CONTENTS 2018 REVIEW 4 6 10 12 14 15 18 21 24 28 30 32 34 35 38 40 41 44 46 48

42 50 Stephen Woodford From Introduction 8 16 James Murphy From Introduction '18 A Look Back At LEAD Breakfast Europe At Ad Week Talent Talking March: Cannes Dover House Comes To April: Scottish Advertising Of Adspend Growth Another Stellar Year 22 A With Tencent June: A Historic M.O.U Signing For DIT Reception June: Change Things For The Better July: #timeTo 26 Parliamentary ChristmAds! UK Rep September: Our Roles As Cannes Lions October: Merry November: The Media Business Course December: Our Industry Think Tank Credos, 36 Ad Pays 7: Digitalisation Preview Growth Deal Possible For UK Advertising Getting The Best Brexit Quarterly Launch Foot Front For 43 & Stephen In Campaign Interview With Keith Weed AAccelerate Mission Medal Media Smart Making Our Children Trade Evidence-Based Response HFSS - A Proportionate Mackintosh Stage Championing UK Advertising On The World Coast The 54 West Team The Shanghai International Advertising Festival Say Foot Chairman New Front Meet Your The 52 Members A New Vision A New President, Members Meet Our Our What Over half of jobs in advertising in the UK are based outside London. UK The AA and WARC advertising expenditure rose show adspend figures to reach 6.4% year-on-year £5.6bn in Q2 2018 – the 20th consecutive quarter of Coupled with market growth. an overall adspend rise of during the 7.2% year-on-year first half of 2018, to a total of £11.4bn, this was both second quarter the strongest and first half since 2014. The UK exports more The UK exports more advertising services than it imports to the tune of £2.9 billion – this is the trade surplus in largest ad services in Europe. •  •  •  Advertising supports nearly a million jobs across the length and breadth of the UK. Growth in exports of Growth than advertising is larger that of the wider economy, with annual UK exports of advertising services worth to the £5.8 billion according latest figures. Advertising finances UK media and sport, culture, valued at £10 billion a year. Following the release of Following the release the full year the figures, forecast advertising growth for 2018 and 2019 were upgraded to +6.0% and This +4.9% respectively. would lead to a projected adspend total of over £23.5bn for 2018 and a decade of continuous growth for the UK advertising industry by 2019. •  •  •  • 

Every £1 spent on advertising contributes £6 to than more UK GDP – that’s £132bn per year in total! Over a third of the top 20 UK Over a third comes ad agencies’ revenue overseas business – from almost £300 million. that’s Since 2005 the UK has Cannes Lions than won more country any other European – over 1,500! •  •  • 




2018 was a year of seismic2018 shifts for our advertising industry, as we grappled with theimplications of Government legislation around HFSS advertising, the potential impact of Brexit on the UK creative services sector and how to arrest the decline in public trust in advertising. Looking back, I am proud the Advertising Associationhas been involved in so many campaigns to protect our industry’s interests in the face of all those challenges.

, Advertising Association

Chief Executive Chief This review of the year will recap on those activities, but also feature more about our plans Our newPresident for 2019: Keith Weed and our new Front Foot Chairman Mark Evans are hugely experienced innovative thinkers and their expertise will be at the forefront of our endeavours My thanks throughout too to our outgoing 2019. President, Andy Duncan and Matt Barwell. Chair, In this Annual we also Review, provide updates on the work of Credos, advertising’s think- tank; Media Smart, the media literacy programme; and Front Foot, our unique industry network for advertising leaders who want to have a say on how we shape the future of our industry. There have been many highlights for me this year but here are just three of them for now. Our annual industry summit, LEAD, kicked off the year with speakers from across the political spectrum and truly insightful sessions from advertising leaders. The launch of our campaign in collaborationtimeTo with NABS in April and WACL was another particularly significant moment. Designed to stamp out sexual harassment industry, the in launched we theindustry’s first ever study Credos by into sexual harassment levels along in the summer, with a new Code of Conduct, superbly written by the team at NABS. This was then followed by Lucky Generals’ brilliant ‘Where Draw Do You The Line?’ campaign in October. watchingFinally, the development of our Trust campaign, building on theresearch from Credos, has been a hugely rewarding experience for me personally, as we gear up for significant industry-wide action to restore public trust in advertising. I hope you enjoy our On review behalf of 2018. of everyone here at the Advertising Association, thank you for your continued support. Woodford, Stephen THE YEAR IN REVIEW 4 7


Advertising Association

Chairman, James Murphy, It was another eventful year for our industry. were We allkept extremely busy as we dealt with the uncertainty around Brexit, concerted efforts to curb advertising freedoms on various fronts, and worked hard to understand the ongoing issues of declining public trust in what we do. It’sclear the majority of those campaigns It’s hard will to keep see running an end in 2019. to the deliberations over Brexit and its impact on trade and talent, nor will the endemic lack ofpublic trust in advertisingget solvedovernight. While ourindustry has arguedits case for effective self-regulation around HFSS advertising clearly and forcefully, it remains a key area of concern for politicians and policy makers. I’m confident though that our industry will forge a successful path forward because of our creative and entrepreneurial spirit that we all share. I’ve been proud to see how the whole industry, across agencies, media owners, tech companies and advertisers, can pull together towards a common goal. From the trailblazing to the promotion initiative, of British timeTo, advertising and marketing services at international events, it’s been great to witness and be a part of a UK advertising industry that is working together as a team. we will have to pull together again,In 2019, in fact, in an even greater and more collaborative way than ever before. The future success of our industry will depend on it. An issue with as vast a set of implications for our colleagues as Brexit requires an industry-wide response. The responsibility for keeping the many influential decision-makersHolyrood well ininformed Westminster about and the benefits of a self-regulatingall of ours. Every advertising single person in our industry ecosystem will play a vital role in buildingis and shaping advertising’s role as a jewel in the crown of the creative UK’s services. The Advertising Association is the place where we all come together for the common good and now is the most vital time of all for this trade which body, is nearly a century old, to show its real, unique strength - teamwork. 6 9


- Chuka Umunna break, After a short networking coffee a panel including Mayor of the West discussed how the Midlands Andy Street advertising industry can support the UK Industrial Strategy to drive Government’s in the Nations and Regions. growth with off The morning was rounded the first UK keynote by Stefan Feitoza, Northern at Marketing Director Europe & Gamble, on how the business Procter has managed to achieve sustainable competitive industry. in a fiercely growth “THE POLITICAL IS THE COMMERCIAL “THE POLITICAL IS THE COMMERCIAL IN THIS CASE… IT IS ABSOLUTELY, LINKED TO YOUR UNDENIABLY FUTURES” COMPANIES’


how advertising can drive growth how advertising can drive growth beyond Brexit. The summit began with a keynote speech followed by Stephen Woodford, from the Rt. a personal video message from of State the Secretary Hon. Liam Fox MP, as a late minute for International Trade change in plans meant the Minister had to attend the Davos Summit. The agenda continued with a captivating Chuka Umunna MP Labour’s speech from take on our industry by and a cerebral the economist Vicky Pryce, both of them emphasising the need for innovation Following that, a and responsibility. panel of business leaders discussed the of movement for needs for the freedom world. international talent in a post-Brexit We kicked off our busy events calendar off kicked We flagship with the return of our industry’s event LEAD and an in-depth look at A LOOK BACK BACK A LOOK LEAD ' AT IN JANUARY 8 11 IN MARCH 2018 REVIEW Bing VP for EMEA Ad Sales Axel Steinman EMEA Ad Sales Axel Bing VP for was firm support for the talented in his internationalcolleagues working in them a “critical success advertising, calling that as a adding factor” for the industry, to have the talent that business, “we need consumers in the can connect with both wider world”. country and with the highlighted the ways Stephen Woodford the case for the AA has been pressing movement of people continued free EU with Government, the as well as from elsewhere encouraging the best talent from in the world to come and work in the UK after Brexit. The importance of internationalThe importance talent to the advertising hub was as a global future UK’s joint lunch with Bing, the key theme of a engine, at Advertising search Microsoft’s Mason Hosted at Fortnum & Europe. Week the event attracted Piccadilly, on London’s our industry to discuss across leaders from talent the global from how London thrives how important it is based in the city and to continues creativity that this pipeline of flow as the UK leaves the EU. Global CEO Matt Scheckner Ad Week an upbeat opening message to delivered he highlighted the “leading guests where Advertising Association in of the role” bringing our industry together as the Brexit. country approaches




42,000 Scottish jobs depend on advertising across the across 42,000 Scottish jobs depend on advertising 1.6% of all jobs in Scotland representing wider economy, £1.7 billion spent on advertising creates a contribution £1.7 billion spent on advertising creates 5.6% of £8.8 billion to Scottish GDP – representing of the Scottish economy £1 of advertising spend generates £5 for the £1 of advertising spend generates £5 for Scottish economy DOVER HOUSE DOVER

COMES TO SCOTTISH ADVERTISING The Dover House event was just one of a series of events the Advertising Association has run on behalf of its Scottish members. In addition to conducting an in-depth survey of of the work every MSP which demonstrated that awareness among of the Advertising Association is small but growing the Scottish parliament. That is in no small part due to the of the Advertising Association at events visibility of the presence including the launch of our AAccelerate Scotland campaign. Brian Coane, co-author of the Ad Pays Scotland report, was Brian Coane, co-author of the Ad Pays Scotland report, recommendations of the on hand to discuss the findings and ongoing SME campaign, and the Nae Bad the AA’s report, for an Ad campaign his company created. •  •  •  In April the importance of advertising to the Scottish economy In April the importance of advertising to Dover House, the at an event at London’s was reaffirmed Chief Executive home of the Scotland Office. Led by our Brian and featuring contributions from Stephen Woodford Duncan of and Lord Coane, partner at the Leith Agency, of State for Scotland, Springbank, Parliamentary Under-Secretary several facts about the Scottish advertising the event reiterated including: industry, 12 15 IN MAY 2018 REVIEW

TO ONE ANOTHER. TO BORROW A PHRASE, “WE HAVE, FOR OUR JOURNEY EXPECTATIONS GREAT HERE BECAUSE THE MIXTURE OF THE ARE AT TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE ETHOS OF TENCENT’S CORPORATE HEART ” AND STRATEGY. That our journey between UK advertising and our Chinese peers will become ever important in 2019 and beyond as we more look to build our exports of advertising and marketing services. “LONDON IS A TESTAMENT TO TO “LONDON IS A TESTAMENT TRADITION AND THE WORLD THAT TECHNOLOGY NEED NOT BE OPPOSED In response, Mr. Lau explained: Mr. In response,

From combined social networks and combined From to platforms like WeChat, e-commerce its holdings in Snapchat, Riot and more, the China-based tech giant is Tencent, expanding beyond Asia. its Senior Executive Vice President In May, Lau was set to sign an MoU Seng Yee of State for with the British Secretary Rt. Hon. Dr Liam Fox International Trade the MP for cultural collaboration around industries. creative to be asked to host delighted were We such an important event and to help a showcase of UK advertising’s provide capabilities. Companies including Imagination, Essence Digital, Framestore in brought and adam&eveDDB were to an audience of Tencent to present delegates. A HISTORIC HISTORIC A SIGNING M.O.U FOR DIT WITH TENCENT

Our Advertising Association/WARC Our Advertising Association/WARC Report is the quarterly Expenditure definitive guide to advertising expenditure in the UK. Impartial and independent of any media channel or agency affiliation, it is the of historical quarterly adspend only source media for the different data and forecasts for the coming eight quarters. information about the expenditure For more and how to subscribe, please contact report Credos Dan Wilks, Deputy Director, [email protected] IN APRIL

We were delighted to share the 2017 to share delighted were We at an exclusive breakfast adspend figures Foot members at the event for Front stunning News UK HQ in London. London’s the event space was the perfect vista from of for the sparkling figures backdrop growth. advertising expenditure the results, shared Stephen Woodford as we looked along with healthy forecasts This was ahead to a full decade of growth. an from followed by analysis of the report CEO, of expert panel of Siobhan Kenny, Catherine O’Neill, EU Media Radiocentre, CEO, Analyst, Citi and James Murphy, adam&eveDDB, moderated by Graham Ruddick of the Times.


UK CREATIVITY ON THE WORLD STAGE CANNES AT of two Our team attended Cannes in June in support as with our partners, News UK and Microsoft, breakfasts We respectively. and Talent themes of Trust we explored mission to scope out how on a reconnaissance also were for Cannes Lions we might become the UK representative the Department For from to a request in 2019 in response its export drive. for industry to support International Trade was attended by representatives Our News UK breakfast JWT, London, Sony, businesses including Grey from well as Agency and InSkin Media as Samsung, Truth Else. News Corp Australia and Somethin’ ISBA, Unruly, conclusion, everybody was asked to At the breakfast’s the decline in public trust in suggest an action to address many of these subsequently put forward advertising. We – co-chaired Group Working to our Trust recommendations by Phil Smith of ISBA and Paul Bainsfair of the IPA. Following our successful trip, we became the UK about more share Cannes Lions. We for representative what this means for 2019 later on this Annual Review. IN JUNE 16 19 #TIMETO 2018 REVIEW the ON OCTOBER 31, timeto.org.uk ‘Where Do You Draw The Line?’ Do You ‘Where Developed campaign went live. by Lucky Generals, the advertising campaign included social, out-of-home and online video components to ask everyone in our industry to consider what is behaviour. appropriate and isn’t At the time of writing, 165 our across businesses from signed up fully industry are . endorsers of timeTo information about For more please visit timeTo, In March, in partnership with NABS and In March, we launched a new campaign WACL, – designed to end sexual – timeTo harassment in the advertising industry. Our first task was to establishOur first task was to a benchmark levels of sexual harassment for current over from analysed responses and Credos to conclusively show 3,500 respondents not just a legacy issue. this is a current, A new Code of Conduct was published

and businesses were asked to sign up to become an endorser of and businesses were following its publication in June. timeTo, launched at the AA President’s and code were The research The Reception, with London, an initial fifty business on board. by Autumn one hundred number signing up accelerated to over make steering committee focused on how to really as the timeTo A Media Working a powerful and lasting change to our industry. titles including editors comprising and publishers from Group mediatel Digiday, Campaign, The Drum, Marketing Week, and Little Black Book, alongside the event organiser, cohesive came together to provide Europe Ad Week support for the initiative.


20 21 I’M A OUR ROLES AS GREAT CANNES LIONS ADVERT UK REP CANNES LIONS REP JORDI BARES Creative Director Framestore FOR individuals attending the Roger Hatchuel Academy, and, most importantly, how we The Advertising Association is proud to present the best of UK advertising to the be the UK representative for the world’s BRITAIN rest of the world. We are also determined biggest festival of creativity, Cannes Lions, Britain’s advertising industry leads to bring back the very best of Cannes this summer. the world, and it attracts some Lions and share it with the widest audience of the very best talent on earth. possible across our industry to promote The decision to take on this role came as Creatives, technologists, media the importance of creative excellence in specialists and strategists from all we approached Brexit – how we showcase everything we do. four corners of the globe have UK advertising on the world stage in made their careers and homes here. the coming years will be central to our For more information about our work as Jordi is a Creative Director from future success. This initiative is underway UK rep, please visit our special Cannes Lions Spain, now living in London. in partnership with the Department for hub on our website. He and others like him make an enormous contribution to the International Trade which has committed sector – one that earns the funding to ensure our industry can present country at least £120bn a year. our very best front at Cannes next summer. Staying open to our foreign colleagues – to their ideas, We are busy working with our industry 2018 REVIEW ingenuity and commitment – partners - Channel 4, Clear Channel, enriches us all. They are a great advert for Britain. Framestore and M&C Saatchi - on how we can really help UK advertising stand out at Let’s keep it that way. the 2019 Festival.

Our role is to help our industry – UK media, agencies and brands – get the very best from the festival and, by doing so, cement our position as the global centre for creative excellence in advertising. As the UK Representative, we will be responsible for the jurors from the UK creativity community, for our Young Lions teams competing on the world stage against other territories, for the 23 2018 REVIEW The IPA’s Janet Hull - who also chairs Promote UK - elaborated on Janet Hull - who also chairs Promote The IPA’s which includes high-profile upcoming calendar of events, UK’s Promote involvement at the Shanghai International Advertising Festival, South by Southwest and Cannes Lions, saying: to outclass need We tough, you over promote. “When times are and out-shout the likes of Paris, Berlin and Amsterdam.” She handed over to Philip Thomas, Chief Executive of of Cannes Lions, who noted the UK has Events, the organisers well at the Cannes Lions. He shared traditionally performed extremely of new technology and new excelling in the areas how we are categories, demonstrating our ability once again to be at the forefront of market change.


Our role as the link between advertising and politics is never more as the link between advertising and politics is never more Our role than at our annual Parliamentary Reception. Leading apparent in the the worlds of advertising and politics mingled from representatives of both and senior figures Rooms at the Palace of Westminster, Churchill a podium at the event. shared Chair of the DCMS Select Committee, was first to Damian Collins MP, jewels his belief that advertising is one of the crown speak, reaffirming industries and that its practitioners can be hugely of the British creative influence on the wider advertising world. of the UK’s proud took to the podium to note the Following that, Stephen Woodford to seek out new international opportunities in the face of industry is ready strategy he said, the industry is pursuing a proactive Consequently, Brexit. EU key territories outside the UK campaign, targeting its Promote through for growth.



The Media Business Course is the Advertising Association’s long-running and “EMOTIONS ARE POTENTIALLY THE MOST best-in-class media planning training course. Every year the course provides 2018 REVIEW POWERFUL MARKETING TOOL… THE WAY YOU the strongest emerging talent from all parts of the communications industry with a unique and rewarding cross-industry learning experience in Brighton. CHANGE BEHAVIOUR IS TO EMOTIONALLY ENGAGE WITH PEOPLE. EVERY SINGLE STUDY YOU’LL Winning the Media Business Course is a phenomenal achievement - which perhaps explains why Exterion Media’s Nigel Clarkson says that READ ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD WILL SEE THAT so many people will claim to have won it later in life. Delegates are divided EMOTION IS A FAR GREATER DRIVER into syndicates and guided through the process of solving a brief by an OF PROFITABILITY THAN ANY OTHER FORM.” industry veteran. Talking about creating internal change, WPP UK Country Manager Karen Beyond the competition the Media Business Course offers its delegates and Blackett exhorted the attendees to be ‘agents of change’ within an industry attendees an unparalleled opportunity for networking and learning from some that frequently needs dragging into the modern world: “I had to think of the brightest stars in the advertising world. about how I could carve my way in an industry [where]... you have to do it in your way.” This year, the twin focuses were creating internal and external change in the industry: ITV’s Simon Daglish believes that advertising is in effect the business So while only one syndicate could take away the coveted MBC 2018 trophy, of creating narratives that resonate with an audience, and reaching them on every delegate took away a wealth of knowledge and industry connections the platforms that consume emotive content, saying: that will be invaluable in their future careers. 27 FESTIVE ADVERTISING 2018 REVIEW ! ADS

“Advertisers are increasing their investments increasing “Advertisers are in Christmas advertising year-on-year, because they know Christmas advertising faces an works. As the UK high street Christmas is one of the uncertain future, Advertising helps key periods for retailers. attract customers, and that helps stores in the UK. We sustain jobs and high streets need advertising, and we need Christmas advertising in particular.” Fraser, - Karen think tank, Credos. of advertising’s Director Most encouragingly of all, our latest research of all, our latest research Most encouragingly the 2018 Christmas period showed adspend for to rise 5% year-on-year. was forecast


We love the festive period at the Advertising love the festive period We get to time when we really a Association. It’s and shout about the amazing consume, celebrate and this year we work of our members creative music has in took a closer look at the role festive ads. So, did you know? Coming’ is the nation’s ‘Holidays are Coca Cola’s in a Christmas advert. favourite song to feature the Irn Bru The Snowman theme tune from Only cover of ‘Somewhere adverts and Lily Allen’s in John Lewis’ 2013 Know’ which featured We advert also made the top three. song Almost 1 in 5 of us associate a particular similar or artist with a Christmas advert and a online for Christmas number admit to searching in it. adverts so they can listen to the song than 1 in 10 of us have become fans More of an artist/song after discovering them in a Christmas advert. WE WISH YOU A A WISHWE YOU CHRISTM MERRY SAINSBURY’S - THE BIG NIGHT SAINSBURY’S 26 28 29 CREDOS, OUR INDUSTRY THINK TANK CREDOS UPDATE

Credos is our industry’s independent think tank, committed to an honest appraisal of advertising, identifying its shortcomings as well as its positive features so we can address its findings.

The Credos team, led by Director, Karen Fraser MBE, has been responsible for more than thirty reports since its founding in 2010, focusing on everything from the overall health of the industry to more targeted campaigns around body image, diversity and export numbers.

Throughout 2018, Credos’ main focus has been on the upcoming Advertising Pay 7 and 8 reports, into the digitalisation of the UK advertising industry and home- grown UK talent respectively. It has also contributed hugely to the Advertising Association’s ongoing work around public trust in advertising, having analysed well over 1000 public responses to a qualitative survey into public favourability towards advertising and producing the first ever benchmark study of sexual harassment 2018 REVIEW levels for timeTo.

Its work in developing and implementing research into trust has led to the creation of a series of films and For more information on Credos and its information packs that are aiding the Trust Working work, please contact the Credos team: Group formulate its response to historic lows in advertising. Karen Fraser MBE Director, Credos [email protected]

Dan Wilks Deputy Director, Credos [email protected]

Tom Dennett Analyst, Credos [email protected] 31 AD PAYS 7 2018 REVIEW In trade, exporting more advertising advertising In trade, exporting more European services than any other and second only to the USA country, globally. Cannes winning more In creativity, Lions than any other country except the USA. And in talent, London is the number one destination for overseas advertising talent as well as the of talent for hubs number one source Paris, Amsterdam such as New York, and Sydney. the list goes on. These terms are used on. These termsthe list goes are sometimes industry, the advertising across and often with different incorrectly some will unpick meanings. The report clarity and offer of these definitions possible. where is a world know that UK advertising We leader; • • • But does the UK also lead the way in online believe it does. The UK has advertising? We market in Europe ecommerce the largest and per the world. In addition, our initial analysis suggests that the UK’s online ad spend is amongst the highest of GDP, in the world and as a proportion the highest. whether mainly Whatever the reasons, luck or judgement, the UK has certainly the digitalisation of benefited from diversifying revenue advertising. From the brand- to strengthening streams to reducing customer relationship barriers to advertisers, the impact cannot new be overstated. It has brought and opportunities to businesses large small, and to their customers alike. 25 years in, Ad Pays 7 will be a timely story of appraisal of the remarkable digital revolution. advertising’s Digitalisation - the adoption Digitalisation - the adoption of digital in use or increase by or computer technology industry or an organisation, Pays series The Ad country. to has helped by Credos build the case for economic advertising first report since its was published and in 2012 establishedpound spent every on advertising generates six pounds for GDP. Ad Pays will present In Spring 2019, Credos of 7, an in-depth look at the digitalisation a sneak Here’s our advertising industry. this of what you can expect from preview report. groundbreaking UK Within a quarter of a century, a fundamental advertising has undergone 80% of all ad spend is change. Around to their audiences spent on ads delivered via digital technologies; virtually none was in the early ‘90s. Over half of all ad spend goes to media that did not exist then. and techniques that approaches Creative even been commonplace hadn’t now are thought of. This transformationthe has enabled of major new advertising platforms creation and turned models long-standing business upside down. It has made marketing diverse, more communications more personally personal and often more new levels of It has required relevant. and speed of action, flexibility of approach advertisers, mastery of complexity from agencies and media owners. It has helped and fund a mobile, screen-based, to create app-enhanced, information-richlifestyle for been a revolution. It’s people everywhere. With disruption also comes confusion – digitalisation, digitisation, digital advertising, online advertising, internet advertising… advertising, programmatic

Dan Wilks Credos Deputy Director,


“[BREXIT] IS CONCERNING FOR FOR “[BREXIT] IS CONCERNING ITS SERVICES – CONSIDERING HUGE ROLE IN THE ECONOMY – AND FOR ADVERTISING GIVEN OUR IN PARTICULAR £132BN CONTRIBUTION TO MARCH 29, 2019 UK GDP. EVER CLOSER IS DRAWING AND THE CLOCK IS TICKING THE EVER MORE LOUDLY. TIME FOR ANSWERS AND FORWARD A SENSIBLE WAY IS NOW UPON US.” At time of going to print, the issue is still up on with its but we continue to press in the air, of the issues, and for the preservation core talent and skills post-Brexit. UK’s of Public Affairs, Sue Eustace, Director Advertising Association with government officials and industry leaders to seek clarity. we issued the following In November, and the lack to Brexit, statement with regards of clarity on services in general:

Throughout 2018, the Advertising Association Throughout of the future was engaged with protecting world. As the our industry in a post-Brexit calls from sustained were on there year wore information about the the industry for more of advertising services or the rights protection of EU workers by the Government. The AA for clarity and details has been lobbying hard as well position, about the Government’s ensuring the very best information to inform decisions was fed in at every stage of the process. UK Advertising is a vital component of the than £22bn with adspend of more economy, than £132bn in value in 2017 generating more a giant in for GB plc. Not only that, but we are of the than a third More the global ad industry. comes from top 20 UK ad agencies’ revenue almost £300m – and overseas business – that’s than in advertising exports is larger growth with annual UK that of the wider economy, exports of advertising services worth £5.8bn, the Moreover, to the latest figures. according that ensures and ways, both goes talent of flow rest the UK has an outsized influence in the of the world, making certainty about workers’ Brexit. rights a must-have around has been visible in media Stephen Woodford appearances specifically about the issue while other members of the team have been in ongoing communication with MPs and working


Campaign The number of reports on advertising advertising on reports of number The Personalisation has radically altered altered radically has Personalisation and and the public interact brands how one another to relate brands mean trends tech However, thinly too themselves spread often a have will always advertising Quality of brand-public the foundation at place relationships can – and should – Advertising through forward help push society and representation inclusivity will see widespread we In 2019 a positive have brands that recognition social impact. 94 YEARS: The length of time the AA 94 and rights the role, represented has of UK advertising responsibilities UK advertising £22BN: The total in 2017 expenditure the industry Foot, of Front 68: Members agencies media owners, for network of the role promotes that and brands Credos and funds advertising 31: the industry’s Credos, by produced in 2010 since its inception think-tank, in ads When the AA ran 1972: to support the UK’s entry into the into entry support the UK’s to Brexit for the best fight we – now EEC our industry. for possible outcome

CHANGING TIMES • • • • • THE AA IN NUMBERS • • • • • We are at a turning point, are witnessing a very We Thinking forward another 50 years, what would what would anotherThinking forward 50 years, I’ve also beenI’ve encouraged hugely the by That’s why earlier this year, we called on the we earlier this year, why That’s

SW KW you hope that we could look hope that we back on with pride? you Unstereotype Alliance. Joining forces to banish forces to Joining Unstereotype Alliance. stereotypes in advertising, in partnership with UN gathering of industry and a remarkable Women leading advertisers, agencies and media is making is But diversity a positive impact on society. inadvertently that often still practised in a way perpetuates stereotypes painting whole groups by as one homogeneous entity without accounting of sub-cultures. array for the vast Understanding and addressing the intersectionality of gender with sexuality will be etc a key action. ethnicity, race, can effect we of advertising By using the power help shapepositive cultural change to perceptions non-stereotypedthat reflectrealistic, of portrayals people. be This is something to a part I am proud of. exciting time of change. A lot of the big new tech time of change. exciting becomingplatforms are established, more facing their responsibilities they hold in and the power shaping society. monumental changes and a in the past 50 years, decline in trust. But 2018 feels like a tipping point. consequences of the unintended aware more are We of some parts of the new digital platforms. industry build consumer trust back collectively to tackling the issues of and society, our systems into A brand without trust fake news and fake followers. is just a product. TIM IRELAND TIM CAMPAIGN PROMOTION CAMPAIGN If a good friend tells you something, you’re If a good something, you friend tells you’re Let’s think about trust in advertising over the think about trust over in advertising Let’s The other thing that was always there back then there always The other thing that was inOne of the first things I did when I arrived SW KW of what brands are and what brands do. Brands and what brands do. of what brands are value that for a given you Brands tell simplify life. get this sort this sort of performance, of you’ll and when you or whatever, fragrance taste, quality, can be of sure you go a supermarket into or online, getting. what you’re and is becoming important more is McCann’s now I still think that the best told”. mantra of “truth well this and that’s to adhered has always advertising evident when a brand has purpose. more even close to this job was our corporate social down responsibility we’re department and said no, this is everyone’s mainstreaming sustainability; example part of our campaign on For responsibility. countries in developing is our soap brand, Lifebuoy, the act hands with soap teach children to of washing impact to This has a proven #HelpAChildReach5. to reduce illness teach people and deaths. And if we to they’ll which makes with soap, wash use soap, more it good for business me is the sort That to as well. of sustainable good’ that’s social, ‘doing environmental – good and good for the world for business. more likely to believe it. If someone you don’t don’t it. If someone believe to likely you more trust, tells someone don’t worse, you or, know not it. Just going believe to something,you you’re seen we’ve where advertising that back to translate past 50 years. In the AA’s tracking we’re seeing a tracking we’re In the AA’s past 50 years. do about this? What can we decline. long-term Industry trade magazine Campaign Industry trade magazine anniversary in 2018 celebrated its 50th by being keen to celebrate and so we were edition. a part of its special theme as a launch Using its ‘time capsule’ Woodford Stephen point, the DPS featured in conversation with our new President, discussing what the industry Keith Weed, of in 2018 and what the can be proud vital and industry needs to do to remain in the future. relevant still on the “I think the ad industry’s exciting. move and I think that’s If you’re suggesting you’re feeling a drift back to feeling a drift back to suggesting you’re If you’re What is still the same is the fundamentals The simplicity by comparison. At times we comparison. timesThe simplicity by At we What’s stayed the same over the past 50 years? the same over stayed What’s In our latest adspend traditional data more I think what the new media offers is opportunities SW KW SW KW KW media formats were showing good showing media of growth, formats were levels in digital. Do as continued you growth strong as well sense is some there sort going on? of rebalancing a different equilibrium, I don’t sense that. equilibrium, I don’t a different – and ways actually build brands in different to us to allows Technology to. have going to we’re target as possible people and be in a as relevant consumer is hyper-connected today’s where world and expects a fast, frictionless We’ve experience. subscriptionseen models towards trend a real and need engage people to differently. ad-blocking. We call what we in important invest that we It’s and build our brands through ‘seek out content’ that meets content the passions and developing needs of consumers, rather than just interrupting 650 million peoplethem. Globally ad-block now, get been – you’d around has always but in a way,it – but during an ad break up and make a cup of tea phone. a tap on your can just do it through you now are too clever by half. One of my big fears is we big fears is we One of my half. by tooare clever fragment our brands across channels – so many can only marvellous; but you on the one hand, it’s spend can only your you poundspend once, your got be how to careful and you’ve once, minute the consumer sees ensure do it to and hearsyou a the brand. from voice coherent

Let’s go back to 1968 when 1968 go back to Let’s Personalisation. It’s always been the always Personalisation. It’s f the past 50 years have seen brands and have f the past 50 years advertisers on marketing product concentrate benefits, the next 50 will see them also focus the socialon creating positive That’s change. Conversely, if we could turn the clock back, if we what Conversely, The big tech platforms are also platforms are The big tech something now we Campaign jumped launched and imagine we surprise What would us most 2018. aboutforward to be seeing? the changes we’d STEPHEN WOODFORD WOODFORD STEPHEN KEITH WEED SW would you like to have from then and bring to now? then and bring to from have like to you would great wish of a marketer, to be able to have a one- be have to able to great wish of a marketer, were as though you on-one with you conversation We learn so coffee or a beer in the pub. having that data and socialmuch through today listening and serve able to that people are content we enjoy, surprise, it resultssurprise, engagement. in higher lived ever we how know I don’t take for granted. before being Google able to something on share or enriched our lives, massively social media. That’s connected people; us to it has been fabulous. contention of incoming Advertising Association of incoming Advertising contention (pictured, bottom right), Weed president Keith has seenwhose the firm at Unilever tenure body healthy imagepromote and unstereotyping in just as much as itsadvertising range products. of In Association’s with the Advertising a conversation mark to Woodford Stephen chief executive the discussed Weed 50th anniversary, Campaign’s purpose. of advertising’s evolution I

There’s never been such a great time to be in marketing and time never been such a great There’s move’ – I think that what advertising. What I mean by ‘on the media is still doing too often in the digital personalised we’re to stay; advertising is here interruption advertising. Interruption as the message is relevant I love interruption advertising as long and enjoyable.” and engaging and even better entertaining - Keith Weed

CAMPAIGN PROMOTION CAMPAIGN TIME CAPSULE Chris Sutcliffe, content publisher, the Advertising Association the Advertising publisher, content Chris Sutcliffe, Words incoming AA president Keith Weed Keith incoming AA president not changed in 50 years, but we are at a at are but we changed in 50 years, not The fundamentals of good advertising have have of good advertising The fundamentals tipping point in terms of trust and tech, says says and tech, of trust in terms tipping point for our for industry A turning point HAPPY 50TH 50TH HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO OUR INDUSTRY’S TRADE MAGAZINE FRONT FOOT

EXTRA! Foot In June, we launched a new magazine specially for our Front member profiles, members. The new quarterly publication features from exclusive interviews with industry leaders, a mini-report and a selection of some of the best ads industry think tank Credos quarter. the previous from Jenkins, Sarah interviews with Grey’s Issues to date have featured Andy Duncan, BBC Political Commentator, our outgoing President, Mark Evans; marketer, Line Group and Direct Steve Richards Foot members. of many of our Front alongside profiles us a line if you’d like to be on the mailing list for this Drop something to be publication or if you’d like to put forward issue! in a future featured EXTRA! 34 36 37 AACCELERATE FOR GROWTH AACCELERATE FOR GROWTH

Our aim is to recruit businesses with a budget for advertising. We also want to work with businesses who are willing to gain advice from advertising agencies but who do not perhaps know how best to go about scaling their business through advertising generally or a multichannel approach. In return, the participating businesses will enjoy excellent value on their media spend and also, professional advice from agencies.

We announced the first five Scottish SMEs to participate in AAccelerate in October and are now in the process of recruiting SMEs to be part of our first cohort in the West Midlands with one SME already secured.

Francesca Woodhouse, The pilot scheme has a governance Project Director, AAccelerate structure in each pilot location, a team of willing agencies and media owners offering the best rates in the industry When starting a business from scratch, it is to AAccelerate participating SMEs.

often a slow, if steady, climb to a summit 2018 REVIEW before reaching a tipping point of growth. We have also launched a website AAccelerate, one part of our response (www.aaccelerategrow.com). The site acts to the Government’s Industrial Strategy, as an advisor to businesses wishing to focuses on growing businesses through the understand more about how to advertise, power of multi-channel advertising in both the advertising industry and the different Scotland and the West Midlands with a channels available in which to do so. It view to scaling across the UK. also offers an opportunity to understand more about the offer in Scotland and the We know from our own independent West Midlands and to apply to be an research by Deloitte that SMEs constitute AAccelerate SME. just 18% of overall UK advertising spend. But we also know that SMEs’ growth We’re aiming to scale the scheme via through advertising is disproportionately a lead generation campaign, focusing large by comparison to other sizes of initially on Scotland and then following business when advertising across multi- on in the West Midlands. AAccelerate is a channel. A smaller business undertaking good opportunity to grow the advertising multi-channel advertising can benefit as industry and UK SMEs in tandem. much as eight times their initial investment.


MEDIA SMART MEMBERS MEDIA SMART Advertising Association ASA & Hobby Association British Toy Ch4 DMA Facebook Ferrero First News Generation Media Google IAB IPA ISBA ITV Lego L’Oréal Mattel McDonald’s McCann Worldgroup Pearl & Dean Sky SuperAwesome Viacom literacy work to Scottish Parliamentarians for the literacy work to Scottish first time in June next year. focussing on 2019 will also see the programme Video Piracy Data & Privacy, campaigns around how your and Influencer Marketing – to find out can support Media Smart with organisation this work please contact Rachel Barber-Mack, of Media Smart on Director [email protected]

84% feel they are better equipped to teach 84% feel they are used about advertising and the media having educational resources free Media Smart’s confident that their students 81% feel more advertising and the at interpreting better are Media media having been taken through teaching materials in the classroom Smart’s MAKING OUR CHILDREN MEDIA SMART corporate industry’s Media Smart, the advertising has made great programme responsibility strides in 2018 under the wing of the Advertising that every Association. Its mission is to ensure child in the UK (aged 7 – 14) can confidently navigate the media they consume. conducted with its teacher user base Research which positive results highlighted incredibly included that – •  •  has been funding process Media Smart’s to its overhauled which has seen a 50% increase annual budget and new industry supporters have including Pearl & Dean (which will been recruited see Media Smart adverts in UK cinemas for the Marketing Association. first time) and the Direct educational resources Downloads of its free have hit an impressive for schools and parents in 2015. 44,000 since relaunch have seen the programme efforts Public Affairs response being commended in the Government’s as well as a to the Internet Safety Strategy, boys’ body image of Media Smart’s screening the Children’s film at Portcullis House where Commissioner for , Anne Longfield, joined the panel debate along with the NSPCC. And a weeklong exhibition has been booked media to showcase the industry’s in Holyrood IN MARCH 38 40 41



In 2018 the issue of high fat, salt, and He pointed out that the UK has some of the sugar (HFSS) advertising was high on the strictest rules regarding HFSS advertising of Government’s agenda as the Childhood anywhere in the world, a message we have Obesity Plan entered Phase 2. consistently repeated to policy decision-makers and media commentators. CHAMPIONING Key members of the Advertising Association team have been extremely visible in media Additionally, we have argued in favour of UK ADVERTISING ON appearances, political events, and across social evidence-based responses to the issue of media to defend the right of the industry to childhood obesity in the UK, since THE WORLD STAGE self-regulate and address the misconceptions independent research has shown advertising around ‘junk food’ advertising. bans have little impact on the wider societal issues that drive obesity in the first place. In May, Stephen Woodford appeared in front of Instead, we are favour of interventions such as Our Promote UK initiative, a unique • Secured DIT budget commitment for the House of Commons Health and Social Care ITV’s The Daily Mile in schools. These have been partnership between the UK advertising support for UK advertising industry Committee to argue the case for self-regulation. successful as they are simple, cost-free and industry and the Department for presence at SXSW 2019, as well inclusive and not only impact on obesity levels, International Trade, launched in March as a mission for post-production but improve behaviour, academic performance to champion UK advertising on the companies to Tokyo to pitch the UK’s and children’s wellbeing. world stage. From events at the heart of expertise in major sporting events. Parliament to global trade missions and Orchestrated our 2018 Parliamentary In December, we also published a report MoU signings, we’ve been working hard • Reception which took place on that detailed the advertising industry’s to present UK advertising as a shining light November 20 and had the work of perspective on the challenge of childhood on the world stage. Promote UK as its central theme,

obesity. The report has been used in outreach 2018 REVIEW including the promotion of six to Government surrounding the Childhood This year alone we have… member companies during the event. Obesity Plan and discusses the reasons behind • Developed plans for the first annual the levels of childhood obesity in the UK and industry benchmarking report for UK • Set up a meeting between the AA the reasons why further advertising restrictions advertising which will be delivered by and Conrad Bird, Director of GREAT, will not work. It also showcases how industry is Credos in March 2019 to support the to further develop the partnership supporting efforts to tackle childhood obesity Creative Industries Trade deal with UK between industry and government. through initiatives such as ITV and Cinema Government. Advertising Association support for The Daily • Confirmed our role as the UK Mile, PepsiCo and the Magic Breakfast project, • Completed a Creative Industries representative for Cannes Lions 2019. and Ferrero’s Joy of Moving programme. pro-forma for UK advertising around We believe every business in our industry the targets and contribution for our that has an ambition to sell its services As always, we stand ready to work Government industry to aid future funding from UK internationally will benefit from being a in finding the very best solution to childhood Government. part of Promote UK and we welcome your obesity while retaining the right for advertisers participation. More information on how to advertise their products in a legal, decent, • Signed an MoU with the organisers you can get involved can be found at honest and truthful way. of Shanghai International Advertising promoteuk.adassoc.org.uk. Festival to significantly increase our presence at the 2019 Festival with a special UK Day. HFSS 43 IN NOVEMBER

As part of the Advertising Association’s ongoing As part of the Advertising Association’s UK campaign, a team of delegates from Promote and the Department for International UK, IPA Promote Mission (DIT) embarked on an Interactive Trade Trade Coast of America. to the West Sarah Golding, met President The mission, led by IPA and Valley US tech companies in San Francisco, Silicon BuzzFeed, Whatsapp, Hollywood, including Twitch, to bring in order Oculus, Snap, Spotify and more, their grow back insight that can help UK companies international operations. to UK programme It was part of the wider Promote help UK agencies position the UK as a global hub and to with to build and develop business opportunities international and brands. In investors, tech businesses line with our ongoing editorial endeavours, the lessons learned delegates how best to will also help teach the conduct business internationally. and Fairhead, Minister of State for Trade Baroness said: DIT, Export Promotion, for US to the second worldwide only ranked “Consistently the UK advertising industry is known reputation, creative as an innovator in terms channels, business of media models and technology use. This makes the UK a true gateway to the wider world for any firm seeking to go worldwide consumer.” global and to reach PROMOTE UK’S UK’S PROMOTE COAST WEST TRADE MISSION years, including through her leadership of years, including through industry, Thinkbox as a powerful body for the TV her CSR activities to make as well as through is truly advertising a better place to work. She her one of a kind and it is right that she takes of celebrated figures place in an august group and who have made advertising the economic powerhouse it is today.” creative those who have given is for award The rare outstanding service to the advertising industry The medal over the course of their career. only 10 times since 1980 has been awarded Chairman of the Internet Eyre, with Richard and former Chief Executive Advertising Bureau in 2013. Other being the last recipient of ITV, of the medal include such past recipients Bullmore, as Jeremy industry figures renowned and David Bernstein. Ron Miller, The Mackintosh Medal is named after the late Viscount Mackintosh of Halifax, who was of the Advertising Association from President recipient 1942 until 1946 and was the first of his work in in recognition of the award the International Advertising organising of July 1951. Conference


In May, Tess Alps, Chair of Thinkbox, was Tess In May, of the Advertising named the newest recipient Mackintosh Medal, which Association’s outstanding personal and public recognises service to advertising. at the time, Stephen Speaking about the award of the “The award commented: Woodford bestowed honour, Mackintosh Medal is a rare to those who have made a truly outstanding I have to say that, in my mark on our industry. is unique in her unparalleled experience, Tess contribution to advertising. Her contribution is distinctive in so many ways and over many


The event was attended by Baroness The event was attended by Baroness The event was attended by Baroness and and Fairhead (Minister of State for Trade Fairhead (Minister of State for Trade at the Department at the Department Export Promotion Export Promotion and included and included for Internationalfor International Trade) Trade) on cultural and business on cultural and business agreements agreements across across from from collaborations by organisations collaborations by organisations sectors including sectors including the UK media and creative the UK media and creative and the BBC. and the BBC. BAFTA BAFTA The Shanghai InternationalThe Shanghai International Advertising Advertising 2019. It will 2019. It will Festival takes place in March Festival takes place in March see a contingent of UK talent, sourced see a contingent of UK talent, sourced initiative, showcase initiative, showcase UK UK our Promote our Promote from from of UK advertising of UK advertising and breadth and breadth the strength the strength services to Chinese marketers looking to services to Chinese marketers looking to take their brands to internationaltake their brands to international audiences. audiences. IN NOVEMBERIN NOVEMBER

In November, we signed a historic we signed a historic In November, In November, Memorandum of Understanding on Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between ourselves, the cooperation between ourselves, the Shanghai InternationalShanghai International Advertising Festival Advertising Festival committee and the committee and the (SHIAF) organising (SHIAF) organising Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA), Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA), a world-class showcase of UK a world-class showcase of UK to provide to provide advertising and marketing services at the advertising and marketing services at the 2019 festival. 2019 festival. signed the MoU at a signed the MoU at a Stephen Woodford Stephen Woodford at the National Exhibition and at the National Exhibition and ceremony ceremony Convention Center in Shanghai, as part Convention Center in Shanghai, as part first international first international import import of the China’s of the China’s exhibition, China Internationalexhibition, China International Expo. Expo. Import Import The expo was designed to signify the steps The expo was designed to signify the steps that China is taking to further open up its that China is taking to further open up its market to the world and its aim to increase market to the world and its aim to increase overseas imports into the country. overseas imports into the country.



This year Mark Evans took over from Matt Barwell as the This year Mark Evans took over from Foot and our thanks go to Matt for all his chairman of Front network work in helping us build this unique industry hard of advertising leaders. the marketing world, from With years of experience across to Line Group at Direct as Marketing Director role his current confectionary and pet across the early days as Brand Director His of view to the role. food at Mars, Mark brings a new point He is a member within the industry is well-established: pedigree Fame, and was one of 13 of the Campaign Power 100 Hall of Marketing Society fellowships in industry leaders awarded September 2016. in communicating what taking an active role He is already can to advertising leaders and what we can offer Foot Front Foot network is in the of the Front The strength do together. each member combined thought leadership contributed from and Evans wants to turn that combined expertise into company, of our industry, positive action to positively shape the future of Trust. the area particularly around perspective, trust has two component parts my “From anyone In simple terms it means that - intent and capability. seeking trust has to be clear about what their intentions are, delivering and then consistently demonstrate that they are against those intentions”. MEET YOUR YOUR MEET NEW FRONT FOOT CHAIRMAN 46


public trust is closely linked with need to find business success. We big and impactful solutions to change I like the ideas trend. the downward the AA trust from starting to emerge for example, telling working group, the public about the good things we a positive campaign doing through are about advertising.” is doing everything he Our President can to encourage our members to work collaboratively on industry-wide advertising for responsible standards behaviour – whether that is in areas such as sexual harassment and gender or in the relationships representation, parts of our between the different He also is making the industry. in our case that every organisation upon industry takes responsibility itself to communicate our world-class on the world stage. reputation

Even in the ever-changing world Even in the ever-changing is an of advertising, Keith Weed as Chief His tenure innovator. Marketing & Communications Officer at Unilever has seen the brand in advertising take on stereotyping the work of the Unstereotype through Alliance. His belief that we stand at “the foothills of voice” has been a factor in brands and media investing and he has heavily in voice search leadership position taken a strong, on influencer marketing. It is no surprise that he was made Forbes we Most Influential CMO in 2018 and delighted he accepted our invite were to become Advertising Association and in November he set out President years at his vision for the next three his first AA Council meeting. The advertising industry faces a number of challenges in 2019 that believes can be solved through Weed industry-wide collaboration. On public the matter of trust, where confidence in advertising is still low, that decline correcting he argues is important because “we all know A NEW PRESIDENT, PRESIDENT, NEW A A NEW VISION 48 50 51


KAREN FRASER JEANETTE TAYLOR Director, Credos KONRAD SHEK MATT BOURN Business Development Manager, and Head of Strategy, Strategic Policy Advisor, Director of Communications, [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

DAVID HENDERSON SHARON LLOYD BARNES STEPHEN WOODFORD CHRIS SUTCLIFFE DAN WILKS DANIELLE WILSON Public Affairs Manager, MATTHEW EVANS RACHEL BARBER-MACK Commercial Director, Chief Executive, Content Publisher, Deputy Director, Credos, Head of Finance, David.Henderson Communications Manager, Director, Media Smart, Sharon.LloydBarnes Stephen.Woodford [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] @adassoc.org.uk [email protected] [email protected] @adassoc.org.uk @adassoc.org.uk 2018 REVIEW

FRANCESCA WOODHOUSE HOLLY BULLEN SUZANNE COSTELLO ED BUTLER ELLIE MASON Project Director - AAccelerate, Executive Assistant SUE EUSTACE Head of Events, TOM DENNETT Public Affairs Executive, Communications Executive, Francesca.Woodhouse & Office Manager, Director of Public Affairs, Suzanne.Costello Analyst, Credos, Photos by: [email protected] [email protected] @adassoc.org.uk [email protected] [email protected] @adassoc.org.uk [email protected] ©BronacMcNeill 53 AA MEMBERS 2018 REVIEW AA Council 4 Jonathan Allan, Channel NMA Anderson, Lynne IPA Paul Bainsfair, James Best, adam&eveDDB Black, Telegraph/NMA Guy Lord Sky Rachel Bristow, Brian Coane, The Leith Agency Chris Combemale, DMA Katie Coteman, Discovery Association Steve Davies, Advertising Producers Line Group Mark Evans, Direct Internet Advertising Bureau Eyre, Richard Elizabeth Fagan, Boots UK/ISBA Society Market Research Jane Frost, Sarah Golding, The&Partnership Global Mike Gordon, Jonathan Harman, Royal Mail MarketReach Steve Hatch, Facebook Caleb Hill, Mark Howe, Google Kathryn Jacob, Pearl & Dean Viacom Phil Jenner, Radiocentre Siobhan Kenny, Sky Media John Litster, Lumb, Outsmart Tim UK Mark Lund, McCann Worldgroup McCann Sajad Manzoor, McGrath, Microsoft Aaron PPA Barry McIlheney, IAB Jon Mew, Adam Minns, COBA adam&eveDDB James Murphy, Twitter Dara Nasr, Mark Runacus, Chair of DMA Phil Smith, ISBA IPM John Sylvester, Primesight Matt Teeman, Unilever Keith Weed, Oath Anna Watkins, Kelly Williams, ITV AA Stephen Woodford, AA Scotland DMA Diageo FDF Scotland Group Forrest Frame Herald and Times IPA ISBA Lane Agency Leith Agency Marketing Society Media Shop MediaCom PPA Republic of Media (Scottish Beer & Pub Association) SBPA Story UK STV Whisky Association) (Scotch SWA AA Board Anderson, NMA Lynne IPA Paul Bainsfair, Chris Combemale, DMA Ronan Harris, Google Kathryn Jacob, Pearl & Dean Radiocentre Siobhan Kenny, McCann Saj Manzoor, PPA Owen Meredith, IAB Jon Mew, Sebastian Munden, Unilever adam&eveDDB James Murphy, Phil Smith, ISBA Kelly Williams, ITV AA Stephen Woodford, Group Direct DMG Media Essence Global Exterion Media Generation Media Google London Grey News and Media Guardian Havas Media Group IPA ISBA ITV JWT Kantar Kinetic Leo Burnett LinkedIn Lloyds Banking Group M&C Saatchi Mars McCann London McDonald’s MediaCom MG OMD Mindshare MullenLowe Group Nationwide Building Society News UK Ogilvy OMD Posterscope Primesight Publicis Royal Mail Saatchi & Saatchi Sky Spark Foundry Outdoor Talon the7stars Vizeum Warc Wavemaker WCRS Zenith

AA Members Amazon APA CAA Channel 4 COBA DMA Discovery Communications Europe Facebook Global Radio Google IAB IPA IPM ISBA ITV Microsoft MRS News Media Association Oath Outsmart Publishers Association Professional Radiocentre Royal Mail Sky Twitter Viacom Foot Front 8 Outdoor adam&eveDDB Barclays BBH BT Camelot UK Lotteries Carat Channel 4 Clear Channel DCM Diageo OUR MEMBERS OUR 52 55 2018 REVIEW

Advertising Association Advertising House 7th Floor North, Artillery London SW1P 1RT Row, 11-19 Artillery 020 7340 1100 www.adassoc.org.uk [email protected] @ad_association value of the advertising for all content concerned. value of the advertising for all content concerned. Promoting the role, rights and responsibilities of advertising. of advertising. rights and responsibilities the role, Promoting of rights and responsibilites the role, The Advertising Association promotes the are We and society. advertising and its impact on individuals, the economy, that brings together agencies, brands and media to combine only organisation wide-reaching them. Through and seek consenus on the issues that affect strengths engagement and evidence-based debate we aim to build and maximise the UK , ITV , News

TESTIMONALS Media Officer Commercial Association of , Generation Commercial , the7stars Director Director Chief , Advertising -Founder

, Group , Co , Managing President

, Managing ,

Carter Biggam Weed Williams Morgan Jenny “It’s extremely important that our industry has a voice that is being heard, and this comes important that our industry has a voice that is being heard, extremely “It’s Foot allows this common goal. Being part of Front down to us working together towards our industry and collaborate with brands, us to stay plugged into the big issues affecting change.” media owners and other agencies to inspire Lisa “We value the work of the AA in informing, representing and promoting the advertising promoting and the work of the AA in informing, value representing “We Parliamentary Receptions or The Media Business course, Be it briefing breakfasts, industry. of both our agency and our people. The under the events allow us to raise the profile in advertising so the of public and political controversy 16 market is often at the centre also are and advice the AA can supply on these issues is critical. We lobbying, research the advertising to be investors and advisors to The Media Smart programme, proud educates young people on media that programme corporate social responsibility industry’s and advertising literacy.” Kelly “The Advertising Association allows us as an industry to speak with one voice. You’d like to as an industry to speak with one voice. You’d “The Advertising Association allows us is a multiplatform than the sum of our parts. Marketing discipline. more think that we are it is not just point of view it is not just about TV, an advertiser’s that from aware We’re all platforms. When we come about getting that balance and representing about radio, it’s for the industry as a whole.” are on what the priority areas together we tend to agree “It’s always great to work with the AA when you want to do something different.” to work with the AA when always great “It’s Dominic “It’s an honour to take on the role of president of the Advertising Association at such an of the Advertising Association of president to take on the role an honour “It’s team to to working with Stephen and the I look forward industry. exciting time for the UK.” the across talent in advertising and cultivate world-class continue to build trust Keith

WHAT OUR OUR WHAT MEMBERS SAY MEMBERS 54 Meet me/at 10pm/in my hotel/room/ come alone

Where do you draw the line? It’s timeTo end sexual harassment in the advertising industry timeTo.org.uk