Interstate Bakeries C O R P O R a T I
INTERSTA TE BAKERIES CORPORATION Building for the future 1999 Annual Report Interstate Bakeries Corporation is the largest wholesale baker and distributor of fresh delivered bread and snack cakes in the United States. The Company has three major divisions — the Western Division, headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona; the Central Division, headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri; and the Eastern Division, headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Company also sells dry products. The Company operates 67 bakeries throughout the United States and employs more than 34,000 people. From these strategically dispersed bakeries, the Company’s sales force delivers baked goods to more than 200,000 food outlets on approximately 11,000 delivery routes. The Company’s products are distributed throughout the United States, primarily through its direct route system and approximately 1,500 Company- operated thrift stores, and to some extent through distributors. The IBC product line is marketed under a number of well-known national and regional brands, which include Wonder, Hostess, Home Pride, Drake’s, Beefsteak, Bread du Jour, Dolly Madison, Butternut, Merita, Parisian, Colombo, Sunbeam, Millbrook, Eddy’s, Holsum, Sweetheart, Cotton’s Holsum, J.J. Nissen, Marie Callender’s and Mrs. Cubbison’s. In addition, the Company is a baker and distributor of Roman Meal and Sun Maid bread. Financial Highlights Net Sales (In Millions) $3,500 (In Thousands, Except Per Share Data) 52 Weeks Ended 52 Weeks Ended 52 Weeks Ended $3,450 May 29, 1999 May 30, 1998 May 31,
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