Pentecost-Ordinary Time 2019

A Message from the Rector The Rev. Marisa Thompson

On May 19, 2018, Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, made an international splash at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with his sermon, The Power of Love. His message to the betrothed couple, those present at Windsor Castle, and all who would come to hear or read the sermon, was just as his title indicates: there is great power in love and relying on it as a foundation is who we are called to be as beloved people of God. This message is meant to be more than just a platitude but rather a way of life. Yet while it may seem simple, to truly embrace the way of love means to engage deeply and intentionally in creating transformative relationships and real change. It is not just about inviting different people or strangers to sit at the same table; rather, it is about being an active revolutionary against an unjust and unchristian culture. It is about knowing love as a commitment in addition to a sentiment. There are many good, faithful people who recognize a call to service and know that the world can be a better place, yet we, myself included, hesitate to take on deep change. I believe that people who want to grow in their faith want to do more than just blindly go to church each Sunday. They want to understand their power and help those who have less. Yet to do so means taking a big risk. It means possibly alienating loved ones. It means giving up blind privilege. It means changing thought paradigms to recognize that we can be guided by Christianity, which offers enough for all rather than a system which offers a total of 100% and people grab their parts. It means that we embrace a soteriology that is less about winning and losing and more about unlimited grace. And it means getting over issues with inertia, the kind that comes when we get so stuck in lament that we forget about hope. Whether it is fear, inertia, or simply blissful ignorance that prevents this work from happening naturally, the invitation to participate in God’s kingdom on earth is one that calls on people to reject the excuses and love one another as themselves (Matthew 22:39), something that will not happen at the expense of the individual engaged in the work but will rather build connections and richness of God’s people. This is hard work, long work, challenging work, growth, and community building. I put all this out there not because I have a solution or clear direction, but because I think this work starts with individual and community discernment. And I believe that we at are ready to take on this work, to build on a history of outreach and engagement with the community and take the next step in becoming a courageous voice in this world. Continued on Page 3

From the Assistant Rector

At left, graduating senior Lizi Watkins delivered a stirring and spirit-filled sermon on Youth Sunday! Thanks to all those who led us as greeters, readers, lay servers, acolytes, ushers, gift- bearers, and chalice-bearers, including: Charlotte and Evan Beiriger, Brayden and Rhys Edwards, Gretchen and Elizabeth Goebel, Cameron Kelly, Alice Larson, Hannah Liakos, Sam Newell, Norbert Ntihebuywayo, Cameron Olson, Kristen Pennewell, Abby Rhea, Addison and Thomas Roth, Zoe and Patrick Thompson, and Lilly and Grayson Twohig

2 Clergy Summertime, Summertime, Sum, Sum Summertime – A Message from Mother Karen it’s here once more and it is again the time to sing along with one of my favorite songs! Of course, the impact of summer lessens as I get older. I used to love to go swimming at Peony Park every day. The pool opened at 11AM and we would take our lunch and swim all afternoon. We could of course do that today. There are lots of pools to choose from – but what’s the use when we can all go home to air- conditioned homes. On some days I would get to walk up the corner of 55th and Leavenworth and spend an afternoon in the bookmobile. I think the bookmobile is still around but nowadays we can watch Netflix movies all day. Days were longer then – I know they were! Evenings were spent sitting outside in the backyard until the street lights went on – there was no air conditioning and outside under the trees were the best of times and the coolest time of the day.

Things change – Peony Park is not there anymore (at least not as I knew it), the bookmobile doesn’t hold the same allure it did when I was ten years old, and sitting outside usually involves sitting on the deck and watching the squirrels play in the trees. But one thing that does not change and that is Sunday Church. The Sunday morning services change times so that golfers can get on the golf course early and families can have picnics. (Just like we used to do). Vacation Bible School is still an important highlight of the summer for lots of kids (and adults).

We like to sit outside on Saturday evenings and enjoy the fellowship of a pot-luck barbeque. Many times, when I talk with members of our community who are now in their 80’s and 90’s, I hear that those times of community sharing and fellowship were important and even now – some 50 or so years later they still remember those times fondly. We are creating our own memories now and in years to come our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren will tell about the fun summer evenings at church and the Vacation Bible School that was a highlight each summer.

Have a wonderful summer! Karen +

Continued from Page 1 Rev. Marisa’s Summer This summer, I look forward to reading a lot and talking with people, and I encourage all of us Reading List to do the same. Let’s think and pray about who we A Resurrection Shaped Life, by Jake are called to be as a parish and as Christians in Owensby this world. Disunity in Christ, by Christena Cleveland Living into God’s Dream: Dismantling In Peace, Racism in America, Edited by Catherine Meeks Marisa+ No Innocent Bystanders, by Shannon Craigo-Snell and Christopher Doucot Revive Us Again, by The Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II

3 Music Ministry Thank you to our All Saints Ministers of Music!

As the program year draws to its conclusion, I would like to extend a special thank you to all of the participants in music ministry at All Saints. These ensembles meet each week for rehearsal and regularly share their musical leadership during worship services throughout the year. It requires considerable commitment to be involved in preparing music, and each of these participants has generously given their time and talent. Thank you for your dedication and serving the All Saints parish through your gift of music ministry!

Chancel Choir Handbell Choir Exultation Ringers John Bower, Sam Brown, John Pam Barsness, Amy Cosimano, Doug Jordan Bull, Brayden Edwards, Rhys Finlayson, Sue Fisher, Mary Gittings, Kaiser, Cindy Krogstad, Bill Edwards, Hannah Liakos, Sam Newell, Jerry Gray, Linda Hall, Jenna Liakos, McSharry, Linda McSharry, Tracy Cameron Olson, Zoë Thompson, Lilli Millicent Long, Sheryl Mueller, Peterson, Eloise Tesar, Ruth Twohig, Carsyn Wilkening, Cooper Abigail Rhea, Gardner Rhea, Malia Thompson, Nancy Wulf; and Wilkening Rhea, Jan Rowley, Gayle Smith, substitute ringer, Joe Thompson Choristers Claudianna Todd, Bryan Watkins, Jordan Bull, Brayden Edwards, Rhys Lizi Watkins, Rob Williamson; and Edwards, Hannah Liakos, Sam Newell, assisting director Jerry Gray Jubal’s Choir Kristen Pennewell, Zoë Thompson, Lili Charlotte Beiriger, Grayson Twohig, Twohig, Carsyn Wilkening Patrick Thompson Lizi Watkins, graduating Scholarship Singer Lizi Watkins, daughter of Gayle Smith and Bryan Watkins, is receiving a scholarship for her participation as a Scholarship Singer with the All Saints Chancel Choir. In addition to being very active here at All Saints, Lizi was on honor roll and high honor roll at Westside High School and received an academic letter. She also received the Joseph and Marjorie Moore Performing Arts Award for her involvement in Westside’s Warrior Theatre as the head soundboard operator and designer for three years. Lizi will be attending the University of South Dakota this fall majoring in psychology.

Luna y Sol Mariachi Band Sunday, Jun 9, 11:15 AM Luna y Sol Mariachi Band will be providing music and entertainment during the annual Pentecost picnic. Mariachi Luna y Sol is considered one of the best mariachi bands in the Midwest. In 2008, they performed for the former President and First Lady of Mexico. The band is recognized for their rich harmonies and impressive soloists. Members of Luna y Sol have performed for audiences across the country.

Omaha Chamber Singers Concert Saturday, June 22, 7:30 PM The Omaha Chamber Singers, directed by David Batter, will present a concert at All Saints Episcopal Church on Saturday, June 22, 2019. The program begins at 7:30pm and will feature a variety of repertoire, including works in collaboration with members of the Omaha Symphony. Ticket prices are $15 for General Admission, $12 for Seniors, and $5 for students.

Summer Music During the summer months, the Chancel Choir, Handbells, and youth ensembles will be on hiatus. Volunteer musicians will provide the offertory at our 9:30 AM worship service each week. I hope that you find meaning in the varied talent and worship music presented this summer. If you play a musical instrument or sing, and would be willing to share music in worship, please contact Laura Scow ([email protected]). She will be happy to assist you in selecting music and accompanying.

4 Clergy and Music Deacon’s Join the Summer Fun Corner What a wonderful feeling to see so many people in the pews on Easter Sunday! And again, on Confirmation Sunday when Bishop Barker came to visit us, we had many more seats filled than usual. Why do you suppose this is the true? It is our duty as Christians to spread the word and encourage others to worship whenever possible. The attendance at church events is only part of being the body of Christ. Attending garden parties, food pantries, prayer groups, and many other ways of helping others is a great way to show others that we are truly Christians. “They will know we are Christians by the way we act.” And besides, they are always fun times with our church family! If you haven’t attended some of these activities, I would encourage you Deacon Bob Brown to do so this summer. Oh, by the way, we do have church services in the summer! Many activities have been scheduled for the summer that you will find enjoyable. For instance, the men are planning to take a trip to a baseball game together. You can enjoy the great American pasttime as well as fellowship with your Christian brothers. Garden parties will be held periodically this summer and you don’t have to have planted a garden to attend. Each month we will be having the Mobile Food Pantry, where you can help others and enjoy Christian Fellowship at the same time. Don’t let the time pass you by without taking advantage of the fun activities scheduled at All Saints Episcopal Church. Invite a friend to come enjoy the activities with you. Check out the Church web site at to see the scheduled events on the calendar.

Faithfully yours, Deacon Robert Brown

Choristers and Premiere of a Choral Anthem in Memory of The Exultation Ringers Reverend Deacon Lynne Bacon Share Music at In worship on May 12, the Chancel Choir presented Bickford Senior an anthem composed by Michael McCabe entitled, Living Center “The Righteous Live For Evermore.” The piece was written in remembrance of The Rev. Deacon Lynne On May 1, members of Lazier Bacon. Lynne was ordained a deacon at All the Choristers and Saints in 1993 and served this parish for many Exultation Ringers visited Bickford Senior Living Center years. Additionally, she was a member of the to share music with the residents. Their performance Chancel Choir and Handbell Choir. The Chancel included handbell pieces and choir anthems. Afterward, Choir was honored to prepare and sing this piece in the youth celebrated with a trip to Cold Stone her memory. Creamery.

5 Vestry

Kevin Long, Vestry Report Senior Warden Good people of All Saints,

How true it is that the more things change the more things stay the same. As we exit the Easter season and enter Pentecost (often referred to as ‘ordinary time’ on the church calendar), I was curious to search on the season and was given back a passage from Acts 2. Here is an excerpt:

38 Peter said to them, "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 For the promise is for you, for your children, and for all who are far away, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him." 40 And he testified with many other arguments and exhorted them, saying, "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation." 41 So those who welcomed his message were baptized, and that day about three thousand persons were added. 42 They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers . . . 47 praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.

I particularly like the “save yourselves from the corrupt generation” part, as I think the statement applies to every generation! But I suspect the real teaching here is that the Holy Spirit leads people to follow Jesus. Take that a step further and I will posit that it is our responsibility, this many generations later, to continue spreading that Holy Spirit and bring people into our Christian community.

So, as we wind down another church year and move into summer mode (aka Pentecost) I implore you to remember the Acts of the Apostles and consider something out of the ordinary. As you downshift from normal activities (at church or otherwise), take that deserved vacation, or hit the links, I ask you to consider how you might “add to the number” by inviting someone you know or encounter to join an activity with us at All Saints. Imagine if each one of us successfully invited just one guest to experience a worship service, a garden party, or another event this summer. Our challenge is no different than Paul’s was over 2,000 years ago. We have so much to offer . . . let’s do just that.

My best to everyone, Kevin

Dan Loring, KITCHEN UPGRADE STATUS Junior Warden

At long last we started updating our undercroft kitchen! The “bones” of our old kitchen are solid but mechanically deficient and not compliant with City of Omaha codes, thus preventing us from using it. Major improvements are: new exhaust hood with automatic extinguishing system over stove, second hood over dishwasher, improved ventilation, lots of code compliant construction and rewiring, new ceiling and lighting. We already passed the preliminary code inspection. With luck, we may be in operation mid- July. Many thanks go to our kitchen Project Manager, Bill Anderson, and new Kitchen Manager, Jill Jozwiak. More to follow!! For questions on the kitchen project or any other building matter, feel free to contact me at [email protected] or 402-677-2891.

6 Worship & Formation Summer Worship and Formation

As in years past, we are changing our schedule for the summer. Saturday night worship will remain the same, but we will come together twice for worship on Sunday mornings, first at 8:00 AM for a simple service with communion and no music and then at 9:30 AM for worship with music, followed by cookies and conversation. All are welcome and encouraged to worship and grow with us at the new times this summer!

SUMMER 2019 WORSHIP SCHEDULE (June 16-September 1)

Saturday at 5:00 PM Holy Eucharist Rite II with music Sunday at 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist Rite I or II (alternating), no music Sunday at 8:45 AM Scripture discussion with the preacher of the weekend Sunday at 9:30 AM Holy Eucharist Rite II with organ and soloists Wednesday at 12:10 PM Holy Eucharist Rite II featuring Holy Women/Holy Men

Lectionary Study Pentecost Picnic Mark your calendars Please join us for our summer edition for our annual of adult formation every Sunday Pentecost between services. Each week, the celebration! On preacher for that weekend will lead a Sunday, June 9, we discussion and study of that week’s will hold our next Scripture lessons, sharing the portions OneSunday service of the year at 10:00 AM. We will of the readings that were particularly celebrate this holy feast day which marks the moment we inspirational for his/her sermon and believe the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus’s disciples and asking for your thoughts, too. Please followers and allowed all to hear, in their own language, join us on Sundays at 8:45 AM in the the message of salvation and love. Following celebratory Activities Room. worship that morning, all are invited to the parking and garden area for a fiesta, complete with a mariachi band! The main dish will be provided and people are encouraged to bring a favorite side or dessert from their cultural or family background. And don’t forget – WEAR RED!

Baptism While we will work with you on setting a baptism date that works for you and your family, we encourage you to consider the Day of Pentecost (June 9), a traditional day for welcoming new souls to the faith. If you or someone you know is interested in being baptized on Pentecost or some other time during the summer, please contact a member of the clergy as soon as possible.

7 Parish Life

Confirmations and Receptions Transitions (since March 1, 2019)

Congratulations and thanksgiving to all of our members Baptism Dick Johnson who took a grace-filled step in their faith journey during Norah Ritterbush March 18, 2019 Bishop Barker’s visit with All Saints on April 28. At that March 24, 2019 weekend’s services, the bishop confirmed Pete Bowden, Marianne Murray Jillian Krumbach, Jenna Liakos, Maddie Payne, Deaths May 3, 2019 Lauren Proctor, and Val Gene Splittgerber Sara Sexton. He also March 5, 2019 John Bauerle received Laura Marks May 14, 2019 and Mary Marks into Jeanne Cady-Buscher the fellowship of our March 5, 2019 William Farrell communion. We May 26, 2019 welcome all of these Gerry Kelly children of God into our March 11, 2019 community!

Easter at All Saints

8 Fellowship

Community Garden We are excited to have the community garden ministry back this year with even more garden boxes this year. Like last year, we also have four community boxes with crops available to anyone. We plan to share our surplus again this year with the DEO ministry at Trinity Cathedral, supplement both our Mobile Food Pantries and the Pantry on Blondo’s inventory, and share with the parish and our neighbors. We had our first Garden party at the end of April and plan to have one every month before winter sets in. These gatherings will be held every month, starting at 5:30 PM. The Garden parties are open to everyone in the parish, and dates are listed below. Please join us for a great food and fellowship experience! For any questions, contact Craig O’Connor, Jono Bradford, or Deacon Bryan Peterson.

Garden Party Dates

July 13 August 10 September 14 October 12

Holy Hackers Grief Group

Just a reminder that We now have an active small group geared towards September 15 will those experiencing grief due to the recent loss of a come quicker than loved one. Meeting on the second and fourth you think, so you Monday of the month at 6:30 PM in the Parlor, we need to get your will talk about how we travel this journey on our own golf muscles in and together. If you have questions or want more shape this summer. information, please contact Mark Fredrickson or Mark the date and Rev. Marisa. Meeting dates for the summer are: get your teams ready to play. All proceeds will support the youth of All Saints. May 27 July 22 Participants will compete as 4-person teams,. June 10 August 12 The fee is $70 per person and includes golf/cart and June 24 August 26 meal following at the clubhouse. The tournament July 8 kicks off at 1:30 PM with a shotgun start. Hope to see you at the Sam Fredrickson Memorial Golf Tournament. For questions, see Deacon Bob Brown or Dan Edwards.

9 Fellowship and Outreach

St. Mary's Guild St. Mary’s Guild wrapped up another successful season on May 8. Our guest speaker was Lisa Worrall of Iddy Biddy Boo Design. We enjoyed her presentation and seeing her creative and beautiful artwork. Our final rummage sale for the season was on May 3. We are grateful for those who helped us with the sale, especially Gardner Rhea for setting up the tables. The Youth Group, their leaders, and Gardner and Malia Rhea get extra kudos for doing the heavy lifting in getting the sale items moved to the Undercroft. Andy Simpson, Bill Hill, and George Rood helped on setup day, and Andy and Bill were on hand on sale day to work, direct people, and help with cleanup. Bill Ricketts, Fr. Keith, and Vic Culp joined us at the end of the sale and helped with cleanup and moved the remaining sale items outside to be picked up by Paralyzed Vets of America. We made $2,367.00 from the sale and the money will be used to further the missions of our church. Our first meeting of the 2019-2020 season will be on September 11 and our meetings are open to all women of the parish. If you are interested in joining St. Mary’s, please contact Tracy Peterson at [email protected] or 402-305-7781. We would love to have you join us!


Four times a year, the ladies of the Come join the Flockfeeders this summer by helping serve parish gather for a bunco meals at the Siena Francis Homeless Shelter on the first evening. These gatherings provide Sunday of each month. We will be serving dinner on June fun, hilarity and “sisterhood” to all 2, July 7, and August 4 between 4:45 - 7:00 PM. It is a that attend. Our next fun evening is very rewarding and satisfying outreach. We meet some planned for Monday, July 15. It all wonderful people while we are there. High school, junior begins in the narthex at 6:00 PM high students and even college students might consider with dinner followed by multiple coming to get service hours for school. If you are rounds of the game. Bunco is a interested please contact Steve Brown at 402-213-3213 or game of chance based on a roll of the dice and is easily Kathy Evanoff at 402-330-7085 we’d love to tell you learned. All are welcome, come join us and bring a about what we do. friend. Watch the church announcements for dates and RSVP dead lines, this helps us plan the dinner. If you have any questions please contact Becky Connors at 402-493-4714 or [email protected].

10 Fellowship and Outreach Happy Bookers Do you enjoy reading? Do you enjoy discussing the latest books? Are you looking for books to add to your reading list? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should join the All Saints Happy Bookers book club on the 2nd Thursday of the month. We meet in the retreat center at 4:00 PM to discuss the current month’s selection. Contact either Becky Connors, 402-490-9076, or Peggy Girard, 402-496-3949, with questions.

The book club selections for the rest of 2019 are:

June 13 “Mademoiselle Chanel,” C.W. Gortner For readers of The Paris Wife and Z comes this vivid novel full of drama, passion, tragedy, and beauty that stunningly imagines the life of iconic fashion designer Coco Chanel—the ambitious, gifted laundrywoman’s daughter who revolutionized fashion, built an international empire, and become one of the most influential and controversial figures of the twentieth century.

July 11 “Last Train to Istanbul,” Ayse Kulin As the daughter of one of Turkey’s last Ottoman pashas, Selva could win the heart of any man in Ankara. Yet the spirited young beauty only has eyes for Rafael Alfandari, the handsome Jewish son of an esteemed court physician. In defiance of their families, they marry, fleeing to Paris to build a new life.But when the Nazis invade France and begin rounding up Jews, the exiled lovers will learn that nothing—not war, not politics, not even religion—can break the bonds of family. From Ankara to Paris, Cairo, and Berlin, Last Train to Istanbul is an uplifting tale of love and adventure from Turkey’s beloved bestselling novelist Ayşe Kulin.

August 8 “Loving Eleanor,” Susan Wittig Albert September 12 “Little Fires Everywhere,” Celeste Ng October 10 “Almost Sisters,” Joshilyn Jackson & Selection of 2020 Books!!! November 14 End of Year Party - “Cooking for Picasso,” Camille Aubray MOBILE FOOD PANTRY The Mobile Food Pantry held on May 11 was a success; thanks go out to Gordon and Claudianna Todd for stepping up and filling in on short notice, as well as the many volunteers that helped out. We had a fairly low turnout of families, more than likely due to the April Food Pantry being held just two weeks prior, but we did manage to sing Happy Birthday to one of the participants as well as to our own Doug Kaiser. We are always looking for volunteers to not only assist, but to host each monthly event. It’s a great time to get to know your fellow parishioners better, along with helping out the needy families in our community. If you’re interested in either hosting or just volunteering, or have any questions, please contact either Deacon Bryan Peterson or myself, Roy Phillips. We’ll be glad to walk you through the steps and will also be there to help you out during the entire process. It’s a rewarding experience, and something that you’ll find yourself looking forward to doing every month. Upcoming mobile pantry dates are 6/22, 7/27, 8/24, and 9/28.

UNITED THANK OFFERING Our spring United Thank Offering runs through next weekend, Sunday, June 2. The UTO is specifically a program of the Episcopal Church. "It is a personal spiritual discipline of Thanksgiving that supports God's mission throughout the world." Please take a blue box or envelope and make a donation into it for your daily Thanksgiving. Start collecting today and throughout the next several weeks. You will find boxes, envelopes and informational materials in the narthex. Thank you so much for your support of this wonderful program!

11 Youth Activities 2019 YOUTH VACATION BIBLE MISSION TRIP SCHOOL VBS for children and See the special story in this adults will be June 23rd- issue for details on the 26th. This year’s theme is summer mission trip to Babylon-Daniel’s Courage flood-affected areas in Captivity! of Nebraska. It is open Registration details to all 7th-12th grade youth. can be found through the The trip is July 8-12. link on the church web site’s home page.

Spring Photos It’s been a great spring at All Saints! Below, starting top left going counterclockwise, are photos from a few of our events. In the first, some youth helpers at the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. Below that is a group at Walk to Easter at their pretzel-making activity; below that the special Easter Egg field for our littlest members. The youth group had a wonderful time at the Bickford retirement center decorating Easter cookies with the residents. There was a special visit from the Easter Bunny during the egg hunt. And on Good Shepherd Sunday the Ericksons brought two-week-old lambs and their momma to hear the sermon! We ended our year with 26 kids attending a bowling/pizza party!

Youth Group

Youth Group is open to all youth in 7th through 12th grade. Friends are always welcome! Over the summer, the youth group will not meet weekly, but we’ll have a few special events. Contact Charlie Liakos at [email protected] or Fr. Keith at the church office at 402-393-8612 or [email protected] to get on the email list. During the school year, the youth group meets on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 7:30 PM for dinner, fellowship, and fun.

VBS Coming! June 23-26 Mission Trip July 8-12

12 2019 Youth Mission Trip

13 Office Office Notes

Server Scheduling In an effort to streamline the server scheduling process, we will use a trial run of Sign-Up Genius to schedule servers for the 8:45 AM and 10:30 AM services for June 2, the One Sunday for June 9, and all 9:30 AM services for June and July after we shift to the summer worship schedule on June 16. The 5:00 PM and 8:00 AM services will not participate in this test run. Please use the web link in the Eblast to sign up or contact me for assistance. You are always welcome to send me your sign-up requests and I will make the web inputs. There are several advantages to using Sign-Up Genius, including greater discretion over your schedule, email reminders, and significant administrative time savings. These improvements are dependent, however, on robust participation from users. Please play your part!

Security Working Group Our security program team has made considerable progrees in identifying potential improvements in our security and safety preparedness. Our next step is to work with the vestry toward establishing priorities and laying out an implementation timeline. If you have any thoughts or concerns, please let me know.

We thank you for your patience and support! For questions, contact me at [email protected]. WARNING—EMAIL SCAMS Please be aware that for several months there has been a sophisticated email and texting scam attack that is organized around Omaha and Lincoln area churches. Every Episcopal parish, large and small, and most other denominations’ churches, have been victims of this “phishing” scheme.

This scheme works by the perpetrator “spoofing” the email address of a clergy member (which they find publicly available on our websites, etc.) and creating a very similar email account. This similar account is then used to request money, typically via various gift cards. So, for example, rather than getting an email from [email protected], you might get one from [email protected]. The request is very sophisticated, and if you respond to the perpetrator you will get an immediate reply that has what might seem like correct details. The reply might say something like, “This is Keith; I’m at the Medical Center with a teenager who has cancer, and I want to cheer him up by getting him some games on iTunes to play. Can you buy and email me an iTunes gift card for him quickly, and then when I get back to the church, I’ll send you a check?” This is a very simple, but very sophisticated crime, and the perpetrator has done homework to make sure the requests seem like something that might actually be true.

Be assured that no clergy and no staff at All Saints will ever request you to immediately send money or purchase a gift card. Our stewardship and other financial campaigns are all planned in advance, and officially publicized.

In general, when you get any request that seems strange (from the church or from anyone), you should be very suspicious. If you ever have any doubts about authenticity, please feel free to contact the church before responding.

14 Administrative

All Saints Staff Contacts The Rev. Marisa Thompson, Rector Office Closures [email protected] The All Saints office will be The Rev. Keith Winton, Assistant Rector closed on Friday, June 14, [email protected] and Independence Day, July 4. Be sure to enjoy time off

with your families! The Rev. Karen Watson, Pastoral Associate [email protected]

Dr. Laura Scow, Director of Music Ministries [email protected] Vacation Bible School for Adults Kathy Kresin, Financial Administrator June 23-26, 2019 [email protected] VBS isn’t just for the kids! All adults are

invited to a special four-part series on Daniel Vic Culp, Office & Facilities Manager conducted during the same dates and times [email protected] as our children’s VBS. Feel free to attend any or all sessions as desired. Please watch the Malia & Gardner Rhea, Sexton weekly announcements for program details. [email protected]

Deacons: Bob Brown, Bryan Peterson

Records Update! April 2019 Financials We are always trying to update our records. Please

remember to tell us if you move, get a new email address or phone number, or if someone dies. Also, YTD Budget YTD Actual please relay any other information you feel we should know. Last, we want to celebrate the special days in Income your life, so please let us know when your birthday and/ or anniversary occur! Any changes or new information Pledge Income $ 245,000 $ 310,836 can be sent to us at [email protected] or by calling the office at 402-393-8612. Offering Income 15,667 9,870 Endowment Transfers 53,333 54,109

Total 323,000 374,815

Expenses 298,870 291,775 Income over Expenses $ 24,130 $ 83,040


Pentecost 2019


Kick Off Sunday—Save the Date!

Save the Date for Kick-Off Sunday on September 8. Join us for this celebration, which will include worship, food, and fellowship as we start our program year. Watch the announcements for more information on the events and how you can participate.