Amanda A. Bowling, M.A. 1404 Rimstone Dr., Cedar Park, Texas, 78613 (619) 548-1147 | [email protected]

EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy, School Psychology May 2022 (Expected) The University of Texas at Austin Department of Educational Psychology APA accredited School Psychology Program Specialty Emphasis: Child Clinical

Master of Arts, School Psychology August 2019 The University of Texas at Austin Department of Educational Psychology Masters Report: Pediatric Consultation-Liaison: Characteristics and Considerations for Training in Evidence-Based Practices

Bachelor of Arts, Psychology Honors May 2013 The University of California at Berkeley Minors: (1) Education, (2) English Honors Thesis: Social Interaction: How Relationship Status and Satisfaction Influence Nonverbal Behavior Study Abroad Experience: Cambridge University, England, Summer 2012

RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Graduate Research Assistant September 2016 – Present Laboratory for Leveraging Evidence and Advancing Practice for Youth Mental Health Services (LEAP Lab) Department of Educational Psychology, The University of Texas, Austin, TX Principal Investigator: Sarah Kate Bearman, Ph.D. Description: The LEAP Lab focuses on the dissemination and implementation of empirically supported practices for underserved youth.

Act and Adapt: Project Coordinator Act and Adapt tested the feasibility and efficacy of the use of a depression prevention program with middle-school aged girls. Collaborated with Communities in Schools of Texas to implement Act and Adapt in three local middle schools. Co-led weekly group therapy sessions at a local middle school. Managed the collection of student and parent data pre- and post-intervention.

ALACRITY: Leadership Role The ALACRITY research team is using relevance mapping of transition age youth (16-25) to identify the most common problem areas and diagnoses for this population. Trained to code and validate article coding by PracticeWise, LCC. One of two validators responsible for the validation of all coded articles. Responsible for leading meetings with graduate student coders to resolve coding questions. Applied training to distill common elements in the existing literature on this population, helping inform the development of a transdiagnostic intervention. Conducted a systematic literature search on transition age youth and treatment dropout in the initial stages of the project to guide research questions.

Evidence-Based Practices in Consultation Liaison Services: Principal Investigator Conducted a retrospective one-year chart review of CL patients seen at DCMC. This study’s purpose is trifold: (1) to characterize the consultation liaison (CL) population at Dell Children’s Medical Center (DCMC); (2) to examine the relationship between time-to-initial consult (TTIC) and hospitalization length to test the hypothesis that delayed TTIC lengthens overall stay; and (3) to identify preliminary evidence-based practices that should be considered for CL provider training. Created a coding manual, trained undergraduate research assistants in coding system, and supervised the coding of open-text variables. Conducted analyses to address study purposes. Currently conducting the matching component of a distillation and matching analysis to inform key common evidence-based practice elements for the CL population at DCMC.

Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation: Consultant Collaborating with United Way to provide early consultation services and classroom management training to Head Start centers in Austin. Responsible for administering teacher interviews and conducting classroom observations using a modified version of the Classroom Check-up to inform understanding of classrooms. Providing consultation for teachers based on observations and interviews. Helping administer the Ages and Stages Questionnaire.

Promoting Positive Parenting Brief E-health Intervention in Primary Care: Leadership Role Evaluating the effectiveness of a brief positive parenting e-health prevention program in local community clinics. Overseeing the collection of follow-up data, including collaborating with community providers to reach participants and monitoring study progress.

Other Lab Responsibilities Funded by Harvard University to code therapy videos for competence and adherence to a modular evidence-based treatment (EBT) protocol for children with anxiety, depression, trauma, or conduct problems using the Therapist Integrity to Evidence Based Interventions (TIEBI) coding system. Assisted in editing the TIEBI coding system manual based on prior coding decisions. Coded therapy videos for therapeutic alliance using the Therapy Process Observational Coding System - Alliance Scale (TPOCS-A). Conducted a chart review and provider interviews to evaluate the use of a measurement feedback system within a community mental healthcare setting.

Graduate Research Assistant June 2019 – Present Texas Institute for Excellence in Mental Health (TIEMH) Steve Hicks School of Social Work, The University of Texas, Austin, TX Principal Investigator: Molly Lopez, Ph.D. Project AWARE: Evaluation Team Sole graduate student on the evaluation team for Project AWARE, a program funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to implement mental health resources in fifteen schools in regions impacted by Hurricane Harvey. Collaborating with the Texas Education Agency (TEA), the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, and Local Education Agencies to support quality improvement efforts. Responsible for creating focus group questions and visiting sites on the Gulf Coast to learn individual school and district needs. Aiding in evaluation tool selection and development of surveys, clinician resources, and grant progress tracking systems. Helped develop and conduct a webinar to train AWARE staff on the evaluation protocol. Assisted TEA in the development of a mental health ecosystems toolkit. Aided in the creation of a School Based Mental Health Services survey to be administered statewide in Texas to evaluate service needs gaps.

Graduate Research Assistant February 2017 – May 2019 Evaluation of Coping Cat Plus Parents as CBT Coaches for the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders in Children Texas Child Study Center, Austin, TX Principal Investigator: Kevin Stark, Ph.D. Description: Research study to evaluate the impact of a parent component to a cognitive- behavioral treatment approach for youth with anxiety. Administer Anxiety Disorder Interview Schedule-IV (ADIS-IV) to parents and children. Interpret results to determine study eligibility.

Graduate Research Assistant September 2016 – May 2017 Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) Dell Children’s Medical Center, Austin, TX Principal Investigator: Alexandra Lamari-Fisher, Ph.D. Description: Research focused on provider understanding of traumatic stress as a result of a PICU stay. Conducted a literature search evaluating factors that may predict traumatic stress and other mental health problems for families and children after staying in the PICU. Developed and disseminated a needs assessment measure on pediatric primary care providers’ understanding of traumatic stress.

Research Coordinator April 2014 – June 2016 Child and Adolescent Anxiety and Mood Program (ChAAMP) San Diego State University Research Foundation, San Diego, CA Principal Investigator: Robin Weersing, Ph.D. Description: The ChAAMP lab focuses on the improvement of mental health care for youth anxiety and depression with the primary goal to develop efficient, effective interventions to prevent and treat child and adolescent anxiety and depression. General Responsibilities Primary point of contact for families throughout assessment and treatment stages. Interviewed, managed, and supervised research assistants. Prepared materials for trainings, parent and child assessments, and family group treatment sessions.

Family Cognitive Behavioral Prevention in Youth and Parents, NIMH-Funded Multisite R01 Primary phone screen interviewer: administered and summarized SCID and KSADS-based phone screens. Administered service utilization interviews (CASA, PHCUS), the NIH Toolbox, and self-reports to families. Represented ChAAMP on weekly project coordination calls with Vanderbilt University. Managed contact information, surveys, and interview data via REDCap (data management application). Recruited families by attending community meetings, contacting community resources and providers. Monitored changes in study protocol, assessment, and group materials. Organized and scheduled interviews (sent surveys to families, prepared independent evaluator materials).

Brief Behavioral Therapy for Pediatric Anxiety and Depression in Primary Care, NIMH- Funded Multisite R01 Conducted phone screen interviews with parents, scheduled parents and youths for follow-up interviews. Administered service utilization interviews (CASA) and self-reports. Scanned and uploaded assessments to SharePoint in collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh. Drafted and sent letters regarding participant status to physicians and therapists. Created agendas and minutes for weekly project management calls with the University of Pittsburgh. Oversaw data cleaning, determined necessary corrections, and trained assistants to make changes.

Post-Baccalaureate Research Assistant September 2013 – April 2014 Child and Adolescent Anxiety and Mood Program (ChAAMP) San Diego State University Research Foundation, San Diego, CA Principal Investigator: Robin Weersing, Ph.D. Responsibilities: Prepared assessment materials, including KSADS packets and self-report measures. Administered phone screens to potential participant families as referrals were received. Prepared lab meeting agendas and distributed minutes. Attended baseline assessments (served as clinical backup, stayed with parents and youths). Administered service utilization interviews (CASA) and self-report measures at initial and follow-up interviews.

Undergraduate Research Assistant January 2012 – August 2013 Social and Nonverbal Behavior Lab Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA Principal Investigator: Dana Carney, Ph.D. Responsibilities: Research focused on the study of nonverbal behaviors. Collaborated with Dr. Carney to plan and administer various studies. Attended weekly lab meetings; presented in and directed two lab meeting sessions. Created lab manual, surveys, and other study materials. Coded media files (verbal and nonverbal behavior), analyzed, and organized data. Collected saliva samples. Collected and analyzed physiological (photoplethysmogram/PPG) data. Managed and trained research assistants.

Undergraduate Research Assistant July 2013 – October 2013 The Golden Bear Sleep and Mood Research Clinic UC Berkeley Psychology Department, Berkeley, CA Principal Investigator: Allison Harvey, Ph.D. Responsibilities: Research focused on the improvement of treatments for insomnia and other sleep disturbances, as well as bipolar disorder and depression. Conducted literature searches for a meta-analysis on sleep and ADHD, ODD, and dyslexia.

TEACHING EXPERIENCE Teaching Assistant January – May 2018, 2019 Course: Statistics and Research Design Department of Psychology, The University of Texas, Austin, TX Professor: James Curley, Ph.D. Responsibilities: Teach a weekly two-hour lab section to nineteen undergraduate students. Teach students how to use R (a statistic computer program). Create lab activities, course assignments, and exam questions derived from course readings and lecture. Assess student progress, provide feedback, and address student questions to enhance students’ understanding of course material and their scientific writing skills. Provide office hours to assist students one-on-one.

Teaching Assistant August 2018 – December 2018 Course: Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in Children and Adolescents Department of Educational Psychology, The University of Texas, Austin, TX Professor: Sarah Kate Bearman, Ph.D. Responsibilities: Create exam questions and study guides derived from course readings and lectures. Manage course student portal, edit lecture slides for consistency. Administrative responsibilities, including attendance and correspondence with students. Provide office hours to assist students one-on-one. Assess student progress and provide feedback on written assignments.

Teaching Assistant August 2017 – December 2017 Course: The Science of Drug Use and Addiction College of Pharmacy, The University of Texas at Austin Professor: Carlton K. Erickson, Ph.D. Responsibilities: Assess student progress and provided appropriate feedback to enhance students’ writing skills. Provide office hours to assist students one-on-one.

Tutor August 2016 – December 2017 EdPsyched, Austin, TX Responsibilities: Tutored children and adolescents with learning differences (i.e. ADHD and dyslexia). Designed lesson plans and assessed student progress.

CLINICAL EXPERIENCE Disruptive Behavior Disorders/Trauma Clinic Texas Child Study Center, Austin, TX July 2020 – Present Supervisor: David Heckler, Ph.D. Description: The Texas Child Study Center (TCSC) is an outpatient mental health clinic embedded within Dell Children’s Medical Center. Patients seen are primarily Caucasian and present with disruptive behavior disorders and trauma. Intervention Responsibilities: PCIT and TFCBT. Assessment Responsibilities: Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI)

Internalizing Clinic, Texas Child Study Center, Austin, TX July 2019 – June 2020 Supervisor: David Heckler, Ph.D. Description: The Texas Child Study Center (TCSC) is an outpatient mental health clinic embedded within Dell Children’s Medical Center. Patients seen are primarily Caucasian and present with problem behaviors, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, and tics. Intervention Responsibilities: Provide weekly therapy sessions for youth, utilizing cognitive- behavioral therapy techniques. Assessment Responsibilities: Progress monitoring, including the use of the BASC-3, CBCL, Conners, CY-BOCS, SCARED, and PHQ-9.

Vida Clinic, Austin, TX September 2018 – October 2019 Supervisors: Elizabeth Minne, Ph.D.; Margarita Paredes, Psy.D. Description: The Vida Clinic serves students, families, teachers, and staff in schools. Placed at three sites, Pecan Springs Elementary, Blazier Elementary, and Langford Elementary. Pecan Springs elementary school is a public school for pre-kindergarten through 5th grade. Most students are Hispanic and African American (60% and 34.7%, respectively), 96.7% are economically disadvantaged, and 41.9% are English Language Learners. Blazier Elementary school is a public school for kindergarten through 5th grade. Most students are Hispanic (74.9%), 70.9% are economically disadvantaged, and 30.9% are English Language Learners. Langford Elementary school is a public school for pre-kindergarten through 5th grade. Most students are Hispanic (87.7%), 93.8% are economically disadvantaged, and 53.1% are English Language Learners. A grant allows Vida Clinic to serve primary or secondary victims of crime free of charge. Intervention Responsibilities: Provided weekly therapy sessions for youth, utilizing cognitive- behavioral and play therapy techniques. Co-led a social skills group for pre-k students. Assessment Responsibilities: Conducted intake assessments with parents and youth using a semi-structured interview. Administered and interpret self-report measures on social-emotional functioning to parents and teachers. Utilized measures like the PHQ-9 for ongoing progress monitoring.

Child Inc. Fountain Plaza Child Development Center, Austin, TX August – June 2019 Supervisor: Jessica O’Bleness Description: Child Inc. is a nonprofit organization that provides services to low-income families, including early childhood education and mental health services. The classrooms are bi-lingual Spanish/English classrooms and students and staff are ethnically diverse. Intervention Responsibilities: Provide consultation services and classroom management training to teachers in multiple Head Start classrooms. Assessment Responsibilities: Conduct teacher interviews and classroom observations using a modified version of the Classroom Check-up. Trained to use the Dyadic Parent/Teacher-Child Interaction behavioral coding system (DPICS) and the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ).

United Way for Greater Austin, Austin, TX August -- September 2019 Description: Conducted preschool classroom observations using the CLASS coding system to inform teacher interventions.

Austin Neuropsychology Cognitive Coach, Austin, TX September 2018 – January 2019 Supervisor: Stephanie Paulos, Ph.D. Intervention Responsibilities: Provide weekly sessions with youth with attention and executive functioning difficulties, to help them learn how to manage time, organize materials, and complete academic tasks. Check in with parents after each session. Set individualized goals and monitor progress through weekly goal grids.

Martin Middle School, Austin, TX September 2017 – May 2018 Supervisors: Sarah Kate Bearman, Ph.D.; Erin Rodriguez, Ph.D. Description: Public middle school serving 6th through 8th grade; the majority of students are Hispanic/Latino and economically disadvantaged. Intervention Responsibilities: Co-lead Act & Adapt psychotherapy group therapy for 7th grade girls at risk for depression. Act & Adapt is a cognitive-behavioral skills group adapted from Primary and Secondary Control Enhancement Training to fit the school setting.

Del Valle High School, Del Valle, TX August 2017 – May 2018 Supervisors: Deborah Giroux, Ph.D.; Jessica O'Bleness, Ph.D. Description: Public school serving 9th through 12th grade; the majority of students are Hispanic/Latino and economically disadvantaged. Intervention Responsibilities: Provide weekly individual therapy to adolescents utilizing cognitive-behavioral techniques. Observed group psychotherapy for a girls’ coping skills group. Assessment Responsibilities: Administer and interpret psychological, educational, and social- emotional tests. Compose comprehensive reports and generate recommendations to support academic, social, and emotional functioning and comply with special education regulations.

CLINICAL WORKSHOPS AND TRAINING EXPERIENCES ACT & ADAPT: A Video Guided Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescent Depression. Two-day clinical intervention training. The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. Trainers: Sarah-Kate Bearman, Ph.D. and Erin Rodriguez, Ph.D.

Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS). Two-day classroom assessment training. The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. Trainer: Michelle Crawford, M.Ed.

Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS). Two-day clinical intervention training. Integral Care Dove Springs Clinic, Austin, Texas. Trainers: Erum Nadeem, Ph.D. and Beth Cooney, LCSW-BACS

Collaborative and Proactive Solutions (Greene, 2014). One-day pre-conference training event. Texas Systems of Care/Community Resource Coordination Groups conference, Austin, Texas. Trainer: Kim Hopkins, LICSW

Coping Cat – Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxious children (Kendall & Hedtke, 2006). Two-day clinical intervention training. Texas Child Study Center, Austin, Texas. Trainers: Annette Cantu, M.A. and Joshua Morris, M.A.

Dyadic Parent-Child Interaction Coding System (DPICS). Two-day training. The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. Trainer: Sarah-Kate Bearman, Ph.D.

Georgetown Model of Effective Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Services. Two-day training. The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. Trainer: Neal M. Horen, Ph.D.

Gottman Method Couples Therapy – Level 1: Bridging the Couple Chasm (Gottman & Gottman, 2014). Two-day training, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. Trainers: Course videos led by , Ph.D. and Julie Schwartz Gottman, Ph.D.

Interconnected Systems Framework. Three-day training on a framework for multi-tiered systems of supports and school mental health to support all students in schools. Goose Creek ISD, Baytown, Texas. Trainer: Susan Barrett, M.A.

Modular Approach to the Treatment of Children – Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and Conduct Problems (Weisz & Chorpita, 2008). Five-day clinical intervention training, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. Trainers: Sarah-Kate Bearman, Ph.D. and Jane Gray, Ph.D.

Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT). One-day clinical intervention training followed by ongoing didactics. Texas Child Study Center, Dell Children's Medical Center, Austin, Texas. Trainer: Lynn Monnat, Ph.D.

PAX Good Behavior Game. Two-day classroom behavior management intervention training. Woodsboro Elementary, Woodsboro, Texas. Trainer: Trina Raper

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT). One-day clinical intervention training followed by ongoing didactics. Texas Child Study Center, Dell Children's Medical Center, Austin, Texas. Trainer: Lynn Monnat, Ph.D.

Treating OCD in Children and Adolescents: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach. One-day clinical intervention training preconference workshop. The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, Georgia. Trainer: Martin E. Franklin, Ph.D.

AWARDS Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long Graduate Fellowship 2020-2021 The University of Texas at Austin

Bascombe Royall and Frances Fallon Fuller Scholarship 2017-2018 The University of Texas at Austin

Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program Summer Research Award 2013 The University of California at Berkeley

PUBLICATIONS Bowling, A.A., Bearman, S.K., Wang, W., Guzman, L.A., & Daleiden, E. (in press). Pediatric consultation liaison: Patient characteristics and considerations for training in evidence- based practices. Journal of in Medical Settings. Bowling, A. A., Woo, R. Y., Bearman, S. K., & Tauber, J. L. (2019). More than Psychometricians: School as Prime Potential Disseminators of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies. The Behavior Therapist. Schwartz, K. T. G., Bowling, A. A., Dickerson, J. F., Lynch, F. L., Brent, D. A., Porta, G., Iyengar, S., & Weersing, V. R. (2018). The Child and Adolescent Services Assessment: Interrater reliability and predictors of rater disagreement. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 45, 944-957. doi: 10.1007/s10488- 018-0876-8

PRESENTATIONS Bowling, A. A., Guzman, L. A., Wang, W., & Bearman, S. K. (2019, November). Matching evidence-based practices to patient characteristics in pediatric consultation- liaison. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, Georgia. Baker, N. M., Bowling, A. A., Woo, R. Y., Saenz, C., Bearman, S.K. (2019, November). Evidence-based practice elements for depression in transition-aged youth. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, Georgia. Bowling, A. A., Wang, W., Guzman, L. A., & Bearman, S. K. (2019, October). Are we fast enough?: An exploration of the relationship between time to initial pediatric consultation-liaison consult and hospitalization length. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, Denver, Colorado. Bowling, A. A., Fisher, A. L., von Buttlar, A. M., Dell, J., Higgerson, R., & Christie, L.M. (2017, October). Understanding primary care healthcare professionals’ beliefs on traumatic stress disorder. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, Houston, Texas. Dell, J., von Buttlar, A. M., Bowling, A. A., & Fisher, A. L. (2017, October). Differences in conceptualizing factors affecting traumatic stress after PICU stay: Risk, or potential for resilience? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, Houston, Texas. Bowling, A. A., Fisher, A. L., von Buttlar, A. M., Dell, J., Christie, L.M., & Gambill, L. (2017, March). Understanding healthcare professionals’ beliefs on traumatic stress disorder. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Pediatric Psychology, Portland, Oregon. Bowling, A. A., Jeffreys, M. C., Schwartz, K. T. G., & Weersing, V. R. (2015, November). Predictors of cross-informant agreement in a sample of internalizing youth. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, Illinois. Schwartz, K. T. G., Bowling, A. A., Do, M., & Weersing, V. R. (2015, November). Interrater reliability of the Child and Adolescent Services Assessment (CASA). Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, Illinois. Bowling, A. A., Do, M., & Weersing, V. R. (2014, November). The impact of ADHD on relationships in a sample of anxious and depressed youth. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Bowling, A. A. (2013, May). Social interaction: How relationship status affects nonverbal behavior. Poster presented at the UC Berkeley Honors Thesis Seminar Poster Session, Berkeley, California.

PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) ABCT Dissemination and Implementation Science Special Interest Group American Psychological Association (APA) APA Division 16 (School Psychology) APA Division 53 (Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology) Collaborative Family Healthcare Association (CFHA)