MARDIE SALT/POTASH PROJECT (J05265) PRELIMINARY MINE CLOSURE PLAN Ver. 1.2a EGS NAME: MARDIE CRYSTALLISATION PONDS / BCI EGS CODE: S0236066 TENEMENT(S): [M 08/525, M08/526, M 08/527, L08/184, L08/185] Pending COMPANY NAME: MARDIE MINERALS PTY LTD (ACN 152 574 457) a wholly owned subsidiary of BCI Minerals Limited (ACN 120 646 924) TENEMENT HOLDER(S): MARDIE MINERALS PTY LTD REGISTRATION ID: 85779 DATE: 25 May 2020 VERSION: 1 REVISON: 2a CONTACT: Neil Dixon Manager Approvals BCI Minerals Ltd 08 6311 3427
[email protected] This document has been prepared in accordance with “Statutory Guidelines for Mine Closure Plans in Western Australia ” (DMIRS, 2020). Mardie Minerals Pty Ltd Mine Closure Plan: Mardie Project (2020) Mine Closure Checklist and Corporate Endorsement Y/ N/ Q # Mine Closure Plan Checklist Page # Comments NA 1 Has the Checklist been endorsed by a senior representative Y Endorsed at the end of this within the tenement holder/operating company? (See checklist. bottom of checklist.) PUBLIC AVAILABILITY 2 Are you aware that from 2015 all MCPs will be made Y publicly available? 3 Is there any information in this MCP that should not be N publicly available? 4 If “Yes” to Q3, has confidential information been NA submitted in a separate document/ section? COVER PAGE, TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 Does the MCP cover page include: Y Project Title Company Name Contact Details (including telephone numbers and email addresses) Document ID and version number Date of submission (needs to match the date of this checklist) SCOPE AND PURPOSE 6 State why the MCP is submitted (e.g.