County Development Plan Review SUBMISSION

Puckane residents have previously engaged with Co Co Planners on the development of a village design statement which has been included in previous Development Plans but has not always been adhered to since drafting and final adoption. This VDS should be respected and incorporated into the New County Development Plan. Village design statement had itemized some of these points below plus other in detail, why is it not included anymore?

 Access to the lake would be paramount to facilitate tourism and allow local access to traditional bathing, walking and recreational facilities which should be preserved and enhanced.(Urra, Luska and Skehanna particularly)  Develop more trails walks close to that link to the relevant villages and settlement nodes.  Provision and support of a “village hub” to coordinate expansion of Tourist activity should be considered and supported and could be introduced in tandem with any business hub locations or thru existing Tourism /Hospitality businesses that would offer daytime service during regular business hours. This should be done in conjunction with other villages and settlements along the Lough Derg area formerly under the Western Area Local Area Plan.  These “hubs” could provide a one stop shop for: Snacks, Basic hot food using local products offering a traditional locally sourced menu, Good WIFI, Shower and toilet facilities, Laundry capabilities, Bike rental with Information leaflets and brochures promoting all local Tourist activities and locations. This would offer Local tours with local guides. This would mean local tourism jobs for people with local knowledge and these would be non- exportable jobs thru good times and bad.  real support for enterprises which seek to promote our strongest native assets of local tourism, local crafts-persons and artisans and the abundant list of items we produce from our local agricultural produce Agri-tourism market should be pushed and promoted more than It presently is  Existing Tourism and Hospitality businesses and tours would benefit from this initiative and where such facilities are non-existent new services could be offered creating new long term jobs.  “Rights of way” along old walkways straddling the village and environs including lakeside access should be prioritized for both local and tourist use. Areas which are accessible and safe for public usage including “leave no trace” principles with ‘way marked trails’ or pathways, and gates.  A Green-way type initiative from Ballina to could be introduced. Villages/Towns such Ballina, , Newtown, , , , Puckaun, Coolbawn, Kilbarron, , Carrigahorig and should be considered for this initiative encouraging walking and cycling for inhabitants and tourists alike. Extension of the Lough Derg Way would improve its standing as a way- marked trail. An extended one that goes from Limerick to Portumna similar to the 40+ waymarked trails nationally.  The conservation and integration into new development of existing stone walls, trees and native hedgerows, and promotion of similar materials for new boundaries.  Trees in housing areas that are dangerous, dead or about to die should be removed and replaced with native trees acceptable in the councils list.  The existing sewerage treatment plant is at capacity and will require an upgrade to accommodate any future planned expansion or significant extensions of the village.

Submitted by:

Sean Fay, (Redacted Personal Information)