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Powley_The Astrologer_Vol.3.pdf 5,2 MB Book_1889_Rosa Baughan_Influence of the Stars_astrology_chiromancy_physiognomy.pdf 2,8 MB Book_1889_Thomas Burgoyne_The light of Egypt_...e of the soul and the stars_vol.1_Medical.pdf 7,2 MB Book_1889_Thomas Burgoyne_The light of Egypt_...e of the soul and the stars_vol.2_retyped.pdf 710 KB Book_1889_Thomas Burgoyne_The light of Egypt_science of the soul and the stars.pdf 3,0 MB Book_1890_Chaney_Primer of Astrology.pdf 10,1 MB Book_1890_J.L.E. Dreyer_Tycho Brahe_life and work.pdf 7,0 MB Book_1890_W. J. Simmonite_complete arcana or astral phylosophy.pdf 12,0 MB Book_1891__Charles A. Ward_Oracles of Nostradamus.pdf 5,1 MB Book_1891_Chas. A. Ward_Oracles of Nostradamus.pdf 5,5 MB Book_1891_Raphael's Key to Astrology.pdf 2,0 MB Book_1891_Rosa Baughan_The Influence of the Stars_original + chiromangy & Physiognomy.pdf 2,6 MB Book_1892_ Wolf_ George S_Heavenly planets and the future revealed.pdf 294 KB Book_1892_C.W.C Barlow_Elementary Mathematical Astronomy_vol.2_good graphics.pdf 18,9 MB Book_1892_George S. Wolf_Heavenly planets and the future revealed.pdf 343 KB Book_1892_Isaac Sharpless_Astronomy for Scho...and General Readers_pictures incomplete .pdf 8,2 MB Book_1892_Karl Anderson_Astrology of the Old Testament.pdf 6,2 MB Book_1893 Joseph G. Dalton_Spherical basis of Astrology_tables of houses.pdf 2,5 MB Book_1893_ Parsons_New Light form the Great Pyramid.pdf 6,0 MB Book_1893_Bullinger_Witness of the Stars.pdf 4,4 MB Book_1893_Burgess_Notes on Hindu astronomy_extracts.pdf 1,6 MB Book_1893_Franz Hartmann_Occult Science In Medicine.pdf 1,2 MB Book_1893_Ormsby_The Law and the Prophets_relation between planets and bodies.pdf 3,2 MB Book_1893_Pelanca Tita_Solar Horoscopes_features of 12 birth solar signs.pdf 244 KB Book_1894_Camille Flamarion_Popular astronomy.pdf 13,1 MB Book_1894_Charles Young_A list of books in the Public library on astronomy.pdf 369 KB Book_1894_Eleanor Kirk_Influence of the Zodiac Upon Human Life.pdf 569 KB Book_1894_Harry Ezekiel Wedeck_Dictionary of astrology.pdf 4,0 MB Book_1894_J.N. Lockyer_The of Astronomy_Egyptian study.pdf 24,1 MB Book_1894_Raphael_Pythoness Of The East_prasna.pdf 5,2 MB Book_1895_Astral Worship_J.H. Hill.pdf 572 KB Book_1895_Dane Rudhyar_The astrological houses - the spectrum of individual experience.pdf 3,2 MB Book_1895_Great Astronomers_retyped.pdf 3,0 MB Book_1895_the Of The Hidden Places_EARLY EGYPT.pdf 741 KB Book_1896_The Life of Philippus Theophrastus Bombast_Paracelsus_Franz Hartmann.pdf 4,1 MB Book_1896_W.J. Simmonite_John Story_Horary Astrology.pdf 5,3 MB Book_1896_W.Upton_Star Containing Stars Visible to the .pdf 1,6 MB Book_1897_ Judkins_ Benjamin_Facts of science_ new and ancient knowledge.pdf 270 KB Book_1897_Ellen Bennett_Astrology_Science of Knowledge and Reason.pdf 8,4 MB Book_1897_Guide pour rendre propice l'etoile chaque homme_from Corean_chinese astro.pdf 756 KB Book_1897_Thomas Burgoyne_The language of the stars_A primary course.pdf 1,2 MB Book_1898_ Vale_Lessons in astrology.pdf 1,2 MB Book_1898_J.Mac Donald_How to Succeed.pdf 920 KB Book_1898_Margaret Mayo_Our fate-the zodiac.pdf 1,8 MB Book_1898_R. Sewell_Eclipses Of The In India_300 AD to 1900.pdf 2,9 MB Book_1899_ Graves P. A_Stellar dust.pdf 3,4 MB Book_1899_ Merton_ Holmes Whittier_Heliocentric astrology_banned.pdf 3,0 MB Book_1899_Bouche Leclercq_l'astrologie Grecque.pdf 19,8 MB Book_1899_Hingston James_Gospel of the stars.pdf 2,1 MB Book_1899_Occultism Simplified - W Whitehead.pdf 1,4 MB Book_1899_R.Brown_Researches Into the Origin of the Primitive Constellations vol.1.pdf 13,0 MB Book_1899_R.Brown_Researches Into the Origin of the Primitive Constellations vol.2.pdf 13,0 MB Book_1899_Richard Hinckley Allen_Star Names and Their Meanings.pdf 10,7 MB Book_1899_White Frank & Hollingsworth_A Treatise on medical astrology.pdf 668 KB Book_1900_ Brief .pdf 74 KB Book_1900_ Hippocrates Junior_ pseud_The Predicted Plague.pdf 15,1 MB Book_1900_ Howard Sasportas_The twelwe Houses.pdf 2,8 MB Book_1900_Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul_Esoteric Astrology.pdf 1,6 MB Book_1900_C.O. Carter_Some Principles Of Horoscopic Delineation.pdf 1,4 MB Book_1900_Samael Aun Weor_Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology_12 signs.pdf 235 KB Book_1900_The esoteric ephemeris for solar biology Calculated for mean noon at Washington.pdf 988 KB Book_1900_Weber_A study of the heavens_by aid of the Hymalaya wonder wheel.pdf 1,5 MB Book_1901 Joseph G. Dalton_The sixteen principal stars_ & positions1824_1948.pdf 1,3 MB Book_1901_ Walker_ Charlotte Abell_Under a lucky star.pdf 13,9 MB Book_1901_Albert Raphael_Earthology.pdf 1,9 MB Book_1901_Francis williams_The wise men_who they were and how they came to Jerusalem.pdf 3,3 MB Book_1901_George Wilde_Chaldean astrology.pdf 10,7 MB Book_1901_Irene Smith_The science of Palmistr...d its relations to astrology_MUST LOOK AT.pdf 1,4 MB Book_1901_J. F. Hewitt_History and chronology of the myth-making age.pdf 11,3 MB Book_1901_Jermain G. Porter_The Stars in Song and Legend.pdf 1,2 MB Book_1901_Sepharial_Prognostic astronomy.pdf 1,2 MB Book_1902_ Webber_Astrology in a Nutshell.pdf 9,2 MB Book_1902_Bhakti Seva_The Hindu Book of Astrology_Western signs_original.pdf 804 KB Book_1902_Bhakti Seva_The Hindu Book of Astrology_Western signs_retyped.pdf 482 KB Book_1902_Irene M. Smith_The science of palmist...d its relations to astrology and phrenology.pdf 1,2 MB Book_1903_A. H. Sayce_The Religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylonia.pdf 1,1 MB Book_1903_Alvidas_Science And Key Of Life_Vol.1 of 7_proof of yuga cycles.pdf 3,5 MB Book_1903_Alvidas_Science And Key Of Life_Vol.2 of 7.pdf 3,3 MB Book_1903_Alvidas_Science And Key Of Life_Vol.3 of 7.pdf 3,1 MB Book_1903_Alvidas_Science And Key Of Life_Vol.4 of 7.pdf 3,8 MB Book_1903_Alvidas_Science And Key Of Life_Vol.5 of 7.pdf 3,1 MB Book_1903_Alvidas_Science And Key Of Life_Vol.6 of 7.pdf 2,9 MB Book_1903_Alvidas_Science And Key Of Life_Vol.7 of 7.pdf 1,5 MB Book_1903_Emmeline M. Plunket_Ancient Calendars and Constellations.pdf 6,0 MB Book_1903_George Comstock_A Text-book of Astronomy.pdf 3,9 MB Book_1903_H.S. Green_Theoretical astrology.pdf 1,1 MB Book_1903_I.Thodhunter_Spherical Trigonometry_For College And Schools.pdf 5,2 MB Book_1903_Richard A Proctor_Myths and Marvels of Astronomy.pdf 4,6 MB Book_1903_Simon Newcomb_The Reminiscences of an Astronomer.pdf 4,2 MB Book_1903-Boer_History Of Philosophy Of Islam.pdf 3,2 MB Book_1904_E.Walter Maunder_Astronomy Without a Telescope.pdf 11,8 MB Book_1904_Fredrick White_A Guide to Astrology.pdf 1,6 MB Book_1904_Your future_the zodiac's guide to success in life_Lela Omar.pdf 651 KB Book_1905_ M.M.Macgregor_Astrology_ the influence of the stars.pdf 2,7 MB Book_1905_Benjamin Loomis_Science and Religion_medical astro.pdf 4,1 MB Book_1905_Oliver Lodge_Pioneers of science_astronomy.pdf 8,1 MB Book_1905_Raphael_The Guide to Astrology full edition_Genethliacal.pdf 2,8 MB Book_1905_Turnbull_Coulson_The divine language of celestial correspondences.pdf 5,4 MB Book_1906_Alan Leo_The horoscope in detail.pdf 1,2 MB Book_1906_The Progressed Horoscope_Alan .pdf 8,7 MB Book_1907_A field book of the stars_astronomy.pdf 1,2 MB Book_1907_G. E. Mitton_The Children's Book Of Stars.pdf 1,1 MB Book_1907_Robert Fludd_Traite d'Astrologie Generale.pdf 6,5 MB Book_1907_Tyler Olcott_A Field book of the Stars.pdf 1,9 MB Book_1908_ Astrology the key to roulette_game with planetary hours.pdf 5,8 MB Book_1908_ Magnus_Superstition in Medicine.pdf 4,7 MB Book_1908_E.M. Plunket_The Judgment of Paris_Greek Gods.pdf 3,0 MB Book_1908_E.Walter Maunder_The astronomy of the Bible_original.pdf 10,3 MB Book_1908_E.Walter Maunder_The astronomy of the Bible_retyped.pdf 3,6 MB Book_1908_Garret P. Serviss_Astronomy with the naked eyes.pdf 3,2 MB Book_1908_Geoge F. Chambers_The Story of the Stars.pdf 5,9 MB Book_1908_J.R. Phelps_Our astrological birthday book_character readings.pdf 2,2 MB Book_1909_Alan Leo_Astrological manuals No. 7_Horary astrology.pdf 32,9 MB Book_1909_Gladys Dickson_A Jerusalem christian treatease on astrology.pdf 831 KB Book_1909_Marriage Ceremonies_ In India and orient.pdf 1,2 MB Book_1910_A. Anthiaume_L'Astrolabe-quadrant.pdf 4,3 MB Book_1910_Alan Leo_Astrology for All_1910 ed._full.pdf 15,2 MB Book_1910_Alan Leo_Astrology for All_partial but elaborate version.pdf 3,0 MB Book_1910_H.S. Green/ Alan Leo_Astrological manuals No. 7_The reason why in astrology.pdf 7,3 MB Book_1910_James Donnel Keifer_The true system of marriage.pdf 367 KB Book_1910_Rev. George V. Leahy_Astronomical essays_from Bible viewpoint.pdf 3,2 MB Book_1911_A.R. Parsons_The Road map of the stars.pdf 1,9 MB Book_1911_Alain Leo_Mundane or National Astrology.pdf 2,5 MB Book_1911_Cumont_Astology & Religion Among the Greeks and Romans.pdf 4,8 MB Book_1911_J. Alexander_The Friendly Stars.pdf 6,4 MB Book_1911_Maria King_The new astronomy and laws of nature.pdf 2,6 MB Book_1911_Max Heindel_The Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception.pdf 7,6 MB Book_1911_William Tyler Olcott_Star Lore of All Ages.pdf 22,1 MB Book_1912_Astrological gleanings_George Llewellyn.pdf 2,3 MB Book_1912_Sepharial_Cosmic Symbolism.pdf 1,8 MB Book_1912_Sepharial_Kabalistic Astrology.pdf 3,3 MB Book_1913_Alan Leo_Esoteric Astrology.pdf 6,9 MB Book_1913_C.A.Mercier_Astrology in Medicine_Fitzpatrick Lectures.pdf 930 KB Book_1913_Harold Jacoby_Astronomy.pdf 17,2 MB Book_1913_J.F. Leroy_Social science in the light of the .pdf 3,0 MB Book_1913_The Stars and Their Stories.pdf 9,9 MB Book_1913_Wallis Budge_Syrian anatomy pathology and therapeutics_vol.2.pdf 10,4 MB Book_1914_ Phillips_ Karen M_planets influence upon children at birth_planetary hour at birth.pdf 216 KB Book_1914_A day in the moon_Abbé Th. Moreux.pdf 2,8 MB Book_1914_Mathematical recreations and essays.pdf 20,0 MB Book_1914_Sepharial_A manual of occultism_retyped.pdf 617 KB Book_1914_Sepharial_A manual of occultism.pdf 3,9 MB Book_1914_Sepharial_The great devastation_prophecy for Europe.pdf 292 KB Book_1914_Stellar movements and the structure of the Universe_A. S. Eddington.pdf 6,1 MB Book_1915_ Bernart_ Leo_Ogilvie's astrological birthday book.pdf 845 KB Book_1915_Alan Leo_Mars the War Lord.pdf 2,0 MB Book_1915_David Nutt_An Irish Corpus Atronomiae.pdf 3,6 MB Book_1915_E. W. Hopkins_Epic Mythology_Indian Gods.pdf 9,4 MB Book_1915_Prophecies Of Paracelsus.pdf 864 KB Book_1915_Ptolemy's catalogue of stars_ form Almagest.pdf 4,6 MB Book_1915_Sepharial_Directional Astrology_maths.pdf 4,2 MB Book_1915_Sepharial_Eclipses_Astronomically and Astrologically.pdf 409 KB Book_1916_Alan Leo_Saturn the reaper.pdf 1,5 MB Book_1917_Alan Leo_1001 Notable Nativities.pdf 2,8 MB Book_1917_Alan Leo_Jupiter_the preserver.pdf 1,1 MB Book_1917_Astrology_Its Technics and Ethics.pdf 8,5 MB Book_1917_George W. Carey_The tree of life.pdf 1,8 MB Book_1917_Jane Evans_Twelve doors to the soul_astrology of the inner self.pdf 3,1 MB Book_1917_John Hazelrigg_Astrosophic principles_horoscope of Declaration of independence.pdf 1,8 MB Book_1917_Primary Directions in Astrology Made Easy_Sepharial_retyped.pdf 272 KB Book_1917_Primary Directions in Astrology Made Easy_Sepharial.pdf 1,0 MB Book_1917_S. Randall_An abc of the Old Science of Astrology.pdf 5,0 MB Book_1917_Tereze Zalinski_Noted prophecies_predictions omens and legends.pdf 1,9 MB Book_1918_G.R. Kaye_The Astronomical Observations Of Jai Singh.pdf 8,3 MB Book_1919_ Heindel_Simplified scientific tables of houses.pdf 5,4 MB Book_1919_Bessie Leo_The Life and Work of Alan Leo Theosophist.pdf 1,4 MB Book_1919_Florence Marie Grimm_Astronomical Lore in Chaucer.pdf 3,4 MB Book_1919_Frank C. Higgins_The cross of the magi_sarvatobhadra.pdf 4,0 MB Book_1919_H. Macpherson_Practical Astronomy With The Unaided Eye.pdf 1,0 MB Book_1919_L.W. King_A History Of Babylon.pdf 6,7 MB Book_1919_Ludwig B. Larsen_key to the Bible and Heaven_original.pdf 5,3 MB Book_1919_Ludwig B. Larsen_key to the Bible and Heaven.pdf 3,8 MB Book_1919_Max Heindel_Astrology and the Ductless Glands.pdf 163 KB Book_1919_Max Heindel_Simplified Scientific Astrology_original.pdf 6,1 MB Book_1919_Max Heindel_Simplified Scientific Astrology.pdf 621 KB Book_1919_Neville Spearman_Everyman's Astrology.pdf 4,8 MB Book_1919_Ormsby_The sages key to character at sight.pdf 1,6 MB Book_1919_Willis I Miham_How To Identify The Stars.pdf 659 KB Book_1920_ Seward_ Alfred Francis_Planting_ harvesting and surgical operations_with moon.pdf 100 KB Book_1920_A.F.Seward_Planting_Harvesting and Surgical Operations_with Moon.pdf 1,0 MB Book_1920_Alan Leo_The Key To Your Own Nativity.pdf 4,6 MB Book_1920_God-man_the word made flesh.pdf 1,9 MB Book_1920_Martin P. Nilson_Primitive time reckoning.pdf 5,9 MB Book_1920_Theodore Wedel_The Mediæval Attitude toward Astrology.pdf 2,5 MB Book_1921_D.N. Mallik_The Elements of astronomy.pdf 5,2 MB Book_1921_J.C. Crowther_Six Great Astronomers.pdf 2,0 MB Book_1922_ Devos Trix_Stars of destiny_ the ancient science of astrology.pdf 396 KB Book_1922_ George Llewellyn_The astrologer's searchlight.pdf 3,0 MB Book_1922_Isabel Martin Lewis_Astronomy for Young Folks.pdf 2,7 MB Book_1922_Isodore Kozminsky_The magic and science of jewels and stones_good book.pdf 6,9 MB Book_1922_Magnus Jensen_Everybodys Astrology.pdf 542 KB Book_1922_W. Thomas_Kate Pavitt_Book of Talismans_Amulets and Zodiacal Gems.pdf 5,3 MB Book_1923_Charles Carter_Encyclopaedia Of .pdf 2,4 MB Book_1923_Eugene L. Richards_Elementary Treatise on Navigation and Nautical Astronomy.pdf 5,1 MB Book_1923_Reginald C. Couzens_The stories of the months and days.pdf 782 KB Book_1923_Vivian Robson_The And Constellations_MUST read.pdf 2,7 MB Book_1924_Hora_A.E. Partrige_Fortunate Hours.pdf 1,9 MB Book_1924_Hora_Gregorius_The Master Key Of Destiny_ancient Hora.pdf 5,3 MB Book_1924_R. Sewell_The siddhantas and the Indian calendar.pdf 23,7 MB Book_1924_Sepharial_The law of values_stock and share fluctuations.pdf 80 KB Book_1925_Carter, Charles E. O._The principles of astrology.pdf 2,5 MB Book_1925_Sepharial_The Solar Epoch_twins birth.pdf 1,1 MB Book_1926_Chaucer and the mediaeval sciences_Walter Clyde Curry.pdf 4,2 MB Book_1927_Rose Murray_When will you marry_find your romantic destiny through astrology.pdf 7,7 MB Book_1927_W. Frankland_Astrological Investigations.pdf 655 KB Book_1928_A Guide To The Constellations.pdf 7,5 MB Book_1928_Garret P. Serviss_Round the year with the stars.pdf 1,4 MB Book_1928_James L. Hicks_The Aquarian age_astronomy and astrology.pdf 1,8 MB Book_1928_L. Edward Johndro_The Stars_How And Where They Influence.pdf 1,5 MB Book_1928_Manly P.Hall_The Secret Teaching of All Ages_2nd.Part.pdf 9,9 MB Book_1928_Manly P.Hall_The Secret Teaching of All Ages.pdf 3,5 MB Book_1928_Transits_What days favor You_Reinhold Ebertin.pdf 1,2 MB Book_1928_W. Frankland_New Measures In Astrology_A Symbolic Basis in Directions.pdf 961 KB Book_1928_W.Frankland_New Measures In Astrology.pdf 1,1 MB Book_1929_Bailey_Astrology and birth control.pdf 1,0 MB Book_1929_C.S.J. Thompson_The mystery and romance of astrology.pdf 6,5 MB Book_1929_L .Edward Johndro_The Earth In The Heavens_Ruling Degrees of Cities.pdf 1,6 MB Book_1930_Albertus Magnus_Medical_Egyptian S...Or White and Black Art for Man and Beast.pdf 6,1 MB Book_1930_Astronomicon_vol.2_M.Manilli.pdf 3,4 MB Book_1930_Astronomicon_vol.3_M.Manilli.pdf 1,9 MB Book_1930_Astronomicon_vol.4_M.Manilli.pdf 3,5 MB Book_1930_Astronomicon_vol.5_M.Manilli.pdf 4,9 MB Book_1930_Evangeline Adams_Your Place Among the Stars.pdf 11,4 MB Book_1930_How planets affect you_George Llewellyn.pdf 3,1 MB Book_1930_O.H.W. Owen_The Primary Progressed Horoscope.pdf 1,1 MB Book_1930_Robert de Luce_Rectification Of The Horoscope.pdf 2,6 MB Book_1930_Vivian E Robson_Radix System.pdf 1,3 MB Book_1931_Cheiro's World predictions.pdf 2,2 MB Book_1931_Vasant G.Rele_The Mysterious Kundalini.pdf 5,8 MB Book_1931_W.M. Smart_Text-book on spherical astronomy.pdf 8,1 MB Book_1932_A.C. Mukerji_Ancient Indian fasts and feasts.pdf 2,0 MB Book_1932_Harold W. Percival_Thinking and Destiny_Chakras.pdf 3,4 MB Book_1932_Prophetic time Of The Ages.pdf 1,0 MB Book_1932_Raphael's Medical Astrology.pdf 3,1 MB Book_1932_Raphaels Mundane Astrology_in 3 parts.pdf 1,1 MB Book_1932_Raphaels Mundane 3 parts_best.pdf 615 KB Book_1932_Robert DeLuce_Horary astrology.pdf 4,4 MB Book_1932_The Zodiac and the salts of salvatio...rt 1_medical astro_Dr. G. Washington Carey.pdf 4,7 MB Book_1934_Chu Wen-kuang_The astrology of I Ching.pdf 16,7 MB Book_1934_D. Anrias_Adepts of the five Elements.pdf 711 KB Book_1936_Daniel Logan_Your Eastern star - oriental astrology, reincarnation and the future.pdf 2,6 MB Book_1936_Langham J.M_Planetary Effects on Stock Markets.pdf 3,7 MB Book_1937_Pupert Gleadow_Astrology In Everyday Life.pdf 3,3 MB Book_1937_Vivian E Robson_Electional Astrology_must read.pdf 339 KB Book_1938_Edward Lyndoe_Complete Practical Astrology.pdf 6,8 MB Book_1938_Louise McWhirterW_Astrology and Stock Market Forecasting_.pdf 8,3 MB Book_1938_Mark Mellen_how to play the races and win.pdf 1,3 MB Book_1939_Dr. George Washington Carey_The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation.pdf 2,5 MB Book_1939_Peter Shen_The traditional art of Chinese fortune reading.pdf 6,1 MB Book_1939_Peter West_Astrology and childhood.pdf 2,2 MB Book_1940_Grant Lewi_Astrology For The Millions.pdf 4,6 MB Book_1940_Paul Councel_Your Stars And Destiny.pdf 1,6 MB Book_1941_Marc Edmund Jones_The guide to horoscope interpretation_patterns.pdf 3,5 MB Book_1941_W.J. Colville_significance of birthdays.pdf 1,6 MB Book_1942_Astrology_its history and influence in the western world_Ellen McCaffer.pdf 6,5 MB Book_1942_David Berlinski_The secrets of the vaulted sky.pdf 4,7 MB Book_1942_Elbert Benjamine_Progressed Aspects of Standard Astrology.pdf 1,6 MB Book_1942_Elbert Benjamine_When and what events will happen.pdf 780 KB Book_1942_Georgia Stathis_Business Astrology.pdf 4,5 MB Book_1942_J. E. Thompson_Elements Of Spherical Trigonometry.pdf 2,1 MB Book_1943_E. Benjamine_Beginners Horoscope Maker And Reader.pdf 2,9 MB Book_1943_H.L.C. Leighton_Solid and spherical trigonometry.pdf 5,6 MB Book_1945_Elbert Benjamine_Body disease and its stellar treatment.pdf 627 KB Book_1945_The Soochow astronomical chart_chinese astronomy.pdf 626 KB Book_1946_C.E.O. Carter_Essays on The Foundations Of Astrology.pdf 1,9 MB Book_1946_Robert Eisler_The Royal Art Of Astrology.pdf 6,1 MB Book_1946-Ernest Agar Beet_A Text Book of Elementary Astronomy.pdf 2,6 MB Book_1947_Charles Carter_Symbolic Directions In Modern Astrology.pdf 2,0 MB Book_1948_Hazelrigg_astrosophy_metaphysical astrology.pdf 4,0 MB Book_1948_John Hazelrigg_Astrosophia_being metaphysical astrology.pdf 1,2 MB Book_1948_Rihard M. Pearl_Popular gemology.pdf 10,3 MB Book_1949_De Lacy O'Leary_How Greek Science Passed To The Arabs.pdf 2,6 MB Book_1949_E.S. Drower_The Book of the Zodiac.pdf 5,3 MB Book_1949_Ernest Busenbark_symbols_sex_and the Stars.pdf 9,4 MB Book_1949_Jodie & Steven Forrest_Skymates.pdf 9,9 MB Book_1950_Max Heindel_The Rosicrucian mysteries.pdf 2,2 MB Book_1950_Tracy Marks_The Art of Chart Interpretation.pdf 1,8 MB Book_1950_Tracy Marks_The Art of Chart Interpretation2.pdf 2,5 MB Book_1950_Tracy Marks_Your secret self_illuminating the mysteries of the twelfth house.pdf 5,1 MB Book_1951_Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul_Esoteric Astrology vol.3.pdf 2,1 MB Book_1954_catalogue of the persian_turkish_hindustani and pushtu manuscripts_part 3.pdf 6,4 MB Book_1954_Giorgio Abetti_The History Of Astronomy.pdf 5,1 MB Book_1954_P. Moore_Suns Myths & Men.pdf 5,2 MB Book_1955_R. C. Davidson_The technique of pre...ew complete system of secondary directing.pdf 4,2 MB Book_1956_Carmody F._Arabic astronomical and astrological sciences_Fr. 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Davison,_Astrology.pdf 2,6 MB Book_1965_Gorak Prasad_Text-book on spherical astronomy.pdf 6,0 MB Book_1966_Physics of the solar system, vol.3.pdf 13,7 MB Book_1967_Caroll Righter_Your astrological guide to health and diet.pdf 2,4 MB Book_1967_Jenkyn Richard A_Astrology And Diet.pdf 845 KB Book_1967_Jerryl Keane_Practical astrology_how to make it work for you.pdf 2,5 MB Book_1967_Kathleen Johnson_Celestial bodies_an astrological path to total health.pdf 3,1 MB Book_1968_Joseph Goodavage_Write your own horoscope.pdf 6,4 MB Book_1968_Linda Goodman_Sun Signs.pdf 1,7 MB Book_1968_Neathe Aahmes_Your five-year diet & health horoscope.pdf 4,9 MB Book_1969_Dal Lee_Dictionary of astrology.pdf 3,0 MB Book_1969_Dane Rudhyar_The practice of astrology.pdf 496 KB Book_1969_Edith Niles & Hal L. 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Aylesworth_Astrology a...cartomancy_domino_teacups_useless book.pdf 684 KB Book_1973_Wilhelm Wulff_Zodiac and Swastika.pdf 820 KB Book_1974_A.Volguine_Lunar Astrology.pdf 3,3 MB Book_1974_A.Wittes_Rules for Planetary Pictures_combination of 2/3 planets.pdf 4,1 MB Book_1974_Ima Roberts_Transits in plain English.pdf 1,4 MB Book_1974_Michael R Meyer_A Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer.pdf 12,1 MB Book_1974_Noel Tyl_Astrology and personality - astrological and psychological theories.pdf 4,6 MB Book_1974_R. Pelletier_Planets in Aspect_Understanding Your Inner Dynamics.pdf 1,2 MB Book_1974_Ruth Q. Sun_The Asian animal zodiac_60 year Cycle.pdf 2,3 MB Book_1974_Saul P. 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Alpheus.pdf 2,6 MB Book_1982_Bruve Nevin_Astrology inside out.pdf 4,0 MB Book_1982_David Williams_FINANCIAL ASTROLO...orecast Business, and The Stock Market.pdf 8,0 MB Book_1982_J.M. Wllfolk_The Only Astrology Book You will Ever Need.pdf 3,3 MB Book_1982_Jean Louis Brau_Larousse encyclopedia of astrology_A must.pdf 7,6 MB Book_1982_Maxine Taylor_Hidden messages_houses interesting.pdf 1,5 MB Book_1982_Teri KIng_Your child and the zodiac.pdf 4,5 MB Book_1983_Eileen Nauman_Medical Astrology.pdf 15,2 MB Book_1983_Michel Gauquelin_Birthtimes - a scientific investigation of the secrets of astrology.pdf 3,5 MB Book_1983_Peter West & Jo Logan_The prediction book of astrology.pdf 2,6 MB Book_1983_Zodiac press_Astrology - your guide to the stars.pdf 2,6 MB Book_1983_Zodiac Press_Horoscopes_your daily fate and fortune.pdf 3,4 MB Book_1984_David Williams_Financial Astrology.pdf 5,9 MB Book_1984_Doris Chase Doane_Accurate World Horoscopes.pdf 7,6 MB Book_1984_J.L. 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Davis_Understanding children through astrology.pdf 3,6 MB Book_1993_Antiochus of Athens_The Thesaurus.pdf 853 KB Book_1993_Joy Michaud_The Pluto phenomenon.pdf 7,3 MB Book_1993_Liz Greene_The Inner Planets Building Blocks of Personal Reality_Vol.4 Seminars.pdf 3,1 MB Book_1993_Mc Mullin_Astrology as a New Model of Reality.pdf 844 KB Book_1994_Carole Golder's Star signs.pdf 3,9 MB Book_1994_Helena Paterson_The handbook of Celtic astrology_moon zodiac & planets in stars.pdf 5,5 MB Book_1994_Henry Weigarten_Investing by the Stars.pdf 10,8 MB Book_1994_James R. Lewis_The astrology encyclopedia.pdf 15,7 MB Book_1994_Julia Lupton Skalka_The instant horoscope reader.pdf 6,9 MB Book_1994_Ramon Lull_Treatise on Astronomy_Book 1.pdf 1,4 MB Book_1994_Ramon Lull_Treatise on Astronomy_Book 2 to 5.pdf 1,1 MB Book_1995_Julia Parker_The astrologer's handbook.pdf 6,0 MB Book_1995_Robert Hand_Night and Day_must read.pdf 913 KB Book_1995_Timothy Curley_How to read your own horoscope.pdf 2,1 MB Book_1995_U.K. Westenholz_Mesopotamian astrology.pdf 2,4 MB Book_1995_Ulla Koch-Westenholz_Mesopotamian astrology.pdf 2,4 MB Book_1996_Carole Golder_Success through the stars.pdf 3,9 MB Book_1996_Diane Cramer_How to Give an Astrological Health Reading.pdf 1,3 MB Book_1996_Jane Bowles_Astrology, money & you.pdf 4,4 MB Book_1996_Joseph Goodavage_Astrology_the space-age science.pdf 5,0 MB Book_1996_Liz Greene_The astrological Neptune and the quest for redemption.pdf 8,4 MB Book_1996_Noel Tyl_Predictions for a new millennium.pdf 6,2 MB Book_1996_Papus_Astrology and the authentic self.pdf 2,7 MB Book_1996_Principia of Polyzodiacal Astrology_Thesis.pdf 718 KB Book_1996_Richard Idemon_The magic thread.pdf 3,9 MB Book_1997_Chung Li_Chinese astrology.pdf 728 KB Book_1997_John Brody_Extraterrestrial Astrology.pdf 1,2 MB Book_1997_Larry Pesavento_Planetary Harmonics of Speculative Markets.pdf 5,8 MB Book_1997_Magi Astrology_love and money.pdf 1,9 MB Book_1997_Omar of Tiberias_Three Books on Nativities.pdf 1,7 MB Book_1997_Peter Malsin_The eyes of the sun_astrology in light of psychology.pdf 4,4 MB Book_1997_Robert Wilson_Astronomy Through the Ages.pdf 2,7 MB Book_1997_S.Carboni_Following the Stars_Images of the Zodiac in Islamic Art.pdf 3,9 MB Book_1998_ Jacqueline Stallone_Star power-an astrological guide to supersuccess.pdf 8,0 MB Book_1998_Brady Bernadette_The Eagle and the Lark.pdf 9,1 MB Book_1998_Cunningham & many book and gardening almanac_electional.pdf 8,3 MB Book_1998_Douglas M. 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