn, 1(431. made for the moot4 of September, 2908, 10913. Scott avenue, between Flushing avenue and St. Nicholas Bills received, etc., 10789, 10790, to838. Ashes, etc., filling in lands, 1514, 10332, 10382, 111425, 10466, avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, opening and extending. Bills approved, 10834, 10836, I1252. io56r, 10603, 10692, 10740, 10780, 10828, 1o885, 1 9, 090 io86i. Contracts ,10787, 10791, 10834, 10 10964, 70990, 11041, 11145, 11178, 11204, 11228, 949. Southeasterly corner of Sumpter street and Rockaway ave- Counsel fees, parcel owners, Ashokan Reservoir, Section 6-4, 11261, 11 349, 1144 1 . title. Borough of Brooklyn, rite for school, 10975. 10834. Office and office hours, 10329. Town of Olive, Ulster County, N. Y., application, 10336. Expenses and disbursements, 70834, Proposals for furnishing all labor and niateria'a required Towns of Yorktown and Cnrtlandt. Westchester County Financial matters, 10785, 10834, 11252. for the final disposition of garbage, 10333, 10382, 10425, N. Y., application, to6o8. Geological investigations, 10788, 11252. 10514, 1o568, 1o6o2. Tlir triangular parcel of land botmrled by 94th street aryl General bills, 10790, 1o835. Proposals for contract for furnishing all labor and material; 4th avenue and 5th avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, open- TTndson River crossings, 10788. required for removal of snow and ice, 1inmer,:hs of ing and extending, 10829. Leave of absence, action taken, August 5, 19o8, 11,786. 8 Manhattan and The Bronx. 111779, 10827, io86o. Tremont avenue (not yet named), from Bronx River to T.eases, t0788, 11252. Eastern boulevard, P.orotgh of 'fhe Bronx. opening and Minutes, 10785, 10790, 10834, 10836, 11252. SUPR15ME COURT-- extending, ro86r. Office and office hours, 10328. Chambers and hours, 10330. West 177th street (not yet named), from Amsterdam avenue Other matters, 10787, 70835, 12252. to St. Nicholas avenue, Borough of Manhattan, opening Promotions, action taken, August ii, 1908, 10786. SUPREME COURT, PROCEEDINGS IN, TO ACQUIRE- and extending, 10315. Political assessment, 10787. f,ANO FOR PUBLIC USE— Washington avenue (lint yet named), from East River ti Proposals for making borings along one or more lines south Avenue 1i, from Ocean avenue to f_,cean : irkway, Borough Jackson avenue, Rnrnugh of Queens. opening and ex- of Hill View Reservoir, etc., t 1269. of Brooklyn, opening and exteu:iing, 10431. tending, 70336. Real estate, Northern Aqueduct, Section 3, 10788. Academy street (not yet named), from Hunter avenue to West tgoth street (not vet named), from Broadway to Real estate, Ashokan Reservoir, Section I, Parcels 29 and Grand avenue, Borough of Queens, opening and extend. Riverside drive. Rnr,ugh of Manhattan. opening an-1 39, 10788. ing, 10829, 11000. extending, 11455. Real estate claims, 10788. Bay Ridge parkway, from 66th to 67th street, Borough of 6,st street, between Fort Ifamilton acenne and 181h avenue, Real estate, expense of acquisition, 10788. Brooklyn, opening and extending, 10384. Borough of 'Brooklyn. opening and extending, 10431. Reported receipt of opinions, No. 350, 10789. Ledford avenue, from Eastern parkway to Flatbush avenue. 6.tth street, from 6th avenue to New ITtrecht avenue, Ror- Borough of Brooklyn, opening and extending, 1o43. ough of Brooklyn. opening and extending, 10887. W.\TER SUPPLY. (.:AS AND ELECTRICITY, DEPART- 10520, 10744. ofth street, between 3d and 4th avrnncs, Borough of Brook- MENT OF— Blackwell street (not yet named), from ],roadway to Wool- lyn, opening and extending, 10431. Appointed, 10814, 10985, 11032, 11165, 11368, 11432. sey avenue, Borough of Queens, opening and extending, Change in working force, ro8t5, 10984, 11032, ixo6o, 11165, 10742. ti['Rlr()G.1't'1?, ]:I\GS COUNTY— 11223, 11303, 11368, 11432. Certain real estate at Bayside, Borough and County of Office and office hours, 103'9. Contracts entered into, 10984, 11032, 11369, 17 432. Queens, for the purpose of water supply, application, Increased, 10984, 10985. 10383. SURRO(;AI'E, NEW YORK COUNTY— Office and office hours, 10329. Conway street, between Broadway and Fulton street, Boe- Office and office. boars, 10329. Promoted, 11368, 51432. ough of Brooklyn, opening and extending, 10431, 10695. Proposals for furnishing and delivering gross tons bitumi- Canal place (not yet named), from East 138th to East 144t11 SURROG.ATI:, QUEENS COUNTY— nous coal, Borough of Brooklyn, 10828. street, Borough of The Bronx, opening and extending, Office and office hours, 111330. Proposals for extending and improving high pressure fire 1n745. service system at Coney Island, 10993, 71041, ttr45, East zest street, between Regent place and Bevcrley road, 'l'11F. BRONX, BOROUGTI OF- 11171. Borough of Brooklyn, opening and extending, 10744. :\dvertisentents, t0465, to885, 10966. Resigned, 10984, 11368. East 86th street and East 9zd street, Avenue D and _\rtuiring title, 1o634. Report of transactions, to814, 10984, 15032, 1io6o, 11165. Island Railroad Company, Borough of Brooklyn, acquir- Annual surmisary, 1907, M'oistvilovec of IIighways, is675. Work date on public lamps, 10834, 10984, 11o3a, iio6o, ing title, 10829. Changes in City maps, 1o635. 'rr65.