Rule-Based Specification of Mechanisms

Kevin M. Lochner and Michael P. Wellman University of Michigan Artificial Intelligence Laboratory 1101 Beal Av

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2110, USA  klochner,wellman

Abstract high-level, special-purpose language serves several impor- tant functions: Machine-readable specifications of auction mecha- 1. The specification can be executed to implement the nisms facilitate configurable implementation of compu- auction mechanism. tational markets, as well as standardization and formal- ization of the auction design space. We present an im- 2. High-level specifications support rapid deploy- plemented rule-based scripting language for , ment and testing of mechanisms. A series of mecha- which provides constructs for specifying temporal con- nisms may be quickly deployed through modification trol structure, while supporting orthogonal definition of and extension of existing mechanisms. mechanism policy parameters. Through a series of ex- 3. Publication of auction definitions promotes trans- amples, we show how the language can capture much of parency, validation, and standardization of inter- the space of single-dimensional auctions, and can be ex- faces. tended to cover other novel designs. 4. Precise definition of standard auction constructs facili- tates communication among auction designers and an- alysts, and dissemination of design knowledge. 1. Introduction 5. Machine-readable auction definitions can be inter- preted by automated trading agents, who may adapt Technological and financial innovation adding to the their behavior accordingly. complexity of commerce opportunities has placed new de- 6. Formal mechanism descriptions can be manipulated mands on allocating institutions. Standard market proce- computationally, enabling automated search and anal- dures may not adequately serve these complex trade situa- ysis of the design space [3, 11]. tions, which call for increasingly sophisticated mechanisms, or auctions, for determining market outcomes. At the same Our auction specification effort is motivated primarily by time, the Internet medium coupled with advances in com- the implementation imperative, although we attempt to re- putational power has opened the door to previously infeasi- spect the other motivations, in hopes of ultimately accru- ble auction designs. In consequence, recent years have seen ing their benefits. Following the approach previously taken a surge of academic interest in auction design [6, 9, 14], in the Michigan Internet AuctionBot [20], we emphasize in conjunction with the increasing deployment of auctions configurability of auction service, thus attempt to build in (albeit slower than anticipated in the bubble years) in elec- the structures common across the wide auction mechanism tronic marketplaces [17] and deregulated commodity mar- space, yet provide sufficient latitude to accommodate novel kets [8]. These research efforts have led to numerous inno- designs. vations in auction design, addressing such issues as incen- Our approach builds on the parametrization of auction tive compatibility [10], computational efficiency [15], and design space defined by Wurman et al. [21]. In attempting timeliness of market operation [5]. to extend this parametric specification to a wider variety of As the relevant design space expands, there is increas- designs, we experienced a decreasing orthogonality as we ing need for languages to express auction mechanisms [7, introduced parameters. In other words, it became increas- 12, 13, 21, 22]. Specifying an auction mechanism in a ingly necessary to introduce parameters switching on and Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. 816 AAMAS'04, July 19-23, 2004, New York, New York, USA. Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-864-4/04/0007...$5.00

off whole areas of the design space, thus diluting the bene- ing policy. Along the way, the auction may send messages to fit of previous specification effort. Parameters defining the participants providing information about auction state (of- auction control structure—the temporal pattern of auction ten in highly summarized form), according to its informa- events, seem particularly ill-suited to parametric descrip- tion revelation policy. Since this information often—though tion. In general, the timing of a particular action within an not invariably—includes current price quotes (i.e., indica- auction may depend on arbitrary features of the auction his- tions of what the hypothetical clearing prices would be in tory. For specification of such functional dependence, con- the current state), we refer to both the action and revealed trol structures reminiscent of programming languages may information as a quote. be more effective than simple parameter settings. Following Wurman et al. [21], we maintain that the sub- For example, consider the survival auction [5], which stantial differences among auction mechanisms can be char- proceeds in rounds with the lowest bidder eliminated at acterized by their policies for the three major activities de- the end of each round, until a single bidder remains. In scribed above: processing bids, clearing, and revealing in- this case the set of eligible bidders must be modified over formation. We further decompose the specification of these the duration of the auction. Capturing this auction with a policies into parametrization would seem to require a dedicated param- 1. their functional implementation (i.e., the how), and eter indicating the survival auction, with auxiliary parame- ters defining the length of rounds, rules, etc. As we 2. their timing (the when). see below, rule-based definition of the survival auction leads In our approach, the how is specified primarily through pa- to a more transparent encoding, where the repeated-round rameter settings, and the when through rule condition pat- structure is reflected in the representation, and the process terns. of eliminating bidders is apparent from the rule specifica- We have implemented an auction engine capable of read- tion. ing and implementing these auction definitions, or auc- The remaining sections describe a simple and extensi- tion scripts. We call this auction system AB3D, in refer- ble rule-based language we have designed and implemented ence to the two previous implementation generations of our for the specification of auction mechanisms. The language AuctionBot (“AB”) [20]. The “3D” highlights our three- combines parameter specification with rule-based invoca- dimensional characterization of auction policy space, and tion of auction behaviors, providing sufficient flexibility to also suggests the underlying motivation for our redevelop- capture a wide range of known and conceivable auctions. ment: to support multidimensional market mechanisms. Following explanation of our auction specification frame- work in the next section, we present the details of our lan- 3. The AB3D Scripting Language guage excution environment and address some technical de- tails for coordinating groups of related auctions. Several ex- An AB3D auction script comprises a sequence of state- ample scripts serve to demonstrate the current capabilities ments, of four types: of the language. 1. initialization of auction parameters, 2. Auction Specification Framework 2. rules that trigger auction events and parameter changes, The general class of auctions comprises all mediated 3. declarations of user variables, and mechanisms that determine market-based allocations (i.e., 4. bid rules defining additional bid admissibility require- exchanges of goods and services for money) as a function ments. of agent messages. These messages, or bids, are typically composed of offers specifying deals in which the agent is The language also supports the organization of statements willing to engage. Although the form and content of bids, into distinct phases or rounds, denoting named regimes of along with the auction’s behavior given such bids, can vary auction control. widely among auction mechanisms, there are several com- mon constructs we can define across the entire space [21]. 3.1. Parameters Upon receiving a new or revised bid, the auction deter- mines whether the bid is admissible given its current state. Static auction policies are characterized by prede- If so, the bid is admitted to the order book, a repository fined parameters, conditioning the criteria for admitting representing the current collection of active offers. At some bids, matching offers, and summarizing state informa- point (depending on the auction rules, of course), the mar- tion in quotes. Extension of the auction system to im- ket clears, producing a set of exchanges matching compati- plement a novel mechanism generally requires introduc- ble offers in the order book according to the auction’s clear- ing new parameters, or new values for existing parameters, Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. 817 AAMAS'04, July 19-23, 2004, New York, New York, USA. Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-864-4/04/0007...$5.00

along with new software modules selected by the corre- or clearing, or an internal event such as assigning a param- sponding parameter values. For example, one commonly eter. The keyword when or while designates whether a rule adopted element of bidding policy is a “beat-the-quote” is to be invoked only on becoming true (when), or continu- (btq) rule, which requires that any new or revised of- ally until the condition no longer holds (while). fer meet or exceed the standing offer (as represented by the Multiple rules with the same actions essentially repre- quote), in some well-defined way (which might further de- sent a disjunction of their corresponding conditions. Arbi- pend on the bidding format). Wurman et al. [21] describe trary boolean combinations can thus be expressed in this this policy element, as well as many others straightfor- manner. wardly encoded as AB3D parameters. Condition expressions reference state variables—either In the AB3D scripting language, parameter values are predefined auction state variables or user-defined script initialized and revised through assignment statements, ex- variables. Auction state variables represent summary mea- pressed using the set keyword. The statement sures significant to auction operation, designated by auc- set param expr tion developers for exposure to the auction script interpreter. Examples of state variables routinely provided by AB3D dictates that the parameter param be (re)assigned the value auctions include the current time (time), the last time a of expression expr. For example, the statement clear was executed (lastClearTime), and the number set bid btq 1 of bidders currently eligible to bid (numBuyers and num- Sellers). A typical condition expression using such vari- activates the beat-the-quote requirement, thus instructing ables would be to compare the current time with some other the auction that bids must be favorably compared with the state variable. For example, an auction can specify a prede- price quote as prerequisite to admission to the order book. fined duration (say, 500 seconds) with a rule of the form: Parameters may be implicitly defined through default

values; others must be specified explicitly. As the parame- when (time  auctionStartTime + 500)  ters are not entirely orthogonal, some may be relevant or re- close quired conditional on the values of others. Similarly, AB3D Though the previous rule may be slightly more intu- may disallow certain value combinations, halting or behav- itive than a parameterized representation, it could certainly ing in an unspecified way when predefined constraints are be captured under parameterization without difficulty. Con- violated. sider an auction that requires a clear to be performed when- Assignments may appear unconditionally as initializa- ever a bid is admitted (causing the state variable valid- tions or reassignments as part of a control structure, or con- Bid to become true), but only before a predefined period of ditionally as part of rules. The latter facility provides for time: qualitative modification of auction policy while the auction when (validBid and is active.

time  auctionStartTime + 500)  clear 3.2. Rules If this pattern of conditions is sufficiently common, then Whereas the static features of auction policy may be best it too could be captured in a dedicated parameter. How- characterized parametrically, such an approach is quite lim- ever, as we consider further state variables, the number of ited for specifying the dynamic control of auction events. boolean combinations grows exponentially, as would the For this purpose we employ a simple rule language, allow- number of parameters required to capture the policy possi- ing that auction events be conditioned on arbitrary functions bilities. The rule language enables this expressiveness with- of auction state. These functions may also be parametrized, out the associated blowup in primitives. thus providing the benefits of both constructs. Periodic events are a common feature of auction mecha- An AB3D rule takes the form: nisms, as in the call market example provided in Section 6.

In the AB3D scripting language, internal state variables ref-  when—while (conditions) actions erencing the last execution time of any given action provide In this rule, conditions is a conjunction of boolean-valued a natural way to specify periodic events. For example, an predicate expressions, written as a sequence of such expres- auction that performs a clear every 100 seconds would in- sions separated by and keywords, enclosed by parentheses. clude the following rule: An individual predicate expression evaluates to true or false

when (time  lastClearTime + 100)

depending on the current auction state. If all are true, the  clear rule is triggered, and actions are executed. Each action on the actions list (delimited by semicolons, enclosed in curly Assignment within a rule action is a powerful construct, braces) corresponds to an auction activity, such as quoting enabling dynamic modification of auction behavior. For ex- Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. 818 AAMAS'04, July 19-23, 2004, New York, New York, USA. Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-864-4/04/0007...$5.00

ample, the US Treasury auctions its “T-bills” in a uniform-  for both the uniform (for which it was named) and chrono- price auction, after which winning bidders may trade the logical cases. bills in a secondary market [1]. The script listed in Figure 1 defines such a two-phase mechanism, comprised of an as- 3.3. User-Defined Variables cending auction for the first 1000 seconds, followed by a continuous (CDA) [4] for the second 1000. User-defined variables add a degree of flexibility to the language, allowing for more general forms of auction con- trol structures. For example, user-defined variables may be

defAuction twoPhase used as counters in looping constructs, with each iteration set bid btq 1 incrementing or decrementing the variable until a target set pricing fn uniform value is achieved. Such a construct can be used to spec- set pricing k0 ify a predefined number of periods comprising the auction. when (time = auctionStartTime + 1000) The following set of declarations and rules would generate

clear; quote; seven rounds of 60 seconds. set pricing fn chronological;

set bid btq 0 declare userTime auctionStartTime

when (time  auctionStartTime + 1000 declare counter 0 and validBid)

when (time  userTime + 60)  clear; quote

set userTime time; when (time = auctionStartTime + 2000)

set counter counter + 1; 


when (counter=7) close 

By introducing and assigning user-defined variables (us- Figure 1. A two-phase auction: ascending fol- ing the same set construct used for parameters), script lowed by CDA aftermarket. writers can implement arbitrary computable functions. Often an auction will have variables that are defined for each bidder, for example a user-specific credit limit. For Our two-phase example employs several parameters con- this special case of user-defined variables, AB3D provides a trolling the clearing policy for a . The bidder-indexed array construct, created (and optionally ini- pricing fn parameter identifies the criterion to be used tialized to a value) with a statement of the form: for determining prices. A value of chronological indicates bidderAttribute ATTRIBUTENAME [val] that price is determined according to the relative submis- sion times of the matching bids comprising an exchange.

Bidder attributes can be referenced either by the bid-

Ô Ô ½ Let ¼ be the price of the earlier bid, and the price of the later (by the fact that they match, we know the buy price der ID: ATTRIBUTENAME(ID), or if the rule is asso- is at least as great as the sell, but either could be earlier). ciated with a bid submission by the keyword bidder:

ATTRIBUTENAME(bidder). For example, we can de-

¾ ¼ ½ The value  of the pricing k parameter dictates

clare a credit limit and assign every bidder an initial value Ô

how the transaction price, £ , is selected from the compati- ble range: of 99 with the following statement: bidderAttribute

credit 99.

Ô  Ô ·  ´Ô Ô µ

£ ¼ ½ ¼

For CDAs, a new bid transacts with a standing bid in the or- 3.4. Bid Rules

der book at the price specified by the standing bid. Thus, the ¼ CDA policy has chronological pricing with  . In the same way that we found rule-based methods nec- A uniform pricing function produces a single price gov- essary to reduce the complexity of parametrization in the erning a collection of simultaneous exhanges. In general case of auction control logic, we have found instances (for a multiunit auction with divisible offers) there will be a where it makes sense to allow rule-based definition of bid

range of possible clearing prices [19], delimited by the bid admissibility requirements. In addition to the parametrized

Ô Ô ½ and ask quotes. Designating the bid by ¼ and the ask by , bid rules provided by the AB3D scripting language, users

the  -double auction [16] selects within this range accord- may use the bidRule statement as a functional method ing to the linear interpolation above. Note that we econo- of defining bidding requirements. For example an auction mize on parameters by reusing the interpolation parameter may allow only a single bid per user in a given round. To Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. 819 AAMAS'04, July 19-23, 2004, New York, New York, USA. Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-864-4/04/0007...$5.00

achieve this, a script may include the bidderAttribute has- 4.3. Shared Variables bid which is set to 1 on valid bid submission, along with the following bid rule: bidRule(hasbid(bidder)). Auctions often impose bidding eligibility conditions, for example credit limits or activity rules as mentioned above. In a composite auction, the eligibility conditions will typ- 4. Composite Auctions ically depend on activity across all subauctions. To sup- port the required information flow, AB3D provides a shared Often it is useful to define a group of loosely cou- variable facility for composite auctions. To enforce credit pled auctions, which operate independently except for some limits, for example, subauctions must compare a bid offer specified points of interaction. For example, in a simultane- amount to the current limit before admission, and if the bid ous ascending auction [8], a collection of related auctions is is valid, debit the limit appropriately before bids from the synchronized in time, yet each separately processes bids, is- same bidder are considered at other subauctions. The credit sues quotes, and clears to produce transactions. In some ver- limit variable must thus be shared across subauctions. sions, member auctions may further coordinate through ac- In general, an AB3D rule may both depend on and mod- tivity rules, in which eligibility to bid in one auction may be ify a variable defined at the superauction scope. To ensure conditioned on status in another. that no other subauctions test or modify the given vari- To support such groupings, AB3D provides a general able while the rule is being processed, we provide a lock construct for specifying composite auctions, and facilities construct, which enforces serialization of rules dependent for coordinating their constituent subauctions.Wedefine on a given variable across all subauctions. If a rule con- and name composite auctions using the keyword super- taining the predicate lock(VAR) is evaluated, all rules Auction (in lieu of defAuction), and use the label dependent on VAR will not be processed until the ini- subAuction to define an enclosed subauction. tial rule has been fully processed. For bid rules contain- ing the lock construct, the lock will be invoked on all rules containing the validBid predicate. For example, the state- 4.1. Rounds ment bidRule(lock(bidderEligibility) and

bidderEligibility(bidder)  1) will lock the The defRound construct may be used to define com- bidderEligibility variable when rules containing valid- monly used sets of rules and parameters within an auction in Bid are invoked, and will require positive bidderEligibil- a manner analogous to an auction definition. Once a round ity for a bid to be admitted. Such a bid rule combined with is defined within a script, a subauction can load the asso- the rule ciated set of rules and parameters with the statement set round ROUNDNAME. Once the round parameter has been when(validBid)

set, the subauction will admit bids only during an invoked set bidderEligibility(bidder)

round of the superauction, and will do so according to the bidderEligibility(bidder) - 1; rules defined by ROUNDNAME. A round is invoked by the will lock, test, and decrement the bidderEligibility variable superauction with the round action and terminated with when a bid is admitted. endRound. 5. AB3D Operation 4.2. Synchronization Figure 2 depicts the main functional components of The superauction may require rules conditioned on pred- AB3D, along with the information flows among them. The icates that must hold true across all subauctions. To achieve auction engine interprets the auction script, modifying the this we provide the higher level predicate synchro- behavior of the message processor and order book accord- nized, indicating that the predicate must hold true ing to specified parameters and rules. The message queue in all subauctions for the corresponding rule to be in- serves to synchronize bids and auction events, ensuring that voked. For example, the following rule would terminate a bids are processed in the order received, and in the cor- round on bidder inactivity of 50 seconds across all subauc- rect temporal relation to scheduled actions such as price tions: quotes and clears. Information passes to agents through a data cache, designed to conserve communication bandwidth at the primary message processor by routinely pushing com- when(synchronized monly needed data.

(time  lastBidTime + 50) On launch of an auction script, the order book and mes-  endRound sage processor are initialized according to parameter set- Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. 820 AAMAS'04, July 19-23, 2004, New York, New York, USA. Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-864-4/04/0007...$5.00

Bid Submissions Message Queue Rule Auction Engine time = gameStartTime + 120 123 Bid Bidding Agents Message Queue close 120 Bids/ Inactivity Rule Temporal Conditions 100 Bid Conditions time = gameStartTime + 90 Data Cache Time− 90 Independent time lastClearTime + 20 Conditions 80 clear Quotes Message Processor Order 70 Bid Bid Status Active quote Transactions Bids Book Auction Status Rules Figure 3. The message queue sequences Auction Script bids and potential auction trigger events.

Figure 2. AB3D architecture. it checks the status of other conditions of the rule (if any), and if all hold, executes the associated rule actions. Other- wise, for all time-dependent conditions of the rule that do tings. The interpreter parses the rules, generating data struc- not hold, it recalculates the earliest logical time at which tures employed by the condition matching process. To en- each may become true, and inserts corresponding messages sure timely triggering of rules when their conditions be- with the respective timestamps. come satisfied, we provide special recognition procedures Conditions dependent on inactivity (e.g., bidder inac- for three categories of conditions: tivity would be the length of time since the last admitted 1. temporal conditions bid) are maintained in separate queues within the Message 2. those referencing inactivity properties, Queue, one for each inactivity property, with predicates or- dered in ascending values of inactivity. A pointer in each 3. nontemporal conditions. queue is maintained to the condition with shortest inactiv- Each requires its own methods based on the ways in which ity that has not expired. The inactivity period of the next such conditions can become satisfied. unexpired inactivity condition is added to the timestamp of Conditions involving temporal predicates are organized the last activity time (e.g. the time of the last admitted bid), in the same queue employed to process bids. On initial read- producing a scheduled processing time. The entire rule as- ing of the auction script, the interpreter calculates the time sociated with an inactivity condition will be delivered to the that each such condition will become true. A corresponding Message Processor if this timestamp precedes the timstamp message object timestamped with this time is inserted into of the next message with absolute timestamp. For example,

the queue, as illustrated in Figure 3. The message proces- in Figure 3 the predicate time  lastClearTime+20 sor continually monitors the queue, processing the earliest- is scheduled to be processed at time 80, indicating that the timestamped message in turn, with ties broken arbitrarily, last clear operation was performed at time 60. as long as this timestamp precedes the absolute clock time. To handle non-temporal conditions, the system main- The auction logical time is the earlier of this clock time, and tains an index of referenced nontemporal state variables, the timestamp of the in-process message, if any. and checks associated rule conditions whenever these are To process a bid message, the AB3D engine verifies that modified. At such time, the full set of conditions are eval- the bid is admissible according to current policies (speci- uated, with execution of actions if warranted, similar to the fied in parameters and bid rules), and if so, maintains them procedure described for temporal state variables above. in the active order book. Outcomes of bid processing (i.e., admittance or rejection notices) are transmitted to the bid- 6. Example Scripts der through the data cache. To process a rule-condition message, the engine evalu- Call markets and continuous double auctions are com- ates whether the associated condition is currently true. If so, mon mechanisms to the financial world. A continuous dou- Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. 821 AAMAS'04, July 19-23, 2004, New York, New York, USA. Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-864-4/04/0007...$5.00

ble auction clears any time that matching bids exist in the To show the reader how rounds may be used in compos- order book, and often does not include any bidding require- ite auctions, the following script defines such an auction in- ments. A CDA may therefore be defined by the following tended to be a simplification of the FCC spectrum auctions. script: The superauction contains two subauctions, with eligibil- ity rules restricting bidders to bid on only as many units as

defAuction CDA set pricing fn chronological they were bidding on previously:

set pricing k0 superAuction simultaneousAscending  when (validBid) clear; quote bidderAttribute elig 2

 bidderAttribute nextElig 0

defRound SARound A clear performed when no matching bids exist in the or- set pricing fn uniform der book has no effect on the state of the order book, there- set pricing k0 fore the clear operation may be attempted whenever a suc- set bid btq 1 cessful bid is admitted. bidderAttribte valid 0 A call market is a double auction with periodic uniform bidRule(lock(elig) and clearing. The following is the AB3D scripting language rep-

elig(bidder)1) resentation of this auction, assuming a clear period of 30 when(validBid and valid(bidder)=0) seconds and a clearing price at the midpoint between the

set valid(bidder) 1; bid and ask quotes: set elig(bidder) elig(bidder)-1;

defAuction callMarket set nextElig(bidder) set pricing fn uniform nextElig(bidder)+1

set pricing k.5 

when (time = auctionStartTime + 30) subAuction auction1 

clear; quote  set Round SARound

when (time = lastClearTime + 30) subAuction auction2 

clear; quote  set Round SARound


We now present an example of a more complex auction time  lastBidTime + 100))

mechanism. Consider again the survival auction, proceed- set elig nextElig; ing in rounds, with the lowest bidder eliminated in each set nextElig 0;

round until a single bidder remains. Two rules capture the endRound

dynamic behavior of the auction: one specifying the peri-  odic elimination of bidders, a second specifying the con- declare roundnum 1 dition for terminating the auction. Note that in the this ex- while(roundnum < 4)

ample, lowBuyer is an exposed parameter pointing to the round;

buyer with the weakest standing bid. set roundnum roundnum + 1

when(roundnum = 4)  clear; close

defAuction survival  set buyers allBidders set bid btq 1 set pricing fn chronological set pricing k0 7. Conclusions declare roundTime time The increasing sophistication of auction mechanisms,

when (time  roundTime + 600) coupled with further development in automated bidding

quote; agents, demands a structured method of auction represen- set buyers buyers-lowBuyer; tation. The AB3D scripting language provides a flexible

set roundTime time

medium for specifying a broad range of auction mecha-  when (numbuyers = 1) close nisms. Its main innovation is rule-based invocation of auc-  tion events and policy revisions, supporting dynamically Alternatively, the round construct may be used to gener- flexible auction behavior. By combining orthogonal param- ate this behavior, where one bidder is eliminated at the end eters with rule-based control, we achieve many of the ad- of each round until a single bidder remains. vantages of formal auction specification in a general and ex- Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. 822 AAMAS'04, July 19-23, 2004, New York, New York, USA. Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-864-4/04/0007...$5.00

pressively convenient environment. We illustrate the use of [9] N. Nisan and A. Ronen. Algorithmic mechanism design. our auction scripting language with a variety of simple ex- Games and Economic Behavior, 35:166–196, 2001. amples, including standard mechanisms and innovative de- [10] D. C. Parkes. Iterative Combinatorial Auctions: Achieving signs from the literature. Economic and Computational Efficiency. PhD thesis, Uni- The scripting language is one important facility of our versity of Pennsylvania, 2001. new configurable auction server, AB3D. Although the sys- [11] S. Phelps, S. Parsons, P. McBurney, and E. Sklar. Co- tem as a whole remains a work in progress (e.g., we are evolution of auction mechanisms and trading strategies: currently working to extend it to support multiattribute auc- Towards a novel approach to microeconomic design. In GECCO-02 Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in tions), we have implemented and used several mechanisms Multi-Agent Systems, pages 65–72, 2002. specified by AB3D scripts, for example the three auction [12] D. M. Reeves, M. P. Wellman, and B. N. Grosof. Automated types employed in the TAC Classic travel market [18], negotiation from declarative contract descriptions. Compu- and another employed in a different resource-allocation tational Intelligence, 18:482–500, 2002. game [2]. AB3D also supports specification of configura- [13] J. A. Rodriguez-Aguilar, F. J. Martin, P. Garcia, and tions of multiple auctions and the surrounding market envi- C. Sierra. Competitive scenarios for heterogeneous trading ronment (e.g., goods, agent endowments, and preferences), agents. In Second International Conference on Autonomous and thus provides a useful tool for our research on market Agents, pages 293–300, Minneapolis, 1998. mechanisms and agent strategies. [14] J. S. Rosenschein and G. Zlotkin. Rules of Encounter: Designing Conventions for Automated Negotiation among Acknowledgments Computers. MIT Press, 1994. [15] T. Sandholm and S. Suri. BOB: Improved winner determina- Our development of the auction scripting language tion in combinatorial auctions and generalizations. Artificial was assisted by other members of the AB3D project, es- Intelligence, 145:33–58, 2003. pecially Kevin O’Malley, Daniel Reeves, and Shih-Fen [16] M. A. Satterthwaite and S. R. Williams. Bilateral trade with

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