NYCA CB 3 Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book

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NYCA CB 3 Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book DATA AS OF DEVELOPMENT HUD AMP# TDS# 1/1/2019 45 ALLEN STREET NY005011000 265 1/1/2019 BARUCH NY005010600 060 1/1/2019 BARUCH HOUSES ADDITION NY005010600 198 1/1/2019 BRACETTI PLAZA NY005012920 264 1/1/2019 CAMPOS PLAZA II NY005012570 286 1/1/2019 FIRST HOUSES NY005012920 001 1/1/2019 GOMPERS NY005011000 100 1/1/2019 HERNANDEZ NY005011000 184 1/1/2019 LA GUARDIA NY005010760 076 1/1/2019 LA GUARDIA ADDITION NY005010760 152 1/1/2019 LAVANBURG HOMES NY005003100 310 1/1/2019 LOWER EAST SIDE I INFILL NY005011000 326 1/1/2019 LOWER EAST SIDE II NY005012920 337 1/1/2019 LOWER EAST SIDE III NY005013590 364 1/1/2019 LOWER EAST SIDE REHAB (GROUP 5) NY005012920 292 1/1/2019 MELTZER TOWER NY005011000 183 1/1/2019 RIIS NY005010180 018 1/1/2019 RIIS II NY005010180 019 1/1/2019 RUTGERS NY005020990 099 Page 1 of 32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book CONSOLIDATED TDS# DEVELOPMENT EDP# OPERATING EDP# HUD # 100 380 312 NY005186 060 215 215 NY005012 060 383 215 NY005111 337 379 370 NY005185 337 593 593 NY005264 337 370 370 NY005181A 100 237 237 NY005032 100 286 237 NY005085 076 221 221 NY005021 076 262 221 NY005061 310 578 578 NY005248 100 784 784 NY005259 337 783 555 NY005262 359 548 840 NY005215 337 555 555 NY005233 100 286 237 NY005085 018 210 210 NY005008 018 372 210 NY005181D 099 439 439 NY005382 Page 2 of 32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book NUMBER OF SECTION 8 PROGRAM METHOD TYPE TRANSITION APARTMENTS FEDERAL TURNKEY NEW CONST FEDERAL CONVENTIONAL NEW CONST FEDERAL CONVENTIONAL NEW CONST (ELD) FEDERAL TURNKEY NEW CONST FEDERAL CONVENTIONAL NEW CONST FEDERAL CONVENTIONAL NEW CONST FEDERAL CONVENTIONAL NEW CONST FEDERAL CONVENTIONAL NEW CONST FEDERAL CONVENTIONAL NEW CONST FEDERAL CONVENTIONAL NEW CONST (ELD) FEDERAL CONVENTIONAL REHAB FEDERAL TURNKEY NEW CONST FEDERAL TURNKEY NEW CONST FEDERAL TURNKEY NEW CONST FEDERAL TURNKEY REHAB FEDERAL CONVENTIONAL NEW CONST (ELD) FEDERAL CONVENTIONAL NEW CONST FEDERAL CONVENTIONAL NEW CONST MIXED CONVENTIONAL NEW CONST 102 FINANCE/LLC1 Page 3 of 32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book NUMBER OF CURRENT TOTAL NUMBER OF NUMBER OF RENTAL ROOMS APARTMENTS APARTMENTS 107 107 537.5 2,193 2,194 10,240.5 197 197 646.5 108 108 538.0 224 224 1,088.0 126 126 448.0 472 474 2,193.0 149 149 601.5 1,091 1,094 5,097.5 149 150 491.5 95 104 391.5 189 189 777.5 188 188 848.0 56 56 280.0 55 55 229.5 229 231 686.5 1,191 1,191 5,666.5 577 578 2,720.5 721 721 3,358.5 Page 4 of 32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book AVG NO R/R PER POPULATION SECTION 8 POPULATION PUBLIC APARTMENT TRANSITION HOUSING 5.02 237 4.67 4,872 3.28 242 4.98 257 4.86 508 3.56 178 4.65 1,067 4.04 260 4.67 2,458 3.30 193 4.12 4.11 361 4.51 433 5.00 173 4.17 119 3.00 247 4.76 2,715 4.71 1,271 4.66 26 1,325 Page 5 of 32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL NUMBER OF NON- TOTAL POPULATION BLDGS RESIDENTIAL BLDGS 237 1 1 4,872 17 1 242 1 0 257 1 0 508 2 0 178 8 0 1,067 2 2 260 1 0 2,458 9 0 193 1 0 1 361 5 0 433 4 1 173 2 1 119 2 0 247 1 0 2,715 13 0 1,271 6 0 1,585 5 0 Page 6 of 32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book NUMBER OF STAIRHALLS NUMBER OF STORIES TOTAL AREA SQ FT 2 14 39,609 35 7-13-14 1,196,115 1 23 47,204 2 7 44,353 3 9-17 93,155 8 4-5 53,532 5 20 161,016 1 17 44,689 9 16 469,672 1 16 26,052 6 6 23,032 15 4-9 86,078 32 3 167,568 3 4 42,733 2 6 17,872 1 20 50,180 18 6-13-14 510,926 8 6-13-14 258,562 5 20 227,341 Page 7 of 32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book ACRES NET DEV AREA SQ FT EXCLUDING PARK ACRES 0.91 39,609 0.91 27.46 1,101,503 25.29 1.08 47,204 1.08 1.02 44,353 1.02 2.14 93,155 2.14 1.23 53,532 1.23 3.70 161,016 3.70 1.03 44,689 1.03 10.78 415,455 9.54 0.60 26,052 0.60 0.53 23,032 0.53 1.98 86,078 1.98 3.85 167,568 3.85 0.98 42,733 0.98 0.41 17,872 0.41 1.15 50,180 1.15 11.73 510,926 11.73 5.94 258,562 5.94 5.22 227,341 5.22 Page 8 of 32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book BLDG COVERAGE SQ FT CUBAGE CU FT BLDG COVERAGE % 8,031 950,162 20.28% 160,098 17,784,205 13.38% 6,149 1,268,931 13.03% 18,790 1,216,072 42.36% 29,149 2,470,285 31.29% 24,540 1,411,795 45.84% 24,555 4,083,496 15.25% 13,167 1,293,680 29.46% 63,621 8,909,852 13.55% 5,618 914,382 21.56% 12,882 937,200 55.93% 37,227 1,657,278 43.25% 59,808 1,622,292 35.69% 22,801 596,573 53.36% 10,275 490,400 57.49% 6,910 1,316,253 13.77% 103,446 9,657,260 20.25% 43,916 4,497,120 16.98% 39,355 5,936,573 17.31% Page 9 of 32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book DENSITY DEVELOPMENT COST PER RENTAL ROOM 260 $4,290,021 $7,981 177 $36,411,155 $3,553 224 $6,622,549 $9,907 252 $4,364,419 $8,008 237 $17,601,547 $16,193 145 $1,384,643 $3,653 288 $9,322,807 $4,240 252 $3,731,491 $6,077 228 $17,157,591 $3,356 322 $2,876,132 $5,645 $5,742,000 $12,903 182 $14,369,576 $18,482 112 $14,709,271 $17,346 177 $7,324,340 $26,158 290 $4,322,735 $18,795 215 $5,622,697 $7,487 231 $13,510,289 $2,411 214 $6,339,520 $2,344 304 $14,090,000 $4,277 Page 10 of32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book AVG MONTHLY GROSS RENT LOCATION STREET A LOCATION STREET B $687 GRAND ST ALLEN ST $534 E HOUSTON ST FDR DRIVE $302 COLUMBIA ST DELANCEY ST $596 E 3RD ST AVENUE C $627 AVENUE B E 14TH ST $500 E 2ND ST E 3RD ST $556 DELANCY ST PITT ST $524 ALLEN ST STANTON ST $585 RUTGERS ST MADISON ST $297 CHERRY ST MADISON ST E HOUSTON ST BARUCH PL $512 DELANCEY ST RIVINGTON ST $554 E 4TH & 5TH STS E 6TH ST $705 E 9TH ST AVENUE D $643 AVENUE C E 6TH ST $290 E 1ST ST FIRST AVE $595 FDR DR AVENUE D $542 FDR DR AVENUE D $544 CHERRY ST PIKE ST Page 11 of32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book LOCATION STREET C LOCATION STREET D BOROUGH HESTER ST ELDRIDGE ST MANHATTAN DELANCEY ST COLUMBIA ST MANHATTAN E HOUSTON ST FDR DRIVE MANHATTAN E 4TH ST AVENUE B MANHATTAN AVENUE C E 13TH ST MANHATTAN AVENUE A FIRST AVE MANHATTAN STANTON ST MANHATTAN ELDRIDGE ST E HOUSTON ST MANHATTAN MONTGOMERY ST CHERRY ST MANHATTAN RUTGERS ST MONTGOMERY ST MANHATTAN A NEW ST MANGIN ST MANHATTAN FORSYTHE ST ELDRIDGE ST MANHATTAN AVENUES B & C AVENUE D MANHATTAN E 8TH ST AVENUE C MANHATTAN E 7TH ST MANHATTAN E 2ND ST AVENUE A MANHATTAN E 8TH ST E 13TH ST MANHATTAN EAST 6TH ST EAST 8TH ST MANHATTAN MADISON ST RUTGERS ST MANHATTAN Page 12 of32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book US CONGRESSIONAL COMMUNITY DISTIRCT NY STATE SENATE DISTRICT DISTRICT 3 7 26 3 7 26 3 7 26 3 12 26 3 12 27 3 12 26 3 7 26 3 7 26 3 7 26 3 7 26 3 7 26 3 7 26 3 12 26 3 12 27 3 12 27 3 12 26 3 7 27 3 7 27 3 7 26 Page 13 of32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book NY STATE ASSEMBLY NY CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT COMPLETION DATE DISTRICT 65 01 7/31/1974 74 02 8/6/1959 74 02 4/30/1977 74 02 5/31/1974 74 02 4/30/1983 74 02 5/31/1936 74 02 4/30/1964 65 01 8/31/1971 65 01 8/8/1957 65 01 8/31/1965 74 2 9/26/1984 65 01 6/1/1988 74 02 11/1/1988 74 02 4/30/1997 74 02 12/1/1986 65 02 8/31/1971 74 02 1/17/1949 74 02 1/31/1949 65 01 3/31/1965 Page 14 of32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book FEDERALIZED ELECTRICITY PAID BY SENIOR DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT RESIDENTS EXCLUSIVELY YES 1972/06/29-FED TRAN YES EXCLUSIVELY PARTIALLY YES YES YES YES EXCLUSIVELY 1972/06/29-FED TRAN Page 15 of32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book PRIVATE MANAGEMENT YES Page 16 of32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book 1/1/2019 SEWARD PARK EXTENSION NY005011000 192 1/1/2019 SMITH NY005000270 027 1/1/2019 STANTON STREET NY005013590 559 1/1/2019 TWO BRIDGES URA (SITE 7) NY005010760 266 1/1/2019 VLADECK NY005010060 006 1/1/2019 VLADECK II NY005010060 007 1/1/2019 WALD NY005000230 023 Page 17 of32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book 100 312 312 NY005100 027 531 531 NY005220B 359 841 840 NY005326 076 389 221 NY005194 006 204 204 NY005003 006 371 204 NY005181B 023 511 511 NY005213C Page 18 of32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book FEDERAL CONVENTIONAL NEW CONST FEDERAL CONVENTIONAL NEW CONST FEDERAL TURNKEY NEW CONST FEDERAL TURNKEY NEW CONST FEDERAL CONVENTIONAL NEW CONST FEDERAL CONVENTIONAL NEW CONST FEDERAL CONVENTIONAL NEW CONST Page 19 of32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book 360 360 1,591.0 1,934 1,935 8,988.0 13 13 66.5 250 250 1,251.0 1,527 1,531 6,248.5 240 240 1,080.0 1,861 1,861 8,767.5 Page 20 of32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book 4.42 796 4.65 4,126 5.12 35 5.00 622 4.09 2,894 4.50 545 4.71 3,985 Page 21 of32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book 796 2 2 4,126 12 0 35 1 0 622 1 0 2,894 20 0 545 4 0 3,985 16 2 Page 22 of32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book 5 23 90,637 12 17 947,493 1 6 5,000 1 26 31,735 46 6 566,414 8 6 96,933 19 11-14 717,071 Page 23 of32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book 2.08 90,637 2.08 21.75 806,175 18.51 0.11 5,000 0.11 0.73 31,735 0.73 13.00 519,124 11.92 2.23 96,933 2.23 16.46 694,013 15.93 Page 24 of32 09/25/2021 NYCA_CB 3_Databook Based on NYCHA Development Data Book 23,922 3,370,430 26.39% 126,462 15,937,490 13.35% 3,600 72.00% 13,314 2,613,000 41.95% 171,144 10,617,265 30.22% 28,827 1,766,160 29.74% 133,117 14,691,881 18.56% Page 25 of32
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