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[email protected] September 2011 Circulation 3400 Heralding the End of an Era: a Tribute to Mac Wroth children. As Mac was a choir Elsie and Mac’s first child Jan was born in of Alma Beard. Alma served in WWII as an boy at the Anglican Church, 1949, followed by Barbara in 1951, Yvonne Army RN and was at sea when her vessel he attended all five funerals. in 1954, Charles in 1958, Jo in 1961 and was bombed. She and others survived by At the age of 16, Mac Jamie in 1964. They were both very family swimming to an island, only to have Japanese commenced his first job at the oriented and would travel to the Donnybrook soldiers force them back into the sea and Post Office as an assistant, Orchard for fun and games with their cousins used as target practice. Regrettably, many earning 1 pound a week. At every Easter and Christmas. They also including Alma were killed. night he operated the manual shared a strong faith and a united approach Mac was a high achiever in whatever he telephone switchboard from in raising their children and family matters. did and there were many awards presented 10pm to 7am, earning 10 Mac was a proud hands-on Dad and to Mac though the years. Just some of the shillings per week. He did supported his children’s education by playing awards are: 1996 - appointed as a Justice manage to sleep during this an active role on the P&C of the Toodyay of the Peace; 1988 saw him awarded the time, and would be woken by school and as the President of the Northam Toodyay Citizen of the Year; 1999 the the bells of the switchboard P&C when the children attended Northam Federal Government awarded him an OAM to perform his duties.