1 REVIEW ARTICLE Recombinant subunit vaccines for soil-transmitted helminths

JASON B. NOON and RAFFI V. AROIAN* Program in Molecular Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA 01605, USA

(Received 7 March 2017; revised 1 June 2017; accepted 16 June 2017)


Soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) collectively infect one fourth of all human beings, and the majority of livestock in the devel- oping world. These gastrointestinal are the most important parasites on earth with regard to their prevalence in humans and livestock. Current anthelmintic drugs are losing their efficacies due to increasing drug resistance, particularly in STHs of livestock and drug treatment is often followed by rapid reinfection due to failure of the immune system to develop a protective response. Vaccines against STHs offer what drugs cannot accomplish alone. Because such vaccines would have to be produced on such a large scale, and be cost effective, recombinant subunit vaccines that include a minimum number of proteins produced in relatively simple and inexpensive expression systems are required. Here, we summarize all of the previous studies pertaining to recombinant subunit vaccines for STHs of humans and livestock with the goal of both informing the public of just how critical these parasites are, and to help guide future developments. We also discuss several keyareasofvaccinedevelopment, which we believe to be critical for developing more potent recombinant subunit vaccines with broad-spectrum protection.

Key words: soil-transmitted helminths, anthelmintics, vaccines, adjuvants, protective immunity.

INTRODUCTION parasites from earth is critical for future global human health and economic growth. Helminths ( parasitic nematodes or round- It is generally accepted that vaccines for STHs worms) have debilitated human beings over the would be the most ideal control agents as they course of evolution, whether infecting our livestock, would prevent re-infection, which anthelmintic our pets, or us directly. Soil-transmitted helminths drugs do not. However, there are no licensed vac- (STHs; Table 1) establish chronic infections cines. Currently, chemotherapy is delivered via within the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and are by far mass drug administration (MDA), stirring grave the most prevalent. The World Health Organization concern for the strong selection of drug resistance, (WHO) currently estimates that STHs infect 24% of especially with limited efficacious anthelmintic the human population, and infection causes extensive drugs (Geerts and Gryseels, 2001). Immunity to morbidity (Bethony et al. 2006). Almost 900 million STH infections does not develop upon clearance, children are chronically infected, causing stunted and represents a vast issue for humans who are growth and delayed cognitive and intellectual devel- rapidly re-infected after chemotherapy (Bethony opment. Millions of pregnant women are also et al. 2006). Thus, vaccines would go a long way infected, leading to adverse birth outcomes. towards STH elimination. Although highly concentrated in developing coun- An important distinction between STH infections tries of sub-Saharan African, Southeast Asia and in humans and livestock, ruminants in particular, is tropical regions of Central and South America, that in the latter, protective immunity often devel- those who travel to and from endemic regions are ops with age, but in the former, this is not the also at risk of getting infected (Bethony et al. case. So, although the duration of vaccine-induced 2006). Furthermore, when also considering the protection in livestock may only need to last long worldwide prevalence and severity of STHs in live- enough to protect younger , for humans stock (Krecek and Waller, 2006), some of which are this protection would need to last throughout their known to cause zoonoses (McCarthy and Moore, lifetime. Thus, developing vaccines for humans 2000), greatly reducing the prevalence of these will likely be a much greater challenge than for live- stock due to the high likelihood that repeated immu- nizations will be needed throughout life. * Corresponding author: Program in Molecular What level of efficacy is needed to justify inclusion Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA 01605, USA. E-mail: raffi.aroian@ of an STH vaccine in a control program? Bartsch umassmed.edu et al. (2016) developed a target product profile

Parasitology, Page 1 of 26. © Cambridge University Press 2017. This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. ,144doi:10.1017/S003118201700138X8A 31247 73 /811.C21C71AC2:381247ACA1D1121 8A 31247 73A 8A4 7 .0 Jason B. Noon and Raffi V. Aroian 2

Table 1. Biology of soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections in humans and livestock

GI tract Ingested host STHa,b Principle host(s) location contents Common sequelae

Ancylostomatidae () N. americanus (Na)c Humans SI Blood Blood loss; anaemia; protein malnutrition A. duodenale Humans SI Blood Blood loss; anaemia; protein malnutrition A. ceylanicum (Acey)c Dogs; cats; humans SI Blood Blood loss; anaemia; protein malnutrition A. caninum (Ac) Dogs; catsd SI Blood Blood loss; anaemia; protein malnutrition Strongyloides spp. S. stercoralis (Ss)c Humans; dogs; cats SI Intestinal fluid Mostly asymptomatic S. fuelleborni Humans SI Intestinal fluid Mostly asymptomatic Trichostrongylidae H. contortus (Hc)c Sheep; goats Abomasum Blood Blood loss; anaemia; oedema O. ostertagi (Oo) Cattle Abomasum Abomasal contents Severe diarrhoea T. circumcincta (Tci) Sheep; goats Abomasum Abomasal contents Severe diarrhoea Ascaridae (Ascarids) A. lumbricoides Humans SI Luminal contents Mostly asymptomatic A. suum (As)c Pigsd SI Luminal contents Mostly asymptomatic T. canis Dogs SI Luminal contents Mostly asymptomatic T. cati Cats SI Luminal contents Mostly asymptomatic B. schroederi (Bs) Giant pandas SI Luminal contents Relatively high mortality rate B. procyonis Raccoonsd SI Luminal contents Mostly asymptomatic Trichurids (whipworms and Trichinella) T. trichiurac Humans LI Mucus; blood? Abdominal pain; bloody diarrhoea T. spiralis (Ts)c Pigs; horses; Muscle; SI Intestinal fluid Abdominal pain; diarrhoea dogs; catsd

GI, gastrointestinal; SI, small intestine; LI, large intestine. a Only the STHs that are mentioned in this review and infect humans or livestock (or in the case of B. schroederi endangered wild animal ) are listed. b Only STH species from which the immunogens in Table 2 are derived from given abbreviations in parentheses. c Genome has been sequenced. d Relatively frequent reported transmissions from principle host(s) to humans.

(TPP) for a recombinant subunit vaccine against compared with no intervention and MDA alone human hookworms and evaluated the vaccines eco- (especially considering rampant anthelmintic drug nomic and epidemiologic impact on resistance in H. contortus) even though it has to be infection in endemic Brazil. A modelled human given repeatedly during the summer months (when hookworm vaccine administered in a single dose to infection is highest) because a protective memory infants (78% coverage rate) with an efficacy of 80% response is not induced in vaccinated lambs during at preventing L3 maturation and providing at least challenge infection. Clearly any STH vaccine for 10 years of protection with a single booster at 15 livestock with such a high efficacy would meet the years of age (78% compliance), and costing $1 per requirements of an established TPP. As Barbervax dose, was highly cost-effective and economically is not a recombinant subunit vaccine, it requires dominant compared with no intervention or annual numerous sheep to make enough worm guts to MDA (Bartsch et al. 2016). Thus, a human STH produce the vaccine. It is hard to tell if recombinant vaccine with such a TPP should be ideal. subunit vaccines for livestock should have similar For livestock, a subunit vaccine called Barbervax, TPPs and this will have to be addressed in the developed in Australia, has been commercialized for future. Haemonchus contortus (barber’s pole worm) that con- There have been many attempts to develop vaccines sists of a complex combination of native antigens for STHs of humans and livestock (Hewitson and from the worm’s gut (described in more detail Maizels, 2014). These parasites are relatively large, below). Barbervax is about 70% effective at reducing multicellular, cuticularizedanimals(i.e.uniquefrom worm burdens and about 90% effective at reducing other infectious agents). They have relatively large the number of eggs in the feces, which greatly genomes and produce many thousands of offspring reduces egg numbers throughout the pasture, and per day, contributing to their rapid evolution thus, the number of infections later on. Barbervax (Zarowiecki and Berriman, 2015). It is thus clear is much more cost-effective and efficacious that the biology of these parasites provides a

,1448A 31247 73 /811.C21C71AC2:381247ACA1D1121 8A 31247 73A 8A4 7 .0 8A 31247 73A ,144 emnhvaccines Helminth Table 2. Summary of recombinant subunit vaccine studies for STHs 8A 3124773

Vaccine efficacy (significant Immunogen Adjuvant (animal used) Significant immune responses findings)a Reference

rAc-MTP-1 AS02 (beagles) IgG2 FECs and burdens negatively Hotez et al. (2003) Quil-A (hamsters) Total IgG correlated with IgG2 Mendez et al. (2005) 8A4 7 .0 43% lower FECs rAc-ASP-2 AS03 (beagles) IgG1; IgG2; IgE 69% lower FECs; 26% lower Bethony et al. (2005)

Quil-A (hamsters) Total IgG burdens Mendez et al. (2005) /811.C21 56% lower FECs, 32% lower burdens rAcey-MTP-1/ rAcey-ASP-2 Quil-A (hamsters) Total IgG 59% lower FECs; 36% lower Mendez et al. (2005) burdens rAc-16 AS03 (beagles) IgG1; IgG2; IgE; IFN-γ w/o IL-4 or Significantly less blood loss; Fujiwara et al. (2007) IL-10 in PBCs 63% lower FECs

rNa-ASP-2 Alhydrogel (humans) Total IgG w/o IgE; proliferation of Generalized urticarial reac- Bethony et al. (2008), PBMCs tions in Phase I clinical trials Diemert et al. (2012) C71 rAc-CP-2 AS02 (beagles) IgG1; IgG2; IgE ∼60% lower FECs Loukas et al. (2004) AS03 (beagles) IgG1; IgG2; IgE ∼60% lower FECs ISA70 (beagles) IgG1; IgG2; IgE ∼60% lower FECs Alum (beagles) IgG1; IgG2; IgE ∼60% lower FECs rAc-APR-1 AS03 (beagles) IgG1; IgG2; IgE; IFN-γ and prolif- Significantly less blood loss; Loukas et al. (2005) Alhydrogel (hamsters) eration of PBCs 70% lower FECs; 33% lower Xiao et al. (2008) AC2:381247ACA1D1121 not evaluated burdens 44% lower burdens rAc-GST-1 AS03 (beagles) IgG1; IgG2; IFN-γ and proliferation 32% lower FECs; 39% lower Zhan et al. (2005) Alhydrogel (hamsters) in PBCs burdensb Zhan et al. (2005) Alhydrogel (hamsters) not evaluated 54% lower burdens Xiao et al. (2008) not evaluated 51% lower burdens Acey-MEP-6 pcDNA3·1+; Fugene 6 Not evaluated Marginally less blood loss and Wisniewski et al. (2013) (hamsters) burdens Acey-MEP-7 pcDNA3·1+; Fugene 6 Total IgG 75% lower FECs; 50% lower Wisniewski et al. (2016) (hamsters) burdens Ss-tmy-1 Lambda Uni-zap XR vector; Total IgG None Kerepesi et al. (2005) GM-CSF (mice) Ss-eat-6 Lambda Uni-zap XR vector; Total IgG 35% lower L3 survival within Kerepesi et al. (2005) GM-CSF (mice) installed diffusion chambers Ss-lec-5 Lambda Uni-zap XR vector; None None Kerepesi et al. (2005) GM-CSF (mice) Ss-tmy-1/Ss-eat-6/Ss-lec-5 Lambda Uni-zap XR vector; Total IgG None Kerepesi et al. (2005) GM-CSF (mice) 3 8A 31247 73A ,144 8A 3124773 ao .No n Ra and Noon B. Jason Table 2. (Cont.) Vaccine efficacy (significant Immunogen Adjuvant (animal used) Significant immune responses findings)a Reference rSs-TMY-1 Alum (mice) Total IgG None Abraham et al. (2011) 8A4 7 .0 rSs-EAT-6 Alum (mice) Total IgG None Abraham et al. (2011) rSs-LEC-5 Alum (mice) Total IgG None Abraham et al. (2011) rSs-NEI-1 Alum (mice) Total IgG None Abraham et al. (2011) ffi

/811.C21 rSs-IR Alum (mice) Total IgG 80% lower L3 survival within Abraham et al. (2011) installed diffusion chambers Aroian V. rSr-HSP60 CFA (rats) IgM; IgG1; IgG2b; IgG2c; IFN-γ Slightly higher burdens Ben Nouir et al. (2012) Alum (rats) w/o IL-13 or proliferation in SCs 67% lower burdens none (rats) IgM; IgG1; IgG2b; IgG2c; IL-13 Slightly higher burdens and proliferation in SCs w/o IFN-γ IgM; IgG1; IgG2b; IgG2c; IFN-γ w/o IL-13 or proliferation in SCs

C71 rHc-H11 bac (sheep) Antibody response 30% lower burdens Reszka et al. (2007) rHc-MEP1 GST-fusion; Quil-A (sheep) Antibody response None Smith et al. (2003) rHc-MEP3 GST-fusion; Quil-A (sheep) Antibody response None Smith et al. (2003) rHc-hmcp-1/rHc-hmcp-4/rHc-hmcp-6 E. coli extract; GST-fusion; Total IgG 38% lower burdens Redmond and Knox, (2004) Quil-A (sheep) rOo-ASP-1 Quil-A (cattle) Antibody response None Geldhof et al. (2008) rOo-PA Quil-A (cattle) Mucosal IgG1; mucosal IgG2 None Vercauteren et al. (2004)

AC2:381247ACA1D1121 rTci-CF-1/rTci-MEP-1/rTci-ES20/ Quil-A (sheep) IgG; IgA; mucosal IgG; mucosal 70% lower FECs; 55% lower Nisbet et al. (2013) rTci-ASP-1/rTci-SAA-1/rTci-MIF-1/ IgA burdens rTci-APY-1/rTci-TGH rAs14 CTB (mice) IgG1; IgE; mucosal IgA 60% lower larval burdens in Tsuji et al. (2001) the lungs rAs16 CTB (mice) IgG1; IgG2a; IgG3; IgE; IFN-γ, >60% lower larval burdens in Tsuji et al. (2003) CTB (pigs) IL-2 and IL-10 w/o IL-4 in SCs the lungs Tsuji et al. (2004) IgG1; IgE; mucosal IgA; IFN-γ, >60% lower larval burdens in IL-4 and IL-10 in PBMCs the lungs rAs24 CFA (mice) IgG1; IgG2a; IgG2b; IFN-γ and 58% lower larval burdens in Islam et al. (2005a) IL-10 w/o IL-4 in SCs the lungs rAs37 CFA (mice) Total IgG none Tsuji et al. (2002) rAs-PPase TiterMax Gold (mice) IgG1; IL-10 w/o IFN-γ, IL-2 or >70% lower larval burdens in Islam et al. (2005b) IL-4 in SCs the lungs AsEnol pVEX I vector (mice) Total IgG; IFN-γ and proliferation 44% lower larval burdens in Chen et al. (2012) in SCs the lungs rBs-Ag1 CFA (mice) Total IgG >60% lower larval burdens in He et al. (2012) the lungs rBs-Ag2 CFA (mice) Total IgG >60% lower larval burdens in He et al. (2009) the lungs rBs-Ag3 CFA (mice) Total IgG >60% lower larval burdens in Wang et al. (2008)

the lungs 4 Helminth vaccines 5

formidable barrier for vaccine development. Also,

) although ‘holistic’ vaccines [radiation-attenuated larvae, crude worm extracts and excretory/secretory 2011 ( )

) (ES) products] have provided high levels of protec- b ) ) tion against many STHs tested, with a few STHs et al. 2016 2010 (

( of livestock being some exceptions (Hewitson and 2013 2017 ( ( Maizels, 2014), because these parasites cannot be et al.

et al. cultured on a large enough scale for mass vaccine et al. et al. administration (unlike bacteria and viruses) due to Xie Xu high costs, low stability and shelf-life, among other ting factor; SCs, spleen cells or reasons, recombinant subunit vaccines are necessary. Hence, in this review we do not evaluate the previous vaccine studies that used ‘holistic’ vaccines as this has been extensively reviewed before (Hewitson and Maizels, 2014). Rather, we provide an update and evaluation of the previous studies that used recombinant subunit vaccines, the only realistic s adjuvant; mLNs, mesenteric lymph nodes; ns, not ’ type of vaccine possible for controlling STHs. Below, we first provide a general overview of the 30% lower burdens50% lower burdens Yang Pompa-Mera 78% lower larvae recovered 45% lower burdens Wang immune response(s) that are most relevant for this the lungs in muscle tissue 70% lower larval burdens in ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ review. We then summarize and interpret the previ- ous studies that used recombinant subunit vaccines , , or γ γ

γ for the major STHs of both humans and livestock (data presented in Table 2), grouped into separate sections based on their phylogenetic relationships (Blaxter and Koutsovoulos, 2015). In this review, and IL-5 in we use the phylogeny of Nematoda that groups the γ phylum into five distinct clades (clades I, II, III, IV and V), of which the parasitic species relevant for human and veterinary medicine belong to clades I, III and V (Blaxter and Koutsovoulos, T cells; total peripheral ,IL-10andIL-4 γ + 2015). Included in each section is a brief description of each STH’s basic biology to compare and contrast IL-2 in SCs IL-10, IL-5, IL-6, and IL-4 in SCs SCs and mLNs IFN- IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6in and SCs IL-10 and mLNs CD8 IgG1; IgG2a; mucosal IgA; IFN- IgG1; IgG2a; IFN- IgG1; IgG2a; mucosal IgA; IFN- with the other STHs. We then provide an evaluation of all of these studies as a whole, and discuss poten- tial avenues that may help to develop more effica- cious, recombinant subunit vaccines for these critical parasites.

TH1 and TH2 immune responses Typhimurium Typhimurium Two key arms of the adaptive immune system are the type 1 and type 2 T helper (TH) cell responses (TH1 and TH2) (Romagnani, 2000). The TH1 Typhimurium (mice) (mice) (mice) cant. pcDNA3·1+ IgG1; IgG2a; elevated peripheral response promotes cell-mediated immunity, while fi TH2 promotes humoral immunity. Whether a TH1 or TH2 response is induced generally depends on whether the pathogen is intracellular (such as viruses, and some bacteria and protozoa), or extra- cellular, such as helminths, and also toxins. However, it must be noted that many cracks have been discovered in the foundation for the TH1/ TH2 paradigm, in particular that the abundance of effector cytokines, chemokines, co-stimulatory molecules, signalling pathways and transcription factors involved in each response is much greater

cant; w/o, without. and more complex than originally thought (Zhu fi

-PYP-1 CFA (mice) IgG1;et IL-4 and IL-10 w/o IFN- al. 2010), and there appear to be variations of These results were not statistically signi Results are compared with adjuvant alone control. Bs Ts87TsGp43 S. enterica S. enterica signi r a b FECs, fecal egg counts; PBCs,spenocytes; peripheral blood bac, cells; baculovirus-insect PBMCs, cell peripheral extract; blood PA, mononuclear polyprotein cells; allergen; GM-CSF, granulocyte-macrophage CTB, colony-stimula cholera toxin B subunit; CFA, complete Freund TsPmy S. enterica Ts-NBLsp these responses for particular pathogen types. But

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for the purpose of this review, we will only mention with the Fcε region of the heavy chain recognized how TH1 and TH2 responses are mounted, briefly with high affinity by the FcεRI receptor that is con- summarizing that covered in Kaiko et al. (2008). stitutively expressed on basophils and mast cells. We begin with the TH1 response. Host cells (non- This receptor is expressed at much lower levels on professional antigen presenting cells or APCs) professional APCs and is inducible on eosinophils. infected with intracellular pathogens present anti- Basophils, mast cells and eosinophils are granulo- gens via Class I Major Histocompatibility cytes that collectively release proinflammatory med- Complex (MHC) molecules. Cognate naïve CD8+ iators and cytotoxins that result in a robust, cytotoxic T (TC) cells then recognize the antigen- hypersensitivity reaction associated with allergy bound Class I MHC via the antigen-specific T cell (Kaiko et al. 2008; Stone et al. 2010). receptor (TCR), resulting in the activation and TH2-type responses are clearly associated with differentiation of TC cells into antigen-specific reduced intensities of infection by STHs (Anthony effectors that destroy the infected cell, or into et al. 2007; Nair and De’Broski, 2016). These memory TC cells for responding to future cognate responses involve an interconnected, complex antigen. Professional APCs such as macrophages or network of IgE-driven mastocytosis and basophilia, dendritic cells also recognize and endocytose the IL-5-driven eosinophilia, and IL-4/IL-13-driven pathogen or its antigens and present them on Class alternative activation and recruitment of macro- II MHC molecules. The antigen-loaded profes- phages and parasite expulsion. Expulsion occurs sional APCs then travel to nearby lymphoid tissues via intestinal epithielial cell (IEC) secretion of where they are recognized by cognate naïve CD4+ RELM-β and Muc2/Muc5ac (‘mucus’), IEC turn- TH (TH0) cells via antigen-specific TCR. In com- over (‘epithelial escalation’) and/or increased IEC bination with the cytokine interleukin (IL)-12 permeability and smooth muscle contraction secreted by the professional APCs and necessary (‘weep and sweep’ response) (Anthony et al. 2007; co-stimulatory molecules (‘signal two’ and ‘signal Nair and De’Broski, 2016). However, subunit vac- three’), TH0cellsdifferentiate into TH1effector cells cines do not necessarily need to induce the natural that proliferate and produce massive quantities of immune response(s) in order to provide protection. pro-inflammatory cytokine interferon gamma (IFN- Subunit vaccines for STHs have focused primarily γ), as well as IL-2 and tumour necrosis factor on the idea that the protein antigens targeted by (TNF), triggering the influx of inflammatory cells the vaccines are important for infection, rather and the complement system into the site of infection, than simply being immunogenic in order to direct or into TH1 memory cells. TH1effector cells also the immune system to the pathogen to attack it. provide help to differentiating TC cells and induce B Immunization with most STH antigens triggers cell-secretion of opsonizing antibodies or immunoglo- IgG responses (IgG1 and IgG2 are by far the most bulins (Ig), in general IgG2, which along with the abundant serum antibodies), although titre is complement system enhances phagocytosis, and highly variable. The common theme is that high thus, pathogen clearance (Kaiko et al. 2008). IgG titre blocks antigen function, and if the When professional APCs present antigens from antigen is essential, protection may be achieved. As extracellular pathogens such as helminths, or discussed below, the most promising vaccine candi- toxins/allergens, to TH0 cells in lymphoid tissues, dates discovered from previous studies are consistent the professional APCs secrete IL-2 and IL-4 that, with this common theme. along with the necessary co-stimulators, drives differentiation of TH0 cells into TH2effectors or RECOMBINANT SUBUNIT VACCINES FOR into TH2 memory cells. TH2effector cells secrete STRONGYLIDS three key cytokines that drive classic features of the TH2 response, IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13. They can The order (Nematoda clade V) contains also secrete IL-10, which tends to dampen immune many important parasitic species, including devas- responses. IL-4: (1) drives antibody class switching tating parasites of humans, livestock, dogs and from IgM to IgG1 and IgE; (2) drives affinity mat- cats, as well as species that infect birds, reptiles and uration by somatic hypermutation in B cells; (3) sti- amphibians (Durettedesset et al. 1994). Strongylida mulates B cell proliferation and differentiation into was once grouped into four suborders: Strongylina, plasma cells; and (4) drives differentiation of TH2 Ancylostomatina, Trichostrongylina and Metastro- cells, thus providing feedback regulation. IL-5 ngylina, of which the former three suborders con- attracts and activates eosinophils, and also drives tained the most significant species for human and the secretion of IgA (Lebman and Coffman, 1988), veterinary medicine (Durettedesset et al. 1994). the most abundant mucosal antibody responsible But it is now clear that these suborders are not for intestinal homoeostasis (Mantis et al. 2011). monophyletic and that the most significant species IL-13 mediates the release of granules from baso- within the former three suborders are actually in phils and mast cells and can also drive class switch- their own monophyletic group (Chilton et al. ing to IgE. In TH2-mediated allergy, IgE is key, 2006). Thus, we do not use the suborders in this

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review, but only refer to the most relevant families, burdens and fecal egg counts (FECs) compared with which are currently stable. The most extensive AS02 alone [Table 2; the level of protection was cor- studies with recombinant subunit vaccines for stron- related with serum IgG2 endpoint titre (i.e. the gylids have been on hookworms, with studies on inverse of the greatest serum dilution at which Strongyloides spp. and a few strongylid parasites of there is an above background response)] (Hotez livestock also prevalent in the literature. As many of et al. 2003). This initial study provided proof of the important strongylid species within these families concept that recombinant subunit vaccines have have relatively recent common ancestries with very efficacy against hookworms. similar modes of infection (Durettedesset et al. 1994; Ancylostoma secreted protein (Ac-ASP-2) is Chilton et al. 2006;BlaxterandKoutsovoulos,2015), natively expressed in the oesophageal gland cells, asingle,pan-strongylidvaccinewithefficacy against a basal lamina and cuticle, and secreted by L3. majority of the species seems within reason, hence Baculovirus-insect cell-expressed rAc-ASP-2 for- why we have grouped them into their own section. mulated with GlaxoSmithKline’s AS03 adjuvant (unresolved TH response) and injected i.m. four times into beagles at 100 µg doses had average Hookworms serum IgG1 and IgG2 endpoint titre of >10 000 Hookworms (family Ancylostomatidae) are a serious and average serum IgE endpoint titre of 1000 issue for human health, as well as for dogs and cats, (Table 2). rAc-ASP-2/AS03 immunization resulted and of all the STHs, these parasites cause the most in an average 26 and 69% lower A. caninum worm severe disease due to their voracious blood feeding burdens and FECs, respectively, compared with (Table 1). The human hookworms (Necator ameri- AS03 alone (Table 2), although the latter measure canus, and Ancylostoma cey- had extensive variation. Interestingly, in the same lanicum) infect almost 500 million people (Pullan study, intensity of N. americanus infection in indivi- et al. 2014). and A. duodenale duals from endemic Brazil was negatively correlated infect predominantly humans while A. ceylanicum with IgE titre specific for Na-ASP-2, revealing this infects humans, dogs, cats and some rodents. L3 antigen as naturally immunogenic and, possibly, Third stage larvae (L3) penetrate the skin and naturally protective. enter the blood stream, arriving in the lungs for L3 In another study, P. pastoris-expressed rAcey- maturation (N. americanus and Ancylostoma spp.). MTP-1 and rAcey-ASP-2 were injected three L3 then migrate up the trachea into the pharynx times i.m. into golden hamsters at 25 µg doses as and are swallowed. Ancylostoma spp., but not both monovalent and bivalent vaccines formulated Necator, are also able to directly enter orally. After with Quil-A adjuvant (mixed TH1/TH2 response). passing through the stomach, L3 burrow into the Immunization resulted in impressive average total epithelium of the small intestine, most often in the serum IgG endpoint titre (no IgG subclass-specific duodenum, and rupture capillaries to feed on secondary antibodies for hamsters) between 50 000 blood. Blood feeding by the attached hookworms and 200 000, including from both the monovalent causes iron deficiency anaemia in humans, and is of and bivalent vaccines (Table 2), suggesting that major concern for children and pregnant women. immunological interference was not a problem. Adult hookworms mate within the lumen of the Similar to that found in the A. caninum-beagle small intestine, and each female can produce over pathosystem, both monovalent vaccines resulted in 10 000 eggs per day. These hematophagous parasites lower A. ceylanicum FECs (rAcey-ASP-2/Quil-A = can live for years in the same host (Hotez et al. 2004). 56% lower; rAcey-MTP-1/Quil-A = 43% lower) Pre-clinical vaccine studies for hookworms have and worm burdens (rAcey-ASP-2/Quil-A = 32% either used the dog hookworm - lower; rAcey-MTP-1/Quil-A = 28% lower) com- beagle or A. ceylanicum-golden hamster (Mesocricetus pared with Quil-A alone, although the worm auratus) pathosystems, or a laboratory strain of burden for rAcey-MTP-1/Quil-A were not signifi- N. americanus adapted to golden hamsters. Antigens cantly less (Table 2). Surprisingly, the bivalent from both infectious L3 and adult hookworms have vaccine did not provide significant, additive protec- been subjected to pre-clinical vaccine studies. These tion over the monovalents with an average 59 and past attempts focused on recombinant subunit 36% lower FECs and worm burdens, respectively, vaccines using Escherichia coli, Pichia pastoris or compared with Quil-A alone (Table 2). On the baculovirus-insect cell expression systems. other hand, clinicopathological parameters (reduced haemoglobin and body weight) were significantly Secreted L3 antigens. Beagles that received four improved in the bivalent compared with the mono- intramuscular (i.m.) injections at 140 µg each of a valent vaccines (Table 2) (Mendez et al. 2005). recombinant, E. coli-expressed Astacin-like metallo- Nonetheless, lack of a significant additive effect on protease (rAc-MTP-1), natively secreted by L3, and FECs and worm burdens suggests that ASP-2 and formulated with GlaxoSmithKline’s AS02 adjuvant MTP-1 may have functional redundancies during (TH1-biased) in general had lower A. caninum worm tissue migration.

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Ac-16 is homologous to larval surface antigens of exposed. Thus, next attempts focused on the so- Nematoda clade III helminths that had been previ- called ‘hidden antigens’ (i.e. STH proteins that are ously shown to protect against experimental infec- not exposed to the host immune system during tions (see section on ascarids below). Ac-16 was infection but that may be accessed by host immune expressed in E. coli, formulated with AS03 and effectors induced by vaccination) present in the injected three times i.m. into beagles at 100 µg hookworm intestinal lumen and thus accessible to doses. Immunization of beagles with rAc-16/AS03 host antibodies in the ingested blood (Hotez et al. resulted in peak serum IgG1, IgG2 and IgE end- 2010). Hookworms have a semi-ordered proteolytic point titre of around 5000, 100 000 and 1000, cascade in their intestinal lumen for digesting respectively, significant rAc-16-stimulated prolifer- haemoglobin during blood meals (Williamson et al. ation of peripheral blood cells and production of 2004; Ranjit et al. 2009) and all of the vaccine IFN-γ, but not IL-4 or IL-10 (Table 2). rAc-16/ studies pertaining to adult intestinal antigens have AS03 also resulted in an average 63% lower A. focused on this process (Hotez et al. 2010). caninum FECs and significantly less blood loss A recombinant, P. pastoris-expressed, Cathepsin compared with AS03 alone, but worm burdens B cysteine protease (rAc-CP-2) that natively loca- were similar (Table 2) (Fujiwara et al. 2007). lizes in the hookworm intestinal lumen (Loukas Nonetheless, this study clearly demonstrated the et al. 2004) and that degrades fragments of haemo- vaccine efficacy of rAc-16/AS03 for reducing hook- globin in vitro (Williamson et al. 2004; Ranjit et al. worm fecundity and hookworm-associated blood 2009), was formulated with multiple adjuvants loss, in association with IgG and IgE responses, [AS02, AS03, ISA70 and aluminium phosphate and a TH1-biased cytokine profile (but without (alum)] and injected i.m. three times into beagles measuring IL-5 and IL-13, contribution from at at 100 µg doses (Loukas et al. 2004). Although rAc- least some TH2 cytokines cannot be ruled out). Ac- CP-2/adjuvant immunizations resulted in average 16 was also localized to the L3 cuticle with rAc-16/ serum IgG1 and IgG2 endpoint titre of >10 000 AS03 serum from beagles (Fujiwara et al. 2007). and average serum IgE endpoint titre of around With the promising pre-clinical results for ASP-2 1500 regardless of adjuvant, A. caninum worm (significantly reduced worm burdens, FECs and burdens were the same as adjuvant controls, while clinical pathology), and negative correlation between FECs were an average 60% lower (Table 2). The infection intensity and Na-ASP-2-specific serum lowest FECs and highest IgG titre were observed IgE responses in individuals from endemic Brazil, with the AS03 adjuvant, although the differences P. pastoris-expressed rNa-ASP-2 formulated on from the other adjuvants were not significant. Also, Alhydrogel (aluminum hydroxide gel; a widely pooled IgGs from rAc-CP-2/AS03-immunized used TH2 adjuvant) (Goud et al. 2005) advanced to beagles reduced the in vitro rAc-CP-2 protease activ- clinical trials. Three i.m. injections in healthy and ity by an average of 73% and recognized native Ac- unexposed adults of either 10, 50 or 100 µg doses CP-2 within the adult hookworm intestinal lumen were well tolerated and induced total serum IgG (Loukas et al. 2004), suggesting that blocking/neu- endpoint titre of around 10 000, while serum IgE tralizing IgG contributed to the reduced fecundity. endpoint titre were below 100, and significant rNa- Another adult antigen, Cathepsin D aspartic pro- ASP-2-stimulated proliferative responses in periph- tease (Ac-APR-1), which is also localized within the eral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) (Table 2) intestinal lumen but degrades whole haemoglobin (Bethony et al. 2008). However, rNa-ASP-2/ (Williamson et al. 2004; Ranjit et al. 2009), was Alhydrogel in only a single injection of 10 µg failed recombinantly expressed in P. pastoris.rAc-APR-1 in Phase I as individuals previously infected with was formulated with AS03 and injected i.m. three or exposed to N. americanus resulted in generalized times in 100 µg doses into beagles. rAc-APR-1/ urticarial reactions due to pre-existing Na-ASP-2- AS03 immunization resulted in average serum specific serum IgE (Table 2) (Diemert et al. 2012). IgG1 and IgG2 endpoint titre of >10 000 and Although rNa-ASP-2 is still being optimized to average serum IgE endpoint titre of around 1500 reduce its allergic potential, namely by removing (Table 2). There was significant IFN-γ production the IgE epitopes and fusion with Fcγ1, thus promot- and proliferative responses in rAc-APR-1-stimu- ing its ligation with the FcγRIIb inhibitory receptor lated whole blood cells (Table 2). rAc-APR-1/ (Zhan et al. 2012), these findings have halted vaccine AS03 immunization resulted in 70 and 33% lower studies focused on L3 antigens. median A. caninum FECs and worm burdens, respectively, and anaemia was significantly less com- Adult intestinal antigens. Results with ASP-2 pared with AS03 alone (Table 2). Similar to rAc- demonstrated an important problem for targeting CP-2/AS03, serum IgG from beagles immunized antigens that are naturally immunogenic during with rAc-APR-1/AS03 reduced the in vitro protease (at least from L3); there may activity of rAc-APR-1 by an average of 71%, and be an allergic reaction following immunization of recognized native Ac-APR-1 within the adult hook- individuals that had been previously infected or worm intestinal lumen (Loukas et al. 2005).

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The final protective adult hookworm antigen is a glucopyranosyl lipid A (GLA) or CpG oligodeoxynu- glutathione S-transferase (GST-1) that is localized cleotide will help achieve acceptable immunogenicity within the intestine, muscular tissue and hypoder- (Hotez et al. 2016). Surprisingly, to the best of our mis and is also present in adult excretory/secretory knowledge there are no published results on the (ES) products. GST-1 is believed to scavenge and level of protection provided by the bivalent vaccine. detoxify haeme liberated from degraded haemoglo- Some important questions remaining to be addressed bin within the hookworm intestine (Zhan et al. are whether there is an additive or maybe synergistic 2005). Based on GST-1’s localization in the hypo- effect when combining rAPR-1 and rGST-1, or dermis and presence in ES products, the protein rather, no additive effect, similar to that observed for may have other functions as well. Pichia pastoris- the rAcey-ASP-2/rAcey-MTP-1 bivalent (Mendez expressed rAc-GST-1/AS03 i.m. injections into et al. 2005). Given that both APR-1 and GST-1 are beagles (three times in 100 µg doses), as with rAc- assumed to function in haemoglobinolysis (Hotez CP-2/AS03 and rAc-APR-1/AS03, resulted in et al. 2010), it seems reasonable to suspect redundancy average serum IgG1 and IgG2 titre of >10 000, in blocking/neutralizing both antigens. For example, lower average serum IgE endpoint titre of <500, blocking/neutralizing APR-1 would in theory and significant proliferative responses and IFN-γ prevent liberation of heme since haemoglobin would production in rAc-GST-1-stimulated whole blood no longer be broken down, thereby making GST-1 cells (Table 2). rAc-GST-1/AS03 immunization redundant. Moreover, adult hookworms can survive resulted in an average 32 and 39% lower A. in vitro in serum alone, so it is likely that haemoglobin caninum FECs and worm burdens, respectively, is not the only source of protein in their diet within the compared with AS03 alone (Table 2). These reduc- intestine. Nevertheless, this vaccine is admittedly not tions were not significant, which was attributed to expected to prevent hookworms from establishing too much variation between beagles. However, in infection within the small intestine (Hotez et al. the same study, rAc-GST-1 formulated on 2010;Hotezet al. 2016), but the evidence does Alhydrogel was subcutaneously (s.c.) injected three suggest that it will reduce clinicopathological para- times at 25 µg doses into golden hamsters and chal- meters below threshold levels. Thus, although there lenged with the adapted laboratory N. americanus are still many unanswered questions for this vaccine, strain, and worm burdens were a significant 54% there is cautious optimism for significant impact. lower than Alhydrogel alone (Table 2) (Zhan et al. 2005). Although immune correlates of this protec- DNA vaccines. More recently, a pair of studies tion were not evaluated, this result provided proof used a DNA vaccine approach against A. ceylanicum of concept for cross-protection against hookworms in golden hamsters (Wisniewski et al. 2013, 2016). from different genera using the same immunogen, With a DNA vaccine, the antigen’s cDNA is in addition to revealing GST-1 as a promising cloned into a plasmid vector and then the plasmid vaccine target. is injected into the host with the expectation that it In another study using the N. americanus-golden will enter host cell nuclei for transcription and will hamster pathosystem, rAc-GST-1/Alhydrogel under subsequently be translated in the host cell cytoplasm. the same immunization regimen as Zhan et al. (2005) In the first study, A. ceylanicum metalloprotease 6 again had an average of 51% lower N. americanus (Acey-MEP-6) cDNA (a likely adult intestinal worm burdens, and in the same study, rAc-APR-1/ antigen) was cloned into the plasmid vector Alhydrogel had 44% lower N. americanus worm pcDNA3·1+, mixed with Fugene 6 Transfection burdens compared with Alhydrogel alone (Table 2) Reagent (presumably to enhance uptake into host (Xiao et al. 2008). Thus, both A. caninum immunogens cells), and administered intranasally (i.n.) both once were capable of cross protecting against N. americanus and three times in 50 µg doses into golden hamsters. in golden hamsters, although immune correlates of Single dose pcDNA3·1+/Acey-MEP-6/Fugene 6, protection were not evaluated. but not triple dose, resulted in significantly lower A. The cross-protections against N. americanus in ceylanicum worm burdens and significantly higher golden hamsters with rAc-GST-1/Alhydrogel and haematocrit compared with golden hamsters receiving rAc-APR-1/Alhydrogel are the greatest reported to no vaccine, but not compared with golden hamsters date compared with any other recombinant subunit receiving either single or triple doses of pcDNA3·1 vaccines against hookworms. A recombinant bivalent +/Fugene 6 (empty vector/transfection reagent) subunit vaccine containing rNa-GST-1 expressed in control (Table 2) and immune responses were not P. pastoris and a catalytically inactive, but still evaluated (Wisniewski et al. 2013). Thus, although immunogenic (Pearson et al. 2009), rNa-APR-1 pcDNA3·1+/Acey-MEP-6/Fugene 6 appeared to expressed in tobacco plants (used as an alternative to have some vaccine efficacy, the clear impact that P. pastoris since expression was low) and formulated the empty vector/transfection reagent control had on Alhydrogel is currently in Phase I clinical trials on A. ceylanicum challenge infection and lack of eval- (Hotez et al. 2016). Clinical testing is also evaluating uated immune correlates of protection makes it if including synthetic Toll-like receptor agonists difficult to interpret these results.

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In a follow up study with an Acey-MEP-7 cDNA (Kerepesi et al. 2005). Strongloides stercoralis (paralog of Acey-MEP-6), single dose pcDNA3·1 deoxycholate-soluble L3 antigens tropomyosin +/Acey-MEP-7/Fugene 6 (amount of plasmid was (Ss-TMY-1), Na+-K+ ATPase (Ss-EAT-6) and not reported) resulted in significantly lower A. ceyla- galectin (Ss-LEC-5) were shown to be recognized nicum worm burdens and FECs, and significantly by serum IgG isolated from human plasma obtained higher post-challenge hematocrit compared with from exposed Haitian donors, and this serum was pcDNA3·1+/Fugene 6 control in golden hamsters shown to passively transfer protection to BALB/cJ (Table 2) (Wisniewski et al. 2016). Also, pcDNA3·1 mice (Kerepesi et al. 2004). Six intradermal (i.d.) +/Acey-MEP-7/Fugene 6 resulted in significantly injections of 20 µg doses were performed in the greater rAcey-MEP-7-specific total serum IgG ears of mice with Lambda Uni-zap XR vector indi- responses (measured as optical density at 450 nm; vidually containing cDNA inserts for all three S. OD450) compared with pcDNA3·1+/Fugene 6 stercoralis antigens mixed with the plasmid control, although the difference was not great (average VC1701 containing murine ganulocyte-macrophage OD450 of ∼0·7 compared with ∼0·4) (Table 2) colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). Only (Wisniewski et al. 2016). Although this study clearly plasmid Ss-tmy-1/GM-CSF and plasmid Ss-eat-6/ indicates significant vaccine efficacy of pcDNA3·1 GM-CSF resulted in significant, synthetic peptide- +/Acey-MEP-7/Fugene 6, the issue with the empty specific total serum IgG responses compared with vector/transfection reagent control also having an control plasmid GM-CSF alone, albeit with very effect (Wisniewski et al. 2013) has not been fully weak responses (OD450 of ∼0·25 and ∼0·6, respect- resolved, and immune correlates are weak. Thus, ively, compared to ∼0·15 in control using 1 : 100 efficacy of DNA vaccines for hookworms remains serum dilutions) (Table 2). Immunized mice were unclear. challenged s.c. with S. stercoralis L3 in diffusion chambers (i.e. devices with openings that are small enough to keep the worms inside but large enough Strongyloides spp. to allow immune cells to enter) for 4 days, and Species within the Strongyloides genus (family only plasmid Ss-eat-6/GM-CSF resulted in signifi- Strongyloididae) have been reported to infect cantly lower L3 survival (35%) within the diffusion humans, non-human primates, dogs, cats and some chambers compared with plasmid GM-CSF rodents (Table 1). At least two species, Strongloides control (Table 2). However, mice immunized with stercoralis and Strongyloides fuelleborni,commonly a combination of all three DNA vaccines did not infect humans, with a total of approximately 100 result in significantly lower L3 survival compared million people infected (Puthiyakunnon et al. 2014). with plasmid GM-CSF control (Table 2). Although symptoms are often subclinical, strongyl- Although triply vaccinated mice had significant oidiasis can be deadly in immunosuppressed people total serum IgG responses against Ss-EAT-6 syn- with hyperinfection syndrome. These strongyloid thetic peptides, these responses were lower than parasites alternate betweenfree-livingandparasitic plasmid Ss-eat-6/GM-CSF alone. Passive transfer cycles. Free-living larvae passed in the stool can of serum from vaccinated into naïve mice for all either moult to infectious L3 or can continue a free- DNA vaccine groups did not result in significantly living cycle and ultimately moult to egg-laying adult lower S. stercoralis L3 survival compared with worms outside of a host for a single generation (an plasmid GM-CSF control serum, not even for advantage in the absence of a suitable host). Similar plasmid Ss-eat-6/GM-CSF, although the latter did to hookworms, in the presence of a suitable host, L3 result in the lowest survival (Kerepesi et al. 2005). penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream where they undergo maturation in the lungs, followed by Protein vaccines. Ss-TMY-1, Ss-EAT-6 and Ss- migration up the trachea and into the pharynx where LEC-5, as well as two highly and naturally immuno- they are swallowed, finally developing into adult genic S. stercoralis antigens used for diagnostics in worms within tunnels of the small intestine. Eggs humans [Ss-NEI-1 and Ss-IR; (Ramanathan et al. hatch within the small intestine, and larvae are either 2008)] were tested for expression in E. coli, baculo- excreted with the feces outside of the host, or can virus-insect cells, and the yeast Kluyveromyces develop to infectious L3 within the small intestine lactis expression systems (Abraham et al. 2011). All and immediately reinfect the intestinal mucosa (auto- but rSs-TMY-1 expressed well in the baculovirus- infection). Chronic asymptomatic infections can be insect cell expression system, while rSs-TMY-1 maintained in human hosts for decades expressed well in K. lactis. All immunogens were (Puthiyakunnon et al. 2014). formulated with alum and injected s.c. twice in 25 µg doses into BALB/cByJ mice. All vaccines resulted DNA vaccines. The first study that tested recom- in total serum IgG responses against cognate immu- binant subunit vaccines against Strongyloides spp. nogen (albeit weak; ODs between only 0·5 and 2·0 at used a DNA vaccine approach against experimental 1:100 serum dilutions, with background in controls S. stercoralis L3 infection in BALB/cJ mice around 0·25) (Table 2). Cellular immune responses

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were not significantly different for any of the vaccines, doses. Immunization with rSr-HSP60/CFA, and measured as the number of neutrophils, macrophages interestingly, rSr-HSP60 alone induced a skewed and eosinophils infiltrated into diffusion chambers TH1 response characterized by significant IgM, after challenge. Of all the vaccines tested, only IgG1, IgG2b/c, and IFN-γ, without IL-13 or sign- immunization with rSs-IR/alum resulted in signifi- ificant proliferative splenocyte responses (Table 2). cantly lower survival of S. stercoralis L3 with an rSr-HSP60 alone was also found to increase IFN-γ average 80% lower survival in three different trials production in DO11·10 mouse splenocytes in vitro compared with alum alone (Table 2). Passive transfer stimulated with cognate ovalbumin peptide. Not of serum from mice immunized with rSs-IR/alum only did either vaccine fail to protect against challenge into naïve mice again resulted in an approximately infection, but also immunization with rSr-HSP60/ 80% lower L3 survival. Finally, serum from mice CFA or rSr-HSP60 alone actually slightly increased immunized with rSs-IR/alum localized native Ss- susceptibility. Conversely, although immunization IR within granules of the glandular oesophagus in with rSr-HSP60/alum resulted in similar IgM, immunoelectron microscopy, and on the surface of IgG1 and IgG2b/c responses compared with rSr- S. stercoralis L3 in immunoconfocal microscopy HSP60/CFA and rSr-HSP60 alone, significant prolif- (Abraham et al. 2011). eration and production of IL-13 without IFN-γ in Consistent with DNA vaccination (Kerepesi et al. splenocytes was observed after rSr-HSP60 stimula- 2005), neither Ss-TMY-1 nor Ss-LEC-5 showed tion (Table 2). Immunization with rSr-HSP60/alum any evidence of efficacy as recombinant, protein- resulted in >50% protection against S. ratti challenge based, subunit vaccines (Abraham et al. 2011). infection (Table 2)(BenNouiret al. 2012). IgE Although the lack of significant vaccine efficacy for responses were not evaluated, but given the associ- Ss-EAT-6 (Abraham et al. 2011) somewhat contra- ation between IL-13 and protection, it seems plausible dicts its efficacy (albeit low) as a DNA vaccine that IgE was involved. These findings clearly indicate (Kerepesi et al. 2005), it was speculated that rSs- that a TH2 adjuvant such as alum can overrule an anti- EAT-6 might need a different adjuvant to induce gen’s intrinsic induction of TH1 and provide signifi- protection. On the other hand, rSs-IR/alum is a cant protection against a STH infection. potential candidate whose efficacy as a recombinant subunit vaccine for (Abraham Trichostrongyloids (family Trichostrongylidae) of et al. 2011) in principle could be further investi- livestock gated. However, the weak IgG response, the lack of significant immune correlates with rSs-IR/alum- Haemonchus contortus. Haemonchus contortus is a induced protection, and the presence of Ss-IR on worldwide trichostrongyloid of small ruminants, the surface of L3 (potentially risking allergic reac- mostly sheep and goats, with a life cycle similar to tions in clinical trials as was found with rNa-ASP- hookworms except that L3 attach to the abomasal 2 detailed above) present important hurdles for this mucosa in the ruminant stomach (abomasum) to vaccine. Abraham et al. (2011) speculate that the feed on blood (Zajac, 2006)(Table 1). Targets of mechanism of rSs-IR/alum-induced protection subunit vaccines for H. contortus have focused pri- may be through complement and/or antibody- marily on three different integral membrane protease dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) as these complexes located within the worm’s intestine, H11 mechanisms were demonstrated to be important aminopeptidase, galactose-containing glycoprotein for vaccine-induced reduction of S. stercoralis L3 (H-gal-GP) and Thiol Sepharose-Binding Protein survival (Ligas et al. 2003; Kerepesi et al. 2004). (TSBP). In all cases, vaccine-induced immunity is Although these mechanisms may be important for believed to be due to blocking/neutralizing anti- rSs-IR/alum-induced protection in the S. stercora- bodies. Although high levels of protection have not lis-mouse experimental model with implanted yet been achieved with any recombinant subunit diffusion chambers, it seems plausible that such vaccine against haemonchosis, various technical mechanisms may not be sufficient to prevent the factors are likely accountable and further studies establishment of patent infections within the small are needed. intestine, and more thorough studies are needed. An adult H. contortus protein extract enriched and Heat shock protein 60 (HSP60) from the rodent sub-fractionated for the H11 aminopeptidase parasite Strongyloides ratti is a naturally immuno- complex resulted in an average 71% lower H. contor- genic antigen during infection in C57BL/6 mice tus FECs and worm burdens in Merino sheep com- that has been shown to be recognized by IgM and pared with adjuvant control (Munn et al. 1993). An to stimulate proliferative responses in spleen and H11 aminopeptidase component was cloned and mesenteric lymph node (mLN) cells (Ben Nouir expressed in the baculovirus-insect cell expression et al. 2012). rSr-HSP60 expressed in E. coli was system (Reszka et al. 2007). Recombinant H11 ami- emulsified with complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA; nopeptidase-expressing baculovirus-infected insect TH1-biased), formulated with alum, or used cell extracts (bac-rHc-H11) – used instead of purified without adjuvant, and injected i.p. twice at 100 µg protein due to anticipated immunostimulatory effects

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of insect cell extracts – were injected twice i.m. in 45% lower adult worm burdens, respectively, com- estimated 300 µg doses into Merino sheep. Serum pared with adjuvant controls (reduction in adult antibody responses (no mention of classes) were worm burdens for TSBP/IFA was not significant) monitored throughout infection and responses (Knox et al. 1999). The TSBP intestinal membrane were higher than bacWT for bac-rHc-H11 after complex was therefore determined as a highly pro- immunization, although the difference was not tective immunogen when formulated with either great (OD of ∼2·25 for bac-rHc-H11 with a back- CFA or Quil-A, but surprisingly, protection was ground OD of ∼1·0 for bacWT; responses were lesser with IFA, a classic TH2 adjuvant. low despite lack of serum dilution). Sheep immu- Immunoscreening of an H. contortus adult, gut- nized with bac-rHc-H11 had a significant 30% derived cDNA library with TSBP antisera recog- lower H. contortus worm burdens compared with nized three Cathepsin-B-like cysteine proteases bacWT control (Table 2) (Reszka et al. 2007). (hmcp-1, 4 and 6), and hmcp-1, 4 and 6 were immu- Although this study indicated significant vaccine nolocalized to the gut microvillar surface and found efficacy of bac-rHc-H11 against H. contortus chal- to be exclusively expressed during blood-feeding lenge in sheep, adjuvanted, purified recombinant (Skuce et al. 1999). Consistently, TSBP further frac- protein, as well as other aminopeptidase components tionated for cysteine proteases, formulated with of the H11 complex, may provide greater protection, Quil-A, and injected i.m. resulted in similar levels and further investigation is warranted. of protection compared with the unfractionated H-gal-GP is a detergent-soluble, heavily aspartyl TSBP complex with ∼30% lower H. contortus and metalloproteolytic complex containing 12 worm burdens in trial 1 and ∼46% lower in trial 2, different proteins, mostly pepsins, metalloproteases even with only 3 µg doses per injection of the and cysteine protease-like enzymes, as well as a cyst- former and 100 µg for the latter, and the non-cyst- eine protease inhibitor and thrombosponin, that eine protease TSBP fraction failed to protect when adjuvanted with CFA provided immunized (Redmond and Knox, 2004). Also, although the Suffolk–Greyface cross lambs 72% lower H. contor- TSBP cysteine protease fraction resulted in slightly tus worm burdens and 93% lower FECs compared higher numbers of abomasal eosinophils and mast with CFA alone (Smith et al. 1994; Longbottom cells, as well as serum IgE and IgA, but not serum et al. 1997; Redmond et al. 1997; Smith et al. IgG endpoint titre, compared with unfractionated 1999; Skuce et al. 2001). SDS–PAGE separation of TSBP and the non-cysteine protease TSBP fraction, H-gal-GP determined that the isolated, individual only serum IgG titre slightly correlated with protec- components adjuvanted with CFA are much less tion between individual lambs within the group. For protective alone (Smith and Smith, 1996). the TSBP cysteine protease fraction, not only did Moreover, reduced and urea-denatured H-gal-GP total serum IgG titre slightly negatively correlate and the most protective metalloprotease compo- with FECs, but also an equal balance between nents, as well as their recombinant forms in E. coli, IgG1 and IgG2 subclasses appeared to be most pro- all adjuvanted with Quil-A, eliminated significant tective, though this conclusion did not hold up in a protection against H. contortus, while native H-gal- second trial. Importantly, although recombinant, GP/Quil-A still resulted in protection similar to E. coli-expressed, trivalent hmcp-1, 4 and 6 the previous studies (Table 2) (Smith et al. 2003). expressed as GST-fusions in E. coli cell extracts These findings demonstrate that vaccine-induced (∼80–90% pure proteins), formulated with Quil-A, protection with H-gal-GP, whether adjuvanted and injected three times i.m. at 100 µg doses failed with CFA or Quil-A, most likely requires a to lower H. contortus FECs in immunized lambs complex combination of conformational epitopes compared with Quil-A alone, adult worm burdens provided only by the complex, which has been a were 38% lower and along with the cysteine protease major challenge for its application as a recombinant fraction and unfractionated TSBP, female worm size subunit vaccine for haemonchosis. The use of was lower (Table 2). A couple possible explanations random peptide phage-display libraries has been for the lack of reduced FECs for recombinant hmcp- suggested as a potential method to identify peptide 1, 4 and 6/Quil-A might be immunization with sequences in H-gal-GP that potentially mimic the unpurified E. coli cell extracts and/or expression as antigenic epitopes (Ellis et al. 2012). GST-fusions, of which the GST tag was shown to TSBP is another intestinal, membrane-bound account for nearly 80% of the total serum IgG glycoprotein complex exposed to the luminal surface, response in immunized lambs (Redmond and and is enriched with cysteine proteases (Knox et al. Knox, 2004). Another possible explanation for the 1999), drawing parallels with the partially protective observed reductions in worm burdens but not A. caninum intestinal cysteine protease reported by FECs might be due to the fewer number of worms Loukas et al. (2004). Suffolk–Greyface cross-lambs having elevated fecundities (eggs/adult female), injected three times i.m. with TSBP formulated which could be a possible compensation. Either with CFA, IFA, or Quil-A at 200 µg doses had 95, way, these findings clearly indicate that the intestinal 54 and 82% lower H. contortus FECs, and 52, 43 and TSBP cysteine proteases are partially protective

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hidden antigens against haemonchosis and hmcp-1, ostertagiasis, respectively (Smith et al. 2000). 4 and 6 are candidate immunogens for a recombinant While H-gal-GP/Quil-A was again found to be subunit vaccine. However, although there appears to highly protective against haemonchosis at 100 µg be some trend between protection and serum IgG doses in Suffolk–Greyface cross-lambs, immuniza- responses, lack of significant immune correlates tion of MontBéliard calves with O-gal-GP/Quil-A indicates the need for further studies of the intestinal at 200 µg doses failed to provide consistent protec- TSBP cysteine proteases, as well as optimization in tion against ostertagiasis. Quite amazingly though, different recombinant expression systems, which immunization of O-gal-GP/Quil-A into lambs should also be extended to the H11 aminopeptidase cross-protected against H. contortus with 81–97% and H-gal-GP complexes. and 57–84% lower FECs and worm burdens, In a separate study, another thiol-binding fraction respectively, compared with Quil-A alone. Thus, of H. contortus adult ES enriched with cysteine and without sufficient blood ingestion by O. ostertagi, metalloprotease activity was formulated with host antibodies are most likely incapable of binding Alhydrogel and immunized three times s.c. at 15 to and blocking/neutralizing O-gal-GP within the µg doses into Zwart-Bles lambs (Bakker et al. intestine unlike for H. contortus, indicating that 2004). The thiol-binding fraction of ES induced ele- differences in feeding habits can yield very contrast- vated ES-specific serum IgG, IgA and IgE, but did ing results with the same vaccine (Smith et al. 2000). not significantly elevate mucosal antibody and lym- These data also support the notion that blocking/ phoproliferative responses. These immunizations neutralizing antibodies may be a good strategy for resulted in an average 52 and 50% lower H. contortus vaccine-induced protection against blood-feeding FECs and adult worm burdens, respectively, com- STHs. pared with Alhydrogel alone, but these results were An O. ostertagi adult ES-thiol fraction enriched not significant. Although the lower FECs and with cysteine protease activity, but with the most adult worm burdens were not statistically signifi- abundant antigens being activation-associated cant, fecundity was significantly reduced for the secreted proteins 1 (Oo-ASP-1) and 2 (Oo-ASP-2), thiol-binding fraction, while not for the unbound as well as (separately) a membrane-bound thiol sub- fraction or, surprisingly, total ES, injected at 60 fraction similar to TSBP above, were formulated and 75 µg doses, respectively, and all formulated with Quil-A and immunized three times i.m. at with Alhydrogel. It was speculated that the choice 100 µg doses into MontBéliard calves (Geldhof of adjuvant, although good for thiol-binding frac- et al. 2002, 2003). Interestingly, the membrane- tions, might not have been good for total ES pro- bound thiol subfraction, which, considering its ducts and thus led to the poor vaccine efficacy homology to TSBP, is most likely intestinal, failed observed (Bakker et al. 2004). There are no pub- to protect against O. ostertagi challenge, consistent lished data on the vaccine efficacy of recombinant with the contrasting results with H-gal-GP and O- ‘ES-thiol’ proteins against haemonchosis. gal-GP mentioned above. However, immunization To date, the combination of native H11 and H- with the ES-thiol fraction resulted in an average gal-GP gut membrane complexes are the most pro- 60% lower FECs, 18% lower worm burdens tective antigen cocktail against haemonchosis. As (though not significant) and significantly smaller mentioned above, the commercialized H. contortus worms compared with Quil-A alone. Protection vaccine Barbervax includes these native complexes was correlated with the levels of IgA, IgG1 and and is highly effective at reducing worm burdens IgG2 in the abomasal mucus, and the numbers of and egg counts below troublesome levels. A major infiltrated eosinophils and mast cells within the abo- issue though is that a protective memory response masal mucosa were also slightly correlated with pro- is not induced in vaccinated lambs during challenge tection (Geldhof et al. 2002). In a follow up study infection, so repeated immunizations are required. It (Geldhof et al. 2004), the same ES-thiol fraction is not yet clear why a protective memory response was formulated with either Quil-A or Alhydrogel, fails to be induced during challenge infection, but and ES-thiol/Quil-A again resulted in similar it might be due to the complexes containing exclu- levels of protection, while ES-thiol/Alhydrogel sively hidden antigens. failed to protect. ES-thiol/Quil-A resulted in ele- vated IgA, IgG1 and IgG2 levels in the abomasal Ostertagia ostertagi. Ostertagia ostertagi is a major mucus, and elevated numbers of eosinophils, mast trichostrongyloid of cattle that infects the abomasal cells and ‘global leucocytes’ in the abomasal mucosa feeding on mucus and mucosal tissue, but mucosa compared with ES-thiol/Alhydrogel. unlike H. contortus, is not an obligate blood feeder These findings indicated that Quil-A induces stron- (Table 1). These differences in feeding habit likely ger mucosal antibody and cellular immune responses reflect the contrasting data found in a vaccine to ES-thiol compared with Alhydrogel, which likely efficacy study that included the H-gal-GP fraction, accounts for the superior protection (Geldhof et al. already detailed above and O-gal-GP fraction, both 2004). Taken together, the data suggest that for formulated with Quil-A, against haemonchosis and blood-feeding STHs, blocking/neutralizing serum

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antibody responses may be more important whereas immunomodulatory proteins [macrophage migra- for non-blood feeding STHs, it might be mucosal tion inhibitory factor-1 (Tci-MIF-1); calcium- antibody and cellular immune responses that are dependent apyrase-1 (Tci-APY-1); and transform- more important. ing growth factor β homologue (Tci-TGH)], were It was later shown that immunization of cattle evaluated for efficacy in a single, recombinant multi- with three different subfractions of ES-thiol (ASP- valent vaccine. Recombinant proteins were either enriched, cysteine protease-enriched and the expressed in E. coli (rTci-MEP-1; rTci-ASP-1; remaining non-cysteine protease-enriched or ‘rest’ rTci-SAA-1; rTci-MIF-1; rTci-APY-1; and rTci- subfraction) all resulted in even lower O. ostertagi TGH) or P. pastoris (rTci-CF-1 and rTci-ES20), FECs compared with ES-thiol (Meyvis et al. formulated with Quil-A, and injected three times 2007). Thus, proteins within all three ES-thiol sub- s.c. at 50 µg doses each into Texel cross-bred fractions have protective capacity against ostertagia- lambs. Immunization resulted in elevated serum sis. Unfortunately, data for recombinant (r)Oo- and abomasal mucosal IgG and IgA responses for ASP-1 alone, a dominant component in ES-thiol nearly all recombinant immunogens, and 70% subfractionation, are not as promising. rOo-ASP-1 lower T. circumcincta FECs and 55% lower worm was expressed in baculovirus-insect cell expression burdens compared with Quil-A alone (Table 2) system, the cell extract was formulated with Quil- (Nisbet et al. 2013). Thus, this study provided A and injected three times i.m. at 100 µg doses into proof of concept that recombinant subunit vaccines cattle, and no differences in O. ostertagi FECs or can work against trichostrongyloids of livestock. worm burdens were observed (Table 2) (Geldhof However, whether individual components of the et al. 2008). Serum from rOo-ASP-1/Quil-A resulted recombinant vaccine cocktail can protect against tel- in much weaker general antibody responses to a native adorsagiasis, or whether specific combinations are Oo-ASP-1/2-enriched fraction compared with serum required has not been resolved. from cattle immunized with the native Oo-ASP-1/2- enriched fraction (ODs of ∼0·3 and ∼2·1, respectively) RECOMBINANT SUBUNIT VACCINES FOR (Table 2). It was proposed that rOo-ASP-1 was ASCARIDS incorrectly folded or lacked the protective post- translational modifications, or that rOo-ASP-1 Ascarids (Nematoda clade III, family ) alone may be insufficient for protection possibly are serious parasites of humans (Ascaris lumbri- requiring the addition of rOo-ASP-2 (Geldhof coides), pigs (Ascaris suum), dogs () et al. 2008). However, there was no mention of the and cats (Toxocara cati)(Table 1). Species of the possibility that purification of rOo-ASP-1 from the Baylisascaris genus are also important parasites of crude insect cell extract may improve vaccine wild animals such as giant pandas (Baylisascaris efficacy, similar to that mentioned above for bac- schroederi) and (), rHc-H11. of which the latter can cause lethal zoonoses. A. lum- Native O. ostertagi polyprotein allergen (Oo-PA) bricoides, the human giant roundworm (can be up to formulated with Quil-A resulted in ∼60% lower O. 50 cm in length), infects over 800 million human ostertagi FECs with protection correlated with beings, making it the most common of the human mucosal IgG1 and IgG2 responses, while as with STHs (Pullan et al. 2014). Embryonated ascarid rOo-ASP-1, recombinant protein (this time made eggs, which can persist in the soil for over 10 years, in E. coli) completely failed to protect (Table 2) are ingested and hatch within the small intestine, (Vercauteren et al. 2004). Thus, although recombin- where the infectious larvae burrow into the intestinal ant forms of protective O. ostertagi antigens have mucosa entering the bloodstream, and then pass failed to protect cattle from challenge infections, through the liver and heart ultimately breaking free optimization of and/or use of alternative expression in the pulmonary alveoli where the larvae undergo systems and/or optimized purification are warranted maturation. Similar to N. americanus, larvae in order to conclusively determine their vaccine migrate up the bronchial tree into the throat, and efficacy. are then swallowed eventually reaching the small intestine once again where they develop into adult Teladorsagia circumcincta. Teladorsagia circum- worms. Adult females can produce over 200 000 cincta is another abomasal mucus dweller very eggs per day, and these worms can live within the similar to O. ostertagi, but mostly infects sheep small intestine for years (Crompton, 2001). (Table 1) (Zajac, 2006). Eight different antigens Infection by A. lumbricoides (and A. suum) is rela- either, (1) naturally immunodominant for IgA tively asymptomatic as this consumes [cathepsin F-1 (Tci-CF-1); astacin-like metallopro- luminal contents rather than host tissue, yet stunts teinase-1 (Tci-MEP-1); 20 kDa protein of physical and cognitive development in children unknown function (Tci-ES20); and Tci-ASP-1]; due to significant malnutrition (Stephenson et al. (2) homologous to protective antigens from other 2000). On the other hand, larval migration can lead strongylids (Tci-SAA-1); or (3) potential to various pulmonary pathologies, and heavy

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patent infections can cause life threatening gut piglets immunized with rAs16-CTB had significant obstructions, and obstructions to biliary and pancre- mucosal IgA and serum IgG (with IgG1 the atic ducts due to occasional upstream migration. highest) (IgE responses were not evaluated), and Baylisascaris procyonis infection is particularly and was also shown to stimulate elevated IFN-γ, IL-4 highly dangerous if eggs are ingested by humans and IL-10 from PBMCs (Table 2) (Tsuji et al. due to the potential for larvae to migrate to the 2004). IL-4 and IL-10 were more highly elevated brain. Also, severe symptoms in young dogs and than IFN-γ in the piglets (Table 2). Both mice and cats result from infection by T. canis and T. cati, piglets immunized with rAs16-CTB, similar to respectively, and if humans are infected by them rAs14-CTB above, had 60% lower larval worm syndromes known as visceral and ocular burdens in the lungs compared with both CTB migrans can develop where larvae migrate to the and rAs16 alone (Table 2) (Tsuji et al. 2003, 2004). heart, brain or eye, of which the former can be Thus, both rAs14-CTB and rAs16-CTB induced fatal. Thus, preventing infections by ascarid para- protection against A. suum larval colonization of the sites is critical (Crompton, 2001). lung in association with mixed TH1/TH2 mucosal Currently there are no published results for and/or systemic responses, of which such protection recombinant subunit vaccines against A. lumbri- was completely dependent upon CTB conjugation. coides, while several studies have been published Also, anti-rAs16-CTB mouse and piglet serum loca- for A. suum and B. schroederi. Given the recent lized As16 to the worm hypodermis and intestine common ancestries between these ascarid species (Tsuji et al. 2003, 2004) and inhibited moulting of and A. lumbricoides, such studies are highly relevant A. suum L3 in vitro (Tsuji et al. 2004). It was specu- to this most prevalent human STH. lated that the mechanism of rAs16-CTB-induced immunity involves induction of antibodies that block As16, resulting in moulting defects. Ascaris suum Intranasal immunization with cholera toxin B (CTB) Parenteral immunization.rAs24 was expressed in subunit. Ascaris suum 14 and 16-kDa proteins E. coli, formulated with CFA, and injected three (As14 and As16), as well as As24 and As37 men- times s.c. at 50 µg doses into BALB/c mice (Islam tioned below, are conserved in clade III helminths, et al. 2005a). Immunization of mice with rAs24/ and were suspected to be highly antigenic as they CFA resulted in highly significant serum IgG1, were determined to be abundantly expressed on IgG2a and IgG2b responses, significant rAs24-sti- the surface of the infective L3 stage (Kasuga-Aoki mulated splenic IFN-γ and IL-10 (but not IL-4) et al. 2001) and are present in ES products. Both responses, and a significant 58% less larvae recovered As14 and As16 are homologous to Ac-16 mentioned from the lungs compared with CFA alone (Table 2). above (Fujiwara et al. 2007). This study clearly indicated an association between rAs14 was expressed in E. coli, conjugated to CTB rAs24/CFA-induced protection and a mixed TH1/ subunit, an adjuvant that enhances mucosal and TH2-type immune response. The finding that anti- systemic immune responses, and immunized i.n. rAs24 serum IgG obtained from immunized mice into BALB/c mice at a primary dose of 50 µg with inhibited the L3 to L4 moult by 26% in vitro sug- two boosters of 30 and 10 µg (Tsuji et al. 2001). gests a role for serum IgG in rAs24/CFA-induced Mice immunized with rAs14-CTB had significant protection. As24 was also strongly localized to the mucosal IgA and serum IgG (with IgG1 the hypodermis, supporting a potential role in the highest) and IgE responses, and resulted in 60% moulting process (Islam et al. 2005a). lower larval A. suum worm burdens in the lungs As37, in addition to being abundantly expressed compared with both CTB and rAs14 alone on the surface of A. suum L3, is immunodominant (Table 2) (Tsuji et al. 2001). and recognized by serum obtained from previously rAs16 was also expressed in E. coli and conjugated infected, fenbendazole-treated pigs (Kasuga-Aoki to CTB, and was immunized three times i.n. into et al. 2001). The As37 amino acid sequence harbours BALB/c mice with a primary dose of 25 µg and multiple Ig domains and has similarity to proteins of two boosters of 15 and 10 µg in one study (Tsuji the Ig superfamily, as well as nematode twitchin and et al. 2003) and into cross-bred Landrace × mammalian skeletal muscle titin. Native As37 was Whitelarge ×Duroc piglets at 300 µg in another localized in the muscle and hypodermis, as well as study (Tsuji et al. 2004). In the former study, mice in the ovaries, eggs and lateral and dorsal chords of immunized with rAs16-CTB had significant serum A. suum adult females, indicating a rather ubiquitous IgG (with equal contributions from IgG1, IgG2a expression pattern. Sera from rabbits, mice and pigs and IgG3) and IgE responses, but an insignificant infected with A. suum embryonated eggs reacted mucosal IgA response, and highly elevated splenic with E. coli-expressed rAs37, supporting natural rAs16-stimulated IFN-γ and IL-2, as well as signifi- immunogenicity of As37. BALB/c mice were cant IL-10, but not IL-4 (Table 2) (Tsuji et al. injected with rAs37/CFA three times s.c. (doses 2003). Somewhat differently in the latter study, not reported), and, although immunized mice had

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significant serum IgG responses, significant reduc- DNA vaccine approach in mice. An AsEnol cDNA tion in the number of larvae in the lungs was not was cloned into the pVEX I expression plasmid, observed (Table 2). It was proposed that alternative transfected into Marc-145 cells and expression and expression systems and/or routes of immunization immunogenicity of rAsEnol was verified by indirect need to be tested in order to determine whether or immunofluorescence assay using pVEX I-AsEnol not rAs37 has protective vaccine efficacy (Tsuji serum from mice. pVEX I-AsEnol was immunized et al. 2002). three times i.m. at 100 µg doses into Kunming Ascaris suum inorganic pyrophosphatase (As- mice in the absence of a transfection reagent or adju- PPase) is conserved in ascarids and was shown to vant. Immunization resulted in significant total play a role in larval development and moulting, serum IgG responses against A. suum crude larval but was also shown to be expressed throughout the extract (AsCE), and significant splenic AsCE-stimu- life cycle, and to localize in the hypodermis and lated IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-4 and IL-10 responses adult reproductive tissues (Islam et al. 2003). (Table 2). IFN-γ was much more highly elevated Knockdown of As-PPase by RNA interference compared with the other cytokines. Also, immuniza- (RNAi) inhibited moulting of L3 to L4 in vitro by tion with pVEX I-AsEnol resulted in significant pro- 31%, with only around 56% reduction in As-PPase liferative responses in splenocytes stimulated with protein levels (Islam et al. 2005b). rAs-PPase was AsCE (Table 2), indicating an established memory expressed in E. coli, formulated with TiterMax TH cell response. Finally, pVEX I-AsEnol resulted Gold adjuvant, and injected three times s.c. at 50 in an average 44% less larvae recovered in either µg doses into BALB/c mice. Immunization with the liver or lung compared with pVEX I alone rAs-PPase/TiterMax resulted in significant serum (Table 2), thus indicating significant efficacy of this IgG responses (predominantly IgG1), significant DNA vaccine, characterized by a TH1-skewed cyto- production of splenic IL-10 (but not IFN-γ, IL-2 kine profile with minor TH2 contributions (Chen or IL-4) after rAs-PPase stimulation, and over 70% et al. 2012). less A. suum larvae in the lungs compared with TiterMax alone (Table 2). Also, anti-rAs-PPase Baylisascaris schroederi serum from immunized mice recognized native As- PPase, localized it to the hypodermis of lung-stage Baylisascaris schroederi antigens (Ag) 1, 2 and 3 are larvae, and inhibited L3 to L4 moulting in vitro by homologous to As14, As16 and As37 mentioned up to 57%. Finally, immunoreactive plasmids from above, respectively. Hence, their efficacies as the Novotope system mapped IgG-binding epitopes recombinant subunit vaccines against experimental to sites spread across the whole rAs-PPase protein, B. schroederi infection in mice were evaluated in including the active site (Islam et al. 2005b). order to develop alternative control measures for Although the latter experiment did determine that this critical STH of the endangered , of epitopes overlap with the active site, the Novotope which the prevalence of infection is between 70 system is limited to contiguous epitopes, and it was and 100% (Wang et al. 2008;Heet al. 2009, 2012). not resolved for whether or not protection is rBs-Ag1 (He et al. 2012), rBs-Ag2 (He et al. 2009) mediated by serum IgG-binding to linear or discon- and rBs-Ag3 (Wang et al. 2008) were expressed in tinuous conformational epitopes within the As- E. coli, formulated with CFA, and injected three PPase active site. Nonetheless, this study revealed times i.p. at 30 µg doses into BALB/c mice. Mice rAs-PPase/TiterMax Gold as the recombinant immunized with all three vaccines had significant subunit vaccine that provides the greatest protection serum IgG responses and had a significant 60% less against invasive L3 tissue migration to date in mice. B. schroederi larvae recovered in the lungs compared It was speculated that the mechanism of vaccine- with CFA alone (Table 2) (Wang et al. 2008;He induced immunity involves IgG-binding and block- et al. 2009, 2012). These studies were in concordance ing/neutralizing native As-PPase in the hypodermis, with the vaccine studies for rAs14 and rAs16, but thus disrupting larval development and moulting, different from the results obtained with rAs37, and hence, efficient migration and development which may reflect the differences in route of immun- within the lung (Islam et al. 2005b). Surprisingly, ization (s.c. vs i.p.) or other technical/biological the protection was clearly associated with IL-10, factors. Regardless, these three recombinant immu- an anti-inflammatory cytokine (Couper et al. 2008). nogens serve as possible candidates for a vaccine to Enolase is suspected to be involved in glycolysis, control baylisascariasis in giant pandas. and knockdown of A. suum enolase (AsEnol) by The efficacy of the B. schroederi homologue of As- RNAi indicated an important role in larval develop- PPase mentioned above (Bs-PYP-1) as a recombin- ment (Chen et al. 2011). AsEnol has been identified ant subunit vaccine against experimental infection in ES products, despite the fact that it is missing an in mice was also investigated (Xie et al. 2013). rBs- N-terminal signal peptide (Huang et al. 2008), sug- PYP-1 was expressed in E. coli, formulated with gesting a function in the host. Chen et al. (2012) CFA, and injected three times s.c. at 50 µg doses investigated the vaccine efficacy of AsEnol using a into BALB/c mice in two separate trials. In both

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trials, immunization with rBs-PYP-1/CFA resulted weeks and continuing the next cycle once ingested. in significant serum IgG responses (with IgG1 The lifespan of T. trichiura is about 1 year (Bundy much greater than IgG2a), significant production and Cooper, 1989). of rBs-PYP-1-stimulated splenic IL-4 and IL-10 Although there are no published studies for (with IL-10 much greater than IL-4), without pro- recombinant subunit vaccines for any trichurid, vac- duction of IFN-γ or IL-2, and a significant 70% cination of mice with adult Trichuris muris ES pro- less B. schroederi larvae recovered in the lungs ducts resulted in almost complete protection (Table 2). Other than the significant production of against T. muris egg challenge, in association with a IL-4, these results were in concordance with the classical TH2 response (Dixon et al. 2010). Also, a findings for the rAs-PPase homologue mentioned few studies have obtained promising results for the above, again demonstrating a unique role for IL-10 zoonotic parasite (Table 1), in vaccine-induced immunity to these ascarids. which, like trichurids, is also found in clade I Also similar to As-PPase, native Bs-PYP-1 was loca- Nematoda. Although T. spiralis has a considerably lized to the hypodermis and reproductive tissues different life cycle than trichurids – transmission to with anti-rBs-PYP-1 serum, but also localized to humans occurring from ingestion of larvae-contami- the muscle tissues and intestine, and thus, was nated meat, followed by larval maturation to adults more ubiquitously expressed (Xie et al. 2013). The that deposit eggs within the small intestine that inorganic pyrophosphatase conserved in ascarids hatch, and then the larvae penetrate the intestinal therefore remains as the most promising vaccine can- mucosa and subsequently migrate to muscle tissue didate to date for these critical parasites of animals for maturation into cysts – many antigens are likely and humans. to contain high amino acid identities and to poten- It must be mentioned that all of these previous tially have similar functions. studies of recombinant subunit vaccines in ascarids Three related studies in mice determined the have focused on target antigens abundantly expressed vaccine efficacy of the immunodominant and/or and/or present on the surface of infective L3. immunomodulatory surface and/or ES proteins Although there is no direct evidence for pre-existing Ts87, TsGp43 and paramyosin (TsPmy) delivered serum IgE against ascarid L3 antigens resulting in as DNA vaccines in recombinant, attenuated allergic reactions when immunized into previously Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium for induc- infected humans or animals, the studies in hookworms tion of mucosal immune responses (Yang et al. present an alarming issue. Studies must be conducted 2010b; Pompa-Mera et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2016). to determine if these candidate immunogens will pass Vaccines were administered three times either safety testing in humans and veterinary animals, orally or i.n. and elicited significant mucosal IgA because if not, future developments in ascarids and/or serum IgG1/IgG2a as well as elevated TH1 should no longer focus on L3 antigens. and TH2-associated cytokines (Table 2). Vaccination resulted in significantly less (between 30 and 50%) T. spiralis worm burdens in muscle RECOMBINANT SUBUNIT VACCINES FOR tissue compared with control (Table 2). Though TRICHURIDS these recombinant subunit, oral vaccines for T. spir- Trichurids (Trichuris spp.; whipworms; Nematoda alis are encouraging for trichurids, the efficacy of clade I) are critical parasites of livestock, dogs, cats oral vaccination against T. muris in mice was and humans, and infect various rodents. Trichuris shown to depend upon host genetics, and less so trichiura (Table 1) is the only well-known human for parenteral vaccination (Robinson et al. 1995). trichurid, infecting almost 500 million people Nonetheless, TsPmy resulted in similar vaccine (Pullan et al. 2014). can be character- efficacy when administered s.c. as an E. coli- ized by painful passage of the stool and rectal pro- expressed protein-based vaccine formulated with lapse with heavy infections, and in children, can CFA (Yang et al. 2010a), and thus, appears to be lead to severe anaemia, stunted growth and cognitive the most encouraging of the three antigen targets development. Trichurids begin their life cycle when for potential application to trichurids. embryonated eggs are ingested by the host. Once the A very recent study (Xu et al. 2017) used a naked eggs reach the duodenum, they hatch. Larvae either DNA vaccine approach (i.e. no adjuvant or transfec- mature in the small intestine, or travel to the cecum tion reagent) to test the vaccine efficacy of a serine of the large intestine for maturation, feeding on protease (Ts-NBLsp) expressed specifically in the tissue fluids, the mucosal epithelium, and possibly newborn larval (NBL) stage, which is the stage blood, but evidence for the latter remains inconclu- when T. spiralis colonizes the striated muscle tissue sive. Adult trichurids anteriorly fixed within the after migrating from the small intestine. A Ts- intestinal mucosa mate, and each female lays NBLsp cDNA was cloned into pcDNA3·1+ and between 3000 and 20 000 unembryonated eggs per injected twice i.m. at 60 µg doses into the quadriceps day in the cecum and ascending colon that are of Kunming mice, where expression of the recom- passed with the feces, embryonating after several binant Ts-NBLsp protein was confirmed by

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immunofluorescence. Mice immunized with the number of injections, among many other incon- pcDNA3·1(+)-Ts-NBLsp had elevated serum sistencies. Below, we briefly discuss and interpret the IgG1 and IgG2a responses, with the latter higher results from these previous studies as a whole in an than the former, but responses were weak overall attempt to help guide future developments. (maximum IgG1 OD450 = ∼0·3; maximum IgG2a OD450 = ∼0·55; background = ∼0·1; 1 : 50 serum Protein or DNA vaccines? dilution) (Table 2), consistent with the previous studies on DNA vaccines mentioned above. An important difference between protein and DNA Interestingly, the ratio of CD4+/CD8+ T cells in vaccines, is that the former has been used successfully peripheral blood was significantly lower in both in humans since the mid-20th century (Plotkin, 2014), pcDNA3·1+/Ts-NBLsp and pcDNA3·1+ empty but not a single DNA vaccine has been shown to work vector control mice compared with PBS control in humans. An advantage of protein vaccines is that mice (i.e. the population of CD4+ Tcellswere the immunogen (i.e. an extracellular antigen) is pro- reduced and/or CD8+ T cells expanded) (Table 2). cessed and presented on Class II MHC by profes- Consistent with an expansion of CD8+ Tcellsinper- sional APCs, and along with adjuvant, this can ipheral blood, IFN-γ was also significantly elevated in shape intricate TH responses, and clearly the majority the peripheral blood for both pcDNA3·1+/Ts-NBLsp of successes with recombinant subunit vaccines for and pcDNA3·1+ empty vector control mice compared STHs have been protein-based. However, with with PBS control mice, and higher (but not signifi- DNA (and RNA) vaccines the immunogen must be cant) in pcDNA3·1+/Ts-NBLsp compared with translated within the host cell cytoplasm, and hence, pcDNA3·1+ (Table 2). On the other hand, IL-10 can only be presented by Class I MHC. Thus, the and IL-4 were significantly elevated in the peripheral immune response(s) is generally limited to TH1, and + blood of only pcDNA3·1+/Ts-NBLsp mice (Table 2). particularly to CD8 TC cells (Ferraro et al. 2011). Mice immunized with pcDNA3·1+/Ts-NBLsp had This may explain the weak antibody responses gener- ∼78% less T. spiralis larvae recovered in muscle ated against rAcey-MEP-6 and rAcey-MEP-7 in tissue (Table 2), and interestingly, pcDNA3·1+ golden hamsters using the pcDNA3·1+/Fugene 6 empty vector control mice also had a significant 30% system against A. ceylanicum (Wisniewski et al. less T. spiralis larvae, compared with PBS control 2013, 2016), against rSs-EAT-6 peptide in mice mice (Xu et al. 2017). These findings indicated that: using the Lambda Uni-zap XR vector/GM-CSF (1) the pcDNA3·1+ vector alone induces a non- system against S. stercoralis (Kerepesi et al. 2005), specificcell-mediatedimmuneresponsewithinthe and against rTs-NBLsp in mice using pcDNA3·1+ muscle tissue that reduces susceptibility to T. spiralis alone against T. spiralis.However,DNAvaccinesin larval colonization, and (2) pcDNA3·1+/Ts-NBLsp mice have proven to be highly efficacious against A. is a highly protective DNA vaccine that greatly suum (Chen et al. 2012)andT. spiralis (Yang et al. reduces NBL colonization of the muscle tissue, in 2010a; Pompa-Mera et al. 2011;Wanget al. 2016), association with a mixed TH1/TH2-type immune with significant immunogenicity (albeit relatively response. It is also worth mentioning that the apparent weak for pcDNA3·1+/Ts-NBLsp) and protection elevation in CD8+ Tcells,andassociationwithpro- achieved. Moreover, though DNA vaccines against tection, makes sense as TH1effectors are known to A. suum and T. spiralis resulted in significant TH1 be protective against the T. spiralis NBL stage (but responses, as would be expected, there were contribu- not TH2effectors), which becomes an intracellular tions from TH2 cytokines as well. These studies dem- pathogen within the muscle tissue. Finally, although onstrate that the immune responses to DNA vaccines T. spiralis infects its host much differently, it would against STHs are likely to be more complex than that be worthwhile to explore the NBLsp homologue in appreciated, and this type of recombinant subunit trichurids to determine if by targeting this antigen, vaccine may prove to be broadly applicable in the similarly high levels of protection can be achieved. future with more thorough studies. However, it will be important for future studies to address the safety concerns of host gene modification and uncontrollable DISCUSSION gene expression before DNA vaccines can be a realistic These previous studies of recombinant subunit vac- STH control measure. cines for STHs have reported many possible candi- dates for further optimization, and some that Escherichia coli or eukaryotic expression systems for progressed to clinical trials. However, collectively protein-based vaccines? reviewing all of these studies has revealed many differ- ences in vaccine design and their administration. Escherichia coli would be the most cost effective Examples include the use of protein or DNA vaccines, system for expressing recombinant proteins for E. coli or eukaryotic expression systems, TH1or STH vaccines, which is important given that the TH2-biased adjuvants, many different routes of target populations are people living in poverty. immunization, different amounts of immunogen and However, it is widely known that recombinant

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expression of eukaryotic proteins in E. coli often for TH2invaccine-inducedimmuneresponsesto results in the proteins being expressed in insoluble STHs, and cytokines must also be evaluated to deter- inclusion bodies. Inclusion bodies must then be mine the type of TH response. Also, in some studies solubilized with harsh detergents, and often protection was correlated with IgG1 or balanced reduced, thus causing denaturation with the major IgG1/IgG2, while in others, sIgA was more challenge of refolding into native confirmation. highly correlated. Importantly, although the IgG Also, even in the rare event that the protein does class has been ascribed the function of ‘blocking/ express in E. coli in the soluble fraction, still, neutralizing’ target antigen function for hook- folding is often incorrect, and eukaryotic post-trans- worms, inhibiting protein activity in vitro, lational modifications – common on secreted pro- passive transfer experiments with purified anti- teins – are deficient. These deficiencies of E. coli bodies have not been performed. Thus, it has not are significant for vaccine development given that been conclusively determined if antibodies in adequate immunogenicity often requires discontinu- general are sufficient for vaccine-induced protec- ous conformational B cell epitopes (Andersen et al. tion, and if any one class is sufficient. However, it 2006). Hence, eukaryotic expression systems such was shown that passive transfer of serum specificfor as yeast (P. pastoris or K. lactis) and baculovirus- rSs-IR resulted in similar levels of protection against insect cells are likely to be more suitable for produc- Ss challenge infection compared with immunized tion of recombinant proteins for vaccines against donor mice (Abraham et al. 2011), thus supporting STHs. On the other hand, although the majority the role of antibodies in vaccine-induced protection. of successful recombinant subunit vaccines for the That said, Abraham et al. (2011)speculatedthatanti- strongylids have been with these eukaryotic expres- bodies were not blocking/neutralizing antigen func- sion systems, with most attempts having failed tion per se, but that the protection was via with E. coli (especially in the trichostrongyloids), complement and/or ADCC. the major successes in ascarids with E. coli presents a significant incongruence. Could it be that some T cells.Antigenrecallresponses in peripheral immunogens (e.g. those mentioned above for ascar- blood, spleens, or mLNs of immunized animals ids) induce protection through linear T cell epitopes have found that IFN-γ, IL-4 and IL-13 are frequently independent from B cells, similar to the natural elevated indicating that protection is often associated immune responses (Anthony et al. 2007; Nair and with mixed TH1/TH2 responses, consistent with De’Broski, 2016), while other immunogens (e.g. common elevations of both IgG1 and IgG2. In many of those mentioned above for stongylids) some cases, IL-10 was also elevated, and in other require non-linear B cell epitopes? It seems likely cases, IL-10 dominated the cytokine pool, thus dem- that success in any expression system will vary on a onstrating that IL-10s role in vaccine-induced protein-to-protein basis for any STH, and more immunity to STHs may be more complicated than thorough studies of the immunobiology of STH typically appreciated (i.e. it may not be just an anti- infections will help to explain the protein-to- inflammatory cytokine). But the levels of all these protein variations that have been observed. cytokines were highly variable between studies. As with antibodies, it is unclear which, if any, of these cytokines are necessary for vaccine-induced protec- What are the best immune correlates of vaccine-induced tion. In vivo experiments with cytokine knockout protection? animals or with blocking/neutralizing antibodies will B cells.Therehavebeenmanyimmunefactors need to be performed to determine if any of these found to be associated with vaccine-induced protec- cytokines are necessary for protection, and adoptive tion against STHs. Serum IgG1, IgG2 and IgE, and transfer experiments should be performed to deter- mucosal IgA [i.e. secretory (s)IgA], IgG1 and IgG2 mine whether T cells are sufficient, or whether anti- are antibodies often found to be elevated in immunized bodies are also required. Furthermore, many more animals. IgG1/IgG2 in both serum and mucosa have cytokines should be evaluated in future studies to been found to be correlated with the level of protec- more thoroughly characterize the TH responses asso- tion, and in some cases, so has sIgA. In some cases, ciated with protection. Finally, studies should equal balance of IgG1 and IgG2 were found to correl- compare the levels of cytokines produced by lym- ate with the greatest level of protection. As IgG1 is phocytes in response to antigen stimulation in the considered the TH2subclass,whileIgG2isconsidered different lymph tissues. Although most studies the TH1subclass,mostrelatethisequalbalancetoa have found that lymphocytes from immunized mixed TH1/TH2response.However,althoughTH2- animals proliferate significantly in response to dominated cytokine profiles were nearly always asso- antigen, it would also be worthwhile to compare pro- ciated with IgG1-dominated serum antibody, many liferative responses between different lymph tissues. of the previous studies report IFN-γ-dominated cyto- kine profiles also with highly elevated IgG1, often Innate immune cells. Studies of the trichostrongy- higher than IgG2. So it is unclear if IgG1 is specific loids showed nicely that the granulocytes

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eosinophils, basophils and mast cells were elevated in one way or another. Thus, the field of STH vacci- locally within the abomasum, and in some cases cor- nology needs to better bridge with immunobiology related with the level of protection. Such experi- for us to more rationally design better recombinant ments should be extended to the other STHs to subunit vaccines. determine whether these innate immune cells, or others, such as neutrophils, macrophages, den- Parenteral or oral/intranasal immunization? dritic cells and even natural killer cells, are (or are not) significantly elevated within the local tissue, Parenteral immunizations have dominated the litera- which could ultimately help to enhance vaccine- ture for the development of STH vaccines. induced protection. However, in considering the target populations that are most afflicted by STHs, oral/i.n. vaccines are likely to be more ideal due to their ease of self- Does adjuvant really matter for parenteral vaccines? administration, which would likely allow for a One of the most variable factors among these previ- much wider dispersal, and for their induction of ous studies was the choice of adjuvant. Given the local, mucosal immune responses. Previous studies conserved association of TH2-type responses with of A. suum and T. spiralis had much success with immunity to STHs, TH2-biased adjuvants make oral or i.n. immunizations, and the success in A. sense. However, the paradigmatic natural immune suum with simple conjugation of immunogen to responses to STHs are clearly not conserved with CTB (CTB subunit) is promising for all STHs. the immune responses associated with recombinant However, as mentioned above, Robinson et al. subunit vaccines. Loukas et al. (2004) showed that (1995) showed that BALB/c high and C57BL/10 whether TH1 or TH2-biased adjuvant was used and B10.BR low-responder mice were all protected with rAc-CP-2 did not significantly change the against T. muris challenge infection when immu- immunogenicity and protection against A. caninum nized s.c. with T. muris adult worm extract, with ele- challenge infection induced in beagles. And multiple vated serum IgG1 and IFN-γ and IL-5 cytokine studies for hookworms used either TH1 or TH2 profiles. However, only BALB/c high and C57BL/ adjuvants with success, and the associated immune 10 low-responder mice were protected against responses – elevated IgG1/IgG2 – were overall con- T. muris when immunized orally, while B10.BR sistent with both classes of adjuvants (although cyto- low-responder mice were not protected and had neg- kines were never evaluated for TH2 adjuvants, so ligible immune responses. Also, the success of oral/ they cannot be compared with the cytokine gut mucosal vaccines in endemic human populations changes observed for TH1 adjuvants). Also, studies for other enteric pathogens such as S. enterica in ascarids and T. spiralis had much success with serovar Typhi and Vibrio cholera has been demon- CFA, a heavily TH1-biased adjuvant, with elevated, strated to depend largely on underlying genetics and in some cases dominant, TH2 cytokine profiles. (Pasetti et al. 2011). Thus, although oral/i.n. vac- It seems reasonable to question if the immunogens cines may be a hopeful goal for STH vaccines (espe- alone can override adjuvant induction of TH1 and/ cially for humans), the lesser dependence on host or TH2, but such experiments were not conducted genetics for parenteral vaccines suggests a greater to be certain. likelihood of success in clinical trials. On the other hand, studies in the non-hookworm strongylids found that the choice of adjuvant can Does immunization regimen matter? determine the outcome of vaccination. Ben Nouir et al. (2012) showed that rSr-HSP60, which inher- A likely underappreciated factor that is important ently induces TH1, resulted in an IL-13-dominated for vaccine design is the number of injections and cytokine profile and partial protection when formu- amount of immunogen per injection. With reduc- lated with alum, but with CFA actually increased sus- tionist vaccine design (at least in the simplest ceptibility to S. ratti challenge infection. Conversely, terms), the number of injections and amount of in the trichostrongyloids, multiple native immuno- immunogen (as well as route of administration and gens lacked significant protective effects when formu- form of immunogen) can be optimized in order to lated with TH2 adjuvants (IFA or Alhydrogel), but achieve a desired immune response (e.g. sufficient with Quil-A (and CFA) resulted in significant pro- affinity maturation) (Jardine et al. 2016). Nearly all tection (Knox et al. 1999; Geldhof et al. 2004), pos- of the previous studies of recombinant subunit vac- sibly suggesting that adjuvant induction of TH1 or a cines for STHs used three equally dosed injections, mixed TH1/TH2 response is necessary for the mech- with small rodents (mice and golden hamsters) gen- anism of vaccine-induced protection, at least in these erally receiving between 20 and 50 µg doses, and trichostrongyloids. larger animals (beagles, sheep and cattle) receiving Clearly we are far from understanding the mech- from 50 to 300 µg doses. No studies have actually anism(s) of vaccine-induced protection against adequately compared different numbers of injections STHs, and it is likely that each STH will be distinct and doses of the same vaccine, but such a study may

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prove worthwhile, especially considering that min- antigen approach is whether or not recall responses imizing the number of immunizations (and doses) will be sufficiently induced in memory lymphocytes required for protection will be critical for the in vaccinated individuals if in fact the native antigens success of these vaccines in target populations. A are hidden from the immune system. In the experi- few studies did, however, differ from the standard mental vaccine studies (including with hidden of three injections, with significant protection intestinal antigens), animals were challenged soon achieved with just two injections (Reszka et al. after they were immunized, and thus, acute immune 2007; Ben Nouir et al. 2012), suggesting that this responses were likely still existent. In order to may be the minimum number. Regardless, it is answer this important question, it would be worth- very likely that the dose and frequency of exposure while to at least investigate the lifetime of protection will vary with antigen and host and will probably for such vaccines that target hidden intestinal antigens have to be empirically determined for each case. in the animal models for experimental vaccination. On the other hand, what about targeting antigens exposed on the surface of L4 and/or adult worms Should naturally hidden or exposed antigens be targeted? (while also absent from L3), or that are secreted The mechanisms of vaccine-induced protection into the local environment (i.e. proteins in ES pro- against STHs have not been completely resolved, ducts)? In theory, many of these antigens would be only extensively postulated. To use hookworms both immunologically accessible and more likely to and H. contortus as an example, the idea behind tar- induce long-lasting recall responses in immunized geting STH proteins that are present within STHs’ individuals, because they are in fact exposed. And intestinal lumens is that these proteins are accessible as long as these antigens are not produced by infect- to antibodies ingested in the hosts’ blood. The anti- ive L3 (most notably in hookworms), natural bodies bind to the target proteins, and block/neutral- immunogenicity in these later stages may not ize their activities/functions. These proteins have matter. There would also be the option of using been called hidden antigens, as mentioned above, the exposed antigens to direct the natural immune because naturally they are physically concealed mechanisms that exist to expel STHs from the GI from the host immune system inside of the blood- tract. Such an approach may also help to better feeding STHs’ bodies. The current definition of bridge the currently largely independently operating hidden antigen does not include those antigens that fields of STH vaccinology and immunobiology. naturally are physically exposed to the host immune system (e.g. proteins in ES products) and How valid are the laboratory challenge infection immunologically silent for unknown reasons, models? which could be distinguished from hidden antigens by from now on being called immune-silent ES pro- All of the preclinical vaccine studies above for teins. Now hidden intestinal proteins in STHs that human STH infections used various laboratory chal- do not normally ingest blood (see Table 1) may not lenge infection models. Although there is no way of be as useful to target, as exemplified by comparing conducting preclinical studies directly on humans, the efficacy of the same vaccine against H. contortus there are likely limitations with these models. and O. ostertagi (Smith et al. 2000). However, as These limitations include the use of model hosts, most non-blood-feeding STHs normally ingest STH species other than the target species, laboratory large amounts of mucus within the GI tract, induc- strain of the target STH species, unnatural infection tion of high titre of sIgA as well as IgG within the and other limitations. With the use of model hosts mucosa might grant these antibodies access to such as golden hamsters, mice rats, and beagles, block/neutralize the hidden intestinal proteins and laboratory STH species/strains that are genetic- within these worms. But again, since passive transfer ally different from natural species/strains, it is experiments of purified antibodies specific for indi- unclear if any of the vaccines will translate to vidual immunogens have not been performed, it is humans, and such studies are warranted. Also, the uncertain whether blocking/neutralizing antibodies use of unnatural infections such as the diffusion are in fact solely responsible for vaccine-induced chambers for S. stercoralis in mice, or inoculating protection, even against hookworms and H. contortus. mice with ascarids, which are not able to establish Targeting hidden intestinal antigens is justified by patent infections in the mouse small intestine, add studies in hookworms. Naturally immunodominant further limitation for extrapolating to humans. ASP-2 secreted by hookworm infective L3, although Furthermore, most of the vaccine trails for each partially protective, resulted in allergic reactions STH were conducted by only one or two different when immunized into previously infected indivi- labs. More technical, laboratory-to-laboratory varia- duals due to pre-existing ASP-2-specific IgE, as tions such as different laboratory STH strains, mentioned above. Thus, targeting antigens that are different viability and dose of inocula, different not naturally immunogenic avoids such risks. But host species or strains and just simply different an important question unaddressed for the hidden reagents, equipment and researchers could cause

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extensive variation in results. As the field of STH vac- (hookworms, A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura) has cinology continues to grow, the reproducibility of the been proposed (Zhan et al. 2014). By including one results obtained for these recombinant subunit vac- or two recombinant protein immunogens for each cines will likely be addressed. STH, it is believed that all can be immunologically controlled simultaneously (Zhan et al. 2014). However, though such a vaccine would be ideal, How can we better streamline antigen selection? the different locations that these STHs occupy If blocking/neutralizing antibodies really are the within the GI tract and/or different feeding habits bases of the protection achieved from the previous (Table 1) may present an enormous obstacle for a studies on recombinant subunit vaccines for STHs, single vaccine. As mentioned above, adjuvants that then the antigens must have essential/important worked well against one STH completely failed functions for infection. With the advent of whole against another, and targeting hidden intestinal anti- genome sequencing combined with transcriptomics gens in hookworms may work differently (or not at and proteomics, we are now capable of filtering out all) in A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura.Andincombin- candidate antigens unlikely to be important for ation with these three different STHs being phylogen- infection and/or to be present in immunologically etically distant relatives (i.e. from Nematoda clades V, inaccessible sites within the worms through bioinfor- III and I, respectively), the immunobiological factors matics and computational biology. Although a chal- involved in vaccine-inducedprotectionagainsteach lenge, we can similarly prioritize for candidate of them is likely to be considerably different. On the antigens using the same methods, which will greatly other hand, pan-strongylid, pan-ascarid and pan-tri- increase the probability of testing antigens that have churid vaccines would seem to be more attainable essential/important functions. The genomes have goals given the appreciation of their phylogenetic rela- already been published for many of the most critical tionships, and thus, biological similarities, and would STHs (Table 1), and thus, much of the data needed also aim to target STHs of livestock. The latter ‘pan’ for prioritization is already at hand. approach may also be achievable with mono or at Even with genomics-assisted selection of candi- most bivalent vaccines as antigens that are highly con- date antigens for experimental vaccination, import- served within each group of target STHs, antigen(s) ance/essentiality for infection can only be validated likely to have very similar and important functions through reverse genetics. RNAi was used success- for all of them, could be targeted. fully to validate important functions of multiple A. suum antigens and subsequent vaccine studies Conclusions/future directions resulted in comparatively high levels of protection (Islam et al. 2005a, b, Chen et al. 2011, 2012). Recombinant subunit vaccines not only offer the Although RNAi has had variable success so far in potential to immunologically control STHs, but other STHs such as H. contortus (Britton et al. also are capable of being manufactured on a large 2012), this tool may still be useful for validation enough scale to vaccinate over one fourth of all studies of particular antigens. An alternative human beings and the majority of livestock in reverse genetics tool for validation studies might be developing regions. Studies in hookworms have the CRISPR-Cas9 system for generating single reported several recombinant immunogens with gene knockouts. But although heritable loss-of- significant immunogenicity and protection, some function mutants have been obtained in C. elegans of which progressed to clinical trials. The current using CRISPR-Cas9 (Friedland et al. 2013), no best candidates in hookworms are those present results have been published in STHs, so the in the adult intestine with roles in digestion of efficacy of this system for validating important func- haemoglobin; those expressed in infective L3 are tions of candidate antigens is unknown at this time. at risk of inducing allergic reactions in individuals Another possible method to better streamline with pre-existing IgE, andthus,shouldbeavoided. antigen selection could be to screen STH antigens Studies of another family of strongylids, the stron- for recognition by putative immune sera collected gyloids, have revealed a number of immunogenic from people living in endemic regions that have high and protective recombinant immunogens in antibody titre and low worm burdens. However, if experimental vaccinations. But so far in the tri- these antigens happen to be recognized by IgE in chostrongyloids of livestock, minimal success has these humans, it is not likely that they will be useful been achieved, likely due to the more technical as vaccine candidates given the findings with hook- factors of recombinant protein expression and/or worm ASP-2 (Diemert et al. 2012). purification. There are a number of recombinant immunogens from the ascarids that provided sign- ificant protection, some of which have been vali- Are pan-anthelmintic vaccines possible? dated via RNAi to have important roles during The idea of a single, multivalent, pan-anthelmintic infection. However, all ofthetargetascaridanti- vaccine to control the three major human STHs gens are naturally immunodominant, abundant

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L3 surface proteins and thus, the studies in hook- Bartsch, S. M., Hotez, P. J., Hertenstein, D. L., Diemert, D. J., worms suggest potential issues for clinical applica- Zapf, K. M., Bottazzi, M. E., Bethony, J. M., Brown, S. T. and Lee, B. Y. (2016). Modeling the economic and epidemiologic impact of tion of the candidate immunogens. A few hookwormvaccine and mass drug administration (MDA) in Brazil, a high protective immunogens have been reported from transmission setting. Vaccine 34, 2197–2206. T. spiralis that may also be effective against the Ben Nouir, N., Eschbach, M. L., Piedavent, M., Osterloh, A., Kingsley, M. T., Erttmann, K., Brattig, N., Liebau, E., Fleischer, B. relatively closely related trichurids. and Breloer, M. (2012). Vaccination with Strongyloides ratti heat shock Although there have been many successes with protein 60 increases susceptibility to challenge infection by induction of experimental vaccination using recombinant subunit Th1 response. Vaccine 30, 862–871. Bethony, J., Loukas, A., Smout, M., Brooker, S., Mendez, S., vaccines, we still are far from understanding the Plieskatt, J., Goud, G., Bottazzi, M. E., Zhan, B., Wang, Y., mechanisms of vaccine-induced protection, which Williamson, A., Lustigman, S., Correa-Oliveira, R., Xiao, S. H. and Hotez, P. J. (2005). Antibodies against a secreted protein from hook- will require a sturdy bridge between vaccinology worm larvae reduce the intensity of hookworm infection in humans and and immunobiology. A better understanding of the vaccinated laboratory animals. FASEB Journal 19, 1743–1765. immunobiology and mechanism(s) of protection Bethony, J., Brooker, S., Albonico, M., Geiger, S. M., Loukas, A., will lead to more potent, broad-spectrum vaccines. Diemert, D. and Hotez, P. J. (2006). Soil-transmitted helminth infec- tions: , trichuriasis, and hookworm. Lancet 367, 1521–1532. Also, more technical factors need to be better Bethony, J. M., Simon, G., Diemert, D. J., Parenti, D., Desrosiers, A., explored, such as why certain recombinant expres- Schuck, S., Fujiwara, R., Santiago, H. and Hotez, P. J. (2008). sion systems work and others do not for particular Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial of the Na-ASP-2 hookworm vaccine in unexposed adults. Vaccine 26, 2408–2417. immunogens, how many injections and what doses Blaxter, M. and Koutsovoulos, G. (2015). The evolution of parasitism in per injection are optimal, which route of immuniza- Nematoda. Parasitology 142, S26–S39. Britton, C., Samarasinghe, B. and Knox, D. P. (2012). Ups and downs tion is optimal (i.e. parenteral or oral/intranasal) and of RNA interference in parasitic nematodes. Experimental Parasitology 132, how long the immunological memory responses 56–61. remain protective. Furthermore, many of the pre- Bundy, D. A. P. and Cooper, E. S. (1989). Trichuris and Trichuriasis in humans. Advances in Parasitology 28, 107–173. clinical vaccine studies mentioned in this review Chen, N., Xu, M. J., Nisbet, A. J., Huang, C. Q., Lin, R. Q., Yuan, Z. focused on laboratory models, and thus, it is G., Song, H. Q. and Zhu, X. Q. (2011). Ascaris suum: RNAi mediated difficult to extrapolate to the target animals (and silencing of enolase gene expression in infective larvae. Experimental Parasitology 127, 142–146. humans) as it is unclear whether the variation in Chen, N., Yuan, Z. G., Xu, M. J., Zhou, D. H., Zhang, X. X., Zhang, Y. immunological and biological factors will result in Z., Wang, X. W., Yan, C., Lin, R. Q. and Zhu, X. Q. (2012). Ascaris suum different vaccine efficacies. Better understanding enolase is a potential vaccine candidate against ascariasis. Vaccine 30, 3478–3482. these more technical factors and integrating genom- Chilton, N. B., Huby-Chilton, F., Gasser, R. B. and Beveridge, I. ics for testing higher priority target antigens will (2006). The evolutionary origins of nematodes within the order undoubtedly result in durable vaccines to protect Strongylida are related to predilection sites within hosts. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 40, 118–128. our planet from these critical parasites. Couper, K. N., Blount, D. G. and Riley, E. M. (2008). IL-10: the master regulator of immunity to infection. Journal of Immunology 180, 5771–5777. Crompton, D. W. T. (2001). Ascaris and ascariasis. Advances in ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Parasitology 48, 285–375. Diemert, D. J., Pinto, A. G., Freire, J., Jariwala, A., Santiago, H., The authors do not have acknowledgments to report. Hamilton, R. G., Periago, M. V., Loukas, A., Tribolet, L., Mulvenna, J., Correa-Oliveira, R., Hotez, P. J. and Bethony, J. M. (2012). Generalized urticaria induced by the Na-ASP-2 hookworm FINANCIAL SUPPORT vaccine: implications for the development of vaccines against helminths. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 130, 169–176. This work was supported by the National Institutes of Dixon, H., Little, M. C. and Else, K. J. (2010). Characterisation of the Health (NIH)’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious protective immune response following subcutaneous vaccination of suscep- Diseases (NIAID) R01 (grant number 7R01AI056189), tible mice against Trichuris muris. International Journal for Parasitology 40, NIAID R21 (grant number 1R21AI111173) and the US 683–693. Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s National Institute of Durettedesset, M. C., Beveridge, I. and Spratt, D. M. (1994). The Food and Agriculture (NIFA) (grant number 2015-11323) origins and evolutionary expansion of the Strongylida (Nematoda). grants to RVA. International Journal for Parasitology 24, 1139–1165. Ellis, S. E., Newlands, G. F. J., Nisbet, A. J. and Matthews, J. B. (2012). Phage-display library biopanning as a novel approach to identifying nematode vaccine antigens. Parasite Immunology 34, 285–295. REFERENCES Ferraro, B., Morrow, M. 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