A Case Study of the Honam Jeongmaek Areas in South Korea
sustainability Article Management Strategies of Thermal Environment in Urban Area Using the Cooling Function of the Mountains: A Case Study of the Honam Jeongmaek Areas in South Korea Jeong-Min Son 1, Jeong-Hee Eum 2,*, Dong-Pil Kim 3 and Jino Kwon 4 1 Department of Architecture, Graduate School, Keimyung University, 1095 Dalgubeol-daero, Dalseo-gu, Daegu 42601, Korea; sonbyeol0404@gmail.com 2 Department of Landscape Architecture, Kyungpook National University, 80 Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu 41566, Korea 3 Department of Landscape Architecture, Pusan National University, 1268-50 Samnangjin-ro, Samnanjin-eup, Miryang-si, Gyeongsannam-do 50463, Korea; kimdp@pusan.ac.kr 4 Urban Forests Research Center, Forest Conservation Department, National Institute of Forest Science, 57 Hoegiro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02455, Korea; alp96jk@korea.kr * Correspondence: eumjh@knu.ac.kr; +82-53-950-5780 Received: 6 November 2018; Accepted: 6 December 2018; Published: 10 December 2018 Abstract: The aim of this study is to suggest planning strategies for managing comfortable thermal environments in urban areas by local cold air generated in mountains, which finally contributes to making sustainable and eco-friendly cities. For this purpose, we selected urban areas in the Honam Jeongmaek in Korea and analyzed the nighttime cold airflow and altitude of the cold air layer generated in mountains, by using the KALM (Kaltluftabflussmodell) model which calculates the amount of cold air generated during the nighttime without winds. The results of analysis found that the local airflows generated in Mt. Chuwol, Mt. Mudeung, Mt. Cheonun, Mt. Byeongpung and Mt. Geum influenced the entire study site from across Gwangju Metropolitan City to adjacent areas.
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