A Quick Introduction to Estonian Animation Contents Overview 4 Financing 12 Tax Incentives 18 Animation Companies 24 Audio Services 38 Editorial staff: Sigrid Saag, Eda Koppel PÖFF Shorts 40 Design and layout: Profimeedia Estonian Academy of Arts 42 Estonian Film Institute Festival Highlights 46 Tallinn 2018 ISSN 2613-4993 Estonia 100 Celebrations 50

Printed in Estonia by Uniprint Useful Addresses 52 Introduction By Aurelia Aasa nimation is not only about waking up or drawn charac- ters. It’s about finding your peculiarity. Because where else, if not in animation, could you bring your most bizarre dreams into A life? It seems that Estonians are particularly good at that. Ab- surdity, playfulness and dark humour are essential components of Estonian animation. Quite surprising, considering that in real life tend to be rather modest, or at least chilled out. Probably that’s the universal paradox. Naturally, Estonian animation field has changed a lot throughout the years. Collapse of the Soviet Union, overall changes in animation techniques and new generations of animators have shaped todays’ animation landscape. Next to the grand-old-studios of Estonian animation – Nukufilm and Eesti Joonisfilm, there now stand a number of new studios and one-man compa- nies. Each one of them with their own goals – be it producing author films or cooperating with international studios on commercial projects. Estonian have great storytelling, high standard craftsmanship and that surreal glow that unites – a certain level of dreaminess, which keeps the viewer addicted to whatever’s happening on the screen. We warmly invite you to learn more about our treasures! A small warning though – you might fall deeply in love with Estonian Animation.

3 Estonian Animation, more diverse than ever By Aurelia Aasa he animated film has played a significant cultural role in Estonia. While it might come as surprise to many,

OVERVIEW Estonia’s animation community ranks among the best in T the world. Its films, which combine surrealist wit and The Adventures of Juku the Dog (dir. Voldemar Päts, 1931) Estonian folklore with childlike innocence, have won awards Athomic and Stouts throughout the world. Many companies with a more commercial (dir. Elbert Tuganov, 1970) approach have also emerged, excited to take a different course and actively collaborate internationally. Therefore, Estonian animation is currently more diverse than ever.

SHORT HISTORY BREAK Our first animated film, The Adventures of Juku the Dog dates back to 1931. However, Estonian animation really started to put on roots more than twenty years later, along with the establishment of our first stop-motion studio Nukufilm (1957). A separate studio for drawn animation saw life in 1971. During that period, nature, folklore and philosophical metaphors were the defining motifs. And not only in animation, but in arts in general. It was the era of hidden

4 Heino Pars Estonian (1925 – 2014) Animation,

Theatre Papa Carlo (dir. Rao Heidmets, 1988)

Bonycrone (dir. Heino Pars, 1977)

Life Before Life (dir. Rao Heidmets, 2016) meanings. And Elbert Tuganov, Heino Pars and Rein Raamat were those, who shaped that first wave of Estonian animation. Priit Pärn, one of Estonia’s most legendary animators, joined Joon- isfilm in mid-seventies. Pärn changed the existing animation pattern with his rough pencil strokes and ironic depiction of domestic life. Nukufilm started to bloom with fresh energy in 1980s, when such grandmasters like Rao Heidmets, Mati Kütt, Kalju Kivi, Hardi Volmer and Riho Unt joined Nukufilm. Worth knowing that Rao Heidmets’ animation Theatre Papa Carlo (1988) is the only Estonian film ever (at least so far), which has been nominated for Palm d'Or. Quite big, or maybe even colossal thing for a small country like Estonia. Sad irony, of course, is that Heidmets wasn’t able to go to Cannes

OVERVIEW because of the Soviet restrictions. Luckily such restrictions did not exist when Kaspar Jancis won the Cartoon d’Or for his animated Elbert Tuganov short Crocodile in 2010 or when the Swedish-Estonian co-produc- (1920 – 2007) Ott Outerspace tion Amalimbo competed in Venice and was later nominated for the (dir. Elbert Tuganov, 1962) Best Short Film award at the European Film Awards in 2016.

NEW ERA, NEW CHALLENGES Estonia’s re-independence opened many doors and brought new faces to both studios. Ülo Pikkov, Priit Tender, Kaspar Jancis were some, who joined the animation world. Today, a main springboard for newcomers is the in Estonian Academy of Arts. Since 1999, we’ve also had animation festival called Animated Dreams, which now figures under PÖFF Shorts. Nukufilm and Eesti Joonisfilm, the two cornerstones of Estonian film tradition, continue to be fruitful creative hubs. Next to short animations, both studios are now producing feature animations. In June 2018, Nukufilm

6 “Estonia is a big little nation of animation. For a country of 1.4 million inhabitants, it has a long record of winning international animation festival awards and has many well-known and

Is the Earth Round? revered animators.” (dir. Priit Pärn, 1977) Heikki Jokinen Empty Space (dir. Ülo Pikkov, 2016)

Hell (dir. Rein Raamat, 1983)

Little Lily (dir. Mati Kütt, 1995) 8 OVERVIEW feature 2015 Amalimbo Grade &Online: Original musiccomposedby Co-producer: First AssistantDirector: Featuring: Margaretha Ulfendahl&AnnaOdell Erik Fhölenhag/FasadPostproduktion AB MarianneOstrat, ForkFilmAnimation StudioandAmiEkström,FilmVäst AndersKjellberg andÅsaCarlson EdvinaKodaSander (dir. 2016) JuanPabloLibossart, Copyright ©FasadProduction AB/ForkFIlmOÜFilmVäst2016 Animation “Ice Dream sequence”: Musicians: Sound designandsoundmix: Art Direction &Animation: Göran Klinghagen, Thomas Gustafsson, Stefan Wingefors GöranKlinghagen,ThomasGustafsson,Stefan Denis Chapon DenisChapon Written &Directed by GustafBerger AMALIMBO RolandSeer Animation “Gag sequence”: JuanPabloLibossart and MiguelT. MeallaBlack LarsWignell/ Auditory Producer: Johanna Lind animation. They’ve alsowon severaldesignawards. Rather unique orating withdesign agenciesandconcentrates onmotion-graphics eral, apopulardirection.Another commercialstudio,Tolm iscollab- a lotofco-productionwith foreign animationstudios,which isingen- an internationalportfolio.In additiontotheirownproduction,theydo amorecommercial courseandhas studios, AFilmEstonia,has taken author films,althoughit’s notapieceofcake. Oneofthebiggest found awayhowtobouncebetweencommercialanimation and andFork Filmhave couple ofsmallerEstonianstudios,likeBOP! co-production projectsandserviceopportunitieshave evolved.A animators, furthermoreanincreasingnumberofmore commercial hand, thegrowingaudiovisualadvertisingfieldisin needfor demand andcontinuouslysuccessfulinternationally. Ontheother through changes. Ononehand,Estonianauthoranimationisstillon thing tolookforwardto. a popularchildren’s bookby Eno Raud.Sothere’s definitelysome - tonia andtheirDanishco-productionpartners,thefilm isbasedon Karsten Kiilerich) willbereleasedin2020.ProducedbyAFilmEs- (dir.In addition,afullfeatureanimationRaggie MeelisArulepp, The Moviezy GrandpaCartoon: (dir. Lehemaa). MikkMägi,Oskar willalsocompletetheirveryfirstfeaturefilmCra- In 2019 BOP! sequel incredibly popularLotte The newest since2006. From Gadgetville Joonisfilm, Janno Põldma andHeikiErnitshavebeenbehindthe Zagreb andAnnecyInternationalAnimationFilmFestival. InEesti The adventurousstopmotionfeaturefilmpremieredatAnimafest released However, animationindustry, likeeveryothersector, isgoing Lotte andtheLost DragonsistobereleasedinSpring2019. Captain Morten andtheSpiderQueen(dir.Captain Morten KasparJancis). On the left: Heiki Ernits and Janno Põldma. On the right: Lotte and the Lost Dragons (dir. Janno Põldma, Heiki Ernits, 2019)

Raggie (dir. Meelis Arulepp, Karsten Kiilerich, 2020)

Mary and 7 Dwarfs (dir. Riho Unt, 2017) 10 OVERVIEW feature 2015 (dir. KasparJancis, 2012) Villa Antropoff (dir. RihoUnt,Hardi Volmer, 1985) The EnchantedIsland

ing shortstory abouthumannature.These arejustsome examples Jury awardat Annecy withThe Master–puppetanimation, anintrigu- sized puppet,madeentirely outofbooks.In2015, RihoUntwonthe In hismostrecentLetting Go , viewerscangetaglimpse ofover-life- films, ÜloPikkovhasentered theworldofanimateddocumentaries. Velodrool andisnowcontinuingwith sportstheme.With hislatest film Joonmadeasuccessfulfestivalroundwithhis Bachelor Sander Sundance, AnnecyandZagreb.EstonianAcademyof Arts graduate old momma’s boy, iscurrentlycruisingaroundfestivals,including Lundgren’s mostrecent,Manivald,animatedshortabouta33-year ner DraškoIvezićhavecreateduniverseforplayfulanimal characters. to say. All inall,mostanimatorsstillfollowtheirowncreative journey, so generation isfascinatedbytechnology. Maybethat’s howitgoes. animators areevenmoredrawntotraditionalmethods, whileolder animation isalsoverymuch aliveinEstonia.Interestingly, younger thathand-drawn side byside.Remarkable together andstand ble. Differentanimationtechniques, themesandcharacters blend and absurdity,- Estoniananimationlandscapeisratherunpredicta still hasanessentialroleinEstoniananimation.Asidefromirony whichSpeaking abouttrends,wemustcomeback tosocialsatire, trend, andnotonlyinanimationsphere. In-between, therearealsoone-mancompanies,which isagrowing landscape inEstoniaisgettingmorecolourfulyearbyyear. aspect forananimationstudio.Soit’s thatanimation tosay safe IRONY IS THE BEST CURE Croatian-based EstoniananimatorChintisLundgrenand herpart- of Estonian short animations, which have seen life during recent years. Quite a diverse picture. Considering Estonian animation’s rich history and con- tinuing success, it’s intriguing that many animators have found the road to animation by coincidence. Who was looking for a short time job, who went to try some luck. And stayed. For good. That still applies today. Maybe that’s the pattern of success? May that be as it is, it’s crucial that the tradition of author animations would continue, as this is a field truly full of surprises, dark jokes and wild dreams. Quite a refreshment in the world which often tends to be overly organized. Velodrool Captain (dir. Sander Joon, Morten and the 2015) OVERVIEW Spider Queen (dir. Kaspar Jancis, 2018) Kaspar Jancis

11 12 FINANCING feature 2015 Estonian Film Institute Film Institute Estonian In Estonia Opportunities Financing tions each year. authors ofthe audio-visualwork.There aretworoundsofapplica - tion offilmsandwhoowns orlicensesthepropertyrightsof entity registeredinEstonia whoseprincipalactivityistheproduc- The applicantmustbealegalvarious lengths,at stages. The EstonianFilmInstituteallocatessupport foranimationfilmsof and developsinternationalcontacts. age, andestablishes SUPPORT FOR ANIMATION FOR SUPPORT T promotes Estonianfilms,thefilmindustryand herit- the development,productionanddistributionoffilms, supports EFI financed mainlybytheMinistryofCulture. isanationalfoundation, he EstonianFilmInstitute(EFI)

support from EstonianFilmInstitute. support animation received minorityco-production Amalimbo (Sweden, Estonia,2016). The short Teofrastus (dir. Sergei Kibus,2018)

Winter in the Rainforest (dir. Anu-Laura Tuttelberg, 2018)

A Demonstration of Brilliance in Four Movements (dir. Morten Tšinakov, Lucija Mrzljak, 2018) 14 FINANCING feature 2015 project oneconomicactivity inEstonia. 100% ofthe EstonianFilmInstitutesupportallocatedforthefilm ipation. property rightsforthefilm thatareproportionaltohisorherpartic- entity registeredinEstoniaandthattheEstonianco-producer owns film projectprovidedthatthemainproducerof isnotalegal for participationinaninternationalfeature-lengthorshort animation Minority co-productionsupportisallocatedtoanEstonian producer ing, eventsandactivities,furthertrainingeducation. support, newmediafilm-relatedresearch workanddigitiz- Estonia. support allocatedforhisorherfilmprojectoneconomic activityin oftheEstonianFilmInstitute support mustspendatleast50% ture-length andshortanimationfilms. The recipientofproduction Estonia. support allocatedforhisorherfilmprojectoneconomicactivityin oftheEstonianFilmInstitute support mustspendatleast50% ture-length andshortanimationfilms. The recipientofdevelopment a feature-lengthanimationfilm. LOOKING FOR A MINORITY CO-PRODUCER? A MINORITY FOR LOOKING Script supportisallocatedforthecreationofascript The recipientofminorityco-production supporthastospend Also, variousothercategoriesofsupportexist:distribution Production supportisallocatedfortheproductionoffea- Development supportisallocatedforthedevelopmentoffea-

e-mail:[email protected]  phone:+372 6276 060 Contact:Uus3,Tallinn 10111, Estonia animation) (feature-length andshort Minority co-production animation Production ofshort animation Development ofshort feature-length animation Production of feature-length animation Development of feature-length animation Script developmentfor Support category budget Depends on euros Up to280,000 euros Up to10,000 euros Up to800,000 euros Up to30,000 euros Up to10,000 € Amount Fatcula (dir. Martinus Daane Klemet, 2016)

Captain Morten and the Spider Queen (dir. Kaspar Jancis, 2018)

Man Wanted (Greece, Estonia, 2019). The short animation received minority co-production support from Estonian Film Institute. 16 FINANCING feature 2015 Endowment of Estonia of Endowment The Cultural Applicant: Estonianco-producer Deadlines: February 20th,MayAugust20th andNovember20th euros. Minority co-production–upto60,000 benefit. euros/minute butnotexceeding 120,000eurosasatotal Domestic production(includingdevelopment)– up to2,400 international cooperation. development andproductionofdomesticfilms films madein an audiovisual artinEstonianculture. of filmeventsandotheractivitiesthatstrengthenthe positionof visual culturebysupportingtheproductionoffilms, the organization submitted applicationsandonitsowninitiative. by thesupervisoryboardofCulturalEndowment on thebasisof SUPPORT AMOUNTS FOR ANIMATION FOR AMOUNTS SUPPORT T For thatpurpose, variousactivitiesaresupported–includingthe The Audiovisual ArtEndowmentaimstopromoteEstonianaudio- priated toaspecificareaofculture.Decisionsaremade separate endowmentsthatdistributethemoneyappro- riety andcontinuityofculturesport.There areeight he CulturalEndowmentofEstoniacontributestotheva-

 e-mail:[email protected] phone:+372 150 6999 Contact:Suur-Karja23,10148 Tallinn, Estonia (dir. ÜloPikkov, 2016) Space Empty

The Overcoat (dir. Sean Mullen, Meelis Arulepp, 2018)

Miriam by the Lake (dir. Riho Unt, Sergei Kibus, 2017)

Strawberry Eaters (dir. Mattias Mälk, 2018) Film Estonia – produce your next animation with Estonians ilm Estonia is a financial incentive that was is determined by amount of the Estonian production introduced in 2016 with the aim to encour- costs that are both eligible and directly spent on par- age better cooperation between local and ties that are subject to Estonian taxation, multiplied F foreign film producers. With the annual by 20%, 25% or 30%. budget of 2 million EUR, the incentive also proudly supports the production of animation films, animation Regardless of the support intensity which proceeds

TAX INCENTIVESTAX series and the post-production of the before men- from eligible costs of the Estonian production stage, tioned works. the intensity of the support from the Estonian creative staff is: Which animation projects qualify? • 30% if at least 2 creative employees are • full-length animation film tax residents of Estonia; • short animation film with the length • 25% if at least 1 creative employee is a of at least 10 min tax resident of Estonia.

• animation series consisting of Illustration: Anne Pikkov at least 13 episodes (minimum length of 5 minutes per episode) Minimum rate of Minimum rate of eligible cost of Production • the post-production of all the overall budget (€) Estonian production stage (€) above mentioned works The level of support 20% 25% 30% Full-length animation film 2,000,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 An application can be made for Short animation film 250,000 70,000 100,000 150,000 international production service or Animation series 500,000 70,000 100,000 150,000 co-production. The level of support (the series in total)

18 Applicant is a person whose princi- pal area of activity is the production of audiovisual works and that is a company registered in Estonia

Recepient of support is a foreign company whose principal area of activity is the production of audio­ visual works.

When to apply? There are no application deadlines

and producers can apply at any time INCENTIVESTAX during the year. The term for the pro- cessing applications is up to 30 days.

Minimum rate of Minimum rate of eligible cost of Only post production overall budget (€) Estonian production stage (€) The level of support 20% 25% 30% Contact: Estonian Film Institute Full-length animation film 2,000,000 30,000 50,000 80,000 Uus 3, Tallinn 10111, Estonia Short animation film 250,000 30,000 50,000 80,000 phone: +372 627 60 60 Animation series e-mail: [email protected] 500,000 30,000 50,000 80,000 (the series in total)

19 20 TAX INCENTIVESfeature 2015 Photo: Kopli Kinokompanii Photo: Shutterstock Fund byKopli Kinokompanii. ofTartumade withthesupport Film When You Least ExpectItafeature film Tartu Fund Film [email protected]  e-mail:[email protected] Contact:Kalevi13,Tartu 51010, Estonia an FilmInstitute. Government, theTartu CentreforCreativeIndustriesandthe Estoni- prising anexperiencedfilmproducer, of representatives Tartu City the productioniscompleteandprojectaudited. igible expenditureincurredintheTartu area.This willbeissuedafter Under thescheme, thecashrebateforasingleprojectis20%ofel- for internationalanimationprojectsareeligibletoapply forfunding. 60 minutes. lengthofatleast mation filmswithatotal T You can Applying forarebateison an on-goingbasis. The eligibility forfundingwillbeassessedbyacommitteecom- Estonian productioncompaniesproviding services available fortheproductionandpost-productionofani - rebate basedintheCityofTartu inSouthofEstonia. artu FilmFundisaregionalfundthatfunctionsascash The annual budget is 150,000 eurosandfinancingisThe annual budget is150,000 Photo: Shutterstock

The Secret Society of Souptown a feature film made with the support

of Tartu Film Fund by Nafta Films. Photo: Visitestonia Photo: Nafta Films Photo: Visitestonia 22 TAX INCENTIVESfeature 2015 Photo: Visitestonia Viru Film Fund Film Viru

handled onafirstcome, servedbasis. as perlegalresidency. There arenodeadlinesandprojectswillbe record inprofessionalaudiovisual production,butnorestrictions 25% ofcostsincurredinEasternregionEstonia. no artisticcriteriaimposedonapplicants.Supportintensity is20– maximum flexibility, withnominimumspending requirementsand audiovisual production,includinganimationfilms. The fundaimsfor phone: Contact: KadriJalonen E Find theViru Film AVThe fundis opentolegalentitieswithestablished track +372 5174236 e-mail:[email protected] based intheEasternregionofEstonia. stonia’s firstregionalfundfunctionsasacashrebate Viru FilmFundfinanceslocallyincurredcosts forany In 2018, theannualbudgetisaround 100,000 euros. Photo: Andres Teiss

The Eternal Road (2017) a feature film made with the support of Viru Film Fund by Estonia, Finland and Sweden.

Mihkel (2018) a feature film made with

Photo: Visitestonia the support of Viru Film Fund by Amrion. Photo: Andres Teiss Photo: Amrion A FILM ESTONIA

Contact: Kristel Tõldsepp Toompuiestee 30 Tallinn 10149 [email protected] 

A Film Estonia is an established in 1994. As a full production house, they produce 2D and 3D animation for feature length movies, broadcast TV, corporate clients and commercials. Over the years, they have offered animation services to more than 25 feature films and 15 TV series and over 250 commercials. The studio has worked for many major European and US studios over

ANIMATION COMPANIES the years. Since 2005 A Film Estonia has started to produce its own pro- ductions, there are currently 8 short films and a TV series of 6 x 4,5 min. in the portfolio. Currently A Film has started the production of its first feature film Raggie. The film is a co-production with A.Film Production in Denmark to be released in January 2020

Raggie – A Film Estonia, A.Film Production, to be released in 2020.

Up and Away (dir. Karsten Kiilerich, 2018)

24 (dir. SeanMullen,MeelisArulepp,2018) The Overcoat The IncredibleStoryoftheGiantPear

NæsbyFick, Jørgen Lerdam, 2017) (dir. PhilipEinsteinLipski,Amalie

(DK). Directed byMeelisArulepp,Karsten Kiilerich) (DK). (2020)–featurefilmco-produced withAFilmProduction Raggie team isproducingclean-up andinbetweens. where A FilmEstonia´s produced byPrimaLineProduction (FRA), FamousInvasionofSicily(2019)The Bears´ –2Dfeaturefilm minutes ofanimation AFilmEstoniaproducedover20 tions andAFilmProduction(DK), Up andAway featurefilmproducedbyM&MProduc- (2018) –CGI Meelis Arulepp. duced withIrishGiantAnimation.DirectedbySeanMullen and ofCillian MurphyandAlfredMolina.Co-pro- ing thevoicetalents (2018)The Overcoat –A27 minuteanimatedChristmasfilmfeatur- clean-up andinbetweens. AFilmEstonia’sby PrimaLineaProduction(FRA), teamproduced The RedTurtle (2016) –Oscarnominatedfeaturefilmproduced animation. where AFilmEstonia’s teamproduced CGI The LittleVampire (2017) featurefilm –German-Danish-Dutch CGI animation. CGI whereAFilmEstonia’sduced byNordiskFilm(DK), teamproduced The IncredibleStoryoftheGiantPear(2017) feature filmpro- –CGI UPCOMING: FILMOGRAPHY: RECENT 25 ANIMATION COMPANIES BOP! Planet Way by BOP! Contact: Suur-Karja 4-14 Tallinn [email protected] 

BOP! is a creative animation studio. Our strength is versatility. We can offer our clients the full animation package starting from gener- ating ideas, scriptwriting and storyboarding to designing, modelling, animating and post-production. We are fluent in 3D, 2D and clas- sical stop-motion animation. Also we do virtual reality projects and video mapping. Our inhouse team of 7 people consists of young and talented animators and prize winning directors. We work closely with several Estonian audio production studios and freelance animators ANIMATION COMPANIES and designers. BOP! studio does commercial work and also in- Crazy Grandpa: dependent animation films. Some noteworthy The Movie by BOP! projects of late have been creating the anima- tions and VR solutions for Estonian Museum of Natural History and producing the feature length puppet-animation Crazy Grandpa: The Movie.

RECENT FILMOGRAPHY: A Midsummer Dream (2018) / 23 min drawn animation

UPCOMING: Crazy Grandpa Cartoon: The Movie (2019) 90min / / directed by Mikk Mägi and Oskar Lehemaa

26 /13x11min /TV-series Manivald and the AbsintheRabbits Toomas theValley Beneath oftheWild Wolves (2019) /15min Mysterious Swamp(2013) /3min Kingfisher (2014) /5min Life withHermanH.Rott(2015) /11min (2015)#merrychristmas /1min (2017)Manivald GoestoWoolfywood /2min Manivald (2017) /13min based inCroatia. tuudio frequentlycollaborateswithAdriaticAnimation, acompany Annecy, ChintisLundgreniAnimatsioonis- Zagreb,andOttawa. at numerousinternationalanimationfestivalsincludingSundance, work, alldirectedbyChintisLundgren.Chintis’ filmshavescreened artistic shortfilms,afewmusicvideosandsomecommissioned based inTallinn, Estonia.Founded in2011, ithasproducedseveral Chintis LundgreniAnimatsioonistuudioisaone-personstudio [email protected]  Contact:ChintisLundgreniAnimatsioonistuudio CHINTIS LUNDGREN ANIMATION STUDIO UPCOMING: FILMOGRAPHY: RECENT Manivald Kingfisher Mysterious Swamp (dir. ChintisLundgren, 2013) (dir. ChintisLundgren, 2017) (dir. ChintisLundgren, 2014) 27 ANIMATION COMPANIES 28 ANIMATION COMPANIESfeature 2015 The MysticsdirectedbyRoland Seer directed byJuanPabloLibossart Amalimbo (2016) /15min–aSwedish-Estonian co-production action, mixedanimationandcharacter design. out animation,pixilation,2D,classicalhand-drawn live- all overtheworld. enced filmprofessionals. We areopentoworkingwithclientsfrom tors, designers,illustrators,animationcraftsmenand other experi- inTallinn,Based Estonia,we workwithareliablenetworkofdirec- cinematographer RagnarNeljandiandproducerMarianne Ostrat. in 2010 anditscoreteamconsistsofdirector-animatorMärtKivi, ing onanimatedfilmsandmusicvideos. Fork Filmwasfounded audiovisual platforms.We letourimaginationrunwildwhenwork- content withdistinctcharacter anduniquevisuallanguageforall high-quality commercials,corporatefilmsandshortformanimated and classicalhand-drawnanimation.We createandproduce Fork FilmAnimationStudioisspecializedinstop-motion,2D [email protected] Contact:MarianneOstrat FORK FILM FORK UPCOMING: FILMOGRAPHY: RECENT Fork FilmAnimation Studioisyourpartnerfor:stop-motion&cut-

(dir. 2016) JuanPabloLibossart, Amalimbo

Fork FilmAnimationStudio by by Rehe BreadTVC

awards formanycommercials. festivals. Beyondfilm,FrostFX hasearnedvariousnominationsand independent studiohasbeenfeaturedbyseveralinternational film to corporatevideosandfeaturefilms. The workofFrostFX asan supervision combinedwithcreativesolutionsfromcommercials shoot duction services.Ourcreativeteamoffersconsultations, commercials, andoffersVFX, 3Danimatedfeaturesandpost-pro- like waterandfire. The companyworksmainlyinfeaturefilmsand tional experienceinfluidsimulationusedvariouseffects The companyisknownforitsexcep- Estonia, foundedin2008. FrostFX isa3DanimationandvisualeffectsstudiobasedinTallinn, [email protected] Tatari 28Tallinn 10116 Contact:MarkoPost FROST FXFROST Examples ofworkbyFrost FX 29 ANIMATION COMPANIES 30 ANIMATION COMPANIESfeature 2015 15 min/directedbyMorten Tšinakov, LucijaMrzljak ofBrillianceinFourMovements (2018)A Demonstration Strawberry Eaters(2018) /15min/directed byMattiasMälk directed byFrancescoRosso (2018) tobeDead Destined /11min animation. and sand 2Dand3Danimation,evendrawn-on-film drawn animation,digital Ourskillsinclude from absurdlyhumoroustodaringlyexperimental. active artistsintotheprocessoffilmproduction.Our storiesrange talented of Estonianartintoanimatedfilmandtobringthemost family featurefilmsliketheupcomingLotte andtheLost Dragons . we haveproducedanimatedseries,TVspecialsforchildren and recognition toEstoniananimatedfilms.Inadditionauteurfilms, films onaregularbasis,manyofwhich havebroughtinternational We in1994. makeshortmainly ondrawnanimation,established Eesti Joonisfilmisananimatedfilmproductioncompanyfocused [email protected] Roo9Tallinn 10611 Contact:KalevTamm EESTI JOONISFILM JOONISFILM EESTI RECENT FILMOGRAPHY: RECENT We havemanagedtosuccessfullyintegratethebesttraditions Destined tobeDead(dir. Francesco Rosso,2018) (dir. MattiasMälk,2018) Strawberry Eaters

Lucija Mrzljak The Stork/15mindirectedbyMorten Tšinakov, directed byMattiasMälk Years13 intheHouseofHorror/11min Kaspar Jancis (2019)The Cosmonaut /9mindirectedby Orpheus (2019) /13mindirectedbyPriitTender directed byJannoPõldma, Heiki Ernits Lotte AndThe Lost Dragons(2019) /78 min UPCOMING: Heiki Ernits,2019) (dir. JannoPõldma, Lotte andthe Lost Dragons Brilliance inFourMovements (dir. MortenTšinakov, Lucia Mrzljak,2018) A Demonstrationof

31 ANIMATION COMPANIES 32 ANIMATION COMPANIESfeature 2015 [email protected] Niine11Tallinn 10414 Contact:Kerdi Kuusik-Oengo feature films. museums, exhibitions,commercials andmakescustompropsfor also customordersfordifferent companiesalloverEurope,as SergeiKibusandRaoHeidmets. directed byGirlin-Bassovskaja, and releasedinApril2018. Inproductionthereareseveralshorts an Estonian-Irish-Belgianco-productiondirectedby Kaspar Jancis animation festivals. and puppetsofpastyearsittravelsaroundEurope todifferent producers. Nukufilmhasputtogetheranexhibitionfrom thesets Norwegian, Irish,Belgian,Canadian,Russian,Japanese andBritish filmmakers. The StudiohascooperatedwithFinnish,Icelandic, fresh creativeideasfrominternationallyrecognized,award-winning a highlyqualifiedmulti-award-winningcreworthose inneedof tomers wantingtoshootstop-motioninastudioenvironment with professionals. with anenergeticteamofmorethan30 film hasworld-classfacilitiesforstop-motionanimationmatched in1957Europe, established andlocatedinTallinn, Estonia.Nuku- Nukufilm istheoldestandlargeststopmotionstudioinNorthern NUKUFILM Besides animatedfilmsin all possibletechniques Nukufilmfulfills Nukufilm’s latestfeatureCaptain Nukufilm isofferingcreativeandproductionservices tocus-

is andtheSpiderQueen is Morten Man Wanted (dir. IridaZhonga,2019) The Master(dir. RihoUnt, 2015) / directedbyElinGrimstad / directedbyElinGrimstad Made inHeaven/directedbyMatiKütt The Wings /directedbyRihoUnt Draugen /directedbyRagnarNeljandi Man Wanted/ directedbyIridaZhonga Volli /15min/directedbyRaoHeidmets directed byGirlin-Bassovskaja About Love /10 min directed bySergeiKibus Teofrastus /16min directed byÜloPikkov Tick-Tack (2015) /10 min directed byRihoUnt The Master(2015) /18min 18 min/directedbyElinGrimstad Eternal HuntingGrounds(2016) directed byRihoUnt (2017)Mary andthe7Dwarfs /15min min/directedbyKasparJancis 80 andtheSpiderQueen(2018)Captain Morten UPCOMING: FILMOGRAPHY: RECENT Mary and 7 Dwarfs (dir.Mary and7Dwarfs RihoUnt,2017) Captain Morten andtheSpiderQueen Captain Morten (dir. KasparJancis,2018)

33 ANIMATION COMPANIES 34 ANIMATION COMPANIESfeature 2015 Bison Touch (2017) /9min Life(2017)Life Before /8min The Egg(2012) /11min ( experimental film. experimental actors. Atthemomentcompanyisworkingonascriptfornew is dedicatedtoproducinglongandshortfilmswithpuppets The company in1991. Rao HeidmetsFilmstudiowasestablished [email protected] Müürivahe31,Tallinn 10140 Contact:RaoHeidmets RAO HEIDMETS FILMSTUDIO RECENT FILMOGRAPHY: RECENT all filmsdirected byRaoHeidmets)

2017) (dir. RaoHeidmets, Life Before

animations byAnu-LauraTuttelberg. Roots (2018) /102 withanimatedparts min/adocumentary Letting Go(2017) /11mindirectedbyÜloPikkov ry by6femaledirectorsin2018. 100- filmprogrammeSilmviburlanewillreleaseRoots,adocumenta ofCultureAarhus.IntheframeEstonia of theEuropeanCapital Residencywiththesupport was oneofthetwowinnersANIDOX duced Estonian-Danishstop-motionanimationLetting Go,which andanimationfilms.In2017documentary Silmviburlaneco-pro- and mobilefilmproductioncompanyin Tallinn, which produces andÜlo Pikkov, byHeilika isasmallSilmviburlane, foundedin2006 [email protected] Contact:ÜloPikkov UPCOMING: FILMOGRAPHY: RECENT SILMVIBURLANE

Zebra (dir. ÜloPikkov, 2015) Letting Go(dir. ÜloPikkov, 2017) 35 ANIMATION COMPANIES 36 ANIMATION COMPANIESfeature 2015

[email protected] Contact:+372 3188 5656 cellence deliveredinafriendlyandprofessionalmanner. providing fullpost-productionservicesforfeaturefilms. project fromeditingmovietrailers,providingservicesfor TVspotsto sult ourclientswithcareandattentiontogetthebest out ofevery guarantee ahigh-endresultforallprojects. than quantityandoursuperiorqualitycolouringeditingstudios andanimation. and everythingthatconcernsVFX, CGI dailies,editing,colourcorrection tique, providinghighqualityDI, Tallinn Postworks isamodern,fullservicepost-productionbou- TALLINN POSTWORKS We areknownandrecognizedforourcreativetechnical ex- In additiontoourtechnical work,wesuperviseon-setandcon- Our highlyskilledteamofspecialistsisfocusedmoreonquality

works byTallinn post-production Examples of Postworks.

[email protected] Tatari Tallinn 64 10134 Contact:JoosepVolk Art DirectorsClubEurope2015 GoldinMotionDesign category. want areliablepartner. Tolm isthego-tostudioinEstoniaifyouexpecthigh-endresult and partments, advertisinganddesignagencies,TVchannels orstart-ups. ling visualsthatengagetheaudience. is todevelopideasandmixdifferenttechniques intofreshandcompel- delivery keepingastrongfocusondesignandstorytelling.Ourpassion competence inproducingbothsmallerandbiggerinternationalprojects. Tolm isateamofexperiencedmotiondesignersandanimatorswiththe TOLM STUUDIO Felix Ketchup Tolm haswonmanyinternationalawards,thebiggestofthem being We loveworkingcloselytogetherwithmanagement,marketingde- We covertheentirecreativeprocessfromveryfirstideatofinal by Tolm TVC forTVC

Commercial for Neste byTolm TVC forDrakoTVC by Tolm

37 ANIMATION COMPANIES 38 AUDIO SERVICESfeature 2015 mentaries. editing forover55animatedfilms, 36docu- 17 feature filmsand experience intheindustry. Hiscreditsincludesounddesign/sound an award-winningsounddesigner, whohasmorethan16yearsof mixing, foley, custommusic).The companyisleadbyHorretKuus, feature films,commercialsandgames(sounddesign,editing B6 studiosprovidesprofessionalsoundservicesforanimations,

[email protected] Contact:Hõbeda3,10125 Tallinn [email protected] Contact:HorretKuus audio restorationservices. design needs,wealsooffer dubbing/ADR, Foley recordingand dia. Inadditiontocatering to allyourlocationrecordingandsound and createextraordinaryaural experiencesforyouraudiovisualme- sound mixersanddesignershaveimpressivetrack records audiovisual projectfromthelocationrightuptofinal mix.Our Film Audiostudiosofferacompleterangeofservices foryour FILM AUDIO B6 STUDIOS

we makeithappenwithasmile. music, fromorchestral toambienthip-hop. Fromlocationtopost, Studioalsoprovidescustom mations, TVandcommercials. Quartal recording, soundediting,designandmixingforfeature films,ani- Studioservices include locationsoundrecording,dialogue Quartal independent movieproducersandmajorHollywoodstudios. Our clientsareadvertisingagenciesandproduction companies, cinemamastering. iting tosoundrecording,mixing,foleyanddigital years. OurservicesrangefromVFX, colorcorrectionandcompos - the businessofcommercials,dubbingandfeaturefilmsforover25 and videosuitesalongwithacolorgradingstudio.We've beenin VoxOrbital isafullyfledgedpost-productionstudiowith4audio

[email protected]  [email protected] Contact:Mardi1,10145 Tallinn, Estonia  [email protected] C.R.Jakobsoni14Tallinn 10126 Contact:UkuToomet QUARTAL STUDIO ORBITAL VOX

39 AUDIO SERVICES grammes judged by internationally recognized animation professionals. Alongside the international main and stu- dent competitions, the PÖFF Shorts National Competi- tion is designed to promote the newest work by Estonian filmmakers. In addition, PÖFF Shorts includes a selection of the- matic guest programmes, international premieres, a ret- rospective of an Estonian , and special events made to bring filmmakers and audiences together in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Parallel to PÖFF Shorts, the industry event Baltic (Black Nights Film Festival) Preview takes place. It is a networking event for film

PÖFF SHORTS NOVEMBER 20-25, 2018 professionals initiated and coordinated by the Estonian Short Film Centre ShortEST and Creative Gate. During he FIAPF-accredited Black Nights Film the 2-day event, around 20 short films from the Baltic Festival (PÖFF) has been home to the most countries, both works in progress and films straight out important animated film showcase in the of the oven, are exclusively showcased to international T Baltics for almost 20 years. programmers, agents and distributors. With its annual short film and animation section Submissions open in May PÖFF Shorts, the festival aims to screen the best ani- mated and live-action short films of all genres from cut- ting edge talents and bold visionaries across the world. PÖFF Shorts joins together two internationally recog- nized programs: Sleepwalkers for live action short films and Animated Dreams for animation films – known as PÖFF Shorts since 2017. In 2017, the festival screened over 250 films from more than 45 countries. PÖFF Shorts consists of several competition pro-

40 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: • short or medium-length films (up to 45 minutes): fiction, documentary, experimental or VR; live-action or

animation; PÖFF SHORTS • premiered after the 1st of January 2017 (to be eligible for competitive programmes); • presented in a HD video screening format (minimum 1920x1080px, Prores, DNxHD), DCP; • in original language with English subtitles; • films submitted to the student film competitions must be directed by a film, animation or media student.

Contact: PÖFF Shorts (Black Nights Film Festival) e-mail: [email protected] 

41 Estonian Academy of Arts stablished in 1914, the Estonian Academy of Arts is the only public university in Estonia providing higher education in fine arts, design, architecture, media, visual E studies, art culture, and conservation. The Department of Animation was established at the Estonian Academy of Arts in 2006 and since 2007 it has offered a two-year STUDYING IN ESTONIA MA in Animation, taught in English. Currently there are students from 17 countries enrolled, hence the Animation Department is the perfect melting pot for animation lovers from all over the world. The programme is taught by Professor Priit Pärn and Associate Professor Olga Pärn. The main goal of the programme is to suc- cessfully educate creators of animated films, providing them with theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The further aim is to contribute to the global development of animation as an art form. In most of the world’s animation schools, students are rarely taught the art of good storytelling. This is something that sets our programme apart. We place an emphasis on the story and teach Professor Pärn’s unique methodology for creating film scripts. Studies are conducted in cooperation with several other higher education schools in Tallinn. For example, the students actively par- ticipate in lectures at the Baltic Film and Media School (BFM) and Professor Priit Pärn with his students.

42 Once in the Fields of Boredom (dir. Teele Strauss, 2017)

A Table Game (dir. Nicolás Petelski Mesón, 2017)

Animation students together with their professors Priit Pärn and Olga Pärn. 44 STUDYING IN ESTONIAfeature 2015 Teemu Jäälinoja(Finland). Hotti(Finland) andHeta orenko (Latvia), Michael Frey (Swizerland),LucijaMrzljak (Croatia), Klemet, AnuLauraTuttelberg, Edmunds Jansons(Latvia),ZaneOb- nationally recognizedfilmmakers Kristjan Holm,MartinusDaane festivals. Former studentsofourMAprogram includetheinter- cialists whoseworkisregularly presentedatinternationalevents. structors andlecturersoftheprogrammeareactiveartists andspe- Animation UnionandEstonia’s largeranimationstudios.The in- Tallinn University. placewiththeEstonian Cooperationalsotakes Our student films have won more than 80 awardsininternational Our studentfilmshavewon morethan Muteum at more Read inEnglish taught curriculum is The whole (dir. AggiePakYee Lee, 2017) BECOME A MASTER OF ANIMATION AT THE ESTONIAN ACADEMY OF ARTS Estonian Academy of Arts is offering a 2-year Master of Arts in Ani- mation to students interested in animation directing and filmmaking. If you are an ambitious and determined artist, with the talent, mo- tivation, and desire to create unique work, form new directions, and realize your career aspirations as an animation director, this course is ideal. The course combines several disciplines, e.g. scriptwriting, direct- ing, techniques and media theory. Students can choose the theme and technique of their films while the department supports and gives advice on their production.

The courses are taught by award-winning animation directors and STUDYING IN ESTONIA MA Animation students at Estonian Academy of Arts. artists Priit Pärn, Olga Pärn and other experienced professionals. Penelope (dir. Heta Jäälinoja, 2017)

45 46 FESTIVALS feature 2015 Highlights Festival Clermont Ferrand, Venice andSundance. films werealso screenedatZagreb,Annecy, Ottawa, A many prestigiousfestivals, severalofthese the worldandwonvarious awards.Among Estonian animationsthathave travelled n overviewofsomethe more recent Produced by:Nukufilm Director: RihoUnt /2017 7DWARFS MARY AND /13 min Grid VFX (Belgium), Calon(GreatBrittain) Produced by: Nukufilm(Estonia), Telegael (Ireland), Director: KasparJancis 2018 /78 min QUEEN SPIDER THE CAPTAIN AND MORTEN MANIVALD / 2017 / 13 min A TABLE GAME / 2017 / 4 min Director: Chintis Lundgren Director: Nicolás Petelski Mesón / 2017 Produced by: Chintis Lundgreni Animatsioonistuudio Produced by: Universitat Politécnica de Valencia (Estonia), Adriatic Animation (Croatia), NFB (Canada) (Spain), Estonian Academy of Arts (Estonia) FESTIVALS

LETTING GO / 2017 / 11 min MUTEUM / 2017 / 5 min Director: Ülo Pikkov Director: Äggie Pak Yee Lee Produced by: Silmviburlane Produced by: Estonian Academy of Arts

47 48 FESTIVALS feature 2015 Produced by: EstonianAcademyofArts Director: Teele Strauss AMALIMBO /2016 /16 AMALIMBO min /2017 /6min OFBOREDOM FIELDS THE IN ONCE (Sweden), Fork Film(Estonia), FilmVäst (Sweden) Produced by:Fasad Director: JuanPabloLibossart Produced by:Nukufilm Director: ÜloPikkov SPACE /2016 EMPTY /10 min Produced by:EestiJoonisfilm Director: PriitTender FLU/2016 / 10 min BIRD Produced by:EestiJoonisfilm Director: PriitTender 2015 /11 min OFUNCONSCIOUSNESS/ HOUSE Produced by: EstonianAcademyofArts Jäälinoja Director: Heta /2016 /4min PENELOPE Produced by:Nukufilm Director: RihoUnt /2015 MASTER /18 THE min Produced by:EestiJoonisfilm Director: KasparJancis /2015 PIANO /8 min 49 FESTIVALS 50 ESTONIA 100 CELEBRATIONSfeature 2015 Celebrations 100 Estonia claimed Estonian animationartistsaswell asexhibitions. include lectures andworkshopsbytheinternationally ac- with currentandhistoricEstonian animations.Somealso focuses havealsobeenplanned, which includeprogrammes celebrate aroundtheworld upuntil2020.Numerousanimation place internationally, ofopportunities to offeringthousands Lotte filmsthat children alreadyknowandlove. and RijaFilms(Latvia).Itisthethirdfilminseries of Heiki ErnitsandproducedbyEestiJoonisfilm(Estonia) and theLost DragonsisdirectedbyJannoPõldma and animation willbeproduced.The animatedfeatureLotte films, aTVseriesandfullfeature two documentary and 2019. Within thisprogramme,fivefeaturefilms, numerous newworkstomovietheatresin2018 nia 100 FilmProgrammewaslaunched tobring In ordertocelebratetheanniversary, The Esto- O Additionally, a diverseprogrammeofeventswilltake independent, democraticrepublic. proclamation ofEstoniaasan hundred yearspassedfromthe n 24thFebruary, 2018, one • International Animation • Krakow Film Festival Film Festival Anima in Poland / May 2018 Brussels Belgium / February 2018 • Animafest Zagreb Croatia / June 2018 • Monstra - Lisbon Animation Film Festival • Annecy International Portugal / March 2018 Animation Film Festival France / June 2018 • Tampere Film Festival Finland / March 2018 • Helsinki International Special Estonian Film Festival screenings and • GoEast Film Festival Finland / September 2018 retrospective pro- Wiesbaden, Germany / April 2018 • International Animation grammes can also be Festival Hiroshima found at various other • Stuttgart International Japan / August 2018 international events. Festival of Animated Films Germany / April 2018 Interested in celebrating with us? Contact the Estonian Film Institute for further infor- mation on possible focus pro- grammes. 52 USEFUL ADDRESSESfeature 2015 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +372 627 6060 Uus 3,Tallinn 10111, Estonia Estonian FilmInstitute E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +372 8613 693 10318Ristiku 84, Tallinn, Estonia Film Archive Estonian NationalArchive’s E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +372 6282222 Suur-Karja 23,15076 Tallinn, Estonia Estonian MinistryofCulture E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +372 9150 699 Suur-Karja 23,10148 Tallinn, Estonia Estonian CulturalEndowment E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +372 627 6065 Estonian FilmInstitute Uus 3,Tallinn 10111, Estonia Estonia Creative EuropeMEDIA    E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +372 4164 646 Uus 3,10111 Tallinn, Estonia Estonian Filmmakers Union E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +372 4299 646 Roo 9,Tallinn 10611 Estonian Animation Union E-mail: [email protected] Keskväljak 4, Jõhvi41531,Estonia Viru FilmFund E-mail: [email protected] Kalevi 13,Tartu 51010, Estonia Tartu FilmFund E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +372 627 6060 Uus 3,Tallinn, 10111, Estonia Film Estonia PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONS ORGANISATIONS PROFESSIONAL  The Estonian Association of Film Journalists Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival Narva mnt 11e, 10151 Tallinn, Estonia Telliskivi 60A,10412 Tallinn, Estonia E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +372 5620 8308 E-mail: [email protected] Estonian Documentary Guild J. Vilmsi 53g, 10147 Tallinn, Estonia E-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION

Estonian Film Industry Cluster Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Evelin Penttilä Communication School +372 5552 3500 Narva st. 27, 10120 Tallinn, Estonia [email protected] Phone: +372 6199 900 ADDRESSES USEFUL E-mail: [email protected]  estonian-clusters-2/film-industry-cluster/ Estonian Academy of Arts Estonia pst 7, 10143, Tallinn, Estonia INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVALS Phone: +372 626 7301 E-mail: [email protected]  Baltic Event Nurme 45, 11616 Tallinn, Estonia Mob: +372 514 8134 E-mail: [email protected]