Fire retardant and Semi-fireproof Sound-absorbing wood interior New Excellent Technology (NET) Certification

Green Technology Certification, Green Technology Products Confirmation NoFlam is a lifestyle brand to lead eco-friendly life.

CONTENTS 01 Patents & Certifications 02 Product Test Results 03 Semi-fireproof Wood Products


01 Sound-absorbing Wood 02 Fire Retardant Louver 03 Sound-absorbing Wood Tiles “Technology Designs Trust.” Innovative products inspired by (the comfort of) nature

Wood is the excellent material for eco-friendly life. Gaonwood’s mission is to create new construction materials for safer and healthier living. Our latest achievement is the “NoFlam” for wall, floor and ceiling products with specific performance requirements. 04 | GAONWOOD

01 Patents and Certifications

New Excellent Green Technology 2016 Export Performance KOREAN INTELLECTUAL Pre-certification Technology Certification Certification Promising Winner Certification PROPERTY OFFICE Fire retardant of Wood Products Patent Registration

Technologies Certifi cates

•ISO 5660-1 Com colorimetric test of fire retardant materials, Quasi- •Patent No.10-1392725 : Wood impregnation non combustible materials fire retardant resin •Gas toxicity test for fire retardant materials and quasi-noncombustible •Patent No.10-1602108 : Fire retardant, materials quasi-noncombustible, and sound- New Zealand Building Code(NZBC):Group Number Classification 1 absorbing wood for ceiling materials, • National Construction Code(NCC):Group Number Classification 1 and its manufacturing methods • •IMO Resolution Msc(FTP) code part 5 : pass

Product Characteristics Application Areas

•Architectural structure with greater fire •Treated with water soluble ecological fire retardants protection needs such as residential •Brings other excellent functional qualities of wood as thermal and buildings, cultural heritages esp. made acoustic insulator and hygroscopic balancer, let alone aesthetic of wood, mass facilities including but not beauty and scent limited to kindergartens, schools, nurseries, •Minimizes material irregularities such as deformation, crack, hospitals, hotels, convention centers, contracting and expanding while maintains structural stability libraries, theaters, and concert halls •The only material that reduces the CO2 emission to slow down climate change •Substitution for existing materials such as plaster board, ceiling, wall, and other •Replaces any organic or inorganic products premium interior projects •Offers more uniform fire retardant treatment effect than comparable on-site treatment, simultaneously meeting nonflammable, fireproof, •Structural sound insulation where needed by statutory requirements or personal quasi-noncombustible requirements comfort Lifestyle Brand NoFlam | 05

Performance Test

Test Start 5 Minutes 10 Minutes 20 Minutes

Comparing Procedure between our solution and on-site fire retardant certification Gaonwood have been delivering many products to customers after fire retardant certificated.

Purchase product certified fire Build fire retardant and Approval completion retardant and sound-absorbing sound-absorbing product (Labor cost) of construction products(Material cost)

Simultaneous finishing Build and Fire Retardant Certification, Quality assurance, Saving Time and Cost !

· On-Site Fire retardant certification

Purchase and Build Purchase of fire Apply fire Sampling and Certification by Approval for (Material and retardant paint retardant paint submission to a a fire station completion of labor cost) (Paint cost) (Labor cost) fire station with construction jurisdiction (Fee)

Higher Costs and Risks notably from longer build time anywhere between 15 to 45 days and denail of fire retardant treatment certification 06 | GAONWOOD

02 The Performance of Sound-absorbing and Fire Retardant Wood

1. Fire retardant performance Pursuant to the stipulations No. 2011-39 Fire Retardant Materials Class 3 of the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, the Republic of Korea

Test Results Test Results Items Unit Criteria 1 2 3 Test Methods

Total heat released MJ/m² 0.9 1.3 0.8 ≤8

Duration of consecutive HRR ISO Heat Release Rate sec. 0 0 0 10 over 200 kW/m² duning 5 min heating time ≤ 5660 -1:2008

Crack, hole or melting through the specimen - No No No No during 5 min heating time (Yes/No)

Gas toxicity test Time to incapability of moving min : s 14 : 27 14 : 12 - ≤9 KS F 2271: 2006

2. Quasi-noncombustible performance Pursuant to the stipulations No. 2011-39 Fire Retardant Materials Class 3 of the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, the Republic of Korea

Test Results Test Results Items Unit Criteria 1 2 3 Test Methods

Total heat released MJ/m² 2.0 2.1 2.1 ≤8

Duration of consecutive HRR ISO Heat Release Rate sec. 0 0 0 10 over 200 kW/m² duning 10 min heating time ≤ 5660 -1:2008

Crack, hole or melting through the specimen - No No No No during 10 min heating time (Yes/No)

Gas toxicity test Time to incapability of moving min : s 14 : 17 14 : 12 - ≤9 KS F 2271: 2006

3. Non-treated Wood vs NF Wood comparison of stability

30 30 Non-treated Wood Non-treated Wood 25 25 20 20 15 15 8 MJ/m2 8 MJ/m2 10 Standard 10 Standard 5 5 NF Wood(15min) NF Wood NF Wood(5min) (25min)

Total Heat Released(MJ/m²) Total 0 Heat Released(MJ/m²) Total 0 Time(sec) 300 Time(sec) 600 Fire retardant performance Quasi-noncombustibel performance Lifestyle Brand NoFlam | 07

4. Antibiosis Antibiosis of Hinoki (KCL-FIR-1003:2011 / ASTM G 21:2013)

Relative Humidity Test Item Temperature( ) Time Test Result ℃ (% R.H.) Antibiosis Test (Colon Bacillus)-Bactria reduction rate 37.0±0.1 31.60 ± 0.2 After 24hours 99.9% Antibiosis Test (Bacillus Pyocyaneus)-Bactria reduction rate 37.0±0.1 31.60 ± 0.2 After 24hours 99.9% Antibiosis Test (Staphylococcus Aureus)-Cell reduction rate 37.0±0.1 31.60 ± 0.2 After 24hours 99.9% Antibiosis Test (Salmonella)-Bactria reduction rate 37.0±0.1 31.60 ± 0.2 After 24hours 99.9% Antibiosis Test (Pneumococcus)-Bactria reduction rate 37.0±0.1 31.60 ± 0.2 After 24hours 99.9% Mold Resistance 29.0±0.2 96.7 ± 1.0 After 4 weeks Class 0

※ Interpretation of result : Class 0 means no growth of hypha from the section where the specimen was injected.

5. Sound Absorption Reverberant Sound-Absorbing Performance (KSF 2805) Noise Reduction Coefficient(NRC) Wood & Inorganic composite Gypsum board

Frequency ※ Sound-absorbing performance may vary depending on models.

6. Gas Toxicity Gas Toxicity Performance(IMO 2010 FTP CODE Annex 1, Part 2) Irradiance to Condition 25 kW/m² 25 kW/m² 50 kW/m² the specimen ( ) ( ) ( ) Toxicity Criteria Items Pilot flame Absence Presence Absence CO 95.8 168.2 162.1 ≤1,450 HCN N.D. N.D. N.D. ≤140 Results HCl N.D. N.D. N.D. ≤600 of toxicity test HBr N.D. N.D. N.D. ≤600 (ppm) HF N.D. N.D. N.D. ≤600 NOx N.D. N.D. N.D. ≤350 SO₂ N.D. N.D. N.D. ≤120 08 | GAONWOOD

03 Fire Retardant Products

New proposal for safer space, Simultaneously build and certified “Eco-friendly and Fire Retardant Products!”

“NoFlam” is the eco-friendly product that can be trusted and applied to safety for hospitals, kindergartens, schools, public facilities where regulatory compliance is requirement according to reinforced regulations for fire safety, Sound-absorbing performance, and indoor air quality.

1 2

Humidity control and Natural colors phytoncide effect and patterns Pleasant indoor humidity is maintained Improved dimensional stability against while having a green shower. deformation, crack, contraction, and expansion while keeping natural advantages of wood material

3 4

Free of sick Certificate of pre-treatment of house syndrome fire retardant Free of dioxin, formaldehyde, and other More even, performing, and standard product environmental hormones according to with certification comparing to existing on-site reinforced Indoor Air Quality Control Act fire retardancy treatment


Kindergarten Public Facilities Office Space

※ All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary due to product enhancement ※ All rights to use the design, images and technologies shown in the pictures above are reserved Lifestyle Brand NoFlam | 09

PRODUCTS 01 Sound-absorbing Wood 02 Fire Retardant Louver 03 Sound-absorbing Wood Tiles 10 | GAONWOOD

01-1 Sound-absorbing Wood Product

Finish interior with eco-friendly and fire retardant wood products, “Sound-absorbing Wall and Ceiling Board!” No Fire Toxicity in a fire

“NoFlam” is the eco-friendly product that can be trusted and applied to safety for hospitals, kindergartens, schools, public facilities where regulatory compliance is requirement according to reinforced regulations for fire safety, Sound-absorbing performance, and indoor air quality.

1 2

Excellent Natural colors sound-absorbing and patterns 3-times higher performance than general interior Improved dimensional stability against tiles, KS F2805 Reverberant NRC 0.3or higher deformation, crack, contraction, and expansion while keeping natural advantages of wood material

3 4

Excellent anti-bacteria Certifi cate of pre-treatment (Based on hinoki) of fi re retardant Bacteria reduction rate (Within 24 hours) More even, better performing, and standard reduced by 99.9%, antibiosis class 0, free of product with certificate comparing to on-side different environmental hormones fire retardancy treatment


Hinoki 300 * 600 Regular Type (Re) Random Type (Ra) Mixed Type (Mi) Radiatapine 600 * 600 Walnut 600 * 1200 Birch (5.8T, 6.3T, 9.3T,) Poplar

※ All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary due to product enhancement ※ All rights to use the design, images and technologies shown in the pictures above are reserved Lifestyle Brand NoFlam | 11

01-2 Sound-absorbing Wall and Ceiling Board

1 Hinoki Sound-absorbing Wall and Ceiling Tex 300 X 600 X 5.8T 600 X 1200 X 9.3T

Regular Type (Re) Random Type (Ra) Mixed Type (Mi)

2 Radiatapine Sound-absorbing Wall and Ceiling Tex 300 X 600 X 9.3T 600 X 1200 X 9.3T

Regular Type (Re) Random Type (Ra) Mixed Type (Mi) 12 | GAONWOOD

02-1 Fire Retardant Louver


10T×100×2,400 / Knag SIZE 12T×100×2,400 / Knag

Hinoki louver keeps pink color with delicate scent and it is reported to be especially effective for alleviating and soothing sensitive skin itches and rashes. It is widely used for side space in a regular house or business. Lifestyle Brand NoFlam | 13 03-1 Sound-absorbing Wood Tile

New Excellent Technology (NET) Certification “Sound-absorbing Wood Tile!” NO toxic gas in a fire

“NoFlam” is the eco-friendly product that can be trusted and applied to safety for hospitals, kindergartens, schools, public facilities where regulatory compliance is requirement according to reinforced regulations for fire safety, Sound-absorbing performance, and indoor air quality. Easy DIY interior work.

1 2

Excellent Natural colors sound-absorbing and patterns 3-times higher performance than general interior Improved dimensional stability against tiles, KS F2805 Reverberant NRC 0.3or higher deformation, crack, contraction, and expansion while keeping natural advantages of wood material

3 4

Economically Great feasible installation water repellency Easy installation through dry installation Prevention of discoloration and protection of pattern using a wood-tile-specific adhesive for tiles with an eco-friendly water-repellent oil

How to Apply Wood Tiles

Purchase wood tiles! Apply enclosed adhesive! Attach them as you desire!

※ All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary due to product enhancement ※ All rights to use the design, images and technologies shown in the pictures above are reserved 14 | GAONWOOD

03-2 Sound-absorbing Wood Tile Design

1 Rectangular Tile (General Type/Mixed Type/Radial Type) 280 X 280 X 6.3T

General Type Mixed Type Radial Type

2 Hexagonal Tile (General Type/Mixed Type/Radial Type) 280 X 280 X 6.3T

General Type Mixed Type Radial Type

3 Octagonal Tile (General Type/Mixed Type/Radial Type) 280 X 280 X 6.3T

General Type Mixed Type Radial Type Lifestyle Brand NoFlam | 15

03-3 Sound-absorbing Color Wood Tile

Color Transparent · Light blue · Yellow green · Tile Gray · Red clay · Pink

General Type

Radial Type Mixed Type

General Type

Mixed Type Radial Type 16 | GAONWOOD

03-4 Sound-absorbing Wood Tile

1 Large tile Rectangular line 1076 X 538 X 6.5T

2 Large tile Hexagonal line 1076 X 538 X 6.5T

3 Large tile Octagonal line 1076 X 538 X 6.5T Lifestyle Brand NoFlam | 17

Construction Examples 01 Kindergartens 02 Daycare Centers 03 Elementary Schools 04 Middle- and High-Schools 05 Universities 06 Public Facilities

Drawings LOUVER / A general drawing Wood Wall Panel / A general drawing 18 | GAONWOOD

01 Kindergartens

· Dasol Kindergarten in Goyang · Blue Dream Kindergarten in Goheung · Dongbaek Kindergarten in Dongtan · Seobu Kindergarten in · Kkumnamu Kindergarten in Siheung · Handeul Kindergarten in Ansan · Haetsal Kindergarten in Ansan · Hangaram Kindergarten in Paju · Haneulbit Kindergarten in Hwaseong

02 Daycare Centers

· Hwawon Daycare Center in Daegu · Seongsim Daycare Center in Daejeon · King Daycare Center in Ansan · Komang Daycare Center in Ansan · Songcheon Daycare Center in Jeonju · Jindo Daycare Center in Jindo · I-Star Daycare Center in Chungju

03 Elementary Schools

· Hanwool Elementary School in · Gongdeok Elementary School in Gimje · Namyang Elementary School in Gimje · Baekgu Elementary School in Gimje · Yeongsanpo Elementary School in · Daeseong Elementary School in Mokpo · Dong Elementary School in Mokpo · Hadang Elementary School in Mokpo · Moondeok Elementary School in Boseong · Jungang Elementary School in Samnye · Namchang Elementary School in Suwon · Baebang Elementary School in Asan · Jeongji Elementary School in Ansan · Daedeok Elementary School in Wanju · Sangkwan Elementary School in Wanju · Buk Elementary School in Jeonju · Jigok Elementary School in Jeonju · Sudong Elementary School in Hamyang · Gisan Elementary School in Hampyeong Lifestyle Brand NoFlam | 19

04 Middle · High Schools

· Geumgu Middle School in Gimje · Gapcheon Middle School in Daejeon · Baemun High School in Seoul · Wangshin Girl's High School in · Affiliated High School of College of Education of Chonbuk National University · Wando High School in Jeongeup · Jeju Commercial High School in Jeju · Jeju Girl's Commercial High School in Jeju

05 Universities

· Jeonju and Iksan Campuses of Chonbuk National University · Promotion & Education Center of Chonbuk National University · Chungnam National University · Korea National Sport University · Hanbat National University

06 Public Facilities

· Welfare Center for the Visually Impaired in Gwangju · Seniors Welfare Center in Damyang · Jeongnimwon Library in Daejeon · Wookyung Construction in Suncheon · Shinseky System in Ansan · Hyeonsung Co., Ltd. in Anseong · Woonbong Student Training Center · Jangseong Phytoncide Experience Land · Youngsanjae Hanok Hotel in Jeollanamdo · Odongjae Hanok Hotel in Jeollanamdo · Education Office of Jeollabukdo · Chonbuk National University Hospital · Wood Construction in Jeonju · Jinhae Catholic Church in Changwon · Iksan Education Training Institute · Daegu Education Training Institute · Injan County Office (Deputy County Governor's Office) · Jinan County Office (Sangjeon-myeon) · Jinan County Office (Council) · Jinan County Office (Ancheon-myeon) 20 | GAONWOOD

LOUVER / A general drawing

1. Fire Retardant, Semi-fireproof Louver

2. Fire Retardant, Semi-fireproof Louver Lifestyle Brand NoFlam | 21

Wood Wall Panel / A general drawing

I. Cross-sectional View of Ceiling SCALE : 1/10(A3)

2. Detailed View of Ceiling SCALE : 1/25(A3)

3. Rear View of Ceiling SCALE : 1/4(A3) Bacteria reduction rate 99.9% Antibiosis class Class 0 “Sound-absorbing Wall and Ceiling Tex & Wood Tile” No Gas Toxicity generated in a fire

“NoFlam” is the best performing product with Fire Retardant certified, Green Certification and New Excellent Technology (NET) Certification Jinan, Jeollabuk-do

GAONWOOD Co., Ltd. 9-27, Hongsamhanbang-ro Jinan-eup, Jinan-gun, Jeollabuk-do, 55438, the Republic of Korea T. +82-63-432-0400 F. +82-63-433-6262 NoFlam is a lifestyle brand to lead eco-friendly life.

■ GAONWOOD Co., Ltd._Factory A. 9-27, Hongsamhanbang-ro Jinan-eup, Jinan-gun, Jeollabuk-do, 55438, the Republic of Korea T. +82-63-432-0400 F. +82-63-433-6262