, , , • , SUNY Cobleskill ," , Volume 6 , • , J l i '- ~ , ~, ~ . Circulation 2,500 - Issue 8 THE

Looking Forward to Spring "Hello Out There"

by Kerry Mc:Klliop year Spring Weekend is being in­ by MaJa Wasserbach Upon questioning her, she callmed that corporated with a Parent's Weekend .she did not always have a high cwn, Despite the rerent change in weather and several events have been scheduled 1bose of you who have taken a sometimes she did not even make the spr~ is still on the way,and these final to assure fun for parents and students psychology course with Dr. Mallery honor roll. I guess we students should months are going to be rather busy alike. Beginning with 8 dance featuring know these words as her trademark. A not get d.lscouraged if our grades are ones. But along with the studying and "Looker," the weekend continues all common misconception that teachers not the highest, we can be a success as hard work several events will be taking day Saturday with local craftsman must be put to rest. Have you ever long as we learn as much as possible. pla~ that will make this semester one displaying their work and objects d'art. wondered what teachers do in their Dr. Mallery's hobbies include playing of the best ever. Several student organitations will be spare lime or where they went to bridge, skiing, both downhill and cross­ sponsoring kissing booths, pie throwing school? I recently had a conversation country, and swimming. This teacher A10ng with this year's major concert, booths, and an all male beauty contest. with Ms. Mallery that was quite in­ also was named this year to the Who's featuring The Charlie Daniel's Band, Ending Sunday with Aggie day. which teresting. Who Among American Women. She and AJumnl weekend, The Student will be featuring contests such as bail Sylvia Mallery was brought up right also greatly enjoys singing. She has Programming Board is sponsoring one throwing and tobacco spitting, the here In Schoharie County. She attended studied at Lincoln Center's Jullard of the biggest Spring Weekends. This weekend looks to be a promising one! several colleges. After studying at School of Music and at the Mozarteum Skidmore Ms. Mallery received her at Salzburg. Traveling has taken Dr. Bachelor's Degree in Music-Liberal Mallery to New Zealand, Tahiti and Arts from Syracuse University. Her throughout . Master's Degreee was received at I questioned Ms. Mallery !lbout how Harvard, where she also received a the life of young adults has changed Agriculture Literacy Encouraged Business Admlnlstratlon Certificate. At since she was our age. She feels that we Columbia University. Dr. Mallery have a much more accelerated and Studied Early Childhood and later complex life today. Her advice to us? There's a bumper sticker around the past eight years to the University receIved her Doctorate from Nova "Learn to know yoursell, be yourseU, University. And I thought Coby seemed respect. yourself and love YOjll'SelL t hat proclaims. "Farming is of Florida and to 10 private. liberal· Uke-an eternity of studying!! Reallte that ever y day is a special gift. everybody's bread and butter." That arts colleges. Of course, Ms. Mallery did not spend Let your life reveal patience, hwnllity, sentiment fairly well sums up what Agriculture components have been all of her time studying. During college integrity, persistence and compassion representatives of liberal-arts colleges added to curricula at the university's she participated in student government as you share your experiences with heard from speakers at a January con­ College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and was a member of Kappa Delta Pi others. " ference in Rorida. and Pi Lamda Theta, which are honor I have always found it interesting to in an experimental program paid for societies. talk to older people on campus and find Agriculture literacy-the basic by the Kellogg Foundation. At this point of the interview, I was out a little more of who they are. underStanding of ho w food is grown, New courses such as the history of wondering how she got through all that Through these interviews. we can transported and marketed- was em­ agricuJture or sociology of rural liv­ schooling. Her intelligence is obvious, relate the past to our liv~ Thank you phasized by speakers, who said col­ ing have been added at some colleges. so I naturally assumed that she must Ms. Mallery, for .sharing part of you leges that gave students., little as well as revisions to basic courses in have always maintained good grades. with us. agriculture exposure were acting ir­ environmental science, biology, responsibly since many liberal-arts economics, philosophy, English. graduates go on to be national policy­ politicaJ science and other areas. makers and corporate executives. Th~ 10 smaller colleges included in Agriculture literacy is particularly the Kellogg Foundation's program important in the U.S., a country that are: Adrian College in M ich.; Briar grows food for millions of the world's Cliff College in Sioux City, Iowa; people. The ag industry, though Coe College in Cedar Rapids. Iowa; crucially important, is extremely sen­ Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, Iowa; sitive to uncertainties ·of eco nomics 'Earlham College in Richmond, Va.; and the weather. Grinnell College in Io wa; Luther Col­ Recent news sto ries about E.D.B., lege in Decorah. Iowa; Pomona Col­ a fumigant used by many Florida lege in Claremont, Calif.; Willia ms growers which has been found to College in Williamstown, Mass.; and cause cancer in laboratory animals, Wilmington College in Ohio. illustrates one of the issues students The Kellogg Foundation's program should be discussing in liberal arts director said additional awards courses, as they wiU soon be called to would be made to colleges for pro­ make decisions regarding increasingly grams blending the humanities and .. MARCH complex agriculture issues. the agricuJture. speakers said. Faculty members, however. may The conferen ce, entitled have some obstacles to overcome in "Food/ Agriculture in the Liberal establishing interdisciplinary pro­ Arts," was jointly spo nsored by the grams. Some fear being caught bet­ W.K. Kellogg Foundatio n and the ween departments when it was time University of Aorida. Grants to for promotions. tenure decisions and establish . ag-related programs have budgeting, especiall y in times of , been provided by the foundation over scarce funds.


... Who's Michael Jackson •.. Lee lacoca for President · .. HeUo WCOB? Could you play Air Supply's "All Out 01 Love?" · , • Change the drinking age to 21 please, Thank,you. • •• Awright! liver and Spinach Rice Casserole for dinner. WH I RLWI NO, March 198.4, p. 2

...... , ...... , ...... - ...... - ... - The New Party Leader

by Anne E, Ryan because of illness. Also he delivered Andtopov's eulogy in short icy gasps In 1922 there was Stalin, then for a and seemed to breath three times as Cdlege Students Are Adults brief period after 1953 came often as his neighbors In the reviewing Malenkov, next was Khrushchev, stand, according to western analysists. A few weeks ago on a Saturday, I went to the bookstore to cash a after that was Brezhnev and finally two He even appeared to have trouble check that a friend had sent from home. The girl whO sent me the years ago Yrw Andropov. On February holding a salute as Soviet crack troops chec k had graduated last semester. 21 , 1984 Andtopov's coffin was lowered The bookstore policy is not to c ash second party checks from Into the groWld fifty feet from the -According. to TIME magazine Kremlin wall So now there is Kon­ Chemenko appeared to be "a faceless • other students. The man at the reg ister had quest ioned me about stantln Chernenko. bureaucrat who would always be w hether the g irl was a student. I told h im that the girl had w ith' Chemenko, 72, "Is the oldest man to everyone's second choice for the job. drawn last semester. He hesi tated and then r eminded me that I ever be selected to hold the U.S.S.R. 's Now he was being seen as the last-gasp would be liable for the check. I agreed and he accepted the check. most important position. Rwnors are leader of a gerontocracy intent on ~As I walked down the hall, I realized that I had accidentally took already in circulation about the new keeping the YOWlger generation from l he pen after indorsing the chec k . I walked back to return it. leaders health. It seems he disappeared moving too quickly Into the corridors of for a couple of months last spring power." Upon enter ing the bookstor e, the man exclaimed.. that I was a liar . H e w as holding the director y, i n which he had found the name )f the girl who wrote the check, he stated that he wanted the ten ::Io llar s back. and cr ossed out t he bookstore stamp on the back of the check. I once again sta ted that the girl had w ithdrawn, but he For All Your refused to believe me. I la ter br ought the check to a bank. I can understand that the bookstore has to have a policy to guard them selves against bou ncing checks. No store wants to get T-Shirt Needs stuck w ith a bounced chec k, that is why check ing policies must be enforced. The policy used should be efficient. though. The student directories that were given out in August are no longer up·to·date. A lmost one half of the students either withdraw, graduate. fai l out or change their addresses. The bookstore should not r ely on that director y to prove that someone has lied. Perhaps it w ould be m or e r el iable to have a second d irec tory printed up for the second se mester . That was not the onl y aspect of the incident that bother ed me. The bookstore is a r etail establishment. The students are customers and should be treated with a h igh amount of courtesy. The man was overly rude. He should not have called me a liar in the store. If he did not bel ieve me to begin w ith. he should not have accepted the check. Generally. the worker-customer relationship is quite good there. but this incident was very aggravating, since the girl is not a student here and all I did was go back to the st ore to return. h is pen. M ost students at this college are of legal age. therefore, they are responsible for their act ions. If they bounce a check. take legal ac tion. The majority of the students do not bounce checks and treat adults w ith respec t. We are adults. so please treat us as such. Thank you. See Us For Dorm

Maja Wasserbach Editor & Floor T-Shirts '83 economy Costly change results Impress T· In 1983. economic indicators were The breakup of AT&T cost the e optimistic . if somewhat mix ~ huge corporation $1.23 billion to . . 6MamSt. Cobleskili, N.Y. ed- fewer of us were unemployed, change signs, letterhead and trucks; we earned more but we saved less. set up new internal groups; relocate Unemployment dropped 2 Vl pe r ~ employees; and transfer equipment cent from December 1982 to last titles. - 234-3716 December, ending at 8. 2 percent. Even after taxes and inflation, pe r ~ It wasn't a good year fo r AT&T in sonal income rose 3.2 percent-six 1983 even wi thout breakup costs and times the increase in 1982. The write-offs. Lo ng-distance and equi p ~ average income in December was men! sales felt the effects of a weak 510,384 for every person in the economy and competition. The Whirlwind. United Stales. As compared to 1982, wages and salaries increased 6.1 pe r~ AT& Ts 1983 operati ng income fell Editor Maia Wasserbach cent. to $5.15 billion. down 18 percent Advisor George Clanc y Nationwide. inflation for the year from the . previous year's, ;!fler Sports Editor John Field was also substantiall y less. giving breakup costs and a one-time charge F oods Editor Sean Booth salaries greater buying power. And of $1 16 mill ion for antitrust damages Music Writers .Theresa Downs Americans took advantage of that to Litton Indust ries Inc. Donna Haynor power. with personal consumption Dan Giaguinto spending rising 1.1 percent over last Tax write-offs included $4.1 billion Business Manager Lisa Schuttenhelm year's to a total of 52.151 trillion, fo r accelerated depreciation of equi p ~ Staff Writers Anne Ryan while the na t i onal~ vings rate fell 4.8 ment from spin-off companies and Jeani ne Hobbes percent from 5.2 percent. $1 .4 billion fo r accounting changes. Tom Muller • Doug F igary Debbie Durkee Doug Murphy Doug Lyon Sherri Whitehead Leslie Haims Kathy Black THE WHIRLWIND is published monthly by an i ndependent staff and is funded by student fees. Opinions expressed in columns and editorials are not intended to r epresent any views of the Stud.ent Government or the Administration of the school. Any copy may be edited or cut due to libelous statements, obscenity or lack of space. Editorial pOlicy of THE WHIRLWIND is deter ~ mined by the Editor-in-Chief unless otherwise stated. The Editor reserves final authority on all maHers- pertaining to the newspaper. All r equests for advertising space should be sent to our advisor, He may be reached at Vroman Hall Box 999 or by phone at 234-5118 during business hours ( V4 page minimum) _ Funded by Student Association WH I RLWI NO, March 1984, p. 3 Campus Judiciary System WELL .ISEE by Douglas W. Murphy aU boards the chIef magistrate only lEADTHEE ""'"It$HLP votes to break a tie. and the votes of aU ISFLNAUY GEOINGSOMf If you ever fmd yourself in trouble judges have equal weight. The people NfW~ !~ because you have mLdakenIy broken a who serve on the court are chosen by campUS regulation, and been caught at Student Govenunent. Two faculty and. It, you will find 11 very helpful to un­ three student alternates are chosen, In derstand the ·Campus Judiciary order to Insure that there will be seven System, and how It works. Contrary to Judicial Board members present at popUlar belief, this system Is not run by every hearing. sInlster administrative offICials out to This year the Student-Faculty "nail you to the cross." Judicial Board Chief Magistrate is Mr. The system consists o( eleven lower L. Joe Purdy. The Faculty Judges are judicial boards, and one upper board. Ann Donnelly, Angellka Hoeher, and The lower boards handle minor In­ Paul Parker, with Carol Kublln and fractions and the upper board handles Cherie Stevens for alternates. The major infractions. There is a specific Student Judges are Penny Palmer .. channel of appeal for each board. (Court Secretary), Will Schonfeld The guidelines for the judiciary (Court Clm), and Kitt Baker-Carr, system are outlines in the campus with Larry Davis. Thor Oechner, and handbook OD the Htn, on pages 64-73. Kathy Raffloer for alternates. This This Is also where you will find the rules . court Is powerful enough to per­ and regwations which the system manently expel a convicted per­ Let's Take A Second Look govern.!. All of the primary judlclal petrator. boards are made up of students and While the Student-Faculty Board by Kathy Black increase in only four years! 'I'his faculty members. They consist of one does have the power to eq,eJ., this Is not dangerous trend can only continue to chief magistrate, who votes only in a premeditated result for any case. The Now Is the time to take a serious look close the SUNY doors to increasing order to break a tie, and six judges. All Student.Facuhy Judicial Board, and all at Governor Cuomo's Educational numbers of deservIng students. the votes COWlt equally. On aU the other boards, listen to each case and aU . Budget proposal for the 1984-«) fiscal Administrators are alreadr concerned boards at least three of these judges are of the pertinent circumstances on a year. about the possibility 0 declining students. Charges may be brought forth completely IndividuaJ basLs As a result At first glance, his proposed $300 This enrollments at the college level. by any member of the campUS c0m­ they can take Into &CCOtmt the mllllon increase for education may action can only increase the munity, against any other member of character. record (academic and noo­ seem generous. In fact, the proposed seriousness of the problem. the campus community. All charges academic), and contribution to the Is increase for operatIng aid $201 Action can be taken by Ute State must. be formally written on the proper campUS cmnmuntty of evft'yOne in­ mllllon-the smallest increase in five lPgjslature. In fact., this Is now our only forms, clearly stating the specific volved, a.s weU as the direct cir­ yean. hope. In 1983, the Governor proposed an charges. cumstances of the Incident. They do oot This is in strong Contrast to the educational budget of2OOmillion. which The .procedure for each board is make thelr decision, or the sentence, Educational Conference Board's was eventually raised by our legislators essenUally the same. Everyone directly according to precedent. For instance, recommendaUon for an increase of $762 to $220 mlllion. involved in the trial will be notified of last semester aU assault cases which million. In addition, the State Assembly Traditionally, the executive board's when and where they are to appear, no the Student-Faculty board heard leadership has stated that tne State presentation is only the first step in the less than 24 hours prior to the trial. resulted in no less than ruspension. should "substantially improve" the state budget process. Intense When the hearing Is held, it is called to However the assawt hearing which I education increase appropriated in negotiation is in process and will order by the chief magistrate, who at observed on February 15, 1984, resulted 1983. The Governor's proposal does not continue at various government levels. this time informs everyone that "this is in nothing worse than social probation, even come close to equalUng last . Now Is the time for every concerned not a court of law, and it is not intended and one person wa.s moved to another spring's appropriations! student to voice his or her opinion . . to be run that way." Following this, the donn and told to go to the Counseling His proposal for public colleges and Don't rely on foolish optbnism tmtil the court clerk: reads the charges against Center for three sessions on aggressive universities is somewhat of a mixed Final Judgment Day of April 1, when the defendant, and the chIef magistrate behavior. bag. He provides for 519 additional the State budget will be fonnally asks the defendant to make his plea "Each student ha.s the right to one positions In the State University adopted.. Take action now. Write and-or (Guilty or not guilty). Once ~e appeal of a judicial board cfecls1on. A system. How are they to be paid for? call your State representatives, explain defendant has done so, the plaintiff is seeond appeal will be granted only in One solution is to increase tuition for what your education means to you, and asked to present his case. Then the csses Involving suspension or New York State residents by $200, and why New York's State University defendant Is allowed to question his dismissaL" (p. 73 On the HllI ). This for out~ f-state residents by $500. All system must. not and cannot increase accuser, and tell his side of the story. appeal system provides a good check on dormjtory rents wouJd rise by $150. the costs of public education beyond the The judges then question both the all of the boards. U the accused feels If adopted, the tuition increase would present levels. In fact, don't wait-write plaintiff and the defendant, as well as that he did not gel to present all of his bring to 4.7 percent the amotml of total that letter today! any witnesses. When all of the evtden~ ,-o r '!Ss not judged.1airly,. he deliberation is over;- the plaintiff, gets a second chance. Also, as VIce­ defendant, witnesses, and observers President for Student Affairs Dietrich are asked to leave the room. while the says, "anyone can have a bad night. judges confer with each other. Once a Just like when you know the material decision and a sentence have been on a test but still faU it, you can blow it A Short Story reached, everyone is called back: into at the hearing, and. yo u get another the room. The chief magistrate chance." However, as the campus By Gabrielle presents the verdict and penalties handbook points out, " It shall not be the imposed ~ ThIs decision must be a purpose of any appeal board to re-try a majority vote. At this time the defen­ case. Rather, an appeal is to detennine dant is advised of his right to appeal. the fairness of a hearing and the ap­ A minor infractIon is any violation of propriateness of the penalty imposed." campus regulations not outlined WIder The Campus J udlciary Ssytem may "Grounds for Major Discipllnary not be perfect, but then, what Is? It does Action" on page 66 of On the Hill. All give at least one good chance to be minor infractions are handled by the judged by your peers, and to confront Campus Lower Judicial System, which your accuser. Kltt Baker-Carr says consists of ten Residence Hall J udiclal "Sometimes we have to come down boards and one Inter-donn Judicial hard, we try to be fair." You have to Board. Each Residence Hall Judicial understand that the system has a job to Board handles all minor infractions do, and that is to look out for the best occurring within its dorm. The interests of the enUre campus com­ Resident Director may decide to refer munity. Penny Palmer pClints out that any case to the Inter-dorm Judicial "the system is really designed to work Board. . for us, the students." Mr. Dietricb The Inter-donn J udicial Board has shows agreement when he says "What 1 primary jurisdiction over all minor like about our Judiciary Ssytem is that infractions which oceur in any building it protects the student." or any area of campus outside of the When you are the defendant in a donns. This board may decide, by a hearing, your aUitude.toward the board. 100°0 Cotton Woven Shirt. simple majority, vote to refuse to bear and the hearing can make the dif­ Asymmetrical close panel a case. Under these circwnstances the ference between staying here, in front. Two la yer shirt case is referred to the Student-Faculty friendly Coby-Iand, and being kicked Judicial Board. out into the harsh real world In one w ith banded bottom If the infraction you, have been Student·Facuity Judicial Board case I sizes: S-XL charged with is a major infractiOn. you observed, the defendant's attitude will be particularly interested in the nearly got her suspended. In the assawt $20_00 Student·Faculty Judicial Board. This case I observed, t he defendant's board, also known as the Campus display of respect, humbleness, and Upper Judicial Board, is the board you admission of wrong doing helped to will be tried by. It has primary save him. If you take the hearing 100% Cotton Shor t··elastic jurLsdlctlon over all major infractions, seriously, and you are sincere, honest, wa ist, nylon liner , zip sides as outlined on pagesfi6.68 of OD the Hill. and somewhat humble, things are The Student-Faculty J udicial Board is much more likely to go your way. Of sizes: S-XL made up of one chIef magistrate and six course the best advice is don't get into $14_00 judges. The chief magistrate and three trouble, and certainly do not get caught of the judges are faculty members. The at It! other three judges are students. As on Write For

Shop Mondav - S.Mday ') am· ') pm. Sunday 118m · S pm . • S~C"ppers Marl. Cobleskill, MasterCard, VISA. Wchl", Char~:t Whirlwind WHI RLWIND, March 1984, p . 4 What Do You Think of When Leo's light You Hear the Name Don McLean?

by Leonard. Wanter warzenegger will be starring together , by Maja Wauubacb Upon meeting him, my past views in a second Conan the Barbarian movie. came to an end. 1be singer had looked ????? ContraetpHve PIll for Men????? The movie will be entitled CONAN: When I heard that he was coming to aged, as compared with the picture in KING OF TIlE TIDEVES. SoWlds like our college, many memories came the promotional posters. Upon asking Recently studies have been con­ another winner from Hollywood. OH !! back to me. " American Pie" played on him if he was still Involved in en­ ducted in England with a new form of and I also hear that they're planning a all the radio stations when I wasa child. vironmental issues, he said he doesn' t contraceptive. It's a pill for men. There third ... God help us. Let's hope . In the early 1970's, he was known fOr his do anything anymore, he worries about are a few problems with the new Hollywood will stop making movies Uke work on the Clearwater sloop. I can still his own tHe. At this point, his cold at­ wonder though. It seems this pill this and concentrate on something remember seeing Don McLean perform titude was really a tum-off. The concert lessens the desire for the man to per­ worth the ~ dollars we pay to see each · at the Dutchess County Fair. must have been tiring, so maybe that's form. To solve this problem an oint­ of them. Invisioning that Don McLean of the why he was so grumpy toward me. The ment was created which cootains male Mick Jagger was persuaded by his 70 's, I was looking forward to seeing his seconds of silence seemed as a cold _ hormones. This ointment increases the seventh-grade daughter Jade to concert. eternity. Don McLean ate his roast beef previously lessened desire. Stili chaperone a school dance. I hear the Andy Traum performed a number of sandwich and he and the other band another problem arises however, the famous father was kept busy pouring folk songs which gave the audience lots members left for the horsebarns. women experiencing enCOWlters with pWlch for a lot of !hirsty kids. of spirit. He mentioned that be lives in I left with a feeling of dLsa~ these men grow mustaches. Congratulations to U.S. Gold Woodstock. That's where I live! At this polntment. The Don McLean I JeMifer Bears Flashdanclng double Medalist . He skied his way point, I was happy to think that remembered no longer existed. The Marine Jahan will be playing a strl~ to a gold medal (and his twin brother to somebody was continuing the free­ man had changed with the times, what ping dancer in the new movie a silver) while his wife was home spiritedness of the 80's and 70's. else should I expect? The world has STREETS OF FIRE. The movie will be having their baby. The new arrival is Don McLean was welcomed by the changed since the 80's, most people choreographed by Jeffrey Hornaday, named Alexander Ryan and has students with thWlderous applause. He today have lost tbelr drive to better the who also worked on FLASHDANCE. weighed in at 8 lbs. and 13 oz. was dressed comfortably, in an old pair world and their environment. That's a Marine will do her own dancing AND Princess Leia has settled down. 26 of }eans and a cheeno shirt. sad fact. get the credit she deserves for the year-old STAR WARS star Carrie Songs Included "Vincent," "Crying" I have chosen to remember Don da ncing. Fisher has finally married her long and, of course, "American Pie." 1be McLean as he once was. Some things Sportscaster and ex UTILE HOUSE !lme beau Paul Simon. crowd loved the concert and ended it by get better with time, like a good wine, and F/lTI:lER MURPHY star Merlin Good news from the Royal family in a standing ovation. As the concert came while some just turn flat. Perhaps it's Olson has shaved his trademark beard England. It seems Prince Charles to a close, I went back stage to in­ best to remember Don when he was clean. He did it for his new role in an wasn't experimenting with the before terview Don. What would he be like? sparkling. NBC movie called T1MEBOMB. Merlin mentioned " Pill." Princess Di Is ex­ claims that rubbing cheeks with co-star pecting her sectlnd child In September. Morgan Fairchild Is " 8 lot more fWl Hopefully she will be allowed to have than bumping heads with the the child at home where she wishes to. Redkins." UnfortWlately it seems the Royal Wilt Chamberlain and Arnold Set!- gyneculogist has vetoed the Idea. Beatle Update

by ·Letlie-HaIDlll Paul McCartney and his wife Unda have their group "Wings. " It is ve ry February 9th marked the 20th an­ successful and has put out many niversary of the BeaUes arriving in records. New York and appearing on " The Ed Last but not least is the leader of the Sullivan Show." Since then many things group, John Lennon. He and his wife have hawened. The development of Yoko Dno had teamed up to produce the Broadway show BeaUemanls aose, records. One of the records is "Double giving the children of today a taste of Fantasy. " Then on December 8, 1980 what it was like to see and hear the the shocking news came on radlo and BeatIes. television that said John Lennon was Since the breakup in 1969 each of the shot and killed outside his Dakota home Beatles has gone thelr own way. George in New York City. Harrison and his wife live in seclusion People gathered at the Dakota and at in their home in England. Central Park to say prayers and to Ringo Star, the drwnmer of the listen to the music of the late John group, has made a few movies. The LeIUlOll. The world wfn miss him and most well known of t hem Is his music and the contribution he and "Caveman." the BeatIes made to the music world. Want to Be a Star? · Tell Them Who You Are! Creators of a soon-to-be published " Cats." After spying Buckley in a Miss • national directory of talented youth are Texas pageant, Huber arranged an sending out a call for fresh YOWlg faces audition that was to propel the actres::! who need help In pursuing professional from college to Broadway, where she's modeling or performing careers. since a ppeared in " 1778" a nd The directory, its publishers say, will " Promises, Promises." She's also provide photos and data for casting played the mother In TV's " Eight is directors and agents seeking talented Enough" and had a role In the film individuals Wlder 25. "Tender Mercies." Melba Huber, creator of the direc­ From Hollywood to New York, over tory, says there's a current exodus 1,000 casting directors and agents will from both Hollywood and New York by receive complimentary copies of the producers and directors who envision directory. Listings range from $45 to greener pastures elsewhere. "Most $120 dependent upon whether the model , states have recognized the economJc or talent wants I, 2, or 5 photos Sunday, April! • Bouck Gym • 7:30 p.m. boost that comes with a feature mm," published. The publication of the Tickels are now on sale 01: says Huber. " As a result, acting o~ directory is scheduled for late AprU or portWlities are being created for local early May. The College Bookslore 0 Jamesway talent as utra, in bit parts, or even in For more information, write National Impress T·Sbirls 0 SIrawberry Record Outlets starring roles." Young Talent Directory, Melba's, Inc., Huber helped launch the career of P.O. Box 3664, McAllen, Texas 78502, or 1983 Tony Award-wi nner Betty call (512) 886-3996. Break a legl Buckley, star of the Broadway smash, 'Baby Divine' Beautiful for All Ages Start saving now Sold in both children and adiJlt sec­ "broads" from r inse! T o""!n aM'ive to tions in the bookstores, Bette Midler's give their Baby gifts which they think C~m "!1J D ig~ t N~ u'j Sert';ce _ TIle Saga of Baby Diville will soon will help her through life. Laubach, president of Pfizer Inc., ex­ College tuition is expected to rise find a permanent spot in front on the That first night of Baby Divine's plained the mutual benefits by saying by B percent for this fall. compared best-seller shelf. The first lady' of life, when she's supposed 10 be sleep­ that schools are "teaching with ob­ wi th 11 -12 percent increases the titillating song and dance has evoked ing, she dances her way out the door solescent equipment and preparing previous year, say school officials. an entertaining story full of the 10 find her place in the world and, in people for yesterday's technology. Traditionally, there has been little Wisdom that is lacking in so much of her words, "Morel" In setting out into The products of that activity Me the difference between state and private today's popular fiction. the world. however, she learns thai engineers and scientists that we"re go­ schools' rates of increase, although The main character is a delightfully all things are not good. Re-enter her ing to employ." precocious newborn with bright red three guardians from Tinsel Town, most private schools have alreaay Business did includes GTE Cor­ locks. Never bOring from the minute who teach her how to take the bad decided on rates for next year while poration's 5750.000 program to help many state inst it utions set fees after ~e arrives on earth, she disgruntles with the good through their ex­ retrain classroom teachers, El(l(on"s her parents by having a pair of high­ periences with the stage. legislatures determine their budgets. education foundat ion for e;o..dusive heeled shoes permanently fixed 10 her If the verse detracts from the story, College operating funds have been college gift s, and a coali­ feet. Baby Divine's parents are .;as. it is well-balanced by the ex­ boosted, particularly in recent years, tion which gave S6OO,OOO in grants 10 . tounded furthennore when three travagant, colorful illustrations. by help from big business. Gerald 71 California schools in January. WH I RLWI NO, Marc h 1984. p. 5 Noteable Quotes Recipe of the Month Long-Tange gools keep ujIrom being frustrated by short.range failures. _ --Clrarles Noble SwedIsb Apple Pie low flame. Stir in 1 cup sugar, 1 cup (Makes 1 pie) flour, 1 egg and 1·2 cup walnuts. Mix well and spread over the top of Tire creal pleoJure in life is doing .... hot people say you ('onnol do. 5-6 apples, peeled and sliced. the apples. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 - Walter BagekQ! Place apples in bottom of pie plate. minutes or until brown and crisp on top. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 You 're on tire road to .~uc('es.<; ",lren you realize thot failure;s merely II detour. teaspoon cinnamon over apples. Sean Booth, Foods' Editor -Anonymous Melt 3-4 cup butter in saucepan over

IKnowledge is the only in.\'lrumenl of production thaI ;s not subject 10 diminishing retur"s. --J.M.Oark Off-Campus Student Housing

Doubt indulged !;Qon becomes doubt realized. ··f : R. HQI'eTga/ The project on MacArthur Avenue tenants. adjacent to the east end of the campus Plans for a model apartment are is moving along nicely. Building No. I " pending and it should be completed by of the four building complex is seventy­ early April. A waiting list will be for­ five percent completed and excavation mulated and rental applications ae-­ for building No. 2 should commence cepted shortly thereafter. 'It is hopeful /HE: 6R£AK 15 most tenants for Fall semester 0c­ -. cupancy will be granted a final com­ AT (YIIONIGHT Co.blesklll Bridge Apartments will mitment by early May. eventually consist of forty-six two­ Exact rents haven't been established 551TON bedroom apartments in three buildings. due to remaining construction costs, They will be furnished and ac­ but it is expected they will be slightly commodate four tenants. A fourth higher than on- campus rents. A building will house a fuUUme site business office at the project will be manager and support services for the opened around April 1st. The Name Game Since we are entering the age where we might be having children, here are some names that have been the most popular in recent years.

1. Michael 13. Joshua 26. BenJamin 39. Nathan 2. Christopher 14. Joseph 27. Juslin 40. Todd 3. Brian 15. Steven 28. Nicholas 41. Charles 4. MaHhew 16. Ryan 29. Adam 42. Chad 5. Jason 17. Timothy 30. Gregory 43. Bradley 6. David 18. Richard 31. Anthony 44. Brent 7. James 19. Andrew 32 . Aaron 45. Derek 8. John 20. William 33. Jonathan 46. Shane 9. Robert 21. Jeremy 34. Patrick 47. Craig 10. Jeffrey 22. Thomas 35. Paul 48. Jesse 11 . Daniel 23. Mark 36. Brandon 49. Kenneth Sunset Beach 12. Eric. 24. Sean 37 . Seo« 50. Cory 25. Kevin 38. Alan By Catalina •

Top 50 Girls' Namea

1. Jennifer 13. Elizabeth 26. Christina 39. Emily 2. Amy 14. Jessica 27. Kati 40. Lynn 3. Melissa 15. Kelly 28. Christine 41 . April 4. Kimberly 16. Nicole 29. Andrea 42. Mary 5. Sarah 17. Ann 30. Karen 43. Brandi 6. Michelle 18. ChriSty 31 . Cheryl 44. Susan 7. Heather 19. Angela 32. Traey 45. Alicia 8. Amanda 20. Rachel 33. Laura 46. Danielle 9. Erin 21. Stacy 34. Amber 47. Lindsay 10. Lisa 22. Carrie 35. Marie 48. Lori 11. Rebecca 23. Jamie 36. Shannon 49. Renee 12. Stefanie 24 . JuJie 37 . Crystal 50. Tiffany 25. Katherine 38. Dawn

Did You Know • • • That approximately 53 million gallons of water are used at this college each year? By dividing it by approximately 3000 students on campus, you use about 17,666.6 A Total Active Wear Collection. Mix and match with ga lions of water a year! jogging pants, shorts, and knit tops. In white and ., I navy combos Great news for '84 grads sizes: 5-13, sml C"'''J'''5 DiS'''' N,·"" 5,.-11);(,- 1983 graduates. $16.00- $28.00 Results from a Northwestern Uni­ Eilgineers top the list in starting versi ty hiring survey are even more salary ($26,844 on the average), and optimistic than a previous survey math o r statistics graduates showed done by Michigan State University, the largest increase in salary over which reported employers' intentions 1983 (8.5 percent to $22,416). to hire 5 percent more new graduates For those with master's degre(>5, in ]984. engineers were again the most in de­ According to the Evanston, Ill., mand with salaries of $30,960. A 5,4 Shop Monday. S.ru,·d.y ~;"I.y 11 am - 5 pm. college's poll of 262 companies, percent increase is eXpe

• , WH I R LW I N D, March 1984, p. 6 Help for the Common Cold Relieve Stress

C" ... p ... Dig"' Nt_ St-rviu resistance. by Anne Ryan pretend it's your least favorite teacher. While there is no cure for a cold, Maybe If you exercise you will nnd some "cures" actually can pro­ What's a cold-sufferer to d01 Listen Stress is something everyone deals yourself in so much pain that you would long-or worsen- the problem. to your body; many of the symptoms with. It is especially common in college rather sit down and study! Take most common drug remedies. are useful responses. Coughing, for life. We have so much to worry about, Any kind of exercise will do. The for example. Almost all contain an­ instance, clears Ihe body of mucus. money. grades, newspaper deadlines, college offers several mini courses like Getting lots of rest lets the body con­ boy or girl friends, roommates. just to Karate and SUmnastics which might tihistamines, which thicken the name a few. How do we deal with this help. We have a beautiful pool we can mucus in your air passages (making centrate on ridding itself of the virus, and drinking plenty of fluids prevents . buildup of stress. One way is through use for free! There's the weight room coughing or a cold worse) and can exercise. where you can see some rather cause nauseau, upset stomach, loss of dehydrat ion. Studies have shown that vigorous muscular bodies! (See Sherri co-o rdination or blurreu vision. "Hot lemonade, water and tea in­ exercise releases substances in the Wh itehead's article). There's the ski About $1 billion ·doltars are spent duce vasodilation, enlarKinj.; blood body. These substances make the lodge and skating pond. The WhIrlwind vessels and stimulating circulation," person doing all this exercise have a and WooB sponsor ski trips to Deer yearly on over-the-counter sense of well being and relaxation. The "remedies." says Dr. Patricia Bloom, internal R"". medicine specialist at New Yo rk's studies show a direct correlation bet­ So go ahead, use the facilities Decongestants are bad, too. Sprays ween improved physical health and available, your tuition pays for them!! or drops only disguise the symptoms Montcfiore Hospital. increased sense of mental well being. Start getting your body in shape for and if used for three days or more can Herbal teas are r('

\\>u can read. You can rest. You can sleep. You can make phone calls .. Active Footwear for the 80's You can eat breakfast. P lay in Sneakers from Candie' s. You can watch television. Double Velcro closure gives You can listen to music. you the slim look. You can exercise. 1 sizes: 5 /2-10 You can snore. $28.00 You can even eat crackers­ provided you're alone. And yes, you can snuggle. But don' ever light up a cigarette when you're in bed Because if you doze off just once, all )OOr dreams can go up in smoke .

Shop Monday - • ",,·d.,9 am· 9 pm. Sunday 11 am · 5 pm. Shoppers Mart. Coblukill. MasterCard. VISA. Wohl's CherAe -

WH I RLWI N D, March 1984, p. 7

Small But Great· Renowned - - Persons NEW WW-PRICES Under 5 Feet 6!1 Inches Tall The price is as good Olga Korbut, Soviet gymnast as the taste. The g.calt.. le of McDon.old'.­ Dolly Parton-- U .5. singer ~I"" \ItI11'I1OO,," p",e buf. Victoria~ British queen USDk Inspected willi "" fiLlen Of ~ l liwi . . Debbie Reynolds, U.S. actress And. wilen you compare prius. meal for mul. St . Francis of Assisi, Italian saint . Mceon..Ld·. ~ars It.. «rnpllillon _ Nikita Khruschev, Soviet leader . Outstanding latte. qualily Lngrcdlcnll. lUI. friendly Marquis de Sade, French soldier and writer service • • nd It.. Wst pricn In I.,...., •. . every II ...... Mickey Rooney, U.S. actor You k_. good IlIlng JamesMadison, U.S. president wt..n you sec it. Pablo Picasso, Spanish painter Boan H...... tJy'.n George "Baby Face" Nelson, U.S. gangster He ... o.rn., l OponlO< Hirohito, Japanese emperor Aristotle Onassis, Greek shipping tycoon McDonold·.- 01 Cob le ~m 121·123 Mlln SUHt T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia)' British soldier and writer Cot>ll!SkiU. NY 1<'043 Napoleon Bonaparte, French emperor Joseph Stalin, Soviet political leader Tutankhamen, Egyptian k ing Upcoming Art Exhibits How Four CoUege Studenm At the College Art Ga Ilery March S"-31--19th century landscape pa intings from the museu'm collection of Har twick Col lege Open a Coconut Apr iI4-30--Paintings and sculpture by David Montgomery May 3- 1O --Spr i ng Student Exhibition by Anne Ryan screwdriver on the floor, while the other smashed the coconut on top". TIris It started innocently enough in the was successful leaving only one person cafeteria. They were eating cocunut in a lot of pain for the rest of the cream pie and one of them mentioned evening. 'They waited for about half an how good it was fresh out of the shell hour for the coconut juice to-dribble out The Mark Elliot Flash: The next day one of the students was at of the coconut while they contemplated the grocery store and bought a cocunut. their next move. Thislitudent returned to her dorm room They were having quite a time and clued the others that she was in figuring out how to get the rest of the for Todays Young Man possession of a coconut. They all came coconut out of the shell. After several over to help open it and to try some for complex and varied -attempts, one of themselves. They had a little trouble the frustrated students grabbed the though. How do four college students impenetrable coconut and threw it with gratefully open a coconut? great force at the door. That is how four One of them went to the R.A. office to educated college students opened a borrow a screwdriver. but they couldn't coconut. find a hammer. One of them braced the Weight Lifting for Ladies Ladies Today's society is obsessed with The best way to tone those flabby thinness and physical fitness. An in­ muscles is to lift with emphasis on creasingly popular sport for women is repetitions, not the pounds! Slowly weight lifting. The new craze for more weights can be added. The Nautiluses opens up a fun way to meet weights should be lifted untU muscle new people. Before you ladies get out fatigue is reached. Burning sensations there and start pumping iron there are are a body's way of complaining about a few myths and hannful ideas to be put overwork. so don't push too har,d. aside. Cobleskill's weight room has exercise First of all, women cannot build huge charts for women, but it is a good idea muscles! The male hormone to ask someone for help on the first time testosterone is needed for the out. So, if your arms shake like a bowl • • development of the male's large full of jelly and those sexy-legs just lay - - muscles. There is also no need to worry down and die when you sit, join the rest about looking like those women body of us in the weight room. builders. Those women spend their P.S. 1llNT: If the guys intimidate whole day centering on building up you, they don't work out in the mor­ their bodies, not just simply toning up. nings!

The layer ed look Mark Elliot's Knit Shirt wit h asym metrical snap closure banded bottom. Contrast side panel and sleeve - sizes: S-XL $16.00

Shop Mo~day • Saturday 9 am - 9 pm. Sunday 11 am • 5 pm. Shoppers, Mart, Cobleskill. MasterCard. VISA. Wohl's CharAe 'WHO TAUGHT YOU HOW TO BAlANCE A CHECKBOOK ANYWAY?'" RONALD REAGAN ?,: WHI RLW I N 0, March 1984, p. 8 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • Spring Fashion News • • • • c","pu.s Digesr Nrws Snviu • • The main f!5hion element most Beene's colors also favor white and • • designers have in common in their navy. • • spring lines is color: neutrals for • • women, colorful hues for men . Longer skirts and loose, relaxed • • A four-day Men's Fashion Associa­ silhouettes .in linen predominate ihe • • tion preview in Chicago displayed spring lines of Calvin Klein, Alex­ • • designs of 250 top menswear ander Julian and Anne Klein. • • designers in January. Colors in a Easy-fitting chemise dresses, • • variety o f mo re interesting double-pleated trousers and oversized • 4 - ~ ~ fabrics - pincord, seersucker , jackets have been previewed, mostly • • madras, herringbone-are· finding in neutral tones. T-shirt tops and • • their way into shirts, trousers and dresses were also shown. double-breasted suits. Fashions from Milan and Paris are -: Pizza Patch : In women's wear, elegant, feminine more daring than those from • • fashions abound. America, although the silhouette is Designs by Bill Blass emphasize the still th-at of elegance-depending on · - ' . · . lean, ladylike look for this spring and. how you define elegance. For Giorgio : Home of the best pizza in town : summer. Nearly everything clings to Annani, it's masculine, oversized • • the body or drapes around it. Cowl jackets and loose pants, while Lu­ • • necklines return on both sides of ciano jSoprani favors ultra-feminine : Fastest Freest Hottest : dresses, and even at the hem. tops over softly pleated pants. • Other neckline interest includes A new line from Paris features • • accordian-pleated V-inserts and deep­ diagonal cuts and seams, sweeping cut, double-breasted suits. Sho ulder lapels and fabrics knotted-or bunched : Delivery : styles vary from strapless gowns to to .one side. • • ~ paghe!ti straps. Hemlines dip to midcalf for atten­ • Call ''The Patch" at • Hems for daytime wear stop tion, with plenty of short, knee­ • • precisely at midknee, while Blass's length looks as well. Milan fashions • • evening wear is short or floor-length. hover between knee and ankle for His favorite colors are navy, white both dresses and panls, and some : 234-4413 : and b la ~k , . with occasional hot pink skirts flaunt uneven hems. • • accents . Colors are mostly neutranor both; •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Geoffrey Beene's daytime dresses styles favor basic black and white, ...... stop above the knee. Party dresses are grays and dark blues- like their Life in 2003 Hirt y-short in delicate, sheer fabrics. American counterparts. C"mpu.s Digrst Nfi»S &lViu The fav orite of daytime wear in By 2003, life expectancy could in­ health problems from 31.2 million to Europe is also the chemise dress, soft crease to about age 80, according to a 45 .8 million people. 1984 Tax and seductive. recent study by the National Center Another report, by the American Most evening looks favored sheer, for Health Statistics. Council on Science and Health, said a Changes long-skirted designs. For the daring Results of an older population baby born today can expect to live a're safari and jungle prints. .27.5 years longer than one in 1900 (to could be 318 million more visits to the J ~nu~ ry 1 us hereu in ~ number of doctor yearly-at a cost of $50 billion 74 .5 years), and citizens tax changes from la ws enacted in (an increase of 36 percent before in­ are the healthiest they have been in 1981 and 1982. This year, don't ex -· flation) and an increase of chronic the history of the U.S. Buying A peet another tax cu t. Total income taxes paid in 1983 will be higher than 1984's only Women and College because a higher rate WoilS in effect New Car? Does col lege pay for women? Yes. According to the Nationa l during the first half of.last year. This Camp," Digesl News !XtlVk, Center for E ducati onal Statistics, wage rates of women college is the fi rst year person.ll income taxes College students who can afford to graduates quiCkly catch up and overtake those of their high school will not decli ne since the three-year, buy a new car are definitely in the • classmates who, following high school, went directly to work . 25 percent tax cut W.1 S enacted in minority, as the typical '83 car owner • Four years after high school, college graduates earned an 1981. is 40.6 years old. average of $4.72 per hour as compared to $4.27 made by the high Individuals contributed 49 percent It's no real surprise that sporty car school graduates. So persevere, ladies, it's worth your whi le. of 1982 federal revenues, >A·hile cor­ buyers are the youngest (31), follow­ porations put in 8.1 percent - com­ ed by subcompact purchasers (34.6): pared tll 39.2 percent ,1nJ 28.3 pcr- . Whatever their age, Lincoln­ cent 32 years ago in ·1950. Mercury manufacturers must be ACROSS silver pleased with the news that '82 car 1 Wire nails 4 Parent: Social Security taxes will be 6 Renl COlloq. somewhat diffe rent in 1984. owners listed their cars among the top 11 Feast 5 Winter Although the rate of 6.7 p~ r cent for 10 of satisfaction-a first for a U.S. t 3 Continued vehicle CROSS cannaker since 1981. J.D. Power & sl ory 6 Units 01 wage eilrners remains the same, the 14 Faroe Islands Bulgarian : ei ling h.1s increased 52,100. Associates of California is responsible whirlwind currency WORD Employers will pay a sligh tly higher for surveying 7~ OOO owners to find 15 Corrupt 7 Before rate, ,md America·s sel f-employed out how happy they were with their 17 Note 01 seale 8 Three-loed PUZZLE new car purchases. IBAwa)' will sec an inc rease of 9.35 to 11.3 sloth Ford Motor Co. also look honors 20 Food 9 Glossy labric FROM COLLEGE percent. programs 10 Man·s name The higher ceiling affects both for the USA's best-selling car during 21 Ocean 12 Heroic IMlnl PRESS SERVICE sin~! ~ l'lxpilyers m.l ki n~ more than 1983. Heading the top-10 sales list for 22 Secluded 13 Pelly ruler the second year was the subcompact valley 16 Paper $25,000 and couples earning 532,000 24 Vehicle measure or mo re . For the first time, b.)t h Escort. 25 Imitates 19 Blossoms ~ro up s nlU st contribule to Soci.ll General Motors Corp. dominated 261rrltale 21 Liquor 33 Fingerless 44 Fur-bearing Secu rity based on hal f their salaries. the rest of the list, with seven of the 28 Game fish 23 Climbing glove mammal top 10 places taken by a mix of large JOlinger planl 34 Dregs 47 School Newl y hi red federal workers and 32 CoUPle 25 Assumed 36 Atlt group: abbt. employees w ith pri vate non-profit and small cars. No American Motors 33 Pertaining to "'~ 37 Rosters 48 Spanish for organizat ions will have to pay Soci al Corp. or Chrysler Corp. vehides the mind" 27 illuminated 39 Corded "river" Security taxes for the fi rs t tim·e. made the list. 35 Post 29 Male cloth: pl. 51 Compass Analysts confirmed what many 37 Unit of Italian 41 F~ys poinl Socia l Secu rity \)(onefits raised 3.5 currency 31 ,-Clothes­ 43 Man'S 53 Pelican Sl ale: percent January 3, up to $429 fo r the people probably already knew: Small 38 ComparatiYe maker nickname abbr. average worker. Beneficiaries Undef cars sold well in 1983 because most ending Americans were limited to spending 40 Play leading 70 Yl'ars of age will he able 1\) earn mor~ in ' ~4 bdore experiencing between $5,000 and $7,OOO-the price 42 Possessive reduced Social St'ClIr i t)~. of most subcompacts. ".pronoun , Mid-sized. cars like Oldsmobile's 43 Escapes Also enjoying a raise are federal ,45 NahOOl" employees. The 3.5 percent increase Cutlass and Buick's Regal ranked No. , ....p includes members of Congress (who 2 and 3, f01l0wed by full-size 46 Saint: abbr. .111"1 '.ulv_lllol dl" St,ll. tIOO It _ $72,2(0). Chevrolet and Oldsmob il ~ B8 models. 47 Succeed Older car buyers seemed to prefer 49 Roman gods Othe r tax ch.m~l"s ; SO Bed canopy The maximum charitable contribu­ bigger cars, as the typical car buyers 52 Went by tion fo r those who do not itcml"Ze of mid-sized and luxury cars in 1983 water were 50.4 and 53.3 years olt!. 54 Golfer Slam­ deduc tions triples in 19&1 to $75. min · Sam Estate taxes have been reduced 5 Chevrolet's Cavalier, Nissan's Sen­ • 55 Burdens percent, and the ceiling fOf estate ex­ tra, Honda's Accord, Chevrolet's clusion has increased from S275,(X)() CheveUe and Camaro completed the DOWN 1983 best-selling top 10. The Chevette 1 Progeny to 5325 ,000. 2 Close-fllting Although it will not aHect most dropped from its former top position , heavy jacket passenger-car owners, the tax on tires GM attracted buyers with rebates 3 Symbol for weighing more than 40 pounds in­ and special financing during most of creases in 1984. the year on its front-wheel Cavalier. WHI RLWINO,·March 1984, p. 9 RADIOACTIVE

Now, the week's top ZO adult contemporary siDgles from "Billboard" Magazine. weOB Hot Albums Elvis Brothers Movin' Up 1. Got Ii Hold 00 Me-,ChriBtloe MeVle Cyndi Lauper She' s So Unusual 2. '.IbIs Wom8~KeDDY Rogers April Wine Ani mal Grace 3. So Bad-Paul McCartney Fleshtones Roman Gods t. Almost Over You-Sbeena Eastou. Bongos Numbers w ith Wings 5. HeUo-Uoael Rleble Machinnation Esteem 6. You're Looking lie Love to Me-Peabo Bryson and Roberta Clarence Clemons Rescue Flack Paul Young No Parlez 7. An iDnocent Man-BWy Joel Industry Industry Tic Toc 8. I've Got a Crush 00 You-Un4a Ronstadt Where the Picnic Was 9. That's All-Genesis • Night in Heaven Soundtrack 10. UnfaitbinUy Yours-Stepben Bisbop Footloose Soundtrack Dan Fogleberg Windows & Walls n. Nobody Told Me-John Lennon Reflex 12. Your Baby Doesn't Love You Anymore-Carpeoters Politics of Dancing Eurhy thmics Touch 13. That's Not the Way-Anne Murray Nena 14. Here Comes the Rain Again-Eurhythmics 99_LufLBalloons_ 38 Special Tour de For ce 15. Brown Eyed Girl-Jimmy Buffett M artha & The M uffins M yster y Wa lk 16. Joanna-Kool and the Gang David Gilmor e A bout Face 17. Against AU Odds-PhD Collins Queen The Works 18. The Language of Love-Dan Fogelberg Real Life Hea rt Land 19. Think: of Laura-Cbristopber Cross Accelerator s Leave My Heart 20. Love Has a Mind of Its Own-Donna Summer The A larm Declar ation The Cr amps Bad Music for Bad People " Weird AI" In 3·0 Men. • • Sign up for

a course in basic citizenship , " Spring 1984 Col/ections J the best footwork in fashion! __..... ~~ the right looks. .. SOCKS the newest colors. the most comfortable fibers. •


There's no hom ework - no quizzes - just a lot

So if yotfve been putting off Selective Service r egistration, Live the active life with Sport Socks from Candie's. go the post office now and fill out the form. $3.25 Many colors and styles • all with the famous logo It's Quick. It's Easy. And it's the Law. Tune In to WCOB • Your College Radio Station Shop MondllY • SllturdllY 9 11m • 9 pm. SundllY 11 am • 5 pm, Shoppers Mart, Cobleskill, MasterCard, VISA, Wohl', Char~e • 56 AM WHIRLWIND, March 1984, p , 10 Horoscope C__ Do.,., ...... s...·u LI BRA: Children's needs and affairs ARIES: Your mind is sharp and you are highlighted. Get involved in their can solve problems more easily now . acitivites and give them your support. Finances are ac~nted a.nd shon·term At work it is the time to let others ~ sp«utations are bener left to laler. have the spotlight, Don't betray confidences. SCORPIO: Meet , your obligations ~ Questron TAURUS: Social life is accented and squarely. Pay bills and don', shirk your IXrsonality is brig!}!. Accept in­ responsibility. Any family problems CORPORATION vitiations and enjoy yourself. A can be resolved with patience and America's newest and fastest·growing nat ion· sticky problem that is bothering you understanding. Resolve to "get the wide corporation invites you to earn next yea(s tui· can be resolved bylistening to the ad· job done." tion before June. vice and view of a close friend. SAGITTARIUS: Good ti me to 1/ you are energelic, outgoing, ambitious, and GEMI NI: Your job is accented no ..... redecorate and beautify the home. By you enjoy meeting new people, we may just bave and it is not time to force issues. Stay using your creativity you can fi nd the opportunity you 've always wanted. with routine, meet deadlines and be bargains and make your envi ronment Work part·time or full ·time. ~ patient. Pace yo ur self so that you lovely on less money than you im­ Set your own hours. complete each project before beginn. agined . Your mate has some good . We need local Representatives and Area ing another. ideas too. Coordinators. CANCER: Take a tong look at your CAPRICORN: Those close to you in For continuing students. this expands into a talents and start using those that have highly·lucratlve summer position, wh ich flexes your life are espeei;lIly helpful and back in the fall 10 fit your academic schedule. been lying dormant. Don't dwell on supportive no w. Take time to talk Many permanent pOSitions are available nation· the past wi th resrets. Concentrate on and enjjoy them. Re-evaluate your wide, as well. the "now." goals and R:lake up your mind to This is a rare and unique ground·floor opportuni· LEO: Look at a si tuation d early, begin that progra m o f self­ ty ..... hich probably will not repeat. once the wilX away illusion, and yo u can find improvement. necessary personnel have been acquired. the answer. Try to put your IXrsonal AQU A RI US: You co uld feel To apply, send a self·addressed. stamped, opinions aside and look at things presured and wonder if you're ap­ business·size envelope. Appli cation form and in· more realistically. Best to stay preciated. Get more rest and take formation will reach you by return mail. somewhat in the background and let lime to relax or your judgement could others take the lead. be faulty. Take care o f routine mat­ Questron Corporation VIRGO: let yo u~ creativity operated ters promptly and give time to a loved Suite 204 and dare to. begin more unusual pro­ one who r.eeds ·your support.· 20t2 Grove Avenue jects. Adopt new methods if the PISCES: A feeling of closeness and Richmond, VA 23220 routine way is not working produc­ understanding among children and ti vely. Watch your comlXtitors and family members brings you much joy learn from them. now. Enjoy one another. Your social life is active', but be sure yo u don't let work matters sli de--meet your deadlines. FDA investigating How to Beat No direct relationship has been established yet, but sufficient concern the Afternoon Blahs has been aroused to warrant more Food and Drug Administration allen­ • tion to a new contraceptive sponge, It's 3:00 P.M. But it feels like So wake up-with a little exer· • convert blood fats into blood One confirmed case or toxic shock five. Your eyelids are heavy. Your cise. Exercise gives the cells In sugar (the same stuff that candy syndrome and another possible case mind is in a fog. What do you do? your body" fresh supply of oxy· bar tried to give you). are linked with the contraceptive To­ Probably, you reach for a cup of gen. And it's oxygen that you need • and raise your metabolic rate day, manufactured by the VLl Cor­ coffee. Or a candy bar. Or a soda. to get cooking. You don't think so? (idling speed) by anywhere from 25 poration of - Irvine, Calif. Two Or jf you're a smoker, you light up . Then try this: to 75 percent. .women developed symptoms within And by 4: 15 yo u feel even worse If you've been sitting, stand up. If What all this adds upto is renewed 24 hours of using the prQ9uct ; both than you did at 3100. you've been standing, give yourself energy. Because what you've done were treated and recovered, is call upon your body's supply of There's a reason for this. But some room. Then simply do twenty· The sponges, approved by the five jumping jacks, reserve fuel (which it has plenty of) FDA, went on the market in June there are also ways of getting instead of adding fue l in the form around it. 1982 and were sold in 23 states. It may sound Silty, but don't o f calories from outside, The best is a short, easy burst of laugh until you've tried it. Because If jumping jacks aren't your exercise, what that minute or so of jumping style, find something that is. A College store But you're already tired. you say. up and down like a ten·year·old ..... ill short ..... alk. Or a quick dash out to No you're not. You·re groggy. do for you is: look at your car. Whal you do sales up And there's a difference. If you • force your body to neady dou· doesn't matter. Just so long as it were physically exhausted, you'd ble its intake of oxygen. gets you breathing. You'lJ be C\ll\cgc ~t\ln'~ Tcrrcscnt one 1'1 thc be sweating, What you are is half· • pump about twice as much ~ma zed at how much faster five country's \')I'-rZln1..illg rd .ul ~fl1w\h asleep, blood through your veins, o'dock will rolt around. m.lfkets, .leCl'ruing tl' ii~url'!> rcl.:ased by th~' N,lti"nal A,,"',l(i,lli,'n ,'f C,'I­ Ic)o:.: St"f\'~ Thc 1\-1':..:.11 CI,IIL'~l' ~t'Hl' ,v ,W,eJ ,1 v rcrccnt It'ICTl',~~ It'I ;"'lh:~ Getting the l;;t,\ \"eM ,wcr t:~c rrC\'h'u~ ~ch,>{'1 MEN WHO REALL Y CARE. .. "eM' .lnJ ~I'h'wcd ,1 35 r('fc~nt in­ • crC,I<;(' Iln:r the 1',1'4 "'ur \'CJr~. Tht' maximum ~.Hns signillc,lntly \lul~c,'rc rcl,l1lin~ in };cncr,11 throuf.:h Ihc 1.1_ t tel\' \'CJr~' financial aid rcce~SlOn. The SIlf\·C\· included hql-\'C.IT col­ Ic~cs and h;ur-ycar inslitutiClM ;;tllll By knowing a few inside tricks SHARE RESPONSIBILITY rangoo twm ston's rcr,'rling annual before filling out those financial aid volume of 1135 Ih,ln SSOO,OOO til th,,~e fonns, siudents can increase the wi th sales above 53 mi1Hun. money they receive for next yt'ar. Course books incre.J.St.-o slight ly as Aid packages, as determined by a percenlage of 5..11<.'5 in m<'st stOf('S, colleges, are mostly based on for~ • contributing from 50 percent of tol.J.1 mulas using the family's assets and in-. nd s.1il'5 in thc larJ.;l'f Shlfl'S III 70 per­ come (unless the student can meet Write • ccnt in smJ llcr ones. OVCT thc p,hl non~dependent status), Rohert four yea rs, collcJ.;c ~to.>rC'S havc slcJoi- Leider's DolI'r Miss Out ($3 .25, Oc~ .- Iy increaseo their proportion of u~cJ tameron Press) has a number of sug­ oooks sold. gestions, including these : For

Puzzle Answer 1. Shift assets from student to parent categories, as parental goods The are valued at a lower percentage. 2. Decrease your assets' value- with cash , purchase $Omething, 3. Shift as Whirlwi many individual assets as possible in­ to the business category; businesS . assets have a lower valuation. Tbe id~.1, of ccur<>e, IS to 1>cat them at ~heir o ..... n & mr h\' ",king the ap- And. • . Read the Whirlwind rlican! [", k n lS r-os.<;ih!e within e~tabl' ~ ;! Ie Mi <;

• WH I RLWI NO, March 1984, p. 11

USFL '84 Discussion with Joe Marciano of the Philadelphia Stars by Joba Fteld fense with players such as Gary Bar­ by Joba field background on tl1S collegt;! l.ootball and baro and Brian SIpe from the N.F,L. prior coaching experiences he seemed pm football survive during the The Washington Federals finished +14 Joe Marciano coaches the best to go on for about five minutes. What I spring? So far so good. The U.S.F .L. is and It doesn't seem as if they will do Kicking team on the team with the best got out of it was that he played quar­ entering into its second year and can much better this year. The only ex­ record in the U.S.F.L. The stars punter terback for Temple University for four look back at a somewhat successful pansion team in this divisIon is the Sean Landeta has a 4l.9-yard average years and thefl went on to coach for season. The bigest thing to hit the ~ews . They have a lot of and David Trout was the leagues various High school and college teams dealing with the U.S.F:L. came before no names but two players who are not leading scorer with 121 points, gives such as Penn state, Temple UniversIty the season started when Hershal no names are ex Dallas Cowboy Glen them an added dimension to their team. and the University of Rhode Island to Walker dropped out of ~hool to play for carano and Heisman Trophy Winner Joe said he is extremely optimistic name a few. He said that he feels very the . This was of Mike Rozier. about the i984 season in which they lucky to be a coach of the Stars Football course a very big feather in the hat of The Southern Division. have started out with a 2-0 record. He (oam. tbe U.S.F.L.'s owners, but seemed to The seem to be stated that last year they had the best About the life of the U.S.F.L. He lose its appeal as the Generals had a the strongest team in this division. Last record and this year they have cut some thinks that it will survive If ABC will dismal season winning only sU: games year they compiled a 11-7 record as did players to make room for better renew it's two year contract that ends while losing fourteen. There were other the New Orleans Breakers, fonnerly players. This means that they will be a this swruner. He is a very optimIstIc highlights such as the championship the Boston Breakers. These two teams stronger and better team than last and outgoing person and a fantastic game which was won by the Michigan along with the Binningham stallIons year. coach coach. Good luck to Joe and The Panthers by a score of 25-24 over the (9-9) will battle it out for the division When 1 asked Joe to give me some Stars in '84. Philadelphia stars. The score alone of title. The two expansion teams are the - this game shows that the U.S.F.L. 's and the Memphis championship game was more exciting show boats. Jacksonville appears to Did You Know Coby Has A Riding Team? than the N.F.L.'s superbowl this year have a set passing game led by Q.B.'s Matt Robinson and Hobart but are which was extremely boring. The Ken by Tommy Muller U.S.F.L. also has something that the . likely to have some defensive area and therefore had a place to stay problems. free of charge. Now, in the wisdom of N.F.L. is slowly losing, that is ex­ A couple of weeks ago, I had the JOY of citement. The U.S.F.L. is young and this state college, could the Riding Western Conference spending a day with the Cobleskill Team be overlooked?? The coach, Mrs. quick to change compared to the near Riding Team. Unlike most colleges, the Mielke. donates-her time and energy to parity of the N.F.L. Central Division. Riding' Team is not considered an the team. The team does quite well, Some of the big changes in the athletic team. They are placed under considering that the time to practice is U.S.F.L. came in the change of This is the division where the the control of the Agricultural divisions, 'and the addition of six ex· U.S.F.L. champion limited. 1 can not compare the Riding roam. They are back and just as Department. The problem that exists is Team to the Cross-Country Team, pansion teams. The old that no money is now allocated for the which I have participated in, but it is a moved to Arizona and took on the furious with a sturdy defense led by John Corker who led the U.S.F.L.·in the team. The entrance fees for the riders sport and there should be room for all identity of the Arizona Wranglers, The is partially paid for by the Hor­ the sports on this campus. old Arizona Wranglers moved to sac department with 28* . Their offense semanShip Club and the rest is paid for is also in excellent shape led by Q.B. 'The results of the horse show are Chicago and took on the Identity of the by the members of the team. Tran­ enough to prove that we can compete Chicago Blitz. For the second straight Bobby Herbert and W.R. Anthony Carter. Their only competitor for the sportation and food expenses are paid with other schools, despite the year the U.S.F.L. has taken the best for by each rider and anybody who drawbacks. Imagine how well we could player in the college draft. And teams division title looks to be the Chicago happened to go, like this reporter. do with the support they deserve! like the Generals look more like an Blitz, wtlich looks like a minor league affiliate of the Chicago Bears. The Perhaps it is time for this school to N.F.L. team than a U.S.F.L. team. The horseshow I attended was at the recognize our Equestrian Team as not Five out of six expansion teams that , Oklahoma OUt\;lws Oxley Polo Arena at Cornell University. joined the U.S.F.L. this year came from and the are all only a sport, but also a reason for pride expansion teams that will search for an Members of the team were fortunate of the accomplishments of students the deep south. Jacksonville, Memphis, that the coach had grown up in that here at Cobleskill. San Antonio, Houston,Okahoma, and identity in this new league, and will the Northern exception Pittsburgh, all battle it out to see who will get third in adopted U.S.F.L. teams with ambitious this division of five . Rider Place owners. The owners of these teams not Pacific Division. ""'"Class I-Beginner Walk, Trot Anne Ryan R only took on a big risk financially but The PacUic Division will be led by the Class 2-Advanced Walk, Trot Julia ~reehan 3 also four of these six cities don 't have Arizona Wranglers, formerly the Class 4-Adv~Walk •.Trot , Canter Mary !!Jett 4 any pro football teams. The leagues Chicago Blitz, who piled up- a 12-6 CliiSs 5-Novice Horsemanship Joe Zappia 3 attendance and T.V. ratings dwindled record. Some of their key players are Jayroe Motler R at the seasons end, but the Cham­ coach George Allen, Q.B. Cornelia Gallow R pionship game hit the high point in and running back Tim Spenser. Th~y Class 6-ln1. Horsemanship Meg Klisiwec:z 5 attendance. This year within the first will most likely win the division and Class 7-Open Horsemanship HaMah Taylor R - two weeks it has been broken twice both have as good if not better record than Class 8-Novice Over Fences Georgie Pabnore 1 times by the Generals. First in Bu-. last year. The L.A. Express, Oakland Jayroe MoUer 3 mingham (63,000 ) and then by more Invaders and are the Cornelia Gallow 5 than 10,000 in Jacksonville (73,000). mediocre type of teams. They had Class 9-lnt. Over Fences Meg Klisiwecz 6 This up and coming week the Generals records of 8-10, 9-9, and 7-11 respec­ R= Reserve (Honor) will undoubtably break theIr at­ tively, and none of them look to im­ tendance record again at home against prove greatly this season. the Philadelphia Stars. The U. S.F.L seems to be pretty sound financially so far and will most likely '!be Eastern Conference continue if their television contract with A.B.C. can be renewed at the end Atlantic division. of this season. U the contract 'is not The Atlantic Division has the team renewed the organization will have to with last years best record of 1s.3 the find some other way of making more Practice Philadelphia Stars. The New Jersey money because they cannot survive Generals were a big disappointment solely on ticket sales, so look for the your Canadian, last year with a poor record of S-12, but cOfltract to be renewed or the U.S.F.L. because have beefed up their defense and of- to go down the tubes. practice makes perfect.

-. . , , , , • -:. . SUTTI!~T IS • ." , .- • ", MVTEACHtR , , • , ,

, . - Sanzone Dist. Co., Inc. • 233 N. Main Street (518) 725-3158 Gloversville, NY 12078 - W H I R L WI N 0, March 1984, p. 12 Coby Swimmer Superstars Ignored by HaU by Dougl• • F1gory division championships in his last sis: seasons with the Minnesota Vikings The most reliabl e system for picking and, most importanUy, he led them to members of the Hall of Fame was the Super Bowl. Goes to Nationals always thought to be the method used Namath had a great impact on by Pro Football professional football He made the by Tommy Muller Invitational. In the voting, 29 designated voters AFL. He also made the Super Bowl a Captain Tom Knee lead the guy's meet face to face, make argwnents for great sports competition by predicting Freshman, Peter Fuerst, spent the team and was the only senior. The rest the nominee and defend their and engineering one of the astonishing week before vacation in Fort Piers, of the squad also improved throughout arguments before their peers. It upsets in athletic history. Florida. 'He Is participating in the the season. Coach McCumber is looking seemed to be the civilized, responsible His statistics are not as staggering as Junior SWirruning Events. They were forward to a promising season next way to hand1e a Hall of Fame voting. you might think. That is partly because held at the indian River Conununity year. This year, however; the system has the Jets played a different type of of­ College. Peter has helped the team to a Peter Fuerst qualified for the lost some of its credibility. To be en­ fense and partly because injuries kept good season, even though they lost Nationals in the 1650 Freestyle and 500 shrined In the Pro Football Hall Of him out of most of the three of the next three meets in the last event. Freestyle. He has been Swimming since Fame, this year will be: Willie Brown, four seasons after his Super Bowl win. The Coblesklll swimming team Is 7th grade. While at Lackeshore Central Charley Taylor, Arnie Weinmeister and Another factor is that the Jets were not made up of five males and seven High School, he went to the States meet. Mike McCqnnack. This year's class is a great team. females, five of which are seniors. Co­ He was seeded unofficialy second at the more notable for the players who were Undeniably, they were both con­ captains were Carol Keenan and fresh­ .Nationals in the 1650. He hasn't been left out. troversial. Tarkenton is outspoken and man Jodi McKersaw. Carol and Jodi defeated in Ute two events since the In their first year of eligibility, Fran sometimes anogent. Namath offended were consistent swimmers throughout beginning of the season. Tarkenton and Joe Namath were not a lot of people with his conduct off the the year. Don McComber has coached the team invited to join the ceremonies. field. But all of that should be Kelly McMaster and Missy Skalsky for the past ten years. He is helped out Without a doubt, Tarkenton should disregarded in the voting. finished first and second in the 500 . by Rose Corcione, Parson Hall have been elected to the Hall of Fame I can only hope that those two great Freestyle Monroe Invitational Linda Resident Director. Team manager who this year. He definitely had the players will enter Ole Hall of Fame in Linhart, Terri Zimmennan and Debbie helps with the transportation was Evie statistics of a Hall of Famer: 47,000 the very near future, but it is not going O'DolUleU made up the rest of the girl's Jarek. yards passing and 342 touchdown to get easier for them. Next year there team. They improved as a unit from the This year has been left with success, passes in 18 seasons, all as a starting will be a fresh bunch of eligible players, beginning of the season, until they we wish the swimming team more quarterback. He had the style and was led by O.J. Simpson and Roger finished second at the Monr oe SUCCi!SS with the coming season! the most successful scrambler of all Staubach. time. He had the accomplishments, six Good luck Joe and Fran.

Wha t a Surprise? Olympic Coins

by Tom Muller steve and a new addition to the famlly. by Anne RyaD Pressure does strange things to manufactured. One and a half million Five medals in events dominated by people, but for it is a were already sold as of late 1983. For To conunemorate the 1984 Summer those of you that are thinking of this as the likes of Ingennar Slenmark and new feeling. She had nothing to lose Olympics, the United States Mint has being seeded l~th . After her first run an investment it may Dot be such a Franz Klammar. Unbelievable but come out with a series of gold and silver sound one. First, you are paying sub­ true; as the Americans took three golds she was 2nd behind Ouistin Cooper. If coins. The money from the sale of these pressure had anything to do with it on stantially more for the coin than the­ and two silvers in the Alpine events. coins will be used to help out Olympic metal it is made of is worth. Second, Starting with Bill Johnson who was a the second run {..'h.ristin sUpped. She Athletes of today and tomorrow. ended up in second behind Debbie who there are going to be so many made trouble maker from the start. An The silver coin contains about ten that they may never actually become American dream of sorts t Wise mouth had a flawless run. It was the other one­ dollars worth of silver, they will sell for two finish from the skiing team. valwible to collectors. But, if you want yaIley boy who was kicked off the thirty two dollars each. The gold coin is to help out the OlympiC team this might team; got caught stealing a car and What can we say about this team made with about one half an ounce of be a good way to do eJ:cept amazing, exciting and so. comes back to win the gold medal in gold and is worth about two hundred For more Infonnation wrIte: United downhill. He didn't do all that in the last congratUlations. The dollars. However, you can only get the team won more medals than any other states Mint, 5S Mint Street, San month but he has led a reckless life. The gold coin if you buy it In a set which Francisco, CalifornIa 9417~. competition didn't like his bragging. I American skiing team. They are includes two silver coins. That set will diverse people who all have the one You can also get infonnation from didn't llke him sounding off like a cost you four hundred sixteen dollars. many banks and coin stores where the Namath or Ali. He used his skill to pull common quality of skiing exceptionally Fifty two million coins will be well. coins are being sold. off the vIctory of his life. The first , American downhill victory in the Olympics. Phil and Steve Mahre had the class and pride to be quieter than Johnson. Both in their last season pulled a stwming one-two victory in the Slalom TuNeD FORT~e OL'fMPiCa­ on the last day of the events. Both ma'{ yearning for the home life, didn't care for all the noise. They were so proud THe OFFiCiaL OLY M Pj C~ OF about being the figure heads of the Alpine team that they ended with 1981[- OL'l'MPiC§ vIctory. Several hours after Phil's THe ! victory his wife gave birth to their third child. What a day for the twins from Washington; a gold for Phll, a silver for

Stand Up • & Cheer

by Tom Muller

The flame is out. Old Glory has come home to wait for summer. The Alpine Skiing team and the figure skating team are taking the bows. They are the champIons of their time. They are hereos of today who'll be remembered for years. The U .8. didn't receive as many medals as in past )-ears.. The team was still better than ever. The competition was tough and the presSure was great for many yOWig athletes. They per­ formed to their best. They'll never get the recognition of a Bill Johnson or Phil . Maitre. They still should be applauded for their contribution. For some it's the end of their time and others have the ·future Olympics. They are all cham­ pions.