SUBMISSION OF FORM – I & IA TOWARDS GETTING TERMS OF REFERENCE (ToR) For Proposed Integrated Layout under Land Pooling Scheme for Beneficiaries, APTIDCO and Sports Complex M/s.VISAKHAPATNAM METROPOLITAN REGION DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (VMRDA) Site Address: Sy.Nos: 1, 2, 3 & 5 of E-Marripalem (V), Sy. Nos: 13, 63, 76, 367 & 429 to 439 of Pedamushidiwada (V) of Paravada (M), Sy. Nos: 51, 52, 91 of Nanginarapadu (V), Sy. Nos: 20, 57, 58 & 59 of Gangavaram (V) of Sabbavaram (M) and Sy. Nos: 154, 155, 184 & 185 of Aganampudi (V) of Gajuwaka (M), Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh Submitted to STATE ENVIRONMETNAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY (SEIAA) O/o. AP POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD, VIJAYAWADA. December’2018 Prepared by Enviro House, Block –B, B-1, IDA,Auto Nagar, Visakhapatnam – 530 012 Telephone: 0891-2755528, E-mail:
[email protected] QCI No – 147& Recognized by MOE&F, New Delhi. FORM 1 (I) Basic Information Sl.No. Item Details 1. Name of the project(s) Proposed Integrated Layout under Land Pooling Scheme for Beneficiaries, APTIDCO and Sports Complex by VISAKHAPATNAM METROPOLITAN REGION DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Sy. Nos: 1, 2, 3 & 5 of E-Marripalem (V), Sy. Nos: 13, 63, 76, 367 & 429 to 439 of Pedamushidiwada (V) of Paravada (M), Sy. Nos: 51, 52, 91 of Nanginarapadu (V), Sy. Nos: 20, 57, 58 & 59 of Gangavaram (V) of Sabbavaram (M) and Sy. Nos: 154, 155, 184 & 185 of Aganampudi (V) of Gajuwaka (M), Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh. 2. S.No. in the schedule 8 (b) – Township and Area development projects The proposed project is covering an area of Ac 1129.84Cents or 457.23Ha 3.