Scarborough Public Library
SCARBOROUGH PUBLIC LIBRARY ii' report of 1981 '/; . ; , , • r --:c Y·- ~--~1~--------, BUDGET STATISTICS EXPENDITURES 1981 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT AND BOARD SERVICES S 2,327,231 PUBLIC SERVICES - SPECIAL SERVICES 560,980 __,._._,_ PUBLIC SERVICES - CEDARBRAE DISTRICT 1,788,oso PUBLIC SERVICES - ALBERT CAMPBELL DISTR ICT 1,607,599 ITEMS BORROWED 3,519,858 PUBLIC SERVICES - AGINCOURT DISTRICT ~ S 7, 141,630 QUESTIONS 809,013 REV ENUE PROGRAMMES HELD 3,536 BOROUGH GRANT $5,975,245 ITEMS IN COLLECTION 868,227 ,. PROVINCIAL GRANTS 832,130 LEVIED CHARGES 137,500 RECOVERABLE$ 182,500 SURPLUS 14,255 S 7,141,630 • Includes conditional grants 5. DONATION 6 Y JOH N McCAAE SEN IOR PUBLIC SCHOOL TO BOA RO ME MBERS 6. ARTS SCARBOROUGH PRESIDE NT - JOY MacFAYDEN (CTR J ALDERM AN F. CRUICKSHANK ICTRJ & S. CHURCHMUCH, CHAIRMAN FRED SAVARD, ARTIST AND FRAN ABEL, AGINCQURT P.L. HEAD REPORT FROM THE CHAIRMAN REPORT FROM THE DIRECTOR l 981 was a year for focusing on the future. Many large scale projects were pushed toward realization. Throughout 1981, the Library Board and staff of Scarborough Public Library have provided the resid ents of the Borough of Scarborough with a public library service to meet the needs of the community. The cost of this se rvice is derived from Fundfog for a library in the Maryvale area was approved in January after many repeated requests from the community. The Municipal and Provincial governments and from general revenue. The total budget for 1981 amounted lo S7,14 1,630, Maryvale Neighbourhood Branch Library is to he situtated in the Parkway Plaza, and will open in January 1982.
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