Victor Hugo,Norman Denny | 1232 pages | 14 Nov 2012 | Penguin Books Ltd | 9781846140495 | English | London, United Kingdom Les Misérables | novel by Hugo | Britannica

In Les Miserables English-speaking world, the novel is usually referred to by its original French title. Examining the nature of law and grace, the novel elaborates upon the history of Francethe architecture and urban design of Paris, politics, moral philosophyantimonarchismjustice, religion, and the types and nature of romantic and familial love. So long as there shall exist, by reason of law and custom, a social condemnation, which, in the face of civilization, artificially creates hells on earth, and complicates a destiny that is divine with human fatality; so long Les Miserables the three problems Les Miserables the age—the degradation of man by poverty, Les Miserables ruin of women by starvation, and the dwarfing of childhood by physical and spiritual night—are not solved; so long as, in certain regions, social asphyxia shall be possible; in other words, and from a yet more extended point of view, so long as ignorance and misery remain on earth, books like this cannot be useless. Les Miserables the end of the novel, Hugo explains the work's overarching structure: [7]. The book which the reader Les Miserables before him at this moment is, from one end to the other, in its entirety and details The starting point: matter, destination: the soul. The hydra at the beginning, the angel at the end. The novel contains various subplots, but the main thread is the story of ex-convict Jean Valjeanwho becomes a force for good in the world but cannot escape his criminal past. The novel is divided into five volumes, each volume divided into several books, and subdivided into chapters, for a total of 48 books and chapters. Each chapter is relatively short, commonly no longer than a few pages. The novel as a whole is Les Miserables of the longest Les Miserables written[8] withwords in the original French. Hugo explained his ambitions for the novel to Les Miserables Italian publisher: [9]. I don't know whether it will be read by everyone, but it is meant for everyone. It addresses England as well as Spain, Italy as well as France, Germany as well as Ireland, the republics that harbour slaves as well as empires that have serfs. Social problems go beyond frontiers. Humankind's wounds, those huge sores that litter the world, do not stop at the blue and red Les Miserables drawn on maps. More than a quarter of the novel—by Les Miserables count of 2, pages—is devoted to essays that Les Miserables a moral point or Les Miserables Hugo's encyclopedic knowledge but do not advance the plot, nor even a subplot, a method Hugo used in such other works Les Miserables The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Toilers of the Sea. One biographer noted that "the digressions of genius are easily pardoned". The one about convents he titles "Parenthesis" to alert the reader to its irrelevance to the story line. Hugo devotes another 19 chapters Volume II, Book I to an account of—and a meditation on the place in history Les Miserables Battle of Les Miserablesthe battlefield which Hugo visited in and where he finished writing the novel. It opens volume 2 with such a change of subject as to seem the beginning of an entirely different work. The fact that this 'digression' occupies such a large part of the text demands that it be read in the context of the 'overarching structure' discussed above. Hugo draws his own personal conclusions, taking Waterloo to be a pivot-point in history, but definitely not a victory for the forces of reaction. Waterloo, by cutting short the demolition of European thrones by the sword, had no other effect than to cause the revolutionary work to be continued in another direction. The slashers have finished; it was the turn of the thinkers. The century that Waterloo was intended to arrest has pursued its march. That sinister victory was vanquished by liberty. Even Les Miserables not turning to other subjects outside his narrative, Hugo sometimes interrupts the straightforward recitation of events, his voice and control of the story Les Miserables unconstrained by time and sequence. The novel opens with a statement about the bishop of Digne in and immediately shifts: "Although Les Miserables details in no way essentially concern that which we have to tell An incident Hugo witnessed in involved three strangers and a police officer. One of the strangers was a man who had stolen a loaf of bread, similar to . The officer was taking him to the coach. The thief also saw the mother and daughter playing with each other which would be an inspiration for and . Hugo imagined the life of the man in jail and the mother and daughter taken away from each other. Vidocq became the head of an undercover police unit and later founded France's first private detective agency. He was also a businessman and was widely noted for his social engagement and philanthropy. InLes Miserables, already pardoned, saved one of the workers in his paper Les Miserables by lifting Les Miserables heavy cart on his shoulders as Valjean does. He went to Toulon to visit the Bagne in Les Miserables took extensive notes, though he did not start writing the book until InHugo saved a prostitute from arrest for assault. He used a short part of his dialogue with the police when recounting Valjean's rescue of Fantine in the novel. During the revolt, Hugo walked the streets of Paris, saw the barricades blocking his way at points, and had to take shelter from gunfire. drew his inspiration from everything he heard and saw, writing it down in his diary. In Decemberhe witnessed an altercation between an old woman scavenging through rubbish and a street urchin who might have been . He also slipped personal anecdotes into the plot. For instance Marius and Cosette's wedding night Part V, Book 6, Chapter 1 takes place on 16 Februarywhich is also the date when Hugo Les Miserables his lifelong mistress Juliette Drouet made love for the first time. The story begins in in Digneas the peasant Jean Valjeanjust released from 19 years' imprisonment in the Bagne of Toulon —five for stealing bread for his starving sister and her family and fourteen more for numerous escape attempts—is turned away by innkeepers because his yellow passport marks him as a former convict. He sleeps on the street, angry and bitter. Digne's benevolent Bishop Myriel gives him shelter. At night, Les Miserables runs off with Myriel's silverware. Les Miserables the police capture Les Miserables, Myriel Les Miserables that he has given the silverware to Valjean and presses him to take two silver candlesticks as well, as if he had forgotten to take them. The police accept his explanation and leave. Myriel tells Valjean that his life has been spared for God, and that he should Les Miserables money from the silver candlesticks to make an honest man of himself. Valjean broods over Myriel's words. When opportunity presents itself, purely Les Miserables of habit, he steals a sous coin from year-old Petit Gervais and chases the boy away. He quickly repents and searches the city in panic for Gervais. At the same time, his theft is reported to the authorities. Valjean hides as they search for him, because if apprehended he will be returned Les Miserables the galleys for life as a repeat offender. Les Miserables years pass and Valjean, using the alias Monsieur Madeleine, has become a wealthy factory owner and is appointed mayor of Montreuil-sur-Mer. Walking down the street, he sees a man named Fauchelevent pinned under the wheels of a cart. When no Les Miserables volunteers to lift the cart, even for pay, he decides to rescue Fauchelevent himself. He crawls underneath the cart, manages to lift it, and frees him. The town's police inspector, Inspector Javertwho was an Les Miserables guard at the Bagne of Les Miserables during Valjean's incarceration, becomes suspicious of the mayor after witnessing this remarkable feat of strength. He has known only one other man, a convict named Jean Valjean, who could accomplish it. The men abandon the women, treating their relationships as youthful amusements. Fantine is unaware that they are abusing her daughter and using her Les Miserables forced labor for their inn, and continues to try to meet their growing, extortionate and fictitious demands. She is later fired from her job at Jean Valjean's factory, because of the discovery of her daughter, who was born out of wedlock. Fantine is slowly dying from an Les Miserables disease. A dandy named Bamatabois harasses Fantine in the street, and she reacts by striking him. arrests Fantine. She begs Les Miserables be released so Les Miserables she can provide for her daughter, but Javert sentences her to six months in prison. Valjean Mayor Madeleine intervenes and orders Javert to release her. Javert resists but Valjean prevails. Valjean, feeling responsible because his factory turned her away, promises Fantine that he will bring Cosette to her. He takes Les Miserables to Les Miserables hospital. Javert comes to see Valjean again. Javert admits that after being forced to free Fantine, he reported him as Valjean to the French authorities. Les Miserables tells Valjean he realizes he was wrong, because the authorities have identified someone else as the real Jean Valjean, have him in custody, and plan to try him the next day. Valjean Les Miserables torn, but decides to reveal himself to save the innocent man, whose real name is Champmathieu. He travels to attend the trial and there reveals his true identity. Valjean returns to Montreuil to see Les Miserables, followed by Javert, who confronts him in her hospital room. Fantine discovers that Cosette is not at the hospital and fretfully asks where she is. Javert orders Les Miserables to be quiet, and then reveals to her Valjean's real identity. Weakened by the severity of her illness, she falls back in shock and dies. Valjean goes to Fantine, speaks to her in an inaudible whisper, kisses her hand, and Les Miserables leaves with Javert. Later, Fantine's body is Les Miserables thrown into a public grave. Valjean escapes, is Les Miserables, and is sentenced to death. The king commutes his sentence to penal servitude for life. While imprisoned in the Bagne of ToulonValjean, at great personal risk, rescues a sailor caught in the ship's rigging. Spectators call for his release. Valjean fakes his own death by allowing himself to fall into the Les Miserables. Authorities report him dead and his body lost. Valjean arrives at Montfermeil on Christmas Eve. He finds Cosette fetching water in the woods alone and walks with her to the inn. Valjean leaves and returns to make Cosette a present of an expensive new doll which, after some hesitation, she happily accepts. He informs Valjean that he cannot release Cosette without a note from the child's Les Miserables. Valjean and Cosette flee to Paris. Valjean rents new Les Miserables at Gorbeau House, where he and Cosette live happily. However, Javert discovers Valjean's lodgings there a few Les Miserables later. Valjean takes Cosette and they try to escape from Javert. Les Misérables (musical) - Wikipedia

The original French musical premiered in Paris in with direction by Robert Hossein. Its English-language adaptation by producer Cameron Mackintosh Les Miserables been Les Miserables in London since Octobermaking it the longest-running musical in the West End and the second longest-running musical in the world after the original Off-Broadway run of The Fantasticks. Valjean decides to break his parole and start his life anew after a bishop inspires him by a tremendous act of mercy, but he is relentlessly Les Miserables down by a police inspector named Javert. Along the way, Valjean and a slew of characters are swept into a revolutionary period in France, where a group of young idealists attempt to overthrow the government at Les Miserables street barricade in Paris. Inabout six months after producer Cameron Mackintosh had opened Cats on Broadwayhe received a copy of the French concept album from director Peter Farago. Farago had been impressed by the work and asked Mackintosh to Les Miserables an English-language Les Miserables of the show. Initially reluctant, Mackintosh eventually agreed. Mackintosh, in conjunction with the Royal Shakespeare Companyassembled a production team to adapt the French musical for a British audience. The success of the West End musical led to a Broadway production. At the opening of the London production, The Sunday Telegraph ' s Francis King described the musical as "a lurid Victorian melodrama produced with Victorian lavishness" and Michael Ratcliffe of The Observer considered the show "a witless and synthetic entertainment", while literary scholars condemned the project for converting classic literature into a musical. The three-month engagement sold out, and reviews improved. The original London production ran from October to Julyplaying over 13, performances and making it the second longest-running musical in the world after The Fantasticks[8] the second longest-running West End show after The Mousetrap[9] and the longest-running musical in the West End followed by Les Miserables Phantom of the Opera. The Broadway production opened 12 March and ran until 18 Mayclosing after 6, performances. At the time of its closing, it was the second- longest running musical in broadway history. Subsequently, numerous tours and international and regional productions have been Les Miserables, as well as concert and broadcast productions. Several recordings have also been made. A Broadway Les Miserables opened in at the Broadhurst Theatre and closed inand a second Broadway revival opened in at the Imperial Theatre and closed in September It is usually cropped to a head-and-shoulders portrait, superimposed on the French Les Miserables. Bayard's drawing appeared in several of the novel's earliest French-language editions. In France, prisoners work at hard labor "Prologue: Work Song". By law, Valjean must display a yellow ticket of leavewhich identifies him as an ex-convict "On Parole". As a convict, Valjean is Les Miserables wherever he goes and cannot find regular work with decent wages or lodging, but the Bishop of Digne offers him food and shelter. Desperate and embittered, Valjean steals the Bishop's silver, angering a farmer and Les Miserables merchants as he flees. He is captured by the police, but rather than turn him in, the Bishop lies and tells the police that the silver was a gift, giving Valjean a pair of silver candlesticks in addition. The Bishop tells Valjean that he must use the silver "to become an honest man" and that he has "bought Valjean's soul for God" "Valjean Arrested, Valjean Forgiven". He tears up his Les Miserables ticket, breaking his parole but giving himself a chance to start a new life free from the stigma of his criminal past. Eight years later, inValjean has assumed a new identity as Monsieur Madeleine, a wealthy factory owner and mayor of Montreuil-sur-Mer. Fantine is a single mother working in his factory, trying to support her daughter Cosettewho is being raised by an innkeeper and his wife while Fantine labours in the city. Unbeknownst to Valjean, the factory foreman lusts after Fantine, and when she rejects his advances, he takes it out on the other workers, who resent her for it. One day, a coworker steals a letter about Cosette from Fantine, revealing to the Les Miserables workers that Fantine has a child. A fight breaks out, and the foreman and other Les Miserables use the incident as a pretence to fire Fantine "At the End of the Day". Fantine reflects on her broken dreams and about Cosette's father, who abandoned them both " ". Desperate for money, she sells her locket and hair, finally becoming a prostitute "Lovely Ladies"and attracts local sailors. When she fights Les Miserables against an abusive customer, Bamatabois, Javert, now a police inspector stationed in Montreuil-sur-Mer, arrives to arrest her. Valjean, passing by the scene, pities Fantine, and when he realises she once worked for him and that she blames him for her misfortune, he is guilt-stricken. He Les Miserables Javert to release her and takes her to a hospital "Fantine's Arrest". Soon afterwards, Valjean rescues a man, Fauchelevent, who is pinned by a runaway cart "The Runaway Cart". Javert, who has up until now not recognised Valjean, though he has pursued him as a fugitive all these years, witnesses the incident and becomes suspicious, remembering the incredible strength Valjean displayed in the work camp. However, it turns out a man who looks like Valjean has been arrested, and is about to go to trial for breaking parole. The real Valjean realises that this case of mistaken identity could free him forever, but he is not willing to see an innocent man go to prison in his place. He confesses his identity to the court "Who Am I? The Trial Les Miserables. At the hospital, a delirious Fantine dreams of Cosette. Relieved, Fantine succumbs to her illness and dies. Javert arrives to take Valjean back into custody, Les Miserables Valjean asks Javert for time to fetch Cosette. Javert refuses, insisting that a criminal like Valjean can never change for the better. They struggle, but Valjean overpowers Javert and escapes "The Confrontation". Cosette dreams of a life with Les Miserables mother where she is not forced to work and is treated lovingly "Castle on a Cloud". Nine years later, inParis is in upheaval because of the impending death of General Lamarquethe only man in the government who shows mercy to the poor. While the gang bamboozles her father, Cosette runs into Marius, and the pair fall in love at first sight. Javert makes a vow to the stars — which represent his belief in a just and ordered universe where suffering is a punishment for sin — that he will find Valjean and recapture him "Stars". When Gavroche brings the news of General Lamarque's death, the students realise that they can use the public's dismay to incite their revolution, and that their time has come " Do You Hear the People Sing? At Les Miserables house, Cosette thinks about her chance meeting with Marius. The scream alerts Valjean, who believes that the intruder was Javert. He tells Cosette that it's time once again for them to go on the run, and starts planning for them to flee France altogether. Marius decides to stand Les Miserables his friends, and all anticipate what the dawn will bring " ". As the students build a barricade to serve as their rally point, Javert, disguised as a rebel, volunteers to "spy" on the government troops. The French army arrives at the barricade and demands that the students surrender "At the Barricade". Though Javert tells the students that the government will not attack that night "Javert's Arrival"Gavroche recognises him and quickly exposes him as a spy, and the students detain Javert "Little People". Their plan is to spark a general uprising with their act of defiance, hoping that all the people of Paris will side with them and overwhelm the army. As Marius holds her, she assures him that she feels no pain and reveals her love for him before dying in his arms "A Little Fall of Rain". The students mourn this first loss of life at the barricades and resolve to fight in her name. attempts to comfort Marius, who is heartbroken over the death of his best friend. Valjean arrives at the Les Miserables, crossing the government lines, disguised as a soldier "Night of Anguish"hoping that he might somehow protect Marius in the coming battle for Cosette's sake. The rebels are suspicious of him at first, but when the army attacks, Valjean saves Enjolras by shooting at a sniper and scaring him off, and they accept him as one of them. In Les Miserables, he asks Enjolras to allow him to be the one to execute the imprisoned Javert, which Enjolras grants. But as Les Miserables as Valjean and Javert are alone, Valjean frees Javert. Javert warns Valjean that he will not give up his pursuit and rejects what he perceives as a bargain for Valjean's freedom. Valjean says there are no conditions to his release, and holds no grudges Les Miserables Javert for doing his duty "The First Attack". The students settle down for the night and reminisce about the past while also expressing anxiety about the battle to come. Grantaire gets angry and asks the students if they fear to die. Marius wonders if Cosette will remember him if he does "Drink with Me". As dawn approaches, Enjolras realises that the people of Paris have not risen up with them, but resolves to fight on Les Miserables spite of Les Miserables impossible odds "Dawn of Anguish". Their resolve is fired even further when the army kills Gavroche, who snuck out to collect ammunition from bodies on the other side of the barricade "The Second Attack Death of Gavroche ". The Les Miserables gives a final warning, but the rebels fight to the last man with Enjolras exhorting "Let others rise to take our place, until Les Miserables Earth is free! Everyone at the barricade is killed except Valjean and a gravely wounded Marius, who escape into the sewers "The Final Battle". Javert returns to the barricade, searching for Valjean amongst the bodies, and finds the open Les Miserables grating. Valjean carries Marius through the sewers but collapses in exhaustion. When Valjean carries Marius to the sewer's exit, he finds Javert waiting for him. Les Miserables begs Javert for one hour to bring Marius to a doctor, and Javert reluctantly agrees. Javert finds himself unable to reconcile Valjean's Les Miserables acts with his conception of Valjean as an irredeemable criminal. Refusing to compromise his principles Les Miserables no longer able to hold them sacred, he finds himself torn between his beliefs about God and Les Miserables desire to adhere to the law. He is unable to reconcile and commits suicide by throwing himself into the Seine "Javert's Suicide". In the wake of the failed revolution, women mourn the deaths of the students "Turning". Les Miserables, wounded but alive, despairs at the death of his friends and sees that their sacrifice was for nothing "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables". As he wonders who saved his own life, Cosette comforts him, and they reaffirm their blossoming romance. Valjean realises that Cosette will not need him as a caretaker Les Miserables she's married and gives them his blessing Les Miserables Day". Valjean confesses to Marius that Les Miserables is an escaped convict and must go away because Les Miserables presence endangers Cosette "Valjean's Confession"making Marius promise never to tell Cosette. A few months later, Marius and Cosette marry "Wedding Chorale". At a convent, Valjean awaits his death, having nothing left to live for. The spirit of Fantine appears to him and tells him that he has been forgiven and Les Miserables soon be with God. Cosette and Marius arrive to find Valjean near death. Valjean thanks God for letting him live long enough to see Cosette again, and Marius thanks him for saving his life "Valjean's Death". Valjean gives Cosette a letter confessing his Les Miserables past and the truth about her mother. They are joined by the spirits of those who died at the barricades, who sing that in the next world, God lays low all tyranny and frees all oppressed people from their shackles "Do You Hear The People Sing? Alain Boublil's initial idea to adapt Victor Hugo's novel into a musical came while at a performance of the musical Oliver! As soon as the Artful Dodger came onstage, Les Miserables came to mind. It was like a blow to the solar plexus. According to Boublil, "I Les Miserables begin work on the words. Les Misérables (TV Mini-Series –) - IMDb

Jean Valjean is finally able to rid himself of his demons and to put an end to Les Miserables and Cosette's struggles. After the passage of several years, Jean Les Miserables has unexpectedly become a success - he is now the owner of a factory and Les Miserables mayor of Montreuil. But then he Les Miserables the town's new police chief, none Looking for a movie the entire family can enjoy? Check out our picks for family friendly movies movies that transcend all ages. For even more, visit our Family Entertainment Guide. See the Les Miserables list. Television adaptation of Victor Hugo's classic novel, which follows Jean Valjean as he evades capture by the unyielding Inspector Javert. Les Miserables against a backdrop of post-Napoleonic France as unrest begins to grip the city of Paris once more. Let's be honest - this is one of the best tv series for the last years may be decades. I am expecting serious awards for the show and lead actors especially . I am giving it 9 because of some little inconsistencies but otherwise outstanding acting and Les Miserables. Looking for some great streaming picks? Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist. Visit our What to Watch page. Sign Les Miserables. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. Release Dates. Official Sites. Company Credits. Technical Specs. Episode List. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. External Sites. User Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Rate This. Episode Guide. Added to Watchlist. Top-Rated Episodes S1. Error: please try again. Everything Coming to Prime Video in August Films to watch. TV Shows to watch. Tv shows to catch. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Episodes Seasons. Edit Cast Series cast summary: Dominic West Jean Valjean 6 episodes, Javert 6 episodes, Adeel Akhtar Gillenormand 6 episodes, Emma Fielding Nicolette 5 episodes, Enzo Cilenti Rivette 4 episodes, Fantine 3 episodes, Ellie Bamber Cosette 3 episodes, Josh O'Connor Marius 3 episodes, Joseph Quinn Enjolras 3 episodes, Erin Kellyman Courfeyrac 3 episodes, Turlough Convery Grantaire 3 episodes, Natalie Simpson Sister Simplice 3 episodes, Angela Wynter Toussaint 3 episodes, Reece Yates Gavroche 3 episodes, Donald Sumpter Mabeuf 3 episodes, Mailow Defoy Little Cosette 2 episodes, Henry Lloyd-Hughes Pontmercy 2 episodes, Alex Jarrett Azelma 2 episodes, Darren Kent Chenildieu 2 Les Miserables, Lorcan Cranitch Despiat 2 episodes, Ron Cook Hair and Teeth Dealer 2 episodes, Mwanza Goutier Daniel 2 episodes, Leah Harvey Matelote 2 episodes, Josef Altin Claquesous 2 episodes, Anna Calder-Marshall Madame Rully 2 episodes, Ollie Harnett Les Miserables Boy 2 episodes, Jumayn Hunter Les Miserables 2 episodes, Tommy Finnegan Older Boy 2 episodes, Erin Doherty Edit Storyline Television adaptation of Victor Hugo's classic novel, Les Miserables follows Jean Valjean as he evades capture by the unyielding Inspector Javert. Edit Did You Know? Used as Trailer Music. Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report this. Add Les Miserables first question. Les Miserables French English. Production Co: Lookout Point Ltd. Runtime: min. Sound Mix: Les Miserables. Color: Color. Edit page. Add episode. October Streaming Picks. Back to School Picks. Clear your history. Jean Valjean 6 episodes, Javert 6 episodes, Gillenormand 6 episodes, Nicolette 5 episodes, Rivette 4 episodes, Fantine 3 episodes, Cosette 3 episodes,