Rule-Based Specification of Auction Mechanisms Kevin M. Lochner and Michael P. Wellman University of Michigan Artificial Intelligence Laboratory 1101 Beal Av Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2110, USA klochner,wellman @umich.edu Abstract high-level, special-purpose language serves several impor- tant functions: Machine-readable specifications of auction mecha- 1. The specification can be executed to implement the nisms facilitate configurable implementation of compu- auction mechanism. tational markets, as well as standardization and formal- ization of the auction design space. We present an im- 2. High-level specifications support rapid deploy- plemented rule-based scripting language for auctions, ment and testing of mechanisms. A series of mecha- which provides constructs for specifying temporal con- nisms may be quickly deployed through modification trol structure, while supporting orthogonal definition of and extension of existing mechanisms. mechanism policy parameters. Through a series of ex- 3. Publication of auction definitions promotes trans- amples, we show how the language can capture much of parency, validation, and standardization of inter- the space of single-dimensional auctions, and can be ex- faces. tended to cover other novel designs. 4. Precise definition of standard auction constructs facili- tates communication among auction designers and an- alysts, and dissemination of design knowledge. 1. Introduction 5. Machine-readable auction definitions can be inter- preted by automated trading agents, who may adapt Technological and financial innovation adding to the their behavior accordingly. complexity of commerce opportunities has placed new de- 6. Formal mechanism descriptions can be manipulated mands on allocating institutions. Standard market proce- computationally, enabling automated search and anal- dures may not adequately serve these complex trade situa- ysis of the design space [3, 11]. tions, which call for increasingly sophisticated mechanisms, or auctions, for determining market outcomes. At the same Our auction specification effort is motivated primarily by time, the Internet medium coupled with advances in com- the implementation imperative, although we attempt to re- putational power has opened the door to previously infeasi- spect the other motivations, in hopes of ultimately accru- ble auction designs. In consequence, recent years have seen ing their benefits. Following the approach previously taken a surge of academic interest in auction design [6, 9, 14], in the Michigan Internet AuctionBot [20], we emphasize in conjunction with the increasing deployment of auctions configurability of auction service, thus attempt to build in (albeit slower than anticipated in the bubble years) in elec- the structures common across the wide auction mechanism tronic marketplaces [17] and deregulated commodity mar- space, yet provide sufficient latitude to accommodate novel kets [8]. These research efforts have led to numerous inno- designs. vations in auction design, addressing such issues as incen- Our approach builds on the parametrization of auction tive compatibility [10], computational efficiency [15], and design space defined by Wurman et al. [21]. In attempting timeliness of market operation [5]. to extend this parametric specification to a wider variety of As the relevant design space expands, there is increas- designs, we experienced a decreasing orthogonality as we ing need for languages to express auction mechanisms [7, introduced parameters. In other words, it became increas- 12, 13, 21, 22]. Specifying an auction mechanism in a ingly necessary to introduce parameters switching on and Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. 816 AAMAS'04, July 19-23, 2004, New York, New York, USA. Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-864-4/04/0007...$5.00 off whole areas of the design space, thus diluting the bene- ing policy. Along the way, the auction may send messages to fit of previous specification effort. Parameters defining the participants providing information about auction state (of- auction control structure—the temporal pattern of auction ten in highly summarized form), according to its informa- events, seem particularly ill-suited to parametric descrip- tion revelation policy. Since this information often—though tion. In general, the timing of a particular action within an not invariably—includes current price quotes (i.e., indica- auction may depend on arbitrary features of the auction his- tions of what the hypothetical clearing prices would be in tory. For specification of such functional dependence, con- the current state), we refer to both the action and revealed trol structures reminiscent of programming languages may information as a quote. be more effective than simple parameter settings. Following Wurman et al. [21], we maintain that the sub- For example, consider the survival auction [5], which stantial differences among auction mechanisms can be char- proceeds in rounds with the lowest bidder eliminated at acterized by their policies for the three major activities de- the end of each round, until a single bidder remains. In scribed above: processing bids, clearing, and revealing in- this case the set of eligible bidders must be modified over formation. We further decompose the specification of these the duration of the auction. Capturing this auction with a policies into parametrization would seem to require a dedicated param- 1. their functional implementation (i.e., the how), and eter indicating the survival auction, with auxiliary parame- ters defining the length of rounds, bidding rules, etc. As we 2. their timing (the when). see below, rule-based definition of the survival auction leads In our approach, the how is specified primarily through pa- to a more transparent encoding, where the repeated-round rameter settings, and the when through rule condition pat- structure is reflected in the representation, and the process terns. of eliminating bidders is apparent from the rule specifica- We have implemented an auction engine capable of read- tion. ing and implementing these auction definitions, or auc- The remaining sections describe a simple and extensi- tion scripts. We call this auction system AB3D, in refer- ble rule-based language we have designed and implemented ence to the two previous implementation generations of our for the specification of auction mechanisms. The language AuctionBot (“AB”) [20]. The “3D” highlights our three- combines parameter specification with rule-based invoca- dimensional characterization of auction policy space, and tion of auction behaviors, providing sufficient flexibility to also suggests the underlying motivation for our redevelop- capture a wide range of known and conceivable auctions. ment: to support multidimensional market mechanisms. Following explanation of our auction specification frame- work in the next section, we present the details of our lan- 3. The AB3D Scripting Language guage excution environment and address some technical de- tails for coordinating groups of related auctions. Several ex- An AB3D auction script comprises a sequence of state- ample scripts serve to demonstrate the current capabilities ments, of four types: of the language. 1. initialization of auction parameters, 2. Auction Specification Framework 2. rules that trigger auction events and parameter changes, The general class of auctions comprises all mediated 3. declarations of user variables, and mechanisms that determine market-based allocations (i.e., 4. bid rules defining additional bid admissibility require- exchanges of goods and services for money) as a function ments. of agent messages. These messages, or bids, are typically composed of offers specifying deals in which the agent is The language also supports the organization of statements willing to engage. Although the form and content of bids, into distinct phases or rounds, denoting named regimes of along with the auction’s behavior given such bids, can vary auction control. widely among auction mechanisms, there are several com- mon constructs we can define across the entire space [21]. 3.1. Parameters Upon receiving a new or revised bid, the auction deter- mines whether the bid is admissible given its current state. Static auction policies are characterized by prede- If so, the bid is admitted to the order book, a repository fined parameters, conditioning the criteria for admitting representing the current collection of active offers. At some bids, matching offers, and summarizing state informa- point (depending on the auction rules, of course), the mar- tion in quotes. Extension of the auction system to im- ket clears, producing a set of exchanges matching compati- plement a novel mechanism generally requires introduc- ble offers in the order book according to the auction’s clear- ing new parameters, or new values for existing parameters, Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires
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