Ratlantic Sun
New service• means no food service• By MITCHELL P. AL8t:RT ""l's Steve: Miller. USIMlUU Dell.. of Stu~ 8oJrrows, dire<:to< of AWliliary Sc Ka Problems, howevcr. ha"e I'loOI boen SMn H,..., £duo, den. Afrai,.... "1 upca ...hen the ".felena statC$, "tbt: new unlversi\)' food $IO ice limiled 10 Broward carnuses, Scrvice QP<:ns in October. food &Crvice will IUUJTIe !>'"Ovider, Service America, has deemed ~meriea applied for a liquor licen.... bul "., at CRnun""";,,l. They just can', prepare hot food service lit Commercial Blvd. By ERIC RABONI-; could rIO' acquire it unlll DAKA turned in food l)Ut orlhe Ratlike they can ou\ of the uneconomical and Unl>C<OlOS$IIry, To show S.", 519(( Writ,r ,!>e .... While lhe Ral did 001 have Ihe li "afelcd..... our .uppon for !he oontinuarion ofhot food The Rall>:skel1ar was closed after 3 p.rn quor lieen'" i' wItS dosod at 3 p.m, "II wliS service, we have signed Ihis petition." ""s past .....""k. FAU". new food service, According to Daniel Kish~lIl1h. the a long process. In a larse ",orpOOllion, pe0 Strvi<:e America, I>aI; dosed ilS CXInCCSIiJOn d'rc<"tOf"of Food Sel"'icc,"we cannoc kttp Kish"'ugh rcplM:d,"Burtow$ dldn'l evcn ple have 10 be finger primed and " ..ny ~r for !he ....lTIma at Comrnereial the snack bar open "'hile ...·c do ""nova know thaI they "'anted il <:>p('n dunng the sigNWfU "'"' needed."This was t,me con- c........ tions. We illrt' CO'''' 10 be ,mpltmenu"1l wrrtn\C,_ OUfl", the regular se.......,er tb<: wmlns," $lIod K,obbaugh.
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