Inspiring Meeting Hotels. Bern

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Inspiring Meeting Hotels. Bern Inspiring Meeting Hotels 2017. Inspiring Meeting Hotels. Presented by The Inspiring Meeting Hotels at a glance. Switzerland is a small country with great diversity. This map shows the location of the hotels featured in this brochure. D A Aargau Schaffhausen 28 B o B 52 d Basel Region e n 30 s Rheiin Thurr e ee 2 2 50 1 C Bern 3 1 Tössss Frauenfeld B Limma att 41 41 Baden D Fribourg Region Liestall 53 s irs Aarau BB 5444 Delémont Herisau E Geneva A 5145 n F Appenzell in ReReuss e hh u RR 33H ss Z Säntis üü F rr 2502 Lake Geneva Region ii c ss Solothurn 42 c ubb hh -- s e e 29 ou 35 D e LLe Zug 43 Z Z 2306 u u g g ChurChurfirsfirsten Aarree e e Vaduz G r r W Graubünden ss a e La Chaux- 1607 ee lleennssee ee L L LIECHTENSTEIN i 27 Chasseral i Chasseral n de-Fonds e n ee t se 4 11889999 t rs 22 hh ler iel 38 Weggis 1798 Grosser Mythenthen H Jura & Three-Lakes Bi Glarus 34 25 Rigi 20 VViierwald-erwald- Glärnisch 40 1408 2439 Schwyz Bad Ragaz 16 2119 2914 Neuchâtel ree Napf 18 ststätterseeättersee 23 Pizol Aar Pilatulatus 17 Stoos Braunwald 2844 l I Lucerne-Lake Lucerne Region te Stans LLa 17 el 26 nd hât dqqu uhâc C Sarnen 189898 uaar uc 9 Altdorf Linthal trt Ne StanseStanserhorn 21 37 R R Chur 25 e 2834 de 19 e 7 u Flims c de Ne u 15 Weissflsfluh Piz Buin J Eastern Switzerland / aca s 2350 s Davos LL s 19 3312 Em Engelberg s 18 mm Brienzerienzer Tödi 15 16 ee Rothorn 36 20 Scuol Liechtenstein e ye 21 Titlisitlis 3614 Arosa oy Fribourg InnInn rro Thun Brienz 3238 Yverdon B aa Disentis/ Lenzerheide- LL D . 3 ersrs. n Lai Nationalpark lesles BainsBains 2175 nzze Mustér ieni TT ien rhrhe GantrGantriisscchh hu ri eerr K Ticino un BB AA 6 rrdd ee a 3503 Vo 32943294 Schwarzseearzsee mee rrs r 5 Müstair Sim 11 see e ee 2998 SustenhoSustenhornrn Piz Beveririn Piz Kesch 2362 Grindelwald 13 32 22 10 Niesen n 31 L Valais e 12 Wengen Andermattt eini F 13 7 Eigerr 3970 rrrhhe 'Orbe 2002 e 2970 ter LL'Orb e n 14 n in in 8 Mönch 4107 H 3056 Le MoléMolésoson ri Schilthornrn r 9 29 a S 4274 Piz Nair 30 S aa 1423 LL 10 4158 Finsteraarhorn r M Zurich Region Adelboden r 3402 St.Moritz JungfrJungfrau - - e e 4 h h h h Rheinwaldhorn 27 5 8 6 c c c c ss s s Montreux Lenk tt tt 26 Gstaad ee ee é m a n ll ll 2973 L AA gg 1677 e 20422042 Wildstrubel 3272 L Diavolezza Grand Tour of La DôleDôle 12 RoRocherchers- 3244 3934 Basòdino 28 4049 Leukerbad Piz Bernina de-N-Naye Bietschhorn 47 Switzerland Crans- 24 Montana TT 11 ii 3210 cc 3210 VeVe i in 37 n Les Diablerets rzascarzasc o Brig o a a M sp ee sp a ônn g a ô Vi Vi Sion Rh gg E LLe giia 38 40 45 a Locarno Bellinzona 48 34 3257 31 Champéryry Haute Nendaz 42 Dents 02040 80 km du Midi Saas-Fee L Verbier 4545 Dent Blanche Dom 01020 40 mileless e 32 4357 LUGANO 49 e 46 r 35 36nnoo 39 Zermatt r 43 ga LLu Matterhorn o o ii Matterhorn 30930900 i dd 1701 i Grand 4478 Gornrnergrat g 33 o g g MontMonte Combin gg 44 LaLago Generoso 4314 Dufoursrspitze a a 4634 MM 1097 o o MontMonte S. Giorgio g g Grand-St-B-Bernard aa LL The Grand Tour of Switzerland is a suggested route that makes use of the existing Swiss road network. Visitors follow the route at their own risk. Switzerland Tourism 11546546 and the Grand Tour of Switzerland association accept no liability for construction works, diversions, signage relating to special events or safety provisions along the route. Profile of the Grand Tour Length: 1,643 km plus starting stage Highest point: Furka Pass, 2,429 m a.s.l. Lowest point: Lake Maggiore, 193 m a.s.l. Alpine passes: 5 passes over 2,000 m a.s.l. Lakes along the route: 22 lakes of more than 0.5 km2 in area UNESCO: 11 World Heritage Properties and 2 biospheres For more information on the Grand Tour: Schaffhausen Schaffhausen 28 B o d e 30 n 28 sB o hein Thur e o d R 52 e e 2 30 n r s 1 RhTeiin Thur e 3 öss Frauenfeld ee 2 2 50 1 Limm at 1 Tösss 3 41 s Frauenfeld Limma Liestal Baden tt 41 41 irs B Aarau Baden Liestall 44 53 s irs Aarau Herisau Delémont BB 44 45 54 M AppenzellHerisain u Delémont Reuss e h R 5145 n Z Appenzell in ReReuss ü Säntis e r hh u 2502 RR 33 ss i Solothurn 42 c Z bs h - s üüe e 29 Säntis ou A D rr 2502 ii Le s Solothurn Zug 42 43 c c bs Z h 2306 29 uub u h -- s e e o 35 g Churfirsten D Aare e Vaduz e r W e s FL LL 43 a e Zug La Chaux- 1607 Z Z lensee 2306 e u u L L LIECHTENSTEIN g g i i 27 ChurChurfirsfirsten Chasseral e e Aarree n Vaduz de-Fonds r r W e ss t a e ee l e La Chaux- e I 1899 h leennsse s 1607 ee L 22 L er LIECHTENSTEIN i 27 J Chassel ral Grosser Mythen i Chassee ral n de-Fonds Bi e Weggis 1798 Glarus n ee 4 tt se Rigi 11889999 hh rrs 20 25 22 lle Vierwald- GrosseGlärnisr Mychthenthen ie 1408 3824 Weggis Schwyz1798 Glarus Bad Ragaz 16 34 B 2119 2914 Neuchâtel e Napf 18 stättersee20 2325 Rigi Pizol Aar Pilatus VViierwald-erwald- Stoos Glärnisch 40 2844 1408 17 2439 BraunwSchwyzald Bad Ragaz 16 Stan2119s 2914 La el Neuchâtel ree Napf 18 ststätterseeättersee 23 26 Pizol nd t Aar Pilatulatus 17 Stoos Braunwald 2844 qu hâ Sarnen 1898 ar uc 9el Altdorf Linthal t LL lt Stanserhorn Stans 26 an 17 hâte R Chur ddqq hâc 19 Sarnen e 2834 uuaar u 7 189898 u t c de Ne uc 9 Altdorf LinthalFlims Weissfluh rt Piz21 Buin La Ne 2350 StanseStanses rhorn Davos 3312 R R 25 E Engelber37 g s Chur m e 2834 de Brienzer 19 e 15 7m u Tödi Flims c de Ne e u 15 PizScuol Buin aca Rothorn s Weissflsfluh LL 2350 s Davos e 21 Titlis s 3614 19 3312 y E Engelberg s 18 Arosa o Fribourg Thun m Brienzerienzer 16 Inn r mBrienz 3238 Tödi 15 20 Scuol Yverdon B ee Rothorn 36 a e Disentis/ Lenzerheide- L ye 21 Titlisitlis 3614 Arosa oy rs. les Bains ro Fribour2175g Thun ze 3238 Mustér in Lai NationalparkInnInn Br T n Brienz he Yverdon B Gantrisch h rie rr Lenzerheide- aa un B A 6 rde Disentis/ LL e s.a. 3 o Schwarzsee r ersr r 3503 V in Lai 3294 Nationalpark lesles BainsBains imme 2175 se nzze e Mustér ien 2998 Müstair S 11 e TT ien Sustenhorn rhrhe GantrGantriisscchh hu ri eerr Piz Kesch un BB AA 6 orrdd Piz Beverin 2362 ee Grindelwald a 5 3503 Vo G 32943294 Schwarzseearzsee mmee rrs re 2998 Müstair Niesen Si 11 see e e SustenhoSustenhornrn Piz Kesch 12 Wengen Andermatt nPiz Beveririn e 13 2362 Eiger 3970 Grindelwald hei 13 32 22 2002 2970 terr L'Orb e Niesen 10 in n Mönch 4107 H 3056 31 Le Moléson i 12 Schilthorn Andermattt in e r Wengen ein a 13 7 Eigerr 3970 hhe S 4274 rrr Piz Nair 'Orbe 2002 e 2970 ter LL'Orb e n 14 a n in 14 L in Finsteraarhor8 Möncn h 4107 H 3056 Le MoléMolésoson ri 10 Sc 41hiltho58 rnrn r r 9r 3402 29 St.Moritz a Adelboden - e 30 S Jungfrau 4274 Piz Nair h h Rheinwaldhorn aa 4 5 c c 1423 LL 8 Finsteraarhorn 4158 10 s s r r 3402 Adelboden t t St.Moritz Montreux - - e e Lenk e Gstaad l leJungfrJungfrau é m a n 4 h h h h Rheinwaldhorn 292773 A g L 5 c c c c 6 1677 8 e 2042 Wildstrubel ss s s 3272 L Montreux Lenk tt tt 4049 Di26avolezza La Dôle Rochers- Gstaad ee ee Basòdino é m a n 3244 3934 ll ll 2973 L Leukerbad AA gg Piz Bernina 1677 e de-Naye 20422042 WildstrubelBietschhorn 3272 L Diavolezza La DôleDôle 12 RoRocherchers- Crans- 3244 3934 Basòdino 28 4049 Leukerbad K Piz Bernina de-N-Naye Montana Bietschhorn T 47 i 3210 c Ve i 37 Crans- n Les Diablerets rzasc o 24 Montana TT Brig i 11 i c a M 3210 c 3210 VeVe i i sp n e 37 a n n g a o Sion Les Diableretsô Vi rzascarzasc Rh Brig g o Le a ia 40 a M sp 38 ee sp Locarnoa ônn g a Bellinzona Sion Rhô Vi Vi gg LLe 34gia 3257 40 3145 ia Champéry 38 Haute Nendaz Locarno Bellinzona Dents 48 34 02040 80 km du Midi 3257 Saas-Fee 3142 Champéryry Haute Nendaz Dents 02040 80 km du MidiVerbier 4545 Dent Blanche Dom Saas-Fee 01020 40 miles e e 32 4357 4545 Verbier 39 Dom r 35 36ano 01020 40 mileless DentZermatt Blanche ug o e i L 32 Matterhor4357n LUGANO 3090 49 i e d 1701 46 o Grand39 4478 Gornergrat g 33 r 35 36anno Zermatt r 43Monte ug Combin g o LL Matterhorn o Lago ii Matterhorn 30930900 i Generosodd 1701 4314 Dufourspitze a i Grand 4478 Gornrnergrat g 33 o 4634 g MontMonte M g Combin g 44 LaLaggo Dufourspitze 1097 Generoso o 4314 Dufourspitze o aa 4634 Monte MS.
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