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1-3 Front CFP 1-28-10.Indd 2 1/28/10 12:41:42 PM Area/State Colby Free Press Thursday, January 28, 2010 Page 3 Weather Senate approves last year’s cuts Turn job loss Corner From “BUDGET,” Page 1 committee chairman, says other tax proposals will be considered as they are brought forward. Parkinson was dealt a setback when the House Taxa- “The opportunities are not lost at this time,” Carl- tion Committee rejected his proposal to increase the son said. into opportunity sales tax rate. Parkinson wants to raise the rate to 6.3 Beth Martino, the governor’s spokeswoman, said A job loss has an impact on person, rather than changing percent from 5.3 percent. it still was early in the session and Parkinson was the affected employee, but also economic times, is not likely But the Republican-dominated Taxation Commit- eager to hear legislators’ plans for generating new has a ripple effect on family and to be productive – and can be tee voted Wednesday to recommend the bill not be revenue. friends, a Kansas State Univer- harmful to relationships,” Olsen passed. The move was not unexpected and kills the “The governor proposed the sales tax as one pos- sity specialist said. said. proposal contained in the bill. sible option for solving this budget crisis. As he said “Changes in the economic cli- Perhaps it is time to re-think Democrats on the panel objected to the move, say- in his budget proposal, we can’t cut our way out of mate affect marriage and family a career, re-train or build skills ing no options should be removed from consideration this so we must fi nd revenue somewhere,” Martino relationships,” said Charlotte for new opportunities, said Ol- this early in the session, which began Jan. 11. said. National Weather Service Shoup Olsen, Kansas State Uni- sen, who offered tips for weath- Rep. Julie Menghini of Pittsburg said to kill the Parkinson argues there is little left to trim spend- Tonight: A 30 percent chance versity Research and Extension ering tough times: proposal now was “at best premature, at worst ir- ing, and that without new revenue more cuts would of snow. Mostly cloudy, with a family systems specialist. • Acknowledge the change, responsible” when legislators don’t know just how be needed in education, corrections and social ser- low around 10. Southeast wind “Personal values, and par- but don’t dwell on it. much new revenue will be needed for the 2011 bud- vices. The state expects to spend $651 million less in around 5 mph. New snow accu- ticularly ideas about saving, • Take a business-like ap- get. general tax revenues in its current budget than in it mulation of less than a half inch spending, the responsibility in proach to fi nancial management. Rep. Richard Carlson, a St. Marys Republican and did two years ago, a drop of nearly 11 percent. possible. providing for the family, and Separate needs from wants, and Friday: Partly sunny, with a lifestyle, can impact how well focus on needs. high near 33. South wind around a newly laid-off or down-sized • Be willing to readjust expec- 5 mph. employee may handle a change tations. A new job may offer a Friday Night: Mostly clear, Kansas judicial audit in employment,” she said. lower salary and fewer benefi ts, with a low around 12. South wind An individual raised in a but still be an opportunity. around 5 mph. thrifty household may draw • Be up front with children Saturday: Mostly sunny, with encourages consolidation from experience in making im- and family members. Stick to a high near 38. South wind be- mediate and necessary changes the facts, and try to keep emo- tween 5 and 10 mph. WICHITA (AP) — Judicial offi - Hodgeman, Lane, Ness, Pawnee “When you start meddling,” in the face of unemployment. tion in check. Parental ability to Saturday Night: Partly cloudy, cials in Kansas are being told what and Rush counties — was 390 Keeley said, “you may have some Does that mean that others, manage a job loss and the stress with a low around 15. school district administrators have cases for the year. By comparison, unforeseen consequences.” such as a young adult or parent from it can teach valuable les- Sunday: Mostly sunny, with a heard for years: Consolidation the caseload for judges in Shaw- Keeley, however, agreed with raised in a home where every- sons. high near 38. could save money. nee County, making up its own the audit’s call for further study thing was provided can’t – or Tips for managing family Sunday Night: A chance of An audit produced by the state judicial district, was 2,392 cases on possible effi ciencies. won’t – fare as well? relationships are available at freezing drizzle. Mostly cloudy, and released Wednesday estimat- per judge. Apart from consolidation, the “Not necessarily,” Olsen said. county and district K-State Re- with a low around 17. ed that if Kansas had only 13 judi- Judges in urban areas hear sub- audit pointed out savings could “Feeling hurt, angry or disap- search and Extension offi ces Monday: Partly sunny, with a cial districts in 2008, instead of its stantially more cases per year than be gained by making greater use pointed is normal, but blaming and on the Extension Web site: high near 41. 31 judicial districts, “costs could their counterparts in rural coun- of technology and slashing the use a newly laid-off or unemployed www.ksre.ksu.edu. Monday Night: Partly cloudy, have been about $6.2 million less ties, and until the state drops the of paper. with a low around 16. statewide.” one-judge-per-county standard, Tuesday: Mostly sunny, with Under a hypothetical scenario “caseloads will stay unequal,” the a high near 42. of only seven judicial districts, audit said. Tuesday Night: Partly cloudy, expenses in 2008 could have been While Kansas has 31 judicial L L with a low around 17. about $8.1 million less across the districts, Utah and Iowa each has OCAL TV ISTINGS Wednesday: Mostly sunny, state, the Legislative Division of eight such districts and Minnesota with a high near 43. Post Audit’s report stated. has 10 districts, the audit pointed sponsored by the Wednesday: High, 37; Low 18 The audit contained two maps out. Utah is comparable to Kansas Precip: Wed. 0.00 inches showing how a 13-district and in land area, said District Judge Month: 0.12 inches a seven-district judicial system Mike Keeley of Barton County, Year: 0.12 inches might appear in Kansas. chief judge of the 20th Judicial Normal: 0.45 inches The audit estimated changes in District, but the two states have (K-State Experiment Station) the state’s judicial system could “completely different” demo- Sunrise and Sunset result in fewer judges statewide graphic maps. Friday 7:54 a.m. 6:01 p.m. and eliminate, potentially, more There are only about four places (U.S. Naval Observatory) than 100 full-time staff positions. in Utah where there are people, Saturday Evening January 30, 2010 The primary savings from the re- Keeley said. 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 KAKE/ABC Extreme Makeover Castle Roller Boogie drawn judicial district boundaries Thirteen judicial districts for KBSL/CBS Magic of Days 48 Hours Mystery Roller Boogie stemmed from the assumption Kansas would not be enough, in KSNK/NBC Truth in Motion Law & Order Law & Order: SVU Roller Bg Saturday Night Live the state would eliminate its one- Keeley’s view. Larger districts KSAS/FOX Cops Cops Amer. Most Wanted Roller Boogie The Wanda Sykes ShowSit Down Roller Bg Sell it judge-per-county rule and some would pose a problem with access Cable Channels less costly district magistrate po- to courts on a timely basis. He also A & E Gone in Sixty Seagal Seagal Seagal Gone in Sixty in the AMC Space Cowboys Behind Enemy Lines sitions would be substituted for noted that districts where voters ANIM It's Me or the Dog Underdog-Wonderdog Pit Boss Underdog-Wonderdog Pit Boss classifieds district judge positions. have determined judges will be BRAVO House House House House House A chart showing non-traffi c case elected in partisan elections would CMT Grumpier Old Men Rudy fi lings in 2008 showed the casel- partly overlap districts where vot- CNN Campbell Brown Larry King Live Newsroom Campbell Brown Larry King Live oad per judge in the 24th Judicial ers have opted to see judge-reten- COMEDY Jeff Foxworthy Bill Engvall Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity George Lopez: America's Mex. 462-3963 DISC MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters District — consisting of Edwards, tion ballot questions. DISN Meet the Robinsons The Parent Trap Wizards-Place Suite So Raven E! Sleepless in Seattle Girls The Soup Chelsea Perfect Catch ESPN College Basketball Winter X-Games SportsCenter Final Fastbreak ESPN2 College Basketball Tennis X Center FAM Billy Madison The Wedding Singer Down Periscope FOOD Unwrapped Unwrapped Tailgate-Fieri Ace of Cakes Iron Chef America Tailgate-Fieri FX Shallow Hal Superbad '70s Show We’re HGTV D. Design Sarah Outdoor Block Design Interns House House Outdoor Block HIST Life After People Life After People Life After People Life After People Life After People LIFE Beauty Shop Lying to Be Perfect Project Runway Lying to Be Perfect MTV S. Park South Pk America's Best Dance Taking the Stage The Real World Into the Blue NICK iCarly Jackson The Troop iCarly Lopez Lopez The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny SCI Lost City Raiders Meteor Storm NYC: Tornado Terror Open! SPIKE UFC Unleashed UFC Unleashed UFC 107 UFC 109 TBS Fam.
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