Trades. Cem '· 917 Cattle Medicine Xanfrs
SUBURBS.] TRADES. CEM '· 917 CATTLE MEDICINE XANFRS. Taylor & Co. Harley road, Willesden Islington (G. W. Woodrow, clerk to the Eaton James Holly road Freezywater Junction N w burial board; Rev. P. Dowe B.!.. Waltham Cross ' ' Wiggins & , Co. Chancellor's . wharf, chaplain,; Rev. Ch~rles Starling, Non- Star Veterinary Medicine Manufacturing Cha~cellor s road, Hammer~m1th w; 4 conform1~t chaplam; Stubbs, Co. 33 Newin()'ton Green road N &5H1gh street,Brentford; Lwnel road, sup~.), H1gh road, East Fmchley N e Kew Bridge, CastleHill station, Ealing Jews' (Henry Van Ryn, supt.), Pound Day, Son & Hewitt, 22 Dorset street, Deanw &.MetropolitanRailway station, lane, Church !md, Willesden N w Baker street, London w Harrow-on-the-Hill & Pinner rd.Hrrw Jews',Lauriston road, South RackneyNE Wills mer & Co. 199 Hoe st. Walthamstow Jews' Burial Ground (Ephraim Samson, CAUSTIC SODA & CAUSTIC Wilson G. L. & C~. Limited, 509, 5II, su~t. ), Buckingham road, Stratf~rd E LIQUOR MANUFACTURERS 517, 522 & 524 High road & z, 3, 4, 5, Jews Cemetery of the Western Syna· , . · 6, 7 & 8 Factory lane, White Hart gogue of St. Alban's place, London Brunner, )Iond & Co. Limited, Crescent lane G.E.R. ; stables, :Factory lane, (Hyman Harris," keeper), Jeremys wharf, Silvertown E Tottenham Green lane, Upper Edmonton CEMENT MANUFACTURERS. Young & Marten, Wharf rd. Stratford E Kensington (William C. Leete, clerk to CEMETERY MASONS the burial board ; Rev ..Benjat~i~ S. Ash by William & Son, Lim. wharf, The • Tupholme D. D. chaplam; Wilham Hollow High street Brentford See also :Monumental Masons. Neal, supt.), Hanwell w Lee Willi~m, Son & cd.
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