Job No. 16112 EPBC Heritage Management Plan Goldfields Water Supply Scheme, Main Conduit, Western Australia Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Prepared on behalf of Water Corporation of Western Australia August 2016 ABN 91 277 671 706 1/315 Rokeby Road, Subiaco Western Australia 6008 Telephone 08 9381 1666 Facsimile 08 9381 1566
[email protected] Cover: GWSS Conduit near Meckering, Griffiths Architects (April 2016) Revision History Date of this revision: 04 May 2017 Document Version Author Status Date Distribution Management Plan 06 Griffiths Architects Referral Draft 04 May 2017 DoE + WC Management Plan 05 Griffiths Architects Referral Draft 06 April 2017 Water Corporation Management Plan 04 Griffiths Architects First Submission 18 Aug 2016 DoE + WC Management Plan 03 Griffiths Architects Final Draft 11 Aug 2016 Water Corporation + NT Management Plan 02 Griffiths Architects Draft 05 July 2016 Water Corporation + NT Management Plan 01 Griffiths Architects Draft 29 June 2016 Water Corporation Executive Summary Executive Summary Introduction The Goldfields Water Supply Scheme (GWSS) is an enormous engineering achievement that brought important benefits to the Goldfields, towns and later agricultural districts along its path. The pipeline was completed in 1903 and spans some 560km between Mundaring and Kalgoorlie. The system continues to operate today, and during its lifetime much has been upgraded, replaced and renewed. The main conduit is included on the National Heritage List (NHL) (place ID 106007) which includes pump stations, reservoirs and tanks. Ownership of the various parts of the system are segmented between different parties, with a number of historic non-operational steam pump stations vested with the National Trust of Australia (WA).