CO~!PlLElJ Foll 1'11E111 DAtJGlt'ttlt FtollENC~ ALTHBA GlBB

:ay JOSEPittNE C. FltOST (~:tRS. SA~iUEL KNAPP FROST OF BROO&:Ll:.S, N. Y. Compller of Frost, l-Iaviland, Strang, and Shaw-Williams Genealogies~ tditor of Town Records oi Jamaica, N. Y., 1656-1751; Life ~I~mber of New York Genealogical and Biographical Society; ~!ember of Long Island, Xew Jersey, Connecticut, Quaker Hill and Kings County Historical Societies; Genealogist of the Colonial Daughters of the Seventeenth Century.



:t'ACtNG PAGE nuNCltAlU>, DEUA (ColuJss)...... 74 ~tnn~noE, ALTHEA (G1n11) ANO Cuttt>REN...... 16 ttDnEnoE, EnwARo lnvtNu Jn ...... -...... 18 F' Alt\VELL lto-usE ...... ~ ...... iO F'ARWEtL, J_ut:~s...... 22 F'ARWELL, JAMES t. IN EARLY ltFE...... 24 F'AllWELL, JAltES ~...... 26 F'ARWELL, l\L-\RY ALTHEA lN ~ARLY LIFE...... 4 FAn,tttt, Po LLY (.BMERSON) ...... _...... 98 GtBB, FLORENCE A.tTIIEA (SWAN)...... s G1BB, ~,LORENCE .A.tTHE.A (SWAN) iN tJ NlFORlt...... 12 GtBB, '\\"'ALTER...... • ...... to GIBB, BnooKLYN, N. Y. \Vt:NTER flol\IE...... 202 GIBB, GLEN Co VE, N. Y. Sul\nIER Ho ME...... • . . . . 228 l\fEDAL PRESE~~ED TO FLORENCE ALTHEA (SWAN) GIBB ...... ·... 14 ScnooL HousE, STEPHE~~OWN, N. '1...... 190 ST. l\iicHAEL's CHURCH, ENGL.A.ND...... 96


SwAN, ALDEN SlIITH AND WIFE...... 6 SWAN, JOSEPH s., GRAVESTONE ...... •.• 244 SWAN, l\iARY F. (\VIXCHESTER). ·...... 8 SWAN, Sl\UTH Y., GR.AVESTONE •...... ~ ...... • 244

SwAN, SusANNAH, Ga..\ VESTONE...... 244

S,v AN, IIoME 1x STEPHE~"'TOWN, N. 1...... 190

,v1NcHEsTEn, SA:MFEL, GRA vEsToN:c...... 2-to


ltichard Swan m. I llobert" S·wan m. Eliza.beth Acie I John Swan m. Susanna Eastman I John Swan m. Lucy Denison I Joseph Swan n1. Elizabet.h Smith I . Joseph Swan m. Deborah Alderman I Joseph Smith Swan m. Susannah Y oun~s..... I John 11. Swan 1n. l\fary F.. \Vinchester I Alden Smith Swan m. l\iary Althea Farwell

Florence Althea Swan m. ,valter Gibb


1 RICHARD s,v.A.N appeared first in New E11gla11d at Bos­ ton, l\Jass., where he had a son John baptized Nov. 13, 1638. On the 24th of 9 month, 1639, he with others was disrni~sed fro1n the First Church at Boston to that of Rowley, ~!ass., in ,fhich place he became one of its pro1ninent citizens, representing the town in the l\fassachusetts General Court fron1 1666 to 1677. He served in King Philip's ,var of 1615 and 1676 and in an expedition to Canada, and was buried in Rowley, l\fay 14, 1678. His first wiie, whose name is unknown, died in . He n1arried second l\frs. Ann, ·widow of John Trumbull.

2 ROBER'l., s,v ..AX, son of Richard Swan and his first wife, was born in England in 16~8 and n1arried in Ro,-rley, I\-Iass., in 1650, Elizabeth .Acie, ,vho died in 1689. 'rhe fo!lowing· year he married Hannah Russ, and died in Haverhill, ~lass., Feb. 11, l(i97-8. IIe removed fron1 Rowk·v.. to .AndoYer, but scttk:d in I-Iavcrhill in th~it part of the to,vn sub~c(juent1y set ofl' and ir.corpo!.·ated ~s l\!(!-th~~n.

l (... I"', H... e was a! so Id1cr. 1n. Lie xreat ~,ra.1np I'". '1gnt .. · 1n. 1:·.\,g Pl: nnp., . ' ~ """'V, . aT under Lt. B(!l1j amin Swett. 8 JOttN S\VAN, son of tl.ohert and Elizabeth ( .~cie) Swan, was born in Haverhill, l\1ass., Aug. 1, 1608, and married 1, 1699, l\trs.· Susanna Wood, widow of 'l'homas Wood, who was killed __by the lndians in 169i. She was the da~ghter of l>hilip :Bastman. 'they resided in Haverhill until 1707, when they removed to Ston­ ington, Ct., on what is now known as Swan ,.rown ltill in North Stonington, and where he died l\iay 1, 1743, and she died nee. i0, 1772, in her 100th year. Their gravestones were in good condition a few years ago. She is noted in the llistot·y of Haverhill, l\Iass., for her heroism as follows: "During the Indian War, when so many of the inhabitants were killed, the Indians attacked their ,1ome, which stood in a field now called \\1hite's lot, nearly opposite to the house .of Capt. Emerson. l\{r. Swan and his wife saw them ap­ proaching and detern1ined if possible to save their own lives and the lives of their children. They imn1ediately placed themselves against the door, which ·was so narrow that two could scarcely enter abreast. The lndians rushed against it, but finding that it could not easily be opened, one of them placed his back against it and others pushed against him. Their strength was greater than th$1.t of the besieged, and l\fr. Swan, being rather a tin1id ma!1, almost despair~d of sa,·ing himself and family and told his wife he thought it ,vould be better to let them in, but this resolute and courageous woman had no such idea. The Indians now had suc­ ceeded partly in opening the door, and one of them '\Yas crowding himself in, with others pushing after. The heroic ,vife saw there was no time for parleying; she seized ·her -bake spit, "·hich was nearly three feet in length and a deadly weapon in the hands of the ·wornan, as it proved, and collecting all the strength she pos­ sessed, drove it through the body of the foremost Indian. Thi~ reception being too warm for the_ intruders, they retreated." Another story has come down to this generation about the ingenuity of Susanna Swan when her husband was off to the Indian Wars. It is clain1ed that she w·ould hang balls of carpet rags in the upper windows of her home and have the children keep them moving w·hile she would beat a drum do·wnstairs and the Indians would think John Swan and nun1~rous others were in the house, aud so pass them by unmolested .

• 4 JOIIN s,v.AN", son of John and Susannv. (Eastman) Swan~ was born in Havcrhill, ~lass., Dec. 28, 1700, and 1narried lia rch 5, 17'~6, Lucy Denison, horn 1710,

ALDEN s. AXD )L.\llY' .A. (FARWET.t.) (About the time of marriage) (Pages 9 and 27)


o jQSEl>tt S\VAN, son of John and tucy (Denison) Swan, was born ~!arch 12, 1734, in Stonington, Ct., and married flrst Elizabeth Sn1ith of Groton, Ct., on Oct. 17, 1756. She died 1\!ay 10, 1761, and he married at North Stonington, Ct., Jan. i8, 1762, l\1ary }iiner, by whom he had several daughters but only one son, Adin, horn ~1ay 13, 1764, who located in Stephentown, N. Y., belore i 790. lJates of death on Joseph and his second wife have not been found. Joseph Swan resided in Preston, Ct., and according to the ltevo­ lutio:nary lndex in the State Library at ltartford he had his tax rebated for services in that \Var during 1775. The Connecticut · ltistorical Society, vol. 1~, p. 9, states he served in the Continental ltegiment in 1775 from Preston.

6 JOSEPH S'\\r AN, son of Joseph and ~lizabeth (Smith) Swan, was born in Stonington, Ct., lJec. 3, 1758, and married in East Granby, Ct., liay 18, 1780, 1>ehorah Alderm9.11. ln 1790 he was residing in Granby, but before 1800 he had taken up his l'esidence in Stephentown, N. Y., where his half brother Adin had already located. In the census of 1800 he had eleYen in his fan1ily, eight sons and one daughter, but two other sons were born after that date. ,,Tith the exception of the first three children and the last one nan1ed in the f ollo,,ing list, the order of their births is not now known. The dates of de~th of Joseph and Deborah hB:,~e not been found and the little forsaken burial plot, where many of his descendants lie, in Stephentown, does not give up the secret, but· without doubt th<;y were buried in it. Joseph served in the Revolutionary ,y ar. He enlisted fron1 Stonington, Ct., April 8, 1777, and in December of that year beca1ne a Corporal in Col. Sheldon's Light Dragoons. Description of him states that he ·was 5 ft. 9 in. in height, light complexion, dark eyes and brown hair. He was discharged Nov. 8, 1780 (Conn. in the Revolution, pp. 271, 275, !83).

Issue of Joseph and Deborah (Alderman) Swan:

a Joseph Smith Swan, born East Granby, Ct., Feb. 15, 1781. (Continued.) b Smith Scyn1our Swan; born East Granby, Ct.; Jan. 5, 178~. c· Adin Sey1nour Swan, born East Granby, Ct., Jan. ~0, 1783. He married :\lartha-and both were living in Stephen­ town, N. Y., as late as 1850. d Lot Swan, v,·ho married in Stephentown, N. Y.,. and before 1820 was the father of five children. One of his lnte-r 8 SWAN-FAttWEtt G~NEaLOGY

children was J eretniah; horn 1816, who died in Pittsfield, }!ass., Jan. 25, 1910. e lytnan Swatt,- who was a tnetnber of the Albany Co. ltilitia in 1808. l Perez {Paris-Percy) Swan married and had five children in Stephentown, N. Y., before 18fl0. One of them· was 11arvey Swan of Albany, who married,· and atnong his children was Harriet Spotten, who was residing in Albany in 192fl. . . g Warren Sl\·an, · who £ought in the War of -1812 f rorn Ste- phentown, N. Y. - h ltenry Swan, who married Esther, daughter of Apollos and Elizabeth ('Vass) Rollo. 1'hey had six children in Ste­ phentown, N. Y., before 1830, and he died before 1840. i Delight Swan, born Stephentow·n, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1797; tnarried there Aug. 14, 1815, Jesse Shaw, born there Feb. 3, 1793, son of Comfort Shaw, Jr. ln 18iS they removed to Taberg, .. Annsville To,\"nship, Oneida Co., N. Y. They both died in St. Charles, Ill. He in April, . 188i, and she on Nov. 11, the same year. Their chil­ dren were: .(1) Deborah Ann Shaw, born Stephentown, N. Y., l\1arch 6, 1820, married Jan. 18, 1844, Blake Alcott, and died about 1891. (2) Jesse Shaw, born Stephentow·n, N. Y., June 18, 1822; n1arried Aug. 14, 1846, Betsey F. Colburn. (3) Rhoda Shaw, born Taberg, N. Y., l\ilay 10, 1825; · married near there Jan. 18, 1844, ..Asa Spaulding Clark, born SloansYille, N. Y ., Aug. flS, 18~2; died St. Paul, l\Iinn., l\Iay 1, 1904. She died at Byron, Ill., July 14, 1913. They had four children, as follows: (a) George l\Ionroe Clark, born Camden, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1848; married first in Rochester, l\Iinn., Sept. 25, 1871, l\Iinnie Cross, who died in ::\Iarch, 1886. He married second, in Byron, Ill., Nov. Q6, 1907, Louisa Austin, who died in Oct., 1913, and he married third, Aurora, Ill., ...\ug. 11, 1915, !~aura E. Get"chell, and he died in Leaf RiYer, Ill., )lay 13, 19~Q. (b) Harriet Sophia Cln.r1(, ho1·:n ~raberg, N. )~., i-\pril 8, 18,53 ~ nui.rried l{ochcster, :\!inn., ~Iay 17, 1876, !lush B. \Yhcele1·, bo1·n Jc."ln. !:l9, 1844, and thev.. had four children, RS follows: Ai.uJ<:x 8. AND l\lAnY A. (J!'A1tWEJ,1,) SWAN ( Pn1,rt~s 9 aml 27)

SwAN-F aw:ttt GENlitooY 7 .. t ( 1) Frost l\1ontaine Wheeler, horn Austin, liinn., _ 1\iarch 25, 1878; married june 30, 1909, in Mt. \ 1ernon, N. Y., Emma C. Becker. (!) Cleora Clark Wheeler, born Austin, l\Iinn., July 8, 1882. (3) ~verett Clark "'heeler, born St. Paul, l\1inn., Feb. 19, 1884, died ~iarch 18, 1898. ( 4) ltoss Clark Wheeler, born St. Paul, l\1inn., Feb. 29, 1886; died Nov. 12, 1901. ( c) Charles Asa Clark, born St. Charles, 111., l\1arch 18, 1865; married 1885, Amanda Palmer. ( d) Pamela Rhoda Clark, born St. Charles, lll., 1\1:arch 29, 1867; married ~J:arch 1, 1893, at St. Paul, l\iinn., llev. Wm. Po1·ter Lee. ( 4) John Shaw, born Taberg, N. Y., l\1arch 27, 18!7; married Feb. 6, 1848, Hannah Crandall. ( 5) Pardon Shaw, born Taberg, N. Y., nee. 26, 1828; tnarried about 1852, Phebe Crandall, who died about 1858, and in 1859 he married Polly Clark. (6) Pamela Sha,v, born Taberg, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1833; tnar­ ried Nov. 8, 1847, Hiram Scoville. (7) Comfort Sha"~, born Taberg, N. Y., July fll, •1835; married Feb., 1861, Lavina Cain. j Nathaniel Swan, born Stephentown, N. Y. k Nels on Swan, born Stephentown, N. Y ., ; married there August 14, 1815, Content Shaw, born there, daughter of Comfort Shaw, Jr. In 18~3 they removed to Taberg, Annsville Township, Oneida Co., N. Y. He was inter­ ested in the Erie Canal, and was drowned, and was buried at Tonawanda, N. Y., in 1837, leaving his wife with seven small children, as fallows: ( 1) Joseph Swan, born Jan. 11, 1823, probably in Stephentown, N. Y. (2) Nelson Swan. (S) Tryon Swan, who married and had Nelson and Joseph. ( 4) ,v arren Swan, born Taberg, N. Y., Oct. 1, 18~9; n1arried l\Iary Streeter in 1853, and their children were: (a) Harriet C.; married first Oct. ~5, 1877, Nelson Hover, and had one son, Harrv.. lY. Hover. She married second Dec. ~9, 1896, Dr. George F. :\Iaddock of Brooklyn, :X. Y.; no is~ue. (b) Isabelle, n1arricd July ~4i, lBOO'.' Frank ~I. Tinkha1n. ( c) ,v arren, Jr., n1arrit:'d 188~, .A.gnes \\ralker. ( 5) Caroline, 1narried Oscar Smith. (6) En1ily Swan, mar­ ried J·oscph Beujan1in. (7) Pan1elia Swan. (Order oi births not known). 8

7 JOSEPH Sltt'rtt SWAN, eldest son of Joseph and nehorah (Alderman) Swan, was born in East Granby, Ct., Feb. 15, 1781, and baptized there June 24, 1781, according to the records of that · to\\11. lte died in Stephentown, N. Y., according to the Surrogate's Records, June 14, 1849, but his gravestone date is June 15 of that year. He died intestate and his son .A.lvah Swan and. Joseph l\i. Young "~ere appointed administrators. lte married Susannah Youngs, daughter of :Eli Youngs. She ·was born Jan. 15, 1783, and died Nov. 15, 1833. Their gravestones are standing side by side in a sn1all abandoned cemetery at Stt:!phentown, N. Y., on the old road to Berlin. There are numerous stones there which cannot be read to-day. lt is close to a house not now habitable and is said to have been called the l{ittle Cemetery. Joseph Smith Swan is first mentioned in the tJ. S. Census Records concerning Stephentown, N. Y., in 1810, when he is listed as having four sons not ten years of age. ln 18fl0 he is listed as the father of three boys not ten years old, t.wo between ten and sixteen, and one between sixteen and twenty-six, and one daughter not t.en. The order of the births of their children cannot be definit.ely stated. · lssue: a Sn1ith Young Swan, l?orn in Stephentown, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1802; died l\Iarch 9, 1842. His gravestone is still stand­ ing in the old cen1etery mentioned above. In 1830 he is listed in the U. S. Census as being n1arried and having two daughters not 5 years of age. b Joseph l\Iortimer Swan, born in Stephentown, N. Y., 1805, died·there June 29, 185~. He married Polly Kettell and in the u·. S. Census of 1850 they are listed as the parents of two children, Orson, born in 1838, and liary, in 18.fO. Living with them- was Samuel Kettell, aged 7 5 years. The two children ren1oved to Ohio and died there. c John Hoel Swan (probably tTohn Howell Swan), born about 1810, died before Aug. 2, 1853. (Continued.) d Alvah Lyman Swan, born in Stephentown, N. Y., in 181~, died there Nov. ~3, 1877. He married \\Tealthy .A.h·ira Daboll, who died Sept. 23, 1874. They are buried in the Baptist Cemetery at Stephentown Center. They l?-ad three daughters, Augusta, Lucy, ·who married ,·vm. A. Hagan1an, Jr., and Frances. The latter tv:o are now residents of Albany, N. Y. e Nelson P. Swan, born 1815, died ~Iny 15, ·183~. Buried in the old ccn1etcry mentioned above, at Stephentown, N.Y. . f Susan ,,,. • Swan, rnarricd Stephen B. Lillibridge, and had MARY F. ('VINCHESTER) SWAN (Pages 9 and 2-10)

SwA!i-FaWEt.t GENlitOGY 9 • itenry and 'thiria, both of whom were deceased before 1923. g Ralph ..i\. Swan, born in Stephentown, N. Y., 1810, and died there Aug. 6, 1848; is buried in the old cemetery · tnentioneJ aboYe. h l\!argaret Lucretia S\\~an, born Stephentown, N. Y., June 21, l82~, died :\!arch 25, 1899; married J os~ph Knight. 'they have living children. She is buried in Center l3erlin, N. Y. i l\iehitable C. Swan, born Stephentown, N. Y., 1824; mar~ ried lValdo S. Casey. 'they had one son. j Frederick S,van, died in Stephentown, N. Y., 1817. k An infant buried in the old cemetery aboYe mentioned.

8 JOHN HOEL (Ho,vELL) s,VAN, son of Joseph Smith and Susannah (Youngs) Swan, was born in Stephentown, N. Y., about 1810, and died in ..Albany, N. Y., before fl, 1853. ln 1851-2 he was residing at 35~ l,ydius St., Albany, and probably died there. He enlisted in the ~Iexican ,var and was shot in the head in such a manner· that the rest of his days were passed in total blindness. He married in Lancaster, l\1ass., Dec. 23, 183~, Mary F. ,vinchester, born ::\Jarlbo1·ough, l\Iass., .A.pril 9, 1812; died in Albany, N. Y., :\larch 9, 1888. They had t""o children only, both born in Stephentown, N. Y.: (a) Albert, in 1836, who died July 8, 1863, and who is buried in the Hagaman Plot in the Albany Rural Cemetery, and (b) .Alden Smith Swan, as below.

9 ALDEN S~IITH S\V.AN, son of John Ho":-ell and l\Iary F. (\Vinchester) Swan, was born in Stephentown, N. Y., Dec. SO, 1838, and died in Brooklyn, N. ):., Feb. 22, 1917. He married in Boston, ~lass., Oct. 6, 1863, l\Iarv.. Althea Farwell, born there Jan. 6, 1841 ; died in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1921. The Supreme Court Records at Troy, N. Y., have a report on file of the Referee appointed concerning the sale of s01ne property belonging to ...;\Iden S. and Albert Swan, dated Aug. 2, 1853, wherein they are called infants, ...:\Ifrcd being about 16 years of age and Alden S. about 14 years. They had as their guardian ..r\ Deuel, and the petition states that he ( "with their, mother, l\lary F. \Vinchester, formerly )Iary F. Swan, now wife of Abner Deuel, all residing together in New York City, and the t.,,o boys, the only children of John H. Swan, deceased, ,\·ho resided at death in Albany and who owned thirty acres of land with house, bnrn and sawn-iii!, in Stephento,'"n, N. Y., and Berlin, of which Joseph S. Swan, hjs father, died seized and which pren1ises a re on the east bank of t.l 1e 10 SWAN-FAttWEtt G~NEAtoGY l31ack -ttiver," etc.) desired to sell said property to the uncle of the boys, Alvah t. Swan of Stephe11town, cooper. This sale was con­ summated and record of satne n1ay be seen in tiber 88, page 283 of Deeds, at 'troy, N. Y. The following references regarding the life of Alden Smith Swan are t~ken from the daily New York pape~s published at the time of his death:

Alden 8. Swan, for many years past one of the most promi­ nent figures in the business, social, civic and political life of Brook­ lyn and l\1anhattan, died suddenly at his residence, 189 Columbia 1teights, Brooklyn, N. Y., fro1n an acute attack of the stomach trouble from ,vhich he had suffered for several years. Only a ~eek ago he was able to be a guest of honor at a banquet of the Oil 'trades Association of New York, at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, and made an address in which he recounted many of his experiences in the oil industry and as a public official. At that time he said that of all the men with whom he was associated in the building oi the llrooklyn Bridge, he was the last survivor. ~!r. Swan came to New York when fifteen years old and continued his education in the College of the City of N cw York, which he left without gradu­ ation to enter business in the leather district known as "~.fhe Swamp" in l\1anhattan. During his apprenticeship there he beca1ne one of the best kno"·n oarsmen in the city and he took part in nearly all the regattas on the Hudson River and in other waters near New York. He held the single scull championship for nine years and with his mate held the double-scull championship, holding these honors for the .Atalanta Boat Club, which was the oldest rowing organization in the country, having been established in 1848, and of which he was a leading n1ernber. In his last rowing match, in the National Regatta of 187~, with a mate who weighed only one hundred pounds, l\Ir. Swan. bested all con1crs. He was sn1all of stature, _but made up for his lack of weight by phenornenal pluck and endurance, factors which were also of the greatest value in his later business career. In his younger days he ""as an expert ,vith the rifle and in the individual international n1id-range match at Creedn1oor in 1876, which was open to the world, he secured the tw·elf th prize. Ile was an accomplished yachtsn1an and maintained a crack yacht at Islip, L. I., where he had a handsome sun1mer residence. He "·as Con1- modore of the old Great South Bay Yacht Club and a mc1nber of the Riding and DriYing Club of Brooklyn, the Germania, the :Excel­ sior, the Crescent Athletic, the Brooklyn and Hamilton Clubs. He started in business for himself in .. A.ugust, 1861, and his popularity with the tanners and curriers insured him success fron1. the start. In 188~ he took as his associate Charles X. Finch and formed the finn of Swan & Finch. They became power£ul factors in the oil business and were finally bought out by the Standaid Oil . ,·,_;:·~~:'~:.~\'i~/~:" • ··•:',;,i ·-::j......

,_;~. . ·... ··

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" .. Gmu (Page 13)


Company. ttt 1892 the flrtn was ittcorporated under the name of Swan & Finch Company attd lir. Swan held the presidency of the concern __ until 1900, when he· accepted an oiter to -become the presi­ dent of the Rubber Goods Company, a concern capitalized at $26,- 000,000, and he succeeded in putting the cotnpany on a sound financial basis. ln 1904 he purchased the oil and grease husiness of Cooke l3ros., and later acquired the company's plant at Elizabeth­ port, N. J., and the company was incorporated in 1907 under the present name of Alden S. Swan & Co. lir. Swan has been a resident of 13:rooklyn for more than thirty-five years and for more than twenty years has lived in the First Ward, in a handsome residence on Colutnbia lteights. lte always took an active part in politics. lte was an ardent Demo­ c:ra t and was for ten years president of the First ,vard nemocratic Association. lte was appointed 'tax Collector of the old City of l3rooklyn by l!ayor naniel C. Whitney and was continued in that office during l\tayor Chapin's two terms and :reappointed for the fourth time hy l\iayor Boody in 1892. lte was notably successful in politics as well as in business affairs and for many years held undisputed leadership among the nemocrats of the First Ward. lte was one of the first Trustees and·for several years was Treas­ urer 0£ the Board of Trustees. of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge. His name is on the bronze tablet on the bridge and he was the possessor of a life pass to go over on its trains. l\fr. Swan was at the time of his death president, treasurer and a director of Alden S. Swan & Co. of l\lanhattan, a direct.or ·of Frederick Loeser & Co., a director of the l\Iarket and Fulton National Bank of l\Ianhattan, president and a director of the l\Ien­ haden Oil Co., president and director of the Salisbury & Harvey Railway, president and director of the Triton Oil and Fertilizer Co., and president and director of the Ulster Paint Works. He was a member of the New York Produce Exchange and the New York Consolidated Stock Exchange. He was buried in Greenwood Cemetery following funeral ser­ vices in the Church of the Holy Trinity, where prominent men and women gathered to pay their last tribute to him. ·who durin_g his seventy-eight years of life had accomplished big things in the busi­ ness, charitable and social world.


I Even in the enjoyment of Brooklyn's tremendous present there are many who cannot repress a sigh for the passing of that rich and deep-toned Brooklyn life of which Alden S. Swan was a leader and an exemplar. It was a rounded, a complete life. It. combined a cultivated n1ind v.ith fine physical ,·igor, capacity. for substantial public scr,.. ice V."ith con1n1ercial leadership, and a whole-souled and genial love of laughter ·with a proud understanding of the under- 12 SWAN-F AltWEtt GENl;AtOGY

lying ideals of a healthy and progressive society. 1\ir. Swan's per­ sonalit:y was one of power on every side. 1tis experience spanned the wide reaches of his con1munitv's onward movement. \Vith a . fratne light and spare he possessed., muscles of steel and a spirit for out-door adventure. lte was a champion oarsman at a time '\\·hen aquatic sports were tre111endously popular and the name of Ned lt8.t,11on ·was a household word. lte was a ,,igorous upholder of the fame of clubs devoted to athletic development. lte won the cham­ pionship with the rifle at six hundred yards at the Centennial Expo­ sition in Philadelphia in 1876. l\!eanwhile he struck boldly into business life. They called him in these latter years "the father of the oil business," because he was one of the few survivors of the big men in that wonderful trade . before the days of the Standard Oil; one of the oil kings who were before Agamemnon. His energy manifested itself in the social and political life of his con1n1unity. lie was active succ~ssively in the l3rooklyn Club, the ltamilton Club, and the Crescent Athletic Club, in which he was proud of his title as a member of "the first one hundred." A Democrat from his youth, he -early recognized the leadership that was in Hugh ~lcLaughlin, and ~1cLaughlin ahvays regarded hhn as one of his ablest advisers. He was a member ot the County Committee from the First ,v ard in the days of Ted Donovan's leadership and ,vhile 1\1cLaughlin retained his power he never lost interest in the affairs of the organization. He early dis­ played a keen and beneficial interest in all projects of public better­ ment, and ""hen the Brooklyn Bridge project took forn1 he was selected as a colleague of J an1es S. T. Stranahan, "Brooklyn's First Citizen," on the original commission: He often referred to the fact recently that he was the only survivor of the men "·ho built the great bridge. Later, he "·as Tax Commissioner of the old City of Brooklyn, under Jiayors Chapin and Boody. The end of Brooklyn as a city marked his retirement from public affairs, and thercaf ter he devoted himself to his private business and his clubs. lic was . a most familiar figure in the Brooklyn Club house, in Pierrepont - Street, where his friends of later times will recall him as one of the cheeriest of philosophers and the best of story tellers. His wit, his shrewd appraisals of life, his rich syn1pathy and con1prehensive understanding gave him a peculiar character among those who found joy for the spirit under the club house roof, and the cirr.l,~ in which he sat ,vas always a flashing circle. His death ends a lif~ rich in experience and service, and the tho~ght of hin1 in the hearts of friends is a living n1e1norial, as the mighty swing abo,·e the meet­ ing tides is an enduring· monument. Alden Sn1ith Swan was the fat.her of two daughters, Edit-h Clnrn, who djed young, and Florence .Althea.

10 FLORENCE ....\.Lri'HE.A S\V AN, daughter of .Aldc_n Sn1ith and ~Iary .Althea (Farwell) Swan, was born in Ne,v York City, ,.:.,..•. :~:·~ ·-·-:: :--

·:,j .. ·1---;I ..•· --··i-~- .·•:~

t l:,,':,,:-;.~\!; r :S'' \.J.i:•t• ~~ ~-~~_:__~:u.a.,~ ..; .. k~~&cie .. ~S.;.· ~~i:~~;:;;;,i,i.µ~i,;;,~~.:.n~~¼r~ .Ar.THEA (Sw.\X) Gmn (Page 12)

SWAN-F.Att,-n:tt G~N~AtOGY 13

Oct. 7, 1864, and married in '.trinity Church, 13rooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1891, \\ratter Gibb, born in Brooklyn, N. Y., July 23, 1863, and died there July 25, 1912, son of John and 1tarriet ( l3alsdon) Gibb. ln October, 1917, receiving· a ,~ery urgent letter from lirs. \\1illiam C. l3eecher, representing the National League for Woman's Service, :lirooklyn nivision, l\1rs. \Valter Gibb accepted the arduous task of reconstructing the Kings County branch of the League, which had been organized the previous spring. 'l'hus called to the colors, 11rs. Gibb became the official Chair­ man, and with unusual vision and courage, possibly an inheritance from her forbears, she set about her task ,vith a conscientious regard for what she considered her supreme duty, and with an enthusiasm that ne,:rer deserted her throughout the years she governed the thou­ sands of ,~omen who were members of her vast army. Wisely, tactfully, with divine intuition she appointed her "Cabi­ net," so to speak, from her circle of friends whose sincerity and loyalty had been tested through long years of friendship, and they in tum were glad to rally, not alone to he-r aid, but to the flag of their country, anxious to do their part under such wise guidance. l\lrs. Gibb studied the manual of the organization as laid out by the National Board in Washington, and was in constant con­ sultation ,vith both National and City Board in New York City. Following closely the plan as outlined, departments were formed, and rapidly commenced to function, for f1·om hour to hour the need became greater and greater. '!"'here were nine in number, namely: Agriculture, Canteen; liotor Corps, General Service, Home and Overseas, Convalescent, Office and House l\1anagement, Home Eco­ nomics, Social and ,,relfare. To these, later, as the splendid ·work expanded, were added the League Shop and Tea Room, these pro­ viding the funds to "carry on" Homes for Convalescents, Clubs and Hospital work among the ex-service men, Nutritional Restau­ ran~s for undernourished children of the poor, Club work in squalid districts, and lastly the receiving of the foreign born seeking citizen­ ship in the U. S. courts. The several Chairmen worked untiringly and in great harmony, but in justice to l\Irs. Gibb, who controlied all these departments with the wisdom of Solomon and ,vithout whose wise guidance- the work would never, could never have been accomplished, the list of gigantic tasks as ,·isioned by her, and accomplished through her, must be recorded here as an everlasting memorial to Florence A. Gibb. '£he Agricultural Department established a colony of young girls as "farmerettes," replacing the n1en for service, on the farn1s . 14 SwAN-F'AttwELL GmiEAtoGY

of lsland. They enjoyed a lovely home, properly chaperoned hy an efBcient "1touse liother." The enterprise was very success­ ful as well as profitable. '!'he Canteen had a membership of over two thousand, and ran thirteen Canteens, covering the ground from Coney lsland to the Navy Yard. They ,vere first at the l\iorgan, N. J., disaster, re­ tnaining there two weeks, distributing food night and day to the homeless refugees and to the National Guard. 'l'hey were requisitioned many times by the ·Government to meet the incoming hospital ships, t.hey manned the armories to welcome homecoming soldiers, they were to be seen at fires, epidemics, enter­ tainments; in fact were on call for any duty and for any organiza­ tion needing their help. They could be reached night or day. The Canteens fed thousands and thousands of men and were run at top speed all through the war. · The l\io_tor Corps, like the Canteen, ser,,ed a twenty-four hour duty. They were sent by the Government on secret missions. Hos­ pitals claimed much of their time. They were hours on the docks carrying wounded men from ships to hospitals. The l\1organ dis­ aster claimed their services for several weeks. Also the terrible accident at the l\'1albone Street (Flatbush) cut in Brooklyn. The Influenza epidemic left them no time for rest, for they never refused a call to carry the ill to the hospitals. They responded to all de­ mands from the Navy Yard, carrying the officers on their official duties. They assisted the Red Cross. From the Fox Hills Hos­ pital they conveyed the disabled men back and forth to and from the clinics in N e,v York. 'l"'hey carried ·the cripples, the dying, the insane--they carried theater parties of wounded men to enjoy an evening of pleasure, and, finally, when the urgent appeal came to help the little children, also crippled, with great humanity they carried them back and forth from their homes to the clinics, and so saved many a little sufferer. There is no space to tell in detail of their work, it was limitless-unrecorded-magnificent. The word General Service explains itself. It ·was a service for all, to all. Flowers for the sick, books, writing of letters home for those who were unable to hold a pen. They provided Secretaries to do clerical work for different organizations. They spent hours and hours with the Draft Board. Collected books for the home clubs and for overseas, the l\fl'tal-rnart fell to their share of the work. Several of the Liberty Bond booths were run by these effi­ cient women. They organized clubs and street entcrtain1ncnts; in one ,vord any and every odd joh that no one else wanted to do was gladly undertaken by the General Scr\·ice. The Honie and Overseas went quietly about its way making r:·:.~ \,_!, ·· ..... ,. ·=- ,A---·· -e ~· -..


SwAN-FA.itwm.t Gt.~:tAtooY 15 thousands of garments. A a'week was their tnotto, and a- case a week ,vent out from their workroom at the league iteadquarters filled with the most necessary garments for stricken France and :helgium. 'there were sweaters, socks, scarfs, gloves, and caps for the boys "oYer there," and with it all, no call from the needy at home was ever turned down. A brave, efficient, capable hand of women who ran those sewing machines to their. full capacity. 'l'he Social and ,,r elf are department formed units ol carefully selected girls to entertain the men at clubs and dances. 'these units were chaperoned by fine women of discrimination ""ho brought then1 back and forth from the various clubs. ltundreds and hundreds of girls enrolled in this department, and it was not all fun, for they had to take their turn checking coat~, teaching dancing, at all times ready to dance with the uninteresting as well as the interest­ ing. The department supplied entertainers, elocutionists, musicians, manned information booths through Brooklyn, and when the war ended assisted in the Courts welcoming the foreign born who sought citizenship in the states, and presenting each with an American flag of silk. One of ~!rs. Gibb's finest pieces of work, if there could have been any of a superlative degree, was the founding and directing of three convalescent homes for our ex-service men, incapacitated through war. The homes were on Clinton Ave., Bay Ridge, and the last one was in the Gibb's family home on Gates Ave., Brooklyn. Homesick, ill unto death, discouraged, the boys sent by the ,var Risk Bureau, found in these hon1es a heavenly refuge, which they will ·ueYer forget, and forever bless the name of the National League for \Voman's service, as well as ":\Irs. Gibbs," by which name they called her. ,vhen the doors were finally closed, this department, grown so efficient in their work among the boys, took up Hospital Visiting, and soon found that they "·ere welcomed heartily by eight of these institutions, bringing comfort to the men, who very soon learned to look for the women of the League, the women who were instru- ◄ mental in providing dances, Chrisbnas parties, goodies and smokes, and best of a11 the cheer they so much needed. The Home Econon1ic Dcpartn1ent found the1nselvcs a busy com­ mittee, teaching chisses of w·on1en, conservation of food ,\·ith their nutritional values, canning and preserving, econon1ical buying and substitutes. Lectures were given in different parts of Kings County on domestic science. _.\.t Fort Ha1nilton, the cooks received instruc­ tion f ron1 trained 111c1nbers of this dcpartn1cnt. "Office and I-IonH-~ ::\Ianagcrncnt" sounds rather dull and lacking in interest, but it was far fro1n that, the chair1nan seeming to hold 16 SwAN-F AllWEtt G:tNlllWGY a charmed wand, and, presto! from a shabby,· sotneiitnes a repellent . room or house, it became an attractive abode that itn-ited one h\'".. its cozy, homelike comfort. And so with the office, combining the businesslike necessities with a certain air that only some women can bestow. All the Clubs for boys, such as the rooms for the n1en on the sub-chasers, the huts of the Y. li. C. A., Officers Clubs, and the League's own spacious lteadquarters, were under the charge of this department, and were at all times a credit to them as well as to l\1rs. Gibb. "Then the ,var closed, the army of women thought that they would automatically receive their discharge papers, but ~!rs. Gibb found that to disband such a splendid a1·my, still in fighting trim, would be a disaster, particularly as the reconstruction period called for as much patriotism as during the previous exciting events. The League shop was still functioning, and it was necessary to carry that on, for the funds had to be supplemented. The shop wa~ manned by members of the League, and the stock largely sup­ plied by then1. It was a God-send to n1any, for the clothing that was sent in to be sold for the benefit of the several activities was of very good n1aterial and in excellent. condition, and everything was sold from needles to pictures, housefurnishings, n1illinery, books, china and jewelry. l\Ien's clothing was sold exclusively to ex-service men, while the attractive tea roo1n turned over many a dollar to the Treasurer. And now another demanding cry was heard throughout the land. The little children of the poor! Undernourished and underfed, for war prices had been aln1ost prohibitive and continued so, ~Irs. Gibb appointing a very conscientious and efficient chairman to work ,nth her, established a trial restaurant, supervised by a physician inter­ ested in the physical uplift of .these poor little waifs. From the very start it was a success, and it was demonstrated beyond doubt the enor1nous value of such work. Rapidly the word went forth, and many noted men and won1en came to see for them­ selves the method that was bringing the I .. eague such renown. Three restaurants f ollo,ved, each as perfect as the first, and now the gov­ ernment in the public schools haYe con1n1itted themselves to the tak­ ing over of this much needed actiYity. This conservative record is but a birdseve., view of facts. There is no room to go into details. In 1ucasure it can be said that with her keen outlook on the situation as it unrolled before her, ~Irs. Gibb never allowed an opportunity to pass where the League could be of service. l\Te are told that a n1an is born for the hour of need; here was a woman born for that fateful hour, an

;'-... __ r / ~.,:y.,;•s:~-_.

..ALTHEA (Grnn) EI.DREDGE AXD C1111.nREX (Page 20)

SwAN-FAttwEtt GENl:AtooY 17

• • laced her problems, saying, as did our great Pershing, "lafayeite, we are here." The following newspaper articles show the result of her activity and the honor bestowed upon her by the Prench Government for her splendid war work:

ln recognition of the splendid war work of the l3rooklyn division of the National League for ,,r oman's Service, l\1rs. "ralter Gibb, the chairman, has been awarded the 11edaille d'lionneur by the French republic. The formal presentation "·ill be made by 1\1. Gas­ ton 1.iebert, French Consul General at New York City, at a luncheon given in her honor by Senator \Villiam l\1. Calder at the llamilton Club, Clinton and llemsen Streets, on Tuesday, December ~6, 19fl~. l\'1rs. Gibb said to-day that she will accept the medal, not for herself but in behalf of the whole organization and as chairman of the league. Senator Calder is expected to preside at the presenta­ tion and ·about fifty invited guests will be present. '!'he l3rooklyn branch of the League was organized· on l\iarch 30, 1917, less than a month after a state of war was declared be­ tween the United States and GcrmanJ. During the period of the war and for some time after the League me1nbers, among who1n ,,·ere included son1e of Brooklyn's n1ost pron1inent society ,von1en, carried on in Yarious ways. An active commissariat division was opened, which did canteen work of various kinds, distributing sandwiches and coffee to the soldiers en route at the railroad stations, bringing wholesome food to ,vorkers in munition factories and co-operating with similar bodies in other parts ~f the country.


There ,vas a motor corps "·ith a uniforn1ed force of sixty and an auxiliary list of as many ,·d10 were ready to lend their motor cars for extra service. Entertainn1ent was furnished soldiers and sailors stationed in Brooklyn and vicinitJ. Knitted and other articles were prepared and sent abroad to the hospitals in France ·and to the soldiers t}iere. The· League aided in the Liberty Loan drives and after the signing of the Arn1istice acted as hosts to thousands of lonely sol­ diers and sailors te1nporarily stranded here on their way hon1e son1e­ where in the interior. ..A.s the wounded and disabled began to come back here, the League also took up the work of assisting the ex­ service n1en in the hospitals.


One of the League's projects in the bo1·ough ·was the League Shop, opened al Lafayettc A venue and Fort Greene Place, ,\·here 18 s,vAN-FAtt~ GENEALOGY

clothing was sold at cost to ex-service men and other articles to women. So grateful were the sailors stationed at Bay Ridge for the work done by the teague that the 1.eague's officers were inYited early in December, 1918, to review a parade of 2,000 of them-the first review known to the Navy in which won1en were the reviewing officers.

l\irs. Walter Gibb was to-day, hec. 26, 1922, decorated with the l\:tedaille d'ltonneur of the French llepublic in recognition of her work as chairn1an of the National League for Wotnan's Ser­ vice, Kings County nivision, during the World \Var. 'l'he medal was pinned on l\1rs. Gibb by Gaston tieberf, French consul general at New York City, at a luncheon given in her honor by Senator William l\1. Calder at the Hamilton Club this afternoon. ln accepting the medal ~!rs. Gibb made it understood that she was receiving it, not for herself but in behalf of the whole organi­ zation. The presentation was made in the presence of about 100 guests, numbering among them many leadet·s of social, civic and political life in the borough. Senator Calder presided as toastmaster and host.


Throughout the war and well into the reconstruction period the Kings County Committee of the National League for ,\7oman's Service was on the job twenty-four hours of the day under the untiring and zealous leadership of l\Irs. Gibb. Thirteen canteens · and clubs for service n1en ,vere organized and maintained; French classes were fonned for the overseas n1cn,~ French documents were translated, more than a dozen French orphans were adopted, 15,176 garments were sent overseas in one year. The Kings County League canteen and n1otor corps were the first at l\lorgan, N. J., at the time of the great powder explosion disaster; they were among the first at the docks when shiploads of wounded service men came in, and first at the mines during the suffering due to the coal strikes. The Agricultural Division organized units of farmerettes to release farm hands for the army by assuming their places. The General Service Division raised thousands of dollars for the Red Cross and served the Shipping, Census and Dra~t Boards. They cared for 3000 wounded and sick in their convalescent homes. Throughout this arduous work ~lrs. Gibb upheld the reputation of being one of the hardest workers and being in the center of activity, never asking one of he-r subordinates and co-workers to do a job she could not or would not tackle herself. As Senator

,villiam :\I. Calder said5 "her renutrkable tact, her knowledge of n1en and affairs, and, not least, her gracious personality made the :... ,,,·~~ ,,.· . . .. _: . . -,,::.· .

· . . _.-'=:; ...·\·./ff/¥.~·.-~: ..

~-~-· L4 .I·~ ·'~::• ..•·? ... -~' ··•..

EnwARn lRn-so ELDREDGE, JR. (Page 20)

SWAN-FARWELL GENEALOGY 19 work of the teague from the stna1t~si possible hegittnittg expand to. au amazing degree, and it •become known throughout the etttire breadth .o_f the States." 1'he French· liedaille d'1tonneur was presented to 1\1:rs. Walter Gibb as chairman of the Kings County division of the N ationa1 League for ,voman's Service by 1\!ons. Gaston Liebert, French Consul General of New York, at the Hamilton Club yesterday after­ noon at a luncheon given by Senator William li. Calder, which was attended by about a hundred guests, including the tnost prominent of the borough's social, civic, professional and political circles. Consul General Liebert electrified the gathering when in ma1dng an impassioned plea for American sympathy with France in her present troubles he intimated that his Government was likely at any moment to renew hostilities with Germany in order to force the latter to tnake proper reparation. . "We·-have got to get something out of Germany," he ·said. "ll France takes. certain steps toward Germany in the near future you must not be surprised. France will not be bankrupt." ln making the presentation on behalf of the French Government, · lions. Liebert paid high tribute to lirs. Gibb and the League and to Senator Calder for having called to the attention of the French Ambassador at Washington the work of the League. He said: "From the very start of hostilities abroad you understood who was on the right side and who was on the wrong side of the fence. Your hearts and minds immediately responded. It was a w~nder­ ful thing and will link the hearts of the two nations for all time. Those of you who are of good old American stock understood the sitria tion from the beginning. Some people say that France is not fully appreciative of all this that you have done.


"Despite the fact that the Germans have not paid a single cent of their debt to us, France has spent more tha~ 100,000,000 francs from its own pocket ,vithout bo1·rowing a cent toward the rehabili­ tation of the devastated sections. We are expecting patiently that Germany will be kind enough to pay a little of the reparation which France has already cut to 52 per cent of her original de­ mands. "It is for the intelligent people, especially the people of influ­ ence, to spread this ,vord._ The ignorant masses are subject to certain hostile propaganda. France needs America's sympathy now as she never needed it before." . In pinning the n1edal upon 1\:1 rs. Gibb, l\I. Liebert asked that the women of the League consider that they were sharing the honor of the presentation with l\Irs. Gibb. Senator Calder, who presided as host and toastmaster, said:· "Of 20 all the agencies which perlormed service during the war none 1\·ere as fine as the National league for Woman's Service." l\'iiss l\!innie 13. Geary outlined the history and accomplishments of .the League immediately preceding the presentation ceremonies. l\irs. Gibb, in replying and accepting the French medal, said:

TlltBtrTE TO \VOMEN "l cannot accept this praise for myself, but l feel that the faith• ful and devoted won1en of the National League for Won1an's Ser­ ,·ice, l{ings County Comn1ittce, deserve all that has been said and more, for no one knows better than l their untiring energy, the sacrifices they made and the joy they brought to the boys, both here and in France, and the happiness they feel now at this honor paid our organization. "This is the proudest n1omeut of my _life. To be recognized by our beloved France, to be told we have succeeded in helping France and our own boys during those dreadful times, seems happiness enough, but to have visible proof of our success is more than we expected. "To receive this medal fills 1ny heart with pride and thanks­ giving. Pride that I was chosen to represent such a body of women, ""ho have never failed; who have made the National League what it is, and who are still working to alleviate the suffering of humanity. Pride, that for five years "·e have ,vorked in unison and accord, ""ithout exception, as one unit. Thanksgiving, that they have n1ade it possible that I, as their chairman, shall accept this dear ·medal fron1 France ·with gratitude and hun1ility. "l\fons. Liebert, I hope France's X cw Year will be a happy one, and that you will extend to her the thanks of the National League for lV01nan's Service and 111ine." The only other speaker at the luncheon, ex-Chief Justice .....\.lmet F. Jenks, also paid high tribute to the won1en who aided in the ,,r orld ,,r ar. 1-Ie said: "\Von1an ·proved herself equal to the occa­ sion. It ,\·as the superb and n1agnifi.cent work of the ,,·omen that strengthened the n1en."

11 ALTHE. ..-\. GIBB, only child of ,,raltcr and Florence Althea (Swan) Gibb, marrie~ June 1, 1917, Edwa_rd Irvi~f. Eldrcdge, Jr., son of Edward Irving and Helen Louise (De cw) Eldredg~. 'rhey reside in Glen Cove, Long Island, N. Y., and have three chil­ d1:en, )Iary ..:\lthe~ and Elaine Gibb, twins, born .....\.pril 6, 1919, and Edward Irving, born )larch 31, 19Ql. References: History of Stonington, Ct., and HaYerhill, iiass. Sn1ith Gcnealog_y, Yital Records of East Granby, Ct.; Deeds and ,,rills at Troy, N. Y.; cemetery inscriptions at Stcph(•ntown, N. \:-. Fa111ily Records. X cw England Register, Yol. 33, p. 404; New York Genealogical Record, Yol. Q9, p. £IS.

SWAN-FA:ttW:ttt, G:tN~.AtOGY 21


ltenry Farwell m. --- 1 Joseph Farwell m. Hannah Learned I Joseph Farwell 111. ltannah Colburn I Joseph Farwell n1. l!ary Gilson I Jonathan Farwell m. Eunice 1tazen

Joseph Farwell m. ::\lolly• Haskell

Sally Farwell m. Samuel Winchester I 1\1ary F. ,,1incl1ester m. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Swan n1. l\fary Althea Farwell •l Florence Althea Swan n1. ,,r alter Gibb

Henry Farwell n1. --- 1 Joseph Farwell m. Hannah Learned I Joseph Farwell n1. Hannah Colburn I Joseph Fanvell 1n. llary Gilson I Jonathan Farwell m. Eunice Hazen I J oscph Farwell m. liolly Haskell I J an1es Fanvell 111. Polly Emerson I J an1es E. Far.well n1. Delia Blanchard I liary Althea Farwell 1n. Alden S1nith Swan I Florence ...:\lthea Swan n1. \Va)ter Gibb SwAN-FARwttt G~tooY FAttWttt

l 1tENRY F ..All\\'Ett was one·-of the first settlers of Con· cord, l\!assachusetts, which town was incorporated Sept. 2, 1635. His will, dated July 1~, 1670, shows he was of Chelmsford, 1\i!ass., at that time. 1te bequeathed his son Jonathan the twenty acres on which he was then residing and six acres more "in the new field," and the remainder of his property in Chelmsford after the . death of his wife OliYe. Her maiden name is not known, but she died l\tarch 1, 1691/fl, and he died .Aug. 1, 1670. ltis removal to Chelmsford took place about 1654.

2 JOSEPH F ..ill\VEtt, son of ltenry and Olive Farwell, was known as "Ensign,'' and was born in Concord, !lass., Feb. fll, 1642, and died in Dunstable, liass., Dec. 31, 17~2. lte married in Chelmsford, Dec. ~5, 1666, liannah Learned, born Aug. 24, 1649, daughter of lsaac and l\1ary (Steams) Learned. lie was Ensign in Chelmsford l\1ilitarv.. Co. from 1667 to 1695 . Joseph :Farwell is buried in nunstable, ~!ass., and was one of the Selectmen there in 1701, 1702, 1705 and 1710, and Surveyor of Highways in 1706 and served on all the itnportant committees in the town. He purchased with Thomas Colburn the Waldo farm in Dunstabl~. They later made a division of the property and he took the southern half, and on June 25, 1702, he deeded one-third of it to his son Henry.

S JOSEPH FAR'\VELL, son of Joseph a1!d Hannah (Learned) Farwell, was born in Chelmsford, Mass., July 24, 1670, and re­ moYed to Groton, l\Iass., where he became the founder of the Far­ well family in that place, dying t~ere Aug. ~1, 1740. He married Jan. 23, 1695, Hannah Colburn, daughter of Thomas and Hannah (Rolfe) Colburn. She was born in 1673. ' 4 JOSEPH F.AR'\VELL, son of Joseph and Hannah (Col­ burn) Farwell, ,vas born in Chelmsford, ~lass., Aug. 5, 1696, and married in Groton, ~lass., Dec. 4, 1719, l\Iary Gilson, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Gilson, born Feb. 8, 170Q/3. On J unc ~9, 1750, he was elected Deacon in the· First Church at ~roton. The following copy of a small note book was evidently conunenced by his father and continued by hi1n, which shows that he was living as late as 1775. On the fly leaf is written~ "Joseph ffarwc:11 his book if I luse it and you find give it me for it is n1ine." rl'he next leaf con­ tains "An account of ye Berth of' Joseph far,vclls Childeren'' as follov.-s: JAllES FARWELL (Page 26)

28 • Joseph farweil 13orii August 5, 1696. Thomas farwell, tlorn October 11, 1698. itannah f arwell, Born l1ay 6, 1701. Elisabeth f arwell, Born December 31, -1704. ~dward farwell, Born Julv 12, 1706. l1ary farwell, Born Feb. 1: 1709. John far\\·ell, llorn June 23, 1711. Sarah farwell feh'ry the 26th and died July the 4th, l 721. Joseph Farwell the son of of Joseph and Hannah Far,,ell was born the 24 of 5month, 1670.

Near the n1iddle of the book the following record is found in another handwriting:

"The Birth of the Children of Joseph Fal'well and l\iary Farwell who wear n1arried Dec. 24, 1719." Anna Farwell Born February 19th, 1721. lsaac Far,vell Born J1arch 6th, 1723. Joseph Farwell Born September 20th, 17~5. Jonathan Farw~ll Born l\!ay 15th, 1730. Thomas Farwell Born July 31st, 1733. Olive Farwell Born June 24th, 1735. l1ary Far,,ell Born September 4th, 1738. Susannah Farwell Born August 8th, 1742.

Jonathan Farwell Departed Life November 29th, 1761 being . 30 years and 14 days old. · Isaac Farwell soQ of J oscph and l\Iary Farwell, Departed l\Iay 18th 1740 Being 17 years, two n1onths and 1~ days old. Joseph Farwell, Junior son of Joseph and l\1ary Departed August ~,th, 1758 being 32 years, 11 n1onths and 7 days old.... Joseph Farwell his Book, 1745. l\Iarch 10, 1745. Our men went out of Groton for Cap Prtoon and the city was taken the 18th day of June 1745. August 4th, 1745. ,ve Began to sing the psalms in the meeting house•. by .Course and sang them throw August ye 30th, 175fl and began and sung the first psalm the first Sabbath in September 1752. And sung the last psalm the last Sabbath in l\larch 1760 and began and sang the first psalm the first Sabbath in 1760. (The latter part of this was written later than the first paragr3iph and under­ neath it.) ~lay 10th, 1749. Pece ,vas proclaimed in Boston in New Eng­ land. _ Groton, June 29, 1750. I ,\·as chosen into the office of a deacon in the first church in Groton a for said and on the first Sabha th July 1750 waited on that. Duty. In Groton, January 22nd, 1750/1. Their was a grate storn1 SWAN-F.Att\VELL GENEALOGY

ol Rain and wind to that Degree that it h1ew down 4 hart1s and otte house and rent a .grate ttutriher of 13arns and other Buildings to that · Degree that the oldest person now living cant Remember the like. . May 2!ndt 1754. \\1e 13egan to raise our new 1\'ieeting i-touse and -finished it on Satterday the 25th. l\iay 30th, -17 54. Our Soldiers went out of Groton to 13oston in order forts Cumber land. August 18th, 1754. tJpon the Lords Day mrs Sarah Dicxinson was taken into our Church the first person that was taken into the Church in the New meeting house. · November 15, 17 54. The first Sacrament of the Lords supper

7 \\ as Administered in the New ~ieeting house. - November 18th, 1755. Their was a tearable Earth quake about 10 tninets after 4 in the morning. . · On 1\!unday the 26th of July 1756 my house was burnt down and the most of my house hold stuff burnt. . · Pn \\Tednesday the 24th of November we moved into the New house. l\iay 24th, 1758. Capt. Thomas tawrance went out of Groton in · order for Canada and was slain in ha ttle the 20 day of July 1758. August 10, 1763·. Peace was proclain1ed in l3oston with the French. · l\1arch 28th, ·1766. Zachariah Longley was chosen a Deacon in ye First Church of Groton. Dec. SO, 1773. Isaac Farnsworth and Benj. Bancroft wear chosen Deacons in the Church of Groton. April 19th, 1775. The Reggulars Came to Concord and killed • two men and our men f ollo·wed them to Charlestown and killed and wounded and took ·captive Betwen three and 400.

The above note book was owned in 1881 by Frederic Kidder, Esq., of l\Ielrose, l\Iass.

5 JONATHAN FAR\VELL, son of Joseph and l\Iary (Gil­ son) Farwell, was born }lay -15, 1730, and died in Charleston, N. H., on his way hon1e from service in the French and Indian \Vars, Nov. 29th, 1761. He married in Harvard, :i\Iass., June 28, 1758, Eunice Hazen of Stowe, daughter of Samuel and Sarah ( Harrin1an) Hazen. She married second in Lancaster, l\Iass,, l\Iay 25, 1763, Nathaniel \Villard. This marriage is recorded in the Vital Records · of Stowe, l\Iass. An old fa1nily letter states that after her second marriage she "?ent to H oosack, N. '\:., leaving her t-wo sons, ,Joseph and Leonard Farwell, behind hfr. She died in Nov., 1808, but the \\Tillarcl Genealogy states they removed to I-IcrJdn1er Co_., N. Y., where she died. They probably settled in Hoosack first. J.A::\lES E. FARWELL (In early life) (Page 27)

SwAN-F Aitltttt GEmtUOGY 25

6 JOSEl>it F'AR,VEtt, son of Jonathan and Eunice (1-lazen) Farwell, 1\·as horn in Groton, l\tass., Aug. !6, 1759, a~c1 the vital records ol Lancaster, l1ass., state that he died of dropsy Sept. 17, 1834. lte married in Lancaster Aug. 17, 1779, 1\1:olly 1taskell, born there l!ay 20, 1760, daughter of Abner and l\1artha (\Vard) Haskell. 'the follow·ing is a co·py of a paper ·which he wrote attd which is now owned by his great-great-granddaughter, l\!rs. \Valter Gibb of Brooklyn, N. Y. :

A l!emorandun1 of my traYels and transactions in our llevolu­ tionary \\7ar in the year 1776 in January l enlisted a Soldier at Cambridge in Capt. ,vnliamses Company and in Col. Greaton's llegimcnt. l their remained untill the ~ritish left Boston_ then we n1archecl for New York sometim(: in the month of l\farch if l recol­ lect right. Wee went by the ,¥ay of Norridge to New by Land from thence bv water to New York. \Vee were there sta­ tioned in what was then called the l(ings .l3arracks and sometime in the month of April or the beginning. of l\1ay I ,vas taken sick. The negiment was called upon to march towards Canady but l was so sick that I could not go with them so they_ left n1e in the Barracks. The officers came in after the Regiment was paraded and told me there would be somebody after me from the Hospital and would take care of me but nobody came to n1y assistance untill evening one of n1y mess1natcs can1e in and said he had son1e clothes at a wash woman's and he had no money to pay for them and wanted to borrow sorne of n1e to redeen1 then1. I told him if he would stay and take care of me I would let him h~vc n1oney. H~ stayed with me and I supported him and myself for a fortnitt or three· weeks and he got me into the hospital and then he left me. I there remained untill son1etiine in Julv., and in that time became acquainted with a Lieutenant \Vatson belonging to Col. ,v ard's Regin1cnt and I then being ,rcry weak could travel but a very little way but by leave of the Doctor went with him to his Regiment. He told me I had better join their Regiment. I told him I dared not without a discharge from my Regi1ncnt. He went with me to the General and told the circumstances and he gav~ me a certificate stating that if I stayed in the service I ~hould receive no harm. I then joined Col. ,,7ard's Regiment in Capt. Kings Company, then in August about three or four days before the Battle of Long Island wee were called on there and a hand scige had there. On the 27th dny of August a Battle took place which ,vas very severe and hard but the ~9th if I ren1cn1ber wee left the Island in the nigl1t with a.s inuch silence as poss~blc and got into the City of Kew York. \V<•e there staved about one fortnet. They the British Jrovc us fro111 that and .,wee' got to a p]~ce ca11c-d Harle1n Heights where wee ~tay<-d that night. The next daJ we were called on for a Scouting party to go and sec what we could discover. I went with n1y IAieu- 26 SwAN-FARWEtt GENlitC>oY . ' tenant and about 24 or 5· tnen. ,v ee tnet_ a party of the 13ritish and gave several fires and retreated untill we met a reinforcen1ent and then wee attacked them with severity and gave them a good drubbing and \\·hat could get away was glad to be gone. \Vee killed many and took some. ,v ee then returned to itarlem lteights. \Ve stayed a few days and from that to Frogs Point. \Vee thet·e erected some breast­ works but did not stay long. ,,Tee then went to the \\'"hite Planes, wee stayed until sometime after the l3attle. ,vee then went to a place called Peekskills. Ther~ was some men erecting some Bar­ racks at that place wee there stayed but a short time. ,,7ee then was marched into the Jerseys as far as a place called Hackensack. ,v ee were in that countree untill son1e thne in December and then returned to the Peekskills, towards the last of necember and there wee stayed untill the first of January 1777 and ,vas dismissed. l then came to Lancaster and staved., untill s01ne time in June. l then erJisted under Col. l\1ason in the Labotory \Vorks in Spring- field for seYen months. l there stayed my time and then returned to Lancaster. l then in t77·9 enlisted under Capt. Luke ,,Tnder of Lancaster to go to Claverack but ,\·as ordered to go to .Albany which wee did and from thence to New Citv., so called then but now Lansingburgh. lVee there stayed sotnewhere between two and three months and then was dismissed.

On the back of this manuscript is written " .. A. l\1e1norandum of son1e of m~v· travels in the Revolutionary \Var. Joseph Farwell of Lancaster, )lass., at one time Collector of the To,vn."

7 SALLY FAR\\7ELL, daughter of ~Joseph and lfolly (Has­ kell) Farwell, was ·born in Lancaster, l\fass., July ~8, 1786, and mar1·ied there June 10, 1811, Samuel \Vinchester, who was of :\Iarl­ horough at that time. He was born Oct. 10, 1778, and died :\larch 11, 1841, in Stephentown, N. Y., where his gravestone may still be seen. No dates of death have been found on her but she is doubt­ less buried bv., his side "ith no stone. Old letters show that in the early 1860's there was an old lady living with l\Iary F. ,vinchcster- Swan~Hagan1an whom Alden Sn1ith Swan called "grandma," and there is every reason to suppose that she ,,,.as Sally (Farwell) ,,7in­ chestcr. They were at that ti1ne residing in Albany, N. Y.

See \Vinchester.

7 JA:\IES F.AR\VELL, son of Joseph and l\lolly (Haskell) Farwell, was born i11 Lancaster, :\lass., Sept. 5, 1794, and died there l\lay 7, 1865. He n1arricd Feb. 20, 1817, }">olly E1nerson, born July 12, 1793, died in Lancaster, :\lass., Jan. 9,, 1849. ~-"'~~~~\:-~\~!l"-~~\·~ -'---~~~~-'-~~~:. - .. •-.


.:,. i t l- ~ . t.~--·.;.~>i •.::;,£&~--~~- _;.;~-:.·~=-·~~-L..... ~£°J~--,;-·/J.c.~~~-:~-,~~·i.-.~·

JA:\IES E. p_.\RWELL (Page 27}


8 jA1\tES £tBlttlJGE FA1tl\1Ett, son of james and Polly (Eme1~son) Farwell, was born in l,ancaster, l\iass., June 17, 1818, and died in l3oston, l\iarch ~6, 1896. lie married first in 1840 Delia lllanchard, born in Charlestown, l\1ass., Jan. 22, lSfll, died there Oct. 8, 184~, daughter of Sylvanus and nelia (Corliss) Blanchard. lte married second Abigail Gardner of l3oston, and third Catherine Elizabeth Crafts, who is still lh·ing. James E. Farwell was greatly interested in matters educational and at one time represented Boston in the Legislature. lte was printer to the City of lJoston and in 1865 took the highest prize ever awarded for fine printing. This tnedal is now in the hands of his third wife, Catherine E. Far,vell, who resides in \Vest Somerville, 1\1:ass. lte was a member of the American Peace Society all of his adult life, being one of its board of Directors and one of the Execu­ tive Committee.

9 liAltY AL1'ttEA FARVVELL, daughter of James E. and nelia {lllanchard) Farwell, was born in l3oston, liass., Jan. 6, 1841, and married there Oct. 6, 1863, Alden Smith Swan, son of­ John H. and l\Iary F. (\Vinchester) Swan. She died in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 18, 19~1.

See Swan.

References: Letters from ~Irs. J arnes E. Farwell, the third; from ~Irs. Eliza \V. Goodale of Leominster, liass.; from J,.:\lden ·Smith Swan to his_ 1nother; History of Groton, l\Iass., page 400; Vital Records of Lancaster, l\Iass.; Farwell l\Iemorial, pages 1 to 26; Reminiscences of · Old Dunstable, l\'Iass., pages 107-8; ''"ital Records of Harvard and Stowe, l\Iass. 28 SWAN-F.ARW:ttt G:tNEAWGY


1 " illiam Acie m. Margaret I ~lizabeth Acie 1n. ll.obert Swan I John Swan m. Susanna Eastman

John Swan n1. tucy nenison I Jo~eph Swan m. :glizabeth Smith I Joseph Swan m. Deborah Alderman I Joseph S. Swan m. Susannah Youngs I John lt~ Swan n1. l\iarv.. F. ,vinchester I• Alden Smith Swan m. l\fary J\lthea Fa1·well I Florence Althea Swan Ill. Walter Gibb


1 ,vILLl.. ;\l\I ACIE was living in Rowley, l\Iass., and had grants of land there in 1643. I~ 1664 he purchased land in Tops­ field, hut continued to live in Rowley. He ·was one of the Selectn1en of that place in 1651 and Constable in 1654, and in 1665 and 1666 served as Judge of Delinquents. His will "Tas proved Sept. ~O, 1690, wherein he 1nentions wife l\!argaret, but her maiden name is not ·known. She died in Rowley in Feb., 1674/5 and was buried on the 12th of that month.

2 ELIZ.A.BETH ACIE, daughter of \Villiam and llargaret Acie, n1arried Robert Swan in 1650.

See Swan.

Rc:ferences: Records of Rowley, l\Inss., pp. 5, 71, 90, 159, 165; Essex .Antiquarian, , 70}. 1, p. 190. 29


\Villiam Alderman n1. :\1arv., Case I John Alderman 111. Sarah Case I ~lij ah Alderman lll. neborah ·1 lleborah Alderman 111. Joseph Sw·an I Joseph S. Swan 1n. Susannah Youngs I John 11. Swan IH. llary },. lVinchester I . Alden Smith S,van 111. :\!arv.. .A.lthea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan 1n. ,,r alter Gibb


1 ,,riLLI... .\:\I .ALDER:\1~.\.N'S estate ·was inventoried in Farn1- ington, Ct., ...~ug. 2.5, 1697, by tl ohn Hart and Daniel Andrews. He o,vned land in Sin1sbury and his heirs are n1entioned as follows: )fary, his widow; children: '.rhomas, aged 14 years; lYillia1n, 1~ years; John, 3 :years; Joseph, 1 year; :\Iary, 17 years, and Sar~1 h~ 6 years. His ·widow, l\Iary, daughter of John Case, whon1 he 1nar­ ried in 1679, died in Simsbury, Aug. 12, 1725, as the widow of Sergt. J an1es Hilliard, whon1 she n1arried ~larch 30, 1698/9. In her ·will she mentions her sons, ,villian1, John and Joseph ....\.ldern1an, and her daughter Elizabeth.

fl JOIIX .A.LDERJI... .\.X, son of ,,~illian1 and ~Iary (Case)

Aldern1an, was born in 1695 and nutrricd in S-in1sburY,.., Ct., Oct . 28, 1719, Sarah Case, born 1698, died Oct. 5, 1750, daughter of John and Sarah (Holcomb) Case. In 17:13 and 1744 he was a n1e1nber of the school board of the Turkey IIill Dist1·ict in Sin1sbury. He died July 6, 1778.

S ELIJ.All ...-\LDER::\I.AN .. son of John and Sarah (Case) .....\lderman, was born in Si1nsbury in 17~4 and died Jan. 11, 1779. He married first .A.hinoam l-Iolco1nb, ,,·ho died .. April 11, 1750, in her 17th year. Ile n1arricd second Deborah, whose nu1idcn 1iun1e h~!s SWAN-FAitWELt G~Y ttoi been found. 'the cemetery inscriptions from 'turkey :H:i11s, East Granby, Ct., filed in the Connecticut ltistorical Society at Hartford, mention a Deborah, wife of Elijah Alderman, as dying Sept. 29, 1779, aged 7 4 years. A woman of that age could not have been the wife of this Elijah~ although he and his first wife are buried near by. lt is possible an error has been made in copying the inscription and that the age may have been 44 years. ln 1766, 1769 and 1774 he was active in church work and in 1776 and 1778 he served on the school board in the district where he resided.

4 lJ~BORAlt ALDERl1AN, daughter of Elijah and Deborah Alderman, was born about 1760 and joined the church in East Granby, Ct., Jan. 31, 1779'. She married there l\!ay 18, 1780, as per the Congregational Church Records of that place, Joseph Swan of Stonington, Ct.

See Swan

:keferences: East Granby Congregational Church :kecords, pp. 17, 38, 41; Turkey Hiils, Series No. fl, of Sin1sbury, Ct., pp. 13, 15, 30, 34, 43; Case l\lss. in Connecticut Historical Society at Hart­ ford, Box A, pp. 1~, 136; Turkey Hills Cemetery, inscriptions at E. Granby, Ct., at Hartford; Simsbury Vital Records; Goodwin's New England Families, pp. 276, 277; Savage; Hinman's Connecticut Settlers, p. 31; Early Connecticut Probate Records, \.,.ol. 1, p. 395; Vol. fl, p. 5~6; E. Granby \;ital Records. SwAN-F.Attwttt GENEALOGY st


Christopher Avery m. l\!argery Stephens

James Avery n1. Joanna Greenslade I John Avery m. Abigail Chesebrough I l\iary Avery 111. \Villiam nenison I Lucy Denison m. John Swan

Joseph Swan n1. Elizabeth Smith I Joseph Swan m. Deborah Alderman I Joseph S. Swan m. Susannah Youngs I John H. Swan m. 1\1ary F. \Vin chester I Alden Smith Swan m. l\1ary Althea Farwell

Florence Althea Swan n1. ,v alter Gibb


1 CHRISTOPI-IER ...r\. ,TERY was born in England about 1590. Among the marriage licenses, diocese of Exeter, Devon, England, Bishop's Registry, City of Exeter, at the Cathedral, is found his 1narriage license as follows: "Aug. fl6, 1616, Christopher .Aserye of Ipleden and ~Iargery Stephens of Abbotts Kerswell." He was probably the son of Christopher, whose estate ,vas inventoried 6, 1(313, and who left widow~Johanna. He ·was a weaver and came to ..America. before 164~, living first at Cape ....\nn, later called Gloucester. His ,,·ife did not con1e with hin1 and the court at Ipswich noted that fact and in 1654 he told them she -would not come. He ,vas one of the Sclech,ncn of Gloucester, l 6ti0, 16:3Q, and 1654. Constable in 1647, and Clerk of the rrrnin Band in 16.5~. In 1655 he took up his residence in Boston, but in 1659 he followed his son Jan1cs to :Kc,\~ London, where in 1665 he purchased a house fron1 Robert Burrows, which passed into the possession of his son ,J an1cs. He brought f ro1n England with hin1 a Breeches Bible, which has Si SwAN-FAltw:ttt GeN:tAtooY • heen handed down from lather to son and. which in 191i was owned hy the widow of J an1es Oliver A ,·ery of San Francisco.

2 C• .\PT. JA:\tES A\.. ~RY, only known child of Christopher Avery, was born in 1.6~0 and came to New England ,vith his father. ltev. l\!r. lJlinman, ""ho had been minister at Gloucester for eight years, was engaged to become minister of the Pequot Plantation (New London). J amcs A very sold his possessions in Gloucester to his father and in 1651 took up his residence in New London, where he acquired large tracts of land at what is now l>oquonoc Bridge and Groton. 1n 1684. the first church of New London, which had stood for thirty years, was sold to Capt. Avery for six pounds, with the con­ dition that he remove it within one month, which he did, using the materials in his hon1e at Poquonoc. This house stood until 189-!, when it burned, leaving only the chimney to mark the historic spot.

A few •Tears later this ""as taken down and a monument to his n1en1- ory was erected on the spot. He was Ensign, Lieutenant and Cap- tain of the Xew London con1panies and served throughout King Philip's "\"\. ar in con1n1and of forty Indians from Stonington, New London and Lyme. In 1676 he "·as Captain of one of the four companies which protected the frontier, and for twenty-three years an officer of the to,vn and twelve ti1nes was Deputy to the General Court betw·een 1656 and 1680. He ·was also Assistant Judge in the Perogative Court and prominent in all 1natters relating to the church. He married first, Nov. 10, 1643, Joanna Grcenslade, born about 1622, died after 1693; he n1arricd second, July 4, 1698, l\Irs. ~.\.higail (Ingraham) Chesebrough, then widow of Joshua Hohnes. He died ....\.pril 18, 1700. S JOHX ....\. ,TERY, son of Capt. Jan1es and Joanna (Green­ slade) .. Avery, was born in Xcw· London, Conn., Feb. 10, 1654, and n1arried X o,·. ~9, 1675, .Abigail, daughter of Samuel and .A.bigail (Ingrah~n1) Chesebrough. He ,,·as an Ensign in his father's co1n­ pany in 1692 and it~ Captain in 1697, and died in 1715. He se1·ved through King Philip's ,,r ar and receiYed land for his services. 4 )I.AR\.- •.\ ,YEll"\-, daughter of John and Abigail (Chese­ brough) _.\ Ycry, was born in Groton, Ct., but baptized in N e,v Lon­ don Xov. 1±, 1680, and died FL·h. SO, 176~. She 1narried first, in l\Iarcb, 1698, ''"illian1 l)cnison, and second Daniel Pahner. See Deu iso n. lt~ferences: History of Stonington, Conn., pp. 199-20Q; Colo­ nial ,,l" ars, 18fl9-190~. SwAN-FAnwEtt GEN:tAtOGY S3


Nicholas l3att m. Lucia --- 1 l\iary lJatt m. Nathaniel Elithorp I l\iargaret Elithorp m. Jonathan ltarriman I Sarah- Harriman m.I Samuel Hazen Eunice· Hazen m. Lt. Jonathan Farwell I · Joseph Farwell n1. ltolly ltaskell I James Farwell m. Polly Emerson I ~ James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard I l\fary Althea Fa19',ell m. Alden Smith Swan . I Florence Althea S,van m. "ralter Gibb.

Nicholas. Batt m.I Lucia --- l\:Iary Batt m. Nathani'el Elithorp I ?.fargaret Elithorp m. Jonathan Harriman I Sarah Harriman m. Samuel Hazen I Eunice Hazen m. Lt. Jonathan Farwell· I Joseph Farwell m. l\Iolly Haskell I Sally Farwell m. Sa1nuel Winchester I . ?.Iary F. ,vinchester m. John H. Swan I Alden Srnith Swan m. l\Iary .A.lthea Farwell I Florence Althea Sw·an m. lValter Gibb. SW.AN-F.AltWEtt GENEALOGY llATT

1 NlC1tOLAS BA't't, which surname in the early records is the same as Bates, was a. linen ,vea ,~er and came to New England in the James from London, England, in 1635. ltis will was proven in 1674, in which he names his wife Lucia and mentions his daughter l\1ary Elithorp. ln 1657 he was residing in Newbury, Mass. . I ! l\!AltY BATT, daughter of Nicholas and tucia Batt, was ol Newbury, l:tass., when she married necen1ber 16, 1657, Nathaniel Elithorp of lpswich. She died in the latter place J anu­ ary 9, 1709/10. See Elithorp.

lleferences: ~ssex lnstitute ltistorical Collections, Vol. 21, p. 78; New England Register, Vol. 6, p. 208; Vol. 14, p. 336.


Edmund Barlow n1. l\:lary Pemberton I l\fary Barlow m. John Chadwick I Sarah Chadwick m. Thomas Grover I Samuel Grover m. Sarah Upham I John Grover m. Hannah --- . I Sarah Grover m. Sylvanus Blanchard . I Slyvanus Blanchard m. Delia Corliss I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I Mary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb

BARLO\V 1 EDl\IUND BARLo,,r of Charlestown, l\Iass., before 1G64 married ~Iary Pen1bcrton. His will ,vas p1·ovcn Dec. 24, 1697. SwAN-F AltW:ttt G:tNEAt.ooY S5 2 liAltY 13.ARlOW, daughter of Edmund and l\iary (Pem­ berton) Barlow, married John Chadwick, who died in 1681. She ,vas living in 1722.

See Chadwick.

lteferences: " 1yman-'s Charlestown, p. 58.


ltichard l3artlett m. --- 1 Christopher Bartlett m. l\iary Hoyt I . Christopher Bartlett m. Deborah Weed . I - }fary Bartlett m. John Stevens I Abigail Stevens Ill. John Emerson I Peter Emerson m. l\fary Stanton . I lliriam .Emerson m. Joseph Corliss - I Solomon Corliss m. Anna Houghton I Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I Mary .Althea Farwell m. Alden Sn1ith Swan I Florence Althea Swan Illo Walter Gibb 86 SwAN-FARWEtt GENEAtoor . tlA.ttTtETT-Continued Richard 13artlett tn. -- l Christopher 13artlett m. l\1ary 1toyt l Christopher Bartlett m. Deborah Weed · I • l\iai-y Bartlett m. John Ste,·ens I Abigail Stevens m. John Emerson I l\tary Emerson tn. Joseph Corliss I . Joseph Corliss m. Miriam Emerson I Solomon Corliss m. Anna ttoughton I Delia Corliss m. Svlvanus Blanchard I ~ nelia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I l{ary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb

BARTLETT 1 RICHARD BARTLET'!' was born in 'England and in 1635 was living in N cw bury, ~fassachusetts, in which place he died in May, 1647. He brought with him from England a copy of the Breeches Bible, which was exhibited at the Newbury Quarterly l\Iil­ lenary Celebration, June 10, 1885, it being then owned by William Hoyt of 16 Suffolk Street, Chelse~ 1\'Iassachusetts. At the end of the prayer book is written the dates of the births of his children, but the name of their mother is not mentioned, and while he states that he purchased the Bible in 1612, he gives no clue to his English home. 2 CHRISTOPHER B.A.R'rLETT, son of Rifhard Bartlett, was born according to the above mentioned Bible on the i5th of February, 16fl3, "between 12 & 1 in the n1orn." He married April 16, 1645, l\fary Hoyt, who died December 24, 1661. He died in Newburv,.. l\Iarch 15, 1669/70. 3 CHRISTOPHEll B.A.R'rLETT, son of Christopher and SwAN-FAitw~tt G:tN~tooY Si l\iary (ltoyt) :13artlett, ·was horn in Newbury, l\iassachusetts, in 1655 and died in Haverhill, April 14, 1711. He seM~ed in King Philip's \Var in 1675 in the Narragansett Campaign under :\1ajor Samuel Appleton, and in 1735 certain grants of land "·ere laid out to those who served in this campaign or to their representatives, and his son Christopher received certain lands through the rights of his father. lte married November 29, 1677, neborah Weed, born June 15, 1659, daughter of John and nEhorah (Wensley) \Veed.

4 1\1:ARY 13 ...Ut.TtETT, daughter of Christopher and neborah (Weed) Bartlett, was born ....\pril 17, 1682, in Newbury, :\iassachu­ setts, and married in Haverhill, 1\:lassachusetts, :\!ay 30, 1700, John Stevens, Jr. See Stevens. lteferences: New England Register, Vol. 22, p. 280; l'' ol. SS, p. 443; ,~ol. 40, p. 203; Bartlett Family, p. 14.

BIDFIELD Samuel Bidfield m. Elizabeth --- 1 Elizabeth Bidfield m. lVilliam Stevens r John Stevens m. l\Iary Chase

John Stevens Ill. ~Iary, Bartlett I Abigail Stevens m. John Emerson I Peter Emerson m. l\Iary ·Stanton I l\Iirian1 Emerson m. Joseph Corliss I Solomon Corliss m. Anna Houghton I Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard I Delia Blanchard Ill. James E. Farwell I liary Althea Farwell 1n. :\lden S1nith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. ,,r alter Gibb ss SwAN-FAttWEtt G:tN~tooY lltnFtEtt>~Continued Satnue1 l3idfleld m. Elizabeth -- 1 Elizabeth l3idfield tn. William Stevens I John Stevens tn. Mary Chase t John Stevens tn. :Mary l3artlett . I Abigail Stevens m. John Emerson I Mary Emerson tn. Joseph Corliss I Joseph Corliss m. l\liriam Etnerson I Solomon Corliss m. Anna Houghton I nelia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard I Delia Blanchard m. Ja1nes E. Farwell I Mary Althea Farwell rn. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb

BIDFIELD i SA1\1UEL BIDFIELD was a cooper by trade and admitted freeman of Boston, ~fassachusetts, June 2, 1641. He died May 12, 1659, leaving wife Elizabeth, maiden name not known. In his will he giYes her his dwe11ing hous~ and yard with the outhouse in the yard provided she stays in this country and keeps the house in repair. If she returned to England, his grandson Samuel Plumer was to have the property. He mentions his grandson John Stevens among others. The will is one of the earliest filed in Suffolk County. He was Constable at Boston in 165~, but removed to Newbury and died there. 2 ELIZAB}:TH BIDFIELD, daughter of Samuel and Eliza­ beth Bidficld, was born in England and n1arried l\Iay 19, 1645, ,villiam Stevens of Newbury, l\lassachusctts. See Stevens. References: Old Fan1ilies of Salisbury, l\Iass., p. 3~4; History of Newbury, l\Iass., p. 318; New England Register, Vol. 10, p. 83. SwAN-F Attw:ttt G~~"'E ..-\tooY 39


Thomas ntanchard m. I Samuel Blanchard m. l\1ary Sweetzer I Joshua l3lanchard m. l\tehitable t Samuel Blanchard m. Sarah Pratt I Sylv:atius Blanchard m. Sarah Grover I Sylvanus Blanchard m. Delia Corliss I Delia l3lanchard m. James ~. Farwell I liary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. "r alter Gibb


1 THO)IAS BLANCHARD, it is fair to assume from the association of names, may have been the son of_ Herbert of Lowth, · County Lincoln, England, who made his will Jan. 8, 1591, which was proven the following year, wherein he mentions his "\\if e ~\nn, and among other children his sons George and Thomas, and calls his mother Frances Thorndike, who was the wife of Nicholas Thorn­ dike at that time. The name of the first wife of Thomas Blanchard is not known, as she died in England. In 1639 he sailed for New Engla:µd from London, in the ship J ona.tluin, and his second wife, Agnes Bent, died on the passage. In 1646 he was living in Brain­ tree, :\lass., and on Feb. lfl, 1650/1, he purchased the farm of Rev. John ,Yilson, which was in thE: south part of l\Ialden, near the border of the marsh land. It included the entire promontory which projects into the marshes near the mouth of th~ north creek of the l\Iystic River, and the place became known as Blanchard's Point. 'I'hotnas Blanchard died there l\Iay 21, 1654, leaving a third wife, l\Iary, rnaiden nan1e not known. He divided his property, that con­ sisted of the ho1ncstead, between his sons George and Nathaniel, and the latter sold his share in 1657 to his brother San1ucl, who was at that tin1e building a second house on the place, and some of the 40 SWAN-FA~Wl:tt GENEAtOGY .. • family resided there until 1795. As late at 1855 traces of a cellar and a chi~ney could he seen upon the highest point of the f arzn.

2 SAlttJ~L llLANCit.. AtllJ, son of 1'homas Blanchard, was born in ~ngland, Aug. 6, 1629, and landed in New England June 23, 1639, and married Jan. S, 1654, l\1ary, daughter of Seth Sweet­ zer and his ·first wife, of Charlestown, l\1ass. She died Feb. ~O, 1669, and he n1arried second June 24, 1673, Hannah noggett, who died July 10, 1725, in her 79tl1 year. On June 10, 1686, he re­ moved with his family to Andover, where he died April 22, 1i0i. He served in l{ing Philip's ,,rar of 1675/6, and was one of the Selectmen of Andover in 1687. The records of this family in an old manuscript book were ,written mainly by himself and his son Thomas and grandson Josiah, and at one time this book was owned by Abel Blanchard of .i\ndover, l1ass., but in 1906 was at the Bible Society, Astor Place, New York City, and was copied by George Dana l1oardman Blanchard of l1a1den, l\1ass., and published in the New ~ngland Register of October, 1906, page 373.

8 JOSHUA BLANCHARD, son of San1uel and l\lary (Sweet­ zer) Blanchard, ,vas born in l\Ialden, l\Iass., Aug. 6, 1661, and died there July 15, 1716. He married first Elizabeth, who died July 15, 1688, aged 21 years. He married second }Iehitable, maiden name not known, who died Jan. 10, 1741/2, aged 76 years.

4 SAl\IUEL BLANCH.ARD, son of Joshua and l\Iehitable _Blanchard, w·as born in l\Ialden, :\lass., June 19, 169·5, and married in Charlestown, l\!ay 23, 1717, Sarah, daughter of Lt. Thornas Pratt. She was born in Boston, Aug. 10, 1697. Samuel died at lfalden, Jan. 3, 1771.

5 S\.YLVANUS BLANCHARD, son of Samuel and Sarah (Pratt) Blanchard, was born in ~Ialden, l\Iass., April 11, 1738, and ,married there Nov. 28, 1764, Sarah, daughter of John and Hannah Grover, born Oct. 12, 1744. He died there Aug. 5, 1800. He enlisted Jan. 1~, 1778, in the Revolutionary \Var fron1 l\Icd­ f ord, and served as a private under Capt. Bcnj amin Blaney, Col. Eleazer Brooks' R~giment of Guards. He also paid money to the men who went to N' ew ):or ork, Sept., 1776, and t~ Canada, Oct. 8, 1776. ( l\Iassachusctts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolutionary ,,r ar, p. 155.) 6 SYI.. VANUS BT"'AXCH.AI-lD, son· of Sylvanus and Sarah (Grover) Blanchard, was born in :\In.Iden, l\Iass., Oct. Q~, 1771, and died in Charlestown, :\lay ~l, 18~5. Ile married first in Bil- 41 • lerica, ltass., on Dec. 15,.. 1795 ( their intentions heing i-ecorded in )ialden on Nov. 14), Sarah, daughter of Jacob French; he n1arried second hefoi·e 1818, Delia Corliss, born " 7indham, X. It., .April 1, 1796, died in Charlestow·n, :\!ass., Feb. 10, 1887, as the wife of Samuel 1'. Prescott~ whon1 she married in Cambridge on l!arch 18, 1827.

7 nEtlA BLANCltAllD, daughter of Sylvanus and Delia (Corliss) lllanchard, was born in Charlestown, l\iass., Jan. 2i, 1821, and died there Oct. 8, 1842, as the first wife of James ~. Farwell, whom she married in ·t840.

See Farwell

References: Family ll.ecords from Lucy J. Hayden, Boston, granddaughter of Sylvanus and Delia (Corliss) Blanchard; Bille­ rica~ Cambridge, l\falden , 7ital ltecords; Wyman's Charlestown, l\iass., p. 89; nianchard Family, p. 71, etc.; ltistory of Chelsea, 1\iass., Vol. -1, p . .141 ; Ando,~er, ~!ass., Vitals ; History of Andover, p.121; New England Register, Vol. 51, p. 126;.Vol. 42, p. 299.


Thomas Bliss m. l\Iargaret I Nathaniel Bliss m. Catherine Chapin l Mary Bliss m. Nathaniel Holcomb I Nathaniel Holcon1b m. l\'1artha Buell 1 David Holcomb m. liabel Buttolph I Susannah Holcomb m. Josiah Topping I Cleopatra Topping m. Eli Youngs I Susannah Youngs m. J oscph S. Swan I John H~ Swan n1. l\Iary F. \\Tinchester I Alden Smith Swnn m. iiarv.. Althea Farwell

Florence Althea Swan n1. \Valter Gibb 41


l TltO1!.AS l31~1SS was born in England, but was an early resident of l3raintree, }!ass., from which place he removed to Hart­ ford, Ct., and became one -of thC' original proprietors of that place in 1639/40. His home was on the highway west of the present tafayette Street, where he possessed 58 acres. ltis estate was inYentoried Feb. 14, 1650, but the l31iss Genealogy states he died in 1640. ltis widow, l\!argaret, is whom nothing is known, remoYed to Springfield, :\!ass., after his death and died there Aug. fl-8, 1684.

! NA't'ltANlEL BLlSS, son of 'l'homas and l\'!argaret Bliss, was born in England and catne to New England with pis father in 1635. At his father's death he went to Springfield, l\:1ass., with his mother in 1643, and married there Nov. flO, 1646, Catherine, daughter of neacon Samuel Chapin. lie .died Nov. 8, 1654, and she died Feb. 4, 171~.

3 l\1ARY BLISS, daughter of Nathaniel and Catherine (Cha­ pin) Bliss, was born Sept. ~3, 1651, in Springfield, l\1ass., and n1ar­ ried there Feb. ~7, 1670, Nathaniel, son of Thomas Holcomb of \Vindsor, Ct.

See Holcomb

References : Bliss Genealogy, pp. ~9, 36 ; l\Ien1orial History of Hartford County, Ct., Vol. 1, p. ~31. SWAN-FARWELL G~NEALOGY


James :boutetl tn. Alice --- 1 James l3oute11 m. ltebecca l{endall · I Mary Boutwell rn. ~benezer ~tnerson ( Joseph Emerson m. Phoebe tJpton I Elias Emerson m. Phebe Howard I Polly Emerson m. James Farwell I James E. Farwell m. nelia Blanchard I Jtiary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. ,,r alter Gibb


1 JAl\IES BOUTELL, now Boutwell, was in Lynn; l\fass., as early as 16S8, when he shared in the division of land, and he made his will- there 26th of 9th month, 1651, \\~herein ·he names his -'wife Alice, maiden name not known, and among other children, his son James. ·

2 JAMES BOUTELL, as his gravestone spells his name, was born in Lynn, l\Iass., in 1642,- and removed to Reading, where he was known as Sergeant, but the service has. not been found. He married there June 15, -1665, Rebecca Kendall, born Feb. 10, 1644/5, who died in 1713. He died Dec. 5, 1716.

3 l\IARY BOUT,VELL, daughter of James and Rebecca (Ken­ dall). Boutell, ,vas born in Reading, ~:lass., Oct. ~fl, 1685, and mar­ ried there l\Iarch 16, 1716/7, as his second wife, Ebenezer, son of Rev. Joseph Emerson. See Emerson. References: Records of Quarterly Court of Essex County, Vol. I, p. 245; Vol. ~, p. ~70; New England Register, Vol. 8, p. ~94; History of Reading, pp. 47, 304; Reading 'Vitals, p. 33. SwAN-FAnw~tt G~NEAtooY


'l'homas l3ourne m. Elizabeth I Ann l3ourne m. Nehemiah Smith I Nehemiah Smith m. Lydia \Vinchester I Nehemiah Smith m .. norothy Wheeler I Nathan Smith m. l\1arv., lJcnison I ~lizabeth Smith m. Joseph Swan I Joseph Swan n1. Deborah Alderman I Joseph S. Swan m. Susannah Youngs

John lt. Swan m. l\lary F. \Vinchester I Alden Sn1ith Swan m. Mary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 THO:\I.A.S BOURNE, with wife Elizabeth and seYera! chil­ dren, reached Plymouth from County J(ent, England, in 1630. On Dec. 4, 1687, a grant of one hundred acres of land was given hirn in ~Iarshfield, which town was incorporated in 1640, and that year he was chosen one of the two Deputies to represent the place in the General Court. His wife, Elizabeth, ""as buried July 18, 1660, aged 70, but her maiden nan1e is not known. He died :\IaJ J 1, 1664-, aged SS years, leaving a wido,~, l\Iartha.

2 ANN BOURNE, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Bourne:, was born in England and n1arric.'d at l\Iarshficld, "Tan. 21, 1689/-1-0, N ehcn1iah Smith. See Smith. • References: SaYage; Descendants of Rev. Nehc1niah S1uith; History of l\Iarshfield, l\Iass., Vol. ~, p. 177. SWAN-FAttWELL GENEAtOGY 45


'l'homas l3righam n1. _--- j Thomas l3righatn tn. --- ( 'l'homas l3righam m. Jennett l\iillington I - Thotnas l3righam m. Gillian --- i 'l'homas l3righam tn. 1sabel ,,,atson I . Constance l3righam m. lt.obe1·t Crosby . I . Jane Crosby tn. John Pickard I . Jane Pickard m. ~dward ltazen I Samuel Hazen m. Sarah Harriman I Eunice Hazen m. Lt. Jonathan Farwell. I - J_oseph Farwell m. l\folly Haskell 1 James Farwell m. Polly E1nerson I James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard - I l\Iary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan r Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb - 46 SwAN-F.Atntttt G&.'TEAtooY • :b1:tfGltAli-Continu-ed 1'homa.s Brigham tn. l 1'homas l3righam m. --- l Thomas l3righam m. Jennett l\tillington I Thomas l3righam m. Gillian --- f Thomas Brigl1am m. Isabel \Vatson l Constance Brigl1am m. Robert Crosby I Jane Crosby m. John Pickard I Jane Pickard m. :Edward Hazen I Samuel Hazen r.a. Sarah Harriman I ~un·ice Hazen n1. Lt. Jonathan Farwell I Joseph Farwell 1n. l\folly Haskell I Sally Farwell m. Samuel ,,1inchester

liary F. '\\1inchester m. John H. Swan I Alden· Smith Swan m. l\Iary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 THO::\IAS BRIGH.A::\1 ·was born about 1475. He as Thomas, Sr., is the e~rliest of the family found at Holme-on-Spald­ ing-1\foor, Eugland, and his name appears on the rental rolls ot the l\lanor of Holn1e, England, in 15~8.

~ THO)IAS BRIGH.A:\I, son of Thomas Brigham, was born about 1500 and is nan1ed as Junior on the rental rolls of l\Ianor of Holme in 15~8. He was buried at I-Iolmc-on-Spalding-~Ioor, l\Iarch 6, 1559/60. He married Elizabeth, who died in 1573. 47

8 1'1tOltAS l31tlG1tAl!, 'son of 'thon-ias 13righam, was born about 1520 and was buried at 1tolme-on-Spalding-lioor, England, Feb. 6, 1558/9. lie married in 1550 Jennett l\iillington, born 159l6, daughter of ,villiam and Barbara ~1illington and granddaughter of Thomas and Agnes ( Sotheron) l\!illington, all of the same place.

- 4 TltOl\tAS BR1Glt.Al1, son of 1'homas and Jennett (liil- lington) Brigham, was born in the above named place in 1550 and was buried there Nov. 8, 1586. lte married in about 1572 one Gillian, whose maiden name is·not known.

5 · 'rltOl!AS BRlGHAl\1, son of 'rhomas and Gillian l3rig­ ham, was baptized in the aboYe place in :tngland, l1ay 21~ 1576, and married there Feb. 4, lQ00/01, l\1rs. Isabel Ellithorpe, widow, daughter of James ,vatson of the same town. She was buried June 25, 1634. He died in l\!arch, 1632/3, and his daughter Constance was the executrix of his will.

6 CONSTANC~ BRlGHAlf, daughter of Thomas and lsahel (\Vatson) Brigham, was born about 1602 in Holme-on-Spalding­ Moor, England, and was buried in Rowley, 1\fass., Jan. 25, 1683/4, to which place she had emigrated after the death of her husband, Robert Crosby, whom she married in England in 1622. He was · baptized Oct. 30, 1596, and died about -1640.

See Crosby.

References: Simon Crosby the Emigrant, pp. 62, 63, 64, 65. 48 SWAN-FARW~tt G:tNEAtoGY

William l3rown m. l\iary --- 1 l\1aty l3rown n1. lVilliam Haskell I J acoh ltaskell m. Abigail 1\1:arcy · I . Abner Haskell m. l\iartha Ward I 1\1:olly Haskell m. Joseph Farwell I James Farwell m. Polly Emerson I James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard · l liary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea S,van n1. \Valter Gibb

William Brown m. l\!ary I Mary Brown m. ,villiam Haskell I Jacob Haskell m. Abigail !vlarcy I Abner Haskell m. l\ilartha Ward I l\iolly Haskell m. Joseph Farwell I Sallv., Farwell m . Samuel Winchester I Mary F. Winchester m. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Swan m. l\Iary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. ,v alter Gibb


1 \VILLI.A.l\I BROWN was an1ong the first settlers Rt Glou~ester, l\Io.ssachusctts, and was one of the Selectn1cn there in 1644 and 1674. In 1646 he n1arried i\Iary, the widow of .A.braham SwAN-FARwEtt G~EAtooY 49 ltobinson, whose maiden name is not known. tle died in Gloucester, }iay 3, 1662, and his widow became the wife of i:tenry Walker. She died April 17, 1690.

2:· · liAllY Btto,,1N, daughter of \Villiam and ~iary l3rown, was born in Gloucester, l\iassachusetts, July 28, 1649. She assumed the name of her stepfather, \Valker, and as 1\-!ary \Valker she mar­ ried July 8, 1667, ,villiam Haskell, Jr., and died Nov. 12, 1715.

· See ltaskell.

. . References: Savage; llecords of the Quarterly Court of Essex County, l\1ass.; History of Gloucester, l\1ass., pp. 65, 134; Haskell Genealogy, p. 138 ; New England Register, ,r ol. 6, p. 245.


William lluell m. 1\1:ary I Peter Buell m. l\J:artha Cozzens

l\fartha Buell m. Nathaniel Holcomb I David Holcon1b m. l\1abel Buttolph I Susannah Holcomb m. Josiah Topping I Cleopatra Topping m. Eli Youngs I Susannah Youngs m. Joseph S. S\Van I John H. Swan m. l\Iary F. \Vin chester I Alden Smith Swan m. l\Iary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. ,,ralter Gibb


1 ,vILLIA.l\'1 BUELL was born in Chesterton, England, about 1610, and came to New· England in 1630, locating first in Dor­ chester, l\Inss., but later became one of the first settlers of _,Vind­ sor, Ct., where he died, Nov. ~3, 1081. He and his wife l\fary, 50 SwAN-FAttWEtt GtmlitoGY

whom he married Nov. 18, 1640, but whose. tnaiden name is not known, were indicted by the Plymouth Colony for being l3aptists. She died in ,,1indsor, Ct., Sept. 2, 1684.

! PETEll llUELt., son of William and l1ary Buell, was born in Windsor, Ct., Aug. 19, 1644. lte removed to Simsbury, Ct., where he ,vas chosen Sergeant of the Train l3and in 1687, and died there Jan. 8, 1729. He was Deputy from Simsbury in 1687. On :a1arch 31, 1670, at \Vindsor, Ct., he married ~{artha, daughter of 1"homas Cozzens of Taunton, ~!ass. She died at Shns­ bury, liay 22, 1686, and her gravestone is to-day the ol4est one there which is readable. Peter married twice after her death.

8 l\1ARTH.A. BUELL, daughter of Peter and l\fartha (Coz­ zens) Buell, was born in Sin1sbury, Ct., Dec. 27, 167 5, and married there Nov. 1, 1695, Nathaniel Holcomb, Jr. She died Sept. 6, 1760.

See 1tolcomb.

lleferences: Holcon1b l\Iss. in Conn. Historical ·Society; ,:ital Records of S~msbury, Ct.; History of Simsbury, Ct., pp. 156, 166; Buell Family, pp. 23, 29. SwAN-1?.Altw:ttt GENEAtoaY 51


Peter l3ulkeley m. Nicola Bird l . John l3ulkeley m. Arderne Fitley I Hugh de l3ulkeley m. liellen Wilbraham I Humphrey Bulkeley m. Grisell liolton I \Villiam Bulkeley m. Beatrice ltill I Thomas Bulkeley m. Elizabeth Grosvenor I ltev.. Edward Bulkeley m. Olive --- 1 ltev. Peter Bulkeley m. Jane Alleyn

Rev. Ed,\·ard Bulkeley m. Lucey Anna --- I Elizabeth Bulkeley m. Rev. Joseph Emerson I Ebenezer Emerson m. l\fary Boutwell I Joseph Emerson m. Phoebe Upton I Elias Emerson m. Phebe Howard I Polly Emerson m. James Farwell I James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard I Mary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. ,v alter Gibb


l PETER BULKELEY of Haughton, England, married Nicola, daughter and heir of Thon1as Bird, by whom he had 18.nds in Alprahan1. · 52 SWAN-FARW~tt G~NEAtOGY

I JOltN l3trt1tttEY, son of Peter and Nicola (l3ird) Bulk­ eley, married Arderne, daughter of John Fitley of Woote, Eng­ land. •

8 lttJGlt nt: l3tJtKEt~Y, son of John and Arderne {Fit­ ley) Bulkeley, married ltellen, daughter of 'thomas. Wilbraham of Woore.

4 lttJl\iPltllEY l3trtKEt~Y, son of ltugh and ltellen ('Vil­ hraham) :Bulkeley, was of \Voore and married Grisell, daughter of John l\J:olton of ~1olton.

5 WlLL1Al1 BULKELEY, son of 1tumphrey and Grisell (l\!olton) Bulkeley, was of Oakley and married l3eatri~e; daughter of William Hill of lJunsingstall.

6 'l'itOl\tAS l3tJLl{~l~~Y, son of \Villiam and Beatrice ( ltill) Bulkeley, was of W oore and married Elizabeth, daughter of Randall GrosYenor of lJellaport.

7 EDWARD BULKELEY, D.D., son of Thomas and Eliza­ beth (Grosvenor) Bulkeley, was curate of St. l\fary's, Shrewsbury, England, in 1550; afterwards prebcnd of Chester, then of Litch­ field and minister at Odell, Bedfordshire, England, where he died. His ·wife Olive was buried at Odell, l\Iarch 10, 1614. In the will of her mother, then widow of Richard Dea,ve of London, dated April SO, 1579, proven June 17, 1579, she as Rose Bea'\\"'e mentions her daughter Olive, wife of l\fr. Edward Bulkeley, Doctor of Divinity and preacher at Odell, in Bedfordshire, bequeathing their children fifty poun_ds, ,vhich she states is in the hands of her brother, Dr. Overton, thus suggesting that her maiden name was Overton ; cer­ tain it is that before marrying Richard Bcawe she was the widow of Richard Buckland, who died in 1558, who left her two hundred pounds, his mansion house at CJerkcnwcll, l\fiddlcsex, and one-third of his n1a.nor of Shipton i\Iallctt for her natural life. She "ras not the mother of his children, which is amply proven by her will.

8 PETER BULI~Ei.AEY, D.D., son of Rev. Edward and Olive Bulkeley, was born in ,v-oodhill, Ilcdforclshirc, England, January 81, 1583. ,vhen about 16 years of age he was adn1itted to St. John's College at Cambridge, of which he was later chosen fellow and fro1n which he received the degree of llachelor of Divinity. He succeeded his father as n1inister in his native land, ~njoycd his rich SwAN-FawEt.t G~~EAWGY

benefice and estate, where he was. a zealous preacher of evangelical truth lor ahout t\\·enty years, and for n1ost of the time lived an unmolested nonconfotmist. At length his preaching met with such great success that complaint was made against him by Archbishop Laud,. and he was silenced for his nonconformity to the requirements of the ~nglish church. 'this fact influenced him to the extent that he sold his estates and emigrated to New ~ngland, arriving in Cam­ bridge, 11ass., in 1634 or 1635, "~here he became a leader, but he soon pushed further into the wilderness and settled on the planta­ tion at Concord, where he Expended· most of his estate for the benefit of the people, and after a useful life he d_ied there, }!arch 9, 1659. lie wrote many scholarly books and sermons, one of the former being dedicated to his nephew as "The llight ltonor­ able Oliver St. John, Lord Ambas~ador extraordinary for the Par- - liament of the Commonwealth of England, to the High and ilighty Lords, the States General of the United Provinces of t.he Nether­ lands and Lord Chief Justice of the Con1mon Pleas." 'two of his manuscripts are still preserved in the American Antiquarian So­ ciety in Worcester, l\f ass. He married for his first wif c Jane Alleyn, daughter of Thomas Alleyn of Little \Valtham, Essex, England, gentleman, "'·hose will is dated Janua1·y 5, 1634, _and which was proven April 14, 1635, in which he mentions Peter Bulkeley as his son-in-law.

9 ED'\,rARD BULI{EI,EY, D.D., son of Rev. Peter and Jane (Alleyn) Bulkelc_y, ,vas born in Odell, England, June 17, 1614, • where he "·as chiefly educated. He \\~as admitted to the First Church in Boston, 1'1ass., l1arch 22, 1634/5 as a single man. He was ordained at 1'1arshfield in 1642/S, but on the death of his father in 1659 he ,,·as dis1nissed fron1 the :i\larshfield church and installed over the church in Concord as.his father's successor with an annual salary of eighty pounds. He died at the home of one of his grand­ children in Chehnsfor~, l\fass., where he was on a ·visit, January 2, 1696, but ·was buried in Concord, as he was still pastor of the church there. He married Lucey Anna or l,ucian, ,vhose maiden name has been vninly sought for, and the probabilities are that he married in England, as his father, whose will is dated in 1658, n1entions the marriage portion that he gave him and seemed to feel that he n1ight return to England to reside. In 1668 she acknowledged a deed oi sale of property which he had so]d in l\Iarshficld in 1658, and on January 28, 1678, she is n1entioncd in the settlcn1cnt of the estate of her daughter Lucey, widow of :\Ir. John Lake of Boston. Rev. J:dward Bulkeley is represented by tradition as a hune and f ecble n1an, but was greatly reputed for his talents, irreprouch- SWA.N-F'AtlWEtt GENEAtoGY • able character and piety. lte preached an e1ection sermon in 1680 and one before the Ancient and 1tonorable Artillery in 1679.

10 EtlZ... .\lrB'l'lt llUtKEtEY, daughter of 1tev. ~dward and tucey Anna Bulkeley, "~as probably born in l\:tarshfi.eld, ~iass., in 1638, and married lJeccmber 7, 1665, Rev. Joseph Emerson. After his death she married second Captain John Brown of llead­ ing, and died September 4, 1693.

See ~merson.

lteferences: Emerson Genealogy; New England llegister, Vol. 10, p. 167; 23, p. 303; 4fl, p. fl77; 49, pp. 392, 393; 58, p. 201 ; 68, p. 199.


Samuel Bullen m. Mary l\iorse I Elizabeth Bullen m. Benjamin ,Vheelock

Abiah Wheelock m. Joseph Ward I Phineas Ward m. l\Iary --- 1 Martha ,vard m. Abner Haskell

l\Iolly Haskell m. Joseph Farwell

Sally Farwell m. Samuel Winchester I 11arv., F. Winchester m. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Swan m. l\fary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb S\VAN-FAt\WEt.t G:tNEAtooY 55 · lltJttEN-Continued Satnuel 13ullen tn. liary l\t!orse I Elizabeth 13ullen n1. l3enj amin ,vheelock I Abiah Wheelock m. Joseph ,v ard I Phineas . Ward m. l\!a1·y I l\itartha Ward m. Abner Haskell I iiolly ltaskell m. Joseph .Farwell I James Farwell m. Polly Emerson I J atnes E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard I Mary Althea ·Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


:i SAMUEL BULLEN was of \Vatertown, l\Iass., in 1636, when he signed the Dedham Compact. He died in Medfield, Jan. 16, 1691, and his tombstone, erected by his descendants one hun­ dred years after his death, states that he was the first European in ·the town with a family. His home was burned by the Indians during King Philip's VVar and he removed to Sherborn as a tenant of his brother-in-law, Daniel l\forse. He later removed to ~!ed­ field and became one of the Selectmen there in 1682 and Deacon prior to 1689. He married Aug. 10, 1641, l\Iary Morse, who died Feb. 14, 1691, and he died Jan. 16 of the same year.

2 ELIZABETH BULLEN, daughter of Samuel and ~Iary (l\Iorse) Bullen, was born in l\Icdfield, ~lass., 1646, and married in 1668, Bcnj a1nin ,vheelock.

See V\1heelock.

Rcierences: History of 1'Iedfield, ~lass., pp. 334, 507. 56

13tJ1'1'toPtt 'l'homas. nuttolph m.l ·... i\.nn --- John Buttolph m. Hannah Gardner I David l3uttolph m. l\!ary --- 1 l\1abel l3uttolph_ m. lJavid Holcomb I . Susannah Holcomb m. Josiah Topping I Cleopatra Topping m. Eli Youngs I Susannah Youngs tn. Joseph S. Swan . I John tl. Swan m. 1\1:ary F. Winchester

Alden Sn1ith Swan m. l\iary Althea Farwell I Florence .\lthea Swan m. Gibb


1 THO::\IAS BUTTOLPH, aged 3~ years, with Ann, his wife, aged 24 years, sailed from London, England, in 1635 for Boston, in the new world. He was a glover and leather dresser. He be­ came a n1ember of the First Church in Boston in 163'9 and. a Con­ stable there in 1647. His property was in the vicinity of But­ tolph Street, which in 1855 was changed to Irving Place. He died there in' 1667 and his ,vif e in 1680.

2 LT. JOHX BUTTOLPH, son of Tho1nas and Ann Buttolph, . was born in 1039 and n1arried 16th of 8th mo., 1663, Hannah, born 15th of 10th n10., 1644, daughter of George G_ardncr of Sa1en1, 1\'Iass. ....\.fter living in Salc111 and Boston he took up his residence in ,,r ethersfield, Ct., "·here he was 1nade Constable in 1679 and one of the Selectmen in 1686. He was n1ade Lieutenant of the Train Band, and died there Jan. 14, 1692/3. She died June 6, 1081. He owned the property in Salem where the .A.thcnacum now stands, which he sold in 1671. SWAN-FAltWEtt G:tN~Y 57

. ' 8 11. .\,rtn BUTTOtPit, .known as Srgt., son of tt. John and tian11ah (Gardner) 13uttolph, was born in l3oston, :\iay 7, 1669, and married l!ary, whose maiden name is not known. He removed to ,,r ethers field with his parents and later became a resi­ dent of \Yintonbury Parish in \Vindsor, Ct., but in 1700 he removed to Simsbury, Ct., where he was a cord,vainer and shoemaker and where he died ....\pril 15, 1717. liis widow· married :aenjamin Sn1ith of Springfield, ],:lass., in 1725, and probably died there.

4 llAllEt (l1EH11'ABt~) BU'l'Tott>tt, daughter of Srgt. lJavid and ~1ary Buttolph, was born in Simsbury, Ct., _Aug. fl5, 1704, and died there l\farch 4, 1767, as the wife of Lt. David ltol­ comb, ,vho died in 1784/5.

See Holcomb

lteferences: History of Wethersfield, Ct., Vol. 2, pp. 192, 194; Simsbury, Ct., Vital Records; l-Iolcomb Mss. in Connecticut His­ torical Society at Hartford; Thomas Gardner and Descendants, p. 107.


Thomas Call m. Bennett --- 1 ~'.I ercy Call m. San1uel Lee I Elizabeth Lee 111. Jona than Howard I Nathaniel I-Ioward m. Lydia --- 1 Amos · Howard n1. Hannah Lynde I Phebe Howard Ill. Elias Emerson I Polly Emerson n1. J an1es Farwell I James E. Farwell n1. Delia Blanchard 1\fary Althea Farwell m.' Alden Smith Swan Florence Althea Swan m. ,,r alter Gibb as - SWAN-FAttWEtt GENF!AtOGY


1 '1'1tOl\iAS CAtL of Faversham, County l{ent, ~ngland, sailed ior New F.ngland in 1686 with his wife, llennett, maiden name not known, and three children. lte settled in Charlestown, 1'1ass., near the ferry on the liystic side. llis wife was admitted to the church in Charlestown in 1639/40, and died before 1659, for dur­ ing that year he n1arried a second time. He died in 1\i!alden, ~J:ay, 1676, aged 79 years. ltis second wife was Joanna, the widow of llaniel Shepardson.

2 l\:l~llCY CALL, daughter of Thomas· and Bennett Call, was born Nov. 7, 1643, and married in l\!alden, l\fass., Nov. 4, 166~, Samuel Lee, born 1640, died 1676.

See Lee.

lteferences : Savage ; History of Charlestown, Mass. ; pp. 166, 61fl, 861; Vital Records of l\{alden, lfass.


John Case .m.I Sarah Spencer l\fary Case m. ,villiam Alderman I - John Alderman m. Sarah Case I Elijah Alderman m. Deborah --- 1 Deborah Alderman rn. Joseph Swan I Joseph S. Swan m. Susannah Youngs I John H. Swan m. l\Iary F. ,vinchester I . Alden Sn1ith Swan m. l\Iary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. ,valter Gibb Sw.AN-FAkWE:Lt G~NEAtOGY 89 CASE-Continued John Case m. Sarah Spencer l . John Case tn. Sarah liolcomh l Sarah Case m. John Alderman I ~lijah Alderman· m. Deborah --- 1 neborah Alderman m. Joseph Swan I . Joseph S. Swan n1. Susannah Youngs I John H. Swan m.l l\'1arv. :F. Winchester Alden Smith Swan m. ltary Althea Far,vell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 JOHN CASE was of New London, Ct., 1656, and of ,vind­ sor in 1657, and married Sarah, daughter of Wm. Spencer. He removed to Simsbury, Ct., and became that town's first Constable ·on_ Oct. 14, 1669, and its representative in 1670, dying there Feb. 21, 1704. She died Nov. 3, 1691, aged 55 years, and he married second, Elizabeth, the daughter of John l\Ioore and wido,v of Nathaniel. Loomis.

2 l\IARY CASE, daughter of John and Sarah (Spencer) Case, was b~rn June~~, 1660, and married in 1679, William Alder­ man, who died in 1697, and on l\Iarch 30, 1699, she married Ja1nes Hillyer (Hilliard), and died a widow in Simsbury, Ct., Aug. Ii, 1725.

See Alderman.

· 2 JOHN C.i\SE, son.of John and Sarah (Spencer) Case, was born Nov. 5, 166~, married in 1693 Sarah, daughter of Joshua Holcon1b. He died l\Iay ~2, 1733.

3 SARAH C1\SI~, daughter of John and Sarah (IIolcomb) SwAN-FAttWELt G:tNEAtooY • Case, was horn 1698, died Oct. 5, 1750, atui tnarriec1 Oct. 28, 1719, John .~1c1ertnan, who cliecl July 6, 1778. See Alderman. lteferences: Savage; liistory of Windsor, Ct., p. 141 ; Good­ win's X ew England :Families, pp. 276, 277 ; Simsbury, Ct., Vital 1t'ecords; ~arly Connecticut Probate ltecords, Vol. 2, p. 526.

cttAllWlCK m. l\iary l3ar low

I• Sarah Chadwick m. 'l'homas Grover I Samuel Grover m. Sarah tJpham I John Grover tn. itannah --- 1 Sarah Grover m. Sylvanus Blanchard I Sylvanus Blanchard m. Delia Corliss I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I 1'Iary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb

CHADWICK l JOHN CHAD,VICK of Charlestown, l\:lass., married l\Iary, daughter of Edmund Barlow. His will was proven April 5, 1681, in which he mentions his daughter, Sarah Grover. His wife was liYing ., in Bradford, l\Iass., in 1722, when, as his widow, she deeded Timothy Sprague one-quarter of a seven acre plot which had been laid out to Edmund Bario"·. He ser,,.ed in King Philip's '\Var, 1675/6. 2 SAR.. ..\H CH1\D\VICI(, daughter of John ,and liary (Bar­ low) Chadwick, n1arried in :\Ialden, l\Iass., l\lay 23, 1668, Thomas Grover. She was born in that to\\-n April 20, 1650. See Grever. References: ,,ryn1an's Ch~rlcsto,\yn, p. 196; Vital Records of l!alden, l\Iass. SwA.,.__-Faw~tt GENEAtoaY 61

CttAPtN Samuel Chapin m. Cicelv.. I Catherine Chapin m. Nathauiel llliss l l!ary llliss m. Nathaniel Holcomb

Nathaniel liolcomb m. l1artha l3uell I navid ltolcomb m. ~label lluttolph I Susannah liolcomb m. Josiah Topping l Cleopatra Topping m. Eli Youngs

Susannah Youngs m. Joseph S. Swan I John- H. Swan n1. l1ary F. ,vinchester I Alden Smith Swan m. l\fary Althea Fai-well I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 SA~IUEL CH... \PIN took the freeman's oath in Boston, }lass., in 1641, but was a member of the church in R.oxbury as early as 1638, "·here with wife Cicely, maiden narn~ not-known, but__ · who came from England "·ith him, had several children baptized. In 164~ he removed to Springfield, l\Iass.; Oct. 10, 1652, he was appointed one of the liagistrates of that place and in 1654 his commission was extended indefinitely. He was a Deacon in the church for many years and died Nov. 11, 1675, age not known. His wife died Feb. 8, 1683.

2 C.A.THERIXE CHAPIN, daughter of Samuel and Cicely Chapin, w·as probably born in England, as she 1narried first NO\". 20, 1646, Nathaniel Bliss, who died NoY. 8, 1654. She married twice after his death and died Feb. 4, 1712. See Bliss. References: Savage; Chapin and Bliss Genealogies. 62 Sw.AN-F'A:aWEtt G~"EAtooY t CttASE Aquila Chase m. Anne Wheeler I l\:lary Chase tn. John Stevens I John Stevens m. l\i!ary l3artlett f Abigail Stevens m. John ~merson I Peter 'Bmerson m. l\!ary Stanton I l\11rian1 ~merson m. Joseph Corliss I Solon1on Corliss m. Anna Houghton t nelia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard I nelia Blanchard Ill. James E. Farwell I l\fe.ry Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan

Florence Althea Swan m. ,v alter Gibb

Aquila Chase m. Anne Wheeler I 11ary Chase n1. John Stevens I J ol1n Stevens m. 1\farv., Bartlett I Abigail Stevens . m. John Emerson I l\Iary Emerson m. Joseph Corliss I Joseph Corliss m. l\Iiriam Emerson I Solomon Corliss n1. Anna Houghton I · Delia Corliss m. SylYanus Blanchard I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I liary.. Althea Farwell n1. Alden Smith Swan

Florence .. Althea Swan m. lValter Gibb SwAN-F.All.Wl;tt G1;N:tAtoaY 63


1 AQttt.. A. CltAS~ was a mariner from Cornwall, England, and "·as born there in 1618, but in 1640 he had a home lot in ltampton, N. lt., ·where in 1893 neacon James Perkins was resid­ ing. 1n 1646 he was given a home lol and six acres for planting in the town of Newbury, l1ass., on condition that he go to sea and do sernce for the town for four ..vears. ltis home was located on the northeast corner of Federal Street, in what is now Newbury- port. On Sept. 20, 1646, he and his wife were to be in court at lpswich, for gathering peas on Sunday, but the officers did not suc­ ceed in getting them to appear on the charge until l\larch 28, 1648, when they were reprimanded and had to pay costs. lle died in Newbury, Dec. 27; 1670. He n1arried Anne, daughter of John Wheeler, and she died April it, 1687, as the l\·i'fe of Daniel liussilo­ way, whom she married in 1672.

2 l\!ARY CH.A.SE, daughter of Aquila and Anne (Wheeler) Chase, was born in Newbury, ~I ass., Feb. 3, 1650, and married there l\1arch 9, 1669/70, John Stevens, Sr.

See SteYens.

References: Savage; History of Newbury, l\Iass.; Old Families of Salisburv.. . 64 SwAN-F.AttWEtt GE~toav


William Chesebrough m. Anna Stevenson

Samuel Chcsehrough m. Abigail lngraltam I Abigail Chesehrough m. John Avery I 1\1:ary A very m. ,vnliam lJenison I tucy nenison m. John Swan

· Joseph Swan m. Elizabeth Smith I Joseph Swan m. neborah Alderman I Joseph S. Swan m. Susannah Youngs I John H. Swan m. ltary F. Winchester I

Alden Smith Swan m. l\fary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. ,,T alter Gibb

CHESEBROUGH , l ,·v1LLIAl\i CHESEBROUGH, the first white man ,vho made what is now Stonington, Ct., his permanent place of abode, was born in Boston, England, 1594, and married there Dec. 6, 16~0, Anna Stevenson. He v.:-as a gunsmith in England, but changed his vocation after locating in Stonington to farming and stock raising and improving large grants of land given him by the town of Pequot. He came to New England in 1630 and resided for several years in Boston, llass., where he was elected Constable in 1634. Previous to 1640 he re1novcd to Draintree and that ..year he was elected Deputy to the l\Iassachusctts General Court. Soon, after he took up his residence in Rehoboth, where he was listed in 1643 and wa. admitted freeman at the General Court in Piy1nouth in 1648. Owing to some difficultv with the Indians he finallv decided to make his ~ . pern1ancnt home in what is now Stonington. lll' was elected Deputy fron1 that town to the General Court at I-Iartford in 165~, 1654. 165,5, 1656. In 1658 he was appointed to 1nanagc the prudenti ..11 SWAN-F.AtlWEtt G&.~EAtOGY 65 affairs of the town and was one of the Commissioners to end s1nall causes. tte was one of the Selectmen there until Southertown { now Stonington, then in l\iassachusetts) ,vas annexed to Connecticut, and was the first man elected neputy-in the years above stated. lte died June 9, 1667. T.heir dwelling house stood on the west side. of \Vequetequock Cove, near the head of tide water.

2 SAl\itJEL CHES~BROUGtt, son of \\rilliam and .Anna (Stevenson) Chesebrough, was baptized in Boston, ~ngland, April 1, 1627, and married Nov. SO, 1655, Abigail lngraham. lte was buried in Stonington, Ct., July 31, 1673, and his widow -married second, Joshua ltolmes; she married third, Capt. James Avery as his second wife. He was neputy from Stonington, 1665, 1666, 1670, 1671, 1672, 1673.

8 ABlGAlL CHESEBROUGH, daughter of Samuel and Abi­ gail (lngraham) Chesebrough, was born Sept. SO, 1656, and mar­ ried Nov. 29, 1675, John Avery, who died in 1715.

See Avery.

References: History of Stonington, Ct., pp. 288-292. 88 S\VAN-FARWEtt G:tNEAtOGY


ltichard Church tn. ~lizabeth Warren I Caleb Church tn. Joanna Sprague I lsaac Church tn. l\1ary ltutchins I Lydia Church ttl. Nathaniel Smith I Anna Smith m. Caleb Winchester I Samuel Winchester m. Sally Farwell I Mary F. \Vin chester tn. John It. Swan I Alden Smith Swan m. l\fary .Althea Farwell

Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 RICHARD CHURCH probably arrived at Boston with Winthrop's fleet, as he requested admission as freeman of l\Iassa­ chusetts Colony, Oct. 19, 1630, but he removed to Plymouth and was there received as freeman Jan. 2, 1632/8. He served in the Pequot War of 1637 with the rank of Sergeant, by which title he was subsequently kno"·n. He was a carpenter by trade and the Plymouth authorities employed him for making a gun carriage for defence on Fort Hill, and with John Tomson to build the first church in the Colony, and he had to sue the Pilgrim fathers to get his pay. He lived in Plymouth for many years, and in 1643 was a member of the Plymouth llilitary Co., but finally took up his residence in Hingham, ·where he was buried at a spot which is now covered by a highway leading to the old steamboat wharf and near the water. He died in Dedham while on a visit 'and. the records state "Sabbath day erly in the morning," Dec. 27, 1668. The exact date of his birth is not known, but he: made a deposition at Sand­ wich in 1664 in which he stated that he was about .56 years of age. He married Elizabeth ,,rarren, wl10 died in liingharn, ~larch 4, 1670. SwAN-FAllWEtt GENEALOGY 67 I C.AtEl3 ctttrttclt, son of Richard and Elizabeth ( ,v arren) Church, was horn in Plymouth, liass., in 164fl, and died in ,v ater­ town, 1722. He left Hingham about 1668 for Dedham, where he engaged in business as tniller and millwright, and about 1677 he removed to \V aterto,vn, where besides milling he kept an inn, which place he sold in 1712 to "thomas Learned, who kept the place for fifty years. lte became one of the Selectmen of Watertown in 1692 and also served in that capacity from 1698 to 1702 and in 1713, and represented that place in the General Court of l\1assachusetts in 1713. He married Dec. 16, 1667, Joanna Sprague of Ringham, who died July 11, 1678, and in 1691 he married Rebecca Scotto.

8 lSAAC CHUttClt, son of Caleb and Joanna (Sprague) Church, was born in Watertown, l\{ass., June 27, 1678, and died in Sherborn, 1752. · He married in Watertown, l\1ay 14, 1702, ~Iary Hutchins, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Samuel Angier. He removed from Watertown to Sherborn when his son Jcnathan went there in 1745.

4 LYDI..A. CHURCH, daughter of Isaac and l\1ary (Hutchins) Church, was born in Watertown, ~1ass., Feb. 3, l 706/7, and mar­ ried in Lexington, Feb. 5, 1722/3, Nathaniel Smith, born Nov. 15, 1701, died l\Iarch ~O, 1782, in l\farlborough.

See Smith.

References: C~urch Genealogy, pp. 12, 13, 34, 47; New Eng- 1and Register, Vol. 55, pp. 75, 76; Bond's History of Watertown, Mass., p. 158; Lexington, l\Iass., Vital Records, p. 148; l\Iarlbor­ ough, l\Iass., Inscriptions, p. 55. SW.AN-}'ABWEU. G:r~tOGY


ltobert Clement m. Elizabeth Fawne I Abigail Clement m. l'ioses Pingree I Sarah Pingree m. John Uay I .I ltannah nay m. Jonathan Emerson

John Emerson m. Abigail Stevens I Peter Eme1·son m. Mary Stanton I Miriam Emerson m. Joseph Corliss

Solomon Corliss m. Anna Houghton J I Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard

Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell

lfary Althea Far"rell Ill. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. lValtcr Gibb SWAN-FAttWEtt GENlitOGY 69

CtEl\ffiNT-Continued ltoherl C1etnent tn. Elizabeth Fawne I Abigail Clement tn. Moses Pingree I Sarah Pingree m. John Day I Hannah Day tn. Jonathan Emerson· I John Emerson m. Abigail Stevens I l\iary ~merson n1. Joseph Corliss I J ~seph Corliss m. l\'J:iriam :Emerson I Solomon Corliss m. Anna ltoughton I nelia Corliss m. Sylvanus l3lanchard I Delia Blanchard m. Jan1es E. Farwell

1\fary Althea Farwell m. Alden Sn1ith Swan

Florence ..A.lthea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 ROBERT CLEl\IENT emigrated from London, England, in 1642 and settled in Haverhill, l\Iass., where he beca1ne Deputy from that place from 1647 to 1653. He married in London, Eliza­ beth Fawne, daughter of John Fawne, who evidently ·was in ~ ew England for at least a short period, as an Essex County deed of 1681 n1cntions him as formerly of New England. Luke Fa,,·nc, a stationer of London at the sign of the Parriot, diied a little bcf ore the great fire and ·was buried at St. Paul's, and in his will dated Feb. 1], 1665, he bequeaths his kinswoman, Elizabeth Clen1ents, daughter of his brother John, the sum of fifty pounds, and states that she is living near Boston, in N cw England. Robert Cle1nent was born in England in 1590 and died in. HaYt~r­ hill, :\lass., in 1658. 70 SwAN-i'AttWELL GENEALOGY

2 A13tGAlt ct~MENT, daughter of 1tobert and Elizabeth (Fawne) Clen1ent, was born in ~ngland and. probably married there, l\foses Pingree, horn in 1610.

See Pingree.

lteferences : New England llegister, Vol. SO, p. 108 ; Vol. 48, pp. 263, !64; Savage; Colonial Wars, 1899-1902.


~dward Colburn m. Hannah --- 1 Thomas Colburn m. Hannah ltolfe I Hannah Colburn m. Joseph Farwell I Joseph Farwell m. l\{ary Gilson I Lt. Jonathan Farwell m. Eunice Hazen I Joseph Farwell m. J.\ilolly Haskell I James Farwell m. Polly Emerson . l # I James E;- Farwell m. Delia Blanchard I Mary Althea Farwell ·m. Alden Smith Swan I ; Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb SwAN-FAR,VEtt. GENEAtoGY 71 COt:btJ1tN-Continued Edward. Colburn m. itattnah l 1'homas Colburn m. tlannah tlolfe I Hannah Colburn m. Joseph Farwell i Joseph Farwell m. l\iarv.. Gilson I Lt. Jonathan Farwell m. ~unice ltazen f Joseph Farwell m. l\iolly Haskell I Sally Farwell m. Samuel Winchester I }1:ary F. Winchester m. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Swan n1. l\iary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 EDWARD COLBURN was horn in England in 1618 and died in 1700. He married Hannah, whose maiden name is not known, who died i_n 1712. He arrived i!). Boston on the ship Defence in October, 1635, and took up his residence at Ipswich, Mass., where he purchased a farm and removed to what is now Dra­ cut, which place his later life is early connected with. At one time he owned Hog Island, off the shore fron1 Ipsv.~ich. He served in the }1ilitary Con1pany of Chehnsford durip.g King Philip's War of 1675/6, and was in command of the Colburn Garrison, on the east side of the l\f errimac, as strengthened after the attack of the Indians on Chelmsford, Feb. ~5, 1676, and he continued in charge there until Nov. 17, 169~, and perhaps later. As Corporal on l\-Iarch 18, 1675, he was guarding the ferry when the ,vameset Indinns burned his Garrison House and killed two sons of Samuel ,r arnum. He ,vas also in com1nand of the local garrison during King 1'.,.il­ liam's \Var in 1689. He left his rebuilt Garrison House to his son Joseph, and it is still probably standing, for on Varnu1n Avenue, nearly opposite Totman Road, is a two storv., house which has been known as the Garrison House for five generations. The size of its timbers and 72 SW.AN-F.AltWEtt GENEAtoGY low posted rooms all furnish evidence of its great age. 1t has, how­ ever, heen so made over that tittle of the original is visible. ! 'l'itOl\!AS cotntJnN, son of Edward and ltannah Col­ .burn, was born in lpswich, liass., about 1648 and died before 17i8. lie married Aug. 6, 1672, Hannah llouf or ltolfe, of whom nothing is known.

8 ltANNAll COtl3URN, daughter of Thomas and ltannah (ltolfe) Colburn, was born in 1673 and married Jan. 23, 1695/6, Joseph Farwell, born July 24, 1670.

See Farwell.

lt.ef erences : Colburn Genealogy ; Farwell l\iemorial.


George Corliss m. Joanna navis I John Corliss m. l\1ary Wilford I John Corliss m. Ruth Haynes I -Joseph Corliss m. l\Iary Emerson I Joseph Corliss m. l\Iirian1 Emerson I , Solomon Corliss m. Anna Houghton

Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard

Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I l\Iarv., Althea Farwell m. Alden S1nith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. \Valter Gibb


1 GEORGE CORLISS, founder of the family in America, was born in Devonshire, England, about 1617 and came to New Eng­ land in 1639, locating in Xcwbury, l\lass., but shortly removed to Haverhill, where he remained until his death in 1686. The original SWAN-FA:kWEtt G:t~toGY 78 tract of land on which he settled in 1640 and on ,vhich he built a log house in l 647, was in the \Vest Parish, and the farm in 1870 was natned "Poplar Lawn," and had not been out of the possession of his direct descendants. On Oct. i6, 1645, he married ·Joanna Davis, and there is a tradition in the fan1ilv•. that at the time of his marriage he was the owner of a pair of silk breeches of such gen- erous proportions that his wife later made a dress out of them. lie served as one of the Selectmen of ltaverhill in 1648, 165S, 1669, 1670, 1679 and other years, and in 1650 he "·as Constable of the town. ltis original will, n1ade October 18, 1686, he dying the next day, is on file in Salem and in it he bequeaths his son John the farm on which John is then living, part of which must belong to his widow Joanna during her life.

2· JOltN CORLlSS, son of George and Joanna (Davis) Cor­ liss, was born on his f ath()r's farm in ltaverhill, l\1ass., l\farch 4, 1648, and died there Feb. 17, 1698. He married Dec. 17, 1684, 1\tlary Wilford, born at l\ierrimack, NoY. 18, 1667;. lte served in King Philip's " 1 ar of -1675/6 and after_his death his ,vidow married \Villiam \Vhittaker. The f ar1n descended to his s011 John.

8 JOHN CORLISS, son of John and l\Iary ('Vilford) Cor­ liss, was horn on the same farm as his father, l\Iarch 4, 1686, and died there in Nov., 1766, in the same chair, tradition states, that his father and grandfather died in. He had willed the home farn1 to his son Joseph, but Joseph dying before he did, he gave it ·to his· grandsons, Joseph and Ephraim. . Tradition in the family states that he was a very large man, over six feet in height, and had a power£ ul commanding voice, and that he was a most ·worthy citizrn, gave his children good education and provided liberally for them. · He married in 1711, Ruth 1-Iayncs, born Feb. 7, 1691/fl.

4 JOSEPI-I CORLISS, son of ,John and Ruth (Haynes) C<:>r­ liss, was born on the home farin, Nov. 4, 17~fl, and died there Xov. S, l 76~. He married in HaYerhill, Feb. 19, 17.f6/7, iiary E1ncr­ son, born Sept. S, 17~8, died Xov. 8, 1815, daughter of John and Abigail (Stevens) Emerson.

5 JOSEPH CORI-'ISS, son of ,Joseph and l\Iary ( En1crson) Corliss, was born on the honH~ f arn1 in I-Iaverhi!l, :\lass., ~ ov. 27, 1747, and died in ,,7 indhan1, ~. H., S<:pt. 20, 18~0. He married in Haverhill before 1768, ~lirian1 En1erson, born Sept. 9, 17 50, daughter of Peter and llary (Stanton) En1erson. Leaving his wife Sw.AN-1?.utwEtt GEN:tA.toaY attd children in 1taverhill he went to the wilds of New itampshire attd in the neighborhood of Londonderry he peddled linen thread until he had sufticient money to purchase property in ,vindham, consisting of one hundred acres, with a small house on it, and here he passed the :remainder of his life and here his wife died. lte was a private in the lleYolutionary War under Capt. John Nesmith, heing mustered in July 11, and marched July 22, 1776. (State Papers of New Hampshire, Vol. 14, Revolutionary Rolls, Vol. 1, pages 348, 349.)

6 SOLOl\10N CORLlSS, son of Joseph and 1\1:iriam -(~mer­ son) Corliss, was born on the home farm in llaverhill, l\iass., April 18, -1768, and died in l3ath, Me., to which place he had removed from Windham, N. H., in 1816. He married Anna Houghton, born 3d of 1 month, 1772.

7 lJBLIA CORLISS, daughter of Solomon and Anna (Houghton) Corliss, was born in \Vindham, N. H., April 1, 1796, and died in Charlestown, l\!ass., Feb. 10, 1887. She married first· as his second wife, Sylvanus Blanchard, born in· l\1alden, l\J:ass., Oct. 22, 1771, died in Charlestown, l\'Iay 21, 1825; she married second in 1827 Samuel Tucke Prescott, and :was the mother of l\Iajor ·Albert Prescott, "~ho was killed at Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864. .

See Blanchard.

References: History of "\\rindham, N. H., pp. 405, 406, 407 ; Family Records; Corliss l?amily Records, pp. 201, 203, etc.; also another one, pp. 3, 11, 25, 61, 12.8; Haverhill, l!ass., \ 1ital Records. ,,., __ --~..,-."":-'.'.:-J.·r-:'.":;;-~~~~~~?l~7-;-:~:--q~.?P~,~~:1J~f1.~~?~ .. ,,~~-

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DELIA ( Conuss) DL.ANCHARD (Page 74)



ltohert Crosby m. Constance l3righatn l Jane Crosby n1. John Pickard I Jane Pickard m. Edward 1tazen I Samuel ttazen m. Sarah ltarriman I ~unice ttazen m. 1.t. Jonathan Farwell - t Joseph Farwell m. l\folly Haskell I James Farwell m. Polly Emerson I James ~- Farwell m. Delia lllanchard I liary Althea Farwell m.. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb

Robert Crosby m. Constance Brigham I Jane Crosby m. John Pickard· I Jane Rickard m. Edward Hazen I Samuel Hazen m. Sarah Harriman I Eunice Hazen ·m. Lt. Jonathan Farwell t Joseph Farwell m . l\folly .Haskell

. Sally Farwell m. Samuel \'Vinchester ·

l\Iary F. \Vinchester m. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Swan m. 1\-Iary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan n1. Walter Gibb

l ROBERT CROSBY "·as baptized in England, Oct. 30, 1596, and died there about 1640. I-Ic married Constance, daughter 76 SW.AN-FAtt\YEtt .GENEALOGY

. • . of 1'homas· and 1sahe1 (\Vatson) ·13righam, who was horn about 1802. '!'heir children "·ere all born in itolme-on-Spalding-1\!oor, England. .After the death of her husband she and her children saileel for X ew ~ngland and in 1643 she was granted a home lot on " 1ethersfield Street in ltowley, l!ass., in which place she was buried Jan. 25, 1683/4.

2 JAXE CltOSl3Y, daughter of nobert and Constance (Brigham) Crosby, ""as baptized in 1tolme-on-Spalding-l\1oor, Eng­ land, ....\pril 22, 1627, and came to New England with her mother and married in Rowley, l\1ass.~ Oct. 29, 1044, John Pickard, who died there in 1683. She died Feb. ~O, 1715 /6. See Pickard. lleferences: Simon Crosby the Emigrant, p. 63.

ll.obert Cutler m. Rebecca --- 1 Rebecca Cutler m. Abraham Errington I Rebecca Errington m. John Gibson I l\Iartha ..Gibson m. Joseph Knight I liary Knight m. Caleb Winchester I Caleb ,vinchester m. Anna Smith . I Samuel ,vinchester m. Sally Farwell I ~Iarv.. F. ,,7inchestcr m. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Swan m. l\:Iary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. \Valter Gibb


l ROBERT CUTLER was adn1ittcd to the church in Charlcs­ tow~, )lass., in 1637, and his wife, Rebecca., n1aidcn name not known, was admitted in 1638. In 1 {i59 he was one of the Deacons of the Sw.ut-FARWEtt G!:N£AtooY 77

• • church. lie died l\J:arch 7, -1664/5. and she died 189 1st month. 1677.

2 ll.l:l3£CCA CtJT:tER, daughter of ltobert and ltebecca Cutler, married Abraham Errington, who died l\iay 9, 1677. She died in 1697.

lteferences: ,,ryman's Charlestown, p. 254.


Barnabas Davis m. Patience I Samuel Davis m. l\fary ,vaters I. Mary navis m. Lt. 'rhomas Pratt I Sarah Pratt m. Samuel Blanchard I Sylvanus Blanchard m. Sarah Grover .•t m • Svlvanus• Blanchard Delia Corliss I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I ~Iarv. Althea Farwell m . Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan . n1. ,,r alter Gibb


1 B.ARX ....\B ....\S D ...-\. YIS lras born in England in 1599 and sailed for Xew England in the ship Blessing, July, 1635, bringing with hi1n wife Patience, 1naiden name unknown, who died in Charles­ town, ~lass. X oY. 1.5, 1690, aged 87 years. He was a tallow chandler and died in Charlestown, Nov. ~7, 1685. He served in the Pequot ,Yar of 1637 as Sergeant, from f)orchester, :\lass.

2 S.A:,Il7El, D •.\ YIS~ son of Barnabas and Patience Davis, married )Iarv. ,,.. aters., born Jan. ~7, 1637/8. Ile was of Groton '18 when he served in King Philip's War, 1675/6, and died Dec. 28, 1699. 8 MAltY nAvts, daughter of Satnuel and }iary (\"\7aters) Davis, was born Jan. 31, 1662/3, and married first lsaac Lewis, who died in 1691; she married second, tt,. Thomas Pratt.

See Pratt.

lleferences: \Vyman's Charlestown, l\lass., pp. 278, 617, 772; ltistory, Windsor, Ct., Vol. 1, p. 58.


'1'homas Davis m. Christian I Joanna Davis m. George Corliss I John Corliss m. l\iary \,rnford I . . . . John Corliss n1. Ruth Haynes I Joseph Corliss m. l\!a_ry Emerson I Joseph Corliss m. l\firiam Emerson ! Solomon Corliss m. Anna Houghton I # Delia Corliss Ill. Sylvanus Blanchard I Delia Blanchard- m. James E. Farwell I Mary Althea Farwell m. . I Alden Smith Swan Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb

1 THOl\IAS D_.\. ,!IS was born in Englund about 1603 and can1e to New· England in 1635, bringing with him wife Christian, of whon1 nothing is known excepting that she died in Haverhill, l\Iass., April 7, 1668. Ile was one of the Sek·ctmcn of Haverhill in 1646 and 1648, and died there July 27, 1683. SW.AN-FAR~ GENEAtoGY. 79

! JOANNA DAVlS, daughter of Thotnas and Christian lla,·is, 1ras horn in England and tnarried in Haverhill, Mass., Oct. 26, 1645, George Corliss, who died there in 1686.

See Corliss.

lteferences: Tucker Genealogy, pp. 43, 44 ; ltistory and Vitals of Haverhill, l1ass.; Savage.


llobert lJay m. ---

John Day m. Sarah Pingree I Hannah. Day m. Jonathan ~merson I John Em@fion m. Abigail Stevens. I Peter Emerson m. l\{ary Stanton I 1\firiam Emerson m. Joseph Corliss I Solomon Corliss n1. Anna Houghton I Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell . I }fary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb 80 SwAN-FAttWEtt G~N~tooY lJAY-Continued tlobert Day tn. I John Da.y tn. Sarah Pingree I ltannah llay m. Jonathan Emerson I John Emerson m. Abigail Stevens I 1\iary Emerson m. Joseph Corliss I Joseph Corliss m. l\1iriam Emerson

Solomon Corliss m. .Anna Houghton I nelia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard I nelia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell

l\fary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan

Florence Althea Swan m. \Valter Gibb


l ROBERT D.A.Y ,vas in Ipswich, l\Iass., as early as 1641 . # and one of the Selectn1en of that place from 1663 to 1669. His will was proven Sept. 25, 1683, wherein he mentions the engage1nent of his son John to Sarah Pengry and bequeaths him a dwelling house. The name of his wife has not been found.

2 JOHN D.A.Y, son of Robert Day, married in Ipswich, liass., Sarah Pengry (Pingree), ..April 20, 1664, and died there after 1696. Her estate was ad1ninistered in l\Iay, 1695.

3 HANNAH D .. AY, daughter of John and Sarah (Pengry­ Pingree) Day, ,,-as born in Ipswich, .i\Inss., Jan. 16, 1679, and 1nar­ ried June 15, 1699, Jonathan Emerson, son of l\lichael En1erson.

See Emerson.

References: Hammatt Papers, Ipswich, pp. 70, 71; Vital Rec­ ords of Ipswich, l\Iass. SwAN-FAttWEtt G~ooY - 81


John lJenyson m. · Agnes --- 1 ~ William lJenison m. l\J:argaret Chandler I George lJenison m.l Ann. l3orodell John B. nenison m. Phebe tay I William lJenison m. Mary Avery I Lucy nenison m. John Swan I Joseph Swan m. Elizabeth Smith I Joseph Swan m. nehorah Alderman - I Joseph S. Swan m. Susannah Youngs I John H. Swan m. l\{ary F. Winchester· I Alden Smith Swan m. 1\fary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb 82 SwAN-F.Allwnt G~toaY

lll~NtSON-Continued John Deny son tn. Agnes --- 1 \Villian1 Denison m: l\iargaret Chandler I George Denison m. Ann l3oi-odell I John 13. Denison m. Phebe Lav., I lJaniel lJenison m. l\!ary Stan ton I

l\iary I lJenison n1. Nathan Smith

Elizabeth Smith m. Joseph Swan I Joseph Swan m. Deborah Alderman I Joseph S. Swan m. Susannah Youngs I John H. Swan m. l\,fary F. Winchester

Alden Sn1ith Swan m. l\fary Althea Farwell I 1 Florence Althea Swan n1. Walter Gibb

DENISON l JOHN DENYSOX was living in Bishop's Stortford, Eng­ land, in 1567 and ,vas buried there Dec. 4, 1582. He married Agnes, whose ma~den na111e has not been preserved.

2 ,,7ILLIA1I DENISON, son of John and Agnes Denyson, was baptized at Bishop's Stortford, England, Feb. 3, 157.J, and married there Nov. 7, 1603, Jiargaret (Chandler) l\1onck. ·Re­ calling his son Daniel from Cambridge he brought all of hi~ f arnily to New England with him in 1631, excepting his son John, ,,lho was a minister not far f ron1 their ho1ne at that tin1e, u.nd who was , ... icar of Standon, County Herts, 1660 to 1670. ,villiarn Denison and l1is fan1i]y settled at Roxbury, l\Iass., ,vhcre his wife died in 1645, and he died Jan. ~5, 1653. He ,vas Deputy f ro1n Roxbury in 1634 and a rnen1ber of the :i\Iilitia there in 1636. 3 GEORGE DENISON, son of ,villian1 and l\la1·garcl. (Chundlcr-::\lonck) Denison, was baptized at Bishop's Stortford, England, Nov. S, 1616, and came to New England with his· father ss in 16~1, and about 1640 he married 13ridget Thompson, "·ho died in 1643, leaving two small daughters. ite returned to England that year, and the following letter, written by his brother naniel, gives valuable inforn1a tion regarding his life :

l\{y brother George buried his first wife in the year 1643, went into ~ngland and ,vas a soldier there above a year; was at the battle of York or l\iarston l\1oor, where he did good service, was after­ wards taken prisoner, but got free and having married a second wife he returned to Ne,v England the year before our mother died and not long after removed himself to New London, near whereunto at Stonington where he no,v lives. -

(This letter, with other information about the family in general, was published in the Kew England Register, Y'ol. 46, page 128.) He married second in England, Ann Borodcl1, "·ho d1ed Sept. 26, 1712, aged 97, and he died Oct. ~4, 1694,. and they are buried in the ~lm Grove Cemetery at l\:Iystic, Conn. Admiral George Dewey descended from Capt. George nenison and his first wife. George Denison was Captain of Ne\\r London County forces in King Philip's ,var of 1675/6 and the next year served in con1n1and of the forces raised by him as Provo-liarshal and "~as Deputy from Stonington for n1any years. ,,7ith the exception of ~fajor John i\fason he was the most distinguished soldier of the Connecticut Colony.

4 JOHN B. DENISON, son of Capt. George and Ann (Boro­ dell) Denison, was born July 14, 1646, and died in 1698. Ile served in J{ing Philip's ,,rar of 1675/6 in the Narragansett and other campaigns. He married Nov. fl6, 1667, Phebe, daughter of Robert Lay of Saybrook, Ct., who died in 1699, aged 49 years. . .

5 \"\1ILLIA::\l DEXISON, son of John D. and Phebe (Lay} • Denison, ·was born April 7, 1677, and married in 1698 ~lary, daughter of John .Avery of Groton, Ct. They lived at North Ston­ ington, where he died ,Tan. 30, 1730, and she at the age of 5~ y~ars married Jan. 12, 173~, Daniel Pa.ln1cr, aged 59 years, whon1 she outlived, dying Feb. 30, 176~, aged 8~ years.

5 DANIEI.J DENISON, son of John B. and Phebe (Lay) Denison, ,vas born :\larch 28, 1680, and married first, Jan., 1703, l\IarJ, daughter of Robert and ,Joanna (Gard1H:r) Stanton, ,rho became the n1othcr of eleven children, dying Sept. ~, l 7Q4, in her SSt h year. He married second, Oct. Q7, l 7QG, tTane Cogswell of Long Island, and he married third, Xov. 17, 1737, l\Irs. Abigail 84 SwAN-FAnw:ttt G~N:tA.toGY

(Fish) Eldridge, who outlived him ahout 37 years, as she died June 17, l 784, aged 94 years, and he died Oct. 13, 1747. itis c~ldren were all by his first wife.

6 ttJCY lJ~NtSON, daughter of John 13. and Phebe (tay) Denison, was horn in 1710 and married John Swan, born ltaver­ hill, l\!ass., nee. 28, 1700.

See Swan.

6 lLUtY n~NlSON, daughter of Daniel and liary (Stanton) nenison, was horn Aug. 29, 1705, and married nee. 5, 17fl3, Nathan Smith, !Jorn April 16, 1702.

See Smith.

lleferences : History of Stonington, Conn., pp. 334-344 ; Colo­ nial \Vars, 1899-1902.


John Divoll m. Hannah White I William Divoll m. Ruth Whitcomb I Ruth Divoll m. Joshua Osgood I Ruth Osgood m. Phineas Houghton I Anna Houghton m. Solomon Corliss I Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard I Delia Blanchard n1. J a1nes E. Farwell I l\fary Althea Farwell m. ...-\.lden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan rn. ,,r alter Gibb


1 JOHN DIVOLi., is first n1entioncd in the records of Lan­ caster, l\Iass., when on QSrd of 10th n1onth, 1663, he n1arricd Han- SwAN-FilWEtt G~NlatooY 85 nah White. nuring King Philip's \Var he was acting as Ensign in defending the house of ltev. Joseph 1t.ow1andson, who was the husband of his wife's sister lt11.ry, when he was killed hy the 1ndians, Feh. 10, 1676, and his wife and children with lirs. Rowlandson and her children ,vere carried away as prisoners of Sam, Sagamon of the N ashawas, who was hung at Boston, Sept. 26, 1676. ln l\tay, 1676, the women were ransomed at Portsn1outh with what children . ,vere left, but a number of them had succumbed to the hardships.

· 2 \VlLLlAl\t lJl\'"OLL, son of John and ltannah (\Vhite) nivoll, was born in Lancaster, 1\1ass., 8th day of 2nd month, 1672, and married there in 1695 Ruth \V-hitcomb, born 27th of 4th month, 1672. He was taken prisoner at less than four years of age, with his moth~r and was with her when she was ransomed., lte died in Lancaster in 1731 and his wife died there Nov. 14, 1753.

S RtJ'l'lt DlVOLL, daughter of William and Ruth ('Vhit­ comb) Divoll, was baptized at Lancaster, l\1ass., Oct. 31, 1708, and. married there Dec. 20, 1722, Joshua Osgood, born Sept. 2, 1694, died Jan. 31, 1783.

See Osgood.

References: Descendants of John White, Vol. 1, p. 86; \'.'ital and Church Records of Lancaster, l\fass. ; New England Register, Vol. 37, p. 199. 86 SwAN-FAR~t G:tN1:AtooY

noottTTl.. E

John noolittle m. I Sarah noolittle n1. John Floyd I Sarah Floyd m. Srgt. Nathaniel Upham I Sarah Upham m. Samuel Grover . I John Grover n1. ltannah I Sarah Grover m. Sylvanus Blanchard I Sylvanus Blanchard m. nelia Corliss I Delia Blanchard m. James ~- Farwell I 1.iarv., Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 JOHN DOOLITTLE was of Lynn, l\iass., as early as 1643, when his name was attached t.o a petition. He removed to Boston and in that part of the to,vn which is now Chelsea he was a Con­ stable in 1653 and 1671. In 1667/8 he purchased thirty-five acres across the boundary in l\falden, where he died Sept. ~4, 1681. The name of his first wife, the mother of his children, is not known, and she probably died before he left England. In 1658 he received a legacy from Edward Holyoke, but if any relationship existed be­ tween them it is not stated. In his will he left his daughter Sarah Floyd fifty pounds and made her children residuary legatees and named his son-in-law·, John Flovd, his executor. His inventory ~ ~ showed his estate an exceedingly large one for the ti1ncs.

2 SARAH DOOLI1..,TLE, daughter of John Doolittle, was probably born in England. She became the wife of Capt. John Floyd. She is buried at Revere and died June 16, 1717, aged 75 years. See Floyd. References: Savage; History of Chelsea, v· ol. 1, p. 174. SwAN-F .unvEtt GENP:AtOGY 87

Anthony Eames tn. Margery --- l Melicent Eames l William Sprag~e Joanna Sprague m. Caleb Church l lsaac Church m. l\iary Hutchins I Lydia Church tn. Nathaniel Smith I Anna Sn1ith m. Caleb Winchester I Samuel Winchester tn. Sally Farwell I 1\{ary F. \\"'in chester tn. John li. Swan I Alden Smith Swan m. l\lary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 ANTHO~TY E •.\l\IES ,vas of Charlestown, l\fass., in 1634, but had located in Hingham by 1636, and represented that place in the General Court in 1637, 1638 and 1643. He was Lieutenant of }filitia at Hinghan1 and later its Captain in 1644 and 1645. He remoYed to l\Iarshfield and represented that place in the Plymouth Colo1~y from 1653 to 1661, inclusive. He married l\:Iargery, whose maiden name is not known.

2 l\IELICENT E ...-\.:\lES, daughter of Anthony and l\fargery Eames., married in Charlestown, 1635, ,;Villiam Sprague. She died in Hingham, Feb. 8, 1695/6, and he died there Oct. 26, 1675.

See Sprague.

References: Savage; History of Hingha1n, l\Iass., Vol. 1, p. 217; \T Ol. 3, P• 164. 88 SW.AN-FAttWl:tt GEm:Al.OGY


ltoger ~astman m. Sarah Smith . I Philip ~astman ttl. I Susanna ~astman m. John Swan I John Swan tn. lucy nenison I Joseph Swan m. ~lizabeth Smith I Joseph Sw:an m. neborah Alderman

Joseph S. Swan m. Susannah Youngs I John H. Swan m. l!ary F. \Vi11chester I Alden Smith Swan m. 1\1:ary Althea Farwell I Flor.ence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 ROGER E.A.STlIAN can1e fron1 Langford, County ,vilts, England, and sailed from Southampton in April, 1638, in the ship ~ Confidence, bound for l\Iassachu~etts Bay Colony. He recei,·cd lands in the first division at Salisbury in 1640. He n1arried SarRh, born about 1620/1, ,vhose nan1e by tradition was Smith. She died ~larch 11, 1697/8 and he died Dec. 16, 1694.

2 PHILIP EAST~IAN, son of Roger and Sarah Eastman, ,vas born in Salisbury, l\lass., Oct. 20, 1644, and married first a woman of whom nothing is known, and who died before 1678, when he married the second time. He resided at Haverhill, :\lass., and his hon1e ,vas burned by the Indians there, l\Iarch 15, 1697, and son1e of his f an1ily were taken prisoners, including hin1Self, but he soon escaped and took up his residence in Ashford, where he died in 1714•. Ile was a soldier in King Philip's ,Yar of 1675/6, under Capt. Bcnjan1in Lovett.

3 SlTS.A NX ...-\ F.:.AS'r:\I~\X, daugl1tcr of Philip East111an and his first wife, was born in 1673, probably in Salisbury, :\lass., and SWAN-FAitWE:tt G~litOGY 89 died in Stonington, Ct., Dec. 20, 1772, in her 100th year. She married first rthomas Wood, who with their only child was killed hy the 1ndians in 169'7. On 1, 1699, she married John Swan and they resided in Haverhill until their third child ,\·as about two years of age, when they 1·e1noved to Stonington, Ct. 'tradition about their journey to Stonington, as given in the Eastman Gene­ alogy, is as follows:

,¥illiatn, the youngest child, was a sturdy boy, and Susanna, wearied with 1nuch work and carrying him in her arms, deposited the sleeping boy in an en1pty tub in the cellar-way, telling her hus­ band it must be put on the load of goods, while she, "'·ith Ruth behind her on the horse, "·ent awhile on the journey towards Ston­ ington. John, the eldest, ran by the ox team. After a few miles Susanna called to the husband to give her the boy, when, lo and behold! he had forgotton to put the tub on the load. The curtain lecture she delivered can be heard to-day by all their descendants.

See Swan.

References: Eastman Genealogy: History of Stonington, Ct.


Thomas Elithorp m. Abigail --- 1 Nathaniel Elithorp m. l\Iary Batt I l\.Iargaret Elithorp m. Jonathan Harriman I Sarah Harriman- m. Samuel Hazen I Eunice Hazen m. Jonathan Farwell I Joseph Farwell m. l\Iolly Haskell

James Farwell m. Polly En1erson I Jan1cs E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard I l\fary ..Althea Far"~clI m. .Alden Smith Swan

Florence Althea Swan n1. ,valter Gibb 90 SwAN-F.unttt.t, GEN&tooY

f EttTttonP-eontinued 'l'hotnas Elithorp. tn.I Abigail -- Nathaniel Elithorp .m. l\iary l3att I l\iat·garet Elithorp m. Jonathan Harriman t Sarah Harriman m. Samuel Hazen I · -~unice Hazen m. Jonathan Farwell I Joseph Farwell .m. I l\'1olty Haskell Sally Farwell m. Samuel Winchester I l\iary F. Winchester m. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Swan m. l\{ary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 THO:\IAS ELITHORP had land in Rowlev., on what is now Bradford Street, in 1643. The dates of his birth and death are not exactly known, but on i\Iay 14, 1654, his widow Abigail, with Hugh Smith and John Pickard, petitioned the General Court for the pro­ bate of his will and it was referred to the Court at Ipswich. His widol_V .Abigail, maiden nan1e not known, married second, June 25, 1657, in Boston, Thomas Jones of Hull, l\Iass.

2 N.A.THANIEL ELITHORP, son of Thomas and Abigail Elithorp, married Dec. 16, 1657, l-Iary Batt, daughter of Nicholas Batt of Kewbury, ::\lass. They resided in Ipswich, ·l\lass., and they both died there, he on l\Iay 10, 1709, and she on Jan. 9, 1709/10.

S ll..-\RGARET ELITHORP, daughter of Nathaniel and l\1ary (Batt) Elithorp, ·was born in Ipswich, l\Iass., July ~4, I 67~, and n1arricd first Jan. QI, 1688/9, Samuel ,vood, and as his widow Sw.AN-F.Attwnt GEN~:tooY 91 • she tnarried second, Aug." 19, 1691, Jonathatt ttarriman, who was horn in 1657. She died Jan. i5, 1754.

See llarriman.

lteferences: ~ssex lnstitute ltistorical Collections, ,r ol. 21, pp. 78, 100, 101; \Tol. 19, p. 62; New :England llegister, ,·01. 11, p. fl04.


George ~merson m. I Alexander Emerson m. Jennett Hornsey I Thomas Emerson m. l\fargaret Froe I l\iichael Emerson_ m. ltannah Webster I Jonathan Emerson m. Hannah Day I John Emerson m. Abigail Stevens I Peter Emerson m. l\'1ary Stanton I l\Iiriam Emerson m. Joseph Corliss I Solomon Corliss m. Anna Houghton I Delia Corlis.s m. Sylvanus Blanchard I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I l\:Iary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence _..\.lthea Swan m. l\ralter Gibb SW.AN-FARW~LL G~EAtOGY

El\iERSON-Continued . George Etnerson tn.I ·--·---- Alexander -Emerson .m. Jennett Hornsey l Thoma~ Emerson m. llargaret Froe I l\tichael Emerson n1. Hannah Webster I Jonathan Emerson m. Hannah nay I John Emerson m. Abigail Stevens I 1\'.lary Emerson n1. Joseph Corliss I Joseph Corliss m. l\{iriam En1erson I Solomon Corliss m. Anna lloughton

Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard

Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell

llary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan

Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 GEORGE Ei\lERSON, the elder, husbandman of Sereby, County Lincoln, England, n1a

2 ALEX~.\NDER E:\IERSON, son of George Emerson, was of Sereby, County Lincoln, England, when he nutde his will, Apri] 10, 1604, which "·as proven Feb. 10, 1605/6. I-le requested to be buried in the church of Sereby. He na1ncs his children as George, l\fichael, 'Thomas, llobert, John and Anne, and to his son Thornas he bequeathed all his lands in Howshan1 and Cadney, and 1nentions property in Glan1f ord Briggs. He 1nadc his son ~Iichael sole 9S executor, and was buried Oct. 8, 16.05. tte married Jennett 1torn-­ sey, daughter of john of Bonby. She made her wilt l\iay .!4, 1612, and it was proven .tune 19 of that year. ··Cadney parish, with the ,rillage of -11:owsham, .Serehy, Wrawby and Glamford l3riggs, all lie near logether in the northern part of tincolnshire. ( lteferences: ltaverhill ~n1ersons, Part Two, by Charles lienry Pope, published in 1916, pp. 9, 10, 12.)

8 'l.'ltOl\:tA~ ~l\1~RSON, son of Alexander and Jennett ( liornsey) Emerson, was of tiowsham, in the parish of Cadney, County Lincoln, ~ngland, when he n1ade his will, l\:lay 20, 1656, which was proven Sept. 27, 1661. ln it he mentions sons, Edward, Thomas, l\1ichael and Robert, and daughters Elizabeth Lillorth ( who came to N e,v England and lived neighbor to her brothers l\{ichael and ltobert), Isabel Grantham and granddaughter Anne \Vriglit. 1'he will indicates quite clearly that the sons l\1ichael and ltobert and the daughter Elizabeth were not in England at its mak­ ing, one sentence stating "my children here in England." Thomas Emerson was a warden of Cadney parish and in his will he requested to be buried by his wife close to the ancient parish church. He married in Cadney, Aug. 10, 1612, l\1argaret Froe, and he was buried Dec. 25, 1657. The Parish Register does not give the· death of his wife, but the baptisms of their children are clearly stated and an1ong them is that of l\fichael, as given below. (References: Haverhill Emersons, Part Two, published in 1916, pp. 6, 8.) This book gives considerable space to the Coat-of-Arms belonging to this family, but l\1r. P. H. Emersol), compiler of the English Emersons, · on page 15, distinctly shows that it was not granted until 1634, and then to one Alexander, who never came to N e,v England, although he ,vas of the same ancestry as the men who did..

4 l\IICH.AEL El\iERSON, son of Thomas and l\1argaret (Froe) Emerson, ,,·as baptized in Cadney parish, as above n1en­ tioned, .April 19, 1627, and his brother Robert on Nov. 8, 1629, his sister Elizabeth on April ~2, 1616, all of whom emigrated to New England. l\fichael is first noted in I-Iaverhill, l\Iass., l\Iarch 3, 1655, when he received an allotn1ent of land. His handwriting n1ay still be seen in the files of Essex County Court Records, dated 1660. I-le n1arried in Haverhill, April 1, 1657, Hannah, daughter of .John and l\Iary (Shatswell) \,rcbstcr. He ,\·as Constable in 1659 o.nd made his will July 18, 1709, dying in 1715. His wife survived him and 1nnrried second John E1ncry. 94 SwAN-F'AttwEtt G~Y

5 jQNA'1'1tAN ~liEltSON, son of l\iichael and Hannah (\Vebster) Emerson, was born in Haverhill, l\iass., liarch 9, 1669/70, and died there Aug. 19, 1736. 1te married there June 15, 1699, Hannah, daughter of John 1Jay, born in lpswich, Jan. 16, 1679. Their hon1e in Haverhill was on the south side of the p1·esent ,vebster Street, and was one of the Garrison ltouses in :King Philip's \Var of 1675 and 1676. lte and John Swan in 1704/5 had liberty granted them to erect a grist mill and he was Constable of lta,·erhill and serYed_ many times as one of its Selectmen.

6 JOHN El\fERSON, sou of Jonathan and Hanna~ (Oay) Emerson, was born in Haverhill, ~iass., June 7, 1701, and his wi1l was proved there l\!arch 4, 178Q. He married there Nov. 8, 1722, Abigail, daughter of John and ~fary (Bartlett) Stevens, born July 4, 1701. lte resided in the old homestead, having purchased the rights in it of the othe1· heirs in 1770.

7 l>ETEll El!ERSO:N, son of John and Abigail (Stevens) Emerson, was born in Haverhill, l\fass., July 17, 1723, and married · first in June, 1744, · l\iiriam l\Iarble, born 1725. She died and before 1748 he married second lfary Stanton, who died in V\Tind­ ham, N. H., Sept. 12, 18~~, in her 96th year, and whose ancestry is not known, but tradition connects her in some ,vay with the State of Pennsylvania. He served in the French and Indian ,,r ars in Richard Saltonstall's· Company during 1757, and he was also in the army for the reduction of Canada fron1 April 14 to Nov. 4, l 7 58. He was also one of Haverhill's l\linute men who n1arched on alarn1, April 19, 1775, in Capt. James Sawyer's Company, Col. James Frye's Regin1ent. He is also listed in the return of n1en in camp at Can1bridge, dated ~lay 17, 1775. (l\Iassachusetts Sol­ diers and ~ailors, p. 349.) I-Ie removed to lVindha1n, N. H., about 1784, buying the Abraham Annis place on Feb. 7, 1785, which is stiJl owned bv.. his descendants. He died there Oct. 27, 1811, and his gra-vestone, with quaint carvings, is still standing not far from his home~

7 l\IARY El\IERSON", daughter of John and Abigail (Stevens) Emerson, was born in Haverhill, l\Iass., Sept. 3, 1728, and died there Nov. 8, 1815, as the ·widow of Joseph Corliss', Sr., whom she married in Haverhill on l?eb. 19, 1746/7.

See Corliss

8 1\1IRIA~f E~IERSON, daughter of Peter and l!ary ( Stan- SwAN-F.utWEtt GmttAtoGY 95 . ton) Emerson, was horn fn Haverhill, l\iass., Sept. 9, 1750, and. married before 1768 Joseph Corliss.

See Corliss.

lteferences: The Haverhill Emersons, pp. 13, 28, 40, 66, pub­ lished 1916; \:-Ital ltecords of ltaverhill.


Thomas Emerson m.

llobert Emerson m. Susan Crabbe I Thomas Emerson m. Elizabeth Brewster I Joseph Emerson m. Elizabeth Bulkeley I Ebenezer- Emerson m. liary Boutwell I Joseph E~erson n1. Phebe Upton I Elias E1nerson m. Phebe Howard I Polly Emerson m. James Farwell I James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard I :\Iary Althea Far,vell m. Alden Smith Swan

Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 THO:\I...\.S El\IERSOX of Great Dunmow, County Essex, England, is the earliest known Emerson of the following family

whose connection can be clcarlv.., established. He was born elsewhere before 1540.

2 ROBERT El\IERSOX, son of 1."'homas Emerson, was of ~Iuggclls Dale, Bishop's Stortford, County Herts, England, where he was buried Jan. 6, l 6Q0. On Nov. ~4, 1578, he n1n.rried there Susan Crabbe, who was buried tJ1erc Nov. ~4, 16~6, aged 70 years. 96 Sw.AN-F AnWEtt G:tN:tAtooY

S 'rltOl:tAS El\iEitSON, son of noberl and Susan (Crabbe) Etnerson, was baptized at l3ishop's Stortford, England, July 26, 1584, and was Collector for the Poor in St. l\iichael's Church there in 1636. lie married there July 1, 1611, Elizabeth l3rewster, and about 1638 they sailed for New England and located in lpswich, Mass., where he died l\iay 1, 1666. The date of her death is not known, but she came to lpswich with him.

4 JOSEl>lt El\1EllSON, son of · Thomas and Elizabeth (l3rewster) Emerson, was baptized June 25, -1620, in St. l\{ichael's Church, which is still standing, in l3ishop's Stortford, England, and came to New England ,vith his father. lte died at Concord, l\:!ass., Nov. 13, 1679. lie married first about 1646 Elizabeth \Voodman­ sey, daughter of Robert, a schoolmaster of Boston; he married sec­ ond, Dec. 7, 1665, Elizabeth Bulkeley, daughter of ·Rev. Edward l3ulkeley. She died Sept. 4, 1693, as the wife of Captain John l3rown of Reading. Joseph Emerson received part of his education in England and may have gone to Harvard. He became a minister of standing among the Puritan clergymen. He preached at York; Me., for several years, and in 1653 was preaching at Wells, l\!e. He became the first settled minister at l\1endon on Dec. 1, 1669, and stayed there until the destruction of the town by the Indians in King Philip's '\Var in 1675. ,,7hen the inhabitants returned he did not come with them. Through his son Edward, descended Ralph 1 " aldo Emerson. Rev. Edward Bulkeley, his father-in-law, was "responsible for his appearance in :l\lendon, and wrote out the following proposals for his settlement", ·which were sigµed by the male members of the church and by Joseph Emerson:

To give him forty-five pounds and for the first two years pay­ ment As followeth: Tenn pounds at Boston y and at some shope there, or in money at this Towne--the Remayning of the hafe yeere to bee made up Two pounds of butter for every cowe the rest in Porke, wheat barley and soe to 11ake up the yeares pay in work, Indian corn, Rey, Pease and Beefc. For the third yeere after he is settled to be payd fifty-five pounds y and soe as God shall lnable then1. The house to be ~lade fittingc to con1c into ,vith all conve­ nient specdc ,vth two fire places and .. A. little lean,to of sixteen foot in length wth a chin1ney as a l(itchen '11 0,vards Good1nan' Cook's house--for l\Ir. E1ncrson to contribute son1cthing to it~ the Towne being not willing to do it alone. 'ro gett fro hin1 'rwenty Corde of wood yearly; Then if :i\Ir. En1crson co1nc and Inhabitt, dyinge in the Towne or enter into office, then to have the said house and the forty Acor Iott and ~Icadow to it wth all other privileges S·r. M1c11AF.1.'s Cnuncar, H1s11

SwAN-FAttWEtt GBNEAtooY 9; and Divisions made or to he made to that lott as all other lotts of that bigness shall have, settled to hint and his heyres forever and soe recorded in the Towne l3ooke. This being Assented to hy the lnhabitants of l\iendon, Mr. Emerson will settle with them. lastly it is agreed that if the l\'1ajot p'te of the people lnhabitinge neere shall carry it soe unworthily Tow·ards l\ir. ~merson as that there cannot be A Reconciliation l\!ade Among themselves Then it is hereby unanimously Agreed to Ref er the difference to the Churches ol l\!etfeild, Dedham and Roxbury to heere and determine it. And if it shall be hy the said Churches judged for l\ir. Emerson to leave and nepart the Towne yett he shall enjoy the house and land Above expressed to him and his heyres forever, otherwise he is not-to leave · the Towne and his labours heere during life.

5 EBENEZER EiIERSON, son of Rev. Joseph and Elizabeth (Bulkeley) Emerson, ·was born before 1680 and his will was proven in 1751. He resided in Reading, on the Franklin \Veston place, corner of Franklin and Haverhill Streets. Ite married first in 1707, l3ethia Parker, daughter of Nathaniel and Bethia Parker of Read­ ing, who died in 1715, and on l\1arch 16, 17-16/7, he _married l\fary Boutwell, daughter of Captain James Boutwell. She was born in Reading, Oct .. 22, 1685.

6 JOSEPH El\IERSON, son of Ebenezer and l\Iary (Bout­ well) Emerson, was _horn in Reading, :i\-Iass., Nov. 3, 1721, and married there Dec. 7, 1749, Phebe Upton, born June 2~, 17~9, died Jan. 19, 1811. He died l\1ay 9, 1803. He entered the Revo­ lutionary \'Var as a private from Reading,' under Captain John Bacheller's Company of_ l\Iinute l\:Ien, which marched on alarn1 April 19, 1775; he was also Quarter l\laster Sergeant in the san1e Company and enlisted April 24, l 775. (l\Iassachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolutionary War, p. 345.)

7 ELIAS El\1ERSON, son of Joseph and Phebe (Upton) Emerson, was born in Reading, l\fass., Sept. 9, 1759, and died in Lancaster, June 16, 1835. He married in l\'.lalden, Sept. 15, 1790, Phebe Howard, born June 19, 1768, died in Lancaster, Dec. 15, 1840. I-Ie was a Revolutionary Pensioner, having served as a pri­ vate in Captain John Dix's Con1pany, Col. l\Iclntosh's Regiment. Enlisted Aug. 1, 1678; he also served under Capt. Joshua ,,ralker, enlisting in that company Oct. 2~, 1779, and serving until Nov. fi3, 1779, the con1pany n1arching to Claverack to reinforce the Conti­ tental Army. (l\Iassachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolu­ tionary War, p. 341.) 98 SW.AN-F.AR~tt GENlitoGY

8 PottY EltEllSON, daughter of Elias and Phebe (ltow- . ard) Emerson, was born July 12, 1793, and died Jan. 9, 1849, as the wife of James Farwell, born Sept. 5, 1794, whom she married Feb. 20, -1817.

See Farwell.

References: Emerson Genealogy; Vital ltecords of Lancaster, )!ass. ; History of lleading, l\!ass., p. 304; 'the ~nglish Emersons, pp. 23, 155, 158; New :tngland ltegister, Vol..29, p. 183; Vol. 7, p. 26.

~RlllNG'l'ON .

m. Ann I Abraham ~rrington m. llebecca Cutler

Rebecca Errington m. John Gibson

l\{artha Gibson m. Joseph Knight

l\fary Knight m. Caleb Winchester

Caleb ,vinchester m. Anna Smith

Samuel ,vinchester m. Sally Farwell I l\Iary F. ,vinchester Ill. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Swan m. l\fary Al the a Farwell I Florence Althea Swan Ill. \Valter Gibb


1 ANN ERRIXGTON, ·widow, died in Can1bridge, l\Iass., Dec. ll, 1653, aged 77 )·ears, and her gravestone, the oldest in the burial ground at Can1bridgc, was standing intact in 1877. She was for­ merly of N c,vcastlc-upon-Tyne, England, according to an old deed, but nothing furthe:r is known concerning her. rj.>:P < ·"-"•""'"'""•"""""r #,i,¥~• ';•'-" ,.,,'7,>l-"'"''P.t",!i.kJ.e!,-,:'.:""c ~"1!'-!'-';:l"';.~0 r ., ;; [- i

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POLLY (E,IEnsox) F_.\RWEr.L (Page 98)


2 Al3RA11Al\t EntttNGTON, son of Ann Errington, was a blacksmith and resided in Cambridge, l\iass., on the east side of Brighton Street, about midway between Harvard Square and l!t. Auburn Street. lie owned the lot on the opposite side of the street, where the old Porter Tavern stood in 1877. lte died 11ay 9, 1677, aged 55 years. He married nebecca, daughter of Robert Cutler. She died in 1697.

3 REBECC.A EllRINGTON, daughter of Abraham and Re­ becca (Cutler) Errington, was baptized in Charlesto,vn, l\1ass., about 1651, and married in Cambridge, nee. 9, 1668, John Gibson, who died Oct. 15, i679. She died Dec. 4, 1713.

See Gibson.

References: History of Can1bridge, l\tass., pp. 540, 541; Cam­ bridge Vital Records; Savage. 100


Sh- John Fitch tn. -- l William Fitch m. --- 1 Thomas Fitch m. Cora Worth I William Fitch m. --- 1 Thomas Fitch m. Joanna 1\1:arston I Thomas Fitch m. Agnes Alger I Thomas Fitch m. --- 1 Thomas Fitch tn. liary l\{auch I Thomas Fitch m. .Anna lleve I l\1ary Fitch m. Thomas Sherwood I Ruth Sherwood m. Joshua Holcon1b I Joshua Holcomb m. l\tlary Hoskins I David Holcomb m. Sarah Slater I Susannah Holcomb n1. J os_iah Topping I Cleopatra Topping rn. Eli Youngs I Susannah Youngs rn. Joseph S. Swan I John H. Swan rn. l\fary F. ,,7inchester I Alden Smith Swan m. ~Iary.. Althea Farwell I Florence .Althea Swan n1. '\Valter Gibb.


1 SIR JOHN FITCH was of Fitch Castle, County .Essex, England, in 1~94. SWAN-l'AllWEtt GENEAl:.OGY tot

2 WltttAl\t :FtTClt, son of Sir John Fitch, died at Fitch Castle in 1388.

8 '.tltOl\!AS :FlTClt, son of William Fitch, was of Fitch Castle and married Cora, daughter of Abram Worth of ~ssex.

4 Wl:t:tlAAi FITCH, son of 1"'homas and Cora (Worth) Fitch, was born at Fitch Castle.

5 '.tltOl[AS FlTClt, son of William Fitch, was of Fitch Castle and married Joanna, eldest daughter of ,villiam 1\1:arston of Sal op.

6 TltOl\IAS FITCH, son of Thomas and Joanna (liarston) Fitch, ,vas born at Fitch Castle and died 1514. He married Agnes, daughter of Robert Alger.

7 Tlt0l\1AS FlTCH, son of Thomas and Agnes (Alger) Fitch, was born at Brazen 1Iead, Essex.

8 THO:\lAS FITCH, son of Thomas Fitch, was born at Brazen Head, Essex, 1562, and married l\:1ary, daughter of Sir John l\fauch of Supford, I-Iertford Co.

9 THOlIAS FITCH, son of Thomas and l1ary. (:\Iauch) Fitch, was born at Bocking, County Essex, in 1590 and died in 163i. He married in St. l\,fary's Church there, Aug. 8, 1611, .A.nna Reve, and after his death, in about 1635/8, she came to New Eng­ land with· her daughter l\Iary and with her son Thomas, who set­ tled in Norwalk, Ct.

10 l\IARY FI1.,CH, daughter of Thomas and Anna (ReYe) Fitch, was born in England and married in Connecticut, Thon1as Sherwood.

See Sherwood.

References: Sclleck's Norwalk, p. ·193; Boston Transcript, June IQ, 1916, and ~larch 27, 1907. 102 SWAN-F.AttWEtt G~toGY


John Floyd m. Sarah Doolittle I Sarah Floyd m. Nathaniel Upham I Sarah Upham m. Samuel Grover I John GroYer m. ltannah t Sarah Grover m. Sylvanus Blanchard - I Sylvanus Blanchard m. Delia Corliss I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I l\iary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 JOHN FLOYD was born about 1636, judging from his testimony given as a witness in court at Salem in 1681 and fron1 the age appearing on his gravestone at Lynn. He was living in Lynn in 166Q and ren1ovcd about 1670 to :\Ialden, settling at Black Ann's Corner, near the Rumney :l\larsh line. Rumney l\iarsh was then the northernn1ost district of Boston and became a part of Chelsea in 1738/9, and is now in the town of Revere. He was n1ade frcen1an in 1674 and during the spring and early summer of 1676 served as Lieutenant in Captain Henchman's Com­ pany in King Philip's ,var. .r\bout 1680 he removed to Rumney l\far~h, where he died ~~eh. 1, 1701/2, and was buried at Lynn. As Ca pfain Floyd he was in the expedition of Governor Andros in 1688 against the Indians to the eastward and in 1689 was in com­ mand of a n1ilitary post on the Saco River. In 1690 he was made Captain of a troop and stationed at Portsn1outh, and for about three years after this he saw service against the Indians, taking part in the fight at ,vheelwright's Pond in the expedition of Scp­ te1nbcr, 1690. In 1 (i!)Q his cnc111ics had hin1 arrested for practising ""itchcraft, but he wns not convicted.

I--Ie n1arricd; ~<~1 rl'h l)oolittlc, who died June 16, 1717, aged 75 years, and is b'il~·ifd in llevcre, l\Iass. SwAN-FAttWl':tt GENEAtoor 103

2 SAltAlt Ft.ovn, dahghter of John and Sarah cnoolittle) Floyd, was horn in tynn, l\iass., Feb. 24, 1661/2, and died Oct. 14, 1715, as the wife of Nathaniel tJpham. See Upham. lteferences : New ~ngland Register, ,r ol. 63, p. 245 ; Savage~; ltistory of Chelsea, l\!ass., \T ol. 1, p. 178.

FOS'l'Ett Christopher Foster m. Frances ---

ltannah Foster m. naniel Sayre I ltannah Sayre m. Josiah Topping I Josiah Topping m. liehitable Herrick I Josiah Topping m. Susannah Holcomb I Cleopatra Topping m. Eli Youngs

Susannah Youngs m. Joseph S. Swan I John H. Swan m. lfarv . F. ,,rinchester I Alden Smith Swan m. l\Iary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb

FOSTER 1 CHRISTOPHER FOSTER was born in England 1603 and married there Frances, maiden nan1e not known, born 1607. They cam~ to New England in the ship Abigail during 1635 with their family. In 1637 he was of Lynn, llass., but removed to South­ ampton, L. I., in 1651. Ile died in 1687. 2 HANX... .\H FOSTER, daughter of Christopher and Frances Foster, was born aftcr her parents arrived in New England, as she is not nan1ed in the sailing list. She became the 'first wife of Daniel Sayre, who died in .. April, 1708. s~c Sayre.

References: Foster Genealogy, p. 877 ~ Howell's Southan1pton, p. ~47. 104 Sw.AN-F.Altw:ttt G~"TAtoGY


Thomas Gardner m. --- 1 'thomas Gardner m. tucy Smith I Joanna Gardner m. ll.obert Stanton l )!ary Stanton m. Daniel Denison 1 l!ary nenison ·m. Nathan Smith I Elizabeth Smith m. Joseph Swan

Joseph Swan m. neborah Alderman I Joseph S. Swan m. Susannah Youngs I John ll. Swan m. Mary F. Winchester I Alden Sn1ith Swan m. 1\{ary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


. 1 THO:\I... .\S G ....\RDXER died in Roxbury, 1\Iass., in NoY., 1638, and his widow ·was buried there Oct. 7, 1658.

2 THO:\l.. .\S G ....\RDXER, son of Tho1nas Gardner of Rox­ bury, l\Iass., was born in England· and married July 4, 1641, Lucy Smith. They are listed as members of the church in Roxbury be­ tween 1631 and 1650, but he was residing in Brookline the year he was married, and he died there July 15, 1689. She died Nov. 4, 1687. .

S JO.AXX. ..-\. G.ARDXER, daughter of TJ1on1as and Lucy (Sn1ith) Gardner, was probably born in Brookline, l\l~ss. She n1ar­ ried Sept. 1~, 16,7, Ilobert Stanton, son of Thomas and Anne (Lord) Stanton. See Stanton. References: Savage~ 1-Iistory of Stonington, Ct.; First Church of Roxbury, )!ass., p. 54. SWAN-FARWELL GEN~AtoGY


'l'homas Gardner m. liargaret I George ...Gardner m. ~lizabeth ltorne I ltannah Gardner m. John l3uttolph I David Buttolph m. l:tary

Mabel Buttolph m. navid ltolcomb

Susannah Holcomb m. Josiah Topping I Cleopatra Topping m. Eli Youngs l Susannah Youngs m. Joseph S. Swan .t John R. Swan m. !\fary F. Win<; I · Alden· Smith Swan m. lilary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


·l THOl\:IAS GARDNER was born in 159~ and came to Xew England in 16~4, being an Overseer at Cape Ann that :year. He removed to Salem, l\.fass., in 16fl6, where in 1636 he became the town's representative, serving in the same capacity in 1637 also. He was one of the seven men to gove1·n the town for 164~, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1650, 1655, 1656. He also filled n1any other minor offices. In 1641 he resided on what is now Essex Street, on its north side, between Beckford and Flint Streets, and the old hon1e was standing as late as 1854, ,vhen it was burned. The old Gardner burying ground, used for generations by the family, was located at ·what is now the junction of Grove and :\lain Streets. When Grove Street "·as laid out the hill there was removed and stones that "·ere still standing were taken up and placed in Harmony Grove Cemetery, in the triangular lot just inside the Pea­ body gate. The oldest one found was that of a daughter of Tho1nas Gardner. 106 SwAN-F A.tnntt G~N~tooY

ite married iwic~all that is known of his first wife is her Christian name liargaiet~~4,-She joined the church in Salem in 1639. 1te died in Salem, i9th of 10th tno., 1674, and his inventory shows unusual wealth for those times.

2 GEORGE GAll.nNER., son of Thomas and 1\1:argaret Gard­ ner, was born in England. The earliest mention of him in Salen1, }.lass., is in 1637, when he was granted ten acres of land. He joined the church there in l641. ln 166fl he was appointed Lieu­ tenant of the Foot Con1pany of Salem, said appointment being con­ firmed by the Court in 1663. He served as one of the Selectmen for a nun1ber of years after and including 1663. ln 1673 he re­ moved to ltartford, Ct., and during King Philip's War of 1675/6 he "yas a member of the committee for the defense of that place. lte married first Elizabeth Horne, who in 1669 was fined for not attending church. She had become interested in the n1eetings of the Friends. She was living as late as 1679. He married second ltuth, widow of John Turner, Sr., and third Elizabeth, widow of Rev. San1uel Stone. He died in Salem, Aug. 20, 1679, but his will is filed in Hartford, in which he mentions his daughter, Hannah Buttolph, le3:ving her three hundred pounds of debts, due him in Connecticut, "when they are got in." George Gardner's house in Sale1n was at the lower end of ,vhat is now Daniels Street. It ·was built in 1670, and with changes and additions is still st_anding. IIis inventory shows that he o-wned property in Han1pshire County, l\Iass., as well as in Hartford and . ,vindsor, Ct., and Salem, l\lass.

3 HANNAH G ...\RDXER, daughter of George and Elizabeth (Horne) Gardner, was baptized in the Salem Church 15th of 10th mo., 1644, and married 16th of 8th mo., 1663, Lt. John Buttolph.

See Buttolph.

References: Early Connecticut Probate Records, ,r ol. 1, pp. 305, 306; Tho1nas Gardner and Son1e of His Descendants, pp. ~.3 to 40; Essex Institute Historical Collections, \T ol. 51, p. 180. 107

GA\VltltOGEtt, Alias PtATTS

John Gawkroger m. Katherine --- 1 ltichard Gawkroger m. liargaret --- ) ll.ichard Gawkroger m. --- 1 ll.ichard Ga,vkroger m. lsabella ---

James Gawkroger m. Jenet Fairbanks

James Gawkroger m. ::\!artha Ainsworth I -1\tary Ga,vkroger m. John Prescott I . l\iary Prescott m. Thomas Sawyer

l\{ary Sa,vyer m. James Houghton I John . Houghton m. l\Iehitable Wilson I Phineas Houghton m. Ruth Osgood I Anna Houghton m. Solomon Corliss I . Delia Corliss m. Sylvanu5 Blanchard I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I l\{ary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb.


1 JOHN G ....\ ,, 7I(ROGER'S name occurs in Sowerby, Parish of Hali£ ax, County York, England, between 1447' and 1505. I-I~ · surrendered lands called "Platts" to his grandson John, Aug. 10. 1487. I-le married l(atherine, who "pas living in 1487. He died before Jan. 10, 1505, and was buried at \Vakeficld. In early wills and deeds given in references below·, '·alias Platts" is frequently used. 108 SWAN-FAttWEtt G~tooY

I lttcitAttlJ GAWKltOGEll, son of · John and Katherine Gawkroger, was ol Sowerby, his name occurring there between 1452 and 1487, and he ,vas Constable there Oct. 16, 1452, and in 1478 was called "Senior." lte married )iargaret, who was living in 1509. lie died before May -11 of that year.

S llICHAR.D GAWh.llOGEll, son of ltichard and l\!argaret Gawkroger, was Constable at Sowerby, England, Oct. 16, 1520, and his name appears there from 1478 to 1544. '!'he name of his wife is not known. lte died before April 28, 1544. ·

4 llICltAllD GAWKROGER, son of Richard Gawkroger, married in Sowerby, England, Isabella, who was buried Feb. 12, 1560. He died Oct. 18, 1570.

5 JAl\iES GA\,1KROGER, son of Richard and Isabella Gawk­ roger, married in Sowerby, :tngland, llec. 2, 1571, J enet Fair­ banks.

6 JAlf~S GA\,1KROGER, son of James and Jenet (Fair­ banks) Gawkroger, ""as baptized in Sowerby, England, Sept. 7, 1578, and married Sept. 5, 1601, l\Iartha Ainsworth. His will was proved Oct. 6, l 6i8, by his widow, who was sole executrix.

7 l\IARY GAWI{ROGER, daughter of James and ~Iartha .(Ainsworth) Gawkroger, was baptized in Sow#erby, England, l\1arch 15, 1607, and married April ll, 16929, John Prescott, founder of Lancaster, l\1ass. They· had five children born in Sowerby, two of whom died there. The other three they brought to New England with them ..

See Prescott.

Reference: Descendants of John l\Thite, ,rol. 4, pp. 161-167. 109


John Gibson tn. Rebecca I John Gibson m. Rebecca Errington

1\1:artha Gibson m. Joseph Knight

l\iary lrnight m. Caleb Winchester

Caleb Winchester m. Anna Smith

Samuel Winchester m. Sally Farwell f l\!ary F. Winchester m. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Swan m. l\iary Althea Farwell I . Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 JOHN GIBSON was born in England 1601 and settled in Cambridge, l\lass., about 1634. In 1635 he owned a house on the east side of Sparks Street, and soon added more acreage, so that his estate extended across to Garden Street. He probably n1arried in England, Rebecca, whose maiden name is not known. · She was buried a~ Roxbury, 1\fass., Dec. 1, 1661, and in 166~ he married Joanna, ,vidow of Henry Prentice. He died at Cambridge in 1694.

2 JOHN GIBSON, son of John and Rebecca Gibson, was born. about 1641 and died Oct. 15, 1679. He married Dec. 9, 1668, Re­ becca Errington (Harrington), who died Dec. 4, 1713, having been born about 1651. He was a soldier in Capt. Thomas Prentice's Company of Foot in Cambridge and participated in King Philip's \'\7ar. The contribution in the church at Cambridge on Nov. ~, 1679, was for his family, because of the visitation of smallpox, fro1n which they were severely suffering.

3 ~IARTH .....\. GIBSON, daughter of John and Rebecca (Errington) Gibson, married in 1696 Reuben Lilley. She married SWAN-FAttWEtt GE?ttALOGY • second in Woburn, }!ass., .. April 4, 1699, Joseph Knight of that p1ace. See Knight. ll.eleren·ce: New England negister, Vol. 37, pp. 388-9.


Joseph Gilson m. l\iary Capen . I Joseph Gilson n1. Elizabeth --- 1 liary Gilson m. Joseph Farwell I Jonathan Farwell m. Eunice Hazen I Joseph Fan"ell m. l\!olly Haskell I James· Farwell m. Polly Emerson I James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard I )Iary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan - I Florence Althea Swan m. \Valter Gibb

Joseph Gilson m. l\1ary Capen I Joseph Gilson m. Elizabeth --- . t l\1ary Gilson m. Joseph Farwell I Jonathan Farwell m. Eunice Hazen I Joseph Farwell m. l\Iolly Haskell I Sally Farwell m. Sa1nuel ,:vinchester I l\Iarv F. ,,rinchester m. John H. Swan •

Alden Smith Swan n1. l\Iarv., .Althea Farwell I' Florence Althea Swan n1. lValter Gibb 111


1 JOSEl'lt GltSON was early of Chelmsford, ~!ass., and married there No,·en1ber, 1660, l\1ary Capen, and removed to Gro­ ton, ~!ass. On ltay 17, 1658,· he, with n1any others in Chelmsiord, signed a petition asking permission to trade with the lndians, but whether it was granted or not is not recorded.

2 JOS:BPlt GltSON, son of Joseph and l\!ary (Capen) Gil­ son, ,vas born in Groton, l\!ass., l\farch 8, 1666/7, and married second, Elizabeth, "·hose maiden· name is not recorded.

8 l\i ..\RY GILSON, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Gilson, was born in Groton, ~lass., Feb. 8, 170~/3, and married there Dec. 14, 1719, Joseph Farwell, who was born in Cheln1sford, Aug. 5, 1696. See Farwell. lteferences: Far,vell l\temo1·ial, p. 25; Savage; ltistory of Chelmsford, ~!ass., p. · 37.


Edward Goft'e m. Joyce I _Lydia Goffe n1. John Sprague I Phineas Sprague m. Elizabeth Green I lfary Sprague n1. Joseph Lynde I Joseph Lynde n1. };lary Sprague I Hannah Lynde m. Amos Howard I Phebe Howard m. Elias Emerson I Polly Emerson 1n. James Farwell I James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard l 1\Iary 1-\lthea Farwell n1 ••.\Iden Smith Swan I Florence ..Althea Swan n1. ,,r alter Gibb 11i SwAN-FAnw:ttt G~tooY


. 1 ElJ,VAlllJ GOFFE of lpswich, Suffolk County, England, came to Cambridge, . l\!ass., with the ll.ev. Thomas Shepard and settled first at ".atertown, but tarried there but a short time. lte brought with him his wife Joyce and a daughter Lydia. They were in Cambridge as early as 1634/5, which place he represented in 1646 and 1650, and died there nee. 26, 1658, aged 64 years. She died in November, 1638.

2 tYDlA GOFFE, daughter of Edward and Joyce Goffe, was born in England and was married in l\1:alden, l\1ass., l\{ay ~, 1651, Capt. John Sprague, ,vho was born in 1624 and died June 24, 169~.

See Sprague.

References: New England ttegister, Vol. 4, p. 56; Savage; . Sprague Genealogy.


Thomas Green m. Elizabeth

John Green m. Sarah Wheeler

Sarah Green 01. Samuel Sprague I lfary Sprague m. Joseph Lynde I Hannah Lynde m. An10s Howard I Phebe Howard m. Elias Emerson I Polly Emerson m. J an1es Farwell I James E. Farwell n1. Delia Blanchard

Mary Althea Farwell Ill. Alden Sn1ith Swan

Florence Althea Swan Ill. ,,r alter Gibb SwAN-FAllwiltt G~~oGY 11S


1 1'ltOl\1AS GltEEN was born in England about 1606. Emi­ grated to New England and resided in lpswich, l\!ass., until about 1650, .when he remo,·ed to l\!alden, where he: had a sixty-three acre farm in the north part of the town in which is now l!elrose, part of which is still owned by his descendants. He was one of the Selectmen of l\1alden in 1653, 1658 and 1659. lie married Eliza­ beth, whose maiden name is unknown, who died Aug. 2~, 1658, and he died llec. 19, 1667.

2 JOttN GREEN, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Green, was born in England in 1632 and married in l\:talden, 1\-!ass., Dec. 18, 1660, Sarah \Vheeler, born Jan. 13, 1643, died Dec. 1, 1717, daugh­ ter of lsaac and Frances \Vheeler. He was Captain of the militia in 1\1:alden and many years a Deacon in the church there and served nineteen years as one of the Selectmen, from 1678 to 1701. lie was also Deputy in 1692, 1693, ,1694, 1696, and died October 16, 1707.

3 SARAH GREEN, daughter of John and Sarah (\.,Vheeler) Green, _was born in ~Ialden, l\iass., Jan. 14, 1676/7, and died there Feb. 2, 1743/4, as the widow of Samuel Sprague, who died in 1739.

See Sprague.

References: f arnily of Thomas Green, pp. 8, 10; Sprague Genealogy, p. 4~ ; Vital Records of lfalden, l\f ass. ; History of Charlestown, p. 438. 114 SWAN-FAltWELt GENlal.OGY


James Green m. Elizabeth --- j John Green m. l\iary --- f ~lizabeth Green m. Phineas Sprague I l\iary Sprague n1. Joseph tynde l Joseph tynde m. l\iary Spr~gue I Hannah Lynde m. Amos Howard t Phebe Howard m. Elias Emerson I Polly Emerson m. James Farwell t . . James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard I Mary Althea Farwell n1. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. ,valter Gibb


1 J Al\IES GREEN had wife Elizabeth and he died in Malden, Mass., l\farch 29, 1687.

2 JOHN GREEN, son of Ja1nes and Elizabeth Green, born in l\1alden, l\lass., about 1650, died 1707, was called "John of the Hill," ancl was admitted to the church in Charlestown, l\Iass., in

1642. He n1arried ~Iarv,., maiden name not known, ·who died in 1709. He was one of the Selectmen of l\Ialden in 1683, 1692, 1693, 1695, 1698.

3 ELIZABETH GREEN, daughter of John and l\fary Green, was born Feb. S, 1673, and died in 1747 as the' widow of Ensign Phineas Sprague. See Sprague.

References: IIistory of Charlestown, l\Iass., pp. 437, 438; Sprague Genealogy, p. 40; Bi-centennial of l\laldcn, pp. 212, Q35. Sw.u.-F.AttwEtt G:tNlitOGY 115


Thomas Grover tn. Sarah Chadwick I Samuel Grover tn. Sarah Upham I John Grover m. ltannah--- t Sarah Grover tn. Sylvanus Blanchard

Sylvanus Blanchard m. Delia Corliss 'l Delia Blanchard m. James ~. Farwell t l\1ary Althea Farwell m.r Alden Smith Swan Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 THOl\IAS GRO'VER was early of Cha1·lestown, l\i!ass., and married_ in l\lalden, l\Iay 23, 1668, Sarah, daughter of John Chad­ wick. Thomas, with l1is wife Sarah, and l\I-atthew· Smith sold John l\Ielvin a house in Charlestown in 1681. His will was proved Sept. 17, 1711, and he· left surviving him wife Sarah and sons Samuel and l\Iatthew.

2 SA_NlUEL GRO,:ER, son of Thomas and Sarah (Chadwick) Grover, n1arried in l\Ialden, l\Iass., April 17, -1713, Sarah, daughter of Nathaniel Uphan1, and died there Jan. 6, 1747/8.

3 JOHN GROVER, son of Samuel and Sarah (Upham) Grover, was born in l\Ialdcn, l\Iass., Dec. 4, 1716, and married Hannah, who died July S, 1774, and whose maiden name has not been ascertained. Ile died in l\Ialden, l\Iarch 27, 1785. He was a private in Capt. Bc.njamin Blaney's Company, Col. Eleazer Brooks' Regiment of Guards, during the ReYolutionary War, en­ listing Jan. 1~, 1778, and served eighty-two days at Cambridge. ( l\fassachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution, p. 9Q3.) The History of l\Ialdcn states, on page 816, that John Grov<.'r, Senior and Junior, both took part in the Lexington Alarm in 17'75, 116 SwAN-FAttWEtt GENi:AtoGY but to distinguish the individual- service of the two tnen is quite impossible.

4 SA1tAlt GltOVElt, .dau.ghter uf John and ltannah .Grover, was horn in 1\t!alden, l\:lass., Oct. 12, 1744, and married there Nov. 28, 1764, Sylvanus l3lanchard, Sr.

See Blanchard.

1teferences : Vital ltecords and ltistory of l\ialden, l\iass. ; W y­ tnan's Charlestown, p. 448.


Leonard Harriman tn. l\iargaret --- 1 Jonathan Harriman m. Margaret ~lithorp I Sarah Harriman m. Samuel Hazen I · Eunice Hazen m. Jonathan Farwell I Joseph Farwell m. l\,lolly Haskell I Ja~es Farwell m. Polly Emerson I James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard I Mary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb SwAN-:F'Aaw:ttt G~ooY 117 ltA1ttll11.AN-Continued Leonard Harriman m. Margaret --- 1 Jonathan Harriman tn. l'iargaret Elithorp

I Sarah Harriman m. Samuel Hazen

~unice Hazen m. Jonathan Farwell I Joseph Farwell m. liolly 1taskell I Sally Farwell m. Samuel Winchester I lfary F. Winchester m. John lt. Swan I Alden Smith Swan m. l\iary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea · Swan· m. Walter Gibb


1 LEONARD HARRil\IAN was one of the fh·st settlers of Rowley, l\{ass., and. had land apportioned him in 164S on the south­ east side of Edward Hazen's meadow·, and when other divisions were made he receh·ed his share with the other settlers. He serYed as one of the Selechnen of the town for the years of 1664, 1665, 1666, _1668, 1669 and 167Q, and died 1\-Iay 6, 1691. He married l\Iargaret, maiden name not known, ,vho was buried Oct. 2Q, 1676.

2 JONATHAN HARRil\1AN, son of Leonard and l\Iargaret Harriman, was born in Rowley, l\Iass., 5th of 10th month, 1657, and married first in 1688 Sarah Palmer, who died before Aug. 19, 1691, for on that date. he married second, l\Iargaret Elithorp, daughter of Nathaniel Elitho1·p and widow of Samuel Wood. Jona­ than Harriman is buried in Georgetown, l\Iass., where he died Feb. 15, 1741, in his 85th year, and l\Iargaret his l\·ife died Jan. 25, ;:i 754.

S SARAH H ...--\RRil\IAN, daughter of Jonathan and l\Iargaret ( Elithorp) Harriman, was born in Rowley, ~lass., l\Iarch 19, 1700/1, and 1narried Oct. 1, 17fl3, Samuel Hazen of Boxford, and removed to Shirley, l\1ass., in 1749, and she died there Ang. 1, 1794.

See Hazen. 118 SwAN-FAtt~tt G~NEAtoGY

1teferences: Essex 1nstitute ltistorical Collections, Vol. 21, pp. too, 101; Sa,,.age; To,\·n llecotds of llowley, ltass., pp. 96, 155, 159, fl00, 205, fl~5.


William ltasketl m. l\iary Tibbets I Willia1n ltaskell m. l\1ary Brown I Jacob Haskell m. Abigail itarcy I Abner Haskell m. 1\1:artha "r ard I )'!olly Haskell m. Joseph Farwell .I James Farwell m. Polly Emerson I James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard I 1-fary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan · I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb Haskell m. l\Iary Tibbets I William Haskell m. l\Iary Brown . I Jacob Haskell m. ..\.bigail ~Iarcy I Abner Haskell m. l\Iartha ,v ard I l\Iolly Haskell m. Joseph Farwell I Sally Farwell m. San1uel ,,1inchester I l\Iary F. Winchester m. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Swan m. )Iarv. .Althea Farwell I Florence .Al the a Swan m. \\Talter Gibb 119

ltASKEtt 1 " 1tttlAl\i ltASlrEtt was horn in ~ngland in 1617, came -io New· ~ngland in 1637, and located at Gloucester, l\:t:ass., where be was one of the first two Deacons in the First Church in that place. 1n 1661 he was appointed by the General Court as Lieutenant of the Train Band and later became its Captain.- lte was one of the Selectmen many times and represented the town at the General Court in 1661, 1672, 1679, 1681, 1682, 1683 and 1685. lte mar­ ried in Gloucester, Nov. -16, 1643, ~!ary., Tibbets, and died there Aug. 20, 1693, she dying just four days previously.

2 WltLIA:\1 H.A.SKELL, son of William and l\fary (Tib­ bets) ltaskell, was born in Gloucester, l\iass., Aug. 26, 1644, and died there June 5, 1708. He owned an extensive grist and saw mill in that part of the town now known as ll.ockport. He married there July 3, l667, l\lary \\1alker, daughter of William and l\fary Brown, who on the remarriage of her mother assumed the name of her step­ father. She died Nov. 12, 1715, aged 66 years.

3 JACOB HASKELL, son of William and l\:lary (Brown) Haskell, was born in Gloucester, l\fass., Jan. 15, 1691, and died there ·Aug. 6, 1756. He was a Deacon in the Second Church for many years. He married in Gloucester, Dec. 31, 1716, Abigail l\farcy, who died April -10, 1778, aged 83 years.

4 ABNER HASKELL, son of Jacob and Abigail (l\farcy) Haskell, was born ~n Gloucester, Mass., Dec. 5, 1721, and died in Fitzwilliam, N. H., April 4, 1809. He married in l\Iarlborough, l\fass., Feb. 21, 1759, l\fartha Ward, born there April 18, 1739, died in Fitzwilliam, N. H., Feb .. 8, 1817. Their children were born and haptized in Lancaster, l\1ass., and the church there gave them letters to the church in Fitz,villiam, to ·which they were admitted June 20, 1779. They joined the church in Lancaster in 1760. Abner Haskell served in the Revolutionary '\\Tar from Lancaster, as a private under Capt. John Prescott. He marched on alarm April 19, 1775, to Cambridge, and served nine days. He also served in Capt. Fortunatus Eager's Company, Col. Josiah \Vhitncy's Regiment, which marched to Jersey to reinforce General \Vashing­ ton; he also marched on the alar1n at Bennington. ( l\Iassachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the n.cvolution, p. 431.)

5 l\IOLI"'Y H..-\.SI{ELl.,, daughter of Abner and l\Iartha (\Vard) I-Iaskell, ,vas born in Lancaster, l\Iass., l\fay ~O, 1760, and 120 SWAN-FAttWE:tt G:tN~t..OGY married there Aug. 17, 1779, Joseph Farwell, born in Groton, ~iass., Aug. 26, -1759.

See Farwell.

lleferences: ltaskell Genealogy, pp. 136, 138, 144 ; Vinton Genealogy, p. 251; Essex lnstitute ltistorical Collections, ,r ol. 32, p. 137; Vital Records of Lancs.ster, l\1ass.; ,vard Family, p. 51; Vital Records of 11arlborough, l\1ass.; ltistory of Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire.


Jonathan Haynes m. Sarah lfoulton I ltuth Haynes m. John Corliss I Joseph Corliss m. l\iary Emerson I Joseph Corliss m. Miria1n En1erson

Solomon Corliss m. Anna Houghton

Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I Mary Althea Farwell in. Alden Smith Swan

Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 JONATH... .\.N H ....\.YNES, whose date of birth and time of emigration to this country is in doubt, rcn1oved with his family fro1n Newbury, ~lass., to Haverhill, between 1684 and 1687, as his son Jonathan was born in the f ormcr place and his last six children in the latter conununity. He settled in the \Vest Parish of HaYerhill on the River Road, sometin1es called the IIawkes l\Ieadow Road. On Aug. 15, 1696, he, with four of his children, l\Iary, Tho nuts, Jona than and Joseph, were taken prisoners by the Indians in hi3 field near Bradley's )tills. I-le was reaping and the SwAN-F.ut~ G~tooY 121

children were picking beans in sight of the house. The lndians, with their captiYes, immediately started for Penna.cook ( Concord, N. it.). \Vhen they arrived there they divi4ed their prisoners, one party taking the father and Thomas started for their home in the Maine woods. 'the other party, with l\iary, Jonathan and Joseph, went to Canada, where the children were sold to the French. l\1arv.. was redeemed with one hundred pounds of tobacco, .carried there on a hand sled, but Jonathan 8.nd Joseph never returned. .A. deed of 1731 tells of them as still in Canada, and in the Canadian Expe­ dition of 1757 the Haynes boys from ltaverhill were granted leaYe to search for their brothers up there and found them. They had lost their mother tongue completely and could converse only in French. One of them inquired about his sister, who had had one of her fingers cut off accidentally by a boy a short time before they were captured, thus completely identifying them. Neither of them could be persuaded to return to their people, thus showing how important environment is to the future of the young. The father and the son Thomas, after their arrival in llaine as prisoners, soon saw an opportunity to escape, and after traYel­ ing two or three days with scarcely anything to satisfy their crav­ ing appetites, the old man sat down exhausted. Finding his efforts to encourage his father of no avail, the son started on"·ard and soon after coming to the top of the hill he climbed a tall tree to see if he could distinguish any sign of civilization, but no such joyful sight was his. After the first bitter grief of disappointn1ent had passed and while he still hesitated which course to take, his quick ear caught the f ami}jar sound of a saw mill, and with a gladden ea heart he followed the ·sound, and soon found himself at the settlement of Saco, l\Ie. His story was soon told,· and "rith ample assistance and a bottle of milk he hastened back to his father, whom he found as he had left him, laid down to die, without the hope or expectation of ever looking again upon the face of relative or friend. The milk and the g_ood news revived him, and they reached Saco, "·here they remajned until he had sufficient strength to resume the journey t~ Haverhill, which place they reached without further difficulty. On Feb. ~~, 1698, the father was killed in Haverhill by the Indians, and his son Thon1as was again taken prisoner, and when he ·was redeemed a year later the Indian Chief gave him his best. cane as a token of respect for his good behavior. The cane is about three and one-half feet in length, the top being round and the rest of the cane eight-sided. Each side is ornan1entcd with figures, sonic diamond shaped, others square or diagonal, all neatly cut with a ·penknife, and in 1861 this cane "·as owned by Guy C. Haynes of East Boston. 122

Jonathan itaynes, on the morning of Feb. 22, •1698, living in the western part of 1taverhi11, had started out with a yoke of oxen and a horse, and with his son Thomas and a neighbor, expected to bring home a load of hay, which had been cut and stacked the pre­ ceding summer in their meadows. \Vhile they were slowly returning they suddenly found themselves between two files of lndians, seven on a side. Seeing that it was impossible to escape, they begged for "quarter." Young tadd, the son of the neighbor, was quick enough of thought to cut his father's horse loose, and, giving him the lash, he started off at full speed, and though repeatedly fired at, suc­ ceeded in reaching his home, and was thus the means of giving an immediate alarm, and tradition states that the horse rushed against his master's door and fell dead on the threshold. Two of the lndians, after the boy had fled, stepped behind the fathers and dealt them a heavy blow and Jonathan Haynes expired instantly. They then started north with their young prisoners, but Thomas was redeetned as above stated. Jonathan Haynes married in Newbury, Jan. l, 1674, l\fary l\ioulton, who died shortly after. He married second at Hampton, N. H., 30th of 10th month, 1674, her sister Sarah, born there Dec. 17, 1656, da~ghter of William l\1oulton.

2 RUTH HAYNES, daughter of Jonathan and Sarah (~ioulton) Haynes, was born in Haverhill, l\Iass., Feb. 7, 1691/2, and became the ~~ife in 1711 of John Corliss, Jr.

See Corliss.

References: History of Haverhill, l\Iass.; New England Regis­ ter, Vol. 9, pp. 349, 350; Haverhill Vital Records ; Corliss Gene­ alogy. SwAN-FARw:ttt GENEALOGY tis


Edward 1tazen m. Hannah Grant I Edward 1tazen m. Jane Pickard I Samuel liazen m. Sarah Harriman I ~unice ltazen m. Jonathan Farwell I Joseph Farwell m. l\iolly ltaskell I James Farwell m. Polly Emerson I James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard I l\tary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb

Edward Hazen m. Hannah Grant I Edward Hazen m. Jane Pickard I Samuel Hazen m. Sarah Harriman I Eunice Hazen m. Jonathan Farwell I Joseph Farwell n1. l\Iolly Haskell I Sally Farwell m. Samuel \Vinchester I Mary F. Winchester m. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Swan m. l\iary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan n1. \Valter Gibb


1 ED\VARD HAZEN is first mentioned in New England..... in the records of Rowley, l\Iass., when his wife was buried, Sept. 18, 1649. He was a man of influence in the co1nmunity, being Select- 124

tna.n in 1650, 1651, 1654: 1660, 1661, 1665 and 1668, and Judge ol Delinquents in 1666. lte married second in l\iarch, 1650, ltan­ nah, daughter of 1'ho1nas and iiannah Grant of 1towley, and he died there and ·was buried July 22, 1683. ltis widow n1arrie~ in }iarch, 1683/4, Lieut. George Browne of Haverhill, ~!ass., and died in February, 1715/6.

2 ~n"~.A.kD HAZEN, son of ~dward and ltannah (Grant) Hazen, was born in llowley, lfass., Sept. 10, 1660, and married there Nov. 6, 1684, Jane, daughter of John and Jane (Crosby) Pickard, who survived him. His will is dated :\:lay 27, 1738, and was pro,·en Dec. 26, 1748. -

3 SA~fUEL HAZEN, son of Edward and Jane (Pickard) Hazen, was born in Rowley, l\fass., July 20, 1698, and died in Shirley, ~!ass., Sept. 20, 1790. ln -1749 he purchased a farn1 in what was then called Stow-leg, a small strip of land soon after annexed to Shirley, forming its entire southern boundary. This estate after n1any changes and improYements ,vas as late as 1879 still in possesion of his descendant.s. He was chosen a Selectman at the organization of the town in 1753, and held that. office for many• •vears. He married Oct. 1, 17~3, Sarah Harriman.

4 EUXICE HAZEN, daughter of Samuel n.nd Sarah (Harri­ man) Hazen, n1arried June 28, 1758, in Harvard, l\Iass., Jonathan Farwell, who died on his way home from the French and Indian ,vars in Charleston, N. I-I., and she married second l\Iay 25, 1763, in Stowe, X athaniel_ \\7illard, and they re1nov_ed to Herkimer County, N. Y., where she died in November, 1808.

See Farwell.

References: Willard Genealogy, p. 100; \.,.ital Records of Stowe, l\Iass .._, ·p. 14Q ; New England Register, v· ol. 33, pp. 2~9-234. SwAN-FAltWEtt G:tNlitOGY


J atnes lterrick m. l\!artha Topping l "rilliam lterrick tn. l\!ehits.ble --- 1 ?tiehitable lterrick m. Josiah Topping l Josiah Topping n1. Susannah Holcomb -l Cleopatra Topping m. Eli Youngs I Susannah Youngs m. Joseph S. Swan I John lt. Swan m. ltary F. Winchester I . Alden Smith Swan m. l\iary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 J.-\.)IES HERRICK came to Southampton, L. I., in 1653 as a young man and- . married there l\Iartha, daughter of Capt. Thomas Topping, who gave them part of his homestead. James was probably a brother of Henry of Salem, l\Iass. He made his "~ill 12, 1685, and it was proven l\1arch 16th following. ~n it he mentions his wife l\Iartha, and among other children his son ,,rilliam. His home was "?here, in 190fl, Henry H. Post resided in South­ ampton on the east side of l\Iain Street.

2 "-~LLI..-\)1 HERRICK, son of James and J\fartha (Top­ ping) Herrick, was born in Southampton, L. I., 1654, and made his will there June 16, 1707, which "·as proYen l\Iarch 31, 1709, wherein he n1ade his "·ife l\Iehitable executrix. Her maiden nante · is not known, but she ·was left a l(_)gacy by Stephen Boyer, one of the French Huguenots of Southa1npton, but no relationship was stated. She n1ade her wi1l June 7, 1727, and it was proven Oct. 14, 1736, in which she mentions her daughter, l\lehitable Topping. 126 SWAN-l'AttWELL G~N~ALOGY

8 llEltlTABLE iiEltlllCK, daughter of William and l\iehit­ able Herrick, married Deacon Josiah Topping, who died in 1747.

See 'l'opping.

lieferences: ltowell's Southampton, p. 293; New York ,vills, Vol. fl, pp. flO, 21; Vol. 3, pp. fl81-~; Vol. 11, pp. 168-9.


Thomas Holcomb m. Blizabeth --- 1 Joshua Holcomb m. Ruth Sherwood t . Sarah Holcomb m. John Case t Sarah Case m.I John. Aldern1an Elijah Alderman m. Deborah --- 1 Deborah Alderman m. Joseph Swan I Joseph S. Swan m. Susannah Youngs I John H. Swan m. l\Iary F., Winchester I Alden Smith Swan m. l\:Iary Althea Farwe11 I Florence Althea Swan . m. Walter Gibb s,vAN-FAtnv:ett GENEALOGY 127 itOtCO:\lB-Continued Thomas lto1comb m. Elizabeth l Nathaniel lto1comb m. l\iary l3liss I Nathaniel tlolcomb m. liartha Buell I David ltolcomb m. ~:label l3uttolph I Susannah ltolcomb m. Josiah Topping I Cleopatra Topping m. ~li Youngs I Susannah Youngs m. Joseph S •. Swan I John lt. Swan m. l\!ary F. ,vinchester I Alden Smith Swan m.I }iary. Althea Far,vell Florence Althea Swan m. \Valter Gibb


1 THOl\fAS HOLCOl\IB was born in England 160l and was early of Dorchester, l\Iass., but removed to \\Tjndsor, Ct., represent­ ing that place at H~rtford in 1649, where he assisted in forming the Constitution of the Colony. . of Connecticut. He served in the Pequot War of 1637, and died Sept. 7, 1657. His inventory, n1ade Oct. 1 of that year, mentions his wife Elizabeth, whose n1aiden name is not known, but she n1arricd second James Enno in 1658.

2 JOSHUA HOLCOl\IB, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Hol­ comb, was baptized in ,vindsor, Ct., Sept. fl7, 1640, and marrjrd there June 4, 1663, Ruth Sherwood. He ren1oved to Sir.osburJ, Ct., which place he represented at 1-Iartford from 1670 until he died, Dec. I, 1690. In the scttlen1cnt of his estate his widow Ruth was mentioned, but ,vhcn she died has not been foun~.

2 N.A.THAXIEI"' HOLCO~IB, son of Thon1as and Elizabeth Holcomb, ·was born in ,vindsor, Ct., Nov. 4, 1648, and n1arricd Feb. ~7, 1670, :\lary Bliss, daughter of N athanicl Bliss of Spring­ field, l\Iass. They resided in the latter place. . 128 SwAN-FARwi":tt GEN:litooY • 8 SAltAtt itOLCOl\7113, daughter of Joshua and ltuth ( Sher- wood) 1tolcomb, married in 1693 John Case, horn Nov. 5, 166i.

See Case.

8 NATHANlEt ltOLC0:\1.n, son of Nathaniel and l!ary (l3liss) Holcomb, was born in Springfield, l\<1ass., Jan. 11, 1673, and died in Simsbury, Ct., Sept. 29, 1766, where he was Town Clerk in 1720. That part of Simsbury where he resided is now Granby. He tnarried Nov. 1, 1695, l\iart.ha l3uell, born hec. 27, 1675, died Sept. 6, 1760.

4 tl:gUT. DAVlD ltOLCOlIB, son of Nathaniel and ~!artha (l3uell) llolcomb, was born in Simsbury, Ct., about 1700 .and mar­ ried there l\Iarch 1, 172~, l\:Iabel ( interchangeable with l\1ehitable), daughter of David and l\!ary Buttolph. She was born Aug. 25, 1704, and died l!arch 4, 1761. DaYid Holcomb, called l~ieutenant in all the records, but the reason for it not found, was an innkeeper, owning a farm and hotel nearby, opposite the Episcopal church at Salmon Brook, in Simsbury. His estate was administered Feb. 13, 1784/5.

5 SUS.A.XNAH HOLCO:\IB, daughter of Lieut. David and l\:Iabel (Buttolph) Holcomb, was born in Simsbury, Ct., about 1733, and married there Nov. 15, 1756, Dr. Josiah Topping of Long Island, N. Y.

See Topping.

References: Early Connecticut Probate Records, Vol. 1, pp. ·129, 467, 5fl8-9; Simsbury, Ct., Vital Records; History of Windsor, Ct., Vol. 2, p. 395; Colonial l\T ars, 1922; Holcomb ~Iss. in Connec­ ticut Historical Society, p. 95. SwAN-FAn~tt GENlitooY 129


John ltorne tn. Ann --- l Elizabeth Horne m. George Gardner I Hannah Gardner m. John Buttolph I navid l3uttolph m. l\itary -- -I liabel l3uttolph m.I David. . ltolcomb Susannah Holcomb m. Josiah 'topping I Cleopa-tra Topping m. ~li Youngs I Susannah Youngs tn. Joseph · S. Swan I John lt. Swan m. Mary F. \Vinchester I - Alden Smith Swan m. Mary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 JOHX HORXE of Salem, l\Iass., died there in 1684, aged 82 years. He was Deacon of the church from 1630 until his death. He married Ann, of whom nothing is known.

2 ELIZ. ..-\.BETH HORNE, daughter of John and Ann Horne, was pi;obably born in England. She became the first wife of Lieut. George Gardner, and is mentioned in her father's will, dated Oct. 8, 1679, proven Nov. fl5, 1684.

See Gardner.

References : Thomas Gardner and His Descendants, pp. 20, 34; Savage. 180


ltalph ltoughton m. Jane Stowe l James Houghton m. l\iary Sawyer I John Houghton m. liehitable Wilson l Phineas Houghton m. Ruth Osgood I Anna Houghton m. Solomon Corliss I nelia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard

Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I liary· Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 RALPH HOUGHTO~ was born in Lancaster, England, in 16!3, and died in l\Iilton, l\Iass., April 15, 1705. He with eight others purchased a tract of land, eight by ten miles in extent, from the Indians, and originated the town of Le.ncaster, where he was chosen its first Town Clerk in 1656, and for twenty-six years he served that community in some capacity, being its Deputy to the General Court from 1673 to 1689. His farm in Lancaster included ground now occupied by the brick church and public buildings. He married Jane Stowe, born in England in 16fl6, who died in ~!ilton 1st of 10th month, 1700, to which place they had removed in their old age.

2 JAl\fES HOUGHTOX, son of Ralph and Jane (Stowe) Houghton, was born about 1650 and died in 1711. He married l\Iary Sawyer, born in Lancaster, ~lass., 14th of 2nd month, 1653. He removed to that part of I. .. ancastcr now Harvard, and built a garrison house on land which was given him by his father, in Still River. The historian of I .. ancaster states that "no pioneer hon1e now standing in town o:ff ers more of interest to the antiquary than that of J an1es Hough ton's Garrison House, which has been handed down from father to son through five generations with only SWAN-PAaWt;tt G~~EAWGY 131 alterations and additions which the comfort attd accotntnodations ol successive families made imperative."

8 JOltN ltOtJGlt'tON, son of James and l\1ary (Sawyer) ltoughton, was born in 169i and married in tancaster, }!ass., 18th of 11th month, 1718, l\1ehitable \Vilson, who was living in 1770, but whose ancestry has not been found.

4 PltlNEAS ltOUGltTON, son of John and l\iehitable (Wil­ son) Houghton, was born in Lancaster, l1ass., June 6, 1725_, and died there 11th of 10th month, 1797. lte married there June 6, 1758, Ruth Osgood, born Nov. 22, 1727, died 1st of 10th month, 1805.

5 ANNA HOUGHTON, daughter of Phineas and Ruth (Os­ good) Houghton, was born in Lancaster, l\iass., 3rd of 1st month, 1772, and married Solomon Corliss, b~rn April 13, 1768.

See Corliss.

References: · Corliss Genealogy; Houghton Genealogy; Vital Records of Lancaster, l\Iass. ; Osgood Genealogy.


Samuel Ho·ward m. Elizabeth --- 1 Jonathan Howard m. Eliz~beth Lee . I Nathaniel Howard m. Lydia --- ) Amos Howard m. Hannah Lynde I Phebe Howard m. Elias Emerson I Polly En1erson m. James Farwell I James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard I l\Iary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. ,,r alter Gibb 1S2 SWAN-FAttWEtt G:tNEAtOGY


1 SAl\ttJ~t 1IO\VA1tlJ was born in England in 1613 and at the age of 22 years sailed for New England and settled in l\ialden, Mass., and he and his first wife, Sarah_ Stower, joined the church in Charlestown in 1648. He served in King Philip's War in 1675/6 and was one of the Selectmen of ~Ialden in 1679. He died in 1697'. Samuel Howard married second in 1662 :Elizabeth Sweetser, widow of Seth Sweetser, and she was previously widow of Thomas Oakes of Cambridge, but her maiden name is not known. She· died liay 12, 1686.

! JONATHAN HO\\T ..A.RD, son of Samuel and Elizabeth How·ard, was born in l\Ialden, l\Iass., in 1667 and died l\1arch 6, 1702. He married Elizabeth tee, born in November, 1670, at

11alden,. l\1ass., l\1av., 24, 1690.

S NATHANIEL IIo,vARD, son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Lee) Howard, ,vas born in l\ialden, 1\-iass., July 30, 1700, and died there Dec. 17, 1763. The name of his wife was Lydia and all their children. were born in l\Ialden, but extensive research does not reveal her 1naiden name, marriage or death.

4 A~IOS Ho,,r~.\.RD, son of Nathaniel and Lydia Howard, was born in l\falden, l\1ass., April 24, 1739, and he died there of consumption, Dec. 20, 1808. He 1narried in l\lalden, Nov. 21, 176~, Hannah Lynde,· who died there l\1ay 21, .1802. He served as Sergeant in the Revolutionary \Var under Captain Benjan1in Blaney of -1\lalden, and marched to Point Shirley, June 13, 1776; he was also under Captain Blaney-later, joining Jan. 12, 1778, and served at Cambridge until April 3, 1778. (l\Iassachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, p. 35~.)

5 PHEBE Ho,v ARD, daughter of Amos and Hannah (Lynde) Howard, ,vas born in l\Ialden, ~June 19, 1768, and died in Lancaster, Dec. 15, 1840, as the wife of Elias Emerson, whom she married Sept. 15, 1790.

See Emerson.

References: Savage; History of l\Ialden, p. 819, and l\falden Vitals; History of Charlestown, p. 489. · SwAN-FAttw:tt.t G:t?.tU.ooY 138


John ltowe m. Mary --- l \ Sarah ltowe m. Samuel Ward 1· Joseph Ward tn. Abiah Wheelock l Phineas. . Ward m.I l\iary --- Martha Ward m. Abner l-taskell . I }folly Haskell m. Joseph Farwell I James Farwell m. Polly Emerson I James E. Farwell m. llelia l3lanchard . I }iary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb

John Howe m. l\{ary --- 1 ·Sarah Howe m. Samuel ,v ard I Joseph Ward m. Abiah Wheelock . I Phineas Ward m. l\lary --- 1 )Iartha ,v ard m. Abner Haskell I l\Iolly Haskell m. Joseph Farwell I Sally Farwell m. Samuel ,vinchester I }Iary F. ,vinchester m. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Swan m. l\Iary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb 184


1 JOHX 1t0"1E resided first at Watertown, l\iass., but was in Sudbury as early as 1639 and admitted Freeman in 1640. In •1642 he was one of the Selectmen of that place and in 1655 he was appointed by the pastor of the church and the Selectn1en of the town "to see to the restraining of youth on the Lord's day." :H:e signed the petition for the l!arlboro' Plantation and according to tradition he was the first white man to settle on it. :H:e went to l\iarlboro' before 1656 and built a cabin a little to the east of the lndian Planting Field, where his descendants lived for many years. His place was situated about one hundred rods from Spring liill l\!eeting House, a little to the east of the present road from Spring Hill to Feltonville, and it was occupied in the l860's by Edward Rice. His proximity to the Indian Plantation brought him in direct contact with the natives, and by his kindness he gained their confidence and good will, and they frequently tnade him umpire in cases of difficulty among themselves. In a case where a pumpkin vine sprang up within the premises of one Indian and the fruit ripened upon the premises of another the dispute which arose be­ tween them as to its ownership was referred to him. He called for a knife and served the fruit, giYing a moiety to each, showing such wisdom that the Indians considered it the perfection of justice, and his reputation for impartiality was firmly established. He serYed as one of the Selectmen of l:larlboro' from 1661 to 1664, inclusive, and died there )lay 28, 1680. All that is known of his ,vife is that she was "::\Iary ," as he mentioned her in his will. It has been printed that John was son of John of ,v ar,vickshire, England, who descended from the fan1ily of Sir Charles Howe of Lancaster, in the reign of Charles I, but Savage, the best known authority on New England settlers, denies the claim. He opened the first public house in the town about 1670. ·• ' 2 S.A.RAH HO\VE, daughter of John and l\Iary Howe, was born in Sudbury, l\1ass., Sept. 25, 1644, and died in l\1arlborough, Aug. 11, 1707, as the wife of Samuel Ward, whom she married in the latter place June 6, 1667.

See \Vard.

References: Ward Fan1ily; History and V'ital Records of Sud­ bury and ~Iarlborough, ~lass.; Colonial \Vars, 1899-1902. SWAN-FAllWE:tt GENEALOGY 185


John Hoyt m. -- 1 Mary ltoyt m. Christopher l3artlett I Christopher l3artlett m. neborah Weed I 11:ary l3artlett. m.l John Stevens Abigail Stevens m. John ~merson I Peter Emerson m. l\iary Stanton I l\iiriam Emerson m. Joseph Corliss I Solomon Corliss m. Anna ltoughton . I nelia Corliss m. Svlvanus Blanchard I ~ Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I lfary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb 186 Sw.AN-F'antt Gm.~tooY

1tOYT-Continued John ltoyt nt. -- j l!ary Hoyt m. Christopher Bartlett I . Christopher l3artlett m. Deborah Weed I l\iary l3artlett. m. John Stevens J Abigail Stevens m. John ~merson I l\fary Emerson m. Joseph Corliss I Joseph Corliss m.I lfiriam Emerson. Solomon Corliss m. Anna Roughton I Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard J Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I Mary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan . I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


l JOHN HOYT was one of the original settlers of Amesbury, Mass., receiving five lots in the first diYision. He was born in Eng­ land in 1610 and became Sergeant of Salisbury and Amesbury ::\Iili­ tary Company in 1658. · He died in Salisbury in 1696. The nan1e of his wife has not been found.

2 l\IARY HOYT, daughter of John Hoyt, married April 16, 1645, Christopher Bartlett, and died Dec. Q4, 1661.

See Bartlett.

References: Bartlett Family, p. 14; Colonial Wars, 1899-190~. SwAN-FAtlWE:ttG~NliLOGY 187


'.rhomas Judd m. -- 1 Elizabeth Judd m. Samuel Loomis I Philip Loomis m. Hannah --- f Margaret Loomis m. Elipbalet Youngs l Eli Youngs m. Cleopatra Topping I Susannah Youngs m. Joseph S. Swan I John lt. Swan m. l\iary F. Winchester I Alden Smith Swan m. 1\1:ary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 THOl\IAS JUDD left England in 1633-4 and settled in Cam-­ bridge, l\Iass., remoYing from there and locating in Hartford, Ct., in 1636, and becan1e one of the first proprietors of Farmington, Ct., ·which place he represented in the Genera1 Court in 1647, 16-tS, 1649,1650,1651, 1657,1658, 1659, 1661,1662,1663, 1666,1668, 1670-1677, 1678, 1679. His first ·wife, whose nan1e is not known, died in Farmington about 1678,_ and he married second in 1679 wido,v, Clemence l\.lason, and re1no,·ed to Northampton, ~lass., where he ·was one of the Selectn1en in 1682, and where he died Nov. 12, 1688, aged about 80 years.

2 ELIZABETH JUDD, daughter of Thomas Judd and his first w·ife, was born about 1633/6, a~d married at Farm.ington, Ct., Dec. 27, 1653, San1uel J..,oon1is. They removed to lV'indsor in 1660 and from there to ,,rcstfield, l\lass., in 167~, where he died Oct. 1, 1689. She was living there in 1716.

See Loomis.

Referenccs : Judd Genealogy. 188 SwAN-FAR~tt G~m:AtoGY


William lrnap tn. I Mary lrnap m. 'thomas Smith I Jonathan Smith m. Jane Peabody I Nathaniel Smith m. tydia Church l Anna Smith m. Caleb Winchester I Samuel \Vinchester m. Sally Farwell I I\fary F. "rinchester m. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Swan m. liary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 WILLI.Al\! KNAP was one of the proprietors of Water­ town, l\Iass., in 1636/7 and died there Aug. SO, 1658, aged about so· years. His will was dated in 1655, in which he makes no men­ tion of a wife, but when his estate was settled, widow Priscilla re­ ceived her third. She was, prior to her marriage to William Knap, the widow of Thon1as Akers. She_ was not the mother of the Knap children.

2 . ~IARY KNAP, daughter of William Knap, married Thomas Smith, who was born in 1600, and who died in 1692/3.

See Smith.

References: Bond's \Vatertown, l\Iass., p. 327. 189


'rhomas Kendall m. ltebecca · I ltebecca lrendall m. James l3outel1

1\1:ary l3outwell m. Ebenezer Emerson I Joseph Emerson m. Phoebe Upton I Elias Emerson m. Phebe Howard I Folly Emerson n1. James Farwell I James E. Farwell ln. Delia Blanchard I l\iary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. lValter Gibb


1 THOl\IAS KEND.ALL, known as Deacon Kendall, was early of Lynn, l\Iass., but removed to Reading, where his wife Rebecca died in 1703, aged 85 _years, and he died there July 22, 1681. His home was located on what is now the corner of Cedar and Church Streets, in Reading. He was a Selectman of that place in 1649, 1655,1657, 1659,1660, 1662, 1668, 1672, 1674, 1675, 1677, 1678.

2 REBECCA KENDALL, daughter of Thomas and Rebecca Kendall, was born in Reading, Mass., Feb. 10, 1644/5, and married James Boutell.

See Boutwell.

References: Savage; History of Reading, liass., pp. 93, 281. I 140


John Knight m. 1\iary -- 1 Joseph Knight m. ltannah --- l Joseph Xnight m. Jtiartha Gibson l Mary Knight m. Caleb Winchester I Caleb Winchester m. Anna Smith I Samuel Winchester m. Sally Farwell I l\fary F. Winchester m. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Swan m. Mary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 JOHX !{NIGHT was freeman of \Vatertown, l\Iass., as early as 1636 and owned considerable land there, ,vhich he sold before taking up his residence in Charlestown, l\;Iass., where he was ad­ mitted to the church-June 14, 1668. He died there ~larch ~9, 1674, and his wife l\lary died l\lay 19, 1676, na1ne unknown.

2 JOSEPH KNIGHT, son of John and l\Iary Knight, was born in 16~4 and died in ,Vo.burn, ~lass., Aug. 13, 1687. He married 1-Iannah, maiden name not known, who died there Jan. 13, 1694/5. He served in King Philip's ,,rar of 1675/6, under Capt. James Oliver.

S JOSEPH KNIGHT, son of Joseph and Hannah Knight, was born in ,,roburn, l\lass., Dec. lfl, 1673, and married there April 4, 1699, i1artha Gibson, widow of Reuben Lilley. , Their dates of death have not been found.

. . 4 l\:LA.RY KXIGHT, daughter oi ·Joseph and l\Iartha (Gib- son) Knight, was born in ,,.,.. oburn, l\lass., Aug. 24, 1708, and her marriage intentions ,vcre recorded at Boston to Caleb ,,rinchester, SwAN-E'.AttWEtt G~tooY 141

April 8, 1731. ite died in 1736, and in 1756 she was known as Mary Ward.

See Winchester.

References: l3ond's lVatertown, l\1ass., p. 3fl8; Soldiers in l{ing Philip's \Var, p. 176; History of ,v oburn, ~iass., p. 6fl4; ,v oburn Vitals; \Vyn1an's Charleston.


ltobert Lay m. Sarah Fenner

Phebe Lay m. John B. Denison . I \Villiam l>enison m. 1\1:ary A very I Lucy Denison m.- John Swan I Joseph Swan m. Elizabeth Smith I Joseph Swan m. Deborah Alderman l Joseph S. Swan m. Susannah Youngs l John H. Swan m. l\Iary F. Winchester I Alden Smith Swan m. l\Iary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 ROBERT LAY was born in England, 1617, and ·was of I~ynn, l\Iass., in 1638 and married in: Saybrook, Ct., Dece1nbcr, •l 647, Sarah Fenner, widow· of John Tulley, ·who died in England in 1644/5, she coming to An1erica ,vith her son John, baptized in 1688, and a young daughter, in co1npany with her brothers, Arthur and ,villian1. She died in Saybrook, l\lay fl5, 1676, aged 59 years. They resided in the present town of Essex, which ,\·as f orn1erly part of Old Saybrook, on the north side of what is now the street on Essex Point, leading to the stean1boat dock. He was Deputy to the 142 SwAN-FAlt~tt G:tmatoaY

General Court in 1666 and 1678, and hecame a large land owner, being one ol t:he patentees of Sayhrook. He died there july 9, 1689.

· 2 l>.tt~BE tAY, daughter of llohert and Sarah (Fenner) tay, was born in Saybrook, Ct., Jan. 5, 1650, and died in Stoning­ ton, Ct., in 1699 as the wido,v of John lt nenison, whom she mar- ried Nov. ~6, 1667. ·

See Denison.

lteferences : New England llegister, Vol. 62, pp. 172, 173; Savage; ltistory of Stonington, Ct.


William Learned m. Judith --- 1 ', lsaac Learned m. Mary Stearns I Hannah Learned m. Joseph Farwell I Joseph Farwe11 m. Hannah Colburn I Joseph Farwell m. l\fary Gilson I Jonathan Farwell m. Eunice Hazen . I Joseph Farwell m. l\folly Haskell . I James Farwell m. Polly Emerson I James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard I l\Iary Althea Farwell m. ..A.lden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. \Valtcr Gibb SwAN-FARw~tt G:tNEAtooY 14S • tEK1tNEtl-Co,itinued Williatn learned in. Judith l lsaac tearned m. 1\iary Stearns I ltannah Learned m. Joseph Farwell I Joseph Farwell m. Hannah Colburn l Joseph Farwell m. liary Gilson l Jonathan Farwell m. ~ unice ltazen I Joseph Farwell m. liolly Haskell I Salty Farwell m. Samuel Winchester t l\iary -F. Winchester m. John lt. ·swan

Alden Smith Swan m. l\ttary Althea Farwell 'I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb

LEARNED 1 " 1ILLIAl\I LEAR~ED, ,vith wife Judith, maiden na1ne u~known, were an1011g the members of the church in Charlestown, 1\-Iass., in 1632, and ·he ,vas one of the seven original members of the church in Woburn,.l\Iass., in 1642, and one of its first Selectn1en, serving in 1644 and 1645, during "·hich years he ,vas also Con­ stable. He died at \Voburn, ~larch 1, 1645/6. ! IS_.\AC LEARNED, son of '\\1 illiam and Judith Learned, was born in England and married in ,,r oburn, l\.lass., July 9, 1646, 1\Iary 'Stearns. On April 2, 1652, he sold out. his property in Woburn and removed to Chelmsford, ,vhere he became one of the Selecbnen of that place, and died there Nov. 27, 1657. She died in 1664. 8 HANN.AH LE.ARXED, daughter of Isaac and llary (Stearns) Learned, was born in \\T oburn, l\Iass., Aug. ~4, l 6-t9, and n1arried Dec. Q5, 1666, Ensign J oscph Farwell. See Far\\"ell. Refere nee: Bou d's \Vatcrtown, p. 334. 144 SWAN-FARWELt G~&.toGY


Samuel tee m. l\iercy Call I Elizabeth Lee m. Jonathan ltoward I Nathaniel lto"~ard m. Lydia --- 1 Amos Howard m. Hannah Lynde I Phebe Howard m. ~lias Emerson

Polly Emerson m. James Farwell I James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard I 1\1ary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 S4.;\l\IUEL LEE was of l\falden, l\Iass., when on Nov. 4, I 166Q, he married l\Iercy Call, born Nov. 7, 1643, daughter of Thoma·s Call of Charlestown. He died in ~alden, August, 1676, aged 36 years.

2 ELIZABE,..rH LEE, daughter of Samuel and l\Iercy (Call) Lee, was born in l\falden, l\Iass., November, 1670, and n1arried there l\,Iay ~4, 1690, Jonathan Ho,vard; died in l\1alden, l\farch 6, 170fl, aged 35 years.

See Howard.

References: Savage; New England Register, Vol. 10, p. Q39; Malden Vital Records; History of Charlestown, l\1ass., p. 490. SwAN-FAlt~tt GENEAt.oGY 145


ltichard tinton m. --- 1 ' Ann tinton m. tawrence Waters I Mary Waters m. Samuel Davis . l . Mary navis. m.I Thomas .Pratt Sarah Pratt tn. Samuel Blanchard I Sylvanus Blanchard m. Sarah Grover I Sylvanus Blanchard tn. Delia Corliss I Delia l31anchard n1. James :E. Farwell I Mary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 RICHARD ·LINTON was one of the first three settlers of Lancaster, l\:Iass., in 1643, and had built a home there prior to 16-17, and died in that place SO of 1st month, 1665. The name of his wife is not known.

2 ANN LINTON, daughter of Richard Linton, became the wife Qf·· Lawrence Waters and died in Charlestown, Mass., Feb. 6, 1680.

See Waters.

References : History of Lancaster, p. 61 ; \ritals of Lancaste~, p. 12; ,v yman's Charlestown, p. 991. 146 SWAN-F~WEtL G~~EAtoGY


John Loomis m. Agnes I Joseph Loomis m. l\!ary \Vhite . I Samuel Loomis m. Elizabeth Judd

Philip Loon1is m. ltannah I -Aiargaret Loomis m. Eliphalet Youngs I Eli Youngs m. Cleopatra Topping I Susannah Youngs m. Joseph S. Swan I John lt. Swan m. l\iary F. \Vinchester I Alden Smith Swan m. l\fary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 JOHN L00:\11S married Agnes ---.

! JOSEPH LOOl\11S, son of John and Agnes Loomis, was born in England before 1590,- and when his father-in-law, Robert White, made his ·will he stated he was of Braintree, England. As per the parish register at Shalford, County Essex, England, he married there June SO, 1614, l\iary \Vhite. She was the daugJ1ter of Robert and Bridget ( AlJgar) ,vhitc, and was baptized in the above parish church .Aug. 24, 1590. Her father and mother were married in the same parish, June 2-1, 1585. I-Icr father, Rob~rt White, made l1is will in 1617 and was then of l\Iessing, but spent the larger part of his life in Shalford. In said will he bequeathed his daughter, the wife of ",Joseph Lummis," one pe,vter platter, and makes Joseph one of the supervisors of l1is ,vill, which was proven in June the same year of its 1naking. His "·ife, Bridget, was the daughter of ,villia111 Allgar of Shalford, and was baptized there lln.rch 11, 1562. Iler father was buried there Aug. fl, 1575. SwAN-FAaw~u G:E~AtooY 147 Joseph Loomis was _a woolen draper and he and his family sailed from London April 11, 1638, in the ship Susan and Ellen, for New England. 1"'hey arrived is l3oston_ in July, and after tarrying at norchester about a year they remo,,.ed to Windsor, Ct., where he was granted ~1 acres of land adjoining the :Farmington Rh·er, l\·hich included the site of the first English settlement in Connecticut. lle died there Nov. 25, 1658, and she died Aug. fl3 of the same year.

3 SA~1UEt 1.001'11S, son of Joseph and 1\1:ary (\Vhite) Loon1is, ,,·as born in County Essex, England, about 1628, and came to New England with his parents. He married in Windsor, Ct., nee. 27, 1653, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Judd. She was living in ,v estfield, )!ass., as late as 1716. ltc removed to that place about 1672, where in 1674 he was an Ensign in the militia, and later its Lieutenant. He died there Oct. 1, 1689.

4 l>HlLlP LOOl\11S, son of Lieut. Samuel and :Elizabeth (Judd) Loomis, was born in Westfield, l\1ass., Feb. 22, 1675 /6, and married Hannah, whose maiden name has not been found. He re­ moved to Simsoury,· Ct., in 1730, and died there Dec; 1, 1746.

5 1\1:ARGARET LOOi\IIS, daughter of Philip and Hannah Loomis, was born in ,vestfield, l\1ass., July 23, -1719, and became the second wife of Eliphalet Youngs of Hebron, Ct.

See Youngs. • References: Loomis Genealogy, pp. 13fl, 140, 141; New Eng- land Register, ,r ol. 55, ·pp. flS, fl9; Vitals of Hebron, Ct. 148 SWAN-FABWEtt G~Y


Thomas tord m. Dorothy I Anne Lord m. 'l'homas Stanton I Robert Stanton m. Joanna Gardner I liary Stanton m. Daniel Denison I Mary nenison m. Nathan Smith I Elizabeth Smith m. Joseph Swan I Joseph Swan m. Deborah Alderman I Joseph S. Swan tn. Susannah Youngs I John H. Swan m. 1\iary F. ,vinchester I Alden Smith Swan m. l\fary Althea Farwell

Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 THO~I.A.S LORD sailed for New England in the ship Elizabeth and Ann from London, in 1635, aged 50 years, bringing with him wife Dorothy, aged 46 years, and among other children their daughter ..~nne, aged 14 years. He became one of the original proprietors of Hartford, Ct., and his homestead in 1639 was on what is now ,,1 ells Street, on the bank of the Little River. The date of his death is not known, but she died Aug. ~, 1676, and as she does not mention her husband in her will, he probably predeceased her.

~ ANXE LORD, daughter of Thon1as and Dorothy Lord, was born in England 1621, and in 1637 became the wife of Tho111as Stanton, who died in 1677. She died about 1688. See Stant.on. References: ~Icrnorial History of Hartford County, Conn., ,rol. 1, p. ~48; Savage; IIistory of Stonington, Conn. SwAN-FAllwEtt GENEALOGY 149

Thomas Lynde tn. --- 1 Thomas Lynde m. Elizabeth --- j Joseph tynde m. Elizabeth Tufts I Joseph tynde m. l\J:ary Sprague l Joseph Lynde m.. l\iary ·sprague I Hannah Lynde m. Amos Howard I Phebe Howard m. ~lias Emerson I Polly Emerson m. James Farwell I James E. Farwell m. nelia Blanchard I Mary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan

Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 THO)IAS LYNDE w·as born in England in 1594 and is first noted in X ew England . when ·he was admitted to the church in Charlestown, l1a~s., in -1634/5. He married three times, but the mother of his son Thomas was his first wife, ,,~hose name is not known; and who probably died in England before his emigration. In 1637 he owned a ten acre lot in l\Iystic, and his will, proved 2 of 12th month, 1671/9l, shows that he was a large land owner in that place and at Southfield. He was Deputy fron1 Charlestown, 1636, 16S7, 1645 to 165fl.

2 THO).I.AS LYNDE, son of Thoma& Lynde, ·was born in England in 1615 and died in :\I::ddcn, :aiass., during 1693. He was Sergeant of the ~Iilitary Company there in 1658 and Ensign in King Philip's ,,... ar in 1675. He rnarricd Elizabeth, maiden name not known, who died in :\1a1den, Sept. ~, 1693, aged 81 years. 150 - 3 JOSEPH L YNlJE, son of 1'hotnas and Elizabeth Lvnde, was horn in l!alden, l!ass., Dec. 13, 1652, .and died ther; Jan. 2, •1735/6. lte married Elizabeth 'tufts and was known as Deacon Joseph Lynde.

4 JOSEPH LYNDE, son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Tufts) Lynde, was born in l\!alden, :\!ass., Sept. 2, 1692, and his grave­ stone in that place states that he was an Ensign and died l\1arch 16, 1763. He n1arried Oct. 21, 1714, l\1ary Sprague, born in 1693, and died in 1781.

5 JOSEPH LYNlJE, son of Joseph and l\iary (Sprague) Lynde, was born in l\Ialden, July 4, 1716, and died there July 4, 1798. He married there July 4, 1740, 1"1ary Sprague, born in 1719, died l\farch 17, 1788. )1assachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the ReYolutionary ,,r ar, page 81, states that he was of l\'!alden and served as a private in Capt. Benjamin Blaney's Company of l\filitia, which marched on alarm .A.pril 19, 17·75, to "r atertown.

6 HANNAH LYNDE, daughter of Joseph and l\iary (Sprague) Lynde, was born in l\Ialden, l\iass., June 10, 1743, ac­ cording to one record, but another gives the year as · 1746, and married there Nov. 21, 1762, Amos Howard, born April 24, 1739, died Dec. fl0, 1808. .

See Howard.

References: History of Charlestown, l\Iass., pp. 688, 957; Sprague Genealogy, pp. 4fl, 56, 6fl; l\Ialden ,rital Records. 151


Peter Lyon n1. Ann I 1\1ary Lyon m. Josiah ,vinchester J Josiah ,vinchester m. Sarah Seaver I Caleb ,vinchester m. i\!ary Knight I Caleb " 1inchester m. Anna Smith I Samuel Winchester m. Sally Farwell I l\iary F. Winchester n1. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Swan m. l\iary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


I PETER LYON ·was born in England, but was Freeman of Dorchester, l\lass., l\Iay 2, 1649. He was a weaver and owned property on Green Street, in Dorchester, which he sold in 1693 to Ebenezer Davenport. - He married Ann, maiden name not known, who died at Dorchester, Nov. ~G, 1689.

2 l\:IARY LYON, daughter of Peter and Ann Lyon, was born in Dorchester, l\lass., 4th of 9th month, or 9th of 4th month, 1659,· and died July 27, 1730, as the widow of Josiah \Vinchester, whoin she married Dec. 10, 1678.

See ,vinchester.

Refcrences: Lyon l\Icn1orial, p. 3fl0; New England Register, ,r ol. 5, p. 401 ; ,r ol. 33, p. 27; ,,rinchcster Notes. 152 SWAN-FAllWEtt Gi:NEAtoGY Moll.SE Samuel l\f orse m. Elizabeth --- 1 l\iary l\iorse m. Samuel l3ullen t ~lizabeth Bullen m. Benjamin Wheelock l Abiah Wheelock m. Joseph Ward

Phineas Ward m. Mary --·- '1 Martha Ward. m. Ahner Haskell I lfolly Haskell m. Joseph Farwell I Sally Farwell m. Samuel Winchester I . l\!ary F. "'inchester m. John H. Swan . I . Alden Smith Swan m. l\{ary Althea Farwell .. 1 Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb

Samuel 1\Iorse m. Elizabeth --- 1 l\Iary lforse m. Samuel Bullen I Elizabeth Bullen m. Benjamin Wheelock . I Abiah Wheeloc~ m. Joseph Ward . I Phineas Ward m. l\:lary --- 1 l\Iartha Ward m. Abner Haskell I l\Iolly Haskell m. Joseph Farwell I James Farwell m. Polly Emerson I James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard I ~Iary Althea Farwell m. Alden S1nith Swan I Florence Althea Swan in. ,v alter Gibb SwAN-F.utwut G~EALOGY 158


1 SAlit~t ltOltSE was baptized in Dedham, England, July 25, 1587, the son of ll.ichard l'iorse, who married in that place Feb. 15, 1'586, J\!ary Symson. Samuel married before lea,ing England, Elizabeth, born 1587, died 1655, whose maiden name is not known. 'l'hey came to New England in 1635 and settled in ,vatertown, l\tass., and he signed the Covenant for nedham in 1636. On Nov. 8, 1688, a church co,·enant was proposed and prepared and in 1641 he with other members of the First Church in Watertown were re­ ceived into the newly organized ·church of nedhan1, and he- becan1e a member of the first Board of Selectmen of that place. He died in nedham in 1654.

2 liARY l\iORSE, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth l!orse, was born in England and married in nedham, Mass., Aug. 10, 1641, neacon Samuel Bullen of 1\-fedfield, liass. She died in that place Feb. 14, 1691. See Bullen. References: History of 1\:1 edfield, Mass., pp. ·438, 439 ; liorse Genealogy, V'ol. 1, p. 3.


\Villiam l\foulton m. l\:Iargaret Page I Sarah l\loulton m. Jonathan Haynes I Ruth Haynes m. John Corliss I Joseph Corliss m. l\'Iary Emerson I Joseph Corliss m. l\liriam Emerson . I Solomon Corliss m. Anna Houghton I Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I llary. Althea Farwell m.I Alden Smith Swan Florence Althea Swan m. \Valter Gibb 154 SWAN-FAR~ GENEAtoGY


1 Wlttl.A!t l\10tTtTON was born in Ormsby, ~ngland, in 1617, and died in ltampton, N. lt., April 18, 1664. lte came to New England with lto~ert Page and was listed as his servant, but that does not mean what it does to-day, as it was very common for young tnen of good f amities to come to America with others listed in that manner. lte married in 1651, l\!argaret, the daughter of ltobert and Lucy Page, born in England about 1629. She married second, Lieut. John Sanborn, Sr., and died July 13, 1699·, aged 70 years.

2 SAllAH l\tOULTOX, daughter of William and l\fargaret (Page) l\1oulton, was born in Hampton, N. It., Dec. 17, 1656, and married at Hampton, N. H., 30th of 10th month, 1674, by ltev. Samuel Dalton, Jonathan Haynes of Newbury, who was the widowe~ of her· sister 1\r!ary, who lived only a short time after marriage. See ·Haynes. References: SaYage; l\Ioulton ~:\nnals, p. 254; New England Register, Vol. 9, pp. 349, 350; Vol. 26, pp.. 75, 76.


John Osgood m. Sarah --- ( . Stephe~ Osgood m. l\Iary Hooker I Hooker Osgood m. Dorothy ,v oodman I Joshua Osgood m. Ruth Divoll I Ruth Osgood m. Phineas Houghton I Anna Houghton m. Solon1on Corliss I Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blap.chard I Delia Blanchard m. J an1es E. Farwell I ~fary Althea Farwell n1. I\lden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. \Yaltcr Gibb 165


~ JOHN OSGoon was born in the parish of Wherwell, ltan1p­ shire, England, July i3, 1595, and made his will April 12, 1650, in Andover, l\!ass., which was proven in 1651, he dying there, Oct. 24 of that year. The following letter was found in the State Paper Office in England, which shows how anxious he was to reach New ~ngland:

·- Noble Sir, l am earnestly solicited by John Osgood, to write unto you again about His intended journey ·to New England, that he may have the liberty to goe. I told Hin1 I had written the last weeke, hut that "·ould not satisfy Him because He could not be sure that Letter was Delivered, or that the "·ay would be open to Him. l desire you therefore, that you "'·ould be pleased, if you have not done it already t to take order that he may passe, as lte intended; because l would by noe means hinder him in his journey though it tnay be He would be his best friend that should doe it. 1 take my JP.a Ye and rest, Your servant to dispose of, EDWARD STANLEY. l\farch 23~ 1637. Your sonne is very well. Ye hearer of this letter will, as I am told, pay any monys that shall be due you in this business.

This letter is superscribed:

To my Honourable friend, lfr. Nicholas, 1 one of ye clerks of ye counseyl in King's Street near ye axe yard in ,vestminster and is endorsed Sd April in 1638. l\lr. Dr. Stanley schoolmaster at \Vin­ ton for a passe for Jo: Osgood.

Shortly after the above letter was written John Osgood sailed for New England and located for a short period at Ipswich, l\Iass., ren1oving later to Newbury, where he remained until 1645, when he n1ade his permanent home in ....\.ndover, which place he represented in the General Court in 1651, the year that he died, being able to attend but one of the meetings. He n1arried in England, Sarah, whose 111aiden name is not known. She died in Andover, l\Iass., April 8, 1667. John Osgood, after mentioning his wife and children in his will, bequeaths the ~Iceting House in Newbury, eighteen shillings to buy a cushion for the n1in­ ister to lay his Book upon and gives "my servant Caleb Johnson one Cow calf to be payd 3 years before his ti1ne is out and to be kept at the cost of my executors." 156 SWAN-Fil~ GENEAtoGY

I S'tEi>itEN OSGOOD, son of John and Sarah 9sgood, was born about 1638, but where is not definitely known, but he married in Andover, liass., Oct. 24, 1663, l\'iary Hooker, and died there Jan. 15, 1690/1 of smallpox. ller ancestry has not been found.

8 ltOOK~lt OSGoon, son of Stephen and 1\1:ary (Hooker) Osgood, was born in Andover, l\iass., Aug. 24, 1668, and died in tancaster, Jan. 29, 1748. lie was a saddler by trade and removed to Lancaster before 1693. 1n 1715 he was one of the Selectmen of that place and became extremely active in town affairs. He mar­ ried in Andover, April 26, 1692, norothy Woodman, born Nov. 13, 1669.

4 JOSHUA OSGOOD, son of Hooker and Dorothy (Wood­ ~an) Osgood, was born Sept. 2, 1694; became a farmer at 1.eo­ minster, but in 1726 purchased a farn1 at Barre, l\fass., where he died Jan. 31, 1783. He married in Lancaster, nee. 20, 1722·, ltuth nivoll, and they both joined the church there l\iarch 22, 1723/4.

5 RUTH OSGOOD, daughter of Joshua and Ruth (Divoll) Osgood, was born Nov. 22, 1727, and died 1st of 10th month, 1805, as the \\·idow of Phineas Houghton.

See Houghton.

Refcrences : Osgood Genealogy; Houghton Genealogy; Vital Records of Andover and Lancaster, l\fass. ; New England Register, Vol. 2, p. 377; Vol. 3, p. 65; Vol. 13, pp. -117 to 121 ; Vol. fl0, p. ~4. SwAN-F ARWEtt G:tNEAtooY 157


1toberi Park 111. l\fartha Chaplin l Thomas Park m. llorothy 'l'hompson I Martha Park tn. lsaac Wheeler · t l>orothy ,,7heeler m. Nehemiah Smith I Nathan Smith m. Mary nenison I Elizabeth Smith tn. Joseph Swan I Joseph Swan m. neborah Alderman· I Joseph ~- Swan m. Susannah Youngs I John 11. Swan m. l\iary F. Winchester I Alden Smith Swan m. lfary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb

1 ROBERT PARK, the first of the name who appeared in this country, came from Preston, Lancashire, England. He sailed from Cowes, Isle of Wight, in the ship .Arabella, liarch i9, 1630, and landed at Salem, l\lass., June I~, and at Boston, June 17. He with his son Thomas settled in Wethersfield, Conn., in 1640, and he was made Deputy to the General Court from that place in 1641 and .164~. In 1649 he removed to New London, where he resided for six years, and his new barn, which stood on what is now the corner of Hempstead and Granite Streets, was used as the first house of worship in the new· town and the call to service was by the beat of drun1. I-le finally settled at l\Iystic in Stonington and was one of the men appointed by the General Court of l\Iassa­ chusetts to an official position, in the organization of the town of . Southertown (Stonington) in 1658. His will ~as probated in l\Iarch, 1665. He married 1\Iartha, daughter of Capt. Robert Chaplin, in Edmundsbury, England, and she died before 1660, and he married second, l\lrs. Alice 1..,hompson, the mother of the wife of his son Tho1nas.

2 TII0::\1 •.\S P .ARK, son of Robert and l\Iartha (Chaplin) 158 SwAN-FAawl:tt GENtitoaY

Park, was born in England and died in Preston, Ct., July 30, 1709. 1te owned land in Stonington, Ct., which he sold in 1680 and removed to Preston, where he was the first Deacon in llev. 'treat's church. lte served in King Philip's War of 1675/6, and he married norothy Thompson, born July 5, 1624.

3 l\!AllTliA 1> Alll{, daughter of 'thomas and norothy (Thompson) Park, was born iu 1646 and married Jan. 10, 1667, lsaac ,vheeler, son of Thomas. lte died June 5, 1712, and she on Feb. 14, 1717. See Wheeler. References: History of Stonington, Ct., pp. 527, 528.


James Pemberton m. Alice --- 1 1'1ary Pemberton m. Edmund Barlow J Mary Barlow m. John Chadwick

Sarah Chadwick m. Thomas Grover I Samuel Grover m. Sarah Upham I John Grover m. Iiannah --- J Sarah· Grover m. Sylvanus Blanchard I Svlvanus.. Blanchard m. Delia Corliss I Delia Blanchard n1. James E. Farwell I l\iary Althea Farwell n1. Alden S1nith Swan

Florence ..Althea Swan n1. ,,1 alter Gibb


1 J A:\IES PEJIBERTON of Charlestown, l\Iass., l1ad wife Alice, n1aidcn nan1e not known, ,vho was admit.tcd to the church there in 1633. His will was proven April 1, 166~. Sw.AN-FA.ttw~ G~~EAtooY 159

1 • 2 l!ARY 1>El!BER1 0N, daughter of james and Alice Pem- berton, '""as baptized in Charlestown, ~1ass., S of 2nd month, 1636, and became the wife of ~dmund Barlow.

See Barlow.

lieference: \\ryman's Charlestown, p. 735.


llobert Page m. Lucy I l\!argaret Page m. William l\1oulton l Sarah l\Ioulton m. Jonathan Haynes I lluth Haynes m. John Corliss I Joseph Corliss m. l\,!ary Emerson I Joseph Corliss m. l\firiam Emerson

Solomon Corliss m. Anna Houghton

Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus. Blanchard

Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I ~Iary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 ROBERT P.AGE, son of Robert and l\Iargaret Page, was born in Orn1sby, England, County Norfolk, in 1604, and married there, but the n1aiden na1ne of his ,vife Lucy is not known. On April 11, 1637, he at the age of 33 years, with wife aged 30 years and son Francis and two daughters and servant, \Yillian1 :\loulton, set sail for X cw England. In 1639 they were residing in llampton, N. II., and his grant. of land is now just south of the l\Ieeting House green. This place in 1894 was the hon1e: of Josiah Page, one of his descendants. 160 SwAN-FAtt~tt G:tmAtooY t ltohert Page \Vas among the first settlers of ttampton and died there Sept. 22, 1679, aged 7 5 years, ancl his wife tucy died there Nov. 12, 1665. ite was one of the most active, energetic and influ­ ential tnen of the town and was a member of its board of Selectmen and re-elected in 1647, 1652, 1655, 1667 and 1670. He was also 1\{arshal of the old County of Norfolk in which Hampton was then included, and he was granted the privilege by a vote of the town, of building the first saw mill, which he l\9as required to do within a year, but by reason of his being engaged in building the parsonage the time was extended to two years, which shows that he was by trade a master carpenter. ln 1659 when seventy-six persons were taxed, his taxes were the highest and amounted to one-twentieth of the whole sum. In the seating of the members of the church the front seat was considered the most honorable place and this seat was occupied by him, as he was Deacon in 1660 and until his death, and from the death of his colleague in 1671 he was the only neacon of the church and was succeeded by his son Francis.

2 liARGARET PAGE, daughter of Robert and Lucy Page, was born in England about 1629 and married ,villiam l\foulton in 1651.

See ~foulton

References: New England Register, ,r ol. 26, pp. 7 5, 76; His­ tory of Hampton, N. H., pp. 888-890. 161


John Pickard m. Jane Crosby I Jane Pickard m. Edward ltazen I Samuel Hazen m. Sarah Harriman l Bunice ltazen m. Jonathan Farwell - I Joseph Farwell m. liolly Haskell I James Farwell m. Pollv., Emerson J I James E. Farwell n1. Delia Blanchard I l\:1ary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan 1n. \Valter Gibb

John Pickard m. Jane Crosby I Jane Pickard m. Edward Hazen

Samuel Hazen m. Sarah Harriman I Eunice Hazen m. Jonathan Farwell I Joseph -Farwell m. l\iiolly Haskell

. ) Sally Farwell m. Samuel Winchester l l\iary F. Winchester m. John H. Swan I Alden Smith S·wan m. l\fary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 JOHN PICK.A.RD ,\·as born in England in 16Q0, being the son of a previous marriage of the widow Anne Lume, who died in Rowley, l\Iass., l\Iarch 19, 1661/~. He was a carpenter and 1nar- 162 SWAN-F'.AR~tt G~~ALOGY • tied in Rowley, Oct. 29, ·t644, Jane Crosby, baptized in England,- April 2fl, 16fli. lte was buried Sept. 24, 1683, and she died Feb. 20, 1715/6. lie served in King Philip's ,,r ar, 1675, and was a Selectn1an of Ro,vley in 1677.

! JAXB P1CK ...-\RD, daughter of John and Jane (Crosby) Pickard, married in Rowley, lJass., Nov. 6, 1684, ~dward Hazen, who died in 1748, she surviving him.

s~e Hazen.

llelerences: Simon Crosby the Emigrant, p. 65; New England llegister, ,r ol. 7, p. 358; 27, p. 48; 33, p. 231 ; 37, p. 285 ; 41, p. 181.


Thomas Pierce m. Elizabeth --- ) l\lary Pierce m. Peter Tufts I Elizabeth Tufts m. Joseph Lynde I Joseph Lynde m. l\Iary · Sprague I Joseph Lynde m. l\Iary Sprague I Hannah Lynde m. Amos Howard I Phebe Howard m. Elias Emerson I Polly Emerson m. James Farwell I James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard I l\Iary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. \Valter Gibb,


I THO~f..... \S PIERCE, with wife Elizabeth, was admitted to the church at Charlestown, :\lass., 21st of l~th month, 1634/5. In SwAN-F.AllWEtt G:tNlitoGY 16S

1667 she stated she was 71 years ol age. itis will ·is dated Nov. 6, -1665, in which he states he was 8i years of age and he bequeaths Harvard College the sum of twenty shillings. He died Oct. 7, 1666.

2 l\1AllY PlEllCE, daughter of Thon1as and Elizabeth Pierce, married Peter Tufts and died in January, l 70i/3, aged 7 5 years, and he died l!ay 13, 1700, aged 83 years.

See Tufts.

lleferences: History of Charlestown, 11ass.; Savage.


l\:toses Pingree m. Abigail Clement I Sarah Pingree m. John Day l Hannah Day m. Jonathan Emerson I John Emerson m. .Abigail Stevens I Peter Emerson tn. ~Iary Stanton I lfiriam Emerson m. Joseph , Corliss I Solomon. Corliss m. Anna Houghton I Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I 1\Iary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. ,,T alter Gibb 164 SwAN-FAitWEtt G~Y PtNGltEE-Continued Moses Pingree m. Abigail Clement ( . Sa:rah Pingree n1. John Day I Hannah Day m. Jonathan ~merson

John Emerson tn. Abigail Stevens I Mary Emerson m. Joseph Corliss I Joseph Corliss m. 1\iiriam Emerson I Solomon Corliss n1. Anna Roughton I Delia Corliss tn. Sylvanus :hlanchard I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I l\fary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. ,valter Gibb

PINGREE , 1 1\iOSES PINGREE was of Ipswich, l\Iass., in 1642; repre- sented that place in --t~e General Court in 1665 and becan1e a Deacon of the church. He _married .A.bigail Clement and died in that town in 169.5, aged 85 years. He served in King Philip"s ,var in 1675 under l\Iajor Samuel .A.ppleton, being in the Karra­ gansett Campaign.

~ SARAI-I PINGREE, daughter of l\Ioses and Abigail (Clcrn­ ent) Pingree, married John Day in Ipswich, l\Iass., .A.pril flO, 166-±.

See Day.

References: New England Register, ,rol. 38, p. 443; Savage. SwAN-FARWEl.L GENEAWoY 165


Thomas ·Pratt tn. l\iary lJavis I Sarah Pratt m. Samuel l3lanchard I Sylvanus l3lanchard m. Sat·ah Grover I Sylvanus l31anchard m. Delia Corliss I lJelia l3lanchard · m. James E. Farwell J Mary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. ,valter Gibb


1 THOl\1AS PRATT, known in lfassachusetts records as Lieu­ tenant, although service has not been found, died in 1\falden, :\lass., June 25, 1732, aged 63'years. He n1arricd l\fary DaYis, the widow of Isaac Lewis, after 1691. In his will he was unusually liberal to her for , leaving her twelve pounds a year if she rema1·ried; if she did not remarry she was to have their home and its furniture. two cows, two geese, two turkeys, six hens and a pig, ·which were all · to be kept for her, both summer and winter, and there was to be delivered to her each year one hundred pounds of beef, one hun­ dred and twenty pounds ·of pork, ten bushels of Indian corn, two of rye and two of n1alt, six barrels of apples and two of cider and wood cut for burning, besides ten pounds in money, and she was to be carried back and forth to 1neeting whenever she desired to attend. The date of her death has not been found, but she was born Jan. 31, 1662/3.

2 SARAH PRATT, daughter of Tho1nas and l\fary (Davis) Pratt, was born in Boston, 1\Iass., 10, 1697, and n1arried in Charlesto,\·n, ~lay Q3, 1717, Samuel Blanchard, born June 19, 1G95, died Jan. S, 1771. See Blanchard.

References: History of Chelsea, )lass., Vol. l, p. 140; History of Charlestoll!l, p. 90. 166 SWAN-FARw-£:tt G~~LOGY


J antes Prescott m. Elizabeth Standish I ltoger Prescott m. :tllen Sha,v I Ralph Prescott n1. :tlcne --- 1 John Prescott m. l\iary Gawkroger I 1\iary Prescott m. Thomas Sa,vyer l l\:lary Sa,,,.yer m. James Houghton

I ' John Houghton m. l\iehitable "Tilson I Phineas Houghton m. Ruth Osgood I Anna Houghton m. Solomon Corliss I Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I l\Iary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Flo1·ence Al the a Swan m. lValter Gibb


( See Royal Ancestry following.)

1 JA:\IES PRESCOTT of Standish, Lancashire, England, married Elizabeth, daughter of Roger Standish, Esquire. 2 ROGEil PRESCOT'"r, son of James and Elizabeth (Stan­ dish) Prescott, n1arried for his second wife, .Aug. ~3, 1568, Ellen Shaw· of Standish. His will is- dated Sept. ~6, 1594, and they are both buried at Standish.

3 RALPH Pll.ESCOT1.\ son of Roger and Ellen (Shn.w) Pres­ cott, ,Yas baptized in 1571. He married Elene, whose n1aidcn nan1e is not known, but she was the executrix of his will dated Nov. 7, 1608, proven Jan. ~4, 1609. SWAN-FAttW~tt G~N:EAtOGY 167

4 JOHN PllESCOTT,· son of ltalph and -Elene Prescott, of Shevington, was baptized at Standish Parish, tancashire, England, in -1604, and tnarricd in Halifax Parish, April 11, 16fl9, }!ary Gawkroger, alias Platts, baptized. l\tarch 15, 1607. lie sold his property in Shevington and to avoid religious persecution he sought an asylu1n in the ne,v world. lte went first to narbados in 1638, hut in 1640 had located in Boston, and after being a short titne at lVatertown, ,vhere large grants of land were allotted him, he finally made his home in Lancaster, and it is claimed that the town was named in his honor, after his old home co~nty in England. He brought ·with him from England a coat-of-mai-1, helmet, cuirass and guns. His favorite gun he gave to his son J·ohn, who gave it to his son John, who gave it to his daughter Tabitha Brig­ ham, who in her old age gave it to her grandson Prescott Brighatn ( Brigadier-General, born 1770), who remo,·ed to \Visconsin, and when he died the gun was presented to the ,,7isconsin Historical Society, where it n1ay still be seen. During King Philip's ,var his house l\·as a Garrison House. lie died in 1681, having lived through the massacre and long enough to see Lancaster rebuilt, but during that struggle he saw two sons­ in-la"r, Richard ,,rheeler and Jonas Fairbanks, and his grandson, Ephraim Sawyer, killed by the Indians.

5 l\IARY PRESCOTT, daughter of John and l\Iary (Ga·wk­ roger, alias Platts) Prescott, ,vas baptized at Sowerby, England, Feb. ~4, 1630, and married in 1648, Thomas Sawyer of Lancaster, . l\Iass., who died Sept. 1~, 1706. , See Sawyer.

References: Prescott Genealogy, pp. 86, 41, 45, 189; Records of Lancaster; American Hcraldica, p. 118; Descendants of John "White; ,,rhite Fan1ily Quarterly, Vol. 8, pp. 81, 105.


Royal ....\ncestry of John Prescott, Founder of I.ancaster, l\Iass., as con1pilcd and published in the ,,Thite l~ainily Quarterly, \'ols. 2 an_d S. ( + indicates infortnation continued.)

FIRST LINEAGE 1 llauderic, l{ing of the Saxons,~'\.. D. 1. ~ Anscric, l(ing of the Saxons, A. D. 8. 168 SWAN-F'ARWEtt G~~tOGY

8 Wilke, King of the Saxons, A. D. 30. 4 Svarticke, Prince of the Saxons, A. n. 76. 5 Svarticke, Pr-ince of the Saxons, A. n. 80. 8 Sigward, Prince of the Saxons, A. n. 100. 7 Witekind, .Prince of the Saxons, A. ll. --. 8 Wike 11, Prince of the Saxons, A. n. 190. 9 l\iarbod, !ring of the Saxons, A. n. 256. · lo l3odo or \'\" oden, King of the Saxons, A. D. 800. 11 l3ealdeagus or lleldeg. Saxanatta+. Wilelgetha+. Veldeg+. 12 l3randus or l3rando. 13 Fredegar. 14 Friairin or Frewin. 15 \Vigga. 16 Gerisius. 17 Elsa. 18 ~Isa 11. 19 ~liseus. 20 Cerdic or Che1·dic. ln 494-5 a band of Saxon adventurers, led by Alderman Cerdic, landed in Southampton Water, west of the reahn of Aella ( 494), and after a hard fight ,-vith the Britons won the valleys of the I tchen and the Test with ~he old Ro1nan town of ,,enta ("\Vin chester). In 519 Cerdic took the title of King and his land became known as the land of the Saxons (,,res sex), and the house of Cerdic finally became the roval., house of the Island. Cerdic had wife ,vihtgar. Cynric or Kenric ( 534-560) their only son. Cea,"Vlin or Ceolin or Ceaulin, whose kingdom gradually grew into the Kingdom of England. He 1·eigned 560-590. 23 Cuthwine. · 24 Cutha. 25 Ceowald or Cedwald. 26 Cenrid or Kenrid. 27 Ingild or Inglis or Ingilsil, King 690-726. 28 Eoppa. 29· Easa or Esa. 30 Edn1und or Eahmund or Ealmund or .Alchn1und or Ehmund, sub-I(ing of l(cnt. 31 Ecgbert or Echbcrht, fh·st ]{ing of all England, n1arried Red- burga, daughter of Ilri~tric, l{ing of ,,rest Saxon ( see No. 8 of 3d Lineage). 'I'hc l{.ings of England descended from him in the male line to Edward the Confessor and in the female line to Queen Yictoria. 3fl Ethelwulf, l~ing of England, 1narricd Osburga, daughter of SwAN-FAn\ntt GENl":AtoaY 169

Oslact the royal cup-hearer, who was of Jutish descent from ·whitgar, King of Wight, one of the two brothers to whom King Cerdic { their uncle) gave the Isle of Wight.· 88. :king Alfred the Great, born Wantage, Berkshire, ~ngland, 849, married in 869, .. Alswitha, daughter of ~thelred, a 1\ier­ cian earlderman. He ,Yas crow·ned in Winchester 871. lte died Oct. 28, 901. 84 Ethelfleda, his oldest daughter, martied ~thelred, Earl of M:ercia, \\~ho ·was sub-King of 1\1ercia, and died 912. ln his­ tory she is styled "'the Lady of l\iercia," and \\"as assisted in ruling by her brother after her husband's death. She died in 920 at Tamworth. ·- 85 ~lswiha married a Godwin, nqbleman of ,v essex. 86 Leofwine, Earl of Leicester, became in 1017 Earl of 1\{ercia and died between 10Q4 and 1032. 87 Leofric, his son, succeeded his father in the Earldom of l!ercia. lie died at Bromley, Staffordshire, Aug. 31, 1057. 38 Alfgar martied Alfgifu and died in 1062 ( ?). 39 Lucia married I vo de Talbois, the 1st Baron of Kendal and son of Fulke, Count of Anj ou. 40 Eldred, 2nd Baron of Kendal, married Edgitha. 41 Ketel or Chete, 3rd Baron of Kendal. 42 Gilbert, 4th Baron of Kendal. 43 \Varin de Lancaster, his second son, was living in 1176, and held land in Lancaster. 44 Henry de Lancaster, his second son, took the nan1e of Lea from the estate of Lea, on the river Ribble, and in 1Q08 was designated as Gcvernor of Lancaster. In 1208 King John of England executed a deed in confirmation of one of his father, King I-Ien1·y II, to '\Varin de Lancaster, conveying lands in Counties Chester and Lea in exchange for the town­ ship of Liverpul and lands of Litherland. 45 John de Lea, Lord of Lea, living 1Q40. 46 Henry de Lea, Sheriff of Lancaster, 1276, 1277 to 1283. 47 Sir \Villiam de Lea married Clementina or Cle1nence, daughter of Sir Robert Bannistre, Lord of ,,r al ton and ~Iakcrsfield and Baron of Newton, who died before 1290. Their only son was beheaded for treason in 1315. 48 Sybil de Lea, heiress of her father and brother as Lady of ~lollington, Bannistre, n1arried Sir Richard de Houghton, Knight of Houghton, County Lancashire, member of 1~ar­ lian1ent, 132~-27-37. She died 1340. 49 Sybil or Sybella de Houghton married ,villiam, eldest son of Richard Bold of Dold. - 170 SwAN-FABWEtt G~N~AtoaY • 50 Sir itichard llold ma·rried l 370 ~lena, daughter of ltich~rd l\iolyneux of Sefton, tancashire. lte died 1380. 51 Sir John .nold of l3old, !(night, had free warren in his estate of llold in Prescott parish, near 1'an1worth chapel, ,vhere are sculptured coats-of-arn1s and figures of the Bold family. He ,vas Sheriff of 1.ancaster, 1407-10, and married En1n1a, daughter of Oavid Stanley de lreland and his l\-·ife, daughter of Sir ,,rilliam Stanley of Hooten. 5fl ltichard Bold, living in 14~0, married Elena, daughter of Gil­ bert Halsall, in 1404. 53 Sir Henry Bold of Bold, Knight, married Graccia, a widow, in 1~. 54 Sibella de Bold married, 1461, Sir Alexander Standish of • Standish, Knight ( see No. 12 of 10th Lineage). He was knighted for service at the battle of Hutt.on Field, Scotland, and died 1507. 55 nalph Standish had general pardon from the Crown 1485; married Alice, daughter and co-heiress of Sir James Har­ rington of ,,r olf age, County Northampton ( see No. 15 of l!th Lineage). ·she was living in 1537. He died 1538, aged 80 years. - 56 Roger Standish of Standish, County Lancaster. 57 Elizabeth Standisf1 married J an1es Prescott of Standish and Coppul. 58 Roger Prescott of Shevington, Standish Parish, n1arried first, Elizabeth; second, Aug. 23, 1568, Ellen or Helen Shaw of Standish. His w·ill, dated Sept. 26, 1594, states he wishes to b~ buried in the Parish church. 59 Ralph Prescott, 1nentioncd in his father's will and co-executor with his 1nother in· 1594, was born about 1571/2, but his baptism was not found ·on the Standish Parish Register. He resided at Shevington and his will, da tcd Dec. 7, 1608, proven Jan. 24, 1609, n1cntions his wif c Elene and daughters and son John. 60 John Prescott, the founder of Lancaster, l\Iass., married _i\.pril 11, 1629, :\Iary Gawkroger, alias Platts, and in the marriage record he is called of Sowerby, the record having been copied by Rev. John Holding, Stortfold, IJaldock, ij:erts, England, for l\Ir. J. B. \Vhite of Kansas Citv,.. ~f o .

SEcoxn LrxEAGE (V'ol. 2, p. 37, ,vhite Quarterly) l ,vilclgetha. ( See No. 11 of }loyal .Ancestry of John Prescott.) t ,vaga. 171

S Withleg 4 \Veremund. 5 Ofia t. 6 ~ngengeate. 7 Eomerus. 8 lchel. 9 Cnobba. 10 Kenwad or Cunewaldus. 11 Crida, l(ing of l\1ercia, 582-593. 12 W ebba, King of :\!ercia, 614. 13 ~oppa. Kenwalk.+ 14 Oswolf or Ormond. 15 En,volf or Ernulph. 16 Thumfried or Dingfert married l\!arcella. 17 Off a II, King of l1ercia 7 55-796, n1arri~d Quendrida. ( See No. 7 of 7th Lineage.) 18 · ~thelburga, married Bristric. ( See No. 8 of 3rd Lineage.)

THIRD LINEAGE. (''ol. 2, p. 38, White Quarterly) 1 Ceolulphe, son of Cynric. ( See No. 21 of Royal .A.ncestry of John Prescott.) 2 Cuthegisil. 3 Kenfrid or Centfret. 4 Census, King of part of ,~vessex~ 676. 5 Escuin, 67 6. 6 Adela rd or Ethehvard, 7 40. 7 Cenulphe or Kenwolph, 784. • 8 Bristric or Brithric, 800, King of "'est Saxon, n1arried Ethd­ burga. (See No. 18 of 2nd Lineage.) 9 Readburgh or Redburga, · n1arried Echbert, first l(ing of all England. ( See No. 31 of Royal Ancestry of John Pres­ cott.)

FOURTH LINEAGE 1 · Saxonatta or Scaxnod. (See No. 11 of Royal Ancestry of John Prescott.) 2 Gesack or Supig. 3 Audesk or Anstcig. 4 Sueppa. 5 Sigefugel. 6 Bc

8 Aecwinas or Erchenl\·ine, 527-581, lCing of East: Saxon or Essex. 9 Sledda, 598, tnarried Rekell or necuelta, daughter of lmeric, King of Kent. ( See No. 8 of 8th Lineage.) -10 Sabbert, 616, married Aethelgoda. 11 Seward, 623. 12 Sebba, 694. 13 Sighard, 700. 14 O.ffa, 709, King of East Saxon or ~ssex, married :kones,\itha. ( See No. 8 of 5th Lineage.) 15 Elfrid, married Kenwalf. (See No. 6 of 7th Lineage.)-


1 Penda, 653, son of \Vebba, 614 (see No. 1! of ~nd Lineage), married Kinswith. ! Peda, 657, married AHleda. ( See No. 7 of 6th Lineage.) 3 Koneswitha, married Off a, King of East Saxon or Essex. ( See No. 14 of 4th Lineage.)


1 Esa, King of Northumberland. ~ Eoppa. 8 Ida, King of Northumberland, 547-559, married Bibba. 4 Athalaric or Ethelric, King of N orthun1borland, 595. 5 Ada Ifrid, 617, marrie_d Acea, -sister of King Edwin the Great. 6 Oswy, 670, King of N orthumbcrland, ma1-ried Ganfleda. ( See No. 14 of 9th Lineage.) 7 Alfleda or Alf rida, married Peda. ( See No. 2 of 5th Lineage.)


,I Kenwalk or Ccnowalch, son of ,,1ebba, 614. (See No. 13 of 2nd Lineage.) 2 Cenwin. S Kcnrow or Ccntour. 4 Bassa. 5 Cuthbert. 6 Kcnwalf or Cenwulph, 819, n1arricd Elf rid. ( Sec X o. 15 of 4th Lineage.) 7 Qucndrida, 1narried Offa. ( Sec No. 17 of 2nd Lineage.) 178

E1Glt1'lt ttNEAGE 1 \'eldeg. ( See No. 11 of lloyal Ancestry of John Prescott.) ! Witte or Vecta, King of the Saxons, 350. 8 Witte 11, King of the Saxons, 400. 4 Witigislus, King of the Saxons, 434. 5 liengist, l{ing of l{ent, 455-488 or 467. 6 Ceric or Esk, 512 or 514. 7 Octa or Otta, 534. 8 liern1enric or lmeric, 568. 9 Ethelbert, 616, n1arried l3ertha, daughter of Chilperic;, l(ing of the Soissons. · 10 Ethelburga or 1'ate, married King Edwin. (See No. 13 of 9th Lineage.)


1 l\7ebdig or lVeagdeagus, son of ,voden, King of the Saxons. A. D. 300. 2 Sigarus. · 3 Sucbded. 4 Siggoth. 5 Seadaldus. 6 Sefugelas. 7 Suartha. 8 ,v esterwalchna. 9 lVilgisel . . 10 Wuskfrea or Bascreas. 11 Affius. 12 Alla, I{ing of Deira, 588. 13 Edwin the Great, l(ing of Northumberland, 633, n1arricd Ethcl­ burga. ( See No. 10 of' 8th Lineage.) 14 Ganfleda, n1arried Os,vy. ( See No. 6 of 6th Lineage.) ( All the above from Genealogical Tables of the Sovereigns of the lVorld, by Rev. ,vm. Betha1n of England, printed 1795. Copied by Ahnira L. lVhitc.)

TENTH LINEAGE.. ( \rol. 3, p. fl 6, ,vhite Quarterly) 1 --- of· Standish, married l\Iargarct, daughter of Robert Hulton. 2 Th?rston of Standish, living in 1QQ2, married l\Iargaret. S Ralph of Standish. . 4 Jordan of Standish, living in 1272~ 1narricd Alianora, living in 1!283. 174 SW.AN-F'ARntt G~~:toGY

IS William, Lord of Standish, married Margaret, daughter of John of Euxton. 6 John Standish of Standish. 7 ·Henry Standish, 1narricd Joan, daughter of ltenry Worscley. 8 llalph Standish, n1arricd Cecelia, daughter of 11.oger Brads-_ haigh of 1taigh. 9 Lal\·rence Standish, married Lora, daughter of Sir ltoger Pil­ kington. 10 Sir Alexander Standish, married Constance, daughter of John Gerard of Br~yn, County Lancaster, 14il. 11 ll.alph Standish, Jiving in 1454, married l\!argaret, daughter of Richard Radcliffe of Chadderton. 12 Sir Alexander Standish, ma1·ried Sibella, daughter of Sir ltenry l3old. ( See No. 54 under Royal Ancestry of John Prescott.)

ELEVENTH LtNEAGE. (V' ol. 3, p. 43, White Quarterly) 1 Siward, Earl of Northwnberland, son of the Danish Earl :Berne, ma1·ried Ethelflaed, daughter of the Saxon Earl of Northumberland, by l\"hom he had son, Earl '\Valtheof. His fame survives in the chronicles and songs of Denmark. He erected a minster at Galn1anho, near York, where he is buried. It was dedicated to St. Olaf of Norway, ,l"ho was canonized in 1030. "'Vhcn _his end approached the old fire blazoned out in the aged warrior and he bade his attendants put his arn1or on and so, girt with harness and heln1et, with sword by his side, ,\·ith his shield in his left hand and his battle ax in his . right, the old Earl fa red forth." ( See History of City of York, by Canon Raines, pp. 43-6Q.) 2 ,valtheof, in ·969, Ea.rl of Northumberland, married Judith, daughter of Lambert, Count of Lens, by wife Adelise ( Countess of ..Albemarle and widow of Enguerrand, Count of Ponthieu, own sister to \Villiam the Conqueror), by ·whon1 he had son, Earl lTchtred. ,v altJ1eof descended on his mother's side from a long line of Bernccian ancestors, earls and kings, and his worst cnc1ny ,vas his wife, who sought his destruction. He was put to death, June 15, 1016, by ,,.,.il­ liam the Conqueror, and was finally buried at Glastonbury. lie was Earl of N ortluunpton and Huntington before he was Earl of N orthun1berland. 8 lTchtred, "the great Earl of :Xorthu1nbcrland," ,\·as n1ade Earl in 980, during his f athcr's lifcti1nc. He w·as murdered by Thursband in 1017. He n1arried first, Edfrid, daughter of .i-\ldane, Bishop of Durhan1; second, Sijnn, daughter of Styr Sw.AN-F'Atnntt G~tooY 175

Pitz tJlr, and ~hird, Edgiya, daughter of King ~thelred 11, and descended from King Alfred the Great. 4 Agatha, only child of the third wife and heiress of ll.aby and other large possessions from her mother, married l\.taldred, son of Crinan, an eminent 'thane. 5 Cospatric, their only son, ~arl of Northumberland, which title he obtained from the Conqueror for a considerable sum, became distrus.tful and fled into Scotland with other great northern chiefs, taking with him his mother and sisters and Edgar Aetheling also. lie 1nade several hostile incursions into England and consequently lost his earldom in 107~, but received in recompense the l3;arldom of lJunbar and other adjoining lands in London from the Scotch King in 1073, the year in which he died. 6 Uchtred, son of Earl Cospatric, Lord of Raby, had son. 7 Dolfin, Lord of Raby, who 1narried Alice, daughter ~f \Valcher, llishop of Durham, and for a time Earl of Northumberland. 8 l\1aldred Fitz Dolfin, Lord of naby and of Staindrop, .. 9 Robert Fitz ~ialdred, Lord of Raby, married Isabel, only child and heiress of Geoffrey de Neville and wife Emma ( daughter of Bertram de Bulmer), grandson of Gilbert de N.eville, a noble N orn1an who came to England with the Con­ queror as Adn1iral of his fleet and obtained large gr~nts of land in Northumberland and an augmentation of his coat armor. Isabel was the heiress of her brother, Henry of Brauncepath and Durham. 10 Geoffrey Fitz Robert or de Neville, Lord of Raby, Braunce­ path, etc., married l\fargaret. 11 Geoffrey de Neville, their second son, was Governor of Scar­ borough Castle and Appleby, and married l\'Iargaret, daugh­ ter and heiress of Sir John de Longuevilliers, Knt. of HornhJ: Castle, grandson of Eudo de Longuevilliers by "~ife Cle­ mence, daughter of John l\latherby. Geoffrey de Ne,1ille was jure uxoris Lord of Hornby Castle, County Lancaster, and left sons unknown to the compiler, one of ,vho1n was father to Sir John and the other father to Sir Robert. The forn1cr died without issue and left I-Iornhv.. to his cousin ll.ob- crt. Sir Geoffrey died 1 ~89, owning then Horny, 'I'unstall, ,v ea ton, ,,rarrington, Cance-field and F arlcton, ,vi th other lordships and 111anors in other counties. .l\Iargarct, the wif c of Geoffrey de N cvillc, was called in a deed "consanguineous" to Hubert de Burgh, Earl of Kent, and wif~ l\L1.rgaret, who according to Canon Raines was a Scottish princess. I-Iubcrt 176 SW.AN-FA:l?WE:tt ·G~'iEAtOGY • de Burgh was descended lrom ltohert, Ear1 ol 1\ioreton, half ·hrother to ·the Conqueror and f ortner owners of ltornbv Castle, from whom it passed in li42. ., 1i Robert de Neville of Hornby married and had, beside the son below, a son Edmund, who had one-third of the :\!anor of · l\.tiddleton in the time of King :Bdward lll. 13 Sir ltobert de N e,·ille of Hornby Castle married Anne, daughter of Sir \Villiam de Tunstal and Thursland Castle ( within the barony of Hornby). 'they had a daughter l\1argaret and son Sir 'thomas of Hornby, who married and had a daughter llargaret, who n1arried ·Thomas neaufort, Duke of Exeter. Their only child died young in 1426, befqre his mother and Sir Thomas Neville died without issue the same year. Sir Thon1as neaufort bequeathed the Lordship of Hornby to Sir William Harrington, "~ho had n1arried l\iargaret, daugh­ ter of Sir Robert de X cYille and Anne. 14 ~1argaret married Sir "rillian1 Harrington, tt:nt. ( See No. 11 of 12th Lineage.) NOTE.-De ~eville. Hornby Castle, centuries ago, had attracted the eye of the Roman soldier, and coins and tessallated pavements discovered in various alterations of the castle proYe that the value of its site as a strategic position was fully recognized then. At Dome.sda~·. , Hornby was classed with l\Ialling, \Yennigetun as one. l\fanor, in which rif held nine carucates of land and when the conqueror came was held by Aleric who5e grandson Adam, son of Swain had two daughters, ~laud and Annabel. 1\Iaud married Adam de )Iontbegon and the land of Hornby descended to Roger de l\Iontbegon, his grandson who died in 1225. In 1226 it passed to a collateral relative, IJenry de )Iontbegon, who in 1226 conveyed the l\Ianor of Hornby and the castle to Hubert de Burgh, Chief Justice of England, and the Chamberlain of Shakespeare·s King John. He died in 124~ and his widow, )Iargaret married in York Cathedral and a Scottish princess. Countess of Kent, continued in its possession till she died in l~-59. Then another claimant appeared in the person of Elena de Longuevilliers, who said her husband John had been entitled to the estate and that she as his widow should haYe one-third part as her dower and at last her claim was successful and towards the dose of the reign of King Henry II, Hornby passed with :\Iargaret, daughter to Sir John de Longue­ villiers to Geofire:r de Xe,.. i1le. (See Vol. 41, Historic Society Lancaster and Cheshire.) NOTE-Raby Castle owes its splendor to John de Neville, Earl of ,Yestmoreland, \\·ho in 1379 obtained leave to make a castle of his ~Ianor of Raby and to embattle and castellate its towers. It is situated in the County of Durham about six miles from Barnard Castle on the east side of an extensive park. It has a very imposing effect and a striking idea of the magnificence of the feudal ages may be formed from its extent, grandeur and well. preserYed state. Its foundation is a rocky eminence and it is environed with an embrazured wall and parapet, enclosing about two acres. The Nevilles do not appear to have been the first occupants here as some competent to judge conjecture. It is even said to date as far back as the time of Canute. The interior is divided into numerous apartments. The eutrancc hall is uncommonly grand; its vastness never failing to strike the beholder with admiration. The roof is arched and supported on six pillars with capitals. Here visitors leave their carriages, which arc admitted into the Hall and afterwards pass off on the opposite sicle, through the inner area and covered way. At one end is a flight of steps leading into the Presence Chamber, 1 l\lusic Uoom, Billiard Room> etc. Ow~r the hall is another spacious apartment, 90 feet in length, 36 feet in height and 34 feet in breadth. This was the room wlu.-re the ancient baronial festivals were celebrated and seven hundred knights, who held of the Nevilles, are recorded to have been entertained here at one time. The wails are of great solidity and strength. A description of tL.e kitchen and oven would require more space than we can here ~110\~. The latter has been converted into a wine cellar the sides being divided into ten Flrts, each holding a hogshead of wine in bottles. One of the terraces is upwards of ~~50 feet in length. This seat continued to be the :residence of the .Nevilles until the reign of 177

Elizaheth when Charles. the sixth·and l~t tart of Westm~re1and of that family. engaged in a weak conspiracy to dethrone his soYereign. 1te died in exile in 1584 and the estate reverted to the Crol\-n. James l, offered the property for sale and thus R.aby became the property of Sir ilenry Vane the elder. (New :England ilistoric Register, Vol 11. pp. 1i4, 125 for 1848). . .

Tw!:tFTH LtNEAGE ('rot. 3, p. 46, '''hite Quarterly) 1 l\tichael Flandreusis, or le Fleming, is said to . have come with the Conqueror. 2 l\.lichael le Fleming, perhaps his grandson, lh?ing 1126/7, when Stephen, afterwards l{ing· Stephen, founded the Abbey of Furness, then covering. 65 acres, and it is said when the lands of l\!ichael le Fleming were exempted from the exactions of the Abbot of Furness, the lands of the Abbot nearly sur­ rounded those of l\fichael. ,vhile John de Cancefield was Abbot, Fleming bestowed on the Abbey the estate of Fordboc or Fordbottle. Flen1ing was lord of manor of Aldinghan1, and when the barony of Egremont was divided, ,,r1n. de l\1eschines granted to him the manor of l3echamet, ·where their castle of Caernavon was. After several generations this castle was· given to a younger son and suffered to go to decay, being abandoned as a residence. S ,,rilliam le Fleming, Lord of Aldingham, n1arried Alice, daugh­ ter of Gospatrick of Galloway. 4 Sir llichael le Fleming, Lord of Aldingham, married Agatha, daughter of Henry, Lord Ravensworth. 5 Sir :\Iichael le Fleming of Furness, Aldingham and Gleaston Castle, bore arms. His son and heir, Sir ,villiam, was drowned in the river ! .. even, leaving no issue, and his estate passed fo daughter .A.licia. 6 Alicia le Fleming married Sir Richard Cancefield, J{:nt., Lord of Cancefield and Farleton, County Lancaster, and had two sons, ,,·ho died without issue, making their daughter .....\gnes sole heiress. In 1154 and 1189 .A.licia, then a wide,,·, con- .., firmed to the Abbey of Cockersand the n1anor of Thurn1an, which manor passed through Canccfields to the Harringtons. 7 Agnes de Cancefield 1narricd in the reign of King Edward I, Sir Robert de Havcrington of Harrington, County Cun1ber­ land, on the coa·st of the Irish Sea. They had John and llichael and daughter Elizabeth, "·ho married ,Yillia.1n, son and heir of Edward N cville of Liversedge. 8 Sir John de Harrington of A.ldingha1n, Cancefield and Farlet on, County I~ncaster, married Juliana, daughter of Sir Richard Bellinghan1 of County Cumbcrla·nd. In 1340 he had a license to 1nake a p~rk within his n1anor of Aldinghan1. Ile ,,·as a 178 Sw..L~-F.. untt:tt G~!;AtooY

member of Parliat11ent as a Baron at the time of his death in 1847. 9 Sir John de Harrington of lielling Parish, County Lancaster, married Katherine, only daughter of Sir Adam Bannister, Knt., beheaded for treason in 1315, and the 4th daughter and co-heir of her mother l!argaret, sister to Sir Robert Holland and widow of Sir John Blackburn. Some pedigrees give Katherine as daughter. of Sir Robert Sherburne of Stoneyhurst. Perhaps she was a second wife. 10 Sir Nicholas Harrington of Farleton married lsabel, daughter of Sir ,,Tilliam English of County Cumberland and l1ad Sir William, Sir James, Sir Nicholas and daughter Isabel or Elizabeth, who married about 1414 Sir John Stanley, Knt., of Lathom, father of '.rhomas, lord Stanley and grand­ father of Thomas Stanley, first Earl of Derby of that family. 11 Sir Vfilliam Harrington of Farleton married 1.largaret, ~aughter and heiress of Sir llobert ~ eville of Hornby Castle. 1te was a standard bearer at Agincourt in 1415 and was severely wounded at the seige of Rouen in 1419 and died in 1450. In a window· of ,,rrayholme To·wer are the initials G. H., which has the knots or frets of the Harringtons above and below, the "G" standing as supposed for Guiliel­ mus. He and his wife gave a bell to Urs"·ick Church, within the manor of Aldinghan1, inscribed with their names. ~Iar­ garet became co-heiress of the only surviving child of her brother, Thon1as Neville of Hornby Castle, who bore the same name, )Iargaret N eYille, and married Thomas Beau­ fort, Duke of Exeter, and had a son who died young, and the honor of Hornby b(•came invested in Sir William Har­ rington and the other co-heir, Sir John Langton, whose in­ terest Sir \Villiam Harrington acquired. l~ Agnes Harrington, their second daughter, married Sir Alex­ ., ander Radcliffc of Ordsall, Knt. ( See No. 5 of 13th Line­ age.) She died in 1490. 11 Sir James Harrington, second son of Sir Nicholas (No. 10) and Isabel English, inherited the martial spirit of his an­ cestors. In 1403 he fought in the victory of Ha tely Field, which settled the usurper Henry firmly on the throne, and where Falstaff "fought an hour by Shrc,vsbury clock." In the retreat the Earl of Douglas, who led the Scottish con­ tingent, fell f ro1n a cliff, when he was captured by Sir t.T a mes Harrington, for which service he received f ro1n ICing I-f enry IV a pension of one hundred marks per annum. He married SwAN-FAtt~tt GENlatoaY 179

Ellen, daughter of Thomas de tTrswick of tJrswick, which was within the manor of Aldingham. 12 Sir Richard Harrington, son of Sir James, married Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Sir ,villiam de .Bradshagh of Black­ rod and ,,restleigh, born 1403. lier father died in 1415 and she ~ucceeded to his estate, and after the death of her grandmother, daughter and heiress of John de Verdon, Knt., in 1437, she came into possession of the manors of Brix­ worth, County N ortha111pton, and Brissingham, in Norfolk. 13 Sir ,,1illian1 Harrington, son ·of Sir llichard, married, 1422, his cousin Elizabeth, daughter of Edmund and sister of Sir Thomas Pilkington, who fought at l3osworth for l{ing Rich­ ard 111, and had his estates confiscated, and was slain at the l3attle of Stoke, 1437. Sir ,vi1liam died Aug. 12, in 3rd year of Henry VII. 14 Sir James Harrington of ,v olfage, County Northampton, and of Brixworth, died June ~6, 1479, leaving widO'w Isabella, daughter of Sir Alexander Radcliffe of Ordsall, Rnt. ( see No. 5 of 13th Lineage), and his wife Agnes, daughter of Sir William and ~:Iargaret (Neville) ( see No. ,14 of 11th Lineage) I-Iarrington of Hornby ( see No. 11 of 12th Line­ age). °Isabella . married second Thomas Talbot, and died June 20, 1497. Their only son was drowned in fording the l\fersey at ,,r orthenden. They had ten daughters. 15 Alice Harrington married Ralph Standish of Standish. ( See No. 55 of Royal Ancestry of John Prescott.)

I THIRTE:KNTH LINEAGE I Sir John Radcliffe of Ordsall married Joan, daughter of Sir Robert Holland, and died in 1358. 2 Sir Rich~rd Radcliffe of Ordsall married l\Iaude, daughter of Richard Lcgh of Booths, and died in 1381. 8 Sir John Radcliffe of Ordsall married l\Iargaret, daughter of Sir Henry. Trafford, and died in l 42~ . 4 Sir John Radcliffe of Ordsall married Clemence; daughter of Hugh Standish of Duxbury, and died 1444. 5 Sir Alexander Rad-cliff e of Ordsall n1arricd .. Agnes, daughter of Sir Willian1 I-Iarrington and ~Iargaret Ne~ille of Hornby Castle. ( See first No. 11 of 12th Lineage.)

Fot:RTEEN'TII LINEAGE 1 Vivian de :\Iolines n1arried Suvarda and had son Adan1. 2 Adam de l\Iolincs of Sefton married Annota, daughter and 180 SwAN-F.AttWEt:t GENEAtoaY

heiress of l3enedict le Gernei ol 1talton, the Forester ol tan­ cashire, hy "~horn he had Speke. 8 ltobert de l\iolines of Sefton and Es peke married in the time of .King John, l3eatrice, granddaughter of Sir Alan de Villiers, son of Paganaus de Villiers or Villars, tord of tittle Crosby, and acquired with her that estate. Her father was Baron of W arringl:on. 4 Richard de l\tolineux of Sefton, tittle Crosby and ·~speke, tnarried ~dith, sister and co-heiress of Almeric and daughter of William le Boteler, l3aron of W artington, County Lan­ caster. 5 Adam de 1\1:olineux of Sefton had in 1228 a commission for the pernumbulation of the forests of County Lancaster, and paid forty marks to have seizin of the inheritance from his father. He is depicted on a window in Bridgeworth Church, County Salop, in a suit of armor, whereon ,vas his coat of arms. l3y wife Letitia Brinley he had sons \\1illiam and Roger. 6 Sir \Villiam de l\1olineux of Sefton was knighted in 1255 and n1arried l\1argaret, daughter of Sir Alan Thornton of Thorn­ ton. 7 Sir Richard de l\lolineux of Sefton married En1n1a, daughter -' of Done of the f a1nilv of Done, hereditary bow bearers and ~ ~ chief foresters of Delamere Forest, County Chester, where Princess Ethelfleda, daughter of King Alfred the Great, had her "Castle in the Forest." 8 Sir ,,7illiam l\Iolincux, Knt., of Sefton, ·was n1ade a Knight Bannerett in Gascony in 1286 by Edn1u11d Crouchback, Earl of Lancaster, son of I{ing Henry III. He n1arried Isabel, daughter of Scarisbrick of Scarisbrick, and died 1~89. 9 Sir ~ichard l\Iolineux of Sc:fton, Knt., n1arried ..Agatha, daugh­ ter and heiress of Sir Roger I(ryston of Lardbrook, and died in 1363. 10 Elena l\folineux married in 1370 Sir Richard Bold of Dold. ( See No. 50 of Royal Ancestry of John Prescott.) Note: The name of Giullaume de ~Iolines was 18th on the Roll of Battle Abbey and on the list of \Yarriors at Hastings from the Norman Chronicles prepared by Hollinshed. He was named from the place of his birth, ~Ioulines in Normandy. He was much trusted by Duke ,villiam and ha

FIFTEENTH LINEAGE 1 Ketle, Cl1<~te or Chetcl, 3rd Baron of Kendal ( see No. 42 of Royal Descent of John Prescott), n1arried Christiana, and Sw.AN-F.Altwat GEN!UtoGY 181

hacl also other tnanors of Kelton, Salter, Stockhom and \Vorkington. 2 Orme, their second son, married Gunhilda, daughter of Cos­ patric, Earl of Northumberland and of Uunbar, in Scot­ land ( see No. 5 of 11th Lineage), she being sister to U chtred. Their son Cospa trick became the ancestor of the Curwens of County Cun1berland. 8 Cospatrick. 4 Thomas de Culwen had the Lordship of Culwen in County Cumberland and founded Shap Abbey, ,vhere he was buried, nee. 7, 1152, leaving sons Thomas, Patrick and Alan. Thomas de Cuhven or Curwen married a daughter of ltobert de Veterpont and had a daughter, who married a Harrington of County Cumberland. 5 Alan de Curwen was of Carneston, County Cun1berland. 6 A daughter of Alan married Adam de Radcliffe of Radcliffe Tower, a manor on the river Irwell, of fl466 acres, and had also from his fat.her lands in Edgeworth; was seized also of lands, woods and moors in Oswald Twistle. Adam's mother was Cecelia de l\lontvegon, Lady of Kirkland and of Hornby. Adam was the great-grandfather of Sir John of Ordsall, :So. 1_ of ·13th Lineage.


1 William Fitz Gilbert or de Lancaster, son and heir of Gilbert, 4th Baron · of l(endal ( see No. 4Q of Royal Ancestry of John Prescott), married Gundrcd, Countess of ,v arwick ( see No. 6 of 19th Lineage). He was the 5th Baron of Kendal. fl ,,rilliam de Lancaster, 6th Baron of Kendal, married Helwise de Stuteville. 3 Helwise, their only child, Baroness of Kendal, married Gilbert, son of Roger Fitz Reinfrid. 4 He]wise Fitz Reinfrid n1arried Peter de Brus of County York and had one son and four daughters. He was of the older line of de Brus, extinct in the 4th or 5th generation, while Robert de Bruce, King of Scotland, can1c from a younger branch. Their daughter ~Iargarct n1arried· Robert de Ros, second son of Ilos of 1-Iainlakc, ancestor of Queen l(athcrine Parr. 5 Lucy de Brus married lfarnrn.duke de Twenge of 1..,wengc and Kelton Castle. (Sec No. 4 of 17th Lineage.) 182 SWAN-FAtt\Vl:tt GENEAtoGY

1 ltobert de Twenge, a l{night and Lord of Kelton Castle, County Cumberland, about lQSl, is the first n1entioned in history. 2 Sir )!armaduke de Twenge married ~mma, sister and heiress of nuncan narrell. 3 llobert de _'twenge, Lord of Kelton Castle, married :\!aud, widow of Sir John de Ockiton. 4 l\!armaduke de 'rwenge, Lord of Kelton Castle, married Lucy de Brus. (See No. 5 of 16th Lineage.) 5 Sir ~!armaduke de 'twenge married lsabel de Ross- of Ign1an­ thrope, in _County ·York. Their sons all died without issue. 6 Alice de Twenge married Sir Roger :Kryston or Kirton of Lardbrook. 7 Agatha Kryston married Sir Richard l\Iolineux. ( See No. 9 of 14th Lineage.)

~IGHTEENTH LINEAGE 1 Otto the Great, Emperor of Germany in 936, married ....\del- heid, Queen of Italy, widow of Lothary, King of Italy.. 2 Adelheid of Germany married \Villiam, Duke of Aquitiue. S Adela married Hugh Capet, King of France. 4 Robert II, the Pious, King of France. 5 Adela married Baldwin ,r, 7th Count of Flanders. 6 Ladv. ~laud or l\latilda of Flanders n1arried 1053 ,,... illiam the Conqueror, 7th Duke of Norn1andy. 7 Lady Gundr.ed, their fifth daughter, married William de ,,.,. ar­ ren, Earl of Surrey. She died in 1085 at Cast]e Acre and was buried in Chapter House of Lewes Priory. She was a sister of King Henry "I. ,,7illiam de ,,r arren died in 1089. 8 ".,.illian1 de ,,r arren, 2nd }.::arl of ,,r arren and Surrey, n1arried ., Lad~· Isabel (Elizabeth) de ,rermandois, who died in 1113. He died in 1135. (See No. 5 of 19th Lineage.) 9 Gundred de \V arren n1arried first Roger, ~nd Earl of ,var­ wick; second, \Villia1n Fitz Gilbert or de Lancaster, Governor of Lancaster Castle. (See No. 1 of 16th Lineage.)


1 Edward, surnan1cd The Elder, son of Alfred the Great ( see No. 33 under Royal .Ancestry of John Prescott), l(ing of England, 1uarried for his third wife I. .. ady Edgiva, daughter of Earl Sigelline, and had SwAN-FARWl:tt GtN~itoaY 183 • 2 Edgh·a, who married Henry, 3rd Count of Vertnandois and 1"1royes 3 ltubert, 4th Count of Vermandois, married ta.dy Adelheld, daughter or ll.alph, 3rd Count de Valois. 4 A lice de ,.ermandois married 1tugh the Great, 5th Count de ,,. ermandois, son of Henry l, King of France, by ''"if e Anne of llussia, daughter of 1.,aroslaus, Grand Duke of Russia, in -1015, ~nd Czar. · 5 tady lsabel or Elizabeth de ,,ermandois, their third daughter, married second, \Villia1n de ,,,arren, 2nd Earl of SurreJ·, and died in 1131. (See No. 8 of 18th Lineage.) _ 6 Gundred de \Varren married first, lloger, 2nd Earl of t\T ar­ wick, and second, ,villiam Fitz Gilbert or de Lancaster, 5th Baron of Kendal. ( See No. 1 of 16th Lineage.)

'.l'wENTIETlt LtXEAGE 1 Sir John Bradshaigh, contemporary with \\Tilliam l, n1arried the daughter and .sole heir of Sir Robert Remington, Knight. 2 Sir Robert Bradshaigh married a daughter of Sir ,,rilliam Fitz-John. 3 Sir John Bradshaigh, living 1102, married a daughter of Sir John ~Iolineux of Sefton, County Lancaster, ancestors of the Earl of Sefton. 4 John Bradshaigh, living in 1141, married a daughter of Brack­ enbury. 5 ,villiam Bradshaigh married a daughter of Sir ,Villiam Trollop of Thornley. 6 Sir John Bradshaigh married a daughter of Sir ,,1illiam Har­ court of Stanton, Knight, 1190. 7 Sir John Bradshaigh married a daughter of Sir Ralph l\Ius­ grave. 8 Thon1as Bradshaigh, living in 1239, married a daughter of Sir .A.da1n Houghton of Routon Tower, County Lancaster. 9 Sir John Bradshaigh n1arried a daughter and heir of Sir Tho1nas Bromley of Bromley, County Stafford, 1~81. 10 Sir ,,.il1ia1n Bradshaigh, their second son, ,vent on the Crusade in 1315. ,v as n1embcr of Parliament for Lancashire, 13Q6, 13~9, 1338. He married l\Iabel, daughter and heir of liugh N orrcys of County Lancaster. 11 Richard Bradshaigh married a daughter of Sir RobClrt Hol­ croft, Count.. v Chester. 12 Roger Bradshaigh n1arried a daughter of John Osbaldeston, County I.Aincaster. 184 SwAN-FAttWEtt G~EA:toGY

18 Cecelia :bradshaigh married in 1859 Sir 1talph Standish, Sheriff of Lancaster, 1392. (See No. 8 of 10th lineage.) ln 1398 he had grant of free pardon from the Crown.


'rhomas Sawyer m. l\iary Prescott I l\iary Sawyer m. James ltoughton I John Houghton m. 1lehitable Wilson I Phineas Houghton n1. Ruth Osgood I Anna Houghton m. Solomon Corliss I , Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard I - Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I l\fary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith S,van I Florence Althea Swan m. \Valter Gibb


1 THOl\IAS SA\VYER- ,Yas bo1·n in Lincolnshire, England, in 1615 and died in Lancaster, l\fass., Sept. lfl, 1706, being one of the first six settlers of that place, and served in King Philip's "\\Tar during 1675 and 1676. He married in 1648, l\Iary, born in Sowerby, England, daughter of John and l\Iary ( Gawkroger, alias Platts) Prescott of Lancaster, l\Iass.

fl l\IARY SA,vYER, daughter of '"rho1nas and l\Iary (Pres­ cott) Sawyer, was born in Lancaster, ~lass., Feb. 1-t, 1653, and n1arricd J un1es lloughton, ,vho died in 1711.

See Houghton.

Reference: Houghton Genealogy, p. 91. SwAN-FA1lWEtt G:tN~tooY 185 SAYRE

Francis Sayre m. ~lizabeth Atkins I Thomas Sayre m. --- . I naniel Sayre m. Hannah Foster I Hannah Sayre m. Josiah Topping I Josiah Topping m. l\!ehitable --- . I Josiah Topping m. Susannah ltolco1nh I Cleopatra Topping m. Eli Youngs I . Susannah Y oung:5 m. Joseph S. Swan I John H. Swan m. l\1ary F. Winchester . I .Alden Smith. . .Swan . m.I ~fary Althea Farwell Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


I 1 TI-IO~IAS SA.YRE, son of Francis and Elizabeth ( .A.tkins) Sayre, '"·as baptized in Leigh ton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, England, July ~0, 159·7. His parents "·ere married there Nov. 15, 1591, and his father died there in 1645. - The old church "·here he was bap­ tized and in which his parents were married is still standing. The name of his wife is not known. He was of Lynn, l\fass., in 1638. and became one of the eight founders of Southampton, L. I., and for many years was a1nong those chosen to govern that town. His house in 189~ ,\·as still standing in Southampton and was said to have been the oldest dwelling in the State. He n1adc his will Sept. 6, 1669, and it ,vas proven July 10, 1670, in which he left his son Daniel besides land, one "great pewter platter."

2 DANIEL S ....\YRE, son of ThonHlS Sayre, ,vas born in Eng­ land and is first n1cntioncd in Sout.hrunplon in 1657. He n1arric-d there I-Jannah, daughter of Christopher l~oster. He n1ade his will Aug. QI, 1707, which was proven .April 13, 1708, in which he men- 186 tions his daughte:r Hannah, wife of Josiah 'topping. 1tis wife is ttot named, so she probably predeceased him. itis home lot was, in 189fl, owned by Charles Selden Halsey.

. . 8 HANNAH SA"\1l.E, daughter of llaniel and Hannah (Fos- ter) Sayre, married Josiah Topping, who died in 17fl6.

See 'topping.

lteferences: New York '''ills, tiber 1, p. 63; Liber 7, p. 480; Sayre Genealogy, pp. 10, 16, 20, 29, 30.


John Selys m. I · John Seclis m. liary Stedman I llichard Sealis m. l\:fargery I Hannah Sealis m. John \Vinchester I Josiah \Vinchester m. l\fary Lyon I Josiah ,vinchester m. Sarah Seaver [ Caleb ,,rinchester m. l\lary Knight I Caleb \Vinchester m. Anna Smith I Samuel Winchester m. Sally Farwell

l\fary F. Winchester m. John H. Swan

Alden Smith Swan m. l\Iary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. ,v alter Gibb


1 JOHN SELYS of Iliddcnden, County Kent, England, was probably the n1an who ,,.. as buried there ..Aug. 7, 1570, reference being n1ade to him as "14..,nther Sce]is, householder." SwAN-FAttw~tt G~N~toGY 187

I· JOttN SE~LlS, son of John Se1ys, was baptized in Alt Saints Church, l3iddendcn, England, Dec. 17, -1553, and was huti<'d there Feb. 10, 1609/10. lte tnarried April fl8, 1578, l\!ary, daughter of ttichard Stedman of Biddenden; baptized there Aug. 2, 1553, and she was probably the "widow· Seelis" who was buried iu that place l\1ay 6, 1614.

3 RICHARD SEALIS, son of John and l\!ary (Stedman) Seelis, "·as baptized in All Saints Church, l3iddendcn, England, Nov. 26, 1581, and married in that town, April 14, 1604, Phebe Chris­ feilde, who was buried at l3iddenden, Aug. 10, 1612. lte married second, in l3iddenden, l\Iay 4, 1613, l\Iargery Lea, "·ho was- probably the ~fargery Ashenden who tnarried at l3iddenden, Nov. 27, 1610, Thomas Lea, ,vho was buried there Sept. 9, 1612. Her date of death is not kno·wn. Richard Sealis '"'ent to New· England and married third at Scituate, ~!ass., Dec. 15, 1637, widow Eglin Han­ ford, sister of Timothy tlatherly, joining the church there nee. ~4, 1637, and became its first elected neacon under Reverend Lothrop. He died in Scituate in 1656, as his inventory is dated l\1arch 26 · of that year. ·

4 HANNAH SEALIS, daughter of Richard and l\1argery Sealis, was baptized in All Saints Church, Biddenden, England, Jan. 8, 1614/5, and died Sept. 18, 1697, as the wife of John "rinchester, whom she married in Scituate, l\Iass., Oct. 15, 1638.

See \\Tinchester.

References : New England Register, Vol. 5, p. 335; ,r ol. 65, pp. 319, 320, 321, 322; ,r ol. 70, p. 349; ,vinchester Notes. 188 SwAN-F'AllW!;tt G:tNEALOGY

SEAVEtt 1tohert Seaver m. Elizabeth Ballard l Caleb Seaver tn. Sarah lngoldsby

J Sarah Seaver m. Josiah ,vinchester I Caleb \Vinchester m. l\tary }{night I Caleb " 7inchester m. Anna Smith I Samuel Winchester m. Sally Farwell I 1\1:ary F. \Vin chester · m. John It. Swan I Alden Smith Swan m. l\iary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. lValter Gibb


1 ROBERT SE.A.v"'ER was born in England in 1609. On the 24th of ~larch, 1633/4, at the age of 25 years, he took the oath of supremacy and allegiance to pass for New England in the ship Mary and John of London. He reached Roxbury, ~Jass., before June, 1634, and on the 10th of December of that year he married ·Elizabeth Ballard, . who came over in 1633 •and soon joined the church at Roxbury, and_ the church records state that she "led a Godly conversation." He was chosen one of the SE:lectmen of Roxbury, Jan. 15, 1665, and he died there l\fay IS, 1683, aged 74 years, and she died June 6, 1657.

2 CALEB SE. ..1-\. l,.ER, son of Robert and Elizabeth (Ballard) Seaver, was born in Roxbury, l:fass., ..Aug. SO, 1641, and died there l\,farch 6, 1713. He n1arried there Dec. 15, 1671, Sarah Ingoldsby, who died Jan. 31, 1708.

3 S.ARAH SE ....\ ,:ER, daughter of Caleb and Sarah (In­ goldsby) Seaver, was born in Roxbury, l\Iass., .,Aug. 1, 1686, and 1narricd there ~larch fZ5, 1707, Josiah ,,:rinchcster. She married second, Oct. 1~, 17~5/6, Ilenja1nin Viall of Bristol County. See ,vinchester. SwAN-F An~tt G~NEAtooY 189

1teferences : Seaver Genealogy, pp. 2, 4 ; Savage; New ~ngland Register, \'ol. 26, pp. 303, 304, 305.

SltEllWOOlJ 'l'homas Sherwood m. Mary Fitch I lluth Sherwood m. Joshua Holcomb I Joshua ltolcomb m. l\!ary Hoskins l David Holcomb m. Sarah Slater

Susannah Holcomb 111. Josiah Topping I Cleopatra Topping m. Eli Youngs

Susannah Youngs m. Joseph S. Swan

John H. Swan m. l\iary F. Winchester

Alden Smith Swan Ill. lfary Althea Farwell

Florence Al the a Swan m. ,v alter Gibb


1 THOl\I.A.S · SHER,VOOD ,vas born in England 1586 and landed at Boston, ~lass., in April, 1684, sailing fron1 Ipswich, Eng­ land, in the ship Frances, with wife Alice and four children. The following year he located in '\Vethersfield, Ct., but in 1648 had set­ tled at Fairfield, Ct., where he made his will and died in 1655. l\Then and ,,here his wife ....~lice, daughter of Robert Seabrook, died, is not known, but he married second after taking up his residence in Fairfield, l\Iary, the daughter of 'Thomas Fitch. Thomas Sherwood "·as Deputy f ro1n Fairfield, Ct., 1658-4.

2 RUTH SI-IER\,TOOD, daughter of Thomas and l\Iary (Fitch) Sherwood, was born about 1645 and 1nar1'ied June 4, 1663, Joshua I-Iolcomb, who died in Si1nsbury, Ct., Dec. 1, 1690. See IIolco1nb. llcfcrcnccs: l\Iead's Greenwich, Ct., p. 6,tS; I-Iistory of ,,r cthers­ fidd, Ct., ,~ ol. Q, p. 6f!5; History of Stratford, Ct., p. lfi91. 190 SWAN-F'ARWruJ:.. G~tOGY

Sl\ftTit Thomas Sn1ith m. l'.tary Knap I Jonathan Smith m. Jane Peabody I Nathaniel Smith m. tydia Church J Anna Smith m. Caleb ,,rinchester I San1uel Winchester m. Sally Farwell I l\!ary F. Winchester m. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Sw·an m. }!ary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. ,v alter Gibb

Sl\'11TH 1 TH0:\1.AS Sl\1ITH w·as born in England about 1600 and died in Watcrto"'·n, l\Iass .. , l\Iarch 10, 1692/3!. He n1arried ~Iary Knap, daughter of lVilliam l(nap, of that place. 2 JONATH.A.N Sl1ITH, son of Thomas and l\lary (Knap) Smith, was born in ,v atertown, l\fass., in 1659, and his estate was administered there Aug. 18, i724. He served in the Indian ,var of 1696. On )larch 16, 168f!/3, he married Jane Peabody, ·whose ancestry is not known. 3 NATH.A.NIEL Sl\1ITIJ, son of· Jonathan and Jane (Pea­ body) Smith, was born in ,vatertown, l\1ass., Nov. ·15, 1701, and died in l\Iarlborough, l\larch 20, 1782. He n1arried in Lexington, Feb. 5, 17fl2/3, Lydia Church, the marriage records stating that they were both of ,,r atertown. · 4 ANNA SllITH, daughter of Nathaniel and Lydia (Church) Smith, was born in i\Iarlborough, ~lass., Oct. 16, 1744, and died there l1ay 14, 18f!3; she also rnarricd there, Sept. 1, 1761, Caleb \Vin chester. · See ,vinchcster. References: Bond's ,v atertown, pp. 433, 437; Savage; ~Iarl­ borough V'ital ll.ecords; J.,exington v·ital llecords; l\larlborough Inscriptions, p. 55; Colonial ,vars, 1899-1902. BIRTHPLACE OF .ALDF.X S:\UTH S1,.\X (Stephentown, X. Y.) (Page 9)

Dt~'l'llICT Scuoor. (Close by abt.we house)



Nehemiah Smith m. Ann l3ourne I Nehemiah Smith m. tydia Winchester I Nehemiah Smith m. norothy Wheeler I Nathan Smith n1. liary nenison I EHzabeth Stnith m. Joseph Swan I Joseph Swan m. neborah Alderman I Joseph S. Swan m. Susannah Youngs I John H. Swan m. l\iary F. \Vinchester ·I Alden Smith Swan m. l\lary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan n1. "r alter Gibb


1 NEHEl\IIAH Sl\IITH ,vas born in England about. l H05 and died in Norwich, Ct., 1686. On Jan. ~1, 1639/40, he n1arrit:>d at l\farshfield, l\1ass., Ann, daughter of Thomas and Eliz:lbl'th Bourne. The compiler of the Descendants of Rev. Nehen1iah Sn1ith believes her name ws.s Sarah Ann, as she is sometimes listed hv. the name of Sarah, and in other rl1 cords by the name of Ann. He removed to New Haven, Ct., "·here his wife is reconit·d as "Sarah," and he resided on Long Island fer at least a year or two in the early 1650's, according to his statcn1ent 1nade at Xorwich, Ct., in 1679, when he, aged about 74, and Ann, his' ""ife, aged :1bout 64, testified in relation to an atten1pt to break his brother"s will. 'l"'he Town Records of X ew London, Ct., on .. ~9, 1 H5Q, state that he can1c from J-'ong Island ,vhcn they granted hi1n E'ight acres of upland, the location of which is now within the city li1nits of tl1at place. 19i

Norwich, Ct., was purchased of the tndian Chief tJncas and his sons in June, 1659, and Nehemiah Smith became one of the original proprietors, and his home lot was laid out in N ovemher, 1659, with . added acreage in 1663. His house stood just north of the burying ground known as Post and Gager cemetery. On June 1!, 1684, he and his wifc Ann made over thetr homestead and other property to their son-in-law, Joshua Abell, stipulated maintenance for life, as they were infirm from age. She ,vas born about 1615 and died after 1684, and they are both buried in the above mentioned cen1e­ tery. He served in King Philip's War of 1675/6.

2 NEHEl\:1IAH Sl\fITH, son of Nehemiah and Arin (lJourne) Sn1ith, l\·as born in Ne,v Haven, Ct., 1646, and baptized in the First Church there by llev. John Davenport, Oct. fl4, 1646. On Oct. 24, 1669, he married Lydia, daughter· of Alexander J.Vinchester of Rehoboth, ~1ass. They both became members of the First Church in New London, Ct. She died Oct. fl4, 17~3, in her 78th year, and he died Aug. 8, 1727, and they were buried in the First graveyard at Poquonoc, Groton, Ct., but in 1888 their remains were removed to Smith Lake Cemeterv., . In 1690 and other years he was Deputy from New London. In 1694 he is alluded to in the records as Sergeant. He was Ensign of the Train Band at New London in l\lay, 1697. On l\1ay 1~, 1698, be was appointed Justice of New London County.. In 1706 he became a Lieutenant. In I 703 he was a member of the Gov­ ernor's Council. 1715 he with Justice Prentiss, was appointed over­ seer of the Indians at Niantic. He was second town clerk of Groton, 1707 to 1718.

3 ~EHEl\IIAH Sl\IITH, son of Nehemiah and Lydia (''Tin­ chester) Sn1ith born Nov. 14, 1673, and married April ~~, 1696, Dorothy, daughter of I~aac and l\lartha (Park) ,,;heeler, and soon after they both joined the First Church at New London, Ct. He was one of the Selectmen in 171~, 1713 and 1714. He was born and alwavs resided on the hon1estead fann near Smith ~ . Lake, Poquonoc, Groton, Ct. I-le died ~ ov. 21, 17'£4, and his wife died l\Iay ~5, 17'36 ( as the wife of San1uel Fish), and they were buried near his parents and rcmoYcd with the1n in 1888 to the Srr1ith I~ake Ce1netcry.

4 N.A'TH ...\X S:\II'TH, son of Nehemiah and Dorothy ('\"heeler) Sn1ith, was born Sept. 16, 1702, at the Smith hon1c­ stcnd. I-le l\~as n1arried hy Rev. Ebenezer Rossiter oi the First Church at Stonington, Ct., to l\Iary Denison, on Dec. 5, 1723.. About SwAN-FAttWEtt GENEAtooY 193 the time of the ltevolutionary War the old home was hurned and all papers appertaining to the family were lost in the fire. lte soon rebuilt over t.he same cellar and in 1889 the house was still standing on the east side of the road near Smith take Cemetery, in which they are both buried. . lte held various public offices and died Dec. 4, 1784. She died Feb. 20, 1793.

5 EL1ZABE1'lt Sl\111'lt, daughter of Nathan and l\tary {nenison) Sn1ith, was born in the old hon1estead, l\1ay 2, 173·6, and married Oct. 17, 1756, Joseph Swan of Stonington, Ct. She died 1\iiay 10, 1761.

See Swan.

Ref~rences : Descendants of Rev. Nehemiah Smith; Colonial Wars, 1922; Savage; Stonington, Ct., Vital Records ..


Edward Sprague m. Christiana --- r Ralph Sprague m. Joan Corbin I John Sprague n1. Lydia Goffe I Phineas Sprague m. Elizabeth Green

liary Sprague m. Joseph Lynde I Joseph Lynde m. l\fary Sprague I Hannah Lynde m. An10s Howard I Phebe IIoward m. Elias Emerson

Polly Emerson m. Jan1es Farwell

James E. ·Farwell m. Delia Blanchard

Mary Althea Farwell m. ...\Iden Sn1ith Swan

Florence Althea Swan in. \Valter Gibb 194 • Sl>R ....\G VE-Continued Edward Sprague m. Christiana --- 1 Ralph Sprague tn. Joan Corbin I San1uel Sprague n1. llebecca Crawford I Samuel Sprague n1. Sarah Green . f }!ary Sprague m. Joseph Lynde . I ltannah Lynde m. Amos Howard I . Phebe Howard m. Elias Emerson I Polly Emerson m. James Farwell I James E. Farwell m. lJelia Blanchard I Jt:lary Althea Farwell m. Alden Sn1ith Swan I . Florence Althea Swan m. ,v alter Gibb

Edward Sprague m. Christiana I William Sprague m. l\filicent Eames I Joanna Sprague m. Caleb Church I Isaac Church m. l\Iary Hutchins I Lydia Church m. Nathaniel Smith I Anna Smith m. Caleb '\"\1inchester I Samuel ,vinchester m. Sally Farwell I 1\farv.. F. ,v·inchestcr n1. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Swan m. l\Iary Althea Farwell

Florence .Althea Swan 1n. ,\-ralter Gibb SwAN-FAttwi;tt G:tNutooY 195


1 ~lJ"rAllD Sl>lt.AGtJ~ was of lJorsetshire, ~ngland, where his will was proven Oct. 13, 1614, in which he requests his son ltalph to promise that his n1other Christiana shall enjoy the prop­ erty until he is t,\·enty-one years of age. Christiana became the wife of John Corbin of tJp,vay. 2 ltALl>lt SPR.A.GU:B, son of ~dward and Cln·istiana Sprague, was born in Upway, Dorset County, England, and 1nar­ ried Joan, daughter of John Corbin, in Fordington, St~ George's Church, Dorchester, Dorset County, England, Aug. 15, 1623. They were in Salem, :\!ass., in 1628, and with several others they j our­ neyed twelve miles to a hill on· the north side of the Charles RiYer, which settlement was made in 1628 and called Charlestown, no,v in the Citv., of :Boston. At the General Court in 1631 he was n1ade · Constable and becan1e Sergeant, Ensign and Lieutenant of liilitia, and in 1634 he was one of the Selectn1en and served the to·wn as its llepresentatiYe in· 1635, 1636, 1638, 1644 and 1645, and in 1639 w·as a n1en1ber of the .A.ncient and Honora.ble Artillery of Boston. He died in :\Ialden, liass., in November, 1650. In 1662 his wife married Deacon Edward Converse of Woburn and died Feb. ~4, 1680.

~ WILLI... .\:\! SPRAGUE, son of Edward and Christiana Sprague of Upway ~ County Dorset, England, and brother of Ralph · Sprague, was born in England in 1609 and died in Hingham, )lass., Oct. Q6, 1675. He married in Charlesto,vn, l\lass., in 1635, i\Ie]icent Eames, who was admitted to the church there during that year. In 1636 he and his father-in-la,\·~ .Anthony Eames, re1noved to Hing­ ham, and purchased many parcels of land, and in 1645 he was one of the Selectmen of that place, and in 1662 its Constable and Col­ lector of Taxes. He died there Oct. 26, 1675, and she died Feb. 8, J 1695/6. 3 JOH~ SPRAGUE, son of Ralph and Joan (Corbin) Sprague, was born in England in 16~4 and died in Jialdcn, ~lass., June Q4, 169~. He represented that town in the General Court fron1 1689 to 1691, and was one of its Selechncn for many years. He was a n1en1bcr of the militia of )Ial den, adYancing f ro1n I..:n:--if.,rn to (~aptain under Captain \Villard in l{ing Philip's ,var of 167:"5 /6. In 165Q he purchased from his brothers and sisters the Ell Pond Farn1 and he owned 1nany parcels of real estate, among the111 b()ing four acres near the top of Bunker Hill. He 1narried in ::\Inldc-n, 196 SwAN-FABWEtt GENlW:.OoY

1\iay flt 1651, tydia Goffe, born in England, who died Dec. 11, 1705, in l\ialden.

8 SA~ttJEt SPllAGtJE, son of llalph and Joan (Corbin) Sprague, was born in Charlestown, l\1ass., June 3, 1632, and n1ar­ ried in l3oston, Aug. fl3, 1655, Jlebecca Crawford, "·hose ancestry is not known. lte died in ~ialden, Oct. 3, 1696, and was Secretary of the General Court from 1682 to 1685; Lieutenant of l\1ilitia at l\ialden in 1685 and Oeputy from ~Ialden from 1681 to 1686 and from 1688 to 1693, and was also Town Clerk in 1685.

3 JOANN... .\ SPRAGtJE, daughter of Willian1 and l!elicent (Eames) Sprague, was born in Hinghan1, ~!ass., Dec. 15, 16-14, and died July 11, 1678, as the wife of Caleb Church, whom she married Dec. 16, 1667. See Church.

4 PHINEAS SPRAGUE, son of Captain John and Lydia (Goffe) Sprague, was born in l\Ialden, l\lass., December, 1665/6, and died Aug. 29, 1736. He married in 1700, Elizabeth Green, born Feb. 3, 1673, who died in 1747. On the death of his father in 1692 he inherited the homestead on the original Ell Pond, which his grandfather had purchased fron1 the Indians in 1639. Thi~ ho1ne­ stead is now located in l\Ielrose, near the junction of Florence, Vin­ ton and l\faple Streets. He was Ensign of the l\1ilitary Company in l\Ialden in 1689 and representative of the to\\·n to the General · Court in 1690 and 1691.

4 SAl\fUEL SPRAGUE, son of Lieutenant Samuel and Re­ becca ( Craw-ford) Sprague, was born in l\Ialden, ~Iass., l\Iay, 166~, and died there Dec. 27, 1739. He married Sarah Green, born in l\Ialden, January 14,, 1676/7, and "·ho died there Feb. 2, 1743/4. He was one of the Selectmen of that place in 1699, 170~ to 1712, 1713, 1716, 1717, 1721, 1724.

5 l\I.A.RY SPR.1\GUE, daughter of Phineas and Elizabeth (Green) Sprague, ·was born in l\f alden, l\Iass., Oct. 15, 1693, and died there July ~, 1781, as the widow of Joseph Lynde, whom she married Oct. 21, 1714. See Lynde.

5 1\IARY SPRAGUE, daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Green) Sprague, was born in l\laldcn, l\Iass., in Dcccn1bcr, 1719, and died. SwAN-FAttWEtt GEN:tAtOGY 197 on l\farch 17, 1788, as the wi£e of j oseph lynde, born J u1y 4, 1716 ; died July 4, 1_798, whom she tnat·ried July 4, 1740.

See Lynde.

lleferences : Sprague Gene a] ogy; New ~ngland Register, v· ol. 9, l>· 313; History of Charlestown, l!ass., p. 438; Vital llecords of lialden, 1\iass., Reg. 68, p. 147; Church, p. 34.

,villiam Spencer m. Agnes --- 1 ~arah Spencer m. John Case I Mary Case m. William Alderman I John Alderman m. Sarah Case

Elijah Alderman m. Deborah --­

Deborah Alderman m. Joseph S. Swan I John H. Swan m. l\lary F. ,vinchester I Alden Smith Swan m. l\1ary Althea Farwell ·

Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 WILLIA:\! SPENCER :was of Cambridge, l\fass., in 1631, and represented that to,vn in the General Court of l\1assachusetts Bay from 1634 to 1638. He "~as Lieutenant of a Cambridge Coin­ pany, then known as Newtown, in 1636, and a charter men1ber of the Ancient and Honorable Artillerv., of Boston in 1636/7. In 1639 he ren1ovcd to Hartford, Ct., v."hich place he representt·d in the Assembly that year.· flis home there was ,vh~re the Union Stn­ tion now stands. I-Iis v.·ill was dated l\Iarch 4, 1640, and proven liay 4 of the san1e year. He 1narried Agnes, maiden na1ne not known, who becan1e at his death the wife of \Vm. Edwards. In his will he· calls John Pratt his brother, and she 1nay have been a Pratt. 198 SwAN-FAnw~tt GENUtooY

·2 SA1tAlt St>~NCElt, daughter of \Villiatn and Agnes Spencer, was horn in Catnbt·idge, l\iass., -1636, and died in Hart­ ford, Ct., Nov. 3, 1691, as the wife of John Case.

See Case.

lleferences: l\femorial History of Hartford County, ,r ol. 1, pp. i59, 260; Paige's Can1bridge, l\Iass., p. 6.59.


John Stanton m. Elizabeth To,vnsend I Thomas Stanton m. --- 1 Tho1nas Stanton m. Katherine W ashingt~n I Tho1nas Stanton m. Anne Lord I Robert Stanton m. Joanna Gardner I l\Iary Stanton m. John B. Denison I ,,rilliam Denison Ill. l\lary A very I Lucy Denison 1n. John Sw·an I Joseph Swan 1n. Elizabeth Smith I Joseph S,van m. Deborah .A.lderman I Joseph S. Swan m. Susannah Youngs I John H. Sw·an m. l\Iarv.. F. lVinchester I Alden Smith Swan m. l\Iarv., Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. "r alter Gibb.


1 JOHN. S'.rANTON of I...ongbridge, County ,,rarwick, Eng­ land, n1arried Elizabeth To,vnscnd. 199

2 . '111101\iAS S1'AN'110N, son of John and Elizabeth ('town• send) Stanton, was of Wooh"erton, County Warwick, England.

8 'rltOl!AS STANTON, son of '11hotnas Stanton, ~·as born in England and tnarried Katherine, daughter of ,valter and Alice (1\1:orden) Washington, and resided in County ,,rar,vick.

4 TltO:\!.A.S STANTOX, son of Thomas and Katherine (Washington) Stanton, ,~as born in W olYerton, England, and was in early manhood, it1 England, educated for a cadet, but not liking the profession of arn1s and taking a deep interest in the religious principles of the emigrating Puritans, he left his native land in 1635 for the ne,V" ,vorld, and after staying a _short time in Boston and being recognized by \Vinthrop and his associates as a Yaluable man, he was selected bv., the .Boston authori- ties to accompany Fen":rick and Peters as interpreter on a tnission to Saybrook, Ct., to hold a conference with the Pequot lndians, after which he took up his resjdence in Hartford, locating there about 1637, and he became the Indian Interpreter to the General Court of Connecticut in all controversies between the whites and the Indians .. It "·as while thus employed, in an interview ,,ith Xini­ gret, in the Narragansett country, that he beca1ne acquainted with the Pawcatuck ,ralley, and he beca1ne the first ,\·hite man to join ,villiam Chesebrough in the new settlen1ent, and he asked the liberty to erect a trading house in that place in 1651, but he did not remove his familv.., there until 1657• After the articles of confederation between the New England colonies had been established in 1643, he was selected as Interpreter General, and in this capacity he acted especially between the 1nin­ isters employed by the Commissioners of the United Colonies, acting as agents of the London l\iissionary Society, and the Indians to whon1 they preached. He also aided Rev. Abraha1n Pierson in the translation of his catechism into the Indian tongue, certifying to the san1e in his official capacity. After locating in Stonington he becan1e very pron1inent and wtis elected to ahnost every position in public trust in the ne,, settlement. In 1658, when Pa,,·catuck was included in the town of Southertown~ under the jurisdiction of :\Ias3achusetts, he was ap:pointcd Selectman and magistrate. After Pawcatuck was set off to Connecticut Colony in 166fl he ·was appointed tnagistrate and connnissioner and reap­ pointed every year up to the time of his death. Ile was elected Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut in 1666 and every y~ar thercafter up to 1675. In 1670, Uncas, the l\Iohogan sacl1cn1, went from l\Iohcgan to 200 SwAN-FAnWEtt G~Y l>awcatuck for 'rhomas Stanton· to write his will, taking with him a train of his noblest warriors to witness the same, giving to the occasi"on all the pomp and pageantry of savage royalty. · 1n ·1637 he n1arried Anne, daughter of 'rhomas and Oorothy Lord, and he died nee. 2, 1677, aged 68 years, and she survived him about eleven years, dying at the home of her daughter, l\.trs. norothy Noyes, in Stonington, Ct.

5 ROBERT STANTON, son of Thomas and Anne (Lord) Stanton, was born in 1653 and lived at Pawcatuck, Stonington, Ct., where he died Oct. 24, 17!4. lte tnarried Sept. _12, 1677, Joanna, daughter of Thomas and Lucy (Smith) Gardner of Rox­ bury, l\!ass. Ile ··was a soldier in King Philip's ,,rar of 1675/6. · ln the last year of the war he, under Capt. George Denison and others, were pursuing the remnant of King Philip's army, a por­ tion of whom were under the co1nn1and of Canonchet, the last of the !loyal Narragansett Sachems, who were encamped on the banks of the Pawcatuck RiYer, in Rhode Island, when Denison and his men at.tacked them suddenly. l\fost of them fled, leaving the Sachem· alone, and as soon as he realized his plight he sought safety in flight, and when he saw his pursuers gaining on him he threw off his blanket, then his silver-laced coat and belt of peage, and ran with all possible speed, but as he crossed the river he fell and wet his gun and was soon overtaken by Robert Stanton, then not ~5 years of age, but he would not recognize his authority nor reply to his questions, because of his youth, but ·when the officers in charge can1e up he still refused to answer or to sign a treaty of peace, and when he was told that he w·ould be shot if he did not, he replied, "he liked it well and should die before his heart had grown soft or he had said anything unworthy of himself," and so he was shot near Anguilla, in Stonington. ·

6 llARY ST... .\NTON, daugl1ter of Robert and Joanna (Gard­ ner) Stanton, was born Feb. 3, 1687, and married in 1703, Daniel, son of John B. Denison. She died Sept. fl, 1724, and he died Oct. 13, 1747.

See Denison.

References: History of Stonington, Ct., pp. 577, 578, 59Q; N c,v England Register, \To}. 48, pp. 41Q-4.~0. SwAN-FAnwEtt G~NEALooY 201


lsaac Stearns tn. ~!ary --- f Mary Stearns m. lsaac 1.earned t Hannah 1.earned m •. Joseph Farwell t Joseph Farwell m. ltannah Colburn . I J ~seph Farwell tn. l\{ary Gilson I Jonathan Farwell tn. Eunice Hazen I Joseph Farwell n1. l\i!olly Haskell I James Farwell m. Polly Emerson I James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard 1 Mary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb iOi SWAN-FARWELL G~UtoGY

S't~AitNS-Continued lsaac Stearns tn. l\tary '~ .. ·· t l\iary Ste~rns tn. lsaac Learned I Hannah Learned m. Joseph Farwell

Joseph Farwell m. Hannah Colburn I Joseph Farwell m. l\!ary Gilson I Jonathan Farwell m. Euuice Hazen

· Joseph Farwell m. l\1olly Haskell I Sally Farwell m. Samuel Winchester I liary F. ,vinchcster m. John 11. Swan I Alden .Smith Swan m. l\fary Althea Farwell · I Florence Althea Swan m. \Valter Gibb


1 IS •.\..\C STEARNS, ,vith wife l\Iary '-(inaiden name un­ known) and a fa.n1ily can1c to New· England in 1630 and settled at iit.• \uburn, near ,v atertown, l\fass.~ where he was a Selectman for 1659, 1670, 1671, and died there June 19, 1671. His wife died there ,.\pril ~, 1677.

2 ~I• .\RY STE• .\RXS, daughter of Isaac and l\fary Stearns, \\"as .. baptized at Nayland, England, Jan. 6, 1626/7, and married in ,,r-oburn, ::\lass., July 9, 1646, Isaac Learned.

See Learned.

Reference: Bond's \Vatertown, p. 453. . ~----- r----!..

.-r-:::r-. ;- ,r- i;--- \

l' --.

-- . - ...: . -




John Stevens tit. Elizabeth Parker I Elizabeth Stevens ru. Joshua \Voodman I norothy ,v oodman m. Hooker Osgood I Joshua Osgood m. lluth Divoll I lluth Osgood m. Phineas Houghton

Anna Houghton m. Solomon Corliss I Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus.. Blancha1·d I nelia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I ~fary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. \Valter Gibb


1 JOI-IX STEV.ENS is named as one of the earliest settlers of ....\.ndoYer, l\lass., and was known as Sergeant John Stevens, although he later became _I.... icute:nant. He ,1tas born in England in 1606 and died in Andover, April 11, 166fl, in his 57th year. Of all the gravestones erected to the early settlers of the place, in 1880, his was the only one in e~istence on ,vhich "l\Ir." was in­ scribed. The stone is quaintly carved and ornamented. He was ·Sergeant of l\Iilitia in 1658, 1659, 1661. He married Elizabeth Parker, who died in Andover, l\Iay 1, 1694, aged 81 years, but ·whose ancestry has not been found.

fl EI.AIZAB1~1..,H STEVENS, daughter of John and Elizabeth Stevens, n1arriccl in .Andover, l\Iass., Jan. 23, 1666, Joshua ,v ood­ n1an, and died in 1714.

See ,,r oodn1an . • References: ,,r oodn1an Genealogy, p. 7; History of Ando Yer~ liass., pp. 11, 23, 167. 204 SW.AN-FAllW:ttt G:tN:t.ALOGY STE·VENS William Stevens ·tn. Elizabeth l3idfield . I John Stevens m. 1\-!ary Chase ' J John Stevens ,m. :Mary Bartlett

J Abigail Stevens tn. John •:tme1·son I Peter Emerson m. Mary Stanton I 1\1:iriam Emerson m. Joseph Corliss I Solomon Corliss m.I Anna Houghton. Delia Corliss m Sylvanus Blanchard J netia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell l l\iiary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb

William Ste,,.ens m. Elizabeth Bidfield I John Stevens 1n. l\1ary Chase I l · John Stevens m. l\:fary Bartlett I Abigail Stevens m. John Emerson I l\iary Emerson m. Joseph Corliss I Joseph Corliss m. l\Iiriam Emerson I Solomon Corliss m. Anna Houghton I Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I l\Iarv., Althea Far·well m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Sw·an m. ,v alter Gibb SwAN-P.Alt~tt G£~ALOGY 205 STEVENS

.1 Wltt1Ali S't~\~NS was of Newbury, Mass., when on - May 19, 1645, he married ~lizabeth Bidfield. lte died there l\tay 19, 165S. 2 JOHN S'tEVENS, son of ,villiam and Elizabeth ( Bidfield) Stevens, was born in Newbury, l\1ass., in 1650, and his will was proved there in April, 1725. lie married liarch 9, 1669/70, ~fary Chase~ who was born Feb. 3, 1650. 3 JOit~ STEVENS, son of John and l\1ary (Chase) S_tevens, was born about 1673 and married in ltaverhill, l\1ass., l\iay 30, l 700, l\fa-ry Bartlett, born April 17, 1682. 4 ABIG.A.IL STE\TENS, daughter of John and l·fary (Bart­ lett) Stevens, was born in Haverhill, l\!ass., July 4, 1701, and mar­ ried there NoY. 8, 17~2, John Emerson, son of Jonathan En1erson and his wife ltannah Day. See Emerson. References: Old Families of Salisbury, l\1ass., pp. 324, 3~5; History of N ew·bury, l\Iass., p. 318; Savage; Vital Records of Haverhill, l\lass.


Seth Sweetzer m. --- 1 l\Iary Sweetzer m. Samuel Blanchard I Joshua Blanchard ·m. ~{ehitable --- 1 Samuel Blanchard m. Sarah Pratt

Sylvanus Blanchard m. Sarah Grover I Sv., h·anus Blanchard n1 . Delia Corliss I Delia B Ian chard m. James E. Fa1·well I 1\-Iary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. lValter Gibb 206 SwAN-FARWEtt GrumALOoY


1 S~Tit SWEE'l'ZER was 31 years of age in 1637 and was from Tring, ltertfordshire, Eugland, thirty miles from London. With son l3enjamin he joined the church at Charlestown, l!ass., in January, 1639, and his wife Bethia, 1naiden name not known, joined in September of the same year. She died before April, 1661, for on that date he married second at Cambridge, ~lizabeth Oakes. He died l\iay 21, 166~, aged 56 years.

2 · l\1AllY S"7EETZER, daughter of Seth Sweetzer, married in Charlestown, ~lass., 3rd of 11th month, 1654/5, Samuel, son of

Thomas. Blanchard. The records state that she was 28 .vears of age in 1665, so she was probably the daughter of Seth Sweetzer's first wife, who probably died in England. She died Feb. 20, _1669. See Blanchard. References: ,,1yman's llistory of Charlestown, l\!ass., pp. 91, 9il; Savage.


John Thon1pson m. Alice --- 1 Dorothy Thompson m. Thomas Park I , 1\-Iartha Park m. Isaac 'Wheeler I Dorothy \Vheeler m. Nehemiah Smith I Nathan Smith m. l\iary Denison I Elizabeth Smith m. Joseph Swan I Joseph Swan m. Deborah · Alderman I Joseph S. Swan m. Susannah Youngs I John H. Swan m. }Iary F. '\Vinchester I Alden Smith Swan m. l\Iary Althea Farwell Florence Althea. Swan m.' '\\1 alter Gibb SwAN-Fa~tt G~N~tooY 207


1 JOHN '.tltOl\tPSON in 1626 was living at Little Preston, in the Parish of Preston Capes, Northamptonshire, England, with wife Alice and fatnily. lte made his will Nov. 6, 16~6, which was proven April 11, 1627. She came to New Bngland with her chil­ dren before 1640 and was a resident of Roxbury, l\!ass., and n1ar­ ried second Robert Park. She died before 1660.

2 noROT1IY 'tlIO~tPSON, daughter of John and Alice Thompson, was born in England, July 5, 16~4, and married Thomas, son of Robert Park, her step-father. -

See Park.

References: llistory of Stonington, Ct., pp. 527, 528, 619.


George Thompson m. Sarah I Sarah Thompson m. John Upton

John Upton m. Tabitha I Phebe Upton m. Joseph Emerson I Elias Emerson m. Phebe Howard l Polly Emerson .m. James Farwell I James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard I l\Iary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence ....\.lthea Swan. 111 • Walter Gibb


GEORGE TI-IO~IPSON was early of I ... ynn, :\lass., with wife Sarah, n1aiden nainc not known. He ren1ovcd to Reading, iviass., where he n1ade his will in 1669, and died there in 1674. 208 SwAN-FAttwut G£Nl:ALOGY ·

i SARAH THOMPSON, daughter of George and Sarah Thompson, was born Oct. 25, 1659, and died in neading, ~tass., Oct. 12, 1719, as the wife of John trpton, whom she married Dec. ~4, 1680. See Upton.

llefercnces: tJpton Genealogy, p. 26; Savage; History of llead­ ing, ~!ass., p. 22.

Walter Tibbets m. --- 1 1\iary Tibbets m. ,vnliam Haskell I William Haskell m. l\1ary Brown I Jacob Haskell m. Abigail 11arcy I Abner Haskell rn. ~Iartha \Vard I 1\1 olly Haskell rn. J oscph Farwell .I James Farwell rn. Polly Emerson I James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard I l\fary Althea Farwell m. Alden Sn1ith Swan I Florence Althea S,van m. Walter Gibb 209

'1'113l3~TS-Con.tin.ued Walter Tibhets nt --- 1 Mary Tibbets tn. ,villiam itaskell I _William Haskell m. 1\-tary l3 rown I Jacob · Haskell m. Abigail ~!arcy I Abner Haskell m. l\!artha ,v ard t Molly Haskell m. Joseph Farwell

Sally Farwell m. Samuel \Vinchester I l\f ary F. Winchester m. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Sw·an m. 1\1:ary .l\.lthea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1. WALTER TIBBETS ·was born in England in 1584 and admitted freeman of Gloucester, lfass., l\Iay 19, 164fl, and served as one of the Selectmen there during that ~year and 1643, 1644 and 1645, and died there Aug. 14, 1651. In his will,... dated 5 of 4 month, 1651, he made his ,vife executrix, but did not name her, but she married the following year John Harding. He also mentioned among other children his daughter l\iary, the wife of '\Villi am Has­ kell, and left her fifteen pounds and gave her husband his clock.

fl l\fARY TIBBETS, daughter of ,,ralter Tibbets, married in Gloucester, !\Tass., Nov. 16, 1643, ,villia1n Haskell, sr., and died there, Aug. 16, 1693.

See Haskell.

Refcrcnccs: Records of the Quarterly Court of Essex County, l\Iass., Vol. 1, p. ~47; History of Gloucester, Jlnss., p. -173; IIas­ kell Genealogy, p. 136; New· England Register, Vol. 3, p. 189. 210


Thomas 'topping m. Emma --- 1 Martha Topping m James lterrick I William Herrick m. l!ehitable --- 1 1\f lterrick m. Josiah 'topping I Josiah Topping m. Susannah Holcomb

Cleopatra Topping n1. Eli Youngs I Susannah Youngs m. Joseph S. Swan I John H. Swan m. l\iary F. ,vinchester I . Alden Sn1ith Swan m. l\fary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb

Thomas Topping m. Em1na --- 1 John. Topping m.I Deborah --- Josiah Topping n1. Hannah Sayre .I Josiah Topping m. 1\:Iehitable Herrick I Josiah Topping m. Susannah Holcomb I Cleopatra Topping m. Eli Youngs I Susannah Youngs m. Joseph S. Swan I John H. Swan m. l\fary F. Winchester I Alden Sn1ith Swan m. ~fary Althea Farwell I Florence .r\1thea Swan m. ,v altcr Gibb 211


1 '1'110:\lA.S TOPP1NG, first of his name in Southan1pton, L. 1., was of :\!ilford, Ct., in 1639, which place he represented that year, and joined the church there in 1640 with wife ~mma, maiden name not known. He married second, Oct. 20, 1666, in :\Iilford, l\iary l\!ephan1, the widow of Tin1othy l3aldwin, and before 1676 he married third, :tydia, wido,v of John \Vilford, and removed to Bran­ ford, Ct., where he died before 1688, as during that year his widow transacted business with his son~ and died in November, 1694. In 1686, while in Branford, Ct., he gaYe part of his lands in Southan1p­ ton to h~s sons, Elnathan and James. He gave his home there to his eldest son Thon1as, w·ho died in 1682, and in 1683 he confi1·n1ed the gift to his grandson 1,hon1as, son of Thomas. He was )Iagistrate of Southampton for 1650-1656, 1660, 1661, 1662, 1664, and in the records of that place is styled Captain.

2 l1ARTH... .\ TOPPING, daughter of 1'homas and Emma Top­ ping, married in Southampton, L. I., Ja1nes Herrick.

See Herrick.

2 JOHN TOPPING, son of Thomas and Emma Topping, was born in 1636, probably in l\Iilford, Ct., and died in Southampton, L. I., July fl, 1686. He 1narricd Deborah, n1aiden name not known. His. gravestone is still standing. He lived in Bridgehampton, where he had his con1mission ·in 1685 from Governor Dongan for Justice of the Peace, although he held that position as early as 1680.

3 JOSI.A~ TOPPING, son of John and Deborah Topping, was born in Bridgehampton, L. I., 1663, and married Hannah, daughter.. of Daniel Sayre, and died in 17~6. ' 4 JOSIAH TOPPING, son of Josiah and Hannah (Sa_yrc) Topping, n1arricd first lichitable Herrick, and second, Abigail, whose maiden name is not known. Ile ":-as a Deacon in the church at Bridgehampton when he died in 1747.

5 JOSI.AI-I 'rOPPIXG, son of Josiah and ~Ichitable (Herrick) Topping, e1nigrated to Si111sbury, Ct., shortly after his father's death, as he disposed of his property on Long Island Oct. flQ, 17·47, and does not again appear on the town records of Southampton. On Nov. 15, 1756, as a doctor he married in Si1nsbury, Ct., Susannah 212 tto1comb, and died in Granby, Ct., Jan. 29, 1794. tte graduated from Yale in 1749. 6 · CtEOl>ATllA TOPPlNG, daughter of Josiah and Susanna (Holcomb) Topping, was born in Simsbury, Ct., April 14, 1757, and married there nee. 5, 1776, ~li, son of Eliphalet Youngs, born Oct. -1, 1752. See Youngs. lt.eferences: Sin1sbury, Ct., ,rital llecords; ltistory of Bridge­ hampton, by lleartt, pp. 73, 87, 185; History of Southampt.on, L. I., by Adan1s, p. 309; Howells' Southampton, p. 56, 395, 397'; Sayre Genealogy, p. 30; Town Records of Southan1pton, Vol. 2, pp. 146, 279, 282; ,.ol. 3, p. 134; Bosto'11, Transcript, ~!arch 19, l 906; Notes and Queries, p. 169.


Peter Tufts m. 1\1:ary Pierce

Elizabeth Tufts m. Joseph Lynde I Joseph Lynde_ m. l\iary Sprag~e I Joseph Lynde m. l\fary Sprague I Hannah Lynde m. Amos Howard· ' Phebe Howard m. Elias Emerson I . Polly Emerson. m.I James Farwell James E. Farwell m. Delia Blanchard I }.Iarv.. ...i\.Ithea Farwell m.I Alden Smith Swan Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 PETEil TUFTS "·as born in England· and sett.Jed in 1'fa1- den, )lass., by 1638, where he kept the ferry, and was one of the Iara-est land owners of the town. Ifc n1arried l\Iarv Pierce, dau!!hter b • ~~ of Thon1!\S and Elizabeth Pierce, ,vho died in January, 1702/3, SwAN-FAttW~tt Gl':Nl:AtoGY 218 aged 75 years. lte died 1\-iay 18, 1700, aged 88 years, and they are both buried in Malden .

. I EL1ZA13E'til 'l'UP'tS, daughter of Peter and 11:ary (Pierce) Tufts, was born in Malden, l\J:ass., Nov. 22, 1673, and died there June 20, 1733, as the wife of Joseph tynde, born in 1652. See tynde. References: History of l\:iedford, l\.Iass., p. 561; New ~ngland ltegister, Vol. 9, p. SiS; Savage; l\!alden, :Mass., Vital Records; History of Charlestown, l\iass., p. 957.

John Upham m. ~lizabeth

Phineas Upham m. lluth Wood

Nathaniel Upham m. Sarah Floyd I Sarah Upham m. Samuel Grover I John Grover m. Hannah --- I Sarah Grover m. Sylvanus Blanchard

I • Sylvanus .Blanchard m. Delia Corliss I Delia Blanchard m . James E. Farwell .1 l\.lary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. \V alter Gibb


l JOHN UPH.A.l\I was born in England, 1597, and died in lfalden, l\Iass., Feb. 25, 1681. In 189~ his gravestone was still standing near the Bell Rock Station on the Saugus Branch of the Boston and )Jaine Railroad, Eastern DiYision. A street has since that ti1nc been cut through and son1c of the stones there have been de1nolished. He came to New England with ,·rife Elizabeth, nu1iden 214 ttame unkrtown, and was admitted f reetnan of ,v eytnouth in 1635, and was Deputy from that place in 1637, 1638, 1639, and one of the Selectmen in 1645, 1646, 1647; between 1648 and 1650 he ·removed to l1alden and was appointed Cotnmissioner by the Su­ pretne Court in 1659 and 1661. liis wife died in :\!alden about lJecetnber, 1670. -

2 PHINEAS UPHAl\1, son of John and ~lizabeth Uphan1, was born in ,,reymouth, l\!ass., in 1635 and married at l\1alden, 14 of flnd month, 1658, Ruth ,,7ood, horn in 1637, and died Jan. 18, 1696/7, whose ancestry has not been found. He died in qctober, 1676. 1te was a Lieutenant by Septen1ber, 1675, and was wounded Dec. 19, 1675, in King Philip's War, and again at Rhode lsland on Jan. 6, 1675/6, and died in Boston fro1n the result of those wounds. Re was a man of more than ordinary ability and at- the outbreak of King Philip's ,,r ar he led a con1pany of men out of l\iendon to meet Captain John Gorham of Plymouth. Shortly after his death the General Court issued the following order:

October 12, 1676. In answ·er to the peticon of Ruth Upham, widdow & relict of the late Phineas Upham, Lieut., the Court Judgeth it meet to order, that the bills of charges to chirurgeons, doctors & diet, mentioned in said peticon, be pd by the Treasurer of the Country; and in consideration of the long and good service her husband did for the country & the greate losse the widdow sus­ teynes in his death, being left with seven small children & not able to carry on their affaires for the support of herself & family doe further order the Treasurer to pay unto the said widdow tenn pounds in or as money.

S NATHANIEL UPHAlVI, son of Phineas and Ruth ('Vood) Upha1n, .,vas born in l\Ialden, l\Iass., 1661, and died th~re Nov. 11, 1717. His gravestone states that he ,vas a Sergeant, but his n1ili­ tary record has not been discovered. He married Sarah Floyd, who died in l\Ialden, Oct. 14, 1715, aged 53 years.

4 SARAH UPHAl\1, daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah (Floyd) Upham, was born in l\Ialden, liass., in 1688 and married there April 17, 1713, Samuel Grover.

See Grover.

References: Upham Genealogy, pp. 48, 53, 76; ''ital Records of l\f aldcn, l\Iass.; New England Register, \rol. 43, pp. 351, 352; Vol. 9, p. Sfl7. Sw.A.~-FawEtt G£NEAtoGY 215

trPTON John Upton m. Eleanor I John Upton m. Sarah Thompson I John Upton m. Tabitha

Phebe tJpton n1. Joseph Emerson I Elias Emerson m. Phebe }toward I Polly Emerson m. James Farwell

James E. Farwell n1. Delia Blanchard I l\1ary .Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith S,van I Florence Althea S"ran m. ,,ratter Gibb

UPTON 1 JOHX UPTOX came to New England about 1639 and tra­ dition clain1s that he w·as one of the Scotch prisoners banished by Cromwell, but his name is not found among those listed in this country. His wife ,vas named Eleanor, but her maiden name has not been preserved. Towards the close of the year 1658 he began purchasing land in Sale~ Village ( subsequently Danvers, but now Peabody), and the deed of conveyance mentions that he was son1e­ tin1e of Han1mcrsmith, a name given to certain iron works and the village clustered about them now within the present bounds of the town of Saugus. In 1662 he purchased five hundred acres of land in Reading, where he resided until his death, which took place July 11, l699, at which time he ow·ned n1ore than a thousand acres in different parcels, and his inventory showed that he possessed a negro boy, thirtee_n years old, who was valued at thirty pounds ; an1ong other iten1s were twenty pairs of sheets, nine platters, seven basins and porringers, two plates and two cups and two feather beds, but not one article of silver, glass or crockery seemed to have been owned by this prosperous 1nan. He and his wife had four teen children, and six sons and two daughters were living at his death. He was Constable at Lynn, 1645-6.

2 J'OH~ UPTON, son of John and Eleanor Upton, was born , 216 .. SwAN-FAllwm.t GENl:AtOGv • in that part ol Salem known as Danvers about 1654, but the most of his 1if e was ·spent in the northeast part of N orlh lteading on a farm given him by his father. lie died in 1727. lie married lJec.- 14, 1680, Sarah Thompson, who died Oct. li, 1719.

S JOHN tJPTON, son of John and Sarah (Thompson) Upton, was horn liarch 11, 1688, and died in 1\J:arch, 1743. lie married Tabitha, who died about 1753, but her maiden name is not known. He wa~ born in North lleading, and about 1720 removed to tynn - and died in that place.

4 PHEBE UP'tON, daughter of John and Tabitha Upton, was born June 22, 1729, and died Jan: 19, 1811, as the wife of Joseph En1erson, born Nov. 8, 1721, whom she married Dec. 7, 1749.

See Emerson.

lleferences: Upton Genealogy; Upton l!emorial; New England llegister, Vol. 29, pp. 1, 2; Emerson Family.


,villiam \Vard m. Elizabeth --- 1 Samuel ,vard m. Sarah Howe I Joseph Ward m. Abiah ,vheelock I Phineas Ward m. l\fary --- 1 . l\Iartha ,v ard m. Abner Haskell I llolly Haskell m. Joseph Farwell I Sally Far"·ell 1n. Samuel ,vinchester I l\fary F. ,\7inchestcr n1. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Swan n1. l\Iarv.. Althea Farwell I Florence .A.lthea Swan m. Walter Gibb SWAN-FAttWEtt GE~GY 217 t W Altl>--Continued William Ward m. Etizabeth --- 1 Samuel Ward tn. Sarah ltowe I Joseph Ward m. Abiah Wheelock I Phineas Ward m. l\iary --- 1 l.tartha Ward m. Abner Haskell . I l\iolly Haskell m. Joseph Farwell I James Farwell m. Polly ~merson I James E. Farwell 1n. nelia Blanchard I Mary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb

-1 WILLI.A.11 WARD ,vas born in England in 1597 and came to New England sufficiently early to represent Sudbury, l\fass., in the General Court in 1644. In 1660 he removed to l\farlborough and ·was chosen Deacon of the church there at its organization that year. He also represented l\larlborough in the year 1666 and served in King Philip's .,Var, 1675, 1676. He had fifty acres of land for his ho1nestead in l\,larlborough, which was located on the south side of the road nearly opposite the First 1\feeting House. He married . Elizabeth, ·whose maiden name is not known, but she died in l\-Iarlborough, Dec. 9, 1700, aged 87 years. He died Aug. 10, 1687. ., ' 2 . SAl\IUEL "\V ...i\.RD, son of ,,rilliam and Elizabeth "\V ard, ·was born Sept. fl4, 1641, and died in 17fl9. He married in ~larl­ borough, l\Iass., June 6, 1667, Sarah How·e, born Sept. Q5, 1644, died Aug. 11, 1707. He ,vas Captain of the l\lilitia at ~larlborough and served that place as Deputy to the General Court in 1679, 1680.

S JOSEPH ,,r ARD, son of San1ucl and Sarah (Howe) ,,~Hrd, died in l\Iarlborough, l\Iass., June 30, 1717, aged 47 :years, and married there J unc 5, 1700, .Abiell ,vheclock ( son1ctin1cs spelled Abiah). 218 SW.AN-F.Alt\VEU GENiatoG:Y

· 4 PtllN~..:\S WARD, son of Joseph and Ahiell ("~heelock) · Ward, was borl\, in l:tarlborough, l\iass., Aug. 5, 1705, and died· there Oct. 19, 1756, aged 51 ye::ars, on his two hundred and three acre la:rtn, which lay partly in nolton. ite married l\Iary, whose na1ne is not kno\\~n nor when she died, but she was living in 1763.

5 l\iAlt'rlt-4.\ WARlJ, daughter of Phineas and l\!artha ,v ard, was horn in l\!arlborough, ~!ass., April 18, 1739, and mar­ ried there Feb. 21, 1759, Abnet ltaskell.

See ltaskell.

References : \Vard Family; Vital Records · of l\'iarlborough, 1\1:ass.-; Savage; Colonial ,vars, 1899-1902; History of Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire.

\VARliEN Richard ,v arren m. · ~lizabeth --- 1 . Elizabeth \\T arren ,m..I Richard Church Caleb Church m. Joanna Sprague I Isaac Church m. liary Hutchins I Lydia Church m. Nathaniel Smith I Anna Smith m. Caleb Winchester .I Samuel Winchester m. Sally Farwell I Mary F. Winchester m. John H. Swap I Alden S1nith Swan m. l\fary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


I RICHARD \VARREN, the first of his name in America, sailed from Plymouth, England, in the historic ship !JI ayftower, SwAN-F.AttwEtt GENEAtoGY 219

Sept. 6, 1620 (Old Style). ltc was not of the teyden Company, hut joined the Pilgrims from London, and was one of the signers of the Cotnpact framed in the cabin of the A/ ayftou:er while in Cape Cod ltarbor, which was the first platform of civil governn1e~nt in the ne,v world and which converted the band of unknown adven­ turers into an in1n1or-tal Commonwealth. lte was one of the third exploring party which was surprised by the lndians nee. 18, 16Q0, al the spot since known as "The First Encounter," and, technically speaking, he ,,as one of the first to land at Plymouth, Dec. Ql, 1620, on what n1ight be called the birthday. of New England. Under the land di,·ision of 16~3 his apportiontnent · fell in the north side of the town. He married in England, Elizabeth, whose n1aiden name is n1uch disputed, but a study of the Plyn1outh records leads to the conclusion that she ""as a ,voman of force and position in the comn1unity, and she is usually spoken of as ::\!istress ,v arren, a designation by no means common. He died in 1628 and she con­ tinued his widow-a rare occurrence--until her death, Oct. Q, 1673, aged over 90 years, ·which the records of Plymouth state "haveing lived a Godly life, came to her grave as a shoke of corn full_y ripe." Bradford, in his diary, states that atnong those who can1e on the J.1f ayftower w~s "l\1r. Richard lVarren; but his wife and children were lefte behind, and came afterwards"; and again, "llr. Richard \\Tarren lived some 4 or 5 years and had his wife come over to him, by whom he had 2 sons before he dyed; and one of then1 is maryed and hath 2 children. But he had 5 daughters more can1e over ·with his wife, who arc all married & living & have many children."

2 ELIZABETH \VARREN, daughter of Richard and Eliza­ beth \Varren, ""as born in England and was a passenger on the ship

Ann.. She married at Plvmouth., about. 1635/6, Richard Church, the first of his surname in Atnerica. She died at Hingham, ::\Ias.s., l\Iarch 4, 1670~ and he died at Dedham, Dec. 27, 1668, and "-as buried at Hinghan1.

See Church.

References: New England Register, Vol. 55, pp. 70, 71, 72, 75; Bradford History, pp. 532, 537. 220


Lawrence Waters m. Ann tinton I liary Wate:rs m. Samuel Davis I Mary Vavis m. Thomas Pratt I Sarah Pratt m. Samuel l3lanchard

Sylvanus nlanchard m. Sarah Grover

Sylvanus l3lanchard m. Delia Corliss I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I liary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. \Vatter Gibb


1 LAWRENCE ,,TATERS ·was born in England in 160~ and was one of the proprietors of ,v atcrto·wn, l\.lass., in 1636/7, and became one of the first three settlers of Lancaster in 1643, but he did not sell his property in ,v atertown until 1655. He married Ann Linton, daughter of Richard Linton, and in 1676 they were residing in Charlestown and he ·w3:s blind. He died there Dec. 9, 1687, and she on Feb. 6, 1680.

2 l\IARY ,v ATE RS, daughter of Lawrence and Ann (Linton) \Vaters, ,,·as born in lVatertown, ~lass., Jan. ~7, 1637/8, and became the wife of Samuel Davis.

See Davis.

References: ,,.,.y1nan's Charlestown, l\Inss., pp. ~78, 991; His­ tory of Lancaster, :\lass., pp. 38, 61; Bond's ,,r atcrtown, p. 6~6. SWAN-FAltWl':tt G:tNi:AtoGY 2i1


John Webster m. 1\iary Shatswelt I ltannah \Vebster m. l\tichael Emerson I Jonathan Emerson m. Hannah Day I John Emerson m. Abigail Stevens I Peter Emerson m. l\fary Stanton I l\firiam Emerson m. Joseph Corliss I Solomon Corliss m. Anna Houghton I Delia Corliss m. Sylvauus Blanchard I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I ~Iary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. ,¥alter Gibb 222 Sw.AN-FAtiWELt GEN:EAtoGY • \VEBS1"'Bll-Continued John \Vebster m. 1'1ary Shatswell

Hannah Webster m. l\1ichael Emerson

Jonathan l';merson m. ltannah nay I John l';merson m. Abigail Stevens I }{ary Emerson m. Joseph Corliss

Joseph Corliss m. l\.tiriam Emerson

Solomon Corliss m. Anna Houghton I Delia Corliss n1. Sylvanus Blanchard I nelia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell

l\1arv., Althea Far,vell n1 • Alden Sn1ith Swan

Florence Althea S,van m. Walter Gibb


-1 JOHX ,,rEBSTER, of whom very little is known, died in Ipswich, )lass., in 164Q, leaving a "·idow 1\-fary, who was a sister of John and Theophilus Shat,,n,-ell, and she married second, Oct. ~9,

1650, John En1erv,., Sr.

2 H ...-\XX .....\H ,,7EBSTER, daughter of John and l\Iary (Shatswell) \,7 ebster, n1arried in Haverhill, 1\fass., .....\pril 1, 1657, 1\Iichael E1nerson of that place, who died there in 1715.

See Erner.son.

References: The E1ncrsons of HaYerhill; Haverhill v·ital Rec­ ords; Old Families of A1nesbury and Salisbury. 223


John \Veed m. ·neborah \Vensley I neborah ,v eed m. Christopher nartlett I l\iary l3artlett m. John SteYens I Abigail Stevens m. John Emerson . I Peter Emerson m. }:lary Stanton I l\iiriam Emerson m. Joseph Corliss I Solomon Corliss m. Anna Houghton I · lJelia Corliss m. Svlvanus., l31anchard . I Delia Blanchard m. Jan1es E. Farwell I l!ary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. ,valter Gibb SwAN-F.AltWEtt GENEAtoaY

WEED-Continued John Weed m. Deborah Wensley I Deborah Weed m. Christopher llartlett I Mary l3artlett m. John Stevens I Abigail Stevens m. John Emerson I _1\:1:ary Emerson m. Joseph Corliss I Joseph Corliss m. l\iiriam Emerson I Solomon Corliss m. Anna Houghton I Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus l3lanchard I Delia Blanchard m. J an1es E. Farwell I l\fary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan . I Florence Althea Swan m. \Valter Gibb


. 1 JOHN WEED was one of the original settlers of Amesbury, 1\fass., and Lieutenant ·of the to,m in 1658. He w·as born in Eng­ land about 16Ql and married in Salisbury, l\1ass., Nov. 14, 1650, Deborah ,,r ensley, ,vho died there April 20, 1695, and he died l\Iarch 15, 1688/9.

2 DEBOR.A.H ,,7EED, daughter of John and Deborah (''Tens­ ley) ,veed, was born in A1nesbury, June 15, 16,59, and married Nov. 29, 1677, Christopher Bartlett, born 1655, died April 14, 1711.

See Bartlett.

References: Old Families of Salisbury, pp. 58, 345; New Eng­ land Register, ,r ol. 8, p. 224. SwAN-FAnw~tt GEN£AtOGY 225


Samuel Wensley tu. Elizabeth---- l Deborah \Vensley tn. John \Veed I nehorah ,veed m. Christopher l3artlett I l\fary l3artlett m. John SteYens I . Abigail Stevens m. John Emerson I Peter Emerson m. l\iary Stanton I l\iiriam Emerson m.I Joseph -Corliss . Solomon Corliss m. Anna Houghton I Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I :?\1ary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. "\V alter Gibb 226 SwAN-FAllW:ttt G~litoGY

W~NStEY-Con.tinued Samuel Wensley m. Elizabeth I Deborah \\Tensley m. John Weed

Deborah \Veed tn. Christopher lJartlett I 11ary l3artlett m. John Stevens I Abigail .Stevens m. John Emerson I Mary ~merson m. Joseph Corliss I Joseph Corliss m. l\'1iriam Emerson I Solomon Corliss m. Anna Houghton I Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard

Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I l\fary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan

Florence Althea Swan 1n. ,valter Gibb


1 SAl\lUEL ,,7ENSLEY, one of the few men who ·were en­ titled to be called "l\Ir.," was one of the twelve men of Salisbury, )lass.,. named to con1rnence a plantation at l\Ierrimack in 1628. He was born and n1arried in England; his first wife was Elizabeth, whose maiden name is not known, but she died before 1657, when he married the second time. He represented Salisbury in 1642, 1645, 1653, and died there June ~, 1663.

2 DEBORAH ,vENSLEY, daughter of San1ucl and Elizabeth Wensley, was born in England and n1arricd in Salisbury, i\lass., Nov. 14, 1650, Lieut. John \Veed. She died April ~0, 1695.

See ,,recd.

References: Savage; Old Families of Salisbury, p. 345. SW.AN-FAR~tt GENEAtOGY 227


Nicholas West m. Anne --- 1 llichard West m. l!audlin Staple

Joan West m. John White J Hannah \Vhite m. John Oivoll I - William nivoll m. Ruth ,,1hitcomb I Ruth nivoll m. Joshua Osgood I ttuth Osgood m. Phineas Roughton I Anna Houghton m. Solomon Corliss Delia Corliss m. Svlvanus.. Blanchard I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Far\\'"ell I l\fary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan

Florence Althea Swan m. ,valter Gibb


1 NICHOL.AS "\VEST is first mentioned in Burton, Parish of Drayton, County Somerset, England, April 13, 1577. He had wife Anne, who was buried June 5, 1595, and he n1arried second, Sept. 23, 1597, l\lrs. Philip (a) Staple, who was buried there l\1ay 8, 1620, and he was buried Oct. 21, 1601.

~ RICH... .\.RD ,vEST, son of Nicholas and Anne \\7 est, was baptized in Drayton, England, Feb. 6, 1579, and 1narried there, X oY. 19, 1601, )Iaudlin Staple, alias Cooke, daughter of ~Irs. Philip ( a) (Staple) ,,rest. She was buried .. Aug. QS, 1641, and he on ~larch 3, 16-1-S, in the Drayton Church, leaving a widow, Elizabeth, who married Robert }Jail. 228 SwAN-FAttWUt G:tN:tAtoGY

3 JOAN " 1ES'r, daughter of Richard and l\iaudlin ( Staple­ Cooke) West, was baptized in Drayton, England, April 16, 1606, and married l\1arch 28, 16fl7, John \Vhite.

See White

References: llescendants of John White, Vol. 4, p. 14.


Thomas \Vheeler m. l!ary I Isaac Wheeler m. l\Iartha Park I Dorothy Wheeler tn. Nehemiah -Sn1ith l Nathan S111ith m. l!ary Denison

Elizabeth Smith m. Joseph Swan

Joseph Swan m. Deborah Alderman I Joseph S. S"'·an m. Susannah Youngs I John H. Swan m. l\1ary F. ,,rinchester • Alden Smith Swan m. l:fary Althea Far"rell

Florence Althea Swan m. VV alter Gibb


1 THOl\IAS \VHEELER, the ancestor of the ,vhceler f an1il"'. in and around Stonington, Ct., appeared as a resident of Lynn • . l\1ass., in 1635, when he ·was elected Constable there, and later held other official positions. In 1649! he was admitted to the privilege of a f recman of the Co1nn1onwealth and purchased large tracts of land, including a n1ill site, upon which he built and operated a saw and grist n1ill. During his re~idence in I~ynn he married :\Iary. whose maiden t1i_tn1c is not known. They were n1n.rried in 1645 and prior to 1667 he disposed of his holdings in Lynn and rcmoYcd to Stonington, Ct. He was made frccnrnn of Connecticut in 1669 ,. .... ,' •• ~ ...... c.._ ,: ,.··- :r ,,·.'· i ... - ..-t.s:~ ... -~.,-i •..


Su.:u:\nm Ho:\rn oF Fr.ontDfCF. A. ( Sw AN) Gum (At Glen Cove, L. I.)

SwAN-FAnltttt G~oY 229

• • and represented Stonington in the Gener at Court in 1673. ln 1674 he was one of the nine men who organized the First Congregational Church, and his wife liary was one of the partakers of the first communion serYice. They built their home in North Stonington, where Col. James F. Brown i-esided in 1900, and they lived and died there. ltis will was burned when the traitor Arnold burned the city of New London in 1781. lte died :\!arch 6, 1686, aged 84 years, and he and his wife are buried in the old ,,rhitehall burial place on the east bank of the 1\1:ystic lliver. He served in King Philip's War and was Captain of a Company of Horse in 1669.

· 2 1SAAC ,,rHEELER, son of Thomas and l!ary Wheeler, was horn in Lynn, )lass., 1646, and was married by Thomas Stan­ ton, Jan. 10, 1667, to l\Iartha, daughter of Thomas and Dorothy (Thompson) Park. He served in King Philip's ,,rar of 1675/6 and died June 5, 171i. She died Feb. 14, 1717, and they are both buried in ,vhitehall Cemetery.

3 DOROTHY lVHEELER, daughter of Isaac and l\!artha (Park) \Vheeler, was born in Stonington, Ct., Dec. 6, 1679, and married April ~i, 1696, Nehemiah Sn1ith. After his death she became the wife of Samuel Fish.

See Smith.

References: History of Stonington, Ct., pp. 636, 637. 280 SwAN-FARwnt G~:litooY W1tEEtElt

John ,,rheeler tn. Anne I Anne ,vhecler m. Aquila Chase I 1\'1ary Chase m. John Stevens I John Stevens m. l\1arv., lJartlett

Abigail Stevens m. John Emerson I Peter Emerson m. l\iary Stanton I l\:liriam Emerson m. Joseph Corliss I Solomon Corliss m. Anna Houghton I Uelia Corliss m. Syh~anus Blanch

Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwc

l{ary Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Sw:

Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb SwAN-FAnw:ttt G~NEAtooY 231 WltEEl.. Ell-Continued John ,vheelc:r m. Anne r Anne Wheeler tn. Aquila Chase I l\iary Chase m. John Stevens

John Stevens m. l\:lary l3artlett

Abigail Stevens m. John En1erson

l\{ary Emerson m. Joseph Corliss

Joseph Corliss m. l\!iriam En1erson I Solomon Corliss m. Anna Roughton I Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I l\farv.. Althea Farwell m. Alden Sn1ith Swan I Florence Althea Swan 1n. ,,r alter Gibb


1 JOHN ,,1 I-IEELER was from Salisbury, England, and first located in N cw· England in Hampton, N. H. ; removed to Salisbury, l\1ass., in i641, and finally located in Newbury, where his will was proved Oct. 11, 1670. He n1arried in England, Anne, whose maiden name is not known. She died in N cwbury, Aug. 15, 166Q.

2 ANNE lVHEELER, daughter of John and Anne ,,rheeler, was born in SalisburJ, England, and died in Newbury, ~!ass., .A.pril 21, i687. She 1narried Aquila Chase, who died in 1670. She mar­ ried second in 167Q, Daniel l\Iussiloway.

See Chase.

References: Old Fan1ilics of Salisbury, l\Iass., p. 358; New England·Rcgister, VoL 1, p. 69. 282 SwAN-F.Allw~ G~~t.oaY

lsaac Wheeler m. Frances --- 1 Sarah. Wheeler m.I John Green Sarah Green n1. Samuel Sprague I l\.tary Sprague m. Joseph Lynde I Hannah Lynde m. Amos ltoward I Phebe Howard m. Rlias Emerson I Polly Emerson m. James Farwell I James E. Farwell 1n. Delia :Blanchard I 1\fary .. Althea Farwell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb

WHEELER 1 ISAAC ,,rHEELER ,vas of Charlestown, l\Iass., as early as 1639 and admitted to the church there in 164~. The name of his wife ·was Frances, recc:>rded in error at titnes as Frances, widow of Richard Cook, but research proves that Frances can1e to New Eng­ land in 1639 as the wife of Richard Cook, and he did not die until 1658, and Isaac and his wife I 1'rances were raising a family in the 1640's. The date of the death of Isaac has not been found, but his wife was a wido,v before 1655.

2 SARAH "\VHEELER, daughter of Isaac and Frances Wheeler, was born in Charlestown, l\Iass., Jan. 13, -1643, according to the records of that town, but the '\Vheeler Genealogy states that she was born l\Iarch 16 of that year. She married Dec. 18, 1660, John Green, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Green, of J\f alden, and died there Dec. 1, 1717. , See Green. References: ,,1heeler Genealogy, p. 518p ;. New England Regis­ ter, Vol. 4, p. fl70; ·vol. 3~, p. 409; ,,ol. 10, p. 162; 1-Iistory of Charlestown, ::\[ass., p. IOI~. SwAN-F'Altwnt G~N~GY 233


lt.alph Wheelock m. 1tebecca --- 1 l3enj amin \Vheelock 111. Elizabeth Bullen I . Abiell "7heelock m. Joseph Ward I Phineas Ward 1n. liary --- 1 l\fartha ,vard m. Abner Haskell I l\iolly Itaskell m. Joseph Farwell I James Farwell m. Polly Emerson I James ~. Farwell 1n. Delia Blanchard I Mary Althea Farwell n1. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea Swan m. \Valter Gibb

Ralph Wheelock m. Rebecca --- 1 Benjamin Wheelock n1. Elizabeth Bullen I Abiell ,vheelock m. Joseph Ward I Phineas Ward rn. l\fary --- 1· l\fartha Ward m. Abner Haskell I l\Iolly Haskell m. Joseph Farwell I Sally Farwell m. Samuel Winchester . I Mary F. Wincl1ester rn. John H. Swan I .. Alden Smith S,van m. ~-Iary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. ,,r alter Gibb -284 SwAN-FAtt~tt G~NEAtoGY


1 R ...-\tPlt ,v11:t:tl.0Cl{ \\·as born in England about 1600 and graduated from Cambridge tJnh·ersity in 1626. ,vith wife ll.ebecca, n1aiden name unknown, and son Gershom, he sailed for New England in 1637, they having one child born on the voyage. He located at \Vatertown, l\:1ass., and signed the Dedhan1 Cove­ nant, his name being the tenth on the list. 1te ,vas one of four in the earl,·. Town Records to whose name the title of ")1r." was applied, signifying he ,vas a leader in the colony, looked up to and esteemed. 1-Ie was freeman of Dedham in 1639 and repre·sented that place in the General Court of 11assachusetts in 1639 and 1640, and was "Clerk of the \Vrits" in 1642. ln 1644 forty persons met in Town )Ieeting and Yoted to raise twenty pounds, and to also set apart a piece of land for the benefit of a school, and this is declared to be the first school supported by a town tax that opened in l\!assachusetts. lie was chosen its teacher, receiving ten shillings a week, and he taught fron1 1644 until 1651. Just prior to this latter date he removed· to l\Iedfie]d and represented that place in the General Court 1653, 1663, 1664 and 1666 and 166'7. In 1675 he contributed two bushels of Indian corn to Harvard College. He died in :\Iedfield, Jan. 11, 1681, and his ,vife died there Jan. 1, 1682.

2 BE~J ...-\)IIX ,,rHEELOCK, son of Ralph and Rebecca ,vheelock, was born in Dcdha1n, l\Iass., 8th of 10th month, 1639, and ~·as baptized there 12th of 11th n1011th the sa.1ne year. He married in "l\Iedfield, :\lay ~l, 1668, Elizabeth Bullen, born 1646. In 1669 he was granted land "between his house and the brook'' and probably led the usual quiet life of a f arn1er. He removed to l\Iendon about 1685, but the date of his death has not been found.

3 ...-\.BIELL ,vHEELOCK, daughter of Benjamin and Eliza­ beth (Bullen) ,vheelock, ,·n1s born in 1'Iedfield, ~lass., Sept. 30, 1676, ·and n1arried Joseph ,,r ard. ( ell and .Abiah both used for her name.)

See \Vard.

Refercnces: Yitals and History of l\Iedfield, l\fass.; \~itals of Dedhan1; ,Yheelock Genealogy; Savage. SwAN-FA~w~tt G~NEAtooY 285


John Whitcon1b m. Frances

John lVhitcomb 111. ltarv.. I I ltuth \"Vhitcomb n1. lYilliam nivoll

lluth lJivoll m. Joshua Osgood I Ruth Osgood 1n. Phineas Houghton I Anna Houghton m. Solon1on Corliss I Delia Corliss 1n. Sylvanus Blanchard t Delia Blanchard m. James E. Far,vell

l!ar-v.. .Althea Farwell m• Alden Smith Sw·an Florence Althea Swan m. ,v alter Gibb

1 JOHX ,,rI-IITCO:\IB was in Dorchester, l\lass., as early as 1633 and joined the church there in 1635. In 1640 he removed to Scituate and was a member of the l\Iilitary Company there in 16-13 and Constable in 1650. In 1654 he removed to Lancaster, where he was given unusually large gran_ts of land. He died there Sept. fl4, 1662, aged about 74 years. He married in England, Frances, w·hose n1aiden name is not known, but she died in Lancaster 17th of 3 m·o., 1671.

~ JOHX ,,rHir.fCOl\IB, son of John and Frances ,,7hitcon1 b, "~as born in England and signed the town covenant of Lancaster, ~lass., in 16-52. He had his marriage recorded in I .. ancaster as taking place :\lay 19, 1669, but sitnply stated that his ,vifc's nan1e was :\Iary. He served in the Lancaster Garrison during l(ing Philip's ,,... ar, 1675/6, and was drowned in the Nashua River, ...-\pril 6, 1683, while trying to bring soine hay across the river in a canoe. \Vhcn his wife died is not definitely kno-wn, but she was living in

1698, when his estate was finally., settled. 286 SWAN-FAttWEtt GEN~tOGY

8 lttJTit Wlt1'tCOl1l3, ·daughter of John and liary ,vhit­ comb, was born in Lancaster, l\'tass., i7th of 4th month, 1672, and tnarried there in 1695, William Oivoll, born 8th of 2nd month, 1672. She died Nov. 14, 1753. See nivoll. References: ,,rhitcomb Genealogy; Lancaster ,,.ital llecords.

Wlt!T~ Robert White m. Alice ---

ll.obert ,vhite n1. Joan --- 1 John ,vhite m. Joan ,vest I Hannah ,,1hite n1. John Divoll I \Villiam Divoll m. Ruth Whitcon1b I Ruth Divoll m. Joshua Osgood I Ruth Osgood m. Phineas Houghton

Anna Houghton m. Solomon Corliss

Delia Corliss m. Sylvanu8 Blanchard

Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell

1\1ary Althea Farwell n1. Alden Smith Swan

Florence Althea Swan m. ,v alter Gibb

l ROBERT ,vHITE, the earliest known of this fan1ily, was churchwarden in South Petherton, Son1ersct County, Eng1and, in 1578, and he was buried there as "Senior," Sept. 7, '1600, his will being proven at Taunton. His wife ...-\lice was buried there 2fl, 1596..

2 ROBER.T ,vHITE, son of Robert and .Alice ,,7hite, was of South Pcthcrton, England, in 1598, and probably earlier. He was Sw.AN-FAnWEtL GENEAtooY 237 churchwarden in 1601 and died l\iarch 8, 1642. ltis wife Joatt died Sept. 13, 1631. 3 JOltN \ViltrtE, son of ltobcrt and Joan \Vhite, ·was hap­ ti;ed in the "Old Church" in South Petherton, England, l\:larch 7, 1602, and married in nrayton Parish, County Somerset, l\Iay 28, 16fl7, Joan, daughter of Richard and l\iaudlin (Staple-Cooke) ,vest, baptized in Drayton, April 16, 1606. They lived for a tin1e in Drayton and their two eldest sons were born there. He was in Salem, ~!ass., in 1638, and in 1639 is frequently mentioned. In 1642 he ""as granted sixty acres of land in \Venharn, in which place he seems to have resided. She was admitted to the First Church in Salem in 1642, and as their children were all baptized in her name is indicative that she was the only member of the church. He removed to Lancaster, where he is first mentioned in 1653, when he had twenty acres of land granted hin1 between J anics .Atherton and John Le,vis, and his house stood near the east end of the lot where the home of Edward Houghton now stands, and in 1900 his direct descendants were living there. His first house "·as burnt by the Indians in the massacre of 1675 /6, and the second house stood until 1816, ,vhen it ,vas accidentally destroyed by· fire. His will was proved liay ~8, 1673, and his inventory shows that he owned four hu_ndred and ninety-seven acres of land. His knee buckles which he wore in 1638 were o""ned in 1900 by Professor John \V. ,vhite of Harvard College. His wife Joan died in I-'anca·ster 18 of 3rd month, 1654. . In the l\Iemorial Library at Lancaster, l\-Iass., is a sideboard or. cupboard which he brought from England in 1638, and "·hich descended to his daughter l\lary; ,,·ife of Rev. Joseph Rowlandson, and which was in her fan1ily for one hundred and fifty years. In 1876 it w·as owned by J. ,v. Dunlap of South Hadley, l\Jass., who sold it to -the above library.. for one hundred dollars . 4 HANNAH \VHITE, daughter of John and Joan '''bite, was probably born in ,,r enham, l\Iass. She is n1entioned in her father's ,vill as his youngest child, and states that she has bC'cn a nurse to him in his old age, and he leaves her remarkably well provided for, according to those ti1nes. She married in Lancaster, fl3rd of 10th mo., 1663, Ensign John DiYoll, who was killed by the Indians in 1675/6, and she and her children were taken prisoners, some of whom died in captivity, but she and the others were ran­ somed )lay IQ, 1616, at Portsn1outh, and before 1679 she was the wife of San1uel Lun1n1us of Ipswich, and died bcf ore July Q, 1717, the date of the settlcn1ent of her estate. Sec Divoll. 288 SWAN-FAR\VELt G~NEAtoGY

1teferences: lJescendan ts ol .John White, pp. 9, 14, 24, 86 ; Vitals of Lancaster; Savage; l\iiddlesex Deeds, Vol. 14, pp. 6i0, 021, 622.


Gilbert Wilford m. --- 1 l\iary Wilford m. John Corliss I John Corliss m. lluth Haynes I Joseph Corliss m. 1\i!ary Emerson I Joseph Corliss n1. l\1iriam Emerson I Solomon Corliss m. Anna Houghton I Delia Corliss m. Sylvanus Blanchard I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I Mary Althea Far,vell m. Alden Smith Swan I Florence Althea S·wan m. '1V alter Gibb


1 GILBERT ,vILFORD was of Ipswich, iiass., in 1668, but in 1675 was of Haverhill, where his estate ·was inventoried in July, 1677. The name of his wife is not mentioned, only that after his death she married l\1atthe,v Clark.

2 l\IARY ,vILFORD, daughter of Gilbert ,vilford, was born in l\Ierrimack, Nov. 18, 1667, and married Dec. 17, 1684, John Corliss.

See Corliss.

References: Corliss Fan1ily Records, p. 208; New England Register, Vol. 19, p. 59. 239


John lVinchester m. Hannah Sealis l Josiah Winchester m. 1\1:ary Lyon I - Josiah Winchester m. Sarah Seaver . I Caleb Winchester m. liary Knight I Caleb Winchester m. Anna Smith I Samuel Winchester m. Sally Farwell I l\iary F. Winchester m. John H. Swan I Alden Smith Swan m. liarv.. Althea :Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. Walter Gibb


1 JOHN "rINCHESTER was born in England in 1616 and came to New England in 1635 and married at Scituate, l\1ass., Oct. 15, 1638, Hannah, daughter of Deacon Richard Sealis of that place. She died Sept. 18, 1697, and he died at Brookline, April fl5, 1694. He was a member of ~he Ancient and Honorable Artillery of Bos­ ton in 1638. His first grant of land appears in Hingham in 1636, but by 1655/6 he had ren1oved to Brookline and joined Eliot's Church in.Roxbury, 1674. He was surveyor for Brookline in 1664, 1669, 1670. .

2 JOSIAH ,,r1NCHESTER, son of John and Hannah (Sealis) ,Yinchcster, was born in Roxbury, ~lass., ~larch Q7, 1655, and died in Brookline, Feb. 2Q, 1728. He was one of the leading men of that .to,vn, holding the office of Constable in 1689/90, and later was the Town Clerk and Treasurer and represented that place in 1711 and 1717. Ile n1arricd Dec. IO, 1678, l\Iary, daughter of Peter I~yon. She ,vas born 4th of 9th mo. or 9th of 4th 1110., 1650, arid died July 27, 1730. .

3 JOSIAH ,v1NCI-IESTER, son of Josiah and l\Iary (Lyon) \Vinchester, ""as baptized in Roxbury, ::\lass., 11th day, 1st n10., 1681, and died in Brookline, April 28, 1724. He 1narricd l\larch 240 SWAN-FAtt~LL G~N~OGY . 25, 1707, Sarah Seaver, horn Aug. 1, 1686, daughter of Caleb and Sarah (lngoldsby) Seaver. She married second, Oct. 12, 1725/6, .13enjamin l~iall of 13ristol County.

4 CAt~.n WlNCRES'l'Ell, son of Josiah and Sarah (Seaver) ,,riuchester, "·as born Aug. 5, 1709, and his estate \\·as inventoried at Boston, nee. 14, 1736. llis marriage intentions were recorded at Boston, April 8, 1731, to l\lary Knight, and was called of Brookline at that time. ln 1756 she was known as l\!ary Ward.

5 CALEB \VINCHESTER, son of Caleb and l\!ary {Knight) ,,rinchester, was horn before 1736 and died after 1783. He married in l\farlboro', :i\Iass. ( where all his children were born), Sept. 1, 1761, ..Anna Smith, w·ho was horn in Jiarlboro', 9ct. 16, 1744, and died there :\fay 14, 18~3. He ser,·ed in the Revolutionary ,var · from that town in Capt..... :\.masa Cranston's Company. The return endorsed 1776. This company probably belonged to Col. Eleazer Brooks' Regiment. (l\lassachusctts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution, p. 60i.)

6 S.A~IUEL \VINCHESTER, son of Caleb and Anna (Smith) lVinchestcr, was born in l\lar1boro', :\lass., Oct. 10, 177'8, and died in Stephentown, N. Y., l\Iarch 11, 1841. He is bu1~icd in the Baptist Cen1etery at Stephentown Center and his stone is sti11 standing in an excellent condition. He married in Jiarlboro', June 10, 1811, Sally Farwell, born at Lancaster, liass., July ~8, 1786, daughter of Joseph and l\Iolly (Haskell) Farwell. This marriage is also recorded in Lancaster and he may have n1arried there.

7 l\I ...1-\.RY F. ,vINCf-IESTER, daughter of San1uel and Sally (Farwell) ,,rinchester, was born in .l\larlboro', l\fass., April 9, 181~, and died in Albany, N. 1:-., l\Iarch 9, 1888. She married in Lancaster, :\lass., Dec. ~3, 1832, John H. Swan, ·who died before Aug. ~, 1853, in .Albany, N. Y. She n1arricd second before the last date Abner Deuel, and removed to Nc,v York City. She married third before 1863 Garret Hagan1an, born 1801, who was a ,vhole­ sale fruit n1erchant, and who n1ade his will in Al}:lany, Aug. 19, ~869, which was proven Feb. ~4, 1873. His son, William Haga­ n1an, married Lucy, daughter of ....i\.lvah L. Swan, brother to John H. S,van, and she still resides in Albany. Garret llagaman lcft a plot in the Rural Cemetery at .. A.lbany, which is under perpetual care, and in it are buried, besides his wife Rachel and hi1n- GR.:\VESTOXE AT STEPHEXTOWX., X. Y. (Page 240)

SwAN-F,untttt G~oY 241

.. • . . self, Mary F. Winchester-Swan-lJeuel-ttagatna.n and Albert Swan 9 · brother of Alden S. Swan. Albert was born in 1836 and died in -1863. Also other members ~f the 1-lagaman family lie in the plot. See Swan. lteferences: Winchester Notes, pp. 3, 4, 281, 285, 287; l3oston Aiarriages, p. 218; lfarlboro', l\1ass, and 1.ancaster, l\:!ass., ,rital llecords; Parker Ruggles Genealogy, p. 203.


Alexander Winchester m. --- 1 Lydia ,vinchester m. Nehemiah Smith I Nehemiah Smith m. Dorothy l\rheeler I Nathan Smith m. l\fary Denison I Elizabeth Smith m. Joseph Swan I Joseph Swan Ill. Deborah .A.lderman I Joseph S. Swan m. Susannah Youngs

John H. Swan m. l\Iarv., F. lYinchester I Alden Smith Swan m. l\Iary .Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Swan m. ,,r alter Gibb


I ALEXANDER ,,r1NCHESTER sailed from I. .. ondon in th(' ship Defence during .A.ugust, 1G35, reaching Boston in October of that year. I-le settled in Braintree, l\Iass., where he beca1ne an extensive land owner. Ile 1·eprescnted that town in ~he Generai Court in 1641 and w·as also "Cl(•rk of the ,,rrits." Ile ren1oved to Rehoboth, where he was a n1e1nbcr of the first. co1nbination in 1644 and beca1ne one of the Selecbncn there in 1645, 1646, 1647, and dicJ there July 16, 1647. His ,vifc survived hi1n, but is not na1ncd.

2 L YDI ...c\ ,,rIXCHESTER, daughter of Alexander ,vinchcs- 242 ter, was horn in. Rehoboth, l\1ass., 1645, and died Oct. 24, 1723, as the wife of Nehemiah Stnith, .born in 1646.

· See Smith.

lleferences : Savage ; Winchester Notes, pp. 335, 336; De­ scendants of nev. Nehemiah Sn1ith.


Edward "roodman m. Joanna --- 1 Joshua \Voodman m. Elizabeth Stevens I Dorothy \Vood1nan n1. Hooker Osgood I Joshua Osgood m. Buth nivoll I Ruth Osgood m. Phineas Houghton I Anna Houghton m. Solomon Corliss I Delia Corliss m. Svlvanus., Blanchard I Delia Blanchard m. James E. Farwell I Mary Althea Farwell n1. ....\.Iden Smith Swan I I Florence ...;\.lthea Swan n1. ,valter Gibb


1 I~n,vARD ,voOD:\LA.N, with wife Joanna, maiden na1ne not known, was one of the fifteen of the ninety-one settlers of X cw­ bury, ~Ias.s., w·ho was entitled to the prefix "~fr." He was born in ·England in 161fl and died bc:forc 1694. I-le was one of the first Selcctrnen of Newbury, and history tells that he was a n1an of talents, influence, fir1nness and decision. ..A.. s I .. icutcnant he served through the Pequot \Var of 1637, and was Deputy to the General Court in 1636, 1637, 1639 and 16-!3, and in 1638, 1641, 16-!-5, 1646 he was a Con1n1issioncr to end small causes. SWAN-F.AB.\VELL GENEAtOGY 243

2 JOSlitJA ,voon~tAN, son of Lieut. Edward Wood1nan, was tl1e first male white child born in Newbury, ~iass., 1636. lle married in AndoYer, Jan. ~3, 1666, Blizabeth Stevens, daughter of Lieut. John St.e,·ens, and she. died there in 1714. lie probably died in l3yfield Parish, then in Rc·wley, i!ass., for where the lieet­ ing 1touse stands is the line between N e,vbury and li.owley, with the cen1etery adjoining, and about fifty feet from the l1eeting House are a few sn1all slate markers and one of thetn states that Joshua ,v oodman died i\fay SO, 1703, aged 67 years, being "the first man child born in Newbury and the second interred in this place." ·

3 DOROTlIY ,vooDlt.AN, daughter ·of Joshua and ~liza­ beth (Stevens) ,voodn1an, was born in Andover, :\!ass., Nov. 13, 1669, and married April 26, 169fl, Hooker Osgood.

See Osgood.

References: ,,1oodmans of Buxton, lle., pp. 7, 8, 10; History of Newbury, l\fass., p. 73; New· England Register, Vol. S, pp. 65, 68; Newbury and .Andover \Tital Records.


Christopher Youngs 1n. }fargaret

I • Joseph Youngs m. l\:Iargaret ,,r arren

Gideon Youngs m. Sarah I - Joseph Youngs m. l\Iargaret

Eliphalet Youngs m. l\largaret Loomis

J• Eli Youngs m. Cleopatra Topping I Susannah Youngs Ill. Joseph S. Swan I John H. Swan m. l\Iary F. "\Vinchester I Alden Smith S,van Ill. l\Iary Althea Farwell

Florence .Althea Swan m. ,v alter Gibb YOtJNGS

1 ltEVEltEND ClilttSTOPliER YOUNGS was born in England about 1545 and died in South,vold, England, June 14, 16fl6. lte was ,ricar of :tl.eydon and Southwold, and in the chancel floor is a brass tablet, 8 by 15 inches, with an inscription to his memory. lie married ~!argaret, n1aiden natne not known, who was buried in Southwold, Nov. 5, 1630.

2 JOSEPH YOUNGS, son of Rev. Christopher and l!argaret Youngs, was born in England and died in So_uthold, t. l., in 1658, the inventory of his estate being made on Sept. 15 of that year. ln 1635 he was Captain of the ship Lo·ce, which transported passengers to New England. In 1638 he: was J!aster of the J.tlary and Anne, and that year he was admitted as an inhabitant of Salem, l!ass. About 1649 he ren1oved to Southold, t. l., where he was l1aster of a ,yessel plying between Barbados and that place. His inventory showed that he was· one of the wealthiest n1en of his day. He married in Southw·old, England, Feb. 5, 163~, )Iargaret, daughter Qf Thomas ,,r arren, and she died in Southold, L. I., about 1699. The. will of Thomas ,,r arren, n1erchan t, of Southwold, England, was dated in 1641 and proven Sept. 13, 1645, in which he mentions . '- his daughter ::\Iargaret, wife of Joseph Youngs.

3 GIDEOX YOUXGS, son of Joseph and l\Iargaret (''rar­ ren) Youngs, was born in Sale1n, :\lass., 1638, and died at Oyster Ponds, L. I., Dec. 31, 1699. In 1882 his gravestone was still standing in the old hi11 ccn1etcry near the Sound. In 1670 he O"\\~ned a 400 acre farn1 at Oyster Ponds, ,·d1ich he inherited from his father. This tract of land comn1enced at Steamboat ,,rharf in Southold and extended along the river. The house, set one-quarter of a 1nile from the wharf and thirty rods back from the shore, and J ~ part·. of the f arn1 in 1907, was owned by one of his descendants. He n1arried Sarah, maiden name not known.

4 JOSEPH YOUXGS, son of Gideon and Sarah Youngs, ,vas born in Oyster Ponds, L. I., between 1681 and 1684, and is nan1ed in his fa the r's will of 1699 as not of age. On Dec.· 30, 170-t, he receipted for a legacy fro1n hi~ fat her to his brother Gideon, by which it is safe to assume that he had reached the age of tw0nty­ one years. During that year h(\ becan1e one of the first settlers of I-Iebron, Ct., and on l\Iay 13, 1712, from that place he acknowledges recPipt fron1 his brother Jonathan at Southold, L. I., of legacy (Puge 2•1.5)

(Page 8)

SWAN OnAn:sToNmt IN AnANnoxim Cr.l\n:•1•1-:uv, S·1•1~PHF.NTOWN, N. Y.


. • . left him by his father. lte married )targaret, whose maiden name has not been found. They hoth died in Hebron, Ct., he on Jan. 29, -1768, and she on Feb. 17, 1758.

5 ~L1Plt. .-\.LET YOUNGS, son of Joseph and liargaret Youngs, married first in l3olton, Ct., Dec. 19, 1734, liary Rollo, both residents of Hebron. She die·d in Hebron, Nov. 24, 1736, in her 22d year, and he married se:cond :\largaret, daughter of Pl1ilip Loomis. He died in Hebron, Oct. 17, 17-. The record is muti­ lated and the year not definitely knol\·n, but it was between 1760 and 1770. ·

6 ELI 1-.. OtJXGS, son of Eliphalet and l\!argaret (Loomis) Youngs, was born in Hebron, Ct., Oct. 1, 1752, and married in Simsbury, Ct., Dec. 5, 1776, Cleopatra, born l\1arch 31, 1759, daughter of Dr. Josiah and Susannah (Holcomb) Topping. After the birth of two children (Eli l\1., 1777, and Cleopatra, 1780), re­ corded in Simsbury, Ct., he remoYed to Stephentown, N. Y., and was one of the earliest . settlers in that place. He settled in the south part of the town, whe1·e he operated a grist mi~l, but later remo,ed to what was then called the "Black River neighborhood." The dates of death have not been found.

7 SUS... .\XX ... .\H YOUNGS, daughter of Eli and Cleopatra . (Topping) ~... oungs, was born in Stephentown, N. Y., J ,ln. 15, 1783, and died there Xov. 15, 1833, as the wife of Joseph Sn1ith Swan. Their gravestones are still standing in the little abandoned ceme­ tery n1cntioned in the account of the ·S·wan family, and it is fair to assume that her parents are buried in that same plot.

s~e Swan.

References: History of Rensselaer County, N. Y., pp. 493, 494; Simsbur~!, East Granby and Hebron, Ct., Vital Records; Youngs Family Genealogy, pp. 39, 43, 60, 80; 'I'own Records of Southold, L. I.; Loon1is Genealogy. 246 SwAN-FAkw:.ttt Gl:N~.AtooY

W ASlttNG'l'ON John "T ashington m. ------I Robert Washington tn. --- \Vestfield I John ,v ashington m. ~1argaret Kitson -I tawrence ,v ashington m. Anne or Amee Pargiter I llobert Washington m. Elizabeth Light I 1 ,, alter "r ashington m. Alice liorden I Katherine \Vashington m. Thomas Stanton I Thomas Stanton tn. Anne Lord I Thonuis Stanton m. Joanna Gardner I 1\Iary Stanton m. Daniel Denison

I • l\fary Denison m. Nathan Smith I Elizabeth Smith m. Joseph Swan

Joseph Swan m. Deborah Alderman I Joseph S. Swan m. Susannah Youngs .I John H. Swan m. l\Iary F. Winchester I Alden Smith Swan m. l\Iary Althea Farwell I Florence Althea Farwell m. Walter Gibb I


1 JOH~ '\VASHINGTOX was of '\Vhitfield, County I""an­ caster, England.

2 ROBERT ,,r1\SIIIN'GTON, son of John ,vashington, was 247 f of \\Tarton, County tancaster, England, and married --- West­ field.

8 JOHX ,,TASltlNG'tON, son of Robert and --- (\Vest­ ficld) lVashington, "·as of ,,;arlon and married l\targaret,

4 t.A.,\... REXCE ,,rASHtXGTOX, son of John and l\!argaret (Kitson) " ... ashington, was of Northampton and Gray's lnn and 11ayor of X ortharnpton. He· was grantee of the l1anor or Sui­ grave, )!arch 10, 1539. He married for his second wife, Anne (perhaps ...-\.n1ee), daughter of Robert Pargiter, and she died Oct. 7, 1564. He died Feb. 19, 1588. Her father ,vas of Gryt"·orth, County X orthampton, and mad~ his will Feb. 4, 1557, proved Jan. 31, 1558, wherein he requests burial w·ithin the church of Gryt­ worth, in St. Katherine's Isle. He made his son-in-law, Lawrence ,v ashington, super\-;sor of his "~ill. The Herald's Visitation of Northamptonshire in 1564 shows that Robert Pargiter was son of Richard and Anne (Coles) Pargiter, and that Anne Coles was the daughter of Richard Coles of Preston in the same county. Anne, the wife of Robert Pargiter, was daughter of John Knight of Carlton. Lawrence ,,~ashington made his will Oct. 18, 1581, and in it requests that he be buried in the South Aisle of the church "before my seat where I usually sit."

. 5 ROBERT ,,rASHINGTOX, son of La,vrence and ....\.nne (Pargiter) ,,'."ashington, ""as ''40 years and over" in 1584. He made his will Feb. 7, 1619, and it was proved Jan. 3, 16~0. In it he requests burial in the South Aisle of the church "before my seat where I usually sit, under the same stone that my father lieth buried under." In 1564 his fnther and ,v alter Light, gentleman of }ladway, had recorded a n1arriage settlement between himself and Elizabeth, daughter of \Valter Light. For twenty-six yea rs Robert ,v· ashington, who had inherited the ::\Ianor House at Sulgrave, enjoyed the possession of it, but in 1610, with the consent of his eldest son La"·rence, he sold his estates. He was the last \\T ashington owner who lived in Sulgravc l\Ianor House. Sulgrave ::\Ianor was purchased by a. gr1up of British friends of .A1nerica and has been rehabilitated and e1nbellished to n1ake it pcr1nnnently a significant place of pilgrin1age for all wl10 revere the narne of ,,... ashington. It still bears the lVashington arn1s. SwAN-FABW!:tt G:EN~tooY

'the Sulgrave 1nstituHon in this country was organized to pro­ mote friendly relations among English speaking peoples and be­ tween them and other nations of the world, and to ensure the main­ t~nance of Sulgi-a,·e l!anor at Sulgrave, England, the hotne of George lVashington's ancestors. The lnstitution has a large mem- . bership, and from thne to tin1e issue Bulletins which give in inter­ esting detail the progress of the work, besides notifying its mem-. hers of some wonderful contributions from Americans who have made their home in England. Walter tight. of Radway, County ,varwick, made his will· 1\1:arch 16, 1596, and it was proved April ~fl, 1597. lle requested burial in the chancel of the parish church near his ,vife and states that Lawrence lVashington, after the decease of his brother ,v alter Washington, procured adn1inistration of his goods and chattels and the la,v would have to determine the standing of tll"O leases of the farm in Radway "wherein I no\\" dwell," and n1akes his friend John :V!urden of Ratley, County ,v arwick, his legatee, until the law settles the question in dispute. Walter Light was the son of Christopher Light of llor]ey, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Henry ,·v arde of Pillerton, and said Christopher was the son of Thomas and ...i\.gnes Light of Horley. This Tho1nas Light made his will Jan. 6, 1520, proved Jan. 30, · 15~0, and requested burial in the chur~h of St. Awdrey, ain Horley, and as nearly the whole Christian world w·as Ron1an Catholic at that ti111e, his "~ill is filled ,\·ith gifts to that church, and wishes a priest singing in the church for hin1 for two years. He states that he bought in I4ondon a great n1arblc stone to "lie upon me and my wife after our decease and therein to be graYen, I and n1y wife, in brass, with all our children." Agnes, his wife, made her will Nov. ~O, 15~3, proved Dec. 15, 15~3, but ~cquested burial in the church of St. La-wrence l\larston.. Christopher Light of Horley, the father of ,valter, made his will l\Iarch ~8, 1546, proved Nov. 9, 1546, and requested burial near his father in Horley and bequeathed his _son ,v alt~r his house at Salton's Corner in Horlev., .

6 lV. ..:-\.LTER ,,r.. .\SHINGTON, son of Robert and Elizabeth (Light) ,v ashington, deceased before :\larch, 1596, as per the "·ill of ,v altcr Light of Radway. He n1arricd Alice, daughter of John ~,orden of ~Iorton )lorcll, ,v·arwickshire, and his ,vife Katherine, daughter and co-heir of Richard )Ia rs ton of Draughton, N ortharnp­ tonshire. ....\.fter the death .of ,,T alter, his ,vidow married John ,,T ood­ ,vard, and she of Stratford on Avon at the ti1nc, made her will Aug. 20, 164~, proved )lay ~Q, 16!7, and requested burial near 249

her second husband, and mentions her grandchildren 'rhotnas, Walter and Alice Stanton. Walter \Vashington had brotl1er Lawrence, as mentioned in the above will of \Valtcr Light, and from this Lawrence descended the first President of our United States, as follows: Lawrence (brot.her · of Walter), Lawrence, John, Lawrence, Augustine, George, born Feb. 22, l 73i, died Dec. 14, 1799.

7 l{ATHERlNE \VASlllNGTON, daughter of Walter and Alice { l\torden) ,,r ashington, married Thomas Stanton, son and heir of Thomas Stanton of ,v oolverton. \Varwickshire.

See Stanton.

Rcierences : New England Register, Vol. 43, pp. 398-420 ; ,r ol. 45, p. 6~ ; Vol. 47, pp. 267-271 ; Ancestors of Calvert Crary and his wife, Eliza Hill.


A Johanna, 31 Samuel. 39, 40, 165, 206 John, 32,65,83 Sarah, 40, 41, 116, 16-5 Abell, Joshua, 192 .Margerl'·, 31 Sylvanus,2i,40,41, 74. 116 Acea, 172 Mary, 4, 32, 83 Thomas, 39, 40, 206 Acie, Elizabeth, 3, 4, 2S Blaney, Banjamin, 40, 115, l\largaret, 28 B 132,150 William, 28 Blinman, Re,·., 32 ·· Adalfrid, 172 Bachillor. John, 97 Blis8, Catherine, 42, 61 Adam, 176 Baldwin, 182 .Margaret, 42 Adela, 182 Baldwin, l\Ia.ry, 211 ~lary,42, 127,128 Adela rd, 1; 1 Timothy, 211 · Nathaniel, 42, 61, 127 Adelheid, Queen, 1S2 Ballard, Elizabeth, 188 Thomas, 42 · - Adelise, 1 i 4- Balsdon, Harriet, 13 Bodo, 168 Aec";inas, 172 Bancroft, Benjamin, 24 Bold, Elena, 170, 180 Aella, 168 Bannister-Banuistre, Adam, Emma, 170 Aethelgoda. 172 178 Graccia, 170 Aetheling, Edgar, 175 Clemence, 169 Henry, 170, 174 Affius, 173 ClE-melitina, 169 John, 170 Agatha, 175 Katherine, 178 Richard, 169, 170, ISO Ainsworth, :\Iartha. 108 Margaret, 178 Sibella, 170. 174 Akers, Priscilla, 138 Robert, 169 Sybella, 169 Thomas, 138 Barlow, Edmund, 34, 35, 60, Sybil, 169 Alchmuod, 168 159 "\Villiam, 169. Al<.-ott, Blake, 6 :M~'"Y, 34, 35, 60. 159 Boody, :\fayor; 11, 12 Deborah A., 6 Bartlett, Christopher, 36. 37, Borodell, Ann, 83 Aldane, 174 136,224 Boteler, Almeric, 180 Alderman, Ahinoam, 29 Deborah, 37, 224 Edith, 180 · Deborah, 5, 8, 29, 30 Mary, 36, 3i', 94, 136, 205 'William, 180 Elijah, 29, 30 Richard, 36 Bourne, Ann,44, 191,192 Elizabeth, 29 Bascreas, 173 Elizabeth, H, 191 John,29,60 Bassa, 172 . :Martha, 44 Joseph, 29 Bates, see Batt Thomas, 44, 191 l'1ary, 29, 59 Batt, Lucia, 34 Bout-ell-Boutwell, Alice, 43 Sarah, 29, 60 Mary. 34, 90 James, 43,97, 139 Thomas, 29 Nicholas, 34, 90 :Mary, 43, 97 William, 29, 59 Bealdeagus, 168 Rebecca, 43, 139 Aleric, 176 Beaufort, :Margaret, 176, 178 Boyer, Stephen, 125 Alfgar, 169 Thomss, 176, 178 Brackenbury, 183 Alfgifu, 169 Beawe, Richard, 52 Bradford, 219 Alfteda, 172 Rose, .52 Bradshaigh-Bradshagh, Ce- Alfred, the Great, 169, 175, Becker, Emma C., 7 celia, 174, 1S-1 180,182 Beecher, .:\Irs. "\Ym. C .• 13 Elizabeth, 179 Alfrida, 172 Bedican, 171 John, 183 Alger, Agnes, 101 Beldeg, 168 ~fabel, 183 Robert, 101 Bellingham, Juliana, 177 Richard, 183 Alla, 173 Richard, 177 Robert, 183 Alleyn, Jane, 53 Benjamin, EmUy, 7 Roger, 174, 183 Thomas, 53 Joseph, 7 Thomas, 183 Allgar, Bridget, 146 Bent, Agnes, 39 William, 179, 183 \Villiam, 146 Bertha, li3 Brando, 168 Alswitha, 169 Betham, \Villiam, l 73 Brandus, 168 Andrews. Daniel, 29 Bibba, 172 Brewster, Elizabeth, 96 Andro~, Governor, 102 Bidfield, Elizabeth, 38, 205 Brigham, Constance, 4 7, 76 Angier, Samuel. 67 Samuel, 38 Elizabeth, 46 Annabel, 176 Bird, Nicola, 51, 52 Gilli~n. 47 Anne of Russi~. 1S3 Thomas, 51 Isabel, 47, 76 Annis, Abraham, 94 Blackburn, John, 178 Jennett, 47 Anseric-, 167 Margaret, 17S Prescott, 167 Ansteig, 171 Blanchard, Abt>l, 40 Tabitha, 167 Appleton, Samuel. ~,, 164 Agnes, 39 Thomas, 46, 47, 76 Aquitine, Duk", IS2 Ann,39 Brinley, Letitia., 180 Arnold, Bcnt:-Jict, 229 Delia, 27, 41, 74 Bristri c, 1 t) 8, 171 Ashenden, ~J srgery, 1S7 Elizabeth, 40 Brithric, 1171 Athal:uic, 172 Frances, 39 Bromley, Thomas, 183 Atherton . .Tames, 237 George, 39 Brooks, Eleazer, 40, 115, 210 Atkins, Elizabeth. IS5 George D. B .• 40 Brown, Elizabeth, 51, 96 Audesk, 171 Hannah, 40 James F., 229 Austin, Louisa, 6 Herbert, 39 John, 54, 9n Avery, Abigail, 32, 65 Joshua, 40 Mary. 48, 49, 119 Christoph~r. 31, 3:? Josiah, 40 William. 48, 49, 119 James, 31, 32, 65 Mary, 39, 40, 206 BrownE", George, 124: James, 0., 32 Mehitablc, 40 Hannah, 124 Joanna,32 Nathaniel, 39 Bruce, see Brus 251 SwAN-P An,v~tt G:tNEAtoGY

~rus, Helwise. 181 Mayor 11. 12 Patrick, 181 tucy, 181, 182 Samuei. 42, 6.t Thomas, 181 l\targaret, 181 Chaplin, Martha, 157 Cunewaldus, 171 l>etel', 181 Robert 157 Curwen, see Culwen Robett, 181 Charles, king, 177 Cutha, 168 ~uckJand, Richard, 52 Chase, Anne, 6:J, 231 Cuthbert, 172 Roee, 52 Aquila, 63, 231 Cuthegisil, 171 l3ueU, :Martha, 50, 128 l\fary, 63, 205 Cuthwine, 168 l\tary, 49, 50 Cherdie, 168 Cutler, Rebecca, 76, 77, 99 l>eter, 50 Chesebrough, Abigail, 32, 65 Robert, 76, 77, 99 • William, 49, 50 Anna, 64, 65 Cynric, 168, 171 l3ulkeley, Arderne, 52 Samuel, 32, 65 Czar II, 183 Beatrice, 52 William, 64, 65, 199 Edward, 52, 53, 54, 96 Chete, 169, 180 Elizabeth, 52, 54, 96, 97 Chetel, 180 D Grisell, 52 Chilperic, 173 Daboll, Wealthy A., 8 Hellen, 52 Chrisfeilde, Phebe, 187 Dalton, Samue!, 154 Hugh, 52 Christiana, 180 Darrell, Duncan, 182 ltumphrey, 52 Church, Caleb, 67. 196 Emma, 182 Jane, 53 Elizabeth, 66, 67, 219 Davenport, Ebenezer, 151 Jobn,52, 106 Isaac, 67 John. 192 Lucey, 53 Joanna,67, 196 Davis, Barnabas, 77 Lucey Anna, 53, 54 Jonathan, 67 Christ-ian, 78, 79 Lucian, 53 Lydia, 67, 190 Joanna. 73, 79 Nicola, 51, 52 :Mary, 67 ~fary, 77,78, 165,220 Olive, 52 Rebecca, 67 Patience, 77 Peter, 51, 52, 53 Richard,66,67,219 Samuel, 77, 78, 220 Thomas, 52 Clark, Amanda, 7 Thomas, 78, 79 William. 52 Asa S., 6 Day, Hannah, 80, 94,205 Bullen, Elizabeth, 55, 234 Charles A., 7 John,80,94, 164 l\fary, 55, 153 George M., 6 Robert, 80 Samuel, 55, 153 Harriet S., 6 Sarah, 80. 164 l3ulmer, Bertram, 175 Laura E., 6 Denison-Denyson, Abigai Emma, 175 Louisa, 6 83 Burgh, Hubert, 175, 176 Matthew, 238 Agnes, 82 ::Margaret, 175, 176 M:innie, 6 Ann, 83 Robert, 176 Pamela it., 7 l3ridget, 82 Burrows, Robert, 31 Polly, 7 Daniel, 82, 83, 84, 200 Buttolph, Ann, 56 Rhoda, 6 George, 82, 83, 200 Da'\;d, 57, 128 Clement-Clements, Abigail, Jane,83 Hannah, 56, 57,106 70,164 John,82 John, 56, 57. 106 Elizabeth, 69. 70 JohnB., S.1, 84,142,200 l\fabel, 57, 128 Robert, 69, 70 Lucy, 4, 5, 84 l\lary, 57, 128 Cnobba, 171 Margaret, 82 l\Iehitable, 57, 128 Cogswell, Jane, 83 ~iary,4,32,83,84,192, l9i Thomas, 56 Colburn, Betsy F ., 6 200 Edward, 71, 72 Phebe, 83, 84, 142 C Hannah.22,71,72 William, 4, 32, 82,-83 Joseph, 71 Depew, Helen L., 20 Cain, La"·ina, 7 Thomas, 22, 72 Deuel, Abner, 9, 240 Calder, Wm. 1\1., 17, 18~ 19 Coles, Anne, 247 l\fary .F., 9, 240, 241 Call, Bennett, 58 Richard, 247 Dewey, George. 83 Joanna, 58 Converse, Edward, 195 Dic:xinson, Sarah, 24 l\Iercy, 58, 144 Joan, 195 Dingfert. 171 Thomas, 58, 144 Cook, Frances, 232 Divoll, Hannah, 84, 85, 237 Cancefield. Agnes, 177 Richard, 232 John, 84, 85, 237 Alicia, 177 ·cooke, :Maudlin, 227, 228, 237 Ruth, 85, 156, 236 John, 177 Corbin, Christiana, 195 William, 85, 236 Richard, 177 Joan, 195,196 Dix, John, 97 Capen, :\Iary, 111 John,195 Doggett, Hann$lh, 40 Capet, Hugh, 182 Corliss, Anna, 74, 131 Doi.fin, 17 5 Case, Elizabeth, 59 Delia, 27, 41, 74 Done, Emma, 180 John,29,59, 128,198 Ephraim, 73 · Dongan, Gov'r, 211 1\-Iary, 29, 59 · George, 72, 73, 7~ Donova~ Ted, 12 Sarah, 29, 59,128,198 Joanna, 73, 79 Doolittle, John, 86 Casey, l\Iehitable C., 9 John,73, 122,238 Sarah, 86, 102, 103 Waldo S .• 9 Joseph,73, 74,94,95 • Dunlap, J. w .. 237 Ceaulin, 168 :h-lary, 73, 94, 238 Ceawlin. 168 Miriam, 73, 7 4, 94 Cedwald, 168 Ruth, 73, 122 E Cenowalch, 172 Solomon, 74, 131 Cenrid. 168 Cospatric(k), 175, 181 Eager, Fortunatas, 119 Census, 171 Cozzens, Martha, 50 Eahmund, 168 Centour, l 72 Thomas, 50 Ealmund, 168 Centfret, 171 Crabbe,Susan.95,96 Eames, Anthony, 87, 195 Cenulphe. 171 Crafts. Catherine J

Edward, the Confessor, 168 r .f.}eorge, 56, 106, 129 nannah, 56, 57, 106 ~dward, the Elder, 182 Fairbanks, Jenet, 108 s:.. ward, :King. 177 Joanna,83, 1041 200 Edw~r~s. Agnes, 197 Jonas, 167 Lucy, 104, 200 William, 197 :talstaff, 178 ?.largaret, 106 ~dw!n,t~~Great, 172,173 :tarnsworth, 1saac, 24 Rutli, 106 ~hwm, King, 173 :Farwell, Abigail, 27 Thomas, 104, 105, 106, 200 s:.. mund, 168 Anna, 23 Qawkroger, Isabelle, 108 Eldred. 169 Catherine E., 27 James, 108 • Eldredge, Althea, 20 Delia, 27, 41 Jenet, 108 ~dward, I., 20 Edward, 23 John, 107,108,184 i:.laine G., 20 Elisabeth, 23 Katherine, 107, 108 Helen L., 20 Eunice, 24, 25, 12-i A1argaret, 108 l\iary A., 20 llannah,22,23,72, 143 Martha, 108 ~ldridge, Abigail, 84 . Henry, 22 Mary, 108,167,170,134 i:.lfrid, 172 lsaac, 23 Richard, 108 ~liot, Re-..·., 239 James, 26, 27, 98 Geary, Minnie B., 20 .c.liseus, 168 James E., 27, 41 Gerard, Constance, 174 Elitho p-Elli thorpe, Abigail, John,23 John, 174 96 Jonathan,22,23,24.25, 124 Gerisius, 168 Isabel, 47 Joseph,22,23,24,25,26,72 Gernet, Annota, 180 l-:targaret, 90, 117 111, 120, 143, 240 ' Benedict, 180 · Mary, 34, 90 L eonard, 24 Gesack, 171 Nathaniel. 34, 90, 117 Mary, 22, 23, 24, 111 Getchell, Laura E., 6 Thomas, 90 Mary A., 9, 12, 27 Gibb, Althea, 20 ~lizabeth, Queen, 177 Molly,25,26, 120,240 :Florence A., 12, 13, lb, 16, .c.lsa, 168 Olive, 22, 23 17, 18, 19, 20, 25 Elswiha, 169 Polly,26,27.98 . -Harriet, 13 Emerson, Abigail, 73, 94, 205 Sally, 26, 240 John, 13 . Alexander, 92, 93 Sarah, 23 ,valter, 13, 20 Anne, 92 Susannah, 23 Gibson,Joanna, 109 l3ethia, 97 Thomas, 23 John,99, 109 C!tt>tain, 4 Fawne, Elizabeth, 69, 70 Martha, 109, 140 Ebenezer, 43, 97 John, 69 Rebecca, 99, 109 Edw~rd. 93. 96 Luke, 69 Gilbert, 169 EliP-s, 97. 98, 132 Fenner, Arthur, 141 Gilson, Elizabeth, 22, 111 Elizabeth, 54, 93, 96, 97 Sarah, 141. 142 Joseph, 22, 111 George, 92 \Villinm, 141 Mary, 22, 24, 111 Hannah, 80, 93, 94, 205, Finch, Charles N., 10 Godwin, 1G9 222 Fish, Abigail, S4 Goffe, Edward, 112 Isabel, 93 Dorothy, 192, 229 Joyce, 112 Jennett, 93 Samuel, 192, 229 Lydia, 112, 196 John,73, 92,94,205 Fitch, Agnes, lf)l Goodale, Eliia ,v., 27 Jonathan,80,94, 205 Anna, 101 Gorham. John, 214 Joseph, 43, 54, 96, 97, 216 Cora, 101 Gospatrick, 177 l\largaret, 93 Joanna, 101 Grant, llannah, 124 ~fary,43, 73 94 97 John, 100, 101 Thomas, 124 . Michael, 80 • 92 93 94 !viary, 101, 189 Grantham, Isabel, 93 222 ' ' ' ' Thomas, 101, 189 Greaton, Col., 25 Miriam, 73, 7 4, 94 William, 101 Green, Elizabeth, 113, 114, P.H., 93 Fitley, Arderne, 52 196,232 Peter, 73, 94 John, 52 James, 114 Phebe, 97, 98, 132,.216 Fitz Dolphin, :!\Ialdred 175 John, 113,111,232 Polly,26,27,98 Fitz Gilbert, Gundred 181 1 .Mary, l 14 Ralph \V., 96 182, 183 ' Sarah, 113,196,232 Robert, 92, ~3. 9.3, 96 .William, 181, 182, 183 Thornns, 113, 232 Susan. 9.5. 96 Fitz John, William, 183 Greenslade, .Joanna. 32 Thomas, 92. 93. 95, 96 Fitz Maldred, Isabel 175 Grosvt>nor, Elizabeth, 52 Emery, Hannah, 93 Robert, 175 ' Randall,52 Jobn,93. 222 Fib: Reinfrid, Gilbert 181 GrO'\'er, Hannah, 40, 115, 116 .Mary, 222 Hclwise, 181 • John, 40, 115, 116 Engengeate, 171 Roger, 181 · l\fatthew, 115 Fitz Robert, Geoffrey, 175 English, Isabel1 178 Samuel, 115, 214 ".illiam, 178 Fitz Ulf, Sijan, 17 4 Sarah, 40, 60, 115, 1 ! 6, 214 Enguerrand, 174 Styr, 174 Thomas, 60, 115 Enno, Elizabeth, 127 Flandreusis, see Fleming Gundrcd, 182 James, 127 Fleming, Agatha, 177 GunhHda., 181 Enwolf, 171 Alice, 177 Eomcrus, 171 Alicia, 177 Eoppa, 168, 171, 172 Michael, 177 H Erchenwine, 172 William, 177 Ernulph, 171 Floyd.John, 86,102,103 Hagaman, Garret, 2i0 Errington, Abraham 77 9Q Sarah, 86,102,103,214 Lucy, 8,240 Ann,98,99 ' ' ' Foster, Christopher, 103, 185 Mary F., 2o, 240,241 Rebecca, 77, 99, 109 Frances, 103 Rac-!icl, 240 EsiL, 16S, 172 Hannah, 103, 18,5 \Villi,un, 240 Escui:v, 171 Fredegar, 168 Willi~m A., 8 Esk, 173 French, Jacob, 41 Hall. Elizabeth, 227 Ethelburga, 171, 173 Sarah, 41 Robert, 227 Etbclhert, 173 Frewin, lGS Halsall, El~na, 1';"0 Ethelfb.ed, 174 Friairin, 16S Gilbert 170 Ethelde

Robert, 181, 57 Stt}Yens, Abigail, 73, 94, 205 :Rossiter, Ebenezer, 192 Caroline. 7 · Elizabeth, 38, 203, 205, 243 ltouf, Hannah, 72 Dorothy, 192, 229 John, 37, as. 63, 94, 203, ltowlandson, Joseph, 85, 237 ~lizabeth, 5, 193, 196 205,243 Mar~.85,237 ltugh, 90 Maty,37,63,94, 205 ltusa, Hannah, 3 Jane. 190 William. 38, 205 Jonathan, 190 Stevenson, Anna, 64, 65 Lucy, 104, 200 St. John, Olive:-, 53 s iydia, 67, 190, 192, 241 Stone, Elizabeth, 106 Mary. 57, 84, 138, 190. 192, Samuel, 106 ~abbert, 172 193 Stowe, Jane, 130 Saltonstall, Richard, 94 Matthew, 115 Stower, Sarah, 132 Sanborn, John, 154 Nathan, 84~ 192, 193 Stranahan, James S. T., 12 Margaret, 154 Nathaniel, 67, 190 Streeter, Mary, 7 Sawyer, Ephraim, 167 Nehemiah, 44,191,192,229. Stuteville, Hclwise, 181 James, 94 242 Suartha1 173 Mary, 130,131,167,184 O.scar, 7 Sucbdea, 173 Thomas, 167, 184 Sarah, 88, 191 Sueppa, 171 Sau.natta, 168 Sarah Ann, 191 Supig, 171 Saxonatta, 171 Thomas, 138, 190 Suvarda, 179 Sayre, Daniel, 103, 185, 186, Sotheron, Agnes, 4 7 Svarticke, 168 211 Spencer, Agnes, 197, 198 Swain, 176 Elizabeth, 185 Sarah, 59, 198 Swan, Adin, 5 Francis, 185 William. 59. 197, 198 Adin S., .5 Hannah, 103,185,186,211 Spotten, Harriet, 6 Agnes, 7 Thomas, 185 Sprague, Christiana, 195 Albert, 9, 241 Scarisbrick, 180 Edward, 193 Alden Smith, 9, 10, 11, 12, Scaxnod 171 Elizabeth, 114, 196 27, 241 Scotto, Rebecca, 67 Joan, 195,196 Alvah L., 8, 10, 240 Scoville, Hiram, 7 Joanna, 67,196 Ann, 3 Pamela, 7 John, 112. 195,196 Augusts, 8 Seabrook, Alice, 189 Lydie., 112, 196 Caroline, 7 Robert, 189 I\-Iary, 150, 196 -Content, 7 Seadaldus, 173 Melicent, 87, 195, 196 Deborah, 5, 8, 30 Sealis-Selys, Eglin, 187 Phineas, l 14, 196 Delight, 6 Hannah, 187, 239 Ralph, 195, 196 Edith C., 12 John, 186, 187 Rebecca, 196 Elizabeth, 3, 4, 5, 28, 193 Margery, 187 Samuel, 113, 196 Emily, 7 :Mary, 187 Sa.rah, 113, 196 Esther, 6 · Phebe, 187 Timothy, 60 lt'lorence A., 12, 20 Richard, 1S7, 239 William, 87,195,196 Frances, 8 Seaver, Caleb, 188, 240 Standish, Alexander, 170, li4 Fr~derick, 9 Elizabeth, 1S8 Alianora, 173 Hannah, 3 Robert, 188 Alice, 170, 179 Harriet, 6 Sarah, 188, 240 Cecelia, 174, 184 Harriet C., 7 Sebba, 172 Clemence, 179 Harvey, 6 Sefugelas, 173 Constance, 174 Henry, 6 Seward, 172 Eliza beth, 166, 170 Isabelle, 7 Shakespeare, 176 Henry, 174 Jeremiah, 6 Shatswell, John. 222 Hugh, 179 John,3,4,5,84. S9.~1: M:ary, 93, 222 Joan, 174 John H., 8, 9, 27, :?-10 Theophilus, 222 John, 174 Joseph,5,7, 8,30, 193 Shaw, Betsey F., 6 Jordan, 173 Joseph M., 8 Com(ort, 6, 7 Lawrence, 174 , Joseph S., 5, 8, 9, 245 Content, 7 ·Lora, 174 Lot, 5 Deborah A., 6 liargaret, 173,174 Lucy,4,5,S,84,240 Delight, 6 Ralph, 170, 173, 174, 179, Lyman, 6 Ellen, 166, 170 184 l\1argaret L., 9 Hannah, 7 · Roger, 166, 170 l\iartha, 5 Helen, 170 Sibella, 170,174 Mary, 5, 7, 8 Jesse, 6 Thurston, 173 :Mary A., 9, 12, 2i Jobn,7 William, 174 Mary F ., 9, 26, 27, 240, ~41 Livina, 7 Stanley, David, 170 :Mehitable C., 9 Pamela, 7 Edward, 155 Nathaniel, 7 Pardon, 7 Elizabeth, 178 · Nelson, 7 Phebe, 7 Emma, 170 . Nelson P., 8 Polly, 7 Isabel, 178 Orson, 8 Rhoda, 6 John, 178 Pamelia, 7 Sheldon, Col., 5 Thomas, 178 Paris, 6 Shepard. Thomas, 11:r.~ William, 170 Percy, 6 Shepardson, Daniel, 58 ·· Stanton, Alice, 249 Perez, 6 Joanna. 58 Anne, 104,148,200 Poly, 8 Sherburne, Katherin~, li8 Elizabeth. 198, 199 Ralph A., 9 Robert, 178 Joanna, 83,104,200 Richard, 3 Sherwood, Alire. 189 John, 198, 199 Robert, 3, 4, 28 .Mary, 101, 1S9 Kathf'rinc, 199. 249 Ruth, 89 Ruth, 127,128, 1S9 Mary, 73, 83, 84, !H, 200 Smith S., 5 , Thomas, 101, 189 Robert, 83, 104:, 200 Smith Y ., 8 Sigarus, 173 Thomas 104, 148, 199, 200, Susan W., 8 Sigefugel, 171 229, 2-19 Sus::inn a, 4, Si'l Sigelline, 182 'Walter, 249 ~us~nn~t,8.0, 245 Siggoth. 173 Staple, l\Iaudlin, 227, 22S, 2:37 Trvon, 7 Sighard, 172 Philipa, 227 '\';~ ;.:-rcn, 5, 7 Sigward. 168 Steams, Isaac, 202 \V c:iltliy A., 8 · 8ijan, 174 Marv. 22, 143, 202 \YHiinw. 89 Siward, 174 8tedrnan, )!ary, 187 Swcctze:-, B,::r.;~min, 206 Sledda, 172 lUt'hard. 187 lkth:a, :::Crti Smith, Ann, 44, 191, 192 Stepht:n, l~in~. 177 Elizabeth, 132, :!Oo Anna, 190, 2JO Btephcns, :\forgery, 31 ~Iary. 40, ~013 257 • Seth, (O, 132. 206 Vecta, 113 Ricbard,227,228,237 Swett, :Benjamin, 3 Veldeg, 168, 173 Wester"·alchna, 1;3 Sysnson, llaty. 153 Yerdon, John, 179 Westfield.---, 247 Vermandois, Adelhard, 183 \Veston, Franklin, 97 -r Alice, 183 Wheeler. Anne, 63, 231 Anne. 183 Cleora C., 7 Talbois, lvo. 169 l:dgiva. 183 Dorothy, 192, 229 Lucia, 169 Elizabeth, 182, 183 Emma C., 7 Talbot. lsabella, 179 Henry, 183 Everett C., 1 Thomas, 179 Hubert, 183 Frances, 113, 232 Taroslaus, 183 Hugh, 183 Frost l\f., 7 · Thompson, Alice, 157. 207 Isabel, 182, 183 Harriet S., 6 Bridget, 83 Veterpont. Hobert, 181 Isaac, 113, 158, 192, 229, Dorothy, 158, 207, 229 Viall, Benjamin, 188, 240 232 • George, 207, 208 Sarah, 188, 240 John,63,231 John, 207 Victoria, Queen, 168 ~fartha, 158,192,229 Sarah, 207, 208, 216 Villiers, Alan, 180 Mary,228, 229 Thorndike, Francis, 39 Beatrice, 180 Richard, 167 Nicholas, 39 Paganaus, 180 Ross C., 7 Thornton, Alan, 180 Rush B., 6 Margaret, 180 w Sara~. 113, 232 Thumfried, 171 Waga, 170 1'homas, 158, 228, 229 - Th ursband, 1 i 4 'Walcher, Alice, 175 Wheelock, Abiah, 217, 234 Thurston. 173 Bishop, 175 Abiell, 217, 234 Tibbets, Mary, 119, 209 '\\"alker, Agnes, 7 Benjamin, 55, 234 Walter, 209 Henry, 49 Elizabeth, 55, 234 Tinkham, Frank )1., 7 Joshua, 7 Gershom, 234 Isabelle. 7 ~lary, 49, 119 Ralph. 234 Tomson, John, 66 \Y altheof, 17 4 Rebecca, 234 Topping, Abigail, 211 Ward-'Warde, Abiah, 217, '\Vhitcomb. Frances, 23.5 Cleopatra, 212, 2-15 234 John,235, 236 Deborah, 211 Abiell, 217, 218, 234 }.fary. 23f>, 236 Elna.than, 211 Colonel, 25 Ruth, 85, 236 Emma, 211 Elizabeth, 217, 248 Vlhite, Almira L., 1,g Hannah, 186, 211 Henry, 248 Alice, 236 James, 211 Joseph,217,218,234 Bridget, 146 John, 211 llartha, 25, 119, 218 Hannah, 85 237 Josiah, 126, 128, 186, 211, Mary, 141,218, 240 J.B.• 170 212, 245 Phineas, 218 Joan,228,237 Lydia, 211 Samuel, 134, 217 John,228,237 Mart.ha. 125, 211 Sarah, 134, 2li John W., 237 Mary, 211 William. 217 John, 228, 237 ?tfehitable. 125. 126. 211 "'s.rren, Elizabeth, 66, 6i, 182, John w·., 237 Susannah. 128,211,212,245 183, 219 Msry, 8.5, 146, 147, 237 Thomas, 125. 211 Gundred, 182, 183 Robert 146, 236, 237 Townsend, Elizabeth, 198, 199 Isabel, I 82. 183 Whitgar, 169 Trafford, Henry, 179 :Margaret, 244 Whitney. Daniel C., 11 Margaret, 179 Richardson, 218, 219 Josiah, 119 Trollop, ·wm:2.m, 183 Thomas, 244 Whittaker, l\fary, 73 Trumbull, Ann, 3 William, 182. 183 \Villiam, 73 John,3 Washington, Alice, 199, 248, Wigga, 168 Tufts, Elizabeth. 150, 213 249 Wike, 168 Mary, 163, 212, 213 Amee, 247 Wihtgar, 168 Peter, 163, 212, 213 Anne, 2-17 ,vilbraham, Hellen, 52 Tully, Joltn, 141 .~ugustine, 249 Thomas, 52 Sarah, Hl Elizabeth, 248,249 'Wilder, Luke, 26 Tunstal, Anne, 176 General, 119 Wilelgeths. luS, 170 "·imam, 176 George. 248, 249 'Wilford, Gilbert, 238 Turner, John, 106 Katherine, 199, 249 John, 211 Ruth, 106 John. 246,247,249 Lydia, 211 Twenge, Alice, 182 Lawrence, 247,249 :\Iary, 73, 238 Emma, 182 l\fargaret, 247 · Wilgisel, 173 Isabel, 182 Robcrt,246,247,248 ,vilke, 168 · Lucy, 181. 1S2 \Yalter, 199, 248, 249 \Vilard, Capt., 19.5 Marmaduke, lSl, IS2 Wass, Elizabeth, 6 Eunice, 24, 124 ?\-Iaud, 182 Waters, Ano, 14,5, 220 ~ nthaniel, 24, 124 Robert, 1S2 La.wren<'e, 145, 220 William, the Conqueror, 174, :\lary, 77, 78, 220 175, 176, 162 u Watson, Isabel, 47, 76 '\Villiam, Duke, 182 James, 47 '\\,.illiams, Capt., 25 Uchtrcd, li4, 175, 181 ".ilson, John, 39 Upham. Elizabeth, 213, 214 Lieutenant, 2.5 John, 213,214 W '.:'agdeagus, 17 3 :\lc-hitable, 131 1',;athnniel. 103, 115. 214 Webba, 171. 172 'Winchester, Alexander, 102, \Vebdig, 173 241 Phine:1s, 214 Auna, 190, 210 Ruth, 2H ,Yebster, Jfann:-1.h, 93, 94, 222 John. 93. 2:n Caleb. 140. 190, 240 Sn.rah. 103, 115. 214 Ibnnnh. 187. 230 {;pt on, E!<':wor. 21-'> ~fary, 03, 2~2 'Weed, Debor~h. 37, 224, 226 John, 187, 230 John, 20~. ~15, :Ho Josiah, !;'.il, ISS, 23!', 2·W Phebe, 97. 216 John, 37,224,226 Sarnh. 20S, 216 "'ensley, Dc•bornh, 37,224,226 J,ydia, l!l2, 241 Elizabeth. 2:?6 :\Iarv, HO, VH, 2:3Ct. :!-iO Tabitha. 216 1 4 'I~' nry • I'•.,., <1 26 , .-,-_,, ·>_.,,_,, '' ••-·i 1 Urswick, Ellen, 179 Samuel, 226 Thomas, 1;9 'Wercmund, 171 Sally, :2G. 240 "·e~t, Ann£', 2:!7 ~a !!Hl<'l. .:?6, 240 V Elizabeth, !?:?7 Rarah, 188, :.?-t.O Joan, 2:.?8. z:37 "·;1,thr<•P, Govl'r.;:;cr, IC~ Valois. Ac.klhard. 1S3 :\Iaudlin, 2?7. 228, 2:{7 Witt>~ind. lfiS Ralph, 1~3 Xie-hobs, 2:27 \\.ith1ep:, 171 Vane, Heury, li7 Philipa, 227 Witigi~Ius, 1 i3 258

Witte, 173 Robert, 96 Christopher, 244 Woden. 168,173 Woodward, Alice, 248 :t4, 8, 212, 245 l\,.ood, Margaret, 90. 117 John,248 :tb l\l., 245 :kuth, 214 Worseley, Henry, 17 4 :tlipbalet, 147, 212, 245 Samuel. 90, 117 Joan, 174 Gideon, 244 Susanna, 4, 89 Worth, Abram, 101 Jonathan,244 '.thonaas, 4, 89 Cora, 101 Joseph, 244, 245 Woodman, Dorothy, 156, 243 Wright, Anne, 93 Joseph :M., 8 Edw&.rd, 242, 243 Wuskfrea, 173 l\·targaret, 147, 244, 245 Elizabeth, 203, 243 l\lary, 245 Joanna, 242 y Sarah, 244 . Joshua, 203, 243 Young-Youngs, Cleopatra, Susannah,8,9.245 Woodmansey, Elizabeth, 96 212,245