, , , • , SUNY Cobleskill ," , Volume 6 , • , J l i '- ~ , ~, ~ . Circulation 2,500 - Issue 8 THE Looking Forward to Spring "Hello Out There" by Kerry Mc:Klliop year Spring Weekend is being in­ by MaJa Wasserbach Upon questioning her, she callmed that corporated with a Parent's Weekend .she did not always have a high cwn, Despite the rerent change in weather and several events have been scheduled 1bose of you who have taken a sometimes she did not even make the spr~ is still on the way,and these final to assure fun for parents and students psychology course with Dr. Mallery honor roll. I guess we students should months are going to be rather busy alike. Beginning with 8 dance featuring know these words as her trademark. A not get d.lscouraged if our grades are ones. But along with the studying and "Looker," the weekend continues all common misconception that teachers not the highest, we can be a success as hard work several events will be taking day Saturday with local craftsman must be put to rest. Have you ever long as we learn as much as possible. pla~ that will make this semester one displaying their work and objects d'art. wondered what teachers do in their Dr. Mallery's hobbies include playing of the best ever. Several student organitations will be spare lime or where they went to bridge, skiing, both downhill and cross­ sponsoring kissing booths, pie throwing school? I recently had a conversation country, and swimming. This teacher A10ng with this year's major concert, booths, and an all male beauty contest. with Ms. Mallery that was quite in­ also was named this year to the Who's featuring The Charlie Daniel's Band, Ending Sunday with Aggie day. which teresting. Who Among American Women. She and AJumnl weekend, The Student will be featuring contests such as bail Sylvia Mallery was brought up right also greatly enjoys singing. She has Programming Board is sponsoring one throwing and tobacco spitting, the here In Schoharie County. She attended studied at Lincoln Center's Jullard of the biggest Spring Weekends. This weekend looks to be a promising one! several colleges. After studying at School of Music and at the Mozarteum Skidmore Ms. Mallery received her at Salzburg. Traveling has taken Dr. Bachelor's Degree in Music-Liberal Mallery to New Zealand, Tahiti and Arts from Syracuse University. Her throughout Europe. Master's Degreee was received at I questioned Ms. Mallery !lbout how Harvard, where she also received a the life of young adults has changed Agriculture Literacy Encouraged Business Admlnlstratlon Certificate. At since she was our age. She feels that we Columbia University. Dr. Mallery have a much more accelerated and Studied Early Childhood and later complex life today. Her advice to us? There's a bumper sticker around the past eight years to the University receIved her Doctorate from Nova "Learn to know yoursell, be yourseU, University. And I thought Coby seemed respect. yourself and love YOjll'SelL t hat proclaims. "Farming is of Florida and to 10 private. liberal· Uke-an eternity of studying!! Reallte that ever y day is a special gift. everybody's bread and butter." That arts colleges. Of course, Ms. Mallery did not spend Let your life reveal patience, hwnllity, sentiment fairly well sums up what Agriculture components have been all of her time studying. During college integrity, persistence and compassion representatives of liberal-arts colleges added to curricula at the university's she participated in student government as you share your experiences with heard from speakers at a January con­ College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and was a member of Kappa Delta Pi others. " ference in Rorida. and Pi Lamda Theta, which are honor I have always found it interesting to in an experimental program paid for societies. talk to older people on campus and find Agriculture literacy-the basic by the Kellogg Foundation. At this point of the interview, I was out a little more of who they are. underStanding of ho w food is grown, New courses such as the history of wondering how she got through all that Through these interviews. we can transported and marketed- was em­ agricuJture or sociology of rural liv­ schooling. Her intelligence is obvious, relate the past to our liv~ Thank you phasized by speakers, who said col­ ing have been added at some colleges. so I naturally assumed that she must Ms. Mallery, for .sharing part of you leges that gave students., little as well as revisions to basic courses in have always maintained good grades. with us. agriculture exposure were acting ir­ environmental science, biology, responsibly since many liberal-arts economics, philosophy, English. graduates go on to be national policy­ politicaJ science and other areas. makers and corporate executives. Th~ 10 smaller colleges included in Agriculture literacy is particularly the Kellogg Foundation's program important in the U.S., a country that are: Adrian College in M ich.; Briar grows food for millions of the world's Cliff College in Sioux City, Iowa; people. The ag industry, though Coe College in Cedar Rapids. Iowa; crucially important, is extremely sen­ Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, Iowa; sitive to uncertainties ·of eco nomics 'Earlham College in Richmond, Va.; and the weather. Grinnell College in Io wa; Luther Col­ Recent news sto ries about E.D.B., lege in Decorah. Iowa; Pomona Col­ a fumigant used by many Florida lege in Claremont, Calif.; Willia ms growers which has been found to College in Williamstown, Mass.; and cause cancer in laboratory animals, Wilmington College in Ohio. illustrates one of the issues students The Kellogg Foundation's program should be discussing in liberal arts director said additional awards courses, as they wiU soon be called to would be made to colleges for pro­ make decisions regarding increasingly grams blending the humanities and .. MARCH complex agriculture issues. the agricuJture. speakers said. Faculty members, however. may The conferen ce, entitled have some obstacles to overcome in "Food/ Agriculture in the Liberal establishing interdisciplinary pro­ Arts," was jointly spo nsored by the grams. Some fear being caught bet­ W.K. Kellogg Foundatio n and the ween departments when it was time University of Aorida. Grants to for promotions. tenure decisions and establish . ag-related programs have budgeting, especiall y in times of , been provided by the foundation over scarce funds. THINGS YOU WON'T HEAR SAID IN 1984 ... Who's Michael Jackson •.. Lee lacoca for President · .. HeUo WCOB? Could you play Air Supply's "All Out 01 Love?" · , • Change the drinking age to 21 please, Thank,you. • •• Awright! liver and Spinach Rice Casserole for dinner. WH I RLWI NO, March 198.4, p. 2 . , . .. .. , . - . ... .. - ... - The New Party Leader by Anne E, Ryan because of illness. Also he delivered Andtopov's eulogy in short icy gasps In 1922 there was Stalin, then for a and seemed to breath three times as Cdlege Students Are Adults brief period after 1953 came often as his neighbors In the reviewing Malenkov, next was Khrushchev, stand, according to western analysists. A few weeks ago on a Saturday, I went to the bookstore to cash a after that was Brezhnev and finally two He even appeared to have trouble check that a friend had sent from home. The girl whO sent me the years ago Yrw Andropov. On February holding a salute as Soviet crack troops chec k had graduated last semester. 21 , 1984 Andtopov's coffin was lowered The bookstore policy is not to c ash second party checks from Into the groWld fifty feet from the -According. to TIME magazine Kremlin wall So now there is Kon­ Chemenko appeared to be "a faceless • other students. The man at the reg ister had quest ioned me about stantln Chernenko. bureaucrat who would always be w hether the g irl was a student. I told h im that the girl had w ith' Chemenko, 72, "Is the oldest man to everyone's second choice for the job. drawn last semester. He hesi tated and then r eminded me that I ever be selected to hold the U.S.S.R. 's Now he was being seen as the last-gasp would be liable for the check. I agreed and he accepted the check. most important position. Rwnors are leader of a gerontocracy intent on ~As I walked down the hall, I realized that I had accidentally took already in circulation about the new keeping the YOWlger generation from l he pen after indorsing the chec k . I walked back to return it. leaders health. It seems he disappeared moving too quickly Into the corridors of for a couple of months last spring power." Upon enter ing the bookstor e, the man exclaimed.. that I was a liar . H e w as holding the director y, i n which he had found the name )f the girl who wrote the check, he stated that he wanted the ten ::Io llar s back. and cr ossed out t he bookstore stamp on the back of the check. I once again sta ted that the girl had w ithdrawn, but he For All Your refused to believe me. I la ter br ought the check to a bank. I can understand that the bookstore has to have a policy to guard them selves against bou ncing checks. No store wants to get T-Shirt Needs stuck w ith a bounced chec k, that is why check ing policies must be enforced. The policy used should be efficient. though. The student directories that were given out in August are no longer up·to·date.
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