Om Prakash Rout et al / IJRAP 3(1), Jan – Feb 2012

Review Article

OLEOGUM RESIN GUGGULU: A REVIEW OF THE MEDICINAL EVIDENCE FOR ITS THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES Om Prakash Rout1*, Rabinarayan Acharya2, Sagar Kumar Mishra3 1Dept of Dravyaguna, Rajiv Lochan Ayurvedic Medical College, Chandkhuri, Durg, Chhatisgarh, 2Dept. of Dravyaguna, I.P.G.T & R.A., Ayurved University, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India 3Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry Division, University Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Received on: 14/10/2011 Revised on: 22/12/2011 Accepted on: 09/01/2012

*Corresponding author Dr. Om Prakash Rout, Lecturer, Dept of Dravyaguna, Rajiv Lochan Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Chandkhuri, Gundardehi Road, Durg, Chhatisgarh, India Email: [email protected]

ABSTRACT Guggulu is an oleogum resin that exudes spontaneously as a result of injury from the bark of wightii Bhandari (Syn : Commiphora mukul Hook. ex Stocks or Balsamodendron mukul Hook. ex Stocks). In Ayurveda guggulu enters into the preparation of several compound medicines most of which are named with suffix ‘guggulu’. It is a complex mixture of steroids, diterpenoids, aliphatic esters, carbohydrates, amino acids and variety of inorganic compounds. Traditionally it is used to treat arthritis, obesity, and other disorders. Guggul has been shown to lower cholesterol and triglycerides. This review is an effort to compile all the available information reported on its macroscopic features, chemical constituents, pharmacological activities, toxicity and adverse reactions, Keywords: Guggulu, Commiphora wightii, macroscopic features, chemical constituents, pharmacological activities, toxicity, adverse reactions.

INTRODUCTION Samhita Guggulu is an oleogum resin that exudes spontaneously It is observed that the internal usage of Guggul increased as a result of injury from the bark of Commiphora wightii during Samhita period only. Acharya Charaka included Bhandari (Syn : Commiphora mukul Hook. ex Stocks or Guggul in “Sangya Sthapana Maha Kashaya” (Su. 4/48) Balsamodendron mukul Hook. ex Stocks). Guggul, more and in “Kashaya Skandha” (Vi.8/144)7. Maharishi popularly known as , is derived from the gummy Sushruta has described Guggul in the list of seven most resinous exudate of a closely related to that is important drugs for the treatment of Sthaulya (Su. 15/32). found in arid to semi-arid areas of Northern India, He has prescribed Guggul with Go-mutra in condition of Bangladesh and Pakistan1. The Sanskrit definition of the vitiated Vata with Medodhatu dominated Kapha dosha term "guggul" is "one that protects against diseases." This (Chi. 5/35). The drug is also mentioned as highly attests to the wide respect and therapeutic Ayurvedic effective in the treatment of Vrana as a fumigating agent applications for this botanical, considered the most (Su. 5/10-12), Kushtha (Chi. 9/6), Vidradhi (Chi. 17/32), important for the removal of "ama," toxic substances Pratisaranartha (Chi. 22/5), Shotha (Chi. 23/12), Gulma which accumulate as a result of sluggish digestion and (Utt. 42/63)8,9 etc. Acharya Kashyapa has quoted Guggul circulation associated with a slowing of metabolism2,3. in different formulations to treat various diseases. Ghrita, Guggul is a resin, the major ingredient in joint care and Taila, Avaleha, Dhoopana etc. many formulations of it are immuno care that has been regarded as a remedy in also described for the treatment of many ‘Bala Rogas’10. Ayurvedic medicine, known to increase white blood cell Maharishi Bhela has prescribed that Dhoomrapana of count and to possess strong immuno-modulating Guggulu should be taken after bath and after taking meal. properties. Guggul is one of the "broad spectrum" health He also described the Vrana ropana property of products with a wide range of benefits. Mode of action Guggulu11. Maharishi Harita has elaborated Guggulu in a makes this product very helpful not only in protecting separate chapter titled “Guggulu Kalpa” (5th Chap.6-8). against the common cold but also in various other Here, he has opined that Guggulu from Marudesha must conditions. It has been shown to have remarkable be collected in Ushna Ritu and Guggulu from hilly areas properties as an adjuvant of other types of therapies. In must be collected in Sheeta Ritu12. Many formulations of addition, lower cholesterol and triglycerides, while Guggulu have been mentioned in Sharangadhara Samhita. maintaining the HDL to LDL ratio has long known However, in Vati kalpadhyaya (Sha. Sam. M. Kha. 7), Guggul. It has been subjected to hundreds of clinical Guggulu has been suggested specifically for the Vati studies4. preparation, because it facilitates the binding capacity. Sarangadhara quoted it among the drugs to be used when HISTORY they are older (Purana)13. Veda Vagbhata has described that it is a drug of choice for Guggul is described as “Agni Sthana” and used for Medoroga and Vatavikaras.He has also quoted its ‘Dhupa’. In Atharva Veda, it is mentioned that Yaksma Medohara action along with other drugs like Shilajatu, and other diseases will not spread to the areas fumigated Rasanjana and Brihat panchmula (A. H. Su. 14/23). He by Guggulu. ‘Sayana also introduced it as a well known has also used Guggul in Sneha vyapada chikitsa (A. H. ‘Dhupana dravya’. It was used for the treatement of Su. 16/34) and prescribed Guggulu in diseases produced diseases of cattle2,3,5,6. due to vitiated Vata, Kapha, Medodhatu and in Amavata 15 Om Prakash Rout et al / IJRAP 3(1), Jan – Feb 2012

(A. H. Chi. 21/50). Vagbhata has also mentioned Guggul variety has been prescribed for specifically in human and in the list of selected drugs for the treatment of certain animals. important diseases like Kushtha, Prameha, Shopha14 etc. The Kanaka type has been told as best among all and Nighantu prescribed to use as medicine in human beings. An elaborative description can be traced about Guggul as Mahishaksha can be used as medicine in humans, regards its synonyms, types, properties and uses in Mahaneel and Mahishaksha have been told to be useful in Dhanvantari nighantu, Madanpal nighantu, Raj nighantu, elephants and Kumuda and Padma has been said to be Bhavaprakasha nighantu, etc15-21. useful in horse. Rasa Granthas Synonyms (Paryaya) Guggul is not included anywhere in Maharasa, Uparasa, Unfolding the hidden meanings of the paryayas or Sadharanarasa etc. groups in Rasa shastra. But it is quoted synonyms of the drugs, mentioned in Ayurvedic texts in Dravaka Gana and Mitra Panchaka gana as a reducing becomes more relevant as these define various agent for different metals and minerals22-24. characteristics of the drugs and hence help in identifying Mythological origin of Guggul by God Vishnu has been them15-21. described in Prathmollas of Anand Kanda. It has also Rasapanchaka quoted five types of Guggulu2-3. Rasa: Tikta, Katu Rasa Ratna Samuchchaya, Rasendra Sar Sangraha, Rasa Guna: Laghu, Ruksha, Tikshna, Visada, Sukshma, Sara, Ratnakar, Chakradatta, Yoga Ratnakar etc. have Sugandhi (Purana Guggulu) & Snigdha, Picchila (Navina prescribed many Yogas of Guggul for various ailments22- guggulu) 29. Virya: Ushna Gana( Classification) Vipaka: Katu Different Acharya have described Guggulu under Dosakarma: Tridosahara different Ganas, which are described as follows – Dhatu karma: Rasayana, vrisya (old Guggulu), lekhana Grantha: Gana/Varga (new Guggulu) Charaka Samhita7: Sangyasthapana, Kashaya Skandha Rogaghnata: Sthoulya/ medoroga, amavata, vata vyadhi, Sushruta Samhita8-9: Eladi, Kaphasmari bhedana prameha, apaci, gandamala, sotha, pitaka, ashmari, arsha Ashtanga Sangraha28: Eladi and kustha32,34 Ashtanga Hridaya14: Eladi, Rasayana Apathya Harita Samhita12: Rasayana During the administration of Guggulu the patients should Dhanvantari Nighantu17: Chandanadi be advised not to take Amla rasa, Tikshna guna Madanpala Nighantu19: Karpooradi predominant drug and diet. Should also not drink Madya Kaiyadeva Nighantu20: Aushadhi and to avoid Ajirna bhojana, Maithuna, Vyayama, Atapa Bhavaprakasha Nighantu16: Karpooradi sevana and Krodha32. Rajavallabha Nighantu30: Nanoushadhi Side effects Saligrama Nughantu21: Karpuradi On improper use, it gives bad effect to and lungs. Madhava Dravyaguna15: Vividhaousadhi Long term and higher dose administration of Guggulu Nighantu Adarsha31: Guduchyadi may lead to Timira, Mukhasosa, Klaibya, Krisata, Dravya Guna Vigyana32: Vedana Sthapana (P. V. Murcha, Sauthilya and Roukshata32. Sharma) Sodhana (Purification process) of Guggulu Again Vagbhata has quoted that Guggulu was evolved as Different shodhana processes are described for the “Amrita” by Lord Vishnu during Devasur Sangrama for various drugs in our classics. For the Shodhana of replenishing lost Bala, Shourya and Teja of Devas. (As. Guggulu, Gomutra, Godugdha, Triphala kasaya, vasa San. Utt. 49)33. kasaya/svarasa and Nirgundi svarasa with Haridra curna Types of Guggulu are used as media reported in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia In Atharva veda, it is reported that Guggulu has two types of India, Part II, Volume, II; 2008:277. i.e.3. Scientific Clasification 1. Nadi Sameepottha, Which is found near the Sindhu Kingdom: Plantae - River. Subkingdom: Tracheobionta – Vascular plants 2. Samudra Sameepottha, This is found near the ocean. Superdivision: Spermatophyta – Seed plants Bhavaprakasha has reported five types of Guggulu on the Division: Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants basis of color16 – Class: Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons These are: Subclass : Rosidae A. Mahishaksha Order: B. Mahanela Family: – Frankincense family C. Kumuda Genus: Commiphora Species D. Padma Commiphora wightii (Arnott.) Brand33 E. Hiranya Vernacular Names Each type has its specific color, as Mahishaksha has the Bengali: Guggulu, Guggul, Guggal, ranghan turb, Makal, color either of Bhringa or Anjana. Mahaneel is extremely Guggal; Canarese: Guggulu; Dukshini: Gugul, Guggul, blue in color, Kumuda type has the color of Kumuda Mukul, Ranghan turb; Gujarati: Gugul, Gugal, i.e. white, Padma looks dark red like ruby color, Bhesaghgala, Guggul, Gugara, Mukul, Ranghanturb, while Hiranya looks like gold. However, each type of Bhaisoguggul; Hindi: Gugala, Guggal, Guggul, guggulu, Gugava, gugavik, Kukul, Rranghanturb, Gogil,

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Bhasagugul; Kannad: Kanthgal, Kangah, Guggul, Ivadol- found to be a relatively safe and effective supplement for guggala, Idbol; Marathi: Gugal, Guggal, Guggul, osteoarthrtiis of the knee47. Research studies showed that hansaguggul, kantguggul, Mahaishsguggul; Sindhi: guggul is effective against aspects of cardiovascular Gugaru; Tamil: Kukkil, Gukkal, Guggal, Gugal, Gukkula, disease. Guggul reduced the stickiness of platelets48. The Maishskshi, maisachhi, Kungiliyam; Telugu: Meshakshi, crude gum guggul and each of the fractions containing the Gukkal, Guggal, Guggal, Gugal, Gukkula, maishakshim, E- and Z-guggulsterones have hypocholesteremic activity: Mahishaksh-Gugilamu, Cheetu mahishashi; Arabic: the ethyl acetate extract, the neutral compounds from the Mukulyahuda, Mulkarjak, Mushkilerarjak, Mogla, Mogal, extract, the ketonic compounds in the neutral fractions, Mokhit, Aphalatana, Mukal, Ahlatan, Mogal, and that containing the purified E- and Z- Arzagiaglatam; English: Gum giggulu, Indian bdellium, guggulsterones49. Indian bdellium, salativee, Bdellium, Guggulu, Borassus, Chemical Constituents Flabelliformis; Persian: Baijahundanas, Boejahudan; A detailed chemical study of guggulu revealed that it is a Pharsi: Boejahudon, Buejahudan, Boe, jhoodan, complex mixture of steroids, diterpenoids, aliphatic Vorojahudan; Sinhali: Rata dummula, Guggulu, tatayy, esters, carbohydrates, amino acids and variety of Jauya; Unani: Afaletana, Mikal32,35 inorganic compounds. Besides known sesamin and Macroscopic Features cholesterol, Sukh Dev et al have isolated Z- Translucent, vernacular or stalactic, tears of varying sizes, , E-guggulusterone, 16 β- reddish yellow or brown in colour, more often occurring hydroxyprogesterone and three new sterols viz. in resinous lumps which turn darker in colour on long guggulsterols I, II & III50. Later workers have isolated storage. Fracture-brittle, exposing a rough or waxy two more new sterols guggulsterol- IV and guggulsterol- surface having a moist unctuous appearance; balsamic V51,52. Besides a new alcohol viz. mukulol52, four steroids odour, acrid, bitter and aromatic taste. 36 too have been isolated from guggulu53. Traditional Uses Extracts of the oleoresin include compounds known for In Ayurvedic, Indian traditional system of medicine, their hypolipidemic properties, on which this report herbs are usually used in combinations37. Yogaraj focuses the Z- and E-isomers of guggulsterone and its guggulu is traditionally for detoxifying, treating obesity, related guggulsterols54. Other types of chemicals that joint pain, arthritic conditions, muscle aches, rheumatism, were named as gum guggul constituents were a tetrol, and gout. Punavadi guggulu is for detoxifying the nonadecan-1,2,3,4-tetrol, lignans and terpenes. The kidneys, eliminating fluid, helping heart conditions, and lignans included guggullignan I; guggullignan II; inflammations. Triphala guggulu is for joint pain, arthritic octadecane-1,2,3,4-tetraol-1-yl 3-(4-hydroxy-3- conditions, muscle aches, rheumatism, and weight loss38. methoxyphenyl) propanoate, ferulic acid [1135-24-6], and Gum guggul is used as , to make lacquers, sesamin [607-80-7]56-58. The terpenes included mukulol varnishes, and ointments, as a fixative in , and in [41943-03-7]; allylcembrol I [39012-00-5]; cembrene A medicine39. Gum guggul is used to treat dysmenorrhea, [31570-39-5] (Dev, 1983); cembrene [20016-72-2]; α- dyspepsia, endometritis, hypercholesteremia, camphorene I [532-87-6] (Rücker, 1972); myrcene [123- hypertension, impotence40, bronchitis, caries, catarrh, 35-3], and dimyrcene45. Bajaj, A.G et. al. 1982 lists the gingivitis, hay fever, hysteria, inflammation, laryngitis, components of the essential oil of C. mukul and their lochia, mania, pharyngitis, phthisis, pyorrhea, percentages by weight:57: α-pinene, 4.75%; myrcene, rheumatism, sores, sore throat, stimulant, tonsillitis, 3.50%; eugenol, 14.70%, cadinene, 5.50%; geraniol, tumors, wounds41, bone fractures42, gout, scrofula, 6.20%; methyl heptanoate, 17.50%; (+)-α-phellandrene, sciatica, facial paralysis, diplegia, leprosy, leucoderma, 5.50%; (+)-limonene, 6.50; (±)-bornyl acetate, 7.30%; pectoral disorders, otorrhea, epilepsy, fever, strangury, (±)-linalool, 8.70%; methyl chavicol, 5.40%; α-pineol, hemorrhoids, dysmenorrheal, amenorrhea, ulcers, anemia, 4%; 1,8-cineole (eucalyptol), 3.5%; and unidentified coronary, thrombosis, stomatopathy, pharyngopathy, compounds. The crude gum guggul was found to contain spermatorrhea, urinary calculus, diabetes, trichosis, to 2% guggulsterones. Its ethyl acetate extract contains 4% enhance phagocytosis, to increase leukocytes37, to induce to 4.5% guggulsterones. The neutral subfraction contains abortion43, and as a tonic for the uterus41. Traditional uses 4.2% to 4.7% guggulsterones. The ketonic subfraction of of C. mukul include as an anti-inflammatory, the neutral subfraction contains 35% to 40% antispasmodic, carminative, emmenagogue, guggulsterones, from which the 10% E- and Z- hypoglycemic40, alterative, antiseptic, astringent, sedative, guggulsterones are derived49.E- and Z-Guggulsterones in stomachic, carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic, gum guggul were profiled using ultraviolet (UV) expectorant41, antispasmodic, antisuppurative, aperient, monitoring27. Guggulsterols in gum guggul were expectorant, a thyroid stimulant37, anthelmintic, identified by 1HNMR, and spectrometers and depurative, vulnerary, antiseptic, demulcent, aphrodisiac, spectrophotometers were used to gather spectral and stimulant, tonic, detergent, anti-spasmodic, analytical data53. hematinic, diuretic, and lithonotriptic44. Pharmacology Modern Uses Lipid-lowering effects Modern therapeutic uses of guggul include nervous Typical guggulipid preparations contain 2.5-5% of the diseases, hemiplegia, leprosy, marasmus, muscle spasms, plant sterols guggulsterones E and Z. These two neuralgia, ophthalmia, pyelitis, pyorrhea, scrofula, skin components have been reported to exert effects on diseases, spongy gums, ulcerative pharyngitis, lipids.55-56 hypertension, ischaemia, hypertension, hemorrhoids, and urinary tract disorders45,46. More recently, C. mukul was

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Hypochloesterolemic Activity In the treatment of heart diseases Crude guggulu was found to possess highly encouraging The fraction A and the steroidal component derived from hypolipaemic activity in rabbits57. Crude guggulu and its it were studied in experimental myocardial infarction in alcohol soluble fractions caused significant fall in serum rats produced by isoprenaline. The results show that cholesterol and serum turbidity with a concomitant guggulu is one of a few drugs which is effective in both increase in the coagulation time and prothrombin time58- hyperlipidemia and myocardialnecrosis86. 59. Fraction A and a steroidal fraction present in guggulu In infective hepatitis also showed significant hypolipaemic activity in The antagonizing property of guggulu on the liver cholesterol fed chicks60-61. Alcoholic extract and a pure hypertrophy has been established87. steroid isolated from it reduced serum cholesterol level in Adverse Effects normal and triton induced hyperlipidemic rats and Gastrointestinal: In clinical studies and historically, cholesterol fed hyperlipidemic rabbits58. Clinical studies guggul and guggulipid have been associated with on patients of hypercholesterolemia associated with diarrhea, loose stools, nausea, vomiting, eructation obesity, ischaemic heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, (belching), and hiccough. Frequency has varied between etc. showed a fall in total serum cholesterol and serum 10—30%; these symptoms have been observed both with lipiphosphorous when treated with guggulu. The body guggul63,88-89 and with guggulipid90-92. Most symptoms weight of the obese ones declined significantly62. Other have been well controlled with supportive care or clinical studies showed that the lowering of serum treatments such as antacids, although discontinuation is triglucerides was found most encouraging in case of gum occasionally necessary. guggulu in comparison to all the drugs known so far63. In Neurologic/CNS: Headache was reported in 22 of 31 a long term clinical study it was found that fraction A of patients (71%) in one study74.Restlessness and guggulu in cases of hyperlipoproteinaemia reduced apprehension were noted in one of 44 patients in a triglycerides by 36.5% whereas the drug clofibrate different study93. brought a reduction of 33.3%. Serum cholesterol was Endocrine: Stimulation of thyroid function has been reduced by 26.2% with fraction- A treatment when 31.5% noted in animal studies93,83,94,63, although a recent human was the result with clofibrate. Fraction- A enhanced the trial reports no effects of guggulipid in thyroid stimulating rate of excretion of cholesterol and also reduced its hormone (TSH) levels after 8 weeks of therapy96. synthesis64. Hematologic: Guggulipid administration has been Anti – fertility activity associated with inhibition of platelet aggregation and Guggulu caused a reduction in the weight of rat uterus, increased brinolysis69, 70,95, 66. ovaries and cervix with a concomitant increase in their Genitourinary: Weight reduction and chemical changes glycogen and sialic acid levels thereby showing that it in reproductive organs have been observed in female might be useful as an antifertility agent65. rats65. Antioxidant effects Dermatologic: Hypersensitivity skin reactions were noted Guggul extracts have been reported to possess antioxidant in a clinical trial, occurring in 5 of 34 patients (15%) properties66 possibly mediating protection against receiving 50 mg of guggulsterones three times daily, and myocardial necrosis.67-68. in 1 of 33 (3%) of patients receiving 25 mg of Platelet effects guggulsterones three times daily. In most cases, reactions Guggulipid has been found to inhibit platelet aggregation occurred within 48 hours of starting therapy, and resolved and increase .brinolysis.69-71, 66 spontaneously within 1 week of therapy discontinuation, Anti-inflammatory although one patient required oral steroids92. Pharmacological studies have shown that the oleoresin is Renal: A case of rhabdomyolyis has been reported97. a highly potent antiinflammatory agent as compared to Rhabdomyolis may lead to renal failure. hydrocortisone and butazolidin against Brownlee’s Toxicological Data formaldehyde induced arthritis in albino rats72. The acidic Traditional Ayurvedic treatments for obesity were fraction of the oleo resin was active one whereas the non administered in a clinical trial to determine their – acidic and the solid fractions were inactive.The activity effectiveness for weight loss. All of the formulations of the acidic portion was present even in the contained gum guggul among its herbal ingredients. Each adrenalectomised animals73. The results of several studies group except controls were administered triphala guggul suggest possible anti-inflammatory and antiarthritic (138 mg gum guggul). Group I was administered activities of guggul74-82. gokshuradi guggul (35 mg gum guggul); Group II, Thyroid effects sinhanad guggul (15 mg gum guggul); Group IV, Data from animal models suggest that the guggul chandraprabha vati (57.6 gum guggul); and Group III, constituent guggulsterone Z may stimulate thyroid placebo tablets as a control. The 70 participants function.83 However, results from a recent randomized experienced a few minor side effects such as nausea and controlled trial in 103 patients’ reports no difference in mild diarrhea (eight in treatment groups, two in control thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) with the use of group)98. In a phase I tolerability study of Yogaraj- guggul84. guggulu (containing 39.87% guggulu) with male Anti – arthritic Activity volunteers (22-28 years old), general tolerability was Suddha guggulu administered to 30 patients of “good” at doses up to 9 g/day. Three volunteers reported rheumatoid arthritis showed complete remission (66.66%) diarrhea; whether intestinal parasites were irritated by major to minor (23.33% - 10%) improvement besides anti Yogaraj-guggulu were not determined. One subject –inflammatory and analgesic properties85. developed rash and pruritus,which was probably not drug-

18 Om Prakash Rout et al / IJRAP 3(1), Jan – Feb 2012 related since a rechallenge dose failed to reproduce the 15. Sharma PV. Madava dravyaguna, Chaukhamba Vidyabhawana, symptoms and the patient had a past history of urticaria. Varansi; 1973.p.3. 16. Chunekara KC. Pandey GS. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu of Another subject had stomatitis; he, however, also had a Bhavamishra, Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, Varanasi; 2009.p. 99 history of recurrent stomatitis . In other studies reporting 204. no significant side effects, adult obese patients were 17. Ojha JK. Dhanwantari Nighantu, Chaukhamba Surabharati administered medohar, a guggulu formulation, for 30 days Prakasana, Varanasi; 2004.p. 150. 100 18. Singh AK. Mahasadha Nighantu, Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, for weight loss , and patients with primary Varanasi; 2006.p. 75. hyperlipidemia received gugulipid three times a day for 19. Madanapala Nighantu , Khemraj Srikrishna Prakashna, Bombay; six weeks103. A standardized gugulipid extract had a few 2004.p. 84. side effects, including minor gastrointestinal disturbances, 20. Sharma P, Sharma GP, Kaiyadeva Nighantu, Chaukhamba 102 Orientalia varansai; 1979. P. 260. such as dyspepsia, fullness . Caution is recommended 21. Shaligrama Nighantu, Khemraja Srikrishna prakshana, Mumbai; when using guggul in people with liver disease, 2004.p. 22. inflammatory bowel disease, or diarrhea103. It should not 22. Tripathy I, Panta T, Rasarnavam, Chowkhanba sanskrita Series be used during pregnancy and it can cause diarrhea, office, varansai; 1978. 23. Mishra S, Rasaprakasha Sudhakara by Acharaya Yashodhara, hiccups, apprehension, and restlessness. Gum guggul Chaukhanmba Orintalia, Varanasi; 1998. 104 possibly interacts with several drugs . More side effects 24. Mishra S, Rasendra Chudamani, Chaoukhamba orintalia, Varanasi; are associated with the crude gum guggul. These include 1984. skin rashes, irregular menstruation, diarrhea, headache, 25. Mishra S, Rasa manjari by Acharaya Shalinatha, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi; 1995. mild nausea, eructation, hiccough, and with very high 26. Shastri A, Bhaishajya ratnavali, Chaukhamba sanskrita samsthana, 1,42 doses, liver toxicity . Varansi;1997. 27. Rasa Ratnakara – Siddha Nityanatha, published by Khemraj Shri CONCLUSION Krishnadas, Shri Venkateshwara Presss, Bombay; 1996. 28. Rasa Ttarangini – Sadananda Sharma, edited by Pt. Kashinath Although the results from this review are quite promising Shastry, 11th edition, published by Motilal Banarasidas, Varanasi; for the use of guggulu as a multi-purpose medicinal agent, 1989. several limitations currently exist in the current literature. 29. Rasendra Sara sangraha, Krishna Gopal Bhatt, with Hindi st While recent researchers have focused attention on the commentary by Indra Dev Tripathi, 1 edition, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi; 1987. anti-inflammatory activity and hypolipaemic activity of 30. Tripathi I, Rajanighantu of Pandita Narahari, Krishnadasa academy, guggulu comparatively less work has been done relating Varanasi; 1982. to other properties of the drug enumerated in Ayurveda. 31. Vaidya B, Nighantu Adarsha, Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, While guggulu has been used successfully in Ayurvedic Varanasi; 2007.p. 258. 32. Sharma P V, Dravyaguna Vijnana Vol. II, Chaukhamba Bharati medicine for centuries, more clinical trials should be Academy, Varanasi; 1995; p. 54. conducted to support its therapeutic use. It is also 33. Murthy KRS. Astanga sangraha of Vagbhata, Chaukhambha important to recognize that guggulu may be effective not Orientalia, Varanasi. only in isolation, but may actually have a potentiating 34. Sastry JLN, Dravyaguna Vijanan, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varansi; 2008.p. 113-119. effect when given in combination with other herbs or 35. 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