T National Health Mission

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T National Health Mission Government of West Bengal Health & Family Welfare Department • National Health Mission · II'tt• • . GN-29, 4th Floor, wasthya Sathi Building, Swasthya Bhawan Premises, II " •• Sector - t, Salt-lake, Bidhannagar, Kolkata - 700091 (Phone) 033-2333 0238; (Fax) 033-2357 7930 Email: [email protected]/po [email protected]; Web:www.wbhealth.gov.in No. HFW/NHM-275/2021/ 2423 Dated. Iq ·Of?·UJ.l-) ORDER Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction is hereby accorded for "Construction of 47 (Forty Seven) new Su-Sasthya Kendras II at an estimated amount of Rs. 14,26,31,417.00/- (Rupees Fourteen Crore Twenty Six Lakh Thir~y One thousand Four Hundred & Seventeen Only) , against unit cost of Rs. 30,34,711.00 per Su-Sasthva Kendra. Details are as follows:- Sanctioned SI. No. District Name of the Block Name of the Sub-Centre Amount (in Rs) 1 Coochbehcr Cooch Behar - I 1 No. Kalighat Road SC ~ 30,34,711.00 2 Coochbehcr Cooch Behar - I Guriahati-L GPHQ SC ~ 30,34,711.00 3 Coochbehcr Cooch Behar - I Nehru Nagar SC ~ 30,34,711.00 4 Coochbehejr Cooch Behar - I Panisala SC ~ 30,34,711.00 5 Coochbehcr Cooch Behar - I Sutkabari GPHQ SC ~ 30,34,711.00 6 Coochbehcr Cooch Behar - I Satmile SC ~ 30,34,711.00 7 Coochbeha'r Cooch Behar - I Dewanbosh SC ~ 30,34,711.00 8 Coochbehar Cooch Behar - I Maghpala SC ~ 30,34,711.00 9 Coochbehar Cooch Behar - I Chandamari GPHQ SC ~ 30,34,711.00 10 Coochbehar Cooch Behar - I Bhogdabri Kesharibari SC ~ 30,34,711.00 11 Coochbehcr Cooch Behar - I Putimari Fuleswari SC ~ 30,34,711.00 12 Coochbehcr Cooch Behar - II Maranadir Kuthi SC ~ 30,34,711.00 13 Coochbehar Cooch Behar- Basdahanatibari Old SC ~ 30,34,711.00 14 Coochbehar Cooch Behar - Kalapani SC ~ 30,34,711.00 15 Coochbehar Cooch Behar - Jatrapur SC ~ 30,34,711.00 16 Coochbehar Cooch Behar- Chakchaka Chekpost SC ~ 30,34,711.00 17 Coochbehar Cooch Behar - Marichbari-II SC ~ 30,34,711.00 18 Coochbehar Cooch Behar- Dharmabarer Kuthi SC ~ 30,34,711.00 19 Coochbehar Dinhata-I Jamaderbash SC ~ 30,34,711.00 20 Coochbehar Dinhata-I Ruerkuthi SC ~ 30,34,711.00 21 CoochbehJr Dinhata-I Singijani Bhetaguri SC ~ 30,34,711.00 22 Coochbehar Dinhata-I Baladanga SC ~ 30,34,711.00 23 Coochbehar Dinhata-I Jarabari SC ~ 30,34,711.00 --- - 24 Coochbehar Dinhata-I Baro Nachina-I GPHQ SC ~ 30,34,711.00 25 Coochbeha1r Dinhata-I Baro Nachina-II SC ~ 30,34,711.00 26 Coochbehar Dinhata-I Bhangni-L SC ~ 30,34,711.00 I 27 Coochbehar Dinhata-I Dukha Bholar Kuthi SC ~ 30,34,711.00 28 Coochbehar Dinhata-I Chhoto Folimari SC ~ 30,34,711.00 29 Coochbehar Dinhata-II Sukarurkuthi GPHQ SC ~ 30,34,711.00 30 Coochbehar Haldibari Simultali Baladanga SC ~ 30,34,711.00 I 31 Coochbehar Tufanganj-I Charaljani B SC ~ 30,34,711.00 . 32 Coochbehar Tufanganj-I Chhat Barochowki SC ~ 30,34,711.00 33 Coochbehar Tufa nganj-l Velapeta SC ~ 30,34,711.00 34 Coochbehar Tufanganj-I Chhatrampur SC ~ 30,34,711.00 Andaran Fulbari (North) ~ 30,34,711.00 35 Coochbehar Tufanganj-I GPHQSC 36 Coochbehar Tufanganj-I Balabhut (North) SC ~ 30,34,711.00 37 Coochbehar Tufanganj-I Bilshi -I SC ~ 30,34,711.00 38 Coochbehar Tufanganj-I Jhowkuthi SC ~ 30,34,711.00 39 Coochbehar Tufanganj-I Jhaljhali GPHQ SC ~ 30,34,711.00 40 Coochbehar Tufanganj-I Balarampur (South) SC ~ 30,34,711.00 41 Coochbehar Tufanganj-I Chhatoa SC ~ 30,34,711.00 42 Coochbehar Tufanganj-I Takoamari SC ~ 30,34,711.00 - -- - -- Ghogarkuthi (North) GPHQ ~ 30,34,711.00 43 Coochbehar Tufanganj-I SC 44 Coochbehar Tufanganj-I Taltala SC ~ 30,34,711.00 45 Coochbehar Tufanganj-I Balarampur (West) SC ~ 30,34,711.00 46 Coochbehar Tufanganj-I Balarampur (North) SC ~ 30,34,711.00 47 Coochbehar Tufanganj-II Mahishkuchi -I GPHQ SC ~ 30,34,711.00 TOTAL ~ 14,26,31,417.00 2. The Scope of Works includes the following: a. Block-wise Detailed Project Report(DPR) including soil exploration report of Su-Sasthya Kendras following the model drawing(s) (as attached in Annexure 'A' and Annexure 'B'), by engaging Design Consultant, by inviting NleT. b. Detailed Estimate of Sinking of tube-well with provision of pump for each centre. e. Implementation of the works mentioned in (a) & (b). 3. The cost of WBSEDCL establishment charges for electrical connections has also been included in the AAFS amount for each centre. 4. The documents of SI. No.2 (a) & (b) is required to be submitted at Engineering Cell, SPMU, National Health Mission and also vetted by competent vetting authority before inviting tender for implementation of works. 5. The works at SI. No. (2) - (a) & (b) are required to be completed within 15 days from the date of issuance of this AAFS. 6. The implementing agency shall complete the tendering process of the execution of the works within 45 days from the date of issuance of AAFS, but the L.O.A/Work Order may only be issued after confirmation of the fund source from Sate Engineering Wing. 7. No price escalation will be allowed. No deviation will be allowed other than the sanctioned scheme. 8. The work will be executed by the Engineering Wing of District Health & Family Welfare Samity, Coochbehar / any other executing agency as deemed fit by the District Administration in conformity with the norms prescribed in Finance Department G.O. No. 5400-F(Y) Dated. 25/06/2012 read with G.O No. 3060-F(Y) Dated. 11/07/2014. 9. Fund will be released after sLbmission of requisition of fund along with the copy of Work Order(WO) for each facility in favour of District Health & Family Welfare Samity, Coochbehar for payment to the implementing agency. 10. State Team may visit the sites periodically to review the quality and quantity of works. 11. The tally head and FMR code of these works shall be informed in due course. 12. Any change in the nomenclature of the notified Sub-Centre, if required, should be immediately informed to State Project Management Unit (SPMU) for issuance of necessary amendments. 13. Detailed photography of the site before commencement of work, during intermediate stages of the work in progress and after completion of the work is required to be kept in record at Engineering Cell of DPMU which may be asked to submit at SPMU, as and when required for future verification. 14. This order is issued with the approval of the Mission Director, National Health Mission. 15. All concerned are being informed. L. Progra~Officer, NHM & Dy. Secretary to the Government of West Bengal. No. HFW/NHM-275/2021/ 2-4'l3/J&!-) Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to the:- 1. Director of Health Services, West Bengal. 2. District Magistrate, Coochbehar. I 3. Chief Medical Officer of Health & Secretary, District Health & Family Welfare Samity, Coochbehar. 4. Engineer-in Charge, National Health Mission. 5. Sr. Accounts Officer, National Health Mission. 6. District Nodal Officer, Infrastruature, Coochbehar. 7. State Consultant (CPHC, Infrastructure & Logistics), SPMU, National Health Mission. 8. Assistant Engineer -1 & 2 (Civil), SPMU, National Health Mission. 9. District Programme Manager, DPMU, Coochbehar. 10. Assistant Engineer, DPMU, Coofhbehar. 11. District Accounts Manager, DPMU, Coochbehar. 12. Sub-Assistant Engineer. SPMU. rational Health Mission. 13. Sr. P.S to Mission Director, Nafional Health Mission & Secretary, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal. 14. IT Cell for upload this order on he website of Health & Family Welfare Department. 15. Copy for the Guard File. 16. Office Copy. Program~cer,L. NHM & Dy. Secretary to the Government of West Bengal. :\10DEL AI{ IIITECT RAL PL.,\" OF IIEAI~A~O WELL. :SS CEynn: (FOR ALL DISTRICT) ,---,I 1600 l.·P -,3~W~[rl~2~ I EXA~I ROO,\I (2958 '2000) CliO ROOM (3552X3375) 02 '------' 02 ========:1 D1 1250 WIDE r'ASSAGE HI 02 ~.-- --,J 01 Dl Dl A~'1 ROO:\l LAB C M STORE \\'AITL'G AI{EA (3552X3125) ROOi') (3175X296S) (4090X3125) I -LlL-.- _ I t 1------4L15~- \ I' 1 ~ WIDI: I S[~GLE STOREY DOOR & \VI:\DO\,yS SCHF:DLLJ' BUrLDI:~G - --- tructurc .- Sl.. ~O ;\),uU": J)ESCRII'rJO\ Sr?!}~ ~e~ WOOD\-:\ PA~EL I I J) 1200X21 J)()O'~ no w 00 J)E\ 2 DI l'i\~FLI'\I.l' ;\11' I U" 1onuxz: 00 U()OJ{ \OTJ.;: ---,-q, i) ALL ()L\1E~SIO,\'S ARJ.: I~ 1\1\<1 ~ D1 I P\,(' nOOR 750XlI 011 ii) II 1-:1c: liT OF SLAB TOP FnO;\1 1'.1. ,UU \ I iii) SII.L LEV~.L 01, WI "DO\\ (J,lJ \1. .j w \1.1'\11\11'\1 \\ I'OOW J 200XI2 00 - Dcpui of fuundariuu will be a P{'" design to he 5 \\1 AI.l'\-II\'IL\1 \\ [\))0\\ l)OOXI!lt 10 considered. -- ,--- r.\~1.I(;1I r 6 FI -I 6tWX.j:; (I ,\IX'"'''! 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