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Complete Local News Of A Population Of 18,556 Gardener Allows Cats to D(raft Board Clerk Many In Resigns Her Post Solve Rabbit R esignation of Miss Agnes Com f uel Oil Plumbing Department Here ran, assistant clerk to the office^ Ready To Harvest of Hillside Local D raft Board wS* Memorial Inches high, he dropped in the sec- 3, was announced this week. She Is -Early Plantihg Nnw row and later'the third" row understood to have accepted His peas are : Forms Go js Under Investigation Rabbits p rese n t, n o problem ' in the victory garden of Walter M- Some Lineup employed by the- board practically the entire time that Selective Serv Parade -Dean,-of—16-Oedar--str-eet,-whe—has Every night-, rojifri he returns Suspension For 'one: of the” .elaborate gardens hr homo from his duties at the Mid iee-fias-beente-iSeot.------- Out Soon More Marchers Than town. Dean says that his eat and way Motors, Plymouth-De Soto Inspector Bobertz three others prowling around In the dealers at 1441 North Broad street, Scheduled For Mail Reject 37 Percent In Usual Participate In neighborhood are lurking death to Is Regarded Likely he spends whatever time he can, Instruct Workers June 10; Most Of Annual Observance -rabbits -and -the-l&tter know—lt-and- Just. Ilka hlfflftredja of other fflllalrie A resolution to suspend Plumbing stay away; In fact someone has a victory gardeners, in his sixty by o n e of the largest groups -(if Rations Unchanged First Married Men’s Call Inspector H uga W. BObertz pending rabbit trap to the vicinity and has forty’foot plot of ground. •• In Price Control investigation or charges against his .had no luck whatever. He has Six tows of peas, six of NEWARK, N. - J.,—With local Army, As Usual, Robert E. Hoffman, 558 Paul st. : Sunuay to 'tflS’SBfiiuti M eindnaPjja: War Price and Rationing Boards department is expected to be adopt Dean Is an old master at gar oorn, seventy'tomato plants, twenty George Jahada, 871 Princeton ave. ed at a special meeting of the Hoard parade arm- oaaeTOnee in unnrv^n dening, and has. provided himself -CabbageH-three stor nf . beefcL t.wn Meeting Tonight Of scheduled to-mail out fuel off ap- Gets The Majority veterans or me flare or uie unitea p lififlit.t’Onf l ^ rHi ftnt.Vy /y>n- Jiilius Kratzer; 535 Harvard aver, of Health today, The Tipies learned with the comforts of a confirmed ot onions,op echarn, an. asparagus Local Merchants . About, 37_aeiceht of the m en who Ju lian Levin. 272 O akland ter. early this afternoon. States. btarung worn nuiistae nature lover to .the shape of the bed,—two rows..of lettuce, two ol - Sumers June 10, th e ' D fitidct OPA reported* for inaucUBS into—tfiY School on Uberty avenue, tne parade Instruction of volunteer workers office here, today outlined “the new Carlton MarsTiallrT40 Boston ave. “ Alleged iiTegulartties i n con usual and improvised tools for mak spinach, three beets, three string arm ed forces on-M ay 26,- th e -first MorrisMoskowiiarieOOMapieave; w ouna through streets ox trie nortt ing irksome tasks easier. He has a beans. wtoc- wM assist the—Price Control fuel rationing program which goes call for .m arried m en In Hillside, duct qf--ffie Plumbing Department side and- stopped -at jttusseli Loose Panel of the Hillside War Price pto effect July l. Oscar H. Newman- jr„ Locust driv< ai-e ui^der investigation’ by the Coun large board with heavy felt padding T hen .there' a re seventeen poles of were rejected, mostly for physical Kenilworth.. fars, at Clark street and Mem for a knee- rest w hen weeding and aind R ationing Board in disseminat In describing the new plan, Wil ty Prosecutor's office, w ith Acting . avenue. lima beans, three rows of string reasons, according to the. list re Julius Prupus, 277 Williamson ave. digging ted taking out the vege ing correct price control informa- liam, H. McKenna, chief rationing leased' this week by Looal Board Prosecutor John E. Barger in charge. Wreath at Park beans, one .of turnip greens, one.ot iio n Jto - local—merchants took place Officer, emphasized th a t the pro Chalmer E. Rhodes, 2037 Gloss ave Judge Barger admitted this morn tables.., oelerlac, one parsley, two...-hills of No, -8 of. Hillside. There Were a Union. A wreath was placed at the park And is he going to get a load of Iast-4iight=4n/ the board’s office ip gram has been extremely simplified, ing that he has submitted charges In honor Of Hillside's w ar dead anu summer squash, two of winter with the entire distribution of ap few _j:ejeo5lona .for_.tetes!!tyJ8ive. Allan Shoopak) 148 Grumman ave. against Bobertz to the May Grand stuff-soonl F act Is, h e planted peas the Hillside Avenue School. Mr. reasons, aooordlng to Edward W. Rabol Ullezer Oohen, ol fciinai OOn-| squash, one hill of cantaloupes. Salzman, of the S tate OPA office; plication forms and, ration coupons Philip H. Thomas, 73 South Watniffr Jury and that further testimony WUl early In March. According to an Earle, chairman, but these- will gregation, ottered a prayer. The What’s ready? Peas, spinach, was the instructor. accomplished by mail to spare con st., East Orange. be given when the Jury reconvenes old formula, he put a thermometer lettuce, asparagus. Here’s one man probably be sent up again to forth Manuel J. Vieira, 334 L«ong av< speaker was Mayor George w; Ber- Local merchants are urged to at sumers the time and inconvenienoe coming calls. on June 4. He refused to1 reveal i|ch, who asked Americans at home In the ground and found It 45 d8- who has nothing to. worry about tend a special meeting In the school of waiting in line at schools or local William Whitley, 144 Pennsylvania grees at high noon, and planted the nature of the charges Or their . to reflect’on whether their conduct the high ooeit of living because, as' at 8:30 o’Cl'bck this evening at boards. He said it was expected .While m ost of the Inductees were origin. / Is measuring up to the expectations his first row of peas. When this he puts It, what you can’t eat, you which the price control program that distribution of all rations taken' by the Army;-several wont Peter Yurecko, 570 Leo st. first row was about five or six c an oan. into the’ .wavy w ith one each fog Local health officlabrwere loathe ■ of those In the armed forces. He will be explained. would be completed by July 31, and Navy to discuss the matter since, as one the Marines and Coast Guard. The Henry R .. Beil, 317 Ryan' st, asked, "W hat woiBfl. they thtok ox urged applicants to ..fill out the of them put lt, “a man’s reputa strikes, of those' w ho Buy, in the simple application forms as soon list of those. Inducted Is as follows: W alter J. BischofT, ,.113i Virginia s i ’ Army tion is a t stake.” However* it was blaok market, or of those who won't as they receive them and to return Jack C. Cudney. 333 Hillside ave. fairly certain that Bobertz would cooperate In civilian defense?'' After liox Speaker Wounded Marine Soap Ceiling them to local rationing boards im Rudolph Berberich, 138 Long ave. James E.' Donovan, 157 Frances pi, mediately. William T. Carlson, 848 Westmln- be suspended sometime during the briefly referring to the wars in Richard J. Hurd, 24 Hollywood ave. day for the duration of the investi While the majority of consumers ter ave. whloh the United States has en- In Elizabeth Herbert W. Kirk, 1424 Munn ave, gation, with future action ^pending gaged, the mayor declared America joins V. F. W. Post Lists Ready will receive the sam e ration as last F rank MrOhocholocefc, 529 Yale ave. Thomas J. Madersky, 155 Boston William P, Dwyer, Jr., 203 Ryan st, on what the investigation reveals. has always been ready to fight for “The man to Flanders’' fields: year, a feature of the new fuel off A" special meeting of 'Maj, John' program iB a provision whlGh a uto kancls L, Farrell. 1220 Salem ave. Norr Health officials here had been freedom 190th for Itself an d Others. : whose deeds, and memory we honor A. Davenport P o st 1722, V; F. W., r NEWARK, N. J.—Dollars and Leonard st, The parade then continued cents ceiling price lists on house matically increases the rations Of Richard W. Gawilk, JBB Frances pi* unable to contact Bobertz at an today, felt he would m ate the world was held . following the Memorial early hour this afternoon to get his through the south side, being re safe for democracy. B ut Somebody hold soaps and. cleansers which re certain types of smaller homes of Sigmond Gottlieb, 91 Wainwright Joseph P. Ruddin,. 1423 Leslie st. Day parade Sunday to obligate P. F, the bungalow type. Newark. Marines version of the charges against him. viewed by members of the Town fumbled th e bail* a h d how our sbns C. Robert Schneider, o f /1073 Ches tail grocers'are required to post in ship Committee as It passed the this provision, OPA • explains, Richard H. Gross, 1598 .Compton John R, Novack, Jr., 275 Dorer ave. are going through the same' thing. ter street, member of the 0. S, their' stores are available at ' War municipal building, ted ended up opmes “as a, resu lt of careful study |p l .