Central Bedfordshire Prospectus June 2012
Central Bedfordshire Prospectus June 2012 “Realising the area’s economic potential to be globally connected, deliver sustainable growth, ensuring a green, prosperous and ambitious place for the benefit of all” Contents of Prospectus Page No Glossary of Terms 3 Introduction 4 Key Attributes 6 Map of Central Bedfordshire 7 Population & Demographics 8 Housing 11 Deprivation 12 Economy 14 Children & Young People 16 Stronger & Safer Communities 17 Community Safety Partnership 21 Community Safety Delivery 23 Structure of the Community Safety Partnership 25 AppendixA 26 2 Acronym Description ASB Anti-Social Behaviour ASBRAC ASB Risk Assessment Conference BBC Bedford Borough Council BDAAT Bedfordshire Drugs and Alcohol Action Team CBC Central Bedfordshire Council CBT Central Bedfordshire Together, the name for the Local Strategic Partnership in Central Bedfordshire CSP CommunitySafetyPartnership DCLG Department for Communities and Local Government DFE DepartmentforEducation DWP Department for Work and Pensions EU EuropeanUnion HWB Health & Wellbeing Board IDVA Independent Domestic Violence Advisor IOM IntegratedOffenderManagement JSA Job Seekers Allowance JSNA Joint Strategic Needs Assessment LBC Luton Borough Council LSCB Local Safeguarding Children’s Board LSOAs LowerSuperOutputAreas MARAC Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference MINI Mental Illness Index MYE Mid Year Estimate NEET Not in Education, Employment or Training ONS Office for National Statistics SARAC Sexual Abuse Risk Assessment Conference 3 Introduction Central Bedfordshire Prospectus This prospectus has been developed by Central Bedfordshire Together, which is the name for our local strategic partnership (CBT). CBT comprises senior representatives from the Council, Police, Fire, Health, Education, Business, Town and Parish Councils and the Voluntary and Community Sector. This prospectus is intended to raise understanding and awareness for anyone standing as a candidate for the Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner.
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