Subtropical Grow Guide Nature Cycle Vegetable: Tatsoi ( juncea)

Presented: (Salad Mix and Asian Greens)


Can be Grown: All year Position: Full Sun - Light Shade

Soil pH: 6.0 - 7.0

Fertilization: Light feeder

Watering: Daily

~ Days in garden: 21-35 days

Soil Temperature: 10C - 30C

Row Spacing in 75cm Bed: 12 rows 5.625cm apart Spacing: 1.25cm

Time in the nursery for transplanting: 4-6 weeks

Able to be Direct Seeded: Yes, we use the lettuce plate for the Earthway Seeder

Growing Tips: In France, mesclun is defined specifically as a mix of baby lettuce, chicory, arugula, and sorrel. We are more concerned with taste & appearance, the only criteria are that they should be bite-sized (two to four inches long). “recipe” calls for Asian greens in the spring and fall, and a mix of lettuces in the summer. add baby Swiss chard, chicory, or kale to supplement the basic ingredients. planning for a new crop every 15 days, aiming to have two or three cuts from the same planting. seeding dates are closer to- gether in the fall, as we need to take into account the slower growth of the greens as the days get shorter. Light, not temperature, is the limiting fac- tor when extending the mesclun growing season. keep weeding to a minimum, we prepare our beds for seeding well in advance and always use the false seedbed technique. main ingredients in our mesclun mixes are baby leaf romaine, oakleaf let- tuces, kale, Swiss chard, and chicory. We also har- vest from a couple of beds of mini heads of lettuce, from which we harvest three to four time, as well as other uncommon garden forage: Brassicaceae flowers, pea flowers, overripe lettuce cores, and young cabbage sprouts

Crop Specific Guide Page 1