AMC ADVENTURE TRAVEL Volunteer-Led Excursions Worldwide

Wilderness Canoe on ’s AT Trip # 2171 August 30 to September 5, 2021

Penobscot River - all photos by Robert White - Day Two and Three

Put-in Camping Sites Penobscot River and - Day four to seven

Take-out Trip Overview

We invite you to join us for a wilderness canoe trip in northern Maine, one of the few extensive wilder- ness areas along the east coast of the United States. The St. Johns, the Allagash, and the Penobscot Rivers are all located here, with long stretches of white-water and flat-water canoeing. We have cho- sen a popular section of the West Branch of the Penobscot River for a seven-day, six-night backcountry camping/paddling trip. The upper reaches of the Penebscot River run through a mountainous, forested landscape defined by the powerful presence of Maine’s highest summit, Mt. Katahdin (5,267 ft.). Wild- life abounds and visitors frequently see moose, deer, and bald eagles. Black bears are present but rarely seen.

The trip will start at Lobster Lake, then we will canoe a flat-water section of the river and end at Chesnuncook Lake. We will have a layover day on both lakes to relax and explore the area, including an optional hike up Lobster Mt. There are no portages but you will need to have basic canoeing and back- country camping skills, and the ability to paddle up to 15 miles per day. Either bring your own canoe, single or double, or we will arrange for canoe rentals for you. Per Maine regulations, we will have a registered Maine guide accompany us on the trip.

Trip Difficulty

Trip rating is canoeing moderate. See

The trip will involve both lake and river canoeing. The river is predominately flat with a slow current but there are several miles of scratchy class I rapids, mainly avoiding underwater rocks and not getting stuck on one. Other water dangers include winds and waves on the lakes, and capsizing with the risk of hypothermia. The paddling days are not long but physical stamina is required on the river paddling stages (see detailed itinerary). Camping has its usual mild risks of burns, cuts, insects, and sunburn. Prolonged rain can also bring on hypothermia and general discomfort. Once we put in, there is no turning back. We will carry an InReach© Satellite Communication device and can summon help in an emergency.

While we have no portages on this trip, we will teach canoeing and portaging skills for those who might plan trips on their own. We will demonstrate and practice canoe rescues. Portaging a canoe is not difficult. The canoe will weigh 35-40 pounds and is balanced on one person’s shoulders. Daily Itinerary

August 30 (day one) We will meet at a hotel in Lincoln, Maine. Plan to arrive by 4:00 PM. We will gather for a pre-dinner talk about the trip, safety considerations and will demonstrate how to pick up and portage a canoe. We will have a welcome dinner, either at a local restaurant or take-out (depending on the state of the pandemic). Overnight at hotel.

August 31 (day two) We will have an early start on our first day with the end goal of securing one of the eleven camp- sites on Lobster Lake. These campsites are very popular and have a first-come policy. Breakfast will be on your own, then meet the shuttle in Medway, ME to load canoes and gear. We will be in one 15-passenger van to be driven to our put- in on Lobster Stream, a two-hour trip on logging roads, just under 70 miles. We will stop at a North Woods check point to pay for our campsites and road use. Once we are dropped off at Lobster Stream, we have a leisurely paddle down Lobster Stream and into Lobster Lake. The paddle will be three to seven miles depending on which camp- site is available. All campsites are owned by the state of Maine and will feature a picnic table and privy. Camp overnight.


September 1 (day three) Layover day on the lake. You may join some of us on a hike up Lobster Mountain for great views of the area (about four hours roundtrip, 1000 ft. gain), paddle around the lake, or just relax. Bob will offer a canoe rescue clinic. Camp overnight.

View from Lobster Mountain Daily Itinerary

September 2 (day four) Break camp after breakfast, paddle back up Lobster Stream until it empties into the Penobscot River, and then paddle down river. We will aim for a campsite on Big Island or nearby. Paddle distance of 13- 15 miles. Camp overnight. Bob and Brian will talk about navigating in rapids and what to do if you are caught on a rock (quite possible).

September 3 (day five) Break camp after breakfast, continue paddle down the Penobscot River. Paddle distance of 10-12 miles. We likely will encounter class one rapids for several miles. At the upper end of Chesnuncook Lake, we will cross over to Gero Island to camp for the next two nights.

September 4 (day six) Layover day on Chesnuncook Lake. We can explore coves and other ponds in the upper lakes and visit Chesnuncook Village, a resort area, go fishing or relax. Chesnuncook Village is a seasonable settlement listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Camp overnight.

September 5 (day seven) Break camp after breakfast and paddle to the take-out at Moose Pond, planning to arrive mid-morning. The shuttle will meet us and we have a two-hour trip back to Medway. End of trip. If you wish to stay around in the area, there is excellent white-water rafting and the AMC Maine facilities are not far. (where Mt. Katahdin towers) is just north of this area.

Lobster Lake Accomodations, Meals, and Transport

Adventure Travel will develop a protocol for viral screening pre-trip. We hope most of the participants will be vaccinated before the trip starts.

You will need to drive yourself and gear to the start of the trip at Lincoln and then to Medway for the shuttle. We can assist with carpooling if there is interest.

First night accomodation at a basic hotel in Lincoln with a group welcome dinner.

Transportation to put-in and from take-out by 15-passenger van towing a canoe trailer. Two-hour trip each way on dirt logging roads, often dusty. We may ask you to wear a mask on the shuttle.

All campsite meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided by the leaders. Leaders will bring group cooking gear, stoves, water purification, and tarps. Participants will bring personal camping gear. There will be the expectation of sharing and loading group gear among the canoes. We will have rotat- ing crews for cooking and clean-up. All food will be kept in bear-proof containers. We will observe strict hygiene. Participants should bring their own snacks. If you like a drink, feel free to bring wine but only in boxes or sacks, no bottles or cans.


On average, we should expect warm days and cool nights (from the mid-70s to the low-50s). Insects should be at a minimum. The lakes are still warm enough to swim in. But rain is always possible and you should have a full rain suit. With prolonged rain, it can be quite cool. You should have clothing for both extremes of warmth and cold. Winds can be a problem, mostly when paddling on the bigger lakes. We will provide a suggested clothing list to all participants.

We typically see beaver, otter, chipmunks, and squirrels in or by the lakes, occasionally moose or deer. We need to be prepared for black bear, but actual encounters are rare.

Loons are seen on every lake, often female mer- ganser, black duck, spotted sandpiper, chickadees, wood warblers, grouse, gulls, woodpeckers, and herons. American eagles and osprey are possible. Trip Price

The AMC Member price is $670. The non-member price is $720 Consider joining the AMC (2020 pricing is $50 individual, $75 family) You can join on-line at the AMC home page at:

Price includes: First night hotel, dinner, the shuttle, camping and road use fees, all camp meals, and tipping of the driver. Hotel costs are based on double occupancy. The trip includes emergency evacuation insurance should there be an accident or medical emergency, covering up to $5,000 for accident expenses and up to $200,000 for emergency evacuation and repatriation. Coverage only includes the dates of travel of the official AMC trip, so coverage for early arrival or trip extension is not included. Please be aware that, in accordance with AMC policy, you are subsidizing the leader’s costs. Beyond this, the leaders are not allowed to realize any profit from this excusion.

The price for this excursion is based on quotes or estimates obtained at the time the trip was submitted to the Adventure Travel Committee for approval. The final price of the trip will be adjusted in accordance with the best final arrangements we can make. Any savings we achieve, as well as any cost increases we incur, will be shared by trip participants. Our cost estimates are conservative, and so a refund is considerably more likely than a price increase. All Adventure Travel trips are run on a non-profit basis and refunds, if any, are issued after the trip’s financial accounting is complete and approved by Adventure Travel.

Price does not include: transportation to and from the start/end of the trip, the second-day breakfast, any alcoholic beverages, and snacks. Canoe rentals are NOT included, which we estimate will be $25 per tandem canoe per day. If you bring your own canoe, there will be an extra shuttle cost. If you wish to have a single room for the first night, there will be a single supplement charge subject to availibility. If you plan to fish, you will need a Maine fishing license. The fee does not include insurance for travel delay or interruption. Indi- vidual travel insurance is recommended. More information about recommended travel insurance will be sent to you upon acceptance for the trip.

Participant Expectations

When you participate in this activity, you should be in proper condition for the challenges outlined in this prospectus and equipped with the appropriate gear as stated. You should always be aware of the risks involved and conduct yourself accordingly. You are ultimately responsible for your own safety. Prior to your acceptance as a participant in this trip, you will be asked to discuss your capabilities and experi- ence with us. We may also request references to confirm your fitness level and suitability for participat- ing in trip activities.

This trip is designed so that everyone may experience our adventure in the Maine wilderness through shared participation in activities and tasks in an organized group environment. AMC travelers are known for their cooperative efforts, and expectations are that all participants will be considerate of others sharing this AMC Adventure Travel experience.

It may happen on any trip that a trip member is or becomes unable to participate in one or more of the planned activities. Leaders in their sole judgment have the right and obligation to refuse participation in any activity to any group member for reasons of safety, whether it be of the group or of the individual. Illness, injury or lack of proper gear or fitness for a particular activity are examples of some conditions that might resultin a participant’s being unable to perform one or more activity. Leaders may try to find a substitute activity for the trip member, but this may not always be possible.

While the itinerary is what the leaders have planned at the time of writing, various factors may require changes for reasons of group ability, camping site availability, and unforseeable circumstances such as weather considerations (e.g. high winds or thunderstorms), natural disasters in the area to be visited, or recommendations of government agencies. The leaders reserve the right to make such chang- es as necessary, both before and during the trip. Wind bound on Gero Island

Application Process

To apply, you must complete and submit the Participant Application, Confidential Health Questionnaire, and Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risk and Release form. All of the application materials can now be accessed and filled out on-line. Please use this link to find the forms: You will be considered qualified for the trip when the leaders have determined by a conversation with you that you and the trip seem to be a good match. You will be formally accepted, and your check will be deposited, when the trip leaders confirm the trip has sufficient number of participants and is going as planned. A deposit of $335 is due with the application and the final payment of $335 is due May 15. Checks from wait-listed applicants will not be cashed until we offer them a spot on the trip AND they accept. Please make payments by check payable to the “Appalachian Mountain Club” and mail to the address shown on the Participant Application. Vouchers from cancelled trips can be accepted as part of the deposit. Once you are accepted, we will send you a gear list.

Cancellation Policy

The AMC Adventure Travel cancellation policy is based on the premise that your cancelltion may not raise the cost to the other participants or to the leaders. After notification that the trip will run as scheduled, there will be no cancellation fee before May 15. After that date, we will be making non-refundable deposits for services. If actual costs (expenses already incurred on your behalf and any unavoidable future expenses that will be incurred as a result of your registration and cancellation) are higher, they will be assessed instead, unless they can be applied toward another acceptable participant. Should the leaders be able to replace you, you may be charged a reduced penalty. This will generally not be determined until after the trip. Failure to make trip payment (s) will be considered a can- cellation.

On rare conditions AMC Adventure Travel may need to cancel all or a portion of a trip due to force majeure (e.g. terrorism, local health conditions, natural disaster, changes in local regulatory enviornment, etc). In the event of such a cancellation, your trip fee will be refunded less any trip expenses already occurred plus any non-cancellable future trip expenditures. AMC Adventure Travel is not responsible for additional expenses incurred by you in preparing for the trip, including gear and medical expenses.

Terms, Conditions, and General Information

AMC Adventure Travel trips are run in a manner supportive of and consistent with the conservation, rec- reational and educational principles and mission of the Club. Trip leaders encourage participant conduct consistent with Leave No Trace environmental and conservation principles and local regulations.

As participant safety is a high priority for all AMC-sponsored events, procedures and policies have been developed to attempt to limit participant risk. Participants are expected to work with volunteer leaders to reduce risks and make the experience successful for all. Participants should be aware that there are risks associated with outdoor adventure activities, including but not limited to adverse weather and environmental conditions, remote locations of our trips and camps, and transportation in vehicles, on foot, by boat, or on a bike. When you apply for acceptance onto a trip, please carefully read and sign the Adventure Travel Acknowl- edgement and Assumption of Risks and Release and Indemnity Agreement and call if you have any ques- tions. See: Leadership

Bob White learned to canoe and paddle and love the wil- derness from his grandfather. For most of his adult life, he has been active in the AMC. In his younger years, Bob led white-water canoeing trips for the Connecticut AMC and in more recent years, he has led sea-kayaking trips.

About 15 years ago, he discovered Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario. He has led numerous family wilderness camping trips to Maine and Canada, the last one to the Penobscot River in 2020. He led AMC inter-chapter trips to Algonquin and La Verendre Park in Quebec. For Adventure Travel, he has led hiking trips to Utah and Kauai, a seakayaking trip to Mexico, wilderness canoeing in Temagami and Algonquin, and the Buffalo River in Arkansas. He works as a psychiatrist in New Haven, CT. His hobbies include cooking, birding and photog- raphy, all of which he will practice on the trip.

Brian Horowitz’s passion is enjoying the outdoors. He especially loves hiking, biking, and kayaking. Over the past 30 years, he has planned and led many weekend camping get- aways mostly involving biking, hiking, rafting, canoeing and kayaking for AMC, Mosaic and other local outdoor groups. He is a Bike, Hike and Paddle leader for the NoNJ/NY chapter of AMC leading twenty trips in the last five years including three camping weekends.

Brian is an avid kayaker, including joining the “” Na- tional Safety Canoe Patrol. This all-volunteer group partners with the National Park Service to patrol the upper Delaware River area. The Safety Patrol spends time paddling the upper Delaware River and, at the same time, rescuing people who have found themselves in an “out of boat” experience of some sort and guiding people to be safer as they paddle down the river. Brian’s training for this group includes First Aid, CPR, and Advanced Water Rescue. Brian can be reached at: 106 Cedar St. South Bound Brook, NJ 08880 [email protected]