THE TUFTS DAILY Where You Read It First Friday, April 28,1995 Vol. XXX Number 61 ISCHEDULE SET FOR SPRINGFLING CONCERT I Students rlemember victims of Holocaust by GREGORY GEIMAN Bosnia as an example of how we, Senior Staff Writer collectively, have not learned our “Those who do not remember lessons. history are bound to live it through Therefore, Summit continued, again.” With this quote, Rabbi Jef- “Over the years I’ve had differing frey Summit and about 50 observ- thoughts about memorial services ers ended their service marking such as these.” While Summit had the annual observance of Holo- doubts as to whether the world caust Remembrance Day yester- community learned from the one- day afternoon.The service, held at day observance, he believed that the cannon, was preceded by a those individuals who observed silent march and was accompa- theday and remembered those who nied by a day-long reading of perished in the Holocaust would names cf those people who per- learn from it. “We need to start in ished in the Holocaust. a real and small place in our own Students began the name-read- hearts,” he said, “and while ser- ing in front of Ballou Hall at 2 vices such as this will not change

p.m., and continued to read the the world, they.- will certainly names for another four hours. Over 11 million people were killed in the Holocaust, and Yom Hashoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day, The Spring Fling lineup has been changed. Brand Nubian will open the show at noon tommorrow is observed in order to honor the and will be followed by Buffalo Tom, Denny Dent, and B.B. King. Weather forecasts indicate a memories of those who perished. cloudy morning with sun coming out in the afternoon. Temperatures should be in the low 60s. In addition, the day is meant to be a reminder of the Holocaust, and a reminder that we must not allow Rabbi Levi Weirnan-Kelman to history to repeat itself. However, said Rabbi Jeffrey Summit, as he began the service at deliver address at Hillel tonight the cannon at 2:45 p.m., the world by DAVID T. BRINKER tant role he has played in the Pro- the leadershipof WeimG-Kelman. community has not learned its les- Daily Staff Writer gressive movement.” Rossman describes the congrega- son from the Holocaust. Referring Tufts Hillel will host an evening While Weiman-Kelman was tion as a “wonderful community to Nobel Prize winner and Holo- withRabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman trained in the Conservative tradi- of mostly young people and fami- caust survivor Elie Wiesel, Sum- from Jerusalem’s Congregation tion at the Jewish Theological lies in Jerusalem.” The congrega- mit said, “Elie Wiesel has been Did& file phoro Kol Haneshama this evening. The Seminary in Jerusalem, Rossman tion began as a small haveru, or talking out about Bosnia, and say- Rabbi Jeffrey Summit event is co-sponsored by the As- noted that he is devoted to plural- prayer study group. Additionally, ing that for years we’ve been mak- change ourselves.--- sociation of Reform Zionists of ism and places great emphasis on Tufts’ own Rabbi Deborah Cohen ing the Holocaust a reminder. Yet America. F’roceeding thejoint ser- Jews understanding one another, ‘We must remember that Jews was involved in this havera while today, we see more and more situ- and nonJews were slaughterednot vice led by Rabbi Weiman- regardless of religious ideology in Israel. ations where people have not because of what they did but be- Kelman, attendees will eat Shabbat and practice. The synagogue attracts many learned.” Summit briefly alluded cause of who they were,” Summit dinner, followed by a discussion Tufts Rabbi Jeffrey Summit students in Jerusalem, including a to the ethnic cleansing that has led by the Rabbi entitled “Jewish characterizedWeiman-Kelman as see WEIMAN, page 9 taken place in the civil war in see COMMEMORATION, page 13 Perspectives on Spirituality: Old “a master of integrating music and and New” at 8:OO p.m. prayer in a dynamic service... He According toLauren Rossman, is one of the most exciting liberal Survivor oIf Armenia]I Genocide one of the coordinators of the Rabbis in Israel today.” event, the Rabbi is “one of the Congregation Kol Haneshama best-known and well-respected is a Progressive congregation participates in panel discussion progressive rabbis for the impor- started about ten years ago under tive to the lecture, as he is one of the Armenian survivors of the genocide. Tinged with humor, he Students inducted into recounted how his father first learned of the attacks from a Turk- ish mayor, who was a friend of the Tufts’ Phi Beta Kappa family’s.When the mayor received by ANDREA GROSSMAN and Shaghaghi,a graduate studentand the orders from Constantinople NADYA SBAJTI teaching assistant in the Depart- that he was ordered to participate Daily Editorial Board ment of German, Russian, and in the exterminationof this minor- On Sunday, April 23,54 Tufts Asian Languages, ity, he asked Hartunian’sfather for students, representing the Classes The orator ofthe ceremony was advice. Of 19941 1995’ and 1996 were Fletcher Professor of Philosophy He advised the mayor to stay in inducted into the Delta Chapter o HugoBedau, who spoke about the his office and use his position to Phi Beta Kappa, the national col- death penalty. Bournoutian gave a synopsis The ReverendVartan Hartunian legiate honor society. University Senior Stephen Kaplan, an In- added a more personal perspec- see GENOCIDE, Page 9 PresidentJohn DiBiaggio was also ternational Relations major, de- of the why, what, and how of the massacre from the perspective of inducted as an honorary member. scribedtheceremony as ‘‘laid back. a historian, continually referring The ceremony* which was There were certain aspects that to resemblances with Nazi attacks in began at were formal, though. There was a on Jews during WWII. He empha- p.m. with the initiation of the new certain handshake that we did... sized 12 considerable similarities members. This was followed by a [doing that] was light- between the two systematic exter- poetry reading by Maria Luisa hearted.,?...... minations, among them theobedi- KaPlan said that he hadn’t ex- ence of the people to a controlling Petted the nomination. “When I dictatorial state, and the ensuing 1 Inside first heard about [Phi BetaKaPPaly denial of the peoples towards the Features ...... 3 I recognized the name but wasn’t existenceoftheoccurrence.In both A culinary opinion on the restauranl too sure as to what it was,” he said. the always lovable Featu~sChal- cases, approximately 65 percent Figs, ‘‘After I read through the Pam- lenge, and Wenimo’s last installment. ofthe total world population of the Phlet, I was very very honored group was annihilated, but when I fOund out &out it. My Bournoutian is quick to point out A&E p. 5 ...... family came UP, and they were that some Turks, as well as anum- A preview of the bands to play a1 really excited, and acouplefriends ber of Germans, did try to help Lollapalooza, an album review, and 2 came. It was a nice way [to] end... review of ‘Les Miserables.’ those being swept away in the eth- four years at Tufts.” nic cleating. Carolina Bernardez, a senior BY 1918, only two years into Sports...... p. 7 double majoring in SociologY and the ethnic cleansing, 1.5 million An article on the achievements of the Latin American Studies, said, “It were already dead, Some were sailing team, and Doug’s final ‘This forced to serve in work camps see CEREMONY, page 11 where they were either shot or page two THE l”S DAILY Friday, April 28,1995 THETUFTS DAILY Letters to the Editor Nadya J. Sbaiti Editor-in-Chief Thanks for helping about the Tufts community made this pos- your donations another cause. In Kibeho, sible. I wish that I could convey through Managing Editor: David Meyers Rwanda last Saturday, 2000 Hutus were Associate Editors: JLMcHenry, JessicaRosenthal Oklahoma victims this letter the debt of gratitude expressed by slaughtered by the Rwandan government, Production Managers: Ryan Otto, Marc Sheinkin, To the Editor: Oklahoma Red Cross officials to me over raising the death toll in Rwandato well over PratikshaThakkar As I set up a table in the Campus Center the phone Wednesday night. You made a 500,OOO Hutus and Tutsis. The American Monday morning to collect donations for difference. Red Cross desperately needs donations for NEWS Editors: John OKeefe, Andrea Grossman, Oklahoma City victims, I had thoughts of However, it is important (for me espe- homeless and hungry Rwandans - espe- Gayle Berkowitz $200 -- maybe $300 -- going to the Okla- cially) to keep in mind that we are fortunate cially those afraid to return to their homes. Assistant Editor: JoshuaRobin homa Red Cross. At the closing of the to live in acountry with the financialstabil- Money can be donated to the American fundraising drive Wednesday night, we ity to support those devastated by crises Red Cross, International Department,2035 VIEWPOINTS had exactly $2,001 in checks, cash, and such the OklahomaCity bombing. I hope Editors: Darrah Feldman, Remy Stem as East St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20006. change. While this no doubt reflects the that this public spirit continues and tran- FEATURES seriousness of the tragedy in Oklahoma, I scends shocks of parochial vulnarability. Ken Archer Editors: Dan Tobin, Laura Bemheim, can’t help but think that something unique As an endnote I would like to offer for LA ‘96 Annie Risbridger

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Editors: Jay Ruttenberg, Joshua Davis, Death toll in Oklahoma City passes 100 Michael J.W.Stickings Assistant Editor: SamanthaLevine OKLAHOMA CITY (AP)-- Authori- one of his attorneys showed the court a The source said there has been no reli- ties put out an alert for Timothy McVeigh’s large collection of newspaper headlines able sighting of Doe No.2 since the explo- WEEKEMER missing Arizona license plate Thursday in about the case. sion. Editor: LizaCohen, Rachel Levine ProductionManager: Caroline Schaefer hopes it will lead them to the second sus- The death toll rose to 110 with the dis- Arizona records obtained by The Asso- pect in the Oklahoma bombing. Their fear: covery of 11 more bodies, eight of them in ciated Press show the plate belongs to a SPORTS John Doe No. 2 may bomb again. “the pit” of the pancaked floors above the 1983 Pontiac station wagon that McVeigh Editors: John Tomase, Greg Youman, The missing plate -- number LZC646 - day care center and Social Security offices. registered in Kingman in February, giving Billcopeland Assistant Editors: Doug Katz, David Wank - is part of the puzzle of McVeigh’s actions All were adults. his address as a mail drop there. before and after the blast. But the investi- ‘We’ve gone through most of the day McVeigh was driving the 1977Mercury PHOTOGRAPHY gators are also pressing to find the man care (area) at this point,” said Fire Chief when he was stopped. But The Daily Okla- Editors: Judy Easterbrook, Sliane Tilston they say was his partner in catastrophe. Gary Marrs. “The Social Security (area) is homan reported Monday that McVeigh AssistantEditor: Jcey Kotler, CatarinaHenriquez At a hearing for McVeigh, FBI Agent going to be harder to determine. I think traded a 1980s-model Pontiac and $250 PRODUCTION John Hersley said his “primary responsi- we’ve hit spots of both areas.” cashfortheMercury inJunctionCity,Kan., Layout Editors: Mark Lennan, Raquel Almeida bility is to find the other subject to prevent “It seems to be going faster the lower we five days before the bombing. He put the GraphicsEditor: Wenimo Poweigha another bomb from going off.” go,” Marrs said. He said searchers had Arizona plate from the Pontiac onto the Copy Editor: JenniferBelle In a possible snag for the government’s reducedthe rubble pile at the front of the pit Mercury, the newspaper reported. Dean J. Gendron case, Hersley also testified that three wit- from three stories high to about the height Records from the Michigan secretary of Executive Business Director nesses to the bombing couldn’t identify of one story. state’s office show that James Douglas McVeigh for certain in a lineup. Fifteen of the dead identifiedso far have Nichols -- the Michigan farmer named as a Business Manager: MelissaTapply The death toll in the nation’s largest been children, said Ray Blakeney, spokes- material witness in the bombing along with Office Manager: Lyle Mays terror attack, meanwhile, passed a grim Advertisiig Managers: Neil Feldman, man for the state medical examiner’s of- his brother, Terry -- sold the Pontiac to Anna Papadopoulou milestone:More than 100 bodies have now fice. Ninety people were believed missing, McVeigh for $100. Subscriptions Manager: Ethan Goldman been found in the rubble of the Alfred P. including four children from the day care Receivables Manager: Freya Woke Murrah Federal Building. center and a fifth who was in the Social The brothers were taken into custody Circulations Manager: MonikaVoellm At the hearing at the federal prison 30 Security office. last week as witnesses. Both later were The Tufts Daily is a non-profit newspaper, published miles west of Oklahoma City where When McVeigh, the only person yet charged in Michigan with conspiring with onday through Fridayduringtheacademicyearanddistrib McVeigh is being held, his lawyers re- charged in the bombing, was stopped by a McVeigh to manufacture explosives -- td free to the Tufts community. The Daily is entirely newed theirrequests to drop out of the case state trooper on April 19,90 minutes after charges not directly related to the Okla- ident-run; there are no paid editorial positions.The Daily ~vcW%bi~iig,.eKarEfown,lLlA. and for a change of venue. US Magistrate the blast, his yellow Mercury Marquis was homa bombing. The Dady IS located at the back entranceof Curtis Hall at Ron Howland denied both requests for missing a license plate. That plate has not Terry Nichols is an Army buddy of ifts University. Our phone number is (617)627-3090, ow now. been found, and the FBI is seeking it, said McVeigh’s, and McVeigh listed James i( number is (617) 627-3910,and our e-mail address is )[email protected]. Business hours are Defense lawyer Susan Otto bolstered special agent Weldon Kennedy, who is in Nichols as his next of kin when he was )Oa.m.-6:OOp.m.,MondaythroughFriday,and1:OOp.m. her plea to be let out of the case by reading charge of the investigation. arrested, authorities have said. 1:00p.m. on Sunday. The policies of The Tufts Daily are established by the a list of 10 people she knew who were A Washington law enforcement source, During a trip from Oklahoma City to itorial board. Editorials appear on this page, unsigned. killed in the blast and an eleventh who was who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Kansas three days before the bombing, iividual editors are not necessarily responsible for, or in still missing. Her colleague, John Coyle reement with, the policiesandeditorials OfTheTuftsDaily. investigators know “that plate was on a McVeigh warned Terry Nichols that “some- The content of letters, advertisements, signed columns, 111, has also said he knew someone killed in vehicle in OklahomaCity before the blast.” thing big is going to happen,” a prosecutor toonsandgraphicsdoesnotnecessarilyreflecttheopinion the blast. There is a videotape that shows the plate on disclosed at a hearing Wednesday. The Tufts Daily editorial board. Letters to the Editor Policy ‘We heard it, we smelled it. We lived a vehicle in Oklahoma City, the official TheTufts Daily welcomes letters from the readers. The through it,” Otto said. said; it has been reported previously that a In their efforts to trackMcVeigh’smove- ters page is an open forum for campus issues and com- Hersley testified at the hearing that three videotape shows the Ryder truck outside nts about the Daily’s coverage. ments, authorities for days have been can- Letters must include the writer’s name and a phone witnesses who Fought they saw McVeigh the federal building. vassing restaurants, motels and other busi- imkwhere the writer can be reached. All letters must be outside the building before the bombing Why would it be useful now? nesses along Interstate 35, which leads to rified with the writer before they can be published. were not able to conclusively pick him out “It might be on the ground,” and the The deadline for letters to be considered for publication Junction City. It was there that the Ryder the following day’s issue is 400 p.m. of a lineup. He said explosives residue was location might help pinpoint an escaperoute, truck believed to have carried the 4,800- Due tospace limitations, letters should be no longer than found on McVeigh’s clothes after his ar- the official said. pound bomb was rented. 0 words. Any submissions over this length may be edited theDaily to beconsistentwith thelimit. Letters sbouldbe rest. ‘We’ve been to every motel, restaurant, companied by no more than eight signatures. McVeigh followed the proceedings in- “Or,it might be on another vehicle,” the convenience store,” Kennedy said. “We The editors r-e the right to edit letters for clarity tently, showing little emotion but chuck- official said, suggesting that it might have have hit every single place. blication of letters is not guaranteed, but subject to the metion of the editors. ling a few times during light-hearted mo- been switched to an escape vehicle used by ‘We believe that we have. had some Letters should be typed or printed in letterquality ox ments. He seemed most interested when Doe No. 2. success,” he added, without elaborating. ar-letterquality mode and turned in to the Daily’s oftices Curtis Hall. Letters can also be sent via electronic mail to [email protected],withall statedregula- Editor’s View ins regarding Letters to the Editor still applying. Letters should address the editor and not a particular iividual. While letters can be critical of an individual‘s B.B. King -- Like him or transfer tions, they should not attack someone’s personality traits. The Daily will not accept anonymous letters or pen mes except in extreme circumstances if the Executive bv Dan Tobin looking forward to the show and are even bad-mouthing the blues lard determines that there is a clear and present danger to :author. The Daily will not accept letters regarding the man. People, WAKE UP and SHUT UP. He may not have been the verage of other publications, unless their coverage itself So they didn’t get Live. Or Dave Matthews. Or even Poison. best choice, but the fact remains that heis the choice and no matter s become a newsworthy issue that has appeared in the But they did get one of the most respected and well-known blues how much you whine and complain, it ain’t gonna change. He’s uly.TheDailywillacceptlettersofthanks,ifspacepermits, twill not run letters whose sole purpose is to advertise an artists in the world. And you’re not happy about it. not going to cancel and send Pearl Jam in his place no matter how ent To quote Chris Farley, “Lah dee freakin’ dah.” big a tantrum you throw. When writers have group affiliations or hold titles or See, here’s the thing. When Concert Board announced that the sitionsrelatedtothetopicoftheirletter,theDailywillnote People have said he’s a bad choice because the crowd is full of itfollowingtheletter.Thisis toprovideadditionalinforma- headliner for Spring Fling would be B.B. King, everybody got drunken idiots and they won’t treat him with the respect he nand is not intended to detract from the letter. excitedabouttherhyme(they should haveBing Crosby andsting deserves. This argument makes me wonder how low admissions to open), but then everyone got all bent out of shape that this was standards have gotten here. First off, blues tends to be played in Classifieds Information a bad choice, and that the show would be lame and that Tufts sucks bars and people tend to drink at bars, B.B. King should be used All Tufts students must submit classifieds in person, so :paid withcash or check. All classifiedsmust be submitted and that I’m not paying $27,000 a year forthis guy and blah blah to playing to an audience of blitzed boozers. Secondly, if you’re 3 p.m. the day before publication.Classifieds may also be bl ah... worried about the crowd being stupid and annoying -- well, who ught at the Information Booth at the Campus Center. All Okay, I guess I can understand some initial resentment against lssifieds submitted by mail must be accompanied by a do you thinkisin thecrowd? YOU. Thus, to avoid astupidcrowd, xk. Classifieds may not be submitted over the phone. us not getting some grunge or alternative or wannabe Grateful don’t be stupid. Capiche? Notices and Lost & Founds are free and run on Tuesdays Dead band as headliners. I happen to not share this feeling, but I On top of all that, I’ve seen B.B. King in concert twice, and he i Thursdaysonly. Notices are limited to two per week per :anization and run space permitting. Notices must be can understand it. This is college, and bands like They Might Be was unbelievable both times. It’s not a bunch of slow depressing iaen on Daily forms and submitted in person. Notices Giants and the Violent Femmes are considered “college music,” songs; it’s mostly upbeat and fun music that’s good to dance mot be used to sell merchandise or advertise major events. so it makes sense that they would play a Spring Fling show. And around to (sober or not) and often leaves room for plenty of The Tufts Daily is not liable for any damages due to ngraphical errors or misprintings except the cost of the so they did. But B.B. King is just some old dude, and so he’s audience participation. If you actually let yourself, you’ll prob- ertion, which is fully refundable. We reserve the right to obviously out of touch with our generation and so he sucks and the ably have a great time. use to print any classifiedswhich contain obscenity,are of show will bite. ovdysexual nature, or are used expressly to denigrate a So instead of ragging on the king of the blues, give him a rson or group. A perfectly rational thought... if you’re stupid. chance. He won’t let you down. Besides, the guy you shouM be So now a few weeks have gone by and nobody seems to be ragging on is Denny Dent. What a dork. Friday, A~ri128,1995 THE TUFTS DAILY Dage three FEATURES ~ Boston’s best pizza found at Figs Simplicity and creativity to create delicious, cheap food by ROB McKEOWN as we know it to an entirely new Although the pizzas are the Senior Staff Writer level of gastronomy. Her thin- highlight of the menu, the pastas Contrary to the opinions of crust, imaginativecombinationsof and various appetizers should cer- many culinarily deprivedTufts stu- toppings and abundantproportions tainly not be overlooked. Figs is dents, the best pizza in town is not delight both one’s eyes and one’s one of the few places which actu- made by Espresso’s or Nick’s. La belly. The addition of daily spe- ally constructs both its pizzas and Famiglia is not, by any means, cials, appetizers, pastas, fresh ,its pastas from an equally broad representative of some type of bread with garlic oil, a wide vari- ingredient base. Normally, such a homage to Italian cooking. And ety of Italian wines, and desserts practice would place constraints the best deal does not come from makes eating at Figs a fulfilling on what achef could do with pasta. Pizza Ring. Believe it or not, one experience. At Figs, this is not the case. The of the best deals in town can not Pizzas such as the pastas which Jenkins’ menu even be found in the Medford offers are both varied and de- Daily File Photo Somerville area. But what good, topped licious. Dishes such as affordable, pizza-serving restau- Cannelloni di Salmone, The Final Features Challenge rant could possibly lie outside of (eggplant cannelloni Here to introduce what will undoubtedly be the final Features our delivery area? Do others even stuffed with salmon, ba- Challenge of the school year is everybody’sfavorite garbage collec- exist? Well, of course. sil and mascarpone), tor, Gus Roderick. The final destination for great Pappardelle Con Howdy, boys and girls. Dis is ya friend Gus wit’ a special treatfor pizza is Figs, Boston’s very own Porchetta (widepappardellewith all 0’youse. Dey call it da Features Challenge and it’s wicked fun. It shrine to brick oven pies and de- braised pork ragu), and Pasta ain’t as stupid and pointless as you may tink. In fact, I finds it quite lectable, yet simple, pasta. Figs Fagioli Nero (tossed with black stimulatin’ to my noggin. You jes’ look at da picture and choose da boasts of two locations, both near beans, country ham, kale, and bestcaption. Simple. Soenjoy it, anddon’tforget toputyarecyclable the very heart of Boston. The origi- orrecchiette) cut a wide swath stuff in adifferent place than yarubbish. Man, dat really gets my goat, nal location occupies the former off across the Mediterranean in influ- and my goat isn’t somethin’ you want to be gettin’. Know what I quarters of Olives, also owned by with smoked chicken, mushroom ence and flavoring.Each pastadish mean? Figs proprietors Todd and Olivia puree, fontina, and roasted red employs relatively simple flavors English, which is lauded as onion, can be ordered in half-and- whosecombinationproduces flair, a. Apromotional still from the upcoming Disney musicalDiBiaggio Boston’s Best Restaurant. Operat- half portions so as to allow maxi- rich spices, and fantastic accents. and his Dog. The movie stars Tony Bennet as the university president ing from a quaint storefront set- mum menu sampling. Other deli- Theappetizermenu, thoughone and Tom Hanks as man’s best friend. ting at the foot of Bunker Hill, Figs cious pizza choices include might want to avoid too many of hasnow beguntocarveoutitsown Isabelles, adorned with country these in order to fit in the pasta, b. Very brave people about to jump into the pure waters of the Boston name in the minds of eaters every- ham, aged provolone, fresh as- offers low-priced and quite basic Harbor. where. The second and newer lo- paragus, and sweet onions; dishes with a bit of a twist. The cation is at 42 Charles Street in Calamari, covered with spicy to- Bruschetta di Funghi, prepared c. A goofy-looking man catching a boomerang beneath his nose. Beacon Hill. The only difference mato sauce, fried calamari and with wild mushrooms, garlicky between the two is that the Beacon arugala; and Hummus, lavished mustard greens andceci, exempli- d. The “before” shot from Buns of Steel. Hill location is open for lunch. with feta cheese, roasted red on- fies this trend. Similarly, the Figs’ popularity stems from the ions, and lemony hummus. Carciofi Fritti, crispy artichokes e. Two words: bad trip. premise of having the most and the Sharing is the only way to taste with garlic dressing and shaved best for the least. By serving won- what Figs truly has to offer, for the feta, and the Zuppa of Fennel and F. Doris Kearns-Goodwin (right) and her husband Robert will speak drous pizzas and pastas in large sheer magnitude of pizza, in com- Mahogany Clams, takeratherstan: at Tufts Cammencement rhis yea. portions, and for surprisingly low bination with straightforward but dard first course creations and then prices, Figs has developed a for- succulent pastas, can be simply go one step further. With just one mula which is both hard to dupli- overwhelming if one were to try extra step in the process of prepa- On/$ two more featsurespages! cate and hard to beat. and go it alone. This is, coinciden- ration, Jenkins achieves many The centerpiece of any meal at tally, also the most monetarily pru- more degrees of taste and innova- Figs is the pizza. Chef Susan dent path to being pleased with Jenkins has helped elevate the pie one’s check. see FIGS, page 11 age four THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, April 28,1995


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FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL CAPTAIN MIKE PETTIGREW, MIT (617) 494-8710 Friday, April 28,1995 THE TUFTS DAILY page five ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ‘The Dirty Version’ is ..a raw, excttt release ng- by ERIC HABER Wu-Tang” is seen here as well, no Daily Staff Writer holds. barred. However, as this In what represents the second humorous aspect develops in a solo follow-up to Wu-Tang Clan’s series of songs towards the middle flavorful 1993 debut, 01’ Dirty of the album, ODB overdoes it a bit with a four-minute-too-long R&B love song parody, “Drunk Game (Sweet Sugar Pie),” featur- ing the Dirty Bastard himself on the AI Green vocals. Bastard’s recent release,Return to But the “The Dirty Version” the 36 Chambers: The Dirty Ver- quicklyregainsitsmomentumwith sion, is what it claims to be. With the songs that follow, some of its beats and rhymes that are as raw as sharpest tracks on the album. they ever were, ODB and some of “Snakes,” aclassic Wu-Tang track his Wu-Tang cohorts let us in on a in the tradition of “Tearz,” brings rougher, dirtier side of the hard us right back into the swing of New York style thatEnter the Wu- things. Featuring Gravediggaz’s Tang (36 Chambers) had so Master Killer and three other ad- soundly introduced. But does the ditional MCs, the track is a re- album reach beyond this charac- freshing return to the Wu-Tang terization as a return to previously cipher. Pavement is one band scheduled to play at Lollapalooza 1995. Will the band’s brilliance apply to a explored territory? Certainly. Is it 01’ Dirty Bastard’s production mainstage performance in the sun? successful when it does? Usually. and rhyming, in fact, never remain WhileThe Dirty Version does give completely solo for too long, as he T. . 01’ Dirty Bastard achance to come is often rejoined by his Wu-Tang into his own as an MC and a pro- cohorts, The RZA, The Genius, Line-up is set for Lollapalooza ducer, and reveal a more personal and , among others, by JAY RU’ITENBERG nouncement was met with both the Mighty Mighty Bosstones. sprawling aspect of the 36 Cham- on many tracks. It is on these songs Daily Editorial Board high anticipations and severe After reportedly rejecting a bers, these attempts at times fall that the album is at its best. On Earlier this week, through the doubts. Lollapalooza slot for four con- short of the full force of the Wu- “Damage,” Dirty teams up with elitist and upperclass means of Basically, many felt that secutive years and mocking the Tang united. The RZA for an old school call- some e-mail web world stuff, the Lollapalooza-- which is now look- event in an MITconcertlast week- The lead single from the album and-response session with that ing at its fifth season -- has by now end, Sonic Youth has agreed to is “Brooklyn Zoo,” whose chorus, sports phat lines like “Some think Concert drained all available MTV alter- headline this summer’s show. The “Shame on yodwhen you step to/ they be harmin’ us claimin’ they Preview native groups that American 15- New York noise kings predated fid year-olds are willing to pay $35 to the majority of Lollapaloozaacts, the 01’ Dirty Bastardand Brook- be bombin’ us-but they still re- lynZoo,”is borrowedfromDirty’s mains anonymous.” Also on jams see. laying the foundation for every- own boast on Wu-Tang’s 1993 like “Proteck Ya Neck I1 the Zoo” promoters of Lollapalooza an- So the concert’s promoters in- body from Lolla-founders Jane’s “Protect Ya Neck.” His use of this and “Cuttin Headz” ODB receives nounced the line-up for this stead have thumbed their nose Addiction to the new and improved chorus, in fact, reveals 01’ Dirty lyrical assistancefrom the his Wu- summer’s concert. Now looking rings at many popular bands (ie: B-Boys with their guitar experi- Bastard’s whole approach, as he Tang allies, the former represent- at its fifth season, theconcertorigi- Stone Temple Pilots, Offspring, mentation and surreal post punk returns to the original Wu-Tang ing a nine-MC sequel to“Enter the nated in 1991 when Perry Farrell Coolio, Weezer) which were ru- style, but takes it a step forward, Wu- tang"'^ anthem. brought Nine Inch Nails, Ice T, mored to play this year’s festival,- adding a previously unseen pas- However, when Dirty is with- and more, along with his own instead signing a group of many swigging suburban dolts who at- sion and uncovering previously out the evident Wu-Tang support, throbbing Jane’s Addiction on a semi-underground performers tend the show do not really care, unknown worlds. the listener is at risk of drowning grand summer tour. With last year’s more accustomed to smoky clubs and will probably leave after Featuring acyclicalpiano chord in his roughneckstyle. Thisalbum event including such delights as than colossal, sunny arenas. Thus, Hole’spenultimate set. Theband’s sample teeter-tottering on top of a is certainly not for the casual hip- the Beastie Boys and Breeders the official bands for ferocious leader Courtney Love hardcore drum loop, “Brooklyn hop fan, and is even more difficult playing on the main stage and Lollapalooza’s mainstage 1995 are has become a media darling (or Z0o”’s beat is almost uneasy tothe to digest when 01’ Dirty Bastard GuidedBy Voices, Luscious Jack- Sonic Youth, Hole, Sinead possibly devil) since hubby Kurt listener, confusinghimher further stands before the listener without son, and the Flaming Lips on the O’Connor, Cypress Hill, Pave- by an occasional violin-like reso- the various styles of the rest of the smaller one, this year’s late an- ment, the Jesus Lizard, Beck, and see LOLLAPALOOZA, page 17 nance. Here, as well, as through- Wu-Tang. The contrasting and out the album, ODB’s production compliments rapping techniques ‘Les Mis’ runs at the Colonial maintains the feeling that some- of the many Wu-Tang MCs is thing is just slightly out of place, a where much of the power of this sensation strengthenedby his own group lies, and when one member off-beat-on-beat rapping style. stands alone, we are at risk of As the album flows, we see losing grasp of the style. Even newer Wu-Tang chambers intro- with only one additional MC, we duced, including the humorous are able to follow his style much side to 01’ Dirty Bastard. The rap- easier. per never holds back his sprawl- But overall, the album is an ing style, whether it’s in his James exciting return to the “36 Cham- Brown imitation intro, or in sing- bers’’ of 1993’s Wu-Tang debut, ing an uninhibited Wu-Tang ver- as well as developing the indi- sion of “Over the Rainbow.” The vidual talents of one of its dirtiest lewd brand of humor that came across occasionallv on “Enter the see BASTARD, page 11

guardian of Cosette, the child of oftheproductionwiththeirvulgar her and raises her as his own. one of his factory workers. innuendoes and flippant remarks, In the second act, nine years Cosette has been living with all in the context of song. The later, Paris is plagued with unrest the Thenardiers (Kelly Ebsary and couple runs asmall inn where they as the people take to the streets in Craig Bennett, the understudy for have been treating little Cosette as a popular rebellion. Among the the usual J.P. Dougherty),who add a slave for five years. As a favor to humor to the serious atmosphere her dying mother, Valjean takes see MIS, page 13 page six THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, April 28,1995- .....IT COULD NEVER HAPPEN TO ME.....

Come Witness a DRUNK DRIVING RE-ENACTMENT... Exactly the way it could really happen.

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Co-sponsored by Somewille Fire Department, Somerville Police Department, TUPD, Export Towing, Cataldo Ambulance, Cota-Struzziero Funeral Home, TSLV, TEMS,and Alcohol and Health Education Friday, April 28,1995 THE TUFTS DAILY page seven SPORTS Teams battle to finish for NHL playoff spots by DOUGLAS KATZ TheRkgers willsneakinto the Daily Editorial Board playoffs in the seventh slot, while In your average National the winner of the home-and-home Hockey League season, the hunt will take the eighth position. for the Stanley Cup would have What’s wrong with the Whalers? I . Well, there you have it -- they’re still called -the Whalers. Coach This Week ‘in Paul Holmgren never did manage 1 theNHL to get his Flyers into the playoffs LVA - --.I years ago, and there isn’t any rea- already begun, but as you well son to think he can get the Whalers know by now, this is not your intothebigdance. Thereisonly so average NHL season. In what will far that Sean Burke can carry a certainly go down as one of the team -- any team. Theonlyunfor- most bizarre seasons in the history tunate thing about the Eastern Con- of league, May has rolled around ference is that there has to be eight and teams and fans alike still have teams. The eighth place team is noideawho will bein theplayoffs. suretobebumpedoffinfourgames

Western Conferenc or Hartford makes the play- playoff picture is offs? Nope. In lieu of that, Daily file photo about as clear as After a strong performance by the sailing team this week, the women are preparing for Nationals. 1 standings come the end Philadelphia, Que- next week: Pittsburgh, bec, Pittsburgh, and Bos ton have qualified for the Women qualify for the Nationals by DOUGLAS KATZ the ideal regatta tojudge any team’s squad cruised to any easy victory Daily Editorial Board potential at tne upcoming Dinghy over a large field on the Charles in Devils are a With a second place finish at or Team Racing Championships. the Boston University Trophy.Tim the New England Women’s Cham- With many top skippers not at Fallon (with Marthacarleton) and pionships,theTufts’ worncn’ssail- the event, witness senior All- Alex Ross (with Alison Hamilton) ing. Of -;- &,&&a 42~7/15 pushcomesto American Mark Mendleblatt serv- had few difficulties capturing the course, that shove, look for ing as the Jumbos’ coach for the trophy as both Jumbo boats fin- would be a loss by the Panthers, the Sabres to pick up one win in regatta,teams such asBoston Uni- ished in first place in their respec- Stickings’Canadiens, or the Whal- their last three games, and the Habs versity and St. Mary’s who fielded tivedivisions with an astoundingly ers. The Sabres are definitely on to fall just one little point shy. I I their top teams dominated the low total of 34 points. Second the bubble. With two games re- Heads will roll in Mont Royal. ing team qualified for the National event. Junior Senet Bischoff, sail- place finisher Harvard, was just maining against the Habs and one Bye-bye Serge Savard, adios Championshipswhich will be held ing420s and FJs in preparation for unable to post stiff competition against the Caps, Patty La’s boys Jacques Demers. in San Diego at the end of May. the Team Racing Nationals, fin- with many their best sailors at the are in trouble. The West. If things are tricky to The nationally ranked Jumbos ished fifth in theB division. Sopho- Thompson Trophy or other big- Will the Sabres make the play- figure out in the Eastern Confer- (fifth) were led by senior Laura more Graeme Woodwarth-- - and boat events. offs? Probably not, than again ence, I really don’t even want to Dunn and sophomore Jenny crewmember Kiri Wilson turna -”WiiFGiifmeTifop sailors, other - maybe. Tonight’sgameagainstthe talk about the West. San Jose, Los Nelson. in an admirable performance in schools simply can’t compete with Caps should be the most telling. Angeles, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Racing in Larks and Techs, the first half of the A division, us,” commented Legler, “we’ve With the Caps’ coming off a vic- and Anaheim are all in therunning Nelson captured the B division of while senior Rob Richards and always been a lot deeper than just tory two nights ago and the game for the last playoff spot. What it the regatta, held at the Massachu- Mimsey Gordon completed the last about any other school in the coun- beinginLandover(wheretheCaps boils down is this, if you play in setts Institute of Technology seven races in the division to se- try.’’ That depth should propel the have only lost six times in 22 the Western Conference then you [MIT], whileDunn was within one cure the Jumbos of a third place Jumbos into the number one rank- games), don’t look for the Sabres have a chance to make the play- race of capturing the overall title finish in the 420/FJ A division. ing in the nation when the summer to make any move here. The Sa- offs. Who will make it?Je ne sais in A division. Through the first The team finished fifth overall polling is all said and done. bres’ last two games are a home- pas. Who cares? day and a half of the event, Con- at the regatta with a disappointing The winding down of the aca- and-home against the Canadiens. The Red Wings will feast on necticut College held a dominat- total score of 405 points (com- demic semester does not mean that When it comes down to crunch whoever makes the cut. In fact, the ing lead over the rest of the field, pared to victorious St. Mary’s’ the sailing season is coming to a time St. Patrick has to get the nod, but New England powerhouses astounding total of 321). While conclusion. Far from it. The real than again there is Dom Hasek. see m7Page 9 Brown and ourown Jumbosreeled acknowledging the tricky wind work remains ahead of the Jum- in the Camels. The Jumbos were conditions, Legler insisted that he bos. With the Dinghy, Women’s, one point behind Brown with one was, “not satisfied with the team’s Men’s, and Team Racing Nation- Ball players gather, race in each division left, but a performance. In regattas like this, als lying in front of them, the team fateful last tack on Dunn’s part we have to feel that we are capable must be geared up for the remain- cost the Jumbos the title. How- of coming away with a victory.” der of the season. As defending remember the Babe ever, with the top six teams quali- However, there was some very women’s (two times) and team HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (AP) -- Yankee Stadium. He stood lean- fying for Nationals, second place positive results turnedin last week- national champions the Jumbos By an accident of age, Hall of ing on a bat in aphoto that won the was enough to satisfy head coach end. The Jumbos’ freshman class have established a winning repu- Famers Bob Feller and Robin Pulitzer Prize. Ken Legler. continued to roll off victories, as tation they wish to maintain. Roberts never had to pitch against “That was my bat,” Feller said. “Of course, I wanted a win, but they conquered their competition In preparation for these upcom- Babe Ruth. It was, both agreed on “He came up the runway and he I thought our performance was at the Salve Regina Invitational. ing regattas, the team has been Thursday, their good fortune that was very thin, emasculated. Our satisfactory. This puts us in a nice “The freshman are right on track,” spending practice time in Chesa- things worked out that way. first baseman, Eddie Robinson, position for Nationals.”As for the noted Legler, “while I don’t think peake Bay (outside of St. Mary’s Feller, Roberts and Harmon grabbed a bat and handed it to him rest bf the competition at Nation- any of them are ready to step over College) and will be moving to and he leaned on it. His voice was Killebrew talked baseball and the als, Legler noted that “...any of six our sophomoresjust yet, they are Newport to continue their work. almost gone but he said, ‘It feels Babe at the opening session of teams: St. Mary’s [MD], Navy, working real hard, and as a team, Once the qualification process is Hofstra University’s celebration good.’ Stanford, Conn. College, Brown, they should continue to beat their completethe Jumbos will move to of “Robinson said, ‘It should. It’s and [Tufts] can win that regatta. peers for the next couple years.” the University of Rhode Island to Ruth’s 100th birthday. And they your model.’ “ We will just have to have a very Kyle Shattack (teamed with Alex fine tune themselves in prepara- agreed that the Babe was one of a What was Feller, a pitcher, do- good effort to come away with a Mejer) demolished the rest of the tion for the national regattas. kind, a savior of the game in its ing with a Babe Ruth bat? “I used victory.” seven school field in the B divi- darkest days. it to bunt,” he said. Wildly erratic wind conditions sion, while Rich Canzeno skip- From whether the team can re- “Babe made a lot of people Roberts and Feller agreed on wrecked havoc with the weekend’s pered the A division boat (with peat as champions to whether or forget the Black Sox scandal,” how they would pitch toRuth.“I’d other major regatta, the Thomp- Kim McManus crewing) to a nar- not seniors Mark Mendelblatt and Feller said. “What are they gonna do anything to keep it away from son Trophy, which was held at the row victory over second place fin- Laura Dunn can go out on a win- do this year?” the meat of his bat,” Feller Coast Guard Academy. With the isher Yale. The Jumbo freshmen ning note, there are many ques- Baseball’s current problems ‘said. “Sliders belt high and in on wind gusting from zero to 25 knots finished with 29points, good for a tions still unanswered regarding played only a small part in the him. You’d never want to get and shifting upwards of 120 de- 12 point margin of victory. this year’s installment of the Tufts dialogue as Feller, Roberts and the ball out and away from him.” grees in a single race, this was not The Jumbos’ so-called sebnd University sailing team. Killebrew preferred to talk about Feller figured.only two things thegame’s glory days, a time when could happen if you made a mistake withRuth. “Hemight hit it Ruth planted the seeds of its out of me park or he might popularity. Ruth retired the year before hit it back through the box.” TUFTS Feller reached the majors. They Roberts recalled talking about THE did cross paths, though. Just two Ruth with Cy Perkins, a coach months before his death in 1948, Read it! Ruth made one last appearance at BASEBALL. oage I Recycle it! see I r-0- - I I ige eight THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, April -28,1995

c clz*- 3 page nine Friday, April 28,1995 THE TUFTS DAILY This rabbi is leader of a liberal congregation Babe Ruth is remembered WEIMAN BASEBALL the Torah. services. Rossman also credits continued from page 7 after the season. “He said to continued from page 1 Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman Weiman-Kelman for “creating a me, ‘IwishI’dneverhit61.’They significant number of Americans. saw the men trying to run off with feeling of calm which is full of with Philadelphia who had played loved Babe so much, nobody Rossman explained that in Israel, the Torah and stopped them. In introspection”in the servicesover with the Babe. “He told me wanted to see the record broken. Progressivecongregations such as response to the incident, Teddy which he officiates. stories about what an explosive “Joe Dugan said, ‘You had to Kol Haneshama have great diffi- Kolvek, the then-mayor of Jerusa- Hillel Vice president of Pro- guy Babe was,”Roberts said. “He understand Babe. He wasn’t hu- culty becoming recognized by the lem made it apriority to supply the gramming Louis Leibowitz noted, told me every time Ruth hit a man.’ But maybeTommy Henrich government and Orthodox groups congregation with land to build a “We know it is a bad time as it is homer, he’d come back to the dug- said it best. He said Judge Landis and therefore receive very little place of worship. the Friday before Spring Fling, out and say, ‘Can the Baby hit cleaned up the game and Babe government funding. Kolvek gave this land as a ges- but it is really a coup that we have ‘em?’“ Ruth glorified it.” The congregation was able to ture of his support of the idea that him [theRabbi] because he is from Roberts said Ruth’s homers Feller chuckled at the trouble construct a synagogue and build- all Jews in Israel should have a Israel, therefore, he is rarely in the could fool a pitcher. “They just Ruth had convincing the Yankees, ing only after an event which oc- place to worship. After much United States. Tufts is one of the kept going up,” hesaid. “They just or any other team, to give him a curred onSimchas Torah, the holi- fundraising,the congregation now few places that he will be coming took off and went where they chance at managing. “Babe called day during which Jews re-start has anew building and synagogue to while in the US. We are very couldn’t catch them.” everybody, ‘Kid.’ He didn’t know reading from the beginning of the in Bakka. lucky.” Students are invited to The only time Roberts ever met half the players’ names,” he said. Torah. Rossman said that during Rossman describedthe services “Come as You Are,” whether it is Ruth was in spring training of “If he was making out the lineup, the celebration of this holiday, men that she attended at Kol spring fling attire, jeans, or other 1948 when the pitcher was just a there’d be nine ‘Kids,’ in it.” and women were dancing together Haneshama while in Israel as a casual attire. rookie with the Phillies. “Babe and passing the Torah to one an- “very spiritual service... people camewalking by,talkingtoasports “One of the problems,” Rob- other. A group of local Orthodox who are not used to a liberal ser- When asked to comment about writer,” he said. “I was erts said, “is that just because we men came to the celebration and vice usually come out of it feeling the event, former Hillel President warming up. My mom was a big play the game, we think we can tried to flee the festivities with the fulfilled.”Likewise, Rabbi Cohen Jason Weingram enthusiastically fanofhis,soIgotaballandgothim ‘end up in the executive end of it. Torah in an attempt to “save” it described Weiman-Kelman as encouraged the community to at- to sign it. It doesn’t always work that way.” from the liberal practices of the “one of my most important role tend. “It’s going to be neat be- “I still have the ball. Eat your congregation. models and is totally inspiring.” cause it’s Judaism and Spring hearts out.” Ralph Kiner, unable to attend In the more traditionalreligious She attributed this to,the fact Fling... it works together!” Killebrew had a couple of years the conference because of his practices of Judaism, women are that in Israel, the entire service is Shabbat services will begin this when he made runs at Ruth’s broadcasting schedule, sent a forbidden from praying together conducted in Hebrew, in a manner evening at 6:OO p.m. with the din- record of 60 homers in a season. In video. “People wonder what he’d with men, as well as from touching that is very similar to traditional ner starting at 7:15 p.m. 1961, when Roger Maris broke hit today,” Kiner said. “I think the record with 61, Killebrew hit he’d hit about 20 homers. YOU Survivor gives account of Armenian genocide 46, tied with Jim Gentile for third might say, ‘Is that all?’ but you’d GENOCIDE in the American League. have to remember, he’d be 100 His mother told him stories, but and burned down with all of the He recalled talking with Maris years old.” continued from page 1 he did not really understand what Armenians inside of it. The fam- save as many Armenians as he this entity was. He recalls praying ily, surrounded by a circle of was able to. He did that until his one night for “good bread to eat, church pews, knelt down to avoid Doug’s last hockey column consequential expulsion from his good cheese to eat, and good fa- the bullets, somehow managing NHL isn’t the head coach of the Wings ther to eat.” In fact, some of his to survive. He was comforted by office. continued from page 7 anymore, there is a reasonable The reverend attributes sal- most vivid memories of the era the words of his father, a senti- his Red Wings should be cruise chancethatthewings willcapture vation from the tragedy to that center around memories of food, ment which has since shaped his through the entire Western Con- he Western Conference crown. man whom he compares to the often a scarce staple. entire life: “don’t worry, we will ference. If Curtis Joseph gets re- biblical Jehovah whorescued Isaac When Hartunian’s father did soon be in heaven.” For every ally, really hot, there is an off in the Old Testament. return, peace did not come with With all that in mind -- Detroit, problem and every situation, no chance that Keenan’s boy will be Throughout his life, Hartunian him. He remembers attending Calgary, St. Louis, Toronto, matter how dire, a solution al- able to any damage to the Wings. never knew his father who was church one day when the sanctu- Vancouver, Chicago, Dallas, and In fact, now that Bryan Murray ahh ...... San Jose (why not.) deported early in his son’s life. ary.. was attacked by flying. . -. bullets see ARMENIA, page 17 HOT. Bum, baby, burn - disco inferno. Power Macintosh” 71 00 ww/CD Macintosh Performd 6115 w/CD 1 I&B WOOMBM&ve, CD-ROM&, 8MB M350MB bnih~,CD-ROM IS” mlor m,bqfboardand mouse. chive, U’’adOr*, 696md mouse atdan&*ykWhd MAC. A Not the burger, pal -the killer computer. b. DEALS. Cheap. Not as cheap as a taco, but hey.

Macintosh Performa* 636w/CD PowerBooP 520c w/Modem m &UB MOMBM&, W-ROM&, l2MB W320MBbni& &modem. 14mlor~,~momlandau& sojbuweyouklde&&nead with the Apple‘ Computer Loan and 90-DayDeferred Payment Plan,you can take home a Mafwith- Being astudent is hard. Sowek made buying a Macintodfeasy. So easy, in fact, that prim out having to make a Sipayment for up to 90 dayswhich means you can also on Macintosh personal computers are now even lower than their already low student pries. And take home the power to make any saulents lifeeasier.Thepower to beyourbesC For pricing and availability information visit Rfts Computer Store Miller Hall (basement rear left) or call 627-3358 Hours: Mon., lbes., Thurs., and Fri. 9:30-4:00,Wed. 1200-5:OO I. page ten THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, April 28,1995


and BFYERAGE PO LTCY You must present TWO FORMS OF POSITIVE I.D. (including a Tufts I.D. for all non-guest tickets) to drink at the concert. If you wish to drink, you may bring ONE Df the following items: 72 OUNCES OF BEER IN ALUMINUM CANS (six 12-ounce cans) or AN UNLIMITED AMOUNT OF NON ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE IN,CANS (in 12-ounce cans) 3pen beverages will not be allowed into the concert, and all volumes of alcoholic 3everages in excess of the 72-ounce limit will be confiscated. NO BOTTLES OR PLASTIC CONTAINERS WILL BE ALLOWED into the concert site. Bags and backpacks are not allowed, and be prepared to display the contents of all blankets and coolerq. NO WINE 3R WINE COOLERS are permitted into the concert site. RECORDING No audio or video equipment of any kind will be allowed into the concert site,, rhis includes cameras.

Please be responsible for the proper disposal of your trash; there will be an ample number of trash receptacles at the concert site. There will also be special containers for empty beverage cans as part of the SPRING FLING CAN DRIVE, benefitting BOSTON CAN. Keeping your area reasonably clean will make SPRING --mbk+ yourseif, -those around you, and the volunteer workers. MBEP The success- of this year's Spring Fling and the fate of such events in the future depends on your cooperation in reducing the incidents of underage drinking, excessive littering, loitering after the concert, and disorderly conduct. Please be responsible and enjoy the concert.


r, IN ADDITION, ALL OF AGE STUDENTS BRINGING IN OVER 21 YEARS OF AGE, MUST WEAR A WRISTBAND AT ALL TIMES. THESE WILL BE ISSUED TO OF AGE PARTICIPANTS AT THE OVER 21 GATE.* . ,I.',, THERE IS NO RE-ENTRY INTO THE CONCERT SITE Friday, April 28,1995 THE TUFTS DAILY page eleven Restaurant has two locations Phi Beta Kappa inductees are celebrated AA FIGS Figs provides some of the most CEREMONY continued from page 3 continued from page 1 Fang, ‘i%omas Foran, Gregg iors were also included. These interesting food that Boston Ital- Friedman, Ian Glomski, Venu were: Risa Cohen, Leslie tion. ians have to offer. Its removal from was an honor to be inducted into a Gupta, Lauren Hughes, Miriam Desmarteau, Kathleen Devigne, For hearty eaters, Figs also pro- the cramped, overbooked, and society that has such high stan- Ibsen, Shari Jacobson, Nicole Carlos Diaz, Tracy Fischetti, and vides adessert menu which rotates dirty confines of the North End are dards of intellectual academic ex- Jacoby, Stephen Kaplan, Olga Won-Kvu Han. daily. Frequent features include a an added attraction. The dining cellence.” Kinnard, Bradley Kodesh, Nichele great Tiramisu, Blueberry Rhu- atmosphere is both social and inti- Students were nominated by Kroner, Jodi Kukk, David Leach, barb Cobbler, and many rich and mate. The service is quite good, professorsbasedon their academic Nanette Loebenberg, Kira The department with the stron- chocolatey cakes. Capuccino, and the food is excellent. Most merit and commitment and poten- Maly arov, Jael McHenry, Jonathan gestshowingwasEconomics, with espresso, and other after-dinner important, the price is right. tial forfutureintellectualandscho- Michaeli, Mathew Millett, David ten inductees having majored in drinks are also available. lastic achievement. In addition, Nathanielsz,Iris Plaitakis, Michael that department.Biology and Clas- One of the frequently ignored, In Charlestown, Figs is located honorary member Tufts President Preciado,Jennifer Ratner, Kristine sics majors followed with seven yet recognizably advantageous at 67MainStreet.TheCharlestown John DiBiaggio was inducted. Reed, Brian Richards, Kristen each; Child Study, and Psychol- traits of Figs is its atmosphere. location is open for dinner every Jennifer Lindeman was in- Riley, Mark Roggeveen, Dena ogy with six each, and English, While the decor, dimly lit and char- day of the week, and it can be ducted from the Class of 1994. Sarke, Rebecca Schachne, InternationalRelations, and Envi- acterized by simple velvet and reached by phone at 242-2229. Inductees from the Class of Caroline Schaefer, Deborah ronmental Studies with four each. black chairs, tables and walls, is The Beacon Hill Figs is located at 1995 were: Kelly Addy, Jennifer Schildkraut, Elizabeth Schreiber, Other majors represented were not an Adam Tihany creation, it 42 Charles Street. This location is Averill, Ezra Banilay, Carolina Carolyn Silver,Michael Stickings, French, German, Spanish, Politi- succeeds in providing a perfect open for both lunch and dinner Bernardez, Sarah Bewick, Brian Arun Venkataraman, and Beth cal Science, Community Health, atmospheric backdrop to the con- and can be reached by phone at Brunelli, Annalaura D’Errico, Wicklund. History, Physics, Civil Engineer- tinuous song of conversation and 742-2447. EloisaFalzarano,Eric Fish, Leslie In addition, a handful of jun- ing, and Latin-American Studies. amusement which engulfs theres- taurant at peak hours. But if one wishes to contribute to the gastro- nomically induced conversational harmony at Figs, one must arrive either relatively early or relatively late. Between 7 p.m. and9 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays the lines can be long. The wait, however, is well worth it. GIVE YOUR BAYBANK ACCOUNT New, raw album BASTARD continued from page 5 THE SUMMER OFF-AND-SAVE! MCs. 01’ Dirty Bastard, accom- panied by the Wu-Tang’s raw hardcore spirit as well as its fellow members, flows easily in and out of the many worlds that represent hip-hop in 1995.

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Friday, April 28,1995 THE TUFTS DAILY page thirteen Play performance is awesome Students read names in day-long ceremony MIS from behind the bamcade that the continued fi 'om page 5 continuedCoMMEMoRAT1oN from page Before the service at the can- tion to the day of remembrance. students have built ... the revolu- non, the students and Summit had The name reading continued street gang are the Thenardiers tion has started. So as not to di- continued. Following these brief participated in a silent march throughout both the ;lent march and their daughter Eponine. vulge any details that may spoil words from Summit, a moment of around thecampus. Somestudents and the service. It could be heard Eponine (Caren Lyn Manuel) the performance for those who are silence was observed and the ser- carried candles, and all wore black all over the academic quad yester- undoubtedly steals the show. Les Mis novices, the second act vice began. Standing in a circle, ribbons around their arms. The day afternoon, and served as a Manuel, who is 18, was a fresh- shall remain untold. the nearly 50 observers read po- silent march, candles, and ribbons sobering reminder of how many man at Emerson when she audi- ems and sang songs which hon- were all designed to memorialize people were killed in the Holo- tioned and received' the part of The Colonial is small and tick- ored those whoperished. One such the 11 million Jews and non-Jews caust. The Tufts Hillel Center's Eponine. Her ability to seduce the ets are hard to get. Although going Poem told the story of a group of who perished in the Holocaust. In observanceof Holocaust Remem- audience into feeling her despair to the theater is not an inexpensive Jews who were awaiting their addition, the observers marched brance Day ended with the show- when Marius, who is in love with endeavor, this hypnotic perfor- deaths in the Nazi death camp around campus in order to become ing of the film Buck to Auschwitz Cosette, breaks her heart is truly Auschwitz. These Jews recited the mance is worth it.Les Mis is play- more visible and bring- more atten- at 7 p.m. last night.- awe-inspiring. ing until June 17. For reservations Kaddish, a prayer that memorial- or information, call the Coloniat izes those who have recently died, The second act is performed Theater at 426-9366. for themselves.


Students are encouraged to attend an insurance meeting to be held in the Health Service conference room on Monday, May lst, fiom 4:OO P.M. to 5:OO P.M.

Representatives from the Chickering Group, the HeaIth Service, and the Dean of Students Office will be there to answer any questions you may have regarding the Student Health Insurance Plan.

* Are there any benefit changes you would like to see made to the insurance plan?

What does it cost to increase benefits?

- _. - -_ How is an insurance claim processed?

'Do you have questions about catastrophic coverage more than the current $25,000 basic policy?

Please help us to determine your plan's coverage for 1995-96 and beyond.

To all groups registered with Student Activities Office who.have failed to hand in their Re-

recognition material (2 Copies of their constitutions, 2 lists of members with ID numbers one typed

and one written, proof of activityJ You must hand it in as soon as possible or you will be put on

probation . In the fall you must make sure to get in touch with the TCUJ or else you will not get

funding for the new year.

All material must be handed in by: Monday May 1,1995 by 12 noon to the mail box at the info booth in the Campus Center. No Exceptions !!!!!! page fourteen THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, April 28,1995

-L ., I

The Tufts Inter-Greek Council presents:


WEN: Friday, April 28,1995 3:30 pm to 7:OO pm

WHERE: Professors Row


and featuring a barbeque on Fletcher Field provided by Tufts Dining Services..I!? . (bring your meal cards) Friday, April 28,1995 THE TUFTS DAILY page fifteen 395-0080 West of Rt. 93 199-c Mystic Avenue, Medford TWFTS SPECIAL~ Students CORRECTION TO COURSE LISTING - 1 Med 1 topping, 1 Coke $5.55 includingtm FOR BIOLOGY 3, FALL 1995 - Any Large 1 or more topping, receive a free medium. The course listing for Biology 3, Fall 1995, lists the recitation sections Beat the clock, 2 Large cheese at 10 - starts Wednesday, 4-5 pm and Thursday, 4:45-5:45 pm as being PM ends at 12 AM $10.00 - 12.00. mandatory. The recitation sections are actually optional f_acultv (recommended) but not mandatory. - 25% any purchase before 4:OO PM. - Buy two get the third for half price or buy three get one free.





An exhibit by Christina Kowalchuk MONDAY, MAY Ist, +6t30PM for Women's Studies Senior Project EAST HALL LOUNGE Friday, April 28 to Monday, May 1 RECEPTION FOLLOWING in Olin basement lobby (Outside the AV room)

Please join us for the exhibit's openlng, CO-SPONSORED BY THE TUFTS-HARVARD Friday April 28 from 4:OO to 5:OO P.M. IBERIAN STUDY GROUP U THE GRADUATE STUDENT COUNCIL

.. page sixteen THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, April 28,1995


A multi-media event centering on the embroidered arpilleras sewn by ailean women as a form of political and social protest during the Pinochet dictatorship of the 1970s and 1980s. MAY 3, 1995 AIDEKMAN ARTS CENTER

6:OO pm Arena Theater: YI'he Strange Wake of Antonio Tsol," a work-in-progress inspired by the arpillems, by JENNIFER PLANTE, Tufts English & Drama major. 7:15pm Sculpture Court AIpillem exhibition and reception & light buffet dinner.

8:OOpm Sculpture Court, Tufts Gallery Lecture and reading by MARJORIE AGOSIN, Professor of Latin American Literature, Poet & Critic, Wellesley College with commentaries by CLAUDIA KAISER-LENOIR, Department of Romance Languages, and ANA ORTIZ, Department of Sociology and Anthropology.

Sponsored by: Sociology & Anthropology, Romance hnguages, International Relations, Women 3 Studies, Hispanic-American Center, American Studies, Peace & Justice, History, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, and The UinAmerican Society Friday, April 28,1995 THE TUFTS DAILY page seventeen The maior nerformers for this year’s annual concert have been announced -- continued from page 5 cant financial benefits are avail- consistent live performer. Unless which the concert promoters ap- Chili Peppers stood in 1992 or able may explain things), but they he significantly steps up to the proach their line-up. Just as Cy- where the Beasties and Pumpkins Cobain committed suicide, mak- remain one of the world’s finest demands of the main stage, Beck press Hill is the most suburbanrap were last summer -- the line-up ingpublic outbursts with the vigor current bands and should provide is likely to fizzle. group this side of the now defunct features several vital performers of Madonna and physically as- for an interesting set. Arrested Development (who that stand out as some of the ’90s saulting fans like Ax1 Rose did Even strangerthan Pavement’s While the Mighty Mighty played in 1993),the Bosstones are finest. Even if the bands are play- when he had fans to assault. Hole Lollapaloozadebut is that ofJesus Bosstones may have been banned hardly the full fledged ska group ing on a huge sunny stage that will most likely be the day’s big- Lizard, a Chicago mean-core act from theTufts campus, theBoston that would have added a diverse seems more appropriate for Eric gest commercial draw, just as the known for drunkenly fabulouslive group has received some commer- edge. Clapton than David Yow, no con- Beasties were last year in their shows and atightrelationship with cial popularity over the past few cert with Pavement, Sonic Youth, second-to-last spot and Alice in Steve Albini. The Touch ‘n’ Go years and is now scheduled to open While ticket sales to this year’s Beck,and the Jesus Lizard is worth Chains were in that 1993position. band has amassed a devoted un- the show. The first band signed to concert may not match those of missing. Just get afivedollarplate The day’s biggest surprise is derground following over the Lollapalooza, the Bosstones rep- years past -- having only Hole of falafel when the bald chick’s on probably Sinead O’Connor’s po- years, none of which are in the resent the pseudo-diversity with where Pearl Jam and the Red Hot stage. sition on the mainstage. Popular Lollapalooza mode. Still, the with yuppies across the world un- band’smereintensity will no doubt til shedecided to shredapictureof convert more than its fair share of Genocide survivor participates in discussion the Pope on live television, the Hole fans with newly dyed green ARMENIA missed opportunity and esten- evils of the past must be intensi- continued from page 17 hairless Irish singer will face a hair, belly-button rings, and some- sively dissects the World War I1 fied, especially in this critical pe- challenging pit of kids who don’t what open ears. ways exists. ethnic cleansing. He feels the riod as the last survivors of the really care about what she has to Although Beck is still best One of the most powefil im- Turks, unlike the Germans. have massacres still live on to tell their whine about (preferring,of course, known for his “Loser” single, on ages of Hartunian’s history is that notfaced their evils. Healso hopes story. We must alwaysbe aware what Courtney Love has to whine an artistic level the California of his escape from his hometown, that the Turks will realize that as we read accounts of historical about). folkster/rocker/rapper is no one- hidden under blankets in the back their denial is the wrong way to events, who the writers of this gain acceptance, particularly in Cypress Hill, filling this year’s hit-wonder. His albums have ap- of a truck in the middle of the knowledge are. and in what ways sole rap slot, really should have plied a uippy, modern edge to old night. the European community where ~ they may have tainted the facts, played Lollapaloozatwo years ago school folk music that has sur- Provost Sol Gittleman con- the people do not forgive and for- rendering sympathy for their own when their music was somewhat passed both the expectations of cluded the evening with a re- get as easily as Americans do. beliefs. “Nations, like people, have pertinent and seemed original. By impressed cynical critics and the minder that this century “started Genocide is, and will continue to make confession, or they will to be, a tragedy of the modern now, the group’s pro-marijuana intelligence level of most people and ended with ethnic cleansing never rest in peace.” He said that world. three experts agrec the rantings and monotonous sampling who dug “Loser,” most of whom andnationalism running amuck.” All we must turn the “forgotten geno- have grown relatively stale and will be waiting for that song to be He views history as the study of effort to inform people about the cide into the sleeping genocide.” often dull. Having turned down played live this summer. Despite the show in the past, perhaps the the excellence of Beck’s records, band sees this year as an opportu- however,the singer is not the most Commemorating the 50th nity for commercial redemption. Last year Beastie Boy Mike D, along with the Lollapalooza cor- Anniversary of the Serbian Genocide porate people, asked Pavement to rise from their beloved under- ground and play the big sunny (1941-45) stage. While some claim that the band members themselves decided that it would not be in their best That Was Then (1941-45) This is now (1992) artistic interests to play the show, others insist that SmashingPump- kin Billy Corgan banned the bril- liant quintet from Lollapalooza because of rap-style disses Pave- ROME ment had made against the Pump- ATHENS $345 kins on their Crooked Rain, MADRID $309 Crooked Rain LP. COPENHAGEN $319 Whatever the case, the band MOSCOW $349 instead used the year to bring their FRANKFURT $289 once-shaky live act up to the high CAIRO $399 SAN JOSE, CR $225 standards of their recording ca- ‘ares are each way based on a round trip reer. Having recently released yet whaefromBoston. Student or Faculty ID M be required. Taxes & surcharges not another inaccessibly accessible duded. Fares subject to change. album, Wowee Zowee, Pavement WE‘Student Travels“magazine! may struggle finding success in /3T.rrrFn the concert’s commercial setting. Why a band that once seemed miles abovesuch events asLollapalooza would agree to play it is question- able (although the fact that Sonic Youth is headlining and signifi-

It is important to know the Past to understand the SHIPPING Present. The Genocide of 750,000 Serbs, committed by Low cost domestic and international shipping rates and service, call Sroatian Fascists, during VVVVII is part of the past, but .et us remember it today, for those that were massacred Tel: 800-752-6773 Fax: 508-6643722 md those that survived. The current conflict in Croatia E-mail address: cargoQdelphi. corn md Bosnia-Hercegovinahas overshadowed the history xhind that conflict. This message is to inform you and AIR FREIGHT VALET, INC. io help you understand what the media has become ncompetent of doing. We condemn all sides in the xrrent war and hope for peace. Do not let the deaths REstAuRANT. If millions go forgotten. Auschwitz, Buchenwald, and 390 Rindge Ave. Cambridge Ma. All You Can Eat lasenovac (Croatian concentration camp) should be Asian Noodle BufEet! For $7.95! words engraved in the minds of Mankind for eternity. I Served: Sunday, Noon-900 P.M. MondayWednday, 5:30-9:00 P.M.

For Personal Information Call (617)492-7373 Serbian Students of Tufts University page eighteen THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, April -28,1995

The Midnight Cafe


i May 19-20, 1995 The Tztj3s.Daiby's 1995 Commencement Issue will be a 32-page, fbll color publication with a distribution of over 15,000 during Tufts' graduation weekend. This special issue will also be mailed nationwide to over 6,000 alumni, incoming and returning students, putting the total circulation to more than 21,000. The Commencement Issue will feature a fidl-color front page and available full-color advertising space on the back and centerfold pages. It will also include listings of all weekend events, making it indispensable to all guests.

~ Rate Information

Advertisements will be sold at a net rate of Camera-ready Items $12.00 per column-inch. The TzGJtsDaily is a five-column tabloid size paper with 16-inch The TuftsDaily welcomes all submitted cam- high pages. era-ready advertisements. All artwork should be black on a white background for best results. Reservation Deadline We will enlarge or reduce any mechanical to fit the desired dimensions at no extra charge. All advertisements must be submitted by Monday, May 15, 1995. Reservations for the Typesetting back page and centerfold pages should be made as early as possible, given their limited avail- The Tufrs Daily uses the latest desktop ability and wide popularity. publishing equipment and will typeset your advertisements to your specifications at the The centerfold spread and back page are regular typesetting fee of $5.00. Proofs may be reserved for full-color advertisements. The faxed for your approval prior to insertion. centerfold may be purchased for $3,000 and the back page for $2,000.

On Campus Organization Rates

T.C.U. Funded Ad Size Departments and Other Organizations Organizations

$40 A $45 (2col x 8in or 3col x sin)

B $90 (3col x llin or 5col x 6Yiin)

$120 C $135 (3col x 16in)

$160 Full Page $180 page twenty THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, April 28,1995

'b1 C RO F R 1 D E R E N T E RS :

As the school year approaches an end, we at Tufts Student Resources have made arrangements to facilitate the picking up of microfiidges. Collection will begin on April 30 and will end on May 4. The following pick-up schedule will be used:

Sunday, April 30: Pick-up of Microfiidges from South Hall will take place from 12PM-4PM.

Monday, May 1: Pick-up of Microfridges from Theta Delta Chi, Delta Tau Delta, The Milne House, Carpenter House, Hillside Apartments, Latin Way Apartments, and West Hall will take place from 8AM-12PM. Pick-up of Microfridges from Hodgdon Hall, Bush Hall, Metca Richardson Hall, and Stratton Hall will be fiom 12PM-4PM.

Tuesdav, May 2: Pick-up of Microfiidges &om Tilton Hall, Haskell Hall, and Lewis Hall. Pick- up times for Lewis Hall will be from 8AM-12PM. Pick-up times for Tilton Hall and Haskell Hall will be from 12PM-4PM.

Wednesday, May 3: Pick-up of Microfiidges from Wren Hall, Carmichael Hall, Miller Hall, Houston Hall, and Hill Hall. Pick-up times for Carmichael Hall, Wren Hall, and Hill Hall will be fiom 8AM-12PM. Pick-up times for Houston Hall and Miller Hall will be from 12PM-4PM.

Please be aware that Tufts Student Resources will not be responsible for the pick-up of microfridges, if they are not picked up on these dates. Each customer will be held responsible for returning their micr&dge to TSR Failure to do so will result in the loss of your $50 deposit. Contact TSR to make alternate arrangements at 627-3224. Watch for posters and rkwspaper advertisements in the Tufts Daily.

TUFT6 8TUDENT RE60URCES A Non-Profit 8tudent Run Business of Tufts University 'I'hc 'I'SR CentedHayes House 'lufts University 6ornctville. MA 02144 (611)6 2 7-3224 Friday, April 28,1995 THE TUFTS DAILY page twenty-one THE DAILY IS NOT DELIVERED TO N€W YORK+



. YEAR+ A DEAL! SO SUBSCRIBE TODAY! CALL 62713090 OR %ENDA CHECK TO: P.0. BOX 18 MEDFORDI MA OZ155 Classified3 Classifieds 3assifiedsl ;I assif iedsi :lassifieds- Must sell! 1 or 2 Bdrmsl Summer Sublet Climbing today1 . 1989 Black BMW 3251 for sale Large dorm fridge (3 ff) with freezer, Summer sublet right across from :enterofcampus. 100PackarclAve. Be in front of Carmichael Hall at 4 door, standard, power window, $60. 9'X 12' carpet, $45. Large South Hall gate and only 5 min from ! Personals steering. In good condition, Call Ash kwly renovatedhouse, full kitchen, 2:30. If you have a car, please bring wooden computer cart (2 1/2 X 2 I/ Davis sq. Lg, sunny bdrms. nice liv ully furnished rooms. 2 available it. at 625-1098 for price and other de- 2' X 3), $40. Clip-on lamps $5/ea. rm. and new ktch. 2 porches, w/d, tails. ;275/mO. includes utilities. Call Paul Cubed storage unit $1 5. New bean- we'll pay for part of your rent1 Call 8628-3420 or B.G. 629-4977. Take a study break with bag. Will take best offers. Call 629- Daily Folks Sloan 629-9014 President DiBiaggio For sale 9017 or 629-8988. 2 bedroom sublet . Today is the last shift for me, last 45 gal. fish tank and equipment. In- Stop by the President's house for Room In exchange for help ? bedroom apt. on Broadway Nn Ball time to type classifieds, bum pop- refreshments, snacks and a chance cludes 6 angle fish. 3 gaurarni's and Sega Genesis games for cheap1 corn, and walk around looking like I Wheelchairdependant prson wants ;q. Klchen, bathroom. living room, to chat with your fellow classmates 2 plecko's. $300 or best offer. For World Series Baseball, Bullsvs. Blaz- to trade room in beautiful apartment arge bedrooms. Call Bill a1 629- am useless. Have fun next year and and class deans. Class designated information call Gloria at 623-3092. ers, PGA tour Golf II, FlFA Intern. beyond. It's been fun. no, really. near UMASS Boston for 10 hrs of 381 5. $275 neg. times are: Freshmen - May 2nd 7- Soccer, Streets of Rage, Mortal personal care, 3-4 days per week. Love, kern' 830 pm, Sophomores- May 2nd 9- Mu& sell . Kombat. Free Sonic the Hedgehog Call (413) 256-8957 or (617) 282- Summer sublet 1030 pm, Juniors - May 3rd 8:30-10 for the 1 st person1 Call 627-7442. 6743 Block Party Long conference table - great fo Fully furnished, 3 bedroom apart- pm. and seniors, we'll see you May kitchen or desk $30 or b.0. Smitl ment. $900/mo. on West Adams. Come down and listen to the 12thl - Bassment, Bacchanalia. and the CoronaWord Processor - full screer Van Halen tlx Available June 1st. Call 629-7515. 2 tixforsalefor Worcestershownext Other Half this Friday from 3-7 pm. display$200or b.o., Call Alison776 2 HOUSEMATES WANTED 1625. Sunday. Show starts at 8 p.m. and I I am a grad F. looking for M/F grad One bedroom Avail Barbeque need a ride. Selling for $25 for who- students to share lg. bright, new 3 For monthof June. MJF.non-smoker. Student Coaliion Needed11 Cheap mattress1 ever drives and $29 for the other. bdr apt with 2 baths, w/d, off street Rent is definitely negot. Please call at Block party on Fletcher Field. Monday, May 1st. between 10-5pm. Call Rob @ 629-9882. Come down and eat great food for Full size mattress $100, other fumi parking, partiallyfumished. 1 yrlease Michelle at 629-9377. Mayer Campus Center.: We ask you ture tool Must sell, so call Lisa a req'd beginning Sept95. Nonsmoker the price of one meal (sponsored by to write your representative in pro- Tufts Dining Services). 391-6460. pls. $383/mO. PIS call 625-1717. The Best Sublet test against a bill which will cut stu- BMW 325 IX Large Front rm. available in a 3 bdrm dent aid for legal Permanent Resi- College Days City Sports Want to buy a bed? 1990 white, all wheel drive, 4 doors, apt. on 83 Electric Ave. Hardwood at dents Comell 5-speed loaded, still under warranty, 20% off Everything, for students and Cheap mattress and frame for sale Summer Sublet: flrs, 1st floor, Irg kitchen. $280 per (full size) call Karen at 393-8176. $1 5.900. Call 617-396-7501. Large Bedroom in 4 bedroom apart- month from June to Augu5;t. Call staff of Tufts this Thurs. B Fri. April GUS-Music without Keyboards 27 828, 16 Dunster ST. Harvard ment. On Boston Ave. in Medford- Mzo @ 628-8870. Come watch Gus play their instru- Bike for Sale Queen size ~ed Square 9am 9pm, Free T-shirt with ments this Fridaynightat the PARA- close to Campus. $285/month (+) - Men's Peugot-good condition Perfect condition w/ box spring and Call Cindy at 395-8046. Perfect summer sublet $20 Purchase (1 per cust.) DISE (967 Comm Ave. Boston). We 30' ail. Makeoffer. Livel.5milesfromTufts frame. Also, closet, CD's and more. At 62 Powderhouse. Four large bed- are headlining1 and go on around Call 488-8691 before 9:30 pm. All very cheap. Call Jeremy, 393- LAST DAY FOR FLING TICKETS 830 p.m. It's 18+, $5 and hot- Summer Parking rooms, kitchen. living room, bath- it's 4832. Garage available on Conwell Ave. Tix available 11-5 at the Campus rockin. 6/ room, and basement with wld. Next Center. Anyone who doesn't have a Need Furniture? 1 - 8/31, $50/month, call Andrea to campus and very close to T. Sub- We're selling mattresses, shelves 8 For Sale: ticket at 5 must purchase a ticket on Subjects, object! 391-5145. let from June 1until Aug. 31. For info bureaus, a huge desk 8 a smal Double Bed$100, LargeDormfridge call Kini 8 629-8828 or Alex at 627- Sun, 10-12, the Info Booth for $5. Women's Studies senior project art couch. Call 623-7934. $50, bookshelf $30. Call Margaret Sunny Room 7595. exhibt by Christina Kowalchuk on 623-6739. LAST DAY FOR FLING TICKETS Barbie and women in America. In For summer sublet, furnished, wall FURNITURE to wall carpeting, dishwasher, w/d, Free parking Tix available 11-5 at the Campus Olin Basement lobby, (Outside AV) Center. Anyone who doesn't have a Desk, Hutch, Shelves, Bed, Dresser Furniture for sale disposal, cable, TVNCR. front and w/ beautiful apt. 2 bedrooms avail. from Friday April 28 to Monday May All Hardwood, Good Condition. Cal Double bed, desk, dresser, night ticket at 5 must purchase a ticket on 1 : Exhibt opening April 28 from 4-5 back porch and 2 friendly male and from 6/1 to 8/31. Furnished, w/d, 2 776-8438. table, bookshelf, wicker chair, table female roommates. Call 391-5145, Sun, 10-12. the Info Booth for $5. p.m. off-streetparkingspaces.5miin.from and chairs, TV, toaster oven. All in ask for Andrea or Pat. campus. Call Anytime- 625-5293- LAST DAY FOR FLING TICKETS FOR SALE good condition. Call Jodi at 666- Great summer sublet1 Free Women's Self-Defense Moving Must Sell-One brand new Ail 2656. Tix available 11-5 at the Campus seminar Packard Palace/Summer Sublet Conditioner 5000 BTU's ($1 50.00) 4-5 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bathrooms, W/ Cheap Summer Sublet Center. Anyone who doesn't have a TheSomervilleschoolofChung Moo Fine furnishings cheap: ticket at 5 must purchase a ticket on OnesmallsizeRefrig($15.00),meta D. dishwasher, sundeck, and fur- 2 bdrms in 6 bdrm apt. close to Doe is offering a free women's self- office desk ($50.00). ktchen table 19' Toshiba with remote, $150; Sun, 10-12 at the Info Booth for $5. defense seminar on Saturday, April N nished. Spacious. Price negotiable. campus. W/d, big kt, 2 liv. rms, 2 ($lO.OO),Threeportablespaceheat. Double Bed $40: Bookcases. $35 Call Molly 627-7806. bthrms, prkg. On Hillside Rd. Call 29, from 11 :00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and $30; Medium Dorm Refrig/ LAST DAY FOR FLING TICKETS ers ($25.00). Alsomany otherthings 666-6790 or 776-3484 ASAP1 Program includes effective, easy to Please call Nan-Hui Ho x5657 days freezer, $75; We can make a Tix available 11-5 at the Campus learn techniques, taught by black Summer Sublet or evenings call 629-2731. deal ...Kevin 629-7941 or on 100 Packard Ave. One Bedroom 2 women looking for 3rd Center. Anyone who doesn't have a ben women. Located at 236A Elm KQUAN8 emerald.tufts.ed. ticket at 5 must purchase a ticket on in Davis Square, Somerville. For newly renovated, full kitchen, $2651 Roommate forsummer months June St. Buy My Furniture1 month. If interested call Scott at 629- Sun, 10-12, the Info Booth for $5. more information, call 628-2010. or July-august or Sept. Near College Bed, Dresser, Desk(inc1udes printei Fantastic Sale 9606 Pizzaoff Winthrop St.$31 Gp~rmonth Buy my IBM-PS2 color computer, LAST DAY FOR FLING TICKETS cart and night stand). Onlytwoyears plus utilities. Call Jen AT 393-491 1. old. Call Jessica at 666-2656. $100: great, brand new bed, desk Graduating? Tix available 11-5 at the Campus and desk chair, bed-side bureau, Center. Anyone who doesn't have a Study Abroad Pre-Departure Female Tuffs alums (94) looking for Wanted: A female roommate Meeting Mac Printer For Sale and much morel Cheap prices. Call 1 m/f non-smoking roommate for To share a 2 bdrm/2 bath modem ticket at 5 must purchase a ticket on For all students who will be studying Jen at 625-1653. Sun. 10-12, the Info Booth for $5. Portable Stylewriter for sale with beautiful, huge4-bedroom2 Inbath, condo. 5 min from campus. Heaffair abroadfall1995.Wed.Apri126,1995. paper feeder. Perfect with all Mac's furnished apartment in Brookline cond, dishwasher, washddryer, 4-530, Coolidge Room, 2nd floor, TO MY "DUO PARTNER" and Powerbooks. Asking $275. Call (Coolidge Comer). Great place for carpeted. underground parking. I1 Ballou Hall. Vince at 629-9341. new grads1 lease runs 9/1/95 - W311 interested, call 629-0250 and leave You are a sunshine in my life more DRUM SET-MUST SELL than you know. Ihope the sun rises 96. For info call 731-9975. a message. "Catholic Dyke: the first 21 Buy My Fridge1 Like new drum set: high, low, floor in my room next year, and shines in toms, bass, snare, high-hat, crash, my life for many moons to come. YearS" Dorm size fridge with a freezer big 1st session summer sublet Susanna Hall's American studies enough for a pint of ice cream1 $50 all relevant hardware. Paid $650, available asking $500, call Mike 629-9853 or Jaymie S. honors thesis is on display in East Call Helene at 629-9193. 1 room in house, 1 block from cam- Hall Lounge this Wednesday and Jared 627-7738. pus, pricenegotiable,callNJeri666- Sharing is cool! Did anybody ever tell you to be care- SubletterneededforJuneIstto Aug ful what you wish for because you Friday from 11-1 p.m. Drop in when Big, Big TV And More 0461, you can1 32' Sony N Perfect Cond. Zyrs old 31stl62 Powderhouse Bhrd. Share a might get it? Well, here's your wish. four bedroom Apt. near Davis and Happy Friday1 -Neil programmable bought $1080 sell Medford Palace Tufts Dance Collective $780. Deluxe 3-speed fouton black One big bdnn available in house Tufts. Rent negotiable. If interested, call Kiara at 629-9010. Thanks1 Need a coffee break? Spring Performance! Free concert in frarne$300,fouton$100. Diningtable nexttocampusforafemale. Has Ivg. Jackson Gym at 890 p.m. on Thurs- and 4 chairs wood $40. Call Brett rm, kchn. 2 full baths, washerldryer, Stop by the Info Booth and pick up a I'm driving to Seattle on May 12 Need somewhere to live. next coupon for a free cup of Dunkin Do- day April 27 and Friday, April 28. 623-9347. pkg, furnished, aircond in bdrm. and or 13. luxury. Call Jem at 623-071 1. year? nuts new French Vanilla or Hazelnut Want to go and share expenses? All Looking for someone to share 4 bed- coffee. Tell us your experience1 . BIG SALE1 For the Tufts Students Resource Good stuff, cheap prices. Kitchen or part way. Some luggage space, Beautiful 3 or 4 bedroom room apt. with three female seniors. - -, book on women. We need to know stuff, desks, coffee table, entertain- not a lot. Call Mike at 629-8436. on 69 Raymondapartment Street available for Apartment located next to DO YOU WANT FREE CD'S? Powderhouse Square. Sunny house Help concert board clean up after your thoughts (short paragraph) re- ment center, stools, TV, lamps, Ori- garding you experience dealing with ental rugs, pictures, posters, trees, a summer sublet. Starting June 1st. with parking. PleasecallAmyat 629- Fling and win free stuff in out clean- 8491. up raffle. Almost everyone will win a women's issues. For more info and beds. We liked it and so will you. Call If interestedcall629-0565forKikoor to submit, call Eve at 629-8988. 623-4103. Rachelle. CD ... or better. 2 sunny rooms for summer sublet DO YOU WANT FREE CD'S? Furniture For Sale. Housing On Campus Summer Sublet Dresser, desk, two wardrobes and On campus apt. very spacious. On lnbeautiil houseinCarnbridge.Just Help concert board clean up aft er For Sale a three minute walk to Davis Square- Fling and win free stuff in out clean- bed. Everything less than two years University Ave. (Next to Hill Hall). old. Call Joann 395-3846. Lots of Summer Sun on front and and 15 to Porter. Hardwood floors, up raffle. Almost everyone will win a dishwasher, w/d. big kitchen. sun CD ...or better. back balconies. Call Doug 629-8387 Furnish Your Apartment! or Richie 629-9202. room, and bamard. Roorris come Sofabed, fair cond. $35 obo; Twin Summer Apartment: separatelyortogether. Rent is nego- DO YOU WANT FREE CD'S? tiable. Call Debbie at 491-3658. Help concert board clean up after bed. excellent cond. $50; Brown and Very nice 4 bedroom apt. need 1 or Summer Sublet Fling and win free stuff in out clean- white shag rug $20; Sega Genesis 2 women who like cats to sublet One room in 4 bdrm apt available for Must sell w/games&acc. $100.Call Amy628- female starting May 12, Full klchen, 3 summer students looking for up raffle. Almost everyone will win a Full size bed, (great condition). 2 June-Aug. Located in Davis Sq. on 0816. the Red Line. For more info. Call free W/D, hardwood floors. Fur- summer CD ... or better. desks, dresser. Call Michele at 391- sublet with 3 singles from Mid-May 776-8595. nished. Call 629-9852. 9224 Brand new desWftle cabinet for tolstweekofJuly(negotiab1e).Fully DO YOU WANT FREE CDS? ' furnished, washer/dryer, very close Help concert board clean up after sale Great summer sublet Room For Rent On Campus Great deals1 All white. IKEA. $150 or best offer. Avail. now. Nicely furnished for one tocampus. Price: nomorethan$250. Fling and win free stuff in out clean- Brand new air condlioner GE, off- 1 rm in 3 bedroom apt. - live w/2 If available, call Krista : 629-9186. up raffle. Almost everyone will win a Also very firm double bed. 3 years women. Sunny house, great loca- non-smoking female. Ktchen Privi- white, portable 5000 btu $150 obo, old. $1 50 or best offer. Call Michelle leges, of course. $325/mo. Call 625- CD ...or better. also full-size bed in great condition tion, reasonable rent. June l - Aug. 776-6160. 31. Call Jill 628-5457. 7679. Summer Sublet $150 obo, call Hillary 623-9936. One bedroom in a 4 bdmi house. DO YOU WANT FREE CD'S? Need furniture for the summer Excellent one bed apartment June 1 to Aug 31. 2 bathrooms, 2 Help concert board clean up after MUST SELL Hey look, New Ad1 or next year? Summer Sublet Available 33 Sun- Sunny. clean and quiet, in Medford living rooms, kitchen. Rerit nego- Fling and win free stuff in out clean- Double bed, desk, dresser, fold-out Double bed, desk w/ hutch, single tiable. Ossippee Rd. Call Mito 628- up raffle. Almost everyone will win a set, 2 min. from campus 8 min. from very near Tufts, available during the couch. All good condition. Very day bed-good as bed or wuch, large summerortobe rentedforthewhole 2788. CD ... or better. cheap. Call Marc at 625-7371. Davis. On-siie parking, hardwood dresser, practically new. good nego- floors, cable TV, friendly year. Call Leon at 393-8660. tiable prices, call Jill at 628-4387. housemates. Call Matt 629-8793. Need a place to live spring '96 COOL STUFF FOR COOL West Somerville Or June/July (maybe Aug) of '95? PRICES Birthdays Beautiful and sunnv Walk to campus. Modem 5 rm. 2 Huge single in 5 bedroom house, I/ AppleMacSEcomputer,$500/Sony 2 baths, 2 balconies, 2 minutes to Full Size Bed 1 bedroom w/ living room, kitchen. bed. 1/2 baths. off street parking, no CD-radio stereo, $EO/ Sx7' rug, $201 fee no pets, lease $750. Leave mes- Tuffs, close to Davis. $300/ month- RACHEL Black & Decker toaster oven, $30/ Sealy posturepedic Park Avenue bath, storage. Wallace St. Davis Sq. $750 inc. 776-4915. sage 776-3598. Spring '96. $250 negot- summer. Happy 201h birthdayl! JT loves ya halogen lamp, $Is/ and other ran- Plush full-size mattress, box spring, Call Wendy 629-8491. and so do II Have a great day1 love, dom items for sale. Call Chris @ and frame. Barely used, (4 mas). Becca 629-8986 ExcellentCondtion. Moving, can not I need to rent your apartment bring. $325. Call 596-9668. Beginning by at least May 21 and Summer Sublet going until Aug. 20. I am willing to Amazing Sublet 89 Winthrop. 1 bedroom in 4 bed- Happy Birthday Nina Rollerblades room apt. $21 Omth +utils. CallTodd Happy birthdayto the world's great- For Sale: Macintosh LC pay around $2W/month. Within 1 4 bedrooms available in 6 bedroom Women's size 7 knee pads, wrist apartment. Can start either May @ 629-8642. est roommate- two years running1 guards, power straps incl. $75. Call WithColorMonitor(l2 in), extended mile from campus preferred. Call 15 Hope you don't fall into any jelly keyboard, and personal laser write Glenn at 629-8389. orJune 1 at yourconvenience. Hard- 628-5000 X. 5103 Furnished Summer Sublet bean comas people knew, they'd All for only $750. Please call wood floors, parking, new kitchen, (if NT. One bedroom in a four bedroom be scared!) Hope you don't miss the Furniture for Sale Hany at 441-5071, Serious Offers Summer Sublet two floors, huge basement, washer/ dryer, and furnished living room. apartment on Teele Ave. available. bikes too much this summer1 Sturdy wood desk w/ lamp, comfy. Only. 19 Fairmont ST., great location, di- rectly behind Wren, 8 bedrooms for Locatedjust past Lewis Hall on Ware W/D. Call Loren at 629-8650. fuzzy chair, bookcasesand acouch. street. Only 260Month. Call Matt at Micol Ostow Call Brian or Lisa @ 623-9165 GOOD VIBES FURNITURE rent, wmpletelyfumished. $1 80Call Happy 19th birthdayl We love you1 Seniors selling slick stuff (dirt cheap!): 629-9607, ask for De, Tim, or Dan 627-7823. Quaint room available In a two bedroom apartment begin- Love, Emily, Ali, Stacy, and Michael GE Refridgerator call about a bean bag, a wonderful wooden computer cart. fantastic Wicked good sublet Beautiful, spacious 4 bedroom ning the second session of summer 30' tall, 17' wide. Perfect size for school. (6/30)Through theendofthe Nachita dormroom! Graduating senior- must fridoe.cleanca~et.lovelvlittlelamps Lessthan lOsecondstoTuffs.$235/ Apt. 10 minute walk to central cam- Happy22ndbirthday! Hopethisyear (clii-ons) and snazzy cubed storage mo. for summer sublet. Sublet 1-3 pus. Brand new bathroom, wall to summer. Room is fully furnished. sell. $125. price negot. Call Michelle Parking and w/d tool Females only. reallyis your lucky year. Love, Kenny 627-7711. unii. 629-9017 or 629-8988. Prices rms, incl pkng, fullyfumished, 2 lg liv Wall carpeting, big comfortable bed- and your friends at Christophers negotiable. areas, hrdwdflrs. nicektchen, sweet rooms. Available June 1st. Rent Please call 776-1754. bathroom. Call Jeff 623-8244 or Ja- $1200 + utilities. Call 868-3151 for Ihave to get rid of my stuff Beautiful Sunny Spacious 3 Fridge, lg dorm size $75. Wood file Maclntosh son 629-8496 appointment. I have two Mac computers for Bedroom apt. with sun deck and cabinet 2 drawer $40. Folding book SE backyd. Hardwood flrs. w/d. On shelf $35 o.b.0. Call 629-8123 sale, one with keyboard, mouse and CHEAP SUMMER SUBLET Summer Sublet Events carrying case- other without. Asking Powderhouse Circle- five minutes to College Ave. 1-3 Bedrooms, w/ Packard Ave. Looking for 2 female $200 for first and $125 for second. Davis Sq. Great Housemates. One kitchen, washldry. driveway. Call roommates to live with spring se- Also selling futon, carpet, shelves. fully furnished room plus kitch, free 776-8438. mester. Call 628-4746. Cheap Skis! Steve, 625-3472. laundry, big liv rm, pkng. Call Josh at TMcers 666-2848. Summer Sublet Summer Sublet Fisher skis 190 cm, Good condition. 2 bdrm avail in 3 bdm apt. Flight next Hey fun-lovin'. boot-stompin' ,knee Not skied on this season. No bind- Furniture for sale Really nice place, 3 bedrooms avail- slappin' partiersl Come on down to double futon, twin futon, desks, and Male seeks house for full year able. Colleae Ave. Mostlvfumished. to campus on 28 Dearboni Rd. #3. ing. Best offer. Call David at 629- Parking, w/d, kitchen, furnished, Jackson Gym monday night for an 9346. couch. All in great condtion. If inter- As close to campus as possible. sunny, har2woodfhmrs.i V2baIhs: old-fashioned BARN DANCE! $3. ested please call 625-1653. Non-smoker, premed. with pet pre- Parking, great location. Call 629- ktchenware. avail. $300-$375/mo. 830 p.m. Come smilin' and laughin'! ferred. 627-7557 8444. Please call 6666903.

_. Friday, April 28,1995 THE TUFTS DAILY page twenty-t' IClassified Classified! Yassifieds ;lassifieds 2 bedrooms for sublet 1-4 bedrooms available Entering the Job market? Text of classified 2 spacious bedrooms in 4 bedrooi Apartments for rent Job Seekers apartment available for both sun 2 bedrooms, $670.00, heat and hc Large, spacious apartment in Teele "Don't bang your head on doors, get Savvy, personable individuals square. Free washeranddryer. 2full Get your own professionalbusines I mer sessions. Veryconvenient loci water included. 3 bedrooms your feet in them." Learn successful needed to conduct in-person inter. baths, Available 6/14/31 for sum- methods to get jobs. For a free no- viewswith generalpublicabout soon. card to send with your resume, 0 tion. We pay $400. but will charg $780.00. heat andhot waterincluded give toany potential employers. Sen1 less. Contact Patrick or Guo immt 4 bedrooms, $840.00, heat and ha mer subletters. Cell Mark at 628- obligation consultation. Call Tufts to-be releasedmajor motion picture. 4694. graduate. Ivan Farber 3938126. Mustbeselfinotiated, creatiie,and name, present address, permanen diately 0 628-6093. water included. 8 min. walk fron address. phone numbers, any art Campus. Call either Herb, Armanc have excellent communicationskills. Amazing Summer sublet Part-time and flexible hours avail- work you would like (Such as univer DmAnyone? days.396-8386,eve:483-1045.391 All Types-Word Processing sity seal) and $20 or $35 for a modi 6053. Avail. 6/1-8/31.1 bedroom in 3 bed- Service sble; also accepting applications for Want to sublet a lovely fumishe room apt. on Chetwynd. Everything iummer position. $7-$10 per hour, fied copy of your resume on the bacl room in a big house in Davis Sq. fc 10% student discount on all your to RRW Printers, 71 Symphony Rd. Live with me1 new. Hardwood floors, back porch, typing needs. Please call Judy lependingon productivity. Call Mary the summer and the fall? Jun 1Ja storage, w/d, off-street parking. Fe- Cynthia at (61 7)859-7484. Boston, MA 02115. Send now an( 1. Only $250. Call Meredith 62E I'm lookingforafemalermmt. forthis McLaughlin. 846-0549. receive a FREE brass card case. summer andlor Sept-May '96- tc male non-smoker preferred. Ca11629- 8485. 9500. Rent neg. + utilities. share a 2 bdrm, 2 fl. townhouse, of Childcare wanted in West Summer Sublet Medford Sq. W/D, dishwasher, 1 I/; Retired Tailor Supportll! Medford bath, fireplace. deck, carpeted, lots 4 bd. summer sublet on #15 Lovell St. Sam. Cheap rates. We need the support of the Tuft 1 room in 3 bdrm. aot. 10 minut Great location. steps from campus For 9 year old boy. Summer ado walk to campus, stre4 parking, w/c of storage, own pkgspot. Pleasecal work done in home quickly. 40 years Community; come to Mayer Cam thru next year. Two mornings 6:3( 396-9380. at #1 Ossippee. 2nd floor, porch, w/ of tailoring and same day service. pus Center on May 1st between 10 from June 1st to Aug 31st. Call Mal d. asking $250 room/per month. Call a.m. - 9:00 a.m. plus 8-10 houn at 393-9827. Coats, trousers, all repairs. 8 am-1 0 5 pm. Help protectthe nights of Le between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. week One room avail in shared 2 Kate at 625-4807 or Phillip at 629- pm. 625-4399,lst floor. 9312. gal Permanent residents who migh days. Need own car. $7.50hr. 488 LIVE WITH ME1 bedroom be friends, family or classmates. 3644. Looking for one person to share a : Somewille apartment, located on a Perfect sublet CHEAP CAR RENTALS bedroom Boston Ave. apartmenl quiet, safe street. 2 minute walk to T One beautifully furnished bedroom Europe and the Caribbean. Call 1- Fully appliiced. modem, balcony Sunny, hrdwd flrs, 3rd floor of Victo. in sunny, fully furnished apartment 800-289-2809. underground parking. MUST LlKt rian House. Non-smokers. Reni less than block off campus, and 8 CATS1 Interested? Call 396-5463. $375/mo, avail. May 15 through Aug minute walk to Davis. Driveway/Ga- 31, possibility to renew. Call Bobbl rage. Tons of storage room, females 253-5643 (day) 666-6648 (even) preferred. Call 666-5213. Ineed a futon! Do you need a roommate? Anybody willing to sell me theirfutoi Iam a graduate student looking fori at the end of the year. Please ca room to stay from Sept. 95 to Ma, Furnished Summer Sublet Great summer sublet Jana at 629-8081. 95. Like to stay with non-smokin! Spaces open in sunny 5 bedroom 3 br, dining rm. living rm, big ktchen. "'TYPING AND WORD"' female graduate students. Pleas1 apartment. Huge singles, washed free washer, partly furnished. From PROCESSING SERVICE National Parks Hiring call 391-4404. dryer, full kitchen, living room, drive- 6/1 43/31. Teele Ave. near Lewis 396-1124 way, 2 porches, garden. l minute Hall. Good price. Call Zach 628- Student papers, theses, grad school Seasonal and Full lime employmen walk from Tufts. near Davis. $300 a 5076. applications. personal statements, available at National Parks, Forests month, available June 1st. Please tape transcription.resumes. gradu- and Wildlife preserves. Benefits ani call Jana at 629-8081. Summer subletter needed1 atelfaculty projects. multiple bonuses! Call 1-206-545-4804 exl Somerville, Winter Hill N50354. 2 miles from Tufts (by car). Newl! One female tofill roomin5 br. house. lelters.AMCAS forms Thorough 3 bedroom, air cond Large, furnished br. w/balcony. LR, knowledge of APA, MLA and Chi- renovated, smoke free studio fo Childcare position for Sept single, responsible person. Lg. ref. Furnished, washldry, clean, big liv- kitchen,fullbath,w/d. Junel-Septl. cago Manuals of Style. All docu- Through Nov 1995. For 8 month 011 stove, wood cabinets. Hdw. 1.r. floor ing and dining. Powderhouse Blvd, Great price---$29O/moplus electric1 ments are Laser Pnnled and spell- summer or full yr. $1200. Tom or Call Beth at 629-8018. checked using WordPerfect 5.1. (all day) and 2 1R old (afternoons) new arearug. Fullsize bath, securec 45 hours a week. Salary negotiable entry. Congenial co-tenants. Nea Anne 628-9344. Reasomblerates. Ouidtumaround. Need fall '95 housing? Sewing Tufts students and faculty Carprefened. Belmont. near centei stores -2 buslines. Owner occupied Call Rebecca 508-836-4711 (days $410 /mo (water and heat included Available now Going away spring Then sublet for 10 yrs. 5 min from Tufts. CALL '96? or 484-3062 (evenings) No pets. 625-5048. Summer Sublet. I'm looking for a M/ my room1 Beautiful house on FRAN at 396-1124. (Member of F, responsible, nonsmoking Grad Whtrnan Street right off Packard. NASS-National Association of Sec- Summer Babysitter - t6.00hr Somerville, Winter Hill student for one room in a beautiful Will be sharing the house with three retanalSeMces) AAA WORD PRO- Choose one or two positions. Boys 2 miles from Tufts. Wanted" 2 or : large 2 bdm apt. Walk to campus. otherfun. easygoingwomen.Sound CESSING Ages6and 10. Postion 1:M-Fmom roommates to share 7 room house $250/mo heated. Call 391-5441. interesting? Call Kelly at 629-9461. ings. timeflexible. 8:30-11:30 wouk Newly renovated ext. and int. ce Leave message for Ken. be great. June 12- end of August Only room ramic tile bathroom and kitchen. W one left1 minus a couple of camp weeks. Cai Marketing firm seeking students 2 large 1 bedroom apartments! Summersublet, 42 Bromfeld. Sunny 01 W in dining and living room. W/D or bike preferred. Position 2: Fri Grads for 7 week national promo off-street palkmg. $800 for 2, $90( Newly renovated, modem kitchen, 4 5 bedroom apt, 1 spacious room Sat. Eves. Early hours-Fri. 6-10 01 rooms, family neighborhood near available. Near campus and Davis tion. Must be motivated and willing for 3. No pets. Utilities not incl. Nea Sat 4-9:30, generally. We live 1.: totravel. Excellent payandbonuses stores, 2 bus lines, nice neighbors Tufts. Yard, parking. laundry. $650 Sq. Front porch and w/d. Call Becky GRAD SCHOOL APPLICATIONS miles from Tufts. Must enjoy cre Call Barbara at 1-800-783-4237 ) 625-5048. and $750. utilities included. Avail- at 629-9021. EXPERTLY TYPED (Law, ative, interactiveplay, reading, corn. able 541 and 6/1. No pets. Call 396- Medical, Business) 346. Or mailffax resume to Colle puter and videos. Call 488-8691 be. giate Advantage, Ann Barbara, 137 Summer Sublet/ 95-96 5634. Best house on Campus1 *"*39&1124"' fore 9:30. Please rent our palacel Extremeh 1 or 2 sublets available to share 5 Are your grad school applications NewburySt.Boston.MA02116.236~ 4713. close to campus. 3 bedrooms, : The Perfect summer sublet bedroom house, newly renovated, piled high on your desk? Are you Summer Childcare Wanted baths, washer/dryer. hardwooc On Bromfield Rd. 10 rooms. 3 large big rooms, modem, parking. w/d, wondering how you;re going to ft all For 3 1/2 and one y.0. girls, Lexing floors, screened in front balcony common rooms, eat-in-kitchen, non-smoking only. June 1 Aug 31. your info intothose tiny spaces? Are Summer Child care needed - ton. 15Hrs.Flex.OwnTransp.,non For our daughters (ages 6 anc Price negotiable. Call 625-7371. fridge, washer/dryer, dishwasher, Call 629-9851. you concerned where you'll find the smoker, references. Competitive two microwave, cable TV. 2 sunny tine to do it all before the deadlines? 3). Flexible days (3 or 4 days pel Salary Call evenings 861-1 196. week). Car needed. Call 646-4261, Four Bed rooms, Hillside porches. Available June, July, and Summer Sublet Is your Personal Statement and Re- NearEspressos.Junelst. Hardwooc August. Call 625-4635. One bedroom in a4 bedroom apart- sume professionally typeset and la- GOING WEST1 Roors,porches,patkmg,walktocam ment starting June 1st. 60 second serprintedonhighqualitypaper? No Anyone going to LA? I'm moving to pus. $950.729-0221. Large House for Rent1 walk to campus at 22 Curtis Ave. needtofret--CallFRANat396-1124 LA in late August and am lookingfor Available 7/1.3 br duplex on 2 floors Call Amy at 629-9774. a specialist in making your applica- a roommate. Call 623-4103 and ask W. Som. 1min to campus in family neghbomood near Tufts. tions, personal statement, and re- for Jordana. 2-3 bdr, living room, mod lg kitcher Yard, wrch. Darkino. IaUndN. Re- Cheap summer sublet sume as appealing as possible. and bath, box windows, hdwd floors sponsible, quit stidents wked. 2 bdrm apt. avail. 12 Pearly St. St. MENS SOCCER MANAGERS refrig. w/d, 1 garage, and more. Apt $900 month + utilities. No pets. Call parking, w/d, frontback porches. WANTED very clean and in very good condi 396-5634. 629-8663. For 1995 Summer For the '95 season. Abilii to helo kunselors sought for unique, pres- tion. Avail June 1st. Pref no pets video tapegames helpful. CallCoach Premiere Summer Sublet "'RESUMES"' igiousco-edchildren'scamp. Spec- non-smokers. For info, call owne Summer sublet available LASER TYPESET Ralph Ferrigno at 628-5000 ~5152. 776-5467. Tufts campus apartment, equipped Taj-Mahal like apartment for rent. 1 ,acular, pristine location, coastal - SW.00 396-1124 Maineon bothfreshlakeandocean. with bathroom, ktchen, andspacious 3 rooms available. Spacious living Part Time Campus Job Available livingroomarea. Onlyf235amonth. ImpressiveLaser Typeset Resumes, jpecialists needed for 30 activities: Whiield Rd. Summer Sublet room. Kitchen. Washer/dryer, free featuring computer storage for fu- Hillel is hiring part time office help for nicesthouseoncampus. 1furnished For information, call Cliff at 729- gift for first 5 callers. Call for more rip leaders, equestrians, photogra- ture updating. Your choice of the summer. If interested call Lisa ,hers. WSI swimmers; tennis, gym- 4 unfurnished bdrms, all very large 0036. info. Jay 625-3472. Reichstein at 627-3242. typestyles, including bold, italics. iastics, basketball, baseball, la- 2nd floor, spacious kitchen, Iiv. n. bullets, etc. on Strathmore paper. pantry, w/d. Price neg. For 1 bdrm Great summer Sublet on Free room and board :rosse. golf, riflery, and sailing in- 83 Ossippee. Fully furnished. WID Haveyourcoverlettersdonebyusto structors; archers, fisherman, call Gayle 629-0834. for others, cal In exchange for 15-20 hours of match your Resumel Oneday ser- Lori, 629-9593. parking, rent CHEAP. Call 629-7889 babysitling help in homes conve- tayakers, canoeists, naturalists, vice avail. 5 min from Tufts. (Mem- Travel Abroad and Work narine biologists, visual, musical, nient to Tufts. Please call 277-6420. Make up to $2000 $4000+/month Incredible Summer Sublet ber of PARW: Professional Assocof - jramatic and martial artists; Late May-June sublet wanted The Student Housing Exchange. Resume Writers. Call for FREE 'Re- teaching basic conversational En- Columbia Ph.D. student (A9l) Steps from campus on College Ave Naterskiers and windsurfers... to sumelCover Letter Guidelines"). glish in Japan, Taiwan, or S.Korea. nention a few. Interview in Cam- teaching at Tufts Summer School Fully furnished. Available for sum A MEDFORD BED No teaching background or Asian mer school-possiblyfor2ndhalf only! k Also, word processing or typing of iridge available. Inquireearly. Sal- seeks furnished, quiet 1 bedroom BREAKFAST languages required. For information Call 666-5181 NOW. This is a must student papers, grad school applica- ary structure dependent on age, ac- apartment, studio, or bedroom in ar Elegant, warm and homey. Less than tions, personal statements, theses. call: (206) 632-1146 extJ50355. apartment sharefrom20MaytoJune see for the summer. a mile from campus. Breakfast in- iivity expertise and experience. Call multiple letters. tapes transcribed, :617) 721-1443. 30. Please call (212) 678-2241 or e cluded. Single: $50/night; $275 laserprinting,FaxService,etc.CALL mail: clb5Ocolumbia.ed Spring of '96. weekly. Double: $60/night; $325 1 room in 2 bedroom apt. available FRANCES AT 396-1124 AAA RE- weekly. Bill or Linda at 396-0983. SUME SERVICE Summer and fall sublet January-June 1 of next year. Beauti- 21 5 College Ave., spacious 4 bdrm ful house, kitchen. diningroom. Near Lg. and Small Apts. apt for summer: 2 bdrms for June. campus. $350 a month. Please call Available within walking distance to Wendy-666-4706. TYPING, ETC. THE PROCESSED Students:Need Work? August, 1 bdrm for Jul-Aug. Fall: 1 campus and T in Davis Sq. Good WORD 395-0004 Healthy Men Needed bdrmforSepDedmidJanwithsum condition and rents are always rea- Part-time, PAID, with possible sum- As sperm donors. Help others and Going abroad next spring? Professionally prepared student pa- mer possible. Furnished. Great lo. sonable. Calldayornightandask for pers, distinctive resumes and cover mertime position. BASE SALARY + earn upto $lZO/week. All eihnicities cation. Call Linda 629-2893 (sum. One room available in 4 bdm apt. at Camillo or Lina at 625-7530. $31, $36, or $42 per sale! 10 posi- ieeded. Call to see if you qualify: 215 College Ave, from June 1 or letters, tape transcription, mailing mer) or Kayo 625-2182 (fall). lists, etc. All work is spell checked tions available. We need motivated, 197-8646. California Cryobank, Septl toDec31.Sunnyrooms.w/d, energetic, aggressive people1 Call Sambridge dishwasher, two porches, and hard- and proofread with FREE report Summer Sublet cover. One-stop business center of- Boston Entertainment NOW wood floors. Call Jen and Beth at (617)422-1553. 3 br. hardwood flrs. yard, porches, fering: Faxsewice. copies, business large rooms, very sunny. 5 min walk 627-7342 or Joselin at 393-8146. cards, binding, private mailboxes, Summer JoMntemships to campus. Only$700/m. startsJune Have a fun summer taking care l.Brianl400-354-0529~410,Tony Summer sublet Services mail forwarding, notary, lamination, $1200/month. National Health Dasswrt Dhotos. mckaainoandshiD- Ori- of kids! 623-2825. 1 housematewantedina4brhouse, ented Company has openings avail- June through August. Near DavisT, ping: Conveniently lo&dat 422 Ne have full-time. part-time, and able in Marketing, Advertising, and loadsofaftercampiobs. Eam$7-10/ Apaftment for rent 10 min to Tufts. Also, housemates SalemStreet (RouteGO). CALL395- Display for college students. Can 0004 hr. If you have childcare references, 3-4 br, hardwood flrs. large yard, wanted for 95-96 academic year, earn $300 and up per week. All ma- starting 9/1. Call Rich at 666-4148. Academic Editor-Writing Coach at least two full weekdays free or largerooms. Frontandbackporches, prs considered. training provided, afternoons free from 1:OO on, Call free parking, sunny. Close to cam- Foreign students. need help with a no experience necessary. ($1200 a Inexpensive Summer Sublet termpaper,thesis. Ph.D..gradschool Joy at Parents in a Pinch. 61 7-739- pus, only$950/mo. Call Brian 1-800. month basedon display set ups) For KIDS. 354-0529, Tony, 623-2825. One large room at 21 Teele St. ON applications? Experiences editor 8 interview call 891-1233. , campus. Bath and Ktchen. Avail- journalist can edt for grammar, style, able for 2 or 3 months. Rent is $275 clarity, sentence structure. organi- Attention Motorcyclists1 a month + utilities. Call Jem at 629- zation. Fast, friendly sewice. Rea- Wanted Any riders want to organize a Tufts 8599. sonable rates. 547-7647 Motorcycle. Call Jim at 445-9493 x Do Europe 267 anytime and leave a message. Summer Sublet $169 anytime1 If you're a little flex- RlgM next to campus! 4 bedroom apartment, close to ible,wecanhelpyoubeattheairline's Full time lob in office heperfect 3bedroom availableJune Powdehusecircle. $250/month. 6/ prices. No hidden charges, cheap Just off-campus. Must have good md July, 1st half of August also 95-8/95. Nice and sunny, with park- fares worldwide. Airhitch. 21 2-864- Responsible person wlcar to telephone and computerskills; some )ossible. Washeddryer, parking, ing. Call Amy at 629-8491. 2000 pick-up 2 boys (6 and 10) typing ability. Call Ellen 776-1550. efridge, storage, some furniture, in Cambridge or near-by, take them ]ood price. Won? last1 Call Joanne Huge summer sublet1 home to Winchester and care for Childcare wanted i27-3486 or Danny 629-9340. For 3 people, located directly behind them afternoons over the Summer Warm, energetic, experienced per- Carmichael. Ready to rent NOW for Europe 169 OMI (6/26 to 8/25). Flexible hours and son wanted to provide in-home child Housing Spring '961 Cheap1 Call 629-9253 (Ask for Tho- CaribbeanIMexico 189, California weeks. A pair of friends can share care for 2 sweet sisters, age 3 and 6. f you need Spring '96 off-campus mas) or 395-8259 (ask for Joe). 129. If you can beat these prices, job. $8.50hr. 721-1958 eve and Tues afternoons. May-Summer lousing. the UNEPrrufts Program Hurry1 start yourown damn airline. Air-Tech weekends. Ihroughschoolyear.Good Pay. Near vantsto co-sign a lease with you-we Ltd. 21 2-219-7000. Tufts. Call Diane 395-5724. Leave ieed Fall'95housinglWewantapaff- Roommate Wanted info Summer Camp Counselors message please. nents with at least 2 bedrooms. ArlingtordCambridge line, available fordewish, Zionist, coed teen camp bntact Joanneat627-3486 (C.E.M.) June 1. $49O/mo includes heat, all Childcare in NY on Delaware Rier. General Childcam needed for 6 month utilities, parking, and w/d usage. lively6and8 yrold needakschool counselors, lifeguards, drama and old Luxury Apartment Beautiful, clean, sunny, close to red care at home. MTF 12:30 - 330. Car outdoor education specialist posi- and23/4yearsoldgirlsinourArling- 40 kidding. Available January-May line and bus. Perfect for female pro- necessary. Some flexibility and sal- tions avail. Call Camp Tel-Yehudah ton Home. 10hoursAveek. Interested 996. 1 bedroom in 2 bedroom fessional or grad student. Call 648- ary negotiable. Whmchester 729- 1-800-970-2267 in availability for occasional eve- ownhouse to share with anotherfe- 1850. 5852. nings. Flexible Schedule. Owntrans- nab Tufts student. Includes washer/ SUMMER JOBLIVE IN OPTION portation required. References re- Fully furnlshed summer sublet. Student in wheelchair seeks help quired. Call 648-8228. - Iryer, dishwasher, deck, fireplace. B .5 bath. Please call 396-9380. duge room. kitchen, 2 bathrooms. with personal care, chores. Flexible Q 4vailable last week or May-Sept 1! hours. Noexperienc8necessary.Call 3n 39 Curtis Avenue. If interested, Tim. 247-0513 all Jane @ 666-0461. page twenty-four THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, April 28,1995-

)oonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU Around Campus

Today with Jabbering Trout. 7:OO p.m. door, 8:30 p.m. GUS!

llch Arena Theatre Queen’s Head and Artichoke le Visit Literary reading and reception ilch Arena Theatre, 8 p.m. East hall Lounge, 400 p.m. Chinese Culture Club :idnight Cafe Dumpling party. iree bands and Trunk. Start House, 6:OO p.m. xfam Cafe, 9:OO p.m.

ufts Film Series Saturday nk Floyd- The Wall. Co-sponsored IConcert Board. Tufts Film Series amum008,9:30p.m. andmidnight. The Lion King, only $2. :ahin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson Barnum 008,7:00 and 9:30 p.m. illel habbat with Rabbi Levi Weiman- Sunday elman. ranoff Family Hillel Center, 6:OO m. Tufts Film Series The Lion King, only $2. rograms Abroad Bamum 008,7:OO and 9:30 p.m. tudy abroad information meeting. aton 202,2:30 p.m. Protestant Ministry Protestant worship service. ‘ufts Dance Collective Goddard Chapel, 6:OO p.m. short stories”. ackson Gym, 8:OO p.m. Strategic Gaming Society Open gaming session: all welcome. lalch Arena Theater Eaton 207,6:00 p.m. be Visit. lalch Arena Theater, 8:OO pm. Monday :oxmot by Bill Amend Yomen’s Studies lubjects, Object! Women’s Studies Senior Class Council C‘MW, Fox!. rt exhibit on Barbie and women. Deadlineforawardnominatio~~ forms. Info booth, 5:OO p.m. c Ilinbasement lobby,400-5:OOp.m. hru May 1. Office of Women’s Program rufts Christian Fellowship Women’s discussion group. restimonies. %Talbot Ave., 11:30 am- 1:OOp.m. tabb Room, 7:OO p.m. ECO Senior Class-SeniorWeek ECO general meeting. ;ala tux fittings. Also 515 and 518. Eaton 201,9:30 p.m. Tamparelli room, campus center, 1:OO-9:00 pm. Tufts Mountain Club Barn dance. hrts House Jackson Gym, 8:30 p.m.-12:OO a.m. ken mic. Sawyer Ave., 7:OO p.m. - Ex College DILBERTB by §cott Adams “Uninsured & Undeservec GUS Populations in the Business o c Headlining the Paradise, 18+, $5, Medicine”. Eaton 201, 7:OO p.m. BAD NEWS IN 1985 BAD NEWS IN 1990 5 DAD NEWS IN \qq5 19.IS WERE REPLACING WE FIRW MENURSE WE’VE BEEN ASKED TO Only one more day to advertise COMPANY DOCTOR WITH AND PUT THE ASPIRIN INCREASE VENDING organization!!! A REGISTERED AND TOURNIQUETS IN MACHINE REVENUE BY your FIFTEEN H-rY! PERCENT

The Daily Commuter Puzzle

ACROSS 1 Hatteras, for one 5 Protected from floods io Cupid 14 Beasts of Weather Report burden 15 Boredom THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME TODAY 16 Metallic cloth 8 by Wrl Arnold mnd MIL. Arglrlon 17Elbow-wrist nscramble these lour Jumbles, connector na lener to each square. to Ion 18 Duos 19 Cheese for crackers 20 Strong inclination 22 Takes malicious pleasure 24 Radial 25 Flourish Partly Cloudy 26 Van Gogh, e.9 29 Cut across High:66; Low:44 33 Extremely virtuous one WHAT SHE GENTLY TOMORROW 34 Soprano GAVE Leontyne HER HUSBAND 35 Age 36 Carol All righls reserved. 37 Sierra - Yesterday’s Punle solwcd: 38 Apartment Now arrange the circled lenerS lo 39 Enzyme Suffix 4 Putting into law lorn Ihe surprise answer. as sug 5 Skedaddle gested by the above cartoon. 40 zoo performers 41 Strainer 6 Stupid 7 Heal,asa Vinf answer here: THE 42 Chow line localc ‘m 44 More fracture 8 Continent: abbr. (Answers tomorrow) courageous 9 Ignominy Jumbles: PIANO ELATE GARISH TAMPER 45 Lay asphalt ,stemjay’s I 46 Israeli airline IO Jostles Anma: -a1 Dad considered his pony-tailed. bearded 11 - avis son -THE ’HAIR’ APPARENT Rain, rain go away 47 Use a credit card 12 Leave out High:61; Low:45 50 One who cries 13 Notices wolf 21 Sch. subj. 54 Rounded part 23 Solitary Quote the Day 55 Appellations 25 Smiles broadly of 57 Finished 26 Stale in India 58 Jar 27 Poker tactic Walter Mondale (Democratic candidate): “George Bush 59 Order 28 Prongs 60 Storm 29 Folklore figure - doesn’t have the manhood to apologize.” fit”. ,Arlinn.-.. _.. 30 Fished for 62 Fender-bender lampreys George Bush (Republican candidate): 6‘Well,on the 31 Desire greatly results 50 Former Uganc 63 Slaughter of 32 Spud 43 Rancher‘s manhood thing, I’ll put mine against his anytime. ” 34 Norman Vincent 44 domainWintly winds ruler baseball - 51 Lend1 of tenni DOWN 37 Made with yeast 46 Put in office 52 Uly 1 -de grace 38 U.S. president 47 Lump of dirt 5653 Very:“Fables 1-r. in Late Night at the Daily 2 Wheel holder 40 Kind Of Carpet 48 Pit Slang” author 3 William or Sean 41 Fly high 49 Competent