TAD M. SCHMALTZ CURRICULUM VITAE June 2021 Contact Information Department of Philosophy University of Michigan 2231 Angell Hall 435 South State Street Ann ArBor, MI 48109-1003 WeBsite: http://sites.lsa.umich.edu/tschmalt/ Email:
[email protected] Phone: 734-764-6528 Fax: 734-763-8071 Education University of Notre Dame, Ph.D., Philosophy 1983–1988 Dissertation: “Descartes’ Nativism: The Sensory and Intellectual Powers of Mind” (ABstract in Dissertation Abstracts International [FeB. 1989], 49[8A]: 2254-A) Committee: Karl Ameriks (Advisor), Alfred Freddoso, Christia Mercer, Phillip Sloan Kalamazoo College, B.A., magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Honors in Philosophy 1979–1983 Areas of Research and Teaching Specialization Early Modern Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind (with special interest in substance-mode metaphysics, mereology, causation and freedom in the early modern period; and early- modern theories of mind, self-knowledge, and mind-Body interaction and union) The Development of 17th- and 18th-Century European Philosophy (with special interest in early modern receptions of Descartes; late scholasticism and its influence on early modern philosophy; the nature and impact of the “Scientific Revolution”; and the relations among metaphysics, natural philosophy, theology and politics in the ancien régime) Historiography of Philosophy (with special interest in the relations among history of philosophy, history of science and philosophy of science; and the contributions of women to early modern philosophy) Schmaltz CV 2 Areas of Research Interest and Teaching Competence History and Philosophy of Science Metaphysics Early Modern Science and Theology Philosophy of Mind Medieval/Renaissance Philosophy Philosophy of Religion Regular Appointments University of Michigan–Ann ArBor, Professor and James B.